#Miss Pauling x reader
aerowolf · 6 months
the mercs realize it's your bday and you didn't tell anyone because your family doesn't do birthdays
I’m so sorry this is a mess between British and American english. I have an American parent and a Canadian one so it messed me up lolll
if didn't include a Merc you wanted, feel free to request and I'll try and add them :]
includes: Miss Pauling & offense classes
cute platonic, gn!reader
warnings: n/a, this is basically all fluff
You'd rather not make a big deal of it being your birthday, even though it is you were taught that birthdays aren't a big deal and your family never really did them.
You kind of wish someone would care but you feel guilty about that so you choose not to tell anyone about it
The only one of these who actually knows it's your birthday is Miss Pauling, who’s seen your personnel files
Miss Pauling
She knows it's your birthday, and instead of ignoring it she decides to at least discreetly make it a good day for you
She arrives on base for a routine inspection, clipboard in hand, but once she's done with the main thing, instead of leaving, she comes to your room
"I saw that it's your birthday today. I don't know if you celebrate, or anything, but, uh, I thought you'd like a gift. Maybe."
She hands you a box, inside are some candy bars and a plush of a bear
"I know it's not exactly the nicest thing, and I know it's kinda... stereotypical... but, y'know, I thought you'd like something. So, happy birthday. From me.” She’s really shy about it, you get the feeling she didn’t--probably still doesn’t--really get to celebrate birthdays either. 
She offers you a ride on her motorbike, something nice, on the open road--away from this base for a little while. You accept, taking a seat behind her, enjoying the open air--though it is pretty hot out. You guys talk, just enjoying the time.
She smiles at you as you get back. “Happy birthday. You deserve it.”
You thank her and even give her a hug. It’s nice that you got this for once. 
He has no idea whatsoever that it’s your birthday. He’s interacting with you like usual, teasing you, just hanging out. You’re happy as you talk that day; he’s always good at making you laugh and smile.
At some point he notices that you’re a little down, as much as you may try to hide it, he can tell. You’re his friend, and even though he might act like he doesn’t care sometimes, you know he does. A lot.
You tell yourself you don’t want anything on your birthday, that it’s easier if no one knows, but secretly, you do.
“Hey, what’s up? C’mon, ya know I can tell when something’s wrong.” 
You tell him it’s nothing. 
“You sure? Really? You’re kinda… I dunno, sadder than usual.” After he asks a few times, you finally come out and tell him. You don’t say much. Just “It’s my birthday.”
“No kiddin’? Well, why didn’t ya tell me?” He comes off pretty strong. You feel kind of apologetic for mentioning it, and look away from him. “Aw, hey. Y’know what--it don’t matter. I’m gonna throw you a party like you ain’t never seen, believe me.”
You try to tell him you don’t want a party--well, you do. Maybe. No you don’t. Well, sure. But not a big one. He’s really sweet and enthusiastic about it. “Someone like you deserves a big birthday--but if you don’t want it, dat’s okay. Ya know, we could just hang out, or somethin’. You n’ me, yeah?” 
You tell him you’d like that a lot. You both find a quiet spot in the base where you can just talk. He messes around, too, and pops in a Tom Jones record. 
He’s a little shy, a little embarrassed, but he even sings happy birthday to you. He just seems glad no one can hear him. He doesn’t have a gift handy for you, but he ends up scribbling you a quick doodle of him telling you happy birthday. It’s misspelt, but the drawing is cute, and you keep it. “I hope ya had a good day. I’m just sorry I didn’t know sooner.” You tell him that it wasn’t his fault, how could he have known? 
After all is done, he gives you an awkward hug. You smile and return it.
He’s a little crazy so he’s just hanging around base, today he had the idea to strip and cover himself in honey, so everyone has had to convince him to please not do that, and now he’s just moping around, muttering about how anti patriotic this all is.
You sit next to him and mope as well. Unlike him, no one knows the reason you’re moping. To anyone else’s point of view, you’re just comforting him--for whatever weird reason. But he sees that you’re just as sad as him.
“What’s wrong, maggot? Is there someone who needs to see my fists meet their face?”
You tell him no, no one did anything. You’re a little intimidated by him, and you don’t see much reason to tell him anyways. But it’s nice sitting with a friend. 
“If it’s not a person, then… it must be an object! Give it to me and I will destroy it immediately.” He’s being as sweet as he can, you smile and shake your head.
You sit there for a bit, smiling as you watch the other mercs come and go. Today isn’t a bad day, just a little sad. Later, you plan to find some kind of sweet treat to eat alone.
Soldier stands up, at attention, and points at you. “MAGGOT, AS YOUR SUPERIOR AND SENIOR, I ORDER YOU TO TELL ME WHAT IS WRONG!”
With a sad smile and a chuckle you finally tell him.
“Your birthday?” Soldier seems genuinely surprised. He places a hand on his chin and thinks. “We cannot go without celebrating! This is momentous!”
Although you try to protest, he turns to the base, stating to every other merc, “LISTEN UP! IT IS Y/N’S BIRTHDAY AND WE WILL CELEBRATE!” 
He makes it his personal mission to decorate for a party that very evening, even gets a cake and everything. He makes every other merc sing happy birthday with him. Maybe this isn’t so bad.
You give him a big hug, and he is surprised at first, but proceeds to give a gentle laugh and hug back.
You see Pyro colouring with crayons and coloured pencils on their break, and you sit by them. You don’t really understand what they’re saying a lot of the time, but you enjoy hanging out with them. It’s a long period of silence before you join them in colouring. Regardless of your artistic skills, they’re impressed and encourage you, and are very happy when you show them what you’ve been working on. 
After a little while you get kind of bored and sad. You’ve tried to enjoy this day but it’s another bittersweet birthday. You’re happy to hang out with Pyro though, even though they don’t know what day it is.
Pyro notices that you’ve stopped colouring with them, and that you’re looking at the ground instead, messing with the cracks in the floor.
“Huddah hrmmf mmmrph?” You don’t understand what they’re saying exactly, but you smile at them. They seem to be asking what’s wrong, why you stopped, why you seem so sad.
You hesitate for a moment before finally confessing. They seem to mostly understand what you mean, and they lean back, thinking. 
After a few seconds, they stand up and help pull you off the floor. They point to their room, and you follow them. It’s an odd combination of scorch marks, colourful drawings, weapons, and art supplies. They lead you to a wardrobe and pull out a box. 
Surprisingly, you can see that it's fully wrapped. Did they somehow know it was your birthday? Do they keep these gifts on hand for the mercs?
You won’t get an answer, but they excitedly push it out and offer it to you. “Huddah hmmph!” They sound almost like they are smiling behind the mask. You take the box and open it. It’s got crayons, pencils, and… wow, that’s a drawing of you and them.
You smile, almost ready to tear up, and thank them. You give them a hug, and you notice that they’re hugging you back even harder. Maybe they don’t really understand, but this is sweet.
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wisteriaiswriting · 4 months
General Dating Headcanons With Miss Pauling
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Words: 230
She is aware of the lack of time she has to actually spend with you due to her work.
Makes even the smallest amount of time each day or so to call and talk with you. (Talk about anything but work.)
Will send you plenty of gifts throughout the year.
Especially huge or even more plentiful presents are sent on any special days / events.
Absolutely can not cook, has never had time before so she’s never bothered.
So, if either of you two are cooking it’s highly likely to be you. (If you can’t cook as well, then she’s fine with eating and / or paying for takeaway.)
Please make her lunch for a day, she'll be falling head over heels in love all over again.
She could pull a few strings to get you an easy job with her.
Totally isn’t so she can spend more time with you, absolutely not! (100% is.)
Whenever she has the chance to cuddle she’s always the little spoon.
Would prefer to hold your hand in her own, laying them in front of you two.
Thanks to the administrator she has a near constant view on you.
Really tries her best to keep you out of trouble.
If needed she’ll go to the mercs to help her out.
To her it's the end of the world if you ever get injured under her care.
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rabbittf2x · 1 year
Arg okay so- I recently got a hyperfixation on this 15 year old game, and have been desperately searching around for content like a hungry raccoon. I can not understate my excitement when I found this blog was active, so preemptively, thank u for posting in general 🫶
I would also like to say that I am extremely touch deprived, and usually avoid affection, that is until I’m super tired or drunk. Then I start confessing my love like a poet in a bad historical fiction. Like I just can’t help how in love I am with this person and don’t have the energy to hide it. How would the mercs be with someone like that? If you don’t feel like writing all of them just Sniper, Scout, and Miss Pauling. Thank you so much for ur time ❤️🫶
Ur very welcome!💖 sorry this took so long or if it’s weird😵‍💫 been busy and a bit uninspired🥴💖 pls enjoy!
