#encanto scrapped characters
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igetthedisneybox · 2 months ago
Merry Christmas @hannahhook7744
The Invisible Truth AU family tree
It doesn't look that great but I hope you like it anyway!
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(Family Close ups under the cut)
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Félix, Pepa, Dolores, Mariano, Princesa, Elmira, Oscar, Fuega, Ligera, Leta, Juan, Javier
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(redacted), Camilo, Mina, Amelia, Sofia, Carlos, Hugo, José
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Antonio, Giovanni, Dayana
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Mirabel, Miguel, Marcelo, Mariana, Marisol, Vera, Renata
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Luisa, Ryder, Emilia, Tito, Belinda, Silvia, Amada
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Julieta, Augustín, Isabela, Bubo, Arlo, Zoe, Miguel Jr, Avila
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Pedro, Alma, Bruno, Cesare, Cornel, Cyriacus, Claudine, Rick, Rachel, Rory, Gigi, Mason, Glenn
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hannahhook7744 · 8 months ago
What does Hannah and her crew think of Joy Foxworth's girlfriend Fuega Madrigal ?
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Hannah thinks Fuega Madrigal is an overall nice person (though Fuega's temper definitely gave her pause at first).
All the younger kids think Fuega is a riot and like her.
The Hades' kids but heads with her, of course, since most of them are all head strong but the ones who also have control over fire definitely like being able to spar with someone who's not related to them with the same power.
And everyone else has varying opinions but at the end of the day, as long as Fuega Madrigal is with Joy and treats her right she is under their protection.
It's in the Stormbringer Crew contract. Anyone who is a member of the crew has protection for them and their loved ones (as long as those loved ones aren't an active threat to the crew).
Romantic partners (and later on, kids) who aren't crew also tend to get invited to crew gatherings (unless they're 'crew only' events like a meeting). But it's fine because that usually gives said romantic partners much needed space/a night to hang out with whoever they want (like other crewmate's non crew romantic partners).
So. Yeah. They have a decent opinion of her.
Also the only one who was really shocked that Joy and Fuega became a thing was Howiee, because the man genuinely did not know that most of the pirates he knew (including his own gf) were not straight lol.
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barblaz-arts · 7 months ago
Stephanie Beatrice had played my 3 favorite characters (Rosa Mirabel and Vaggie) and since I watched Encanto and B99 I have my head canon that Vaggie have both Rosa and Mirabel personalities.
Any way, I just want to know what is your head canon or theory about her? ( specifically about Lute calling her weak and why the other exorcist hate her)
Since she is your girl, I would love to read your essay about her.(I’m joking you don’t have to write that much I just like to read your post)
Thank you
"My girl"... Am I just "that one artist who's the biggest Vaggie stan" to you guys? (I won't mind it!)
Oh man! I do have some ideas! A lot of my headcanons were already kinda sorta mentioned in my fic/art tho, so sorry if you're not getting a lot of new info
- I have this headcanon that Vaggie's always been "softer" than the other Exorcists, which is what I assume Lute meant when she said she "always knew [Vaggie] was weak". I know it probably has more to do with how little time each episode has, but what if Lute was so ready, already behind Vaggie when she let that kid go, because she knew this wasn't the first time Vaggie spared a sinner? Maybe that was just the first time Lute actually caught her. Maybe she's always had her suspicions, when Vaggie's kill count would lower every year, and she'd sometimes find Vaggie saying a sinner got away somehow despite cornering that demon moments ago.
- although she's gotten used enough to her lack of depth perception when it comes to her hand eye coordination, especially when fighting, i like to think her reading ability could never truly go back to the way it used to be, so she has trouble reading/ writing/texting (if you notice, i always showed instances of this in my fic ;> )But because she's the hotel manager she still has to deal with them because of paperwork and shit, so she has prescription glasses that help. I'd wanted to include a scene in the First Guest where Vaggie almost cries after seeing Charlie thru the glasses for the first time, because she didn't think Charlie could be any more beautiful, but i scrapped the idea because I couldn't expand the concept enough to an actual scene that could be relevant to the overall fic. I probably should have just mentioned it in a paragraph or something, but by the time i remembered id already posted the chapter I intended to add it in. Maybe I'll use it for another fic.
