#Moments in Between
lambsouvlaki · 1 year
Jason Todd fic Masterlist
I am accepting ✨fic prompts✨
The Hand that Feeds Bit Me First
Ongoing Jason Todd x con artist female OC fic. A friends to lovers/slow burn story exploring every era of Jason Todd comics, from Robin to UtRH to Current era. Comedy, Hurt/Comfort, Angst. OC is a regular Gothamite with a more sense of humour then common sense.
Jason had known Louise for years. She’d been his getaway driver, his alibi, a co-conspirator. He had bailed her out of the trouble she got herself into more times than he could count. With a straight face she told Batman she had never even heard of the Red Hood, while he was passed out on her couch. He confirmed to many an HR department that she definitely worked for him, uh-huh, five years in accounts? Absolutely, best accountant he’d ever had. He held her hand at her grandpa's funeral. Boyfriends and girlfriends came and went. Heroes and villains, dubious costumes and harebrained schemes. They remained.
For the Hell of it (AO3 link)
Tumblr Masterlist
Completed Jason Todd x civilian female OC fic. Friends to lovers slow burn, slice of life overall, with occasional forays into hurt/comfort. Warm and fluffy. OC is a racially ambiguous woman studying at Gotham U named Andy.
She leaned her cheek against his back as the bike took off. Before she met him she would have been shocked at even the idea of getting onto some man’s motorbike to go wherever he decided they were going. But she didn’t feel threatened by Jason, not in the least. She felt safer around him than she had in a long time. “Okay?” he called over his shoulder as they slowed to a stop at some lights. “Okay!” She wondered if her instincts were leading her astray. She wasn’t stupid, the 200 pounds of man between her legs was obviously very dangerous. The scars on his knuckles were impossible to miss. But he treated her so carefully, so gently. Like a little bird in his large hands, delicate heartbeat fluttering a mile a minute. She could blush at just how much she liked it.
The Crime Lord & The Crime Lord, Part 2, & Part 3. A bittersweet love story set in a world where the Red Hood never stopped his campaign to control Gotham’s underworld.
Kid Fic: His Heart & part 2 & Part 3: Christmas edition, part 4 & part 5. In which Jason has a one year old baby girl with his long term girlfriend. Mostly fluff surrounding a doting Dad!Jason.
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ohjustkreat · 2 years
Moments In between
A Shuri x Riri One-shot Series
A/N: Hey everyone! This will be the series for any Shuriri one-shots! I’ll upload to AO3 and wattpad later tonight! As always, Enjoy - Kreat
“On the Way”
Prompt: Nap date/ Sleepless Shuri
“Okoye!!” Shuri screamed out in hopes the warrior was nearby.
Shuri heard the recognizable thudding pattern of the warrior’s feet. Moments after she found herself face to face with a disheveled Okoye.
“Yes, Shuri.” Okoye panted out.
“Tell the council I will give them audience tomorrow.”
“But Shur-“
Shuri gave the warrior a stern look.
“Tell them I will meet with them tomorrow.”
“Of course.” Okoye nodded in confirmation and turned to leave the room.
“Oh and Okoye, if they ask why tell them I had some more important matters to attend to.”
Okoye turned her head and again nodded in silent confirmation. She exited the quarters with growing concern. She and several others had began to notice a change in their Black Panther’s mood. If Shuri wasn’t working in her lab, she was holed up in her living quarters. There were several nights she had gone without eating. And there were several nights Shuri had opted to ponder in her lab. Many had noticed the change after a certain MIT student left, but no one was brave enough to confront Shuri about the matter. Yet, Okoye was slowly building the strength. Her concern for the young Black Panther was only growing by the day.
Shuri, on the other hand, was doing everything to keep her mind from falling into a place of despair. After the year’s events, many nights she was left feeling alone. Her preferred company had become her work. It was always there, present, and never wavering in it’s character. Right now, Shuri felt as though it was the only thing, human or not, that she could trust. Her mind was always teetering on the line of nothingness and sorrow. Her lab was the line that divided that. A safe boundary that she tried to stay inside of. Lately, though, no matter how hard she worked it seemed her mind didn’t grow tired. Thinking back to the last time she had som sort of mental relief, a certain someone popped into her head.
Riri Williams. It had been almost a month since they had last seen each other. Shuri would often find her in the lab late at night as well. Her and Griot had even formed their own “friendship”. One that Shuri still was a little jealous of to this day.
Their long, sleepless nights in the lab had brought the two women closer than they had anticipated. Their love of science and technology easily created a bond between them. Often, Riri would find herself waking up in Shuri’s bed. Shuri would find, well hear, a snoring Riri slumped over her work space. Instead of waking her, Shuri would just carry Riri to her room. Shuri didn’t mind sharing her bed. Honestly, it was nice to feel the warmth and presence of someone else. More than once had either one of them woken up to the embrace of the other. At some point shortly before her departure, Riri had declared herself Shuri’s temporary roommate. She had spent most of her time between the lab and Shuri’s room anyways. Most of her day was spent trying to sleep or talking to Shuri. She had come to know a lot about the young scientist. Their shared space had become a world away from their troubles. One that existed only for them.
Slowly, just as slowly as the days turned to nights, their growing friendship budded into something else. At first, Shuri had thought little of any type of romantic relationship, with anyone. But the peace and any reminisce of joy she held, had only been illuminated by Riri. It was as if the MIT student, had unlocked a part of Shuri that she thought long gone. To put into the simplest of words, Riri held the light to lead her out of the dark. No, she wasn’t light. Ms. Williams had her own bouts of troubles and traumas. She wasn’t perfect, but for Shuri she was. Shuri felt as if Riri held the key to feeling something other than agony. For some time Shuri contemplated on if those feelings were returned. It was foolish of her to think that. Riri had fallen for Shuri long before she realized it. The night they were kidnapped and taken to Talokan, she felt it. It was a morsel of a feeling. One she had grown foreign to the meaning of. Since the lost of her parents and the sudden obligation to grow up, she had long left the ideas of romance behind. That was until she met Shuri Udaku. A woman whose protectiveness and stubbornness to leave her saved her life. From the moment Shuri had albeit offered her life for Riri’s, the MIT student had began falling for the Wakandan without realizing it. The more layers she pulled back, the more of a connection she felt. The sarcastic, hardened woman the world saw was just a mere reflection of her life’s journey. And luckily, Riri got to discover that journey. Each exchanging stories of their childhood and their families in between working and the little sleep they were getting. Their minds had connected just as much as their hearts’ had. Those budding feelings had come to bloom in the moments right before Riri left.
The pair were in their room, as Shuri referred to it. Shuri was sitting on the bed watching Riri gather the last of her things.
“So, you’re finally giving me my bed back?”
Shuri said with a sarcastic smile.
Riri began to laugh, “Ha, you’ll miss me as soon as I leave.” Riri began to walk towards Shuri from her spot on the other side of the room.
“Oh, I’ll be expecting a call when you land and if you’re crying so help me-“
“Oh you got jokes today, huh?” Riri approached Shuri and began tickling her sides. Shuri fell back on her sides. Her laughter began to fill the room as Riri’s laughing became an echo of her’s. She couldn’t remember the last time she laughed this much.
“Okay, okay. You win. Damn woman!” Shuri gave in still trying to subdue her laughing.
Riri stopped her assault on the Wakandan and began to stand up. Shuri grabbed her hand at the last moment and looked her in those brown eyes she had come to find such comfort in.
“Just know, Riri, I am going to miss you. Jokes aside, you really helped me in a way I didn’t know I needed.”