TouchStarved!Reader confesses to mercs and Miss Pauling
Includes: Scout, Sniper and Miss Pauling
You could tell Scout liked you. To his awkward touching to poor flirting, all the way down to his constant attempts of impressing you (which almost always resulted in him dead). You liked him back, but didn’t know how to tell him. Work always got in the way
One night after taking a shower, you trudged back to your room in your pyjamas. You swung the door open, so ready to sleep when you spotted a certain someone sitting on your bed
“Oh, hey, Scout. So weird! I thought that this was my room!” You gasped sarcastically
Scout laughed nervously, and you smiled back playfully. You crept over and sat next to him on your bed, placing a hand on his shoulder
“What’s up? You have a nightmare again?” You continued to tease
Scout sputtered bashfully, trying to ignore your hand on him. You both liked it though. You loved how warm and toned he felt
“You’re real funny. Ya know that?” He chuckled. “But no. There was something I actually wanted to ask you…”
Your tired eyes slowly blinked, and your hand on Scout’s shoulder slowly slung around his neck. He seemed surprised at your gesture, cheeks growing red
“Me too…” you whispered
He stared at you wide eyed, but you were too sleepy to meet his gaze. Craving his warmness, you moved both of your arms around his neck and inched closer to him
“I know I don’t show it all the time, but I do like you. You’re sweet.” You smiled tiredly
Scout sputtered for his words again, but didn’t get very far. You let out a soft chuckle, inching closer to him
“Really? That was… kinda what I was gonna tell you.” He finally managed to choke out
You grabbed one of Scout’s bandaged hands, and gently placed it on your waist. He quickly got the memo, and immediately wrapped his arms around you. You hummed in content, feeling as if you could fall asleep right there
You pulled Scout into a desperate kiss, cupping his face and not letting him get away for a second. Not that he wanted to… you loved the way his hands slid up your sides, feeling you up before finding their way into your hair
You and the whole team were celebrating a great win one night at the base. Well, almost the whole team. Sniper was missing, hiding away in his van outside. After sharing a few drinks with the others, you finally mustered up the courage to go retrieve him
You stumbled out of the base, walking towards the old camper van out front. Your fist bashed against the door, hearing an annoyed grunt from behind it
“Sniper…” you called
The Sniper’s footsteps shook the van momentarily until he stopped at the door, swinging it open to find you there smiling
“What do ya want?” He demanded
You swayed slightly from the alcohol, but caught yourself on his van. “Why aren’t you inside? Everyone’s in there having fun!” You asked
Sniper rolled his eyes with a groan, moving to slam the door shut. Before he could, you forcefully pushed it back
“Wait, wait, wait!” You protested
He growled your name, “what?” He spat
“You don’t have to be mean to me. I just… miss you.”
Sniper opened the door fully, making you stumble forward before catching yourself. He looked down at you with a frown, but then sighed
“Fine.” He grunted, turning back into the van but leaving the door open
You scampered in after him, watching him sit back down on his messy bed. You swayed there awkwardly for a second, before moving down to sit on the floor
“Just sit here.” Sniper interrupted, patting the spot next to him once
You quickly obeyed, perching yourself next to him. He stared at you for a few moments, finally noticing how drunk you really were
“Go back inside.” He said
You shook your head. “No, not without you.” You touched his arm, but was quick to recoil back
Sniper’s shoulders slumped and he rolled his eyes. “You don’t need me. Go back inside.” He repeated sternly
“But I like you. It’s not the same without you.” You frowned
The dark van was silent as you stared at each other. Sniper sighed again, and planted a hand on your shoulder. You nearly purred in response, inching closer
“I do, you know? I really like you.” You whispered
You gazed lovingly into his eyes, setting a hand on top of his that still sat on your shoulder. Sniper stared back, but with a more surprised look on his face
“Yer drunk… ya know that, right?” He said
You laughed breathlessly, leaning in even closer and setting your other hand on his thigh. “I know what I’m saying.” You purred
Sniper took his hands away and cupped your face with them. He ran his fingers through your hair, and you were practically melting at the touch. He leaned in to press a small kiss to your lips, not letting it linger for too long. Even though you wanted it to last forever…
Miss Pauling💖
Miss Pauling came to visit you and the other mercs at your base. You were pretty tired from working all day, but toughed it out to hang out with her anyway. You knew she liked wine, so you snatched something red from Spy’s smoking room
It was late and all the other mercs had gone to bed. You and Miss Pauling sat at the blackjack table alone, laughing together. You had your chair pressed up against hers just a little too close, but she didn’t seem to mind. You took a sip of your wine as she giggled about something, but you were too tipsy to understand what
You just glanced back at the women, setting your glass down with a smile. She stopped laughing after a bit, meeting your blurry gaze. The dim light above you flickered ever so softly, giving your lonely eyes a dull twinkle
“Miss Pauling…” you whispered
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, trying to get the drunken words out. They didn’t come though, and it all went quiet. You glanced back up at Miss Pauling, noticing that she had been staring at you the whole time
You felt so cold and alone. You craved the girl’s touch as you knew it would be sweet. Instead of speaking up again, you just went in for the kiss. Miss Pauling almost immediately leaned in as well. You couldn’t believe she was so keen to kiss you back. You had no time to tense up or be shocked though. All you could do was melt into it
Miss Pauling placed her hands on your chest, then slid them up to wrap her arms around your neck. You made a happy noise into the kiss, in which she smiled in return. You wasted no time to slip your arms around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer
You were desperate to kiss her forever, but you had to pull away to catch your breath. You gave her small, gentle kisses as you did so, keeping your arms around her
“Miss Pauling, I…” you breathed, gazing into her green eyes
Miss Pauling blushed and fixed her crooked glasses. “Yeah…?” She smiled shyly
“I kinda like you.”
You felt dumb saying that now. It was quite obvious, how you were practically on top of her. Miss Pauling’s smile widened, and she brought a hand up to stroke some hair from your face. You nearly purred, leaning into her touch happily
“I kinda like you too.” She giggled softly
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southeofficeworker · 8 months
What does your tf2 kin say about you? Part 2
id do one post but theres characters limit.
On your good side/green flags:
×Youre a clever guy and you know it.
×Youre a sweetheart, at least when it's useful or you trust the person.
×Youre always there for people, no matter who they are, you're willing to listen.
×Youre cautious enough, but you're willing to do whatever is needed for the job. Except you're actually good in it, like, really.
×Youre a chill guy, and love a good relaxing day, if you have one.
Your bad side/red flags:
×Youre two faces, yes, you're a sweet guy, but you'd take no time doing a bloody revenge with a little cute grin on your face
×You have god complex, but you hide it good enough.
×You can be very crude at times, though in a way that people don't realise you just mocked them.
×Youre workaholic and won't stop till the job is done, even if it takes no eating and sleeping at all.
Your love language: quality time, acts of service or physical touch
On your good side/green flags:
×Youre responsible, you'll whine about it, but you'll still get whatever needs to be done, because you don't trust it with others
×You get the job done no matter what, even if it involves stabbing someone, of course you'll do the last part only if you have plan B if something will go wrong.
×Youre an interesting person to talk to, but you don't have much friends because you're the strange one.
×You have a very morbid humour and curiousity, not bad but not good. Just don't carve people's organs out.
On your bad side/red flags:
×You have both, god complex and a shitty self worth. You think you deserve everything and nothing.
×You can rely on people too much and be too demanding.
×You had a trauma, and it changed you in a bad way.
×You have a very morbid humour and curiousity, not bad, but not good either.
×In conclusion, youre a hypocrite with little sadistic tendicies who can't normally read people and react accordingly the situation.
Your love language might be: quality time, acts of service or words of affirmation
On your good side/green flags:
×Youre a cool guy, you like adventures and stars.
×You don't have a lot of friends, but you're very loyal. It can take years for you to trust someone fully though.
×You aren't the person to get in conflicts, and if you do, you try your best to ignore it.
×Youre a strange one, and you don't care.
×You like physical touch, but you'll stiff when someone touches you.
×You probably have some hyperfixations which you keep to yourself.
On your bad side/red flags:
×You convinced yourself you're better off alone. You're used to it, and you have no idea how to react to kindness or new people without being paranoid.
×You hide your emotions till they bottle up and you break down.
×Youre a professional in whatever sphere you have chosen, until the situations falls from control.
×Youre getting very quiet when focused, to the point you might creep people out by silence.
×People always tell you to socialise more and you brush them off, 'im content with being by myself'
Your love language: basically anything, more likely quality time or acts or service
On your good side/green flags:
×Youre actually a nice guy when you warm up to people(if you can do that)
×Youre protective over the one's you love, but in a cat way. But once people make a comment on that you might stop.
×People might dislike you, but most of them go for you for an advice, especially if dating advice. And if you never had a relationship, you're good in pretending.
