#Minjae things
thelikesofus · 2 years
As It Slips Through Your Fingers
Buddie 6x07 coda/sperm donor future spec fic
9-1-1 on Fox | 2370 words | buddie re-relationship, angst, fluff, forehead kisses, christopher diaz has two dads, hopeful ending, they finally talk about the will
tw miscarriage
Read on AO3
“So you’re obviously finished with your juice cleansing. You inhaled that burger.” Eddie teases.
“Ah, yeah. I had my appointment last week so technically my job is done. I’ll admit that green juice wasn’t as bad as it looked but having them for every meal got old pretty quick.” Buck laughs and takes another swig of his beer. 
“And how are you feeling about that?” Eddie asks. He tries to sound as perfunctory as he can but he’s curious. For all of Buck's secrecy, he thought that maybe now he knows about the sperm donor thing that Buck might be more open to talking about it with him. He still doesn’t know why he felt he couldn’t talk to Eddie about it in the first place. Maybe if he’d known sooner he would have tried to talk Buck out of it, or maybe he wouldn’t have but even now, Buck’s barely said a word about it. 
“It’s good! They're excited, ready to move on to the next step and–.”
“Buck,” Eddie puts his beer down and turns so that he’s facing Buck front on. “I asked how you feel about it.”
“Oh,” Buck stops like he hasn’t really thought about that himself yet and Eddie wouldn’t be surprised if he hasn’t. From the sounds of things, getting as far as this appointment has been a debacle in itself and so Eddie can’t blame him for being relieved to have it behind him. But that doesn’t mean that Buck has stopped to think about what the next step is for him. Really, now that he’s given them what they need–so to speak–there probably isn’t much for Buck to do. “Good, I guess. I mean I’m excited for them. As soon as my ahh, contribution passes all the needed testing, they can move on to the next stage.”
“That still doesn’t really tell me how you feel.”
“I don’t know, Eddie. How am I supposed to feel?” Buck throws his hands up before leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms over his chest. “I jizzed in a cup and handed it over to some lady. It’s quite literally out of my hands now. It’s probably the most hands-off parenting experience there is.” He laughs again like he’s said something funny but Eddie just hurts for him more.
“You're not parenting though, Buck.” He doesn’t know how to put it less bluntly but when it boils down to it, Buck is right. It’s out of his hands. He’s done his part and now the rest is up to Connor and Kameron. They get the excitement of doctors' appointments and ultrasounds, hearing the baby’s heartbeat for the first time and holding him or her when they’re born. Buck most likely won’t be a part of any of that. 
Buck stops, takes a mouthful of his beer, picks at the label on the bottle for a moment, and then sets it down next to Eddie’s. “I know.”
Eddie watches him quietly, imagining the ways the cogs will be turning in his best friend’s head. 
“I’ve thought about it, I have. And I know, Donor not Dad. And that will suck, it will. Some days more than others but at the same time, knowing that I got to help them, that by giving them a small piece of me I was able to help bring this whole other happiness into their lives. That's a good feeling.” He smiles softly and Eddie can feel the pride emanating from him. “And besides if I never get to have my own kids, kids that would truly be mine, I mean, then just knowing that out there is a kid who is a little bit of me and gets to have this whole life with two loving parents who wanted them so badly. I think that's okay too.”
Eddie waits for a moment and lets Buck’s words sink in. “What makes you think you’ll never have kids of your own?” 
“Well,” Buck laughs. “I haven’t exactly had the greatest dating track record. I mean, even if Taylor and I had stayed together, she didn’t want kids so there is always that possibility that maybe one day I do find someone else and they don’t either. Maybe I’ll just have to learn to be okay with that.” 
He picks up his bottle again and takes a long drink. Eddie does the same and then his bottle is empty. He stands up to go get two more from the fridge. “Well, I know it’s not the same but you’ll still have Chris.”
“Yes, Eddie. Tell me again about the child I’ll acquire when my best friend dies. That will definitely make me feel better.” Buck rolls his eyes and passes Eddie his empty bottle but Eddie’s feet are suddenly rooted to the floor.
“Buck.” He says firmly.” What are you on about, you don't seriously–, that’s not what I meant by that at all.”
“You didn’t? Wait– then what do you mean?”
“Jesus, Buck. Is that really what you've been thinking this whole time? That me putting you in my will was just some sort of contingency plan?” He watches the confusion continue to spread across Buck’s face and his heart sinks, a lump forming in his throat as he puts both of the bottles back down on the table and rounds the corner to crouch in front of Buck. He hesitates for a second before taking Buck's hands between his own and looking up at him carefully. Buck looks down to meet his gaze and his blue eyes are wide and pleading. “Buck. Buck, you are already Chris’ Dad. It’s hard to explain what you mean to him, to both of us but that’s the best way I can describe it. When I said that I trust no one with my son more than you, I meant it. And not just in some hypothetical scenario where I’m dead, because God forbid it ever comes to that, but now Buck, already. 
“Putting you in my will was a formality. I wanted to make sure that there was no legal way that anyone could try to change what you already are to him because you are what I want for my son and I know that if it came to that then you would continue to love him the way that I do, the way that you already do.”
There are tears forming in the corners of Buck’s eyes and Eddie gently reaches up to wipe them away. Internally he’s beating himself up for ever letting Buck believe that Eddie would write him in as a contingency plan. Let alone that Buck has been walking around believing that for months. But watching the way that hope seems to blossom across Buck’s face right before his eyes, warms some not-small part inside him.
“You mean that?’ Buck asks and Eddie gets to his feet again, and before he can think better of it he presses a kiss to Buck’s forehead and collects the bottles once more.
“I do.” He says and then hurries into the kitchen.
Six weeks later Buck calls him all excited to tell him that Kameron got a positive result at her blood test. She’s pregnant. Eddie expects this to be the moment that it hits Buck but he still sounds genuinely excited. He proceeds to tell Eddie all about the probabilities involved in IVF.
Eight weeks after that there’s another excited phone call and Buck raves about the ultrasound image that Connor had sent him. 
“I’ll bring it to work on Monday and show you. They're so tiny, Eddie!” Eddie remembers the first ultrasound he ever saw of Christopher. He missed the appointment because he was away at basic training but he remembers staring at the grainy photo for hours after Shannon sent it to him. How amazed he was that something so small would ever grow into a human being. 
A Friday in late May finds the two of them at the beach with Christopher, the weather is barely starting to warm up again but Chris insisted that they spend their evening down near the pier. Eddie is still in awe of how far Chris, and Buck, have come since the tsunami. Not half an hour ago the two of them were splashing about in the shallow waves, giggling and screeching almost as loud as the seagulls. Buck’s phone had started ringing on the towel next to Eddie and he had called him in from the water to take the call. He’s been gone for a while. Chris soon got cold and Eddie had bundled him up in Buck’s sweatshirt and towel off his hair before he collected up the buckets and shovels they had brought with them and set off with great plans to build a moat. 
When Buck comes back he looks hollowed out, like someone took a spoon to his insides and scooped him out like a jack-o-lantern. “Buck?” Eddie says softly and glances over at Christopher quickly but the boy is occupied with his sandcastle a little further up the beach. Buck’s hands are shaking and he almost lets his phone slip through his fingers.
“Kameron lost the baby. She– umm.” Buck chews the inside of his cheek and his glassy eyes flit everywhere but at Eddie’s face. “Connor just– he just wanted to let me know and he said– said they're probably not going to be trying again.”
“Oh, Buck.” Eddie’s not sure what to say. What do you say? He remembers how excited he’d been when Shannon had thought she was pregnant again, once he got over the initial shock. The idea of having another little Christopher in his life had sprouted in his chest and already made a home for itself by the time she told him that it was just a scare and then washed it down with divorce papers. “I’m so sorry.” Is what he eventually settles on and Buck raises his hand as if you wave off Eddie’s apology.
“No, umm. It’s okay, I’m fine, just for Kameron and Connor, I–.”
“Buck. They were your kid too.”
“No, they weren’t–.”
“But they were. You can try and convince yourself otherwise but I know you, Buck. You loved that kid from the moment they existed and even if you had never met them you would have loved them still. You’re allowed to be upset, Buck.” Eddie steps forward and tentatively rests his hand on Buck’s shoulder, rubbing his thumb slowly across his collarbone. 
Buck looks back up at him and his entire person crumbles in an instant as he falls against Eddie’s chest and buries his face in Eddie’s neck. His shoulders shake with sharp gasps as sobs wrack his body and Eddie can do nothing but wrap his arms around him and hold him up as Buck clings to him.
Eddie tries to convince him to pack up and go back to the house but Buck insists that he doesn’t want to worry Christopher and that he looks like he’s having fun. So instead they sit on the towels they laid out earlier and Eddie tucks Buck firmly against his side as they watch the sun slowly sink over the horizon. 
Buck becomes pretty withdrawn over the next few weeks. Eddie doesn’t blame him and he tries to be there for him wherever he can. He invites him around regularly even though he usually turns down the offer. He takes him a few home-cooked meals, courtesy of Bobby’s assistance. He has Chris send him video messages every now and again just to check in and tell him about what he’s been working on at school. At first, he worried that hearing from Chris might be too much but after the genuinely grateful message Buck sent him back after the first one he knew that those little things were helping as much as they possibly could. 
There’s a knock on his front door one evening almost a month after their trip to the beach and Eddie opens it to find Buck standing on his doorstep with a duffle bag hooked over one shoulder and a resigned look on his face.
“Hey, I– is Chris home? I just wanted to see him. If– if that’s okay?” Buck has the effrontery to look bashful about asking.
“Of course,” Eddie says and opens the door wider to wave him in. “He’s in the living room.” 
Eddie slides a hand carefully across the span of Buck’s back as he passes him and he could swear that the other man leans into his touch even just a little bit. He follows Buck into the living room and watches as Christopher’s eyes widen in excitement when he sees Buck standing next to the sofa. The kid quickly pauses his game and pulls the headphones off just in time for Buck to sink to his knees on the floor next to him and they both drive into each other’s arms. 
“Hi, Buck.” Christopher’s voice is muffled against Buck’s shoulder but Buck just squeezes him tighter and buries his nose into Christopher’s hair.
“Hey, Buddy.” He whispers just loud enough for Eddie to hear from where he’s standing in the doorway. He catches Buck’s eye over Christopher’s shoulder and Buck flashes him a grateful smile which Eddie returns. 
The late evening sees the three of them curled up together on the couch, one large blanket thrown across their laps as a reasonably recent David Attenborough documentary plays on the television. Christopher is leaning back against Buck’s chest as Buck presses himself into Eddie’s side. Slowly, throughout the evening, all of the tension in Buck's face and muscles has drained out until he has been left pliant and warm under the arm that Eddie has wrapped around his shoulder. 
Eddie leans forward to press his nose against Buck’s temple and waits for Buck to press back before he drops a soft kiss against the delicate skin there. Buck sighs softly and flashes Eddie a grateful smile as one of his hands finds Eddie’s beneath the blanket and squeezes softly, Eddie twines their fingers together and they turn their focus back to the animals on screen. 
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sector-i-closed · 2 years
Wedding Dress
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"My clothes are gone! ... Except for my wedding dress." Minjae pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed at his practically bare closet.
Some of his fellow members had apparently sacked his closet as part of an April fools prank and he was quite taken off guard. Especially when he already had his outfit chosen for a date at your place.
"Well, my dress isn't gone so I can still wear it? I wanted everything to be perfect though..." Minjae hummed to himself in thought. The dress was more practical than the robe that he was wearing but still he wanted to set up a new date with you.
The problem was the schedule was going to be packed in the near future and tonight was going to be the last outing for awhile.
"I can be Y/N's bride today." He giggled and grabbed the dress from the hanger, adjusting his makeup accordingly after putting the dress on.
"I want to still look good for Y/N..." He hummed as he fussed over his appearance in the mirror to make sure he had it all right in his eyes.
"Let's go kill it~" He hummed once satisfied and went out the door to his ride.
You were busy cooking dinner in the kitchen when you heard a knock at the door. Immediately your eyes darted to the clock on the wall. "Punctual..." You muttered softly and turned the stove off.
