#Miraculous ladybug x yn
Bro time rants
Nathaniel, chill: Yknow I hate it when girls especially my girl think we're gonna leave them all the time.
Nathaniel, fake girly accent: I'm not good enough, you're gonna cheat on me.
Nathaniel, irritated: Woman, I'm lucky I even got you. What do you mean- *inhales*
Nathaniel, tone gets louder: I am built like a twig. I look like every basic French boy with emo hair highlights. You are probably going to be the first and last girlfriend I'll ever have.
Nathaniel, pulling down his eyelids to show his eyebags from drawing all night: have u seen this? I'm hideous.
Nathaniel, paces around the room putting his arms in front of him like guys do when in an arguement: I appreciate that you have enough confidence in me to pull another girl like that but I can't I just can't.
Nathaniel: You are stuck with me. There is no way someone's gonna line up at my doorstop and say "I wanna date him".
Nathaniel: I don't even know how you put up with me half the time. I'm lucky you even looked in my direction.
Nathaniel:What you mean I'm about to leave you? Where am I gonna go? The bakery?
Marc, who has been listening the entire time:
Marc, who feels happy for the couple but also has a new found fear of love struck Nathaniel: If.. You go... Could you pick up a croissant for me?
Nathaniel, calmed down: sure.
(I do not own MLB or the picture below all credits to their respective creators.)
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wroxanym · 1 year
Heyyy this is my first headcanon post on Adrien Agreste, please forgive me for the mistakes english is not my mother tongue
Disclaimer: Nothing except lots of love I guess ahaha.
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♡₊˚ 🦢・₊ To be in a relationship with Adrien Agreste would include:
Relaxing moments chatting with him in the playground.
Study sessions for exams that often end up with him giving you lots of hugs.
"I really wanted to study Adrien!
- Hush love, we'll study next time, I just want to rest..." Who could resist? He is so perfect.
Get ready to have lots of dates in museums, he loves it.
Did I mention he loves to cuddle? He doesn't like to make a lot of physical gestures with you in public because he's quite shy about it, but once he's alone it's a different story! So don't get me wrong, he's always been lonely since he was little and he really sees you as the person who's brightened up his dark world.
He really likes to make jokes, so be prepared to be really annoyed, of course he'll apologise straight away and call you a killjoy until you give him a pat on the back.
"Why did you take my picture?
- You're beautiful, my angel".
He'll defend you against Lila and Chloe's mockery, believe me, he's a loyal boyfriend who'll do anything for you.
He's jealous, very jealous. To him you're the most precious and beautiful thing in the world, so when he sees you very close to someone...
...Of course he'll let you talk to whoever you want, only he'll insist (a bit a lot) that you're in a relationship.
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nylpad · 6 months
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Warnings: secrets, mild peril (correct me if I left some out)
In the heart of Paris, where the city lights dance with the Seine, Y/N lived a life colored by the mundane strokes of daily routine. But amidst the ordinary, there was one extraordinary exception—Chat Noir, the enigmatic hero whose daring feats were the whispers of legends.
Y/N's fascination with Chat Noir was no secret. They followed every reported sighting, every tale of his heroics spun into the night air. Yet, for all the admiration, Y/N never imagined their paths would cross beyond the pages of the morning paper.
It began one evening, as Y/N lingered at a café terrace, the remnants of an espresso painting patterns in a small white cup. A flicker of movement caught their eye—a shadow against the moonlit backdrop of the city. It was him, Chat Noir, leaping across rooftops with feline agility.
Their meetings became a series of chance encounters, each more thrilling than the last. Chat Noir, always the gentleman, would often escort Y/N home, ensuring their safety with a playful wink and a promise of "Until next time."
But as the nights passed, Y/N noticed something—a pattern in Chat Noir's disappearances, a familiarity in his mannerisms. Curiosity piqued, Y/N began to piece together the puzzle, each clue bringing them closer to the truth behind the mask.
Chat Noir, however, was no fool. He saw the curiosity in Y/N's eyes, the questions on the tip of their tongue. He knew the danger that knowledge could bring—not to him, but to Y/N. The hero's life was one of solitude for a reason, and that reason was to keep the ones he cared for out of harm's way.
So, he tried to distract Y/N, with grander tales and more daring rescues, anything to keep them from the truth. But the heart wants what it wants, and Y/N's heart wanted to know the man behind the myth.
The game of cat and mouse intensified with each passing day. Y/N's pursuit of the truth became a silent obsession, one that filled the pages of their sketchbook with notes and theories. Chat Noir's visits, once a source of joy, now sparked a burning curiosity that refused to be quenched.
Y/N began to notice the little things—the way Chat Noir's laugh echoed a familiar tune, the subtle hints of a shared favorite book, and the peculiar timing of his appearances. It was as if the universe itself was dropping breadcrumbs, leading Y/N down a path they couldn't resist following.
Chat Noir, for his part, was becoming increasingly flustered. His attempts to divert Y/N's attention only seemed to fuel their resolve. He knew he had to be more careful, to guard his secret with even greater vigilance. But the heart has a way of betraying even the most guarded of secrets, and his was no exception.
One evening, as the city celebrated the Festival of Lights, Y/N and Chat Noir found themselves amidst the vibrant display of fireworks. The sky was ablaze with color, each explosion a symphony of light that mirrored the turmoil in Chat Noir's soul.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Y/N remarked, their eyes reflecting the spectacle above.
Chat Noir nodded, his gaze lingering on Y/N's face. "Not as beautiful as the truth that's hiding in plain sight," he thought to himself.
As the night drew to a close, Y/N made a bold decision. They would confront Chat Noir, demand answers to the questions that haunted their dreams. But as they turned to speak, they found him gone, vanished like a whisper in the wind.
