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neonflashkat · 10 months ago
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Nostalgia - Warrior Cats OCs
Quietfoot & Mistsong
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griffinsmith · 1 year ago
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awesome fanart i made for my friend @stephwhoawow and my's fic about our ocs rescuing nick jonas and releasing his soul back to the human world again
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swiftadrift · 2 years ago
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“He was halfway smoke, halfway fog, with only the vaguest glimmers of starlight in his night-black pelt. But for the young and impressionable Heronflame, who was lonely and longing to meet anyone else but her parents - this didn’t matter.“
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Gemma Scout's Warrior name would be:
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blissintheeyesofstarclan · 6 months ago
Moon 1 (pt 1)
The sun peeked through the clouds, casting a soft light over BlissClan's camp. Morning dew held to the blades of grass as the Clan began to stir. Wheatstar padded toward the entrance, her mind focused on the upcoming training session she had been planning for Ferretpaw. But as she thought, she noticed Nectarwhisper at the corner of her eye, sitting alone near the fresh-kill pile, looking down. Wheatstar approached him, her eyes warm. "I know you have been troubled, Nectarwhisper," she meowed softly, "patience is key. StarClan will bless us with more kits, and you will be able to train a strong warrior of your own. A calm mind can make all the difference." Nectarwhisper nodded, soaking in his leader's words. He couldn't help but think back to Shiningclaw, the medicine cat who had treated him recently. The senior warrior was grateful for the tom's healing skills, which had allowed him to continue serving his clan. He only hopes for an apprentice of his own before something worse happens to him. Nearby, Darkdew was feeling unusually cheerful. He spotted Mothivy stalking him with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Before Darkdew could react, Mothivy leaped out from behind a bush, startling him. "Got you!" Mothivy purred with amusement. Darkdew burst into laughter, his earlier tension melting away. They both shared this moment before heading off on their separate duties. Shiningclaw watched the two warriors with a chuckle. The old medicine cat then noticed Heathpaw by the medicine den, looking troubled. He called the young apprentice over. "You look like you have something on your mind, Heathpaw," he mewed kindly. The apprentice hesitated before sharing a bit of her recent troubles, but kept the details vague. Shiningclaw nodded along, aware of her reluctance. He reminded her that she has the whole clan by her side when she needs help, and to never be afraid to seek that support. Soon after, Mistsong retrieved Heathpaw for some training. As they made their way out of camp, Mistsong noticed Heathpaw seemed distracted. Mistsong lead Heathpaw to a small stream, where she gently asked what was wrong. Heathpaw, after a moment of silence, confessed to having disturbing dreams that had been causing her anxiety. Mistsong listened patiently, offering comfort to her apprentice. She didn't quite know what to do, but it was clear that just being there for her was enough to make Heathpaw feel at least a little better, allowing them to resume their training.
