#Monster gang
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merfolk-monika · 2 months ago
Monster Gang (+ spouses) as animals
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feat; @farmermash, @ask-anino-sdv, @ask-cryptid-farmer, @acanthus-aster-sdv, @farmer-juice
Mash - winter fox
Shane - chicken
Moni - sea turtle
Anino - bat
Cryptid - deer
Sebastion - frog
Caretaker - cat
Mr.Qi - snake
Aster - hummingbird
Juice - squirrel
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mod-tester-caretaker · 2 months ago
//monster gang memes
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feat @ask-cryptid-farmer, @farmermash, @ask-anino-sdv, @acanthus-aster-sdv, @farmer-juice
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doctorsiren · 4 months ago
Draw MothFord do it I dare you you should draw it it would be so funny-/silly
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Just for you bestie 🫶
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queenie-ofthe-void · 6 months ago
Steve knows the kids are obsessed with the newest up and coming metal band, Corroded Coffin, even though their music is actually terrible. But when Robin of all people begs Steve take them to the band's next gig, he relents.
Everything starts to make a lot more sense when they walk up to the stage and there's an honest to god Siren behind the microphone, a guitar slung low on his hips with magic wafting off him in waves over the crowd.
The singer clocks him immediately and quickly schools the flash of surprise in his eyes into something more flirtatious.
Steve smiles, the cat that caught the canary. He was right. Their music really does suck, and he can't wait until tomorrow when he can rub it in his tiny human friends' faces.
Tonight, however, he's going to ruffle a pretty boy's feathers.
Eddie knows his music's horse shit, tailor made for humans- sue him, they needed the money. So he's always a little surprised when another creature finds their way to his concerts. It happens on occasion, and of course they're always welcomed. He's seen all sorts on their tour.
But something as beautifully unholy as a Nephilim?
The man with the auburn hair and hazel eyes surrounded by a gaggle of children glows with a golden aura so soft and warm Eddie's almost left speechless. Almost.
He's caught staring, but he can't take his eyes away. So Eddie does what Sirens do best. He preens, puffs his sleek black feathers just enough for only the man in the crowd to see and sings. A move typically saved for encores, the crowd goes wild with energy and pushes their way towards the stage.
The Nephi laughs, full-bodied with mirth at the antics. A beacon of golden light bursts from him, control of his halo slipping just the slightest.
It's unearthly, it's sinful, and Eddie falls to his knees in worship. The men and women caught in the halo turn to him, smiling and leaning in and touching what is Eddie's--
But the Angel relaxes, the halo draws back, and the peoples' hands fall away even though their eyes linger.
None of that matters when the Angel blows him a kiss. Eddie knows, deep in the hollows of his bones, that when he finds him after the show, he'll stretch his Angel's wings and show him just how bright his halo can glow.
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albically · 3 months ago
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The council shall decide your fate.
Zerum belongs to Zerum
Mariza belongs to @shandzii
John belongs to Seth
Blair belongs to me
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bellflowerpuddle · 4 months ago
 I love powerpoint night things lol i thought id try my hand
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Matt: aw no big deal man
Allison: wdym places youve slept??
Nicky: do we finally get to know all the countries youve lived in?? omg
Neil: um
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Nicky: oh
Aaron: wtf where else would you sleep
Kevin: is that andrews bed
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Dan: i feel like that ranking is a little high but whatever
Allison: why is that chair in the woods
Neil: ok next slide
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Andrew: nice
Renee: oh it is a nice view
Aaron: how tf did you get up there
Matt: WHY did you get up there
Allison: how does that have a 6/10 neil how low are your standards
Andrew: pretty low
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Nicky: what
Neil: oh yeah that one was a hassle
Neil: woops
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Aaron: smells like what
Andrew: junkie
Kevin: that is not what a locker room is for
Dan: whose locker room is that??
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Dan: ON A? ON A TRUCK???
Matt: how did you even get up there?
Renee: actually thats really impressive
Neil: thanks :)
Nicky: we're not gonna talk about the 'almost fell' again? or the 'yelled at'?
Andrew: whats to talk about
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Nicky: no comment
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Dan: i think we need to start considering the possibility that neil has superpowers
Kevin: climbing trees is childsplay
Allison: yeah but sleeping in them?? without falling??
