clovermae · 2 months
Hi to anyone who sees this! Sorry for being mia, work is kinda hectic so I haven’t really had the time/motivation to write anything. I’ve got some ideas floating and I’ve gotten some words down for them too so fingers crossed I’m able to post soon!
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clovermae · 3 months
Still, I Love You
🍀 Pairing: Oikawa Tooru x gender-neutral!Reader
🍀 Genre: Angst
🍀 Word Count: 888
🍀 A/N: I've been aiming to have a work released every Monday, but I struggled a bit with meeting that deadline this week. Thank you for your patience and for reading. Enjoy! 💚
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Today is the first day of spring and the last one Oikawa would spend in Japan for a while. A gentle breeze flutters through the streets of Miyagi on this chilly night. Small rain puddles are scattered through the deserted park, remnants of the earlier sun shower. Most of the city has retreated for the night, leaving nothing but the sound of his shoes tapping along the stone path. A small drop of water falls onto Oikawa’s hair, and he lifts his head to see beads of water trickling from the branches of the sakura trees. The weather reflects the swirl of emotions running through him over the passing hours, and it appears the sky is still weeping too.
“It’s a shame we couldn’t sit outside to watch the sakura trees blossom this year.” He pans his gaze over to you, observing how you kick your feet against the ground, attempting to scatter the soaked sakura blossoms glued to the stone blocks. Your arms are folded behind your back, hands interlocked the way he would intertwine yours with his. He reaches out for your touch, only to freeze and retract his arm to his side.
“Yeah,” he whispers, swallowing thickly as he tries to ignore the tightening in his chest. His eyes follow your retreating figure, yet his feet refuse to follow suit. The space beside you is cold and gray, unlike the usual warmth that draws him to you. The warmth he will no longer feel when you’re cradled into his side. The warmth someone else will eventually feel when they take that spot beside you. The thought of it not being him is painful, but this is his choice. This is the decision he has to live with. 
“But at least we got to have ramen together. That was fun.” Oikawa snaps out of his melancholic thoughts, staring at your figure against the dull road. The dim streetlights cast a shadow on your face. Your lips are quirked upwards, but the smile on your face is absent in your eyes. Oikawa hums in agreement, not trusting his voice.
“Y/N,” Oikawa begins with a slight tremble, “What if I—“
“No.” It’s just one word, but the weight of it lingers in the air, fracturing the illusion of happiness you carefully crafted throughout the day. “No ‘what if’s,’ Tooru. Please. We can’t make this harder than it already is.”
“I don’t want to leave you.”
“I don’t want you to leave either, Tooru.” You approach and graze your fingertips across his, the hesitation evident. “But you have to. This is your dream.”
“But you’re my dream too.” The dream he’s always known, he thinks to himself. And while he’s excited about this new stage in his life, it’s intimidating knowing you can’t be by his side to experience it with him. 
“I know,” you chuckle, face scrunching to mask the sniffle in your nose and the tears settling in the corner of your eyes. “I know.” This time there’s a crack in your voice, and a single tear trickles down your cheek. “But you can’t stay here, Tooru. This is something you’ve been waiting for. You can’t throw it away for me. I can’t let you do that.”
 More tears begin to trickle down your face. Oikawa reaches out to wipe them away, but you push his hand away and wipe them yourself. It hurts, but he knows you want to get used to not having him around anymore. Still, he wishes you would let him hold you and comfort you one last time, instead of you taking care of him until the end.
 “And it’s scary, leaving everything you know behind, but it’ll be okay. It’s gonna be okay.” The more you repeat those words, the more unclear it is whether you’re attempting to comfort him or yourself. For a moment, Oikawa wonders how you can see through him, but you’ve always been able to know exactly what’s on his mind. 
He finally gives in to his desires, throwing his arms around your frame. He sobs into your shoulder while your hands rub broad circles on his back, just as you always did in moments he needs you most. The once silent night is now filled with both of your muffled sobs, finally releasing the deep-rooted sadness buried within you.
The cries continue until they eventually die down into incoherent babbles and hushed whispers of comfort. It’s unclear how long you’ve been there, but the night is much colder than before. Oikawa is the first to pull away, hands massaging your shoulders, hoping to reciprocate the support you’ve provided, though the gesture pales in comparison.
“You know I love you, right?”
“You only tell me every day.”  For the first time, a genuine smile blooms across your face. “Let’s go home, okay?”
“Okay.” You resume your inexorable walk home, each step as reluctant as the first. 