Riri stood there for a moment, lost in the eyes in front of her.
“I- I’m glad I could help. But you, you helped me too. It’s been a longtime since I’ve had anyone I was this close too. So, thank you, Shuri. Honestly.”
“Even after you leave, I don’t want to lose our friendship. You can call me and I’ll always answer.”
Shuri said as she looked down briefly at the other woman’s lips. Her emotions were coming to the forefront and Shuri didn’t think she could surpress them any longer.
“Shuri, I -“
But Riri was cutoff. Cutoff by Shuri’s laps almost crashing into hers. Riri almost moaned with pleasure. She pushed her lips even closer into Shuri’s. Needing air, Shuri pulled back, panting almost.
“That was-“
“Yea.” Riri said still in shock.
“So, what do- what uh-“
“You already said that.” Shuri finally said.
“We should talk about this.”
“Yea, Riri we should.”
“So, uhm, what exactly does this mean?” Riri moved from her current position and sat on the bed beside Shuri.
“I can honestly say I have feelings for you, which is scary but. Yea. They’re there.”
Shuri raised one of her eyebrows, “They’re there? That’s the best you got?” Shuri let out with a laugh.
“Listen, you had WEEKS to do that and you pick right before I leave? How was a girl supposed to prepare?” Riri jokingly questioned.
“Well then, I guess that answers my question.” Shuri responded, a goofy grin plastered on her face.
End of Flasback
Shuri remembered the conversation that followed. They had agreed on a relationship, but they would go slow. It was necessary as they both were still healing. Shuri couldn’t deny she missed her girlfriend. Her current mental and physical state was proof of that. She knew everyone around her had noticed too. Not wanting to cause concern, Shuri came to the only conclusion that made sense. She would go to Riri. Her source of peace.
While she could leave at a moment’s notice, she knew better than to disregard her responsibilities. She still had been required to meet with the Tribal Council in regards to her most recent developments. So she planned to leave tomorrow. She’d just have to deal with the council today. There was a newborn pressure to develop and experiment with different defensive technology. After Namor’s unexpected and devastating appearance, the tribal council was leaving the protection and defensive efforts in the hand of none other than Shuri. And with this came constant meetings regarding the update of those efforts. Question after question, the elders often asked the same questions. Shuri always gave the same answers.
“I’ll let you know something, soon.”
Yet, soon never seemed to come as Shuri had faced a mental block in the past few weeks. And Shuri knew Riri’s absence was the cause of that. They had made progress with some of Shuri’s ideas, but nothing had been finalized in their short time together.
Shuri sighed and began to get herself together. After deeming herself presentable, she made her way to the throne room.
The meeting was brief with the same questions being asked. She could tell the council was growing irritable and frustrated with her lack of answers. Shuri could not care less. She would make progress and report to them only when necessary. She hated the constant meetings, the pressure to preform and present results. Taking out her phone she checked the time. It was currently 4:55. Riri was probably just waking up. Pulling up her contact information, Shuri hit the phone icon. The phone began to ring. After four rings, Shuri heard the familiar raspy morning voice she had come to love so much.
“Mm, hey baby. Everything okay.”
Shuri began to smile at the pet name.
“Yea, I just missed you.”
“Hm and I miss you too. You know I’ll be visiting soon.”
“Yea, I know, but not soon enough.”
“Shuri, if I could come sooner I would.”
“Yea, I know.” Shuri replied feeling defeated.
“Mm, what do you have planned for today?” Shuri asked.
“Well, I have class in an hour or so, the after that I have some homework to get done. What about you? I know most of the day is gone over there.”
“Yea, I had a meeting with the council today.”
“Ehh, that doesn’t sound like it was much fun.”
“It wasn’t, but I needed to get it out of the way. I have something else that needs my attention.”
“Like?” Riri asked, wanting to know what was taking up her girlfriend’s time.
“I’ll have to tell you later. It’s just some difficulties with this project.” Shuri was lying, well partially. She would tell the other woman later, but not over the phone.
“Hm, I hope it works out. You know, I miss our nights in your lab. MIT has nothing on your spot. Trust me.”
“You sure you just miss my lab?” Shuri instigated.
Riri began to laugh, “I might miss a certain scientist as well.”
“Mm, I might miss a certain MIT student as well.”
“Then you should bring your ass here.” Riri said jokingly.
“Then I’m on the way.” Shuri replied, laughing. Trying not to give away her plan. “Stop playing,” Riri laughed “I’ve got class in a few so I need to get ready, love.”
“Yea, babe of course. Talk later?”
“You know I’ll call you as soon as I can. Bye babe.”
“Bye,love.” And with that Shuri hung up her phone. Placing it on her bed side table, she began to roam her room. Gathering what few items she had planned for her trip to the states. Massachusetts to be exact. As she was packing she heard footsteps approaching behind her.
“And where are you thinking of going?” The sound of Okoye’s voice made her jump up.
“I was goin-“
“Aht, save it. I have a feeling you’re going to see a certain MIT student. Well, it’s about time. The rest of the warriors and half the nation were tired of seeing you walk around like a love sick lion cub.”
Shuri looked at Okoye in shock.
“You knew?”
“Did you honestly think you were hiding it? I don’t know how many mornings I or someone else reported you two in our quarters.”
“Yea, wow, is right. Well, finish packing. I’ll go and ready a Dragon Flyer.”
Okoye turned to leave, not giving Shuri a chance to respond or change her mind.
“Ayo, owes me $10.” Okoye muttered under her breath as she exited Shuri’s room.
Shuri quickly finished packing. After checking that she had everything, she made her way to the air field.
Once she arrived she found Okoye and Aneka tending to the flyer.
“Well, glad to see you did not change your mind.” Aneka began.
Shuri gave her an annoyed look, “How long are you going to tease me about this?”
“Ohh, for a while.” Ayo added in.
“The dragon flyer’s all ready to go. Are you?” Ayo asked, knowing Shuri was hiding an array of emotions.
“Yea, as ready as I can be.”
“Well, the coordinates are locked in for whenever you’re ready to take off.” Aneka instructed.
“Thank you, both. I’ll be back in a few days.” Shuri said.
“Of course.”
“Always a pleasure to help, Shuri.” Aneka replied.
“Safe travels. And do keep us updated.” Ayo said.
“I will. Now I’ve got to go.”
Shuri boarded the small aircraft and packed her things into the small space. As the doors closed, she crossed her arms ad a form of goodbye to her warriors and they returned the gesture. The propellers and motors roared to life as Shuri took off. Now the only thing between her and Riri were the clouds.
Meanwhile, Riri was stuck doing homework. The spring semester was coming to an end which meant finals were right around the corner. Lately, she had been spending anytime outside of class studying. Riri decided it was time for a break. She looked down at the watch in her wrist. It was almost 6:30. ‘Damn’ She though. She had gotten caught up in studying. She had promised Shuri she would call her. Pulling out her phone she checked for any notifications from the other woman.
‘That’s weird.’ She thought as she didn’t see not even a text message from Shuri. Worry began to set in, but she pushed the thought to the back if her mind. It was almost 2 a.m. in Wakanda and she decided that was too late to call Shuri.
While academics had come easy to her, lately her focus had been off. She was in a constant battle of not wanting to do her work and getting it done. She could easily breeze through the assignments, yet she couldn’t find the motivation to do so. The college environment didn’t help her lack of focus either. Several nights after studying she found herself in some random dorm that was packed with too many students. Her only company being whatever cheap liquor was in her cup. She couldn’t deny she missed Wakanda and more specifically, Shuri. At a time when she needed it most, Shuri had become her strength. She grounded her, protected her, when she couldn’t do so for herself.
