#Monoma needs a hug
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father of the year ⁉️
#he’s right#monoma is ALWAYS a star#I love him sm#neito monoma#monoma neito#my hero academia#boku no hero academia#bnha spoilers#mha spoilers#bnha#mha#kan sekijirou#vlad king#he knows when his kids need a hug#meanwhile Aizawa: 🧍
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Komori: Here take this.
Todoroki: 200 dollars?
Komori: Yeah, I figured you could use it after the war.
Todoroki: Let me guess for therapy?
Komori: What? No. There's not enough therapy in the world to help you.
Komori: This is for you and your classmates to buy new clothes after what happened in the war, with them being destroyed and all.
Todoroki: None of our clothes were destroyed???
Komori: They needed to be.
(Monoma & Setsuna in the background)
#bnha incorrect quotes#incorrect bnha quotes#bnha#boku no hero academia#my hero academia incorrect quotes#mha#todoroki shouto#kinoko komori#i have this headacaonon class 1b is just always sassing 1a and honestly i'm here for it#original#have a good day#my hero academia#inncorrect quotes#1b need to give 1a a fashion lesson#seriously#did this in class#monoma neito#setsuna tokage#bored#i'm bored in the house and i'm in the house bored#idk what to tag this as#low key want a hug and some lunch
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Chapter 2 of BibliophiLe is up!
More Monoma and Kaminari fan fiction goodness wherein Monoma wants to learn about Electrification, but has some trauma preventing him from interacting with the one person he needs to.
A classic, "You're probably wondering how I got here..." chapter.
There are nervous boys. There are skateboards. There are delicious coffee drinks. There are references to classic literature. There is an achingly slow burn.
#denki kaminari#monoma neito#ao3#fan fiction#my hero academia fic#boys who can't see past their own faults#overconfident boys that probably need a hug#BibliophiLe#my hero academia#boku no hero academia#bnha fanfiction#monokami
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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 𝟘 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Implementar el sistema de dormitorios había sido tanto una bendición como una desgracia. Representó un gran cambio para todos, consecuencia de terribles experiencias.
Sus vidas habían estado en peligro: casi perdieron a uno de sus compañeros y varios resultaron gravemente heridos tras aquel trágico campamento.
Por eso no fue sorprendente que, en ocasiones, los niños estuvieran desanimados: extrañaban a sus familias, sentían miedo y algunos incluso se culpaban por haberlos llevado a esa situación.
Claro que había días buenos, días en que organizaban noches de cine, grupos de estudio, tardes de videojuegos, pijamadas, muchas cosas que ayudaban a la clase a sobrellevar su situación.
Pero siempre había uno que otro que volvía a tener un mal día, donde se sentían deprimidos, cansados o ansiosos, y, por lo general, aquellos propensos a tener malos días eran a los que les daba pena pedir ayuda, creían poder sobrellevar todo por su cuenta, además de no querer ser una carga para sus amigos.
Así que ahí entraban los maestros, quienes sutilmente hacían cosas para mejorar el día de esos niños.
Cambiaban los temas de estudio por algo menos tedioso, les regalaban dulces, les hacían cumplidos... Algunos incluso llegaban a humillarse con tal de sacarles una sonrisa.
Pero eso no era muy del estilo de Aizawa, él no era el tipo de persona que repartía cumplidos a la gente por su ropa o cabello; de hecho prefería insultar las decisiones de moda de algunas personas que amaban el cuero y copiaban el estilo de las cacatúas. Tampoco tenía sentido que él fuera por la vida con paletas en el bolsillo y, mucho menos, se humillaría a sí mismo por esos engendros del demonio.
A pesar de todo, Aizawa tenía sus propias formas de demostrar afecto. Dejaba que sus gatos corrieran por los dormitorios y sugería a los más deprimidos que los acariciaran. Si notaba que alguien no comía, le lanzaba discretamente una de sus bolsas de puré. Se sentaba cerca de ellos en la sala común y, lo más importante de todo, disfrutaba del contacto físico.
Normalmente les daba palmadas en los hombros y en la espalda, pero habían ocasiones especiales, donde se necesitaba más que una palmada en el hombro, donde llegaba a su máxima demostración de afecto.
Acariciaba la cabeza de los niños, pasaba sus manos por entre los mechones de cabello y los despeinaba. Algunos se quejaban alegando haber tardado mucho en peinarse, pero la mayoría solo lo veían con estrellas en los ojos, tan felices por algo tan simple.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 𝟙 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Había pasado un mes ya desde que se mudaron a los dormitorios, para todos fue un duro cambio, aún no eran adultos y ya prácticamente debían valérselas por su cuenta.
Pero a quién más le dolió dejar su casa atrás fue a Tsuyu. Toda su vida había cuidado de sus hermanos, siendo un pilar para su familia. Y ahora... ya no estaba allí para ellos.
ㅡSi necesitas más cuadernos en los cajones de mi escritorio hay algunos, también colores para Satsukiㅡ la niña estaba envuelta en mantas en uno de los sillones de la sala común, su rostro apenas visible ㅡNo, no lo se, tal vez pronto. Yo también los extraño... Adiós, los quiero.
Apenas colgó la llamada, el celular se le resbaló de las manos. Se abrazó a sí misma, escondiendo el rostro entre las rodillas. A pesar de las mantas se lograba ver el temblor de su cuerpo.
Apenas estaba anocheciendo, a parte de la niña en el sillón, todos los demás estaban afuera entrenando o en sus habitaciones. Solo estaban ella y su maestro que recién había entrado a los dormitorios. A pesar de haber hecho ruido intencionalmente para no asustarla ella aún saltó por la sorpresa, había estado bastante sumida en sus pensamientos como para ser consciente de sus alrededores.
ㅡLo siento, no era mi intención asustarteㅡ tomó su saco de dormir de detrás del sofá y después de entrar en él se sentó al lado de Tsuyu ㅡ¿Necesitas hablar de ello?
ㅡ¿Tiene familia, Sensei? Hablo de sus padres o hermanos.
ㅡNo. Biológica no, emocional si.
ㅡ¿Extraña a su familia ahora que está aquí encerrado?
ㅡTengo la ventaja de que mi familia también trabaja en está escuela, son contadas las ocasiones en las que he tenido que separarme de ellos, y cuando ha ocurrido los extraño muchísimo.
ㅡNunca había estado tanto tiempo lejos de mi familia, en especial de mis hermanos, siempre los he cuidado y ahora... Ahora no estoy ahí para ellos. Mis padres siempre están muy ocupados con el trabajo, mis hermanos se han estado quedando solos. No se que haré si uno de ellos enferma o se lastima, no puedo quedarme con ellos a cuidarlos.
ㅡNo es tu responsabilidad cuidarlos, es admirable que te preocupes tanto por ellos, pero son tus padres los que deben cargar con esas preocupacionesㅡ pasó un brazo por los hombros ocultos en mantas de Tsuyu, dando algunas palmaditas para reconfortarla ㅡTienes la oportunidad de librarte de ese peso por un tiempo, estamos trabajando en ello así que espero que pronto puedan reunirse, mientras tanto recuerda que eres su hermana, no su madre. No lleves cargas que no te corresponden.
Subió su mano y comenzó a acariciar la cabeza de la niña, porque eso era, no una adulta, no alguien mayor, solo una niña con preocupaciones que no le correspondían.
No tardó en quedarse dormida en su lugar, arrullada por la mano en su cabello. Ahí mismo se quedó Aizawa, aún abrazándola, no la dejaría sola en un momento así. Estuvo ahí cuando se durmió y estará ahí cuando despierte, por una vez ella merecía ser a quien cuidan y no la cuidadora.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 𝟚 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Ya era la décima vez en la última media hora que caía de cara al suelo intentando lograr un estúpido truco con el arma de captura.
Era solo tomar una lata, jalarla hacía él y atraparla con la mano contraria. Lanza, agarra, tira, atrapa. Fácil en teoría y en palabras del hombre que llevaba 15 años practicando esa clase de trucos.
No entendía qué estaba haciendo mal, seguía las instrucciones al pie de la letra, se acomodaba en la postura correcta, respiraba lento, agarraba la bufanda según su Sensei le explicó. Pero al final de todo siempre acababa en el suelo, enredado al punto de no poderse mover y cada vez más adolorido. Le dolía la quijada, los hombros, las piernas, las palmas de las manos, todo.
ㅡ¿Puedo irme ya, Sensei?ㅡ preguntó luego de lograr ponerse de pie. No soportaba otra humillación.
ㅡPara conseguir el éxito debes seguir intentando.
ㅡEl éxito sabe a tierra de tanto que me he estrellado contra el pisoㅡ estaba frustrado, enojado consigo mismo. Se quitó la bufanda del cuello y la lanzó al suelo lejos de él ㅡYa no puedo, Sensei.
Si le preguntaran lo negaría rotundamente, pero cualquiera podría darse cuenta de las lágrimas que amenazaban con caer. Le dolía saber que estaba por detrás de sus compañeros, era consciente de que requería clases extra para poder siquiera pisarles los talones.
ㅡVamos, Shinsō, se que eres capaz de lograrlo, recuerda que no te estoy pidiendo perfección, no sería lógico.
ㅡNecesito hacerlo perfecto o jamás alcanzaré a tu clase, mucho menos al niño dorado.
ㅡYo no llegué a donde estoy ahora comparandome con otros, si hubiera seguido haciendo eso cuando era estudiante habría muerto apenas salir de la escuela.
Fué a tomar el arma, sacudiéndola un poco para quitarle el polvo, se acercó al pelimorado y antes de ofrecerle la tela levantó su mano, acarició los ya despeinados mechones de cabello y le ofreció una pequeña sonrisa.
ㅡConfío en ti y en tus capacidades, es por ello que te ofrecí un lugar en mi clase.
Las lágrimas cayeron, aunque rápidamente fueron absorbidas por la tela de uniforme del pelinegro, Shinsō se había lanzado contra él, apretandolo como si su vida dependiera de ello.
ㅡGracias, Zawa.
Se apartó de él, tomó el arma de captura decidido a demostrar que podía lograr ese truco y más. No creía que dejaría de compararse con otros pronto, pero saber que su ídolo confiaba en sus capacidades lo era todo en ese momento.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 𝟛 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Nuevos vendajes decoraban su brazo, había sido una noche difícil. Si alguien le preguntara, diría que estuvo entrenando hasta tarde y se lastimó, nadie sospecharía que no fue una herida de combate sino la hoja de un cúter.
Estaba perdido, su mamá seguía insistiendo en que debía dejar el curso de héroes, elegir una carrera menos peligrosa para "alguien como él", le quemaba el corazón saber que su mamá no lo apoyaba en su sueño.
No dejaba de pensar en esos días de kínder donde llegaba a casa, se ponía su mameluco de All Might y jugaba a salvar a su mamá de un villano aterrador. Era difícil creer que la mujer que en ese entonces le decía que sería un gran héroe, ahora quisiera ponerle un alto.
Aún era bastante temprano, ya había hecho su carrera matutina, se había alistado para las clases y había desayunado, si es que al simple pan con mermelada se le puede llamar desayuno. Se sirvió café en un termo y se encaminó a su salón. Podría librarse del alboroto que se hace en la mañana, todos gritando por no encontrar sus cuadernos, sus zapatos o haber tirado su desayuno, a veces parecían niños pequeños, pero, ¿quién era él para juzgar?.
No fue de sorprender ver a su maestro ya en el salón, acostado sobre el escritorio usando su saco de dormir como cobija. Se veía tan relajado, todo lo contrario a como se veía normalmente.
Izuku se sentó en su propio escritorio, aun escudriñando al pelinegro, era tan extraño.
