#Mirabel's Dead AU
evostar · 6 months
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MORE TROLLS AU!!! I LOVE TROLLS SMM!! So yeah guess what’s happeninnggggg!!😃
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the-delta-42 · 3 months
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Star Wars/The Walking Dead Game AU
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Clementine stood there, waiting for Violet to attack her. Instead, Violet extinguished her lightsaber and dropped it.
“I don’t wanna fight you.” Choked Violet, making Clementine frown and lower her own lightsaber.
“What changed?”
“Marsh.” Clementine glanced a Plo, “Stand down.”
Clementine briefly scowled, before deactivating her lightsaber and placing it on her belt, “The Padawan and the men with her, where are they?”
Violet shakily pointed at the entrance to the basement, prompting Clementine to stride over, ignoring the others. Without another word, Clementine slashed the lock with her lightsaber and vanished below.
“You want me to what?!”
“The Jedi here need an experienced leader.” Said Obi-Wan, stroking his beard, “You’ve more than proved yourself, even while restricted by a space suit.”
“But surely Skywalker would serve better here.” Argued Clementine, scowling at Obi-Wan.
“You and the 751st are already here.” Countered Obi-Wan, getting a sharp sigh from Clementine.
“Fine, I and my men will remain here.” Muttered Clementine, turning on her heel and stalking away.
Louis watched Clementine stride over to a clear space near the gate and sit on her knees, before she started meditating.
“You’re going to have to speak to her some time.” Said Violet, getting a sigh from Louis.
“I know.” Answered Louis, taking a deep breath, “but, I caused her to miss out on Hope’s milestones. And she didn’t even acknowledge her last night.”
Violet sighed, glancing around, “It’s strange having so many people here.”
While they were talking, AJ slowly approached Clementine. Stopping a couple of feet away from her, he opened his mouth.
“What’s wrong?” Asked Clementine, not opening her eyes.
“I, I wanted to apologise.”
Clementine opened her eyes and looked back at AJ, “Sit with me.”
AJ copied her sitting position, as Clementine closed her eyes again.
“What can you feel?”
“The animals, everyone here,” AJ swallowed, “the hunger.”
“I’m going to be straight with you,” Said Clementine, “after all of you left me for dead, I hated you. I wanted nothing more than to come back her and kill every last one of you.”
AJ swallowed.
“What hurt me the most was you and Louis.” Continued Clementine, “The two people I thought would’ve had my back in that situation and instead you were leading the charge.”
AJ looked down.
“Had I not gone to the Jedi Council,” Said Clementine, “there is a high chance I would’ve fallen.”
Clementine let out a sigh, before wrapping an arm around AJ’s shoulder, “I forgave all of you when I was knighted. It may take a while to fully regain my trust, but you’ve made a start.”
“General.” Clementine twisted and looked up at Thunder, her Clone Commander, “We’ve cased the perimeter, I’ve got men posted at every entrance and assigned some of our techs to getting the droids back in working order.”
“That’s good.” Said Clementine, getting to her feet, “I’m sure the walkers will be a decent asset when they arrive.”
“Walkers?” Frowned AJ, getting up as well, “How’re the dead gonna be an asset?”
“Different kind of walker, sir.” Corrected Thunder, “Our walkers are combat vehicles, all of them operating on legs rather than repulsorlifts.”
Clementine examined AJ, before frowning, “Where’s your lightsaber?”
AJ froze, before responding, “I don’t have one.”
Clementine’s frown deepened, before glancing at Thunder, “I’ll go over the rest with you later, Commander.”
Thunder nodded, making Clementine grab AJ’s arm and pull him towards the Admin building.
“What do you mean you don’t have a lightsaber?” Demanded Clementine, looking at AJ.
“It felt wrong.”
“How?!” Clementine stopped and stared at AJ, “AJ, I taught you how to extend the hilt, you could’ve lengthened it if you found it uncomfortable.”
“That’s not what I meant!”
Clementine straightened up, frowning down at him, “Then, what did you mean?”
“It was yours.” Answered AJ, “W-when we caught that thief, I-I couldn’t use it. N-not a-after-”
AJ started to break down, prompting Clementine to pull him into a hug.
“I-I-I’m s-s-sorry,” Sobbed AJ, “I-I’m s-s-sorry, M-mom.”
Clementine sighed, resting her chin on AJ’s head, while the boy sobbed.
Mace looked at the holograms in front of him, Master Madrigal was currently stationed in a small village in a country call Colombia, while Master Fu was calling from France, his Padawan a couple feet behind him. He looked at the third Jedi, Knight Potter, who was in a small island country near France, Mace couldn’t remember the name, but found he didn’t care.
“The dead,” Said Fu, “are particularly vulnerable to lightsabers. However, lately, it’s not the dead we have to worry about. It’s the living.”
“Master Fu is right, Master Windu,” Said Potter, “Most of our losses have been caused by the living, as opposed to the dead.”
“I too, have experienced such issues.” Said Master Madrigal, her blindfold covering an old saber wound, “Some from people I would consider friends.”
Mace frowned, “What of the other Jedi on planet?”
“I’ve got a few in the community I’m protecting.” Answered Madrigal, getting a nod from Windu.
“I have mostly Padawans, but they are quick learners.” Said Fu, while Potter frowned.
“Unfortunately,” Potter looked at them, “most of the Jedi here are dead.”
“How many strong are you?” Asked Mace, looking at Potter.
“Six.” Answered Potter, “Nineteen if you include the younglings.”
“I’ll attempt to contact any other surviving Jedi across the rest of the planet,” Said Mace, after a moment, “We’ll need to co-ordinate our efforts if we’re to combat the dead effectively.”
“We’ve tried.” Sighed Fu, “But, the majority of the satellites and Jedi Outposts have fallen. We three are, seemingly, the only ones still in possession of a transponder signal.”
Mace sighed, he’s dreaded as such, “I’ll have some men scout around, search for any other surviving Jedi.”
The holograms of the three Jedi glanced at each other.
“May the Force be with us all.” Said Mace, making the other Jedi nod, before they signed off.
Mace stood in silence, letting it wash over him. He’d always believed that the Jedi’s place was with the Republic, he’d defended that motion in several arguments. But, seeing how Sol was literally left to rot, he found himself doubting that belief. He’d always pegged Marsh as a cynical pessimist, given her low opinion on both side of the war, but now, he saw that, in her own way, she was being realistic. This world hadn’t been touched by the Clone War, yet the people had been forced into survivalist roles, with Everett, Garcia and Marsh admitting to killing unarmed opponents to prevent any harm coming to others. Mace felt a small chuckle rise out of him, remembering the face Skywalker had pulled when Marsh said she wouldn’t hesitate to remove his head if he got bitten.