Riri pulled out her phone and opened the photo gallery. She scrolled until she found her favorite picture of the couple. Shuri was asleep, with her head resting on Riri’s chest. Riri found the peace Shuri exhibited to hold a certain beauty and had to capture the moment. Riri sighed heavily. She couldn’t wait until the semester was over so she could be in her girlfriend’s presence again. Trying not to get too caught up in her feelings, Riri placed the phone back in her pocket. She resumed studying.
At some point, Riri had dozed off. Falling asleep on her open advanced physics book. She found herself being awoken to a knocking on her door. She didn’t remember having setting up a meeting with any of her “clients”. Slight annoyed she got up to answer it. Rubbing her eyes and stretching she called out, “one minute.” After making sure she was decent she went to the door.
“Who is it?” Riri called out from inside the dorm.
“Open the door and find out.”
Almost instantly Riri began to smile from ear to ear. She flung the door open and capture her girlfriend’s lip’s immediately.
Breaking the kiss she all but dragged Shuri inside.
“Babe, what are you doing here?!?”
“Well, you told me to come, so, here I am.” Shuri replied with a sarcastic look on her face.
“Funny, I was wondering why I woke up and your name wasn’t on my phone.”
“Well, the signal is terrible from the flyer.” Shuri joked as she sat her bags down.
“Well, I wish it wasn’t so late.” Riri said as she checked her watch and saw it was almost midnight. She continued, “We could have went out. We can do something tomorrow if that’s okay?” She asked Shuri.
“Of course babe, I’m just happy to be here. I will admit that I am tired. Even with the flight only being seven hours, I’m exhausted.”
“Hmm, good because I am too. With finals coming up I’ve been worn out between studying and last minute assignments. And other people’s assignments.” Riri explained.
“So, how long are you here for?” Riri asked.
Shuri approached her, wrapping her arms around the shorter woman. Taking a moment to just embrace her before she had to respond about her inevitable departure.
She sighed, “A few days, unfortunately. But any time is enough with you.” She said as she pecked Riri’s lips.
Riri broke away from Shuri’s embrace and took her hand. She lead the pair to her bed. Shuri wrapped her arms around the smaller woman and Riri rested her head on Shuri’s chest.
“You know,” Riri started as she drew lazy circles on Shuri’s back, “I’m glad you’re here. I sleep a lot better when you’re around.”
Shuri smiled, “Me too. I haven’t been the only person to notice it.”
“Well, then this counts as a sleep date. Our first of many.”
“Next time, I’ll bring snacks.” Shuri stated.
Riri chuckled, “And next time, it’s at your place.”
Shuri met Riri’s eyes, “You can count on it.”
Shuri leaned in until she was inches from Riri’s face. Her eyes fell upon her lips.
Riri wasted no time in closing the gap between them. Pent up emotions finally coming to the surface and releasing themselves in this intimate moment. It was a kiss neither woman knew they wanted. After a few moments they broke apart.
“As much as I want to continue this, you’re exhausted Shuri. And I’m tired too. So before I can’t control myself let’s get some sleep, yea?”
Shuri looked at her with sympathetic eyes, “Hmm, it’s whatever you want my love.”
Riri got up to turn off her desk light. Settling into the bed she quickly found herself in Shuri’s arms’ again. Resuming their position from earlier, neither spoke as they let the tranquil silence between them lull them to sleep. It was understood between them that no words were needed right now. Just their presence. Shuri would hold Riri through as many nights as Riri allowed her to.
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bug-decal-kissing · 11 months
Hey friends!
All the Leaves are Brown (And the Sky is Grey), by Oswalish, was updated today, with 4/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Slow Burn, Alternate Universe - Office, Office AU, Wow tagging is hard, Enemies to Lovers, Kinda, Bitter Exes, Pining, Mutual Pining, Chronic Pain, Scarab has Chronic Pain, Walking Canes, Alternate Universe - Human"
You can read it here:
THE GIRLS ARE HERE !!! Scarab getting frustrated because his normal routine has been ruined is a big mood <3. And Prismo was talking about him :flushed:/j. Using dialogue from the show was funny I 'teehee'ed when I realised/pos.
Come Earn a Place in My Heart, by biteof22, was updated today, with 5/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Slow Burn, Unresolved Tension, Denial of Feelings, Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - Office, Mutual Pining, Auditor!Prismo tomfooleries, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Relapsing, i pre-wrote this fic a month ago so posting is easier. i swear i'm not doing magic."
You can read it here:
I got VERY SCARED reading this chapter/pos. I was excited at first because yay they get to go to a party together even if it is for work yippie :] and then I remembered the tags and got scared again. Prismo promised no drinking and then he drinked :[ aND THEN THEY KISSED !!!!! EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER/pos.
A new work, Moments In Between by ineedlemonade, was published today, with 1/2 Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Short & Sweet, Not Beta Read, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Light Angst, Dialogue Light, Complicated Relationships, Violent Thoughts"
You can read it here:
SCARAB GET THERAPY MAYBE ?? PLEASE/silly. He cannot understand his emotions, he is so gooberly <3. Him falling asleep pretty much right next to Old Man Prismo was so soft :,] please let him good sleep; imagine Prismo going back in and finding Scarab conked out next to his body what would you do in this situation/j.
A new work, Nature is beautiful... and nutritious? by othersin, was published today, with 1/1 Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Humor, Crack Treated Seriously, return to beetle, Intrusive Thoughts, scarab is done with everything, it is easier for him just to agree than to ask further questions, as a beetle it is normal for him"
You can read it here:
THIS ONE MADE ME CACKLE; GOD FORBID A BUG MAN DO ANYTHING !!!/silly I love Scarab and Prismo and Cosmic Owl just sitting around eating Scarab's molt. Average me and the boys acitivities. As much as I HATE orbo I feel bad for him in this fic, what is one meant to do when you walk into a room to see those three chowing down on Scarab's old skin/silly
Seraphyllic, by DrakianDH, was updated today, with 12/20 Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and Graphic Depictions Of Violence, and Major Character Death, with additional tags "scarab the god auditor - Freeform, prismo the wishmaster - Freeform, Priscrab, ProhibitedWish, Scrabby, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, no beta we get turned to legos like the lich, Adventure & Romance, Story within a Story, Eventual Happy Ending, Maybe - Freeform, Author Is Sleep Deprived, The Author Regrets Nothing, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, You gotta work for the comfort, begining poem important, each chapter a word, prepare"
You can read it here:
DIE ORBO DIE ORBO DIE Scarab is so noncholant about getting SLAMMED and it HURTS MY HEART/pos. And now they're going to go to the party together I'm exciteeeed :] Prismo gets to be FANCY they both get to be FANCY AND IT'S GOOD <333
Whim of Wind Took Me South, by Thehyperfixationking, was updated today, with 12/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Attempted Murder, very unsuccessful attempted murder, Eventual Romance, Alternate Universe, Slow Burn, Sorry Not Sorry, Hurt/Comfort, Multiverse Travel, no beta we die like old man prismo, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, no rating yet cause the whole story isn't written may change, Enemies to Lovers, Farmworld (Adventure Time), Finn Mertens - Freeform, Jay Mertens - Freeform, Jake (Adventure Time) - Freeform, but like Farmworld Jake, Unique Weapons choice, Winter King (Adventure Time), Princess Bubblegum - Freeform, but like the version from the star, huntress wizard - Freeform, Martin Mertens - Freeform, god I hope I haven't been spelling his name wrong, whatever he sucks I don't feel that bad, Vampires, we got vampires now, Original Character(s), sorry kinda sorta"
You can read it here:
The deadworld is actually the therapyworld now/j. Scarab wing/trauma reveal AND Solstice lore reveal !! Scarab desperately does not want to trust Solstice but HA HA GET TENDER MOMENT'ED !! /j
Wrath of the Wishmaster, by Void_Ink_Studios, was updated today, with 8/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Teen And Up Audiences and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Scarab has identity issues, Orbo is the worst, Prismo gets mad, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Torture, Chronic Pain, Scarab has Chronic Pain, Established Relationship, Reminiscing, Backstory, Filling in gaps in the worldbuilding, Worldbuilding, Head cannon nonsense: GO!, Original Character(s), Minor Original Character(s), Implied Sexual Content"
You can read it here:
ORBO MUST FACE REPENTANCE FOR WHAT HE'S DONE TO SCARAB I WILL RIOT !!! /silly My poor sweet bug boy he has trauma </3. AND THEN THEY HAVE A SOFT MOMENT MY EMOTIONS !!!/pos even Nightmo likes Scarab and that makes me REJOICE ! They are so in love I am in love with how in love they are/lh.
