#Monza was vile
fcb-mv33 · 2 years
Maybe that Anon needs to get their head checked because I do remember Team LH sending Death and racist threats to Latifi for crashing last year 🤷🏼‍♀️
I live in England and I’m honestly embarrassed at some of the fans here that support Lewis they seem to think he walks on water, I remember his early years my older brother used to say that he was dangerous driver with how he used to act there has been some interviews he’s admitted to crashing into other drivers because he had a shit car 🤷🏼‍♀️, and for the Lewis fans just to point out if Lewis never moved to Mercedes he would be a one time champion 🤷🏼‍♀️.
I never see Max flaring up his fans like how Lewis and Toto do theirs, yes max has bad fans in his base but oh my god the amount of good max fans I’ve seen they ALWAYS call out the wrong ones, it’s honestly stupid at how Max always get asked about his fans why the fuck can’t other drivers get the same, the orange army do something small the media makes it a big deal, team LH send death threats it’s quite nothing from the media, the Tifosi calls Max’s mum a bitch and whore and one chucked something on Max’s car everything is quite again and the F1 insta posts about how they are a great crowd.
I don’t like Lewis because of his fans and with some of the stuff he has come out with in the past he is a hypocrite.
Max legit has called out the shit some of his fans did, Austria especially but that is ignored…meanwhile you have Toto creating a conspiracy against Yuki, you also have nobody calling out the abuse against Hannah or Calum yet if it was a certain driver Max would be held responsible?
Max fans were harassed in Silverstone and Monza yet fuck all was said, you then had the misogynistic chats against Max’s mother which were never mentioned by media, someone actually tried to fuck his race by throwing an item at his car which is super dangerous yet nobody was held responsible?? Yet a certain team principal cried about the flares, claiming that was aimed at his driver….you then had the booing which was laughed at by English commentators even tho they called a whole fanbase racist for booing their English driver but when it’s Max it’s okay.
“We race as one” unless your Max Verstappen or a member of Red Bull Racing.
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bi-peanut · 1 year
unpopular opinion but I like this year's special monza ferrari suits
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afterredlights · 22 days
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
The vile screenshots of Monza Grand Prix 2024 | Red Bull's intervals, WDC points, and Max's radio
Also, what the fuck was that? About how Oscar wasn't interested in Lando's championship? My dudes and dudettes, the fuck?! Are we watching the same sport? If there's a gap, do you think these people, fucking racers, wouldn't go for it? Stealing points?? No one is stealing points! So many things happened today, I couldn't fucking compute.
Despite all this, I am very proud to see that if Red Bull screw up even more, they'd only hurt themselves in the Constructors Championship. Max is still leading the Drivers Championship, he is not going to budge that easily.
Anyways! Let the festivity begins!
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drspleenmeister · 3 months
Honestly I do not think they've been as bad as each other.
Sure that "moment of his career" was maybe not needed but I don't think it was untrue either and we do not know how he meant it because like, it is infact fact that it was carlos' last gp with ferrari
and there have been moments where charles has said things about carlos but again they've always been rooted true in fact, be it whether ferrari screwed him over or how some race move carlos did was unnecessary or how carlos raced him harder than he did others (which I'm sorry but is true, you will never see carlos doing that with lando, etc who is his friend)
Whereas for Carlos, he has liked that one iffy post about Silverstone, his family has liked tweets calling charles a rat and honourless (and I'm sorry but carlos is extremely close to his family, it's not that they hate charles while he doesn't to atleast some degree share their opinions)
His own comments that charles always complains too much were what was also unnecessary because more often than not the tag line is that charles should always speak out more, that was more of a personal comment than whatever charles said imo
because again with what charles said, it's been what the fans have been putting meaning to, like he said "ofcourse he wanted to impress" and I think that can just mean as that it was his last grand prix with ferrari and he wanted to put on a good race for his own fans who were there for him even if it meant doing risky driving
and this is not just the first time, this year alone carlos has disregarded orders (like eg who goes out first out of the garage, two of which have ruined charles' prep laps)
charles doesn't do stufd like that, his last moment was maybe the Monza gp last year
And I'm not saying carlos is the spawn of the devil or something like that, I just want to point out his own comments (especially to the Spanish media which are VILE) have always flown under the radar and people give him a leeway which they never afford to charles
I’m not sure that you and I are going to see eye to eye on this, anon, although this has been an interesting debate. In all honesty I just want them to work together for the remainder of their time as teammates, and be able to part company as friends and with mutual respect. It’s upsetting to see them at odds with one another; I know that at the end of the day they are racers, but disharmony does nothing but divide the fans and make for a tense working environment. I honestly hope that we’re all getting bent out of shape over nothing and that they can do the best job that they can, together, for the team and for us.
