#Mission Critical
swan2swan · 2 months
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Camp Cretaceous does NOT condone child violence!!!
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jasper-rolls · 2 years
Mission Critical (Unatco Combat) - Michiel van den Bos [Conspiravision: Deus Ex Remixed]
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stealingpotatoes · 11 months
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hands you all this cal to announce i’ve FINALLY finished fallen order (by which i mean i finally picked it up again after those couple hours i played a few months ago and then finished the whole game in 2 days lol)
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jadequarze · 8 months
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Replaying ME2 Suicide Mission ost while drawing Imogen with a long coat inspired by the new ME trailer. In my silly little zone
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lightningtitties · 3 months
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"you think I'll have a problem with it?" "likely."
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piratespencilart · 2 months
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Every time I sit down to draw Ashton I'm like "oh god their design is too complicated this is gonna be a nightmare" and then every time I actually draw them I'm like "oh :) that was fun actually."
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bargu · 1 year
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Discreet mission failure. And they say she can't dance x'D The mission was to mingle subtly in some kind of fancy party, but good old Shepard couldn't help herself. Wanted to draw ME-version of one of my favourite vines. Art & Selene © me Mass Effect by Bioware, do not copy
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annemarieyeretzian · 3 months
ashley: *doing something innocuous* sam, the instant he notices: how can I be so 😍 about this
ashley and sam being besties,,, I always love to see it
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pharawee · 11 months
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chieftwitelon · 4 months
Laura Bailey wore this outfit/hairstyle combo for the Sapphics
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mother was ready to feed us from the get-go
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maddyscrsideblog · 5 months
In agony over Orym's upfront ruthless determination to complete the mission and make sure everyone else does what they have to do and his hidden, secret deal to make sure everyone makes it home safe in exchange for spending the rest of his life in service
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solivagantingrebel · 6 months
The "Actually, I believe he prefers to be—" "That'll do." Exchange lives rent-free in my brain like. What was Soap going to say? Was it 'L.t'? But I think technically Alejandro is higher ranked than him (Ghost) right(?) So I'm not sure if that works entirely and 'L.t' seems to be something that other marines/or soldiers under their command picks up anyway (probably from Soap idk, but others do call Ghost that). Was it like, 'Simon' or 'Si'? I know he calls Ghost Simon occasionally and maybe the quick shutdown of Soap's sentence comes from Ghost wanting to keep the emotional distance from others. But considering the absolute vitriol of which Ghost says, nay spits, "That'll do." I wonder if Soap has gotten away with introducing Ghost with the stupidest names, like 'Ghostie' or 'Sisi', in the past 💀
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fair-art · 9 months
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We started this blog to find and support a human artist in the face of AI taking over the Dragon Age art tag some months ago. Through community effort, we managed to fund a commission of a stained-glass Blackwall portrait from a human artist, and also hopefully inspired others to create authentic human art in this style!
In a fandom brimming over with talented human beings, it was a tough choice settling on just one person that would reclaim the artwork concept from AI, but at last, our artist reported back to us with finished work! We are very excited to see it come to fruition! Be sure to support this gorgeous piece, and others like it, as an affirmation that passion and enthusiasm for genuine human creativity will always prevail.
The artist has also provided a high-res image, so if you are one of the lovely people who backed the Ko-Fi goal, expect Mod Judith to reach out to you, once her irl obligations allow, and arrange for a postcard with the artwork to be sent to you, as a permanent reminder that you contributed to supporting human-made art.
Thank you for taking with journey with us!
Mod Zefirka (and Mod Judith!)
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stormikins · 2 months
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strong urge to write an Obey Me fic where MC figured out really fast human fascinate demons for many reasons and gets a Devilhub account. they're really popular on it really fast. but the thing is
they're just doing normal shit and chatting about what life is like in the human realm
and demons go wild for it
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aeons-behind · 3 months
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critical role c3e90: a story told in captions
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