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Rhodiola Rosea – Adaptogen mit Potenzial bei ME/CFS
Rhodiola Rosea – Adaptogen mit Potenzial bei ME/CFS
Was ist Rhodiola Rosea?
Rhodiola Rosea, auch Rosenwurz genannt, ist eine Pflanze mit adaptogenen Eigenschaften, die Stressresistenz und Energie steigern kann. Sie wächst in kalten Regionen und wird in der traditionellen Medizin genutzt.
Quelle: https://www.verbraucherzentrale.de/wissen/lebensmittel/nahrungsergaenzungsmittel/gestresst-muede-erschoepft-entspannter-mit-rhodiola-oder-rosenwurz-17771
Mögliche Vorteile:
✔ Unterstützt Energieproduktion und kognitive Leistungsfähigkeit
✔ Kann Entzündungen hemmen und Stresshormone regulieren
✔ Mögliche Unterstützung der HPA-Achse und Mitochondrien
✖ Individuelle Verträglichkeit unterschiedlich
✖ Kann mit Medikamenten interagieren
✖ Qualitätsunterschiede zwischen Präparaten
Quelle: https://www.aerzteblatt.de/nachrichten/95145
Rhodiola Rosea & ME/CFS:
Da ME/CFS mit Energiestörungen und Dysregulation der Stresshormonachse verbunden ist, könnte Rhodiola unterstützend wirken. Neuroprotektive Eigenschaften könnten zudem kognitive Dysfunktionen mildern.
Quelle: https://me-pedia.org/wiki/Rhodiola_rosea
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#RhodiolaRosea #MEcfs #ChronischeErschöpfung #Adaptogene #Mitochondrien #HPAAchse #Neuroprotektion #oculiauris #cwg64d #oculiauris #cwghighsensitive
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Mitochondriopathie Ratgeber
Mitochondriopathie Ratgeber! #gesund #personaltrainerberlin #Mitochondriopathie
Mitochondriopathie Ratgeber Als Mitochondriopathie wird eine Erkrankung von bestimmten Zellstrukturen (Mitochondrien) genannt. Diese Zellstrukturen sich in jeder Körperzelle und versorgen diese mit Energie. Die Mitochondriopathie tritt meist schon im Kindesalter auf, kann aber auch erst im frühen Erwachsenenalter Beschwerden verursachen. Während bei einigen Patienten nur leichte Beschwerden, wie…
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Mitochondriopathie | Naturmedizin | QS24 Gesundheitsfernsehen
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Amalgamfüllungen müssen entfernt werden – Quecksilber richtet große Schäden an
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Mitochondriopathie erklärt: https://youtu.be/PYUBxqlzT4g
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The post Amalgamfüllungen müssen entfernt werden – Quecksilber richtet große Schäden an appeared first on Healthy Recipes.
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How Much Do You Know about Hearing Loss Causes& Treatment?
Sensorineural hearing Loss can be separated into two sections: tangible and neural. Sensorineural hearing Loss is brought on by an internal ear or sound nerve brokenness. The tactile part can come from harm to the organ of Corti or the hair cells' failure to invigorate the hearing nerves. The neural part originates from serious harm to the organ of Corti, which makes the hearing nerves deteriorate.
Reasons for sensorineural hearing Loss
This sort of hearing Loss more often than not happens when harm happens in the inward ear, the cochlea, or the nerve pathways between the ear and the mind. There are more than 100 unique reasons for sensorineural hearing Loss, but then now and again, a cause may never be revealed.
Conceivable reasons for sensorineural hearing Loss include:
Signs and indications of sensorineural hearing Loss
Indications of sensorineural hearing Loss may incorporate a decrease in hearing after arousing or changes in hearing when utilizing earphones or chatting on the telephone. A few people encounter sudden hearing Loss taken after by a boisterous pop.
Different manifestations of sensorineural hearing Loss include:
a> Trouble following gathering discussions
b> Stifled discussion sounds
c> Powerlessness to hear when foundation clamor is available
d> Trouble hearing sharp sounds
e> Dazedness
f> Parity issues
Sensorineural hearing mishap versus conductive hearing setback
Conductive hearing Loss, one of the two guideline sorts of hearing disaster, is brought on by an issue in the inside ear—the eardrum or ossicles. The other sort is sensorineural hearing hardship, which is caused by mischief to the interior ear. Once in a while, a man may experience both sorts, which is seen as mixed hearing incident.
There are a few reasons for conductive hearing Loss, including the accompanying:
a> Ear wax development
b> Ear contaminations
c> Gap in the eardrum
d> Paste ear – the center ear starts to load with liquid, which keeps the eardrum from moving appropriately
e> Acquired hearing Loss
f> Issue with the little bones in the ear
g> Injury to the head
Ear surgery
Signs and side effects identified with conductive hearing Loss incorporate trouble hearing others talk, manifestations identified with an ear contamination like agony, abundance wax, or tumor development, and anomalous development inside the ear prompting hearing Loss.
