#Missouri-San Luis
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wgm-beautiful-world · 1 year ago
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Saint Francis Xavier Church at Saint Louis University in Saint Louis, Missouri, UNITED STATES
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reality-detective · 9 months ago
I'm sure if anything goes down from all the people who have crossed over our borders, the Military will have everything under control swiftly. You may want to avoid these cities if anything goes down, and for your safety, please stay away from the military if you see them. This list was pulled and organized from a NY Times recent article listing the top 100 prior-rioted cities, for quick reference. They are 👇
* Phoenix
Little Rock
Beverly Hills
La Mesa
* Los Angeles
* Oakland
* San Diego
* San Francisco
San Jose
San Luis Obispo
Santa Ana
Santa Rosa
Walnut Creek
Colorado Springs
* Denver
Fort Lauderdale
* Miami
West Palm Beach
* Atlanta
Fort Wayne
Des Moines
Iowa City
* New Orleans
* Boston
* Detroit
Grand Rapids
* St. Paul
Kansas City
St. Louis
Las Vegas
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
* Buffalo
* New York City
North Carolina
North Dakota
Oklahoma City
* Philadelphia
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Sioux Falls
* Arlington
* Dallas
* El Paso
Fort Worth
* Houston
* San Antonio
* Salt Lake City
Virginia Beach
* Seattle
West Virginia
Green Bay
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proton-wobbler · 4 months ago
Warbler Showdown Finale: Bracket 5
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Kentucky Warbler (Geothlypis formosa)
IUCN Rating: Least Concern
Range: migratory; breeds in the southeast United States, from Missouri to Maryland, and Pennsylvania down to Louisiana; overwinters in Central America- the Yucatan and Belize down to Panama.
Habitat: Prefers wet forests with a dense understory, such as bottomland hardwood and other riparian woods. This is true both in breeding, migratory, and overwintering habitats.
Subspecies: None
Altamira Yellowthroat (Geothlypis flavovelata)
IUCN Rating: Near Threatened
Range: sedentary; coastal Mexico, on the Gulf side in a limited area. Central and southern Tamaulipas, east San Luis Potosí, and northern Veracruz.
Habitat: freshwater marshes with extensive reedbed vegetation, though it can also be found in pond reeds and irrigation ditches.
Subspecies: None
Image Sources: Kentucky (Matthew Addicks); Altamira (Daniel Garza Tobon)
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transit-fag · 2 years ago
Round 1, poll 6
Down by the Water
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extrabeurre · 9 months ago
ROAD HOUSE de Doug Liman: La Ballade de Dalton
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Ce remake plus ou moins fidèle du film culte de 1989 recycle certains éléments du scénario original dans un contexte assez différent. Mais les grandes lignes sont là : Dalton, un type ayant la réputation de savoir se servir de ses poings, est recruté pour venir faire le ménage dans un bar routier envahi par la racaille; il développe une relation avec une infirmière du coin; un malveillant homme riche contrôle presque tout dans les environs. Le Road House de 2024 diffère notamment de son inspiration par le fait que Elwood Dalton (plutôt que James Dalton) est un ancien combattant de UFC déchu, qui mène une existence de vagabond vivant dans sa voiture lorsqu’on le rencontre, et que le bar routier qui l’engage se trouve dans les Keys de Floride plutôt qu’au Missouri.
Là où le bât blesse, c’est que notre protagoniste est incarné par un Jake Gyllenhaal correct, mais loin d’être aussi iconique et badass que Patrick Swayze. De même, le méchant joué par Billy Magnussen n’arrive pas à la cheville du parfaitement détestable Ben Gazzara. Et les créateurs de cette nouvelle version n’ont même pas tenté de remplacer le vieux pote interprété par Sam Elliott! Mentionnons également qu’au lieu du Jeff Healey Band, on doit se contenter d’une succession de groupes anonymes jouant au bar alors que les bouteilles de bière volent de toute part.
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Bref, il s’agit indéniablement d’une pâle copie du long-métrage de Rowdy Herrington, qui n’est toutefois pas sans qualités. Malgré trop de longueurs, le remake inclut quand même plusieurs scènes d’action assez percutantes. Et à la mi-parcours, l’introduction du coloré psychopathe Knox, un rôle défendu avec enthousiasme par le véritable champion d’arts martiaux mixtes Conor McGregor, dynamise considérablement le récit. Il y a aussi une trame narrative intéressante impliquant une jeune fille (Hannah Love Lanier) travaillant dans une librairie qui compare la situation dans laquelle se retrouve Dalton à un roman western, ce qui n’est pas sans rappeler une certaine scène de Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood.
En janvier, le réalisateur Doug Liman a annoncé qu’il boycotterait la première de Road House (2024) à SXSW à cause de la décision d’Amazon MGM de lancer son film directement sur la plateforme Prime Video. Ironiquement, alors qu’il aurait été difficile de recommander d’aller le voir en salle, c’est le genre de vue qui mérite quand même qu’on lui jette un coup d’œil dans le confort de chez soi, sans trop d’attentes.
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Road House sera disponible sur Prime Video dès le jeudi 21 mars.
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littlefeather-wolf · 2 years ago
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Sacajawea was an indigenous woman belonging to the Shoshone tribe who accompanied and guided the Lewis and Clark Expedition led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark — in their exploration of the western part of the United States of America. Sacajawea traveled with the expedition between 1804 and 1806, from North Dakota to the coast of present-day Oregon. Some members of the expedition called her Janey.
Sacajawea was of great help indicating the steps to follow to reach the Pacific Ocean, being part of one of the most important reconnaissance trips of the North American territory.
An edition of US one dollar coins issued in 2000 shows Sacajawea and hers her son Jean Baptiste, The face of the coin reproduces the face of a present-day Shoshone woman named Randy'L He-dow Teton, as there is no certain image of Sacajawea.
Charbonneau and Sacagawea, returning from the expedition, spent three years among the Hidatsa before accepting Clark's invitation to settle in the city of St. Louis, Missouri in 1809. They entrusted Clark with the education of Jean Baptiste, who was enrolled in a boarding school in San Luis.
Sacagawea had a daughter, Lizette, sometime after 1810. According to Bonnie "Windwalker Spirit" Butterfield, historical documents suggest that Sacagawea died in 1812 from an unknown disease.
Within months, fifteen men were killed during an Indian attack on Fort Lisa, located at the mouth of the Bighorn River. John Luttig and Sacagawea's youngest daughter were among the survivors. Some say that Toussaint Charbonneau was killed in this massacre, but others claim that he only passed formal custody of his son to Clark in 1813 ...
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transparentgentlemenmarker · 5 months ago
Le chef du bureau de Pittsburgh du FBI, Kevin Rojek trouve surprenant qu’un assaillant ait pu tirer à plusieurs reprises sans que le Secret Service ai agit. Ce dimanche 14 juillet 2024, le Secret Service a par ailleurs démenti une rumeur «selon laquelle un membre de l'équipe de l'ex-président avait demandé des moyens supplémentaires de sécurité et que ceux-ci avaient été refusés». «C'est absolument faux, a déclaré le porte-parole du Secret Service Anthony Guglielmi. En réalité, nous avons ajouté des moyens de protection dans le cadre du rythme accru des déplacements de campagne.
