#jose madrigal
igetthedisneybox · 15 days
Kids always get up to wild shit. Especially when their little.
Everyone's parent has a story of how their kid nearly gave them a heart attack.
What stories do the madrigals have regarding your next gen fic?
Oh god, so many.
Like, soooo many.
I decided to do just the biggest heart-attack inducing event for each kid.
Miranda: She's well-behaved, so the biggest moment was when she first got her gift at age eight and almost floated off into the stratosphere XD.
Amelia: At fifteen, she snuck out with her girlfriend and they got caught kissing....rather passionately.
Sofía: Got angsty one time at age ten and decided that she wanted to live in the walls like her father did. She was missing for half a day, and everyone was panicking.
Princesa: At the ripe old age of six, she was experimenting with her gift and almost caused a rock slide.
Fuega: She was twelve, and got so angry at one of the townspeople that instead of bursting into flames, she just straight up passed out for a minute.
Leta: That time she tried to climb the walls of the Encanto and fell like fifty feet, breaking her arm. I'd say she was around sixteen or so.
Andrés: When he first got his gift and just straight up vanished from sight lol.
Carlos: When he duplicated his birthday cake one too many times and made himself sick. He was five, this was the night he got his gift.
Avila: When she was nine, she wanted to see if she could freeze herself in time. Turns out she can, but when she's frozen, she can't unfreeze herself until it wears off. The family was actually very worried that she'd be stuck like that forever.
Amada: Got angry when she was eleven, and went to go sulk in the town's canal. Turns out, her water powers also let her breathe underwater, which no one knew.
Tomás: Tried to hover a giant wagon with his powers, and almost dropped it on his head. He was around eight or so.
Rómulo: When he was seven, he used his super speed to jump out of one of Mariana's portals, and ended up running himself straight into the ground. He was very injured. Did that stop him from doing it again? No.
Zoe: Straight up wandered away from her family while in town when she was five. They spent hours looking for her, only to discover that she'd found a tree to take a nap under.
Hugo: He befriended a big-ass spider, and let it crawl around on his head for a few months, until it died. He was nine.
José: Swindled a few men from the city for around 100 Colombian Pesos. They were not happy, and were actually probably gonna hurt José if they didn't get their money back. Luckily the family were able to yeet them out of the Encanto before anything got bad. José was nine, and very very very grounded.
Héctor: When he was five, he turned into an elephant to show off, and passed out after three seconds of transformation.
Óscar: Soon after he got his gift, he had a huge meltdown because he was seeing ghosts and things that other people couldn't see. The family was worried he was seriously hurt or something.
Beatriz: Was trying so hard to keep a surprise birthday party a secret, she projectile vomited all over the kitchen table. Poor kid was six, and so embarassased.
Lidia: Had a temper tantrum at age five, and made a scribble monster that wrecked havoc on the town until Pepa made it rain.
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hannahhook7744 · 1 year
Invisible truth au picrews (Final);
Picrews for my descendants-encanto crossover ocs/kids. Only shows what they look like as adults because I don't know any good kid ones that would fit the Encanto style.
Picrew links: 1, 2, and 3.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5.
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Amelia Madrigal-Prepon. Oldest daughter of Camilio Madrigal and Mina Prepon.
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Sofia Madrigal-Prepon. Second oldest daughter of Camilio Madrigal and Mina Prepon.
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Hugo Madrigal-Prepon. Oldest son of Camilio Madrigal and Mina Prepon.
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José Madrigal-Prepon. Youngest of Camilio Madrigal and Mina Prepon.
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lethal-amigos · 1 year
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Comic By @my-gunpowder
No Agustín...😆
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madrigaljail · 10 days
Me and the girlies (gender neutral) are cooking up a "what if the Guzmans got the miracle instead" AU and I keep focusing on how it's also by default a Pedro Lives AU and the feels are intense 🥺
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tboycamilo · 8 months
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they are a family. understand the vision
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cannibalthoughts · 3 months
Telling Bruno not to worry about something never worked, but José provided several distractions that did, for the most part, convince Bruno that their relationship was okay and the only hard feelings were, well. He didn’t worry about turning down José’s offer.
He did keep thinking about it, though.
For Madrigay Days week two: Kiss. Rated Explicit.
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pogona · 2 years
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Did someone request a vampire au? (no? just us?)
What if Bruno did a bad thing to his childhood-nemesis-turned-maybe-boyfriend (@madrigaljail’s josé guzman)
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Encantober 2023 Day 10: Help
Luisa was considered to be one of the most helpful people in the Encanto. Whenever someone needed help in the village, Luisa was there to help them with whatever was needed. While she was considered a hero in the village, Luisa always had trouble asking for help whenever it was needed, because she was scared it would make her look weak. Ever since she first got her gift, Alma pushed the idea into her head that if she asked for help with anything, she was automatically weak.
It was not until one day when she was doing chores around the village when she realized how much asking for help would be a strength rather than a weakness. It was a sunny Sunday afternoon in the Encanto, and Luisa had just finished lunch and was going into town to do some afternoon chores. She was asked to bring the donkeys back in the shed after they escaped, as always, and now it was time for her to relocate the local church again.
Once she got to the church, she lifted the building with ease and was on her way to relocate it. But once she almost got to the spot she needed to relocate the church to, she dropped it. She lifted the church building once more successfully, and walked over to relocate it, but dropped it before she could again.
Gabriela, Luisa’s best friend since first grade, noticed her struggling and walked over to see what was the matter. She saw her sitting by the church with her head buried in her knees, and her arms wrapped around them. Gabriela ran by Luisa and sat next to her, tapping her on her shoulder.
