#Momofuku Ando
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dgspeaks · 4 months ago
Ramen’s Journey: From Japan’s Streets to American Dorm Rooms
If there’s one food that has made its way from the heart of Japan’s bustling streets to the most humble American dorm rooms, it’s ramen. This unassuming noodle dish has traveled across the globe, evolving from a traditional Japanese comfort food to a staple of college life in the U.S. And if you’re like me, you’ve probably eaten more than your fair share of Top Ramen during those lean, busy…
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dajkag · 2 years ago
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Voltam ma a Cup Noodles múzeumban. Nagyon jófejek, ugyanis a belépés tök ingyenes, kizárólag akkor kell fizetned, ha szeretnél az olyan workshopokon részt venni, mint például a saját instant ramen összeállítása.
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i learned that Momofuku Ando, the inventor of insta ramen believed his noodles could cure world hunger. Over the decades he would shout quotes to his employees which includes, "Mankind is noodlekind", "What are you doing now?", and "Peace will come when people have food" which are in the employee handbook (x)
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justforbooks · 3 months ago
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Instant noodles: Tο πιο viral φαγητό στον κόσμο τώρα
Η συναρπαστική ιστορία του πιο εύκολου φαγητού ξεκινά από την αρχαία Κίνα και τη δυναστεία Τσινγκ. Σύμφωνα με έναν τριάστερο σεφ, υπάρχει τρόπος να κάνουμε τα συσκευασμένα noodles γκουρμέ.
Σε μια σκηνή από το «Blade Runner» του Ρίντλεϊ Σκοτ, o Deckard, o χαρακτήρας του Χάρισον Φορντ, τρώει σε μια υπαίθρια καντίνα ένα ασιατικό πιάτο, ένα instant φαγητό, κατά πάσα πιθανότητα νουντλς με ψάρι.
Η ταινία γυρίστηκε το 1982, αλλά ποιος θα φανταζόταν πριν από περίπου σαράντα χρόνια ότι όλος ο πλανήτης σήμερα θα έτρωγε κάτι παρόμοιο. Τα instant noodles ή instant ramen, δηλαδή τα στιγμιαία νουντλς, είναι το πιο viral φαγητό στον πλανήτη αυτήν τη στιγμή.
Είναι αδύνατο να μην πετύχεις ένα τέτοιο πιάτο στο διαδίκτυο. Τα social media κατακλύζονται από οδηγίες, από το πώς να τα μαγειρέψεις μέχρι το πώς να τα αναβαθμίσεις. Τις περισσότερες φορές βλέπεις κόσμο που απλώς τα φτιάχνει χωρίς να ακολουθεί καμία συνταγή ή τα τρώει. Υπάρχουν άπειρα βίντεο από διάφορες χώρες της Ασίας στα οποία τα ετοιμάζουν μέσα σε mini market ή σε ειδικά μαγαζιά που σερβίρουν μόνο αυτό ή τα τρώνε σε απίστευτες ποσότητες, στα περίφημα mukbangs.
Γιατί τα instant noodles είναι τόσο δημοφιλή, παρά το γεγονός ότι γενικά θεωρούνται ανθυγιεινά;
Ο κυριότερος λόγος είναι ότι είναι φτηνό φαγητό, αρκετά εύκολο και γρήγορο να το φτιάξεις και με λίγες θερμίδες, αλλ�� χωρίς θρεπτικά οφέλη· τις περισσότερες φορές συμβαίνει το αντίθετο. Σε δεύτερο επίπεδο, τα τελευταία χρόνια, με την άνοδο της k-pop και των k-dramas που δείχνουν διάσημους Κορεάτες ηθοποιούς και μουσικούς (βλέπε BTS) να τα μαγειρεύουν και να τα απολαμβάνουν, έγιναν ο πιο εύκολος τρόπος να πάρεις μια άμεση γεύση από την κουλτούρα τους. Ειδικά για τις μικρότερες ηλικίες οι πολύχρωμες συσκευασίες τους με τις χαριτωμένες φιγούρες έχουν γίνει απλώς ακαταμάχητες, επειδή δείχνουν υπερβολικά όμορφες στην κάμερα, κάτι που είναι must στην εποχή του TikTok.
