#Miyagi first appearance !!!
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cottonlemonade · 4 months
Can I please order from menu A with a soda, dango and I’ll be sitting next to Hinata. Thank you so much!
The New Girl
word count: 1055 || avg. reading time: 5 mins.
pairing: Hinata x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none
request: fluffy, school festival as a new student with Hinata
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You imagined your first day at school very differently. Transferring in the middle of a semester was probably an introvert’s worst nightmare and you had been worried you wouldn’t find any friends since the other new first years would by then already divided themselves into groups. But when you folded your hands over your pudgy tummy and bowed deeply in front of the class a boy with fiery hair and bright eyes had caught your attention and you were surprised when the teacher asked who’d show you around and the boy’s hand immediately shot in the air.
Luckily, students seemed to be too busy to pay much attention to you as everyone was preoccupied with preparations for the school festival that weekend. Your homeroom teacher strongly urged you to join a club for social activities as well as everyday practice of your Japanese and you rifled through a small leaflet she handed you listing all the available ones. The book club seemed fun or maybe the sewing club. You doubted any sports team would take you with your chubby appearance even though you did genuinely enjoy quite a few of them. Deciding to check out the possibilities for yourself during the festival you got dressed and began your arduous journey to school that Saturday, paddling your bike over the many hills Miyagi had to offer.
As you pushed it into the bike rack by the school gate someone came to a screeching halt next to you.
“Hey, y/n-san!“ It was Hinata, the boy with the fiery hair.
“Good morning!“, you smiled.
“I made a plan for us.“, he announced proudly and slipped his hand into his pocket to pull out a hastily folded - slightly crumpled - piece of paper, waving it through the air, “We‘ll start with the snacks and refreshment stand obviously, then we can check out the book club and then we- what?“
He looked at your shocked face in confusion.
“But aren‘t you busy today? I thought you‘d be with the volleyball team?“
The tips of Hinata‘s ears turned very pink and he ruffled a hand through his hair. He looked somewhere off to the side when he said, “Nah, I told them I‘d be showing you around again. But we should stop by their stand! It‘s awesome! There is a flyer and everything and I‘m on the cover!“
He basked in the impressed admiration that followed for a moment, then put the paper back into his pocket, grabbed your hand and pulled you along.
Munching on yakisoba buns from the snack stall, courtesy of the Sakanoshita Store, Hinata kept on talking as he led you through the crowds, grabbing your hand again every so often so as not to lose you. Your heart skipped whenever he did but since he acted so casual about it you pushed the blossoming feelings down again and again. Once you‘d made the rounds on the clubs you had earmarked in your leaflet, Hinata suggested a short break under a large tree next to the main building, disappearing for a minute before returning with two water bottles. The unfamiliar summer heat of the countryside pressed down on you and you took a couple of grateful gulps, emptying half the bottle.
“You know…“, Hinata began, pushing a pebble around with his shoe, “the volleyball club is always looking for new managers. Just a thought. We already have two so you wouldn‘t be alone and they‘re both super nice! You‘d get along great! And the team is also super cool! And you already met a couple of them! Kageyama, Yamaguchi and Tsukishima are also in the club.“
You nodded slowly. “You don‘t have to, of course!“, Hinata added, earnestly, “But.. it would be cool to… to see each other outside of school, too.“
For a moment you both blushed at your shoes before you cleared your throat and told him to lead the way. He beamed and bounced ahead.
“Wow…“, your jaw dropped when you saw the posters on either side of the volleyball stand. Hinata hadn't exaggerated - his picture really was incredible.
You picked up a flyer and stared at the cover for probably way too long, admiring the way the light shimmered through Hinata‘s hair.
“Are you thinking of joining?“, a boy with a kind smile asked. You offered a mixture between a shrug and a nod.
“This is y/n l/n.“, Hinata introduced.
“Oooh!“, the boy said, “Yes, Shoyo-kun told us a lot about you. Quite frankly he has talked about nothing else this past week.“
Hinata froze in horror and his face became bright red as he croaked, “Sugawara-san!“
“What‘s this now?“, a third boy, possibly even shorter than Hinata appeared by Sugawara‘s side, a blonde strand falling over his forehead amidst the otherwise brown spiky hair, “Oh is this her? You didn‘t do her justice, Shoyo, she is even prettier than you said.“
“Here, keep the flyer.“, Sugawara said and pushed the glossy leaflet you had placed back on the table into your hands again, “We would love to have another manager. I bet you‘d be great at keeping Hinata in line - I mean, keep him motivated.“
Hinata at this point had practically dissolved into the wind from embarrassment.
“I don‘t think he needs more motivation for volleyball, Sugawara-san.“
Yet another club member spawned out of nowhere, this one at least you‘d seen before. He had a mischievous, almost daringly evil grin on his face as he pushed his glasses back up on his nose.
“If only he would apply himself to homework and studying as much as he did to volleyball. Then we wouldn‘t have to wait at training camp for this airhead to finish his make-up classes.“
Sugawara kept an angelic smile on his face as he elbowed Tsukishima in the side.
“Just think about it, y/n-kun.“, the third year said, never losing his smile and giving you a thumbs up.
With an uncertain bow you turned and pulled the small heap of misery formerly known as Hinata back into the stream of students and visitors.
“They… seem … nice?“, you said slowly as his soul gradually returned to his body, “You know… if you struggle with homework and studying… I could tutor you maybe. - If you like.“
Hinata looked at you in surprise and blushed, then walked against a tree.
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a/n: thank you so much for such a cute request for our favorite tangerine! Please enjoy 🌟
I still have 9 requests to go so if your request hasn’t shown up yet, know, I haven’t forgotten about it and am on it ^^
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kentobb · 4 months
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Characters: Ushijima Wakatoshi x Female Reader
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Angst?
Author’s note: I feel like I should make a masterlist. Lmk what you guys think.
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5 year later…
Five years had passed since the graduation, and Ushijima had become a household name in the world of volleyball. As a key player for the Schweiden Adlers, he had risen to fame with his exceptional skills and unyielding determination. His powerful spikes and steadfast presence on the court were often the highlight of sports news. Paparazzi followed him relentlessly, their cameras clicking like mechanical insects whenever he stepped out. His face adorned billboards, and his matches were televised events that drew millions of viewers.
Yet, despite the adulation and the accolades, a certain emptiness lingered in his heart. The constant attention was exhausting, and the endless cycle of training and competition left little room for personal reflection. It was this weariness that drove him to make a decision he rarely indulged in: he would take a break. He would return to his roots, to the serene landscapes of the Miyagi prefecture, and visit his mother for a month.
After informing his manager and ensuring his schedule was clear, Ushijima packed a small bag and took a quiet train ride out of Tokyo. The journey was a welcome change from the hustle of city life, the rhythmic clatter of the tracks and the rolling vistas of the countryside soothing his frazzled nerves.
He arrived in Miyagi to a brisk spring breeze and the familiar, comforting sights of his childhood.
His mother’s house stood as it always had, a modest home nestled among fields that stretched out under the wide sky. She greeted him with a warm embrace, her eyes sparkling with pride and joy.
“There’s my big star!” She said as she hugged him.
They spent the first evening catching up, sharing simple meals, and enjoying the unhurried pace of rural life.
It was a balm to his soul, and he felt a peace he hadn't known in years.
After a few days of rest, Ushijima decided to visit an old friend. Tendō Satori, his eccentric best friend from high school, had opened a chocolate store not far from Shiratorizawa Academy. The store, aptly named "Tendō's Treats," had quickly gained popularity for its unique and whimsical confections. Ushijima had followed its success from afar, often receiving care packages filled with Tendō's latest creations.
The shop was a cheerful, inviting place with bright colors and playful decorations that reflected Tendō’s personality. As Ushijima pushed open the door, a small bell chimed, and the rich scent of chocolate enveloped him. Tendō was behind the counter, his trademark grin widening as he looked up and saw his old friend.
“Waka-chan!” Tendō exclaimed, vaulting over the counter with surprising agility. “What a surprise! I didn’t know you were in town!”
Ushijima returned the grin with a rare smile of his own. “I needed a break,” he explained simply.
Tendō clapped him on the back and led him to a cozy corner of the shop. They sat among shelves filled with colorful chocolates, reminiscing about old times and catching up on the present. Tendō’s stories were as animated as ever, his laughter infectious.
“And here I thought you’d be too busy with all those interviews and matches to remember little old me,” Tendō teased, his eyes twinkling.
“You’re not easily forgotten,” Ushijima replied, a hint of warmth in his voice.
Ushijima took a sip of his hot chocolate, his mind wandering back to their high school days. The memories were bittersweet, tinged with nostalgia and regret. He turned to Tendō, who was leaning back in his chair, a contented smile on his face as he savored his own drink.
“Tendō,” Ushijima began, his voice breaking the comfortable silence. “Have you seen anyone from our class recently?”
Tendō’s eyes sparkled with curiosity. “Hmm, not too many, but I do keep in touch with a few. Why do you ask?”
Ushijima shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. “Just curious. It’s been a while since we graduated.”
Tendō grinned and reached under the counter, pulling out a well-worn yearbook. “Ah, perfect timing! I was just looking through this the other day. Let’s take a trip down memory lane.”
He placed the yearbook on the table and opened it to a random page. The pictures and names of their classmates stared back at them, frozen in time. Tendō began flipping through the pages, pointing out familiar faces and providing updates.
“Ah, the usual suspects. Goshiki is still obsessed with volleyball, training kids now. Semi’s in a band, believe it or not. Shirabu went into medicine, as expected. He’s working crazy hours but loves it.”
Ushijima nodded, taking it all in. There was a comfort in hearing about his old teammates, their paths diverging yet somehow staying true to the people they were in high school. But these updates were not the ones he truly sought.
Ushijima nodded absently, his eyes scanning the pages but not really absorbing the information. He wasn’t interested in his old friends, not today. His mind was elsewhere, on someone else entirely.
Tendō noticed his distraction and paused, his expression turning more serious. “Waka-chan, you seem... different. Is there someone specific you’re wondering about?
Ushijima hesitated, then nodded. “Yes. I’ve been trying to find her for years, but it’s like she vanished…” He breathed, “Do you know what happened to her? To Y/N”
Tendō’s eyes softened with understanding. He flipped through the yearbook with more purpose, stopping on a page featuring a picture of Ushijima and you sitting together in the library. Both engrossed in books, having a tutoring session, but the warmth your expression was unmistakable.
“I remember this,” Tendō said softly, tapping the picture. “You two were inseparable back then.”
Ushijima stared at the picture, memories flooding back. The late nights studying, the shared dreams, the quiet moments of understanding. His chest tightened with a mix of longing and regret.
Tendō closed the yearbook gently, his expression thoughtful. “I’ve heard a bit about her. She’s working as a waitress in a restaurant now. And... she has a kid.”
Ushijima’s eyes widened in surprise. “A kid? Is she married?”
Tendō shook his head. “No, there’s no husband or father in the picture as far as I know. I tried visiting her once to see how she was doing, but she avoided me. I didn’t want to push, especially knowing...”
He trailed off, but Ushijima understood. “Especially knowing that I broke her heart.”
Tendō nodded. “Yeah. Waka-chan. I didn’t want to make things harder for her.”
Ushijima leaned back in his chair, feeling a wave of emotions crash over him. Confusion, regret, a hint of heartbreak. But beneath it all, a deep, abiding yearning. Even after all these years, his heart still ached for you.
“I never wanted to hurt her,” he said quietly. “I thought I was doing what was best for both of us.”
Tendō reached across the table and placed a comforting hand on his friend’s arm. “I know. You did what you thought was right. But sometimes, life doesn’t go the way we plan.”
Ushijima nodded, his gaze distant. “She has a child now. I’m glad she’s moved on, even if it means she had to move on without me.”
Tendō’s eyes were filled with sympathy. “Maybe it’s not too late, Waka-chan. Maybe you can still make things right, or at least find some closure.”
Ushijima looked at his friend, the weight of years of unresolved feelings pressing down on him. “Do you really think so?”
Tendō smiled gently. “I do. It’s never too late to try.”
“Can you tell me the name of the restaurant where she works?”
Tendō’s eyes widened slightly, and he paused before answering. “It’s called Sakura’s Garden. Are you planning to see her?”
Ushijima nodded. “I need to. Maybe I’ll run into her...by coincidence.”
Tendō gave a small nod of understanding. “Coincidence, Waka-chan?”
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The walk to Sakura’s Garden felt longer than it should have, each step echoing with the weight of anticipation. As he approached the restaurant, his heart pounded in his chest. He stood outside, peering through the window.
And there you were, moving gracefully between tables. You looked different—older, more mature, and… tired.
He couldn’t stop looking at you. The years had changed you, but there was no mistaking the woman he had once loved. His mind swirled with memories and questions, unable to tear his gaze away.
“What are you doing here?” a familiar voice demanded, cutting through his thoughts.
Ushijima turned to see Asami, your best friend from high school, standing there with a look of disbelief and anger.
“Asami,” he began, trying to keep his voice calm. “I’m just visiting town.”
Asami’s eyes narrowed. “You need to stay away from her, from Y/N.”
Ushijima was taken aback by the intensity of her words. “Why? I don’t understand.”
Before Asami could respond, a small voice interrupted them. “Aunty?”
They both turned to see a little boy standing nearby, looking up at them with curious eyes. Ushijima’s breath caught in his throat. The boy had the same dark, intense eyes he saw in the mirror every day, the same stoic expression.
Asami’s eyes flickered with panic as she glanced at the boy. “Go sit down, sweetie,” she said, her voice strained but gentle. The boy nodded and returned to his seat, casting one last look at Ushijima.
Ushijima watched the boy, his mind racing. The resemblance was undeniable. He turned back to Asami, his voice filled with confusion.
Asami’s expression hardened again. “You need to leave, Ushijima.”
Ushijima’s thoughts were a whirlwind. He looked back at the boy, who was now quietly drawing, the resemblance striking.
Asami shook her head, her eyes filled with a mix of anger and pity. “Leave.”
Ushijima stood there, torn between the need to know the answer of his own question and the realization that his presence might cause more harm than good. He took one last look at the boy, feeling a pang of longing and regret.
“Please,” Asami whispered, her voice softening. “Let her be.”
With a heavy heart, Ushijima nodded slowly. He turned and began to walk away, each step feeling like a battle against the unresolved feelings and questions that plagued him. As he left, he couldn’t shake the image of the boy from his mind. The resemblance, the possibility—it was all too much to process.
But for now, he had no choice but to leave, carrying with him the weight of unanswered questions.
Why does that little boy looks like him?
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Comments, notes and reblogs are appreciated! Feel free to let me know how you feel about this chapter <3
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First Interactions
Feat. Oikawa, Kuroo & Osamu
Your friend has been bugging you for what feels like forever for you to go to see the volleyball team practice with her, and you have been denying it for the same time. It’s not like you didn’t know that your school was one of the power houses in the whole Miyagi when it comes to volleyball, you did know that. You’ve seen them play, and you actually like them enough to go to support them in official matches.
It’s the amount of girls screaming what annoyed you.
You understand it, really, Oikawa IS handsome and has a flirty personality, it’s no wonder so many girls like him. But you’ve never been fan of loud places when it’s not in the appropriate place. On a real match? Sure, it makes sense to cheer loudly for them, but it was unnecessary on a practice match.
But still, your friend has tried so hard to convince you that you could at least accept once.
You were entering the gym, but since you didn’t come here often outside of PE classes, you enter the building through the normal doors instead of the ones leading to the viewing area. A big mistake from your part.
You could hear the sneakers running around, the loud sounds of the ball hitting the players arms. Seijoh versus a school named Karasuno. After a point passed to your team, you started looking for some stairs to get out of the floor, completely missing that the infamous Oikawa was about to serve.
A loud sound from his hand hitting the ball and a loud sound from the ball hitting the court was enough to make you look that way. Just on time to see the ball coming directly at you with an ungodly speed and force. You hear some screams your way, but couldn’t make up what they were saying to you, you were only able to lift up your arms right before the impact.
Before you realize it you were on the floor, your wrist hurting so much that you couldn’t even scream in pain. Your ears were ringing, your eyes were watery; yet you could hear sneakers getting closer and some shadows appearing in front of you. They were moving their mouths, but you couldn’t make up any sound until someone kneel in front of you, making you sit properly while holding one of you arms.
“Hey, are you okay? Can you hear me?” you finally were able to process, your vision less blurry helping you make out the brown hair and worry eyes of the perpetrator of the serve. A bunch of the players looking at you with worry
“My…my wrist” you say. At that Oikawa takes your wrist on his hand carefully, making you gasp in pain
“She should go to the infirmary, Oikawa’s serves are too strong for a normal person to take” one of the coaches say as the players quickly start to disperse to resume the game
“I suggest Shittykawa to take her there. He hurt her, he should do it” said the spikey black hair dude, hitting the back of the Captain’s neck when he complained “or I could always punch you”
“Okay, okay, I’ll take her” Oikawa says, helping you up carefully “Let’s go”
The walk towards the infirmary wasn’t long, but it was awkward to the say the least. You knew he didn’t hit you on purpose, yet you didn’t know what to say to him. Once there, the nurse instructed him to hold an ice package on your wrist for a few minutes before bandaging it up, so you both stayed in silence sitting there, you in a horrible pain.