Your eyes weren't ready for the sight that greeted you when you opened the door. Minjae blushed as your jaw dropped and he began to fidget with the skirts of the ivory dress.
"Is it bad? I had nothing else..." He starts and you reach out a hand to pull him inside your house.
"I think you look lovely and cute! is this how you are going to dress on our wedding day in our future years~?" You tease him softly.
"Oh, I haven't really thought about it. Maybe we'll see what we feel like when the time comes..." He laughs shyly and sat himself down at the dinner table. Satisfied that you seemed to like his attire.
You really did think he looked cute in the dress, serving him a generous dinner while unable to keep your eyes off of him.
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springbreezc · 1 year
♡ — @mysteryoflovc sent: "what do you want me to do to them? anything you ask, it's done." elijah & minjae
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"you don't have to act like my own personal hitman," minjae mused over a long swig of his coffee and a heavy sigh. the older man was always so quick to leap, and while he appreciated the dedication, it wasn't necessary. "i'm not asking you to do anything." he didn't divulge the information to elijah with any other intention than he wanted to share a meal with his lover and eating in silence was generally awkward. only with the lives they led, the conversation topics at hand were rarely mundane. "this is an instance where you shouldn't do anything. it would be suspicious. i can handle my father's council. they're mostly a bunch of old men who are easy to outwit. it's only their hired muscle that can pose a problem."
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whitehartlane · 1 year
want to enjoy international break but perpetually scared of klinsmann’s horrorball
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draco-renn · 1 year
I'm totally capable of keeping my interests separate and not mashing them together like a madman (lying)
[Edit: Transcript below the cut]
Statement of Kim Gyuguk, regarding a suspected dokkaebi attack on his nightly commute from work. Original statement given March 30, 2023. Audio recording by Kim Minjae, Apprentice Archivist of the KQ Foundation, South Korea. Statement begins.
[intro to Tricky House by xikers starts to play]
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faceglitchsworld · 2 years
Have a good night
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misscancermoon · 1 year
just because I accept it, that doesn’t mean I have to like it.
0 notes
mythvoiced · 2 years
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@intergalacticxmisfits | “Wah, did you do something different with your hair?” (Minjae to HJ or Yoshino :3 he is v impressed and ready to unload all the compliments!) more random dialogue prompts
The grin exploding on Yoshino’s face would have blown several trees out of their soil, hadn’t her lips already been sporting a badly concealed smirk ever since Minjae had first announced he’d be stopping by and even more so ever since he’d actually shown up.
Given, it’s been a total of a handful of minutes perhaps and although Yoshino had definitely not shied away from moving her head this way and that or standing at particular angles or going as far as playfully slamming into Minjae to rub her cheek against his shoulder and her hair into his face, she does appreciate he’s noticed so fast.
She stops what she’s doing - trying to open a pillowcase of one of the pillows she’d taken from her bed in the hotel room they’d booked for this impromptu trip - tosses the pillow aside and spins around. Hands on her hips, she shakes her head. 
If spun this way and that, having it fly against one cheek, then the next, she can manage to have the light bounce off her subtly painted strands almost right. In resemblance of the back of a scarabeus, the brown shines with reflections of green, forest and lush.
“Sure did,” she says, grinning when her now unruly hair stops swinging around her features. “Wanna see up close?”
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thelargefrye · 9 months
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THE YULE DRAGON … holiday one - shot ( 17+ )
pairing : poly!dragon!ateez x witch!f!reader
genre : dragon au, fantasy au, holiday au, fluff, angst
word count : 4.3k
warnings : language, mentions of dragon hunters, talks about death, light injury but nothing major, one death threat
suffer tag : @sanjoongie and for anon who asked about any new chapters
note : very excited to write this, so let me know what you think! also here is a link to what y/n's dress at the yule gala looks like!
the winter month draws near and the clan prepares to celebrate the yule dragon festival for the first time in years. knowing this is wooyoung's first one with an actually clan, you want to make sure everything is perfect.
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when you woke up in the morning, you noticed how snow had slowly begun to fall and lay on the ground. you also couldn't help but notice how the dragons around you seemed to have been in good moods. smiles on their faces as they walked around and some even greeted you with warm smiles.
when you arrived at the nursery, the hatchlings all immediately greeted you. most of them run up and tackle you to the ground.
"miss y/n! miss y/n! did you see the snow?" one hatchling, jiyu, asked and you couldn't help but laugh as you nodded and pushed some hair out of her face.
"yes, i did. very beautiful isn't it?"
"not as beautiful as you, miss y/n!" another hatchling, minjae, said. the other hatchlings couldn't help but agree with minjae and you couldn't help but laugh at them all.
"prince mingi said that we will be able to celebrate the yule dragon festival this year!"
"the yule dragon festival?" you remember wooyoung telling you about the holiday years ago when you first met. you can't help but feel excited knowing he's going to enjoy a real one this year.
"yeah! it's been years since the clan last held one," seeun says and that quickly catches your attention. years? you thought the holiday was a yearly thing?
"alright, little ones, let's go ahead and get ready for the day," mingi comes in and ushers the hatchlings away from you in order to gather them in a line so they could eat.
you push your curiosity down for later as you go over to help mingi with the hatchlings. you watch the hatchlings with a warm fondness as they eat and talk to each other, and the rest of the day goes by in flash with you and mingi taking care of the young dragons.
"miss y/n, have you ever experienced a yule dragon festival before?" one of the hatchlings asked as they were laying down for a nap. the question of one hatchling seemed to have caught the attention of a few others around you two.
"not a proper one with a true clan, but me and wooyoung used to do a small celebration before we came to the clan," you said as you remembered your time with wooyoung back in your cottage. you can feel your cheeks heat up as you remember the first time you both celebrated the yule dragon together.
"do witches have any special holidays?" another hatchling, siyu, asked.
"we do but they're not like the yule dragon one. we focus more on what we are thankful for and mourning those that have left us," you explain.
"that sounds sad."
"sometimes it is sad, but then you have to remember that even those that left this world are still with us in spirit. watching over and guiding us on the right path of destiny," you say.
"but miss y/n, you don't have to be sad anymore because you have all of us!" one hatchling said with the others immediately agreeing and you couldn't help but smile at all of them.
"okay, okay, everyone," mingi says as he comes in and immediately calming all the hatchlings down. "its time to rest, not get excited."
"but prince mingi," minjae says looking towards the tall prince, "don't you agree that miss y/n doesn't have to be sad anymore, since she has all of us now?"
"of course," mingi says as he bends down to pet minjae's head, "but miss y/n still has a right to miss those that she lost. we all do. now come on, everyone, time to rest!"
you can't help but smile at how some of the hatchlings groan at mingi's words, but nonetheless all lay down in their little nooks. you and mingi go through and make sure each hatchling is comfortable before you leave the nesting room.
you watch as mingi closes the door behind him before he's offering his arm to you. you take his arm with a smile as he escorts the two of you back to the main palace wing.
"i meant what i said though," mingi begins and you look at him with a raised eyebrow, "that you have a right to be sad about those you lost, but also know that hatchlings are right as well and that you have all of us now. the hatchlings, me, wooyoung, yeosang, the others, and even the clan. you have all of us."
"thank you, prince mingi," you say, reaching up to press a kiss to his cheek and he smiles at you before quickly pressing his own kiss to your lips. "also," you speak up after you two continue to walk, "what did the little ones mean when they said its been years since you all had a yule dragon festival?"
"well... we haven't had one since hongjoong's parents and brother were killed. hongjoong didn't want to have a large one with the whole clan, so this is the first time in five years that we have celebrated it as such," mingi explains and you nod your head in understanding.
"what caused him to suddenly change his mind?"
"well you and wooyoung of course," you wanted to laugh at mingi's answer. more like just wooyoung, you think. you decide to remain silent as mingi guides you through the palace.
"this will be wooyoung's first yule dragon with an actual clan in years," you note as you notice many dragons setting up and decorating the palace corridors with festive decorations. you can't help but feel excited knowing that wooyoung will be able to experience the real thing after so many years of not having it with an actual clan.
your mind goes back to when you and wooyoung would celebrate together back at the cottage. both of you dressing up, decorating the cottage, and spending the entire night together. wooyoung taught you the dances that he learned. even when you weren't celebrating the dragon holiday, you would find wooyoung and yourself dancing and just enjoying each other's company.
"hey, mingi?" you caught the dragon's attention and he turns towards you as you continue to speak, "is there... a way i can help set up the festival?"
"oh! umm, i think so. seonghwa is usually in charge of things like this, but i volunteered to help him this time, so..."
"do you need help?" you ask, feeling an excitement bubble up in your stomach.
"of course you can help," mingi says, a wide smile on his face and you mirror his smile, beaming up at him. the two of you share a quick hug, mingi lets out a small laugh at your excitement, almost not expecting it.
"thank you," you say, pressing a kiss to his cheek before you are separating yourself from him. you notice the blush that covers his cheeks and ears and you have to stop yourself from pouncing on the tall dragon from how cute he is.
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as the next week goes by, you spend your time helping the dragons in the clan to decorate for the yule dragon holiday. at first some of the dragons were reluctant at accepting your help, but slowly and eventually they allowed for you to help with the decorations. sure they didn't trust you with the important stuff, but that was okay.
you only wanted to make sure everything was perfect for wooyoung, he needed to have the best yule dragon after everything he has done for you. you also wanted to make sure the clan had a good one as well, but wooyoung took priority in your heart.
"wow, look at these decorations, darling," yeosang's voice snaps you out of your thoughts and you look down from your spot on the wooden ladder to see your lover looking up at you with a smile. you finish hanging the silver garland before climbing down the ladder and yeosang is quick to press a loving kiss to your lips.
"thank you, me and the hatchlings made them," you say, feeling rather proud from how all the decorations have been turning out. many of the other clan dragons complimenting you on your hard work.
"you've been working so hard, a lot of the clan members are grateful for your help," he says as the two of you begin walking out of the grand hall, where the yule gala will be held tomorrow night. other dragons are busy around you all finishing up last minute details, with most of them stopping to bow at yeosang before scurrying away to finish their task.
"i have something for you, princess," he says once the two of you are out of the grand hall and you give him a confused look which only makes him smile. "it’s custom for everyone to wear special outfits, rather a little too fancy if you ask me, but people really enjoy it," he begins as the two of you continue to walk down the hall.
"and i bet you completely forgot to make sure you are prepared for the gala," yeosang teases and you felt yourself get flustered at his words. "but don't worry because you wonderful mate has taken care of you," he says as you both stop in front of your chamber doors. "i hired a seamstress to make you a dress and thankfully she managed to finish it in time."
"wait, yeosang– you... you didn't, you shouldn't have."
"but i did, and i wanted to. my darling, you have done so much, let me give you this," he says, cupping your cheeks before leaning over and kissing you. you feel yourself melt into the kiss as you press yourself closer to your lover, arms wrapping around his waist. the two of you only separate when you're out of breath and yeosang presses one last kiss to your lips before he's pulling away and opening the door to your bedroom.
when you stepped inside, you were completely shocked at the dress that rested on the mannequin in the center of your room. you had honestly never seen a dress more beautiful in your life and you felt yourself tear up because of it. you felt like you didn't deserve a dress as gorgeous as this.
"it's beautiful, yeosang."
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"you look absolutely beautiful, my fire," seonghwa says when he sees you walk into the grand hall.
the gala had been going on for several minutes, hongjoong lighting the ceremonial flame that burned in the center of the clan. you were amazed at the flame and its rather unique color, and mingi explained that this flame could only be lit by the leader of a clan and that it in order to celebrate the first dragon.
you honestly couldn't look away from the flame, almost like it was meant to entrance you.
"thank you, prince seonghwa," you said, bowing slightly to the eldest dragon prince. seonghwa could only smile as he took your hand into his before pressing a kiss to the back of your hand.
"make sure you enjoy yourself," he says, not yet letting go of your hand. "i want a dance before the night is over."