- she prefers femme clothing so she doesn't really have a reason to do this, but she learned how to do all kinds of ties so that she could do Charlie's whenever
- she grew her hair to compensate for her lost wings
- she wasn't exactly a great cook before she Fell, but she was pretty capable when she lived alone in Heaven. Cooking for Charlie tho gave her the motivation to get better and actually enjoy it
- an angel trait that she could never truly abandon is being a stickler for rules. She's very strict on everyone and herself with these things, within reason. So even when she and Charlie started dating, she insisted that they can't sleep together until they've had their third date. When they're on the clock, they have to be professional and avoid flirtatious advances in front of staff and guests. Charlie didn't mind because she prefers privacy too.
- Vaggie's physical appearance slightly changed gradually the longer she stayed in hell. As an angel, her sclera was paler, her incisors duller, and her skin grayer. But as time passed, her sclera got more and more peach/pink, fangs sharper, and skin more purple toned
- i still like to think that Vaggie's old backstory back when only the pilot was out (having died in 2014 in her early twenties who worked as a sex worker in El Salvador) was still true. Maybe it's just because I've liked Chaggie since pilot, and I've grown really attached to that backstory. I also just really don't want Vaggie to be Heavenborn for some reason. Among the cast she just seems the most grounded to reality to me, so having her revealed to have never been human and born "divine" just doesn't seem right to me. I also just think it'd be cute and funny if it turns out she's chronologically the youngest in the hotel even tho she's basically everyone's strict not-mom.
- idgaf what Adam says, I wanna think that "Vaggie" is short for "Evangeline". I used to have these 2 coworkers in their late 50's to 60's who had Evangeline as their government name, but one of them goes by "Vanj" and the other "Vajee". Being older Filipino women who aren't really too fluent in English, they never thought there was anything wrong with that when they grew up with their nicknames. I like to think that the case was the same if Vaggie used to be human. I'm not sure how common English is in El Salvador, but I'm willing to bet it's possible she could have been given that nickname as a kid by an older family member who didn't know a lot of English. Also Evangeline makes more sense to have been the name of an angel cmon now...
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badlibbing · 1 month ago
The cool new artwork I mentioned? It's here.
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Goodness, where do I begin?
First of all, this was heavily entirely inspired by the song "Surface Pressure" from Encanto. I was looking at those lyrics and thought "damn, this is something Celestia would sing". Now, there are lots of songs I mentally match up with fictional characters, but this is the first time I felt the connection was so perfect that it had to be turned into visual art. In case you can't tell, what's happening in this piece is Celestia literally cracking under pressure exuded by her crown and neckpiece. I was originally going to have cracks from her horseshoes too, but it just didn't look right, so I scrapped that idea.
Secondly, this is an experiment in flat shading. I only have one other shaded piece in my portfolio, so I thought I'd practice some more. Now I remember why I don't usually do shading. It's hard for me to gauge how much detail I should put into it. All things considered, I think flat shading is actually harder than soft shading for that reason. If/when I do more shaded art in the future, I'm going to try detailed/soft shading just so I'm not struggling with "how much is too much".
Last but not least, I want to touch on the sharing of my work on other sites. I give full consent to repost my art WITH CREDIT AND LINKS on external art-sharing sites. I've seen some of my old work pop up on FurAffinity (and other furry places) in the past, and I expect this piece in particular to be handed to Depibooru or other MLP sharesites, so I'm making it clear here and now that I'm totally okay with that as long as common courtesy is followed. If you have any questions about reposting my work elsewhere, please reach out to me. My inbox is open. My commissions are also open if you want custom art, pony-related or otherwise.
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sol-consort · 6 months ago
Aliens discovering our movies, art, books and video games and realizing why they’re all so precious to us
Like, a turian who comes from a high ranking family but just doesn’t have the abilities or skill the rest of their family has and it’s kinda outlasted for it puts on this old human vid called Encanto out of curiosity and by the end of it they’re a sobbing mess (whatever the turian equivalent of sobbing is) because “Mirabel just like me, fr fr.”
An Asari who just lost her first bondmate to old age and finding one of our sad songs about loss feels so touched by it and listens to it over and over again until she’s processed her own grief.
A Quarian who feel moved by a beautiful sculpture made of scrap metal and spare parts because it reminds them of the flotilla; a fleet of ships all held together with ductape, thread, and a prayer and yet still something beautiful.
The vibes I get from the other species is that they make their vids, games, books, and songs just to entertain, just background noise to fill the silence. Maybe they carry a deeper meaning sometimes but nothing compared to humans who pour their souls into their projects. Humans make fantastical stories out of the little parts of our lives that others can relate to and feel seen.