“Hola, Luisa; I couldn’t help but notice that you were upset. Is there anything that’s bothering you?” Gabriela asked as she put her hand on Luisa’s shoulder.
Luisa hesitated before she could respond. “Si; I’ve been trying to relocate the church, and while I have relocated it several times before, now, I’ve noticed I’m getting really tired after holding it for only a couple of minutes.”
Gabriela hugged her best friend as she continued crying on her shoulder. The pair have been best friends for thirteen years, Gabriela has never seen Luisa break down in front of her before. She has come to her for many things, and she was always the one to offer her help when needed, and vice versa. However, not once during that time did she ever experience Luisa so desperate for help that she broke down.
“Luisa, I want you to know that I’m here for you. I understand that you may not want my help, but I’m offering it to you. You’re my best friend in the entire world and I don’t like to see you struggle.”
Luisa stopped crying and hugged Gabriela once more when she reached her arms out for her. While she did not want to admit it at the moment, she really did need help. Knowing that Gabriela was there to ensure that she would be there put her at ease and made her more comfortable with admitting that she needed help. It made her feel like a lot of weight was taken off of her shoulders.
“Actually, Gabi, I do want your help; in fact, I need your help. You’re one of the only people I can comfortably admit to that.”
Gabriela smiled and gave Luisa another hug. She then wiped the final tear on her face and Luisa smiled at her. Gabi moved a piece of Luisa’s hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear before they got up and looked at the building.
“So, what do you need help with?” Gabriela asked.
“It’s more that I’ve been tired after a while. I guess the burnout has been getting to me since I still have trouble asking for help. Maybe I could get one side of the church and you could get the other side?”
“I’m not sure if that would be strong enough for just me. I would need many more people to help us…” Gabriela then smiled as an idea sparked in her head. “Wait here!”
Gabriela then ran off and Luisa stayed by the church to wait for the surprise that Gabriela was going to get. After about a half hour, Gabriela came back with Jose and Lucia on both sides of her.
“Since I know I’m not the only one that is able to help you, I got my siblings with me to help you!”
“Gabi told us about the pickle you’re in, so we wanted to give you a helping hand,” Lucia pointed out.
“But isn’t it still going to be too much for just the three of you?”
“They’re not the only ones,” said Gabriela.
Gabriela then revealed that Isabela, Dolores, Camilo, Mirabel, and Antonio all came with her. She was not only going to have three people help her; she was going to have eight people help! Knowing that Gabriela got her sisters and cousins to help her made her realize how much of a great friend she was. She knew she was an amazing friend since they first became friends, but this solidified how kind and helpful she was.
“So which side do you want us to be on?” Mirabel asked.
Luisa thought before she replied. I want Antonio and Lucia to be on one side with me since they’re the smallest ones. Mirabel and Jose can go on the opposite side. Camilo and Isabela can take the left side, and Dolores and Gabriela can take the right.”
All three sibling groups split up to take their side of the church building. All nine of them put their hands on the bottom of the edge of the church they were assigned. Once everyone found an area they could lift, Luisa called everyone for attention.
“Okay, on the count of three, we lift. Uno, dos tres!”
All three sibling groups lifted the church together successfully and started to move it. They started with little steps to make sure they were in sync with each other. One of the things they tried their hardest to do since repairing Casita was to use as much teamwork as they could with each other. Ever since then, they have been working together much more and it has helped them with so many things.
It was not long until they made their way to where the church was going to be relocated to. The nine of them slowly put the building down where Luisa was asked to put it. Once the building was put down, the nine of them backed away to see how it looked; they cheered and high-fived each other once they noticed how the church looked.
“It looks amazing! Gracias, Gabriela, for getting everyone to help me!” Luisa pointed out.
“De nada, Luisa; like I said, seeing you struggle doesn’t make me feel good at all. So I found everyone I could to help us.”
“It does feel pretty good to do something for the village other than growing flowers and other plants for everyone,” said Isabela.
“And doing something for the village in general feels great,” Mirabel added.
The nine children hugged each other once more to appreciate their hard work again. As much as they wanted to stay and appreciate it more, it was getting late and it was almost time for them to go home and eat dinner.
“Do you want to ask your parents if you could stay for dinner tonight? It’s the least we could do for your help,” Luisa asked.
“I would love that,” Gabriela replied.
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lunathekahuna · 2 years
More New Art pieces & AUs!!!! AUs are fun Design. Great practice for new Characters
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I can't post each Arranged Marriage AU's backstory so I'll leave my Insta.Link if u wanna check it out.
If You haven't already tell.....I'm in Love with @lethal-amigos .💚✨️🥺😳 I also added my Congrats piece of Bruno & Maria for @dororoxpenana ,Genderbend of Sonia & Cute couple drawing of Bruno & Sonia. Enjoy!!!!😊😊😊
(Chepe & José belong to @lazypapers & @my-gunpowder )
(López is a original Character by me)
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tijuana · 2 years
Adiós año viejo, bienvenido 2023
Rodaje, volumen uno, concluye
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Siempre digo que voy a actualizar este blog más seguido, aunque nadie lo lea—lo veo más como una pintura rupestre digital para la posteridad—pero parece que cada dos meses es cuando me muerde la oruga de venir a escribir algo.
La última vez la novela se quedó en que iba a comenzar el rodaje de la película, la primera parte al menos, alrededor de siete días en noviembre, mientras que la segunda parte será diez días de enero.
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Otra razón por la que no sentí la ausencia es que estuve subiendo updates durante toda la grabación en Instagram. Todavía sigo, tengo una tonelada de fotos sin publicar en mi rollo de la cámara y trato de colgar al menos una diaria.