Days turned into weeks, and Chat Noir's visits ceased altogether. Y/N felt a void where once there was excitement, a silence where there was laughter. The absence of the hero left a bitter taste, a reminder of the unresolved mystery that lay between them.
Determined to find closure, Y/N set out on a quest to uncover the truth. They retraced Chat Noir's steps, followed the tales of his heroics, and slowly, the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place.
It was on a rainy afternoon, in the quiet of a quaint Parisian bookstore, that Y/N's world shifted on its axis. A chance encounter, a familiar voice, and the sight of a well-worn ring led to the revelation that would change everything.
The man behind the mask, the hero who had captured Y/N's heart, was none other than...
Adrien Agreste
The son of the famous fashion designer, Gabriel Agreste. The revelation hit Y/N like a thunderclap, the pieces of the puzzle fitting together with a clarity that was almost blinding.
Y/N's mind raced with memories—Chat Noir's grace, his humor, the way he seemed to understand the heart of Paris. It all made sense now. The hero of Paris was the boy who had sat two rows ahead in art class, the one whose sketches had danced across the page with a life of their own.
But with the truth laid bare, Y/N was faced with a dilemma. Adrien, or rather Chat Noir, had gone to great lengths to keep his identity a secret. Did Y/N have the right to confront him? Would revealing their knowledge put him in danger?
The days that followed were a battle between Y/N's conscience and their desire to share the burden of the secret they now carried. They watched Adrien from afar, noticing the weight that seemed to rest upon his shoulders, the way his smile didn't quite reach his eyes.
It was a chance encounter at the Louvre, amidst the timeless art and wandering tourists, that fate decided to take a hand. Y/N and Adrien reached for the same sketchbook, their fingers brushing, and in that moment, a silent understanding passed between them.
"Y/N," Adrien began, his voice barely above a whisper, "I know that you know."
Y/N's heart skipped a beat. "Adrien, I—"
"Please," he interrupted, his green eyes pleading. "Don't say it out loud. Just... promise me you'll keep my secret. For Paris."
Y/N nodded, the promise sealed in their heart. "Your secret is safe with me. But why do you do it, Adrien? Why risk everything?"
He smiled, a genuine smile that Y/N had come to cherish. "Because Paris is worth it. Because you're worth it. A bit of freedom.... You know."
From that day on, Y/N became Chat Noir's silent ally, the keeper of his secret. And as the sun set over the city of love, Y/N realized that their love for the hero hadn't changed with the unmasking. If anything, it had only grown stronger, for now, they loved the man behind the mask as well.
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hdhdgsgs · 2 years
Laying in Felix’s arms after a long day was a great experience, as he held you a comfortable silence blanketed itself over the entire rooms atmosphere, it was a huge wooden room, royal looking but classy, a fireplace and slightly cabiny.
“Felix?” His hands stopped momentarily from rubbing your back as he was brought back to earth. “Yes dear?” He started moving his hands again, smelling your hair and inhaling your sent, enjoying the here and now.
“Even if you don’t love me and this is some big scheme, which you can’t blame me for thinking, I will always remember the softer moments we share, I love just being around you and I love you so much.” He hummed in response. “I suppose I care for you too, maybe.” His head was lightly hit by his lovers hand only to move into playing with his hair. “Alright, I do love you sweetheart. Now go to sleep, I want to rest with you for a little longer before we have to go to my cousin’s.”
Wanna give him a big hug and cuddle while he rants about the social economic state of the world.
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kimistorm · 3 years
A Purrrfect Video
➢ pairing: Chat Blanc x GN! Youtuber! Reader
➢ genre: romance, action
➢ warnings: Mild canon-typical peril
➢ Masterlist
➢ word count: 1.5 k
➢ synopsis: You just wanted to get a vlog, but ended up getting a little closer to a certain superhero than you expected.
➢ A/N: Requested. Also, I’m not really familiar with the whole akumatized chat noir headcanon that seems to be a thing in the fandom? So I tried my best. ^^;
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“Hello to all you lovely beans!” you smiled into the camera, “today I thought I’d do a little vlog of Paris! In case you didn’t know, I live in Paris. Surprise?” you gave the camera a quirky confused look. “So without further ado, lessgo!” You stopped the camera, turned the camera to the ground, and filmed you walking out of the door and locking it behind you, because, montage. You continued to film the ground as you walked down the stairs and out into the streets.
You stopped the camera again before turning it to your face. “So, storytime,” you smiled, “a special thing about Paris is that we have our own superheroes! No, I’m not talking about Ironman or Aquaman, I mean real people. Ladybug and Chat Noir!” you cried triumphantly, “recently we’ve had a few more superheroes join the mix, Queen Bee, Rena Rouge, and Carapace!” you listed on your fingers, “these guys protect us from akumatized people.” You tilted your head to the side as you thought about it, “I don’t exactly know how people become akumatized, but they’re always normal citizens. Luckily, I’ve never been akumatized,” you grinned.
“So yeah! Every now and then we’ll see a supervillain being chased by Ladybug or Chat Noir, it’s always super cool and-oh my gosh!” you frantically turned the camera around to catch Chat Noir jumping from rooftop to rooftop followed by Ladybug. When they were out of sight you excitedly turned the camera back around to you, “did you guys see that?” you asked excitedly, “that was Chat Noir and Ladybug! They were heading in the direction of the Eiffel Tower, which just so happens to be where I want to take you guys today. So let’s book it and see if we can catch them again!” you smiled excitedly into the camera before you turned it off and stowed it safely into your bag.
Once you were satisfied that everything was secure, you hurried down the street and into the subway station. You quickly scanned your pass to enter the terminal and hopped on one of the trains heading towards the Eiffel Tower. As you waited to arrive, you subtly filmed yourself as you looked out dramatically through the window. Montage.