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f0point5 · 1 year
Honestly, yn kinda needs to stop giving a fuck. people are always going to talk. yes. what ralf and esteban said was wrong and they shouldnt have but just like she was sharing her opinion so did ralf and esteban. im not defending them or anything. everyone has different opinion and sometimes two people might not agree not it. but hiding away, not going away just because people are talking about her is really cowardice. and the fact that mick tried to apologise,like what else Mick could've done??? he apologized. yes. mick should've apologised earlier but atp theres nothing anyone could do. so yn should just suck it up and accept his apology and go to monza and apologise to max for keeping him in the dark for this long. cause ik he's worried sick.
She does need to stop caring, but I think everyone has their moments when things get to them more than others. She’s going through losing a childhood friend on top of all that, I get it. And I think the drama from her last Monza experience is playing a part, she wouldn’t have been excited to go anyway.
I also think for her the embarrassment is huge. Knowing that Max or people around him are having to read vile things about her (some things I’ve read for research purposes that people say about driver’s gfs is just…revolting) is weighing on her. She’s very used to feeling like a liability and a burden and she never wanted to be that to Max. She’s embarrassed how much quieter things would be for him without her, and she’s also embarrassed to be licking her wounds when Max is always so nonchalant about online hate.
I think Esteban and Ralf are entitled to their opinions but it’s one thing to have opinion on the job someone is doing, it’s another thing to basically say “who tf are you to be talking”. Especially for Ralf having known her since she was a kid. I think that would be very hurtful and I think that is over the line. And I think she knows Esteban was just using the opportunity to settle scores and his “opinion” was never about her job or Mick.
She does need to get back to not caring though, for sure
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maxverstepponme · 2 years
So the first set of hacking and mass reporting happened on 16th September. The Friday after Monza. The race that we said something is up because they didn't arrive in the paddock together and after he won, he ignored her completely.
Steppy when was the 2nd hacking of your account? Can we assume something happened at that time as well?
So what's going on now? With gossipcenter gone and that disgusting Just Another exposing account
If everything were A OK and you were in a happy relationship you won't care what strangers say online. But she is a psycho, as are her minions.
I truly hate Max for ever bringing this vile creatures into our life. How do you go from a beautiful kind woman like Dilara to that racist bitch? How?
It was on November 6, here’s the link:
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6ebe · 1 year
Oh god the power rankings for monza are vile
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nobrakes · 2 years
Have you seen the vile comments max's fans have posted on ted kravitz instagram?
I can't say I have since I'm not on Instagram currently (i deactivated during the election and also bc it was taking away too much of my time for studying).
I'm not even fully up to date on what's going on in F1, liek, i haven't watched a full race since Monza i think (???). I saw that there was something to do with Ted and RBR and that they won't talk to sky anymore?
But obviously, online abuse is not okay and people should have better things to do other than being vile on the comment section of a sports commentator's IG account.
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7yearsofdele · 2 years
If you are referring to Jedda Max did get a penalty for "brake testing" Lewis and he got a 3 grid penalty + 2 points on his licence for Monza, which was unfair but what ever. The precedent events matter for consistency and they are not fucked up at all. I don't think you are an idiot at all but the posts that I saw are just stupid. I'm not going to go through you blog to see what you usually post, I don't have time for that.
Nobody ever called Lewis an attempted murder lh cult just decided to run with that line for what ever reason.