The primary distinction between conductive hearing Loss and sensorineural hearing Loss is the place the hearing Loss happens. Conductive hearing Loss influences the center ear, while sensorineural hearing Loss influences the inward ear. In both sorts, however, harm is the essential driver of hearing Loss.
Reasons for sudden hearing Loss Autoimmune Vascular Neurological Neoplastic Trauma or Toxin Infections and viral Autoimmune internal ear malady (AIED) Cardiopulmonary sidestep Acoustic Neuroma Large vestibular water system disorder Cryptococcal Meningitis Cogan's disorder Red platelet deformability Contralateral deafness after acoustic neuroma surgery Inner ear blackout Cytomegalovirus Lupus Sickle cell Focal pontine ischemia Inner ear decompression ailment Herpes-simplex I Meniere's Small vessel sickness Leukemia Otologic surgery HIV Polyarteritis nodosa Vascular illness related with mitochondriopathy Meningeal carcinomatosis Ototoxicity Lassa Fever Relapsing polychondritis Vertebrobasilar inadequacy Migraine Perilymph Fistula Meningococcal meningitis Ulcerative Colitis Blood dyscrasias Multiple sclerosis Temporal bone break Mumps Wegener's granulomatosis Myeloma CSF release, for example, caused by lumbar cut Rubeola, Rubella, syphilis, Toxoplasmosis Diagnosis and treatment alternatives for sensorineural hearing Loss
To analyze sensorineural hearing Loss, your specialist will play out a physical exam and audit your medicinal history. Amid the physical exam, they will run tests to decide your level of hearing. They may likewise allude you for a MRI to check for any developments or anomalies that could be adding to your listening ability Loss.
So as to treat sensorineural hearing Loss, your specialist must reveal the cause. Steroids are a typical treatment as they can lessen aggravation and swelling. At times, a cochlear embed must be surgically embedded to help enhance sounds. Portable amplifiers can likewise enhance hearing.
Infections that outcome in sensorineural hearing Loss might be fluctuating in nature or they could be related with Meniere's ailment, which is portrayed by hearing Loss, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), and vertigo. Meniere's ailment can be treated with a low-sodium eating regimen, diuretics, and corticosteroids. After some time, these side effects will make strides.
Tumors causing sensorineural hearing Loss for the most part are switched with surgical expulsion or light treatment. Hearing might be saved in 50 percent of cases if the tumor is little.
Sensorineural hearing occurrence that outcomes from acoustic harm, head harm, or some other condition that prompts the movement of fuel can profit by outside intercession with the use of corticosteroid arrangement. Steroids are useful for decreasing swelling to overhaul recuperating of hurt inner ear structures.
Numerous patients can encounter incomplete recuperation from sensorineural hearing Loss and around 3.6 percent will encounter an entire recuperation. It's vital that you see your specialist at the principal indications of any adjustments in your listening ability keeping in mind the end goal to get treatment as soon as possible.
#hearing loss#sensorineural hearing Loss#conductive hearing loss#Tinnitus#ear surgery#ear wax#cochlear implants
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Lebersche hereditäre Optikusneuropathie
Lebersche hereditäre Optikusneuropathie
aus DocCheck Flexikon, dem Medizinlexikon zum Mitmachen
nach ihrem Erstbeschreiber Theodor Leber (1840- 1917) Synonyme: Leber’sche Optikusneuropathie, Lebersche hereditäre Optikusnekrose, Lebersche hereditäre Optikusatrophie Englisch: Leber hereditary optic neuropathy, LHON
1 Definition
2 Epidemiologie
3 Ätiologie
4 Pathogenese
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1 Definition
Das NARP-Syndrom bezeichnet eine erblich bedingte mitochondriale Dysfunktion (Mitochondriopathie), die durch eine Symptomentrias aus Neuropathie, Ataxie und Retinopathia pigmentosa gekennzeichnet ist.
ICD10-Code: G31.8
2 Epidemiologie
Die Prävalenz der Erkrankung wird auf 1/12.000 geschätzt.
3 Ätiopathogenese
Ursache des NARP-Syndroms ist eine Punktmutation des MTATP6- Gens an…
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Lebersche hereditäre Optikusneuropathie
1 Definition
Die Lebersche hereditäre Optikusneuropathie, kurz LHON, ist eine erblich bedingte Mitochondriopathie, die zu einer progredienten Degeneration retinaler Ganglienzellen führt.
2 Epidemiologie
Betroffen sind meist Männer mittleren Lebensalters. Die Inzidenz der Erkrankung liegt bei 1 zu 50.000 bis 1 zu 100.000.
3 Ätiologie
Die LHON ist eine Erbkrankheit, die durch eine Punktmutation der…
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