"of course, your highness," you say, a small smirk taking over your lips before seonghwa is nodding and making his leave. he does unfortunately have other people to see and talk to.
your eyes scan around the grand hall, looking for the head of familiar red hair and you feel your heart skip a beat when you finally find him. wooyoung looked absolutely handsome in his outfit and you were glad to see that he matched the other princes. it made your heart flutter knowing that wooyoung was being accepted by the clan.
you made your way over to your first lover, your feet picking up speed when you two made eye contact. you felt like it had been forever since you last seen wooyoung – however it had only been a few hours. you had been so caught up in making sure the festival and gala were perfect for him that you had completely forgot to pay the red-headed dragon attention.
so you immediately wrapped wooyoung in a tight hug once you were close enough. wooyoung was quick to return the hug, holding you close to him as he inhaled your scent before pressing a kiss to your neck.
"my y/n, you look so beautiful," he says as he twirls you around, the white-silver fabric that was decorated with beautiful shimmering stars and moons. wooyoung had seen the dress, yeosang having shown him before you and he knew you would look beautiful in it. but of course, seeing you actually in it he was blown away by your appearance.
"are you having a good time, woo?" you ask, heart beating rapidly waiting for his answer.
"of course i am," he says with a smile, "mingi mentioned how you helped out with this whole thing. any reason why?"
"you, of course," you say, both your hands linking with his. "this is your first yule dragon with an actual clan in a long time. i wanted to make sure it was perfect."
"oh love," he says, gently pulling the two of you off to the side, "you didn't need to do that. it would have perfect no matter what because i'm celebrating it with you. back at the cottage... i saw the two of us as our own little clan. and the yeosang joined," wooyoung says and you can't help but laugh at his last comment. despite mating and bonding with yeosang, wooyoung still couldn't get over the other dragon coming in basically setting up camp in your little cottage.
"you love yeosang, don't try to fool yourself," you tease and wooyoung grumbles a little bit before rolling his eyes.
you were about to say something when the sound of a familiar tune filled the grand hall. you turned to see a lot of the people gathering at the center and began dancing. you noticed mingi pulling yunho behind him to the dance floor with many of the other dragons cheering for the two tall princes. following them, you see yeosang and san dancing and you were a little surprised at seeing the blonde guard dancing and smiling as him and yeosang looked at one another.
"wow, who knew san could smile," wooyoung says and you crack a smile before turning to your lover.
"shall we join them as well?" you ask and wooyoung nods before he's pulling you towards the dance floor and you two quickly fall into a rhythm of the dance. the music easily guided you as you and wooyoung danced, you felt your whole attention center in on your lover and it felt like it was just the two of you.
you got flashbacks to when you and wooyoung would dance in your cottage. how back then it really was just the two of you and no one else, but now you were surrounded by people that even if they all didn't welcome you, they welcomed wooyoung. and even if you didn't feel welcomed at first, you have mingi, yeosang, the hatchlings.
seeing wooyoung smile and laugh and enjoy himself made you feel like you were on cloud nine. even if he wouldn't say it out loud, you knew wooyoung enjoyed being a part of the clan.
you felt the music guide you and your thoughts, as the music began to slow down you found yourself and wooyoung also slowing down. wooyoung pulling you close to him, his arm coming to wrap around your waist to hold you close to him.
"i have you had your ceremony?" wooyoung suddenly asks, snapping you out of your happy daze. you knew immediately what he was talking about.
"not yet, i was waiting till after the gala was over," you say, feeling a lump form in your throat at knowing what you would have to do later.
just like dragons, witches also had their own traditions and such. not as public as the yule dragon, but more intimate to each witch. celebrating those that you left you in this world. wooyoung has been with you during this ceremony like you have been with him for his. you don't know how many nights you have fallen asleep, crying in wooyoung's arms because of all the witches that have died.
"do you want me there with you?" he asks, and it takes you a moment to think about it.
"no, i'll do it alone this time."
"are you sure?" you nod your head, you didn't want to ruin wooyoung's good time here with your own traditions and ceremonies.
when the music changed once again, you pressed a kiss to wooyoung before stepping away, telling him you needed some fresh air.
"let me come with you," he says as he starts to trail after you, but you stop him.
"it’s okay," you say, hand out to stop him, "i'll be right back."
you don't give wooyoung a chance to say anything as you're turning and making your way to one of the many garden doors that lead out into the courtyard.
once the cold air hit your skin, you let out a sigh as you made your way over to one of the stone benches that overlooked most of the courtyard and even down further into the clan. the yule flame burned brightly a short distance away and you couldn't help but walk over to it. the flame reminded you of the flame that you would light for the umbra ceremony.
the flame burned brightly and you almost felt like a moth from how you were being drawn to it.
which is how you found yourself in front of it. the noises from the grand hall behind you is like static as you look at the flame, letting it consume you. you got flashbacks to when you would set up a room of candles for the witches that you lost, the flame from those candles burning brightly into your mind.
"why are you out here," the cold voice snaps you out of your thoughts and you turn to look at hongjoong with wide eyes. the prince looks at you with a stern expression, his cold eyes burning into your body.
"i was just... just getting some air," you tell him, refusing to fully make eye contact with him.
hongjoong lets out a 'tsk' sound before he's coming to stand next to you, looking up at the flame. you're surprised by how close hongjoong, this is probably the closest he has ever gotten to you without trying to kill you.
"mingi told me how you helped decorate for the festival," he said out of nowhere after the two of you stood in silence. "i guess witches can be good for something," he adds and you feel yourself deflate at his harsh words.
"i did it for wooyoung," you said wanting to make it clear that you were only doing it for your first love and no one else. "this is his first yule dragon with an actual clan in years," you add.
"and i'm sure witches are the reason why he had gone for so long without experiencing one with a clan," he says back.
"perhaps," you say as you clench your fist together tightly, "but wooyoung is here now with a clan," you turn your head to look at hongjoong, taking in his form once more. his lavish outfit and vibrant blue hair standing out against the dark night. he was the epitome of what a leader of a dragon clan should be in the fact that he always had that air of authority around him. everyone respected him and if they didn't respect him then they feared him.
you, unfortunately, feared him more than you respected him. the dragon oracles say that you two are mates like you are with the rest of the princes, but you knew hongjoong refused to acknowledge you as his mate. you were a witch, the thing that killed his parents and brother and forced him to take the role of leader too soon. you wondered if you and hongjoong would ever get along.
you notice how the flame reflects against hongjoong's skin and then something hits you.
"please excuse me, prince hongjoong," you say suddenly before you are rushing past him. hongjoong doesn't say anything and you don't know if he watches you leave as you are too caught up in rushing back into the palace.
you run to your room, feeling out of breath as you enter your chambers you share with wooyoung before going over to the large trunk that rested at the foot of the bed. you quickly dig through the trunk and pull out a set of candles. all three a beautiful rose color and it reminds you greatly of your mother.
"what are these for mother?" you asked, looking up at your mother as she handed you the three candles. they were different from the ones you were use to lightly for the umbra ceremony and you wondered why she was giving them to you.
"these are special candles, y/n, i made them myself so you can use them when you need them the most," she explains, her voice seeming ever cryptic.
"when i need them the most?" you echo and she nods, a tight-lipped smile painting her features.
"they are for the one who will need to say goodbye the most."
you gripped the candles tightly as you raced back to the courtyard and was surprised to still see hongjoong standing there. somewhere deep inside wants you to believe he waited for you, but you know that's impossible.
"prince hongjoong," you say as you approach him. "i want to thank you for letting wooyoung into your home. i know that... you despise me and my people, you lost your parents and brother after all. and i know you probably don't care but i want to share something with you."
hongjoong turns to look at you, his face void of emotion as he watches you set the three candles down between the two of you. you crouch down, kneeling front of the candles as hongjoong stands towering above you.
"the umbra witches have their own ceremony, we light candles in order to remember those that have left us and this world. we do this as a way to remind us that while they have left this world physically, they are still here with us spiritually," you pause in order to take a deep breath, licking your lips before continuing.
"my mother made me these candles when she was still alive. she told me that they were for someone who needed to say goodbye, and... i think she made them for you."
"what the hell are you talking about?" hongjoong asks, voice full of surprise and anger. "i don't need any of you stupid umbra witch shit," he adds and you notice his fist clenches with his rage.
"please," you beg, voice straining as you plead with the prince, "take the candles, it will bring you peace, prince hongjoong."
you feel a sudden shock as you are grabbed by the collar of your dress. you're pulled up from your kneeling position, face dangerously close to an enraged hongjoong as he bares his teeth at you. in the moment you are reminded that you are at the mercy of a clan full of dragons whether you liked it or not.
"i will never," he jaw clenched tightly as he speaks, "ever, forgive your damned people for what they did to my family. my people. so don't think so damned candles will change that. you will never be my mate and just know that if it wasn't for yeosang and mingi that i would have burned you at a stake a long fucking time ago."
hongjoong waste no time in throwing you to the ground, your hands skidding across the stone pathway harshly and you flinch at the sudden burn of skin. you turn to see hongjoong's eye burning, like he will kill you if you say anything else to him.
you then watch him destroy two of the candles, his foot coming down harshly on them and you feel like a part of you is being ripped apart as you watch him. he's about to do the same to the last one, but you move and grab the last candle. the last one your mother made.
then without thinking you stand up and run away from the prince. you clearly made a mistake in thinking that you could get hongjoong to open up just a little bit. you felt tears begin to form in your eyes as you ran, clutching the candle close to your chest as you collapsed in the one of the many decorated halls.
you looked down at the candle once more, the image of your mother's smile flashing inside your mind as you caressed it. you knew this candle was for hongjoong. he was the one who needed to say goodbye to those he lost, but it was obvious that now wasn't the time.
"y/n!" the sudden call of your name makes you snap your head up to see yeosang rushing towards you. face full of concern and he drops down to the floor next to you. "y/n, what's wrong, why are you crying?" he brushes the tears away and you open your mouth to say something before a sob escapes instead.
you throw yourself into his arms and he arms them around you protectively. you hold your mother's candle close to you as you allow yourself to cry in yeosang's arms. yeosang doesn't say anything, only letting you cry as a comforting hand runs over your hair.
"it's okay, y/n, i'm here," he says softly, holding you closer to him. "whatever made you sad, don't think about it anymore, okay? cause i'm here to protect you."
and so the night comes to an end as you spend the rest of it in yeosang's arms, allowing him to hold you closely as you mourn for the loss of your mother and the hate hongjoong bares for you. 
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tag list : @frankenstein852 @watamotee33 @kawennote09 @mixling-blog @marahleiwhen @kpopnightingale @harry-the-pottypus @pyeonghongrie @sanniesbum @marvelahsobx @khjcoo @mysticfire0435 @exfolitae @dementedaly @simeonswhore @moonm1st @nvmbheart @spooo00oky @frgogh @sookacc @seongwin @burnsmepls @ad0rechuu @tunaasan @northerngalxy @silverpixiedust23 @cheesekimchi @confusedmoonchild777 @mjyungi @innieontop @iweirdthingsblog @s0obinluvr @worcesheshestershiresauce @moonlightgrleric @wineyoungie @jeongwangjessmina @lemineso
network : @cultofdionysusnet @cromernet
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personasintro · 1 year
Mutual Help | #17
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𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭: @kithtaehyung
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it mutual help
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fake dating au, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.1k+
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⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢ 
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"He just texted me 'screw y'all for going on a camping trip without me'." Jungkook chuckles at Jin's message while he reads it out loud.
"That's what he gets for being on a honeymoon in Greece." Jimin sassily remarks, knowing he's just joking and is extremely happy for Jin's happiness and fresh marriage.
The rest of the boys join, joking about it for a few minutes before you finally sit down and talk about today's plans. Hoseok is the one who seems to take a somewhat leader position as he starts to talk.
"Okay, as I mentioned before, there are four tents. One of them is bigger so three people can easily fit there." he explains, looking at each of you before Jimin speaks up.
"Me and Taehyungie can share a tent." he says, causing Taehyung to nod in agreement as they bump their fists like it wasn't expected. Those two are like twins.
"Okay, who's next?" Hoseok asks, looking around again.