NSFW works are below the cut :].
Silly Bug, by TJade, was updated today, with 15/? Chapters released! It has a rating of Explicit and No Archive Warnings Apply, with additional tags "Genderbending, Domestic Fluff, Teasing, Humor, Suggestive Themes, Awkwardness, Awkward Sexual Situations, Awkward Conversations, Communication, Healthy Relationships, Voyeurism, Oral Sex, Threesome, Frottage, Sexual Roleplay, Dacryphilia, Degradation, Orgasm Delay/Denial"
You can read it here:
THEY'RE MARRIAGE?!?!?!?!???/pos AND NO WEDDING ?? I'M WITH MICKEY ON THIS ONE, I WANT MORE PROHIBITEDWISH WEDDING FICS/j/nf Cake revealing the most juiciest information for the fun of it is so on brand <3333/pos.
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honeytuesday · 1 year
hate how so much of adult friendship relies on updates, experiencing your life through pictures and tidbits. we had it good with childhood friends, could spend years and years basking in the same circumstance. now i just float through clouds of strangers, hungry for something solid and warm. yes i carry your heart within mine, yes i see the world through your eyes. but in that very moment i still feel alone, still know it's poor substitute for same room, twin smiles.
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gaypeople · 2 months
i just know their intimacy coordinator saw jacob going in tongue first and reacted like the olivia wilde nodding gif
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maeamian · 2 months
Part of the reason that Republicans are so desperately acting like they will never lose again is because they are deeply terrified that this is their last real chance to win. The big orange dipshit came in and gutted the party of everyone who wasn't a loyalist, which left it full of nasty little gremlins who have gaping voids where charisma and human decency is supposed to go.
They still hold a lot of power, but if we stop them this year the next presidential election may not be the Most Important One Of Your Life™, that's not a guarantee or anything, but if they don't win here and now their future looks grim, this dipshit is the only guy they have left and he's extremely diminished and has his brains leaking out of his ears at this point. We can beat him into the ground.
So that's what we're gonna fucking do. We're gonna break these fucking fash. They will crash upon us and we're gonna break their fucking necks. When they come for us they will lose because they're fucking losers and we have each other's backs which is something they fundamentally are incapable of comprehending.
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lgbtlunaverse · 3 months
Fanon likes to portray Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji as being jealous of each other because they fear wei wuxian will choose one of them over the other. Which is ignoring the fact that at least in novel canon Jiang Cheng did not even fucking know wangxian ever got along let alone that lwj was in love with wwx until at the very end of the story (in cql canon he does go through a wangxian phase early on and gets very confused by their "breakup" during wwx's sunshot era) and that Lan Wangji is mostly filled with loathing towards both himself and Jiang Cheng for 'abandoning' Wei Wuxian and not being able to save him.
It also ignores the much bigger point that both Lan Wangji and Jiang Cheng are actually jealous of Wen Ning. And why wouldn't they be? That is who Wei Wuxian chose in his first life. He left the Jiang, told Lan Wangji to fuck off no he is not coming to gusu with you, and spent his days with his little-brother-shaped corpse bestie on his mountain in yiling. And then when he came back he immediately called him up the second he could string together more than two notes on a flute. Wen Ning is the real competition. (And he's winning)
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puppyeared · 5 months
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renaissance dogys
characters belong to @canisalbus
#i love i loveeee ludovica sm shes so cute. ive only known her for 5 min but i fell in love with her design and i love her friendship#with vasco ^_^ i think them having each other makes hiding their sexualities a little less lonely so thats sweet#ik in modern au shes considered an old friend of vascos but i originally assumed she and vasco fake dated in college or smth#to get their parents off their backs until they came out properly and continued to stay in touch as friends after LMAO#im not very familiar with period fashion so i had to look at renaissance costumes as reference. but i have to admit i love the#high waistlines used in some of their dresses.. i have a minidress with a similar high waistline pressed against the chest and sleeves#also if u squint machete is holding a little paper bag in the 2nd photo which is supposed to be his lunch courtesy of vasco <3#idk what ludovica would wear in modern au but i thought poet shirts might suit her because theyre like somewhere evenly between#masc and femme. to me anyway.. based on observation lesbians seem to love poet shirts and i think she looks good in one#these are all shitposts.. ill draw serious art of them one of these days i promise#i listened to fools rush in and it reminds me of them.. especially when it goes 'though i see the danger there / if theres a chance#for me then i dont care' like its so poignant and bittersweet.. a little indulgent when u think of those small moments they have togethr#save me gay catholic furries... gay catholic furries... gay catholic furries save me#my art#myart#doodles#fanart#others ocs#canisalbus#fur#furry art#machete#vasco#vaschete#ludovica#sfw fur#furry#anthro
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godsfavoritedumpster · 3 months
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I mean, this is hilarious 😭😂
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mielplante · 10 months
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tim and damian alone in the manor one day when tim is feeling ungrounded and needs to sleep.
“damian i need you to lay on me”
“i’m feeling so out of my body right now i just need pressure”
damian watches at tim barely manages to put a sentence together and feels a little scared (scared is not the word i’m looking for it’s probably mild concern.) so he listens and kinda just flops his body down onto tim’s.
(they both end up asleep and dick still has the photographic evidence)
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lambsouvlaki · 1 year
Moments in Between - Dreams
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Character: Jason Todd x civilian! Fem!oc
Rating and Warnings: G, no warnings
Word Count: 402
Summary: Jason wakes up from a bad dream. Cuddles ensue.
Jason rose from the depths of sleep with a choked whine. He was cold and alone in his bed. A dreadful knot of anguish tightened around his chest. Betrayal choked him. 
He half-sat up, looking around with bleary eyes. The murky dark relinquished details slowly. He heard soft breathing. The knot loosened. 
He wasn’t in his bed. This was Andy’s place. 
He could just make out the lump on the far side of the bed. Impossibly far away. The back of her head was turned to him: she was face down on the pillow with one arm dangling over the side. 
He reached under the blanket for her hand, thrown carelessly behind her. 
He rasped her name. Once, twice.
“Hrn?” She lifted her head an inch off the pillow. 
He tugged her hand. 
She rolled clumsily towards him. Blind hands reached under the thick comforter for him, and he felt slightly mollified at her touch. 