“Yes, Tooru?”
“Thank you. For everything.” There’s no hum of acknowledgment or any exchange of words, but Oikawa knows your heart. And that’s okay with him. Instead, he savors the silence between you two underneath the luminous moon and through the biting wind. As each somber step carries you both toward your final farewell, he clings to what will soon be the last memory of your tender love. 
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clovermae · 3 months
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Swords and flos 🌟
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clovermae · 3 months
The way that I have so many ideas and no motivation to write them is so frustrating. I really wanted to post once a week but I might end up skipping this week. I hate it here ;-;
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clovermae · 3 months
𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 : hinata shoyo.
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hinata catches your eye for the first time one afternoon, while you were walking home from school. you'd been taking this route home since your first year, and now, as a second year highschooler, you were sure you'd never seen him go by this way before.
you'd been looking up at the sky, admiring the colours splayed out and blending together along with the setting sun, when you heard the ting-ting of a bicycle bell in the distance.
upon casting your view back onto the street, you were met with the sight of him cycling past— and your eyes had met briefly, you think — and in that brief moment in which you'd caught sight of his eyes, you'd immediately fallen in love.
perhaps not really, but the firecracker tint of his eyes as they flashed in the sunlight had indeed captured your attention - and you'd thought about him the entire way home. it was a i-met-the-cutest-guy-today-and-i'll-never-see-him-again kind of moment.
except you did see him again, the very next day as you walked the usual path home from school. this time, he'd been with a friend — a black haired, dark eyed boy that didn't even fully register in your mind, because you were too busy taking in a second detail about hinata himself.
his mouth was stretched in a wide, summery grin — and then you learned his name, too, because his friend angrily yelled out, "hinata you fucking moron!"
he was pretty, you thought — really pretty. not handsome in the traditional sense, but good looking in a boyish, mischief-laden way.
after that, you saw him almost every day. you'd see him cycling down the street and disappear around the corner on your way home from school, and on occassion, it was the only thing you ever looked forward to.
this boy, this cute (and athletic, it seemed, since he cycled and seemed to be in a sports team, assuming from the jersey he donned some days) stranger whose name you'd caught only by chance — had become all of a sudden one of the constants you looked for to keep you grounded throughout your highs and lows.
he becomes more attractive to you as the days, weeks and months go by, and sometimes you hear his laugh, catch a word or two of what he's saying to the friend he cycles home with — and you fall in love with it all.
a little pathetic, it was perhaps, but sometimes it was just how it was. you didn't bother chiding yourself over it, or try to get over it — you just let it be, hoping and believing that the sight of this boy would just carry you forward for a while, and then you'd move onto other things and forget he ever existed.
after all, even if you wanted something to occur out of it, how could there be a chance of starting anything with a boy you only knew for a few seconds every day, a boy you only ever spare a glance from across the street at?
you just let it be. until one day, after an exam, you decided to stop by a shop to buy a pastry to satisfy your post-stress hunger with, and run into him.
he looked flustered, talking to the guy at the counter — and you couldn't help but overhear that he'd forgotten his wallet back in school and was unable to pay for the yakisoba bun he'd already taken a bite out of.
this was your moment, to discreetly return the favour he's been doing you everyday by cycling past and giving you something constant to rely on, to keep you on track. by becoming one of the many methodical repetitions you carried out on the daily, to help yourself through any and all the things that ever happened to you.
"excuse me," you push in, feeling timid all of a sudden as his fiery gaze, coupled with the bright curls of his hair that frame his eyes, suddenly focus on you. "how much is the bun for? i can pay for you."
of course, hinata has no choice but to let you help him, and as the two of you step out of the shop, he's bowing to you and expressing his gratitude to you, loud and fervent.
it's a little stunning, he's much better looking up close — and despite looking shorter than the rest of his friends, he's muscled and has height enough.
it was like having the sun suddenly be in your face after having hung so far up in the sky all the days past — but you manage to hold your composure and try to tell him he doesn't need to pay you back.
"no, really! how about we meet here tomorrow, same time? i'll have the money for you then." he kept insisting. "and maybe i can buy you something, too. an ice cone? a muffin?"
you were sure your heart couldn't take that. it was hard enough already, to play it cool and convince yourself that your feelings for this not-so-stranger-anymore were something temporary, something minimal.
but if he tried to make friends with you? if he bought you something to eat? if, fuck it, you had to stand so close to this summer of a boy a second time?
no, it was too risky. you couldn't. "no, it's fine. you really don't have to."