"Me, Seulgi and Minjae can share the bigger tent." Kiko speaks up, smiling at her friends who nod and agree immediately.
It still feels weird to have her here, even though it might be a good thing. For all you know, Jungkook is still trying to win her back and this might help. No matter how many times you tell yourself she doesn't deserve him, you want what's best for him. And if his undying love for her isn't going anywhere, who are you to tell him otherwise. Jungkook is stubborn and you've never seen him being in love with someone so much before. Yes, he stopped talking about her like he used to, but him stealing glances her way whenever he thinks nobody is watching, just tells you otherwise. He still wants and loves her.
"Okay, Jungkook and Y/N are staying together. That's obvious, so me and Joon are gonna share a tent," Hoseok says to everyone, before he turns to Namjoon. "Please just don't snore that much." he whines, causing everyone to chuckle while Namjoon seems to fake offense.
"It's not like I can control it!" he exclaims, but still assures Hoseok he's better with snoring these days and even offers that he can sleep in his car if he's going to be snorting.
You kind of feel bad for him, but Hoseok assures him he was just joking and from what you've seen so far, Hoseok likes to joke around a lot but he really cares about his friends. Now that you think about it, him being so protective about Kiko just proves how much he loves his friends. You did the same thing with Jungkook. Still do. You're protective over him to the point you snapped at Kiko at Jin's wedding. You've never snapped at someone you barely know. Well, you know her but in a way, she's a complete stranger to you. She's just his ex that used to spend her time with him all the time, those two were inseparable. Just like you were with Jungkook, until he started to date her and they preferred to be alone rather than hang out with anyone else. The only difference between you is that you're Jungkook's best friend. Not a woman he fell in love with.
The more time you spend with everyone, you find yourself relax. Having Jimin and Taehyung here definitely helps, as those two fool around all the time. When Jungkook and Namjoon have successfully brought wood for the fireplace, two tents are already built thanks to Jimin and Taehyung because it seems like all the girls are pretty bad at it, including you.
"Weren't you saying you used to go camping with your uncle?" Jungkook jokes as he builds the tent like a pro. The grin that's plastered on his lips tells you that he's teasing you again and you take that time to slap his shoulder, causing him to laugh.
When all the tents are successfully built, thanks to none other than Jeon Jungkook himself, you finally eat some ramen that's the easiest to make. You gasp at the sight of the grill and all the other culinary equipment Hoseok brought, which makes everything easier. You can easily cook whatever you guys want. With stomachs full, you decide to go swimming in the lake since the heat starts to be unbearable.
Rummaging through your travel bags, you let out a set of curses while you feel Jungkook's body behind you.
"What's wrong?" he asks, setting his hands on your hips as he tries to look over your shoulder at what you're cursing about.
"I forgot my swimsuit, I thought I packed it. Fuck," you whine, tossing one of the crumpled shirts you manage to wrinkle in the process of your searching back in the bag.
"You packed your stuff into two huge bags and you still forgot your swimsuit?" he asks in bewilderment causing you to glare at him.
He's not helping. At all.
"Just put on whatever," he shrugs, and you glare at him again causing him to roll his eyes. "I don't think it matters. You brought some extra underwear, right?" he asks, causing you to nod.
"Yeah, I'll just leave on the one I'm wearing." you mutter, still disappointed that you managed to forget such an important item. Okay, maybe it's not that important but everyone's wearing a swimsuit and then you're going to be in your underwear.
"Well, I meant—"
"Okay, Jeon. Thanks!" you give him a thumbs up and get into his car to take off your clothes. Thank God for the tinted windows.
You hear him sigh at you, causing you to grin while you take off your clothes.
On the other side, there's Jungkook already wearing his black swimming shorts when Taehyung appears wearing similar ones, in yellow. "Where's Y/N?" he asks him, causing Jungkook to nod his head at his parked car.
"She's changing," he explains.
"Cool, meet us there." Taehyung tells him, already running to Jimin who's been calling him while everyone makes their way to the lake.
Jimin and Taehyung jump into the water, before Minjae and Seulgi do the same thing, squealing their hearts out at the temperature of the water. Jungkook leans against his car, arms plopped on the top of his car while he drums his fingers against the sleek black roof, waiting for you. It doesn't take you that long, door from the back opening as you step out of the car. Jungkook straightens his eyes widening at the sight of you.
"Are you kidding?" he asks straight away, eyeing your whole body as you look at yourself with a frown.
"This is the most decent underwear I packed." you reason, wondering if it's really that much.
It's not even lacy or too revealing. Okay, the bra could've been sport one and show less cleavage, but it looks like a bikini.
"You're not showing yourself in front of the guys like this." he tells you, mirroring your frown as he shakes his head.
"I'm not asking you," you tell him, earning a tough glare from him. "What the fuck am I suppose to wear?"
"Just put on my shirt over it." he suggests, already opening the truck before he pulls out a fresh white shirt. You know it's one of his own, considering the size and the fact you've seen him wearing it before.
He outstretches his arm to you, eyes daring you to say otherwise and you take the shirt but not before you whine.
"It's so hot! I'm gonna melt with this on!" you exclaim, grasping the soft material of his shirt in your hand.
He pats the top of your head, smiling down at you that makes you mentally curse at him. "No, you'll be fine."
Rolling your eyes at him, you put the shirt on knowing you might've felt uncomfortable in front of the guys if you just wore your underwear. Jungkook's got a point but you're not going to admit it in front of him, not when he's already grinning at you in triumph.
There's already a lot of squeals and splashing water when you get to the rest of the guys. Your eyes widen at the sight of so much skin, especially when you've never seen Hoseok and Namjoon topless.
"That's not fair. They get to be topless and I've to wear a shirt." you grumble at him silently, shifting your eyes off them before they can notice your prying eyes.
Jungkook's lack of response causes you to turn around, seeing him taking off his shirt as he tosses it on the floor. He's got the same grin plastered on his lips, his nose scrunching as he sees your scandalous expression.
"Really? You too?" you exclaim, eyes dropping down at the sight of his exposed abs and toned chest. Fuck, is he trying to kill you?
He walks up to you, picking you up with so much ease causing you to squeal in shock as you hold onto him tightly. "Life's not fair, Y/N." he comments jokingly, causing you to roll your eyes.
Legs wrapped around his frame and arms around his neck, you let him carry you. You don't think about it too much, that's until he's very careful while stepping into the water. And that's when you start to curse at him, trying to avoid contact with cold water.
"Jungkook, I swear to god! Don't drop me, don't you dare!" you start to scream at him, laughing when the cold water touches toes.
You hear the rest of the guys laughing at you, urging Jungkook to drop you which causes you to yell 'fuck all of you' before Jungkook gets even deeper. His low chuckle rustles in his chest, but he still holds you tightly. He's not dropping you, he even holds you tighter before all of your body is under the water, except your head. Surprisingly, the water isn't as cold as you expected it to be and you allow yourself to relax in his hold.
"Why would you do that?" you ask him quietly, admiring silently his face.
He's beautiful, the reflection of water sparkles his face that's so close to you. You can feel his warm breath on your face as he chuckles. "I knew you'd take a good hour to get into the water. So I helped." he smirks, causing you to snort.
"Oh, you helped? Is that it?" you laugh, splashing some water into his face. He gasps dramatically at that, causing you to laugh again. "You're such a good person, aren't you?" you tease him, splashing him once again.
He tries to dodge your attack by turning his head, but it still splashes the side of his face and he turns to you with a devilish smirk. "Y'know what? Suddenly, I don't feel like being a good person anymore." he says before he lets go of you, causing you to cling to him for your dear life.
He's laughing, putting his arms above his head so you can't reach him. You hold onto him, cursing at him. "Fuck you, Jeon. This is not funny."
You can swim, but you're more confident in your swimming when you can actually reach the bottom. Considering Jungkook barely reaches it, it means you wouldn't and you don't want to risk that.
"Maybe later, baby." he smirks, hands on your hips again before he walks closer to the shoal.
Heart beating at his words, you choose not to think too much about it. You can't let yourself get horny because of simple words. There are people around you, watching you.
You finally let him let go of you, legs meeting the bottom of the lake, but not before you splash him straight into the face. You hear Jimin's laughter at that, but it soon dies down when Jungkook jumps at you, diving both of your bodies underneath the water. You fool around for a few minutes, completely in your own worlds before you get out of the water to put some sunscreen on.
Your eyes find Kiko sitting on the towel with crossed legs as she stares at you. Surprisingly, she smiles at you and hands you her sunscreen which you take with a soft 'thanks'. The thought of her watching the both of you makes you somehow uncomfortable.
Was Jungkook fooling around because he knew she was watching? It certainly felt natural and just something both of you do. It's not the first time Jungkook has done that, fooling around with you or getting you into the water with you protesting and cursing him out. This trip is supposed to be fun. He didn't know she was coming as well but he's still trying to win her back. You both have to pretend to be dating here, but the question is...
Has he already started to pretend?
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thelikesofus · 1 year
Buddie Fic Recs
AKA Talented Mutuals Tuesday
Except I spent so long making this list that the timezones changed over BUT I wanted to show my mutuals some love and now that we are going into the hiatus I thought you might all like a list of quality fics to keep you occupied while there is no new Weewoo show. 
I don't know if anyone will actually want to join in on this but if you do the rules are simple:
SHOW YOUR MUTUALS SOME LOVE! Share your favourite fics, (or gifs, edits, literally anything that your very talented mutuals have made), as many or as few as you like but let's share the love around <3
Apologises in advance for the long post btw
@speaknowdiaz I would literally read anything that April writes and would probably sell a limb for the incredible WIPs I know she's still cooking up but here are a couple of my faves:
pining and anticipation (I don't want you like a best friend)
Buck challenges Eddie to try to hit on him after teasing Eddie for not having any ‘game’. This fic is very funny and very soft.
believe in one thing (i won't go away)
This fic hit me straight in the feels. Buck and Eddie go to couples therapy even though they aren't a couple and they work through some stuff.
@thosetwofirefighters Incredible amazing Nat ily xx
Say It All Out Loud
Eddie comes out to Aunt Pepa after his ‘date’ with Vanessa. I am a little bit biased towards this one because she did write it for me but it's honestly just so good!
How to Cure Boredom: Buckley Edition
The 118 are stuck at the firehouse during a slow shift and Buck entertains them all by mattress-surfing the loft stairs. It’s soft and silly and in the same universe as her other fic Safe in His Arms.
@loveyourownsmiilee The wonderful amazing Juju not only writes incredible meta and keeps us all fed with Oliver content but Juju also writes wonderful buddie fic. 
When Were You Under Me?
Who doesn’t love a Friends AU. This is Buck and Eddie as Ross and Rachel and it is hilarious and so sweet. 
You should also check out her Buddie Language Meta if you have not read it before <3
@elvensorceress Jenwyn’s work always astounds me so be sure to check these out:
Color Him Father, Color Him Love
I will scream from the rafters how much I adore this fic and yes it did make me cry (happy tears). It’s a look into Buck’s head after his sperm donor kid is born and he realizes what Christopher (and Eddie) truly mean to him. I know I have recced this before but it deserves all the love. 
Unless You Ask Me To
Eddie dates a man for the first time, and Buck is completely 'Fine'. This is a preemptive rec because it is one chapter away from completion and I have been saving it to binge in one sitting but knowing Jenwyn and her incredible talent I guarantee this will be worth the read. 
@spotsandsocks If anyone’s work is guaranteed to make me sob like a baby (happy, sad, or tears of laughter) it’s Spotty. 
Everything But (temptation)
This is Spotty’s newest fic and it's just brilliant. Buck is practicing extreme self-control whilst Eddie is being an irresistible menace. 
Could Have, Should Have, Would Have
Buck finally tells Eddie he loves him right before Eddie’s new boyfriend is supposed to meet Christopher. Honestly, all I can say about this fic is that it’s a masterpiece and I screamed many times while reading it. 