“I’m…I’m sorry” he finally says “I did saw you there, but I didn’t thought the ball will go directly at you. I’m still working on controlling that serve”
“It’s okay, I guess I shouldn’t have enter that way” you also say
“No, it’s totally my fault” he lifts up his head, looking at you with a small smirk on “if I didn’t knew better I would think that you did this just so I could hold your hand”
“You are full of yourself, not everyone likes you, you know?” you defended yourself, hearing him laugh
“And yet I’ve seen you in every match I’ve played” he smirks again, making you blush. He has noticed you multiple times, something about you always makes his eyes find you even in the largest of crowds. Maybe it was because you absolute indifference towards him in particular, maybe it was because you solely seem to focus on the sport, but that was enough to spark some interest in him.
“Me liking volleyball has nothing to do with you” you say blushing
“Sure…Let’s have a fresh start, okay? One that doesn’t involve me hurting your wrist?” he smiles at you, that smile that he gives whenever he wants something. And that something now was getting to know you.
After returning to the gym, this time entering through the right doors, your friends greets you excitedly, asking a bunch of questions about Oikawa. However now you’re with a hurt wrist and a promise to grab some coffee after the match finishes.
You were late.
You were on cleaning duty for your class today and were supposed to meet your classmate around 10 minutes ago to start arranging the tables and chairs, but something had happened in the subway and you had to go on a big detour just to be able to arrive on time.
You quickly took the school shoes out of your locker and put them on, getting it done on a record time in comparison of how you normally do it. However, is well known that speed can blind you from your surroundings, which was the case here.
Kuroo had arrived while you were getting ready to put your shoes on. On a normal morning he would say hi to you, after all his shoe locker was a mere few rows away from yours, but he saw how quickly you were doing your things. Honestly, he didn’t even knew that your locker was near his. He had see you around more than one more time, walking to your classrooms, on school events and such, and he honestly had thought more than one more time how pretty and elegant you were; however, since he has captain duties early in the morning and until late in the afternoon, he hadn’t found the time to properly greet you.
Until you bumped into him.
Once you were ready with your shoes on you immediately turn around to run towards the classroom; however, instead of finding a free corridor, you only found something sturdy in your way, crashing directly on it and almost falling if it wasn’t for some arms wrapping quickly around your waist. You look up to find out that you had bump into the chest of the one and only Kuroo Tetsurou, the captain of the volleyball team that was making noise not only for his handsome looks but also for how smart he was. When did he got here? How did you not noticed? Those were the questions running around your head.
“Sorry! I didn’t see you arrive” you say apologetic, only to receive a light laugh and a big smile
“No problem! Be careful though, speed is a curse, it narrows your view and makes it harder to breathe” he says, stabilizing you before letting you go “what are you even rushing for?”
“Eh... I’m late, I’m on cleaning duty today” you manage to mumble, still in shock
“Late? It’s 7.15 and classes start at 8.45, I would say that’s plenty of time to get your class ready” he smirks at you, which grows even wider once you realize the time.
“Ah” it’s the only thing you manage to say, it turns out you weren’t even late. This only makes him laugh louder
“Well” he starts saying as he stops laughing “since you’re here already and I could probably bet you didn’t even had breakfast, want to go and grab something from the convenience store with me?”
“Ehh…sure, why not” you say quite embarrassed, chuckling at your own mistake “I’m Yn by the way”
“Kuroo Tetsurou” he smiles at you widely “next time take things slowly, okay?” he says as he waits for you to change back your shoes. Sure, he had to be at the gym by now, but he could arrive late once in a while for occasions like this.
Your day has been getting worse and worse by the second…or at least that’s what it feels like right now.
First thing in the morning you somehow managed to get your locker confused with someone else’s, almost getting into problems when a teacher find you there. Then you received a bad grade for a test that you actually did study for. And now that it’s lunch break you made one of the Miya’s fan girls mad by simply existing.
Well, being in the same class as Miya Atsumu has always been full of squeals of girls, random confessions throughout the day, and an unbearable amount of random gifts sparse through the floor; so in a way you were used to being around those type of girls. Today, however, your teacher decided to pair you up with the famous Miya.
It’s not like you didn’t like Atsumu, despite his cockiness he’s actually quite nice and even caring; which showed when he approached you during lunch break and sit with you when he saw you alone in there. It was a great gesture, you knew that he did it so you wouldn’t be left alone, and you knew that he didn’t know what the implications for that may be.
His fans were staring at you like you were the most disgusting person ever.
This lasted until Atsumu had to leave to some quick meet up with his team, when one of those girls decided to drop her water on you ‘accidentally’. This leads you here, outside of the school grounds and in front of the vending machine trying to buy a goddamn coffee to feel some comfort through this horrible day. But of course, the machine decided to not work this time, it didn’t even gave you your money back. Nothing could be going worse today.
“Fuck!” you cry in despair, kicking the vending machine to release some of your lock down emotions
“Hard day?” you hear from behind as you lay your forehead in the cold machine
“Horrible” you whisper without even looking back
“I saw my brother talking to ya through lunch, did some of those stupid girls did something to ya?” you hear, making you curious about who was talking to you. The other famous twin was looking at you in a mixture of confusion and empathy as you turn around and lay your back against the machine
“Yeah, but honestly the whole day has been awful” you admit to him “and now I can’t even drink coffee”
“Ha! That machine has some weird tricks on it” he says, moving closer to it and carefully moving you aside. He puts some coins on it and press the button hard, the sound of the drink going down as he puts more money to buy something else. Right after he hands you one of the drinks, the coffee you tried to buy, not before opening it up for you “Ye’re Yn, right? I’m Osamu, my idiot brothe r has said some things about ya, how ya were a good classmate and all”
“Yeah, that’s me” you drink a sip of the warm coffee, finally some comfort rushing through your veins. You didn’t know if it was for the coffee or Osamu though “Thank you for the drink”
“Well of course, if ye’re having a terrible day I can at least offer ya some coffee” he says with a small smile. He has heard some things about you from Atsumu, however he recently started to notice you himself whenever you both go to the nearest convenience store to buy some food or when you pass next to him in the halls, always exchanging a snarky remark with his brother and a polite smile to him
“I can’t wait to this day to be over” you sigh
“Ya know, our captain just told us we don’t have practice today…do ya wanna go grab some food after class?”
“Food? After class?” you say incredulous
“Yeah, that way ya have something better to look forward until the day is over. It’ll be my treat too”
You look at him surprised at the sudden invitation, and honestly, a little worried as well, he also had a lot of fans here. However he was right, this day has been one of the worst ones so far, so why not take this opportunity to go out with this boy?
“Sure” you smile
“Then look forward for that instead. See ya” he says leaving, a smile on his face too.
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ramhaiba · 7 months
All I need is you (Yandere Kenma x Reader x Yandere Kuroo)
Chapter One
No warning in this chapter however MINORS DO NOT INTERACT SERIES TW: Gore, Stalking, Sexual themes, major character death
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You hugged your dear friend, Hinata, as closely as possible, this was the last time you were going to see him before you moved. "Y/n, c'mon, you'll make new friends!" he chuckled, rubbing your back, you only knew he has kept an optimistic appearance because he couldn't bear to see you sad. You always liked that about Hinata. "I don't want to make new friends. I want to stay here!" you mumbled as Hinata pulled away, dusting your light-colored sweater.
"I know.." Hinata responded, his lips curled into his smile but you could still tell deep down in his heart, he would miss you. You never wanted to leave that bus station, you rather run away with Hinata and graduate at Karasuno. There were so many memories you could have made at Miyagi Prefecture but your mother urged you to move to Tokyo. You didn't quite hate her for that but it did break your heart the second you realized all of your possessions were packed into cardboard boxes.
You'll never make friends as you had in Karasuno! You completely forgot how the entire Karsasuno's volleyball team even became your friend. What are you going to do without Hinata?
Hinata's hand curled on your cheek, "hey, don't worry! Just look for Kenma and tell him you know me. Kenma will take care of you for me, I promise! " Hinata uttered. You blinked, holding back your tears, "okay..promise you'll visit me" you mumbled. Hinata chuckled, tilting his head, "of course, I'll visit you the second I can" he announced.
Y/n was a first-year, she had just recently transferred from Karasuno to Nekoma. She had no idea what to expect. She just remembers her old friend from Karauno, Hinata, telling her "don't worry Y/n! You can tell Kenma you know me and he'll be nice to you!"If only she knew the type of person Kenma truly was.
"Y/n! The bus is here" your mother called, lightly tugging on the sleeve of your sweater. "O-oh..goodbye Shoyo" you sighed, a pout growing on your lips. "Don't say goodbye, I'm always here for ya. So, don't act like you're never going to see me again!" Hinata urged, punching your shoulder, playfully. You knew he was right but it didn't lift the aching feeling in your heart. You took a deep breath as you stepped foot on your bus, quickly glancing at Hinata, he kept the same big grin he had when he first met you, "I'll see you later, Shoyo! "You announced. "I'll see you later, Y/n!" Hinata chuckled.
You walked into the classroom. Everyone had a seat, beside you. You stood in front of the class. "You must be the new student, Y/n? Will you like to introduce yourself to the class?" your teacher said, behind his desk. You responded to him with a nod, it'd be good for you to introduce yourself, especially when you transferred in the middle of the semester.
"Hello, My name is Y/n L/n. I transferred here from Karasuno. I- uh look forward to working with you all" You announced, fiddling your thumbs together from behind your back. You heard whispers from the back of the classroom, instantly spiking your anxiety.
"Karasuno is so far"
"She looks weird"
"Her skirt is way too short"
"God, I hope she doesn't sit next to us"
"Is something wrong, Y/n?" The teacher said. You snapped out of it. It was just your imagination tricking you, god you were so damn nervous... "Nothing, sorry," you said. Your teacher gave you a quick smile and then searched the room for a seat. "Sit next to Lev, Lev stand up,'' The teacher said.
Then a silver-haired, green eye, extremely tall boy stood up. He looks scary, he might have been the tallest guy you have ever seen, was this kid even a first year?
You quickly took a seat next to him, not wanting any more eyes to be on you. The teacher started his lecture.
You looked to your left. Lev was trying to talk to you.
"Yes?" you whispered
"You're from Karasuno right?" Lev asked
You nodded. Lev grinned. He looked a lot less scary with such a wonderful smile.
"Do you know Hinata?" Lev asked
You eagerly nodded your head, excited to hear Hinata's name.
"Do I know him? He's my best friend" you whispered. Lev chuckled, he had a kind of laughter, it made you feel safer and less intimidated by his appearance.
"Do you know Kenma?" You asked. Lev answered your question with a nod.
"Yeah, He's on the same volleyball team as me," Lev murmured, covering his mouth from the teacher's perspective.
"Oh um.." you stuttered, anxious about what to say to him next. Would it be weird for you to ask to be introduced to Kenma? I mean you just met Lev five seconds ago...
"Do you want to Come by volleyball practice with me?" Lev asked, casually, Oh, thank god he asked. "Sure!" you whispered, a bit too loudly.
"QUIET DOWN IN THE BACK " your teacher announced, his eyebrows furrowing. Lev held back his snicker, his cheeks swelling. "Meet me there at 5" he whispered, keeping his head faced in the front to cause less suspicion.
You stood in front of the gym, it was a bit bigger than Karasuno's gym and maybe slightly older than Karasuno's gym. You looked around, searching for the grey-haired student, unable to catch him in your eye view, you started getting anxious.
Where is he? Oh god, he thinks you're a dork and left you here. You should leave. You tried to walk away but you heard something approaching you.
"Y/N! " Lev yelled, running up to you. "Oh hi, um I'm here," you said. Wow smooth, Y/n...
Lev grinned, "why didn't you go inside? Everyone is here already" Lev asked. "Oh they are-?" you said. You idiot, the doors were opened... Oh god just transfer to another school.
You walked into the court with Lev next to you.
"Oi Titan, who did you bring?" Said a short boy, with brown hair, his height reminded you of Noya, but you chose not to mention anything about it.
"I brought my new classmate, Y/n! They were from Karasuno" Lev said, a big grin on his face as if he was proud he brought a new person to introduce to his upperclassmen. "Huh? Karasuno? Oh- I'm Yaku, a third-year" Said the boy. "I'm Y/n L/n," you responded, smiling because you felt you'd look friendly.
"Yaku, do you know where Kenma is?" Lev asked, stretching his long arms.
"Hmm, I think he's with Kuroo, in front of the locker room," Yaku said, pointing. Lev gave Yaku a thumbs up. Lev placed one of his hands behind your back as he guided you towards a pair of upperclassmen.
One had dyed blonde hair, he looked like he definitely didn't want to be there, he was shorter than the person he was talking to, he strangely reminded you of a cat. The other boy had dark hair, was much more muscular and taller than the other boy, and had hair covering one of his eyes.
"Kenmmaaaa" Lev sang, swinging his arms up and down. The blonde boy snapped his head towards you and Lev.
"What do you want," he asked. His voice was so.. Quiet and calm. It didn't seem like he was too fond of Lev, it didn't look like he was too fond of anyone, to be honest.
"I want you to meet someone," Lev said, less confident. Kenma's eyes focused on you, he was clearly annoyed, his glance was so intimidating that you could basically melt by a single stare.
"Why," he asked, annoyed. You looked at Lev and Lev looked back at you. "I HEAR YAKU CALLING ME," Lev announced, quickly dashing away and leaving you to fend for yourself The dark-haired boy put a hand on Kenma's shoulder. "Kenma, don't be mean. She's a cute girl" The boy said. Kenma rolled his eyes.
"What does the 'cute girl' want," Kenma asked.
"I-oh- I'm from Karasuno- "You said.
"Karasuno?You think she knows Chibi-chan?" The dark-haired boy asked, leaning on the shorter boy's shoulder, Kenma clearly didn't like the physical touch.
"Do you mean Hinata? Yeah! He actually told me to meet up with Kenma." you said.
Kenma sighed. "Since Shoyo likes you... I guess I can try to like you too... I'm Kenma Kozume. You can just call me Kenma" Kenma said. "And I'm Tetsurou Kuroo, you could stick with us, " The dark-haired boy said. "Thanks, let's have a good year together, alright!" you beamed, happy you were able to introduce yourself to kind, friendly people. From that moment, they seemed like nice guys who'd introduce you to your grandma. Little did you know... They were capable of some much worse. 
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kaivenom · 2 months
Being another dojo sensei and meeting Johnny Lawrence at Sekai Taikai: HCS
Let's pretend all the love story with Miguel's mom doesn't happen
(Latina/Spanish!reader on mind)
Your team was finally in Barcelona for the championship and you will be staying in the same hotel as Miyagi-do, what a traditional name.
When you and the team entered the hall, a blonde man was yelling aggressively at the personal, you laughed and got on the other side of the office to check in.
With a couple of minutes you ended up yelling at the recepcionist too, aparently they have switched your bedrooms and other stuff.
When the problem was finally resolved, you met the look of that blonde.
"Good yelling, someone had to put them in place. I am Johnny Lawrence." he offered his hand to you.
"(Y/N)" you said before taking his hand and kissing rapidly both his cheeks.
"What the..." he asked surprised.
"Manners from my country."
"Wait, you are another dojo sensei?"
"I think that's why we are both here." you show him all your students, and the equipment.
"Sorry, we are..."
"American, it's clearly visible." you pointed at the spiky hair of a boy.
After that, both teams took their things and went to their respective rooms.
Next morning, you took your students to the courtyard of the hotel to a quick training, with tyres and mecanic pieces.
Then again, that men appeared, with all his students.
"What do you think you are doing?" he was carrying tyres like you did half an hour ago.
"This is a public space and we need to improvise with the space and the equipments of the hotel, don't worry, in the afternoon i will have a gym to take my student. What are you doing here?"
"At least we have the special touch for training." you yell at your students to make them space for the new people.
"You think we will train with you? you want to know our secrets?" Johnny was now really close to you, but you are not going to step back.
"I was being nice, this is a preheating... sorry english it's not my first language, warm up, righ?. No ones habilities or secrets should be revieled." you said while booping his nose playfully and moving to yell once again at your students.
After that training, it was like that men was everywhere. In the buffet, in the hall, in the corridors, etc. He was rude, noisy, indiferent to other people's opinions... it was interesting.
The couple of weeks before the Sekai Taikai were really fun with him, aside from the present thread of the championship.
You found more and more things in common aside from teaching methods.
He is an absolute chaos but you too, and somehow you found a balance.
When the tourney ended, aside from who won, you both decides to keep on touch (you had to teach him how to do a videocall).
A couple of moths passed with calls between you both, until you came go America to see him.
You didn't planned on spending so much time on your trip, but Johnny insisted on teaching you "the american ways".
At the end you started to think on opening a Dojo on the valley to spend more time with him.