Plusieurs témoins ont affirmé avoir aperçu le tireur avant qu’il n’ouvre le feu et avoir tenté d’alerter la police de la ville, qui a rapporté avoir épondu à un certain nombre de rapports d'activité suspecte, sans donner plus de précisions. Un témoin interrogé par la BBC assure avoir vu «un homme ramper sur le toit» et l’avoir montré «pendant plusieurs minutes» aux forces de l’ordre. «On pouvait clairement le voir avec son arme», a-t-il ajouté, expliquant que la police semblait ne pas comprendre ce qu’il se passait. Selon lui, l’inclinaison du toit faisait que les agents du Secret Service ne pouvaient probablement pas le voir de là où ils se trouvaient. Des élus demandent une enquête parlementaire pour faire la lumière sur les événements. Il est incroyablement difficile d’avoir un lieu ouvert au public et de le sécuriser contre toute menace potentielle, a reconnu George Bivens, porte-parole de la police de l’État de Pennsylvanie. L’enquête nous donnera l’opportunité de voir ce qui n’a pas marché et ce qui pourra être mieux fait dans le futur. Les élus républicains ont appelé à une enquête parlementaire au Congrès. La commission de la Sécurité intérieure doit enquêter sur la tentative d’assassinat et la tentative de tuerie de masse et déterminer comment cela a pu arriver, a affirmé Josh Hawley, sénateur du Missouri. Son collègue de Floride, Rick Scott, a jugé «absolument inexcusable» qu’un tireur «ait pu avoir en ligne de mire l’ancien président et candidat en tête à la présidentielle», soutenant également une enquête au Congrès.
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Le sniper du Secret Service aurait posté ce message en prenant soins de prendre une photo : “Mon nom est Jonathan Willis, je suis l'officier sur la célèbre photo des deux tireurs d'élite sur le toit du rassemblement de Trump, je suis venu ici pour informer le public que j'avais l'assassin en ligne de mire pendant au moins 3 minutes, mais le chef du services secrets ont refusé de donner l'ordre d'éliminer le criminel. À 100 %, les hauts gradés m'ont empêché de tuer l'assassin avant qu'il ne tire sur Le président Trump.” Cette affaire va faire couler beaucoup d’encre ….
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«Hé, il y a un type sur le toit avec un fusil…» : les quelques minutes qui ont bouleversé la campagne présidentielle américaine les politiques réagissent après la tentative d’assassinat de Trump
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Une photo prise par Doug Mills du New York Times montre une balle volant vers la tête de Donald Trump. Dans une publication sur les réseaux sociaux, Truth Social, Trump a déclaré qu’il avait su que quelque chose n’allait pas dans la mesure où j’ai entendu un sifflement, des coups de feu et j’ai immédiatement senti la balle déchirer la peau ».
Photo prise à l'arrière du pupitre, ça démontre un plan préparé
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Plan de la scène
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Publication pour ceux qui le déteste
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franksongofthemoment · 1 year ago
This is a posterity blog, to catalog when Frank mentions music or bands he likes.
I will be going as far back as I can/have found and attempt a chronological order.
This may not get updated very often after initially populated.
Links to items to help greatly appreciated.
First up is a playlist from 2006:
Frank Iero: “The Songs That Changed My Life”  from Kerrang Issue #1128
Photo Credit: Paul Harries
Magazine Release Date: November 27th, 2006 Issue Label: October 7th, 2006
(Pic source)
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A post to the website blog in 2008:
to be honest...
Saturday November 29, 2008 |
Posted by: Frank
you really have to get the new bronx record, its pretty fantastic. track 3 has been stuck in my head for 2 weeks. just sayin...xofrank
and guest post from 2009:
Frank comments on Artist direct’s playlist of THE 10 BEST (UNLIKELY) LOVE SONGS posted February 10th, 2009. (X)
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Next some posts to the website blog in 2009:
Arg, Pure ROck Scurvy
Wednesday April 1, 2009 |
Posted by: Frank
hello all, just wanted to let you know our good buddies from the nj, BRine & Bastards, just released a new e.p... Do you like pirates? what about punk rock? do you think chlamydia is funny? ever wish your favorite rum had an upbeat theme song? then this band is for you! 6 brand new songs for you to tap your peg leg to. go to itunes and type that shit in - Brine & Bastards - Pure Rock Scurvy EP their full length, set sail for sodomy, is also available there....enjoi! xofrank
New Gallows rekurd = Facial Assualt
Friday May 15, 2009 |
Posted by: Frank
ok so i got the new Gallows record, Grey Britain, a couple weeks ago cause i know some people that are famous and influential but i didnt want to rub it in so i waited until now to talk about it...this way its out, you can get it at your local record store and listen to it at home and not feel inferior to my famous friends even though most of you are...its just better this way. ok with all that said fuck this record is good. they really branched out and took some chances on this record and it paid off in spades (i dont really know what that euphemism actually means - but im using it to say it went really well.)
Tuesday July 14, 2009 |
Posted by: Frank
hey all, i just wanted to stop by and drop a line about some amazing records that came out last month.... my good friends in New Tomorrow from san luis obispo Ca released their new full length "we're counting on the youth"... and i must say its my favorite hardcore record of the year. their songs are inspired and inspiring, positive hardcore for the young and old alike. they are DIY and i love them. if there were more bands like this the world might actually become a better place. ....and the hardest working band in showbiz hailing from Kansas City Missouri, the architects have released "the hard way", my favorite rock n roll record of the year. i throw down the gauntlet and say the architects are the best live band i have ever seen, the first time we met they rocked the saint in asbury park like it was a sold out MSG show. they are on the warped tour all summer and deserve more attention than you can give them. the hard way is a fucking gem and will be the record you listen to while being chased by police on your way to the mexican border. bands like new tomorrow and the architects dont come around every day and are the reason i started skeleton crew. i feel very lucky to have worked with these bands, they are hard working and talented and deserve way more than i can provide. i hope you enjoy their records as much as i do. New Tomorrow - "We're counting on the Youth" and the Architects - "The Hard Way" are available at stores and on itunes, or from the skeleton crew webstore (www.skeletoncrewonline.com) both bands will be on the road this summer, enjoi. xo
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goalhofer · 2 years ago
2023 World Baseball Classic U.S.A. Roster
#0 Adam Ottavino (New York Mets/Brooklyn, New York)
#21 Kyle Freeland (Colorado Rockies/Denver, Colorado)
#29 Kenneth Kelly (Arizona Diamondbacks/Scottsdale, Arizona)
#33 Michael Lynn (Chicago White Sox/Brownsburg, Indiana)
#38 Devin Williams (Milwaukee Brewers/Florissant, Missouri)
#39 Miles Mikolas (St. Louis Cardinals/Jupiter, Florida)
#43 Brooks Raley (New York Mets/Uvalde, Texas)
#47 Jason Adam (Tampa Bay Rays/Overland Park, Kansas)
#49 Kendall Graveman (Chicago White Sox/Alexander City, Alabama)
#50 Adam Wainwright (St. Louis Cardinals/St. Simons, Georgia)
#51 Brady Singer (Kansas City Royals/Tavares, Florida)
#52 Daniel Bard (Colorado Rockies/Greenville, South Carolina)
#53 David Bednar (Pittsburgh Pirates/Mars, Pennsylvania)
#55 Thomas Pressly (Houston Astros/Irving, Texas)
#10 J.T. Realmuto (Philadelphia Phillies/Del City, Oklahoma)
#16 Will Smith (Los Angeles Dodgers/Louisville, Kentucky)
#66 Kyle Higashioka (New York Yankees/Huntington Beach, California)
#1 Jeff McNeil (New York Mets/San Luis Obispo County, California)
