#Moji the hex
gimbulbitovyi-pups · 2 months
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and we did a collab with my bruh
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Кстати! Тупые скетчи
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mojijunior · 3 months
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played the hex. goodbye sweet prince
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cavernclaw · 6 months
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my junior design i love this edgy little fucker also a version of him without armour and a sketch below
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hexagonalhavoc · 25 days
Daily Hex Headcanon (+2 for the days I missed):
Vallamir is really good at mathematics and chemistry
Cooking Granny likes death metal
Chandrelle was originally supposed to have a black cat sidekick as a familiar but it was replaced with Moji. She’s never gotten over that
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pennyblossom-meta · 2 months
I just wanted to say that I love your fanfic Ideas in April, I even read the side story, it’s amazing I cannot wait for more
Hello kind reader! I was very much blown away by your message and comments on the DN analysis posts! Thank you so much for reading and engaging, it means the world to me <3
The next chapter for The Ides of April (TIoA) should be posted in the next couple of weeks, if everything goes well. Work and my tendonitis sometimes make it difficult to write.
I'm also happy to announce that Shi, Ku (4, 9) is also getting its next (and last chapter) sometime after TIoA chp:3 gets released.
As a personal thank you, here's a draft for the next chapter of TIoA that I posted on Tumblr a while ago.
And here's a snippet (but still a draft! some things might yet change) for the next chapter of Shi, Ku that's currently being written:
(...) While Anna is looking up at the ceiling and musing about the best ways to make a strategic exit, — she opens the button on her left sleeve just so, making enough room between herself and the edge of the table so she can whip out her wand and bolt somewhere to Apparate, should it be necessary — the door swings open with a groan that sends a shiver down her spine.  She glances at the thin box the police officer is carrying; whats-its-name is on the tip of her tongue, she has a bigger one of its kind at the apartment, a better one without a doubt that she brought from Britain. Perhaps this NPA is underfunded and this was the best they could scrape off the bottom of the barrel in such a short time.  With fingers interlocked on her lap, she observes how the device is placed in the middle of the table, at an angle of about 45º. Once open, the panel inside is dark but shiny. She cocks her head to the side, confused. “Hm, sir?” Anna follows the officer with her eyes as he sits further down on the side of the table. Within sight of the device. “What am I supposed to be looking at?”  Just as the officer opens his mouth to reply, the entire screen goes white. Anna jumps in her seat, eyes wide as saucers when a black calligraphy ‘L’ appears with a flash, overpowering the display. She stares at it with her mouth slightly ajar and clutches her bag closer to her middle, hearing the newspaper inside crinkle and rustle in the quiet room. “Greetings, Miss Green. Officer Moji tells us you’ve important information to share about the Kira case.” Right down to business, just like Naomi mentioned. “You’re a letter,” Anna states outright, pointing her index finger at the screen. She touches it right in the middle, a baffled frown scrunching up her nose while the police officer regards her warily from his seat, like she’s insane. “And your voice sounds like it’s been put through a meat grinder. She never told me you’d be talking to me through a letter in a machine.” “And who is ‘she’?”  “Naomi Misora,” she tells the giant ‘L’ floating on the screen, giving the blinking green light at the top of the monitor a brief glance. “We’ve been trying to find a suitable way to contact you since early February, but we couldn't risk doing this without a plan." The silence that follows is tense; it drags on, perhaps longer than Anna can perceive as she fiddles with the hem of her sleeve, fingernails grazing the threads on softly embroidered chrysanthemum. She can feel the police officer’s eyes on her and wonders if he’s assessing just how high a threat she might be. Anna takes a deep breath. “Look, I think I’d better start by telling you this: something rather nasty happened to Naomi on New Year’s day that caused her irreversible damage. If I’m not with her every day at 4:44 in the morning and the afternoon she will die of a heart attack.” “What event was this?” came the immediate response.  “I — I don’t know. At first we thought it was some kind of curse, or that she had come into possession of an item that was hexed, but the situation took so many twists and turns it became unrecognisable  — even by our standards. You see, I found Naomi going into the train station when I was shopping for clothes in Ginza that day; I noticed there was something wrong because she seemed unfocused; strangely so.” There’s silence, so Anna proceeds. (...)
Thank you once again, hope you have a wonderful week!
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livehexmoments · 1 year
OK SO I HAVE AN AU YIPPEE!! I love the hex side characters sm for some reason, im making an entire au centered around them. These are just copy and pasted from my doc i made (and still working on so it might be a little rough!)
So, basic plot summary because it's not that deep: Wizarro found a bunch of supposed “dead” characters somewhere far off into the void on his travels and took them in to travel with him. Some characters like Shrewd and Rocky are actively looking for someone, while others like Jack and Alley just follow because they have nowhere else to go. Catarina joins them later on because she feels bad and wants to at least help them in finding a safe place to stay. Chaos ensues. Adding onto this, I was thinking they would eventually find a place to live in “beneath the Surface” or somewhere like it! (for fellas who don’t know, it's a free game that was made by Carla in canon. It contains the secret ending for the Hex).