@shortsighted-owl Wonderful amazing Owly (Abbi). I appreciate you so and you make my dash so happy xx
Of foam-moustached kisses, and button combinations
For all your sweet domestic buddie needs this is the fic. Eddie is practicing a video game to get better than Chris and Buck makes fun of his ex-technophobe boyfriend. 
Also THIS EDIT SET to the lyrics of You’re All That I Have by Snow Patrol make me assdffgghjjklkll
@lilbuddie Okay, this one is just a brag because Minja doesn’t actually have any fics published yet (side eye) but I wanna make sure she is on everyone’s radar for when she does because yall are not ready for the incredible amazing talent that is this girl’s writing!! So go check out the snippets on her Tumblr and badger her until she finishes something plssssss
@wheelsupin-five Hi! <3
Almost Almost Almost
This adorable of Buck who is always cold and Eddie warms him up I– asfffghhjkklllll
Under Kitchen Light
SO SOFT! Buck wakes up and Eddie isn't there, Buck finds him in the kitchen. 
@rogerzsteven Simi owns my heart and by that I mean my heart is locked in a cage in Simi’s basement where it is occasionally beaten to a pulp by the most incredibly angsty fics you've ever read.
Buck is extremely nauseous and Eddie takes care of him while I sob over them in a corner.
build me a home underground (free from light and sound)
This fic is so brutal in all the best ways, my heart was in my throat the entire read! Buck gets trapped in a sensory deprivation room while the 118 and Athena race to find him. 
@ashavahishta another incredibly talented mutual of mine
out of ashes
Is it really a Meegs rec list if I don’t rec this fic honestly it's engraved on my soul. This is a criminal minds/greys inspired fic where Buck is kidnapped and tortured until the 118 can find him. This fic is so so well written and means a million things to me I could never explain but pleaseeeee read it!! 
@jobairdxx hello lovely xx
Oh, We Pray to Make it Through the Night
Highly recommend this fic, I do love a near-death experience fic! Buck gets injured on a call and Eddie falls asleep holding vigil at his bedside. 
Jules also writes beautiful poetry on Tumblr so go read some of that too <3
love is on its way
I know we’re all a little bit in mourning over the couch theory but it lives on in our hearts and in this fic which has six moments between Buck and Eddie on the Diaz couch (and she’s a wee bit spicy too).
Buck's café (take my heart, just not my order)
Coffee Shop AU. Buck runs the shop where the 118 order all their drinks on shift. I absolutely adore this fic! 
there's always been a rainbow hangin' over your head
If “aasdsdfghhjkl” was a person it was me reading this fic. Eddie comes out to Buck, receives a quirky mug, and gets together with the love of his life. In that order.
@bekkachaos Wonderful, amazing Bekka xxx
lose yourself in the feeling
I am a sucker for ‘accidental kisses’ and this was just wonderful. Buck is so excited about Maddie and Chim getting engaged that he kisses Eddie when he tells him. 
start me up, open my eyes
Okay, the mild sexual content tag is a lie, nothing has ever been closer to smut without actually being smut than this fic, I have never been so wound up reading a fic. Bekka builds the tension so so well. 
@sibylsleaves honestly I'm still a little in shock that we're mutuals now so please excuse me while I fangirl over your incredible writing!
with a bird at your door
Eddie starts spending all his time with Buck. Which would be fine if it weren't for the fact that Buck is in love with him. This fic is the perfect mixture of pining, angst, and a happy ending. And yes I think about this fic frequently I love it okay. 
@mysteriouslyyounggalaxy last but certainly not least (for now). hello lovely xx
(tell the gravedigger) better dig two
Missing scenes from while eddie is trapped in the well followed by the most perfect extended reunion scene. We all know I am a sucker for fics based on the well incident, it’s literally how i started writing for buddie but omg this fic!!!! 
Remember to share the love around and happy hiatus to you all.
Love, Meegs xxxx
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songmingisthighs · 6 months
[12:24] dad!hongjoong × baby!minjae (ft. mom!reader)
⇀ having a big family, natural or chosen, could be a blessing or a curse. or both. this time ? hongjoong would rather not choose and just work. his son however, has another idea in mind
⇁ another installment of the baby xikers series finally written after an impromptu discussion about the children and their uncle wooyoung with @starlitmark LMAO LOOKIE I FINALLY WROTE THIS
wc : 1.2 k
genre : fluff ? slice of life ?? baby!xikers, dad!ateez
warning : none
It had been weeks since the big incident and Hongjoong feared his son had started to catch on the situation the parents put Wooyoung in. Or something along the line.
Two and a half weeks ago, Wooyoung took the children to the Seodaemun Museum of Natural History for an educational day. Or so he claimed because not two hours since Wooyoung sent a selfie of him and the kids at the museum entrance to the friend group chat did all of them receive a call to come collect their children (in which Wooyoung's wife was told to collect all three of hers; Junghoon, Hunter, and of course, Wooyoung). Apparently, Wooyoung had told them that they couldn't play with any of the displays which the children took as a challenge rather than a warning. Seeun, Yujun, Minjae, and Sumin tried to get on the Acrocanthosaurus display while Hyunwoo and Hunter took off their shoes and dipped their toes in the Han River section of the Nature Hall to play with the fishies and Junmin, Jinsik, Junghoon, and Yechan somehow got inside the forest ecosystem display. It would have been an easy issue to handle and even let slide had Wooyoung not stood by and taken a video of everything whilst cackling rather than trying to get everyone to stop. After that, the parents rounded together and agreed that Wooyoung was to be put under an indefinite playdate hosting and attendance ban.
Unfortunately, the children were not told of this development as some were still grounded by their parents and some were known to love their Uncle Wooyoung so they'd probably get upset. It took them a while to even notice that suddenly they were not being taken to their Uncle Wooyoung's for playdates nor did their Uncle Wooyoung show up to chaperone.
The first to be told was Jinsik because his dad, Yunho, had given up trying to cover up the issue (literally 20 minutes after Jinsik started asking) and by the time the children were being picked up from playdate at Uncle Jongho's, they were all informed and began protesting in their own ways.
It was safe to say that for the past three days Hongjoong was stuck with Minjae who turned into melted cheese as a form of protest.
"Kim Minjae," Hongjoong called out sternly towards his son who sprawled himself on top of his work bag on his bed. Hongjoong had taken a short shower when he got home only to be met with Minjae groaning and moaning like a stranded starfish on top of his work stuff. Despite being called, Minjae didn't answer and just continued moaning like an injured cat. "Kim Minjae," Hongjoong huffed again, "Please get off my work bag, you'll crush my laptop," he walked closer to his son and stood over him with his arms on his hips. For a moment, Minjae stopped his moaning and looked over to Hongjoong, "Will you take me to Uncle Wooyoung?" Hongjoong raised an eyebrow at his son trying to bargain with him, "I'll take you to the doctor to get a shot instead, how's that?" And with that, Minjae dropped his head back and resumed moaning and groaning.
Minjae kept doing so, even following his dad around who managed to get his things from under Minjae by throwing him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes (and Minjae slid right off his dad's shoulder... like a sack of potatoes). When Hongjoong was setting up his laptop in his home office, Minjae laid on the rug, when Hongjoong took a break to eat the dinner you cooked, Minjae laid across his lap and grumbled despite you trying to get him to sit up and behave when people are eating, then Minjae laid in front of the bathroom like a speed bump which almost caused Hongjoong to trip and fall.
With a sigh, Hongjoong crouched down and stared at his little boy, "Kim Minjae, if you don't cut this out right now I'm going to take you to my room," he threatened. But Minjae blinked and tilted his head, "Can we go to Uncle Wooyoung's room instead?" He asked, trying to bargain yet again. Hongjoong felt the corner of his left eye twitched and firmly stated, "No," then, Hongjoong stood up and tried walking away. Unfortunately, Minjae immediately latched onto his dad's leg and let his body be dagged away. Not even when you ran over screaming, trying to unlatch his grip on Hongjoong's leg did he relent. In fact, Minjae screeched and dug his nails into Hongjoong's leg, leaving the man soundlessly screaming and almost falling on his face. It was quite a sight to behold. Kim Minjae, your usually calm and reserved son, let out a banshee-like screech that managed to surprise the heck out of you, causing you to jump back and stare wide-eyed and as if nothing had happened, Minjae returned to his moaning and groaning while still being attached to his dad's legs.
To say that both you and Hongjoong gave up on trying to get Minjae to stop was an understatement because Hongjoong was now stuck in his home office with his son on the rug behind him moaning and groaning, causing him to lose focus which means that the situation was that bad because Kim Hongjoong doesn't lose focus on his goals. Apparently neither does Kim Minjae. Every 20 minutes or so, Minjae stopped his moaning and groaning to ask Hongjoong if he could go to Uncle Wooyoung's in all sorts of ways. As much as Hongjoong felt annoyed with the incessant behaviour, he had to admit that his favourite was when Minjae offered to prank Wooyoung on his dad's behalf as a form of revenge for the museum chaos.
The moment Hongjoong realized that the moans and groans had stopped was when Minjae finally fell asleep. It was well over 10 pm which means it was past the boy's bedtime. Knowing his relationship with sleep, Hongjoong was not at all surprised that his circadian clock had automatically shut him up. After saving his progress, Hongjoong stretched his body out slightly before getting out of his chair and crouching down next to Minjae who was creating a puddle on the rug ironically enough Wooyoung bought for Hongjoong. The way that they don't even live together anymore but Wooyoung still effectively has his grip on Hongjoong's life.
Gently, Hongjoong moved Minjae's bangs out of his face but as gentle as he was, Minjae still managed to stir and he suddenly opened his eyes. "Daddy going?" he groggily asked, lifting his head up slightly, "It's past your bedtime sir, what do you think?" Hongjoong sarcastically answered, scoffing slightly and shaking his head before scooping the barely conscious boy into his arms without much issue. "Are we going to Uncle Wooyoung's?" Minjae still managed to ask despite the fact that he was already closing his eyes again and resting his cheek on Hongjoong's shoulder. The question sent Hongjoong in disbelief but he simply shook his head, "Not tonight buddy." Thankfully, Minjae nodded and even nuzzled his face deeper, "I'll try again tomorrow," he mumbled in finality before falling back asleep.
As much as Hongjoong wanted to complain and even tell his son no, he knew there was no point. The issue was reserved for the next day. All he could hope for was that Minjae would forget or get distracted.
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97linelover · 5 months
Where do Broken hearts go? - Jeon Wonwoo
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18+ / mdi
summary: Marrying the man of your dreams will finally come true, but what happens when the day comes and the Man is not there?
content: Fiancé Wonwoo x reader, fight, crying, angst, happy end, wedding au
wc: 1.9k
a/n: I watched the firs t part of sex and the City and then I thought I want to write about Big and Carrie. I´m not really happy with it..
Organizing a wedding takes a lot of time and preparation, it takes passion and a vision.
You had all of it, except the time.
When your Fiancé, Jeon Wonwoo asked you to marry him you did not hesitate for a second. You jumped at him kissing him until you both were entangled under the sheets.
But since you were not very patient you wanted this wedding as soon as possible. Perks of being the famous Vogue writer? You could get help from everyone within days.
Your best friend came over helping you planing a sweet little garden wedding with 50 people. Your boss gifted you Giovanni Conti as your wedding planer.
Suddenly your simple wedding dress from a vintage store was now a Vera Wang one that she send you, it was crazy and it happened fast.
While wonwoo was busy working, your list with guests got longer and longer, your bill got higher and higher and your vision got bigger and bigger.
After work you always laid next to Wonwoo on the couch explaining him the details while he listened with a smile on his lips. „I'm sure it will be perfect my love" he kissed your forehead softly „remember the suit fitting with Armani tomorrow" you rambled and he pulled you on his lap „let's forget about everything for a second" with that he kissed along your neck.
But things were to perfect, you became obsessed with the idea of the perfect wedding that you forgot about the most important part.
Your soon to be husband.
Everyday after work you were busy with planing while he waited for you to cuddle, to talk about your day, for you to ask about his.
He looked at you with so much love in his eyes that he ignored to feeling of regret bubbling up.