"but i gotta pay you back," he sounds disappointed, now, and you don't even know this guy, you try to tell yourself — but you can't help but soften.
"tell you what," you say, and his head lifts immediately, eyes locking with yours. "just keep cycling."
"hm?" he tilts his head to a side, and his fluffy hair bounces with the movement. "what does that mean?"
"just," you wave your hand towards the street. "take this road home everyday. you don't need to, but i think you do that already, anyway. i see you cycle past sometimes."
everyday, you think. i get to see you everyday, and that's all i'll ask for.
"so i just have to take my bike this way?" he asks, a small smile lifting the corners of his mouth. god, he's cute. "ah, so i'll see you, right?"
"mhm." it's all you can offer, and he nods enthusiastically. "sure, sure! i'll be looking for you, then — i'll wave if i see you!"
you agree, say you'll wave back — and then he's getting on his bicycle and going back on his way. you stand there and watch, and just as he's about to turn around the corner and disappear, he turns around and gives you a small wave.
you're not sure he even caught the way you waved back. but what you're suddenly starting to feel certain of is that, you know what, maybe the feelings for him that you have buried within your chest might not be as easy to ignore and leave behind, after all.
he hadn't told you his name (you knew it already, but that wasn't the point) and he hadn't asked for yours either, but you had a feeling this wasn't going to be the last time you talked to him.
you could feel it, not out of some lovey-dovey instinct but because you knew already that he was bright, fiery and someone that enjoyed connecting with everyone around him.
he'd probably ask for your name. and you'd probably have to witness firsthand, up close, the sight of his firecracker eyes again.
letting what was budding in your heart be something temporary, letting it fade away, forgetting that hinata ever existed — was probably going to be hard, impossible, even.
but the least you could do was believe, if not try. you lie to yourself.
the truth is that once you've seen the sun, the afterimage of it is stuck behind your eyes for the rest of your life. you're never going to forget that summer sun of a boy.
you walk home, thinking about how maybe one day, there'll be a night where you get to light a firecracker with him and watch the way he watches it — watch the way they light up his eyes.
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clovermae · 3 months
their cuddle positions w/haikyuu
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pairing: various x reader
genre: headcanons ; fluff
warning(s): none
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a/n: this is an old post i uploaded on my hq blog from 2020. this was one of my favorites so I thought it was be nice to post it again. back then, i went with the ones i wrote for so i'm keeping it just the way it is. i’m really sorry if your favorite isn’t there. i hope you guys like them !!
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
atsumu, ushijima, daichi ⥼ the sweetheart cradle. i personally think this would be his go to cuddling position. his arm wrapped around you, holding you close while he lays on his back, your head buried deep into his chest while you inhale the scent of his cologne. most definitely pats or strokes your head as a sign of comfort or whispers nothing but comforting words to you. 
suna, kageyama, tsukishima ⥼ the leg hug. i don’t know why, but this is definitely you guy’s go to. the two of you would be chilling on either one’s bed, sleeping, on the phone, playing games etc. while one of your legs are entangled together. it’s much more relaxing to him and you both get the physical contact you were craving from each other. 
oikawa, sugawara, kita, asahi ⥼ the honeymoon hug. oikawa loves the physical affection between you two and whenever he’s feeling touch starved this is his go to. the both of you are entwined together, holding the other tight, arms wrapped around each other - almost as if refusing to let go. his chin (or yours) is delicately propped up on top of yours. he can feel your breath against the crook of his neck and he adores it. sometimes find him or yourself peppering soft kisses on the other. 
bokuto, lev, yamaguchi ⥼ the spoon. he loves cuddling, especially when it’s with you. he mostly loves cuddling after a long day a practice when he’s beat and worn out.  he lives for having his arms securely around your torso while your back is pressed up against his chest. you would sometimes find his hands caressing your sides or arms and he’d be eager to leave the most tender kisses against the back of your neck. 
hinata, osamu, noya, tanaka ⥼ the butt pillow. you or him laying on your stomach while the other has their head propped up on your butt. also an easy way to tease his s/o. he loves it. the “best pillow in the room” and the only one you guys want to lay your head against. it’s common if he strokes/caresses your leg, might even draw an invisible heart on it. 
tendou, kuroo, iwaizumi, semi ⥼ the cradle. he enjoys when you're laying on top of him, legs on either side of his body, cradling him while his arms hold you firm against his chest. you listen to the sound of his heartbeat and almost find yourself falling asleep to the soothing, rhythmic sound. 
kenma, sakusa, akaashi ⥼ the lap pillow. he’s fond of laying his head in your lap and often finds himself doing it every time he comes over to your place and vice versa. play with his hair, stroke his cheek with your finger, boop his nose, bend over to place kisses on his face - all of them would make him melt. loves peering up at your face from that angle and admires just how attractive you are. 