En lugar de imitar a su Sensei e intentar dormir sobre su escritorio se decidió por sacar su cuaderno de dibujo, no era común tener la oportunidad de dibujar a su maestro. Buscó el apartado en sus notas donde un boceto mal garabateado decoraba las páginas, antes solo tenía los videos de vigilancia que había encontrado de él y lo que su memoria le dejaba recordar de sus rasgos.
El proceso de dibujo no duró mucho, su mano se cansó rápido pues aún le dolía. No sabía cómo sobreviviría a un día de puras clases teóricas, aunque peor sería tener que luchar con su brazo así.
ㅡ¿Tengo algo en la cara o por qué me ves tanto?ㅡ casi lanza su lápiz por el susto, creyó que su Sensei estaba realmente dormido. Aizawa se incorporó en su lugar, parpadeando varias veces para quitarse el sueño.
ㅡNo, no, yo solo, no quería molestarlo, perdón, no era mi intenciónㅡ agitaba sus manos frente a él como un intento de disipar el supuesto enojo del maestro. Entre la sacudida uno de los vendajes se aflojó, lo suficiente como para que la tela del saco rozase las heridas. No pudo disimular el ardor, algunas de las costras se jalaron y gotas de sangre se comenzaron a formar. La expresión de dolor en su rostro y el cómo apretó su brazo alertaron al maestro.
Se acercó a Izuku para inspeccionar la herida ㅡDejame ver, Midoriya.
ㅡEstoy bien, Sensei, no se preocupe.
Hizo caso omiso al comentario y tomó el brazo del niño, levantó la tela y movió los vendajes restantes. La compasión se reflejó en su rostro, lamentablemente comprendía al niño, él también estuvo en su lugar en algún momento de su adolescencia.
ㅡAcompáñame, vamos a limpiar tus heridas.
Titubeó por un momento antes de correr para seguirlo, llegaron a la enfermería, Chiyo aún no llegaba. Buscó entre los cajones los materiales necesarios, mientras tanto Izuku tomó lugar en una de las camillas.
Volvió con antiséptico y gasas, desechó las vendas que llevaba antes y comenzó a curar los cortes.
ㅡNo mojes las gasas, si te duele mucho puedes pedirle a tus maestros que te dejen salir, diles que tienes que ir conmigo. Si se te complica escribir graba las clases, o dime que es lo que vieron y yo te lo explico después.
ㅡNo tiene que hacer todo esto, Sensei.
ㅡEs mi trabajo, ustedes están bajo mi cuidado y haré todo lo posible para siempre estar disponible para ustedes, si necesitas hablar con alguien mi puerta siempre está abierta, solo ten cuidado de que no se salgan mis gatos.
Izuku se lanzó a sus brazos, llorando por la amabilidad que contadas veces le habían mostrado mientras crecía, era el primer maestro que se preocupaba realmente por él. Sus lágrimas incrementaron al sentir las caricias en su cabello, algo toscas al acabar sus dedos enredados en sus rizos, aún así el cariño se sentía, no podía recordar la última vez que su madre hizo algo así.
ㅡGracias, Sensei.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 𝟜 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
No era novedad encontrar artículos que hablaran de la clase 1-A, desde el primer día habían estado en el ojo del huracán. No podían juzgarlos, se encontraban con villanos cada tanto y siempre daban de qué hablar.
Pero eso no la preparó para verse en la portada de una revista, una foto ya algo vieja de ella robada de su instagram. "Estilos que no te favorecen como mutante" era el titular del artículo, le dolió verse ahí, siendo duramente criticada por sus elecciones de moda.
El gyaru no es para chicas como tú, no lo fuerces.
Cuidado con los excesos, no parezcas payaso.
Bájale a las joyas, no ocultan tus rasgos mutantes.
Ya eres demasiado llamativa, no necesitas tantos patrones.
En ocasiones los lentes de contacto de color son muy necesarios.
Cada sugerencia iba acompañada de imágenes para ejemplificar, todas igualmente robadas. No soportó leer más, quería arrancarse la piel por la incomodidad, se sentía expuesta. Tiró de sus pulseras, lanzándolas contra la pared más cercana, algunas cuentas rodaron por el suelo, talló su cara hasta que el maquillaje que tanto le costó hacerse quedó arruinado, quería arrancarse la ropa y solo se frenó ante esa idea por estar en un lugar público. En cualquier momento alguno de sus compañeros podría llegar, verla en ese estado tan deplorable y humillante.
Podría ser Kirishima, lo decepcionaría verla tan "poco masculina"; o alguna de las chicas, y ya no querrían juntarse con ella, ¿porque serían amigas de una mutante?; O, Kami no lo quiera, Mineta, nada podría ser peor que ser objeto de burlas o acoso de esa pequeña rata.
Nunca se le pasó por la mente que sería Aizawa quien la encontrara. Era vergonzoso que aquel a quien tanto se esforzaba por impresionar, por demostrarle que valía la pena que siguiera en esa clase, la viera tan vulnerable.
Estaba apoyada contra la pared de las escaleras, las cuentas seguían rodando por los escalones, chocaban contra las botas de su Sensei quien no se inmutó ante la muestra de debilidad. Solo subió los peldaños, se sentó a su lado y comenzó a hablar.
ㅡLa primera vez que Mic apareció en una portada se puso igual que tú, lloró por días luego de que criticaran su ropa, su cabello de cacatúa y en especial sus ojos, lo cual jamás entendí, hasta la fecha no he logrado convencerlo de que salga en público sin sus lentes, le afectó mucho. Yo no estaba en mi mejor momento y no fuí de mucha ayuda, no logré frenar el efecto que ese artículo causó en él.
ㅡ¿Cómo son sus ojos?ㅡ su voz se escuchaba algo ronca por haber llorado.
ㅡHermososㅡ la honestidad y el cariño con el que lo dijo sorprendieron a Ashido ㅡSon de varios tonos de verde, forman círculos como si fueran ondas de sonido, y son muy brillantes.
ㅡSuena a que son muy lindos.
ㅡSi, lo son. Lástima que no muchos lograron apreciarloㅡ acercó su mano para acariciar su cabello, teniendo cuidado de no topar sus cuernos, la chica se deslizó hasta recargarse contra el pelinegro ㅡNo tienes porque ocultarte, se tan llamativa como quieras. Aunque si le preguntas a Mic o a Midnight te dirán que no soy quien para dar consejos de modaㅡ eso último lo dijo susurrando, como si decirlo más alto fuera a invocarlos o algo por el estilo.
ㅡA mi me gusta como te vistes.
ㅡTampoco se trata de mentir por convivirㅡ la niña soltó una carcajada, olvidando un poco lo mucho que le dolió el artículo,
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 𝟝 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Le dolía el cuello, ya era la tercera vez esa semana que lo noqueaban. Era Martes. El moretón de la semana pasada ni siquiera se había curado cuando ya estaba recibiendo uno nuevo. Kendo tenía, literalmente, la mano muy pesada.
Estaba harto, al inicio incluso a él le parecía divertido, pero ya era exagerado. La noqueada del día había sido simplemente por mirar a la clase 1-A, sin malicia ni nada, solo mirar. Así que sí, estaba cansado de eso.
Se encontraba sentado recargado contra la pared en un pasillo alejado de los salones y de las escaleras, esperando no ser visto por otros estudiantes, menos por la clase 1-A.
Quería mentir, engañarse a sí mismo con que todo estaba bien, que no le dolía ser encasillado en el papel del hater #1 de la otra clase. Claro, era en parte su culpa, pero se había vuelto ridículo el odio que creían él sentía.
Él solo quería demostrar su valía por una vez, ser reconocido, no sólo acabar siendo un personaje secundario olvidable e insípido.
Deseaba probarle a todos que era más que un roba quirks, que no sería un lastre una vez acabado el tiempo de su quirk. No era un copión como siempre le dijeron.
"Si dependes de los demás jamás serás un buen héroe, no sirves para esa carrera"
"¿Tal vez ser un consejero de quirks? Combinas más con ese papel"
"Maldito copycat" dijo un día quien solía ser su mejor amigo después de empujarlo contra una pared consiguiendo así que cayera al suelo adolorido, "por más que lo intentes no serás un héroe con ese quirk tan débil", luego se alejó, dejándolo tirado y humillado.
Ya ni siquiera recordaba la razón de su pelea, solo sabe que desde ese día se le quedó el apodo y su mejor amigo jamás le volvió a hablar.
Aún sumido en sus pensamientos logró escuchar los pasos que se acercaban a él, levantó la mirada y vislumbró la mancha negra que se hacía llamar Eraserhead, el profesor de la clase 1-A. Si había alguien en esa clase a quien respetase realmente sería él.
-Vlad te está buscando.
No se dignó a dar respuesta, sabía lo que eso significaba, lo iban a regañar otra vez por algo que ya no tenía sentido.
-Deberías ir a la enfermería, ese moretón no se ve bien- continuó hablando Aizawa -¿lo obtuviste del entrenamiento? No, Vlad te habría mandado a la enfermería, así que dime, niño, ¿qué te pasó?
A la par que hablaba, se iba acomodando en cuclillas para estar más o menos a la par del rubio y hacer más cómoda la conversación para ambas partes.
-Fue Kendo- no fue su intención que saliera como un susurro, solo sentía que si hablaba más lloraría. No quería hacer eso -Ya no importa, es estúpido, igual me lo merecía.
-¿Aún sigue golpeándote?- Monoma asintió, hasta ese momento no se había dado cuenta de lo mal que eso estaba.
Tampoco fue su intención encogerse al ver la mano de Eraserhead levantarse, le recordaba a la mano de Kendo acercándose a su cuello. Cerró los ojos instintivamente pero los volvió a abrir al sentir la mano del mayor acariciando su cabello, se sentía bien.
-Hablaré con Vlad para que detenga esto, no puedo creer que la haya dejado seguir golpeándote. Ven, vamos con Chiyo, puedes ir con ella también fuera del horario de entrenamiento.
Lo ayudó a ponerse de pie, pasó su mano por los hombros del rubio y le dio un par de palmaditas.
Al llegar a la enfermería Aizawa fue recibido con el golpe de un bastón y Monoma fue jalado hasta una camilla.
-Deja de traerme niños lastimados- le gritó a Aizawa y después se giró hacia Monoma -tu tranquilo corazón, pero no te le acerques mucho que los malos hábitos se pegan- besó la mejilla del chico y le entregó gomitas.
-Este no es mío, así lo encontré.
-Ay, querido- le hablo a Nieto ignorando deliberadamente a Shōta -recibir golpes así puede ser muy riesgoso para tu salud, después te haré más chequeos, pero de momento todo está arreglado.
-Y no te preocupes niño, ya no serás noqueado, por lo menos no por los engendros de tu clase.
Salieron de la enfermería, caminando en silencio, el sol aún seguía bastante alto en el cielo así que no era muy tarde.
-Gracias, Eraserhead.
-Ni lo menciones, niño- volvió a darle palmaditas en la cabeza, esta vez Monoma no se encogió.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ 𝔼𝕏𝕋ℝ𝔸 ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*
Los engendros del demonio se habían estado comportando extraño, se le quedaban viendo a su profesor casi sin pestañear por largos ratos, murmuraban entre ellos y parecían estar planeando su muerte.
Incluso llegó a escucharlos hablar muy detalladamente sobre su rutina diaria, cuando salía y volvía de sus patrullas, la hora a la que desayunaba, cuando y donde comía, sus horas libres de clases, rutas entre los pasillos para sus cambios de salón, midieron el tiempo que duraba cenando con ellos antes de retirarse a su habitación.
Era aterrador pero no haría nada al respecto, solo eran engendros siendo engendros.
ㅡSeñor Aizawa, ¿me puede ayudar?ㅡ al pelinegro le hacía muy feliz cada que Eri se atrevía a pedir algo, al inicio a ella le aterraba incluso pedir agua, temía pedir comida y ser regañada por gastar recursos de los dormitorios, aunque le diera miedo no decía nada cuando cerraban la puerta de su habitación y tampoco quiso preguntar si podía tener una luz de noche. Poco a poco había progresado, ya no tenía miedo al pedir cosas, aún le preocupaba gastar recursos y llegar a molestar a las personas, pero eran contadas las veces en que ella lloraba por incluso pensar en hacer algo así.