Part of him wondered what his peers on the Jedi Council were doing, with three of their number confined to a planet with an undead virus on the loose. Were they having the healers work on a cure? Were they discussing the course of action with the Chancellor? Had they replaced him, Obi-Wan and Plo?
Mace shook his head, dispelling the thought. Part of him refused to believe that they would go on as if nothing had happened, but they had done just that, after they sent Everett to locate that missing medical frigate.
“How’d the meeting go?” Asked Skywalker, jerking Mace from his thoughts.
“The Jedi are more divided than initially believed.” Said Mace, looking at the younger man, “Only three others had transponders with them.”
Anakin frowned, “But there could still be Jedi leading communities, since the Ericson’s community is just the Ericson’s Jedi Outpost.”
“Manned almost exclusively by Padawans.” Mace reminded him, “You’ve seen the report on what happened there.”
“The master’s all abandoning them?” Asked Anakin, “or how one of them sold his peers to survive?”
“Both.” Sighed Mace, as Plo and Obi-Wan entered the room.
“Knight Marsh has agreed to remained at Ericson’s with her men.” Said Obi-Wan, “She was against it, at first, but she agreed in the end.”
“How’d she take training the Jedi there?” Asked Mace, looking at Plo.
“She agreed,” Answered Plo, “but, she kept what reservations she had about it to herself."
“And Ahsoka?” Asked Anakin, crossing his arms.
“She’s with the rescued members of the 501st outside.” Answered Obi-Wan, “She’s unharmed, Anakin.”
Anakin frowned, but nodded, before going walking out of the room. The three Jedi masters shared a look, before following after him.
Clementine ran her hand down her face, as Willy fell off the balancing beam for the seventeenth time in a row.
“Commander.” Clementine called over to Thunder, “Cease fire.”
The yellow training bolts stopped, as Clementine walked over to Willy, “The purpose of the exercise, Willy, is to avoid being hit.”
Willy had the decency to look ashamed, as Duck and Sarah walked around the other trainees.
Clementine sighed, before looking around, Louis, Violet, Mitch and Marlon were doing fairly well with blocking blaster bolts, while Brody and Ruby were working on medical techniques with Stitches, the medic for the 751st.
“Maybe,” Sarah spoke to Clementine, “we should see how they are with the training sabers.”
“Do you really want to look for more sticks? Considering what happened last time.” Asked Duck, looking between the two.
Clementine sighed, before glancing over at AJ, who was rolling modified training lightsaber over in his hands.
“You know,” Sarah got Clementine’s attention, “after we got here, looking for you, AJ was the first to express doubt about your guilt.”
“And you’ve practically already forgiven him.” Added Duck, folding his arms.
“AJ’s different.” Dismissed Clementine, “I raised him.”
“What about Hope?” Asked Sarah, making Clementine freeze, “After they tried to kill you, she stopped progressing, sure, she can walk and we’re fairly certain she knows how to talk, but she stopped responded to the others, even Louis has trouble getting her to open up to him.”
“I’m not sure if she remembers me.” Said Clementine, as she looked back over at AJ, before looking past him as the five year old playing with some flowers. Hope, seemingly able to feel Clementine staring at her, got up and toddled past AJ toward Clementine.
The little girl looked up at her, before holding a messy flower crown up, “Mommy, look.”
Clementine felt her throat get tight, as she crouched down, allowing Hope to clamber up and awkwardly put the flower crown on her head. Instead of getting back down, Hope positioned herself so Clementine could carry her.
“Er, General?” Called a trooper, “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”
Clementine frowned, trying to place a name to the trooper.
“That’s Tip,” Said Thunder, suddenly appearing by Clementine’s side, “he’s one of the shinies, straight from Kamino.”
“Okay, why’s holding her a bad idea?” Asked Clementine, as Hope stared up at the antenna on Thunder’s helmet.
“She, er, bit him, General.” Answered Thunder, coughing to cover a laugh, “He screamed like he was going to die.”
“Why’d you all sound the same?” Asked Hope, looking at Thunder.
“Well, er, ma’am,” Thunder shifted, “We’re clones.”
“What’s that?”
“It means they’re all identical.” Answered Clementine, “They all look, sound and fight the same.”
“Did their mommy have all of them at once?”
“Er, no.” Answered Thunder, “We were grown by Cloners, people who make identical copies of people. We don’t have parents.”
“No mommy?” Asked Hope, frowning.
“No, ma’am.”
Hope frowned, but before she could say anything, she yawned. Clementine adjusted her, before looking at Duck, Sarah and Thunder, “Can you take over here?”
Duck nodded, going over to where Clementine had been watching Willy, while Thunder went back over to Louis and the others, leaving Sarah to re-examine Brody and Ruby’s work with Stitches. Glancing around, Clementine frowned when she couldn’t spot James, Aasim, Minerva or Omar. Deciding to shake it off, Clementine walked towards the Admin building as Hope started to doze in her arms.
Grievous growled, glaring down at the horde of dead. The Cyborg had been sent by Dooku to investigate the situation on the planet. Dooku thought they could weaponize this virus against the Republic.
He growled, spotting some form of militia and a Jedi cutting apart the dead.
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casitafallz-a · 2 years
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Pariah AU | Birthday grief
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“Happy Birthday, hermana.” Pepa whispered as she and Bruno sat in his room, a photo of their eldest lost third between them. The aching loss never feeling more real than now in the privacy of his walls from the family. Not that the rain didn’t give her tells away at the moment she had disappeared off with her sibling and no doubt everyone else knew as well but the fact they were humoured was enough to keep the charade going; that this was now what they had to do.
Pepa didn’t care and Bruno was doing a good job at keeping the photo and candle dry with an umbrella settled above it.
Loss like this, the pain made the celebration of their day feel hollow. She had grown accustomed to absence, like Bruno has in the last decade but it had never been this ache. They had never had a birthday together since their 40th. When Bruno had come back, Pepa had felt relief that they’d once be a proper triplet birthday.
Then Julieta had vanished… and died.
The real realisation was swift to follow was now that they’d never have a triplet birthday again with one missing…or dead. The inability to bury her didn’t help with closure. Mama hadn’t come out of her room and Pepa didn’t even try because there was no denying the grief this day meant for their mother; a reminder of their Papa’s loss and the loss of her home but now.. now it was the loss of Julieta was now a part of her grief…
“Think she’d watching down at us?” Bruno asked quietly, thumbing over his rosary beads slowly.
“No.” Pepa answered, not looking up as she felt his look. “Why’d she come down to see us grieve when she’s with Papi celebrating what she never could with him up there?” At least with him, she didn’t have to think about them; what she had left behind.
