#Minecraft legacy version
theworstcreature · 1 year
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Anybody know how to fix this error? I downloaded the windows 7/8 Minecraft launcher off the Minecraft website and every time I try to open it I get this error.
I’ve reinstalled many times and I’m not sure what else to do
This is 32 bit windows 7 btw
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maypop-the-dragon · 8 months
PSA: Free Software
Reading this may really save your time, privacy, and money! Reblog or share to spread awareness!
Folks often use software that’s expensive and sometimes even inferior because they don’t know there are alternatives. So to those unfamiliar: basically, free and open-source (FOSS) or "libre" software is free to use and anyone can access the original code to make their own version or work on fixing problems.
That does not mean anyone can randomly add a virus and give it to everyone—any respectable libre project has checks in place to make sure changes to the official version are good! Libre software is typically developed by communities who really care about the quality of the software as a goal in itself.
There are libre alternatives to many well-known programs that do everything an average user needs (find out more under the cut!) for free with no DRM, license keys, or subscriptions.
Using libre software when possible is an easy way to fight against and free yourself from corporate greed while actually being more convenient in many cases! If you need an app to do something, perhaps try searching online for things like:
foss [whatever it is]
libre [whatever it is]
open source [whatever it is]
Feel free to recommend more libre software in the tags, replies, comments, or whatever you freaks like to do!
Some Libre Software I Personally Enjoy…
LibreOffice is an office suite, much like Microsoft Office. It includes equivalents for apps like Word, Excel, and Powerpoint, which can view and edit files created for those apps.
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I can't say I've used it much myself yet. I do not personally like using office software except when I have to for school.
OpenShot Video Editor is, as the name suggests, a video editing program. It has industry-standard features like splicing, layering, transitions, and greenscreen.
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I've only made one video with it so far, but I'm already very happy with it. I had already paid for a video editor (Cyberlink PowerDirector Pro), but I needed to reinstall it and I didn't remember how. Out of desperation, I searched up "FOSS video editor" and I'm so glad I did. There's no launcher, there's no promotion of other apps and asset packs—it's just a video editor with a normal installer.
GNU Image Manipulation Program is an image editor, much like Photoshop. Originally created for Linux but also available for Windows and MacOS, it provides plenty of functionality for editing images. It is a bit unintuitive to learn at first, though.
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I've used it to create and modify images for years, including logos, really bad traceover art, and Minecraft textures. It doesn't have certain advanced tech like AI paint-in, but it has served my purposes well and it might just work for yours!
(Be sure to go to Windows > Dockable Dialogs > Colors. I have no idea why that's not enabled by default.)
Audacity is an audio editing program. It can record, load, splice, and layer audio files and apply effects to them.
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Audacity is another program I've used for a long time. It is not designed to compose music, but it is great for podcasts, simple edits, and loading legacy MS Paint to hear cool noises.
7-Zip is a file manager and archive tool. It supports many archive types including ZIP, RAR, TAR, and its own format, 7Z. It can view and modify the contents of archives, encrypt and decrypt archives, and all that good stuff.
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Personally, I use 7-Zip to look inside JAR files for Minecraft reasons. I must admit that its UI is ugly.
Firefox is an internet browser, much like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Safari. While browsers are free, many of them include tracking or other anti-consumer practices. For example, Google plans to release an update to Chromium (the base that most browsers are built from these days) that makes ad blockers less effective by removing the APIs they currently rely on.
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Aside from fighting monopolies, benefits include: support for animated themes (the one in the picture is Purple Night Theme), good ad blockers forever, an (albeit hidden) compact UI option (available on about:config), and a cute fox icon.
uBlock Origin
As far as I know, uBlock Origin is one of the best ad blockers there is.
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I was on a sketchy website with my brother, and he was using Opera GX's ad blocker. Much of the time when he clicked on anything, it would take us to a random sponsored page. I suggested that he try uBlock Origin, and with uBlock Origin, that didn't happen anymore.
Linux is a kernel, but the term is often used to refer to operating systems (much like Windows or MacOS) built on it. There are many different Linux-based operating systems (or "distros") to choose from, but apps made for Linux usually work on most popular distros. You can also use many normally Windows-only apps on Linux through compatibility layers like WINE.
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I don't have all four of these, so the images are from Wikipedia. I tried to show a variety of Linux distros made for different kinds of users.
If you want to replace your operating system, I recommend being very careful because you can end up breaking things. Many computer manufacturers don't care about supporting Linux, meaning that things may not work (Nvidia graphic cards notoriously have issues on Linux, for example).
Personally, I tried installing Pop!_OS on a laptop, and the sound output mysteriously doesn't work. I may try switching to Arch Linux, since it is extremely customizable and I might be able to experiment until I find a configuration where the audio works.
Many Linux distros offer "Live USB" functionality, which works as both a demo and an installer. You should thoroughly test your distro on a Live USB session before you actually install it to be absolutely sure that everything works. Even if it seems fine, you should probably look into dual-booting with your existing operating system, just in case you need it for some reason.
Happy computering!
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insirisarts · 4 months
Origins of Olympus - Reimagined: Prologue
Hello! I have been working for a while now on a reimagined version of an old Minecraft series I used to watch. This is in no way me commenting on the writing or story of the original series, I was just inspired to see how I could write it based on what we were given in the original. Also, if you see any way that I can improve my writing, or any grammar/spelling mistakes please let me know!
Please watch the original Origins of Olympus series, while this story does make major changes; the series made by the Origins MCRP crew is important to understanding the Reimagining, and it's good to support the original material if you can. It's free on YouTube with multiple perspectives.