Así que si, Aizawa era feliz cada que Eri hacía peticiones.
ㅡClaro, ¿en qué necesitas ayuda?
ㅡEl señor Zashi me compró unos tenis, pero no se como amarrarlos, estos no son de los que tienen esa cosa que se pegaㅡ levantó su pie para demostrar sus tenis rojos con las cintas hechas un desastre ㅡ¿Podrías amarrarlos?
El pelinegro se hincó frente a la niña, indicándole que bajara el pie para comenzar a acomodar las cintas.
Tuvo que sacar casi completamente los listones para arreglar el desastre, mientras se concentraba en arreglar eso Eri intentaba resistirse a la tentación, siempre que ella hacía algo bien el señor Aizawa le revolvía el cabello, eso la hacía feliz. Un día escuchó a la señorita Uraraka decir que era como un perrito, no sabía qué significaba pero sonaba bonito. El señor Aizawa estaba haciendo algo bien, ayudaba a Eri a atar sus zapatos nuevos, además su cabello se veía suave, luego de mucho pensarlo decidió rendirse ante la tentación.
Levantó su manita, la acercó a la cabeza del pelinegro y lo acarició, inmediatamente el hombre se tensó, confundido por lo que acababa de suceder. Algunas inhalaciones de sorpresa se escucharon de los pocos alumnos que estaban en la sala.
Lo había logrado.
Eri logró lo que la clase llevaba días planeando.
¡Acarició la cabeza de su maestro!
ㅡ¿Acabas de acariciar mi cabeza?
La preocupación se reflejó en la carita de Eri, preguntándose si había hecho algo mal. Apretó sus manos contra su cuerpo y dio un pasó atrás.
ㅡNo estoy enojado, tranquila, solo es que... ¿Por qué lo hiciste?
ㅡTú siempre lo haces cuando hacemos algo bien o cuando nos sentimos mal- intervino Izuku, parándose a un lado de la niña.
ㅡAmarraste mis cintas así que debía acariciar tu cabeza- repitió la acción para aclarar su punto ㅡGracias.
Se escucharon más agradecimientos de parte de sus estudiantes y sin poder prevenirlo acabó tumbado luego de que su niño problema junto a Eri se lanzaran a abrazarlo, unos cuantos más se sumaron y no le quedó de otra que aceptar su destino.
Tal vez no era tan mal profesor después de todo.
¡Primer fic en el que si tengo lectura beta! Gracias a mi bestie y a bl0o.mer por las correcciones (si encuentran más errores, no, no lo hicieron).
También es el fic más largo que he escrito, no es taaaan largo comparado con otros, pero igual lo siento como un logro.
Duerman bien, tomen agua y déjense querer.
(No se pq esa cosa no se marca como el de wattpad)
#bnha#boku no hero academia#bnha aizawa#shouta aizawa#shinso hitoshi#midoriya izuku#tsuyu asui#mina ashido#monoma neito#recovery girl#yamada hizashi#eri mha#hurt/comfort#fluff#everyone needs a hug#head pats#5 + 1 fic#5 + 1 things#aizawa x hizashi#self h@rm#impostor syndrome#bullying#family issues#mental health#self-esteem issues#those are a lot of tags#i need to stop#author is sleep deprived
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made some fan art for this fic of mine :))
#i love them#denki kaminari#shinsou hitoshi#monoma neito#kaminari x shinsou x monoma#my babies#denki needed a hug#and he got a hug#fanart#mha fanart#my art#ffs#fanfiction#angst#free hugs
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MHA boys- headcannon response to hearing that you’re pregnant
all characters aged up!
fab-reader, message me if you want any-other character and or headcannon response!
Immediately glares at you thinking it’s a prank, you had conveniently ‘surprised’ him once he got home from late hero work with a box placed on your shared bed. After he opened it, he thought you were joking, before saying something like ‘you’re crazy’ or ‘is this a joke’, but soon realized you were before for-reals when your expression changed. He IMMEDIATELY wrapped you in a hug saying that he’s so happy, before ending the conversation with a ‘are you being serious y/n’..
(-he’s deadass so excited!!!)
Katsuki Bakugou, Hitoshi Shinsou, Neito Monoma, Shota Aizawa,
After you had sat him down on the couch you had told him you were expecting.. His faced twisted into joy, before saying ‘No!’ over and over with you responding with a ‘Yes!” (all in a joyful manner not bad!!) He would then proceed to pull out his phone, opening the ‘notes app’ before showing you all the names he had saved up.. ‘and Lane oh oh and Lorelai no no oh wait what about Karmi no wait I know I know what about Vani!!!!’ legit him bro..
level 1000 excited!
Mirio Togata, Denki Kaminari, Kirishima Eijiro, Sero Hanta, Present Mic
“How are you feeling baby”
After telling him the news he immediately thought about your health asking questions like ‘how do you feel about having it’ ‘do you think i’m suit enough to be a good dad’ ‘how are you’ things that show he’s worried about being a bad dad, and caring more about how YOU feel about the pregnancy.. he wants to see if you want to have the baby and wants to make sure you feel ready..
the legit best supporter!!
Shoto Todoroki, Keigo Takami, Tamaki Amajiki, Touya Todoroki, Tokoyami Fumikage
“I’m telling everyone, but only everyone we trust”
So So So excited.. Like the second you uttered the words, nervous and quiet, all scared that he would be mad.. But he was the complete opposite! He was more excited than anything, really. He immediately wanted to contact people that he trusted, if it was up to him he’d contact the entire world about the arrival of his spawn, but thinking logically, he was a hero and needed to be careful.. Loves on you the entire pregnancy, and makes cute little cards, sending them to people you both trusted, to inform them of the new arrival of the baby!
Izuku Midoriya, Inasa Yoarashi, Tenya Iida, Mezo Shoji
I actually love this so much!!
let me know if you have any specific characters or themes in mind! I don’t judge!
#Onie out!
#bnha#reqs open#x reader#mha#x y/n#fypツ#my hero acedamia#bakugou katsuki#tumblr fyp#katsuki x y/n#katsuki bakugo x reader#kirishima ejiro x reader#tenya lida#denki kaminari#hitoshi shinso x reader#toji fushiguro#shota aizawa#aizawa#all might#izuku midoriya x reader#shoto torodoki#togata mirio x reader#tamaki amajiki#fumikage tokoyami#keigo takami#bnha dabi#sero hanta#present mic#monoma neito#mezo shoji
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MHA Guys x Autistic!Reader Headcanons
ft. Bakugou, Midoriya, Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero, Monoma, and Shinsou!
Katsuki Bakugou
always has all your sensory tools on him!
will shut anyone up who tries to talk to you during a meltdown or when you’re overstimulated
gives you space when u need it but always keeps an eye on you anyways
when you’re ready for affection he is ON IT!!! Cuddles, kisses, doesn’t matter. But he waits for the signals first.
keeps an AAC app for your nonspeaking moments, it’s on his phone.
he actually has a whole section of apps just for you, sensory stuff, soothing music, you name it
he will protect you from yourself if you start to try and hurt yourself. he will hold you so tightly while you cry.
Izuku Midoriya
now he’s one to notice the MINUTE you get overstimulated! And he will make up any excuse to get you out of wherever you guys are!!
he talks to you when you want to be distracted! And he’ll infodump about anything
on that note, he LOVES when you infodump. He thinks it’s the cutest thing you do, especially when you start to lose track of time as you go on.
he will comfort you when you need it! He has a hard time sitting in silence, so he brings fidgets for himself too!
knows where all your sensory tools are in your room, brings his own noise cancelling headphones (he bought you yours! He has the same ones)
Denki Kaminari
oh he’s HORRIBLE at silence! But he will literally zip his mouth shut if he sees you need quiet
he owns a lot of fidgets already and all kinds of flexible seating options (his favorite is one of those exercise balls)
he will play with your hair and draw circles over your skin to meet your physical sensory needs! He’ll also do yoga with you without asking (:
has all your doctors’ names and numbers memorized just in case you have a really bad meltdown
will go dummy mode as a distraction so you can slip away if you get overwhelmed :’)
never gets mad if you snap on accident, will hold you while you cry about how you feel bad you snapped :((
Eijirou Kirishima
LOVES comforting you no matter what happened, but especially if you’ve had a meltdown that you got embarrassed about so you didn’t tell him :/
he loves to touch you, to hug you, and gives you the pressure you need to regulate
he reads books about autism to try and understand your needs better
always wants to make sure you’re okay at parties or gatherings, checks in frequently
defends you ALWAYS especially if someone is talking about how you’ve shut down. He makes it personal.
forehead kisses and back rubs when you’ve had a hard day. He will often tuck you in with your weighted blanket that he bought you for your birthday.
Hanta Sero
oh if you need a place to relax he’s got you! He knows how to set an atmosphere fr
he makes sure to only ever use scents that don’t overwhelm you when he cleans his room or lights incense
tells you you’re perfect the way you are and reassures you CONSTANTLY without you asking.
plays games with you because you love them and you said nobody ever wanted to play them with you growing up (he’d never let you feel alone)
genuinely asks how you are, but especially after a hard day. He goes out of his way constantly to check in
makes sure that you’re regulated before bed and as soon as you wake up too! Always meets those sensory needs, but doesn’t realize he’s doing it. It just comes naturally to him.
Neito Monoma
he has no problem being a distraction from any and everything you need, he kinda thrives that way actually!
he would entirely kidnap the moon for you. you told him once that the moon helped you feel grounded and less alone, and he almost went on that impossible mission (he didn't because he wouldn't get to see your face if things went south)
always has your favorite movies ready along with favorite snacks!
will never ever make you feel bad for having a harder day than usual. in fact, he will fight you if you even try to apologize
has no problem telling off anyone who tries to give you a hard time when you're already feeling anxious or overstimulated
Hitoshi Shinsou
you are his most important person and he will not let you ever think otherwise
if you even think of apologizing for being too much, he will immediately put his hand over your mouth and hug you
he rubs your shoulders and gives you pressure when you need it, without even asking. he just knows you that well
he IS the human fidget! If you don't have any sensory tools, he's quick to guide your hand to his fingers, his hair, even his face if you really need to ground.
his voice stays low and he guides you through meltdowns, always holding you when you need that, and giving you space when you don't. but he always stays with you.
Hope you enjoyed!!! I think I'm gonna do another headcanon part with other characters too! thoughts?
#bokunokamijirou#mha#bnha#boku no hero academia#izuku midoriya#katsuki bakugou#denki kaminari#eijirou kirishima#hanta sero#mha x you#mha x autistic!you#mha x reader#neito monoma#hitoshi shinsou#bakugou x reader#midoriya x reader#kaminari x reader#kirishima x reader#sero x reader#monoma x reader#shinsou x reader#headcanons#mha headcanons#autistic mha#anime#manga#my hero academia#fluff#op is autistic
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Ways BNHA Boys Show Their Love
Group 3
Synopsis: The ways the boys of BNHA show their love and affection to you.
Characters Included: Neito Monoma, Hitoshi Shinso, Tamaki Amaijki, and Mirio Togata
Group 1/Group 2