Main Cast:
Description: Very cryptic guy but friendly (Like “I don’t sleep, I dream'' cryptic)!! Always calls people his friend and isn’t afraid of much. Tends to wander from place to place, which is how he found most of them. His magic is VERY weak, even weaker than Moji’s. He’s trying to get better throughout the events of the au and does manage to learn some powerful spells to protect himself and his new found family. At least he is able to fight back and can do some hand to hand combat (he wasn’t the best fighter in combat arena x but got by). He used to work for Gameworks and was assigned to Combat Arena X but quit during the development of Secrets of Legendaria and has chosen a life of wandering in worlds/engine (which explains how he ends up in the weirdest of places). Irving didn’t really care too much, since his hands were full with SOL, so he was able to get away with just leaving. Wizarro is someone who appreciates the newfound company and is actually afraid to lose it. He’s been wandering by himself for a while and it does get pretty lonely.
Appearance: Wizarro still wears the same clothes as he did before, with the addition of a little handbag he carries around, a scarf around his neck, and maybe a patch or two on the shirt. The handbag actually works on cartoon logic, as he seemingly can fit a lot of stuff in there (yet constantly forgets to put what they actually need in there). His sunglasses are still there too and he’s never seen without them. Even when it’s cloudy, he refuses to take it off. One change he does have is with his hair as it grew a bit longer from his travels and he doesn’t want to cut it.
Description: BELOVED ROCKY ...He's so confused on this journey and just wants to go home with his pops (if he could find him that is). He doesn’t remember too much from his death, just the forest and the hat lady shooting him out of existence, which he still has nightmares from. While Rocky is confused, he is also very kindhearted and protective over his new found friends. Like Rust, he doesn’t understand the concept of being a video game character and whatnot and tends to ask a lot of questions. Well, he always did that, he’s just a very curious person. Like to crack jokes and puns to lighten the mood and hear the stories of everyone. His protective nature came naturally from his time in the wasteland, the unfortunate downside is how he usually treats himself as a meatshield and will take a lot of hits for people, which isn't good.
Appearance: Rocky’s appearance hasn't changed too much. Instead of the undies he wears in game, I gave him shorts that are a bit torn up from being in the wasteland for so long. He still wears his worn out sneakers and bandages on his arms. I also gave him a lot more scars. Not only on his arms from those implants when the mods took over, but also just from cuts and bites from when he fought raiders and rad rats. One notable thing I did give him compared to his canonical design is he wears a large brown hooded cloak. I don’t know how he got it yet (thinking either they found it or Wizarro/Mr. Shrewd made it for him) but I wanted him to wear something that was a bit similar to Rust’s hood. I also think that most of the members of this travel gang wear stuff that covers their identity a bit, since they don’t want people immediately recognizing them and causing issues (especially Gameworks).
Description: SNARKY BITCH. Has a hatred for liars and hates being here sm. The only person he tolerates at first is Wizarro as they knew each other well from Gameworks, everyone else is for him to get used to, ESPECIALLY ALLEY AND JUNIOR. They both annoy him so much. He is still a door, so he moves around with magic and floating. He is the best magic user by a long shot, but his only spells relate to ankhs and that’s it. He says his sense of smell is good…that’s a lie, it’s really bad. He misses his queen sm and he honestly misses Secrets of Legendaria, as he truly did consider it one of the better games he was assigned to.
Appearance: There’s not much I can say about his design because I didn’t change much. I will say that since coming back, he does have a couple of more cracks showing, specifically on his door body, arms, and face. I’m thinking about also just giving him a chipped ear because why not. OH and a tail on the backend that yes, will wag if happy or excited (he hates it).
Description: Uncontrollable swearing. Is the reason why Rocky now knows 10 swears including Fuck. He is a pretty strong character too (apparently from dialogue, he was put in the npc detention center for being OP), but only in short bursts. He then gets tired and can’t fight so he’ll either give up or pass out. Known for having a bad temper and short patience. Easily irritated and only calm during rare moments when nothing is going on. Despite all that, he is not one to pick fights unless he’s approached directly and feels threatened…which is a lot of the time.
