#Fuega Madrigal
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igetthedisneybox · 6 months ago
Kids always get up to wild shit. Especially when their little.
Everyone's parent has a story of how their kid nearly gave them a heart attack.
What stories do the madrigals have regarding your next gen fic?
Oh god, so many.
Like, soooo many.
I decided to do just the biggest heart-attack inducing event for each kid.
Miranda: She's well-behaved, so the biggest moment was when she first got her gift at age eight and almost floated off into the stratosphere XD.
Amelia: At fifteen, she snuck out with her girlfriend and they got caught kissing....rather passionately.
Sofía: Got angsty one time at age ten and decided that she wanted to live in the walls like her father did. She was missing for half a day, and everyone was panicking.
Princesa: At the ripe old age of six, she was experimenting with her gift and almost caused a rock slide.
Fuega: She was twelve, and got so angry at one of the townspeople that instead of bursting into flames, she just straight up passed out for a minute.
Leta: That time she tried to climb the walls of the Encanto and fell like fifty feet, breaking her arm. I'd say she was around sixteen or so.
Andrés: When he first got his gift and just straight up vanished from sight lol.
Carlos: When he duplicated his birthday cake one too many times and made himself sick. He was five, this was the night he got his gift.
Avila: When she was nine, she wanted to see if she could freeze herself in time. Turns out she can, but when she's frozen, she can't unfreeze herself until it wears off. The family was actually very worried that she'd be stuck like that forever.
Amada: Got angry when she was eleven, and went to go sulk in the town's canal. Turns out, her water powers also let her breathe underwater, which no one knew.
Tomás: Tried to hover a giant wagon with his powers, and almost dropped it on his head. He was around eight or so.
Rómulo: When he was seven, he used his super speed to jump out of one of Mariana's portals, and ended up running himself straight into the ground. He was very injured. Did that stop him from doing it again? No.
Zoe: Straight up wandered away from her family while in town when she was five. They spent hours looking for her, only to discover that she'd found a tree to take a nap under.
Hugo: He befriended a big-ass spider, and let it crawl around on his head for a few months, until it died. He was nine.
José: Swindled a few men from the city for around 100 Colombian Pesos. They were not happy, and were actually probably gonna hurt José if they didn't get their money back. Luckily the family were able to yeet them out of the Encanto before anything got bad. José was nine, and very very very grounded.
Héctor: When he was five, he turned into an elephant to show off, and passed out after three seconds of transformation.
Óscar: Soon after he got his gift, he had a huge meltdown because he was seeing ghosts and things that other people couldn't see. The family was worried he was seriously hurt or something.
Beatriz: Was trying so hard to keep a surprise birthday party a secret, she projectile vomited all over the kitchen table. Poor kid was six, and so embarassased.
Lidia: Had a temper tantrum at age five, and made a scribble monster that wrecked havoc on the town until Pepa made it rain.
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hannahhook7744 · 6 months ago
Fuega and Hugo Madrigal Concept Art;
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thelegendcreator · 1 year ago
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I am ages late, but here’s my submission for the first week of OCtober! I had marching band practices almost every day, and THEN I had to decide which OC to do, so I went with my first!
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bellalampwickrossi · 3 months ago
How do you think Ligera Madrigal would get along with Eleanor and Pin?
How do you think Tulip would get along with Fuega Madrigal?
i think Pin and Eleanor would get along with Ligera !
I think Tulip would like Fuega . Tulip , for the most part , can make friends with anyone !
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justanisabelakinnie · 2 years ago
What a day to find THIS on the r/blackladies subreddit. 😍 
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firinnie · 3 years ago
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It took way too long but it's ready! These are characters from the beginning of the creation of Encanto, the three cousins to the original Mirabel - Carlos, Oscar and Fuega. Well Carlos is basically a more unkind version of Camilo, it was supposed to be a jerk. Oscar on the other hand is an earlier Bruno. From what I managed to find, it was supposed to be Miras's love in the beginning, but the creators decided that it would be better for him to be part of her family, and typical loner. Fuega is a character who really regrets that she is not there, she was supposed to be a younger sister to "Isabela", jealous of her with a very destructive power of fire and a temperament similar to that of Pep. I believe that all three could be kind of outcasts for the family, and Oscar as the eldest acted as a good brother for Carlos, Fuega... and Mirabel.