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© semiis 2024 ; do not translate, repost, modify, or copy my work.
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clovermae · 3 months
💬: asking for another player's autograph
ੈ✩‧₊˚ featuring hinata, kageyama, oikawa, iwaizumi, kuroo, bokuto, akaashi, atsumu, sakusa
when you want someone's autograph but don't know how to go about it, the most obvious answer is to ask your boyfriend to get it!
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clovermae · 3 months
hi weneeya!! I made sure to read ur rules btw :3
and I was wonderingggg... maybe you could write a scenario (highschool setting) with Sugawara with the shy art kid! super fluffy✨
as an art kid myself, I like to draw people who im fond of! and since reader just have this big crush on Suga, she sketches him and presents it to him :))
I'll be waiting for the request! tysmmm✨
a cute gift w/ sugawara m.list | rules
note. hiii thank you sm for your request, the idea is so cute i love it!! always super fluffy, love that <3 feel free to request!
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It would have been an euphemism to say that you loved art. It was actually your only way to express yourself. Your emotions were coming out better when it was through art. And as you had some problems yourself, you had some hyperfixations. 
It would be weird to say that you had a hyperfixation on Sugawara, obviously, but you had a huge crush on your senior. The boy was one year older than you, but it was like fate always wanted you to meet him ; or maybe it was your due. 
You were way too shy to even think about talking to him, but the simple sight of his handsome face and adorable smile was enough. He was your muse, you had to admit it. For the past few weeks, at least half of your drawings were him. Only sketches most of the time, things you were a bit ashamed of because it would never be as pretty as he was. 
Your friends were trying to convince you to make a move towards him, but how could you? A boy like him was out of reach for someone like you, and you were well aware of it. But after some fights, they got you to talk to him. 
You spoke a few times, when you were meeting in the hallways or things like this. Just enough for him to know who you were and remember your name. And the more you talked with him, the more you wanted to be with him again and again. 
You couldn’t simply confess to him like this, you weren’t able to do so. You had only one solution to your problem. You had to express your feelings to him by the way you expressed yourself the best : art. 
It took you a few more weeks to achieve your piece. It wasn’t the Joconde, but you were quite proud of what you did. It was one of the prettiest drawings you had ever done, but it wasn’t even half pretty as he was. 
The real problem now was to gather enough strength to give it to Sugawara. The boy was currently talking with his friends from his class when you cleared your throat, quickly asking him if he could somewhere else with you. The more you waited, the worse it would be. 
To your surprise, Suga didn’t hesitate for long before saying yes, following you out of the room without any more questions. This is how both of you ended up on the rooftop, you with your hands hidden behind your back. 
“You needed something from me?” He asked with this usual smile of his, and you were sure you felt your heart skipping a beat. In a second, you were handing your drawing to him, looking away to be sure you would never meet his gaze. 
When his eyes saw what you were offering to him, it was his own heart which stopped when he realized what it was. He stayed silent, his eyes roaming over the drawing, again and again. It was one of the most beautiful things he had ever seen, and it was him. He couldn’t believe it. 
“You… You drew me?” He slowly asked, raising his eyes to you while you were clearly avoiding his eyes. You slowly nodded your head, still looking away. A smile slowly appeared on his lips, and the second after you were between his arms for a hug. He held you tight, thanking you over and over. You were trying to say something, but he didn’t give you the time. 
“Please, don’t ever stop. You’re so talented, and I’d love to be your model but officially next time,” he told you with a wink, and you swore your face never burned so much before. He chuckled slightly when he saw you, leaving a simple kiss against your forehead. “I love art.” 
It was going to be a difficult process for you with a boy as expressive as him, but you were ready to make all the efforts in the world for him, especially if it meant being able to draw him freely and spend more time in his company.
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thank you for reading <3
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clovermae · 3 months
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.☘︎ ݁˖ navigation .☘︎ ݁˖
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.☘︎ ݁˖ about me .☘︎ ݁˖
Hello! Thanks for stopping by! I go by Clover. I am in my 20s, and my time zone is GMT-4. I've been writing pretty inconsistently, but I'm opening up this blog in hopes of getting back into the groove of writing and having fun with it again. You can also find me on AO3 under the same name! Right now, I'm only writing for Haikyuu, and currently I will not be taking requests. However, my ask box is open so please feel free to leave a message! I'm happy to talk to anyone!