He pulled her closer. She sprawled half over him, her usual rag doll self when only half awake. 
He cupped her chin and kissed her. She melted into his lips, warm and pliant. He was clumsy, pouring himself into her with groggy insistence.
She absently ran her hand through his hair, gently massaging his scalp. Her way of grounding him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face in her shoulder. 
“Babe?” she mumbled. 
“Dreamed you ran off,” he grunted. 
“But I hate running.”
“With Dick.” 
She made a wounded sound. “Baby, no.”
He sulked. It still felt real. Waking up with empty arms. For a single moment staring down the fact that she was already gone. 
He nudged her hip and she rolled back. He gathered her in his arms from behind, partly spooning, partly pinning her to the bed beneath him. She ran her smooth leg against his. She took his hand from her waist and pulled it up to cup her breast. 
He squeezed his eyes shut. He was being stupid. She was right here.
“Sorry I cheated on you in a dream,” she sighed, more than halfway back into the clutches of sleep.  
“’S okay. You didn’t mean it.” He rested his head on the back of her neck, his nose buried in the base of a loose braid of curls. The tension drained out of him. He was so tired. 
“I dreamed I was a pelican,” she said. 
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ohjustkreat · 2 years
Moments In Between
A Shuri x Riri One-Shot Series
Chapter 2
Prompt: Baecation
"Hughh" ,Shuri sighed as she stood amongst the crowd gathered around the baggage claim area. She had been watching as each of her fellow passengers claimed their luggage. After a rather, questionable flight, she was becoming agitated. Amongst the rude flight attendants and turmoltuos flight, now she was having trouble finding her baggage. She looked out amongst the small group of people that were left, noticing a few familiar faces amongst the few. Turning her attention back to the conveyor belt in front of her, her troubles subsided.
"Finally." Shuri said as she noticed a navy blue piece of luggage appear on the conveyor belt. Stepping forward she grabbed her luggage and began out the door. Finally, her vacation could begin. 
Crossing the airport entrance, she made her way through revolving doors and into the much needed warmth that her destination provided. She pulled out her phone, looking for any signs of her Uber's location. According to the app, her driver was only two minutes away. Using her backpack as makeshift pillow, Shuri perched against a nearby wall. 
"Relax. Rest. Refresh." Shuri  murmured to herself. The personal reminder had become a mantra of hers as of late. After being let go from one of the most prestigious law firms in the country, Shuri promised herself to live more. For so long it seemed as if she had been bound to the confinements of a courtroom. To her, losing her job hadn't been a moment of failure, but a signal for a new beginning. 
Her Iphone vibrated in her lap, notifying that the Uber driver was near by. Shuri stood up and began to gather her things. If her app was correct, her driver was in a Black Honda Accord. Looking up again, she saw the car coming down the pick-up lane. Eventually slowing to a stop, a few feet away from Shuri.
"Shuri J-" The driver said as he rolled down the passenger window.
"Yes, that's me." Shuri responded.
"Aloha!  Welcome to H'awaii!" The driver said as he began to get out of the vehicle. "Here, let me help you with those." He said as he began to grab her luggage and place it into the trunk of the vehicle. 
"Thank you. You really didn't have to do that." 
"Eh, it's all part of the welcome to our beautiful island." The man said as he closed the trunk and walked to the driver's side of the car. 
"Well, thank you nonetheless. This vacation is much needed, I can tell you that." Shuri said as she got into the vehicle. After making sure her seatbelt was buckled, she pulled out her phone to  check her reservations. Her hotel wasn't a long drive from the airport. Something that she was grateful for. After a long flight, all she wanted to do was fall asleep and get a nice meal after. 
"So, if you don't mind me asking. What brought you to the Island?" Her driver asked.
"Well, I'll just say life told me I needed a vacation. And this is where I ended up."
"You picked a good place. I usually don't like tourists, but there's something about you. I'm not trying to be weird and I know I'm a stranger bu- but I have a knack for reading people. And you have good energy."
Shuri examined the man from her position in the back seat. The quirk of her eyebrow made her driver let out a small laugh. 
"I want to question you, but you're right. And Mr;" Shuri looked down quickly at her phone for the mysterious man's name. 
"You can just call me, T." He said as he glanced into the rearview mirror. 
"Okay, T, thanks for the reassurance. Oddly enough, I've been having the same thoughts lately."
"You know what they say, take heed to the signs and all." T turned his attention back to the road ahead of them and offered silence for the rest of the trip. 
Shuri hadn't taken too much thought to what the man had said. Much of her attention had been taken by the beautiful scenery before her. Tropical colors and greenery seemed to paint either side of the road they were heading down. At one point Shuri had even rolled her window down. The warm air seemed to welcome her to the island, brushing her face as the vehicle cut through the landscape. Eventually though, the ride came to an end. Shuri thanked T and after agreed  to seek him out if she had any free time. Standing outside the front entry of the hotel, Shuri took in the grand site before her. The pictures didn't justly capture the sight in front of her. A natural made pond sat in front of the resort. Which looked more like a luxury village tucked away in the pockets of the island. Intimate and cozy, yet lush.  A fountain sat at the water's edge. Lights surrounding the pond's base danced across the water. A setting sun allowed it's rays to stroke the surface of the water. Resulting in a  sight. Shuri continued on her path to the resort's lobby.
Finally coming upon the doors, she made her to the front desk. 
A petite dark haired woman made her way over to Shuri. 
"Hi, my name is Shana and Welcome to the Grand Lei Resort. How may I help you today?" She almost recited as she flashed a large smile. 
"Uh, I have a reservation for Shuri Jones." She said as she scrambled to pull out her I.D. and reservation confirmation e-mail. "Here you, go."
"Thank you. I'm just going to make a copy of this. I'll be right back with your access cards." Shana said wearing the same smile. 
Shuri watched as disappeared into what she assumed to be an office. Drumming her fingers along the desk, she looked aimlessly around the large lobby. Amid the different pieces of furniture and art she saw a bar as well as a small cafe. She would definitely be needing a trip to the bar later. 
"Okay! Here we go." Shana said as she reappeared, carrying a small pamphlet and Shuri's I.D.
"Now, in this pamhplet is everything you need to enjoy your stay here at the Grand Lei Resort. Here, you will see the wifi password as well as the other amenities  your suite has to offer. And here you will see all the activites and services we have to offer here as well. I see you have booked a non-smoking room with a balcony. It will be located on the fourth floor. If you have any questions you can call the front desk from your room's phone or via the resort's app. Enjoy your stay!" Shana gave a small wave a disappeared again into the office. 
Shuri took a second to look over the pamphlet. She saw the resort had quite a few activities. Amongst them were, rock climbing, group yoga, hiking trails, zip lining, parasailing, bungee jumping and jet-skiing to name a few. Shuri also took note of the full service spa that was available. She tucked the booklet into her pocket and followed the sign that read 'ELEVATORS'. She made her way down a short hallway and to the sleek metal elevators. Pressing the button, she stepped back and waited for the doors to open. A few moments later she heard a 'ding' and the doors opened. As she reached down to grab her bag's handle she didn't notice the woman who was coming out of the elevator.
"Aggh. shit" Shuri let out as she made unexpected contact with the person in front of her. Her bag falling out of her grasp and onto the floor. 
'Dammit, my top." The other woman let out annoyingly. Her drink had found it's way onto her shirt in the midst of everything. 
"I'm sorry." Shuri said as she scrambled help the other woman gather her things off of the ground. 
"Yea, well maybe watch where you're going.." The other woman trailed off as they both made eye contact. 