Y la cosa es que me encanta IG, durante los últimos años se tornó en mi red social favorita (más desde que clausuré mi Facebook) pero sí lo vuelve a uno más perezoso. Llega uno a tomarse muy en serio eso de que «una imagen vale por mil palabras». 
Tengo una guía por allá si quieren revisarla, igual las fotos éste post vienen pinchadas de ahí.
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Comenzamos en el Black Box, el martes 15. Me trajo flashbacks un poco del rodaje de Amir, la primera vez que tuvimos que trabajar con extras en la largamente extinta Bodega Aragón.
En los subsecuentes días hubo sesiones mucho más intimas y cerradas, dentro de los confines cómodos de una casa privada, pero grabar en un espacio público, con el tiempo encima y además coordinando un grupo diverso de humanoides, era justo la dosis de estrés necesario para que nos cayera el veinte de que YA ESTABAMOS RODANDO.
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Un par de días después, el 17 de noviembre, tuvimos el primer company move oficial, en la mañana «rodando un rodaje» falso en Casa de la Cultura—apalabrada por Mr. Rod “Monti” Zapién—y después en Otay en lo que quizás fue uno de los shoots más técnicamente challenging (y no tanto para mi pero pregúntenle al director y el DP) que fue filmar un carro remolcado en plena vía pública. 
Aquí les cuelgo la Exhibición A:
Me brinqué los días 16 y 18 intencionalmente por que en muchos sentidos son los que fluyeron sin más incidentes. Trabajamos con Cristobal Dearie casi únicamente sus one-man scenes. Pero entonces llegó el sábado 19.
Se sumaron al team Gisela Madrigal y Andrea Moncayo y se recordaron muchas de las interacciones que ocurren entre nuestro main man con ellas. 
Creo que éste fue el día donde se comenzaron a sentir las primeras tensiones que pusieron en jeopardy TODO EL PROYECTO. No se crean.
¿O sí créanselo?
No lo sé. Permanecerá un misterio.
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El domingo 20 se grabó una escena que me perdí por que tuve que ir al Smart & Final a comprar platos y cubiertos desechables para el lonche del cast & crew—y cabe añadir, fue una de las sesiones más crowded, dónde más basura sacamos y cosas rompimos en el set (una casa ubicada en Altabrisa) pero la vox populi asegura que se trató de la MEJOR escena de TODA la película (hasta el momento).
Que buen timing para perderme 🙁 al menos espero la gente haya disfrutado los platos de foam y tenedores de plástico reciclado para su pollito al carbón.
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Como toda buena película que vale la pena verse, pienso en The Lord of the Rings, la historia comienza en The Shire y concluye en The Shire.
El lunes 21 de noviembre regresamos al Black Box a filmar escenas pendientes en la locación. Rodamos con otro set de extras—Libia, Larissa y Carla—pero la persona que más curiosidad me dio entre el bonche era Ary Ramírez.
Los que alguna vez siguieron mi canal de YouTube saben que hace varios, varios años, colaboré con ella (y Julieta Oviedo) en un proyecto llamado El Test de Bechdel donde Ary y Julie reseñaban movies.
Es uno de mis proyectos favoritos en los que he trabajado (si no es que el #1, lo siento everyone else) y mientras el titán del video propiedad de Google no desaparezca de la tierra (o me bloqueen) siempre podrán encontrar los viejos episodios.
La carrera cinemática de Ary comenzó con un rol de background en Amir, después unas cuantas líneas en Contratiempo (la movie anterior de Paredes) y ahora se graduó a una escena COMPLETA. Estaba emocionado (y nervioso) por ella y anticipo el día que se vuelva la protagonista de su propia película.
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Y de momento es todo. Lo malo de publicar dos meses después es que muchas anécdotas ya se esfumaron de mi cabeza. Si me acuerdo de otra cosa vengo y se las platico.
Al menos siempre estarán las fotos cómo memorabilia, bien dicen por ahí, «una imagen vale por mil palabras».
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igetthedisneybox · 23 days
The Future of the Family Madrigal
Inspired by @hannahhook7744's AU, here's what my new Madrigal family tree looks like, roughly twenty-six years after the events of the movie.
I used the scrapped characters from the Encanto Artbook, as well as some early versions of existing characters to round things out.
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EDIT: Added two additional kids, to bring Dolores and Mariano's kid count up to five.
First Row: Pedro Madrigal and Alma Cadenza
Second Row: Félix Castillo, Pepa Madrigal, Alejandra Delgado, Bruno Madrigal, Julieta Madrigal, and Augustín Rojas
Third Row: Antonio Madrigal, Camilo Madrigal, Dolores Madrigal, Miranda Madrigal, Amelia Madrigal, Sofía Madrigal, Isabela Madrigal, Luisa Madrigal, and Mirabel Madrigal
Fourth Row: Marcos Vasquez, Mariano Guzmán, Juana Aguado, Bubo Marquez
Fifth Row (and the one slightly above it): Hugo Madrigal, José Madrigal, Héctor Madrigal, Princesa Madrigal, Fuega Madrigal, Mariana Madrigal, Óscar Madrigal, Beatriz Madrigal, Lidia Madrigal
Sixth Row: Leta Madrigal, Andrés Madrigal, Carlos Madrigal, Avila Madrigal, Amada Madrigal, Tomás Madrigal, Rómulo Madrigal, and Zoe Madrigal
Putting a character and familial guide under the cut, because the tree is m e s s y
Alejandra is Bruno's wife, and Miranda, Amelia, and Sofía are their daughters.
Alejandra is a scrapped character who I think was supposed to be the original founder, and the Julieta Character's mother. She appears to be dead in the version of the story she's in, as we see her statue, but not her. I decided to make her Bruno's wife, as I think he deserves a scary sword wife who loves him and their daughters very much.