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bzilian · 2 months
if i lay here (would you lie with me and just forget the world?)
wolf!kageyama tobio x doe!reader Summary: Predators mated with predators. Prey mated with pray. Your parents were an exception to the rule. There's absolutely no way Kageyama Tobio would be interested in his prey childhood best friend. Tags: Childhood friends; friends to lovers; mutual pining; predator!Kageyama; Prey!reader; Timeskip; Insecurity; Prejudice (Implied predators being considered superior then preys); low self-esteem to reader; A/N: I hope Kageyama is not too occ. I'm not an english speaker, so If there's anything wrong, feel free to tell me. Last time I wrote something was, i don't know, 9 years ago?
When you were little, the world used to be simple for you. Surrounded by family and friends who were alike, there was no fear or uncertainty. It all came crashing down when your father told you that you all had to move to Miyagi because of his work.
It was easy for him; your father was a fox after all. Even though he wasn't as big as other predators, he was still a predator all the same. You took after your mother's family: a doe.
You didn't remember ever being afraid of your father, but your mother had told you that, when you were very little, you used to get scared when he spoke louder than usual or when he appeared without making a sound. But apparently, you loved him and ran to him when you felt threatened, which was unnatural for your species: he was a predator and you were a prey. However, he was your father, and his affection for you made you trust him and erased the fear from your body.
Your mother sometimes told stories of how your father moved to Yamagata at a young age and how him and his family shook the structures of the city. They lived in a place inhabited by prey of all kinds, and his father's family were the first predators to move there. Your mother always laughed when she said that she felt sorry for your dad, who was isolated at school and sad that people always shied away from him when he approached them. Until she felt sorry for him, swallowed her fear, and became friends with the fox that would later become her life partner.
When you were 10, you had to experience a fear similar to the one your father experienced at the time, but different all the same. You had to move to Miyagi, your father's hometown, where predator and prey lived together in a way you couldn't understand.
You were a prey who never had contact with predators other than your dad. Predators with intimidating auras and smells who could easily hurt you.
Grandpa Kazuyo was an angel in the form of a predator in your new life in Miyagi.
He was kind and affectionate, a friend of your father's late parents. He had a lot of patience trying to charm you and prove that he wouldn't hurt you. You soon discovered he was a wolf. Grandpa spoke softly and smiled a lot. He also introduced you to volleyball, but you soon discovered that, as much as you found it interesting, you didn't like the idea of mixing with other people - usually predators - to play a competitive sport. But you enjoyed watching him and the women's team he coached play.
Just when you'd gotten used to him for good, Grandpa brought Kageyama Tobio into your life.
Kageyama Tobio was taller than you and more athletic. He had dark hair and extremely piercing eyes. He was also a wolf and his eyebrows made a strange movement when they landed on you.
Honestly, he scared the shit out of you. Your instincts made you freeze and your mind began to think of various ways you could escape. He also seemed to react to you, his head turned slightly sideways and his smell got a little stronger. He was going to attack if you ran.
"Well, well, let's calm down, shall we?" granpa said with a playful voice.
Kageyama Tobio reacted immediately to his grandfather's voice. His posture became relaxed. His smell also began to become less strong. However, your instincts remained alert and your eyes darted between staring at the older wolf and the younger one.
Grandpa made a slight movement, putting his hand on the boy's head and lightly ruffling his dark hair. "She didn't want to fight you, she's just not used to predators and you scared her, little Tobio."
The boy turned back to face you, "I wasn't going to hurt you."
You stared back at him, trying to calm your heart and relax your muscles. He was Kazuyo's grandson, he won't hurt you. Kazuyo wouldn't let him do it.
"You have big eyes," the little wolf said. "Grandpa says you like volleyball. Do you want to play?"
You didn't say your eyes were the way they were because you were a doe. He didn't say he acted that way because he was a wolf. You just shook your head and took a hesitant step towards him. Kazuyo gave an encouraging smile.
Thus began a strange friendship between Kageyama Tobio, a wolf, and you, a doe.
“They’re doing it again,” the 15 years old you said while tossing the ball to Tobio. You were both just throwing the ball to each other while waiting for your parents to finish the conversation with your teacher.
“I don’t understand it,” Tobio’s sounded grumpy. “What difference does it make that I’m a wolf and you are a doe?”
Unfortunately, you knew why they were doing it. Tobio was known to be a promising setter, a future strong predator and the school felt like his friendship with you might get in the way. That’s the world you both lived in. It was acceptable to the both of you to live together and in harmony, but it’s not expected to prey and predator to bond beyond acknowledge each other respectfully.
“Maybe it was the recent protests? Some people have been protesting on school gates about allowing prey and predators in the same classroom. It was also reported in the newspaper that the number of mixed couples had increased. They might think it’s because of it.”
“That’s stupid. No one cares about that,” Tobio made a small growling sound in protest.
“The world was made for your kind and they don’t want it to change,” you weren’t particularly sad about it. You’ve always known. That’s the reason why most prey stay in prey only communities. “Don’t worry about it. They are just scared I might get in the way of your bright future.”
Kageyama Tobio grabbed the ball with both his hands and stared at you. It was one of those stares you didn’t understand. Piercing, but not aggressive or judgmental. You felt apprehensive, but curious at the same time on what was on his mind when he looked at you in that way.
“You’d never get in my way.”
You hoped he was right.
"Most of the people on the Japanese team are people I played against in high school," Tobio said while looking at you.
You made a humming sound as you stared back at him. Things have changed a little since you’ve became adults. Every weekend, when there was time, Tobio and you did your routine: go to each other's houses to watch a game and have dinner together. He always brought the food, served you and always sat extremely close to you, which you always found strange, but eventually got used to.
Kageyama Tobio was no longer that little wolf, he was now much taller than before - even though he had always been bigger than you - and much more muscular and athletic. When he wasn't training, he was in the gym keeping himself in shape like a good professional player.
He still had that awkward personality, which you discovered was just a genuine difficulty in communicating (and he didn't care that much about that either) and his strangely penetrating gazes. But today you were no longer frightened by them. Tobio never looked at you with hostility and always tried to keep his tone of voice light when talking to you. He also became good at sensing your discomfort and providing cover if you felt overwhelmed in any environment. You kind of understood your mother when she said she swallowed her fear to become friends with your father.
You also kind of understood when she fell in love with him.
“At least they're people you know, for better or worse,” you replied as you ate your soba. “And Hinata will also be there. Aren’t you happy for the old days?”
“Miya Atsumu will be there too.”
You smiled and rested your head on his shoulder playfully. "I find it really funny how he can piss you off sometimes."
His reaction was to rest his head on yours, like a caress, and go back to eating as if nothing had happened. On the other hand, you should have gotten used to this type of thing by now. Tobio, when you two became really close, had no problem touching you. He would bump his arm on yours, almost like a light brush, he would guide you through very crowded places with a hand on your shoulder, almost like a hug, and at times like that he would rest his head on yours. Funny how he didn't seem to like touching anyone else but you more than the necessary.
These kinds of things still made your face heat up and your heart do funny things. But apparently, to him, it was normal. Tobio did all these things with a neutral expression. As if it was completely natural.
“Are you going to watch it on TV?"
You hated to admit how touched you were when he asked if you were going to watch on TV and didn't demand your presence in person at any game. The first and last time you went personally was in the Adlers vs MSBY and you had to be pulled out by your friends before the game was even halfway through. Even though you had been dealing with predators for so long, walking into a stadium full of them screaming and cheering was making your senses go crazy and you panicked. You remember almost crying while apologizing for not being able to watch. For leaving.
His hug was tight, his hand pressed your head on his chest while he called you an idiot for thinking he would care about it.
“Yup, yup. As if you would miss the great Kageyama Tobio representing Japan in the Olympics. I wouldn't miss it for the world.”
He gave you a small and almost imperceptible smile in the Kageyama style.
“That wolf boy really got well in life,” your father spoke while watching the game. “I'm going to have a rich and famous son-in-law, how strange.”
Your eyes widened, “what?”
Your mother elbowed him as she smiled at you. "What your father meant was that you two would make a good match, even if it’s unusual. I mean, I did marry a fox myself."
With your mouth open you could only stare at them. In the background you could hear the announcer narrating the game and your parents seemed to hesitate at your reaction. Before you could think of a response, your father sighed and leaned forward so he could look into your eyes.
“It goes without saying that no father particularly likes to hand over his daughter to just anyone,” his voice was serious. “But that young man follows you and looks at you like a wolf cub hoping you’ll give him attention.”
Hearing this kind of thing was disconcerting. It almost gave a little hope that a predator like Kageyama Tobio would want to bond with a doe. Predators like him belonged with other predators. Extremely handsome, strong, and completely capable of landing a mate on his level. Maybe a model or another volleyball player, not a doe who couldn't handle a crowd without her instincts overtaking her. Maybe a wolf like him, or even a cheetah if he improved his communication skills.
"I- that doesn't make any sense. We've been friends since we were little, Tobio just takes care of me because he knows I'm a prey that hasn't fully gotten used to-”
“Sweetheart,” your mother's gentle voice cut you off. “Do you know what the wolves' courtship rituals are? If you don't know, you should look it up.”
The game kept going on. However, you couldn't concentrate on it, your eyes were unfocused towards the screen while your mind was racing. You had looked up wolf courtship methods a few years ago out of pure curiosity. You wanted to know if it was so different from yours - and it was, does were courted and responded to scents basically. Wolves also responded by scent, but they also got close to the suitor, touched each other and rubbed their faces against each other just like... like Tobio did with you.
And on television, you heard a shout: "It's a no-touch ace by Japanese player, Kageyama Tobio!"
“You are avoiding me.”
“I am not.”
Kageyama furrowed his eyebrows and adjusted his posture, looking down at you and crossing his arms as he stood at the door of your apartment. You felt smaller than ever.
Yes, you were kind of avoiding him. Yes, you might have not responded to his last text and yes, you might have canceled the last get together of yours in his apartment.
“Let me in,” and you did.
In your defense, you needed to think. Having feelings for your best friend was something you already knew you had. Tobio was awkwardly sweet, always smelled great (you never had to smell him after a game, though), was criminally handsome, his voice was really hot to hear (even better when he’s sleepy) also, he always was somewhat tender to you. Tender like always getting your favorite food, always protecting you in public spaces, always using his smell and warmth to give you a sense of relief when dealing with strangers.
He never used a lot of words, but he never had to with you.
“What’s going on?” he asked when you closed the door.
Your body was tense as you moved to the couch. You needed to sit down to have this conversation, your brain felt like it was going to hyperventilate and the last thing you needed was to faint in front of him.
“First, I’m sorry. Some things happened and I got a little overwhelmed. I’ve heard someth-”
“Someone said something to you? What? Who?” His voice was lower than normal and there was some kind of animalistic sound in it.
“No one threatened me,” you raised your hands and looked him in the eyes to try to appease his protective instinct. “It’s just… you really don’t need to worry.”
But apparently, he was having none of that. He knelt in front of you and brought his face closer to yours. You always thought Tobio's eyes were beautiful. The color became more intense the more serious and focused he was. Looking at him, so close, brought a slight tug in your heart that you weren't expecting. You brought your hands towards his face, holding it affectionately. His expression became confused.
“I worry about you,” was the only thing he said as your thumbs caressed his cheeks.
You wanted to kiss him. You wanted him to kiss you. You wanted something you couldn't have. Something that you shouldn't have. Someone was more deserving of that male than you. A female or male who’s also a predator. Someone who could go to his games without any problems, someone who could face others without feeling their throat tighten.
“Tobio,” your voice was like a whisper. “Why haven’t you bonded with someone yet?”
His gaze changed. Back was that piercing blue eyes staring deep inside your soul.
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“I want you to accept me.”
Tobio’s hand went to your knees and his ears were deeply red. His voice failed him when he answered and you could feel his embarrassment to say this out loud. Your eyes widened and you didn’t know what to do. He wasn’t just anyone. He was Kageyama Tobio. Your childhood best friend, Olympic and professional volleyball player. And he was a wolf.
“I’m a prey,” your voice trembled. “I’m just a doe.”
“Prey or not prey, I only thought of you as my mate.”
You let out a breathless laugh. That’s so him, so Tobio. He’s simple like that. He kept staring at you and now his eyes alternated between your eyes and mouth. His ears were still red while he was waiting for your answer. You spread your knees a little allowing his large body to fit between it. He leaned towards you as you lightly pulled his face to yours.
Kissing Tobio was as awkward as him. He tensed a little, then relaxed. His scent became stronger, reacting to you and his hands moved to your thighs. Your hands found his neck while you tilted your head to kiss him better. You could feel your body warming up to him, for him. When one kiss ended, another began with more desire. His tongue sought yours, you lightly sucked his lower lip.
You decided you loved kissing Kageyama Tobio.
When you separated, his head fit into your neck, rubbing his nose and kissing your skin tenderly. His hands moved from your thighs to your waist and he got closer to you, still on the floor. His wolf instincts telling him to touch you, to get closer to you, to mark his partner with his scent.
“Are you my mate now?,” he asked.
“If you want me to be,” you answered.
When he kissed you again, you wished he would leave his scent all over your body.
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gemini-sensei · 4 months
hi! i asked for that last shy!eli/preg reader fic and omg 🫶🏽 literally incredible. best thing i could've woken up to 😭 would love to read your thoughts on if eli never becomes hawk in this scenario! awe like maybe he starts off at miyagi do? ive always thought that eli would do well working with mr. lausso. idk. but your brain? incredible. thank u 🫶🏽
omg or if this happened with shy diaz!reader? or shy larusso!reader? ugh this fandom has the biggest hold on me, sorry if this is a lot lol
I should probably sign these off?? so i'll go by -anon 🌼
The way I almost did the last post with LaRusso!Reader 🤭🤭🤭 also, hi 🌼, this fandom also has a hold on me. Also also, don't apologize for your asks because I love asks that are a lot!
When it comes to shy LaRusso!Reader and shy!Eli, they still definitely start off their relationship at the Halloween dance. Her dad is there being pulled between watching over his two daughters and is being kind of embarrassing, but Reader is still having a fun time with Eli and his friends. She's dressed up super cute and Eli can't take his eyes off of her. If they try to dance together, her dad comes through and makes some space between them before he runs off because Sam is running off with her jerk of a boyfriend. Reader is so embarrassed but Eli doesn't care about her dad kind of interrupting them because does her dad really think that he'll do anything? He's more embarrassed by himself because he doesn't think that he'll ever be so lucky as to even ever kiss Reader.
But they do end up sharing a kiss before the end of the night. She pecks him on the lips before the end of the dance and tells him how she's like to hang out with him again sometime, maybe just to two of them... like on a date. She giggles at the way his eyes widen and he nods immediately, he's so cute. Then her dad is calling for her that it's time to go and she runs off.
Her dad would grill her about the boy she was with all night and she would gush about how sweet Eli is and her dad agrees that he doesn't seem as bad as that Kyler kid Sam is seeing. And watching his daughter light up because of her crush is sweet so he doesn't say anything bad about Eli, he doesn't really know anything about him.
After that night, Reader and Eli go on a few dates and have really nice times together. When her family isn't home, she secretly invites him over and they plan on just hanging out like normal, but things take a turn. Kissing leads to making out, and making out leads to exploring each other's bodies and that leads to taking each others clothes off which leads them to her bed and you know what happens. They're so gentle with each other, kissing almost the whole time because words aren't enough to express their feelings to each other. He will ask if she's okay, if she needs anything, just taking such great care of her while they share their first times together.
When it's over, he has to leave before her family comes home. She kisses him goodbye and he's over the moon because did that really just happen? She has him starstruck and in awe. He's almost dazed and confused except he's just playing the events over in his head because he can't believe he lost his virginity; let alone to the most amazing person he's ever met.
They continue to hang out and have a nice time as boyfriend and girlfriend until one day she doesn't show up to school. She's feeling under the weather, so her parents let her stay home. She's sick for a few days actually and doesn't go to school. The whole time, she and Eli are texting each other; he's checking in and making sure she's okay. He's a bit of a worrywart and just wants to see her, but understands she needs time to rest and feel better. Except this doesn't just go away...
After this "sickness" passes, Amanda begins to notice that Reader seems a little different. Her daughter's always been a little heavy and curvy, but there's been a drastic change recently. Her bras don't appear to fit the same anymore, so she decides to take Reader out on a mother/daughter day. At lunch, Reader doesn't order her usual because the thought of it makes her nauseous and this little difference only makes her mom more suspicious. So, while eating lunch, Amanda asks, "Honey, are you and Eli having sex?"
Reader gets all hot and flustered, wondering how her mom found out. "Wh-why would you ask that?"
"Well, you've been feeling sick these last few days... you spent three days throwing up and, well, to be frank, your boobs are a lot bigger," she says.
Reader sits there for a moment, putting the pieces together. She remembers how she and Eli didn't have a condom when they did it and she figures it out. She starts tearing up. "Oh my god, am I pregnant?"
Her mom sighs, staying calm. "You could be. We can go home. I have some tests in the bathroom."
"But what about Dad?"
"He's at the dealership today. It'll just be you and me there."
With that assurance, they take their lunch to go and return home. Amanda tells Reader that no matter what, she isn't upset. Reader knows her dad is gonna freak out though if he ever finds out she even had to take a pregnancy test. She knows that when it comes back positive, he's gonna kill Eli.