Nicky: its important to note that this one does not say 'almost fell'
Neil: i was surprisingly secure
Matt: wdym 'kind of obvious'
Neil: when you see someone sleeping in a tree thats pretty suspicious
Andrew: have you met yourself
Neil: and i try not to draw attention to myself, yknow father and mafia and all
Andrew: have you met yourself
Allison: not surprised about the beef with squirrels tho
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Renee: neil when did you get good at climbing
Neil: its a talent
Aaron: surprisingly high rating again, are we sure neil knows how rating works
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Nicky: neil...honey...
Neil: it was one time guys
Dan: at least this is the worst one right neil
Dan: right neil?
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Nicky: i am very concerned for you neil
Aaron: how tf do you even manage that
Renee: we're not gonna talk about the fact that he passed out ??
Dan: this rating i can understand at least
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Allison: no. no this is where i draw the line
Kevin: this and not the stairs or the alley?
Nicky: its the fact that this is rated higher than either of those for me
Matt: your lack of self preservation skills still astounds me
Neil: try before you deny
Aaron: fuck no
Neil: coward
Renee: well wasnt that just a great presentation guys
Dan: neil please have a sleepover with us
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justhangingaround1995 · 8 months ago
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caffichai · 1 year ago
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Velma with something insightful to say
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humbuns · 2 years ago
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dunmeshi print i did with beloved mutual @kamuyagi !!! get your serving of this print now available here!
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2-dsimp · 3 months ago
This just came to me... Imagine if y/n was in a past relationship that was both physically and mentally abusive and they had visible scars from said experience. Who would most likely just torture their ex to death or are they all likely to do something on the lines of that?
Yes and no, honestly depend on the suitor
Type A passive) The A’s are not privy to getting their hands dirty. Would make your ex’s social life irredeemable via (blackmail/public humiliation/ cruel and unusual punishments/ect) wouldn’t bother to kill them would rather drive your ex to do so themselves.
Type B passive aggressive) the B’s Thrive off of instilling fear in their victims and breaking them down mentally and physically. They get up close and personal creating near death encounters. Accidental push into oncoming road traffic oops, breaking an obvious home and entering, leaving death threats, mugging them, ect.
Type C aggressive) The C’s would go find and eliminate your ex the moment they find out about them, you wouldn’t see them come back home till late at night. Carrying a black garbage bag or having unusual stains upon their clothes. Some would take their time with torture, others would rush doing a botched job. All in all your ex is nowhere to be found.
Type D ???) The D’s won’t do anything unless provoked by your ex. Otherwise they’d lie in wait watching in case they overstep the boundary line.
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merfolk-monika · 3 months ago
the monster gang transfering their period cramps to cryptid in a shame circle so he knows what real pain is like lmao
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feat; @farmermash, @farmer-juice, @ask-cryptid-farmer, @ur-farming-weirdo
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mod-tester-caretaker · 1 month ago
happy Valentine’s Day. I was originally going to bring you a tansy, but I changed it to be a Hydrangea. For uh… reasons
- @farmer-juice (Juice feels embarrassed grateful to have Care as a friend)
oh, thank you...
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i didn't really plan anything for Valentine's...
Do you want a beer or something?
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doctorsiren · 4 months ago
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two more monster hunter au doodles before I sleep
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lynxgriffin · 8 months ago
Can you draw a ER!Kris post-“This hair is too long to manage and if someone won’t help me cut it I’ll do it myself”. Essentially, short haired Kris.
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This really could have gone a lot better!
(Also, come on Kris, none of these guys have any standing to laugh at your haircut!)
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chloesimaginationthings · 1 year ago
Hi, I wanted to ask, is your game Mike scooped? Or is he a normal human?
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In my art, as of now, he’s a normal guy, specifically during sister location before the scooping
I do plan on drawing scooped Michael though, I have a comic around it and everything, just been drawing other things + figuring out purple Michael’s look. Here’s two older designs I’ve had but it’ll probably change again once I have him in new comics
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anim-ttrpgs · 6 months ago
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"My Glasses!" investigator Trait from Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy. Every investigator has 3 to 6 Traits!
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