„The dress fits absolutely perfect" Minjae said smiling while you felt her heart breaking „Jae, I'll cancel everything if you want me too" you took her hands in yours „Chan is stupid for cheating!" she wiped her tears away „it's your night, so let's have some fun" she put on her best smile and you two walked out of the room.
Wonwoo was waiting for you in his suit, looking as handsome as always. „You're breathtaking" he said gasping while pulling you closer „I adore you" he softly kissed you.
„I love you Wonu, so much" you said honest while smoothing out his tie. „Let's not keep the guests waiting" you took his hand walking into the huge dining room.
Everyone clapped as you two made the entrance.
I mean, you two looked majestic walking hand in hand inside the building.
„Thank you all for coming, we are forever grateful for all the loving people around us, Wonwoo and me, thank you all for being here on this journey with us, so let's enjoy the food! To the love" you said with a proud smile and Wonwoo watched you with fond eyes.
While you all talked and had some drinks Wonwoo went out with the boys having a smoke, when he gets nervous he sometimes takes a puff but tonight he declined just watching the busy streets of Seoul.
„Man you're gonna be married, settled" JeongHan laughed „first one to settle"
Yes Wonwoo was the first one of his friends to get married. „But I'm really excited-„ before he could finish the taxi parked and Chan got out.
„Hey Nonu, congrats, I wasn't sure if I was invited because Minjae is the maid of honor" he scratched his neck.
„No chan that's fine" wonwoo said „just maybe keep a good distance to Jae" he said carefully. „I'll grab a drink"
„He looked miserable" Mingyu said while watching after him „he cheated with his secretary after Minjae and him had a fight about sex and she said she doesn't enjoy it anymore" he explained.
„But he loved her, I can't understand" Wonwoo muttered „mistakes can happen" Seokmin whispered . „Let's not talk about that right now" Wonwoo said and the boys nodded walking inside.
„NO I WANT YOU TO LEAVE DON'T EVER TALK TO ME AGAIN"  with that Minjae stormed out of the room and she looked at Wonwoo „I would think twice before agreeing to a marriage" she spat and Wonwoo´s heart fell into his stomach.
Why would she say something tonight? Before he could think more about it Y/N took his hand „I'm gonna head home with the girls, I'm gonna see you at the chapel tomorrow?" she had the biggest smile on her face „I'm gonna see you tomorrow, have fun tonight" he said while softly leaning down to kiss her.
The night didn't end well for Wonwoo, he sat in his leather chair thinking about everything that just had happened. About the last two months. About how they wanted the smallest wedding and now it's one of the biggest weddings.
How you talked non stop about the people that will be there, how you didn't ask about his day at work anymore. He dialed your number „Nonu, is something wrong?" He could hear the chatters in the background „baby" he breathed „wait Minjae" you giggled.
„Sleep well, I love you." he said and ended the call. You got ready the next morning, your dress already on and the last touch was your lip gloss, you smacked your lips and smiled „I'm gonna be Mrs Jeon in a few hours" you looked at your best friend and she nodded „I can't believe it!" You hugged her softly and she sobbed slightly „you look so beautiful, Wonwoo can be lucky to have you"
„Y/N the car is already waiting for you!" your friends rushed outside with you, you all got into the limousine and took a Glas champagne „to Wonwoo and Y/N" Minjae said and you all cheered.
„I can't believe I'm too late at my own wedding" you said with a slight giggle and you got out of the car, you did not realize the car behind you with your fiance inside pleading that you look at him.
„Come on baby look at me, I need to know that it's still about us" he whispered, but you only rushed inside.
„Okay the wedding can start now" you said but the priest furrowed his eyebrows „that will not be possible"  „What do you mean?"
„I mean that the husband is not here" he said nervous.
Your heart stopped, you felt like all the air got out of you lungs. „What do you mean?" she frantically asked „someone give me the phone" you said panicked „SOMEONE GIVE ME THE PHONE" Minjae gave her the phone.
You dialed his number and within a seconds he picked up „y/n" he whispered „where are you?" you asked with hurt in your voice „y/n I called a dozen times"
„WHERE ARE YOU" you yelled „I'm in the car, I can't walk in there, I don't think this is about us anymore "his quivering voice spoke, she gasped „so you're ditching me? On my wedding?"
„Baby please, I tried to call you" he pleaded „I can't believe this" she whispered and let the phone fall „get me out of here" she whispered „where is he?" Minjae asked „he left me here, he did not show up" you breathed „he won't come" you realized what you had just said.
„He won't come" you sobbed „get me out of here please" you began to panic and your friend helped you to get out. You got into the car and you felt like your world just crumpled apart.
You could not believe this. What has just happened?
When Wonwoo's driver began to drive he felt like choking, he felt like all the air has left his lungs "fuck turn around, FUCK" he realized what he had done.  But before he could react he saw the car passing by "Y/N" he screamed out of the window, but the car drove further until you heard the brakes. 
Wonwoo got out and he saw you getting out aswell "listen baby, I did not meant to, I was not thinking straight" but you showed no mercy, your pink bouquet landed with slaps against his chest, you screamed at him. 
"YOU USED ME" You screamed "I HATE YOU SO MUCH" the petals were flying around "how could you do that" you whispered heartbroken and your friends carried you back to the car "don't ever claim your love again" you looked at him with so much pain in your eyes that he felt like screaming. 
The people around you looked at the scenario in front of them and you could not blame them, you would look aswell. 
When Wonwoo watched you drive away he got into the car driving towards the Apartment you both shared. 
He walked over to the whiskey table, grabbing directly the entire bottle.
Meanwhile you walked inside Minjaes building, your Make up smudged, you hair messy and your white dress full of Mascara stains. 
You walked passed the mirror and you began to Panic "get me out of it" you pulled at the white fabric, it felt like the dress would suffocate you "GET ME OUT OF THIS" you cried and Minjae grabbed some scissors. 
"do it" Hyerin said and the cut the ties so that the dress fell down, you fell to the floor and just sobbed. 
Three weeks passed, three weeks where he did not get any response from you, his friends told him that you went on the honeymoon trip with Minjae.  He wondered how you are, he wondered if you're still thinking about the day, because the only thing he could think about was the moment you left. How you took his heart with you. 
He started staying late at work because he could not deal with the empty bed, he worked so much that his colleagues began to worry. But he shut down everyone, he felt empty and like the biggest douche ever.
He entered the apartment at 11 pm on a Tuesday when he saw your shoes at the entrance, he rushed inside placing his work bag on the floor "Y/N?" he walked inside the living room where you were sitting on the couch, you were dressed in a beautiful summer dress, but you did look tired. 
"You're back" he whispered and you could only nod "I saw your message, and I think we need to talk, we need to talk about what has happened so that I can finish this chapter and close this book" Wonwoos heart fell into his stomach "no baby, there is no closing this book, finishing this chapter yes, we will redo this." he lifted your chin softly "we will focus on us, only us" his thumb stroke your cheek. 
"you and me Baby, only us" he leaned his forehead against yours "you don't know how sorry I am, god there's nothing more that I want than marrying you" he was completely honest. 
"But I want us alone, I want nobody around us" before he could say anything else you kissed him "I really hope you don't ditch me again" you whispered jokingly. 
"god I missed you" he lifted you up kissing you softly, while he carried you inside the bedroom. 
And here you were now one week later at the registry office, standing next to wonwoo.
"I declare you as Mr. and Mrs. Jeon" the elder lady said and smiled at you two "you may now kiss the bride" and Wonwoo wasted no time, he kissed you passionate and you smiled into the kiss.
"we did it" you cheered "we did it baby, you and me" he agreed to you and kissed you again.
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lil-elle · 3 months
hi!!! i love your xikers work!! 😋 do you think you can write a ot10 head cannon about how they act after an argument with reader?
EEEEEE thank you ily 🩷 thank you for waiting
XIKERS after an Argument with their s/o
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pairs: bf!xikers x gn!reader
genre: fluff, slight angst, established relationship
word count: 1.5k
content: just cute lovey dovey boys ☺️
He'd DEFINITELY sulk for a while 😭
After calming down and thinking things over, he'd feel so guilty :( wishing he hadn't lashed out at you or lost his temper at you
Despite his stubborn nature, he'd bring himself to you to apologise, and you'd find it endearing and sweet knowing how difficult it probably was for him to swallow his pride
You'd hug him and his arms would immediately wrap around you just as tightly as you tell him you're sorry as well and that you love him
You'd go back to normal quickly after the whole thing, forgetting it even happened within an hour or two. He'd just be so happy he was able to patch things up
He might cry…He'd probably cry…He'd definitely cry.
He wouldn't let you see him cry though, but you know him well enough. You know he doesn't mean harm, so you'd probably be the one apologising first. Not because he's stubborn, just because you couldn't bear to see him upset
You'd wipe his tears and kiss his cheeks to calm him down, making little jokes to him to get him to smile
The two of you would sit down to really talk about it. Talk about what you argued about, why you argued about it, and if it was really worth arguing about at all
Then the apologies would come as you both realise how stupid and pointless it was
He'd take a WHILE to cool off, that's for sure. Not because he's hot headed, just because he'd be desperately trying to wrap his head around everything while also trying to figure out what he can say and do to make it up to you
You wouldn't hear from him for days, making you think he was really super mad at you, when suddenly he'd show up on your doorstep with an expensive bouquet of your favourite flowers and a guilty smile
How could you stay mad at him? You couldn't. You begin to apologise to him but he'd cut you off, insisting you have nothing to apologise for even if the argument was your fault. He's just sweet like that
He's not usually lovey dovey, bit he'd be EXTRA lovey dove for the next day or two
He seems unbothered at times but during the days he spent away from you, he'd be seriously in a panic over whether you still loved him (no matter how silly the argument 😭)
He wouldn't even know what just happened or what to do. You'd storm off and he'd just be left standing there, heart pounding and mind racing with thoughts
The guilt and worry would set in fast for him. Like SECONDS after kind of fast. He'd be running after you, grabbing your hand, and pleading with you, profusely apologising
You wouldn't be able to stop yourself from giggling at his dramatic display, and he'd just look at you with dazed and teary eyes as you pinch his cheek and tell him its okay
You'd apologise back to him, reassuring him that you'll always love him even if you lose your head sometimes
You'd have to give him lots of cuddles for the rest of the day to make sure he knows how much you love him!
For some reason, I can't comprehend arguing with hyunu. He just seems so sweet and understanding and patient BUT for the sake of it, I think he'd be emotional too
He'd not usually an emotional guy, so his emotions would tell you how genuinely guilty and remorseful he is
No matter how much you try, you wouldn't be able to stay mad at him, especially when he'd be doing almost everything in his power to get you to forgive him
He'd bring you flowers, chocolate, plushies. He'd become a housewife and do every single chore for you. Just don't act mad at him long enough for him to try cooking a meal for you. He WILL burn the house to the ground
When you finally give in and wrap your arms around him with a little giggle about you weren't really that mad, he'd just be so genuinely relieved and happy 🥹
SERIOUSLY wouldn't know what to do. Would just stare as you storm off like “??? Uh oh.”