Neito Monoma
Monoma is not quiet and never has been. His love for you also isn’t quiet or invisible. He LOVES being around you and being your partner. He is probably the most clingy lover you could have. PDA is something Monoma CONSTANTLY gets in trouble for so he’s toned it down to just hand holding and a few kisses but if he could he would be doing so much more.
Monoma is loud, charismatic, and some what obnoxious. He truly believes his class is the best and he believes the same about you. He is absolutely obsessed with you. He boasts you up so much that every in UA and the surrounding area and Schools know just how great you are. He thinks the world of you as if you’re a goddess that the world doesn’t deserve.
Monoma knows your boundaries and your body lingo to a T. He knows just who to make you feel better when your down. He loves to cuddle up to you whether you’re up on the couch or in your bed or even in the cafeteria. Need someone to hold your hand, he’s already doing it. Need someone to talk shit with, He’s ready to serve. Someone talking trash about you, he’s found them and sorted them out.
Neito Monoma is your bestie and 10/10 clinger and he loves the shit out of you.

Hitoshi Shinso
Shinso the boy who wasn’t looking for friends much less a lover. He at first didn’t understand why you where so kind to him, but you really grew on him. He loves being around you more then he will ever admit. He likes minimal PDA like hand holding but he won’t kiss you in public.
Shinso LOVES to cuddle. You guys pretty much have a routine. Every night just before curfew you guys meet in one anothers dorm for a cuddle session why are you doing whatever needs to be done and sometimes you guys sleep with each other (NOT LIKE THAT YOU FREAK).
Shinso is your favorite person to go on late night walks with when neither one of you can sleep. You guys walk around the dorm building. He also picks out vinyls he thinks you’d like just because. He knows what you like in your coffee and what your favorite flavor of energy drinks are. He constantly is trying to be the best version of himself for you and is very supportive and helpful.
Hitoshi Shinso is a mysterious boy with a heart of gold who cares endlessly about you.