In this world, we have been left behind by the gods. After the Twelve Olympians had defeated the titans and locked them away in Tartarus; they had returned to the acropolis upon Olympus. However, not before spreading their influence far and wide. Now their children reside to continue their legacy, fighting through trials of life and death in order to prove themselves in this harsh, new world filled with monsters and beasts alike. But now we focus on a select few children of these gods, whose story will tell the tale of both the greatest joys and the deepest sorrows. A story that has only just begun.
'Delphyne is the name given, by some accounts, to the monstrous serpent killed by Apollo. She was my mother…’
A woman slithers past the cabins in the sacred oasis, making sure every one of them is properly cleaned. She checked every bed to be certain that the sheets and duvets were changed, and the drawers and closets were empty. Assured herself that all weapon stands were in perfect display condition. That each building was fit for the soon arriving children of the gods. The egos of the gods were sure to have passed on, and they would not accept anything less but the best.
Leaving the final cabin, satisfied with the cleanliness of the structures, she moved on. Gazing upon the lush plants surrounding the path, she took in the light atmosphere of the moon-lit area. Bright green grass, blooming flowers, well maintained bushes, and towering trees. She allowed herself to smile slightly, accepting the small moment of peace.
‘She wasn’t as vile as the story's make her out to be… she was only doing as she felt necessary to protect the Oracle of Delphi.’
Next was the mess hall and checking that it was suitably supplied with food and drink for the upcoming months. Inside the storage area of the building, were massive piles of the freshest meat and produce. Nectar and ambrosia, well-aged, lined the walls. It was more than plenty for the summer.
‘Despite all of her valiant attempts, she failed. Regardless of it all, her death doesn't pain me… and I do not ask for pity; I’ve had time to overcome my grief, and her legacy reigns on. That’s why I’m here. After her death, I had taken the Oracle to The Oasis of Demeter, a camp of sorts for the children of the gods to earn their worth. I, more so, see it as a sanctuary.’
Finally, she looked over the Oracle's abode, the house protecting the sacred being. It was her job to make sure they never got hurt.
‘And I plan to keep it, and you, safe.’
“C’mon!” Came a shout in the dark, thundering hoofsteps following closely behind, the loud screeching of an axe echoing hauntingly in the clustered forest. The minotaur was hot on his steed's heels, making the poor horse panic. A cliff came into view and the animal had come to a sudden stop, sending its master flying into the rocks and moist dirt below. A shrill whine reverberated from the animal as it sprinted away. 
“Woh-woh-woh-woh!” exclaimed the ashen man, landing harshly with an “OOF!”. “Shadow! Shadow!” He cried, now covered in scrapes and patches of dark mud. A monstrous cry echoed from the cliff followed by the harsh thuds of what could only be assumed as fallen trees. The man had no time to collect himself before getting up and back into a sprint. The sounds of hooves squelching in the mud only made the man run faster to escape. Wishing that he had waited until morning to make his expedition.
Short on breath, he quickly took shelter behind a tree. Quietly he prayed to his godly father that the monster wouldn't find him. Slowly building his courage, he peaked around to aim his bow at the beast; he knew that his archery was nowhere near the skill of his father and siblings, but he was desperate. He took a slow steady breath, preparing to take aim… only for the monster to suddenly burst into flames. Confused, the man leaves his hiding spot and looks around, dropping the bow to a resting position. 
“Well…” he breathed. “Let’s hope that was you dad…” He mumbled to himself, cautiously walking away from the scene, he had a horse to find and a place to be after all.
Arrows could be heard flying, followed by two pairs of feet running in the opposite direction. A man dressed in black, white and yellow sprinted past the surrounding monsters, sustaining minor injuries from attacks. A woman with hoven feet and horns turned to their adversaries and returned fire, trying her best to prevent any more harm to the other. As they made more and more distance between themselves and the beasts, the woman ushered the other to follow her. As grass bled into sand the pair took a small break, they finally lost their pursuers. There was still a lot of distance to cover to where they were going, but they had time as it was hardly noon. Snacking on their rations, they continued onward into the endless desert, keeping their eyes open for the gateway defended by towering statues.
A young man rises from the estuary that connects the desert to the nearby gulf. His blue and brown eyes stare in amazement at the towering statues that guard the gate of the camp; lit overhead by the high-noon sun. Aquatic life all around him began to announce his presence. Offering a soft smile of appreciation, the man leaves the water. Sand sticks to his wet leg armor and skin, creating a dry grainy texture that itches, but it hardly distracts him from the wondrous scene. Towering trees reach over the marble wall, framing the sky beautifully. If he was going to learn anything about himself, it would be here. He is sure of it.
Slowly, the world came to him. A fog lifted from his head as he stretched his arms and back, opening his eyes to gaze at the great Helios’s sun. It seemed to be slightly past noon, a moment where the bright chariot would be illuminating all of the surrounding world with little areas of shade. Glancing out to the land, he took in the beauty of it all; The sea of grass flowing in the wind, sparse spots of tree cover, an accumulation of rolling hills and distant mountains bringing it all together. It was serene. So, so serene. He felt so light. The world was still so fuzzy. He almost became dead to it again. Eyes slipping closed to soak it all in once more…
…Hm, wasn’t he forgetting something?...
Suddenly, he shot into full consciousness. A spike of adrenaline washing away the groggy listlessness in his mind. “I’m late!” He exclaimed, scrambling to get his things in order. Strapping his once abandoned satchel onto his belt, storing his red and white dual-bladed sword and grabbing his most recent gift from the gods. A purple and green sword that came around into a hook; making a sort-of eye shape, vines with rose thorns, black detailing on the blade, and a large purple rose as the cross-guard. “Oh gods, I’m going to miss the meet up and the tour if I don’t hurry!” He fretted, rushing to the camp for young demi-gods.