The handprint paintings on cavewalls come to mind. How instinctive drumming your fingers is how natural humming feels, how your brain spins stories before bedtime unprompted.
As much as war and disease have been parts of human history since the dawn of time, since the first spear was filled down, likewise music and art went with it hand in hand ever since the first flute was carved out, made from hollow birdbones and mammoth ivory, dating back to the time of ancients.
It's therapeutic. No one can deny the benefits of art on your mind and soul. It is what makes life worth living for many, the whimsy, the joy, the passion, the elation, the misery, the envy. The good and bad mirrors and reflections of our inner most desires, shameful feelings, and most creative ideas.
While the other species definitely don't lack in their culture and art—turians face tattoos borrowing from the batonical designs of nature—there is something to be said about the elcor deciding to adapt hamlet out of everything
There is a reason it's human music you hear playing at any self-respecting galactic club, ranging from the Citadel to Omega's own bars, the lights, the atmosphere, the valvety seats and soundtrack has a clear human touch. The human fashion which took over the asari modern wear like a swarm, inspiring many new designs combining the best of both worlds.
Humans aren't the only creative species, nor the one who care most about art. Rather, art comes naturally to us, all of us picked up colouring and drawing as kids, the urge to sing along to the radio, the desire to decorate your room, to spend hours moulding and sculpting characters in videogames even if they're end up wearing a helmet for the reminder of the story.
Art to us isn't necessarily a refined and polished thing like it is to the asari, neither is it an intricate impossibly complex dance with thousands of layers like the elcor. Our art is primal and integral. It's messy and often flawed. It's as mundane and common as the hair on our bodies, and it's everywhere. We breathe it into the world. Otherwise, it might sufficate it inside. It's so embedded within our whole existence that we are often blind to the more mundane forms of art, glossing over the way looking at sunsets gets our hearts slowing down.
Beauty was never the purpose of art for humans, but relief, communication, and self expression.
We look for art in everything, for a story under every unturned stone, for a poetic meaning behind the alignment of the stars, drawing shapes from their formation and assigning it meanings.
The other species could see that. it's what helped our reputation recover faster after the whole First Contact incident. What made the other species forgo their "bullies" perspective of humanity once they sampled our food, tasted our drinks, and were gifted bouquets of our flowers with cursive apologises worded so thoughtfully.
Art is the one thing you can't take from a human, we resort to it even during the most grim times of our life, especially during that, seek comfort in someone's creations, even quietly make our own versions inside the privacy of our heads. Just because art happens behind closed doors—or brains—doesn't mean it didn't happen. It's not a tree, it never required an audience to exist, its purpose is its mere just existence.
It's even infectious, wasn't the humans who got a krogan to agree and film a romantic comedy about falling in love with a human?
Do you think the hanar aren't absolutely fascinated by our tales of the sea, the ruthless spiteful ocean we seem to fear as much as we revere. The sirens, the krakens, the sailor shanties, the beautiful ships, and intricate wood carvings meant to bring luck.
Maybe the Turians can't get enough of human "coming of age" cheesy romcoms because our depictions of teenage rebellion and daring to be "selfish" and come into your own personhood is such a taboo amidst their military culture.
Or maybe they loathe it.
Instead, they prefer the stories about humans coming together to solve problems, realising the strength of cooperation, of beehive-like efficiency and utter trust in one another. Be it war films about soldiers coping with the cruel world while finding warmth in their comrades, or depictions of larger revolts where a whole population works together to put an end to their tyrannical leaders.
Maybe they're secretly Marvel fans, who knows.
Art doesn't have to be deep. It can be fun just for the sake of fun. Simple self-indulgence at its purest form. For every great classical piece of literature has been surpassed in sales by an erotica romance novelette with a shirtless cowboy on the cover.
I think the salarians would watch love paradise and other romantic reality shows about humans competing for one human's affection, hand in marriage, sometimes roses are involved—but salarians watch it with the same intensity of football fans watching a match, it is their own game of thrones, they don't care much for the sex but by the stars the "picking a mate" drama and gossip is equivalent to catnip for salarians
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slingerapen · 2 months ago
it is my sworn duty to gaslight you into thinking bubo was a real character in encanto and that his nonbinary lesbian swag totally went with isabela's character and thats why you see so much femslash of them and you're starting to ship them too but the truth is we made her up shes not even real shes less real than those fictional colombians in the movie and not only was she not in the movie she was a scrapped character from one (1) deleted storyboard video the directors shared and top it all she was a BOY.