When you arrived at your stop, you practically leapt out of the train and bounded up the steps. You began to walk towards the Eiffel Tower while trying to avoid as many tourists as you could. You found a rock wall that was away from the main throng of people and leapt onto it to sit on it. “Well,” you declared to your camera once you had it on and facing you, “I don’t see them anywhere. It’s possible that they already defeated the villain, the Eiffel Tower isn’t really that close to where I live.” Out of the corner of your eye you noticed someone sit down next to you, but you wanted to finish your thought first, “they are really good at what they do, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re already finished.”
You looked to the person who sat down next to you and nearly had a heart attack, “Chat Noir?” you gasped.
“The one and only,” he grinned.
“Wow,” you gaped, “this is incredible.”
He gave you a cocky smirk, “not as incredible as you.”
Your jaw dropped, was he...flirting with you? “I…”
“Come on,” he grabbed you by the waist before leaping away, the entire time you were screaming and desperately clutching onto your camera. It was expensive, no way were you going to lose that. He stopped on a rooftop and let you down to your feet.
“What’s happening?” you managed to splutter out as you held your head from the motion sickness.
“You don’t like it?” he purred.
Your face turned red at his voice. Yes, you were enjoying time with Chat Noir, but you were extremely confused, and something about him seemed a little...off. “No! I mean yes! I mean,” you looked at him pleadingly, “I’m confused.”
He leaned against his staff, “well, this kitty thinks you’re purrfect.”
You stepped back uncomfortably, “thanks? We’ve only just met?”
“That’s what you think,” he replied with a roguish wink.
“Okay! That’s creepy!” you shouted and took multiple steps back, but he just kept on walking forwards. You paused and a realization hit you, “you’re not really Chat Noir, are you?”
“And what makes you say that kitten?” he questioned with a grin.
“Because Chat Noir would never be as weird as this,” you replied defiantly.
“How do you know?” his smile was starting to get a little feral and was making you even more uncomfortable. It didn’t help that you were on top of a roof. “You’ve never met.”
“Your eyes,” you gasped and you almost wanted to hit yourself for not noticing it earlier.
“What about them?” he continued in the same cocky voice.
“They’re blue!”
He cocked his head to the side, “they’ve always been blue.”
“Nu-uh!” you cried out defiantly, “Chat Noir has green eyes. He’s kind. He’s a gentleman. He’s a superhero. You’re just a villain!”
His blue eyes narrowed dangerously, “oh, how you wound me.” He took a menacing step forward and you took a couple shaky steps back, “you’ve got it all wrong. This is one hundred percent Chat Noir. You wouldn’t know how he is.”
“I know he’s not you!”
“Oh really?” his eyes glinted dangerously, “wanna bet? Cataclysme!” he shouted and a deadly black cloud formed in his hand, “not just anybody would be able to do this.”
“What are you going to do with that?” you questioned shakily.
“I’ve always wanted to see what it would do to a person,” your heart plunged into your stomach, “but I wouldn’t want to mess up your purrfect face.” Was he complimenting and threatening you at the same time? “I think I’ll try it on…” a red and black yo-yo shot at his face which he easily dodged, “Ladybug!”
“Stop threatening the civilian!” she commanded.
“Make me!” he responded with a smirk. He ran at her with his hand outstretched, she flawlessly ducked under his hand and used her yo-yo to latch onto his arm and pull it towards a satellite dish, effectively destroying it, and neutralizing a threat.
She skidded to a halt next to you and you questioned, “where is the akuma located?”
“I hope it’s his bell,” you nodded as you eyed the golden ball hanging from his neck.
“And if it’s not?”
“Then,” she gulped, “it’s his miraculous.”
“Let’s hope it’s the bell then,” you declared, “hold on, I’ve got an idea.” She took a step back as you confidently stood up, “Chat Noir?” you asked sheepishly.
He gave you a look that said to go on, but he was still on his guard.
“I think I realize it now, you really are a Prince Charming.”
He grinned and you saw him totally drop his guard, “well of course I am, my dear purrrincess.”
“Can I, give my Prince a hug?” you questioned nervously, trying to play up the timid little girl trope.
“Well of course m’lady,” he responded with his arms open.
You quickly ran over to him, but instead of going into his arms, you grabbed the bell on his neck, yanked it off, and shouted, “Ladybug!” before you threw the golden ball at her. She easily caught it and threw it on the ground before stepping on it. It shattered and a small black butterfly emerged. The two of you sighed in relief.
“No more evil-doing for you little Akuma,” she opened her yo-yo and spun it around, “time to de-evilize!” the yo-yo caught the butterfly and she smiled, “gotcha!” she opened the yo-yo and a pure white butterfly emerged, “bye bye little butterfly.” She waved to it before throwing some random tool that she must’ve used earlier into the air, “Miraculous Ladybug!”
Chat Noir was surrounded by a bunch of black and purple bubbles before he sat back in confusion, “huh? What happened?”
“You got akumatized!” Ladybug ran over to him.
“What?” he asked in shock.
“And when I found you, you were terrorizing poor,” she looked over to you for your name.
“(y/n).” You smiled.
He looked ashamed of himself, “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s all right, you were akumatized.” You smiled reassuringly, “I knew it wasn’t really you.”
“Well,” Ladybug clapped her hands and looked at you, “let’s get you back to where you need to be.”
You glanced down at your camera, “if you could drop me off at a subway station?” you decided your vlog in Paris would wait for another day. Besides, you had a storytime idea.