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artistic-moth-man · 3 months
So I've been wondering if I should make this update post and I decided I'm gonna
Basically it's just to let you guys all know what exactly is going on in my unmedicated ADHD Brain by explaining every single project of mine that's currently in the works. pretty much nothing in this list is released yet so don't go looking for them
Starting off with stuff I'm collaborating with others on
Danny and the Light - an original graphic novel on webtoon that got cancelled and is getting rebooted (don't get excited though we're taking our time with it) with @stormcloudquill
Chrysalis Chronicles - An original illustrated novel or graphic novel (i haven't decided) that's ripping off/fixing all the things wrong about harry potter; with @thekrazykitsune
Mincraft Diaries - Yep! Aphmau's Minecraft Diaries, rekindled and made into fanfiction and/or a graphic novel (probably both) and this one will actually have an ending; also with @thekrazykitsune
Avatar: Lion Turtle Heart - a fanfic graphic novel about a firebending avatar after korra named Akira working to unravel the mysteries of her past self, Avatar Kazu, and his death that even she can't comprehend, as well as the strange appearance of a baby lion turtle that Akira now has to care for. Doing this with @mayday396
now for fanfic works I'm doing alone
Legend of Emily Windsnap - Rebooting Emily Windsnap's story in fanfiction form. this fic is actually going to be released some time this or next year (hopefully this year but shit's hitting the fan on my life currently) and book 1 is actually near finished!
Digidestined Diaries - a reboot of seasons 1-4 of Digimon in either fic or graphic novel form. may or may not do this with stormcloud, but I'm not sure. the thing that makes this so special is that tamers and frontier take place in the same universe as adventure. yes, takato meets Tai, and no it does not go well for the others involved
Wizard101, The Legacy of Atlas - telling a story heavily based off the first arc of Wizard101 quests with a balance wizard as a main character, featuring the friends they make and the enemies they face as the chosen one to defeat Mallistaire. this will absolutely be in fic form, most likely with illustrations
Bloom's Magic, Beta writing - a written fanfic reboot of Winx Club as a beta version of the story I planned with Storm. the comic version of BM is currently on the backburner and is gonna have some differences to the written version, but it'll be something I promise
Finally, some original works that I plan on publishing!
Chronos and Kalayah - a Time Traveler named Chronos rushes around time looking for their best friend, an immortal named Kalayah. the two of them constantly avoid the temporal police while simultaneously helping Kalayah survive being a black lesbian in American history. likely only going to consist of one book and have a novel and graphic novel form
Call My Soul - a Magic Girl series featuring Blake Janes, an ordinary boy who stumbles upon an alien named Alexandrite. Alex is tasked with keeping safe the artifacts of the ancient magical shogunate, whose spirits end up choosing Blake and his gal pals to protect themselves from the evil prince Tsukuyomi, who wants nothing more than the artifacts. this graphic novel gets really gay really fast so strap in when it comes out
Roll For Adventure - a young boy named Matt who loves playing DnD is isekai'd into a land straight out of Lord Of The Rings, and he is absolutely stoked. while he is looking for a portal back home, his elf friend Sequoia and Orc friend Yevelda help him fight his way through the coming war between the eight races. Fun Fact; I use my dice to help the characters make decisions. even major story beats are going to be up to my D20!
Lucifer the Good - this story is precious to me, and hard to describe. it involves four kids being isekai'd into a world filled with magical monsters and elemental creatures, being guided by a young voice to find secret angels, all while villainous demons under King Devil work to stop the kids from ever leaving this new world. even worse, the human kids are the only ones who can undo the vile curse on the land of magic.
that's all the stories that I'm actively working on, but I do have at least 10 more that I'm leaving on the backburner to focus on these ones! Call My Soul is also getting very little attention, but I am actively working on it! I'm seriously hoping at least one of my original works will be released to the public by 2025, but again, life is crazy. anyway, my next few posts are gonna involve Digidestined Diaries while I work on finishing up Emily Windsnap Book 2 and finalize book 1. there's only one change I wanna make, then I'll get to releasing it to AO3 and Wattpad! I promise, at least one of these will be worth the wait :3
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danielt1985 · 6 months
Learning To Love Minecraft Again (A Thread)
Written by Daniel T. Gaming
I've been recently falling in love with Minecraft again. After so long of not playing it. I decided to pick it back up & play it again, and It has been one of my favorite things to play in SO long. However, I did a few things to spruce up my newly found interest.
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1. A Fresh Client I had decided to switch over from the tradition Minecraft launcher to the ATLauncher, a mod-eccentric client. And while it may look a tad confusing, it's actually very handy. I am now able to save as many different versions of Minecraft I wanted without my save files or mods controlling one another, unlike the official Minecraft launcher. on top of that, the official launcher also installs a bunch of useless Xbox junk because, well, Microsoft.
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2. Bringing Back The Old With the ATLauncher's ability to save as many versions of Minecraft with their own dedicated files & saves, I am now safely able to play older versions of Minecraft as my heart desires.
Right now, I'm playing 2 different versions, Beta 1.7.3 (A version regarded by a LOT of people as one of the best versions of Minecraft to play today), and Release 1.5.2 (The first ever version of the game I EVER played back in 2012). I will still pick up & play Release 1.20 cuz I do like a lot of the new decor pieces & things, but if I ever just want to play a standard game of Minecraft, I have these 2 versions to keep me occupied.