Pepa hated that. Hated that Julieta had died and left them alone. Left them a duo. Left them in a horrifying way. Left her husband and her daughters… left their mother. She hated that she hated that. Julieta’s death hadn’t been purposeful… the desperation for water
Pepa felt Bruno prod at her before she waved the snow away.
“Why did she have to die on us?”
Pariah Julieta say quietly against the pillar to their private room, most people now had taken up bean bags and passed out like Stray or in Decay’s case, found a lover for the night in her drinking and disappeared off.
Distort had also passed out drunk, which was odd to see given he was still physically aged 15, even by now he was twenty-two. Much like Wanderer in appearance in comparison to her real age. She too had also disappeared off but Pariah didn’t let herself over think if she had disappeared off with a guy or just got bored.
It was an odd day but Pariah was…one of the few that kept track of her birthday in her native world. Sure, she already celebrated her own birthday here already but this day, it was also October 17th in her native world. Two years had passed and by all accounts, she was now physically 52 years old, even though she was about 65 years old.
She had wanted to celebrate it and Hallow had worked wonders for a last-minute party. Hallow herself had long since dropped birthdays for herself; she didn’t care for them as much anymore.
The high of the party had worn off and Pariah was tucked in between Dweller and Hallow with the familiar buzzing and dryness in her mouth. Dweller was quiet though, his fingers tracing the metallic shell of her prothetic with curiosity.
Hallow was… mellow. Which was off for an emotionless woman but Pariah didn’t ponder on that too much as they all sat quietly.
“You okay?” Dweller asked after a moment. “You’ve gone all sad.”
Pariah offered him a soft look as he looked at her with those glowing eyes, a face so young but only a few years younger than herself.
“I keep thinking of my family…my Pepa and Bruno.” Pariah admitted, “their…second birthday without me.”
Dweller’s eyes turned down in understanding. “I’m sorry.”
“After…my Bruno went into the walls… the birthdays after that, we still celebrated with the family. Me and Pepa would sneak to his door and leave a cake… or a little present.” Her lips curled sadly, “But…. We hoped he was alive. They were always gone by morning.”
Dweller sighed out softly. “You still kept him in your life…even if you didn’t know how close he always was.”
“This day… this will be the hardest for them. Not as bad as…last year but again…” She knew how hard it was but… they had probably long thought she was dead. At least with Bruno they had hope. Not her. No, she was literally dead to the family at this point and… that was a new pain.
A part of her longed for her native siblings.
Dweller’s hand moved from tracing to grasping her metal hand softly. “Their grief in your absence is just a sign that they still love you.”
Pariah closed her eyes as she rested her head onto his shoulder. “I know. I…I do miss them…but I don’t think I’ll ever find the strength to face them.” Not with what had happened to her. She…was too different now. Less…human. How could she look them in the eye and all they’d see of what she’d become. 
Agustín may not even want her; she could kill him with a touch…or worse accidently break him with her arm or leg. He was so delicate now; a loving, warm father that had done so much more in the last two years while she had become a soldier…a fighter and she was a hardened soul. She wasn’t what they needed anymore. She had ruined her family long before she had left, inflicted by her choices and they hated her for it.
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wikluk · 2 years
So I just found your dead baby Mirabel AU, and my heart is in literal SHAMBLES now, I hope you’re happy. But I had a thought: how would Dolores react to Mirabel dying? I mean, in the opening song, Mirabel says Dolores can hear them from a mile away. Can you imagine the nightmares she would have, being able to hear Mirabel’s difficulty breathing so clearly? Maybe even hear the moment her heart stops? THE ANGST
Well hello, and I have to say I'm glad *devilish cackling*
Well, the main idea was that Dolores was in her room at that time, and I headcanon that her room is mostly sound-proof or at least makes it for her like normal people hear the world, so it kinda dulls what she hears. So she hears like a normal person when she's in her room thus she wouldn't be able of hearing Mirabel's fading heartbeat or her erratic breathing.
She only heard the commotion downstairs and together with Isabela, they peeked out. And all they'd seen was Alma taking Mirabel's (covered) body away and then... Just Julieta having a mental breakdown. Traumatising enough, I guess, especially when you add that Dolores counts the family members' heartbeats when she's overwhelmed or upset or just instinctively and she realises one's missing.
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arolesbianism · 2 months
I've been passively watching an isat playthrough while twiddling my thumbs in my current oni save as I wait for my new power systems to be done and hey guys. I think one of these bitches is aromantic. Why did no one tell me one of these bitches is aromantic I would have played the game myself if I knew that
#rat rambles#ok tbf I still theoretically Could but I dont think Id survive playing through the like first 6 hours of the stuff Ive already seen#anyways current review is that it's rly well written so far and I like how well the worldbuilding is implemented naturally in the dialogue#having odile be a presumably anthropologist or smth along those lines does wonders for this ofc but even with that its amazing how#natural the party feels when discussing their different cultures#and ofc I am staring at mirabelle hard. this game is clearly not shying away in the slightest from queer topics so. blinks oh so sweetly#I am sooooo fucking desperate for canonically aro characters who are actually written to be aro if she talks abt it at all I Will cry#honestly real con of this is that its making me conceptualize an eternal gales au which is not what I should be thinking abt this early#also its a problem because Im pretty dead set on the idea that aris would be sif and that means tali is off limits#which is unfortunate because I think itd be funny to make her mirabelle on the sole basis of her maybe being aro#otherwise the assignments are pretty easy even if some of them would be looser fits than others based on my current knowledge#mase would be odile fydd would be bonnie and sier would be iz#for mira Im thinking if I wanted to get funky with it then maybe bloom? it doesnt effect sier too much since I can just make it so his mom#was the one frozen in time or smth#now bloom is rly only in the running because of the leftover human kids shes somehow the best choice despite being 9 years old lol#dodie is off the table since I try to practice restraint when using dodie in aus#and the snake triplets are well. the snake triplets.#they have about a billion things that makes them hard to fit into any au#now I could use a stalien instead but thats a Really hard choice for me to make given the rest of the selected cast#plus none of them actually fit that much better than bloom would tbh?#like to be clear basically the only thing keeping bloom from being an easy pick is that shes 9#like I could just do it anyways but I should probably wait a lil bit to make sure mira doesnt pull out some crazy shit to change my mind#based on what I do know the only one thats rly a bit of a stretch is sier but Im ok with that I can just slap a different character arc in#rly most fucked up thing abt this cast is that aris our sif is second tallest#which feels deeply wrong to me especially once you consider the hat#her siouette is going to be all fucked up and different from sif's shes going to be so big compared to them#shes not even That tall shes like 5'8 thats just tall compared to most of her companions#in canon shes the third tallest of the friend group and second tallest not counting dodie#so its mase then her and in this hypothetical au the rest of the garden gnome squad#sier is 5'1 fydd is 5 flat and bloom is 4'9 if Im remembering correctly
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pillowspace · 1 month
Do you have any info on the ISAT Audience of Vaugarde AU you'd be willing to share? (Only if you wanna!!) :o
I'm really curious about it, I have SO many questions
During the loops, Loop would only ever see the faintest signs of a presence, but nothing that'd confirm one. They always thought it was just a bad memory springing up, like a faint scent or the faintest whisper of a familiar voice. The Audience watched everything. Sometimes, some would follow behind Siffrin into the House, while someone else would remain with Loop at the Favor Tree. Loop was rarely ever left alone. I imagine that, whenever some would follow Siffrin, they saw things they would have rather not, but there's not much to do but chat amongst themselves and spectate. It does give perspective to what Loop may have gone through though, so it's not like they wouldn't Understand Loop by the time the loops were broken.