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the-determined-sparks-au · 1 year ago
Thundergrowth Clowder
Bishop : Bishop Lilystrike {Bluestar/Willowbreeze}- a long furred blue/silver thick pelted molly with black horns and blue eyes. Icewillow has golden brown scales creeping up the back of her neck* Sibling: Lilystrike, Thistleclaw
Heir: None
Guardian: Sparrowsong {Halftail}- a very dark mackerel tabby tom with white horns, yellow eyes and pine green scales on his chest. Sparrowsong has a very short tail Apprentice: Raccoonpaw
Sibling: Patchbelly
Mate: Waspeye
Children: Wildrunner, Owlglare
Soothepurr: Featherwhisker- a long furred, thick pelted smooth silver- gray tom with light yellow eyes and teal gold scale crawling across his belly. Featherwhisker has yellow horns and yellow eyes. Apprentice: Spottedpaw
Waspeye {One-Eye}- pale gray virtually blind molly with scars all over body and shredded ears along with patches of violet scales. Her left was clawed out and the wound has since healed shut- her remaining eye is a foggy yellow
Mate: Sparrowsong
Children: Wildrunner, Owlglare
Jaygrowl {Robinwing/Dappletail}- a small brown molly with patches of orange and black scales with thick sleek fur. Dapplewing has white horns and amber eyes
Parent: Mumblestep
Sibling: Thrushnose
Mate: Specklescorch
Children: Lionheart, Finchdawn
Patchbelly- a small black and white tom with green gold scales crawling on his face and shoulders. Patchbelly has white horns and yellow eyes {Patchpelt}
Sibling: Sparrowsong
Thistleclaw- a huge gray and white tabby tom with uneven patches of yellow green scales crawling on his face and spiky fur. Thistleclaw has black horns, amber eyes and spiky fur that is said to be softer than it looks Apprentice:Tigerpaw
Siblings: Icewillow, Nectarpool
Child: Sleetsong
Rosetail- a gray ticked tabby molly with a bushy tail with red rose scales at the end. Rosetail has white horns and blue eyes
Parent: Poppydawn
Children: Racoonpaw, Spottedpaw
Lionheart- a large golden tabby tom with thick fluffy mane around his neck like Leo’s mane. Lionheart has patches of black scales; brown horns and green eyes
Parents: Specklescorch, Dapplewing
Sibling: Finchdawn
Mate: Frostnip
Turtlenose- a brown and white tom with golden brown scale legs and two white toes. Turtlenose has white horns and orange eyes and was formerly a Drifter
Mate: Sablewhisker
Children: Wisteriafog, Fireflydawn
Sablewhisker- a black spotted tabby with indigo scales crawling on her shoulders. Sablewhisker has silver horns and blue eyes and was formerly a Drifter
Mate: Turtlenose
Children: Wisteriafog, Fireflydawn
Sharpwatcher- light gray ticked tabby with white scales going up his legs. Sharpwatcher has small ears, black horns and copper eyes
Parent: Sheepear
Sibling: Frostnip
Frostnip {Frostfur}- a long furred speckle gray molly with white scales splash across her face. Frostnip has white horns, small folded ears and blue eyes
Parent: Sheepear
Sibling: Sharpwhisker
Sleetsong {Whitestorm}-a snowy white tom with tufted ears and patches of silver scales crawling on his face that shimmer in the light. Sleetstorm has black horns and blue eyes.
Parent: Thistleclaw
Mate: Wisteriog
Childrem: Tulip, Fern
Fireflydawn- a chocolate brown mackerel tom with an orange scaled tail. Fireflydawn has white horns, orange eyes and small ears.
Parents: Turtlenose, Sablewhisker
Sibling: Wisteriafog
Owlglare {Mousefur/Darkstripe}- small solid black molly with silver scales crawling up her tail. Owlglare has a pink nose, white horns and orange eyes.*
Parents: Sparrowsong, Waspeye
Sibling: Wildrunner
Wildrunner {Runningwind}- a lithe light brown tabby tom with black scales going across his face. Wildrunner has brown horns and green eyes.
Parents: Sparrowsong, Waspeye
Sibling: Mousetooth
Nightsnap {Nightkit}- sleek black molly with with darker strikes. Nightsnap has silver scales crawling up her face and neck, white horns and green eyes
Parent: Panthershade
Siblings: Mistsong, Tigerpaw
Raccoonpaw {Redtail}- a small brown furred tortoiseshell tabby tom with pale marigold scales going across his face and shoulders. Raccoonpaw has a vibrant ginger tail, amber eyes and white horns.*
Parent: Rosetail
Sibling: Spottedpaw
Spottedpaw- a dark tortoiseshell molly with white splotches on her face and belly. Spottedpaw has blue-black scales crawling up her back, amber eyes and black horns.
Parent: Rosetail
Sibling: Racconpaw
Tigerpaw- a large dark brown tabby tom blessed with the stripes and claws of Tigris. Tigerpaw has flecks of white scales crawling up his face and belly, red scales going across his throat, white horns and amber eyes.