There's also the old legacy versions from Consoles that people are coming back to, but I haven't gotten to those yet, but planned on them soon.
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3. Making My Own Goals
My mind has always saw that "Beating the Ender Dragon" was the ultimate goal of Minecraft, and that once it's done, it's done. And while a part of me still feels that way, I'm slowly moving away from that, because that mindset has literally KILLED so many of my past Minecraft maps, and I deeply regret it.
So I started to make my own goals & my own rules. My current survival map never had a bulk smelting machine, so I added one. I never got to refine my mine & make it more like an actual mineshaft, so I got to go & do that.
I don't just want to make Minecraft a point A -> B kinda game. I want to make it a game about creating as much stuff as you can. There are people in this world who have been able to build worlds that have taken them over a DECADE to finish... so why not give yourself that same level of encouragement?
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4. Playing With Friends I recently managed to get a personal Minecraft server going on an old PC. And playing with my friends has been an AMAZING experience. It's actually pretty cheap to run a server nowadays, and Bedrock editions now have general multiplayer support, so playing with friends is now becoming even EASIER than ever before.
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5. Modding Makes The Difference Although I haven't got to do this one yet, I *am* planning on it, as it's been talked about by a LOT of people. There are actually a handful of mods out there that are not just for entertainment, but for bringing fresh vanilla-eccentric changes to Minecraft to keep its charm that it had in its early stages. Two that I have heard of are ReIndev & Better Than Adventure. Both of which actually run off of Beta 1.7.3 too, so that's neat!
I think personally, what these two mods are doing are GREAT, and I cannot wait to play them.
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6. Making It Personal
Personally, I've been handling the game on a more personal level, and not too personal to where it's overbearing, but I mean as in I like to just do traditional fan things that I've done long ago. Watch Minecraft videos, pull out the old Minecraft merch I had from when I was young, listen to the soundtrack, etc.
I haven't felt this attached to Minecraft in SO long, but I am glad it's coming back. I might make this whole thing into a video, but until then, I wanted to make this thread to tell you all how I managed to finally get back in touch with Minecraft.
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Written by @/officialdaydreamer00
- Reblog instead of Like
- Under no circumstances may you repost, modify my works or feed them to AI
- Translations are only allowed once asked for permission. I will personally hunt you down if otherwise.
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ɪɴᴅɪᴠɪᴅᴜᴀʟ ᴅʀᴀʙʙʟᴇꜱ:
—» twst
✧ DANCE WITH ME! (the tweels)
✧ GOOD OLD-FASHIONED LOVER BOY (cater, jade, floyd, malleus)
✧ MISMATCHED SOCKS (the tweels)
✧ A GIFT FOR YOU (all the dorms)
—» character/oc interactions
✧ A BOUQUET OF FLOWERS (ft. Florianne LaFleur and Ortho Shroud)
—» mutuals shenanigans
✧ FLOYD'S MERMAY AFTER PARTY with the Debtor (ft @cloudcountry) and Cone snail (ft @siren-serenity)
✧ Lovesick Cater and Jade brainrot (ft. @ceruleancattail)
✧ ATHENA'S CHILDREN MOVIE NIGHT (ft. @dove-da-birb and @taruruchi)
✧ I WON'T SAY (I'M IN LOVE) (ft. @aqua-beam, @cookiesandbiscuits, @i-like-forgs, @identity-theft-101, and @cloudcountry)
ɪᴍᴀɢɪɴᴇꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ:
—» twst
✧ WHEN YOU WISH UPON A STAR (ace, floyd, silver)
✧ KISSES FROM THEM (octatrio)
✧ CHOMP!! (idia)
✧ BREAK TIME! (riddle, vil)
✧ CARRYING THEM IN YOUR ARMS (riddle, jade, malleus)
—» crossovers
✧ Idia in Camp Half-blood (TWST x PJO)
✧ The original idea for "Child of Wisdom, Legacy of the Dreams"
—» randoms
—» twst
savanaclaw & octavinelle
scarabia & pomefiore
ignihyde & diasomnia
ramshackle & nrc staff
first years
second years
third years
—» obey me!
the brothers
the dateables + guests
—» hazbin hotel + helluva boss
hotel gang
hell's overlords
angels + fallens
—» oc lore
part 1
part 2 (ft @siren-serenity)
episode 1
episode 2
episode 3 ..... ✍🏻️ (discontinued)
✧ DREAM DIARY 👁️ (discontinued)
sneak peak!
the first dream
concept: silver in dream diary
dream record, log 32: the children of the dreamscape
dream record, log 3 (unarchived): dr. iris ambrose
the second dream ..... ✍🏻️ (discontinued)
sneak peak
the lore
creation and chaos
(One Piece x DSMP!Reader)
(Twst x Minecraft!Oc)
✧ Three of Crows 🪭
(HxH OC insert)
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7grandmel · 8 months
Todays rip: 19/01/2024
Fragile Snowman (Remastered)
Season 3 Featured on: Inspector Gunner 2 With Critic
Ripped by MtH, IAmMelloYello, Chaze the Chat
Following up directly on yesterday's post, one of the most notable events that happened during Season 3, one that was covered with a lot of love by the SiIvaGunner team in MAGFest 2019: SiIvaGunner Presents - High Quality Ripping, was the Nostalgia Critic takeover. Somehow, despite running the blog for half a year's time at this point, I still haven't ever gotten to touch on this event, despite being one of the more fondly remembered parts of the Season. And, well, there IS kind of a reason for that?