Αν πρέπει να εξηγήσουμε συνοπτικά τι είναι τα instant noodles ή τα instant ramen, θα πούμε ότι πρόκειται για ένα τουβλάκι από προμαγειρεμένα και αποξηραμένα ζυμαρικά, τηγανισμένα για την ακρίβεια, που συνοδεύονται συνήθως από μια αρωματική σκόνη και καρυκεύματα, αρωματικό λάδι ή σος. Το μυστικό της γεύσης τους βρίσκεται στον ζωμό ή στη σάλτσα.
Η συναρπαστική ιστορία τους έχει τις ρίζες της στην αρχαία Κίνα και στη δυναστεία Τσινγκ, που έβραζαν και μετά τηγάνιζαν νουντλς και τα σέρβιραν σε μορφή σούπας, όπως συνήθως γίνεται και σήμερα.
Μεταγενέστερα, τα instant noodles δημιουργήθηκαν στη μεταπολεμική Ιαπωνία από τον Momofuku Ando –που εξέτισε ποινή φυλάκισης δύο χρόνων για φοροδιαφυγή–, όταν ανακάλυψε πως αν τα τηγανίσεις σε αρκετά υψηλή θερμοκρασία και αρκετά γρήγορα ώστε να μην καούν, μπορούν να διατηρηθούν περισσότερο από τα κατεψυγμένα νουντλς. Λανσαρίστηκαν για πρώτη φορά το 1958 από την εταιρεία του, τη Nissin.
Τα Chikin Ramen, όπως τα ονόμασε αρχικά, θεωρούνταν φαγητό πολυτελείας. Ήταν αρκετά ακριβά στην εποχή τους, κι όμως έγιναν ανάρπαστα. Όμως η πραγματική καινοτομία που έφερε ο Ando στο είδος ήταν τo 1971, με τη δημιουργία των περίφημων Cup Noodles, που άνοιξαν την αγορά στο εξωτερικό και στη Δύση. Μέχρι και σήμερα τα Cup Noodles παραμένουν από τα καλύτερα instant noodles που μπορείς να βρεις σε αυτήν τη μορφή – χρειάζονται απλώς ζεστό νερό και λίγα λεπτά για να γίνουν, κανένα μαγειρικό σκεύος. Το 2009 πουλήθηκαν περίπου 98 δισεκατομμύρια κύπελλα που μέχρι πρόσφατα φιγουράριζαν ψηλά στις λίστες με τα καλύτερα instant ramen των «New York Times».
Από πέρσι, στην κορυφή των instant ramen βρίσκονται με διαφορά τα κορεάτικα Shin Ramyun της εταιρείας NongShim, συγκεκριμένα η Shin Black Noodle σούπα της. Λίγο ακριβότερη από άλλα αντίστοιχα προϊόντα, σύμφωνα με τη Maangchi, την πιο διάσημη Κορεάτισσα food blogger, περιέχει ζωμό από κόκαλο βοδιού που δίνει μια πιο κρεμώδη υφή, ενώ είναι και λιγότερο καυτερή.
Από τη NongShim επίσης προέρχεται το κόμπο των Chapagetti με τα Neoguri που έγινε διάσημ�� μέσα από τα «Παράσιτα» του Bong Joon Ηο. Τα Chapagetti είναι μια φτηνή εκδοχή των jajangmyeon, μιας κορεάτικης παραλλαγής των κινέζικων black bean noodles, και από τα ελάχιστα κορεάτικα instant noodles που δεν είναι καυτερά. Τα Neoguri ξεχωρίζουν και για την πικάντικη γεύση στιφάδου θαλασσινών που έχουν. Συνδυάζοντας τα δυο πακέτα και προσθέτοντας μια μοσχαρίσια rib-eye μπριζόλα, σύμφωνα με τη Maangchi πάντα, φτιάχνεις ένα απίθανο και γευστικότατο πιάτο.