#7 Tim Anderson; Jr. (Chicago White Sox/Tuscaloosa, Alabama)
#8 Trea Turner (Philadelphia Phillies/Lake Worth Beach, Florida)
#15 Bobby Witt; Jr. (Kansas City Royals/Colleyville, Texas)
#20 Pete Alonso; Jr. (New York Mets/Tampa, Florida)
#28 Nolan Arenado (St. Louis Cardinals/Lake Forest, California)
#46 Paul Goldschmidt (St. Louis Cardinals/Wilmington, Delaware)
#3 Markus Betts (Los Angeles Dodgers/Oak Hill, Tennessee)
#12 Kyle Schwarber (Philadelphia Phillies/Middletown, Ohio)
#27 Mike Trout (Los Angeles Angels/Millville, New Jersey)
#30 Kyle Tucker (Houston Astros/Tampa, Florida)
#31 Boyce Mullins II (Baltimore Orioles/Snellville, Georgia)
Manager Mark DeRosa (U.S.A. Baseball/Carlstadt, New Jersey)
Bench coach Jerry Manuel (Jessup University Warriors/Rancho Cordova, CA)
Assistant bench coach Brian McCann (U.S.A. Baseball/Duluth, Georgia)
Pitching coach Andy Pettitte (U.S.A. Baseball/Houston, Texas)
Bullpen coach Dave Righetti (San Francisco Giants/San José, California)
Hitting coach George Griffey; Jr. (U.S.A. Baseball/Winter Garden, Florida)
1st base coach Lou Collier (Kansas City Royals/Chicago, Illinois)
3rd base coach Dino Ebel (Los Angeles Dodgers/Barstow, California)
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psalm22-6 · 2 years ago
Everybody would like to know: what are the 
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Of course, they also want to know:
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The answer is Les Misérables (sometimes).  While I was looking through the California Digital Newspaper Collection, I made note of the articles which mentioned that Les Misérables was included in the local library.  To begin, in 1885 the Napa Free Library opened in Napa, California, which seems to have been a subscription library furnished with  a watercooler “where he who seeks the fountain of knowledge may at the same time slake his thirst tor water.” The library’s board of Trustees selected which books the library would carry, and Les Misérables was among the first 35 selected.  Missouri’s Saint-Louis Republic reported in 1889: “When ‘Les Miserables’ first appeared fifty copies answered the demand, although this is one of the most constantly read books in the library.”
In 1890 the Chicago Tribune quoted a bookseller as saying “I sell a copy of Victor Hugo's ‘Les Miserables’ every ten days regularly.” (I know I said this was about libraries but I just thought that one was interesting). 
In 1891, in the town of Springfield, Massachusetts, “of French books, the one most read is Victor Hugo's ‘Les Miserables.’” Of course it’s not just about what people like to read, it’s also about what is considered to be “good literature” and “worth reading” by those in charge. For example, see this headline from the San Pedro News Piolet in 1919
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The high school’s librarian writes: 
What do we mean by “better books?” During the last hour I have been considering the subject with a group of young people who happened to be gathered in the school library for study. The discussion was precipitated by the following request from a young girl:
“Please get me something to read that will be good for, me.” You may think that such a request must be either unusual or insincere, but it is neither. It comes to me constantly in one form or another. “What is a real good story?” “I want something beside fiction.” “Will this book be good enough to make an English report on?” “What is the difference between Harold Bell Wright’s stories and those of Ralph Connor?” etc., etc. The debate today drew into its vortex all the occupants of the study hall and, at times, grew a little warm. Several were enthusiastic supporters of Harold Bell Wright, and I tried to explain to them the difference between the sentimental, poorly written novel and the vigorous tale of adventure and romance. The following list of books is the one the young girl in question actually considered reading. It might be interesting to look through the titles and check those we have read or that we know something about. They can all be found at the public library, and I feel sure that anyone who reads them all will be richly rewarded. To make the acquaintance of a great book is in itself an education. She chose from the list Les Miserables, the greatest of all novels. If she reads it intelligently it will be an addition to her mental life that she must appreciate and feel as long as she lives and thinks. Following is the list: Victory — Joseph Conrad. Adam Bede — George Eliot. Fathers and Sons — Turgenev. Smoke — Turgenev. The Crime of Sylvester Bonnard — Anatole France. The Rise of Silas Lapham — William U. Howells. A Modern Instance — William D. Howells. Eugenie Grandet — Balzac. The Iron Woman — Margaret Deland. Anna Karenina —Tolstoy. Les Miserables — Victor Hugo. Jane Eyre—Charlotte Broute [sic]. This is a chapter from real life, and this list is given because it is one actually discussed on this occasion. Other lists as good might be made.
A little out of order for the timeline but that same theme was explored by E.L. Kellogg, the library of the Carnegie library located in San Luis Obispo in 1917 and she had this to say: 
But the reading of light, overdrawn, ephemeral fiction only, is a species of intemperance, which not only vitiates the taste, but shuts out a whole world of profit and pleasure among the works of real genius. There is Dickens whose “every page is crowded with jostling life,” to read whom is like taking a walk down some "highway of life where we may come into contact with humanity.” What a pity to go through life unacquainted with the episode of the stolen candle-sticks In Les Miserables, or the splendid Doctor of the Old School in The Bonnie Brier Bush!
In the San Mateo Daily News Leader, in 1912, it was reported that the local library was able to purchase “a handsome four volume edition of Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables with recent gift money.” However reader’s desiring other books not in the library’s collection, they would have to consult the state library or “kindly confer with the librarian. If a number of books are ordered at one time the cost for each applicant will be trifling. Expressage is the only expense.”
Books were not just for solitary reading and individual improvement. As reported in the Hanford Journal in December of 1913: 
There are a number of useful books and magazines that are full of the suggestions that will aid any one who plans on entertaining during the holidays. These volumes will be found at the Hanford public library: Powers' “Dialogues for Little Folks” contains a couple of plays for children, entitled a “Christmas Gift” and “Edna’s Christmas Wishbones.” Knight's “Dramatic Reader for Grammar Grades” gives Dickens' famous story of "Ebenezer Scrooge's Christmas," written in dramatic form, and "Little Cosette” and “Father Christmas” adapted from Victor Hugo’s “Les Miserables.” [Wow I just learned about another adaptation thanks to this.]
Great holiday fun for the whole family.  In 1916 they got a whole lot of new books in Calexico (sorry for the low quality. Les Mis is in there): 
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In 1911 an advice columnist for the San Francisco Call advised readers that “if you have never read ‘Les Miserables,’ you might attack that this summer.” (Or, of course, if that isn’t your cup of tea, “promise yourself that you will read a dozen good books on hypnotism and clairvoyance and the other manifestations of the unknown world into which science is trying to peek.) (Two years later that same columnist reported that her neighbor was forced to stop reading most magazines due to financial problems, but that that neighbor had said “It has driven us to make more use of our fine library, and the other day we discovered we hadn’t read half the books on our own shelves. So now I’m absorbed in Les Miserables and Jack is reading one of Thackeray‘s that he hadn’t happened to read — both books right off our own bookshelves.”) And that’s just about it as far as anything remotely interesting goes! 