She cries, "We only had sex once!"
Amanda hugs her and shushes her gently. "One time is all it takes, honey. But it's okay. We can figure this out. I'm here for you."
When they tell Daniel, he freaks out. "How could this have happened?" "My sweet little girl" and that freaking out quickly turns into anger towards the boy. "I knew he was bad news" and "I should kill him." Amanda has to calm him down because those kind of things aren't helping Reader.
She's begging her dad, pleading for him not to go after Eli. She's just in tears telling her dad how great Eli is. "He's so good. He's sweet and kind and so so good."
After everyone calms down, Reader really wants to tell Eli. She can't not tell him, so Amanda drives her over to Eli's house and she knocks on the door. Eli's mom answers the door and lets them in. Reader goes up to Eli's room while Amanda opts to break the news (with her daughter's permission) to Mrs. Moskowitz.
When she sees Eli, Reader hugs him immediately and they sit on his bed. It's quiet for a moment before Eli tells her that he's happy to see her because it's been days since they saw each other. He's happy she's well and not sick anymore and she accidentally cuts him off saying, "Well, that's not really true..." It worries him and he asks her what's wrong, if she's okay, how she's doing.
So, she comes out with it. "I'm pregnant."
He's stunned into silence. They're both quiet for a moment before he just hugs her, seeking comfort and giving her comfort because they're both scared. They don't say anything for a while until their moms come up and ask them if they're okay and Eli just kind of shrugs, but doesn't let go of Reader. They're very much attached to each other at that point and it will take a lot to separate them at this moment in time.
They do eventually figure out what they're going to do. They want to keep the baby and realize how much they care about each other. It's a lot, they know that, but they want to do this. Their families stand behind them and support them in their decision to keep and raise the baby.
After the anger dissipates, Daniel even offers Eli a chance to come work with him to give him some workplace experience since he will need it sooner rather than later. This is how he learns Miyagi-Do over Cobra Kai. It isn't Daniel's intention to teach him karate at first but as he sees how anxious and shy Eli is around people on a normal day, he thinks teaching him Miyagi-Do could benefit him and make him stronger and more confident.
It also leads to some cute moments between him and Reader. When she feels overwhelmed and uncertain, she meditates or does kata to center herself and let her mind relax so she can think. Eli ends up joining her in these exercises and learning that he doesn't have to overthink everything and it's also a way that helps him calm down. Imagine they do kata together when she has her baby bump, and he stands by her to make sure she stays balanced. It is so cute.
Does this mean Eli and Robby are friends? Because Robby would still come to work with Daniel to get under his dad's skin and we all know how that goes? So Daniel has two Miyagi-Do students in the beginning; one is having a baby with his daughter. I think Eli would benefit from having a friend like Robby and Robby would have someone there to tell him Miguel isn't there to steal his dad away 💀💀💀 they'd get along well since Eli isn't Hawk but he's gaining that confidence.
(If he's friends with Robby, does that compounded with the pregnancy cause unintentional distance between him and Miguel? Because Mr. LaRusso would certainly say something about Cobra Kai to him at some point...)
OMG imagine Reader encourages Eli to be in the All Valley Tournament because she (and her dad) think it would be great for building his confidence. He fights for Miyagi-Do and she's there with her whole family, holding her round belly, cheering him on. She's so giggly watching him compete because she thinks he looks so hot. Sam teases her and Reader lets her because it's distracting her from her break up with Miguel. They're being so sisterly there together, cheering for Eli and later Robby when he joins Miyagi-Do.
What if Eli won that first tournament? That would be pretty great for his confidence. He'd give the trophy to Reader because her encouragement is what got him there. He'd dedicate his win to her and their baby, though he wouldn't say that at the tournament because he knows she doesn't like that kind of attention on her.
Imagine summer: her, Eli, Sam, Robby and Demetri. He'd totally convince Demetri to join Miyagi-Do after the tournament and they'd get to train together. Him, Dem, Robby and Sam would become core Miyagi-Do students and it would be amazing. He'd encourage Demetri and Demetri would be so sarcastic and say something like "We all can't be All Valley champions."
However, I'm thinking of when they go to the country club with Reader's family. She's there in a bikini and cover-up because it was all that was comfortable for her to wear and Eli is beside her, telling her how amazing she looks. Eventually, she sheds the cover-up and sits by the poolside. If any of the uppity country club people have anything to say to her, Eli tells them to back off and mind their own business. He's super protective of her and the baby. He wraps his arm around her and puts a hand on her belly, assuring her that she's beautiful and those people have no idea what they're talking about because she's gonna be an amazing mama.
Double dates where she and Sam treat their boyfriends to dinner or something. They all have such a fun time. Sam is also very protective of her sister and would try to start fights on her behalf and Robby would pull her away from whoever was making her upset. On that note, though, Robby would also be protective of Reader. That's his girlfriend's pregnant sister, of course he's going to care for her (he's also living with them, so of course they are close.)
And the quiet moments Eli and Reader get to spend together when she needs time away from people. She's still a little shy and meek, especially with the way people look at her or talk about her when they think she isn't around to hear it all because she's pregnant. Eli would be by her side when she needs to recharge her social batteries, telling her that no one else's opinion matters so long as she's not ashamed of their baby.
"I'm not ashamed," she tells him and he smiles.
"Then there's nothing to worry about"
He kisses her sweetly and puts a hand on her belly, feeling the way their little baby kicks at his palm. It's so sweet and perfect and he can't imagine his life being anymore perfect.
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Imagine he still grew his hair out but instead of putting it into a mohawk, he just wears it casual and long 😍😍😍
I could so do more of this but this post got long. I feel like without Hawk there to contrast him, Miguel would fall further into the Cobra Kai hole and Johnny wouldn't be able to pull him out of it, and he and Tory become Cobra Kai's It couple👀 what do you think? Should I keep going with this and see how it continues to change things?
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russolaw · 3 months
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Model Daniel/Musician Johnny
Because the door was unlocked and he'd been there several times the last month and a half, Daniel thought nothing of walking right into the house, where he found Johnny in his bedroom (actually the living room because Kreese, the band's ex manager, would not let them buy the three bedroom house and forced Johnny to make a room for himself on the first floor) packing boxes. Their new house had three bedrooms. Johnny was gonna have his own room.
"What do you want?" Johnny asked, barely glancing as he cumbled up some papper and tossed it in a trashcan a few feet away. "Shouldn't you be at that party, schmoozing it up?"
Daniel shut the door behind him turned the lock, casually walked to the bed (pull out couch) and lied down, arms behind his head. "Nah. Got tired of the crappy music and drunk people. Jimmy was hitting on Zendaya when I left." Daniel never wanted to go in the first place, but he promised the photographer that invited him he'd make an appearence. His manager, Mr. Miyagi, didn't mind that he was only there for an hour. It was enough.
"Like anything would happen between them," Johnny replied with a roll of his eyes. He picked up what looked like a business card. His jaw clenched and he sniffed. Daniel guessed it was Kreese's, his name in small print shining silver underneath rhe large "Gold Entertainment". Johnny said him and the rest of the Cobra Boys were happy at Lotus Agency United now, but despite the way Kreese was, they'd been with him for awhile. There might always be a part of them that would miss him. Johnny ripped it up into pieces and let them flutter to the floor.
"Hey, get out of my bed, LaRusso."
He grinned. "Come over here and make me."
While they were long past the point of violence (he still couldn't believe this blond hotheaded lunatic was his friend), there was still the memories of Johnny's punches and kicks, so Daniel assumed his smart remark would earn some kind of assault. However, Johnny silently got up and lied next to him. They both looked up at the ceiling, at the water stains and star stickers.
"You takin' those with you to the new house?"
"No. Tommy already bought a bunch more."
"Real ones are better. You should go take a gander at them sometime."
"You asking me out, Danielle?"
Yes. No. Maybe. Was he?
"Depends. You good with a pizza and movie first?"
Faster than Daniel could blink, Johnny sat on Daniel's thighs, one leg on either side of them. Daniel stared, wide eyed,as Johnny lifted his shirt up to show off his chest.
"Yeah sure. Maybe you'd rven get lucky."
Hesitantly, Daniel reach out a hand. Johnny smirked and grabbed his wrist, brought the hand ulp to his chest. Daniel swallowed and squeezed one of his pecs. "Wow," he breathed.
This wasn't an unexpected development. Most people, some of Daniel's friends included, insisted there was some tension between them, even back when they couldn't stand each other.
"Real glad you're here," Johnny said, bending down to kiss Daniel. He ground their hips together, and Daniel groaned as Johnny started to unbutton his shirt.
"You hungry?" Johnny asked, shaking Daniel, who was in trance, focused on the stars.
"I guess." His clothes were back on. Underwear most likely on backwards. Pants unzipped, unbottoned, unbuckled. Johnny's hair was a mess. He watched the blond as he walked into the kitchen, noticing a slight limp..
"Most of the stuff is packed away. But we got microwavable popcorn. And beer. Maybe a movie on my laptop."
"Yeah, sure." He eyed the guitar resting on the couch they used as an actually couch. "How 'bout a song, too? You have a decent voice."
Johnny followed his gaze to the guitar. "Want me to sing the song I wrote you?"
Daniel sat up, jaw hanging open. "You what?"
"You’re too easy, Daniel," Johnny laughed. He threw the bag into the microwave and turned it on. Getting the beers from the fridge, he jumped on the bed next to Daniel, sat crosslegged and handed one off to him. He gave Daniel a sweet peck on the mouth that got hus heart racing. "Play your cards right and maybe I'll like you enough to write you a song."
"Sounds like a challenge. How's this: you and me next Friday at seven. I'll pick you up and take you to an Italian place near Mr. Miyagi's."
"Oh, what a gentleman."
"I want that song, doll."
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yuzurujenn · 2 months
[2024.08.05] AERA x Yuzuru Hanyu: 24.8.12-19 No. 37
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person in focus
"After all, it's frustrating when I can't perform well."
A session with photographer Mika Ninagawa for the first time in a year. In a long interview exclusive to this magazine, he talks about the ideals he pursues.
Writer: Takaomi Matsubara
Professional skater Yuzuru Hanyu
Born December 7, 1994 in Sendai. 2009 Won the Junior Grand Prix Final at age 14. 2010 Became the youngest Japanese male to win the World Junior Championships. 2011 While practicing at a rink in Sendai, the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred, and he had to live in an evacuation shelter. The rink where he was training was temporarily closed. 2012 First participated in the World Championships, coming in third. 2013 Graduated from Tohoku High School. Enrolled in a correspondence course at the Faculty of Human Sciences at Waseda University, studying human informatics and cognitive sciences. Won his first Grand Prix Final. Won four consecutive titles thereafter. 2014 First Asian gold medal in men's figure skating at the Sochi Olympics. First World Championship win. 2017 Second World Championship win. 2018 Second gold medal in men's figure skating at the Pyeongchang Olympics. 2020 Won his first Four Continents Championship, becoming the first man to win all major international junior and senior competitions. 2022 Participated in the Beijing Olympics. In July, announced his professional career. The ice show "Prologue" was held in Yokohama in November and in Hachinohe in December. 2023 In February, the ice show "GIFT" was held at Tokyo Dome. In March, the ice show "notte stellata" was held in Miyagi Prefecture. In March and April, he appeared in the ice show "Stars on Ice" (Osaka, Iwate, Yokohama). In May and June, he appeared in the ice show "Fantasy on Ice" (Makuhari, Miyagi, Niigata, Kobe). In November, the ice show "RE_PRAY" tour began at Saitama Super Arena. The following year, it was held at SAGA Arena in Saga in January, Pia Arena MM in Yokohama in February, and Sekisui Heim Super Arena in Miyagi in April. 2024 In March, the ice show "notte stellata" was held in Miyagi Prefecture. In May and June, he appeared in the ice show "Fantasy on Ice" (Makuhari, Aichi). On September 15th, he will be performing in the "Noto Peninsula Reconstruction Support Charity Performance Challenge" in Ishikawa Prefecture.
It has been two years since he made a new start as a professional figure skater in the summer of 2022. In 2024, he led three successful ice shows: "RE_PRAY" (Saga, Yokohama, Miyagi performances), "notte stellata" and "Fantasy on Ice".
The shoot with Mika Ninagawa for the first time in a year began with a cheerful greeting from each other, "Thank you for your continued support this year," and "Thank you." When she said to him, "You're still as young as ever!", Hanyu replied with a smile, a little embarrassed, "I'm almost 30."
"Move freely."
With those words, he made expressions and gestures as he pleased.
Various scenes were set up in the vast studio. Hanyu, who changed costumes and was photographed in each scene, moved and made expressions freely, sometimes under instructions and sometimes as if he was imagining (creating) a story himself. The people watching repeatedly let out gasps of amazement as the images were displayed one after another on the computer monitor. It was nothing short of amazing how he instantly exuded various moods - from boyish with a hint of innocence to cool and seductive.
His creativity was not limited to the way he behaved as a subject. When the BGM was played during the shoot, his body naturally responded to the music, and he also requested songs himself when he saw the costumes. There was also a moment when he saw a prop that had been set up and asked, "Do you have one more of these?" This revealed his high level of creative awareness.
The shooting has completed.
"Thank you very much," he said, and there was something light-hearted and cheerful about it. After a year, what he showed in the studio was a more mature and expressive side to him.
Exclusive interview with this magazine
[In pursuit of a distant ideal]
He is now in his third year as a professional figure skater. Reflecting on his days of taking on unprecedented challenges, he spoke about what he has gained from them and what the future holds.
Photo: Mika Ninagawa    Writer: Takaomi Matsubara
Yuzuru Hanyu, the journey continues
hair & make up: Noboru Tomizawa  styling: Masataka Hattori costume: NEEDLES    BED j.w. FORD    YUKI HASHIMOTO  prop styling: Ayumi Endo
Yuzuru Hanyu started out as a professional figure skater in 2022. In his first professional ice show, "Prologue," he performed the first solo ice show in history. He skated for nearly two hours, with a structure that richly conveyed his skating career. Following "Prologue," he then performed a solo show at the Tokyo Dome for the first time in history, "GIFT." The ice show filled the gigantic venue, which had never been seen before.  After "Prologue" and "GIFT," he held the performance "notte stellata" in March 2023, which was filled with thoughts and prayers for March 11. It has been a year since our interview last summer, following those three performances.
Changes in the "depth" of thinking
"When I was interviewed a year ago, it had just been a year since I turned professional. I had a desire to grow and learn more specialized things. In the year since then, I think that my technique, expression, and many other aspects have changed. Among them, I feel that I have had many more opportunities to think about expression. I have been thinking about expression even in my daily life. I think that the way I think about my show, the way I think about each program, the depth of those things has clearly changed." He talks about what triggered the change in the past year. "First of all, I had to spend more time thinking about writing a new ice story after GIFT and also about my own performance.” The new ice story was "RE_PRAY", under the title "ICE STORY 2nd".  It opened on November 4, 2023 at Saitama Super Arena. It was performed in Saitama for two days, on that day and the following day, and in the new year it was performed in Saga on January 12th and 14th, and in Yokohama on February 17th and 19th, for a total of six performances in three cities. After the premiere in Saitama on November 4th, Hanyu said the following. "First of all, I myself have learned from games, manga, novels, and various other sources, about what life is all about, how precious life is, and other similar things that everyone else roughly feels.
In games, the concept of life is really light in a sense, and you can repeat it, so you can use characters to do all sorts of things and push forward with curiosity. If you apply that to the real world, you might be a person who has the drive to grab hold of dreams, or conversely, from a different perspective, you might be a very terrifying person. But if you could do it all over again, I'm sure people would try it."
24 hours a day, always skating
In this story with a game motif, the question of "choice" is often depicted. We make choices in our lives, even if we are not aware of it. What if you choose a different option than the one you originally chose? Or would you choose the same option? This story asks the audience, which serves as an opportunity to reexamine their way of life. Of course, just like "Prologue" and "GIFT," the fact that this story was completed and received with overwhelming acclaim was due to the performance of Hanyu, who was the sole performer. And even after six performances, he did not try to stay in the same place. He continued to evolve. There were many evidences of this growth at the final performance of the Yokohama show, for example. The movements in the performance of "Chicken, Snake and Pig" where he moved forward as if resisting the shackles. The performance of "Megalovania", following a silent performance without music with only the sound of his edges resonating, was more integrated with the music than in previous performances. Not only in the production aspects, but also in the details of Hanyu's performance itself, there were traces of refinement here and there. After the Saga performance, Hanyu spent his days preparing more rigorously for the Yokohama performance.  "Of course, I trained and restricted my diet. Well, how should I say it, there are 24 hours in a day, but I spent the entire time on nothing else but skating. In other words, skating was always present, 24 hours a day.” "That's right. To put it simply, it felt like I was spending every day just working on 'RE_PRAY'." The reason he spent all his time facing skating was because he had regrets about the Saga performance. "After all, it's frustrating when I can't perform well." However, the standards of frustration have changed from when he was a competing athlete.