Shuri couldn't think of an appropriate response as her eyes met the beautiful brown ones above her. Her stomach began to flip as she took in the beauty of a woman in front of her. 
"I-I'm sorry. I can buy you another top. Or pay for another coffee?" Shuri said finally finding her words.
"No, it's fine really. But I might take you up on your offer later, uhm?" The other woman let out questioningly. 
"Oh, I'm Shuri. Shuri Jones. And you are?" Shuri said as she stuck her hand out. 
A smooth warm hand met hers. "Riri. Riri Lovette." Riri's eyes met Shuri's for a second time. This time she was the one who felt a swell of butterflies enter her stomach. Riri was taken back by Shuri's piercing yet alluring eyes. Her dark chocolate skin seemed to radiate but not more than her smile. Riri hadn't planned on meeting anyone on this trip but she had a feeling that was about to change.
"It looks like I'll be taking that ride with you." Riri said as she stepped back onto the elevator. 
"What floor?" Shuri asked trying to avoid eye contact with Riri.
"Oh, the fourth." 
"Funny that's what floor I'm supposed to be on."
 The two stood there in an awkward silence. Shuri pulled out her phone and scrolled through her Instagram. Riri continued to attempt to dry the tea that had spilled on her shirt. The elevator came to a stop. Shuri looked up from her phone, quickly putting the device in her pocket. 
"I'll see you around?" Riri said as she stood in the doorway of the elevator, looking back at Shuri.
"Hopefully. And again, I'm sorry about the uh-" Shuri made a gesture towards Riri's shirt.
"And again. It really is no problem." Riri said once and finally. With no other words exchanged, Riri turned left and walked down the hallway towards her room. 
Shuri stepped into the hallway and took out her pamphlet one final time to check her room number. 
'Room: 405' 
Shuri read the dark ink written on the envelope and turned right where the directory on the wall had pointed. Thankfully her room was only two doors down from the elevator. 
Pulling out her key card, she held the card to the reader. The scanner flashed green and the door unlocked. Opening the door Shuri was met with a modern style suite. She sat her bags down and examined the suite. The floors seemed to be bamboo. The minimalist style furniture included a sofa, lounge chair, a chair and ottoman. All were black and trimmed in the same bamboo colored finish.  A black marble coffee table sat in the middle of the living room. A large flat screen television was mounted on the wall above the chair and ottoman.  To the right and up a step was the kitchen. There was a full kitchen, set with pots, pans, and cooking utensils. The refrigerator was also stocked with simple items such as, soy milk, regular milk, eggs, and a few other items. She hadn't planned on cooking but it was nice to know she had the option. 
Making her way down and through the living room, she gathered her bags. She crossed the living room and entered the master suite. It was off to the left of the living room. Light grey, textured walls surrounded the large room. In the center of the room sat a  king size bed that  consisted of a dark wooden frame and a very comfortable looking white duvet and pillows. A rather large walk in closet sat on the wall opposite the bathroom.Setting her bags in the corner, Shuri decided she would unpack later. Walking into the bathroom, she grew excited about the jacuzzi style tub that sat in the corner of the room. She also took note of the  double vanity sink, it's black marble matching the living room decor. Satisified, she left the master bathroom and made her way back into the master bedroom. Kicking off her shoes, she jumped into the bed. Sinking into the cloud like mattress, Shuri relaxed, giving in to the exhaustion creeping in the corner of her body. The heaviness of sleep weighing down on her. And almost instantly she fell asleep. 
Riri sat on her bed as she thought about her ancounter from earlier.  For some reason she couldn't get the woman from earlier out of her mind. Something inside of her hoped to run into each other again. This time without her having to put on a new outfit. Riri pushed the thought to the back of her head. She had a spa appointment in a few minutes and she was on the verge of being late. 
Grabbing her room card, phone, and airpods she headed to the part of the suite where the spa was. The walk through the resort was brief and she luckily made in just in time for her appointment. Walking into the facility, she gave the receptionist at the front her name. After a few minutes of her sitting there and scrolling through her phone her name was called. The fullbody massage that followed released her of any tension and stress she still held in her body. Life in the entertainment business meant unexpected deadlines and little sleep. Being the top editor at one of the most revered fashion houses in the world, caused Riri Lovette to basically wear tension as a second layer. 
After leaving the spa she decide it best to finish off her proclaimed self-care day with a much needed meal. Pulling out her phone she checked the time : 8:40 p.m. Luckily, most of the resort's facilities stayed open rather late. Riri decided on spending her night at the Resort's lounge and bar: Grandeur 13. She could use a drink and some food. Deciding her current outfit, althought comfortable, was not suited for a night out, she made her way back to her room. 
Ater a short ride on the elevator, she got off and made her way to her suite. Walking inside she made a beeline for her closet. The closet seemed to contain every piece of clothing Riri owned. She thought it best to always be prepared for any situation or event. Working for a fashion mogul meant she had to always represent the brand. Settling for simplicity, she chose an off white , high-neck, mini dress. Crystal dusted heels adorned her feet, matching the same almost egg shell color of her dress. Stepping into the bathroom, Riri did a once over of her outfit. Satisfied with her outfit, she proceeded to do her hair. Undoing the two boxer style braids she usually wore, she allowed her hair to fall into wavy locs. Opting against a full face of make-up she went for a more natural look. Only applying lip stick, mascara, and eyeliner. After she was satisfied, she made her way into her bedroom. Grabbing her clutch off of the bed, she made her way out of her suite and to the lounge. 
Upon entering the lounge, Riri noticed the few guests that were scattered throughout the restaurant. The bar was no different.  Only one other person was sitting down and he looked to be focused on the phone in his hand. Riri made her way over to the bar and sat down. Thankful for the few guests that littered the place. She grabbed a menu and looked over the food and drink items. After deciding what she wanted, she signaled the bartender over. 
"Hi, my name's Lynn, what can I help you with?" The bartender said as she approached Riri from the other side of the bar.
"Hi, I think I'm going to start with your appetizer platter and your Royal cocktail." Riri responded.
"Coming right up." Lynn said as she disappeared to the kitchen,
"Thanks." Riri said. :ooking around her eyes fell upon the entrance where she saw a familiar face. One that almost had her jaw on the floor. It was the woman from earlier. Shuri. Except this time instead of a sweat suit, she was wearing a black button down, with slim fitting grey pants. Her black loafers matched her button down. A silver chain shined through the opening left by the one button that was left undone. She wore a pair of diamond stud earrings that accentuated her face even more. Riri tried to look away but not before catching Shuri's attention. Shuri's eyes fell upon what she thought was the most beautiful sight. She couldn't hear the server asking her if she needed help. It was as if the room had stopped, the low music that was playing in the background had be drawn to a low muffle. 
"MA'AM" The server almost yelled having grown agitated. 
"Oh, uh, I'm okay. Thanks. Sorry." Shuri mutterted as she began to make her way towards the bar. 
"Hey, I didn't expect to see you here." Riri had found the courage to speak to the woman. 
"Uh, yea. I got some rest and figured I'd grab something to eat and a drink." Shuri hung her head, trying to hide her blushing face.
"Mm, well, you can join me if you would like. I wouldn't mind the company.'
 "I wouldn't mind the company either." Shuri replied, sitting down next to Riri.
"So, what brings you here? Business or pleasure?" Riri said flirtatiously.
"Funny enough one caused the other. I, uh- got laid off from my law firm. And instead of being all depressed about it, I decided to take this vacation." Shuri answered.