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motziedapul · 9 months ago
I had a thought about Wish and why it didn't work that I don't know if others have mentioned.
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It was made clear to me after I saw this concept art for Star Boy what this film lacked. It lacked a throughline of DESIRE AND RELATIONSHIPS; not just romantic desire, though the scrapped possibility of "romance" is what made me think about it.
Also, just wanted to say how ironic it is that Star Boy is so reminiscent of Jack Frost from Rise Of The Guardians while Chris Pine, who voiced Jack Frost in ROTG, was the villain (and best part) of this disappointing film.
Despite being ABOUT people's desires and wishes, both Asha and her grandfather's desires are nebulous. "I want to inspire people", "I want more". More what? Inspire them how? Their motivations are pretty unclear, as are their desires. The King even points this out, and he's right to do so.
It wouldn't be so bad for Asha to want her grandfather's wish to be fulfilled if the film could make you feel emotionally invested in him and his motivations. Love for her grandfather and a grave injustice against him and others is a FANTASTIC motivation, which is undermined by the fact that everyone's pretty darn happy in Rosas, and there's no sign to indicate that there's something deeply wrong underneath the surface.
The problem with presenting a society that needs change in a film is that you need to show why it's not working, and yet by all accounts Rosas is a wonderful place to live. SHOW US, DON'T TELL US, WHY THIS IS A GRAVE INJUSTICE. You have to show who's being hurt by showing them being hurt.
It's unfortunate that a movie in the same month dealt with wishes on stars 10000 times better than Wish did, but Puss In Boots The Last Wish did pretty much everything better than Wish did. That being said, they had a blueprint for how to make Wish work, and they didn't even follow it:
I love Encanto. It's not Disney's strongest film, especially plotwise, but what it lacks in plot it makes up for in getting you emotionally invested. The music, the tragedy, the character relationships, they all work. And even Encanto didn't have a romance, but it had suffering, desire, and something was wrong that needed to be fixed, and most importantly, it convinced the audience of that.
In comparison, you have a king taking people's Wishes away because he saw the destructive potential of unfettered desire and greed, all in exchange for peace and happiness - and yet we do not see people suffering from this decision. We see Asha get angry about it before we ever see why she should be angry.
People have already mentioned that Wish lacks camp, so I'm not gonna go into that, but it lacks camp and any Disney animated film that lacks camp is one not worth watching.
In terms of relationships, the only one in the film that has any sort of chemistry or emotional complexity is that of Asha and Magnifico. They literally sing a love song to each other in the movie, which baffles me because it gives you the idea of a budding romance/non romantic but loving relationship between the protagonist and antagonist of this film, only to be followed by a heartwrenching betrayal that justifies Magnifico's descent into darkness. And that would have been a fantastic story (after removing the weird age gap, obviously, though Disney's no stranger to that).
There is no other relationship in Asha's life that seems to mean anything to her, not even her relationship with her grandfather, because the only interactions we see her have with him before deciding what's best for him is 1 single scene where she actively avoids spending time with him and her mother to sneak off.
In Coco, we understand how important Hector as a great grandfather is, because of this scene.
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In Encanto, we immediately see how and why Mirabelle loves her family and is proud of them, and yet also how she suffers from their exclusion and isolation of her.
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The character who is *described* as caring for others but never shown caring for anybody only ever has a moment with the villainous king, who himself only ever has chemistry with her and his wife.
What's infuriating is that there's a deleted scene that, if combined with another scene showing Asha's childhood and why her grandfather means so much to her, would've made her motivation clear.
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There's a deleted scene where her grandfather sings a beautiful song, and her and her mother sit there in emotional silence.
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Would've been nice to have it in the film.
The most interesting character in the film is King Magnifico, which is why they had to scrape all the nuance out of him in the second act. Asha is described as selfless but is deeply selfish and self-centred. Her desires are nebulous. Her motivations aren't convincing. The character they try to sell you is one we never see.
A romance may not have been entirely necessary, but Asha having a real relationship and therefore emotional stakes with someone absolutely would have. It would have clarified and justified her desires, her motivations.
What a waste.
P.S. The Animation in Wish is gorgeous, lively, and well-done, but the rendering, lighting and watercolour effects were badly executed. Please make the proper distinction - the characters move beautifully.