📚 Reading: Sakamoto Days, Before The Coffee Gets Cold
🎧 Listening to: Woke Up - XG, Bad Luck September - Kazuki Yao, Cloud - Surfaces
🎮 Playing: Fire Emblem Three Houses, Apollo Justice Ace Attorney Trilogy, Tokyo Debunker
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.☘︎ ݁˖ works .☘︎ ݁˖ (from latest to oldest; last updated 5 July 2024)
🍀 Still, I Love You - Oikawa Tooru x Reader; angst
🍀 Just Us Two - Kozume Kenma x Reader; fluff
🍀 Sweet Dreams - Kozume Kenma x Reader; fluff
🍀 Taking Chances - Sugawara Koushi x Reader; fluff
🍀 We Celebrate For You - Bokuto Koutarou x Reader; fluff
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.☘︎ ݁˖ tags .☘︎ ݁˖
🍀 clover.works - My writing
🍀 clover.recs - Fics/Art I've enjoyed
🍀 clover.mail - Asks
🍀 clover.rambles - random talks
🍀 clover.laughs - memes
🍀 clover.misc - anything that doesn't fit my other tags
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© all works belong to clovermae. please do not translate, plagiarize, or repost any content on other platforms.
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clovermae · 3 months
Just Us Two
🍀 Pairing: time-skip!Kozume Kenma x gender-neutral!Reader
🍀 Genre: Fluff
🍀 Word Count: 734
🍀 A/N: Posted on AO3 here! Enjoy! 💚
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“Kenma?” you call out, hand rapping on the door, but there is no response. You knock one more time before opening the door, observing as the light from the hallway pools into the dark room. Your eyes naturally drift to the corner, where you immediately spot him sitting on his bed, hunched over and eyes glued to the game in his hands. The dim light from the screen casts a glimmer in his concentrated eyes. A lighthearted grin spreads on your face as you stroll over to Kenma carefully to not startle him.
“Oh, hi Y/N,” Kenma shifts his gaze to your languid form, flashing a small smile before returning to his game.
“Hi. I thought you were going to the bathroom.”
“I was.”
“Pretty long way to go to use the bathroom don’t you think?” You take a moment to admire the simple layout of his childhood bedroom. Just a bed, a desk, and a large shelf of video games. It’s quite fitting for him, you think to yourself. It’s nice to know some things never change. 
Kenma doesn’t respond to your question and instead hums in contemplation, brows furrowed, thumbs anchored to the gamepad and buttons while staring at the now paused screen. You can’t help but admire the soft glow on his face. His hair is usually down, shielding his cat-like eyes from view, but now the strands are tucked neatly into a ponytail. 
“Lev was annoying.” is all he says, and you can’t help the chuckle that rumbles from within. Your hand moves to tuck a stray piece behind his ear, fingers dancing along his jawline until his face rests in your palm. 
“You always think Lev is annoying,” you reply with a grin. But it begins to wilt at the image of Kenma slipping away to escape the noise and chaos of Kuroo’s Nekoma reunion. Maybe he’s overwhelmed or exhausted, and you failed to notice anything. “You sure you’re okay, Ken?”
“I am.” Kenma sinks his head further into your hand until it eventually rests on your shoulder. In turn, your arm naturally finds its way around his blanket-clad shoulder. “I just wanted to sit in my room for a bit. I like it better.” The straightforwardness in his answer is reassuring, and you breathe a sigh of relief.
“You could’ve told me you know? I don’t want you to be lonely.”
“You looked like you were having fun. I didn’t want to force you to come with me. That’s why I have this.” Kenma tugs at the edges of the blanket you gave him many years ago. You’re surprised he still has it, but you’re even more surprised by how well taken care of it is. A ghost of a smile appears on his face as his fingertips caress the soft fabric. “It’s warm and cozy. It reminds me of you.”
“Oh.” The words flee from your mind as quickly as they come. Your eyes dart around the dark room idly, searching for an object to rest your gaze on to no avail. 
“Well I’m here now aren’t I?” you whisper, the words finally tumbling out and exposing your bashfulness. With the small source of light, you’re able to make out the light blush dusting Kenma’s cheeks. He lingers for a moment before pulling away and opening up the blanket for you to join him. You pounce on him without skipping a beat and the two of you shift until you find a comfortable position laying on the bed. 