Miranda was an early version of Julieta, and Alejandra's daughter. Since the two look near identical, they kinda ended up being a package deal. Miranda is technically Bruno's step-daughter, but that doesn't really matter.
Amelia and Sofía are characters from a very early concept. I threw them in as Bruno's daughters, as I liked the idea of one of Bruno's kids having a 'bad' power.
Marcos is Camilo's husband, and Hugo, José, and Héctor are their sons.
There are so many early concepts of Bruno, that there are no less than three in this tree, and they all look different. Marcos is one of those early concepts, back when Bruno was a skinny twink with bright blue eyes. The name Marco was chosen from a list of potential names for Bruno.
Hugo is an early version of Antonio (there are also a lot of those here), one where he's older and selectively mute.
José seems to be from the same era as the twins, although he doesn't get any notes. He seems like he'd be Camilo's kid in any timeline lol.
Héctor is yet another concept of Antonio, but I thought he looked different enough from Hugo that it worked out. I picked the name as a reference to the movie Coco.
Leta, Andrés, Carlos, Avila, and Amada are Dolores and Mariano's children.
Leta was Pepa's twin sister originally, so I thought it made sense to make her her granddaughter instead.
Andrés is another Bruno, and I thought he looked the most like Dolores out of any of the concept characters. Andre was another potential Bruno name, so I named this version of him that.
Carlos is the infamous beta Camilo. Since Cami doesn't have any bio kids, I gave Carlos to Dolores to explain the simillarites. Plus, he does kind of resemble Mariano.
Avila and Amada are two of the four concept girl cousins in the artbook. Picked them because they have Dolores' ears and Pepa's teeth. @hannahhook7744 showed me a concept character from an early script called Amada, and we discovered that Alma's name was originally going to be Avila (in the 2017 version) so I picked those names. (Thanks Hannah!)
Juana is Luisa's wife, and Tomás, Rómulo, and Zoe are their children.
Juana is an early Pepa, back when her gift was indestructability. I paired them together just because Luisa needs a laid back gf to counteract The Anxiety. Her name is actually a beta Julieta name.
Tomás and Rómulo are a pair of twins that appeared only once in a family portrait. There are very limited boy concepts, so I snagged these guys too. Tomás means "twin" and Rómulo is the Spanish form of Romulus, a very famous twin.
Zoe is from the same era as José, Amelia, and Sofía. She's basically the poster child for Scrapped Encanto Characters.
Bubo is Mirabel's husband and Óscar, Beatriz, and Lidia are their children.
Bubo is Isa's scrapped love interest, but I'd already planned on having Isa stay single when I learned about him, so I ditched the OC I gave to Mirabel, and gave Bubo to her. They both have glasses, so I think they'd be cute together.
Óscar is the third Bruno, and the one who gets the Óscar name. I was originally using a different Óscar, but figured that this one looks the most like Bubo. The name is the most widely used name for beta Bruno.
Beatriz is a beta Mirabel, so obviously I made her her daughter.
Lidia is a Luisa, and looks decently enough like canon Mirabel and Bubo. Lidia was supposedly Luisa's name before it was Luisa.
Isabela has no partner, but Princesa, Fuega, and Mariana are her daughters.
Princesa is a bit of an enigma to me. I think she was supposed to be an aunt of some kind, maybe Augustín's sister? It's never made very clear. She's shown to be dating/married to a beta Mariano, and potentially the mother of the four girl cousins? Anyway, I aged her down so I could use her as Isabela's daughter.
Fuega was supposed to be Isabela's other sister/cousin, one who was jealous of her gift and 'perfect' status.
Mariana seems to be a veeeeery early version of Mirabel. The name also stems from an early version of Mirabel.
I have bios for all the kids, I just need to post them.
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lethal-amigos · 2 years
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Bullying Bruno Part 2 <<Part 1 Jose comes to Bruno's rescue.
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siriuslyreads · 2 years
Ballad & Dagger by Daniel Jose Older: A Review
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Title: Ballad & Dagger
Series: Outlaw Saints
Author: Daniel José Older
Genre: YA Urban Fantasy
Rating: 3/5
Release Date: May 3rd 2022
Format: Physical Book
Almost sixteen years ago, Mateo Matisse's island homeland disappeared into the sea. Weary and hopeless, the survivors of San Madrigal's sinking escaped to New York. While the rest of his tight-knit Brooklyn diaspora community dreams of someday finding a way back home, Mateo--now a high school junior and piano prodigy living with his two aunts (one who's alive, the other not so much)--is focused on one thing: getting the attention of locally-grown musical legend Gerval. Mateo finally gets his chance on the night of the Grand Fete, an annual party celebrating the blended culture of pirates, Cuban Santeros, and Sephardic Jews that created San Madrigal all those centuries ago. But the evil that sank their island has finally caught up with them, and on the night of the celebration, Mateo's life is forever changed when he witnesses a brutal murder by a person he thought he knew. Suddenly Mateo is thrust into an ancient battle that spans years and oceans. Deadly secrets are unraveled and Mateo awakens a power within himself--a power that not only links him to the killer but could also hold the key to unlocking the dark mystery behind his lost homeland. From the author of the award-winning Shadowshaper Cypher series comes the first novel in the Outlaw Saints duology--a brilliant story that will transport readers to a world where magic, myth, and gods reign over the streets of Brooklyn.
I gotta be upfront with y’all from the beginning. I did not like this book. Something about it kept me reading the entire things, but it just did not hit right for me. It seemed like there was something always just on the brink of being fantastic, but the twists and reveals never delivered on the promise. Even the twist at the ending seemed trite to me. I got the Owlcrate edition of this and I always try to give those special editions the most honest shot I can, but this didn’t deliver what I hoped for. I think I am the wrong audience for this book. Maybe if I was younger, or a POC and not white. I think the story and the lore of the book were well presented, and for a lot of people it would resonate well with them.