See, what initially started as an event celebrating old YouTube reviewers in general (hence Inspector Gadget's presence during it and in the album), transitioned into a purely-Nostalgia Critic event - but rather than celebrating Doug Walker's legacy in particular, the takeover took a different approach. Playing on Walker's gimmick as a reviewer in particular, the event was focused specifically on being a "nostalgia"-event - in other words, aiming to specifically bring us in the audience back to the days of Season 1 through every rip uploaded. This theme wasn't quite as...immediately apparent as many other takeovers, be it with rips like Totally Shaaking Out Right Now in the Harlem Shakeover, or Fell From a High Place (Reprise) during the Minecraft music event. Because while those events pretty radically changed to a core theme, this nostalgia-themed event instead saw the channel return to a status quo it once had - reuploads of several prior-lost Season 1 rips, new rips that were intentionally simplistic and often off-key, and an overall focus on the kinds of jokes that were all the rage in Season 1.
It was a genuinely really fun time, yet it was simultaneously hard to think of a fitting rip to represent it all with - in my eyes, it's one of those events that only truly worked in the moment, surrounded by all these rips that formed a cohesive whole. But Fragile Snowman (Remastered) is as close as it gets, I think - a loving remake of a true classic of Season 1. I've talked before of just how much I love it when rips of all sorts get dug back up for another shot at live with Violet Snow Memories from earlier this year, and this event was really the first time that we ever got a concentrated dose of that feeling throughout an entire takeover - and despite the rip of today's post only being two years old at that point, the nostalgia for it had already set in for me.
As described by Chaze the Chat in the aforementioned MAGFest panel, a big part of the fun with Season 1 was its sense of...spontaneousness, that you never really knew what to expect due to there simply not being much of any expectations set up by prior channel history in the first place. And as a result, we got a lot of rips much like the original Fragile Snowman - a mashup between Snowman as featured in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Fragile by Tech N9ne. There's a lot of rips like this even today, mashing up more chill video game music with hip-hop music that doesn't necessarily have much memetic quality, and while a lot of them can slip through the cracks of the SiIvaGunner audience, Fragile Snowman really did stick - enough to warrant two remasters made of it, with Fragile Snowman (Remastered) being the final stop the rip's made thus far.
There's so many small things fixed and tweaked in this final remastered version, yet it still sounds exactly as you'd imagine a mashup between the two songs to sound - which is, really, the best tell for it being an excellent remaster. The Nostalgia Critic takeover, while less bombastic and loud than many other events, was one that most every SiIvaGunner fan loved specifically because it focused on something we were ALL fans of - SiIvaGunner itself - and reminded us of just how far we'd come in just two short years. All these years later, there was indeed another event somewhat similar to this Nostalgia Critic takeover that happened just recently in Season 7, but...that's a story for another time.
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New patch for the Bedrock Edition release of Thickly Be-Beveled Buttons is now available on Planet Minecraft! Featuring fixes to some things I missed before and also the flicker on the sidebar button! Plus some small tweaks to the VDX: Desktop UI compatibility.
Pack now affects the Realms Button on the Title Screen and the "SUBSCRIBE NOW" tab in the Realms Plus section of the Marketplace. (Added textures, JSON)
The text on the "Add a 10 player Realm" button on the "Choose a Realm Server" screen and the "SUBSCRIBE NOW" tab in the Realms Plus section of the Marketplace are now the correct color when using the "Classic Blue" subpack. (Added JSON)
The button at the bottom of the expanded sidebar should no longer flicker when changing states for the first time in a session. (Added JSON)
'Accessibility' Button now looks the same using VDX: Desktop UI v3.0 and above as it does using Legacy Desktop UI v1.2.9 and below. (Added texture)
Cross Button now uses the correct shade of white on its X when using VDX: Desktop UI v3.0 and above. (Added textures)
Added textures for the 'warning' and 'error' exclamation marks on the World Select Screen (with VDX: Desktop UI v3.0 and above) for pixel size consistency. Not sure where CrisXolt put them, but they seem to be used somewhere.
Fixed some slightly miscolored pixels on the textures for the Java Edition report button (VDX: Desktop UI). (Edited textures)
Tweaked bevels on the Java Edition Recipe Book Button to more closely align with similar graphics in vanilla Java Edition. (Edited textures)
Remembered to actually change the pack's internal version number. It should no longer be read as v1.2.1. (Edited JSON)
Tweaked sizes of vanilla button textures, custom sidebar button textures, VDX: Old Days UI button textures, VDX: 4JD UI button and slider textures, and their associated nineslice information to avoid slices with a size of zero (Edited textures, JSON). Have not yet tweaked custom VDX: Old Days UI button textures due to issues with Menu Buttons of Stone.
Tweaked sizes of all ninesliced Java Edition textures and their associated nineslice information to reduce file size. (Edited textures, JSON; added JSON)
Cropped all old Java Edition sprite sheets to reduce file size. If this causes any issues, please let me know. (Edited textures)
Removed old Java Edition sprite sheets for the report button and the Server Selection Screen, since VDX: Legacy Desktop UI doesn't seem to use them. If this causes issues, please let me know.
Removed Java Edition crafting and furnace overlay textures since VDX: Desktop UI doesn't seem to use them. If this causes issues, please let me know.
Global variable "$cb_is_thick_menu_buttons_v1.2.2" is now "$cb_is_thick_menu_buttons_v1.2.3". It should be apparent how I will continue to update this variable, so I will stop putting it on the changelog now. (Edited JSON)
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yb-cringe · 1 month
please tell me about daylight owl? There’s monsters? Does it use mods? There’s two brothers in the mess of it all? I am intrigued…
oh im so glad you asked.
basically; Matt and Steve are brothers who end up accidentally unleashing a terrible evil onto the world by going into creative mode in Minecraft Beta and digging below the bedrock since that was a new thing at the time (again. 2011)
Shit happens and they release a something called the Daylight Owl, a name chosen after a phrase about it being 'bad luck to see an owl during the day' or something along those lines.