The familiar chimes from Kenma’s game fill the room as you nestle your head closer to his chest, listening to the gentle palpitations of his heart. He was right. You love your friends, but sometimes you need a little time to unwind. 
“When do you wanna go back?” he asks. 
“Whenever you’re ready, Ken.”
“And if I don’t wanna go back?”
“Then we don’t have to.”
“Are you sure?” His hands continue to tap away on his device, but his eyes glance down at you, hints of worry laced in them. 
“I’m sure,” you chuckle, craning your neck to press a chaste kiss on his cheek, “I think being with you is a whole lot better.” A wave of relief washes over him, and you feel his body sink a little more into the mattress. His grip on you becomes slightly more firm as he whispers. 
“Me too.”
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clovermae · 3 months
Sweet Dreams
🍀 Pairing: Kozume Kenma x gender-neutral!Reader
🍀 Genre: Fluff
🍀 Word Count: 396
🍀 A/N: Posted on AO3 here! I doubt anyone would remember, but I wrote a story like this and posted it here about 2 or 3 years ago, but then I deleted it lol. I didn't want to copy and paste, so I rewrote it. In case anyone gets deja vu and thinks huh this sounds familiar. Anyway, thank you for reading, and enjoy! 💚
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One more episode. Just one more episode. 
You’ve told yourself that for several hours now. You’re unaware of how much time has passed, but the cold tea and empty snacks paired with the starless sky say all you need to know— it’s time to sleep. And yet, you struggle to bring yourself to bed. The hardships from earlier today still weigh heavily on your body and mind. 
Despite the slight stinging in your eyes, you force them open to finish the second half of your show. Maybe then, you’ll finally be able to sleep. 
Absorbed in the screen, the faint thump of patting footsteps and the slight divot in the couch evade your senses. It's only when a tingling sensation spreads across your lower back from a pair of arms snaking around your waist you register the presence beside you. 
“Kenma?” you murmur, turning in his direction. He nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck, the gesture blooming a smile across your tired face. One hand cups his head while the other caresses his shoulder. “I thought you were sleeping.”
“I was,” his sleep-laced voice fills the now silent space as he leans deeper into your touch, “but it’s hard to sleep comfortably without you.”
“I’m sorry Kenma.” A wave of guilt washes over you. The exhaustion is evident in his voice as well. 
“It’s okay.” Kenma maneuvers his thin frame so it’s sprawled on the couch while his head rests in your lap. His arms return to your waist, and he nuzzles his face into your stomach. Naturally, your fingers weave through his ombré locks. The two of you sit together in silence, indulging in each other’s comfort on a sleepless night. As more time passes, your body finally begins to sink into the sofa until you eventually succumb to a deep slumber. 
“Should we go back to bed?” Kenma whispers, but there is no response. He cranes his neck to see you fast asleep with a hint of a smile on your peaceful features. With the hope of not waking you, he removes your hand from his hair and gently brings it to his lips, pressing a soft kiss on your wrist. Then, he lays it on his cheek with his fingers laced with yours. 
“Sweet dreams, love.” His final words float into the air as he joins you in much-needed rest. 
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clovermae · 4 months
Taking Chances
🍀 Pairing: Sugawara Koushi x gender-neutral!Reader
🍀 Genre: Fluff
🍀 Word Count: 911
🍀 A/N: Posted on AO3 here! And inspired by this TikTok! Takes place during the training camp arc! Enjoy! 💚
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“Come on Suga, you’re the last one up here. Let’s go eat,” you call out from halfway up the hill, a towel in one hand and a chilled bottle of water in the other.
“‘m tired, Y/N,” he huffs, chest heaving up and down as he tries to steady his ragged breathing.
“And that’s exactly why you need to eat. Let’s go.” A few moments pass, and Suga shows no signs of moving. You sigh and trudge to the top of the hill. A slope like this is nothing under normal circumstances, but with the hot sun beaming on your skin in this blistering summer heat, you find yourself struggling to reach your destination.
“Wow,” you pant, “You all are amazing, being able to run up this hill all day today.”
“You don’t have to rub it in,” Suga mumbles, tilting his head just enough to flash a pout in your direction. You chuckle and approach his exhausted figure, crouching to pass over the towel and water. “Thank you.” A single bead of water trickles down the side of his mouth as he gulps down the cool liquid.
With a hefty sigh, his eyes focus on the drifting clouds— some fluffy, some wispy, all glowing in front of the setting sun.