I think in the beginning you were supposed to feel for Mateo, a boy raised by his tia and his ghost aunt. His mother and father are off being doctors somewhere and he doesn’t see them often. But Mateo never seemed to struggle with these things. He had a loving family, he knew his mother and father cared for him, and he didn’t seem to care overly much that they were out of the picture. Indeed he seemed to mind more that when he was a child they would shepherd him around the world instead of letting him stay in Brooklyn and Little Madrigal. Mateo did not make sense to me and did not have a lot of depth. In the end he became this being that saved the world, but that did not tie in with who he was in the beginning. I understand character growth, and I understand that in these circumstances, Matteo was actually also the spirit of one of his people’s maker gods. But that should not mean that Mateo changed so completely that by the end of a book he is completely unrecognizable, especially since not much truly happened before he changed.
The first two thirds of this book are all about the politics and the issues between the ruling factions of the city, but honestly, I can still tell you nothing other than one of those factions was pirates? It wasn’t until Mateo was betrayed that the book even picked up speed, and honestly, I think we all expected that betrayal. Then once the book picked up speed, it did not slow down, but it also felt disjointed. Almost like the author took separate scenes and tried to piece them together with the middle bits, without a clear understanding of what the story was supposed to be.
So much of the story was talking about finding a way to resurrect San Madrigal from the ocean, but we never truly know anything about San Madrigal. Maybe that is the point honestly. We are viewing this world through someone who was too young to remember the sinking of San Madrigal, but it also felt as if this grand thing that the book was leading towards meant absolutely nothing to Mateo, and thus we as readers don’t really know why we should care either. I loved the story of Atlantis growing up, and I expected to feel some kind of way about San Madrigal, but by the end of the book, when Mateo and Chela are seeing the island for the first time, I felt nothing but bored.
And Chela, I did not understand the relationship between Mateo and Chela. There were no sparks leading up to it, nothing at all to indicate the interest. Mateo went from being scared of Chela because she killed someone in front of him, to being in love with her. It did not make sense.
This book felt altogether too long and too short. The politics and factions of the beginning should have been cut down. The interesting fast paced story of the end should have been stretched out. And Mateo and Chela should not have been together in this book until maybe, MAYBE the very end.
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jacarandaaaas · 3 months
I rewatched the movie last night! here’s a quick summary of my thoughts:
- baby mirabel is so so cute she deserves the world
- “open your eyes” theme introduced!!
- the title card is so majestic we need to talk about it more
- yayyy 15 year old mira let’s go!! the silly!!
- mirabel is still my fave disney protagonist ever she’s so fun to follow her personality is great she’s so multifaceted i will always love her !!!
- the way she knocks on everyone’s doors LMAOOO
- “well US” 😭
- her waving to casita <333
- coffee kid needs to chill
- this whole song slaps
- accordion YEAHH!!
- mirabels iconic rap to avoid talking about herself 😭
- dolores casually saying she didn’t get a gift😭
- osvaldo STOP
- camilo telling jose “nice job over there” as he’s standing doing absolutely nothing himself 💀
- did someone say FLOWERS✨
- mirabels eyeroll at Isa 😭😭
- “our angel our angel!!” felix ily
- “I’m not in the way you ar😠” *walks into a pillar*
- ay agustín😭
- julieta & agustín telling her she has nothing to prove <33
- miras handcrafts <33
- “ i actually made these as a surprise! for you oooh oooohh” 😭
- alma trying to nicely tell mira to leave the decorations alone and mira pretending it doesn’t hurt 😭
- julieta saying to alma it’s gonna be a hard night for mira and alma saying if it doesn’t go well it will be hard for everyone :( and mira overhearing this
- how she knew exactly where antonio would be😭
- the jaguar she made him😭
- “what if it doesn’t work” 💔
- him saying to her I wish you could have a door meaning not a gift but just her own room and privacy aww
- “you don’t have to worry about me” ☹️
- the hug !!!
- the way casita pushes them out from under the bed and you can hear mirabel going “ow ow!” In the background😭
- how gently she brings antonio down to meet his family
- the entire interaction with warm family !!
- how you see antonio’s smile drop as soon as they leave :(
- camilos posture is ASS
- alma saying another steps into the light when mirabel is shown mostly in shadow😭
- the I need you scene still kills me
- mirabel zoning out of the flashback and you can sense the haziness of it
- antonio’s room!!!!
- it’s bigger on the inside!?
- isas smile in this scene <3
- camilo being supportive big brother!!
- dolores thumbs up is so cute and pepa kissing antonio all over is so cute
- agustín almost falling over because parce😭
- “a gift just as special as you” NOOOOO
- how this song starts as reprise of the family madrigal but when she admits she’s not fine it changes to 3/4 time :(
- comparing herself to everyone else
- open your eyes!!!
- love the fact she ends up achieving everything she sings about
- the high note ahhhh
- the cracks scene camera movement is so interesting
- and the sounds too ahh
- antonio’s got MOVES🙏 felix trying to get alma to dance ahhh
- this scene gives me second hand embarrassment I feel so bad for mira
- casita wtf bro
- mira saying she would never ruin antonio’s night because she knows that’s what people are thinking :(
- corn plate moment but I like the subtle noise of the arepa healing her hand
- julieta coddling her but mira rejecting it :(
- bruno lost his way :(
- mirabel super spy era
- alma actually crying here😭
- praying to pedro for guidance ugh my heart
- mirabel deciding this is now her mission
- mirabel and casita being besties!!