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hansolmates · 4 years
hoshi; vowels and veracity (m)
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summary: after a blind date that makes you feel like a giddy teenager all over again, you’re forced to grow up and take a chance when you realize that special someone is your daughter’s kindergarten teacher. pairing: teacher!soonyoung x single mother!reader genre/warnings: fluffity fluff nuggets, humor, a lil bit of angst when yn panics, *steve rogers voice* language! alcohol, unprotected sex (wrap the pickle before u tickle), face sitting w/c: 5.2k a/n: i really have nothing to say about this but i’ve been thinking about going back to school all week so this manifested. enjoy a lil sexy but sweet hosh💕 
“Y-you,” another giggle and the press of wet lips to the sensitive spot of your neck, “stop, Soonyoung! I’m ticklish there!” 
You feel a pout imprint itself in the sweet spot between your ear and your jaw, and you sigh at the rumble of his lips against your skin, “But you taste so sweet, baby,” he croons, and you’re practically melting between the door with how much Soonyoung has pressed himself against you, all of himself. 
“What if I don’t wanna stop, pretty girl?” he husks against your soft skin, whispering things in your ear that aren’t for the faint of heart. In your haste to keep a firm grip, one hand goes to his clothes and the other nips at the undercut of his midnight black hair, “what if I just open the door right now and we slip right in, and then I slip right in you?” 
Your breath hitches and suddenly your core feels like a timebomb, ready to combust. 
Go on a date, Joshua says. He’s a sweet guy, Joshua says. He’s a friend of Joshua’s, so you know going into this blind date that at the very least, he wasn’t a serial killer. But what Joshua failed to tell you going into this was how much Kwon Soonyoung packed and how much of a temptor in disguise he is. 
“I really would love to invite you in,” it looks like it pains Soonyoung to admit this, as he presses his forehead to yours and the edge of his fingers dig into your crushed emerald velvet number, “but tomorrow’s the first day of work and I am not emotionally prepared. But, I do want to see you again. I had a great time.” 
The previous mood melting into the night sky, you reluctantly let go of the lapels of his tweed blazer. Unable to suppress your crestfallen smile you nod, “That’s fine,” you reply, inching away from him to send him a pointed look, “I wouldn’t have gone inside anyway. I don’t put out on the first date,” you cross your arms in an attempt to feign nonchalance.  
Which isn’t a lie, although if Soonyoung had asked you two minutes ago to come inside for a cup of tea, you wouldn’t have argued. He is just that tempting. Said date raises an eyebrow in response, tucking a strand of loose hair behind your ear at the defiance in your eyes. “Oh?” he echoes, “then what date do you put out?” 
“Date seven.” 
“Lucky seven,” he grins, “so if we go on a date every day this week by Friday we should be good to go. How do you feel about steak?” 
You slap his shoulder in his response, and the giggle that erupts from his lips in response has you feeling dizzy and giddy with excitement. Soonyoung has you feeling like a college freshman all over again, floating like Cloud 9 and drunk in anticipation. You peck one, two more kisses on his lips. He tastes like the peach champagne you shared and his own scent as he pulls you in for a much longer, much hotter kiss. 
“Good luck on your first day,” you mumble against his lips, vaguely remembering that he’s a teacher in a school nearby. 
“Mm, text me when you get home,” and with a final kiss to your forehead he unlocks his door, leaving you warm and full of heart-eyes on his front porch. 
The walk home, more like float home, has you feeling all parts exhausted and hopeful for the days to come. For the first time in a long time you feel young and unbridled, thrumming with excitement. Now you’re just playing with your phone, waiting to exchange goodnight texts. 
“Nari’s asleep,” when you walk into your shared apartment, you spot a sleepy Seungkwan on his laptop and sprawled across your couch. “How was it?” 
“It was reealllly nice,” you’re still a little wine tipsy, drunk on the taste of Merlot and a certain someone’s kisses, “he was really sweet, and surprisingly sexy.” 
“Did you get dicked down?” Seungkwan asks only the most important questions. 
You scoff, flopping down on the couch next to him, “As if, we have work in the morning.” 
“Speaking of work, are you sure you’re not able to drop off Nari to school tomorrow? It’s her first day of kindergarten.” 
“I can’t,” saying it feels absolutely awful, but a single mother has to work extra hard to keep her and her daughter happy. 
“It’s fine,” Seungkwan easily waves you off and runs a hand through his fluffy auburn hair, “her favorite Uncle is there, anyway.” 
“Hey,” you lightly punch his arm, “I’ve already talked Nari through it. I’m cooking a big breakfast tomorrow—chocolate chip pancakes, duh, and taking a million pictures before we have to part ways. I packed a little Kit-Kat for her lunch with a sweet note. When I come back in time for dinner I promised her pizza from her favorite parlor and she can tell me everything about her day.” 
“So, you’re bribing her with food.” 
“Sue me, it’s every parent’s weak spot.” 
Seungkwan stretches his arms, cradling you between his chest. You sigh into his clean linen scent, feeling sleepy. “Yeah, I’ve bribed her with my Switch once or twice,” he admits softly, eyes also drooping, “but you’re a great mother regardless. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything tomorrow.” 
“Thanks, Kwannie,” you sigh, feeling more at ease. 
Nari is the light of you and Seungkwan’s life. Five years ago, you promised yourself that if you were more than financially stable and still sick with baby fever, you would adopt. You didn’t want to find a romantic partner for the sole purpose of having a child, you could easily do that on your own. And that you did, you researched and visited foster homes off in the countryside. 
In a little town off the coast of the shore was where you met Nari, only six months old and full with cherub cheeks and eyes that sparkled like the moon and stars. You fell in love with her instantly. Fast forward five years later and she’s the reason you wake up every morning and work hard every day. Seungkwan being your best friend, also wanted rights as the godfather and therefore is also part of your perfect family picture. 