Parent: Panthershade
Siblings: Mistsong, Nightsnap
Blazepaw- a long-furred bright flame-ginger molly blessed with the rosetted coat of Pardus with black scales crawling up her legs and belly. Blazepaw has a white chin, tip tail, black horns and arm-webs; green eyes. Formerly of Stratovden.
Parents: Jake, Nicole
Siblings: Sean, Ruby, Sootpaw
Monarchs and Caretakers
Head caretaker: Specklescorch {Speckletail}- a cream golden classic molly with splashes of dark red scales going down her back and tail. Specklescorch has yellow horns and green eyes.
Mate: Dapplewing
Children: Lionheart, Finchdawn
Thrushnose {Thrushpelt}- a pale grayish brown with white scales crawling up his chest and neck. Thrushnose has white flecks across his snout, brown horns and green eyes
Parent: Mumblestep
Sibling: Dapplewing
Mistsong {Mistkit}- a gray molly with a white locket and belly. Mistsong has sky blue scales crawling up her legs and down her spine, black horns and amber eyes
Parent: Panthershade
Siblings: Nightsnap, Tigerpaw
Finchdawn {Goldenflower}-a golden tabby molly with gray torbie patches with blue scales across her shoulders and back legs. Finchdawn has a short tail, white horns and green eyes
Parents: Dapplewing, Specklescorch
Sibling: Lionheart
Children: Coyote, Jackal
Wisteriafog{Willowpelt/Brindleface}- pale gray spotted molly with white scales along her back; silver horns and blue eyes
Parents: Turtlenose, Sablewhisker
Sibling: Fireflydawn
Mate: Sleetstorm
Children: Tulip, Fern
Coyote {Sand/Bright}- a cinnamon tabby molly with torbie patches and a white belly. Sand has red scales crawling up her back and legs, green eyes and white horns
Parent: Finchdawn
Sibling: Jackal
Jackal {Swiftpaw/Longtail}-a pale sandy furred tom with dark black stripes and white splotches. Swift has silver scales on his toes, ears and legs with white horns and blue eyes.
Parent: Finchdawn
Siblings: Coyote
Lynx- a cinnamon torbie molly with dark brown tabby patches and yellow feathers on her shoulders and throat. Lynx has green scales going across her face, yellow eyes and black horns. Under the care of Thrushnose
Tulip {Graystripe}- dark gray tom with darker gray feathers along his spine. Tulip has bright teal scales along his shoulders and legs, black horns and yellow eyes
Parents: Wisteriafog, Sleetsong
Sibling: Fern
Fern- pale gray molly with darker flecks and a white belly. Fern has green scales along her throat and crawling up her face, white horns and green eyes
Parents: Wisteriafog, Sleetsong
Sibling: Tulip
Mumblestep {Mumblefoot}- a small graying brown tom with thick fur that is patched. Mumblestep has orange scales on the back of his neck and chest, white horns and amber eyes. The oldest cat in Thundergrowth
Children: Dapplewing, Thrushnose
Panthershade {Leopardfoot}- a sleek raven-black molly with white splotches on her face. Leopardshade has pink scales crawling on her legs and the tip of her tail, silver horns and green eyes.
Child: Tigerpaw
Sheepear {Smallear}- a gray tom with very small folded ears, one which has a nick in it. Sheepear has black scales crawling up his throat and down his chest, black horns and orange eyes
Children: Frostnip, Sharpwhisker
Poppydawn- long haired dark red molly with an extremely bushy tail. Poppydawn has golden scales going down her back and legs, brown horns and amber eyes.
Child: Rosetail
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riceballgremlin · 2 years ago
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Left to Right:
Mistsong (NIN)
Carryalot (FSH)
Avad (MIN)
Florus (BTN)
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official-schwaebisch · 2 years ago
Chili und Briegel tanzend im Hintergrund: "Mist! Mist Mist Mist Mist! Mist!" Bernd: "Wagt es ja nicht für diesen Mistsong abzustimmen"
People on Reddit suggested that we should send Bernd das Brot next year and honestly it's the best suggestion that ever came off Reddit.