Still not enough
"Gradually, the focus is shifting from scores to an evaluation. If something technical that I had planned didn't go well, then my evaluation vector changes and my perspective shifts. I couldn't accomplish what I wanted to accomplish in Saga, so I was simply disappointed." After spending 24 hours focused on skating, the Yokohama performance came. After the final performance, he said, "I feel a sense of accomplishment like winning the Olympics." While he felt a sense of fulfillment, he wasn't completely satisfied. He also felt that his ability had not yet caught up with what he wanted to do. "So I feel like there are still things I need to study more. Of course, I think I'm evolving. I think I'm getting better. But I still feel like it's not enough. As I keep digging deeper and deeper, my ideals become higher, and the things I want to express are becoming more and more specific. The more my ideals become more concrete, the more I feel like I'm not catching up." He is aware that he still has areas where he needs to improve, especially in the finer details. This is something he realises now, which he didn't feel this way when he was competing in the sport. "It's impossible to realise this when you're a competitive athlete. After all, if you can jump, you win. To be honest, if you couldn’t jump, there was no point in talking about it, as the outcome of the competition was pretty much decided by how many types of quadruple jumps there are and where you put them in the program. For example, what memories do you have of this song, the background of this song, what is the story you want to express, how will the story and the song fit together, or what meaning is in the choreography, to be honest, there’s not much room to think about them. You have to complete all your technical elements in one go in the four minutes of a competition (free skate), so that's all you can focus on."
A world not in first place
Win the match. In a competition, that is set as a goal. "Since I had already achieved that, there was no way I could go any higher. If you think about it in the world of competition, I won first place, so even if I tried harder, I couldn't get any higher than first place. In other words, I just tried to see how long I could maintain that first place position.
But in the world I'm in right now, even if I think I'm in first place, it may not be. It’s a place where I can think, "I'm still at the bottom". When I look at the various works of art or technically excellent things from around the world, I feel that there are still many things I can't do, so I think that I still have a long way to go." When he moved from the world of competition, which was fixed in a sense, to a new world, it was no longer a confined space. However, whether one knows its vastness or not, whether one feels that there is an endlessly wide world out there, is up to the individual. So even though the world is infinite, some people only notice a limited space. Or, there are those who limit the space themselves.
Right now, Hanyu thinks, "I still have a long way to go." He feels like he's at the bottom. This is because he knows that the world is endlessly vast. The reason he feels this way is because he has the ambition to move forward without being content with the present. So instead of seeing the place he has arrived at as the end point, he knows that there is still space to go beyond that.
Ideals evolve
"I may have surpassed the ideal I had a year ago. But the sense of distance between me and my ideal is probably the same as it was a year ago. For example, if the distance between me and my ideal a year ago was 10 meters, it may be 10 meters, no, 11 meters now. That's how I feel. I'm living and experiencing life, I see information every day, and in the midst of that, my ideal evolves. My ideal gets further and further away. But at the same time, through what I have seen and experienced, I'm sure I’m also one step closer to my ideal." Then, after a short pause, he continued with a smile. "As long as I want to, I think I can continue for the rest of my life." The skater is still on his journey, striving towards the ideals he has built with his own will. 
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Source: AERA issue 24.8.12-19 No.37, pg 9-15 Info: https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0D89L6LS2
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wicked-jade · 2 months
Johnny's Season 6 Fits
Because I'm always interested in Johnny's different band shirts/looks each season, I went back and compiled a bunch of screenshots, cataloging each one. For things like his gi, which gets repeated every episode, I've only included the first appearance.
So, in episode 1, we have four five different looks:
Van Halen 1984 World Tour Shirt, with flaming eagle logo. Later with the white and gray flannel over it:
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The Coyote Creek/Little Red Riding Hood Fit: Faded black tee, red hoodie.
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White ringer tee and gray hoodie (Very similar to a lot of his S4 looks, which makes sense, since they were teasing yet another fight for control of the dojo. Very reminiscent of what he wore right before his and Daniel's rematch.)
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Eagle Fang Gi, RIP:
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Miyagi Do Gi. So fresh, so clean:
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Episode 2: Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass shirt. Which is an... interesting choice, for hard-rocking Johnny. Maybe a holdover from his country club prep days?
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And then we have my personal favorite look, the House Hunters: Valley Edition outfit. No logo on the shirt this time, but thank you, costume department, for putting him in so many dark red/wine shades this year. Also, I really, really need that flannel.
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And last, we have the return of the hideous suit. Please dear god let this have been it's swan song. At the very least, please burn that fugly yellow shirt and tie. Sweetie, that is not your color.
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Episode three: First up, we've got the all-white baby shower look, complete with Led Zeppelin shirt, featuring their legendary Swan Song Records/Icarus logo. Something-something, Johnny being too confident in his girl dad abilities and flying too close to the sun.
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Next up, we've got slumber party Johnny. Green and black hooded flannel and a white tee, with an illustration of a car at the beach on it underneath. It says California down one side. Fits in with a lot of the generic "California" themed shirts and hoodies the kids were wearing this season. Guess they're trying to remind us that this is actually supposed to be CA and not Georgia?
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Start of ep. 4, we get LaRusso Auto Pullover #1, charcoal gray with yet another burgundy shirt underneath. There's some kind of logo/writing, but I can't tell what it says.
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The 'call me a cream puff one more time' fit. Blue, white and red flannel over a plain gray t-shirt. Thank you for dressing him in blue again, and also for letting him whoop Mike's ass.
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The 'brown belt' scene: I guess this is supposed to be Coyote Creek again? Anyway, black jacket, gray hoodie, with a faded red AC/DC shirt underneath. Gotta say, Billy looks very pretty in all these outdoors/woodsy scenes.
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Ep. 5, Baby's first kick scene: White Corvette shirt, with a bright yellow Corvette on the back. Yet another car shirt, reflecting his new job.
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And later, the dime-store Jerry Maguire scene: Another LaRusso Auto pullover, light gray this time, with another mauve/faded red shirt underneath. Possibly the AC/DC shirt again?
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And there you have it, the Johnny Lawrence fashion round-up. What was your favorite look this season?
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slamdunk-headcanons · 2 months
Fights, haircut and basketball - Imagine Mitsui Hisashi
Hello guys! So I decided to bring my SD imagines to this blog. They were originally written in Portuguese, and I used AI to do the most part of translation and revised it after to do some corrections and adaptations. So this is the very first one I wrote for SD, in 2016, for my favorite character, Mitsui Hisashi. My writing style is in third person, not second person. I hope you all like it!
Posted on Spirit Fanfictions, Wattpad and Nyah!Fanfiction (all Portuguese version) Word count: 3.6k Warnings: fem!reader, mention of gang fights, a bit of cursing, angst Cover by @ezrealsicons
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Synopsis: Mitsui and [Name] were unseparable friends. But when their feelings became something more than just friendship, everthing caved in. With the Mitsui's injurey and his subsequent withdrawal from basketball, his personality began to be dominated by resentment and anger. The boy started to despise everything related to the sport, including [Name]. However, two years later, a fight and and old dream would finally make him remember how important she was for him.
“You did what!?"
[Name] looked at Mitsui with wide, horrified eyes. The boy had shown up at her mother's beauty salon that late afternoon without warning, his face covered in bruises and dried blood. The girl had quickly pulled him to the back of the establishment so he wouldn't draw attention in case a client arrive. The last thing she wanted was for Mitsui's problems to spill over into her mother's business. Now they were talking in the break room, which was fortunately empty.
The boy still had the same intimidating appearance that [Name] had seen the last time they met. The face that had once been marked by the features of adolescence was now almost entirely covered by his blackish-blue hair that cascaded down to his shoulders. His navy-blue eyes, once so bright and full of energy, were now dark and heavy. And to top it off, [Name] couldn’t even remember the last time she had seen Mitsui smile.
Faced with his friend's accusatory question, the senior kept his head down and his hands buried in his pockets. The shame he had felt earlier, in front of the man who had given him the determination to win the regional championship, now seemed to weigh ten tons on his broad shoulders. He could endure the accusing looks from everyone, even from Kogure and Akagi, but from [Name]...
"Hey! Answer me, Hisashi!"
He hunched his shoulders even more. It was hard enough to confess what he had done, let alone repeat it. Besides, didn’t [Name] already have enough reasons to despise him?
"I decided to get revenge on Miyagi... I wanted to do it by disqualifying Shohoku from the Nationals through a fight. If the rumor that the players were involved in a gang fight at their own school spread, they would surely be banned from the championship. So I gathered the judo team members and asked for help from a friend of mine, Tetsu-"
Mitsui didn’t get a chance to finish. A sharp, resounding slap stung his already bruised face, causing him to stagger back two steps. His hands instinctively covered the spot where he had been hit, and his navy-blue eyes rose in shock to meet the girl in front of him.
"Are you serious!?" she shouted angrily. "Didn’t I tell you to never speak to me again? And you, not only you disrespect that, but you also come and tell me something like this!?"
The high schooler lowered his gaze again and returned to his previous dejected posture.
[Name] had been his friend for years, and they had met because of basketball. She always played on the neighborhood’s public court, and it was there that he saw her for the first time. He clearly remembered being captivated by how she smiled while playing, and that made him interested in the game. He really wanted to experience the joy that made that girl seem so happy.
Mitsui then asked [Name] to introduce him to basketball. Reluctantly at first, the girl agreed to be his tutor. She taught him everything she could, from basic movements to the tricks of faking and three-point shots, which were her pride and joy. It was on that quaint basketball court that their friendship flourished.
Over the years, Mitsui and [Name] became inseparable, and their friendship began to take on new dimensions. However, neither of them had the courage to make a move, as neither was sure of their own feelings.
And that’s when everything caved in.
After Mitsui’s accident and his subsequent withdrawal from basketball, his personality started to be consumed by resentment and anger. The boy began to despise everything related to the sport, including [Name].
One day, the girl invited him to watch a street basketball game that was going to take place on the same court where they had first met. With disdain, he laughed in [Name]’s face and said he had better things to do.
"I'm not going to waste any more time with stupid things like basketball," he said with a mocking smile.
The girl looked at him in horror, unable to believe that those words had come out of Mitsui's mouth.
“What!?” she shouted, shocked.
“That’s exactly what you heard,” he spat. “I’m not wasting another second on basketball.”
And without giving [Name] a chance to ask any more questions, he spun on his heels and walked away.
After this episode, the high schooler began getting more involved with gangs and street fights, and the chasm that had formed between him and [Name] grew ever wider. Finally, one incident in particular completely ruined their friendship.
Angry after the beating they took from Mitsui’s gang, some troublemakers from Kainan High investigated Mitsui’s connections and discovered [Name]. After obtaining her address, they observed her routine for a few days. After a week, they ambushed her as she was heading home in the late afternoon. Meanwhile, one of them was tasked with delivering the message to Mitsui.
As soon as he found out, the boy was overcomed with an intense feeling of guilt and rage. He never imagined he would end up involving his friend in his fights, let alone as a hostage. Blinded by anger, he ran without hesitation to the agreed location, making a decision along the way: he would distance himself from gangs once and for all so that she would never be at risk because of him again.
When he finally reached them, he realized the true extent of the trap he had fallen into. [Name] was at the back of the alley, held by two burly high schoolers with contemptuous expressions. As soon as they spotted Mitsui, the other gang members blocked both exits of the alley, giving the boy no chance to escape.
“I knew he would come,” their leader sneered. “Let the girl go. We’ve got what we wanted.”
A momentary sense of relief washed over the student, and he searched for [Name] with his eyes. The girl was rubbing her forearms, marked by the strong grip of the thugs, and as soon as she processed that she was free, she looked for Mitsui among the figures present. When her eyes locked on his face, distorted by a mask of conflicting emotions, she marched toward him with determined steps, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.
How? How had it come to this? How had he let something like this happen? And to her, of all people!?
Everyone turned to look at the slender back of the girl, who was walking forward with clenched fists. As soon as her childhood friend's face was within reach, she raised her right fist and delivered a solid punch to his left cheek.
"Bastard!" she shouted, tears streaming down her cheeks. "How did you get to this point? When did you stoop so low as to drag me into these stupid fights!?"
Mitsui kept his face turned away, his dark blue eyes vacant and empty from the shock.
"Never again..." she said through gritted teeth. "Never speak to me again."
Those words from [Name] hurt more than any punch or kick he'd ever taken in a fight. They hurt more than his knee injury. They hurt more than giving up basketball.
Even when he had given up on everything, she hadn’t. She believed that one day, the bitterness from what had happened in his first year would fade, and Mitsui's passion for basketball would resurface. And even as he sank deeper and deeper, she tried to support him, tending to his wounds so that he wouldn’t have to hear so much from his parents.
And he had simply dismissed all of it.
That day, the beating he took after being insulted and humiliated by the Kainan thugs didn’t compare to the pain of losing [Name] completely. He had deluded himself into thinking she would stand by him despite the stupid mistakes he’d been making. What else would he lose?
Since then, [Name] had never spoken to him again, and Mitsui had no choice but to respect her decision. In her absence, he continued to get involved in more and more trouble and fights, and the little hope hidden in his heart of returning to basketball disappeared completely.
However, the incident in Shohoku’s gym that day awakened old memories of basketball for Mitsui. The feeling of sinking the ball with a simple flick of the wrist, the euphoria filling his chest as he drove past opponents toward the basket... Remembering all of this, Hisashi Mitsui finally realized just how much he missed basketball and, most of all, how much he missed the person who had brought that wonderful sport into his life.
God! How he wanted to play basketball again! How he wanted to play with [Name] and see her smile in that unique and captivating way...
It was because of all this that he swallowed his pride and ran to see the girl he had dismissed out of pure arrogance and selfishness. He had to make things right. He would never forgive himself if he didn’t try.
Mitsui lifted his melancholic dark eyes to [Name] and took a deep breath.
"I know what I did was unforgivable. I really was a selfish idiot, only thinking about my whim of becoming Shohoku’s ace... and it ruined everything." He squeezed his eyes shut tightly and then reopened them, this time with a determined look. "But I need to tell you something."
The girl straightened where she stood and crossed her arms. Her eyes shifted to the floor, filled with pain and anger. She wanted so badly to believe Mitsui’s words. She wanted so badly for him to have truly recognized his mistakes and turned things around... But what he had done wasn't that simple.
With a furrowed brow, she bit her lip and lowered her head.
"I'm going back to playing basketball," Mitsui blurted out, as if the words were forcing their way out of his mouth. "I don’t want to keep pretending that I don’t want to."
[Name]'s eyes widened, and she immediately locked them onto her friend’s face.
"I know it might be a little late since I’m in my third year. But I still want to make the most of the time I have left in high school. I’m going to...
The sentence weighed heavily on his tongue, and he had to press his lips together to prevent the words from spilling out awkwardly. He wanted to show [Name] that this was once again his dream.
Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes, then opened them to look at his friend with a crease of determination on his forehead.
"I'm going to help Shohoku conquer Japan."
[Name]’s lips parted in a small “o,” but not in horror or anger, but rather in surprise. Before her eyes, she finally recognized the determined expression of the Mitsui she had known on the court in their old neighborhood. The boy she had taught to play basketball, who had become much more than just a good friend, was once again standing in front of her.
"Hisashi..." she murmured, her eyes widening further.
Mitsui straightened his shoulders, pulling his hands out of his pockets. He raised a hand to his neck and scratched it, looking down at the floor as shyness took over his gaze.
"So... [Name]-chan... I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to say or do all those stupid things to you. I know it’s not something that can be fixed with just an apology... But today, I really need you."
As soon as the last sentence left Mitsui’s lips, both felt a rush of heat rising to their faces. [Name] averted her eyes to the floor and began rubbing her fingers together with her thumb. The teenager scratched his neck even more quickly and continued:
"It’s-it’s just..." He blinked and, with great effort, looked back at the girl standing in front of him. "Since you helped me take the first step in basketball, I want you to do it again. I want you to help me take the first step back into basketball."
[Name] shifted her weight to her left leg and looked at her friend with a mix of insecurity and suppressed hope. She wanted so much to say yes. She had dreamed so many times of this moment—the moment when Mitsui would tell her that he was going back to basketball, returning to being the boy who had won her admiration in such a simple, genuine way...
But [Name] was fully aware that Mitsui's mistake was almost unforgivable, and she wasn’t going to let him think it would be easy to make everything right.
"I'm not going to play basketball with you, Hisashi," she said in the sternest voice she could muster.
The high schooler flinched as if he'd been punched in the gut. My God! How those words hurt. [Name]’s disdain was worse than any beating he had ever taken. But he deserved it; after all, he had also treated her with disdain... and in the worst possible way.
"I know," he said sadly. "But I need something only you can do."
[Name] furrowed her brows and waited. Mitsui raised his left hand until his fingers reached a lock of his dark hair.
"Could you... cut my hair?" He paused, trying not to stumble over his words, and laughed nervously. "Don’t worry. I’ll pay."
[Name]’s eyes widened so much that Mitsui thought they might pop out of their sockets.
Since girls tended to do this more often, she knew the significance of a haircut at a moment like this. Mitsui really wanted to change and wanted to leave a physical reminder of his new goal: to conquer Japan wearing Shohoku’s jersey.