You and Seungkwan sleep warmly tonight, both excited to share yet another year of Nari’s milestones. 
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“And then Mr. Kwon said I was an ‘ace’ with my vowels!” Nari has a string of cheese hanging from her chin, and you don’t bat an eye as you reach to pat it away with a napkin. 
“I wouldn’t expect any less, baby,” you coo, carding a hand through her hair so her bangs don’t get caught in her meal, “remember when mommy and Uncle Kwannie taught you the vowels this summer? We sang that song.” 
“Yes! I sang the same song and showed everyone how ‘ta do it,” your heart is swelling with pride, and you fight the urge to tear up because Seungkwan’s already showing signs of waterworks from his side of the table, “I read a book Mr. Kwon gave me today and he said he’s so impressed I read at a Level B.” 
You quirk your brows at the new jargon. You certainly don’t know what it means to be a Level B, but it makes Nari happy and that’s all that matters. Wiping the orange grease off her lips, you muse that you must get in contact with her teacher one of these days.
“What’s a Level B?” Seungkwan similarly looks stumped at the new vocabulary. 
“I don’t know!” Nari shrugs, but nevertheless her teacher’s attention has her glowing. 
You giggle, “I’m so happy for you, baby.” 
“I’m excited to go back tomorrow, I made a new friend! His name is Jeonghan and he helped me with my numbers today. He called my bows cute.” 
“Cute?” Seungkwan perks up from his stupor, “of course you’re cute, Nari. So cute that you’re too good for this Jeonghwan boy.” 
“Jeonghan, Uncle Kwannie,” she pouts when Seungkwan scoffs, in favor of shoving half a slice in his mouth. She turns to you, tugging on your blazer, “Mama, can I go watch TV now? I finished my homework and I wanna see the new Ladybug and Cat Noir!” 
“Of course,” you pull away her plate, gesturing for her to go to the living room. 
“Thank you mama,” and she’s bouncing off her seat, pushing her chair in and off to watch Miraculous Ladybug. 
You sigh, “They grow up so fast.” 
Seungkwan’s eyes widen at your age-old phrase, the words reminding him oddly of his parents when they used to talk down to him. “And here we are, aging twice as fast,” Seungkwan bemoans, already starting to feel the greasy food settle in his stomach. “We used to eat a whole pie! We could eat absolute garbage back in college and here I am weak at two slices—oh my god, am I having a ‘back in my day’ moment? We need to go out. I need to go out. I’ve been practicing consonants and vowels all day. I need a boyfriend,” he playfully narrows his eyes at you, “I need a boyfriend like yours, sweet and sexy.” 
“Sorry,” you stick out your tongue, “but he’s mine.” 
Perfect timing, Soonyoung’s name pops up on your phone. You two have been texting sporadically throughout the day, making plans for your next date. The two of you are going to watch a drive-in movie, a situation that screams teenage-back-of-the-truck-sex but the movie is a much anticipated favorite of yours and you genuinely want to watch it. 
Soonyoung is full of humor and laughs, getting you to smile and relax at the right times during work and always manages to keep you on your toes whenever he says something flirtatious. 
“Are you gonna introduce him to Nari?” 
You stop typing, and look up towards your beautiful little girl in the living room. Her hair is out of her pigtails, drooping tiredly like she is. Her cheek is pressed against her favorite plush cat, fighting for consciousness because she’s waiting for Marinette to save the day. Your heart swells with affection. 
“Dunno,” you shrug, trying not to think too hard about it, “we’re not that serious right now.” 
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You’re absolutely winded. You finished work early today, due to the fact that came in early so you could clock out and pick Nari up from school. Despite the fact that Nari says it’s okay for you not to pick her up, you can’t allow it and you want to be the one who she runs into when she comes out the door. 
“Who do you think she’s gonna hug first?” Seungkwan’s elbowing you, baiting you. “Because this morning she gave me a hug and three kisses before I dropped her off.” 
“Three?” you seethe in annoyance, “three kisses is our thing! Two on the cheek and one on the forehead!” 
The two of you slowly steep together, waiting for the colorful blue door to the kindergarten area to file out. The heel of your shoes are digging into the grass, probably making a needle-like  indentation in the dirt as you struggle not to seep into the lawn. You feel like you’re going to flop on your heels, wishing you could go run back into the car and find your flip-flops from last month’s beach trip. But before you could debate on the run the bell rings, and you’re on livewire when you see the students start to file out. 
Your smile grows ten-fold when you see Nari’s jaw drop in surprise, seeing you waiting for her. She fists whatever is in her hands in surprise, breaking into the cutest smile as she screams, “mama!” 
And you’re ready to hold your arms out and throw her around in circles, until you see who follows right behind her. 
Kwon Soonyoung is Nari’s kindergarten teacher. Kwon Soonyoung with his hair down and untextured, wearing a mint polo and looking nothing like the date you had the other night. He looks absolutely soft and so, you are weak. 
Kwon Soonyoung, the sexy deviant who sends you questionable texts and sends you funny puppy videos, is staring right at you and utterly confused when Nari rams straight into your hip. 
Momentarily distracted, you pepper your pretty daughter in kisses (all three of them, two cheeks and one forehead) and tell her how much you’ve missed her. Clearly she doesn’t miss you as much, as she’s waving around a picture she drew during playtime, one of her and Jeonghan in the sandbox. 
“Really, Nari,” Seungkwan mutters under his breath, shamelessly vocalizing his opinion on a five-year old, “can’t you choose a different friend?” 
“Seungkwan!” you chide, but he pointedly annoys you when Nari finally enters Seungkwan’s embrace. He takes extra time to cuddle her, obviously jealous that another boy has taken refuge in your little Nari’s heart. 