He wouldn't do anything for a while, just sure that you need some time to calm down. But when you keep leaving him on read and ignoring his calls, that's when he goes to the boys for help
He'd try everything, kind of like hyunu, earning no response or reaction from you
He'd eventually get desperate, genuinely panicking that you really hate him or something, pissing off the other members with his worry and how much he's begging for their help
Eventually, he'd just show up at your door, head hung low, to say sorry and that he really loves you and doesn't want to lose you. You'd wrap your arms around him and say thank you because that's all you really needed from him, and he'd sigh with such relief, holding you tighter than ever before
Wouldn't think you're serious at first 😭 he's too silly for his own good
After a little while, he'd start talking and joking with you as if everything was normal, only realising that everything was, in fact, NOT normal when you give him the cold shoulder
Suddenly he's tripping over himself with lovey dovey words and pet names trying to win back your love and attention
You seriously couldn't stay mad at him for long. He's too charming and sweet, his beautiful words enough to make anyone smile and blush
He seems super unserious at first, but once he sees you finally smile at him and hears you finally speak to him again, he's visibly over the moon. He'd hug you so tight and promise to never be stupid ever again (a promise you know he can't keep but you don't care, you love him anyway)
Wouldn't realise what's going on or know what to do, kind of like junghoon, but in a more innocent way
Another one that you could only stay mad at for a few minutes due to him following you around like a sad puppy and apologising until you can't help but smile and wrap him up in your arms
He'd hug you back so tightly, and once you're in those arms, you are not getting out for the rest of the day
He'd immediately become glued to you, as if afraid you'll get mad again and leave him behind. He'd continuously offer to do things for you, get things for you, buy things for you. Anything to make you happy despite your insistence that it's okay
I doubt the two of you would argue or disagree at all very often anyways, but when you do, it wouldn't take long for apologies and making up to happen :)
Weirdly enough, I think he'd stay upset for quite a while, needing time for himself to cool off after an argument
I think he'd go for a drive or a walk to clear his head as well as allowing you some alone time to do the same
It wouldn't be so much as you two avoiding each other, but more so that you recognise that sometimes the both of you need that alone time to sort through your thoughts. It's this maturity that keeps your relationship strong despite the arguments
After his walk/drive, he'd always arrive home with flowers or chocolates or your favourite fast food, asking you if you're okay or if you need more time
If you say you're okay, he'd apologise and tell you he loves you, then you’d spend the rest of the day snuggled up binging TV together 🤞🏻
Another sulker. Would for sure need to let off some steam by having a bit of a private dance practice or heading to the gym for a while, but once he's much more relaxed, he's then just taking his time and building his courage to go back to you and apologise
The two of you would meet up and sit in silence for a bit before both trying to speak up at the same time. The silliness of the moment would break the tension so fast
You'd forget why you were even mad in the first place, making jokes to each other about how silly of an argument it was and how dumb you both are, laughing together leaning into each other lovingly
You two would then sit in silence together before he'd randomly speak up and say he loves you, catching you off guard and fluttering you, to which he'd giggle
He'd tell you that he said it just because he wants you to remember it for when/if the two of you argue in the future. That, no matter what, he loves you and always wants you to be happy
@chocoeon @hyunukitty @cake1box @chiiyuuvv @shortnstupid @dogyunslover
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uriwoos2 · 4 months
Boys with a crush! ·.✧₊˚ (xkrs) pt.1
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xikers crush headcanons! ✿ hyung line edition. genre: fluff. warnings: none. word count: 2.8k requested: yes! maknae line ♡ note: I'm so so busy w exams rn, so it's kinda draining my brain of any good ideas haha. pls do tell me if there's any mistakes! but in all seriousness, I so was blushing all through writing this / />/</ / I adore my babies beyond belief, they're so cute </3 praying this turned out well >_< hope u like it!! likes & reblogs are very appreciated! — with love, cream <3
⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂⠁⠁⠂⠄⠄⠂ ⠂⠄⠄⠂☆
⊹˚🍰 tbh I think it'd be a little hard to tell when minjae has a crush on you, or if he just sees you as a friend. now, this is because when he has someone that is important to him, even if it's just a friend, he'll take care of them very well. he'll look out for them and take any chance to help them out. perhaps he'll express this trait even more intensively when he is with someone he keeps a special place for in his heart. he'll surely be displaying extra attentiveness when he's with you, always ready to jump in and help you out. <3
⊹˚🍰 he's a fully certified gentleman!! definitely takes care of things for you, so you can be fully relaxed and enjoy yourself to the fullest. this shows through his tiny acts of service, like: opening doors for you, keeping you on the inner part of the sidewalk, ordering food/drinks for you, offering to pay for you, carrying your things for you, and not swearing when he's around you!! he'll treat you with the utmost respect too of course! <3 you might not even consider this as a clue of his feelings for you, because you're so used to the way he treats you so well. :(
⊹˚🍰 minjae listens. listens. listens <3 he's so attentive and focuses his eyes only on you when you have something to say. even if it's something very trivial! he nods here and there, to make sure you know he's paying attention, and blinks rapidly all throughout your rant, his wide glittering eyes darting all over your face, admiring. he's just so smitten with you <3
⊹˚🍰 but!! be prepared to listen to him yap your ear off back! <3 he wants to describe things to you in depth, as he cares that you understand it well! he won't mind explaining something over and over and over, as long as you finally get a proper understanding of the subject! such a sweet boy <3
⊹˚🍰 why do I feel like, at the beginning he'd be sort of oblivious to his own crush on you? hmm.. and it just so happens that he has a sudden realization about it randomly. it will go something like this: you'll be in a crowded setting, both in your separate groups, conversing. you're unaware of it as he quietly looks over at you from time to time, to check what you're up to. and then, he notices that your eyes linger particularly long on a certain person, too long for his liking. you'll happen to look in his direction by chance, and he'll just side eye you, with this skeptical look in his eyes. and you tilt your head to the side in question. he'll be just like ???? himself too. poor boy doesn't even realize what he was doing until now. then he gives it some thought, and even considering the possibility that he was jealous is enough to make him blush to himself </3
⊹˚🍰 however, after establishing the fact that he has a crush, he'll be trying even harder to win you over! I don't think he's the type to feel embarrassed about such things. he might not be that obvious with his affection for you, but the subtle things he says and does sure tell you enough! he will be complimenting you about the smallest things, and showing how much he cares by looking after you! expect him to randomly go to fix a strand of your hair that's out of place, or remove lint off your clothes :\ </3 there's a definite boldness in such small acts of fondness! ⁄(⁄ ⁄>⁄ω⁄<⁄ ⁄)⁄。♡・῾ ᵎ
⊹˚🍰 gets so so shy around you at first <//3 he'll be blushing and stumbling over his words a bit. he gets very nervous around you! and his heart can't seem to handle the overwhelming feelings he has for you, especially when you're nearby :( so precious.
⊹˚🍰 once he adjusts to the crush he has on you a bit better, he might even start to show it slightly. he'll take his time to get to know you slowly, step by step. soaking up any and every tiny part of your personality, making mental notes about it.♡♡ he will ask for your opinions about various deep topics, and go to you for advice. when you start speaking, he won't hold back on giving you reactions!! he'll be so obvious about his curiosity toward anything you have to say! <3
⊹˚🍰 when you have something to show him, or ask his opinion abt a certain thing, know that he'll be 100% invested, so that he can give you a sincere answer! if you're showing him an outfit you picked out for an event, he'll be giving you tiny little gasps and "wow"-s to hype you up!! ( ´. .̫ .`)
⊹˚🍰 jumie hates it when you're feeling down!!! at any clue that your mood is a bit off, he'll be doing the most he can to bring a smile back on your pretty face <333 will even act cute for you and try to make you laugh. might get shy and hide his face with his hands though :((( that will certainly make you laugh, out of adoration. ♡ he'll be so happy, and relieved to see you feeling better :( precious baby..
⊹˚🍰 the type to show his love through physical affection!! I feel so strongly about this! actually it's only reserved for the person he likes. the kind of touches that are barely even there, so slight and careful not to make you uncomfy in any way <3 patting your shoulder, or rubbing your back for reassurance and comfort. giving you tiny taps with his fingers on your knee/thigh when you're sitting side by side, to relieve your anxiety. and head pats!! <3 when you achieve something, or do well, or even just when he feels like you need praise or motivation, he'll be giving you slow, gentle little pats, followed with warm words of comfort. he's your biggest supporter!! ♡
⊹˚🍰 will!! make silly faces at you from afar. :(( and giggle right afterwards :(
⊹˚🍰 he gets comfortable enough to show affection for you, but when it's you who initiates physical contact, he gets extremely flustered. leaning your head on his shoulder casually, or patting his cheek while joking around. his eyes will be avoiding yours at all costs!! he'll be wishing that you don't notice his drumming heartbeat, because he doesn't want you to see how nervous he gets around you. it's times like these that his affection for you grows though. when he feels you reciprocating affection back, he knows you feel comfortable with him, enough to be vulnerable with him like that. <3
⊹˚🍰 now this baby might just be the shyest out of everyone, when it comes to having a crush :( he gets so blushy and smiley it's actually devastating :(( be prepared to have him trying to keep a straight face while talking with you. and then he'll just be breaking out in giggles, beaming at you, for no reason at all.. (the reason being that he finds you just so cute, and he can't handle it.) <3 <3
⊹˚🍰 you're his bestie all the way!! he goes to you for advice, and has the utmost trust in your opinions! when it comes to fashion, it's no different. he'll always ask if you like a certain outfit of his and help you style yourself too! you'll definitely be taking ootds together!!
⊹˚🍰 you'll be going to different places very often as well. you'll have a new place you want to check out, but might feel a bit awkward going there alone. don't worry though! cuz sumin is always down to tag along. he's more than happy to actually! means he can spend extra time w you!! <3 he has the most comforting aura around him, something abt him just makes you feel relaxed and free to be yourself. you guys will definitely have the most fun together, and take lots and lotsss of pictures + videos of each other :( he'll be looking at those later, and giggling at the memories. <3
⊹˚🍰 he will be trying so hard to impress you!! he'll invite you over and show off his cooking skills, or give you a tour of his drawings. will tell you everything you're curious about, you just have to ask. I feel like he's the type of person who takes a bit more time to open up on a deeper level, and it takes a certain bond to have him trust you with more personal stuff. so the fact that he'll be willing to bring you into his space like that and put everything on display for you to see, would be a very good sign that he cherishes you dearly.
⊹˚🍰 he'll definitely be dying to text you, and constantly check up on what ur doing, but will hold back to not bother you :( but will most likely send you a message during the day asking what you're up to. he just wants to know everything about you :(( (definitely the clingy type hehe (๑•́ ᎔ ก̀๑) <3)
⊹˚🍰 he's known to be the loudest member, but when he's with you, he'll turn into the most gentle, quiet boy ever. he wants to look cool in front of you and doesn't want you to think he is immature. but that doesn't mean you can't be silly together!! he's definitely the cutest when he's being his true silly self <3
⊹˚🍰 you can be ensured that you're free to be your true self while with him too! like in your realest, most honest form. he'll admire you to the ends of the earth, even if you're silly, a bit weird, or even if he doesn't get you sometimes :(( trust that he'll be chuckling and grinning at your peculiarities, finding you just adorable. plus! he'll definitely make those random sound effects and impersonations he loves! but you can laugh right back at him, he just wants to amuse u <3 <3
⊹˚🍰 we're all well aware of just how animated jinsik's movements and facial expressions are, so I'm led to assume that he'll be especially expressive with the person he likes! moving his arms a lot, using gestures while talking to you. you'll literally be able to tell exactly what he thinks by the way his face changes. he's so so adorable when he frowns, or when he's fascinated with something, wide-eyed. he'll be overly amazed at anything you do/say and will show it too! wanting desperately to validate your feelings, and excitement about your interests! :(♡
⊹˚🍰 he will shower you with compliments!! omg. and give you tiny little gifts on no particular occasion, but just because he feels like it! <3 they won't even be anything grand, rather something on the more meaningful side, like handmade trinkets or drawings. but that doesn't erase the possibility of him giving you a rock with a silly face drawn on it </3 he wants to make your day, and wants to leave a good impression on u, wants you to like him and think of him fondly!
⊹˚🍰 that's why he'll also pay extra attention to his appearance and behavior as well. he'll double-triple check if each strand of his hair is in place and will think of u while picking out an outfit <3 wondering if you'll like it :( he needs to stand out in order for you to take notice! at least that's what he believes ;) and that goes for planning outings with you, as well. it all has to be perfect!! but if something goes wrong he'll be stressing over it internally. poor baby.
⊹˚🍰 if you're the one initiating a "date", he'll be absolutely thrilled!! already mentally planning everything out like the idealist he is :( but in reality he just wants your undivided attention, as he's desperately trying to not blend in with your other acquaintances and friends. as much as he craves your focus to always be shifted towards him, he'll never think to make a big deal just because of his feelings! he respects all your choices, including the ones not favorable to him.