Appearance: Alley is the one character who died that doesn’t have any major design changes in this au, other than maybe his clothes being scuffed up with rips and a few scratches (he’s perfect as is <3)
Mr. Shrewd:
Description: Wonderful old man and dad. The father figure of the group and someone to keep everyone calm. He’s used to dealing with impatient or jerkish people (see Weasel kid and Mr. Squarrel here), so he can handle whatever fighting is going on that day. Pretty stern yet always giving good advice and support to anyone who needs it. While is a horrible fighter, he is decently quick with getting anyone out of a sticky situation and his ability to burrow underground will be useful. He honestly wants to try and find Weasel and/or Squarrel but realizing how much time has passed, he grows more unsure of that plan since he doesn’t want to upset them and bring back old trauma. “I miss my husband and kid…I miss them a lot. I’ll be back.”. Honestly I think he is pretty protective overall. He’s so used to being like that in Super Weasel Kid 1 and I do think it does come from a genuine fear of seeing people he cares about being hurt in any way :(
Appearance: Mr Shrewd has big ass glasses because of his old ones being “missing” (with mr Squarrel). He also has an amount of gray on his sideburns and mustache as he still is considered a bit older. It applies to his fur too, as the color is much paler. The wiki says he wears a green tee, so i'm gonna change it to be a green plaid sweater vest with the white shirt and tie kept because honestly i like that better. Oh so because he was initially designed (COUGH no legs COUGH), i think that the gang manages to code him in some legs and they’re so small. He would have khakis and a small tail with these new legs.
Description: I feel so bad for Moji, he’s honestly seems so nice and just trying his best. Kind of a dumbass and too naive for his own good but he tries. Goofy little guy who’s just trying his best and desperately wanting to spend the time he missed with his kid. The resident healer of the group who makes sure everyone is in good health and spirit (Even if they don’t want it). He can get upset, but it’s very hard to genuinely make him mad or sad. If you do, what’s wrong with you, he’s been through enough. He’s more lenient as a parent, basically letting “the kids” which consists of Junior and Rocky, to do whatever as long as it isn't super dangerous. He honestly forgives Chandrelle for killing him, he isn’t the type of person to hold a grudge (Junior does that for him). He still is apprehensive towards actually seeing her again and honestly I do think that forgiveness comes from him wanting to believe the good in people, even someone like Chandrelle who killed him in cold blood.
Appearance: So many burn marks and a scar from being stabbed by a sword on his chest. It’s honestly kind of horrifying. Moji otherwise has barely any notable design changes such as that. I will mention it here (and it applies to Junior too) but I think moglees’ eyes work in the same way as Olimar’s does in Pikmin. Basically always closed but when expressing extreme shock, fear or anger, go wide open. idk i just thought it would be funny
Description: The “Wildcard” of the group. Very chaotic and a “You can’t tell me what to do kind of guy” (except when his dad tells him no). Does not regret killing Jay at all as it was per the agreement. LOVES COMMITTING WAR CRIMES (and regular crimes). He does regret one thing: Blaming his father for abandoning him when that didn't happen at all. He is so traumatized from secrets and his own death it's insane. Loves denying it though to keep up his toxic masculinity. When he finds out about Chandrelle and how Lazarus kept quiet about it, he is going to lose it. While him and Lazarus aren’t the closest or anything, he does respect Lazarus’s skills and actually looked up to him since he was a kid (he thought being a knight was cool, he was like 10). Although being a bit older than Weasel, he is very much more immature than him and doesn’t know how to take responsibility for his actions that well.
Appearance: Junior has a lot of scars from his days in Vicious Galaxy, his child self dealing with the Vallamir attack, and his untimely demise being crushed by debris. He also has some stitches on certain parts of his body that he doesn’t remember getting at all. He absolutely ditches his armor and goes for the most punk/goth clothes you can think of. I can imagine him finding a red trench coat with combat boots and ripped jeans and being like “yep, im wearing this from now on, this is badass”. He carries his shotgun on his back at all times and is not afraid to use it. He’s very much taller than Moji
Description: Oh god, this man has so many issues. He is still a meek and cowardly man, but since his death, he’s…changed. He’s honestly become a bit more jaded and bitter, actually getting over his anxiety when the time calls. He’s less afraid of getting into arguments but still is relatively quiet. I know I compare him to Lazarus a lot but they are alike in my eyes. But unlike Lazarus who became more depressed, Jay became more angry. Finally being sick of being treated like a tool and dirt (dying does change your mind lmao). He looks out for everyone as best as he can. Out of everyone, he’s the 2nd person to know most of Reggie’s plan but refuses to ever step foot in there again. His feelings about everything and his death and…them are complicated and too much for him to handle. So he’d rather avoid the pain than confront it. He does not tell the others about it though. Only him and Catarina understand the extent of his revenge and both would rather not let the others know to avoid any potential problems.
Appearance: Jay has scars from the vicious galaxy and his death. But his death scars are the biggest pain to deal with it because they fucked him up physically. I think the shotgun bullets hit his backside (need to check in game and stuff) so id like to think his head, back and maybe arms are a bit fucked. He gets frequent migraines, mood swings, and even can have serious back/arm pains during the worst of it. Jay still wears his old armor (and occasionally wears his old robe if necessary), the only real difference is with the helmet. Think of Master Chief's helmet but with the visor being in shape with the arrow and a removable mouth piece for drinking and eating. He wears it not for protection, but to keep his identity hidden if needed.