I have nothing to say about this, I just want to note that I need to draw the bad touch event someday with Loop and Isabeau just STARING from the tree like [Live Loop Reaction] and [Live Isabeau Reaction], it's really funny to me.
Nobody was really too sure what to call Loop during the loops, constantly hesitantly switching between names. Eventually Mirabelle suggested they just stick to Loop if they can't ask, so they did. But I'd like to imagine that, once before that, Loop had caught a close familiar whisper of "Siffrin" and felt... unwell.
AFTER 2hats but BEFORE Loop reappears in the world is what this first drawing is. It's Loop's "in this moment, you are loved," but it's so hazy that it might as well have been a dream for them. Think of it like how at the start of In Stars and Time, the star is shown being eaten, and Siffrin wakes up.
Loop's still in Vauguarde, but they have NO idea where they are when they wake up. Their head is human, but not the rest of their body. Their hair is long and tangled and greasy, as if their hair had always been growing just out of sight. Some sort of barrier has been broken between Loop and the Audience, so as the days pass, the voices slowly grow clearer, and Loop starts slowly... seeing things.
Loop needs somewhere to stay, so an older woman lets them stay at her house. Let's call herrrr... Smithing One?? This is only a temporary arrangement.
If I draw Loop with really messy greasy hair and little to no clothing, that's the stage in which Loop is deeply afraid of any sign of the Audience's company. Example from a previous drawing:
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If I draw Loop with hair slightly better taken care of and in a headband holding the overgrown middle piece back, Loop's now tense and nervous around the Audience but won't panic anymore, and will often communicate back. (Note: don't interpret this as Loop not liking them! Loop loves them very deeply and suffered a lot of grief, there's just a lot of feelings of fear and reopened wounds clashing.) I think maybe partway through this stage, Loop leaves Smithing One's house to go travel. Example from a previous drawing:
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There is a stage I haven't drawn yet where Loop is entirely happy with the Audience and a lot more healed. I'm guessing Loop will have a high ponytail, and some hair accessory holding back the middle piece or something like that. I would like to draw that at some point.
After learning that Loop can't handle being called Siffrin and is only settling for the mild discomfort "Loop" brings, Odile will start calling them Little Crow, as per chipper-smol's reply:
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I'm out of things to mention honestly, feel free to ask whatever you want
OH yeah. By the way, I do want Loop and Siffrin to reunite at some point, I'm just not sure how yet... The thing is, the Audience isn't actually ghosts. They're LIKE ghosts, but they're not dead. As I've said, Loop's first wish to stay with their friends simply merged with their second wish for help, so the Audience is more so just oddly disconnected from reality. Maybe after a lot of time has passed, the Audience is so tangible that anyone can see them, even if they have a little bit of an off air to them (and maybe they still can vanish at will). So... surprise! Siffrin's party would eventually realize that they ALSO have alternate versions of themselves walking around. Ohhh wait, wouldn't it be fun if one accidentally met their clone in a public place before ever even being aware of Loop's supposed "audience"? And Siffrin never wanted to talk about Loop's business to his family, so they never even found out what Loop was at all? Something in me tells me that it'd be most fun for it to be the Mirabelles to spot each other first
...............okay, now I'm out of things to mention
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igetthedisneybox · 9 days
Óscar Madrigal
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Inspired by @hannahhook7744's Encanto AU, and her own character headcanons.
Third image made using https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1558575
Fourth image made using https://www.dolldivine.com/la-colombiana
Fifth image made in Disney Dreamlight Valley
Óscar’s full name is Óscar Horacio Madrigal.
His first name means “dear friend” and his middle name means “time”. 
He is the oldest child of Mirabel Madrigal and Bubo Marquez.
He greatly resembles his father, and has his brown skin, nose, and hair. Somehow, he did not inherit either of his parents' need for glasses.
He is seventeen years old.
He has two triplet sisters, Beatriz, younger by fifteen minutes, and Lidia, younger by thirty minutes.
He likes both boys and girls, but is single.
His gift is mediumship. He can see and communicate with the dead souls who can’t/ won’t move on to the afterlife. The Encanto finds this weird and off-putting (because Catholic), and so shuns him. Everyone expects him to hate his gift because of this, but he actually loves it. He likes getting to hear stories from the dead, and help them move on.
His door portrays him standing with his arms out, while many glowing skulls surround him.
His room has wood floors and black walls, but the walls are painted with gold and yellow marigolds. Many sconces and candelabras are hung on the walls, and there’s a seance circle permanently on the floor in the middle of the room. His bed and other amenities are pushed up against the walls.
His symbol is a glowing skull.
Mirabel understands what it’s like to be shunned by the Encanto for a gift/lack thereof, so the two get along great. She’s always there to cheer him up.
Bubo on the other hand is very much A Dad, and tries to bond with his son in various Dad ways, such as fútbol (which Óscar is not into). But he tries.
He and Beatriz are amicable, but are very different people, so don’t hang out.
Lidia can, has, and will beat people up who are mean to Óscar, much to his horror.
He hangs out with the other “outcast” cousins: Sofía, Fuega, Zoe, Hugo, and Andrés.
He gets along best with Pedro, Bruno, Dolores, and Sofía.
Because Pedro’s soul inhabits Casita, Óscar regularly talks and hangs out with him.
He likes to entertain the souls of the dead city children who didn’t make the pilgrimage to the Encanto.
He often looks like he’s muttering to himself while using his gift, which started the rumor that he’s actually crazy.
He looks a lot like Bruno, and is called “Bruno’s twin” sometimes.
He can become possessed by spirits if he does a seance. He mainly does this with Pedro, for emotional reunions with family (and to stop arguments). 
His favorite colors are burnt orange, maroon, gold, and mahogany.
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[Reincarnation AU]
Jess: How did your family react to you coming out?
Luisa: Oh, y’know, normally...
(Cut to flashback)
Luisa: I’m a lesbian.