Το πιο viral προϊόν στον πλανήτη αυτήν τη στιγμή είναι τα Buldak (불닭) με γεύση καρμπονάρα. Κυκλοφορούν στην αγορά από το 2017. Στην Αμερική έχουν γίνει τόσο ανάρπαστα που δεν τα βρίσκεις εύκολα. Είναι μια ξέφρενη ασιατική βερσιόν του κλασικού ιταλικού πιάτου ζυμαρικών –οι Ιταλοί θα αφρίζουν– από τη Samyang Foods· το ροζ χρώμα της συσκευασίας δεν σε προετοιμάζει για το πόσο καίει η σάλτσα τους – εξάλλου «Buldak» στα κορεάτικα σημαίνει «καυτερό κοτόπουλο».
Η πιτσιρικαρία τρελαίνεται με τα συγκεκριμένα – το πιο καυτερό στην ίδια σειρά είναι το μοβ Buldak με habanero lime. Οι πιο σπάνιες, στην Ελλάδα τουλάχιστον, είναι οι δυο νέες τους γεύσεις, Quattro Cheese Buldak και Buldak Cheese Carbonara, τις ανακαλύψαμε όμως! Διάφορες κινεζικές παραλλαγές τους, όπως τα Youmi με τα διαφανή νουντλς, δεν τις πλησιάζουν καν σε γεύση!
Για να ξεφύγουμε από την Κορέα, τα Shin Ramyun εύκολα ανταγωνίζονται τα πιο οικονομικά, αλλά παραπάνω από τίμια Mi Goreng της Indomie από την Ινδονησία, που πρωτολανσαρίστηκαν το 1983. Τα πακέτα τους περιέχουν ίσως τα πιο πλούσια συνοδευτικά που μπορεί να βρει κανείς σε πακέτο instant noodles.
Tέλος, ειδική μνεία πρέπει να γίνει στα κάπως υποτιμημένα ταϊλανδέζικα Mama και συγκεκριμένα στην Tom Yum γεύση τους – η σχέση ποιότητας - τιμής - γεύσης πραγματικά δεν υπάρχει! Πλέον, ο καταναλωτής μπορεί να βρει και βιετναμέζικες σούπες pho σε instant noodles. Γενικά, οι επιλογές είναι ανεξάντλητες.
Πώς να κάνεις τα instant noodles γκουρμέ; Σύμφωνα με τον Κορεάτη σεφ Anh Sung-jae, τον μοναδικό κάτοχο τριών αστεριών Michelin στη χώρα του, ψήνεις ένα ολόκληρο σκόρδο με τα τσόφλια του –κόβοντας μόνο το κεφάλι– για 30 λεπτά στον φούρνο. Αφού ψηθεί, λιώνεις το σκόρδο, το βράζεις σε νερό και όταν αλλάξει χρώμα ο ζωμός, γίνει κ��τρινος και παχύρρευστος, αφαιρείς τα τσόφλια και προσθέτεις δύο πακέτα ράμεν με τα συνοδευτικά τους. Για γαρνιτούρα προσθέτεις τα ψίχουλα που έχουν απομείνει στο πακέτο.
Σημαντικά tip
✔ Κάποιες μάρκες, όσες προέρχονται από την Κορέα συγκεκριμένα, μπορεί να αποδειχθούν ιδιαίτερα καυτερές. Οπότε πάντοτε προσέχουμε την ένδειξη mild ή spicy. Σε περίπτωση που είναι spicy, που εδώ έχει την έννοια του πραγματικά καυτερού και όχι του απλώς πικάντικου, βάζουμε μισό ή ελάχιστο από το σακουλάκι από το κόκκινο καρύκευμα ή τη σάλτσα, όσο αντέχει κανείς, ή τα βράζουμε σε γάλα.
✔ Όλες τις μάρκες instant ramen που αναφέρονται στο άρθρο μπορείς να τις βρεις εύκολα στην Ελλάδα.
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kyndaris · 9 months ago
The Perfect Cup
As everyone knows, the 14th of February is Valentine's Day, where romance reigns supreme where flowers and boxes of chocolates are gifted to significant others. In Japan and Korea, Valentine's Day is when girls give the boys they like chocolate. A month later, on 14th March, boys return the gesture. And given its marketability, I saw many advertisements for it as we travelled across both Japan and South Korea.