The moment is so sweet and simple you have no choice but to revel in it and take out your phone to snap a photo. 
“Mama!” she pops her head off of Seungkwan’s shoulder, “come meet Mr. Kwon!”
And she’s tugging your hand, only you’re much stronger and you stay firmly planted on the grass. Heck, you even sacrifice your shoes by digging your heels in for extra measure.Your eyes widen in panic, but Nari doesn’t notice because she’s paving a path of dirt with her lime green light-up sneakers, trying to get you to move. You nearly forgot your latest tryst is your daughter’s teacher, and you never told him you have a kid. 
But within seconds, there’s an audible slam and the three of you are shattered from your bubble. Turning to the noise the heavy navy door is now locked shut, all the students dismissed for the day. The crowd is gone. Soonyoung is gone. 
Seungkwan’s eyes dart between the closed door and you, the pieces clicking. His mouth forms a little ‘o’ and he nods in understanding. “He thinks I’m your baby daddy.” 
The two of you point out each other like the Spiderman meme. “He thinks you’re my baby daddy,” you echo, horror marrying your face. 
“Mama? What’s a baby daddy?” 
“Shh, Nari—” he picks up Nari in one swoop, mouthing a go to you as he leads her to the car. 
All alone on the grass, you panic as you watch your family grow smaller and smaller as they enter the parking lot. Soonyoung’s just behind that door, right? Looking left and right to assure no one is going to think you’re being that parent and harassing the teacher within the first week of school, you bound up the steps to knock on the door. Your knocks clang heavily, echoing against the building. 
Ten seconds pass. Nothing. 
You deflate, pulling out your phone to shoot Soonyoung a quick text. 
You: hey, can you come out for a bit so i can explain? Please
A minute passes. He leaves you on read. Defeated, you slump against the door. This day is really a whirlwind on your mental state. All you wanted today was some extra time off work, Nari’s three kisses, and maybe a goodnight text from Soonyoung if you were lucky. 
The door suddenly flips open, and you’re braced against someone’s hands. 
“Whoa, you okay?”
Your face crumples in relief when it’s Soonyoung that’s come out to respond to you. He’s bracing your weight by holding your arms between his hands, although keeping a respectable distance between the upper half of your bodies. It makes you a little upset, but you understand. Once you’re stable, he lets you go and leans away from you.
“Why are you waiting out here?” he asks pointedly, looking at you up and down. You seem terribly overdressed in your coral pinstripe suit, mismatching with Soonyoung’s apple sauce stains. 
“Why do you think I’m waiting out here?”
“And if I close the door again?” he retorts suddenly. 
“Then I’ll follow you home.” 
A beat passes, whatever expression he conveys on his face is practiced and primed. You have a terrible time trying to decipher his blankness. Working with kids probably does that to an adult. “Come in,” he says neutrally, and you wordlessly follow him into his classroom. 
The room is decorated beautifully, with rainbows and glitter. It’s also surprisingly organized, all the crayons in place and the play area free of stray toys. Your eyes instantly search for Nari’s desk, and a small smile fits on your face as you trace her handmade name tag. 
“Normally, I don’t let parents in my room until it’s Back to School Night,” Soonyoung says, leaning against his desk. It makes you terribly nervous, knowing the ball is in your court and he’s waiting for you to make a move. His carefree, easy going nature is nowhere to be found, and all you see is walls and a mean poker face. He pulls up the sleeves of his polo, exposing pale, strong arms. Your mouth waters a little (you can’t help it!) and you immediately reach for a bottle of water in your purse. “So, what is it you have to say?” 
“Seungkwan’s not my baby daddy,” you blurt, and you immediately blanch when Soonyoung’s eyes widen. “Wow uh. I didn’t mean to say it like that.” 
“But you did say it like that,” Soonyoung replies slowly, “no child just doesn’t give three kisses to someone who isn’t their father.” 
“I only called him my baby daddy because he said it first,” you grumble, almost childishly, “and Nari’s a baby, of course she’s going to give three kisses to anyone that feeds her and coddles her.” 
“It sounds like an excuse.” 
“It sounds like I’m freaking out because you keep talking back and forth like this!” you cry, slapping your hands against your thigh. You don’t have to look in a mirror to know that you’re quickly getting annoyed, your face morphing into a shade of embarrassment. You can’t tell if this is amusing him or this is a real interrogation. “Let me explain, Soonyoung!” 
He says your name slowly, deliberately. And then, “do you want to take a break in the Calm Down Corner?” 
“The—the what?” Soonyoung’s eyes flicker to a corner at the far end of the room. The radiator is decorated in a sky blue wallpaper, and there’s a yoga mat on the floor. There are chairs next to a desk filled with coloring pages, decorated with fairy lights. Filling three of the chairs are various stuffed animals, a tiger, a cat, and a panda, all dressed as doctors. It’s a child’s therapy corner. “You gotta be kidding me.” 
He raises a brow, and—is that a smile on his lips? “Then explain, why are you here?” 
“Because I think I really like you,” you confess, frustration melting away to reveal the uneasy upturn on your lips. You lied when Seungkwan asked if you would ever consider introducing Soonyoung to Nari. In a different world, you would’ve loved to take the time to take Nari to the museum and introduce Soonyoung there. They’d definitely bond over their love for tigers. “Seungkwan is my best friend, and helps me take care of Nari. I adopted her five years ago.” 
Something softens in Soonyoung’s eyes, and the air feels much more relaxed. But his dark brows remain knit together, and he looks at you with confused eyes. “Then if you like me so much, why didn’t you tell me you had a daughter?”
“Because kids can be deal breakers,” you admit, and the colorful classroom feels smaller as you hug yourself. “I just, wanted you to like me first.” 