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bruxellescity · 2 months ago
Calamity Jane
L’héroïne des plaines Lorsqu’elle arrive à Deadwood en juillet 1876, Martha Jane Cannary est déjà connue par son surnom de « Calamity Jane ». Comme à son habitude, l’aventurière vit au jour le jour, boit sans retenue et raconte ses exploits, réels ou fictifs, à qui veut bien lui offrir un verre. Ayant connu une enfance misérable dans le Missouri au milieu du XIXe siècle, elle a bâti son mythe de…
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adiariomx · 4 months ago
El cuadro fronterizo va por su segundo triunfo en la competencia para luego ir en contra de San Luis, Missouri.   Ciudad Juárez, Chih (ADN/Artu...
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jpbjazz · 4 months ago
BEN WEBSTER, LA BRUTE AU COEUR TENDRE Né le 27 mars 1909 à Kansas City au Missouri, Benjamin Francis Webster avait d’abord étudié le violon avant d’apprendre à jouer du piano en regardant des films muets. Webster avait ensuite suivi des cours de saxophone alto en compagnie de Budd Johnson. Webster était passé au saxophone ténor en 1930.
Webster a amorcé sa carrière professionnelle dans un groupe dirigé par le père du saxophoniste Lester Young. Par la suite, Webster avait fait des enregistrements avec Blanche Calloway et était devenu membre de l’orchestre de Bennie Moten qui était formé entre autres de Count Basie, Hots Lips Page et Walter Page. Durant le reste de la décennie, Webster avait joué dans des groupes dirigés par Willie Bryant, Benny Carter, Cab Calloway, Fletcher Henderson, Andy Kirk et Teddy Wilson.
Même si au début, le style de Webster était pratiquement identique à celui de son idole Coleman Hawkins, il n’avait pas tardé à développer sa propre identité. UN BREF SÉJOUR En 1940, Webster s’était joint à l’orchestre de Duke Ellington. Les solos de Webster sur les pièces ‘’Chelsea Bridge’’, ‘’Blue Serge’’, ‘’Cotton Tail’’ et ‘’All Too Soon’’ sont aujourd’hui considérés comme des classiques.
Webster avait toujours salué l’influence que le saxophoniste alto Johnny Hodges avait exercé sur son jeu. Selon le chef d’orchestre Gunther Schuller, c’est en jouant avec Hodges que Webster s’était affranchi de l’influence de son idole Coleman Hawkins. Webster était aussi très proche du contrebassiste Jimmy Blanton et de l’arrangeur Billy Strayhorn, deux autres nouveaux venus dans l’orchestre d’Ellington.
La forte personnalité de Webster n’avait cependant pas tardé à envenimer les relations entre lui et les autres membres de l’orchestre. De fait, soulignait le fils d’Ellington, Mercer, il était rapidement devenu de plus en plus difficile pour son père et Webster d’être au même endroit sans se quereller l’un avec l’autre. Les événements avaient particulièrement dégénéré après la mort de Blanton. Après avoir appris le d��cès de son ami, Webster, qui avait pris un verre pour se donner du courage, avait fondu en larmes. Le saxophoniste baryton Harry Carney avait expliqué laconiquement: "After he had a drink or two, he'd change".
Webster avait finalement quitté l’orchestre en 1943 à la demande d’Ellington. Une légende raconte même qu’un des derniers gestes de Webster comme membre de l’orchestre avait été de découper une des vestes de sport d’Ellington avec un rasoir. De son côté, le trompettiste Clark Terry avait déclaré que Webster avait été limogé parce qu’il avait frappé Ellington. Quoi qu’il en soit, le congédiement de Webster n’avait pas eu que des conséquences négatives, puisque c’est à cette époque qu’il avait commencé à développer son style distinctif. CARRIÈRE AMÉRICAINE Après son congédiement de l’orchestre d’Ellington, Webster avait travaillé avec de petits groupes à New York et Chicago. Au cours de cette période, Webster avait souvent enregistré comme leader de ses propres groupes ou comme membre d’autres formations. À la même époque, Webster avait également collaboré vec Raymond Scott, Bill DeArango, Sid Catlett, Jay McShann et Jimmy Witherspoon. En 1948, Webster avait aussi fait un retour de quelques mois avec l’orchestre d’Ellington. La consommation d’alcool excessive de Webster avait cependant commencé à poser problème (habituellement doux comme un agneau, il était méconnaissable lorsqu’il avait bu un verre de trop, ce qui lui avait même mérité le surnom de ‘’Brute’’), ce qui l’avait obligé à se retirer de la scène du jazz pendant un certain temps.
En 1953, Webster avait enregistré ‘’The Consummate Artistry of Ben Webster’’ (un album aujourd’hui connu sous le titre de ‘’King of the Tenors’’) avec le pianiste Oscar Peterson. Ce dernier était devenu par la suite un des principaux collaborateurs de Webster dans l’enregistrement de nombreux disques au cours des dix années suivantes. Avec Peterson, le trompetiste Harry ‘’Sweets’’ Edison et plusieurs autres, Webster avait enregistré et fait des tournées avec le Jazz at the Philarmonic du producteur Norman Granz. En 1956, Webster avait également enregistré un album avec le pianiste Art Tatum, le contrebassiste Red Callender et le batteur Bill Douglass.
Le 16 décembre 1957, Webster avait enfin réalisé son rêve de collaborer avec son idole Coleman Hawkins, lorsqu’il avait enregistré l’album ‘’Coleman Hawkins Encounters Ben Webster’’ avec Oscar Peterson au piano, Herb Ellis à la guitare, Ray Brown à la contrebasse et Alvin Stoller à la batterie. Hawkins et Webster s’étaient rencontrés pour la première fois à Kansas City, la ville natale de ‘’Big Ben.’’
En 1959, Webster, qui se produisant souvent au club Renaissance de Los Angeles, avait formé un quintet avec le saxophoniste baryton Gerry Mulligan. C’est lors d’un de leurs séjours au club Renaissance que le quartet de Webster et Mulligan avait enregistré avec le chanteur Jimmy Witherspoon un album live pour l’étiquette Hi-Fi Jazz. Toujours en 1959, le quintet avait enregistré l’album ‘’Gerry Mulligan Meets Ben Webster’’ sur étiquette Verve. Le pianiste Jimmy Rowles, le contrebassiste Leroy Vinnegar et le batteur Mel Lewis participaient également à l’enregistrement. DÉCÈS ET POSTÉRITÉ À court de travail aux États-Unis, Webster, qui ne s’était jamais rendu en Europe, avait accepté en 1964 un contrat d’un mois au club de Ronnie Scott à Londres. Il n’avait plus jamais remis les pieds aux États-Unis.