Tamaki Amaijki
Tamaki is an anxious person. He is nervous about most things and very much swayed away by most people and things. PDA is one of those things. He hates the attention that gets placed on him. He can only take so many people looking at him.
Tamaki is so understanding and comforting. He supports you through anything and everything. He’s the hug you want on a bad day. You and him are each other’s lifeboat. He also quietly observes you and knows when you need him. You both love to cook together. He makes little treats for you.
Tamaki takes you out on quiet picnic dates. He likes to spend all of his time with you. He gets pretty crossed when he can’t be around you. Definitely an act of service kind of dude. Words sometimes are too much.
Tamaki Amaijki is awkward and anxious, but still a great lover.

Mirio Togata
Mirio is a silly ball of sunshine and raw power.He good at what he does knows it but is still humble. He doesn’t mind people looking at him especially if he’s with his person so PDA is okay! So hold his hand, kiss his face, and love the hell out of him.
Mirio is a people person but he also is understanding of your feelings and will always put yours first. He is very open with how he feels and no one can doubt that he loves you. He walks you to and from class. Writes you love notes. The whole shebang. He wants you to never doubt that he loves you.
Mirio is surprisingly protective as he knows first hands the danger of people and being a hero. He likes to keep you close and go with you when you need. He doesn’t want anything to harm you. He’s a good guy but if anything where to come for you….
Mirio Togata is a golden retriever lover, funny guy but also wickedly strong when it comes to you.
Masterlist <- here
Thank you sm for reading! Check out other parts for more characters! Want more content follow my tumblr @sunnystars2023!
#mirio x reader#togata mirio#tamaki x reader#tamaki amajiki#shinsou x reader#hitoshi shinsou#neito monoma x reader#monoma neito#bnha boys x reader#bnha#mha#mha boys x reader
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬: 𝐧𝐞𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐚 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐚
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐧𝐞𝐢𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐚 𝐱 𝐔𝐀 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭! 𝐠𝐧! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 @haikyuubby
he probably met you during the sports festival or some inter-class training exercise. instantly, he's got you pegged. what's your quirk? How can he use it against you...or, well, analyze it strategically?
if you're in 1-A: Oh, the drama. he'll use every opportunity to subtly (or not-so-subtly) mock your class. it's his bread and butter, but there’s a glint in his eye when you retort. he loves someone who keeps up.
if you’re in another support class: he’s lowkey impressed with your skills, but he’s not gonna show it at first. he’ll “test” your inventions/ideas, offering critiques that are unnecessarily harsh but secretly constructive.
no matter what, he remembers everything about your quirk after seeing it once. he's already thinking about how to use it. not necessarily in a malicious way, but in a “what if” scenario kind of way. like a twisted game of chess.
he'll probably try to shake you with a comment that sounds like it's targeted at you, but actually, it's targeting all of 1-A.
he denies it. vehemently. to everyone. especially himself. it's "strategic interest," nothing more. he needs to understand you...for reasons.
he starts showing up where you are. A lot. "purely coincidental," of course. he just happens to be studying in the library at the same time you are...every day.
his jabs become...less pointed. More teasing. he still roasts 1-A, but when you're around, the jabs are more directed at you for whatever your thoughts are at that moment. and he actually listens (mostly).
he will “help” you study, which quickly devolves into him quizzing you relentlessly and then smugly correcting you, but will explain in a way that is actually beneficial.
if someone else is flirting with you? oh, he’s livid. but he’s not going to start a fight. instead, he will find some way to subtly undermine the potential rival with a cutting remark about their quirk or their intelligence while maintaining plausible deniability.
he analyzes everything about you. your strengths, your weaknesses, your study habits, your favorite tea, your handwriting, even the way you fidget when you're nervous. it's all "data," but he's memorizing it like it's poetry.
secretly, he likes the way you challenge him. you make him think, and he appreciates that, even if he’d rather die than admit it.
the confession? a disaster. he probably tries to play it off as an experiment, a challenge, or some other convoluted excuse, but the blush on his face gives him away. you have to basically spell it out for him.
dates are…interesting. expect a lot of intellectual debates, museum visits disguised as "research," and him trying to impress you with obscure facts.
he's surprisingly attentive. he remembers every little detail you’ve ever mentioned and will use that to surprise you with thoughtful (if slightly eccentric) gestures.
he will defend you to the death. if anyone dares to insult you, he will unleash a torrent of scathing wit so brutal it would make bakugo blush.
he loves to copy your quirk, especially if it's something he can use to tease you. expect demonstrations and exaggerated imitations.
he has a soft spot for physical affection, but he’ll never initiate it in public. it's usually a stolen hand squeeze or a quick hug when no one's looking. he’s a bit awkward about it, but he cherishes those moments.
he’s fiercely protective of you, but not in a smothering way. he trusts your judgment and abilities. he just wants to make sure you know he's always there for you.
he is a surprisingly good listener, even if he interjects with snarky comments from time to time. he genuinely cares about what you have to say and values your opinion.
he’s a surprisingly loyal and devoted partner. once he commits, he's all in.
© 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐙𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐒 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟓 —
#boku no hero academia#mha#my hero academia#bnha#mha x reader#x reader#fluff#fypage#neito monoma#monoma neito#mha monoma#monoma x reader#bnha monoma#neito monoma x reader
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I just told him someone in Class A likes him- MY GOD