P.P.S. Yeah the music's bad. Say what you want about Lin Manuel Miranda but he's at least talented enough and Broadway enough to know how music can synergize with story and character. None of my criticisms about him as a person extends to his musical ability - Moana is my favourite movie, and he did a fantastic job there and on Encanto.
Apologies for the long post, but after seeing so many rants about this film I realized there's still something to touch upon that people haven't fully addressed.
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fireopals · 9 months ago
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I like how Encanto fans saw this scrapped character and were like "yup, they're totally queer"
Lesbian, trans, or both. Super correct.
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auryborealis · 5 months ago
oc-tober 2024 | day 4 - underappreciated oc
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I probably could talk about my RE4 self-insert or my scrapped Encanto OC or The Quarry OC but I think the two OCs who really aren't as fleshed out as I would like are Kita and Yuna's siblings Moira and Carmen.
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It's one of those unfortunate cases of "I've got their designs and basic personality down but have no idea what their backstory or role should be." Moira is even less developed since I never considered giving Kita a sister until I saw Sumika from Kakegurui and thought that she looked like a perfect blend of Kita's parents (and hence her design's strong resemblance to the character's appearance).
Alongside Kita, they are meant to be eldritch entities in human guises, directly and indirectly manipulating events for chaos and corruption to thrive throughout the world, as well as feeding on humans' fears for their own entertainment. But unlike Kita and Yuna, who have distinct personalities, roles, and significant established relationships, Moira and Carmen are sort of just.. there for now like NPCs existing in the background :(
divider by @/saradika-graphics
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seriously-nobody · 1 year ago
U know there r a lot of things I wish the 2023 Haunted Mansion movie could've done better, but there's one thing I really wish we could've gotten. More emotion/enthusiasm from Alistair.
More below the cut
Yes, I know he's a poor repressed little meow meow, but really, I think if he were just slightly more... idk animated? About things, he would better. Now, when I say enthusiastic and animated, I don't mean like how current Disney characters (i.e., Wish, Frozen, Encanto, Moana, etc) act because that's way too much. I mean, he could've had more personality behind it. The closest I can compare my vision to is if we go with some of Claude Frolo's anger and some of Scar's sas and cunning. Idk if anyone else can see it, but me. But I totally think it would give depth to his dialog and give him some personality. The most personality we get is a whole lot of very stereotypical creepy laughter, that near monotone "toodloo.", and that he mentions taffy. I've literally scrapped a hole through the bottom of the barrel. All that we know about his personality is from his backstory. We learn about his traits, but we don't really get to see him portraying them on screen. For him to be a certified classic Disney villain that's been around for ages and doesn't get the proper Disney villain personality (that isn't overdone) is tragic.
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igetthedisneybox · 5 months ago
Óscar Madrigal
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Inspired by @hannahhook7744's Encanto AU, and her own character headcanons.
Third image made using https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1558575
Fourth image made using https://www.dolldivine.com/la-colombiana
Fifth image made in Disney Dreamlight Valley
Óscar’s full name is Óscar Horacio Madrigal.
His first name means “dear friend” and his middle name means “time”. 
He is the oldest child of Mirabel Madrigal and Bubo Marquez.
He greatly resembles his father, and has his brown skin, nose, and hair. Somehow, he did not inherit either of his parents' need for glasses.
He is seventeen years old.
He has two triplet sisters, Beatriz, younger by fifteen minutes, and Lidia, younger by thirty minutes.
He likes both boys and girls, but is single.
His gift is mediumship. He can see and communicate with the dead souls who can’t/ won’t move on to the afterlife. The Encanto finds this weird and off-putting (because Catholic), and so shuns him. Everyone expects him to hate his gift because of this, but he actually loves it. He likes getting to hear stories from the dead, and help them move on.
His door portrays him standing with his arms out, while many glowing skulls surround him.
His room has wood floors and black walls, but the walls are painted with gold and yellow marigolds. Many sconces and candelabras are hung on the walls, and there’s a seance circle permanently on the floor in the middle of the room. His bed and other amenities are pushed up against the walls.
His symbol is a glowing skull.
Mirabel understands what it’s like to be shunned by the Encanto for a gift/lack thereof, so the two get along great. She’s always there to cheer him up.
Bubo on the other hand is very much A Dad, and tries to bond with his son in various Dad ways, such as fútbol (which Óscar is not into). But he tries.
He and Beatriz are amicable, but are very different people, so don’t hang out.
Lidia can, has, and will beat people up who are mean to Óscar, much to his horror.