Isabela, being a mischievous shit: I thought you were Canadian.
Dolores: Luisa, it’s okay, we accept you as whatever nationality you are.
Isabela: Or even if you don’t have a nationality because you’re secretly a man-eating alien or something. No matter what, we would always accept you.
Mirabel: Unless you work for Disney. We have to draw the line somewhere.
(End of flashback)
Luisa: They actually might not know—
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gamerbearmira · 2 months
You know the cryptid au you had in the past with Dolores, Mirabel, and Antonio? How about we have a cryptid family au?
From the villager's perspective they talk normal, act normal, and look normal but up closely…something just seems OFF. When they look at you it’s like they're staring into your soul. Julieta does this the most. 
Let’s say cryptic people run on Alma’s side of the family, Pedro knew of course, he knew the first time he met her. He was in the woods and bumped into a tall, lanky, eerie looking woman. They had a stare down for a few seconds.
Pedro was a part of a cryptid/monster hunting/research team and he was told of weird creatures that reside in the woods. Supposedly two twin children got “taken” by one and were presumed killed when they couldn’t be found. 
In the dead of night, while looking for any mysterious creature, he bumped into Alma, which he mistook for a tree. She’s very tall, around seven feet to be precise. 
When they met their eyes, something happened. Pedro didn’t see malice, evil intent, or anything negative. He saw warmth, even with devoid eyes…he saw a person in shock, maybe even a little fear. She wasn’t attacking him, she was backing away, as if even with her tall stature, he would be able to hurt HER. But Pedro didn’t want to hurt her, in fact, he was just curious. 
But before he could say anything, she sped off QUICKLY! 
He tried finding her, night after night, day after day, in the woods. He would scream-
After a week or two, he found her but not in a way he expected, she was smaller, a bit shorter than him in fact. How the hell did she get smaller?
She seemed a little more angry this time though as she stood between two trees. Mist appeared around her, the whole forest in fact.
“If you think you’re going to come here and hurt my family, you are sadly mistaken” Her voice echoed in the darkness. Her devoid eyes staring straight into his. 
Family? She had a family? Were they like her too?
It dawned on him that she had family around here that were more than likely just like her. Strange.
“I- I don’t want to hurt you-”
“YES YOU DO! DON’T TAKE ME FOR A FOOL! I know what you and your whole team is doing and I won’t stand for it. Take your crap and leave!”
By crap, she meant all the traps they had set up around the forest and weapons she would see them with in town. Guns, machetes, bear traps, bullets filled with either poison or some tranquilizing BS…all the things ANIMALS should be hunted down with. And Alma (including her family) were in fact NOT animals. 
Pedro always saw cryptids as nothing but creatures that should be hunted and killed before they hurt anyone or anyone else. But he was never a man to harm anyone who didn’t deserve it. But…where did those twins go?
This woman seemed civil enough to talk to, maybe she he could talk to her.
“L- Look…I was told two twins got lost in these woods and didn’t come back out. People suspect that they were taken by-”
“Those two children were being abused, so my family took them in. End of story” The first time Alma saw Pedro, she didn’t have a clue who he was, hence why she ran off. But now knowing he was basically out to harm her family, she wouldn’t stand by that.
Abused?...Well, come to think of it, the tears of the mother of the twins did seem a bit fake. And the father didn’t cry at all, he was supposedly “comforting her”.
“You know I can’t just believe that, right?” Pedro raised a brow
Before she could give a reply, a small voice yelled out behind her. A little girl by the sound of it.
“Alma, Alma! You can’t be out here, people are out to hunt-” 
“Elesia! I told YOU not to be out here at night” Alma turned around to stop the girl from going any further.
“Elesia?” Pedro muttered
Alma turned around to meet his eyes, “yes, she’s fine. As well as her brother, happy?!” 
Pedro didn’t know what to say, yes, he was happy the children were okay but…a monster was protecting them? No, the woman in front of him wasn’t a monster, and by the sounds of it, they weren’t either.
“Bueno, now leave and take those people with you”
After weeks of searching those children were never found and neither were the cryptids. The team left but a few months after that, Pedro went back to the town again…just to visit. 
Alma was so confused as to why he kept coming back for her. At first she just thought he saw her as something to observe and stare at as if she was some science experiment but I turned out to be more than that.
Pedro would visit and stay in her town for a week or two before going back to travel some more. The more they spoke the more they learned about each other.
For example, Alma carries an amulet that helps her look human. It has been in her family for generations and all family members have one. However, it’s uncomfortable because it makes the wearer feel like they're in the wrong skin.
Pedro got into cryptid hunting because when he was younger, the infamous El Hombre Caiman, almost took his mother. Thankfully his father taught him how to use guns, and he managed to shoot the creature enough to scare it off.
He knew he didn’t kill it but at least his mother was safe.
(El hombre Caiman, A legendary creature said to possess both human and alligator features, El Hombre Caiman (or “Alligator Man”) was supposedly once a fisherman who was transformed into an alligator by the spirits of the Magdalena River. He’s a sort of werewolf figure, who returns every St. Sebastian’s Day to hunt for victims. The myth is especially prevalent in the town of Plato, in Colombia’s Magdalena department.)
His friends had similar occurrences but with different monsters and such. That’s why the team exists in the first place. Once Alma learned this information she wasn’t so upset at the thought of “Cryptid hunters”. Come to think of it, that’s probably why more exist in different places.
Because most cryptids weren’t harmless. Some thrived off of harming others.
Over time they warmed up to each other, got married, and had their three beautiful babies. I think you already know what happens next. 
Encanto is a little more different in this au. Houses are a little more spread out…farther away from Casita to be more specific. Casita emits mist 24/7, in the day it’s not too much, it’s barely above two feet, but at night you can barely see anything.
This is done so the madrigal cryptids can come out in their real forms without the fear of getting caught. I’m not sure what their cryptid forms would really look like but seeing as their part human it wouldn’t be so creepy. 
This is the cryptid madrigals au
Another idea I had is the whole family being cryptid hunters themselves, it started with both Pedro and Alma, after Pedro’s passing she took a break for herself and her kids. But when the triplets took an interest in cryptid/monster hunting as well, she decided to open the business again.
She taught them everything there is to know about them. History, biology, weakness, strengths, the whole shabang. They still have their gifts but they aren’t used for the benefit of the town.
Bruno uses his gift to see where a cryptid might actually be or any scary/ severe outcomes so they can plan to avoid them. Julieta cooks snacks just in case they get hurt along the way. Pepa uses her lighting as a defense mechanism. Over time she learned how to aim it so it can hit the target perfectly. 
Of course, when they got married and had kids they took some years off and stayed in Encanto to raise the children. And as they did when they were younger, their children got interested in the concept and their parents told them everything they could about it.