“Lay with me Y/N.”
“Here.” He pats the empty patch of grass next to him, a tranquil expression on his face. Until his lips twist into a smirk, and his suddenly playful eyes rest upon your tense figure. “What did you think I meant?”
“N-nothing.” It never ceases to amaze you— the way Suga is able to fluster you in one swift motion. You feel a familiar warmth spread through your body. Whether it’s from the weather or his actions is beyond you.
The warm grass tickles your tense figure as you stretch out next to him. Despite the many thoughts swarming in your mind, the atmosphere is comfortable. The assaulting sun begins its descent, leaving an orange glow in its wake. The song of the cicadas is replaced by the soft chirping of crickets. The blistering heat is ushered away by a cool wind. The chatter from the camp fades as they all retreat to the dining hall.
All that remains is you and Suga.
Your heart flutters at the thought, and you cast a glance to see any indication of how he may be feeling. His breathing finally steadies out, eyes closed, seemingly taking in the nice weather. You don’t miss the furrow in his brow, his tight grasp on both the towel and the grass, and the way his lips are pulled into a thin line.
“Gah, I’m so frustrated!” he groans into the air, shattering the quiet settled between the two of you. “I always hit Asahi whenever his bad vibes come out, but sometimes they’re hard to ignore.” You hum to let him know you’re listening. “The Spring Tournament. It’s our last chance to make it to Nationals. We can’t just rely on the first years. I need to get stronger.”
“You’ll get there Suga. You have to be patient.”
“I hope so.” His eyes flutter open again with a wisp of worry laced in them. His empty hand fists the grass in between you. “But what if I don’t? What if all this effort is for nothing and we remain nothing but fallen crows?”
This is the first time Suga has been honest with his feelings. Your heart swells with joy knowing he trusts you enough to be this vulnerable.
How should you respond to this situation, you think to yourself. You consider hitting him as he does Asahi. You also consider offering simple, comforting words. And then your mind drifts elsewhere, causing your heart rate to spike once more.
This chance will never come again. There’s no waiting for the perfect moment. You have to create it.
With a trembling hand, you slide your fingers across the seemingly infinite space until your fingertips brush against his. You hear a gasp fall from his lips as your fingers graze the mountain of his thumb until it settles on the back of his hand. You can’t bring yourself to see his reaction, fearing the worse. Your nervous gaze darts to the trees facing the opposite direction of him.
All the words you wished to say before are gone in the blink of an eye. The thoughts in your brain are far too incoherent— too scrambled— and everything seems to fade, save for the warmth beneath your palm. But even that is swallowed up by the regret encasing your quivering and retreating body.
At this moment you want to run away.
A faint chuckle rings in the air. You finally have the courage to glimpse at Suga, who grins in your direction. His hand flips underneath yours, gingerly tangling your fingers together.
“Thank you, Y/N.”
With those words, the storm surrounding you both has disappeared, leaving behind a rainbow of happiness in its wake. The smile on your face matches his and you both settle into the cozy silence between you two.
“We should probably go soon shouldn’t we?”
“I’d like to stay here just a little longer, if that’s okay with you.”
“Yeah. I’d like that.” With your eyes locked and hands joined, neither of you have the will nor desire to pull away, basking in the sweet aftermath of the risk you took.
Taking chances isn’t so scary after all.
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clovermae · 4 months
We Celebrate For You
🍀 Pairing: Bokuto Koutarou x gender neutral!Reader
🍀 Word Count: 1,113
🍀 Genre: Fluff, Comfort
🍀 A/N: Also posted on AO3 here! I am posting this on mobile so I’m sorry if there’s any formatting issues! Please enjoy! 💚
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The roaring of the train snaps you out of your absentminded gaze. Your eyes drift from your phone to your reflection, which for once in your life, isn’t haggard. The expression on your face is tranquil, a result of the rare slow-paced day in a usually bustling week. And you’re grateful for it. Especially on a day like today- your birthday.
As a child, your birthday meant more than it does now. The excited chatter of the train passengers reminds you of intimate parties with your closest friends and family gathered. The sun on the water glimmers as your eyes once did when a candle-filled cake appeared before you. The gentle breeze like the exhale of your lips as you wished for all of the world. The flame gone like the sentiments and joy from those days. Now, your birthday is just a day. Everyone is too busy, too far away, too occupied with life to celebrate a day just for you. And it no longer bothers you anymore. You’ll get the occasional text message or brief phone call from close family, a friend or two, but that’s it. And honestly you’ll take it. You’re grateful to them for remembering a day important to you in the midst of their own chaos.