Description: Now I was debating on making her a side character or having her be a part of the gang...Ultimately, I chose the latter because 1. Cat lady and 2. I love her. Barely see anything about her so I'm gonna change that. She’s the last person to join their little traveling gang and she didn’t do it out of a big reason or wanting anything. She did it for fun. While she had nowhere else to go, she was feeling rather lonely and just wanted to be with other people. This group seemed chaotic yet welcoming when she stumbled upon them so why not join them? She gets along with everyone fine (especially shrewd who she sees as an old friend). She actually cares about them a lot. The group’s safety is important to her (she grew attached to these silly men) so if she foresees some bullshit, then she will let them know and try to get them to avoid it. She is also someone who knows everything about the plan and stuff, and agrees with Jay that going to the Six Pint Inn is a bad idea. Before the Hex, she actually knew it was going to happen, and yet felt powerless to do something. it’s one of her biggest regrets to let it happen (not because of Lionel but for the npcs that were killed and how the patrons’ lives were basically fucked).
Appearance: No change to her design at all. The only thing I will say is that she can be seen walking more rather than using her carpet everywhere. This was a personal choice by her. She wanted to be on their level and walk alongside them so she only uses the carpet for emergencies or if they need to get somewhere fast (it shockingly can hold all of them but only barely).
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bunnypfps · 2 years
:0 o love the mojis thank you
Coffee if good but maybe have some water too soon
I’m doing well I also woke up recently but it is 3 pm I was sleeping before I have to head to work bc i didn’t get sleep lastnight
If it’s not to much could I also ask for the Heb/Himb in a pretty pink, again whatever you think looks best
It’s ok if not
im glad you like them!! ♡/p
im actually drinking water rn thank you for reminding me!! also good luck at work today i hope its a very easy day and tht you're able to get off early to get some well deserved rest ^^
also if you ever have a specific color you'd like me to use u can pick a hex code from this website !!! /pos but heres the emoji(s),,,i tested them in disc this time and i put an opacity on the 2nd one in case the first was too blocky/hard to read with text !!
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scrybe-0f-the-stars · 2 years
F/O List
I’m so sorry this is long overdue- but here’s all my f/os from obscure indie games no one cares about!
Romantic F/Os
P03 FROM INSCRYPTION. It is my main f/o and the one I think and talk about all the time, please prioritize this one about all the other ones- My S/I for them is Aster!
Lambert from Cult of the Lamb (S/I: Luna, dm for ref)
Jestar Heart from Project Arrhythmia (S/I: Mabby, my main sona)
Squid from Will You Snail (S/I: N/A)
Despot from Despotism 3K and Despot’s Game (S/I: N/A, can you see I have a type)
Pal from The Michells vs. the Machines (S/I: N/A, yeah I definitely have a type)
Boss from Just Shapes and Beats (S/I: also Mabby)
Green Mage from Everhood (S/I: I have a gnomesona but it’s horribly outdated)
Familial F/Os (all DMGverse)
Leshy from Inscryption
Luke Carder from Inscryption
Kaycee Hobbes from Inscryption
Lonely Wizard from Inscryption
Goobert from Inscryption
h0peless$oul from Pony Island
Louey from Pony Island
Rebecha from The Hex/Inscryption
Weasel Kid from The Hex
Moji from The Hex
Bryce from The Hex
Chandrelle from The Hex
Lazarus from The Hex
My BitBuddy Zeelo (holy crap that’s a lot)
Platonic F/Os
Unicorn from WYS
Gramble from Bugsnax
Filbo from Bugsnax
just any bugsnac tbh
Charlie, the name I gave to the player character of Card Shark
The Comte du Saint-Germain from Card Shark
Smallfry from Splatoon 3
Tinkaton from Pokémon SV (yes)
Nautilus from Project Arrhythmia
DXL from Project Arrhythmia
Nano from Project Arrhythmia
Sad cube from JSAB
Penny from Pokémon SV
Bin from Progressbar95 (uhhhh)
Pink from Everhood
Whew I know that’s a crap ton of F/Os but thanks for reading so far!
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leafytaffyart · 2 years
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A story in two panels
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scover-va · 2 years
Take a compilation of Insta reels. I still gotta make a comp. of the ones ive made since making this video fuckin weeks ago, but yknow
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hrokkall · 2 years
Okay nothing too interesting so far (admittedly I’m just trying to get through the base game so I can secret hunt afterwards) but I wonder if the game changes if you just… do the entirety of Secrets of Legendaria without cheating
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futurewriter2000 · 6 years
Changing titles ~ Pt.3
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A/N: Ugl, ne morm več na splošno. Moji možgani so bleh and I just wanna sleep. 
It didn't take long for the news to get out. (Y/n) Potter having a new boyfriend, someone actually worthy of her time. Because you were someone every boy wanted. You never believed it but everybody fell for your charm.
You didn't mind the other gossips that flew around. The one where you were under Imperius curse, another where you joined the Death Eaters and bare the Dark Mark...
" You're joking, right?" Chilli stared at you in disbelief. "Antonin Dolohov."