He hangs out with the other “outcast” cousins: Sofía, Fuega, Zoe, Hugo, and Andrés.
He gets along best with Pedro, Bruno, Dolores, and Sofía.
Because Pedro’s soul inhabits Casita, Óscar regularly talks and hangs out with him.
He likes to entertain the souls of the dead city children who didn’t make the pilgrimage to the Encanto.
He often looks like he’s muttering to himself while using his gift, which started the rumor that he’s actually crazy.
He looks a lot like Bruno, and is called “Bruno’s twin” sometimes.
He can become possessed by spirits if he does a seance. He mainly does this with Pedro, for emotional reunions with family (and to stop arguments). 
His favorite colors are burnt orange, maroon, gold, and mahogany.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years ago
Fuega Madrigal Picrews;
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Picrews: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , and 10.
She's the daughter of Dolores and Maraino in my encanto x descendants rewrite.
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kodathefennec · 10 months ago
If you're reading this, it means i broke my promise of not trying a third time and uploaded the playlist without the songs that caused the previous videos to be blocked; and, like i said in the description of the current video, there are A FUCK TON of songs in which couldn't make it to said video
I decided to post the full list of songs in here so you guys could make your own private playlist; and again, like i said in the description of that video, i have separated the songs into categories in case any of you want to understand how my character analysis affects the playlist, since i don't plan on making a video or post talking about my character analysis on Goldie
I'll also be adding the images to mark each category and color coding the songs that are in the video and the songs that aren't
Here is the link if you want to watch the video
Songs that AREN'T in the video will look like this
Songs that ARE in the video will look like this
Watch Me Work from Trolls 3: Band Together
Looking Like This by Lyre Le Temps
Primadonna Girl by Marina And The Diamonds
I'm Born To Run by American Authors
Eighth Wonder by Lemon Demon
The Main Character by Will Wood
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All Eyes On Me by Or3o
Emperor's New Clothes by Panic!At The Disco, cover by NateWantsToBattle
Hermit The Frog by Marina And The Diamonds
The Moon Rises by Ponyphonic
Bad Child by The Tones And I
Empire from Monster High - Boo York Boo York
Waiting On A Miracle from Encanto
Mirror Man by Jack Stauber
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Self destructive behaviour:
Icarus by Bastille
Baby Boy by Mother Mother (i'm really sad that i couldn't add this song because it fits Goldie SO FUCKIN MUCH(⁠ノ⁠`⁠Д⁠´⁠)⁠ノ⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ SAME WITH ICARUS)
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Transition - self destructive behaviour to destructive behaviour:
Liar by The Arcadian Wild
Oh ana by Mother Mother
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Destructive behaviour:
Goose Goose Revolution the living tombstone
Wrecking ball by Mother Mother
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Copacabana by Barry Manilow
When she loved me from Toy Story 2, cover by lyn lapid
Something comforting by Porter Robinson
Everything stays from Adventure Time, cover by Maruwhat
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Fun Fact: i wanted to add the song who can it be now by Men At Work at the end as an extra, and instead of an image, it was going to be AtomicalAngel's animation of Goldie dancing to the same song, but i decided to scrap that idea because i don't know if they would be comfortable with that and i was too scared to ask
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sunshine-zenith · 1 year ago
Aight, I’m invested I guess. Here’s my Far Fetched Probably Inaccurate More Speculation Than A Theory theory for Wish: Magnifico isn’t completely human or a shooting star like the Star we see — he’s either a manifestation of a wish Amaya made or Amaya once used a wish to save his life
Magnifico specifically says “it’s genetic, I got these genes from outer space!” about himself, which is very specific wording — either he’s completely from space, or magic from space warped his genes. He also has a magic book and I can’t think of a reason he would if magic is innate to his very being, down to a genetic level — maybe it belongs to his Not Innately Magic wife?