After a few seconds, [Name] lowered her head and, turning on her heels, said, "Come here."
Surprised that he hadn’t received a harsh response from the girl, Mitsui promptly followed her with an astonished expression. She led him to the bathroom used by the staff and opened a cabinet containing a stack of white, fluffy towels. Grabbing one, she pushed it against the broad chest of the teenager and said, "Wipe off that blood so you don’t scare the other customers. When you’re done, go to the salon. I’ll be waiting there."
Mitsui nodded promptly and quickly cleaned himself up. When his face finally lost the most alarming signs of the fight, he folded the towel, leaving it in a corner, and headed to where [Name] was waiting. The girl was already dressed in a smock, with a cape draped over the same arm holding a pair of scissors.
"Have a seat," she said, her face wearing an indecipherable neutral expression.
Mitsui obeyed and sat down. [Name] adjusted the chair’s height and looked into the mirror to meet the boy’s blue eyes reflected there.
"So, what will it be?" she asked, running her fingers through the teenager's overgrown hair. Her touch sent involuntary shivers down Mitsui’s spine, and a slight blush spread across his cheeks.
"Ahm..." he muttered, glancing at the countertop cluttered with beauty tools. "You can cut it all off."
"All of it!?" she replied, her expression once again showing shock.
"Yeah. I mean, really short. It’s more comfortable for playing..."
The girl ran her fingers through Mitsui’s hair once more, taking a few measurements, and nodded.
"I’ll cut it little by little, and you can tell me if it’s okay, alright?"
"Uh-huh," he murmured, trying to stay still as he heard the first snips of the scissors cutting through his hair.
[Name] worked in silence, avoiding Mitsui’s deep blue eyes whenever she checked the cut in the mirror. However, it was impossible for her not to notice his features as the long hair stopped covering his face. Now that the black curtain had disappeared, [Name] could finally see the changes puberty had brought to her friend’s face. His jawline had become well-defined, but in a gentle way. Dark circles under his eyes marked the edges of his cheeks, which were covered in bruises and scratches, yet this detail still gave him a certain maturity. His straight nose had the same effect. His thick, black eyebrows perfectly crowned his pair of navy blue eyes, which had always captivated [Name] in a way she would never admit. Now they were much more visible, and this pleased her deeply.
In the end, Mitsui’s new haircut suited him very well, giving his face a more playful and determined look.
Yes... This was the Mitsui she had known.
"So?" she asked after making the final touch on the left side. "What do you think?"
He turned his head from side to side to see the new hairstyle from different angles and then smiled, satisfied. [Name] went to the counter and grabbed a square mirror so Mitsui could check the back of his hair too.
"Oh!" he said, smiling even more. "It really looks good! Thank you so much, [Name]-chan!"
While the teenager admired his friend’s work, [Name] couldn’t help but notice his features again. Mitsui had turned out much more handsome than she had anticipated.
Realizing this, her cheeks involuntarily heated up, and she lowered her face, afraid he would see her embarrassed expression.
"You’re welcome," she murmured, moving to the counter to put away the mirror and the brush she had used to remove the excess hair.
As soon as she removed the cape that had covered him, he stood up and quickly reached into his pocket, pulling out some green bills.
"How much do I owe you?" he asked, checking the amount he had.
[Name] had her back to him, organizing the counter and sweeping some leftover hair onto the floor. She bit her lip at Mitsui’s question, and the phrase he had said earlier echoed in her mind:
"I know. But I need something only you can do."
"Could you... cut my hair?"
Now that she could finally see Mitsui's eyes without his long black hair in the way, she was certain that he wasn’t just talking for the sake of it. She recognized his stubborn determination in the navy blue of his eyes. The haircut was his way of telling himself that he wanted to, and would, become who he once was. If she charged him for it, Mitsui's request would lose all its meaning.
"Nothing," she said, reaching out for the broom that was leaning nearby. "It's on me."
"But...!" he blinked, stunned as he stared at the back of her head. "I said I’d pay!"
"Shut up and accept it, idiot," she replied, too afraid to turn around and meet his eyes.
A whirlwind of emotions tore through her chest. Her head was spinning with confusion. She wanted so badly to celebrate this, to support him at his games, and to train with him... But at the same time, she couldn’t forget what he had done. And that stopped her from showing what she truly felt.
The teenager remained silent for a few moments before saying, "[Name]-chan... Please, let me pay for the haircut. I'll feel really bad i—"
"I already told you it’s on me!" she exclaimed too loudly as she turned her body and began sweeping with her eyes fixed on the floor. She walked past Mitsui and bumped into his shoulder hard. "I’m done here. You can go."
Mitsui didn’t move. His eyes went blank, staring into nothing as he digested [Name]'s harsh words. He had known from the start that he wouldn’t win her trust right away, but that didn’t lessen the weight of being treated like this by her.
However, even though she was clearly resentful, [Name] had granted his request. And if she didn’t charge for the service... it meant that, deep down, she wanted to do it for him and was happy that he had come back.
A slight smile curved Mitsui's lips as he realized this, and he quietly approached [Name] until he stood just behind her.
"[Name]-chan," he called, letting the gratitude he felt fill her name.
Hearing his voice so close, [Name] tensed up, feeling her cheeks flush once more. Trying to sound as harsh as possible, she turned sharply and growled, "Hisashi, I already told you to—"
But she couldn’t finish the sentence. As soon as she turned around, a soft, warm touch on her left cheek silenced her instantly. Mitsui was leaning in, his hand gently resting on her left shoulder as his lips placed a very sweet kiss on her blushing face.
The touch lasted only a few seconds, but it was enough to make all the hairs on [Name]'s body stand on end. Internally, she wished Mitsui’s touch had lasted a little longer. Pulling back slightly, he whispered, "Thank you."
He then straightened up, running his hand through his hair in a slightly awkward manner.
"Well, I’ll be going. See you later, [Name]-chan."
He turned on his heels and headed toward the exit of the salon. The girl remained frozen, staring at the back of her childhood friend. She hated herself for being so affected by his gesture, and even more for knowing that deep down, she really wanted Mitsui back... for herself.
Maybe it wasn’t the right time for them to reconnect, but they could start, right?
She went back to sweeping, and just as he stopped to open the door, she raised her voice: “Hey, idiot.”
Startled, the teenager turned his torso enough to look at [Name] with a questioning expression. “If you don’t make Shohoku rise to the top of Japan, I swear I’ll beat you to death".
Mitsui's eyes widened, and gradually, a smile replaced his shocked expression. He chuckled quietly as he remembered the countless times he had said he would conquer the nation. There was no turning back. This time, he had to succeed.
Widening his smile even further, he looked at [Name] defiantly and said, “I’m on it.”
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tenebraevesper · 5 months
Knuckles (My Thoughts)
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So, I have watched Knuckles, the 2024 show that basically came out yesterday, and before watching it, I have heard a lot of mixed opinions, ranging from ''the show is great'' to ''the show is awful, I hate it''. I had figured I might as well add my thoughts to the fray.
There will be spoilers in this review, so if you haven't watched the show, you had your warning.
So, for starters... this show is absolutely bonkers, and I definitely enjoyed watching it! X3
Honestly, I feel like there was a pretty good mix of comedy and action, and while there is some over the top acting, it didn't really take away from my enjoyment. It was a pretty wild ride from start to finish, and I kinda want to know what the writers were smoking during some scenes, because there were moments where things just get a bit surreal.
The show is also peppered with a lot of emotional moments, but I'll get to that bit in a moment. So far, I think people were right when they called this Sonic the Hedgehog, but it's Knuckles and Wade instead of Sonic and Tom.
The main crux of the show is that Knuckles has a bit of a crisis. He has found the Master Emerald, he has found friends in Sonic and Tails... and the only reason he's on Earth is because of that promise to them, as he clearly doesn't feel like he is at home... yet. So, how does he deal with that struggle?
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Well, Pachacamac tells him what to do. Not gonna lie, even though I had expected him to appear, I was still baffled, because Pachacamac in this show is basically Oogway, Mufasa and Mr. Miyagi rolled into one. Clearly, Knuckles still holds great admiration for him, but let's remember that this was the guy who hunted down Sonic and Longclaw, leading to the mutual massacre. And now, he's a ghost that Knuckles can talk to, a lá Tikal. Kinda weird, but I think this is also the moment the show doesn't give a damn about being grounded.
Pachacamac suggests Knuckles that he should continue the legacy of the Echidnas, with Wade Whipple becoming his new protégé. Knuckles knows Wade is a loser, but he accepts, especially given Wade's determination to show everyone and their mother that he isn't some kind of loser and will become the bowling champion at the tournament in Reno, Nevada. So, he and Knuckles go on a road trip there while also being hunted down by two rogue G.U.N. agents, who want to deliver Knuckles to The Buyer, a guy who formerly worked for Robotnik and wants to use his quills to power his weapons.
Now, I will first start with the negative stuff that I noticed during the plot. Yes, people were correct, the second half of the show does focus a lot on Wade and his family rather than on Knuckles. Should it focus more on the titular character? Absolutely! Am I disappointed with what we got? Ehh... not really. Not gonna lie, I was actually quite invested in Wade's family drama.
Honestly, I can't really think of any complaint aside from the lack of Knuckles' screentime. Maybe it would've been better if the show focused on Knuckles bonding with Sonic and Tails, but it was always advertised as a Knuckles and Wade road trip, so I can't say I was lied to (not to mention, we had a whole movie of Sonic, Tails and Knuckles bonding). I suppose that another thing to add to it is the abrupt ending, although we do get a post-credits scene with Knuckles and Wade going to their next adventure, and the fact that they just don't address some plot points (like we don't know how the Wachowski family reacted to Knuckles' absence).
Well, that's my negative thoughts on the show, what's the positive stuff?
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First of all, Knuckles himself - he is absolutely awesome every moment he gets! His character is on point, and he gets a lot of goofy, but also very wholesome moments. He also works very well with Wade, their personalities bouncing off each other and their interactions can turn from hilarious to absolutely heartwarming, especially when bonding over their respective lives.
I think that's a really strong point of this show - Knuckles helping Wade, in his own way, to overcome his insecurities, while just being his Echidna Warrior self. At the same time, he also learns about simple things in life, like ''what his jam is'' (to no one's surprise, it's the show's theme song, The Warrior by Scandal) or about Wade's family's traditions, as well as finally accepting that Earth is his home.
Also, Knuckles and Wade's mother beating up the bounty hunters was one of the best scenes in the show, hands down.
As I said previously, I also got quite interested in Wade's family life. I really like his mother, but his sister is a bitch, even if she stands by Wade's side. His father, not gonna lie, Pistol Pete gets the same amount of hate from me as Locke... Huh, maybe they did base Wade's father on one of the most hated characters from the Sonic Archie comics? After all, both abandoned their sons for a ''greater purpose''. In any case, it was satisfying seeing Wade beating his father in the bowling tournament and use what he learned during his journey.
Furthermore, this show is peppered with many lore bits, but the most jaw-dropping is this one:
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So, if you guys don't know, this is Iblis, one of the Big Bosses of Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), alongside Mephiles, and basically the main reason Silver the Hedgehog and Blaze the Cat went back to the past to save the future, with Silver fighting Sonic due to the belief that he was responsible for the apocalyptic wasteland that is Silver's future. Both Iblis and Mephiles are halves of the sun god Solaris, who was defeated by Super Sonic, Super Shadow and Super Silver.
So, in this show, in this story told to us via a rock opera arranged by Pachacamac and starring an... unconscious (dead?) Wade? *shrugs* So, yeah, in this story, apparently, Knuckles defeated Iblis with the Flames of Disaster, aka beating him up with flaming fists.
Not gonna lie, that's metal.
Also, another lore bit that is dropped is how a different alien visited Reno for a bowling tournament in 1974, which tells me either two things:
One possibility is that it was Shadow who appeared at the bowling tournament, which is but funny and pretty awesome, and now I have an image of Shadow, Maria and Gerald Robotnik wearing those bowling T-shirts.
The other possibility is that Black Doom dropped after making his deal with Gerald and decided to sign up the Black Arms for a tournament, which is just plain hilarious.
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So, yeah, overall, I liked the show. Is it the best? Not really, but it is something I'd rewatch if I want something fun and wholesome.
#Sonic Cyber Revolution (Masterlist)
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bunni-v1 · 2 months
(Twenty) Nine Lives for Love
Chapter 2: First Day Prev Chapter\\Next Chapter m.list
Tw: Kenma is a little creepy, but not in a bad way.
Info: Kenma x Reader (for real this time); Kuroo and Reader; Kuroo is a wingman (maybe?); Your cat is so fucking fat
Word Count: 5k 🍓Hehehe, it's finished! Writing this was a fun challenge, simply because Kenma is so fucking odd and weird and I love him so much please marry me Kenma!!! Anywayyyyyy, please pretend that Animal Crossing New Leaf came out just a little earlier for the sake of this fic. Thankssssssss.
Tag List: @angel-academia
Since you moved to Tokyo, a lot has happened. You finished (by some miracle of the universe) unpacking and decorating the house in about a week, managed to get accepted by the shelter for work over the weekends (which you loved so far), and picked out all of your classes for the spring semester. You even got into the Animal Sciences course you were gunning for by passing the entrance test. Everything was going great, you had just one tiny… eentsy weensy thing you didn’t account for.
Nekoma’s campus was way bigger than you expected. Sure, you figured it would be, it’s a Tokyo High School, but it didn’t seem all that intimidating when you went to pick classes. You turned down a tour, confident in your navigational skills – it’s just a few floors of classrooms, how hard could it be?
Very, as you’ve come to learn.
Clutching the flimsy paper that held your schedule tightly, you looked around woefully at the students who passed you by. Everyone was too busy catching up or chatting, not paying you any mind. You glare at your class schedule again, and “Class 3” glares back at you. That is not helpful. You are lost. Very lost. God, you wanted to beat past you senseless – stupid stupid overconfident past you.
Just as you’re about to scream or bash your head into a wall and ruin your reputation before classes begin, your savior appears. He’s incredibly tall, his uniform jacket unbuttoned and his clothes wrinkled. His messy black bedhead stands straight up in the air, bangs shrouding half of his face. He looks like the crafty type like he might take advantage of the situation and make you buy him lunch as thanks. However, when he speaks, you realize you might be overreacting just a tad.
“You alright? I couldn’t help but see you floundering over here,” He laughs.
You flush, adjusting the strap of your bag on your shoulder awkwardly, “I’m a little lost…”
“You’re a first-year?” He asks.
You frown, shaking your head, “Second-year. I transferred from Karasuno High School, uhm, in Miyagi,” you quickly clarify. You hope you didn’t look like a first-year.
He hums, nodding, “That makes sense,  looking for your homeroom then?”
“Yeah, I just… can’t make sense of the schedule they gave me,” you admit, lifting the paper for him to see.
He looks over it, and then smirks to himself, “Ooh, Kenma, she’s in your class.” He says to someone, and hot shame washes over you as you realize there was another person here the whole time.
He’s a shorter guy with a pretty shitty dye job that reminds you of a lot of pudding. You try not to snicker at the mental image of actual pudding on the poor guy's head. He eyes you like he’s considering you. It’s clear he’s taking in everything about your appearance, and it makes you flush a little. You didn’t take well to being scrutinized – especially not by cute strangers. (Cute? Did you find this guy cute?) Something about the way he looks at you is… familiar… but you’ve never met this guy, so you brush it off and smile apologetically.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize you were there or else I would’ve greeted you too,” you apologize.
He shrugs, eyes catching on something in your bag, then he goes back to staring at the PSP in his hands, “It’s fine.”
You frown, but the beadhead guy sighs loud enough to interrupt any self-depreciation you might’ve started on.
“Don’t pay him any mind, he’s always like this,” he tells you, then shoves his hand your way, “I’m Kuroo Tetsrou, Third-year!”
You take the hand, shake it firmly, and introduce yourself with a smile. Kuroo turns to Kenma, pulling his game out of his hands and confiscating it in his pocket, grumbling lowly to him about being polite. You can’t help the little laugh that escapes you at their antics. 
With a grumble, Kenma turns to you and nods reluctantly, “Kozume Kenma.”
Kuroo lets out a satisfied huff, visibly pleased with the interaction, then gestures for both of you to follow him. You take off first, trying your best to keep pace with his incredibly long legs, Kenma follows just behind you, dragging his feet enough that he wouldn’t match your pace. 
“So,” Kuroo starts again, “What made you transfer here – Tokyo’s a big change from Miyagi.”
You sigh, “I’ll say. My dad moved us here 'cause he got some big promotion,” you grumble, then realize you might be too grumbly and add, “but… Tokyo is nice. There’s a lot more to do here, and the people are nice.”
“Thank you, I do try,” He laughs, “there is a lot to do here, though. Too much, sometimes. What kinda things do you like to do?”
You hum, folding the paper in your hands as you think, “Well, I like helping out at animal shelters – oh and I like video games. I know there are arcades around here, and I wanna check some out.”