" You're acting like it's a bad thing." you smiled and continued to eat your toast you have been now eating for almost 20 minutes.
"It is a bad thing. Don't you hear rumors that fly around about this guy? "
"Exactly. Rumors." you looked at her, putting down your toast and putting your hair in a ponytail. "Anyways I'm stuffed so I better be going to Potions." you smiled and got up. "Another class of how great Regulus Black is." you rolled your eyes and started walking towards the dungeons.
But something was odd to Chilli. How could you be stuffed after not even finishing one toast? And through how many mood swings you go through in a day. She looked down the table, catching an eye on James and considering this one possibility....but no. She can't. You'll hate her.
Before you reached the doorknob you felt strong arms wrap around your stomach and pull you away.
He twirled you around and placed you against the stone wall, kissing you. " Imperius curse, huh?" he grinned and you wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Apparently." you smiled. " You monster." you joked around and he chuckled.
"How come you still insist on this?" he asked, placing his hands on your hips and slowly swaying you with him.
" On what?"
"This." he leaned into a kiss, this time more aggressively and roughly as he did before.
"Hmm." you hummed as he pulled away. "Maybe because I don't give a single damn about them."
"HEY!" a voice shouted from the hall and both of you turned around to face an angry looking boy storming towards you.
Dolohov in front of you sighed and looked up at you. "This is sure gonna be fun, won't it love ?" he smiled before removing himself from you and stand his ground.
The boy stopped right in front of him, gripping his wand tightly and angrily. His hazel eyes were focused on one guy and one guy only. Antonin Dolohov and as his fingers kept clenching around his wand, his forehead seem to show long veins pop out.
Behind him, there was another boy. Hair just as black as your boyfriends but a bit more curly and his eyes bright, blue and definitely special.
He wasn't fixed on Dolohov. He was fixed on you and he was looking at you with something that resembled more of a disappointment than anger or sadness.
"Get your filthy hands off my sister." James growled as he continued to glare at Dolohov.
Your boyfriend, however, kept his cool. He didn't show any sign of irritation or fury. He was standing there with his hands together and his mouth curved in a smirk.
"James, what the hell are you doing?" you rolled your eyes, feeling annoyed by him already.
"What the hell are YOU doing!?" he shouted. "Snogging that piece of trash!"
"Ouch." Dolohov chuckled catching James attention again. "What are you going to do James? Jinx me, hex me, curse me..." he grinned, walking closer to him with an evil twinkle in his eye. "We both know you don't have what it takes to curse me, do you? Only weak wizards jinx and hex. Like they are afraid to show their power." his expression suddenly fell into something much more darker.
You felt something inside of you clench. The thought of Dolohov trying to hurt your older brother or Sirius...it didn't feel right but somehow with everything happening, you found yourself frozen on the spot.
" You can't duel me, Potter. You'll lose and oh what would happen when that Head Boy title is ripped away from you?" he goaded, making James' temper rise. " But you wouldn't do that, would you? No, no. You'd rather get your sister ripped from you instead...because there' nothing greater for a Gryffindor than having his pride." and with that Dolohov turned around and walked towards you. His hand placed itself on your chin and gently brushed against it. " See you later, darls." he winked before walking off.
And you stood there, not staring but glowering at your brother. He was there, standing with his hand around his wand, furious and looking where Dolohov disappeared.
Because Dolohov was right. James would rather see his sister be ripped from him than his Head Boy title.
"Really, (y/n)?" the boy behind him loomed at you. "To stoop so low."
" I wouldn't be the one talking, Black. " you replied harshly, making your way back to the Potions classroom. " I can't be lower than the people abandoning their families." you continued to keep your eye contact with him. His eyes flashed away for a moment, making you the opportunity to glance at your brother then walk into the classroom
“ You afraid little girl?” a sneer came from one of the Slytherins. His eyes glowing with fire while his mouth curved in a malicious smirk.
You turned your eyes to him and chuckled. “ I’m shaking.” you spoke sarcastically, leaning on to your boyfriend.
“ Couldn’t think of anything better to say than that?” Dolohov spoke as he kept watching at the lake.
Mulciber chuckled, pulling up his sleeve and showing you the Dark Mark. Your heart leaped for a moment but since you were a bit high on the new stuff, you managed to keep your cool. “ Doesn’t this scare you?”
And for some odd reason, you saw the mark and you felt like giggling. “ Really cool design. Who made it?” you took a hold of his forearm and the four boys and a girl laughed.
“ The Dark Lord, who.” Mulciber rolled his eyes and moved away.
“ You really don’t get scared, do you Potter?” Lestrange joined the conversation with Bellatrix under his arms.
“ Of?”
“ Anything.”
“ Life is too short to be spent in fear.” you hummed and let the sunlight shine on your face.
Bellatrix quickly got up from Lestrange’s hold and crawled up to you. “ So..:” she smiled wickedly, her teeth in perfect white color as her curly hair contrast to that. “ Would you get the Dark Mark? Follow the Dark Lord?”