They try to fix it and end up entangled in a weird sort of sprawling high fantasy universe, end up in the middle of a prophecy about dooming and saving the world, and another about said thing they let out 'possessing' or using the youngest sibling to become stronger/cause more chaos.
All the while they're trying to carry out the legacy of being Slayers, which is like this world's version of monster hunters that deep the evil at bay.
There's like. three mods. They're only used to add mobs and characters to the story, and set low expectations- it's 2011.
A lot of what really hooked me about this is that it feels exactly like it's time; It's a minecraft series with old textures and not the best audio and it's two guys doing their best to make a story.
It's not the best story ever, but it's fun and keeps you interested and as someone who really loved mcrp like mianite and yoglabs/soI, this scratched a realllyy old itch for me.
It gets that thing that I really love abt mcrps- which is that shit will happen and it has INSANE connotation for the world they live in, even if they don't fully address it.
They don't tell you Matt's fears because they didnt think that far. They just tell you, off handedly, that Matt doesn't like being in small spaces anymore.
So yeah, I like it! I think it's worth a try to watch, just to immerse yourself in the vibe of those older mcrp series.
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spiritfactory · 3 months
Minecraft is not a horror game.
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I recently began a new beta 1.7.3 Minecraft world, and it's been fun. It's nostalgic, even if I don't remember growing up with the version; it's challenging; it's simple; it's... eerie. Surprisingly, it's eerie. Creepy, even.
In-between expanding my house, gathering wood, or trying to find diamonds, I can't help but look over my shoulder from time to time. There's something about the loneliness, the bizarre world generation, the fog. My world feels haunted. I feel pursued.
I was a fanatic for Minecraft myths when I was a kid, probably due in part to being an avid player of the legacy Xbox 360 Edition. Herobrine sure enjoyed haunting those. Obviously, as I've grown older, I've become a bit more sensible, and these superstitions no longer get to me, but I just can't shake this paranoia. I had been exploring a cave, trying to find lapis for a build. Bridging over a perilous lava pit, I turn a corner and there's this... staircase? It's embedded in the ceiling, and I just see two creepers looking down at me. I had heard these unidentifiable footsteps earlier, so I suppose that's where they came from.
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The creepers jump off into the lava below and I complete the staircase, walking up to this section of the cave to find none other than lapis ore. How bizarre. I'd been searching for about 10 minutes at that point and only just now I find any, with this strange generation that leads me directly to it... like I'm being lured.
I get a bit freaked out from the coincidence and decide that, now that I have lapis, "I should leave." I say this out loud to myself only to then stumble across a diamond ore vein. The first one I break? A lava pool right under it. Thankfully, I had the sense not to mine downwards. Was the cave trying to kill me?
There's this interesting combination of factors that leads to beta Minecraft being a way creepier experience than modern. It's partially the mechanics, like having no natural health regeneration or sprinting, and it's also partially the atmosphere created from a lack of villagers or the dense fog that I've already mentioned. Sometimes, the game purposefully wants to unsettle you. Cave sounds and music discs.
I find this fascinating, personally. Minecraft's "horror legacy" hasn't truly ended either, even if I find modern more dull in that regard. Mods like "Cave Dweller" and etc. serve to flesh out the tense atmosphere by providing a real threat to be afraid of. Most of us know by now that a lot of these don't work. It's easy to just plop a boat below the Cave Dweller to render it completely harmless. My theory? Horror is born partially from limitations.
The survival horror genre is built almost entirely on limiting the amount of resources you have at your disposal. Minecraft, as a sandbox, gives its players too many options for dispatching threats. One of the easiest ways to deal with the Cave Dweller is to nerdpole (pillar up) or, alternatively, use a boat: The equivalent to bashing its knees in with a baseball bat. This is not effective horror (pfft)
Why is beta creepy then? Well, extending the previous logic, it's because of how limited you are as a player, but...
Horror is not simply the creature in the darkness. It is also the darkness itself. There would be no Herobrine without the fog he resides in, the fog you later disturb. Best get inside before night falls.
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dromaeo-sauridae · 5 months
any1 know how to get minecraft to work with cracked windows. i tried legacy launcher but apparently its shut down? i know theres another version of a launcher but i cant remember what it was and i think i tried it anyway
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honelle56 · 5 months
Part 2 I guess???????
Here we go again, thanks for ruining my sleed schedule Taylor. Much less thoughts this time, I am so tired and I didn't have lyrics until like halfway through lmao
17. The Black Dog
"Now I wanna sell my house And set fire to all my clothes And hire a priest to come and exercise my demons"
it's gonna be fine baby :(
What a beautiful song
18. imgonnagetyouback
wife :((( it makes me so sad every time
19. The Albatross
love the guitar!
okay I'm gonna be honest I am way too tired to figure out what any of those lyrics mean lmao
20. Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus
the title???
okay back to sad we go, cool
"Will I always wonder"
well fuck me I guess
21. How Did It End?
oh god the piano
"Come one, come all It's happening again"
I knew this line would break me
This was so beautiful
heeeey @ghostogie a shoutout to you!!!!! she mentioned you!!! You are beloved!!!!
"It's happening again"
God I wanna hugh her :(((( how everyone was immediately going to their 2016 mindset with Taylor the serial heartbreaker when Toe broke up god I need to smash something
22. So High School
GTA?? Can we get a minecraft mention???