When Mirabel didn’t get a gift it was shocking and a little upsetting, but they moved on and made sure to let her know she’s special without it. 
I’ll try to think of more, but this is all for now, feel free to share whatever ideas you have. 
I DO❗❗ that au was so silly, causing havoc for their family, we love that 💪
DO IT AGAIN BUT X4❗❗ I mean. I like both ideas, but I like the one where they're all cryptids, that is SO cool and. It gives me an excuse to draw them as crytids and you know I'm taking the chance. And I genuinely find this au really interesting 🙏
UHHH VERY NICE SNIPPET?? REAL??? Good on Alma for being suspicious of Pedro but also understanding his pov. And Pedro understanding her pov. Makes me wonder how he died. Gee 🌚
ANYWAYYYY ERMMM...I know you said you didn't know what they might look like, besides Alma, which even I couldn't pin point an exact cryptid type for her so. You know I'm just gonna work with what I've got 🙏🙏 gonna be spitting my ideas, pick and choice as you please and. Lemme know if you have more cause you onto something right here buddy 🪕🪕
I did the husband too, idk if they're human or not but. I wanted to <33 I did some research on them, tried to match them up to best of my abilities but some of them might seem random. Isabela was definitely the easiest, next to probably Pepa and Bruno. Madremonte was an obvious choice, and then since Pepa is always pinned as emotional, I think her being in a constant state of either crying or on the verge of tears is somewhat fitting. At least she can get her emotions out 😭 Bruno, I just?? Associated him with sand rather than time, and he damn sure ain't no Sandman, bro is the BOOGEYMAN and you know we love that.
I think the one who could pass for human even without the amulet or fog is Camilo. He's basically a Doppelgänger, or Uncanny Valley. Not quite human looking, but you can't pin point what he does look like. If anyone glanced at him, he'd look human. But the more they look they notice that his eyes and smile are a little too wide, he's a little too tall, and his voice changes ever so slightly each time he talks. The other MIGHT be Félix, but he might have trouble keeping his head attached. Maybe Dolores.
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I think when Isabela was little (and this is if they have gifts or abilities), she had to wear boots becayse everytime she walked, especially bearfoot, plants and vegetation would grow like crazy. It wasn't until she got older that she could control is it better.
Julieta's cryptid is probably the most passive, it does heal. But Julieta herself is just off. Ironically, she keeps her eyes closed a lot, but she opens them when she's out and about, and by far she has the WORST staring problem. Like more than Camilo, but let's be real, he probably learned it from her, and she probably learned it from Alma. But Julieta somehow just has the creepiest stare. Maybe it's just cause the way her eyes look.
Speaking of eyes, I think even with the amulets, their eyes are a constant. Really dark, pretty much black, and dilated to the point where you can barely see the whites of their eyes. It might looked cute on the younger members like Antonio, but on the adults, its just unsettling.
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ALSO. The fog reminds of the The Fog from DBD. In certain maps, especially the day maps, the fog doesn't affect it much, and you can use stuff to make it disperse. But on night maps its harder to see, and there's an exlcir that can make the fog thicker and make it hard to see 🤓☝
As for Casita uhhhh I got nothing. Just that maybe it's closer to the tree line. Maybe it's like that one movie monster house. Shiiii cause where's Pedro 🤨 he's trapped in the house 😛 jkjk, maybe Casita's a cryptid too. Or just anti social...to other houses 💀
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jacarandaaaas · 2 months
I was thinking and had some really interesting ideas that spurred my brain so random au idea?
Isabela runs away shortly before antonio’s ceremony as the pressure of her engagement to mariano becomes too much to deal with. she runs off and is never found. Isa however didn’t leave the encanto, using her gift she altered her appearance and is living in the forest on the outskirts of the encanto. Nobody knows she’s there and she’s presumed dead, but one person just cant stop thinking about her sisters disappearance.
At this point it’s been 5 years since isa has vanished and mirabel who has had a strained relationship with her sister for years is constantly thinking about it. mirabel being mirabel wants answers and she wants closure. So she starts digging, her sister left when she was 15 and they never had a chance to have a heart to heart and mirabel so badly wants to know what’s going on. She refuses to believe isa is dead despite the family insisting it.
One evening shes walking back from the town and spots a figure in a cloak darting away, with her curiosity piqued mirabel follows it. She ends up in the woods and when the cloaked figure reveals itself her reaction to mirabels presence is one of shock and maybe even fear (she recognizes her). Mirabel however has no idea who this random woman is and isa has to try keep up the charade that she also has no idea who mirabel is. Mirabel for one is curious on why this random woman is living in the woods and why she feels so familiar…
also shoutout to @midcanto for helping with some ideas!
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gardenofskeletonss · 4 months
King Interaction
"Happiest" Friend Quest
A short snippet I wrote for the 3hats au!! This is very long into the loops and Siffrin is starting to lose all logic
CW: Death, spoilers for Act 1-4
[Loop 300......???? 320........3....3 something...]
(Aha! This loop, this loop you'll FINALLY GET IT!!! Just talk to the King! Brute force your way in!!! Push back Mirabelle, talk to the King- you'll!!! Get!!!! It!!!! This!!! Time!!!!!)
You smile. Showtime.
(Finally, you've reached the King. It took you too BLINDING LONG, BUT IT'S FINE!! You're here, you can talk to him!!!! Maybe!!! Knock sense!!! Into!!! Him!!!!!)
You skip over to the King, ignoring the worried words of your party. The pleas to get back together. You smile. It'll all be!!!! Okkkaaayy~!!!!!!!!!
"Kingggg! Ah, long time no see! See, about our island. I was wondering, if perhaps, maybe by some glimmer of hope, we could just chat~ about it!"
"Ohh, don't listen to her. You're not dangerous, are you? I would know, being from the same island you're from." You smile with all of your teeth, your eyes dead. It looks creepy to some, but to you, it's genuine! Right! Genuine!!!!!!!!!! That's what they want to see!!!!!!!
"..... Oooohh.. Bright One... Do you.... Remember...?" The King wails. "It is true... I am not dangerous, I just want eternity....."
"Yes! I know!" You grin. "So let's not fight, let's chat. Let's bond."
The party looks at you horrified, but you aren't thinking. It's fine. (You tried convincing the King and that got Bonnie killed, but now you can convince him with the island! Your hometown! You can finally BLINDING REMEMBER!!!!
You walk up to the King, your grin plastered. It almost hurts, but you're so BLINDING HAPPY IT'LL BE OVER!! IT'LL BE OKAY!!!!!)
..... . ... ... ... .
"Oooh, Bright One.. You act so carelessly.... You smell of.. Wishcraft... are you... The one keeping me from victory.....? I can tell..... I can tell you've been here all too many times...."