- agustín already getting swarmed by the animals💀
- pepa and her coffee <33
- mirabel trying to act all sweet to Dolores but it’s just camilo💀
- dolores mentioning rats talking in the walls ahh I love foreshadowing
- pepas cloud disappearing as soon as felix puts his arm around her😭
- mirabel yapping to luisa (she just wants to eat)
- mirabel oblivious to the fact she’s meant to be paying attention to alma
- YOU DO!!!🫵
- alma getting casita to move her😭
- “mmhmm I will help luisa!” “Stop😠”
- dolores look over at isa before saying the 5 babies like😭
- isa and mira both not looking where the other is going and then isa acting like it was just mirabel💀
- luisa casually lifting a church
- mirabel falling off a wall
- “you’re gonna make me drop a donkey!” (On you)
- mirabel angry stomping is so unserious
- surface pressure time!!!
- the visuals of this song are so good
- the way luisa is saying “can I somehow preserve this” as she’s adjusting mirabels glasses feels like how mirabel in this song represents the family and how luisa is always trying to preserve them
- how in the bridge the landscape is pastel and free of pressure ahhh!! unicorn donkeys and glitter !! (luisa is a girly girl I will believe this until I die)
- how as they get higher up the pressures in the background start building and getting higher in pitch until the drop omg
- casita imagery here!
- dancing donkeys cause she realized mira seemed scared :(
- luisa starting to have a panic attack and mirabel just silently hugging her :(
- luisa you big introverted softie <333
- alma and isa talking about mariano and isabela petals going everywhere :(
- mirabel being nervous because casita can’t help in here
- falling down the sand💀
- pico being sassy and just leaving her😭
- goofy the family madrigal reprise as she’s climbing the stairs lmaoooo
- almost dies swinging across chasm u celebrated too early girl!
- pico judging her😭
- pico hiding in mirabels hair aww
- alma noticing candle flickering as mira is piecing the shards together
- mirabel almost suffocated in sand because she didn’t use the handle on the vault😭
- all the sand details in this animation
- alma looking at mirabel when luisa said she was talking to her💀
- poor luisa 😭😭😭
- alma assuming mirabel did something and mirabel looking hurt by that assumption
- telling her again to stay out of the way 💔
- wdtab is so iconic
- felix dramatic burst in
- his face expressions as pepa is saying not to talk about bruno😭
- BUT!
- mirabel awkwardly dancing because this song vibes
- I’m sorry mi vida go ooonnnnn
- pepa imitating the mischevious grin shes so silly I love her
- felix spinning mirabel transition is underrated that scene is so cool
- dolores part!!
- footsteps as part of the beat ahhh
- how she’s foreshadowing again!
- “do you understand” she doesn’t but it’s ok!!
- camilo just spitting bullshit to try scare her😭
- his dramatic movements
- the villagers heeeyyyyyy line
- dolores going no noooo!!
- fish lady 🗣️🗣️
- mirabels imagination is so foul wym you pictured him with a wig💀
- everyone stopping for isas dramatic entrance
- the lighting here is so pretty
- isas voice!!
- miras face will always kill me here😭
- dolores “I can hear him now” as double meaning omggg I love this movie
- isa saying she wants not a sound out of mirabel and mirabel immediately starts singing out of spite 💀
- I love the time for dinner line
- the table choreography is iconic
- mirabel looking at her family doing this and thinking “wtf”
- luisa struggling to lift the pot :(
- the whole ending sequence omg
- “miraboo got your party pants on!?” I love agustín and his goofy dance as he enters the room
- just another thing mira inherited from him ig since they both do goofy dances😭
- casita being mirabels bff
- the whole animation of her rambling to him is so well done all the movements ahh
- agustín immediatly going let’s pretend this never happened😭
- “I know” their faces😭 dolores is so funny for that
- dolores and mirabels stare off will never not be funny to me
- alma pouring more wine😭
- this whole scene is so stressful and funny
- poor luisa :(
- those damn coatis are so smart
- miras face as she watches everything go to shit :(
- “I HATE YOU👹” isa is so dramatic 😭
- agustín going to comfort luisa <33
- mirabels defiance as it’s the second time she says she’s not doing anything
- rats!!!
- alma in severe denial to the townspeople
- “MIRABEL” 😠⚡️
- mirabel gets jumpscared by bruno
- brunos parkour
- camilo comforting pepa <33
- that wall slam must have hurt so bad😭
- cool slide under and kick out the stair
- mirabel thinking she’s gonna die
- “you’re very sweaty” 😭
- mirabel gets jumpscared by a rat and drops bruno into the void
- nvm lol
- “bye” 😐 he’s so me when I don’t want to talk to people
- mirabel is stubborn and therefore follows him
- mira slamming her elbow into something and going “ow” in the background 💀
- his real gift is acting!! this scene is even funnier after reading her inner monologue in the book😭
- bruno saying the rats are always hungry never satisfied
- the plate scene killed me
- how when she realizes how similar they are she opens up to him :(
- bruno looking over at her when she talks about wanting to make the family proud because he relates so bad
- “everyone always assumes the worst” poor bruno 😭
- “you left to protect me?” mira in disbelief at this will always kill me 💔
- bruno giving her a light shoulder punch as she’s leaving
- “yeah…. YEAH!!”