Amaya is a unique character in Disney canon in that she’s the Major Big Bad’s spouse — most classic Disney villains in their major animated movies are single or widows, while Amaya is very much alive and well. So she must be important, otherwise what’s the point of her character? Marketing also had super downplayed her, which tells me she has a major role in the story that they don’t want to give away
Amaya’s few lines in the trailer focus on Magnifico (surprise surprise, they have two minutes tops to market this thing and a focus on the hero and villain takes priority over showing rounded out characterization). Still, she seems big on praising him in a similar way he praises himself — calling him handsome and seeming impressed at what she thinks is his work. Yes, there’s being a supportive significant other, but there’s a strange vibe to her words, like she has a personal investment in his achievements beyond just being married to him. I also saw her giving Magnifico concerned/protective looks, like she’s specifically worried about his well-being. Idk I feel like someone finding a shooting star and not sharing it isn’t necessarily worth giving “who’s messing with my hubby” death glares — maybe she’s worried about this shooting star undoing the wish she used for him
She’s noted to be his sounding board/the person who keeps him in line in marketing, so she must know what he’s up to and helping him hide it from the people of Rosas
Magnifico is cocky and self obsessed, but I get the impression that this isn’t the reason he grants so few wishes. He gets super serious and even solemn when talking to Asha about it. He’s kinda a dick where his kingdom is concerned, but he takes wishes seriously. He genuinely doesn’t seem to be holding back granting wishes out of selfishness, because he does grant quite a few — fourteen in a year might be just a drop in the ocean, but that’s still a solid amount. Imagine fourteen people going viral during an internet challenge, or fourteen people on an organ registry getting transplants, or fourteen people getting their degrees, etc, etc. That’s genuinely not a nothing amount of people! Maybe being alive due to wish magic gives him a different perspective on it and what he deems necessary vs unnecessary (and whether or not he’s a hypocrite would make for a compelling character dimension)
Listen this isn’t “evidence,” I just want Amaya to have autonomy in this story, and the only other ways are if she’s a Plot Twist Villain working with/above Magnifico (badass, but I’m pretty sure this was specifically scrapped by the writers early on in the process) or if she hits him with a stack of divorce papers (iconic behavior, but imagine a theater full of five year olds with complicated family dynamics watching this — I don’t see them celebrating with the characters on screen like they might’ve when, say, Anna decked Hans in the face). Her specifically being the reason Magnifico exists and the complicated feelings all around that would result from this are amazing to imagine, plus it can go with both Good!Amaya or Evil!Amaya
Idk maybe Amaya had a cross between Aladdin and Encanto moment — she consciously or unconsciously wished for a handsome king to save her from whatever and since a king needs a kingdom Rosas was created. Or Amaya stumbled across a dying boy who wanted to create his own kingdom and made a wish for him to survive, with that wish giving him powers in the process
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marlopawsome · 2 months ago
i'm so frustrated with Disney they have the money, they have the animators they have the creative people and still dare nothing new and when they do they're not into it full heart and the outcome is half baked shit.
There, i said it. Disney is shit nowadays.
I'm mad bcs the last animated movies got so much potential, and i really loved Encanto and Moana 1/2 and Onward and Raya and Luca (you can see, Pixar is doing the work disney won't do here) but i see all the flaws. Frozen 2 feels like 4 diffrent movies and they hadn't an answer to one of the most asked questions of the movie until 2 weeks!!! before world premiere (who the voice who's calling Elsa is)
Wish feels so soulless all characters miss ... an actual character and Moana 2 lacks the depth and natural flow of the first one it feels so forced
maybe it's because i'm a storyteller myself and thats why i just can't enjoy it as the older stuff but then i see concepts and deleted scenes and storyboards and i'm like WHAT THE HELL WHY WOULD YOU SCRAP THAT??? The fact the heads of disney don't even understand their own target group (Isabela Doll Fiasko which led to a lot of people think Asha looks the way she does because they had to much Isabela Dolls left) because you can see in the concepts the ideas and creativity is there!! but it won't make it to the final product
or like the docu of frozen 2 showed how they still made the story up while deep in animating and scrunched hard and it was so chaotic
And it's not like the storys and things they scrap would be harder to understand for kids or make the movies more grown up so they scrap it to stay in the target audience of kids no it's still stuff easy to understand for kids!
i just don't understand. kids aren't stupid, well thought-out storys don't need to be complicated and it actually helps to have characters with depth...
And don't let me start with the live action remakes (I'm not against them but they look so unappealing especially for kids) because they have the same problems storytelling wise
they're bland and flavourless.
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witchhatproductions · 2 years ago
Witch Hat News #4 - Lessons from the Archives
by Tata Calthrop
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This is an archived version of our microfiction newsletter! You can read along on our tumblr, or subscribe here.
Which archive, you may ask? Well, it's quite simple.
Our own one.
Yes, like many twenty-somethings in the creative field now, I was forged in a rather specific fire – the classic Internet pipeline of Neopets, Deviantart, Tumblr, Twitter, usually interspaced at some point with either a gender crisis or a formal diagnosis of mental illness.