"It seems like you picked a good place."
"Yea, I think so too, so what brings you here?"
" Just a break from work. I'm a editor. All the crazy deadlines, long hours, and travelling can get kind of stressful. And I'm sorry to hear about your job. I'm sure you'll find another one soon. You seem like the type to be good at what you do." Riri resonded. 
"Thank you, I appreciate that. And honestly, I'm not worried about a job right now. I played it smart and saved up enough to keep me going. Besides I'm not sure if I want to even be in the law field anymore. Im not sure what I want to do honestly. Your job seems interesting though. I bet you meet a lot of rather high profile people."
"Yea I do. It can be overwhelming sometimes. I've been thinking about changing career fields myself. I guess we're alike there." Riri let out with a small laugh. Just as she was about to continue the bartender came back with her food.
"Here we are. And oh, you have a guest." Lynn said as she sat down the drink and plate of food in front of her. "And what would you like?" She asked turning to Shuri.
Shuri eyed Rir's plate. "I think I-"
"Oh this is too much food for me to finish. And I saw you eyeing my plate. We can share if that's cool?" Riri said cutting her off. The plate before her was filled with a mixture of fruit, cheeses, smoked meats, olives, and spreads. 
"Yea. Then I guess I'll just be getting a drink." She said turning back to Lynn. "I'll just have a brandy neat, please and thank you." 
"You have good taste." Riri said as she took a bite of food.
"Thank you. And from your outfit I can tell you do too." Shuri said flashing a smile that caused Riri to blush.
"And smooth. So tell me more about yourself." Riri asked
"There's really not much to tell. I-" 
"I'm sorry to interrupt but here is your drink." Lynn said as she served Shuri her drink. 
"Thank you." Shuri said, before turning back to Riri.
The rest of their night was filled with laughter and sharing memories and stories. It wasn't until they had been asked to leave did they notice how late it was. After parting ways at the elevator each woman returned to their rooms. Reminiscing over the night's events. Replaying the sound of laughter and comfort that had filled the air. 
The next morning Shuri awoke with a bit of excitement. Her unexpected date prompted a sense of liveliness in the woman. Rolling over  saw that her clock read 10:43 a.m. Since it was still morning, she figured she would go to the cafe for a late breakfast. Getting out of bed she made her way into the bathroom to shower and brush her teeth. After turning the  water on and making sure it was warm enough, she stepped inside. Warm streams of water flowing over her and relaxing her body. Basking in the moment, she allowed herself to be fully at ease. Fearing the water would get cold, she didn't allow the moment to last long. She bathed herself and got out. After drying off she brushed her teeth. Once back in her bedroom she threw on a navy blue sweat suit. Key card and phone in hand, she headed out the door to the cafe. 
Once in the lobby, the influx of guests caused Shuri to plan for a breakfast in her room. She walked into the cafe and was met with the smell of fresh brewed coffee. One of her favorite smells. After walking up to the counter, she waited in the short line. When she finally got to the counter she ordered  her food and coffee and went to wait. A few minutes later name was called and she received her food and coffee. She made her way back to her suite. The rest of her morning was spent flipping through the channels on her T.V. After having enough of the suites walls, she decided to go out and do something. On the coffee table was a similar pamphlet to the one she had been given the day earlier. Grabbing it, Shuri scanned the list of activities the resort offered.
'Zip lining seems fun.' Shuri thought to herself. 
Closing the pamphlet she sat it back down and went to her room to change clothes. A light blue t-shirt and black cargo type pants is what she settled on. After throwing on a pair of black tennis shoes, she headed for the area of the resort dedicated to zip lining. Since it was on the far side of the resort she called a shuttle. The ride their was brief. Along the way she saw all the resort had to offer. Which included a basketball and tennis court. A golf course and club area. She also noticed the resort had more than one pool. The shuttle dropped her off at the base of the zip lining course, meaning she would have to hike to the starting point. Shuri didn't mind. She could use the scenery and exercise. She started up the trail but not before hearing a familiar voice call out her name,
"Shuri?" Riri called out from behind Shuri.
Shuri turned around " Riri? What are you doing here?"
"Well it is apart of the resort. And I wouldn't be here if I didn't think I had to hike up this damn trail." Rir said sounding annoyed causing Shuri to laugh at her frustraition. "It's not funny." Riri defended.
"You're right it's not. I'm sorry. But at least you have me to keep you company." Shuri responded.
"I guess you're right. It does make it a little better. Now, let's go before I change my mind." Riri said as she started along the trial. 
"After you." Shuri said following her. 
 The two walked in silence just enjoying the nature around them. Sneaking glances at the other when they thought the other wasn't looking. Riri eventually broke the silence.
"I had a really good time last night." She said  sheepishly as Shuri.
"I'm glad. I did too. It's been a long time since I enjoyed someone else's company. And speaking of. If you're free tonight, maybe we could go on an actual date?" Shuri didn't know where the sudden urge to ask her came from, but she did. 
"Yes! I mean, yea of course." Riri said, now embarrassed and blushing. 
"Okay, how does 8:00 sound? We can have dinner at Azel's. I'll pick you up from your suite?"
Riri only nodded in response. Shuri turned away and continued the hike. At some point Riri found her legs and continued as well. They came to the top of a ridge and noticed a group of people. Most of them were tourists and a couple of them resort workers. 
"Welcome! My name is Leo and I'll be the one assisting  you today. We have a few courses to choose from, but before that we'll need you to sign a waiver and receive a short instructional tutorial." Said the rather tall  man. His sun tanned skinned being hugged by a harness. 
"Thank you." Shuri and both Riri said as Riri grabbed Shuri's hand and ushered them towards the sign-in area. After they were done there they were fitted for their harnesses and given a safety briefing. Once they chose the course they wanted, they found themselves waiting in a short but slow moving line. Riri's nerves were only growing by the minute. She had a fear of heights. Although she tried not to show it, Shuri picked up on the other woman's fear. As they got closer to the front of the line, Shuri prepared for Riri's reaction.
"I don't think I can do this." Riri said, heer breathing becoming heavy. They were next in line. 
Shuri came behind her and began to rub her shoulders.
"Yes, you can. Don't look down and close your eyes if you have to. I'll be right behind you. And I promise nothing's going to happen. I got you." Shuri reassured her. 
Riri stepped to the edge as her harness was connected to the carabiner that was hanging from the zip line. Taking a deep breath she looked back at Shuri one more time. Who was now giving her a huge goofy smile and a thumbs up. Turning back around, Riri closed her eyes and jumped forward. 
To say she screamed would be an understatement. Shuri was sure everyone on the island heard Riri scream. And Shuri made sure to tease her about it. After Shuri went, they both hiked down the trail and parted their separate ways. Agreeing to meet each other later for their date. 
Shuri was sitting in her room trying to decide what to wear. The clock on her side table read 6:27. She still needed to shower and fully get ready. When she was trying to impress someone her routine was a little more complex. Resulting in her needing a couple of hours to get ready. She would have to rush now, which is something she didn't like to do. The word 'date' had grown foreign to her. She had only been married to her work for the past few years. Her love life was non-existent. Deciding not to waste anymore time she chose to shower and then choose an outfit. Her shower was much shorter than she had liked, but through. When the rest of her routine was completed she went back to the closet  After much deliberation, she settled on a pair of creme tapered pants and a rose toned turtle neck. She chose her leather, rose gold and creme loafers to wear. A gold milan style chain hung from her neck and rose gold studs sat in her ears. Her watch had a rose gold face that was surrounded by swarovski crystals. The belt of the watch was leather and an off white color. Satisfied with how she looked, she stepped out of the mirror and into the living room. She grabbed her coat that was the same color as her pants and headed out of the door. 