What Christian said in Silverstone 2021 wasn't an accusation of murder. And I quote "he nearly fucking killed our driver, i want him out of the fucking race" he didn't say "Lewis tried to murder our driver, i want him out of the race" thos two sentences might look the same but aren't. I'm not trying to take the higher moral ground but wish death on some is vile and your reason why it not a big deal is illogical.
You say that you have been watching for 13 years but to me it seems like you have been watching the last few with your eye closed.
I just had to react to your post i couldn't help myself. I didn't mean to make it look like an attack but what ever.
If tumblr is such a hell hole why are you on it?
Literally everyone on this site calls Tumblr a hellsite, are you actually serious? It is a hellhole, but in the most affectionate way.
Where do you get off on taking this so seriously? I'm actually genuinely asking. Although the fact you couldn't be bothered to actually get some context from other posts, before picking the first ones you see to have a go about definitely says a lot about you.
Again, I don't know why Lewis is being brought up. He has nothing to do with this and you started with that rubbish in your last ask and I'm not going to sit here and go over every fucking thing, like you clearly feel the need to, because I don't need to. Also, I do not think it is acceptable to use the word 'cult' to describe a fan base if we are talking about unacceptable language.
A lot of the decisions over the past few years have been abysmal and those decisions have affected Max, Lewis, pretty much all the drivers. This isn't a battle between Max and Lewis about who has the worst FIA decisions. This is a sport wide issue at the moment and the fact you are unable to see that is extremely hypocritical considering you just told me I watch it with my eyes closed.
The FIA are inconsistent. Fact. The problem is that they use precedent like it means something. But precedent can also be the bad decisions and that's where the problem is. AD is a really extreme example. I do not actually think something like that will happen again, but the point is that it could because the precedent is there.
I'm not even going to get into 'I just had to react,' because that is absolutely your issue and nothing to do with me. But just so you know, you absolutely can just scroll past posts.
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fcb-mv33 · 1 year
Yes AD caused a lot of boos for max last year. But also towards other drivers and fans. F1 did act on this by launching an anti hate and abuse campaing. This year has been a lot better. Local organizers only organize a GP once a year. They are organizing an event, not counting hate comments on twitter. They could not foresee last years hate/booing (+racism lawsuits). And voodo magic to control everyone in a crowd does not exist. They did there best and this year has been lot better. Be at least a bit positive about that
See that’s just a lie lmao. The campaigns that f1 has created has never been to call out abuse of the drivers who will not give them positive attention for calling it out. They have only ever called out the abuse towards Lewis and Merc team members. Also you seem to miss my point about my issue not being the booing but the lack of call out from f1.
Max was abused for months after Abu Dhabi, his family received death threats after Brazil, his sister turned off her comments due to her sons..Max’s little nephews being abused. They never once called that out. They let Max take the brunt of 2021 and let him deal with the fans in those venues, let items be thrown at his car in Monza and let him listen to chants of fans calling Sophie a whore.
We never once saw f1 or the media call out the vile racism that Calum is constantly getting. This weekend was prime of that when he was abused for Max winning, for being Maxs mechanic and friend. We never saw f1 call out the sexist abuse Hannah received from lh and Merc fans in Zandvoort, and we never saw Lewis, George or Toto comment on it but you lot expect Max to comment at every boo Lewis receives. Yuki, Alex, Checo, and Daniel were all targeted, Yuki was receiving racist abuse but nobody cared. The Red Bull teams family members were targeted all last season, Adrian’s wife posted the horrid abuse she was receiving after austin and we saw F1 never call this out. I never saw the “We race as one” campaign come out for the Red Bull members.
I’m not going to be positive about any of this. F1 have done nothing to protect Max or his team and their family members. They only call out the abuse of certain drivers and they have turned their backs on Max and his team. I keep records of the times that the abuse has been called out and never has f1 or sky sports stood up for Max. Their online campaigns are only for certain drivers. They left Max to rot and take the abuse.
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pacinothot · 3 years
if i see another post saying that people didn't care when the drivers were getting mobbed by fans in monza i'm gonna start screaming. because people were up in arms about this both on here and on twitter.
have i seen posts targeted only at the brazilian fans? yes. are those posts fucking vile? also yes. did i see posts comparing this to what happened in monza? yes. did i see posts condemning italian fans after what happened in monza? yes!!!