×Youre more on a quiet side, but if you're comfortable, and you actually trust the person, then you get extremely talkative, well, till you won't get bored.
×You can be stealthy when you want to. You can be helpful. But you'll do it only if you'll get something from it.
×You can easily adapt to new situations.
On your bad side/red flags:
×You run away from responsibility, but youre still number one to take it if no once will act on it.
×You are scared of commitment, and you don't like people. You'd do anything to push them away, even of it involves lying about your whole identity and actions. Involves acting like an absolute asshole.
×You can't let yourself get close to anyone, once you did and regretted it. You don't want it to happen again. Even if you knew the person for 10 years, you'll never trust them fully. What if they'll betray you? What if they'll suddenly realize you're actually not a good person? Hell, you don't even trust yourself.
×You think your past is forgotten, but it always comes back to you, be it a person from the past, or just something else. That involves no one knowing the real details about your past.
×You can easily get bored by people, even if you loved someone dearly, the unexpected disgust will come out and you'll be slightly anxious about it.
×You pretend you're alright with people disliking you, and you even make it into crudy jokes, but deep down you actually care for reassurance and affection, not like you'll ever admit it though. You still might slap a person if they'll touch you.
One of your love languages might be: quality time, words of affirmation or gift gifting.
Additional, in short:
If you kin this woman, I'd say you're a hardworking person who always gets overworked no matter what. But if the jobs needs to be done? It'll be done.
You avoid any attachments and try to keep a quiet life, which doesn't always work.You tend to ignore people, give them a cold shoulder, but if people get to know you, you're an exciting person, just you dont show that often.
You'd enjoy quality time with people, and acts of service because you don't get a lot of time for yourself.
Get sleep. Medic & Engi kins, you too.
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meiliarotten · 11 months
Team Fortress 2 Kinktober Time Three: Return of the Kink
Day 7: A Cure For Workaholism (Cunnilingus)
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Pairing: Ms. Pauling x Fem!Reader
Summary: Pauling has just a government ordered vacation. Being, well, herself, she has absolutely no idea how to function without work, so you help her relax in your own special way.
Tags: Oral, comfort, aftercare, Pauling deserves a damn break
Word Count: 2.4k
The Masterlist
A vacation. An extended vacation ordered by the literal government of New Mexico. Pauling, the Miss Pauling, workaholic extraordinaire, was going on vacation. You almost didn’t believe the news when she told you, insisting that she pinch you hard to make absolutely sure you weren’t dreaming. Well, you weren’t dreaming, and now your arm was sore, but that didn’t matter. You had several months to spend, uninterrupted, with your girlfriend, and nothing could bring you down.
So of course the first order of business was a lengthy date night, something the two of you hadn’t enjoyed since your college years. Pauling was honestly surprised you had stuck with her this long. She was working almost constantly, and even on her one day off a year, she was usually too tired to do anything substantial with you. She had told you as much, but you always responded with the fact that she meant far too much to you to let work get in the way. That didn’t mean you weren’t ecstatic to hear about this vacation though, so much so that by the end of the night, once the two of you had returned home, you began planning trips to all the places the two of you had ever dreamt of going.
“We have to see Paris,” you insisted, pointing enthusiastically at a map you had pinned to the bedroom wall. “We can’t spend your entire vacation just going to weapon expos.”
Pauling gave you a confused look. “I thought you enjoyed going to gun shows with me.”
“I do! But it feels much too work-adjacent for you. You have to really get out there! Forget about your job for a while and just live,” you explained, circling the capital of France with a red marker and making the decision final.
“I guess so,” Pauling said. She didn’t sound convinced. You sidled up beside her on the bed with a smirk.
“It’ll be fun,” you said, pecking her cheek. “It’s the city of love.”
When she didn’t respond you continued to leave light, ghostly kisses down her jaw and to her neck. She sighed, tilting her head to the side to expose more of that sensitive skin to you. You were careful not to leave hickeys. You knew how much Pauling hated needing to cover them up for work- but wait, Pauling didn’t have work, and she wouldn’t for a very long time. That realization was enough to send you into a frenzy, sucking hard on the skin of her neck until a few faint bruises formed. She moaned so sweetly for you when you did that.
“That feels good, doesn’t it?” you whispered, your breath tickling Pauling’s ear and sending a shiver down her spine. “It’s nice to let loose, isn’t it?”
“I suppose so,” she said, and you immediately took note of her tone of voice. She sounded deeply concerned. You pulled back to look at her and her face was pinched with worry.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, worried that you had said or done something amiss. However when you really took a moment to look at her, you realized she wasn’t meeting your gaze. Instead, her eyes were glued behind you, at the wall. No, not the wall, but the wall mounted clock.
That’s when realization struck. Even after being legally ordered to take a break, she couldn’t stop thinking about schedules, deadlines, and work. It was like that damn job had altered her brain chemistry. Honestly, you wouldn’t be surprised if it had. She was probably counting down the seconds until she could return to her mile-a-minute life, running errands for the Administrator, burying bodies, and god knows what else.
With that, your goal was set. You would make sure this clinical workaholic got the stress relief she needed and deserved. It was about time Pauling got to be pampered and tended to. “Hey, how about I make this all about you tonight?” you said. Sure enough, that proposal was met with visible confusion.
“You don’t want me to do anything for you?” Pauling asked.
“It’s your first day of vacation. I don’t want you to do anything for me. I don’t want you worrying about anything at all.” You gave her a quick peck on the cheek, and you could’ve sworn she made a soft noise of surprise when you did. It was adorable. “Do you think you can manage that?”
Pauling almost instinctively answered ‘no.’ The very concept of having nothing to do, or even being expected to do nothing, was completely foreign to her. It was frightening. But there was a chance it could be nice. Especially now, with you straddling her lap, trying to gently push her back onto the bed, kissing her as if you were trying to memorize every feature of her face through your lips alone.
“Hey, is everything alright?” you asked, stopping just short of waving a hand in front of her face to see if she had gone catatonic. Pauling realized she hadn’t responded for quite a while.
“Yes! Yes, sorry,” she said suddenly, shaking her head. “Everything’s fine. So, do I just… lay back?”
“Sure, if you want to,” you said with a small laugh. Pauling blushed, glancing away from you.
“Sorry, I'm not good at this whole ‘relaxing’ thing. I honestly don’t know what to do.” It was said like a confession, but you had known her long enough that this didn’t come as a surprise.
“You don’t have to apologize.” You reassured her with a soft smile, rubbing gentle circle over her hips.
“It’s almost easier to have someone telling me what to do.” Now that admission got some gears turning in your head.
“I can do that for you,” you suggested, almost too enthusiastically. You quickly adjusted your tone. “Only if you want to, of course.”
Pauling thought for a moment. It seemed strange to spend the first day of her vacation listening to someone else telling her what to do, but the idea was oddly comforting as well. “Yeah, I think I would like that. At least until I get the hang of this.”
You nodded, trying not to feel too sad at the fact that Pauling had to ‘get the hang of’ relaxing. She really had been worked to the bone by that damn Administrator. “Alright. Sit on the edge of the bed for me,” you said. Without hesitation, she shifted towards you, and you positioned yourself on the floor, seated between her legs. “I want you to sit up, that way you can see everything I’m doing. If you feel uncomfortable at any point, just let me know. I’ll stop.”
“I understand,” Pauling said with a nod. You didn’t miss how her voice seemed to shake slightly, lacking its usual steadiness. You had a feeling you were about to see a side of her that you had never seen before.
Leaning in, you began to kiss your way up her inner thighs. Pauling’s reaction was immediate, trapping her lower lip between her teeth as she watched you. She looked unsure, but very curious. It was an adorable look for the normally well put together, confident woman. She tried to stay calm, taking deep breaths that quickly became heavy when your kisses grew closer and closer to the intersection of her thighs-
The sound Pauling made was entirely involuntary, a short, low moan elicited by the feeling of your tongue flicking tentatively against her clit. The sensation startled her, even though she saw it coming. You were testing the waters, glancing up at her with a questioning look. Pauling’s breath hitched. This was all new. Very new. But she didn’t want it to stop.
“Keep going,” she stammered. You didn’t need to be told twice, although you were surprised that Pauling reacted so strongly to something so brief- in fact, she seemed to react strongly to every little thing you did. It was seriously boosting your ego, as well as your arousal, and it all served to prove that she needed this badly.
It was almost as if no one had ever gone down on her before, but that couldn’t be true. Surely you had done this before? You would feel like an incredibly shitty partner if you hadn’t. The more likely explanation was that it had just been a very, very long time. That didn’t matter, though. You loved hearing those moans, the sounds of a woman who had been under so much stress for so long finally allowing herself the luxury of a release.