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sleazyjanet · 3 years ago
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these VERY old concepts from the Encanto Art Book featuring Pepa and Leta (apparently twins with opposing powers, one to make people think happy thoughts, one to think unhappy ones, that argued and therefore ruined their relationship at age 15 — and given that Leta from Latin Letitia means “glad, happy”, i’m incline to believe pepa could have been the unhappy twin UNLESS their names were jabs at each other) are just so… fascinating to me. also because one of them clearly is, in some way, OUR pepa (or she’s a mix of both), married to félix. our Pepa, however, is also quite similar to the concept art of Fuega, whose fire power was controlled by her emotions (also given that in some original concepts, Pepa was immune to fire)
so yeah, just these thoughts
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shuinami · 3 years ago
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unfinished art of my redesign of Fuega Madrigal and Camilo bickering .__. !
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thelostmadrigals · 2 years ago
Fuega: I wonder if I can make popcorn in my belly if i swallow the popcorn kernals whole.....
Julieta: Fuega, No!!
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encantomybeloved · 3 years ago
Even though they didn't add her to the movie, but I like Fuega. She would be Luisa's daugther.
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casitafallz-a · 2 years ago
What if, after six months after Mirabel's failed ceremony, Bruno decides to take action as Mirabel starts to get the brunt of being the 'none gifted Madrigal'? What if he took her away to have a happier life? Convinced by a bad future, What if Julieta lets him take her without letting anyone else know why?
What if, one day they're forced to come back?
Chapter 27 snippet
“I’ve been thinking, Agustín.” Felix interrupted his mulling, “because… we all know she needs us all… but you know Julieta; she self-sacrificial and more so when in the wrong.”
Agustín’s head rose. “I… I don’t want her to kill herself over her regrets.” The thought alone terrified him. In a way, it felt like she had been trying… or part of her did; was that why she didn’t heal?
“Then… I think you need to forgive her. Entirely”
Agustín looked to his brother-in-law sharply. “Entirely?”
“She did wrong, she knows that, regrets that with all her soul. She wants to make things right but how can she? She doesn’t know how and… frankly neither so I. I know…you’ve lost so much with her and Mirabel… but she lost her too. Do you really think she’s not be affected by her choices?”
“What are you saying?” Agustín could feel his mouth go a little dryer as well.
“She lost the ability to heal herself… after giving Mirabel up to her brother. It may not have been a conscious decision or hers at all; the magic could have easily tweaked herself out of her gift’s usage. But… that was something Julieta’s been enduring secretly and alone because she felt she had to; I suspect it’s…probably to repent in her own way because she couldn’t tell you why to start with.” Felix rubbed Camilo’s arm, the teen shifting a little in his sleep but didn’t wake.
Agustín wrinkled his nose but he hated how much that made sense. But… he could forgive but…entirely? It was a process but… how could he just move on? He had lost ten years from his daughter’s life; she gave her away without consulting him.
“I..I don’t know if I can.”
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igetthedisneybox · 6 months ago
The Future of the Family Madrigal
Inspired by @hannahhook7744's AU, here's what my new Madrigal family tree looks like, roughly twenty-six years after the events of the movie.
I used the scrapped characters from the Encanto Artbook, as well as some early versions of existing characters to round things out.
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EDIT: Added two additional kids, to bring Dolores and Mariano's kid count up to five.
First Row: Pedro Madrigal and Alma Cadenza
Second Row: Félix Castillo, Pepa Madrigal, Alejandra Delgado, Bruno Madrigal, Julieta Madrigal, and Augustín Rojas
Third Row: Antonio Madrigal, Camilo Madrigal, Dolores Madrigal, Miranda Madrigal, Amelia Madrigal, Sofía Madrigal, Isabela Madrigal, Luisa Madrigal, and Mirabel Madrigal
Fourth Row: Marcos Vasquez, Mariano Guzmán, Juana Aguado, Bubo Marquez
Fifth Row (and the one slightly above it): Hugo Madrigal, José Madrigal, Héctor Madrigal, Princesa Madrigal, Fuega Madrigal, Mariana Madrigal, Óscar Madrigal, Beatriz Madrigal, Lidia Madrigal
Sixth Row: Leta Madrigal, Andrés Madrigal, Carlos Madrigal, Avila Madrigal, Amada Madrigal, Tomás Madrigal, Rómulo Madrigal, and Zoe Madrigal
Putting a character and familial guide under the cut, because the tree is m e s s y
Alejandra is Bruno's wife, and Miranda, Amelia, and Sofía are their daughters.
Alejandra is a scrapped character who I think was supposed to be the original founder, and the Julieta Character's mother. She appears to be dead in the version of the story she's in, as we see her statue, but not her. I decided to make her Bruno's wife, as I think he deserves a scary sword wife who loves him and their daughters very much.
Miranda was an early version of Julieta, and Alejandra's daughter. Since the two look near identical, they kinda ended up being a package deal. Miranda is technically Bruno's step-daughter, but that doesn't really matter.