You see, for a young nerdy preteen in 2010, you have two sexy choices made available to you, neither of which you will perceive until it's too late. You will choose either the path of solitude (voraciously consuming and creating content in incredible loneliness and feeling like the only person in the world who does so), or the path of the internet, where you will learn at an incredibly young age how to receive and handle a death threat. I was raised on a raw, unfiltered diet of fandom. (Sonic the Hedgehog. The world has not been kind to me.)
The fans and the hermits have a lot to teach each other. In fact, as easy as it is to make fun of – well – most people on the internet, there is something valuable to be learned from every subculture of creativity, including the horny ones. 
So let me make a confession to you: I'm a fanfiction writer. I have a shameful record of 155,821 words, none of which will ever give me a scrap of credibility with anyone, including other fanfiction writers. (Heavy is the head that wears the dunce hat of Adventure/Comedy.) Hell, I've spent over a year picking away at a fancomic project. For zero dollars and no publication accolades, I have written at least five full completed novellas, which will never be published, be recognised, or prove anything except my big, fat crush on the uncle from Encanto.
My god, was it freeing.
The social pressure to monetize your art is insane. I took my first art commission before I even had my first bank account. It was my teenage dream: to be paid is to obtain credibility. The label will hang over your head like an execution hood: PROFESSIONAL. Of course, the loop never really stops; start making money and suddenly your eyes are open to how many opportunities you're missing, and how little you make compared to others, and how wide the chasm is between you and full-time creation. 
(That's not to say the money and recognition aren't nice! That part I do recommend.)
But making fan content, and making friends who also make fan content, and building up a small audience of people who just want to be there for fun is incredibly liberating when you're not used to it. Get a bunch of friends who create together, join a community that makes its own memes and creates a bubble of mutual feedback and appreciation, and you start to realise: this is how they made the old tales, the oral ones before the printing press.
Here's two lessons from the archives.
Love characters. Fall in love with their vulnerable moments, their jokes, their relationship dynamics, the little unseen parts of them that you can never put in a real story because there's simply no point. Linger on the details. Develop a little crush. Project all your issues and obsess over nothing. Love your own characters, and you'll find suddenly that creating art about them changes from a chore to an act of affection. Learn what makes you fall in love with other stories, and look for the same aspects in your own.
Making art to impress a large audience will disappoint you; making art to impress a social circle of about ten interested people is how life is supposed to be lived. The early humans who painted mammoths on cave walls had no audience except themselves.
Here's a quote I like, from Prof. Henry Jenkins, Provost Professor of Communication, Journalism and Cinematic Arts at University of Southern California: "Contemporary Web culture is the traditional folk process working at lightning speed on a global scale. The difference is that our core myths now belong to corporations, rather than the folk.”
Here's another quote I like, from twitter user @FarfinFarfin: "the fastest way to improve your art is to become some sort of pervert, doesn't really matter what kind, whatever you're comfortable with". 
The Northern Caves by @nostalgebraist. The Northern Caves is a cosmic horror story about unwary scholars who delved too deep into the ancient texts, except the scholars are a group of hardcore nerds on an early 2000s fan forum for a mediocre fantasy series, and the ancient texts are fan theories about the author's baffling final novel. I know almost nothing about original fiction on Archive of Our Own, but I recognise a wonderfully online scary story when I see one. Psychological, terrifying, and twistedly fascinating reading for anyone who's ever watched an online community implode.
Songs for Girls in Love by @phemiec. PhemieC was one of my favourite musicians as a teenager, and when I got into my first relationship I rushed into the familiar arms of their love songs. They also were making, at the time, Homestuck fansongs. But when I was 15, this music made more of an impact on me than any classic musician ever could. Songs for Girls In Love has a number of fansongs mixed in, largely for things I've never consumed, but you'd never know it from their lyrical subtlety and I'm still a huge fan. 
Digital Land Grab: Media corporations are stealing our cultural heritage. Can we take it back? By Henry Jenkins. Okay, okay, this one's not exactly micro or fiction of any sort. But it is the article that I quoted earlier, and Prof. Jenkins could be described as the grandfather of fanwork studies in academia. A good read about the history and creative validity of fanwork, and the ways in which corporations suppress it. I highly recommend it, even if you know nothing about fanfiction.
Your project here. Do you make art of any kind - visual, written, performed? Are you starting a project or recruiting co-creators? We want to hear from you! Email us at [email protected].
That's it for June. See you next month!
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