It wasn’t long before squeezing your thighs together wouldn’t suffice. You slipped a hand between your legs, seeking a bit of relief for yourself. Even with just the briefest touch, your fingers came away slick and shiny. You moaned against Pauling, and her hips bucked slightly at the new sensation.
Forgetting about your own needs, you turned your attention entirely to your partner. Pauling gave a startled yelp when you hoisted her legs onto your shoulders and held them there. This robbed her of any leverage to buck against your mouth, but that soon wouldn’t be an issue. Pulling back for a quick breath, you dove in with doubled efforts. Immediately, she began to squirm in your grasp, but you held fast. You dug your nails into her thighs unintentionally, leaving little half moon indents in the soft flesh. Her clit became your main focus, massaging your tongue against that sensitive bud until Pauling’s moans reached a fever pitch. You moaned against her again, and that proved to be the final push she needed.
She tipped over the edge, coming hard. Her legs tightened around your head to the point that you thought you might suffocate. Not that you would have minded. It would be an honorable death, to have your breath cut off between the thighs of a woman in ecstasy. Still, you weren’t about to go out without a final orgasm for yourself, quickly reaching down to finish off what you had begun earlier. You were so aroused that it didn’t take long, rubbing tight circles around your clit until you too were at your peak, riding out the high through moans that were muffled against Pauling’s inner thighs.
You weren’t sure how long it was before her legs finally relaxed and you were able to pull away, breathing like you had just run a marathon. You sat up on your knees to check on Pauling, and her expression mirrored yours, albeit dazed and staring absently at the ceiling. Her body shivered with little aftershocks before eventually going limp, basking in the warm afterglow. You sat back down on the floor, certain that if you tried to stand now, you would end up falling, possibly even on top of Pauling.
“That was so fun,” she finally said, almost too quietly for you to hear. You smiled, feeling quite proud of yourself. This had gone perfectly. You hadn’t even needed to order Pauling around too much. She had let herself go easily- almost too easily. This whole thing seemed a bit too good to be true, and sure enough, you hit a snag right at the end.
Pauling stood up suddenly. Her legs were still very shaky, and she barely made it a few steps before she collapsed into a nearby chair. You looked at her, head tilted in confusion. You stood up from the floor and sat on the bed, putting yourself at eye level with her.
“Um, where were you planning on going?” you asked, unsure what else to say.
“I honestly don’t know,” Pauling said, a slight hitch in her voice that almost made you worry she was about to cry.
It was strange to see that her first instinct was to get up and find something to do, even if there was no particular task to complete. It struck you as tragic. You wanted to reach out and pull her back towards you to bask in the afterglow like she deserved. However, you ultimately chose a more delicate approach.
“You don’t have to feel guilty for this,” you said.
“I never said I felt guilty,” Pauling said. Your expression must have made it obvious that you weren’t convinced. Pauling may have been able to flawlessly deceive others while on the job, but off the clock, she read like an open book. “Okay, fine. Maybe I do feel a little guilty.”
“The Administrator really is an unforgiving boss, huh?” you asked.
“I was literally only allowed one day off a year before the state of New Mexico got involved,” Pauling said, resting her head against the back of the chair with a sigh. “Unforgiving is a major understatement.”
The room went silent. Neither of you seemed to know what to say. You at least hoped that talking about all this made Pauling feel a little better. You were tempted to start discussing Paris again, just to break the awkward silence.
“You’re really good,” Pauling said. That caught your attention.
“Yeah, the way you just came for me kinda spoke to that fact,” you said, laughing softly. You couldn’t hide the way such praise managed to fluster you, the blush that had calmed down suddenly returning with a vengeance.
“Not that! I mean, you definitely are good at that too.” Your laughter proved to be contagious as Pauling started chuckling too. “You’re good to me. Despite everything, my job, the secrecy, the multiple felonies…” she trailed off, glancing at you with the realization that she may have said too much. You simply shrugged, giving a look that clearly said, ‘I figured as much.’
“You were just doing your job- a weird, borderline illegal job where you got to pull molars out of severed heads and kick ass in a pencil skirt. Which is super hot, by the way.” Now you were just turning up The Charm™. Pauling's face was going red again, and it was quite satisfying to see how you could still fluster her, even after so much time apart. You leaned back in the bed, arms crossed behind your head. “Just remember you deserved this. We all deserve to feel good once in a while. Can you try to convince yourself of that?”
There was a decent pause before Pauling finally responded. “I’ll try.” You smiled. You liked that response. It felt like potential, like possibility.
“You can start by getting yourself back in this bed and relaxing with me,” you said, beckoning her towards you. She approached, still a bit hesitant, and laid next to you stiffly, that is until you pulled her in. Once in your embrace, she melted, curling against your body and letting at least some of that tension go. You smiled. This was progress.
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───── ❝ grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brotha? i hurt people ❞ ─────
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tf2 drabbles:
matching scouts energy would include | scout x reader | headcanons
mercs with a reader that has chronic pain would include | various x reader | headcanons
mercs discovering that you like their accent would include | various x reader | headcanons
mercs with a reader that is heavily crushing on them would include | various x reader | headcanons
★ > ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ < ★
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puerileaccismus · 3 months
Okey. Pauling x Inspector!Reader where you work as an inspector/whistleblower for OSHA. Maybe enemies to lovers. Maybe you're secretly trying to get Mann co shut down. Maybe you're the one who got Pauling her state mandated holiday idk.
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Hey there! I’m a TF2 Headcanons blog!
Just call me Mod Spy, I’ll be providing you your delicious TF2 X You content, amongst other stuff if you feel up to asking me. This blog is pretty young so apologies for the lack of theme. I will begin answering requests now.
FYI: I keep the reader’s gender purposely ambiguous for the sake of whoever is reading. I’m not gonna be one of those guys who only does fem!reader.
Things you probably shouldn’t do:
- ask me to write certain fetishes (Like scat, vore, feet, etc. If you’re unsure then just ask.)
- Send me hate for being incapable of writing your ask at the moment. I’m just one guy, alright? Give me some time. Writing isn’t my only hobby.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 1 year
hi, els 🥰 i love how innovative your writing is (can i use that word?? I just feel like your fics are always really fresh sjksjksjk) this is a half request kinda thing and it's okay if you dont do it ofc but i figured I'd give it a shot since requests are open and you're willing to write for tall reader (BLESS) but can it be (characters of your choice) x a tall reader who talks big but is actually the most submissive person known to man? I'm trying to narrow down on characters but there are so many good ones you write for so i figured I'd let you chose and pray that you dont find it too annoying haha. Thanks!
Masky, Ghost, Ezio Auditore, and Miss Pauling with an “All Bark no Bite” SO
[GN!Reader, i don’t really describe any body for this one. Kept purposely vague.]
[Warnings: general smut. Slight degradation, more praise. Body worship. You know the drill. MINORS DNI]
[AN: you’re too entirely sweet to me, thank you!! you mentioned I could choose and forgot literally every fandom I have ever written for!! It’s rough out here when I choose. Anyways here’s this <3 sorry it takes me ungodly long to do these I’m so busy these days. ALSO it’s just a garden variety of characters that came to my head.]
Reblogs are appreciated!
Did you know he’s actually kinda short for men? He’s like 5’6-5’7! I’m keeping that here for this. So let’s pretend you’re 5’11 nearly 6’, just know you’re what people consider tall regardless of perceived gender.
Gods the playful arguments you two get into. It becomes unbearable at times. You have the most cocky personality a proxy has ever been gifted it’s UNREAL.
But he knows your secret. In the bedroom, you like being babied in a way. He’s gotta be your dom, always topping, making sure he treats you so well. You’ve even caved once due to his sickeningly sweet condescending words and called him ‘daddy’ just to get him to finish inside of you.
It’s such a pretty sight to see you on your knees sucking his cock like there’s no tomorrow. You’re allowed to use your teeth but just BARELY. And his praise is so good. You let him up so bad in public as you stand over him and talk huge game but one look from him in private and you’re melting.
Masky enjoys having that sense of power over you. It’s hot. He makes you worship his cock and you’ll do it because you’re a good pet, aren’t you? Of course you are. Be good pet and suck. Take it nice and slow, careful of your teeth! That’s right. Whole thing.
Don’t know how it’s possible but you’re near his height. That doesn’t happen often. While his ego is… he does have an ego, he manages to hide it kind of. Well, he’s classy with it. You, however? Absolutely not. Ghost does like to hear you talk because he loves thinking of all the ways he’ll break it down later.
Sparring with him is fun, enough said. You bring such good energy, give him a genuine run for his money but he knows how you crumble behind closed doors. He can see you pinned underneath him, nails dug into his back as he pushes so deep inside of you that you can’t think of anything but how he fills you.