23. I Hate It Here
Oh man, she is lonely :(
this song makes me sad but it's so pleasing to listen to
24. thanK you alMee
don't say it, don't say it, don't say it (i won't say it but @bluishfrog thought it too lmao)
"I wrote a thousand songs that you find uncool I built a legacy which you can't undo"
now who said this
"But when I count the stars, there's a moment of truth That there wouldn't be this, if there hadn't been you"
Ugh I guess
"And one day, your kid comes home singin' A song that only us two is gonna know is about you, 'cause—"
25. I Look in People's Windows
why is this so short???? Make it longer it was so beautiful :(
26. The Prophecy
"And it was written I got cursed like Eve got bitten"
We love some good bible references
somebody change the damn prophecy for her
"I'm so afraid I sealed my fate No sign of soulmates"
God this song hits me really hard
27. Cassandra
"When it's "Burn the bitch," they're shrieking When the truth comes out, it's quiet"
This is so incredibly Dream coded
28. Peter
"I thought it was just goodbye for now"
:((((( has anybody considered my feelings
"'Cause love's never lost When perspective is earned"
Jesus fucking christ can she chill
29. The Bolter
Okay so I assume that this is about Matty too but I actually like this version of the story hahah
Yeah good that she bolted lmfao
30. Robin
31. The Manuscript
"He said that if the sex was half as good as the conversation was Soon they'd be pushin' strollers"
"But soon it was over"
well fuck me i guess
What a great closing track!
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elbowreveal · 8 months
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radar-of-the-stars · 8 months
Ranking all portable ways to play Minecraft
Minecraft Java Edition (Steam Deck or other Portable PC): This is basically cheating, but it's super easy to set up on basically any portable PC, It's updated to the latest version, it has betas, it has full mod support, and the controls can be whatever you want thanks to Steam Input
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2. Minecraft Nintendo Switch Edition: this is the last version of Minecraft Legacy Console Edition, so it has all of the love and care that that version had, with the bonus of the Super Mario Mash-Up Pack. This version runs silky smooth with about a 10 chunk render distance, and has the easiest multiplayer on the list, assuming you can find other people with a discontinued version of Minecraft. This version of the game lacks a bunch of features because it was not updated past the Update Aquatic
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3. Minecraft Playstation Vita Edition: I adore the playstation vita, and this is the other portable version of Minecraft Legacy Console Edition, although there are some limitations that come with being on weaker hardware, like Multiplayer being limited to 4 players, a slightly lower render distance (about 5 chunks), and a smaller world size. The game controls better than the Switch version because the Playstation Vita is more ergonomic than the Switch, but other than that it's basically the same game.
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4. Minecraft (Android/IOS): Minecraft on Phones is better than you'd expect, but not much better, it has an 8-20 chunk render distance depending on the speed of your device and how okay you are with frame drops, which speaks to how much less stable this version of Minecraft is compared to the Java and Legacy Console Edtions are. There is mod support, but it's really lacking, and you are updated to the lastest version of the game. However, the touch screens just do not give Minecraft justice, so you would need a bluetooth controller, which have latency on both Android and IOS. Minecraft Bedrock Edition is missing a lot of the love found in the Legacy console versions, which really hurts it in the ranking.
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5. Minecraft New Nintendo 3DS Edition: Despite sounding like a legacy console version of Minecraft, it isn't, this one was developed by Other Oceans Interactive, and thus is also missing a lot of the love found on the Legacy Console Editions. this is also the least updated version of Minecraft on this list being stuck in the World of Color Update, it's also the weakest system Minecraft has ever had an official port for, being about as powerful as an Xbox or Wii, and that leads to a lot of technical limitations. Like the 4 chunk render distance and the fact that the game freezes when it autosaves, it also hangs in some worlds when large structures are being loaded. the controls are about as good as you could reasonably expect for a 3DS, and you get used to them very quickly. The UI is strange and in some parts unintuitive. Multiplayer is about as easy as it can be on a handheld because of the 3DS' Download Play feature.
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6. Minecraft (Nintendo Switch): This is the version of Minecraft that replaced the Legacy Console Edition, and it's bad, the render distance is 7 chunks and even then the game is quite framey, the touch screen literally does nothing, not even the presses buttons on the main menu. Multiplayer is somewhat easy in terms of split screen, but it makes the performance even worse, and the online features are barely there, (except for the marketplace, that works perfectly). The game is unstable, I've played for about 5 hours and in that time I got 7 crashes to the switch's home screen.
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leftforthestars · 7 months
15, 20, 29 for the ask game :P
15. my lucky number
4 !
20. 5 things i love
one, listening to music (especially justice).
two, my amazing boyfriend.
three, my best friends (the gay people in my computer).
four, minecraft xbox 360 edition, especially in the TU60 update. xbox one edition (the most easily accessible legacy console version of minecraft without any major updates from the aquatic update (released in 2018) to now) is in the TU65 update version and not much changed between TU60 and TU65 but still. ive been there since TU53 was released and damn if i dont long for when that was still the only version of minecraft i ever knew. anyway.
five, sleeping.
29. sweet or salted popcorn
honestly. both. also theres this banger restaurant/market called eatzi's, and they have the most amazing popcorn ever. i highly recommend it
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1358456 · 7 months
Generation IX Pokemon Nicknames, Part 1
All this about Scarlet made me want to take a look at all the Generation IX Pokemon, their stats, and what nicknames I would give them if I ever raised one.
... Believe it or not, but Yakuza 8 is the biggest reason why I suddenly got into a Pokemon mood, hence the Crystal version run recently.