You opened your eyes lazily, seeing four dark eyes instead of two. “ Uhmm...no.” you managed to get out and close your eyes again.
Dolohov chuckled and let his hand find your forearm. “ Shame. I’d look sexy on you.” he whispered in your ear, loud enough for everybody to hear while he caressed your forearm with his thumb. “ Very shame indeed.”
“ Yeah well...” you moved your arm away from his hand and turned around so that you were facing him. “ I might be a bit high right now, but I’m not high enough to go to “the dark side” “ you made air quotes and kissed him on the lips, quickly getting on your feet. “ Anyways...I have to get be now going to get on my essay McGonagall.” you seemed to spit out words that made no sense. “ Gotta find my dorm.” you smiled and walked away with a military greet.
You were a bit confused. The new drugs he gave you made you dizzier than the old ones. It kept messing with your mind after the good feeling. You stopped at the spiral stairs and looked up. “ Bollocks.” you muttered under your breath as they kept spinning. “ Oh well. “ you shrugged and started climbing.
Somehow, you didn’t know how you managed to get to the portrait hole and what was worse, you couldn’t remember the password.
“ Password?” the Fat Lady asked proudly.
“ Uhm...” you let out and heard yourself giggle. “ Well, shite. I forgot.” you giggled again, your heart beating a bit faster as sudden joy entered your body. “ Can’t you just let me it. You know I’m a Gryffindor.”
She glared. “ Password.”
“ I don’t know. Grapes.” you spluttered out and found yourself giggling at it.
“ Are you making fun of me, girl?” she started to sound offended.
But before you could reply to her, the door swung open and the famous Head Boy jumped out.
“ Oh, JAMES!” you exclaimed, making your way to the portrait hole. “ Thank you, James.” you swung on your legs drunkenly and smiled at him like a complete idiot. “ James, James.” you continued to look at him as his eyes furrowed in your odd behavior. “ Well, goodbye, James.” you waved and climbed through the portrait hole. and found yourself in the common room.
But before you could turn to the girls' dormitories, James grabbed you by the arm and turned you around. “ What’s up with you?” his voice echoed in your ears and you just kept smiling at him.
“ Boop.” you tried to boop his nose but missed it by an inch, getting his cheek instead. You grabbed his cheek, widening your eyes as you saw it stretch wider and wider. “ WOW! “ you marveled as the colors started to mix around. “ I nEver knEw yOUr skin was so stretchy.”
He slapped your hand away and placed both of his hands on the side of your head, looking into your eyes. “ Are you high right now?!”
You giggled, putting your index finger up and focusing on his nose. “ Boo-” your finger made its way to his nose. “ -oop.”
He just stared. He couldn’t believe his younger sister was doing drugs. To be honest, he was in complete shock, speechless and had completely nothing to say to this.
“ Hey, Prooo-” Sirius beamed but dragged James’ nickname on his tongue as he saw him holding your head. “ -oongs?” he stopped in the middle of the stairs and stared. “ Whatchu two doing?”
“ I reckon I wanted to go up to my dorm.” you turned your head and moved from James hold and walking to Sirius. You stopped at the bottom of the stairs and gazed up at them again, seeing as they spun in the room. “ UUUGGHH.” you groaned and prepared to climb the stairs again.
You made your way up and bumping into Sirius. “ Oh, sorry.” you looked up and smiled. “ Oh, hey Sirius.” and you continued to climb.
He grabbed you by the wrist as well and turned you around. “ Are you high?” he looked into your eyes.
“ No.” you lied and felt the giggling feeling bubble up. “ Just...tired.”
“ Tired, huh? What color are my eyes then?”
“ Hah. Blue.” you smiled and tried to walk up the stairs again.
“ And my hair?” he asked, pulling you down again.
“ Black, like your surname. You have a birthday somewhere in October, you have a brother who is in my Potions class and you’re Animagnus is a big black dog, just like your personality.” you gave him a fake smile before trying to go up again.
“ Alright, How many brothers do you see down there?” he pointed his finger at James who only looked at you with this weird look on his face. A look you haven’t ever seen on James before. Almost as he cared.
You squinted your eyes at him, looking at James and feeling the effect of the drugs suddenly wash off. You turned to look at Sirius, your smile now turned into a frown as your eyes focused on his. “ None. I don’t have a brother.” you spoke coldly before ripping your hand away from his grip and stomping up the stairs again. “ Don’t ever touch me again. Both of you.” you shouted before finally turning to the girl's dormitories and slamming the door shut.
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hexagonalhavoc · 9 months
So I finally decided to draw my Hex oc/self insert thingy!
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Her name is Tansy (her name means immortality) and she’s a roller derby magical girl! She had her own game that was made by Carla but ended up being used as a character in Combat Arena X.
The thing beside her is her moji mascot because all magical girls have mascots. His name is Darcy the Destroyer of Worlds. They’re both extremely chaotic and often enable each other’s violent behavior.