Yes, on a day like today, it’s about the small joys and little wins that grant you peace of mind. Like making it to work early enough to pause and indulge in your favorite drink from a local cafe along with the free birthday treats. Or speeding through your workload undisturbed, allowing you to leave early and enjoy how the afternoon sun lights up the city. Or being able to walk home slowly without a care in the world. There is finally a moment to breathe and enjoy the serene weather and the comfort of the quiet paired with it.
The jingle of your keys echoes through the still apartment. You try to ignore the slight pang of loneliness, though the feeling is short-lived as you listen to the sound of humming deeper inside. You follow the noise to the kitchen and your eyes widen at the scene in front of you.
“Babe?” His demeanor resembles that of a child caught red-handed. His shoulders deflate in disappointment as he strolls over from across the room. “You weren’t supposed to be home yet. I didn’t get to finish the decorations.”
The floor is littered with balloons of various sizes and colors, a banner reading “happy birthday” is hung crookedly on the wall, and the table is covered with a simple cloth of your favorite color alongside a small vase with a bouquet of flowers. It’s definitely unfinished, and yet the warmth it radiates isn’t diminished in the slightest.
“Kou, what is this?”
“Well, you caught me in the middle of trying to fix the banner. Oh and I bought a balloon arch but I couldn’t figure out how to put it together so I thought it’d look nice on the floor. And I wasn’t expecting you to get home so soon. I didn’t get a chance to order your favorite food so,” he scratches the back of his head, a nervous smile on his lips, “It sucks doesn’t it?”
“No, not at all. You did all this for me?”
“Of course,” he shouts, “Once you told me you don’t celebrate, I just couldn’t sit back and let you think that your birthday is any other day. It’s super important. It’s the day you came into this world. That’s definitely worth celebrating!”
You’re shocked Bokuto remembers a comment you made in passing. It really isn’t that big a deal to you. At least that’s what you’ve told yourself all this time. But the joy blooming in your chest and the tears pricking the corner of your eyes say otherwise.
“You really didn’t have to do all this Bokuto. I mean, it’s not like I’m some super important, life-changing figure or anything like that. I’m just me.”
“And that’s exactly why I had to do it, Y/N. Because you’re you!” Bokuto’s hands grip yours firmly, and you find yourself staring into his golden eyes. His brows furrow as he stares at the ceiling, pondering over his next words until he settles for this, “You may not have changed the entire world, but you’ve changed mine. I’m happy you’re here!”
At those words, the floodgate of tears you kept at bay bursts, streaming down your cheeks with no sign of stopping. You throw yourself into Bokuto’s chest, embarrassed by how easily the emotions in your heart spill over.
“Aw, don’t cry Y/N,” Bokuto coos, rubbing small circles on your back, “I didn’t even get to give you my romantic speech about how lucky I am to have you. I even made a PowerPoint.”
“You made a PowerPoint?” you gasp incredulously.
“Okay, Kuroo helped me make it but all the ideas are mine. That still counts right?”
You throw your head back in a fit of laughter, wiping away your tears with your sleeve, “Yes, Kou. It counts.”
“Yes! I’ll show it to you later. For now,” Bokuto pulls away from your embrace and rushes to the counter. His broad shoulders shield your view, his arms moving frantically. He turns to reveal a single cupcake with too many candles on it.
“Yeah I also didn’t get a chance to grab the cake either. I hope you don’t mind.” A soft kiss lands on your forehead, and Bokuto gives you one final squeeze before holding out the small cupcake in front of you.
“Happy birthday! Make a wish, Y/N!”
Though in a different form, the love you’ve sought for so long has found its way to you again. You close your eyes and find yourself floating to a long time ago- a time when your heart was much lighter, where for just a moment you could stop time and enjoy being alive. Being you.
“Well, what’d you wish for?”
“I’m not telling you,” you whisper with a mischievous grin. Quickly, you swipe your finger across the frosting before smearing it on Bokuto’s nose. You cackle and run away before he has a chance to register what you’ve done.
“Hey!” You glimpse behind you to see the sun peaking through the blinds. It casts a glow on him as he pursues you with a radiant smile.
An intimate setting. A glimmer of happiness. A hope for the future reignited through an extinguished flame. All with the person you love. It’s an image etched into your heart as you think about your hopeful yet simple wish:
I wish every year can be just like this.
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