Unfortunately for bleachpanda and myself, we were both single. So, on White Day, we headed all the way down to Yokohama instead to treat ourselves. Not with chocolate, mind you, although there was a Godiva cafe I regret not actually visiting, but because I wanted to immerse myself in the locations that were in Yakua: Like a Dragon and Lost Judgment.
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Yokohama is a city south of Tokyo and is the most populous city in Kanagawa Prefeecture. It was also one of the first Japanese ports opened to foreign trade back in the mid-19th century. But it's also known for a range of distractions including Cosmo World, the Red Brick Warehouses and, of course, our first destination for the day: The Cup Noodle Museum.
The humble Cup Noodle started life out as Chicken Ramen. The inventor, Momofuku Ando, had been trying to make something that needed only the addition of some hot water. It was during a trip to America that Momofuku was inspired by people putting his chicken ramen noodles in a cup, pouring in hot water and then eating them with a fork. By bringing together all sorts of innovative ideas, including changing one's perspective on how to place the ramen into a cup, he was able to come up with a winning formula that soon became an international sensation.
Entering inside the Cup Noodle museum, bleachpanda and I set about creating our perfect cup - much like how Noctis and his friends did during their road trip adventure in Final Fantasy XV (a game bleachpanda still hasn't finished even as she tries to guilt me into not playing Final Fantasy XVI as soon as it released. I'm GETTING there. I just need to finish off a few OTHER games I bought like Like a Dragon: Ishin!). In the game, Noctis and friends were tasked with slaying numerous monsters depending on the type of ingredient you chose when speaking with Gladiolus.
Heck, I even posted a picture on this very blog where someone had cosplayed as Noctis with the Cup Noodle hat!
Oh, memories...
In any case, bleachpanda and I were able to successfully make our own flavours of Cup Noodle and designing the outside too! Due, of course, to my lack of creation, I simply drew a picture of Pikachu. But I know if my friend Rinbeti had come along, she would have probably drawn something either wondrous or terrifying.
There's no telling if she'll be wholesome or draw something that's NSFW. Perhaps both, actually.
Afterwards, bleachpanda and I took the opportunity to explore the rest of the museum, learning its history: from its humble beginnings to the massive brand it is today. Heck, there's even SPACE ramen now!
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From the Cup Noodles Museum, bleachpanda and I headed to the Red Brick Warehouse. Unfortunately, much of it was impassible due to an event that would be held on the next day. And though I was told it was a collection of boutique shops, from what I managed to glimpse, it seemed to primarily be food. And we were still too early to chow down on anything.
So, off we trotted to Chinatown, bypassing the very European-inspired design of Yokohama's Customs House. Now, the Chinatown in Yokohama, it should be known, is the largest Chinatown in Japan and is about 160 years old. Almost everywhere we walked were restaurants or themed shops. And in my eyes, it carried a lot of influence from the Guangdong province of China, as well as Hong Kong.
It was here when we tried out the Japanese idea of yumcha. And while the food was decent, I have to admit, it didn't quite keep the spirit of a rowdy yumcha with trolleys being pushed through narrow aisles between seats as the servers tried to hawk away their offerings to their hungry guests.
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Still, I was quite satisfied in wandering around the Chinatown (we even picked up some snacks) before heading to Yamashita Park. Once there, I couldn't help but feel like I'd be thrust into Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Though Yamashita park was only a small portion of the Yokohama world map, I remembered many an amusing side quest in the section, which was only emphasised when Takayuki Yagami was skateboarding in the park as part of his mission to infiltrate all the school clubs in Lost Judgement.
Credit must be given to Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio for bringing these real-world locations to life in video game format. Especially given how I was able to identify so many places that I'd only ever seen in the shrunken down version of the game.
But I didn't have much time to appreciate the Like a Dragon nostalgia because Yokohama had one last surprise for us: The Gundam Factory and its towering recreation of a Gundam that could move through the use of hydraulics! Even for someone who doesn't like mechs in general, seeing the giant robot pose and spout meaningful things about friendship and a bright future was still an impressive sight to witness.
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We stayed longer than I anticipated at the Gundam Factory as we waited for the next performance, but bleachpanda was satisfied to record most of the variations. She was, however, disappointed that the shop didn't have much on offer. Given it was set to close by next month, though, she wasn't too bothered.