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benirium · 5 years ago
[Примечательные персонажи; локации]
Описание сезонного инстанса «Страж Садов»
Несмотря на то, что Наследники (мы) сорвали сделку Лати (Рати) с призванным ею Иштаром, кисэн не оставляет надежды отомстить и готовит новый план: перенаправить пространственные врата иферийских садов в обратную сторону, чтобы выйти наружу и окончательно положить конец Щиту Богов. Всё ещё обладая способностями, дарованными Анталлоном, Лати создаёт в своих владениях новый уровень измерения, где тренирует очередную гвардию. Щит Богов вовремя получает информацию от своих шпионов, и агентам удаётся установить в центре Садов статую, формирующую защитный барьер. Начинается противостояние. оооооооооо
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На иллюстрации из внутриигрового ролика — тот самый ритуал призыва Иштара.
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{ К Содержанию }
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nelmyrion · 5 years ago
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Mistsong Summit — Сады Наслаждений
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eloquentsocs · 7 years ago
Anaca Flamestar - Ursaring (normal)
Fenien Flamestar - Whimsicott (grass/fairy)
Zulador Flamestar - Cyndaquil (fire)
Dentak - Whirlipede (bug/poison)
Ayrna Canick - Lampent (ghost/fire)
Isseta Mistsong - Sewaddle (bug/grass)
Garex - Skrelp (poison/water)
Grenci - Mienfoo (fighting)
Zarashari Moonbane - Absol (dark)
Nouvel LeCheval - Noibat (flying/dragon)
Kidpar Willowleaf - Furret (normal)
Auane Blademight - Pawniard (dark/steel)
Eleshia Canick - Emolga (electric/flying)
Dylan Canick - Drifloon (ghost/flying)
Treld Luxford - Sealeo (ice/water)
Radriston Quickhammer - Litleo (normal/fire)
Kyouka - Haxorus (dragon)
Arinata - Tirtouga (water/rock)
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griffinsmith · 1 year ago
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Kind of disappeared for a while but don’t worry I still think about my funny wizard guys
Devin (owned by me) and iridian (owned by @stephwhoawow) but awesome
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swiftadrift · 1 year ago
woe, sumire upon ye
Noo Sumire 😢😢
She's going to ban me for Mistsong posting 😢😢
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ikes-waifu · 2 years ago
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Cringe is dead. Ike (Blueflame) and Mist (Mistsong) as Warriorsonas.
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shanie-plays-wizzy · 3 years ago
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Wizard101 Character Showcase James
James (Storm Wizard) is based on Jim Moriarty from BBC Sherlock. Yes, I used to be one of those types. Please forgive.
Anyway, Jim is originally from Britain and of Irish descent. He was brought to the spiral to ostensibly save it but, really, he just agreed to follow Merle in order to learn magic and become more powerful. When he found out about Malistaire, he originally hoped to employ the fallen Death Professor. When Malistaire refused, Jim set out to destroy him.
After taking out Malistaire, he was fully prepared to return to Earth. Unfortunately for him, Morganthe showed up and, after she insulted him, he started gunning for her as well. He’s currently in Zafaria, suffering through the heat and muck, on a quest to end Morganthe as he once did Malistaire.
James is a violent man by nature, having originally been brought to the spiral as a teenager. He joined the Storm School at ravenwood after being told that it was a challenge to master and that it held the greatest power. He prides himself on his abilities but has shunned the traditional school attire for a fine tailored Marleybonian suit. He also is a skilled swordsman and, after Diego sent him on a mission to recover his treasured heirloom sword, James kept it for himself, giving Diego a replica in return.
James doesn’t work alone, however. He has an associate, Genevieve MistSong, who he encountered in Wizard City some time ago. She was lost and looking for her friend Duncan. When Jim saw that she had also been enrolled in the storm school, he saw great potential in her as an employee and apprentice. Under the guise of helping her find her friend, he joined forces with her, developing her talent as a Storm Student and showing her the spiral and it’s many wonders. His ultimate motivations for his partnership with Gen are still unknown, but he did have an apartment built in the basement of his home for her to live in, always close by and on hand for whatever mission he needs to send her on.