En Europe, Webster avait collaboré avec d’autres musiciens américains en exil ainsi qu’avec des musiciens locaux. Webster ayant perdu sa mère Mayme et sa grande-tante Agnes Johnson en 1963, il n’avait plus vraiment d’attaches aux États-Unis (il s’était marié dans les années 1940, mais le couple n’avait pas tardé à se séparer). À la suite de la nouvelle popularité des Beatles d’une part, et du free jazz d’autre part, il faut dire que Webster était beaucoup moins en demande. Au début des années 1960, Webster avait même dû accepter de jouer au club Metropole, sur la 7e Avenue de New York, avec un groupe hybride composé de Pee Wee Russell, Buck Clayton, J.C. Higginbotham et Bud Freeman.
Lors des dix dernières années de sa carrière, Webster avait décidé de se faire plaisir. Après avoir vécu à Londres et dans quelques villes de Scandinavie durant un an, Webster avait passé trois ans à Amsterdam avant de s’installer définitivement à Copenhague en 1969. Webster avait également interprété le rôle d’un saxophoniste dans un film danois intitulé ‘’Quiet Days in Clichy’’ en 1970. L’année suivante, Webster avait renoué brièvement avec l’orchestre de Duke Ellington (avec lequel il avait enregistré un album en duo en 1965 intitulé ‘’Duke in Bed’’) dans le cadre de deux concerts donnés au Trivoli Gardens de Copenhague. Webster avait aussi enregistré un album live en France avec le pianiste Earl Hines. À la même époque, Webster avait enregistré et joué avec Buck Clayton, Bill Coleman et Teddy Wilson.
Au cours des dernières années de sa vie, Webster avait recommencé à boire. Il avait aussi pris énormément de poids. Webster avait tellement de difficulté à se déplacer qu’il avait dû avoir recours à une canne. Son jeu était même devenu à l’occasion hésitant et incohérent. En 1971, Webster avait participé à un concert à Oslo en présence du Prince de Norvège. Après le spectacle, les musiciens du groupe avaient été présentés au prince, mais Webster avait été le dernier à visiter le monarque dans sa loge parce qu’il avait des problèmes avec sa jambe. Comme l’expliquait le trompettiste Keith Smith,
"The other band leaders were through with their formal introductions . . . when the distinct sound of curses and groans grew uncomfortably nearer, echoing up the grand staircase. . . . Ben, having finally completed his ascent, staggered through the door. . . The aide—almost speechless at the break in decorum—proceeded with his introductions: 'Your Royal Highness, this is Ben Webster.' The Crown Prince nodded regally, and the aide continued, 'Mr. Webster, may I present his Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Norway,' pointing Ben nervously in the right direction, at which point Ben lunged forward, slapped the Crown Prince on the back, yelling 'Ben Webster, King of the Tenors—pleased to meet you, Prince!' "
Victime d’une crise cardiaque à Amsterdam à l’automne 1973 à la suite d’une performance au Twee Spieghels de Leiden, Ben Webster était décédé le 20 septembre de la même année. Après avoir été incinéré à Copenhague, ses cendres avaient été enterrées à l’Assisten Cemetery de la même ville. Les enregistrements privés de Webster sont conservés dans les collections de jazz de la bibliothèque de l’Université du Southern Denmark, à Odense.
Considéré comme un des musiciens les plus originaux de sa génération, Webster avait utilisé le même saxophone de 1938 jusqu’à sa mort en 1973. Dans ses dernières volontés, Webster avait donné des instructions pour que son saxophone ne soit plus jamais utilisé. Le saxophone de Webster est aujourd’hui exposé au Jazz Institute de l’Université de Rutgers à Newark, au New Jersey. Très apprécié à Copenhague, Webster a une rue qui porte son nom dans le sud de la ville.
Après la mort de Webster, l’arrangeur Billy Moore Jr. et les héritiers du saxophoniste avaient créé la Ben Webster Foundation, une organisation à but lucratif basée au Danemark.
Durant les huit années qu’il avait passées au Danemark, Webster n’avait jamais eu de gérant ou d’agent pour protéger ses droits en tant qu’artiste. En 1972, il s’était associé à Billy Moore, l’ancien arrangeur de Jimmie Lunceford. Après avoir revisité la carrière de Webster, Moore était parvenu à protéger ses droits d’auteur. Il avait par la suite fondé la Ben Webster Foundation avec les héritiers de Webster. Le dernier héritier légal de Webster, Harley Robinson de Los Angeles, avait cédé ses droits à la Fondation avec plaisir.
La Ben Webster Foundation avait été officiellement reconnue par la reine du Danemark en 1976. On peut lire dans l’acte de constitution légale de la Fondation que celle-ci avait été créée afin de soutenir ‘’the dissemination of jazz in Denmark". C’est grâce à cette fondation que les ‘’royalties’’ de Webster ont pu être partagées entre les musiciens de jazz, tant au Danemark qu’aux États-Unis. Un prix Ben Webster est aussi décerné annuellement à un jeune musicien prometteur. Même si la valeur monétaire du prix n’est pas très élevée, celui-ci est considéré comme assez prestigieux.
Avec les années, plusieurs musiciens américains avaient visité le Danemark grâce à l’aide obtenue de la Fondation. Certains avaient même joué en concert et enregistré quelques albums. Le conseil de direction de la Fondation est formé d’amis et d’amateurs de Webster. Un comité aviseur gère les droits artistiques du saxophoniste ainsi que les rééditions de ses oeuvres.
En 2009, le Ernie Wilkins’s Almost Big Band avait inauguré le Festival de jazz de Copenhague avec un concert au Copenhagen Jazzhouse. Une partie du spectacle comprenait une ‘’All Time Battle of Tenor Saxophones’’ présentée par la Webster Foundation. Un documentaire intitulé ‘’Ben Webster: The Brute and the Beautiful’’ a été réalisé en 1989 pour rendre hommage au saxophoniste.
c- 2023-2024, tous droits réservés, Les Productions de l’Imaginaire historique SOURCES : BALLIETT, Whitney. ‘’Big Ben.’’ The New Yorker, 20 août 2021. ‘’Ben Webster.’’ Wikipedia, 2023. ‘’Ben Webster.’’ Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2023.
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the-firebird69 · 4 months ago
Yeah another prick constantly says he has nothing that is too with the apartment. They're small it is not that small and their number is shrinking but they're not gone like they say and we have several bunker complexes of theirs now they have these huge ones with stashes and caches and support bunkers there but in addition to have bunkers and different locations and one of them is Northern California and he's going to have a war between Stan and the clones and he knows about your bunkers stan. And he's just about there feeding each side from about 50 complexes 30x30x90 and 20 more just to the South around San Luis Obispo 20x20x40 in California and under the mountains and his fairly big out there he's got additional bunker complexes in the south Arizona and Texas he's got five complexes each no five bases with 10 complexes each in each state they're like 30 by 30 by 90 mostly. Moving eastwards a similar thing in Mississippi and Missouri as well two in Alabama that are 10 complexes and three in Georgia that are 10 complexes and he's got stuff there. He's got four in Florida 20x20x20 and they are near the rings in mac daddy knows about it and one day he's going to attack it but he can't so these guys have been loading it up to try and take over this area and boys and annoying you guys are the biggest chatterboxes in history you have all this bunker stuff and foreigners can't get here they're locked out because of it so you're fighting each other nicely they notice that you could be cloning in an angry and discouraged about it and they noticed too that there's more of you than we mentioned so far like Jason he has hamburger complexes and they are the three states adjacent to Florida and two out of 10 are in Florida could use a complexes they are complexes each of them has high complexes five complexes in each that are 50x50x100 and it is like that game of risk and it sits out chatting about it at Stan's house and John remillard has five bases underground in Brazil and each of them has seven complexes that are like 30 by 30 by 80. And there's more and Brad has like 10 20x20x40 in Florida and they're located outside Miami mostly and they're pretty big he also has four of them in Orlando that size he's the only one there. Other systems are by the pseudo empire and they have about 50 complexes here in Florida and they're only really in one location around Orlando and they're 20x20x80 and they would not fit there no they have these all over Florida and then are about 40 of them they're 20x20x20 they're not really huge but they're massive for just Florida we need to clean all this s*** out of here empty them out we don't want them in there and there's too many s*** hands down there just too much cloning is getting to everybody and it's way passage and then just keep moving him around and keep coming out and we filed them out of the Midwest and they're a huge bunker as they left behind and we're putting hard and tops on them and taking the clay from the empire. That's kind of a basic outline it is why they're hard to get out of here.