Plus, you know, there was an apology from the creators on the limitations of what creating a real-life Gundam would entail. It's honestly too bad we haven't yet found a means to find ultralight metals to make them a reality.
With the spectacle of the 'Moving Gundam' in the rearview mirror, bleachpanda and I returned to Tokyo. More specifically, we headed back to Shinjuku station. But before returning to our hotel, bleachpanda and I made a stop at the batting cages (after refuelling at a Krispy Kreme to see if there were any regional specials) to enjoy a uniquely Japanese experience.
I impressed myself with being able to hit several of the balls flung at me at 80-90km/h given how long it had been since I last swung a bat while playing softball. Bleachpanda, on the other hand, managed to punt several of the balls because it was easier and she didn't have to time her swing just right (it's cheating is what it is).
With my arms still feeling weak, bleachpanda and I ended our day with some Japanese KFC. To our dismay, it didn't taste as good as the McDonald's we had at Narita airport when we were heading to South Korea. Nor did it have any potato and gravy! A blasphemous act from anyone who loves and enjoys the KFC back home in Australia.
Disappointed, we returned to our hotel.
It's hard to imagine that tomorrow will be our last day exploring Japan and seeing what is has on offer. I can't believe the trip is coming to an end. It felt both too short and also fairly long.
And yet, a part of me can't wait to get back home and start planning my next great adventure out into the wide world!
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t3d-the-not-a-robot · 2 months ago
Cooking with T.3.D.
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“Modern instant noodles were created by Momofuku Ando in Japan. They were first marketed on 25 August 1958 by Ando's company, Nissin, under the brand name Chikin Ramen.” - Wikipedia.org
「This was definitively the inspo - 3 Dollar Homemade Ramen | But Cheaper 」 - Dev 1.
Citation: - art 1: Instant noodles
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ma-one-value · 3 months ago
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nissin-ramenmkt100 · 4 months ago
Post #2 - Describing brand
Describe your brand.  Is it a product? Service? What are its annual sales? Where is its corporate headquarters? Is it public?  How many employees? What is its mission statement?  Justify your answer with a citation.
About the Brand
Nissin Foods is the parent company behind the famous instant ramen product line. Among their diverse portfolio of goods, such as products like 'Cup Noodles and 'top ramen,' Nissin also offers other foods like frozen foods and beverages and also offers service to restaurants by selling bulk supplies of their products and ingredients tailored to the needs of the industries. After the Second World War, food and resources were scarce. The founder of Nissin, Momofuku Ando, developed and innovated the idea of "Ramen that can be quickly prepared and eaten at home with only hot water" when he saw people lining up for ramen at a makeshift stall. Through trial and error, Ando created ‘Chikin Ramen,’ the world’s first instant ramen. Nissin Foods is a public company, and would later establish headquarters in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan in 1958. There are currently around 16,509 employees who work for Nissin Foods.
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Chikin Ramen, the world's first instant ramen
Annual Sales
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“In fiscal year 2024, Nissin Foods Holdings generated almost 733 billion Japanese yen in revenue, continuing the upward trend of the previous years. Nissin Foods Holdings Co., Ltd. is a Japanese convenience food manufacturer headquartered in Tokyo and known for inventing instant ramen products” (Statista).
Mission Statement
“Earth food creator.”
According to Nissin's mission statement, they advocate to ‘produce food derived from the bounty of the Earth and its precious soil.’
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NISSIN FOODS HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (n.d.). Corporate Information. Retrieved from Nissin Foods Group website: https://www.nissin.com/en_jp/about/outline/
Nissin Group. (n.d.). Our Founder. Retrieved from Nissin Foods Group website: https://www.nissin.com/en_jp/about/founder/
Homepage. (n.d.). Retrieved from Nissin Food website: https://www.nissinfoods.com/
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supertrainstationh · 4 months ago
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The recreated kitchen in which Momofuku Ando invented instant noodles, as seen at the CupNoodles Museum Osaka Ikeda .
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offcampuscal · 5 months ago
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Thank you to Momofuku Ando, who gifted the world with instant remen on this day in 1958.