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pangeanews · 4 years
“Diritto di voto. Divorzio facile. Svalutazione della verginità. Ridicolizzazione sistematica della gelosia. Libero amore”. Filippo Tommaso Marinetti femminista (e seduttore totale)
Nel Manifesto del Futurismo di Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, la Caffeina d’Europa, uscito in prima pagina su Le Figaro di Parigi (e su svariati altri giornali) il 20 febbraio 1909, tra i dardi più celebri e fiammeggianti, oltre alla glorificazione della guerra – sola igiene del mondo – alla distruzione di musei e biblioteche, senz’altro in molti ricorderanno “le belle idee per cui si muore” ma, soprattutto, “il disprezzo della donna”. Marinetti torna su questo punto dolente nello scritto Contro l’amore e il parlamentarismo del 1915 ripubblicato da GOG, lo scorso aprile, in volume dal titolo Come si seducono le donne e altri scritti sull’amore con l’introduzione di Andrea Chinappi e la prefazione di Bruno Corra e Emilio Settimelli. Una lettura ideale e divertente, in primis, per ogni donna. “Quest’odio, appunto, contro la tirannia dell’amore, noi esprimemmo con una frase laconica: “il disprezzo della donna”. Noi disprezziamo la donna, concepita come unico ideale, divino serbatoio d’amore, la donna veleno, la donna ninnolo tragico, la donna fragile, ossessionante e fatale, la cui voce, greve di destino, e la cui chioma sognante si prolungano e continuano nei fogliami delle foreste bagnate di chiaro di luna”.
Il libro sulla seduzione futurista nasce attraverso una ferita di guerra. “È il 1916 e il funambolico Marinetti si trova costretto a letto, in convalescenza, per una ferita da granata. Ed è proprio alla granata austriaca – che gli adornò «faccia, cosce e gambe dei soli tatuaggi degni di un futurista» – che questo libro è dedicato. Perché guerra e seduzione per Marinetti sono speculari. Così dal letto dell’Ospedale Militare di Udine F.T.M. detta forsennatamente agli amici Corra e Settimelli, sigaretta dopo sigaretta, il primo manuale futurista di ars amatoria, un decalogo ilare e acuto, ma non per questo inefficace, delle qualità che deve possedere il seduttore”.
Effettì contro l’amore, dunque? Non proprio. Marinetti parla delle donne soltanto “dopo averne goduto e sofferto”. E il libro è un agile quanto spassoso compendio, nonché Baedeker di donne dalle diverse nazionalità e credo religioso, “dalle romane alle parigine”. Come le tedesche, le tre amanti tedesche, che lasciano un’impronta indimenticata nel cuore del giovane futurista. “Una amburghese giovane e fresca ma pedante e cretina come un saggio critico di Benedetto Croce. La moglie di un editore di Lipsia, assolutamente insipida”. Ma soprattutto è una berlinese conosciuta in un hotel di Palermo a fare breccia in Marinetti, “giunonica, imperiale”. La tedesca, infatti, indossa una speciale camicia da notte fatta confezionare all’uopo per il futurista antiteutonico, con bandiera germanica e due aquile imperiali destinate a battere le ali nei momenti più riposti di una festa palermitana.
Le descrizioni femminili che Marinetti regala sono senza tempo e vivissime: “Mi sarei innamorato pazzamente di una giovane attrice ebrea, d’origine algerina, bruna, selvaggia, furba e scivolante, ambiziosissima, calcolatrice, grandi occhi enormi di liquorizia, bella bocca da negra, un’araba insomma frenetizzata da Parigi”. Cosa bisogna avere per sedurre tante donne? “Forti attitudini oratorie. Ingegno novatore. Saper dare uno schiaffo decisivo a tempo e soprattutto coraggio, coraggio, coraggio: ecco l’afrodisiaco supremo della donna!”. Ma le donne hanno le loro fissazioni – come quella del seno, tanto per fornire un esempio tratto dal libro – la gelosia e, spesso e volentieri, un marito da tradire. Prendiamo l’esemplare signora inglese molto bella “e già quasi matura”, appassionata dei versi del poeta Marinetti. Voleva concedersi al futurista in casa, sotto agli occhi (semichiusi) del coniuge John, sul divano. “(…) E tuo marito? – Non preoccuparti, ha la sua bottiglia!… Conoscevo suo marito ma ne ignoravo le meravigliose abitudini di alcolizzato”.