What should have been a short walk to Riri's room was turning into a trek. Shuri was hit with a new sense of nervousness. One that wasn't eased by glasses filled with alcohol. She was just not realizing how long it had been since she went on a date and how it felt. Finally coming upon Riri's door she hesitated before she knocked. 
"Relax. Rest. Refresh." She repeated to herself before knocking. Right now, she definitely needed to relax. A few moments after knocking, Shuri heard shuffling on the other side of the door. Then the door opened. And the butterflies in Shuri's stomach turned into birds. Her throat became dry and she lost all ability to speak. Riri looked gorgeous. She wore a simple black dress. The neckline falling along the top of her breasts. Her hair was in a high bun. One curl had been left out, falling in her face every so often. On her neck was a silver fringe choker. That seemed to sparkle almost as much as Riri did. Her ears dawned the same silver fringe styled earrings. She wore black heels with crystals on top, matching her outfit perfectly.
"You look absolutely perfect." Shuri found the courage to say. 
Riri blushed in response and let out ,"So do you."
"Are you ready to go?" Shuri asked.
"Yea." Riri said as Shuri grabbed her hand. 
Their walk to the restaurant was filled with conversations about how they had spent their afternoon. The warm air provided the perfect environment for a night walk. Once inside the restaurant they were seated rather quickly since Shuri had made a reservation. 
"So, you said you were in law. What made you get into that field?" Riri asked as she took a sip of her water. Their food had just arrived so Shuri was waiting to respond as her mouth was full of food. 
"Honestly, I wanted to make sure that people who looked like me got justice. You wouldn't believe how crooked this world can be." Shuri added, a small gracing her face as she thought about her past. 
"I would. Even though I'm in fashion, it's just as bad if not worse in the art world. A bunch of nepotism babies with money if you ask me." Riri said, causing Shuri to laugh.
Much of their evening went along like this. Bantering and pleasant conversation. The more Riri learned about the woman in front of her the more she fell. Shuri was secretly a nerd, but adventurous as well. How she became a lawyer, Riri had no clue. The field seemed too confining for her. Shuri had fallen just as hard. She learned about how Riri became an editor and always had a love for fashion. She could tell Riri was hard working, ambitious, intelligent, and kind. She also loved how Riri could make her laugh about the simplest of things. The rest of their dinner went by rather quickly. When they were done Shuri walked Riri back to her room. Not wanting the night to end, Shuri attempted to lengthen their time together. 
"Tonight was perfect. Thank you for being the best part of this vacation." Shuri said to Riri who was now standing in her open doorway.
"No, thank you for having me. I really enjoyed myself." Riri said, looking up at Shuri with bright eyes. "Do you want to come in for a night cap?" Riri questioned, biting her lip.
"I'd love to." Shuri said hoping she didn't sound too exctied. 
Inside, Shuri sat on the couch as she watched Riri pour two shots. Instead of coming over to her with the shot glasses, Riri went outside to the balcony. Shuri got up and followed her.
"I hope you don't mind. I just wanted some fresh air." Riri said as she handed Shuri her shot glass. 
"To new people and new places!" Shuri said, lifting her glass to meet Riri's as they downed the tequila. Both of them shared faces of disgust before setting their glasses down. Riri walked to the edge of the balcony and looked out at the water that sat at the edge of their resort. Shuri walked up behind her and held her from behind. 
"You know you looked stunning tonight, love." Shuri said lowly to Riri, as she kissed the nape of her neck.
Riri almost moaned at the contact as she titled her neck back exposing more of her skin.
"Mm, before this goes any further, I hate to be that girl but we need to establish something." Shuri stopped teasing the area her lips currently occupied and made eye contact with Riri. 
"What is it. love?" Shuri asked, anxious to get back to what she had been doing. 
"Well, do we plan on continuing this after we both leave here?"
"I-I had assumed, but I guess  really thought about it. Is that something you would like, Ms. Lovetter?" Shuri said coyly as she licked her lips.
"I do think so, Ms. Jones." Riri turned in her arms to capture her lips in a kiss. 
When their lips met, Shuri saw fireworks and felt a spark she had never experienced before. Riri's knees grew weak as she leaned on Shuri for support. 
That night they explored every corner of each other's body. Learning each other on the most intimate of levels. Bringing each other to climax so many times they lost count.  Much of their now shared vacation was spent in the sheets of one of their beds. If not there, then they would lounge by the pool. Shuri would be reading some book while Riri flipped through some vintage fashion magazine. In the midst of being lost, the two women had found each other. 
************ One-year and some months later *****************
"Welcome to our youtube channel!" Shuri shouted as she pointed the camera at her and Riri. "Today we're finally getting to see the Aztec pyramids here in Mexico!" Shuri continued excitedly. 
Riri giggled as she took in the pure joy her fiance was exhibiting. A moment she always enjoyed seeing and being a part of. Over the past year, they had both given up their careers and decided to travel the world. Blogging their journeys. To their surprise they had gained quite a following. Currently they were in Mexico. Right after their eighth month anniversary, Shuri had proposed to Riri. And of course, Riri had accepted. Now they were on their last trip before returning to the states to start planning their wedding. 
"Hey babe, this view is amazing." Shuri said, having put away the camera.
"I know. I'm just glad to share it with you." Riri said, giving Shuri a peck on the lips.
"I'm so glad I spilled your drink. I love you." Shuri let out. 
"I love you, too, you idiot." Riri said.
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meancatboy · 2 years
Penetration is a gender-neutral act. Topping is gender-neutral. Bottoming is gender-neutral. You are not more or less of a man or a woman depending on how you fuck. You are not “fake trans” for having sex a certain way. You are not any less masculine for bottoming or any less feminine for topping.
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queerdraws · 11 months
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it's zoro's birthday!! happy birthday big guy, may you say many more insane things to your enemies in the coming years
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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Trapped in a vicious cycle of pining? Try gay sex! (More things to learn over at Tiger Tiger!)
#tiger tiger#jamis arlesi#remy bonnaire#Arno#through a series of unfortunate events I will be posting this after the update will be out so my timing will be more so:#“Alternate take on how that scene played out” Rather than my funnier “My prediction for how it will go down”#I truly think Remy would rather admit to crimes he didn't commit than confess he has a thing for men.#It would be funny! It would be so funny if this is how Jamis found out. Alas...Not yet...Not yet...#I do love the idea that Jamis completely overlooked the all the elder god horror to get right down to the question of 'HOW DO YOU KNOW HIM'#Remy knows him. Knows him carnally. Wouldn't you like to also know your captain better? In spirit and body and mind?#Jealousy looks good on Jamis. Now he just has to do something about it.#Poor Remy though...He love Jamis so much he'd do anything to prevent losing him.#Which entails never giving Jamis a chance of rejecting or accepting his feelings!#Meanwhile...Jamis is a bisexual disaster man who is at his *limit*.#(For the MDZS fans looking at this Tigers comic who still have no context:#This is like Lan Xichen finding out Jin Guangyao hooked up with Nie Mingjue after LXC spent all that time thinking JGY was straight.#Better yet. This is like WWX just starting to realize his crush on LWJ and then finding out he and JC hooked up in the time skip.#'Nice to know you're into men but why did I have to find out like this' moment.)#((Yes I am trying to bridge the gap between the fandoms I am in. Yes I am still on my propaganda train. Choo Choo!!!))
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