It’s the primary reason why it’s taken you so long to date. Sure, there’d be a fling here and there, but nothing that feels as tangible as Soonyoung is. You’re not old enough to find a partner that wouldn’t blink at the sign of children, yet you’re still at that weird age threshold where a partner could immediately run for the hills at the mention of one. Nothing will top Nari, she’s number one in your heart, but the small selfish part wanted you to put the focus on yourself for just one night. 
“You don’t have to hide, I want every part of your life no matter how long we have,” he assures you gently, firmly without an ounce of regret. Soonyoung opens his arms, and you cry in relief when you get to collapse in the scent of his cologne. You tuck your head in the crook of his neck, slightly sweaty from whatever activities he needs to do with the kids, but you don’t mind. His voice is quiet, melting in your ears, “and I really like you too. I really like Nari as well, she’s a great kid.” 
“She is, isn’t she?” 
You two pull away, and he swipes a thumb under your eyes in case some tears manage to escape. “So, Friday? Movie?” 
“It’s a date.” 
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“Where’s Nari?” the question is huffed against your breath as you’re pressed between your freshly washed bedspread and Soonyoung’s body. He takes care in making sure the zipper of your delicate dress doesn’t get caught in the rush, easily slipping your dress off and throwing it on your desk chair. 
“At Seungkwan’s, why?” 
His cheshire cat eyes glow under the moonlight, positively devious. “It’s date seven,” he announces sweetly. His gaze betrays his saccarine reply, a look that only tells you that Soonyoung plans to fuck you five ways to Sunday, and you’ll gladly let him. 
You sit up on your elbows, enjoying the show as Soonyoung quickly sheds his clothing. It’s ungraceful, exciting. Tonight was a simple carnival date, easily making you feel like a giddy college student all over again. Soonyoung won you five Pokemon keychains today, you could put a whole party on your hand. 
“It’s actually date six,” you tease, tilting your head as his pants finally come off, revealing black boxer briefs that snug deliciously around the waist. 
“Oh, okay,” he looks at you like you’ve spoken God’s word, reaching to pick up his shirt, “so you don’t want my dick fucking you raw tonight? Okay, I see how it is,” he pretends to put on his clothing, jabbing a thumb out the door. 
You have the audacity to giggle, pulling him over by the waistband, “Come here so I can make an exception.”
You don’t know what it is that makes you want you want to give everything to this man. Heck, five years ago you didn’t even want a man as an excuse to have kids. But as he nudges you in all the right places and places you on top of him, you know this man will treat you like an absolute treasure. Every kiss is laced with smiles and sweetness, filled with vigor and vivacity that fills you up and leaves you afloat. 
He takes care of you first, unwilling to let you budge as he places your core over his face. He makes quick, but effective use of his tongue and fingers, making sure you’re nice and sensitive for his future plans. You’re practically throbbing with pleasure, vibrating from every cell of your body. Within minutes he’s glistening in your arousal, and he pulls you down so you’re lined up with his crotch. It’s involuntary when you pulse against his member, your body shamefully alerting you that it’s desperate with need, and the remedy is right under you. 
Soonyoung looks more satisfied than you, eager to please you. Without warning, he stuffs two fingers in your mouth, “You pretty, pretty girl,” you are keen at the attention, your body is glowing a radiant rose. 
Your tongue rolls against his fingers, sticky and tasting of your arousal. Tilting your hips up you let Soonyoung pull his member out, lining it against your entrance. Feeling the soft tip brush against your delicate folds, you moan against his mouth. With a little ‘pop’ he releases you, lips shiny and parted. 
“I hope you don’t think I’m some kind of hit-it-n’quit-it kind of guy,” he noses the sensitive spot of your jawline, which distracts you momentarily when the plush tip nudges your folds, coaxing you to unite. “Because after tonight, I’m definitely keeping you. Forever.” 
The reply that dances on your tongue is overtaken by your whines when Soonyoung slips in fully, forcing your body to clench tightly against his. You take him, all of him. You feel wet and sticky and hot and swollen with affection as Soonyoung praises you for taking him so well. His pace is firm and passionate, short nails digging deliciously into your hips for leverage as he makes sure to fill you to the brim. 
He’s right, tonight is far from being a means to an end. You feel like you can have nights like this the rest of your life. And when the both of you finish and you’re pulling the covers over one another, you finally manage to grasp the reply that was nearly forgotten. 
Pressing a kiss to his jaw you whisper, “I’m keeping you, too.” 
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“So, how long can we keep this a secret for?”
“Ideally? Ten months. Realistically, I’d say Christmas.” 
“Why Christmas?” 
“Because I know you’re going to be dying to get Nari a Christmas present.” 
Soonyoung props his elbow on the pillow, looking at you petulantly. “I could say it’s a good behavior reward. She’s been racking up those gold stars during morning meetings, babe. She’s not even trying.” 
“That’s my girl,” you coo, rolling over to lean your head on his chest. Light has long flooded into your apartment, seeping through your curtains and reflecting on your white duvet. Soonyoung looks absolutely fluffy and well rested, and you can’t help but reach to pat down the ebony bird’s nest atop his head. 
The two of you lay like that for a little bit, playing with each other’s cold feet under the covers and relishing under the touch of bare skin to bare skin. You remind yourself that you need to take Joshua out to dinner one of these days, as he managed the inevitable and set you up with  an amazing partner. 
“Breakfast?” Soonyoung pops the question easily, “let’s get steak.”
“Steak isn’t eaten for breakfast.” 
“Then can I eat you for breakfast?” 
You snort, hiding under the covers while Soonyoung attempts to tickle you. The whole act in itself feels wholly innocent despite the fact that you’re both naked and smell like sweat and sex. Just as you feel Soonyoung’s head dip under the covers to meet you at your chest, the door swings open. 