Ah. It h u r t s.
"Oohhh.... Ooh..... Someone who keeps me from eternity... They are not loyal to the Universe....... I just.. Want to protect them... From our fate........ Oohhh.. Bright One, don't you get that....?"
Y o u c h o k e
"Y-yes! I know- so- I can... S-stop it if-"
T h e k i n g t i g h t e ns
"Your party.... Do they know.... That you're here.. Stuck....? Ooohh.. How long has it been....? How long have you been keeping me from victory.....?"
I t h u r t s
Y o u rrrrrr r i b s h u r t
Y o u c ou g h ...... B l o o d
"Oohhh... It'll all be.. Alright.. I'll send you back.. With this warning....."
Y o u
F e e l y o u r b od y b u r n
A n d s u d d e nl yyy
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You gasp and wake up, immediately curling up on yourself. You can't help but laugh.
OH! Oh! Hah, you're sobbing. You're such a mess Siffrin. Absolutely disgusting.
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majorproblems77 · 8 months
EncantoLU AU - Characters
Alma (abuela) - Hero of Time
Peppa - Hero of Legend
Bruno - First (But my version that im working on)
Hueltta - Hero of the Wild
Delores - Hero of Twilight
Camillo - Hero of the Four Swords
Antonio - Hero of the Wind
Isabella - Hero of Hyrule
Luisa - Hero of Warriors
Mirabelle - Hero of the Sky
The love interests are as follows
Abuello - Malon (She's dead im sorry)
Felix - Marin
Agustin - Flora
Mariano - Midna
In this AU the links are still brothers rather than generations of family. I know some of these seem out of place but I'm remixing some of the powers.
The magic will work slightly differently depending on each hero's abilities. As well as how the candle itself works. I'm working on it but I hope you'll be along for the ride! :D
I hope to be able to build each of the rooms for each character and maybe even write some stuff for it. (I am not an artist so I won't personally be drawing for this but I hope you'll join me for the fun times! :D)
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meepxii · 1 year
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Chapter #1: "Dos Madrigal" part #1
“When the sand went down, there was nothing else to do: they were all dead. Bruno thought the magic would die with them, but it never happened. However, Mirabel knew that their magic was stronger than ever. What used to be a miracle from heaven had turned into something much more sinister.”
Hi guys! I'm very happy to show you the comic I've been working on for the last few months. I hadn't uploaded it here before, so the update is close.
We will soon find out what really happened to the other members of the family, and how Bruno and Mirabel cope with being the only two remaining Madrigals.
Thank you for reading! I would appreciate if you interact and share my work.
Adiós 👋
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evostar · 5 months
All of the grandkids designs in caged souls au!!
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First of Isabela, as you can see, she looks a lot like Alma and that is because Pedro forces her to look like her. Every morning he checks her outfit and if it’s just a little off he makes sure that she fixes it. Isabela doesn’t enjoy having her hair in braids the whole time (it also causes a lot hair loss + stress. Which makes her worried.) She doesn’t have a problem with her outfit, maybe the colors but besides that it’s comfortable to say the least. The bracelets on her arms are weight bracelets, Pedro makes her wear them so “she wouldn’t lose any strength” and often as punishments her weight can get heavier. (It’s magic connected bracelets that he controls.) It bruises the skin underneath a lot too. The bag is one of her touches, luckily she convinced Pedro to own a bag like that, when she first bought it was just plain till she decorated it later on (also with mirabel).
She often feels very wrong for wearing similar stuff her dead grandmother wore or the exact bow she wore. Something pedro kept after the dead of Alma, he gifted them to her on her 10th birthday. Isabela also doesn’t work out and that’s the reason for not having massive muscles like Luisa, her strength simple just comes from the magic. (But she still is pretty strong without her gift ofc)
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Dolores’s outfit is rather more detailed, Pedro wanted her outfit to shine more because of her gift. He also did it on purpose cause he noticed that she was a shy kid so he decided the outfit would draw attention and get the shyness off of her. Dolores likes the outfit but she dislikes the attention it drags, she wears a plain shawl often just so she wouldn’t feel like all eyes are on her, it’s also comfortable. She loves the design of her headband but hates how it always slips or doesn’t keep the hair from her face. The clothing on her waist is the shawl, just plain red, she wears it so she can cover herself any time she wants and because it adds a nice touch at least so that Pedro wouldn’t notice anything.
She wears gloves because she started to fear the touch of people. Some of her family members she still finds normal to touch but she hates the feeling anytime she needs to touch so many people just because of her gift. A baby, a hug, holding someone’s hand, anything. She forgets how her hands look like often, (it changes between the color, shapes, sizes etc. of how many dead people she had been everytime she just stares at her hands without gloves.) so the gloves are very important to her.
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Luisa has a simple design, she still likes to work out in this au. She finds it relaxing and it has a special need. Her hair isn’t that long so she puts it in a pony tail. She didn’t know what to do with her outfit because she didn’t have any ideas or a gift. Pedro neither knew so he just decided to make her outfit plain. The colors at the dress, the patterns and the choker was her touch, it was the least she can do. She got the red ribbon from mirabel when she was young and she never wears anything else since then.
She’s the only one with long sleeves because she’s insecure about her muscles, she does like the feeling of being strong but Pedro often scolds her for trying to take Isabela’s place or not looking ladylike, the sleeves are a nice cover for her so she never ever rolls them up.
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Camilo is the one that stands out the most of the grandkids, not that he complains!! He doesn’t like his short hair since it tickles his neck and it makes him feel uncomfortable. He always gets jealous of Dolores’s hair styles and length but everytime he just gets over a bit of his ear Pedro makes sure to cut it. His ruana has a lot of details that he had designed with mirabel when they were little. (Now the ruana makes him feel a bit uneasy but the comfort of the warm feeling never felt.) He likes the color, and the length so it’s pretty comfortable. What he does not like though is his scarf and the little things at the end of the ruana. The scarfs feels too tight often on his neck and the little things are very annoying. He does get a lot of attention from his outfit and sometimes he loves it but the other times he finds it annoying.
He also hates his pants, he would never wear short pants (it exposes his skinny body more which he is very insecure about.) not only that but he hates the cold feeling. At least his shoes are okay.
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Mirabel too has a detailed outfit, she loves the unique flowers at her dress. Her top is more plain but it still looks nice, her choker is based on Alma’s color. Just like how her bracelets are based on Luisa, Camilo, Antonio, Dolores and how her earrings are based on Isabela. Her glasses were a gift from her father, she loves the little butterfly and flower! (Julieta added it!) her outfit is very comfortable which she loves. She has a ribbon that she got from Dolores on her 5th birthday, it makes her feel better often. Her favorite part of her outfit though is the little sewing she did on her dress. Because that was her first actually project after she finished her whole practices, she couldn’t be more thankful to Isabela. (Isabela did the butterfly as a little add and because it was too difficult for mirabel!)
