#origins of olympus reimagined
insirisarts · 4 months
Origins of Olympus - Reimagined
Chapter 1: Welcome to Camp Oasis!
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The sun beamed down onto the sand; the sky was clear of any clouds. The heat of the desert would’ve been unbearable for any human unlucky enough to be caught in its never-ending expanses. After all, mortals could not find their way to a place like this, especially not to its oasis. Even if they did, the gods would smite them for trespassing onto the sacred land. A place where the finest of greenery and produce grew; food was abundant, the water was so clean, you could drink it from the source, and filled with fauna so docile, even tigers could have been considered house pets. However, these individuals are by no means ‘mortals’. For these people are children of the gods. Blessed to walk the lands of Gaia with the grand powers of their parents. Striking the earth with powerful volts, bringing the motions of the tides, guiding souls to their final resting place, and even becoming the light of the sun themself.
An echidna stood tall on the entrance platform, backlit by the magic doorway behind her. Orange scales shining in the mid-afternoon sun. Her large wings sat solidly on her back, accentuating her posture. The woman's human upper half was covered with a red-orange dress, which was trimmed and decorated with gold. Gold bracelets were also placed on her upper and lower arms, and on the end of her serpent tail. Each of these bracelets were jeweled with three bright orange stones which matched her fiery irises. Scales traveled up the young woman’s body, spotting her shoulders, ears and face with the same burnt orange as the asymmetrical horns buried in her dark brown hair. Her heavy-lidded eyes surveyed over the slowly building group. Demi-gods to be specific.
“Hello everyone, I am Kaykrea and welcome to the Oasis of Demeter.” Kaykrea introduced, catching the attention of the present demi-gods. She had situated herself on the marble steps leading to the entryway of the camp, which was blocked by a form of powerful magic that none of the others could quite figure out. 
Beside her was a girl who had arrived earlier that day, a harpy named Marshie. She was white winged harpy, in a dark crop top with a long striped light purple shawl that fell past her shoulders. Her laurel was decorated with small golden sunflowers and sat atop her long strawberry blond hair, some of which had been pulled back to make a cute loose ponytail. Her outfit was finished off with some jean shorts that stopped above her more eagle shaped legs and taloned feet. They had taken time to chat during the wait and already found that they got along rather well.
“I will be your designated camp counselor.” Kaykrea's large, scaled wings spread to frame her sculpted body; her lower serpent body raising the human half to stand tall over all of the campers. “Today will just be a simple meet-and-greet with a tour of the campgrounds. Then we will have a short session with The Oracle later this evening.” 
Many already had looks of admiration or excitement on their faces; except for a man with long shaggy white and red hair off to the side, who simply rolled his eyes at her. She figured that this one may eventually become a problem and mentally noted to keep an eye on him. “First will be introductions, we will start with you.” She stated, pointing at a man with black hair and yellow highlights, frizzed by what appeared to be static. 
The man stood a bit straighter now that the attention was on him, his black eyes widening slightly from being singled out, “I am Mario, son of Zeus, God of storms and lightning!” Mario proclaimed. His looks only pushed the idea. His toga was black and yellow with hints of white under the garment and light blue accents. Lightning motifs could be found in his laurel, arm armor and his white sash in the form of a lightning shaped fibula brooch. Throughout his arms and legs, his veins seemed to glow an electric yellow on his sun-tanned skin. He stood with confidence, almost looking like he was about to burst with unstoppable energy.
The Echidna nodded in approval; a child of Zeus was sure to bring some excitement. “Thank you, Mario. Now you, the one in blue.” She moved on, gesturing to a man with a much shyer demeanor, as he sat much more hunched over compared to the rest of the group.
“Uhm… Jakey, one of the sons of Poseidon.” Jakey mumbled, just loud enough for Kaykrea to glean. Besides the small, high collard coverup on his shoulders, he was shirtless, showing off his swimmer's body. The armor over his left pec was layered and traveled over to part of his back, with large light blue inset jewels glittering in the light. At his hips sat a blue 5-layered skirt-like bottom that split at his right hip, the exposed part of which was covered by a cloth tied to the skirt. His arms and legs were protected by silver armor shaped like fish and similarly jeweled like the rest of his armor; his hands were covered in dark blue fingerless gloves. A tasteful crown was planted in his brown and blue hair with the same light blue gem, his hair had been put into a french-styled braid on both sides of his head that then came together into a long skinny braid in the back. On his back, sat a long bident with jewels spotted on the head, and the end had a shark fin shape.