Give this man the recognition he deserves! He needs it

Awase told him to get therapy

He needs some love or the HPSC will take him

#monoma my beloved#monoma neito#my hero acedamia#mha#mha monoma#c.ai#totally canon#c.ai shenanigans#roleplay#mha rp#Monoma needs a hug#Monoma Neito needs a hug#He is talking about my oc but you can interpret it as you want
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— 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐩𝐭 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐲 ⊹
characters. albedo, budo masuta, ganyu, kusuo saiki, neito monoma, raibaru fumetsu, teruko tawaki, + wanderer/scaramouche
desc. how some of my favorite characters would react to you wiping away their kiss for a prank!!!
notes. i love this idea so much and i want to try it out (if i actually had a life)
we already know that albedo is a little bit of a tease. although he may not show it in his face.
he'd probably catch on as soon as you try anything. which is why you need to do this when he's tired. after he's done a lengthy experiment is the perfect time to try this out.
he comes back home to you, waiting for see your face. that's all he really cares about right now. you peek from your room, seeing his face down the hallway. you smile and speed towards him, throwing yourself onto him while giving him a big hug.
"hi, 'bedo. how was your day?" you ask, seemingly innocent.
"it was alright," he sighed, quickly pressing a small kiss on your temple as he walked to put his things down. he looks up in the mirror to see you wiping his kiss away.
he definitely was not expecting that, especially after you almost tackled him from running so quickly down the hallway. there's a few possibilities he'd think might be the reason for this.
— you're mad at him because he did something.
— you're mad because someone else did something and you're taking it out on his kisses.
— no one directly did anything, so you're mad at everyone.
— this is a prank.
and, from the way you turned to look at him and immediately snapped your head back when you made eye contact (don't think that he didn't see your smile), he figured it was the last one.
but he was definitely feeling a little scared at first. he thought he did something wrong and couldn't tell. he just looked at your with his signature blank expression with a slight smirk.
"what are you doing?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.
"hmm?" you slowly turn around, doing your best to hide your smile. although you're doing it quite well, albedo notices everything.
you barely notice as he grabs your hands quickly, before placing a kiss in the exact same spot as earlier. he holds your hands firmly, not allowing you to move them.
you decide to take it a step further. you nuzzle into his neck as if you're giving him a hug, and wipe the kiss yet again, using albedo instead of your hand. he doesn't know how much more obvious you could make it that this is a prank.
as soon as you look back up again, you are attacked by a kiss. with absolutely no warning. he gives you no time to react, therefore leaving you with no time and no way to remove the kiss.
"it was a nice try," albedo says. "maybe, next time—you don't make it so easy for me to understand."
you glance at the teasing look he has on his face. it's amazing what little variety his facial expressions have, yet you can still tell what they are.
"that's not fair, 'bedo." you sigh.
he chuckles lightly before kissing you once again.
he's the sweetest boy. there's no need to do this to him.
oh, but how you love to torture him. he puts up with it, so there's no harm. he understands it's all playful.
he loves giving you kisses. just passing by you in the halls, meeting up in his clubroom for lunch, seeing each other after school... none of them are complete without at least a quick smoochie.
so, of course, you try and prank him.
you're walking around the school after your last period, and you're calmly walking when you get the idea. he's already got an arm around you, so it's inevitable that he'll lean in to try and land a kiss on your cheek.
you know him so well. he does the exact action mere seconds later. you don't even spare him a glance as you wipe it away, but you give him a quick giggle.
he stops dead in his tracks. "did—did you just..?"
"did i just what?" you say, turning around, with a confused expression plastered onto your face.
he's just thinking what he possibly did wrong.
'is it because i didn't give them any of my lunch??'
'or, maybe i said something and didn't notice!!'
he's lost in his own thoughts. his hand is on his chin, and he's looking down to the ground, going through the entire day in his head.
you kind of just stand there... waiting to see if he'll realize. but, he's completely out. he can't hear you whisper his name to get him out of the trance.
you wave your hands, but not even motion is getting him out.
you give in, officially throwing in the towel in terms of carrying out the prank.
you throw your arms around him and press a long, sweet kiss to his lips.
"sorry, budo. i was only playing." you smile, placing another one directly on his forehead.
he blinks a couple times before sighing in relief, taking your face in his hands before kissing you again.
"don't do that, y/n. i thought i was going to drop dead right there." he sighs before laughing, his hand on his forehead.
"i'll drop dead before i actually wipe your kisses." you grin, reassuring him with a big hug.
she will definitely react the most out of them all.
she's already nervous about everything, no need to make her self-conscious about her kisses!!
yet, somehow, you thought that pranking her would be a good idea.
you're both sitting on one of the cliffs in liyue. you're smelling the clouds through your nose, as you lay your head on ganyu's shoulder.
she's already partially asleep, but she wakes herself up enough to give you a kiss to your temple. you, with a sly smirk, then brush the kiss away.
she doesn't believe her eyes, at first. after that, she goes into full panic mode.
her eyes are wide open as she stares off into space. she is going insane in her head.
'nooo. no. did i do something?? do they hate me?? am i a failure???'
her hands move to rest on her cheeks on the sides of her face. hee face is slightly turning pink at how much she's embarrassed.
'is it my breath?? should i have eaten sweet flowers instead of qingxins this morning?? i knew they were too bitter..'
you can literally see the steam coming out of her ears. putting her through any more of this would literally be a form of torture.
you gently turn to grab her hands. you hold them in yours and bring them down, encouraging ganyu to look you in the eyes. you whisper an apology as you press a kiss to her nose.
she honestly looks relieved just to see that you don't hate her.
"i was pranking you, ganyu. 'm sorry.." you sigh, bringing her in closer for another kiss.
she nods and strokes your hair, smiling at you. "that's alright, y/n."
you slightly back up and motion to your lap. you gently pull her down so that her head is laying in your lap, soothing her mind as you place another kiss on the top of her head.
he's wearing his germanium ring. it's time to strike.
you couldn't help but notice saiki seeming a little more at peace than normal. if you could consider his normal at peace.
of course, it's all due to the thought-cancelling ring. so, you took the opportunity to finally be able to do something without him catching on.
you crept up next to him, snuggling your head into his neck. he'd never been one for physical affection, but this was the only way to coerce him into giving you a kiss without explicitly saying it. and he was smart enough to figure out what you if you would've told him.
he opened an eye to see you, and then lightly pecked you on the cheek before returning to his activity... whatever it was.
you casually wiped the kiss off, slightly turning your head to make sure saiki saw. he definitely did.
his eyes intensify as he stares at you with an extremely surprised expression.
"hello. i go out of my way to kiss you, something you're always begging me to do, and you wipe it off?"
you raise your eyebrows at his immediate reaction.
"what are you talking about?" you ask, trying your best to appear clueless.
his face looks a little gloomier now. he sighs and turns away.
you smile at the reaction, but feel a little bad. so, you crawl over to him and give him a small kiss on the lips.
"sorry, i thought it would be funny." you whisper, smiling softly. he grumbled something under his breath and pulled you in for another kiss.
"it wasn't. if you do it again, i'm sending you to point nemo."
you were finally settling down after a long day of training. stretching your back and reaching your arms until you felt relief, you twirled into your bed, directly into neito's arms.
"hm? did someone miss me?" he smiles, beaming at you. "of course you'd love me. i'm much better than everyone in that stupid class 1-a. i'm sure you were dying to see me."
"and just when i thought i could get some peace..." you groan dramatically, turning towards his chest.
"it's your fault for being in class 1-a, you should ask for a transfer to class 1-b!! you'd fit in a lot better than with those losers!!" he laughs, tapping you on the nose.
"neito..." you say, with a warning tone to your voice.
"sorry, sorry," he smiles, pressing a soft and sweet kiss to your lips. poor boy, he had no idea what you were planning. he'd fallen right into your trap.
with a seemingly straight face, you wipe the kiss with the back of your hand, dragging it out as long as possible without making it obvious that you were playing with him.
"excuse me??" he gasps, raising his eyebrows and lowering his jaw. the look on his face was comical. "what was that?"
"what was what?" you say, still able to keep your smile contained. "i didn't do anything."
"did... did you really care that much about what i said about your classmates??" he had a whiny look on his face.
you let out a small laugh, but it sounded like more of a 'pfft' than a 'HAHAH'. you bit your lip in hopes of preventing the rest of it from escaping, but you'd already failed.
"ha ha ha, you're so funny. keep my kisses." he says with a squint, applying several more kisses to your face, moving at a quick enough pace that you were unable to block him.
"ahh!!! neito!!!" you squeal, fanning your hands at his face in an attempt of getting him to relieve your face.
he'd already gotten you immobile as he plastered dozens more of kisses onto your face. your face felt breezy by the time he was done, letting you know that no part of your face had been left unkissed.
she notices everything. if she can sense someone 5 feet away with a knife, she will definitely notice your little trick.
but that fact doesn't stop you from trying.
you're sitting at the school fountain with her, eating lunch. she feeds you a dumpling as you thank her with a mumble, covering your mouth.
she chuckles and kisses your cheek, and that's the moment of action. you dramatically drag your hand across the side of your face, causing her to turn her head towards you.
her eyes are open wide, but she doesn't look sad. simply surprised. "y/n? what'd you do that for? did you not like the dumpling?" she asks, looking towards her food.
you shake your head and shrug. "the dumpling was really good... what are you talking about?" she notices the trace of a smile on your lips, and then her face returns to normal.
she sighs with a laughing smile on her face. "y/n, was that really just a prank??"
"what? was what a prank? i don't know what you're referring to." you look away, kicking your legs as a distraction.
"hello? the kiss!" she giggles, setting her lunch beside her. "why'd you wipe it away?"
"i don't know what you're talking about, rai." you sigh, straightening your posture. you're just totally telling the truth.
she doesn't think you're this clueless. she quickly leans in and sticks another kiss on your cheek. you reach to get rid of it once more, but she catches your hand.
you're doing your best to keep down your laugh. you reach with the other hand—almost nonchalantly. before you know it, she grabs that one too.
she smiles and simply looks at you, waiting to see what you're going to do next.
you can't hold it in anymore. you start laughing so hard, you fall forward and knock raibaru off the bench. which, in turn, only causes you both to laugh more.
so, passerby can look to the fountain to see two students laughing in shambles.
after being with you, she realized that kisses are actually one of her favorite activities. you can lure her out of her room with a promise of a kiss.
and she will hold you until you melt. you can literally just be sitting there, and she will pepper your face all over. so... of course, you decided to mess with her a bit.
you were doing your own separate activities on the couch. you were reading, and she was simply resting. suddenly, you heard the couch creak and felt teruko's body turn.
you expected what was coming next. you felt her lips rushing to your cheek, leaving a small spot. you knew she hadn't closed her eyes yet, so you seized the moment.
you wiped the kiss away with your wrist, returning to your book as if nothing happened.
and she. is just. flabbergasted??
you.. huh?
she slowly orbits her head towards your face, giving you the worst glare of the 21st century. you can literally see the shadow falling onto her face.
"y/n." she says, still holding onto you, pressing slightly harder as a caution. "i'm going to need you to explain."
she's already got trust issues. what is she supposed to do in this situation?? she can't really take your kisses hostage.
you sigh, discouraged that you were already discovered. "aww, you caught me." you put a fake pout on your face, finally looking into teruko's eyes. they're very scary.
"that's not what i asked." she says, lowering her voice further, turning you to look up at her. she's hovering over you, very obviously expecting an explanation.
"well... it was only a prank." you smile. you can't help but let a giggle escape at how passionate she was about a simple peck.
"uh huh. show me." she snaps, furrowing her eyebrows as she lowers herself closer to your face.
you smirk and press her face closer, finally giving her the kiss she wanted. "you don't see me wiping away your kisses," she grumbled, pulling away and leaning back into the couch.
she had a satisfied look on her face, though, and she hugged you tighter. but, if you ever do that again, don't expect her to be so patient with you. she will pounce.
"you're exhausting..." you heard from behind you, the bells on scaramouche's hat jingling softly.
"i'm just trying to be healthy, explore nature. it'd be good for you to touch some grass sometime, ya know?" you tease, a giggle escaping your mouth.
"you—never mind..." he grumbled, getting closer to you and putting his arms around you.
"someone's awfully clingy today." you slip, giving him a playful glance.
"would you really prefer it if i wasn't?" he asks sweetly, pressing a kiss to your temple. he's almost being too cute to mess with right now.
but, you had priorities. with a huff, you brush your hands where he kissed you, wiping it away. you didn't look directly at him so that it'd be natural, but in your peripheral vision, you saw the most devastated look ever.
his jaw was on the ground. "you did not just do that." he growls.
"do what?" you smile. then get tackled by an angry scaramouche. "—hey!!" you yelp.
he traps you in his arms, holding you close and tight. he kisses you with no warning, straight on the lips, going for the gold. you could've sworn that he was more passionate than some normal kisses.
"you," he says in between each long kiss. "are not allowed," he grumbles. "to get rid of my kisses." he says firmly, looking you in the eyes.
you giggle at how easily he gave in, getting so angry at the prank.
"it was a joke, dummy." you tease.
"this definitely isn't." he smirks, leaning in close as he amorously kisses you one last time.
notes. guys keep in mind i'm only like one episode into season 6 of my hero so monoma may potentially be a little ooc (as well as others)... but i'm catching up as fast as i can i'm so sorry 🤧🤧
anyways... guys what do i do if i get the same req in different fonts (not literal fonts) 🫡