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brookstonalmanac · 5 months ago
Events 8.25 (after 1940)
1940 – World War II: The first Bombing of Berlin by the British Royal Air Force. 1941 – World War II: Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran: The United Kingdom and the Soviet Union jointly stage an invasion of the Imperial State of Iran. 1942 – World War II: Second day of the Battle of the Eastern Solomons; a Japanese naval transport convoy headed towards Guadalcanal is turned back by an Allied air attack. 1942 – World War II: Battle of Milne Bay: Japanese marines assault Allied airfields at Milne Bay, New Guinea, initiating the Battle of Milne Bay. 1944 – World War II: Paris is liberated by the Allies. 1945 – Ten days after World War II ends with Japan announcing its surrender, armed supporters of the Chinese Communist Party kill U.S. intelligence officer John Birch, regarded by some of the American right as the first victim of the Cold War. 1945 – The August Revolution ends as Emperor Bảo Đại abdicates, ending the Nguyễn dynasty. 1948 – The House Un-American Activities Committee holds first-ever televised congressional hearing: "Confrontation Day" between Whittaker Chambers and Alger Hiss. 1950 – To avert a threatened strike during the Korean War, President Truman orders Secretary of the Army Frank Pace to seize control of the nation's railroads. 1958 – The world’s first publicly marketed instant noodles, Chikin Ramen, are introduced by Taiwanese-Japanese businessman Momofuku Ando. 1960 – The Games of the XVII Olympiad commence in Rome, Italy. 1961 – President Jânio Quadros of Brazil resigns after just seven months in power, initiating a political crisis that culminates in a military coup in 1964. 1967 – George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party, is assassinated by a former member of his group. 1980 – Zimbabwe joins the United Nations. 1981 – Voyager 2 spacecraft makes its closest approach to Saturn. 1985 – Bar Harbor Airlines Flight 1808 crashes near Auburn, Maine, killing all eight people on board including peace activist and child actress Samantha Smith. 1989 – Voyager 2 spacecraft makes its closest approach to Neptune, the last planet in the Solar System at the time, due to Pluto being within Neptune's orbit from 1979 to 1999. 1989 – Pakistan International Airlines Flight 404, carrying 54 people, disappears over the Himalayas after take off from Gilgit Airport in Pakistan. The aircraft was never found. 1991 – Belarus gains its independence from the Soviet Union. 1991 – The Battle of Vukovar begins. An 87-day siege of Vukovar by the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA), supported by various Serb paramilitary forces, between August and November 1991 (during the Croatian War of Independence). 1991 – Linus Torvalds announces the first version of what will become Linux. 1997 – Egon Krenz, the former East German leader, is convicted of a shoot-to-kill policy at the Berlin Wall. 2001 – American singer Aaliyah and several members of her record company are killed as their overloaded aircraft crashes shortly after takeoff from Marsh Harbour Airport, Bahamas. 2003 – NASA successfully launches the Spitzer Space Telescope into space. 2005 – Hurricane Katrina makes landfall in Florida. 2006 – Former Prime Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Lazarenko is sentenced to nine years imprisonment for money laundering, wire fraud, and extortion. 2011 – Fifty-two people are killed during an arson attack caused by members of the drug cartel Los Zetas. 2012 – Voyager 1 spacecraft enters interstellar space becoming the first man-made object to do so. 2017 – Hurricane Harvey makes landfall in Texas as a powerful Category 4 hurricane, the strongest hurricane to make landfall in the United States since 2004. 2017 – Conflict in Rakhine State (2016–present): One hundred seventy people are killed in at least 26 separate attacks carried out by the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army, leading to the governments of Myanmar and Malaysia designating the group as a terrorist organisation.
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hifumimart · 1 year ago
The Perfect Fusion: Exploring the Delightful World of Nissin Cup Noodle Curry
In the realm of instant noodles, few brands have left as lasting an impression as Nissin. With their innovative approach to quick and delicious meals, Nissin has become synonymous with convenience and flavor. Two keywords that stand out in the world of instant noodles are Cup Noodle Curry and Nissin Cup Noodle. Let's dive into the delectable universe created by the perfect fusion of these two culinary delights.