Will admit for him, it’s nice to have an equal in height partner because it’s easier to kiss you and just,,, be with you. People who are shorter make some positions really hard to do comfortably. Regardless, he’s still going to pick you up and manhandle you. He knows you like it.
Loves hearing you beg for him, especially after a really long day of you egging him on. You’re kind of a brat and think you can get away with it because you’re physically similar to him but that’s so far removed from the truth. He’s bent you over his lap and spanked you before, watching you heat up and pout as he disciplines you.
Some people have the idea that you top but literally nothing could be further from the truth. He tells you a single command and you’re doing as he asks in a heart beat. His voice makes you melt completely. That and somehow, he makes you feel ‘small’. Not in a bad way, but sexually, like you’re too delicate for him to handle.
Ezio Auditore
Will admit i think Ezio has a thing for tall people. Something about legs here. Anyways he loves the way you boast in the sense of “gods I am putting you in your place later.” He allows you to act the way you do because it makes everything else after so much better.
He’s not really mean about it like others might be? He’s a very loving dom. He utilizes his praise to make your head spin and pin you under him. It’s quite easy for him to love you. The first time he was with you he was very surprised you weren’t the dom you portrayed yourself as. The fact you were a flustered mess just from him pushing your head down to suck his cock made him chuckle.
He’s very amused at how you fold right under him. He really does love bending you like a lawn chair. Your legs drive him crazy in the best way. He will spend forever between them. Him and his oral fixation. Out of everyone here, he’s the most sugary sweet and so prone to loving you rather than taking you down a peg.
Though, that isn’t to say he won’t discipline you if you get too boastful or what have you. He’s a daddy dom. Come on, look me in my multiple eyes and tell me he isn’t. Has a daddy kink. He’s daddy.
Loves when he marks you so everyone knows what happened the next day. While he loves marks for himself personally, during those lovingly disciplined sessions, he won’t let you mark him. It’s a whole thing between the two of you-a sign of his intimacy with you and that you’re all bark and no bite. In this case, literally.
Miss Pauling
She’s actually kind of similar but in the opposite sense. While I don’t think she’s that short, I think she’s around 5’6-5’7, people see her as timid/demure/a doormat (she’s not) but she’s actually very dominant. She’s a really smart lady, so when you come in acting like you’re god’s gift to the universe, that you’re the one that tops, “this guy (you) fucks” energy, she sees right through that act.
And she’s right. She’s entirely right. The first night you guys sleep together, she’s got you buried between her legs for way longer than she’s had anyone there because she wants to prove a point: you’re a people pleaser at your core. If she asks you to jump, you’ll then ask how high. Your dominant nature in public is all a front and she knows.
To be fair she does like it. You flirt so blatantly and boldly with her, but she knows. She knows. Miss Pauling also likes the body worship you can give her, focusing on her breasts and hips. But she’ll also do the same for you because she knows you’ll melt.
Giving praise to you is very easy. You obey her so well! She honestly expected more of a brat from you but you do everything she asks when she asks and more. On the off chance she has to discipline you, she’s so teasing. Loves to edge you and deny you your orgasm because how dare you disobey? You’re so much better than that, sweetheart.
She’s also very similar to Ezio I’m not having you mark her but she can mark you. She’ll put on her favorite lipstick, or if you’ve been especially good, let you choose your favorite shade and she’ll cover you in her lipstick kisses. You may not wash it off, they come off naturally unless she says otherwise. If people ask, explain. Go ahead. Use your big words. She’s looking up at you, how you tower over her, and smirking due to the influence she has over you.
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hello [tumblr] i am once again giving you all the gay
i posted this yesterday but i didnt post it here bc tired
but yeah miss pauling x reader im going to do more chapters of it maybe. depending on how bad my executive dysfuntion decides to be
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haileybirdart · 5 months
Miss Pauling x Male!Reader Headcanons:
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She leaves you for a woman
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wisteriaiswriting · 2 months
Non-Mercs as Parents
Words: 707
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She has almost no time to see you, so she makes up for that in calling you whenever possible.
If you have any missions or going on any trips, she’ll try to go with you.
Will occasionally send you souvenirs and gifts. (Feels bad for missing any important days of yours.)
Spends her day off with you, really wants to care for you but you both know better, that she needs to relax properly.
She doesn’t know how to say it, but she really enjoys having this relationship with you, caring for you over time.
It was Pauling’s one day off finally, and she decided to spend that with you. Over the years for caring for you, she’s always felt bad for being away for nearly the whole year. While she calls often enough, it never feels like enough.
So she tried to care for you today, but you weren’t having it. It was her day off, so she was being cared for. When she asked about what you wanted to eat, you flipped it back onto her.
“Nope, what do you want Pauling?”
“I, uh…” Watching as she paused, thinking before answering a minute later, red faced but happy with having the choice. “I’ll do some cheesecake.”
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This man can barely do anything by himself, so he has Bidwell. So how is he able to care for you himself?
He feels less like an actual father and more like that fun yet weird uncle.
Gets you the top products and anything else you want. (Who will deny the Saxton Hale?)
Whenever you get your first take down, he’s going to be bragging about it for days.
Matching hats and shorts! (He makes sure you have a similar colour shirt, no way is he letting others look at you like that.)
Pauling had arrived on time for the meeting with Saxton Hale, but it was quiet and empty. Giving her time to properly organize the papers, but with time available she took a look around. Pausing at every photo that contained him and someone else.
In one you were sitting on his shoulder, his clearly, much larger hat was taken off his head and placed onto your own. The next contained him, you and a jaguar. The poor animal was held in a chokehold by you, and Saxon cheering for you from behind.
Jumping at the echoing voice,
He must’ve noticed her eyes drifting back to the pictures, explaining as he sat down at the desk.
“Aren’t they a beaut? My child getting their first chokehold, they grow up so fast!”
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Deadbeat mother
Jk, jk, but she is probably the most distant parent of all.
She will claim that ‘she wants you to be the best,’ which might seem selfish to you, but secretly means it. (There will be bsolutely no physical proof of it.)
Makes sure to send you the best weapons available to buy. (Can’t have you go and embarrass her, can she?)
Just don’t expect her to show herself to you much, maybe once a year or so.
Due to your… connections, you’ll have constant protection outside the base and battles.
Once a week you guys have what is called a ‘Mail day,’ any mail or packages ordered are dropped by that morning. Which wouldn’t normally be much, the few constant one’s were from Scout’s mother, Heavy’s family and something from Zhanna to Soldier. But you only got something maybe once a month or so.
So when the massive crate was labelled with your name, you were rightfully surprised. Everyone else was as well. Using a crowbar to pry open the nails keeping it shut, dropping it to grab hold of a piece of paper.
‘Due to your increasing kills, I have made the decision to replace your weapons, take care as this might not happen again.’
You paused at who it was from, instead of Miss Pauling or someone else similar, it was the Administrator. You must’ve done good if the Administrator was noticing you.
Hopefully you can keep this up.
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rabbittf2x · 1 year
Mercs + Miss Pauling with a reader who is waking up from anesthesia? Reader is super chill and says something stupidly funny then gets too emotional about it. they probably also try and get out of bed a few times (Purely platonic)
Mercs and Miss Pauling with a Reader waking up from anaesthesia
Pyro didn’t care what Medic said. He was in that operating room with you until the very end. He was so worried that you wouldn’t pull through, and couldn’t stop himself from crying a little. So when you finally woke up from the anaesthesia, he was overcome with joyful relief
From the moment your eyes groggily cracked open, Pyro was hovering over you. He was mumbling under his mask a million miles a minute, extremely excited to see your smile again
“Hey, Pyro. What’s going on, buddy?” You cooed tiredly
Pyro clapped his hands happily, before grabbing ahold of one of your own and giving it a firm squeeze. The action tugged at your heartstrings, making you emotional
“I’m so happy you’re here with me.” You whispered
He tilted his head, moving your hand up to his masked cheek, and then nuzzling into it. You instantly bursted into tears, startling Pyro. He gave muffled words of concern and comfort, wiping away at your tearstained cheeks
You couldn’t help but laugh through your sobs, shaking your head amusingly. “I’m okay.” You stammered. “I just love you so much.”
Pyro was your guard dog for the next few days in the infirmary. He spent most of his free time with you, which you really appreciated. He was there to make you laugh, and also a good shoulder to cry on!