Kaykrea nodded in satisfaction and was about to move on to the next camper when a new voice joined the group.
Distant shuffling sand could be heard from the distance. “I’m sorry, I’m here, hold on-!” Shouted a young man with short white hair. His ears were pierced and accompanied by golden ear clips covered in rose leaves. A cropped himation draped over his right shoulder which was pinned by a sort-of star shaped fibula brooch. His two-layered red skirt with gold trim swayed with the movement of his legs. He had shoulder pads that appeared to have rose designs that matched the rose on his dark gray belt, which matched the leather armor on his arms. Small white wings flared from the shoulder pads and his golden shoes. Two hooked swords were connected at the hilts which gave the shape of an S sat on his back along with a small satchel, assumedly a physical god pocket, likely it had all of his other essentials in its magic confines. He skidded to a stop with the rest of the group; bending over to catch his breath, using his knees as support.
“I, huf, apologize, hrff, I was distracted, hooh…” He rushed between labored breaths; his body lightly shook from overexertion.
“And… who might you be?” The orange serpent inquired, drawing out her sentence. 
With one last deep gasp of air, the white-haired man responded, “I’m Bryan, the son of Aphrodite; the goddess of love, beauty and passion herself!” Bryan flicked his hair back haughtily and stood with his head held high. The motion made him look back and lock his eyes onto Jakey. This made him freeze in the middle of his display; a light pink softy grazed his face, and he awkwardly took a few steps back to get a proper look at the other man, honey brown eyes holding an intense stare.
‘…Poor guy…’ Kaykrea sympathized, even though the boy in blue didn't even seem to notice Bryan. However, she quickly corrected herself and went back to the meet-and-greet. “Thank you, Bryan. Now then, let's move on to… you.” She brought attention to a man with ashy skin.
The man with the sides of his head shaved and a braid going down the back of his scalp, a chunk of which was bronze. Thick sideburns lead to a scruffy but well-trimmed beard. He awkwardly lifted his hand in a wave. 
“Ah, Xylo. Son of Apollo.” Xylo greeted. His laurel also had a bronze color, sporting, strangely enough, pomegranate leaves. Bronze spartan armor on his torso and lower legs, along with a layer of leather pteruges at his waist along with shoulder pads that had sun designs glazed on. Over his protective layer there was a bright multi-colored sash, going from a dark purplish blue to a bright sunny yellow curving around his body to also become his belt and dangling the leftover fabric in the front. The cloth was pinned down by bronze peronai on his right shoulder and where the cloth hung off at the belt, they were in the shape of the sun with four points, inside being bright yellow glaze. He had single point claw gauntlets in a similar sun shape attached to thick fingerless leather gloves. At his hips, an open hip cape hung to his knees, a bright pattern depicting a sun in a wavy sky adorned the garment. Another odd part of his look were his dark purple eyes, it almost looked like they didn’t belong, or that he didn’t belong.
Kaykrea had scrunched her nose in frustration, heavy lidded eyes glaring aggressively, bowing her head to show off her dark orange horns at the ashen man. Apollo… Apollo… Mother…
“Ah… thanks.” She bluntly stated.
Xylo had an expression of mild offense but decided to leave it be for the time being.
As the rest of the meeting went on, more of the godly children introduced themselves. A second son of Poseidon named Mitch. He too, lacked a shirt and wore a coverup on the upper part of his torso and wore a far more gaudy golden crown. Although, his face was half covered in black scales. He was much darker than Jakey, with a more deep sea/ocean look to match with his black and blue clothing, with small bioluminescent adornments. He also held the trident, at this mention, Jakey made his own snide remark about poor choices in part on their father. 