The clones have about 40 complexes but they're not in Florida they're around it and they're 20x20x50 and they're for each they're not very huge but they're big enough and they all are infighting and it's a real pain in the ass right now the warlock fleet is cut down to about one trillion chips and yeah I just sat there and they're thinking of what to do you think you're going to try and heat up and go after our empress so I'm going to go after them and we're getting ready to we have a bunch of people that we can get to moving on them and whoever gets the ships gets the ships and they need them it's a huge battlefield and a giant hurricane waiting to go off and they all think that so tonight they're going to double their attack from last night and today from yesterday and the Eastern hemisphere. This is going to be a big deal because they're fighting now over that kind of thing Trump's bunkers are being fought over and the clones are fighting over it with the pseudo empire and Trump is going to be diminished he has a huge stashes and caches bigger than anyone and he used to them in fighting to do it and he's a moron he's just a bully that's how he got to where he is he's not really with a brain. There's other things going on but it's going to be a large scale attack on the pseudo empire including is newfound broncos they're talking about yesterday and they're going to be threat to each other's bunkers finally took forever. There's a couple of things we Post in
Thor Freya
0 notes
brookston · 5 months ago
Holidays 7.15
Arctic Sea Ice Day
Battle of Grumwald Day (Lithuania, Poland)
Be A Dork Day
Cigarette Warning Day
Civic Day (Colombia)
Day of Democracy and Freedoms (Turkey)
Day of Ukrainian Peacekeepers
Day of Visibility for Non-Monogamy
Developmental Disability Professionals Day
Disability Awareness Day (UK)
Dog Days end
Elderly Men Day (a.k.a. Unimwane Day; Kiribati)
Festival of Santa Rosalia (Sicily)
Garlic Day (French Republic)
Gorestnici begins (Fire Festival; Bulgaria; until 17th)
Hakata Gion Yamagasa (Fukuoka, Japan)
Hapshire Day (UK)
Hold a Rat Day
Hundadagar (Dog Days of Summer; Iceland) [Thru August 23]
I Love Horses Day
International Stamp Out Spiking Day
John Fogerty Day (El Cerrito, California)
Manitoba Province Day (Canada; 1870)
Manu’s Cession Day (American Samoa)
National Apprenticeship Day (India)
National Captain’s Hill Day
National Clean Beauty Day
National Donna Day
National Dork Day
National Give Something Away Day
National Health Insurance Act Day (UK)
National Leiomyosarcoma Awareness Day
National Pet Fire Safety Day
No-Hitter Day
PicantePit Pitch Day
Plastic Surgery Day
Respect Canada Day
St. Swithin's Day (UK)
715 Day
Social Media Giving Day
Sultan’s Day (Brunei)
World Firefox Day
World Youth Skills Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Black Currant Day
Gummi Worm Day
Margarine Day
National Tapioca Pudding Day
Orange Chicken Day
Independence & Related Days
Chowolia (Declared; 2020) [dissolved; 2021]
Georgia (Readmitted to the Union; 1870)
Island of Vancouver (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Montenegro (Statehood Day)
Permaria (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
3rd Monday in July
Global Hug For Your Kids Day [3rd Monday]
Guelaguetza (a.k.a. Festival of Lunes del Cerro; Oaxaca, Mexico) [Monday after 16th]
Marine Day (Japan) [3rd Monday]
Motivation Monday [Every Monday]
Munoz-Rivera Day (f.k.a. Birthday of Don Luis Muñoz Rivera; Puerto Rico Day) [3rd Monday]
National Get Out of the Doghouse Day [3rd Monday]
National Prosecco Week begins [3rd Monday]
Perseids Meteor Shower begins [Varies; thru 8.24]
President’s Day (Botswana) [3rd Monday]
Umi No Hi (Ocean Day/Marine Day; Japan) [3rd Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning July 15 (3rd Week of July)
Coral Reef Awareness Week (thru 7.21)
Rabbit Week (thru 7.21)
Festivals Beginning July 15, 2024
Clayton Restaurant Week (Clayton, Missouri) [thru 7.21]
Concert of Colors (Detroit, Michigan) [thru 7.21]
Dantz Festival (San Sebastián, Spain) [thru 7.20]
Festival Jazz à Sete (Sete, France) [thru 7.21]
Galway International Arts Festival (Galway, Ireland) [thru 7.28]
Moldejazz (Molde, Norway) [thru 7.20]
Republican National Convention (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) [thru 7.18]
Vitoria-Gasteiz Jazz Festival (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain) [thru 7.21]
Feast Days
Abhai (Syriac Orthodox)
Anne-Marie Javouhey (Christian; Saint)
Athanasius of Naples (Christian; Saint)
Barhadbesaba (Christian; Martyr)
Bernhard II, Margrave of Baden-Baden (Christian; Saint)
Bonaventure (Christian; Saint)
Bon Festival (Kantō region, Japan)
Clive Cussler (Writerism)
Confuflux (Discordian)
David of Munktorp (Christian; Saint)
Day of Rauni (Finnish Mother Goddess)
Day of Set (Ancient Egypt; Everyday Wicca)
Day of the Baptism of Rus’ (Ukraine)
Dispersion of the Apostles (No longer officially celebrated by the Catholic Church)
Donald of Ogilvy (Christian; Saint)
Edith of Polesworth (Christian; Saint)
Edith of Wilton (Christian; Saint)
Ernie Barnes (Artology)
Feast of Rowana (patron of secret knowledge of the runes; Druid/Flemish)
Ferret Down Your Trousers Day (Pastafarian)
Festival of Castor and Pollux (Ancient Rome)
Festival of the Dead (Honoring Ti-Tsang, Ruler of the Dark Underworld; Ancient China)
Forgetful Jones & Buster (Muppetism)
The Gray Man (Film; 2022)
Guido Crepax (Artology)
Helpful Hilma (Muppetism)
Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor (Christian; Saint)
Ides of July (Ancient Rome)
Iris Murdoch (Writerism)
Jacques Derrida (Writerism)
James of Nisibis (Christian; Saint)
Jan Cossiers (Artology)
St. Louis (Positivist; Saint)
Neil Gaiman Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Petal-Hopping for Beginners (Shamanism)
Plechelm (Christian; Saint)
Pompilio Pirrotti (Christian; Saint)
Queen Maeve of Connacht (Celtic Book of Days)
Quriaqos and Julietta (Christian; Saint)
Rembrandt van Rijn (Artology)
Richard Russo (Writerism)
Rosalia (Christian; Saint) [Palermo, Sicily]
Solstitium X (Pagan)
Swithin (a..k.a. Swithun; Christian; Saint)
Vladimir the Great of Kiev (Eastern Orthodox; Catholic Church)