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Antonio has a not so shining outfit which he is thankful for. Pedro has decided to let Antonio decide and design his outfit for a change, which Antonio gladly did. He did everything to make it super comfortable, and then asked mirabel for help with the designs. The headband was dolore’s idea and his shoes were Luisa’s idea. He feels very warm and safe in his clothing mostly because he got to decide the clothing and because his family helped him :D Pedro does start to cut Antonio hair short too time to time which makes Antonio very sad because he loves his big Afro a lot.
That is all tbh, any questions or stuff y’all wanna add?
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wikluk · 2 years
In your dead baby mirabel au, Will Casita still developed Cracks? Would Bruno still leave?
No, Bruno doesn't leave in this AU (he couldn't, after Mirabel's death he and Pepa were great emotional support for Julieta; all of the adults were), but yes, Casita still develops cracks. But this time, not due to Alma's blindness when it comes to her family (Mirabel's death changes her perspective), but because of Julieta's mental state and her stormy relationship with Camilo, Antonio, and partly Pepa due to Antonio's birth. How will it end? We can only guess lol
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viviennevermillion · 5 months
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Welcome to my newest AU: Lost but everyone who ever stepped foot on the island has some type of usable magic power from that moment on. Rules for this is every power has a drawback and it only activates at a critical moment to their character arc. Here's what powers I assigned them:
Jack Shephard: Can heal people using his own life force. He can only give up to 50% of his own life force to do this, if the injury can't be healed by that, he can't save a person. Jack's power doesn't activate until way into Season 6 because he didn't have faith in the island.
Kate Austen: Has the same power as Blake Belladonna in RWBY. Both are characters who are established as people on the run because of their past. Their powers reflect that. Whenever Kate is attacked, if she reacts fast enough, she can leave behind a shadow of herself to take the hit for her.
James "Sawyer" Ford: The angrier he gets, the more damage his punches do. On the other hand, if he gets genuinely sad and devastated, his physical abilities are significantly stunted and damage is almost non-existent.
Charlie Pace: Can focus on a person and play or sing a song that reflects their true nature. This can be used to gather information about them. He can only do this once per person.
Claire Littleton: She can sense danger, even when there otherwise isn't any indication of it.
Hugo "Hurley" Reyes: Can speak to the dead. Activates off-island.
Sun-Hwa Kwon: Can accelerate the growth of plants and the natural healing process of animals and people. She has to know and understand the species to do this.
Jin-Soo Kwon: Can communicate with the ocean to go with the "son of a fisherman" theme. If his head is underwater the ocean tries to kill him tho.
John Locke: Is the only one who doesn't have a power. He's like Mirabel Madrigal. He's deeply important to the story but he has 0 magic. He himself and other characters throughout the story think that he does during varying points of time but it's always the MiB messing with him. He realizes this at the end. Can you tell I like angst yet?
Michael Dawson: Can create a magic shield using his own stamina. Shield disappears when his stamina runs out.
Walter "Walt" Lloyd: Astral Projection. Self-explanatory.
Vincent: Ages normally and can die of old age but is otherwise virtually indestructible. Usually animals don't get any powers but Vincent's was given to him by Jacob directly to assist the survivors.
Sayid Jarrah: Can burn a person with his touch when he wants to. Doing this inflicts an equal amount of emotional pain to him as the physical pain he causes. I like angst.
Shannon Rutherford: Can master any skill within 30 minutes if she puts her mind to it. Never figures this out because she has been told that she's useless all her life and believes it. Only uses this once when she translates French but thinks those are lucky guesses.
Boone Carlyle: Blood-bending. Mostly gave this to him because everytime he angrily stares at someone you can tell that his blood is boiling. Never uses this once during his lifetime though.
Rose Henderson Nadler & Bernard Nadler: Have a soul link with one another. They can always tell how the other is feeling and neither of them can die while the other still lives as long as they're on good terms. Virtually indestructible unless you kill them at the exact same time but why the fuck would you.
Ana Lucia Cortez: Pyromancy. Fits her vibe. Also bound to stamina.
Elizabeth "Libby" Smith: Can read people's emotions.
Mr. Eko: Precognition. Can tell what he needs to do when and can anticipate things a couple seconds before they happen.
Benjamin Linus: Everytime he lies (to convince someone of his lie, sarcasm not included), it slightly alters reality in an unexpected way to make his lie appear like the truth. This is how Anthony Cooper gets to the island after Ben tells John about the magic box. The result of his lies is always unexpected and can backfire. He can't make something specific happen intentionally. His power activated during the purge.
Juliet Burke: Ice-bending. This has nothing to do with her character but I've previously seen Elizabeth Mitchell in Once Upon A Time and The Santa Clause and both times she plays a character that has something to do with winter. Also bound to stamina.
Ethan Rom: Superhuman strength. Self-explanatory. It actually takes multiple shots from 6 guns to take him down in this AU.
Harper Stanhope: Can see people's time of death over their head. Was very confused that Juliet's said 1977 and Ben's was way past his normal life expectancy.
Goodwin Stanhope: Idk what his power is but it's certainly not danger sense. 💀
Roger Linus: Can sense fear. Terrible power for a terrible man. I love Ben, I promise. I also love angst tho. The moment Ben killed him was the only time he didn't sense any fear from him, which scared the shit out of him.
Desmond David Hume: Activates his power after the events of "The Constant". Can see glimpses of people's past and future upon touching them. Can only do this once per person.
Frank Lapidus: Always lands safe. Literally always lands on his feet like a cat. Also applies to planes / helicopters he flies.
Charlotte Staples Lewis: Can speak any language after hearing it spoken once. Growing up with this was very confusing off-island.
Miles Straume: Reading the final thoughts of the dead. Self-explanatory.
Daniel Faraday: Stopping time for up to an hour. After using this power, he can't use it for 24 times the amount of time he stopped time for. Only can use it in present time.
Illana Verdansky: Able to tell when people lie.
Danielle Rousseau: Her bullet or arrow always hits the target unless the target specifically blocks it.
Alexandra Rousseau: Can make herself invisible. Used for stealth.
Karl Martin: Can accelerate his speed. Bound to stamina.
Mikhail Bakunin: Telepathy.
Eloise Hawking: Chain Reaction. Once a day for 5 minutes she can see the effects of every action of hers she thinks about.
Charles Widmore: Can take a glimpse at people's destiny. Only can do this once per person.
Richard Alpert: Can't be killed by anything ever. Can't even die of natural causes. Can't die.
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