Of note: James is extremely smart and manipulative. As such, he has managed to keep his true intentions hidden from both Merle and the powers of the spiral. There was a moment when they were almost revealed, during the Test of Character in MooShu. When he faced the judgement of the Moodha, the Moodha saw the evil in his heart and cursed him with demon eyes and wings. With the reflection of his true self now visible to all, it took all his cunning to convince the Palace guards and his professors at Ravenwood of his supposed “good heart”. Luckily for James he is a master actor and manipulator and, while still stuck with his demonic appearance, is still enrolled in Ravenwood.
What drives James to save the spiral? Outside of him being a part of the spiral for the moment, his neverending determination to be the biggest dog in town, combined with him never letting go of a grudge has led him to reluctantly take on the quest to save the spiral. If it were up to Jim, the entire Spiral would be his to rule as he saw fit and, secretly, he hopes to some day gain enough power to do so. But, for the time being, he’s ‘playing the game’, waiting for his moment and gathering resources and allies for the endgame.
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firemagicked · 7 years ago
In Betweens
"It should only be a couple of days," Lyren explained to his friend, anxious, ears pinned against his head as he monitored the bond with frantic worry. Ash was unconscious, the bond was steady there. Lyn was a wall of nothingness who hadn't come out of his lab since Ash was stabilized. His eyes flicked away from the broad elf toward where his own home stood miles away. "Just until… things are calmer. I'm useless to him right now."
"Firebug," the tall elf laid a hand on his shoulder. Sahfelon Mistsong's fel green eyes were warm and creased with concern at the edges. "It's fine. It's hardly the first time you've had to leave him here a few days. He's a little more traumatized than usual about it but then… so are you."
"One of my husband's has no hand," he snapped, bristling defensively. "I think I have the right to be a bit rattled."
"Uh-huh." Sahfelon shrugged, watching him. "Didn't say you didn't. Just maybe think about not taking on so much by yourself. And stop blaming yourself."
He opened his mouth to object. A hand covered his open mouth before he could get a syllable out. "No, don't even try that. You are, you do, you're playing the 'what could I have done differently?' game in your head. We all do it. You especially. I could point out an example, but then Kaden will probably come out and hack you to pieces you after you light me on fire. Then our kids will be raised to become mortal enemies. Mine will win. Sorry, superior genetics."
His attempt to point out all of them were adopted was ignored. "So I'm not gonna remind you about what you were like after Lis died - wow I got through that entire sentence that's actual improvement for - ow! Stop that."
Sullenly, Lyren crossed his arms and let the flicker of flames licking around Sah's fingers die out. He raised an eyebrow pointedly. Sah grinned at him, patting his cheek with the hand not risking death by fire and teeth. "Seriously, though. Take care of your husbands, but remember to take care of yourself. It wasn't your fault. Ashenvald is gonna be fine. Take a deep breath. And get some fucking sleep, you look awful."
The hand was finally removed. Lyren granted it permission to live unburned another day only because this was one of his oldest friends. "You're just always so charming, Mistsong. So easy to see why Kaden stays with you."
"You really don't like it when other people mother hen you instead of the other way around," Sah said cheerfully. "Take your deflections and get out of here, sparkler. Say hi to your collection of terrifying fire creatures for me. Remind Lyn how much more handsome I am than him. And tell Ash we'll take the kids to see his next Darkmoon show."
It was the easy confidence in Sah's voice that made Lyren breathe easier. That there would be a next show. Not even a hope, just an unwavering expectation that the world would work exactly as Sahfelon expected it to. Lyren couldn't even call him on it. The arrogant asshole would be too busy being smug because he had succeeded in his plan.
He walked away. Tam behind him, safe inside Sah and Kaden's home - Ashenvald and Lyn in front of him with a future a little less frightening.
(( @ashenvald for mentions. And Lyn. And Kaden. All of which are also yours.))
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