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Yakuza 7 introduced the Sujimon joke, but only had the Sujimon professor and the Sujidex. But 8 actually has the Sujimon types, Sujimon League, the Discreet Four, actual battles, and a reference to how messed up everything is. "Your Blaze type Sujimon damages an enemy, hoping desperately to gain your approval."
So anyways, here goes. ... I doubt I'll have that many more Starcraft references for these nicknames, since I almost got every unit already.
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A Grass type jester that blows up its flowers? Hmm... Maybe "Hwatan"? A pun using Korean-hanja term for garden "hwadan", but "tan" for bullet/bomb.
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A Fire Spanish-death-festival gator... I don't know. Well, not all can get a nickname from me, and I ran out of fire-based units from Starcraft.
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Can't get away from these Fighting type starters... "Duck Quixote". ... At least it used to be a duck. Kind of looks like Keldeo in a way.
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I would never make these, so no nickname.
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So this is the evolution form of that thing Scarlet has. Its stats are horrendous, so I would never make this thing.
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Kind of looks like a robotic bug. "Mechahopper"!
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The hell is this thing? Kind of looks like a merge of a Raichu and... er... that thing that evolves into Hariyama in Generation III. (Looking it up) Ah, Makuhita. I don't remember that name at all. Hmm... I guess I'd call this thing a "Makuchu".
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What kind of rodent gives birth to one offspring at a time? This thing has Spd but nothing else (suitably) so... I would not make one. If I did, I'd call it "Ratpack".
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A dog made of buns. ... "Hotdog"?
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An olive tree... Grass/Normal? They're giving away Normal typing to things that aren't typeless? Well, this is an olive tree, so I'd probably call it "Olive Tree" because I don't really care for this thing.
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This thing reminds me of Chatot for some reason. ... Does this bird have like a mullet? ... I don't know.
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That's a Minecraft mob if I've ever seen one. And "nacl", so... sodium chloride. So it's a block of salt, huh? Hmm... I'd call this thing "Widow Mine". Or "Spider Mine", if I make a second one. Because one, Minecraft, and two, both are Terran units. Spider Mine, the very explosive mine that Terran Vultures lay in Starcraft, and Widow Mine, the very explosive Terran unit in Starcraft 2. And everyone knows that the saltiest players in existence are Terran players.
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Huh, that's pretty cool. One got the armor upgrade, the other got the weapons upgrade. Ceruledge looks like a Protoss Centurion from the Legacy of the Void campaign. I might call both as "Forge". Protoss Forge, the structure where you can get Ground Weapons, Ground Armor, and Plasma Shields upgrades. And unlike the other races, Protoss usually only makes 1 Forge, so you can't get Weapons and Armor upgrades at the same time.
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... ??? This thing looks like a lot of things. An old fashioned alarm clock, a target, and it looks like it has a record on its belly. Well, since it looks like it has a disc of some sorts on its belly, I guess I'd call it "D Drive"? If it looked like a floppy disc on its belly, then it would've been the "A Drive".
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Another Electric type. Given its typing and Ability... "Turbine".
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"Guard Dog" because... well... duh.
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What the hell is that thing... A toxic monkey, eh? Hmm... sounds like the average commenter on Starcraft Reddit and Blizzard forums... Probably another Diamond League Terran. Hmm... I don't know.
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Turns out this town really wasn't big enough for both of them. I'd call it "Desperado", the gunslinger job in Yakuza 8.
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Huh. Tentacruel, but fungus edition. ... "Shroom City". It's my GlitchCity the Tentacruel but... mushroom.
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... Did its name get cut off, or does it just end like that? It looks like a Krabby for obvious reasons, so... "Klabby".
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A Grass/Fire? That's new. Looks like a green bell pepper and a red one for its heads. ... I mean, this thing has to be called "FRLG".
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The scarab that rolls excrements has somehow turned it into a ball of psychic energy? My super creative nickname will take its two syllables and rearrange them to get "Scarab". Unfortunately it doesn't learn Explosion so it's not a Protoss Reaver's exploding Scarab.
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A Psychic type ostrich? Or is it a turkey? If it's a turkey, I'll call it "Nugget", the "turkey" that you win in Yakuza 0 for bowling a turkey. A turkey for a turkey, except you don't get a cooked turkey dinner, but instead, a live chicken. "It's a lot more... fresher than I thought it'd be!"
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A Pokemon Minecraft player? "Minemon".
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... I... don't know.
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Zero to Hero, Chump to Champ. I might call this thing as "Queen", the Starcraft 1 pro formerly known as Zero. He won 2 ASLs in a row (season 9 and 10) and was lauded as the possibly best player after Flash, but then... he failed to even qualify for ASL season 17 that starts in a few days. And now he's being viciously torn apart (verbally) by other pros in team leagues. From chump to champ to back to a "chump". ... I mean, he'd still definitely steamroll someone like me while drunk out of his mind and only playing with a mouse while off-racing...
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Is that a vacuum cleaner Pokemon? ... Oh, it's like a motor cycle of sorts? ... Screw it. It's a vacuum cleaner to me. I will call it "Sojimaru", the city-wide vacuum cleaning robot made by Dr. Okita in Yakuza 7 and 8, that even sucks up social trash in Yakuza 8! Obvious reference to Okita Soji, the Majima of Yakuza Ishin.
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A motorcycle... lizard? Now that's a "Ride Pokemon" if I've ever seen one.
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A Steel type worm. ... I will call it "Metalworm", the Sujimon in Yakuza 8 which is basically a dude wrapped up in a sleeping bag made of steel, which resists every single attack type.
And... it seems there's an image limit now, so I'll have to do the rest in the next post.
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