She’s snarky and loves to fight, often gets carried away. She’s on no one’s side and just does whatever she wants for the sake of it. Although she does like pissing Irving off and fighting him because she considers him a “fun and worthy opponent.”
Also I do ship her with Sado-
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leafytaffyart · 2 years
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scover-va · 2 years
Gimme the what ifs, I just played a bit of the hex (on the Bryce part) and I need that awesome what if scenarios in my head
Apologies in advance for how fucking long it is, but I have several thoughts on these scenarios
So, this is all under the assumption that almost everything that happens pre-game (so in the memory/flashback bits) still happens, and that Reggie and Jeremiah are just simply not out for revenge. Maybe Reggie used some critical thinking skills or something, I don't know. Only backstory differences would be 1. Lazarus' backstory/flashback (if the flashbacks happened) would be about something else, since The Artifact mission never would've happened. Likely fleshing out his feelings on what happened after SOL failed, and having a similar situation to that one scene from the first trailer. With some calmer/dialogue-heavy bits including Junior and Jay ofc 2. The 'Lionel wants this' incident would not be shown in FPP's chapter due to technically being irrelevant. If this were in the format of the game, it'd just be an easter egg
With that out of the way, here's some other important notes:
Reggie and Jeremiah would never be the murderers or the victims. Jeremiah does whatever Reggie tells him to, and would never act out of his own free-will, despite Reggie's protests otherwise. Reggie, on the other hand, would get the final say in everything, like what happens to the killer. Well, the player has some input in that, but still. Reggie and the player are, essentially, the judges in the case. No one has any real reason to target these two, either.
The murders cannot be prevented. The murder will happen at some point, and all you can do is catch who did it
Like as hinted at in the og trailer, the POVs would jump around out of order. In a game-style format, you could switch around as pleased post-murder, and the flashbacks would be triggered by certain things. What triggers the flashbacks? I don't know, depends on the victim-killer scenario, but likely some sort of reminder for each of the characters
Sado and Irving never show up in present time. They may be mentioned for different reasons, but they'd never be the murderer or victim in these scenarios
Everything Lionel did still happened, and he and Carla still have their issues, but again, they're less important in this au
The what-if scenarios might be connected via game resets. This will be fully figured out if I write a fic, but for now, it is merely a possibility.
Now, for whoever the killer is, what happens to them after being caught is dependent on how the cast feels about the victim and said killer, and also just their overall personalities. Again, Reggie gets the final say in the matter, but the inn patrons do get to argue about what should happen to the killer. But the four outcomes are:
Being reported to the Gameworks: The only reason Irving would show up. The killer would be reported for killing another game character, and considering how hurting an innocent npc leads to a permanent game ban, I can't imagine punishment for killing a playable character would just be a slap on the back, and punishment would be permanent deletion. It's relatively painless, but you get my point. Lazarus, Chandrelle, and FPP are aware of the cruel punishment. Weasel Kid, Rust, and Bryce are not aware of the punishment and assume it leads to imprisonment.
Being executed at the inn: Obviously, this is quite the extreme compared to the other three choices, but sometimes you need to take matters into your own hands to ensure they don't hurt anyone ever again. Chandrelle and Rust are more in favour towards execution. Weasel Kid, FPP, and Lazarus are neutral towards execution. Bryce is more against execution.
Being locked away at the inn: Not entirely sure where someone would be locked up at the inn, given the rooms and stuff, but if the storyline was a genuine murder mystery I'm sure there would conveniently be a place to lock them up. This is definitely more of a neutral punishment, not resulting in anything harmful, but also not being too kind hearted. Weasel Kid, Bryce, and FPP are more in favour towards imprisonment. Rust and Lazarus are more neutral towards imprisonment. Chandrelle is more against imprisonment.
Being kicked out of the inn: The most kind-hearted of the four choices, leading to no punishment for the killer. This one is more likely for if someone kills in self-defence, since most of the patrons are at least somewhat reasonable. Rust and Bryce are more in favour towards banning. Weasel Kid and FPP are more neutral towards banning. Lazarus and Chandrelle are more against banning.
Suicide: Upon being caught, the killer takes fates into their own hands and kills themself. This is not a punishment option, and is purely situation dependent. May occur before or after everyone decides on a punishment.
Impulse kill: One character acts without the input of the others, and executes the murderer by their own hand. This is not a punishment option, and is purely situation dependent. May occur before or after everyone decides on a punishment.
Reggie never decides based on personal opinion. In case of a majorly favoured opinion, he will go with that. In case of a tie, he will choose the more logical choice.
Now then, with all that stuff out of the way, I'm gonna list off the possible victim-killer scenarios! All will be further explored if I write proper fics for each scenario, and punishment choices would be more dependent on what happens in each scenario between the characters, both before and after the murder takes place.