Whamo the Rental Magician (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [27 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [40 of 71]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [33 of 60]
Belle (Anime Film; 2021)
Bullet Train (Film; 2022)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Film; 2005)
Chicken Soup with Rice: A Book of Months, by Maurice Sendak (Children’s Book; 1962)
Creedence Clearwater Revival, by Creedence Clearwater Revival (Album; 1968)
Dangerous Dan McFoo (WB MM Cartoon; 1939)
Die Hard (Film; 1988)
The Dogs of War, by Frederick Forsyth (Novel; 1974)
A Fish Called Wanda (Film; 1988)
Gangnam Style, by Psy (Song; 20912)
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Film; 1953)
Ghostbusters (Film; 2016)
Goldilocks and the Three Bears (MGM Cartoon; 1939)
The Gray Man (Film; 2022)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 2 (US Film; 2011) [#8]
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (US Film; 2009) [#6]
A Hole in the Head (Film; 1959)
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus, recorded by Jimmy Boyd (Song; 1952)
The Jeep (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1938)
The Last of the Masters, by Philip K. Dick (Short Story; 1954)
The Late Batsby (WB Cartoon; 2018)
Little Big Man, by Thomas Berger (Novel; 1964)
Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland (Animated Film; 1989)
Mandatory Fun, by Weird Al Yankovic (Album; 2014)
The Man from Monterey (Film; 1933)
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On (Animated Film; 2022)
The Past Through Tomorrow, by Robert A. Heinlein (Short Stories; 1967)
Pirates of Penzance, starring Linda Ronstadt (Musical Play in Central Park, NY; 1980)
Porky’s Picnic (WB LT Cartoon; 1939)
The Rebel Without Claws (WB LT Cartoon; 1961)
Staying Alive (Film; 1983)
Stranger Things (TV Series; 2016)
There’s Something ABout Mary (Film; 1998)
True Lies (1994)
Twitter (Social Media App; 2006)
Wedding Crashers (Film; 2005)
Whisper of the Heart (Studio Ghibli Animated Film; 1995)
Winnie the Pooh (Animated Film; 2011)
The Witch’s Cat (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1948)
Zelig (Film; 1983)
Today’s Name Days
Balduin, Bonaventura, Egon, Waldemar (Austria)
Vlada, Vladena, Vladimir (Bulgaria)
Bonaventura, Bono, Dobriša, Vlado (Croatia)
Jindřich (Czech Republic)
Apostlenes Deling (Denmark)
Ragne, Raina, Raine, Raini (Estonia)
Rauna, Rauni (Finland)
Donald, Vladimir (France)
Björn, Egon, Jakob (Germany)
Ioulitta, Kerykos, Kirykos (Greece)
Henrik, Roland (Hungary)
Bonaventura, Giacobbe, Vladimiro (Italy)
Egija, Egmonts, Egons, Rūta (Latvia)
Gerimantė, Mantas, Rozalija, Rožė (Lithuania)
Oddmund, Oddrun (Norway)
Daniel, Dawid, Dawida, Egon, Henryk, Iga, Ignacja, Ignacy, Lubomysł, Niecisław, Włodzimierz, Żegota (Poland)
Angelina (Russia)
Henrich (Slovakia)
Buenaventura (Spain)
Ragnhild, Ragnvald (Sweden)
Volodymyr, Volodymyra (Ukraine)
Baldwin, Don, Donald, Donalda, Donna, Donnell, Donnie, Dunn, Dunne, Uriel (USA)
Don, Donald, Donalda, Donaldo, Donaldson, Donita, Donell, Donn, Donnell, Donnie, Donny, Kona, MacDonald, McDonald (Universal)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 197 of 2024; 169 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of Week 29 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 9 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Xin-Wei), Day 10 (Geng-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 9 Tammuz 5784
Islamic: 8 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 17 Red; Threesday [17 of 30]
Julian: 2 July 2024
Moon: 67%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 28 Charlemagne (7th Month) [St. Louis]
Runic Half Month: Ur (Primal Strength) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 26 of 94)
Week: 3rd Week of July
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 25 of 31)
1 note · View note
brookstonalmanac · 5 months ago
Holidays 7.15
Arctic Sea Ice Day
Battle of Grumwald Day (Lithuania, Poland)
Be A Dork Day
Cigarette Warning Day
Civic Day (Colombia)
Day of Democracy and Freedoms (Turkey)
Day of Ukrainian Peacekeepers
Day of Visibility for Non-Monogamy
Developmental Disability Professionals Day
Disability Awareness Day (UK)
Dog Days end
Elderly Men Day (a.k.a. Unimwane Day; Kiribati)
Festival of Santa Rosalia (Sicily)
Garlic Day (French Republic)
Gorestnici begins (Fire Festival; Bulgaria; until 17th)
Hakata Gion Yamagasa (Fukuoka, Japan)
Hapshire Day (UK)
Hold a Rat Day
Hundadagar (Dog Days of Summer; Iceland) [Thru August 23]
I Love Horses Day
International Stamp Out Spiking Day
John Fogerty Day (El Cerrito, California)
Manitoba Province Day (Canada; 1870)
Manu’s Cession Day (American Samoa)
National Apprenticeship Day (India)
National Captain’s Hill Day
National Clean Beauty Day
National Donna Day
National Dork Day
National Give Something Away Day
National Health Insurance Act Day (UK)
National Leiomyosarcoma Awareness Day
National Pet Fire Safety Day
No-Hitter Day
PicantePit Pitch Day
Plastic Surgery Day
Respect Canada Day
St. Swithin's Day (UK)
715 Day
Social Media Giving Day
Sultan’s Day (Brunei)
World Firefox Day
World Youth Skills Day (UN)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Black Currant Day
Gummi Worm Day
Margarine Day
National Tapioca Pudding Day
Orange Chicken Day
Independence & Related Days
Chowolia (Declared; 2020) [dissolved; 2021]
Georgia (Readmitted to the Union; 1870)
Island of Vancouver (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Montenegro (Statehood Day)
Permaria (Declared; 2022) [unrecognized]
3rd Monday in July
Global Hug For Your Kids Day [3rd Monday]
Guelaguetza (a.k.a. Festival of Lunes del Cerro; Oaxaca, Mexico) [Monday after 16th]
Marine Day (Japan) [3rd Monday]
Motivation Monday [Every Monday]
Munoz-Rivera Day (f.k.a. Birthday of Don Luis Muñoz Rivera; Puerto Rico Day) [3rd Monday]
National Get Out of the Doghouse Day [3rd Monday]
National Prosecco Week begins [3rd Monday]
Perseids Meteor Shower begins [Varies; thru 8.24]
President’s Day (Botswana) [3rd Monday]
Umi No Hi (Ocean Day/Marine Day; Japan) [3rd Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning July 15 (3rd Week of July)
Coral Reef Awareness Week (thru 7.21)
Rabbit Week (thru 7.21)