- I love how u can see her lightbulb moment😭
- mirabel kicking the door down like TIO HOLY FUCK- love ur enthusiasm but omg girl😭
- bruno gets jumpscared by his 15 year old niece
- miras optimism is cute
- “the rats told me everything” I love Antonio <333
- mira saying that bruno desperately needs to get out of the walls and him going “myeah” 😭
- antonio giving bruno the stuffie 😭😭😭
- “family weirdos get a bad rap!” “you can do this” guys I love mirabel
- bruno wanting to give up because every vision turns out bad😭
- julieta grabbing agustíns arm to show she sides w him <3
- Felix angry “yes😠” when supporting Pepa <33
- bruno supporting mirabel same way she supported him ahhh I love their dynamic
- “come visit?” “I’m bringing you home” <333
- with a huuuuggggg
- mirabel looking utterly disgusted as she attempts to apologize to isabela (and her stupid little dance she does)
- go on apologizeee🙏
- mirabel trying to get a hug still is so funny😭 girl she isn’t even looking at you
- isa reaction to the cactus is so cute
- rows and rows of roses is a banger line
- “it just needed to be and they’d let me be!”
- the way isas voice deepens when she says “what else can I do”
- her room is so pretty
- a hurricane of jacarandas!!!
- mirabel casually upside down
- how mira stops interrupting and starts to listen to isa
- “careful it’s carnivorous” ☹️
- miras verse being same tune as isas wdtab verse ahhh
- mira becomes ultimate hype girl
- isas reaction to when the pollen gets on her
- how isa initiates the hug!
- “you’re a bad influence!” awwww
- the argument scene is so well acted it actually hurts me so bad
- how mira is so enthusiastic and gets shot down immediately :(
- the way isa and luisa look to eachother after alma mentions them
- “I will never be good enough for you” oh my heart
- mira is tearing up for most of this argument
- mira defending everyone
- the way her voice cracks when she says “we all LOVE this family”
- almas reaction when she mentions bruno
- almas face when mirabel says the miracle is dying because of you and mirabel in disbelief she just said that
- casita cracking right down the middle ooh symbolic
- corn plate but the vines isa uses to try grab the candle arent the ones she uses in wecid but the same ones she used when she was perfect isa. maybe a subtle way of saying how after what alma said she’s already reverting back to her old self and doesn’t have the confidence to embrace her new self anymore
- casita being mirabels best friend ever
- casita saving miras life <333
- the whisper of “no” when the candle goes out
- casita waving goodbye to her😭😭
- mira being almost in a state of disassociation after casita collapsed
- alma in total shock and probably relieve that night💔
- “let me help you” I love dolores shes so sweet
- pepa telling antonio to not cry😭😭
- the way julieta holds mirabels face here
- her reaction when mirabel is gone😭
- everyone calling for her and the village kids missing her :(
- mirabel crying at the river :(
- “I just wanted to be something I’m not” oh the way she says this 💔
- the transition into dos oruguitas is so smooth
- dos oruguitas is the most heartbreakingly beautiful thing ever💔
- pedro laughing when alma almost falls aww
- how they spent the whole night together stoppp
- the miracle candle being their wedding candle hurts
- pedro’s reaction to triplets😭
- pedro would have been such a good dad😭😭
- how pedro whispers “I love you” to alma in that scene
- almas apology since a lot of people forget this happened 🙏
- butterfly !!!
- mirabel changing what she said in the argument awww
- how they’re both crying here 😭 (same)
- “he sent me you” 😭😭😭
- almas reaction to seeing bruno ahhh
- horse girl mira lets go!!!
- the kids being so happy she’s back and the bell ringing ahhhh
- the way the entire family was lost without mirabel and had no idea what to do so when she returns they just let her take the lead
- how mirabel guides them all inside whilst singing about how everyone wants to shine
- mirabel helping luisa and luisa tearing up <333
- the townspeople coming to help!!
- mirabel being the one at the front to meet with the townspeople and collect the supplies but not alma
- this and scene with the blueprints indicate to me that alma fully trusts mirabel and is letting her play a bigger role in this project!
- the sisters singing together!!!!
- coffee kid going ham on the hammering
- priest going 👍 when bruno is laying out the sand
- mariano sitting on doorstep like a little loser :(
- how the background noise quietens a bit when dolores shows up
- mirabel and isa successfully set up their cousin and are celebrating their victory🙏
- we need a doorknob🗣️🗣️
- antonio guiding her to the door because she guided him to his door will never not kill me
- the family singing about how loved and appreciated she is (those harmonies OMGGG)
- alma repeating what her very first line in the movie was
- “I see me, all of me” oh no more tears 😭😭
- mirabel on the middle of the door 😭
- casita bringing in mirabel for a hug and her immediate reaction telling everyone else to get inside it’s party time 💃
- antonio and parce reunited!!!
- isas new dress and how happy and comfortable she is
- luisa resting !!!
- pepa dancing and felix going “yeah amor!” I love them
- family picture!!! casita hugging them in the photo and ending on the frame of the photo decorated by mirabel <33
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pangeen · 1 year
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“ White-lined sphinx moth (Hyles lineata) “
// Jose Madrigal
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yellowcry · 3 months
Her recipes are redeemies for real
Walking around and searching for a job takes a long time
Agustín just happened to overhear some talk
Twice to once au! It's been some time, isn't it?
Agustín squeezed through the streets. After a while he was getting used to uneven ground. He didn't trip as often as before. (Which still was more than anyone else, but was it that surprising?). The sun was burning. It danced high above, jumping with hot rays. Luisa wouldn't overwork for now. She always held this promise until at least about a week after Agustín's birthday, before eventually slipping back. So Agustín didn't have to worty about it too much. (But he should still check on her). He didn't work on rebuilding much, it wasn't his competition. Even if he doubted it was anyone's competition in here. Becides, as he figured it out, helping with rebuilding was a volunteering thing. They didn't earn much money for it, if there was any payment at all. Rather, Agustín was a general worker. Chopping the wood or fix the roof. There were always many important things to do that people didn't want to work on themselves. At the same time it didn't tie Agustín to anyone else. He had struggled to keep an official job, taking him infamous clumsiness. The same thing that kept him at bay with how easy it was to get into accidents sometimes.