There were moments where you tried to get out of bed, but Pyro was there to guide you back down. He didn’t like having to tell you you had to stay in all day, and wanted nothing more for you to come out and play! But deep down, he knew it was for the best
As soon as you woke up from your operation, Engie was there to greet you. “Hey there, sleeping beauty. How’re ya feeling?” He asked with a gentle smile
You smiled back, slowly blinking as your eyes adjusted to the bright lights. “Hey, Engie. I’m good. How are you?” You croaked
The Engineer chuckled, reaching down to stroke some hair away from your face. “I’m doing just fine, sweet pea. You just rest up now, alright?” He cooed
The anaesthetic made you feel exhausted, mixing up your emotions. You gave Engie a pout, tears pricking your eyes. You were just so thankful to have him <3
“Okay, Engie.” You whispered tearfully. Although Engineer was wearing goggles, you could tell he was giving you a worried look. “I love you.” You added
Engie was relieved that your tears were happy, his shoulders relaxing. He wheezed out a small chuckle again, shaking his head at your innocence
“I love ya too, sweetheart. I’ll be back to check up on ya later, alright?”
Spy would never tell anyone, but while you were under anaesthesia, he checked up on you a lot. He was very worried about you. He was so happy to see your pretty eyes when you finally woke up from your operation
“Heya, Spy…” you smiled weakly up at the man
Spy was the first thing your blurry vision focused on as you regained consciousness. A sympathetic smile of his own slowly crept across his masked face
“Hello.” He whispered back
Spy was very proud of how well you coped with your operation. Though drowsy from anaesthesia, you still cracked jokes and made light of your situation. You never failed to make him laugh. Especially at the times where he really didn’t want to
You could break Spy’s heart too though. After awhile of just being stuck in bed, a wave of sadness washed over you. You kept trying to get up, making Spy unwillingly force you back down
“But I gotta pee.” You whined, staring up at him with big teary eyes
You really knew how to tug at Spy’s heartstrings. It took every fibre of his being to tell you you unfortunately had to stay in all day
As Medic operated on you, Heavy waited outside. Medic offered him to come in and observe, but he couldn’t bring himself to do so. Seeing you under anaesthesia, cut open and bleeding… it was too much for his big heart to take
When Medic was finished with the procedure, Heavy still waited. This time he was in the room with you, sitting in a little chair by your side. He sad there with a big frown, not moving an inch as he watched you sleep
Heavy waited and waited until you finally awakened. Just as he was about to drift off himself, he was startled awake by you looking straight at him
“Misha…” you murmured
Heavy said back your own name quietly, giving you a small smirk. “Is good to see you.” He added
A pained smile slowly crept across your own face. “It’s good to see you too.” You croaked
Heavy had been quietly stressing about you to himself for hours. When he said it was good to see you, he really, really meant it
“Thank you for being here for me. I really appreciate it.” You whispered tearfully
Heavy’s unusually soft expression was laced with a bit of concern. He didn’t like seeing you cry, but it was obvious you were getting emotional
“We are team. I will always be there for you.” Heavy replied
Sniper came to visit you in the infirmary a little after your operation. You were still loopy and groggy from the anaesthesia, but you took it like a champ
“Oh! Hey, Sniper.” You greeted as he entered the infirmary. Though sore, you peeled the blanket off your legs and shakily tried to stand
“Hang on, mate!” Sniper exclaimed. He rushed over to your side, gently guiding you back down. “I don’t reckon you should be standing up for awhile. Doctor’s orders.”
You shook your head with a giggle. “No, it’s okay. I’m fine.” You said softly
You attempted to stand again, holding onto Sniper’s arm for support. You didn’t last long, your legs wobbling and giving out. You stumbled against Sniper’s chest, and he caught you in his arms
“Whoa! Ya right, mate?” Sniper asked, wrapping himself around you almost in an embrace
“Yeah… maybe I should lay down for awhile.”
Sniper enjoyed unwinding with you as you rested up. You were very sleepy, but you really appreciated him just being there for you
Scout was more than eager to visit you after your operation. As soon as Medic gave him the green light, he was rushing through the infirmary doors and greeting you with a big smile
“Hey there, slugger! Looking better already!”
You were startled by Scout’s booming voice, as you had just woken up from being under anaesthesia. But a tired smile met your pained features at the sight of the young man
“Oh… hey, Scout. Thanks, buddy. I feel better too.” You croaked
Scout’s blue eyes lit up with joy. “Really?” He asked hopefully
You pouted, tears welling up in your own eyes. “No…” you whimpered
His face instantly fell as you began to cry into your hands. “Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey, hey! Don’t cry! It’s—it’ll be alright.” He panicked. Scout rushed to your side, placing a bandaged hand on your shoulder. “You’re okay! You—you look great! Don’t be sad.” He pet your shoulder nervously, and you wiped away stray tears
“I’m sorry, Scout.” You sobbed
Scout sat next to you on the edge of the bed, acting like he couldn’t get close enough to you. “You kidding? You ain’t do nothing wrong. You’re fine.” He reassured
After a few tender moments, your tears began to simmer. Without thinking, you leaned your head against Scout’s side. As your tired eyes fluttered shut, a few final tears slipped down your cheeks
Medic had to rip Soldier away from you when he tried to forcefully shake you awake
“Don’t you die on me, maggot!”
This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. If you were gonna die, he wanted it to at least be on the battlefield. Soldier really liked you. So much in fact, that he had the possibility of your death all planned out:
Soldier cradled your dying body in his arms. Your belly had been ripped open, your guts and intestines hanging out. His hands were stained red with blood as he desperately tried to shove them all back into your stomach. When your head fell limp on his shoulder, he screamed at the sky until it broke apart
But instead, you were just rotting here in Medic’s lab! How boring? Soldier was not letting you die in such a pitiful way like this
“Soldier, for the last time. They’re not dying! The procedure was successful.” Medic groaned
As if on cue, your eyes slowly cracked open. “Ugh, what happened?” You moaned
Medic and Soldier snapped their attention back to you
“Hooray! You’re not dying!” Soldier beamed
He scooped you up into his arms, hugging you tight even though you were severely fragile. Medic protested, but you told him it was fine. As painful as it was, you still thought Soldier’s affection was amusing
Demoman was thrilled to hear your operation went well! He wished he could celebrate by having a drink with you, but sadly you were in no shape. He visited you as soon as he heard you were awake, poking his head through the infirmary doors
“Aye, mate. How’re ye feeling?”
A weak smile met your face as you spotted Demo by the door. “Hi, Demo. I’m going alright. Thanks for asking.” You croaked
The Scotsman approached the bed you rested in, sympathy washing over him at the sight of your injured state
“Let us know if ye need anything, alright?”
Even though you just woke up, the anaesthesia made you feel like you had been awake for way too long. It made you overtired and emotional, unintentionally spilling all that onto Demoman
“Oh, you guys are so nice…” you bawled
Demo didn’t know what to do when you started to weep. “Oh… darling, no. It’s okay. Don’t cry.” He stammered
He felt helpless, until he began to vaguely remember what you did for him when he cried. Whenever he was drunkenly bawling his eye out, you were there to wrap your arms around him and whisper sweet nothings
“C’mon, love. It’s alright.”
Demoman sat next to you on the bed, snaking an arm around your shoulder. You hugged his waist, crying into his chest as he tangled a large hand into your hair
Medic was the one that was operating on you. He usually had his patients awake during surgery, and was very careless. But it didn’t feel right with you. He instead put you under anaesthesia so you wouldn’t feel anything
Medic was more than relieved when he completed your operation with no complications. He was very anxious for you to awaken. He had to stifle himself from smiling like a total idiot when your eyes began to crack open
“Medic…?” You wheezed
Medic couldn’t hide his grin any longer at the sound of his name rolling off your tongue. “Oh, stupendous! You’re finally awake! How are you feeling?” He beamed
You shifted uncomfortably against the stiff bed. “Eh, been better.” You joked
Medic began to ramble on about your operation, but you were hardly listening. You were still pretty drugged up from the anaesthesia. But as he turned to grab some medication for you, an idea popped into your head. Could you stand?
As Medic turned back to face you, the bottle of meds dropped to the floor. He sputtered your name in a scold, speeding over to where you stood
“No! You are in no shape to be up right now! You must stay here and rest!” He lectured like a parent. Medic immediately regretted his words when he saw your eyes well up with tears. “Oh, no.” He called your name. “No, please don’t c—!”
You bursted into tears, sitting down on the bed as you cried into your hands. “You hate me!” You bawled
Medic held his gloved hands up in a surrender. “Ah—no! No, of course I don’t hate you, dear! Oh, please don’t cry!” As he hugged you close to his chest while bawling your eyes out, he wondered if he drugged you up too much…
Miss Pauling💖
Miss Pauling felt terrible. You were on a mission—under her supervision when you got injured. She lost track of how long she was outside Medic’s door pacing. When he finally opened up, he was shocked to see she was still there waiting for him to finish
“Medic! How are they?” Miss Pauling gasped
Medic opened the door for her, beckoning her to come in. “Why don’t you come see for yourself, Miss Pauling?” He asked politely
The girl rushed in, eager to see you. Relief washed over her at the sight of your sweet little smile. “Hi, Miss Pauling!” You greeted happily
Miss Pauling sighed tearfully, a huge weight lifting off her shoulders to find you were still in one piece. “Gosh, I was so worried about you.” She huffed
“Thanks, Miss P. But I’m okay! Just a little loopy, is all.” You giggled
Your cheery attitude was contagious, yet Miss Pauling still let out a guilty sob. “I’m so sorry. I should’ve had your back.” She cried
The smile ran away from your face, and you felt your own tears coming on. “Oh, god. Miss, don’t cry. When you cry, I cry.” You whimpered
“I’m your supervisor. I should’ve been watching over you.”