The man KayKrea had taken note of earlier was named Brandeen, who was a son of Ares. His style leaned towards more human than Olympian it appeared, not that it was any concern to her as plenty of gods and demi-gods had spent at least some time around mortals and their ever-expanding culture. His overall appearance was dark, his disheveled black and white striped shirt and ripped black pants made up part of his look. A dark red pleather biker jacket, which was accented with smaller bits of a brighter red, brought it all together. Around his arms were bandages with blades tied at the ends that pulsed with divine energy; those must be his weapons.
Further back was a Satyr woman named Relena, the adopted child of Artemis. Her hair was a subtle mix of light and dark brown. She was dressed in much more casual human clothing, having a halfway split turquoise and light pink short jacket over a plain white crop top, the pink matching her horns. The jacket had its sleeves ripped off, showing her strong arms. Her jeans were intentionally ripped at her knees, keeping it out of the way of her more animalistic legs and hooved feet. An attempt was made to paint her hooves the same pink as her horns. Slung across her hips sat an ornate silver bow with a quiver of arrows.
At the end of the lineup stood a man almost completely clad in black, battle armor being placed over his original clothing. His name was Brick, one of the very few children of Hades. He had a black war helmet with the holes for the face covered by a bright purple energy. His speech was short and abrupt, only giving his name and heritage in a sharply cold manner.
Kaykrea knew there were other campers yet to arrive, but she had to start with the tour before it got too late in the day. So, with a large flap of her orange wings, she instructed the present campers to follow her for the tour of the camp. Entering through the enchanted doors of Camp Oasis, guarded by large spear-wielding statues, they followed a small path. The path led to a sort-of roundabout, which had small sections of path that lead away to other parts of the camp. Surrounding the group was a quaint little garden, and at the roundabout’s center was a marble fountain that poured water as blue as the sky. Many flowers covered the area surrounding the outer rim of the path around the fountain. However, Bryan took particular interest in the Rose bushes.
“Oh, I heard about the nature here!” He exclaimed with adoration and fondness, earning him odd stares from the others. “About how it all seems to live or even thrive! These roses are beautiful, what do you do to make them grow like this?” He would have continued to fawn over the red flowers if he weren't interrupted.
“Bet you sure know a lot about this junk, huh?” Mario taunted. It sounded playful, but that didn’t stop Bryan from shooting the other with a sharp glare.
“Sure do…” The white-haired man mumbled. Mario sucked in his lips, like how one would with something sour, he figured that he shouldn’t have spoken up.
“Alright!” Kaykrea interjected, clapping her hands together to catch the two boys' attention. “Let's get a move on up the path!” She ushered, wanting to avoid a first day conflict.
Up the path was the training area. Fully packed with dummies, targets and even a small sparring ring with a little viewing area. A good handful of campers took potshots at the targets, using either their weapons or godly powers, with varying rates of success and accuracy. Further down was a sports area, consisting of both old Olympic sports and modern human sports. Next to the sports fields were the cabins. They were charming, being made in a rustic style and crafted from the same wood as the surrounding towering trees. She said that cabins would be assigned after the tour, during dinner. Most were able to house two or so people and stood overlooking the surprisingly close gulf that led out into the ocean. Nearby, a dock sat with fishing boats stranded on the shoreline. Fishing equipment had been provided on the dock, along with some outdoor cooking equipment in a small shed nearby. Next was the camp hall, for campers to meet and socialize. A bonfire circle sat just beside the mess hall, it had yet to be lit, although it seemed to have been recently stocked with firewood. 
“This is where we will have our rendezvous after you settle in and have dinner this evening.” She explained, letting everyone gather before continuing. “Then The Oracle will come and give us a free prophecy. Afterwards, you will earn the right to meet with them eventually, but that is a discussion for later throughout your stay.”
Then the mess hall. The Hall was very large, it would have no trouble fitting the entirety of the camp once they were all there. A heavenly smell came from the building, a mixture of sweet and savory that caused the campers mouths to water with anticipation. Finally, was the shower and bathroom area, having both separate and unisex washrooms, and a small bath house.
She pointed to a distant building. It was a small temple, with a securely locked door. So secure in fact that there was no lock, only magic.
“That is where The Oracle resides. You are not to bother them unless you are given passage, or they decide to summon you.” She declared with finality. Asserting that the building was fully off-limits otherwise. 