The previously warm room feels like wickedly sharp ice, freezing you to your spot as you clutch the covers closer to your chest. “Baby!” you cry exasperatedly, flinching when she throws all her weight on you. She’s still in her ladybug pajamas from last night, hair falling out of her braid. 
She lifts her head from your breast to give you an adorable one-toothed grin. You try your best to maintain eye-contact, but Nari has impeccable vision. Her grin evolves into a full-on beam when she finds your bed partner.
“Mr. Kwon!” she’s squealing, clamoring over your lap. You do a double-take when you see Soonyoung sitting next to you, wearing a t-shirt. Where on earth did he get that?
Soonyoung’s eyes reduce to crescents at his (secretly) favorite student. “Good morning, Nari-ah. Had a fun time at your Uncle’s house?” 
“Nari,” you force your daughter down to stand on the hardwood, giving her a stern look, “give Mr. Kwon some space, it’s really early and it’s the weekend.” 
Knitting her brows together, she looks between the two of you, “But you two don’t have any space.” 
You wince at her perception, and nudge yourself away so you’re pressed against your nightstand. The oakwood corner digs painfully into your back. 
“We were haviång a very special parent meeting,” you fight the urge to cry when Soonyoung turns on his teacher's voice, sending your daughter a very convincing smile. You watch as your daughter’s eyes go wide, probably feeling very special that her teacher came all the way to her house to have a meeting. “You’ve been doing so well during the read-alouds that I had to tell your mama in person!” 
“I told you mama!” Nari juts out her chest, and you lean over to kiss the crown of her head. “But Mr. Kwon, why are you having it in mama’s room?” 
“Her room is the warmest!” he says like it’s the most obvious thing, his and Nari’s eyes widening simultaneously as he gestures to the open window. “The sun travels directly into your bedroom in the morning, and those rays send heat—”
“Mr. Kwon,” your voice is as steady as it can be, and  you frown when Soonyoung wiggles his brows. You already know he’s thinking of three separate ways you can use the term Mr. Kwon in private, but you’re not having any of that, “shouldn’t we uh, wrap up this… meeting?” 
“I wanna stay,” Nari glowers, obviously nosy as to what you two are talking about.
“I know baby. We just gotta finish up the meeting, okay? Can you—” you cut  yourself off when Seungkwan finally decides to make his appearance, eyes wide at commotion he’s created. He’s in matching pajamas, ridiculously red as he bends down to scoop up Nari. Absolutely sweating and as red as his clothes, his eyes dart between the two of you. You could care less that Seungkwan’s eyes have bags under their bags, and was probably too tired to catch her when she ran inside the house. No, Seungkwan doesn’t deserve the title of godfather anymore. 
“Nari! You can’t interrupt teacher meetings,” Seungkwan pretends to scold, and Nari turns her head so she can hide in her Uncle’s shoulder. 
Knowing that Nari can’t see a thing, you mouth a very explicit I will kill you to your best friend, and he immediately mouths an apology to the both of you as he ushers himself out the door. You wait ten seconds for your daughter to be out of ear shot, before dropping the blanket from your neck and throwing yourself against the pillows. 
But Soonyoung’s chuckling, pressing a litany of kisses all over your bare body in an attempt to comfort you. Instead of reveling in his lazy morning touch, you want to disappear between the sheets, never to be seen. What will the PTO moms say when they find out? How will you stop Nari from telling Jeonghan, and therefore Jeonghan telling the entire kindergarten population? Why isn’t Soonyoung freaking out about this? Instead, he favors to taste your body, in between kisses muttering something about it being kismet that Nari so happened to see right as you were discussing the secrecy of your relationship. Ten years from now, your daughter will be horrified when she realizes that no, teachers don’t normally give housecalls in your mother’s bed.
Your boyfriend pinches your thigh, regarding you with mirth in his eyes. 
“So, that means I can buy her a Christmas present now, right?” 
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sparkles-and-trash · 3 years
(small) Requests open!
I really miss making my lil’ content, so I figured this was a good way to start again! 
Things you can request: 
I do NOT do character x reader/yn/oc at this point!
little list of headcanons 
small au concepts w/aesthetics 
teeny tiny drabbles 
just talking about ships/characters/au’s/etc 
arts (shoulder/chest up only bc time) 
simple “how I imagine the characters in *au/age/etc*” portraits 
characters in simple halloween costumes 
horror related characters for halloween portraits/icons  
Fandoms you can request for: 
Bob’s Burgers 
Miraculous Ladybug 
South Park 
Gravity Falls 
The Sims (esp sims 2 shit, love me the drama of the pre existing sims and neighborhoods) 
Friendly reminder that, with me being chronically ill and all, and that these are requests, and therefore I’m not always gonna be able, or obligated, to do every one of these, either because of time, skill, or comfort level! 
The general rule of thumb is that if I reply to your ask, and not tel you that I can’t do it, it’s added to my WIP list, and I’ll work tru my asks at the best pace I can! 
my inbox is open, and anons are welcome, as always <3 
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Hanging out at a Cafe after school:
Marc: No, y/n. We need to finish this before the deadline, you know that.
Y/n:I want my lunch break!
Marc: You've been daydreaming about him all day y/n!
Nathaniel, walks in with drinks and snacks: Hey guys I got the-
Nathaniel:... I think we can take a break.
Marc: Nate No!
Y/n:Nate, yes!
Y/n: I knew you were my favorite! *kisses cheek*
Y!/n:I call dibs on the croissant! *runs away with croissant in hand*
Marc:OH no you don't! *runs after her*
Nathaniel, hiding his face in his hands: *embarrassed boi noises*
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