Medic had to step out because the pair of you were both just crying. When Miss Pauling sat on the edge of the bed, you wrapped your arms around her shoulders weakly. She instantly leaned into your touch, laying against your chest
“I’m okay.” You breathed, wiping away the tears that ran down your cheeks
Miss Pauling took off her glasses and smushed her face into your chest. “I’m so glad…” she murmured, holding you impossibly closer
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controld3vil · 5 months
invisible strings
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pairing(s): dune 2 cast x actor!reader (platonic)
synopsis: requested/inspired by this ask!
⤷ alt: coincidences are strange. however, what's more strange was not knowing you were in previous works with your costars.
notes: this one is pretty short. reader is gender neutral. set in the same verse as popcorn bucket (♡´౪`♡)
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"Ah I don't think you guys are going to get this one," you puffed, eyes trailing down to the question on the Vanity Fair card. The cast and you were playing the Vanity Fair Game Show for a fun video. You all eventually filmed with one another at some time during production. Though your schedules were all over the place/locations, everyone got along with each other. That is to say, some like yourself had been in the first film and kept in contact for the sequel. "What was my first show audition?"
Mumbles in unison scurried. Some hums and thought-provoking nods were seen as you hurriedly scribbled down your answer in black ink.
"Oo Shake It Up!" Zendaya points out, eyes wide with her quick response.
Austin Butler who sat beside Florence Pugh raised his head, almost surprised. "Wait, really?" While the blonde actress knowingly glances back to you for confirmation. The rest of the cast was all too eager to know because clearly they had no idea.
"Yes, correct!" You raised your arms, doing jazz hands. In a burst of energy, the mixed actress scores a bright grin, raising her fist in the air in victory. Only for you to pump her fist back, smiling back.
"How were we supposed to know that?" Timothee Chalamet says, snickering accusatively at the camera as if they had an answer. His gaze moves towards you, "You never told us that!"
You shrugged your shoulders, looking half guilty. "You're lost, pal!"
"At least I got the point!" Zendaya puffs up her chest, swiping the invisible dust off her shoulders while Florence giggles. However Timothee looked almost offended even.
"Wait you were in Shake It Up?" Austin shakes his head in pure astonishment. You gave him a slow nod, as his expression grew wider, eyes staring at you in awe. "That's crazy! I didn't know that!"
"Was it a show?" Josh Brolin's comment seemingly pops in and all four of the younger cast including yourself snickered shortly. His cluelessness only substituted for better curiosity to you. As really, you never really told them about your previous works.
"It was a Disney show," Flipping the Vanity Fair card over, only to reveal your messy handwriting, you stated fondly. Timothee then hastily pointed at the small drawing you drew next to your answer. It breaks your concentration for a second as he only stares at it in confusion while Zendaya covers her mouth from giggling. "Like a sitcom really. And I played one of the background dancers." Even you couldn't stop yourself from giggling further, taking a look at your draw.
Truly it was one of those topics that are never mentioned around you. The only reason Zendaya had known was that you had told her once about it when discussing your dance careers. The both of you were young actors and did not expect to know each other back then and even now. Though it was a cute recollection to look back upon.
"Is that a stick figure waving his arms?" Florence cocks her head sideways, having a concentrated face.
"He's supposed to be dancing!" You plead, pointing at the way you drew his arms in the air.
"That is not dancing!" Timothee's smile only grew wider from laughing too much, having to lean forward to look at the little drawing closer. "He just looks- like he's discombobulated!"
"I mean it's a cute drawing!"
"You know what- you don't appreciate my art," You gently placed the card on the floor, giving your costar the stink eye. "I thought this was a fun game, you guys! People are being bullied for no reason!"
"No- I'm not saying your drawings are bad!" The French actor stumbles, in beats of laughter, clenching his cards to his chest. You only swat his presence away before grabbing another question.
In another instance, Austin takes his turn. For a few rounds, he asked about his hobbies, such as what instruments he knew to play. It was quick flashed answers, one by one you managed to pass through flying colors.
"Guitar and piano," Austin bobs his head, as the rest of cast suddenly became enamored at his musical skills.
"But also violin," He says sheerly, scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh okay!" Florence drags out an amused hum, in a teasing manner.
"Is that true?" Timothee quirks his brow, having one leg over another, looking all composed.
"Okay, let's go Disney Channel kids!" You chanted, with the mixed actress a seat away from you joined with as well. You both raised your hands in victory while Austin looked away and blushed.
"We got all the talent!"
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At the CCXP Panel in Brazil, fans from all over came to attend to fantastic event. Hosted by Collider Interview, it was a massive event with an enormous stadium, fit for a band performance. There were arrays of lights, standing from the alleyways and above the ceiling. You felt extremely fortunate to have attended and made it to Brazil, for being such a joyful experience.
This time you alongside your young cast members and director, Denise Villeneuve, posed happily with all of you. The panel followed with many turns and twists, with questions coming from the crowd and host alike. One moment fans caught on was your reaction to something that Florence at said.
The Collider host mentioned Florence's history of working with Timothee on Little Women which made both of them cackle, reminiscing those dotting moments.
"Oh you know what," the British actress starts, holding her hand up. The audience was silenced, wondering what she going to mention next. She slowly turns in your direction and points. "I just remembered this, but you were in Midsommar yes?"
"Yes..." You mumbled, ending your answer on a high note, unsure really what she meant. Until it came flashing back to you, much prevalent to your shocked expression. "Oh yes yes!" And seemingly the rest of the cast and fans were roaring in surprise and in cheer.
Though you weren't present in most of the film's production, Florence had fond memories of Midsommar. You were one of the minor characters doomed to death in the first half. Both of your characters had a brief meeting together and that was all. However, it surprised you how Florence was able to recall it all. You had only filmed for a few days and vaguely met her casually.
"This is so weird but I don't know- I just kept forgetting to bring it up," She scrambles to find the right words, throwing gestures back and forth. "But for some reason, I just remembered you being there and then I was like- huh! We were in Midsommar together!"
"Right!" You lowered your tone, the weight on your heels slowly shifting to one side. As you licked your lips at the revelation. "I can't believe we just realized this now!" And you could discern the pure chaos the rest of your costars were feeling. Timothee was wheezing, desperately holding his mic for support. While Zendaya crossed her arms in a mixture of sarcasm and odd mischievousness. As if saying, Really? You guys never realized?! Austin on the other hand, solely was observing from the sidelines, with an amused smile. And all for Denny to be panned to the right with a funny disapproving look on his face.
"This is what I have to deal with," Your director somberly states and the crowd cries out in cackles.
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"I don't think we were in anything together before."
No interview or video was being shot. Surprisingly it was lunchtime and a grace period for cast and production alike to go back to their trailers to rest. You did not want to go back to your own trailer so instead followed your costar to his. Knowing he had a better air conditioner and wanted to catch up on anything new you guys enjoyed talking about.
But more importantly, his air conditioner.
"Yeah, I don't think we did," Arms securely behind your head as you leaned back on the couch. You still were in full costume, in Fremen wear however it did not stop you from lounging around in every corner of the set sites. "Does Dune count?"
A light-hearted scoff escapes from Timothee, who is on his phone on the other side of the couch, in costume as well. The air conditioner was blasting heavily on all sides of the trailer yet you two did not mind the loud background noise. "No, it doesn't!"
"That's crazy right?" Lifting yourself up to look at him. His eyes don't leave his phone screen yet you know he is focused on your words. "I'm genuinely surprised we haven't played siblings,"
"We look nothing alike!" He shouts, finally lifting his gaze to your playful one. Suddenly you see his phone flash turned on as it faces you. "So, what do you think of Dune Part Two so far?"
You get up swiftly, stretching out of your tired limbs in the process. "Like a walk on the sand!"
"Aye!" He fist-bumps you as he turns the camera on him, face not covered in any gear. The audience can notice his messy locks and smudged face.
"Directors, sign us up to play something!" You waved before adjusting to put on your mask. The camera swerves to find you clipping on the clasps. A couple clicks can be heard as you move the gear up and down from your face. "Literally anything! I could play his serial killer and I would be happy."
"What-" Timothee almost choked on air, prominent to how shaky the camera view became. Though he quickly recovered, "Why do you always want to kill me in these scenarios?"