Kenma perks up a bit at the mention of video games, but he doesn’t say anything about it. As if he were a mind reader – or maybe he just knew Kenma well – Kuroo beams back at you.
“Thank god, I thought I’d never find someone who likes games like Kenma does,” he laughs, “I was gonna ask about that charm on your bag, it looked like one of the characters from his games.”
You frown, looking at your bag, and realizing the Tom Nook charm you got in middle school was still on it. It wasn’t in very good shape, but you could still discern that it was Tom Nook.
“It’s Tom Nook, from Animal Crossing,” Kenma corrects, “You should know that.”
“You play,” you ask suddenly, and a bit too excited, seeing how Kenma shrinks back a bit.
He nods, slowly, afraid of setting you off, “Yeah, not so much anymore, but I still like the game.”
“Sorry,” you laugh, “None of my friends from home liked it all that much, so I’m excited to meet someone who does.”
He hesitates, and your smile falters a bit. For a second you can see him panic, though you aren’t sure why. Then, he digs into his bag and pulls out a notebook and a pen, scribbling something down sloppily as he walks. When he finishes, he tears the page out and hands it to you. It takes you a second to realize what the numbers mean, but when you do, you grin.
“You have your friend code memorized?” You ask lightly.
Again, you see him panic a little, but he plays it off well enough, “I… handed it out a lot when the game first came out.”
You hum, folding the paper up and putting it in your bag, “I’ll write mine down and get it to you tomorrow.”
“Woaaaahhhhh,” Kuroo butts in loudly, “Sharing Animal Crossing friend codes already? That’s pretty big for first-time meetings.”
Kenma groans, “I could’ve shown her the classroom myself.”
“You would’ve just made her uncomfortable with all your moping,” Kuroo shoots back.
He rolls his eyes, but he doesn’t argue any further. Kuroo grows a smug, satisfied smirk, and practically struts the rest of the way to your new classroom. He reminds you a lot of a proud cat, and you fight off the mental image of him with ears and a tail. 
Getting to the classroom was surprisingly easy, and you mentally scolded yourself for making two strangers have to guide you on such a stupid side quest like you were some kind of NPC. Two flights of stairs and three right turns took you right where you needed to be. The schedule with directions from earlier made a lot more sense now that you’ve walked it once.
“This is it!” Kuroo announces, “Not so bad, huh?”
“Yeah, sorry for making you walk me here. It’s pretty embarrassing I couldn’t figure it out myself.” You admit, rubbing the back of your head.
“It’s fine,” Kenma says, shocking both you and Kuroo, “I had a hard time getting around when I was a freshman. The schedule isn’t very helpful for navigation.”
“We were both on the way anyway,” Kuroo adds, “so meeting you was just a bonus!”
As he says that, the ten-minute bell rings above the three of you. Kuroo bids both of you farewell, making sure to give Kenma a hard time about taking care of you. It’s embarrassing to be treated like a helpless kid by a total stranger. You feel a bit guilty, so you try to apologize, but Kenma seemingly beats you to the punch.
“Sorry about him, he’s always like that,” he says, echoing Kuroo’s earlier sentiment about him.
“Oh! It’s fine, I kinda deserve it.” You dismiss with a laugh.
Kenma slides the door open, and you are both hit with a barrage of voices. Students giggle and catch up, excitedly sharing what their break was like, and what they expect the school year to be like. Kenma trudges through them with a glower, eyes glued to a desk in the corner of the room. A few people give him greetings, but he ignores them outright, which they seem to expect. You awkwardly follow behind him, trying to ignore the curious eyes of your new classmates trying to figure out who you are and why you’re in their classroom.
Kenma settles himself in his desk, and you stand by him, nervously playing with your fingers. He gives you a weird look – not quite judging you but staring curiously. Normally you would be hurt by the look, but something about it is so familiar that you feel comfortable enough to explain yourself.
“I don’t wanna take someone's desk and tear up a friend group and be known as the stupid new girl who took someone's seat on the first day like an idiot.” You say quickly.
He stares at you, head tilting, blinking like you were stupid, “Just… sit next to me.”
You blink dumbly, taking in what he said as slowly as possible, and then you plop yourself down in the desk next to him. Well, you were still embarrassed, but at least it wasn’t because you’d accidentally made yourself enemies. Avoiding Kenma’s very intense stare locked onto the side of your head, you pull out your notebook and pencil case, getting ready for the school day. You glance over your schedule one more time, humming as you take it in. Most of them were general classes like Math and English, but you also had Animal Science in the afternoon – which you had to switch classrooms for, but it would be fine you were sure.
“What’s your schedule look like?” Kenma asks suddenly close, making you jump out of your skin. You’d forgotten he was there for a second.
It takes you a moment to recover, but when you do you lean over and show him the paper, “Pretty normal stuff, but I have Animal Science fifth period in Class 1’s room.”
He hums, “We have most of our classes together except that one,” you silently praise the universe for that, “but someone I know from volleyball is in your Animal Science class.”
You’re a little disappointed that you won’t be taking it with Kenma, despite having only known him for a few minutes. But five out of six courses together wasn’t too bad. You process shortly after your disappointment that he mentioned a friend from volleyball, which strikes you as odd because he doesn’t look all that… sporty. Or social.
“Volleyball? Do you play?” you ask, trying hard not to give away your thoughts.
“Yeah. I’m not athletic at all, but Kuroo got me into it when we were in middle school and I’ve stuck with it.” He explains simply, and you feel bad for assuming things about him in the first place, “Do you like it?”
“I don’t play, but my best friends from home love it,” you reply, smiling fondly, “so I guess you could say I do.”
A little smile grows on his face, mirroring yours, and you think that he looks cuter when he's smiling, “You should come by and watch one of our practices then. If you have the free time after school.”
You nod excitedly, then remember what he said earlier about his teammate being in your class, “Your friend is in my Animal Science class?”
His face sours, and you bite back the laugh that bubbles up your throat, “I wouldn’t call him my friend – his name is Yamamoto. He’s loud and intense, and he’s probably only taking the class cause he thinks it’ll be easy fun.”
You frown a little, “It’s definitely not easy fun.”
“I know, I tried to tell him that, but he doesn’t listen to me,” he grumbles, “he’s got a stupid haircut, you’ll know him when you see him. Avoid him if you can help it.”
You laugh a little, “Thanks for the warning, Kozume.”
He blinks, and then frowns a bit, “You can just call me Kenma.”
“Wouldn’t that be rude? We just met,” you ask.
“I don’t care that much about formalities, so just call me Kenma.” He says simply.
There’s not much room for argument with him, so you nod conceding, “Okay, but you have to do the same for me.”
He also nods, a little smile lighting up his face again. He goes to say something else, but the door slides open, and your new homeroom teacher steps in and commands silence from everyone. You give him an apologetic smile, shrugging a little, before giving her your full attention.
.·:*˚¨¨ ≈★≈ ¨¨˚*:·.
Classes go by smoothly, thanks in part to Kenma catching you up on anything your old curriculum might’ve missed. Introducing yourself was as awful as it always is, but your classmates were very welcoming, so it wasn’t so bad. You eat lunch with Kenma, further discussing the many different games that you both like. You learn he and Kuroo really like Metal Gear, and when you say you’ve never played it he offers to lend you his copy (though, he seems reluctant to do so, despite him offering it in the first place). He even shows you to Class 1’s room, though he doesn’t stick around very long. “I don’t want to deal with him,” was his excuse.
You do immediately recognize this ‘Yamamoto’ person, as he’s the only person in the room with a fuzzy yellow mohawk. Like Kenma said, he was loud and intense, but you didn’t mind it too much. He reminded you a lot of Tanaka and Noya, and even though you were too shy to approach him, you were pretty confident you could handle him if he ever bothered you. 
Kenma also picked you up from class, which you weren’t expecting at all. Again, he managed to come up with an excuse. “Kuroo wouldn’t let me hear the end of it if I let you wander alone.” You don’t mention how you could find your way back to the classroom two doors down, because the sentiment of him waiting on you is sweet, and you don’t want him to be annoyed with you. Your classmates stare at the two of you like you’re insane when you walk back in together, but you try your best to pay them no mind like Kenma does so easily.
When your last class is over, the two of you head down to the front gates to meet up with Kuroo. You hold a light conversation with him, talking about whatever topic seems to interest him. Mostly video games, which makes you feel incredibly behind with all the titles he throws at you, but he assures you he’s just more into them than most people are. Shortly after you arrive, Kuroo jogs over with a smirk on his face. You feel Kenma’s dread roll off him in waves at the sight, and you give him a reassuring smile.
“Kenma took good care of you?” he asks playfully.
“She’s not a child, Kuroo,” Kenma sighs.
“You’re right,” he nods, turning his smirk to you “Did you take good care of Kenma?”
You laugh lightly, shaking your head, “He was very helpful,” you turn to said Kenma, “Thank you, by the way. You didn’t have to do all that.”
He shrugs, “It wasn’t a big deal, don’t worry about it.”
Kuroo seems to consider something for a moment before he shrugs and any comments he might’ve said are lost to time. “Which way do you live shorty?”
It takes you a second to realize he’s talking to you with the nickname, despite no one else being around, “Oh! Uh, that way.” you point in the direction you remember your house being, giving them the street name.
“Hey, that's where we live,” he exclaims, “aren’t you lucky, bumping into your neighbors this morning.”
You are lucky, you think, but you don’t want to feed into any more of his teasing, so you just shrug. You take the lead this time, much more confident on the route home than you were on the route to class. Kuroo and Kenma quickly fall back into place beside you.
“I’ve been wondering who moved into the Shirashi’s old place,” Kuroo comments absently.
“Were you close with them?” you ask.
“Nah, they were an old couple with no kids,” he sighs, “they used to make all the neighborhood kids cookies and stuff, so I’m gonna miss that.”
“They smelled weird,” Kenma adds.
“Don’t be rude!” Kuroo scolds.
You laugh, “The house does have a weird smell. Dad and I had to buy a bunch of those plug-in air fresheners when we moved in, and it’s still kinda smelly.”
“See,” Kenma says smugly.
Kuroo rolls his eyes, “I don’t like this tag-teaming that's going on right now.”
“You just don’t like being wrong,” Kenma comments flatly.
“That’s it, I’m not giving you your game back!” Kuroo declares, and Kenma prickles at the words. They bicker back and forth again for a little while, you watch with amusement. They remind you of a mother cat and her kit. You snicker at the thought of Kuroo grooming Kenma like a kitten, catching their attention long enough that they stop arguing.
You walk in a nice quiet for a few blocks, Kuroo occasionally pointing out some places he thinks you might like – Kenma adding in his two cents when he felt like it. Kenma points out a specific arcade as you walk, and Kuroo highly suggests going there sometime. As you walk you get to thinking, and you recall your conversation with Kenma during classes. Kuroo was the one who got him into volleyball, and you were a bit curious about the volleyball club yourself. Unfortunately, (or fortunately), Tanaka and Noya were very successful in their pro-volleyball brainwashing.
“Are both of you on the Volleyball team?” you ask.
Kuroo nods, puffing his chest out and jutting his thumb at it proudly, “I’m the captain! Why, are you interested in getting involved with the girls?”
You shake your head, “Nah. Kenma mentioned it, and my friends at home are interested in it, so I was curious.”
“Well, we haven’t been very successful tournament-wise in a while,” Kenma comments.
“This year is gonna be different though, I can feel it!” Kuroo jumps in, determination shining in his eyes.
“You’ve said that every year,” Kenma sighs.
“Well, I mean it this time! Our team is shaping up to be amazing, I think we could even win nationals.” He says confidently.
Kenma rolls his eyes, but you smile, “Passion like that is a good thing.”
“See? Thank you shorty, this guy doesn’t get it like us.” Kuroo teases, pointing at Kenma accusingly. 
There’s a pause, then he asks, “What about you, have you thought about clubs yet?”
You shake your head, “I wanted to do something with animals, but all the ones that are there seem kinda lame.”
Kuroo nods, “Yeah, that’s typical. Nekoma doesn’t have much variety, unfortunately.”
You hum, adjusting the strap of your bag as it moves with your shoulders. Then, suddenly, it hits you.
“Wait, why aren’t you at practice? I saw somewhere that all the teams had mandatory practice today.” You ask.
“Oh, coach let us have the first day of classes off,” Kuroo explains, “We did a training camp with the new first years over break, so he’s being generous today.”
“He’s only doing it so he can work us harder later,” Kenma grumbles.
Kuroo ignores him, thinking something over, then smiles at you, “Hey, we have practice tomorrow. Since it’s the first official one of the season, it shouldn’t be too bad. Why don’t you come to check us out.”
You stare at him like he’s grown a second head. You are a total stranger, and he’s… inviting you to watch his team practice? Sure, Kenma might’ve done the same thing earlier, but you think he was just being nice. Kuroo seems… sincere. It’s a bit odd, you wonder what his motive is. 
“What’s your motive,” you say flatly.
“Motive? I don’t have a motive!” He defends, hands flying up into the air.
Kenma returns your flat look, probing for answers himself, “You absolutely have a motive.”
Kuroo glares at the two of you, hoping one of you will break. Unfortunately for him, you were raised stubborn, and Kenma had the best poker face in all of Japan. So, with a groan, he gives up.
“Alright, alright, you got me,” he admits, “We don’t have a manager, and despite all I’ve tried I can’t get anyone to say yes.”
“So you try and harass the new girl?” You tease, earning another groan.
“Don’t make me sound like some villain. I figured it was worth a try, but I won’t force you.”
You smile at him, shaking your head, “No, no. It’s fine. I kinda miss watching my friend's team play, and I almost managed their team too, so it wouldn’t be a big deal for me.”
Both Kenma and Kuroo perk up at that.
“So you’ll do it?” Kuroo asks excitedly.
You hum, thoughtfully, “I’ll think about it. I want to see the whole team first and meet the coach, then I’ll make my decision.”
Kuroo practically leaps in the air, pumping his fist energetically in celebration. His excitement is infectious, and you feel your stomach bubble with delight at his outburst. Kenma also looks pleased, less outwardly than Kurro, however. Something about this feels… natural like you were meant to be friends with these two your whole life. Neither of them had left any room for you to feel awkward or left out, despite having only met you today. It was… nice. Comforting.
Kenma taps you on your shoulder, pulling you from Kuroo’s display, “The team can be a handful, but… I think you’ll fit in great.”
A curious part of your brain wonders how he could be so sure of that, but you shove it back in favor of smiling warmly at him. “I hope so, I could use some more friends – and a hobby.”
Kenma laughs, a real laugh, and you realize you like the sound a lot more than you probably should. Before you can dwell on it too much longer, Kuroo interrupts the thoughts with some declaration of being left out. You think you could get used to this routine.
.·:*˚¨¨ ≈★≈ ¨¨˚*:·.
The walk back to your neighborhood is about fifteen minutes, and the two boys you’re walking with make it much more interesting than your walk to school this morning. Most of it is Kuroo talking about whatever he feels like, you and Kenma nodding along with whatever he says. Kenma does talk, though. Mostly to you, mostly teasing Kuroo. It’s nice, you think. You’re still talking as you approach your gate, and you’re a bit disappointed that you have to cut your time short.
As you go to close your gate behind you, Kuroo shouts at you to wait, so you do.
“Hey, since we all live on the same street, why don’t we walk together tomorrow.” He offers.
You give Kenma a little side eye, and he shrugs, so you copy the motion, “Why not? Better than walking alone.”
He smiles, then seemingly remembers something, and pulls his phone out of his pocket. You think for a moment that his parents might’ve been scolding him for something, but then he shoves it over your gate and into your hands. You stare at it stupidly for a second, then look back at him.
“Your number, so we can keep in contact.” He explains.
You nod with a little ‘ooohhhh’, and quickly punch your number in. When you hand his phone back, he holds his hand out. Brain connecting the dots faster this time, you pull your phone out and pull up your contact list before giving it to him. Kenma peers over his shoulder as he punches in his number, then glares up at him for a long second before he hands the phone back to you.
You scroll down the contact list, seeing both Kuroo and Kenma’s numbers on your phone. You smile a little, what an odd guy. 
“Thanks, I’ll send you a message so you have my number too, Kenma.” You assure.
He nods, and then he and Kuroo are bidding you farewell. You watch them for another long moment, laughing to yourself as they bicker – no doubt about Kuroo putting Kenma’s number in your phone. You can’t help but feel a little grateful, though. You never would’ve had the confidence to ask yourself.
You sigh, turning around to enter your new house. As you open the door, Maki practically attacks you, pressing her fat little body against your legs with happy little chirps. You wonder how she’s able to move so agilely with so much extra weight on her little bones. You keep trying to put her on a diet, but when you try your dad would undo all your progress cause he feels bad for ‘starving the poor thing’. You bend down and scoop her up, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“I missed you too fat girl,” you coo, closing the door behind you.
As you do that, your phone buzzes. Right on time as always, you think. You set Maki down, pull out your phone, and smile at the messages. Three from your dad, who was still at work – his new schedule had him working late almost every night, but he sent you messages at 3 o’clock on the dot without fail since you were little. It was sweet that he kept it up.
Dad: Hey sweetpea, I hope your first day was good! 