Nissin Cup Noodle: A Culinary Pioneer
Nissin, founded by Momofuku Ando, introduced the world's first instant noodles in 1958. The ingenious idea of flash-frying noodles and creating a convenient way to enjoy a hot and savory meal revolutionized the way people approached fast food. Over the years, Nissin has continued to innovate, introducing various flavors and styles to cater to diverse palates.
The term Nissin Cup Noodle has become synonymous with instant gratification, offering a quick and satisfying meal in a convenient cup. The iconic cup design, coupled with Nissin's commitment to quality, has made these noodles a staple in households worldwide.
Cup Noodle Curry: A Flavorful Twist
Among the myriad of flavors offered by Nissin, Cup Noodle Curry stands out as a true testament to the brand's ability to marry convenience with bold and exotic taste profiles. The savory goodness of curry combined with the quick-cooking nature of instant noodles creates an irresistible and aromatic dish.
The curry-flavored Cup Noodle takes the eating experience to new heights, providing a perfect balance of spices and savory notes. It's a culinary journey that transports the consumer to the bustling streets of Asia, where the aroma of curry wafts through the air.
Why the Fusion Works Wonders
The combination of Nissin Cup Noodle and the curry flavor creates a harmonious blend that caters to the modern lifestyle. The quick preparation time, portability, and tantalizing taste make it a go-to choice for individuals on the go.
The bold flavors of Cup Noodle Curry elevate the overall experience, turning a simple meal into a culinary adventure. The convenience of Nissin Cup Noodle remains intact, while the addition of curry adds a layer of complexity that satisfies even the most discerning palates.
Beyond Borders: A Global Palate Pleaser
Nissin Cup Noodle Curry has transcended cultural boundaries, becoming a global favorite. Its popularity extends far beyond the shores of its country of origin, resonating with individuals seeking a flavorful escape from mundane meals.
Whether you're a curry enthusiast or a devoted Nissin fan, the marriage of these two keywords brings forth a taste sensation that captivates and delights. The versatility of Nissin Cup Noodle Curry ensures that it can be enjoyed as a quick snack, a light lunch, or a satisfying dinner option.
Conclusion: Savoring the Fusion
In the realm of instant noodles, Nissin Cup Noodle Curry emerges as a culinary masterpiece, combining the convenience of Nissin's iconic cup noodles with the bold and aromatic essence of curry. The fusion of these two keywords creates a symphony of flavors that transcends cultural boundaries, making it a global sensation. So, the next time you crave a quick and satisfying meal, indulge in the delightful world of Nissin Cup Noodle Curry – where convenience meets culinary excellence.
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gazeta24br · 1 year ago
O Dia Mundial do Macarrão é celebrado em 25 de outubro No próximo dia 25 de outubro celebramos o Dia Mundial do Macarrão. A Massa no Copo, franquia e restaurante Fast Casual baseado na culinária italiana, separou 20 curiosidades sobre o macarrão que você precisa saber: Origem Antiga: O macarrão é originário da China e foi levado para a Itália por Marco Polo no século XIII. Variedade de Formas: Existem mais de 600 tipos de macarrão na Itália, cada um com sua forma e uso específico. Macarrão Instantâneo: O macarrão instantâneo foi inventado pelo japonês Momofuku Ando em 1958. Dia Mundial do Macarrão: O Dia Mundial do Macarrão é comemorado em 25 de outubro. Maior Consumidor: A Itália é o maior consumidor de macarrão per capita do mundo. Mitos sobre o Macarrão: Não, o macarrão não engorda se consumido com moderação, e não foi inventado por Marco Polo. Macarrão sem Ovos: Macarrão tradicional italiano é feito apenas com farinha e água, sem ovos. Revestimento no Espaço: Em 1984, o ônibus espacial Challenger levou macarrão instantâneo como comida para astronautas. O tempo ideal de preparo de um macarrão tipo espaguete é de 10 minutos. Essa duração varia se a massa for mais grossa, por exemplo. Palavra “Macarrão”: A palavra “macarrão” vem do grego “makaria,” que significa “alimento abençoado.” Fábrica de Macarrão: A primeira fábrica de macarrão foi estabelecida em 1848 nos Estados Unidos. Macarrão em Lojas de Departamento: No início do século 20, macarrão era vendido em lojas de departamento como mercadoria de luxo. De acordo com a pesquisa, o brasileiro consome cerca de 6 kg de macarrão por ano. O valor é inferior ao da Itália, onde o consumo pode chegar a 25,3 kg por pessoa. Festival do Macarrão: Existe um Festival Mundial do Macarrão em Setúbal, Portugal. Não é preciso passar água fria no macarrão após o cozimento, lavar a massa acaba reduzindo a absorção do molho. Enfeite de Natal: Na Ucrânia, é tradição pendurar macarrão cozido como enfeite de Natal. Tamanho Gigante: Em algumas partes da Itália, há versões gigantes de macarrão, como o “paccheri.” O Brasil é o terceiro maior consumidor mundial de macarrão. O ingrediente está presente em 99,3% dos lares brasileiros segundo pesquisa da Abimapi (Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de Biscoitos, Massas Alimentícias e Pães & Bolos Industrializados). Sobrenome “Pasta”: Na Itália, o sobrenome “Pasta” é relativamente comum. Cultura Pop: O macarrão aparece em inúmeros filmes, programas de TV e músicas, tornando-se parte da cultura popular global. A região do Brasil que mais consome macarrão é o norte/nordeste com 38,2%, e em segundo São Paulo com 20,5%. Não é necessário um fio de óleo na água para cozinhar o macarrão. Conheça a Franquia Massa no Copo: Nascida em Gramado, no Rio Grande do Sul, , a Massa no Copo teve sua primeira filial inaugurada em 2020, pelos sócios Dalmo e Magno Santana. Os irmãos são apaixonados por massas e vinhos. E criaram o negócio inspirados nas experiências vividas em viagens internacionais, em análises de tendências e pesquisas de mercado. Com base em tendências mundiais, identificaram a oportunidade de um restaurante Fast Casual baseado na culinária italiana associando de forma inédita conveniência e praticidade . Uma combinação inovadora e adequada às expectativas do consumidor moderno.Um modelo de alta lucratividade, inovação, operação simplificada e escalabilidade que reúne as condições para oferecer ótimos ganhos aos investidores franqueados. A Massa no Copo permite que o cliente escolha a massa, o molho e o acompanhamento, que são servidos em uma embalagem diferenciada chamada Copobox. Além disso, o cardápio segue com muitas opções de bruschettas, piadinas (sanduíches italianos), saladas, sopa e sobremesas. Contato Site: https://massanocopo.com.br/seja-um-franqueado/ E-mail: [email protected] Instagram e Facebook: @massanocopofranquias LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/massa-no-copo/
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rusocialpod · 1 year ago
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How Instant Ramen Became an Overnight Success Most people associate ramen with broke college students, but the story behind these instant noodles is far more surprising. The instant dinner is the brainchild of Momofuku Ando, a Japanese businessman who was on a mission to solve a post-WWII hunger crisis. SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/vR6Acb Follow us behind the scenes on Instagram: http://goo.gl/2KABeX Make our acquaintance on Facebook: http://goo.gl/Vn0XIZ Give us a shout on Twitter: http://goo.gl/sY1GLY Come hang with us on Vimeo: http://goo.gl/T0OzjV Visit our world directly: http://www.greatbigstory.com This story is a part of our Flavors series, where we do so much more than play with our food. Come with us as we dive into deliciously different and tastefully off-beat stories in the culinary world. Great Big Story is a video network dedicated to the untold, overlooked & flat-out amazing. Humans are capable of incredible things & we're here to tell their stories. When a rocket lands in your backyard, you get in.
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nicolae · 1 year ago
Erori de logică de insuficiență: Eșantionarea limitată
Erorile de logică de insuficiență sunt cazurile în care sunt furnizate dovezi insuficiente în sprijinul unei afirmații. Cele mai frecvente erori se încadrează în această categorie. Iată câteva exemple populare: Eșantionarea limitată Momofuku Ando, inventatorul tăițeilor instant, a murit la … Citeşte mai mult The post Erori de logică de insuficiență: Eșantionarea limitată appeared first on…
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jaylookerwooga · 1 year ago
Momofuku Ando made instant noodles
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