#albedo#albedo x reader#genshin impact#genshin impact x reader#budo x reader#yandere simulator#ganyu#ganyu x reader#saiki k#budo masuta#kusuo saiki#saiki k x reader#scaramouche x reader#monoma x reader#scaramouche#mha x reader#tdlosk#monoma neito#monoma#bnha x reader#budo#yandere simulator x reader#raibaru fumetsu#budo masuta x reader#raibaru x reader#teruko#teruko tawaki#danganronpa#teruko x reader#reader fic
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You Are Beneath Me (Sintember) Kaminari Denki
As always, all characters are 18+. This is inspired by this one Monoma fic that I can no longer find- here’s hoping it wasn’t deleted.
Prompt: You Are Beneath Me for @sintember
Pairings: Kaminari Denki x Reader
WARNINGS: yandere themes, NSFW, NON-CON, spitting, slut-shaming, Kaminari is NOT nice in this
“How does the boot taste?”
He was in his hero costume, but he was nothing like a hero. To you, he was a villain, through-and-through.
“Aww look at the poor baby- too weak to fight back, no wonder you dropped out of the hero course in your first year,” Kaminari snickered above you, his black shoe pinning the side of your face into the wooden flooring.
He was right- you couldn’t even begin to fight back. That, or you’d given up by now. You knew what was coming. It was the same every night that he broke into your apartment.
“Your nightgown is so cute,” Kaminari cooed, “I can’t wait to rip it off you.”
“Fuck you,” you seethed.
“Yeah, I’ll get to that in a minute.”
Kaminari leaned down and pulled a pocket knife out of his right pocket. You heard the tearing of fabric and shut your eyes tightly. Another article of clothing, ripped to shreds. Not the first time by a long shot.
“You’re soaking through your panties,” Kaminari snickered, “And you act like you don’t want me. What a slut.”
You squeezed your eyes shut even tighter, wishing you could cover your ears and block out the insults.
Kaminari removed his foot from your face, ripping off the torn nightgown and leaning in to whisper in your ear, “You are beneath me, just a cumdump for me to use whenever I want.”
You spat into his face, but he just laughed at the spit rolling down his cheek, “So feisty- I love it.”
He wrestled you into position- head down, hips up- and used the useless nightgown to tie your wrists in place. He knew from experience that you’d claw his face off if you had the chance.
He hooked a finger into the waistband of your panties and pulled it down and off, pocketing it for later use.
“You’re so lucky that I love you- with what a slut you are, guys should be lining up to fuck you. Instead, it’s just me.”
You rolled your eyes. There he went again, babbling on about how he “loved” you. What bullshit. If he really loved you, he wouldn’t hurt you and humiliate you.
But Kaminari did love you, in his own twisted way. His own obsessive, possessive way. And now that you were laid bare beneath him, he was ready to make sure you understood that fact.
His arousal only grew as you began to sling curses at him. He wasn’t sure if he was a sadist or masochist or both, just that he loved everything you gave him and everything he took from you.
His drooling, aching cock prodded at your entrance and you fell silent. This was going to happen to you no matter what you said. Just like it always did.
Kaminari pushed into you with little warning, groaning at how your velvety walls hugged his cock, “Fuck- you’re so tight-”
You were warm and wet, and that was all he needed to pound you into the floor. His cock was long enough to hit your cervix with every thrust. You laid there, refusing to open your mouth (you knew you’d moan if you did), but Kaminari wasn’t bothered by your lack of participation.
You felt your orgasm rapidly approaching as he began to hit that delicious spot. He flashed a toothy grin at you, feeling the way your walls pulsed around him, “Getting close, slut?”
You turned your head away, ashamed tears filling your eyes. You could no longer stop the moans from slipping from your mouth. Egged on, Kaminari thrust harder and harder, groans slipping from his own mouth.
Your orgasm crashed into you at full force, tearing a near-scream from you. Feeling your walls clenching around his throbbing cock, Kaminari pulled out immediately, leaving you keeling, and released his load over your lower back. Shot after shot of sticky cum painted your skin and, finally, the tears began to fall.
Kaminari gave your ass a slap and laughed, “What a crybaby cumdump.” He began to pull his pants up (he’d never even taken off his shirt), and walked over to your window, raising it up and getting ready to disappear into the night.
He turned back to you, almost apologetically, and said, “You know I love you, right?”
You let out a sob.
#yandere#yandere x reader#yandere one shot#one shot#yandere my hero academia#my hero academia#yandere kaminari#kaminari denki#tw noncon
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Not that I don't entirely agree with your take, but I kinda feel like you're over-exaggerating just how Uraraka's "good' treatment is and that it might mostly be misdirected anger?
Like sure her fight with Toga was one of the most well-treated moments of final arc and 431 was unnecessarily centered around her, which sucks because we had more important things to focus on, but honestly I don't think her having it kinda good at the very end of the story makes up for how her character was paid dust for the majority of the anime/manga and how she wasn't allowed to exist in any substantial way beside being the Female Lead™
Like I understand talking about lets say Bakugou or Endeavor (which you do a lot for the later and I respect that) in the way you do, but Uraraka? That poor girl isn't the first person that comes to mind when I think about characters receiving special treatment form the anime or Horikoshi.
Precisely because Uraraka's arc is such a nothingburger for most of the manga, I find it excrutiating how much the epilogue focuses on her so overwhelmingly. She has more panel time than Bakugo and Shoto added together. This is not only about 431. We didn't need 2 out of the 7 epilogue chapters focus on Uraraka. We didn't need more panel time dedicated to Uraraka's shoe in 431 than most Class A characters. We didn't need most of the Volume 42 corrections to be adding more fat to the Uraraka scenes - there were plenty of scenes that needed more corrections or additions. And we certainly didn't need 431 try to convince us how Uraraka is saving the world with a fluffy counselling program, while her higher ranked classmates are all uselessly dying out as a profession.
I also feel a certain meanness how Horikoshi tried to draw Uraraka extra beautiful in 431, while for example, Monoma who pushed her out of the Top 10 got a controversial adult design, along with other male characters (e.g. Shouto).
I think it's normal if fans who stayed around or supported the manga for other characters wanted to see more focused balance, wanted to see their fave succeed and not be used as a cheerleader for Uraraka-sama (like Tsuyu or the UA Big 3 are). It creates resentment and gives a bad impression of Horikoshi, who just decides that now at the end, he can throw away the popular characters who contributed so much the popularity of the franchise.
The anime also gives Uraraka special treatment. I mentioned the OP of S6, but as a Shouto fan I will never forgive bones for cutting scenes from Shouto's climax and cutting the Rising title, while at the same time adding anime-only scenes to the Togachako fight, with the director admitted that she sabotaged Shouto's episode so the emotional emphasis can be on Uraraka, instead of adapting both contents with honesty and let the fans decide. That's not her place.
And yes, I'm angry for all the crappy merch where they insert Uraraka into Shouto-merch to push her, where they force blind merch on fans because she doesn't sell that well. I do feel that Horikoshi was resenting the fandom for not liking Uraraka as much as he does and the epilogue is his pettiness on display as he denies the content fans wanted (like bkdk talk, Shouto getting comfort or hugs from his family, the only hero agency we see is Uraraka's, etc.) for the end.
I compare this with the ending of Haikyuu, where Furadate made sure to give us little glimpses of all the characters post-timeskip, gave all the main ones dedicated chapters and most importantly made everyone feel valid and important for the choices they made.
I feel like Horikoshi is only paying lip service to being grateful to his fans and was not at all interested in giving an uplifting good-bye to his fans in general, only certain fans. And Act 3 Uraraka is the embodiment of this attitude.
The truth is, it's his fault to never committing a theme to Uraraka's character, never making an actual arc for her - always just putting her on unearned pedestals, with fluffy content. Pushing her character so hard in the end just leads to resentment and a feeling of betrayal.
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monoma (high school au!)
for the longest time monoma was the main reason you'd try to avoid going to school. he spent every school day tormenting and making fun of you. and when you'd cry he'd give you that same smirk.
it's the first day of junior year and you walk into your first period class. there he was, as expected, sitting in the seat right next to yours. this happened every year without fail. no matter where you turned he was always there.
one thing about you is that you hated your eyes. you had heterochromia, meaning two different colored eyes. growing up your parents taught you to love it and for the longest time you did. until monoma showed up. he was the staple of perfection. blonde hair. blue eyes. he was just perfect. and to him? you were the farthest thing from.
for years he tormented you. finding new ways to insult your eyes and slowly chip away at whatever confidence you had in them. for years he made you feel like less than you are. and for years you'd let him. you'd let him make you cry and laugh at you. but you were done. you were so done. you'd promised yourself when school ended last year that you wouldn't let him get to you anymore.
so when he insulted you, you didn't respond. you didn't even acknowledge him. you figured he would get bored after not getting the reaction he wanted. but no. he went harder on you. saying things like how the ugliness of your eyes were a reflection on the ugliness of your soul. and how your parents did nothing but lie about your beauty and their love for you.
despite the promise you made to yourself you cried. you let him get to you. you didn't want him to know though. so you left the classroom, not caring about the looks your classmates had given you or your teachers demands for you to return to your seat.
when you left the room you didn't have any specific location in mind. you just needed to get out. you ended up in a deserted classroom. it was empty. quiet. and with that in mind you sat at a desk and you cried. harder than you ever had in a while. you didn't know why his words had hurt so much, but they did.
after some time you heard someone walking into the classroom. you figured your teacher would send someone in after you. you looked up to see who it was, only to be met by monoma. he pulled you out of your seat and he held you by your waist. he used a hand to squeeze your face and force you to look at him.
"you make the cutest faces when you're sad or angry with me. but this," he whispered, his voice laced with mockery "this one is my favorite."
he smiled at you once more before leaning down to kiss your tears. this action flipped a switch and immediately turned your sadness into to anger. you were in shock, who does that? who thinks they have that right? he hurt you. he shattered your heart. and then he had the audacity to show you affection.
you pushed him away from you. you slapped him. something you'd never done before. you yelled at him. and you cried. he made you you feel so many things at once. from the day you met he made you feel so many things.
unsurprisingly he found your outburst funny. he gave you a pitiful look before laughing at you like he always did. he pulled you in for a hug and he stroked your hair. he shushed you and called you cute. it made you blush.
there was always a messed up part of you that loved the attention he gave you. some messed up part that loved when he kissed your tears away. you hated that part of you. it made you sick. but you couldn't deny it. you knew you liked him.
he liked you too, everyone knew it. he showed his affection to you in a twisted way but it was still there. "you know i like you. you know i don't mean what i say.." he cooed, still holding you close.
you gripped his shirt. and you nodded. he leaned down to kiss your forehead sweetly. it made you smile slightly. "now that we're alone.. we should make things official, yes?" he said softly.
you nodded and nothing more. that was all he needed. honestly it was all. you guys stayed there for the remainder of class. and that was it.
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﹐♡﹒featuring : multiple characters ♡
﹐♡﹒infos : toxicity, angst, heavy manipulation/brainwashing, threatening, gn!reader, heavy guilt tripping, corruption.
﹐♡﹒summary : type of toxic ex they are..
midoriya izuku, yuji itadori, todoroki shouto, kaminari denki, arlelt armin, kyoka jirou, uraraka ochako, hinata shoyo.
literally brainwash you that it’s your fault and they’re hurt.
calls you every night, when they probably drunk and tells you how much they miss you.
“ y/n, you were so horrible to me. you crushed my feelings, but i’ll forgive you anything ‘cause i love you.”
will dramatise everything like, getting off social medias, staying home all day, just to get your attention.
will send people to get you to come back, he makes you look bad in front of your friends. “they are nice to you! why would you do that, just get back with them.”
faking their depression to get you back, and literally go insane when it doesn’t work.
“look what you’ve done to me.”
100% cry in front of you to coax you.
“i did really bad things to myself because of you, only you can heal me.”
lies, lies, lies. all for your attention.
bakugo katsuki, yaoyorozu momo, sero hanta, kurapika, gojo satoru, neito monoma, aizawa shota, takami keigo, kuroo tetsuro.
always up to date on your new relationships, texts you that it won’t work.
"you call that moving on? they look like me, but they’ll never be me."
so confident you will come back.
most of the time, they are the reason why your relationships don’t work. threatening your partner? yes.
you cry in their arms when one of your relationship ends, they just hug you and whisper :
“i told you baby, nobody loves you but me okay?”
will remind you your flaws and red flags, just to end their sentence with “but i still love you, isn’t that amazing?”
don’t even act like you’re their ex.
literally corrupts you, makes your brain theirs.
makes you chase them.
amajiki tamaki, midoriya izuku, chisaki kai, tsukishima kei, tendou satori, kamo choso, kasumi miwa, springer connie, kirstein jean, toga himiko.
also called crazy ex, the one that stalks you.
harass you with begging texts. you blocked them? they will get another phone.
“y/n you can’t do this to me.. please come back”
impulsive and jealous, they will beat up anyone they see you with or hack any thirsty person commenting on your insta post.
goes insane when you get a new partner.
literally screams at you in voicemails, thinks you’re theirs.
“you can’t cheat on me! y/n, i know you’re faking it just to make me mad, i’ll show you how mad i am.”
shows up at your place at random times, it’s either to cry at your feet or threaten you to come back.
literally couldn’t believe theirs ears when you broke up with them, went feral.
you’re their whole world, they are literally nothing without you, they will find a way to keep you whether you want it or not.
thanks for reading darlin! don’t forget to like and leave a comment :)
m.list | request here!
#☆.bnha#☆.angsty#☆.hq#☆.hxh#☆.jjk#☆.hcs#★.midoriya izuku#★.bakugou katsuki#★.kaminari denki#★.sero hanta#★.tsukishima kei#★.shoyo hinata#★.kamo choso#★.kurapika#★.gojo satoru#★.arlelt armin#★.jaëger eren#angst#bnha x gender neutral reader#bnha x reader#haikyu x reader#jjk x reader#hxh x reader#bakugou x reader#katsuki x reader#izuku x reader#toji x reader#katsuki angst#shoto x reader#kurapika x reader
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This is chapter kinda upset me cause the plot was interesting but too rushed... anyway...