In conclusione al funambolico pamphet Come si seducono le donne, al capitolo XI, Saluto di un bombardiere alla donna italiana, si ritagliano alcune immaginette donnesche ispirate ai romanzi più in voga in quel momento storico (chissà a quali romanzi si ispirano oggi le donne) da evitare, secondo Effettì, nel decalogo a undici punti (come il Manifesto del Futurismo) dal titolo “PERO’!… Sia tutto come non detto”. Rileggere i punti 9 e 10. “9° Se rimani la donna dei romanzi di Fogazzaro: vile, indecisa, ipocrita, piena di rimorsi, neutrale, conservatrice, reazionario, voglio-non-voglio, sarò-non-sarò-tua, forse-domani-un-poco-fino-al-petto-ma-non-più-giù. 10° Se rimani la donna dei romanzi di D’Annunzio: snob, vana, vuota, superficiale, culturale, annoiata, disillusa, ossessionata da Parigi; la donna che per amare ha bisogno di orchidee Coty Paquin Mallarmé Oscar Wilde Wagner Verlaine Baudelaire passeggiate – archeologiche rovine – illustri sadismo e incesto”.
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, femminista ante litteram, snocciola “le belle libertà” che i Futuristi vorrebbero offrire alla donna (oltre un secolo fa): “Diritto di voto. Abolizione della autorizzazione maritale. Divorzio facile. Svalutazione e abolizione graduale del matrimonio. Svalutazione della verginità. Ridicolizzazione sistematica e accanita della gelosia. Libero amore”. La biografia di Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, ironia della sorte?, registra un matrimonio religioso nel 1923: a Villasanza di Monza capitola. Si sposa con Benedetta Cappa, conosciuta nel dicembre 1918, nel salotto romano di Giacomo Balla. Spiega l’incoerenza apparente il biografo di Marinetti Giordano Bruno Guerri: “Quanto a Marinetti, dopo avere teorizzato la distruzione della famiglia, se ne costruì una in cui fu padre e marito esemplare: i rivoluzionari raramente si sentono vincolati, nella vita provata, alle proprie teorie. Ma ci fu coerenza in quella scelta: Benedetta Cappa, la donna che sposò, benché molto femminile non aveva niente da invidiare ai futuristi maschi per intraprendenza, spirito creativo, autonomia, originalità”.
Linda Terziroli
  L'articolo “Diritto di voto. Divorzio facile. Svalutazione della verginità. Ridicolizzazione sistematica della gelosia. Libero amore”. Filippo Tommaso Marinetti femminista (e seduttore totale) proviene da Pangea.
from pangea.news https://ift.tt/3goCyYp
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fcb-mv33 · 1 year
Last year they tried to adress the booing and that clearly didn't work. So maybe the muting is the best way to go. If people don't see booing at one track, they won't repeat it at other tracks. plus booing fans can be loud, but they are not representative for the entire crowd. Certainly many british fans were also cheering for max. Even max went along with the broadcast and said the atmosphere is great. Okay, its not ideal that this is necessary, but showing a great atmosphere can ensure that the next races have a great atmosphere. //It’s all “abusing rival fans is not correct” and “we need to call out the abuse drivers face, help with their mental health” but only when it’s their drivers. When it’s Max it’s a big fuck you from Sky and other media outlets.
Firstly they never ever called it for Max, they never once in Silverstone, Monza, Miami, Austin, Abu Dhabi or Brazil addressed the not only the boos but the abusive chants Max was receiving all weekend at these venues. They only called it out when Lewis got cheered during his spin in quali in Austria. Lewis was never booed in Zandvoort but sky sports and mainstream English media commented on how the Max fans were 100% going to boo and abuse Lewis but that never happened. In 2021 it happened more to Max than to Lewis but it was never ever addressed when it was Max.