Amelia and Sofía are characters from a very early concept. I threw them in as Bruno's daughters, as I liked the idea of one of Bruno's kids having a 'bad' power.
Marcos is Camilo's husband, and Hugo, José, and Héctor are their sons.
There are so many early concepts of Bruno, that there are no less than three in this tree, and they all look different. Marcos is one of those early concepts, back when Bruno was a skinny twink with bright blue eyes. The name Marco was chosen from a list of potential names for Bruno.
Hugo is an early version of Antonio (there are also a lot of those here), one where he's older and selectively mute.
José seems to be from the same era as the twins, although he doesn't get any notes. He seems like he'd be Camilo's kid in any timeline lol.
Héctor is yet another concept of Antonio, but I thought he looked different enough from Hugo that it worked out. I picked the name as a reference to the movie Coco.
Leta, Andrés, Carlos, Avila, and Amada are Dolores and Mariano's children.
Leta was Pepa's twin sister originally, so I thought it made sense to make her her granddaughter instead.
Andrés is another Bruno, and I thought he looked the most like Dolores out of any of the concept characters. Andre was another potential Bruno name, so I named this version of him that.
Carlos is the infamous beta Camilo. Since Cami doesn't have any bio kids, I gave Carlos to Dolores to explain the simillarites. Plus, he does kind of resemble Mariano.
Avila and Amada are two of the four concept girl cousins in the artbook. Picked them because they have Dolores' ears and Pepa's teeth. @hannahhook7744 showed me a concept character from an early script called Amada, and we discovered that Alma's name was originally going to be Avila (in the 2017 version) so I picked those names. (Thanks Hannah!)
Juana is Luisa's wife, and Tomás, Rómulo, and Zoe are their children.
Juana is an early Pepa, back when her gift was indestructability. I paired them together just because Luisa needs a laid back gf to counteract The Anxiety. Her name is actually a beta Julieta name.
Tomás and Rómulo are a pair of twins that appeared only once in a family portrait. There are very limited boy concepts, so I snagged these guys too. Tomás means "twin" and Rómulo is the Spanish form of Romulus, a very famous twin.
Zoe is from the same era as José, Amelia, and Sofía. She's basically the poster child for Scrapped Encanto Characters.
Bubo is Mirabel's husband and Óscar, Beatriz, and Lidia are their children.
Bubo is Isa's scrapped love interest, but I'd already planned on having Isa stay single when I learned about him, so I ditched the OC I gave to Mirabel, and gave Bubo to her. They both have glasses, so I think they'd be cute together.
Óscar is the third Bruno, and the one who gets the Óscar name. I was originally using a different Óscar, but figured that this one looks the most like Bubo. The name is the most widely used name for beta Bruno.
Beatriz is a beta Mirabel, so obviously I made her her daughter.
Lidia is a Luisa, and looks decently enough like canon Mirabel and Bubo. Lidia was supposedly Luisa's name before it was Luisa.
Isabela has no partner, but Princesa, Fuega, and Mariana are her daughters.
Princesa is a bit of an enigma to me. I think she was supposed to be an aunt of some kind, maybe Augustín's sister? It's never made very clear. She's shown to be dating/married to a beta Mariano, and potentially the mother of the four girl cousins? Anyway, I aged her down so I could use her as Isabela's daughter.
Fuega was supposed to be Isabela's other sister/cousin, one who was jealous of her gift and 'perfect' status.
Mariana seems to be a veeeeery early version of Mirabel. The name also stems from an early version of Mirabel.
I have bios for all the kids, I just need to post them.
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hannahhook7744 · 6 months ago
Senior Ball Outfit For Fuega Madrigal ?
Fuega Madrigal:
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I also made Outfit Boards for the girlfriends she has.
Her girlfriend in the Hannah Hook Verse:
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Her girlfriend in the Invisible Truth/Main Universes:
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Note: she's dating Felicidad Ruíz in the universes where Joy doesn't exist.
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daveydalek · 3 years ago
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I wanna draw her now uanq8qnqusmw8wne8em
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bellalampwickrossi · 3 months ago
Got inspired by a fic I'm reading, soooo:
Ligera Guzmán Madrigal, 15: Marisol! What happened?!
Marisol Rivera Madrigal, 12, with hair cut horribly uneven *crosses her arms, looking grumpy* Bullies.
Tulip: So, murder?
Ligera: Yep.
Marisol: Ligera no!
Fuega, who overheard the entire conversation: LIGERA YES! *BURSTS INTO FLAMES*
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justanisabelakinnie · 2 years ago
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Fuega Madrigal in Encanto Doll Divine! Isn’t she precious!
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