Knowing you, it was. I’m sure you have a lot to tell me.
Dad: I’ll be home late like usual, but I’ll pick us up 
something to eat before I get back. Maybe that 
one sushi place we saw the other day?
Dad: You should pick a movie for us to watch 
while we eat! Love you!
You smile. Your dad was the most amazing person in the world, and you’d bet on it too. Despite your differences, namely your disagreement with soulmates, he never let it affect your relationship. He treated you so well, and you couldn’t ask for a better father in a million lifetimes. You bet he was the best one you’ve ever had.
You: Thanks, Dad!
You: I was thinking about that new horror movie 
that came out.
You: Seems really scary
Dad: Yes! I’ve been wanting to watch it! Is it on that one 
streaming place?
You: Netflix? I think so.
You: If not, I’ll figure something out.
You: Good luck at work! Love you!
Dad: Love you too pumpkin!
You click off your phone, looks like you had a little side quest tonight. Shouldn’t be hard, so long as it’s actually on Netflix. You make your way to the living room, nearly tripping over Maki four times as she glues herself to your feet. When you manage to make it without killing yourself or your cat, you pull up Netflix on the nice new TV your old man bought you. Lucky you, the movie is on there, which saves you the trip to a video store. 
As you set the remote down, your hand bumps into your DS, and you suddenly remember promising to get Kenma your friend code. Nerves light as you pull up your account, and you can’t place why. Kenma made you the opposite of nervous so far, but sharing your friend code felt too important. Probably because of Kuroo’s teasing earlier in the day. Something about Kenma just felt… familiar. Right. Like you’ve known him for a long time – or like you should’ve known him for a long time.
You have his number pulled up and a message typed out before you know it, but you can’t get yourself to send it. It’s just one text, you scold mentally, but your thumb doesn’t move to press send. This was so unlike you, to be so flustered over someone you hardly even knew. With one last demolishing comment toward yourself in your head, you manage to press send.
You: Hi Kenma! I told you I’d send you a text, so here it is!
You: I also wanted to give you my friend code now!
You: 2946-6782-9856
Kenma: Cool, I’ll check your village out later.
You stare at the message for way too long. If he were here in person, he would stare at you with those freakishly big eyes. Chills run up your spine at the thought. 
You: Yay!
You: You can tell me what you think tomorrow.
His response doesn’t come through for a little while, and you worry you might’ve been too forward. (How in the world were you too forward? The logical side of your mind insists you’re being dramatic. The teenage girl part of you is about to beat your ass.) Then, your phone buzzes again, and you dive for it embarrassingly fast.
Kenma: Looking forward to it.
Your heart practically flips in your chest, and you re-read the text an embarrassing amount of times. In an attempt to remain semi-sane-looking, you wait a little longer to send your response. You don’t want to scare him off after the first day of knowing each other. Still, you respond a little too fast for your liking. 
You: Me too! See you then!
After sending the message, you pretty much throw your phone across the room. You can’t send any more awkward messages if you don’t have your phone. A little rude? Yeah, but it’s for the best, you reason. You were not acting like yourself, therefore you had to ‘normal’ yourself before you could continue a conversation with him. Nothing about what just happened felt normal. Are you crushing on a guy you just met? ‘That's so unlike you.’ You could hear Noya say.  You sounded like Takana! Oh God, you hoped he didn’t feel like Kiyoko. You didn’t think he was your soulmate, at the very least. You weren’t that crazy… yet. God, you were screwed, weren’t you?
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First Interactions
How you met the cute Haikyuu boys
Feat. Oikawa, Kuroo & Osamu
Your friend has been bugging you for what feels like forever for you to go to see the volleyball team practice with her, and you have been denying it for the same time. It’s not like you didn’t know that you it school was one of the power houses in the whole Miyagi when it comes to volleyball, you did know that. You’ve seen them play, and you actually like them enough to go to support them in official matches.
It’s the amount of girls screaming what annoyed you.
You understand it, really, Oikawa IS handsome and has a flirty personality, it’s no wonder so many girls like him. But you’ve never been fan of loud places when it’s not in the appropriate place. On a real match? Sure, it makes sense to cheer loudly for them, but it was unnecessary loud on a practice match.
But still, your friend has tried so hard to convince you that you could at least accept once.
You were entering the gym, but since you didn’t come here often outside of PE classes, you enter the building through the normal doors instead of the ones leading to the viewing area. A big mistake from your part.
You could hear the sneakers running around, the loud sounds of the ball hitting the players arms. Seijoh versus a school named Karasuno. After a point passed to your team, you started looking for some stairs to get out of the floor, completely missing that the infamous Oikawa was about to serve.
A loud sound from his arm hitting the ball and a loud sound from the ball hitting the court was enough to make you look that way. Just on time to see the ball coming directly at you with an ungodly speed and force. You hear some screams your way, but couldn’t make up what they were saying to you, you were only able to lift up your hand right before the impact.
Before you realize it you were on the floor, your wrist hurting so much that you couldn’t even scream in pain. Your ears were ringing, your eyes were watery; yet you could hear sneakers getting closer and some shadows appearing in front of you. They were moving their mouths, but you couldn’t make up any sound until someone kneel in front of you, making you sit properly while holding one of you arms.
“Hey, are you okay? Can you hear me?” you finally were able to process, your vision less blurry helping you make out the brown hair and worry eyes of the perpetrator of the serve. A bunch of the players looking at you with worry
“My…my wrist” you say. At that Oikawa takes your wrist on his hand carefully, making you gasp in pain
“She should go to the infirmary, Oikawa’s serves are strong for a normal person to take” one of the coaches say as the players quickly start to disperse to resume the game
“I suggest Shittykawa to take her there. He hurt her, he should do it” said the spikey black hair dude, hitting the back of the Captain’s neck when he complained “or I could always punch you”
“Okay, okay, I’ll take her” Oikawa says, helping you up carefully “Let’s go”
The walk towards the infirmary wasn’t long, but it was awkward to the say the least. You knew he didn’t hit you on purpose, yet you didn’t know what to say to him. Once there, the nurse instructed him to hold an ice package on your wrist for a few minutes before bandaging it up, so you both stayed in silence sitting there, you in a horrible pain.
“I’m…I’m sorry” he finally says “I did saw you there, but I didn’t thought the ball will go directly at you. I’m still working on controlling that serve”
“It’s okay, I guess I shouldn’t have enter that way” you also say
“No, it’s totally my fault” he lifts up his head, looking at you with a small smirk on “if I didn’t knew better I would think that you did this just so I could hold your hand”
“You are full of yourself, not everyone likes you, you know?” you defended yourself, hearing him laugh
“And yet I’ve seen you in every match I’ve played” he smirks again, making you blush. He has noticed you multiple times, something about you always makes his eyes find you even in the largest of crowds. Maybe it was because you absolute indifference towards him in particular, maybe it was because you solely seem to focus on the sport, but that was enough to spark some interest in him.
“Me liking volleyball has nothing to do with you” you say blushing
“Sure…Let’s have a fresh start, okay? One that doesn’t involve me hurting your wrist?” he smiles at you, that smile that he gives whenever he wants something. And that something now was getting to know you.
After returning to the gym, this time entering through the right doors, your friends greets you excitedly, asking a bunch of questions about Oikawa. However now you’re with a hurt wrist and a promise to grab some coffee after the match finishes.
You were late.
You were on cleaning duty for your class today and were supposed to meet your classmate around 10 minutes ago to start arranging the tables and chairs, but something had happened in the subway and you had to go on a big detour just to be able to arrive on time.
You quickly took the school shoes out of your locker and put them on, getting it done on a record time in comparison of how you normally do it. However, is well known that speed can blind you from your surroundings, which was the case here.
Kuroo had arrived while you were getting ready to put your shoes on. On a normal morning he would say hi to you, after all his shoe locker was a mere few rows away from yours, but he saw how quickly you were doing your things. Honestly, he didn’t even knew that your locker was near his. He had see you around more than one more time, walking to your classrooms, on school events and such, and he honestly had thought more than one more time how pretty and elegant you were; however, since he has captain duties early in the morning and until late in the afternoon, he hadn’t found the time to properly greet you.
Until you bumped into him.
Once you were ready with your shoes on you immediately turn around to run towards the classroom; however, instead of finding a free corridor, you only found something sturdy in your way, crashing directly on it and almost falling if it wasn’t for some arms wrapping quickly around your waist. You look up to find out that you had bump into the chest of the one and only Kuroo Tetsurou, the captain of the volleyball team that was making noise not only for his handsome looks but also for how smart he was. When did he got here? How did you not noticed? Those were the questions running around your head.
“Sorry! I didn’t see you arrive” you say apologetic, only to receive a light laugh and a big smile
“No problem! Be careful though, speed is a curse, it narrows your view and makes it harder to breathe” he says, stabilizing you before letting you go “what are you even rushing for?”
“Eh... I’m late, I’m on cleaning duty today” you manage to mumble, still in shock
“Late? It’s 7.15 and classes start at 8.45, I would say that’s plenty of time to get your class ready” he smirks at you, which grows even wider once you realize the time.
“Ah” it’s the only thing you manage to say, it turns out you weren’t even late. This only makes him laugh louder
“Well” he starts saying as he stops laughing “since you’re here already and I could probably bet you didn’t even had breakfast, want to go and grab something from the convenience store with me?”
“Ehh…sure, why not” you say quite embarrassed, chuckling at your own mistake “I’m Yn by the way”
“Kuroo Tetsurou” he smiles at you widely “next time take things slowly, okay?” he says as he waits for you to change back your shoes. Sure, he had to be at the gym by now, but he could arrive late once in a while for occasions like this.
Your day has been getting worse and worse by the second…or at least that’s what it feels like right now.
First thing in the morning you somehow managed to get your locker confused with someone else’s, almost getting into problems when a teacher find you there. Then you received a bad grade for a test that you actually did study for. And now that it’s lunch break you made one of the Miya’s fan girls mad by simply existing.
Well, being in the same class as Miya Atsumu has always been full of squeals of girls, random confessions throughout the day, and an unbearable amount of random gifts sparse through the floor; so in a way you were used to being around those type of girls. Today, however, your teacher decided to pair you up with the famous Miya.
It’s not like you didn’t like Atsumu, despite his cockiness he’s actually quite nice and even caring; which showed when he approached you during lunch break and sit with you when he saw you alone in there. It was a great gesture, you knew that he did it so you wouldn’t be left alone, and you knew that he didn’t know what the implications for that may be.
His fans were staring at you like you were the most disgusting person ever.
This lasted until Atsumu had to leave to some quick meet up with his team, when one of those girls decided to drop her water on you ‘accidentally’. This leads you here, outside of the school grounds and in front of the vending machine trying to buy a goddamn coffee to feel some comfort through this horrible day. But of course, the machine decided to not work this time, it didn’t even gave you your money back. Nothing could be going worse today.
“Fuck!” you cry in despair, kicking the vending machine to release some of your lock down emotions
“Hard day?” you hear from behind as you lay your forehead in the cold machine
“Horrible” you whisper without even looking back
“I saw my brother talking to ya through lunch, did some of those stupid girls did something to ya?” you hear, making you curious about who was talking to you. The other famous twin was looking at you in a mixture of confusion and empathy as you turn around and lay your back against the machine
“Yeah, but honestly the whole day has been awful” you admit to him “and now I can’t even drink coffee”
“Ha! That machine has some weird tricks on it” he says, moving closer to it and carefully moving you aside. He puts some coins on it and press the button hard, the sound of the drink going down as he puts more money to buy something else. Right after he hands you one of the drinks, the coffee you tried to buy, not before opening it up for you “Ye’re Yn, right? I’m Osamu, my idiot brothe r has said some things about ya, how ya were a good classmate and all”
“Yeah, that’s me” you drink a sip of the warm coffee, finally some comfort rushing through your veins. You didn’t know if it was for the coffee or Osamu though “Thank you for the drink”
“Well of course, if ye’re having a terrible day I can at least offer ya some coffee” he says with a small smile. He has heard some things about you from Atsumu, however he recently started to notice you himself whenever you both go to the nearest convenience store to buy some food or when you pass next to him in the halls, always exchanging a snarky remark with his brother and a polite smile to him
“I can’t wait to this day to be over” you sigh
“Ya know, our captain just told us we don’t have practice today…do ya wanna go grab some food after class?”
“Food? After class?” you say incredulous
“Yeah, that way ya have something better to look forward until the day is over. It’ll be my treat too”
You look at him surprised at the sudden invitation, and honestly, a little worried as well, he also had a lot of fans here. However he was right, this day has been one of the worst ones so far, so why not take this opportunity to go out with this boy?
“Sure” you smile
“Then look forward for that instead. See ya” he says leaving, a smile on his face too.
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clovermae · 3 months
Still, I Love You
🍀 Pairing: Oikawa Tooru x gender-neutral!Reader
🍀 Genre: Angst
🍀 Word Count: 888
🍀 A/N: I've been aiming to have a work released every Monday, but I struggled a bit with meeting that deadline this week. Thank you for your patience and for reading. Enjoy! 💚
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Today is the first day of spring and the last one Oikawa would spend in Japan for a while. A gentle breeze flutters through the streets of Miyagi on this chilly night. Small rain puddles are scattered through the deserted park, remnants of the earlier sun shower. Most of the city has retreated for the night, leaving nothing but the sound of his shoes tapping along the stone path. A small drop of water falls onto Oikawa’s hair, and he lifts his head to see beads of water trickling from the branches of the sakura trees. The weather reflects the swirl of emotions running through him over the passing hours, and it appears the sky is still weeping too.
“It’s a shame we couldn’t sit outside to watch the sakura trees blossom this year.” He pans his gaze over to you, observing how you kick your feet against the ground, attempting to scatter the soaked sakura blossoms glued to the stone blocks. Your arms are folded behind your back, hands interlocked the way he would intertwine yours with his. He reaches out for your touch, only to freeze and retract his arm to his side.
“Yeah,” he whispers, swallowing thickly as he tries to ignore the tightening in his chest. His eyes follow your retreating figure, yet his feet refuse to follow suit. The space beside you is cold and gray, unlike the usual warmth that draws him to you. The warmth he will no longer feel when you’re cradled into his side. The warmth someone else will eventually feel when they take that spot beside you. The thought of it not being him is painful, but this is his choice. This is the decision he has to live with. 
“But at least we got to have ramen together. That was fun.” Oikawa snaps out of his melancholic thoughts, staring at your figure against the dull road. The dim streetlights cast a shadow on your face. Your lips are quirked upwards, but the smile on your face is absent in your eyes. Oikawa hums in agreement, not trusting his voice.
“Y/N,” Oikawa begins with a slight tremble, “What if I—“
“No.” It’s just one word, but the weight of it lingers in the air, fracturing the illusion of happiness you carefully crafted throughout the day. “No ‘what if’s,’ Tooru. Please. We can’t make this harder than it already is.”
“I don’t want to leave you.”
“I don’t want you to leave either, Tooru.” You approach and graze your fingertips across his, the hesitation evident. “But you have to. This is your dream.”
“But you’re my dream too.” The dream he’s always known, he thinks to himself. And while he’s excited about this new stage in his life, it’s intimidating knowing you can’t be by his side to experience it with him. 
“I know,” you chuckle, face scrunching to mask the sniffle in your nose and the tears settling in the corner of your eyes. “I know.” This time there’s a crack in your voice, and a single tear trickles down your cheek. “But you can’t stay here, Tooru. This is something you’ve been waiting for. You can’t throw it away for me. I can’t let you do that.”
 More tears begin to trickle down your face. Oikawa reaches out to wipe them away, but you push his hand away and wipe them yourself. It hurts, but he knows you want to get used to not having him around anymore. Still, he wishes you would let him hold you and comfort you one last time, instead of you taking care of him until the end.
 “And it’s scary, leaving everything you know behind, but it’ll be okay. It’s gonna be okay.” The more you repeat those words, the more unclear it is whether you’re attempting to comfort him or yourself. For a moment, Oikawa wonders how you can see through him, but you’ve always been able to know exactly what’s on his mind. 
He finally gives in to his desires, throwing his arms around your frame. He sobs into your shoulder while your hands rub broad circles on his back, just as you always did in moments he needs you most. The once silent night is now filled with both of your muffled sobs, finally releasing the deep-rooted sadness buried within you.
The cries continue until they eventually die down into incoherent babbles and hushed whispers of comfort. It’s unclear how long you’ve been there, but the night is much colder than before. Oikawa is the first to pull away, hands massaging your shoulders, hoping to reciprocate the support you’ve provided, though the gesture pales in comparison.
“You know I love you, right?”
“You only tell me every day.”  For the first time, a genuine smile blooms across your face. “Let’s go home, okay?”
“Okay.” You resume your inexorable walk home, each step as reluctant as the first. 
“Yes, Tooru?”
“Thank you. For everything.” There’s no hum of acknowledgment or any exchange of words, but Oikawa knows your heart. And that’s okay with him. Instead, he savors the silence between you two underneath the luminous moon and through the biting wind. As each somber step carries you both toward your final farewell, he clings to what will soon be the last memory of your tender love. 
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