Festivals Beginning July 15, 2024
Clayton Restaurant Week (Clayton, Missouri) [thru 7.21]
Concert of Colors (Detroit, Michigan) [thru 7.21]
Dantz Festival (San Sebastián, Spain) [thru 7.20]
Festival Jazz à Sete (Sete, France) [thru 7.21]
Galway International Arts Festival (Galway, Ireland) [thru 7.28]
Moldejazz (Molde, Norway) [thru 7.20]
Republican National Convention (Milwaukee, Wisconsin) [thru 7.18]
Vitoria-Gasteiz Jazz Festival (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain) [thru 7.21]
Feast Days
Abhai (Syriac Orthodox)
Anne-Marie Javouhey (Christian; Saint)
Athanasius of Naples (Christian; Saint)
Barhadbesaba (Christian; Martyr)
Bernhard II, Margrave of Baden-Baden (Christian; Saint)
Bonaventure (Christian; Saint)
Bon Festival (Kantō region, Japan)
Clive Cussler (Writerism)
Confuflux (Discordian)
David of Munktorp (Christian; Saint)
Day of Rauni (Finnish Mother Goddess)
Day of Set (Ancient Egypt; Everyday Wicca)
Day of the Baptism of Rus’ (Ukraine)
Dispersion of the Apostles (No longer officially celebrated by the Catholic Church)
Donald of Ogilvy (Christian; Saint)
Edith of Polesworth (Christian; Saint)
Edith of Wilton (Christian; Saint)
Ernie Barnes (Artology)
Feast of Rowana (patron of secret knowledge of the runes; Druid/Flemish)
Ferret Down Your Trousers Day (Pastafarian)
Festival of Castor and Pollux (Ancient Rome)
Festival of the Dead (Honoring Ti-Tsang, Ruler of the Dark Underworld; Ancient China)
Forgetful Jones & Buster (Muppetism)
The Gray Man (Film; 2022)
Guido Crepax (Artology)
Helpful Hilma (Muppetism)
Henry II, Holy Roman Emperor (Christian; Saint)
Ides of July (Ancient Rome)
Iris Murdoch (Writerism)
Jacques Derrida (Writerism)
James of Nisibis (Christian; Saint)
Jan Cossiers (Artology)
St. Louis (Positivist; Saint)
Neil Gaiman Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Petal-Hopping for Beginners (Shamanism)
Plechelm (Christian; Saint)
Pompilio Pirrotti (Christian; Saint)
Queen Maeve of Connacht (Celtic Book of Days)
Quriaqos and Julietta (Christian; Saint)
Rembrandt van Rijn (Artology)
Richard Russo (Writerism)
Rosalia (Christian; Saint) [Palermo, Sicily]
Solstitium X (Pagan)
Swithin (a..k.a. Swithun; Christian; Saint)
Vladimir the Great of Kiev (Eastern Orthodox; Catholic Church)
Whamo the Rental Magician (Muppetism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fortunate Day (Pagan) [27 of 53]
Lucky Day (Philippines) [40 of 71]
Sakimake (先負 Japan) [Bad luck in the morning, good luck in the afternoon.]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [33 of 60]
Belle (Anime Film; 2021)
Bullet Train (Film; 2022)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Film; 2005)
Chicken Soup with Rice: A Book of Months, by Maurice Sendak (Children’s Book; 1962)
Creedence Clearwater Revival, by Creedence Clearwater Revival (Album; 1968)
Dangerous Dan McFoo (WB MM Cartoon; 1939)
Die Hard (Film; 1988)
The Dogs of War, by Frederick Forsyth (Novel; 1974)
A Fish Called Wanda (Film; 1988)
Gangnam Style, by Psy (Song; 20912)
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Film; 1953)
Ghostbusters (Film; 2016)
Goldilocks and the Three Bears (MGM Cartoon; 1939)
The Gray Man (Film; 2022)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows — Part 2 (US Film; 2011) [#8]
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (US Film; 2009) [#6]
A Hole in the Head (Film; 1959)
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus, recorded by Jimmy Boyd (Song; 1952)
The Jeep (Fleischer Popeye Cartoon; 1938)
The Last of the Masters, by Philip K. Dick (Short Story; 1954)
The Late Batsby (WB Cartoon; 2018)
Little Big Man, by Thomas Berger (Novel; 1964)
Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland (Animated Film; 1989)
Mandatory Fun, by Weird Al Yankovic (Album; 2014)
The Man from Monterey (Film; 1933)
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On (Animated Film; 2022)
The Past Through Tomorrow, by Robert A. Heinlein (Short Stories; 1967)
Pirates of Penzance, starring Linda Ronstadt (Musical Play in Central Park, NY; 1980)
Porky’s Picnic (WB LT Cartoon; 1939)
The Rebel Without Claws (WB LT Cartoon; 1961)
Staying Alive (Film; 1983)
Stranger Things (TV Series; 2016)
There’s Something ABout Mary (Film; 1998)
True Lies (1994)
Twitter (Social Media App; 2006)
Wedding Crashers (Film; 2005)
Whisper of the Heart (Studio Ghibli Animated Film; 1995)
Winnie the Pooh (Animated Film; 2011)
The Witch’s Cat (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1948)
Zelig (Film; 1983)
Today’s Name Days
Balduin, Bonaventura, Egon, Waldemar (Austria)
Vlada, Vladena, Vladimir (Bulgaria)
Bonaventura, Bono, Dobriša, Vlado (Croatia)
Jindřich (Czech Republic)
Apostlenes Deling (Denmark)
Ragne, Raina, Raine, Raini (Estonia)
Rauna, Rauni (Finland)
Donald, Vladimir (France)
Björn, Egon, Jakob (Germany)
Ioulitta, Kerykos, Kirykos (Greece)
Henrik, Roland (Hungary)
Bonaventura, Giacobbe, Vladimiro (Italy)
Egija, Egmonts, Egons, Rūta (Latvia)
Gerimantė, Mantas, Rozalija, Rožė (Lithuania)
Oddmund, Oddrun (Norway)
Daniel, Dawid, Dawida, Egon, Henryk, Iga, Ignacja, Ignacy, Lubomysł, Niecisław, Włodzimierz, Żegota (Poland)
Angelina (Russia)
Henrich (Slovakia)
Buenaventura (Spain)
Ragnhild, Ragnvald (Sweden)
Volodymyr, Volodymyra (Ukraine)
Baldwin, Don, Donald, Donalda, Donna, Donnell, Donnie, Dunn, Dunne, Uriel (USA)
Don, Donald, Donalda, Donaldo, Donaldson, Donita, Donell, Donn, Donnell, Donnie, Donny, Kona, MacDonald, McDonald (Universal)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 197 of 2024; 169 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of Week 29 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 9 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Xin-Wei), Day 10 (Geng-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 9 Tammuz 5784
Islamic: 8 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 17 Red; Threesday [17 of 30]
Julian: 2 July 2024
Moon: 67%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 28 Charlemagne (7th Month) [St. Louis]
Runic Half Month: Ur (Primal Strength) [Day 7 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 26 of 94)
Week: 3rd Week of July
Zodiac: Cancer (Day 25 of 31)
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