Weasel Kid kills Bryce: Due to his game failing and being abandoned by Lionel due to Lionel signing a contract with Gamefuna. Weasel Kid might choose to take it out on someone who is associated with the Gamefuna contract. He would choose Bryce due to an assumed favouritism, since Bryce was one of Lionel's favourite game characters growing up, and take his anger out on him. Would sneak into Bryce's room and surprise-attack him. He would not use a murder weapon, just simply using his teeth.
Weasel Kid kills Chandrelle: Similar situation as listed above. He would choose Chandrelle due to her being the first known character Lionel created and fleshed out after Weasel Kid, due to other Combat Arena X characters not being present, and Bryce being purchased against his will. Similar to Bryce, he'd sneak up on Chandrelle to get the element of surprise. He would once again use his teeth, but may bring a physical weapon as a back up option due to her ability to use magic.
Bryce would only kill out of self-defence due to holding no grudges and having no motive for murder. Location and weapon are victim dependent.
Chandrelle kills Weasel Kid: Chandrelle has a tendency to react violently if upset, annoyed, or angry, as shown when she kills Moji without a second thought due to him being 'tedious as ever'. Due to their egos clashing and them constantly bickering and angering each other, Chandrelle may eventually take her anger out on Weasel Kid. She would attack Weasel Kid outside or in the basement, so no one can overhear as easily. She would not use a physical weapon, instead only using her magic.
Chandrelle kills Bryce: Due to past experience in Combat Arena X, Chandrelle knows she can overpower Bryce, and he wpuld be an easier option in case of murdering someone. As for a legitimate motive, it might be something Vallamir-related, due to her and Bryce having a positive relation. She would attack Bryce in the kitchen, where she knows he will inevitably go. She would use her magic, but hide Lazarus' sword in her inventory as a backup option, due to the fact that Bryce has dodged her spells with ease before, and the sword is easily available to her and harder for Bryce to block.
Chandrelle kills Rust: Rust, despite his weapons, is practically the most harmless in the cast in her eyes. Why, you may ask? Simple. He's simply not all there. He isn't aware of what's happening around him, everyone thinks he's delusional, everyone either distrusts him or is weirded out by him which would therefore cause him to be alone, and overall, Chandrelle is pretty certain that he would never even realize what's happening until it's too late to stop it. He's an incredibly easy target. She would lure him to a secondary location where no one else is, or possibly find a way into his room. She wouldn't even bother with wasting her mana, simply sneaking up behind him and using her trusty dagger to kill him.
Chandrelle kills FPP: Another easy target, due to FPP being unable to speak. They can't scream or call for help, can't keep someone closeby via a conversation, and has no weapon to defend himself with. Only issue is that Chandrelle can tell FPP does not trust her specifically, but cannot tell why. Location would be dependent on where FPP goes, since Chandrelle can't lure him anywhere. She would use her magic, but have her dagger handy just in case.
Rust would only kill out of self-defence due to holding no grudges and having no motive for murder. Location and weapon are victim dependent.
Lazarus kills Chandrelle: Listing this one first, but in this scenario, he'd want revenge for what she caused him to go through, and due to all the people he had to kill during his time in Vicious Galaxy 2, what's one more? He views what she did as a full betrayal after all, and despite his rpg programming telling him not to hurt her, his emotions get the better of him. He'd lure Chandrelle to a secondary location due to her trusting him, and would shoot her dead, likely execution style.
Lazarus kills Bryce: Following the same revenge plan as above, in this scenario, Bryce finds out about the murder plans, and tries to peacefully confront Lazarus to prevent anyone from dying. However, Lazarus panics and kills Bryce instead, worried that Bryce will report him to someone, causing him to either have to go back to his game, or be deleted by the Gameworks. Bryce would likely bring Lazarus to the kitchen to talk things out, and Lazarus would shoot him dead.
FPP kills Chandrelle: Knowing exactly what she did, FPP plans on almost playing God, mirroring how Lionel is basically the group's God. They know that Chandrelle's actions led to the deaths of lots of others, ruined Lionel's game (which FPP has heard about too many times to be okay with), and it led to Lionel stealing money from his employees and possibly Carla turning Sado into a purely hostile, satanic entity. So, FPP decides to punish her themself for these reasons, using the fact that they're seemingly powerless and innocent to his advantage. He'd try to lure Chandrelle to a second location, but would be able to figure out a way to get her alone no matter what. They'd either use a kitchen knife or one of the weapons locked away behind the kitchen/bar.
Future scenarios might get added if I get more ideas, but for now, those are the scenarios I've got in mind. Obviously, random murders could occur without need for any sort of motive, intention, or reasoning, but. Those are incredibly boring. Other than that, that's what I've got figured out so far! I really enjoy murder mysteries so all these possible scenarios are scratching a certain spot in my brain. Feel free to overanalyze these or come up with alt. scenarios because murder fun when it's fictional
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scover-va · 2 years
God i cant fucking stop thinking about lucifer's insignias being on the vallamir book
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