⊹˚🍰 once you're a bit closer, you get to see the cute, goofy side of him <3 he'll randomly send you stupid little voice messages to make you laugh, make a mess when he eats, might even embarrass you sometimes, with how confident he is to be silly and loud anywhere. but you'll just be chuckling to yourself in a corner, finding him cute </3 it'll be so hard to resist his cuteness on a daily basis like this, so you better watch out or you might catch a crush right back! (⸝⸝º ^ º⸝⸝ )♡
⊹˚🍰 his laugh <//3 he'll definitely be the type to laugh at your jokes suuuper loud, and repeat it to your other friends, because he thinks you're just so hilarious :( expect him to spot you from the other side of the street and come running over to you without looking at the road. oh my goodness.. justifying his actions by blaming others, saying the cars were in his way!! you just shake your head to disapprove of his antics, to which he just answers with a blush, feeling sheepish. </3 afterwards, you guys get ice cream to share and he rubs some of it on ur nose, just to erupt in cute little giggles. :(( such personal and comfortable moments with you are so important to him. ♡
⊹˚🍰 now... correct me if I'm wrong but, as silly as this boy is, I know for a fact! that he'll most definitely be putting up the cool and mysterious guy act. he's so bad at it too... like, it's the cutest thing. </3 imagine this: in one of your classes, the students are exchanging contacts for projects and stuff, and he's paired up with you. but when you try to get his number, or one of his socials, he just tells you he doesn't have a phone???? you just stand there like? wdym my guy. he says it's bad for your health, and goes on to explain to you in depth the detrimental effects of radiation mobile phones emit.... but promise, it's all just a plan to get you to like him. or at least to look cool in ur eyes. yeah, he'd be satisfied with that as well. so foolish <3
⊹˚🍰 don't worry, he'll drop this weird act soon enough though. you'll get to see the real hyunu! the more and more meet ups you guys arrange for the group project, you'll notice his act slipping up, revealing his true personality. you'll see it in the way he reacts to jokes, remarks from others, and how he responds to them. he has trouble connecting to strangers just like that, you notice. so you take it upon yourself to befriend him!
⊹˚🍰 it might be a bad idea, because, for hyunwoo this means he will have to spend alone time with you! :( baby's nervous.. like after completing your project successfully, your group decides to go to destress and celebrate at an amusement park! you'll wait for the perfect moment, while everyone is wrapped up in their own business, and ask hyunwoo to follow you somewhere. hmmm.. what could you be plotting.. hyunwoo might just explode atp!!
⊹˚🍰 you simply ask him to accompany you, telling him you needed some space from others for a bit. oh! so, that was it. hyunwoo is more than happy to help you out! he's worried though, now. asking if you're alright. you chuckle at the face he's making at you, brows furrowed, eyes full of concern. how cute </3 his cheeks flush at that, avoiding to look at your face.
⊹˚🍰 from then on it'd get easier for the both of you. you'll be able to strike up a simple conversation, gradually opening up to each other. you realize he's actually quite an interesting person! all that was hidden behind all his initial awkwardness. you'll eventually get closer and closer overtime, untill you can call each other best friends! he finds it easy to talk to you, and doesn't feel the need to change when he's with you. you'll get to discover, however, that he's the silliest in his true form <3
⊹˚🍰 prepare, because he's gonna bother you! and you won't be able to do anything about it. whether you're studying, resting, having lunch, or even when you've just woken up, he'll be sending a text, asking what you're doing. he won't! leave you alone. he'll just ask so so many questions, but really, him bothering you to annoyance just means he adores you. <3 when you answer his questions, he's just gonna be nodding his head cutely, listening intently. he really does care! <3 he's still feeling quite shy with you, but now he can actually talk to you, so he's never gonna let an opportunity slip up! ₍˄·͈༝·͈˄₎◞ ̑̑
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bro-atz · 17 days
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in which: you and minjae had a messy break up, and he just wants to come over and get his stuff back.
pair: ex boyfriend!minjae/afab!reader
word count: 1.8k
content: smut, a lot of arguing, tension (both angry and sexual), a little rough and aggressive, oral sex, fingering, safe sex, completely consensual!
rated: R | nsfw — minors do not interact
watch out series: junmin, minjae
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You scowled when you heard the doorbell ring. You knew exactly who it was because you weren't expecting anyone else, and you were livid that he had the audacity to show up in front of you again. Using all the force you had in your body, you swung the door open, your ex standing a couple feet away from the door with a similar scowl on his face and a box of belongings— your belongings— in his arms.
"Listen," he started first. "I just came to give you your stuff back and grab my stuff."
"Sorry, I threw it all out already, Minjae."
You actually didn't, but he didn't need to know that.
"What the hell?! Even my sweaters?!"
"No. Those I burned..."
Minjae's eyes hardened. The two of you dated for years, so he knew when you were lying. You shouldn't have even bothered starting shit with him.
"Really? You're just going to continue with the lies, Y/N? Typical," Minjae scoffed before forcing his way into your apartment.
"Why do you even want your shit back, Minjae? Didn't you say you wanted nothing to do with me anymore?"
"Shut up!" Minjae spat. "I want my shit back because it's mine."
Minjae started rifling through different parts of your apartment, grabbing various items he had left behind. You followed closely behind with your arms crossed over your chest and your eyes narrowed, making sure he didn't take anything that wasn't his.
"You afraid I'm going to rob you or something?" Minjae asked with slight malice as he eyed you staring him down.
"Well, I wouldn't put it past you since I don't trust you."
"You don't trust me?"
"Yeah, I don't trust you!" you raised your voice. "Because the second we broke up, you immediately slid into my friend's dms!"
 Minjae stood right in front of you, the two of you locking eyes. "I didn't "slide" into her dms," he said in a dangerously low voice.
"Oh sure, because inviting someone out for coffee is just a platonic thing," you rolled your eyes.
"Well, it's not just a romantic thing, either! It's just freaking coffee! How'd you even know about me messaging her?"
"She sent me the screenshots, dumbass! Did you think she wouldn't?!"
"Jesus Christ, I just—" Minjae cut himself off. He shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose while saying, "You know what? I don't want to get into it."
Minjae turned around, but you turned him right back by grabbing his arm. He snatched his arm away as you said, "No, let's get into it! Did you really break up with me because of me or because you wanted to be with her?"
"For the last time, I wasn't making a move on her!"
"Then why'd you do it?!"
Your face was right in front of his at that point. The two of you were angrily huffing and puffing, and finally, something snapped. Minjae grabbed your face and kissed you roughly, your teeth nearly clashing. You clutched the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer to you. He ended up walking you backwards so that you were pressed up against the wall.
The two of you were breathing heavily as you locked lips over and over again restlessly. His hands quickly worked on removing the loungewear you had on while you went straight for his waistband, your hand diving into his pants and underwear.
"Shit," Minjae hissed against your lips the second he felt your fingers rub along his length. "Your hands are fucking cold."
"Shut the fuck up," you breathed out. "My cold hands seem to be turning you on."
"Dammit, Y/N, do you really have to take everything negatively?" Minjae complained as he moved away from you slightly. "I never said I didn't like it."
"Just stop talking," you groaned both in frustration and pleasure because Minjae's hands gripped your breasts and kneaded them.
"Make me," he taunted you.
At first, you thought about kissing him to shut him up, but you knew that no matter what you did, he was going to run his mouth. You managed to slide down the wall and drop to your knees, your face near his crotch while your hands pulled at the waistband of his pants and underwear. As soon as you heard Minjae inhale— presumably to run his mouth— you took his cock into your mouth, pushing your head all the way down until you choked on it.
"Fuck," he breathed out euphorically. "Oh fuck..."
It only got worse for him when you kept gagging on his dick as you moved, and to be perfectly candid, he was so ready to cum, but he didn't want to cum— he didn't want to be the first to cum.
Holding the back of your head tightly, Minjae moved you off his cock and tugged your hair so that you would stand up again. He moved the hand on your head to your neck, his fingers pressing lightly into your neck.
"I think," he whispered into your ear as his hand brought you closer to his face. "We should take care of you first... Don't you think?"
Next thing you knew, Minjae had you pinned on your bed, his hands briskly stripping you down to nothing before slipping out of his shirt and pants. He pushed your legs up and planted them firmly behind your knees. He kissed you roughly and feverishly over and over again as rubbed his cock over your clit. You grabbed his shoulders and dug your nails into his skin as you tried to get him to stop teasing you and just fuck you already since you couldn't get the words out with his tongue in the way.
Your impatience didn't sit well with Minjae. Well, he loved it, but he didn't want to satisfy you just yet. Rather than his cock, Minjae rubbed two of his fingers along your folds before aggressively thrusting them into your cunt. Just to hear you cry and moan loudly, he stopped kissing you, a slight smirk on his face.
"Oh fuck," you cried loudly, your whole body shaking with the intensity of his fingering.
You screamed and flung your head back the second Minjae's fingers rubbed just right, making you cum all over the bed; but he was definitely not done just yet. Leaning over to your nightstand where he knew the condoms were, he grabbed one. He barely gave you time to recover as he rolled it on, but he immediately pushed his cock into you.
"You better hold on," he told you in a low voice. "I'm not going to go easy on you."
Minjae lowered himself and pushed his face close to your neck. He left a faint bite mark when he felt you hold the back of his neck, your nails scratching his skin. He gripped your waist, and he started actually fucking you. His ruts were slow at first, but they were filled with insane power that had you seeing stars with your eyes squeezed shut. You bit back a moan, but he fucked that moan right out of you when he suddenly sped up. His hips hammered against yours, his speed rapidly increasing but his power holding steady.
You screamed profanities as you felt the pleasure build up and rip through your body since Minjae was just not letting up. You creamed around his cock, your legs and arms shaking as you came. Tears slipped out of your eyes as Minjae still continued as if he was an insatiable beast. You were granted a slight moment of relief when he pulled out, but that relief was quickly taken away when he turned you over, pulled your hips up, and shoved his cock back inside you.
"Minjae— Fuck! Oh fuck!"
Truth be told, Minjae was so fucking close. He was close, but he didn't want to cum just yet because he really missed the way your cunt felt around his cock.
You were able to breathe properly when you felt his pace slow down slightly and his power slow down significantly. He moved his hands from your waist down to your ass. His hips rolled into yours, and you were finally able to hear the sound of his strained breathing now that the sound of his waist hitting yours wasn't reverberating in the room. And, since you had a better grip on reality now, you clenched your cunt, and you heard Minjae inhale sharply before letting out a tiny groan.
Minjae finally pulled out so he could removed the condom and fuck his fist. He was going to cum on your back, but you turned around and took him into your mouth quickly. The tips of his ears turned pink when you did so, but the look on his face hardened, and he smirked. He held the back of your head and ordered in a quiet voice, "Don't spit it out. Just swallow it."
You nodded, and Minjae finally came. He groaned loudly as his load filled up your mouth, his eyes fluttering as he turned his face upwards. When he returned his gaze to you, you did as he said and swallowed.
"Fuck..." he whispered while petting your head. "You... Fuck."
After a beat, the two of you separated. You got off the bed first and grabbed your pile of clothes before quickly wearing them. Minjae put his pants back on, and while he searched for his shirt, you stopped him.
"You, uh," you hesitated, worried that what you were about to ask would lead you two to another argument. "You never told me why..."
"Why what?" Minjae asked with a sigh.
"Why'd you text her...?"
With another sigh, Minjae finished getting his clothes back on. He ran his fingers through his slightly damp hair and said, "I just wanted her to check in on you after we broke up."
"Then... Why'd you ask her to go to a coffee shop?"
"So I could give her your stuff to give to you."
You chewed on your lower lip and nodded. Your mind reeled, and your heart kind of sank. You stood motionless as Minjae gathered the rest of his things, your heart sinking further and further. With his belongings still at your home, you kind of had hope that things would work out between you two, but that didn't seem to be the case anymore.
When Minjae finished getting his stuff, he started walking to the front door, but you stopped him.
"Minjae, wait," you said in a small voice. "I..."
Minjae turned around. There was a look on his face— not quite sad, but not annoyed either. He looked... Conflicted. He kept quiet as he waited for you to speak.
"Can we at least give us another try? Please?"
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