Uraraka blamed herself to being the cause of Toga's death. Yeah... now it is totally confirmed...

Deku ran to her but she didn't want him to come near here. She tried to cover her face for not showing she was crying. At first, she thought she was alone, crying her soul out, so she asked how Deku knew she was there and how he came here...

Deku tried to rassure her, called her his hero for all the things she did for him and he offered his hand to put her heart at ease.

Both of them shared their regrets of Toga's and Shigaraki's death, not being able to save them,...
Uraraka cries harder and Deku started to cry...
My gosh! They need therapy!...

The rest of the class came
Tsuyu litterally pushed Deku away to hug Uraraka.
Deku felt his little ember, Bakugou asked about it to him and some of the class 2A asked why he didn't tell them about it!
Monoma has statue like some of them.
And we can see Aoyama's goodbye party and little cutie Eri singing like a rockstar!

Everyone look so happy!

Look like Tenko! Maybe it was him!

Grandma's redemption?
Don't know and don't care but happy she learned something and did just like Deku did that day, everyone felt like they needed to do something. She told him: “It's fine now, because grandma's here”

The boy looks at the old lady and starts to cry.

Chapter end with Deku and Uraraka smiling for real now.
5 August, last chapter of My Hero Academia!
- Hope it will be a longer chapter
- Bakugou and Deku moment just them both, not like hospital room scene where All Might and Bakugou's parents were there
- End with Bakugou and Deku cause, come on! The serie started with them!
- I will let go the fact we will meet Midoriya f**in' Hisashi
- Thank you for everything Hori-sensei! Take care!
#boku no hero academia#my hero academia#mha#bnha#mha429#bnha429#midoriya izuku#deku#uraraka ochaco#uravity#bakugou katsuki#kacchan#class 2 a#mha spoilers#bnha spoilers#eri#aoyama goodbye party#all might#afo ember#asui tsuyu#monoma neito#aizawa shota#toga himiko#shimura tenko#shigaraki tenko#grandma is here#thank you hori sensei#mha 429#bnha 429#alert spoilers
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