"Because it's much more fun!" You whine, shoulders deflating, as you can feel him zooming in on your expression.
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420korn · 8 months
⛧ when you and dwayne leave the dreadful beauty pageant to get some fresh air some things spill out, more than intended for the day.
- no warnings!! maybe mild cursing
(dwayne x fem! reader)
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as you and dwayne flop on the worn-out chairs in the random room you two stumbled in you sighed.
this whole roadtrip that dwayne basically begged you to go on was chaotic to say the least. his grandpa passed away, he found out he couldn’t fly jets, that damn horn on the car wouldn’t shut up, but you still were there for dwayne.
you really liked dwayne. it was a miracle that he actually allowed you to talk to him and become somewhat apart of his life. he didn’t let anyone do that. you had to admit you have a crush on him. but you knew he didn’t like you, most definitely not.
you snapped out of your hazy thoughts as two little girls ran across the hall. giggling in puffy skirts, tons of makeup they didn’t need, and reeking of fake spray tan mixed with strong fruity perfume.
you had already had enough of that shit after seeing a room full of girls who looked like that. as you were about to sit up and ask dwayne to leave he spoke for you
“let’s get out of here.”
“yes please. my head hurts from all the colors.”
you two ended up on the pier, watching as the waves clashed with each other and people screaming with joy. you smiled to yourself.
you took a glance at dwayne, knowing that it was stupid because if you looked you wouldn’t be able to pry your eyes away.
you looked at his dyed jet black hair flowing in the wind, his shirt going in all different directions as he leaned up against the wood.
he finally looked up at you, feeling the pair of admiring eyes on him.
“what?” he said with a grin
“nothing.. im sorry for everything that happened today. it’s been fucking crazy.”
“it’s okay really. im sorry for making you come with me. if i knew it was gonna be this bad i wouldn’t have even thought you should’ve came.”
“no it’s okay! im happy i came. im happy i was able to comfort you..” you said taking a risk with this response.
dwayne’s face slightly heated up at this comment, even if the winds made it as cold as ever.
“i have a question though..why did you ask for me to come?”
dwayne’s face heated up even more. he thought it was obvious why he asked for you to come, why he said if you came he would go. dwayne was head over heels for you. you both had the same music taste, sense of humor, style, and he thought you were stunning. the way you tried so hard to adjust to him and his calmer life style made him even more in love.
he honestly didn’t know whether to hide his admiration by making a quick white lie..or to truly show his feelings.
dwayne stared down at the ocean with one thing on his mind ‘fuck it’.
now dwayne would never have this type of confidence, but some random talk with his uncle frank about how you only live once, and to do whatever you want and fuck the rest, got him to change his thinking
“i thought it would be obvious.” he said trying to make it subtle.
“what do you mean?” you said confused.
“i like you.”
it was silent..the wind blowing across the sea becoming louder and louder as dwayne looked and read your face.
but then..a shy smile. he didn’t even realize he was holding his breath until he let out a deep sigh.
“yeah..i’ve liked you for a while ya know..”
you smiled even harder at him, more red and pink tints filling your cheeks. he was trying hard to not smile but couldn’t help it.
“youre so cute” you said focusing on his eyes.
he looked down, embarrassed by how hot his face was.
you slowly crept over to him, closing the distance between you two. you reached for his hand on the railing and held his pinky with your own, not wanting to move too quickly.
he picked himself up off the railing looking at you for a moment and back to the ocean
that’s when he felt a pair of lips softly kiss his cheeks, the gloss in which covered your lips definitely staining it. he looked down at you, a grin on your face.
“you ready to go inside?” you said now taking his hand in yours.
THATS IT!!! bro i know months ago i said i would post more, BUT I HAD NO IDEAS. this just came to mind when i was randomly watching little miss sunshine for the 20th time. plzplzplz request some stuff so i can have motivation to post and have good ideas PLEASE!!!!
thank you for reading !! 🦈💤🤍
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robin374 · 2 months
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NO: incest, suicide, adult x child (romantically), NSFW (I don't do it anymore)...
YES: Romantic, platonic, male x male, female x female, female x male, trans, gender neutral (I mostly write this)...
Just 3 or 4 characters, please :)
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"Dont go please" || Sniper, Scout, Medic
Sniper with a S/O who doesn't mind his behaviour
Sniper with a S/O who's into skincare and fashion
Mercs reacting to a spider in their room || Engie, Scout, Sniper
Cuddling with Sniper
Mercs with a siren S/O || Sniper, Demo, Soldier
Mercs with a short S/O || Medic, Sniper
Mercs with a Spider-Person S/O || Medic, Demo, Scout, Sniper, Spy
Drunk confession to Sniper
Mercs with a S/O who gives gifts but hates receiving them
Sniper relationship headcanons
Mercs listening to their S/O rambling about their hyperfixation || Engie, Medic, Pyro, Sniper
Mercs with an energetic, loud and animal lover daughter || Heavy, Engie, Sniper
One Bed trope || Medic, Soldier, Sniper
Being Tag-Teamed by Spy and Sniper
Demo x Reader x Sniper
Interrogation gone wrong (NSFW) || Engie, Medic, Sniper, Spy
Aquarium date with Sniper
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"Dont go please" Sniper, Scout, Medic x reader
Mercs reacting to a spider in their room || Engie, Scout, Sniper
Jealous Scout
Dancing with the mercs at a disco || Scout, Demo, Medic
Mercs with a Spider-Person S/O || Medic, Demo, Scout, Sniper, Spy
Mercs with a S/O who gives gifts but hates receiving them
One Bed trope || Scout, Demo, Engie
Scout with a Streamer/Youtuber S/O
Taking care of Scout || FemDom! Reader
S/O with ADHD || Scout, Medic, Soldier, Engie
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Mercs reacting to a spider in their room || Engie, Scout, Sniper
Mercs walking you home while raining || Engie, Spy
Mercs with a S/O who gives gifts but hates receiving them
Mercs listening to their S/O rambling about their hyperfixation || Engie, Medic, Pyro, Sniper
Mercs with an energetic, loud and animal lover daughter || Heavy, Engie, Sniper
One Bed trope || Scout, Demo, Engie
Engie with a Male!S/O who's bad at math
Mercs reacting to their crush singing their fav song || Heavy, Medic, Engie
Interrogation gone wrong (NSFW) || Engie, Medic, Sniper, Spy
Engie x Male!Reader || NSFW
Lying in an interrogation || Engie, Spy, Medic
S/O with ADHD || Scout, Medic, Soldier, Engie
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"Dont go please" Sniper, Scout, Medic x Reader
"I lost my vision" "They lost their vision" Medic x Reader
Dancing with the mercs at a disco || Scout, Demo, Medic
Mercs with a short S/O || Medic, Sniper
Mercs with a Spider-Person S/O || Medic, Demo, Scout, Sniper, Spy
Mercs with a S/O who gives gifts but hates receiving them
Mercs listening to their S/O rambling about their hyperfixation || Engie, Medic, Pyro, Sniper
One Bed trope || Medic, Soldier, Sniper
Mercs reacting to their crush singing their fav song || Heavy, Medic, Engie
Interrogation gone wrong (NSFW) || Engie, Medic, Sniper, Spy
Lying in an interrogation || Engie, Spy, Medic
The Violinist's Dance || Medic x Reader
S/O with ADHD || Scout, Medic, Soldier, Engie
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Soldier flirting with Fem!Reader
Mercs with a siren S/O || Sniper, Demo, Soldier
One Bed trope || Medic, Soldier, Sniper
S/O with ADHD || Scout, Medic, Soldier, Engie
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Mercs with a siren S/O || Sniper, Demo, Soldier
Dancing with the mercs at a disco || Scout, Demo, Medic
Mercs with a Spider-Person S/O || Medic, Demo, Scout, Sniper, Spy
One Bed trope || Scout, Demo, Engie
Demo x Reader x Sniper
Demoman with radio announcer/host S/O
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Mercs with an energetic, loud and animal lover daughter || Heavy, Engie, Sniper
One Bed trope || Spy, Pyro, Heavy
Mercs reacting to their crush singing their fav song || Heavy, Medic, Engie
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Mercs walking you home while raining || Engie, Spy
Mercs with a Spider-Person S/O || Medic, Demo, Scout, Sniper, Spy
One Bed trope || Spy, Pyro, Heavy
Being Tag-Teamed by Spy and Sniper
Interrogation gone wrong (NSFW) || Engie, Medic, Sniper, Spy
Lying in an interrogation || Engie, Spy, Medic
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Mercs listening to their S/O rambling about their hyperfixation || Engie, Medic, Pyro, Sniper
One Bed trope || Spy, Pyro, Heavy
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Miss Pauling with a chaotic S/O
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Nothing Yet!!
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