Secondly I watched videos from this weekend from fans at the track, the booing was loud as hell and the fact the crowd was muted proves they were louder than the ones cheering. Max went along with it yes because he doesn’t care. The man literally could care less about his haters who have paid €500 plus to see him win and then boo him. Max has always had respect for the fans when he goes to different venues because that is just who Max is, he doesn’t want a whole thing made out of it he’s just there to race and go home.
I’ve said it before the booing is not what pisses me off the most, it’s the lack of respect to call it out plus the abuse Max is facing at these tracks. I mean he didn’t do fan form, that has never been the case for any English drivers at one of Max’s home races. They have sniggered and laughed at the abuse Max has gotten at these tracks, they barely called out the vile abuse himself and his family were getting after Brazil. I stick to my point that they only care about the mental health and the abuse of some drivers, when it’s Max they are happy to see him suffer.
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fcb-mv33 · 2 years
Cant lie personally i think it’s concerning how quickly the abuse that Max fans faced at Monza, Austin and silverstone was just shoved away, never really spoken about while Austria has been used constantly as an example of how women and certain fans were treated. Like seeing people tweeting that the 6 races were Max has a grandstand was a “safety announcement for women” is just odd. The examples have always been from Austria or Spa when it comes to shining a light on women at f1 races but never at other races where there has been reports of abuse towards women wearing Max merch.
Like god knows that shit was literally vile at Austria but it’s just kinda ridiculous to see how people use that as another way to vilify Max’s fans while Ferrari fans and lh fans just basically get away with abusing Maxs fans. Like remember the flare in Zandvoort that was thrown on the track, media blamed Max fans when they were the ones tho got the man who was dressed as a security guard thrown out….
I just think like every fan base ofc has scum in it but like the need to constantly use races where Max has a grandstand isn’t really fair to not only Max fans but Dutch people tbh since they are constantly the ones getting the abuse.
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fcb-mv33 · 2 years
“A study of the amount of vile abuse Max suffered over two months”
F1twt:“obvi no one deserves death threats and what have you, but let’s also not forget what fans of that man in particular apparently do at certain races.”
So other drivers who are English and work for Italian teams also deserve abuse since their fans sexually harassed and bothered women during the grand prixs? Or do we only mention the two races cause of the fact it was Max fans? Like both were wrong but we never hear anything about Monza or Silverstone but we only ever hear about Austria?? Cause that makes sense.
A driver can be harassed cause of one tiny portion of a fan base? Huh makes sense.
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fcb-mv33 · 2 years
"Christian can't complain about red bull employees kids getting bullied because of their red bull connection because people lost their job because of the cost cap in other teams because the other teams stuck to it and didn't cheat" the block button isn't enough I need to smack sense into these people are like "it's ok for red bull employees to get harassed and bullied and get sent death threats and racist abuse because at least they're employed" like what
Okay but the fact lh and Merc fans genuinely are turning around and being like “they are using that as an excuse to play victim” is literally just vile. Like if it was any team it’s fucking wrong to abuse the employees working there, just doing their job for a certain team is simply a joke. And the fact this all kicked off was because Toto decided to leak information knowing the outcome with regards to social media towards Red Bull.
Then them posting saying how unfair it is that the announcement about the cost cap was postponed because of the passing of Dietrich Mateschitz and how Red Bull were using this as an excuse…when you could see the tears in Christian and Markos eyes? When you could hear how upset Max was and making comments that Red Bull only care cause they can push back getting in trouble is fucking sickening 
I’ve constantly said it it’s all about mental health only when it’s a certain team and drivers. It’s only abuse when it’s a certain team or drivers. When it comes to Red Bull, their employees and especially Christian and Max nobody cares about the abuse they are put through on a daily basis, it is never talked about. Monza and this cost cap issue has highlighted that once it is Red Bull sky sports, teams, other drivers and the fia turn a blind eye to their mental health.
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