It had caused problems sometimes. Even if Agustín worked on himself, he had to fix whatever he ruined by accident during his work. Which meant it took twice as much time as it could, if not more. Of course, he had other skills too. He finished musical academy in his youth. But not everyone had piano in their house. Even less would want to fire a pianist. It were such rera occasions that Agustín didn't count them as actual invome.
And, there was no need to say he was going out often, suggesting to help. What could anyone need? Chop the wood, dig the garden. He would do it. It was enough for way to keep things under control.
"Damn, why doesn't Julieta make food anymore?" Agustín blinked, turning his head. to the sourse of the sound. Two young men talked leaned against the dilapidated wall, chatting without care. "It tasted so good"
As far as Agustín knew, feeding anyone for free was expensive. Usually it was a while sosial organisation that would give foor to the poor beggars. But as far as Agustín had saw the place, he had never seen any form of social services, aside from people going out to help if someone was too weak. There was on organisation in them and so Agustín had to assume food was entirely Julieta's initiative. She would have resources for it, as the Madrigals were leaders of the community and should have more money that anyone else.
"Damn, Jose, you're right! Why can't we just get a free food? Hers was the best"
"Señora Julieta made food for free?" Agustín asked to himself. He didn't initially plan to speak out loud, but sooner realised that he did. Starting an awkward tension that swimmed in the air with the adroitness of a rocketed bird
The blond-haired man swallowed, copper eyes stared at him in worry. "You're that newbie," he muttered breaking the intorerably noisy and burning iced silence.
Agustín fixed his glasses, nervous. "Sorry, I just don't really get it." He shrugged, tilting his head down. An untouchable weight lied on his neck, the same way wind could cuddle in hair.
Another man, Señor Rodriguez, Agustín recognised him now, he had helped him with to clean his house several days ago. He was serious and loved to complain a bit too much for Rojas' taste. Even if he wouldn't confirm it out loud. Señor Rodriguez fidgeted with a button on his yellow shirt, twisting it around like a paper ball. "Julieta used to have a stand of free food!"
"Can you not afford food by yourself?" Agustín raised a thin eyebrow. The last time he checked, Señor Rodriguez wasn't broke. He had a good house, a heathly baby boy and could afford cleaning services instead of doing it himself. There was no way he didn't have money to buy food.
"What? No, of course I can." Señor Rodriguez replied in high-pitched voice He shook his head nervous fron misunderstanding.
The other guy, blonde, Agustín hadn't talked to him before, explained. "It's not about money. Señora Julieta just an amazing cook!"
Amazing cook? Okay, Agustín could confirm it. He visited Madrigals a couple of times. Usually with Pepa. They grew friendly enough very fast. And because of it, Agustín did spend time with the triplets and Félix from time to time. Well, minus Bruno, that guy wasn't very social. So a couple of times Agustín had got arepas practically shoved into his mouth. And yes, Julieta was very skilled. Her food was like a nightingale song.
But it didn't change the fact that Julieta herself didn't hold a responsibility to feed people in the village. If she did it before, then she must be so kind. But right now she didn't even have her own house. It was obvious she would have too much going on to take care of this. Especially for free.
Agustín cleared his throat an asked in a sore voice. "Have you thought to pay her for cooking?" He stared at his interlocutors, looking from one to another.
"Pay?" One of them asked, shocked. As if the idea was personally offensive to him. "But it's her responsibility!"
"How is it her responsibility if she's not earning anything?" He clarified, remembering the fact that according to their words it was all for free. "In most places get even a piece of bread for free is nearly impossible."
Señor Rodriguez groaned with a quiet sigh. "She did this during her entire life. Becides, it's not even your business!"
"I'm just trying to understand.." Agustín fixed hus glasses. Which, in the moment of emotions slipped down, almost falling off his nose. He winced as somebody had pat hit hack twice.
Shifting his head to the side, he realised Señora Julieta was next to him, seeing the entire thing for some time. He wasn't sure for how long. He was too focused on the situation. The other men, now also seeing that the star of the chat was here, looked away awkwardly. Slightly guilty. They didn't mean Julieta to actually hear their complaints.
"That's alright, Señor." Julieta signed. "Don't worry about it much."
Agustín swallowed the spicy bile in hia throat. "They acted like you're supposed to feed them or something!" It was frustrating. The fact that they had enough nerve to ask woman, possibility twice of their age to cook for them for free. Like if they were kids. Neither he nor Julieta had payed attention to the pleads of innocence that followed by.
"Really, it's okay." Julieta tried to assure him. But Agustín was baffled at it. In what world it would be considered as normal?
The Madrigal had leaded him out, just by pure force. Ohh... What's with nice women being so strong? He had Luisa already, and Julieta seemed to pull him without much effort. On other hand, Agustín was pretty lanky, so possibly it was easy in reality. They went a good half of a kilometre away. Some villagers stared at this as they passed. Most seemed to barely pay at to it for a bit and then go back to their work.
Julieta swallowed, looking over her shoulder. Bit her lip. "Thank you," She nodded, nervous. "It was..." Looking away. "Nice of you." she whispered in a low voice
Agustín smiled, placing his hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, just bare manners." Some people definitely need those. It was so obvious Julieta had a whole lot going on in her life. He wouldn't be surprised if she stopped working even for money for the time being. Nevermind what kind of volunteering she participated into.
Señora chuckled, shooting her eyes up. Meeting Agustín's. "Mind coming dor a lunch?"
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