  With that the campers were released and left to their own devices. Some had gone to chat by the cabins and others went to either look around the camp or to use the training area. Kaykrea herself went to the mess hall to finish preparing for that night's feast.
Soon enough, they were brought back to the mess hall, where an entire buffet was set up. Different tables had different types of food. Fruits and vegetables were set to one side of the buffet. Large fruit bowls held exotic fruits not even native to their part of the world, and the veggies had been grown right on camp property and harvested that day. A range of different meats sat in the middle of the arrangement, from the finest steaks to moist and well-seasoned fowl and poultry, to fish from both fresh and saltwater. At the other end were deserts and drinks. Pies, cakes and pastries alongside juices, nectar and ambrosia. It was now bustling; some others had arrived at the camp over time and joined in on the festive atmosphere.
During this time, Kaykrea went around telling campers to take a card from a small deck. The cards were in pairs of colors and a cabin number, and those with matching pairs would bunk together. On occasion, some did not get a cabin mate, not that any of them seemed to mind, like Mitch. However, most did have two people. Xylo and Jakey, Relena and Brick, even Brandeen had a cabin buddy. Although, she had not learned his roommate's name yet. Glancing around, she could see the Demi-gods socializing, looking for anyone who had a matching card or simply enjoying the food. Bryan approached her to receive his card, fittingly, red. Not that she knew if anyone else had a red card, but she had caught a glimpse at his. She internally chuckled at the irony.
“Did anyone else get red?” He inquired over the crowd, causing a mild awkward silence as everyone else double checked their cards.
“Over here!” A voice replied, a hand darting up over the crowd to display their card.
Bryan made his way over to his roommate for the summer. Only to come face-to-face with Mario. He could hardly hide his disappointment. Obviously still salty about the comment made earlier that day. Mario held a poorly disguised expression of awkwardness, not knowing how to tackle the subject. Kaykrea was about to confront the two about perhaps changing cabins before the man in black and yellow asked if the shorter boy would be willing to meet with him outside. With a stiff nod, Bryan followed the fellow demi-god out the door. Just to be safe, the serpent woman discreetly accompanied the two.
The full moon hung at the edge of the sky, the final dim glow of the setting sun moments from vanishing. Cool night breezes chilled the earth from the heat of the summer day. The pair stood in silence, not sure how to begin the conversation. The tension was thick enough to be sliced by any blade. Which Mario dared to do.
“Listen, I’m sorry about earlier… I thought it sounded joking enough, but I could tell it flumped entirely.” He kept his warm black eyes on the ground, not really wanting to see the look the brown eyed boy was possibly giving him.
“Yeah, I get that.” Bryan spoke blankly, staring off in a random direction. “But it still hit a cord… kinda sounded like my mom…” This came out far more dejected.
“Really? Why would Aphrodite, of all gods, judge flower stuff?” The raven-haired man replied in mild shock.
“Not so much the flower thing, more so just not really understanding or accepting my interests…” The other supplied, “Me not being like my siblings… or her.”
“Oof, I feel you there, my dad doesn’t really give me much thought. Given that he has so many other kids.” Mario chuckled at his little jab at his father, he was right after all. Zeus wasn’t known for his… marital devotion.
“Not to mention that a lot of them have become either legendary heroes or have impacted history in some major way.” Mario ended his sentence with a light huff of amusement and an awkward lean “Those kinds of expectations can make someone pretty awkward huh?” he asked rhetorically, obviously trying to railroad to find common ground. 
Quickly, under his breath the black-eyed man added on, “and dad can’t keep his clothes on so-”. The smug smirk that plastered his face made the other boy snerk a little, a light red came to his cheeks in embarrassment as his lips scrunched to a futile attempt to hide his amusement.
“Gross-“ the boy in red shot back with a humorous sly grin, gently shoving the other. “-but same… only with my mom.” He amended, “Anyways, no one likes to think of the goddess of love and beauty being a violent god, despite her history. I just can’t help but wonder about it.” This came in a more soft-spoken cadence, walls starting to fully drop.
“Yeah?” Mario tentatively eased. “I’m sure it must make things awkward?” He raised an eyebrow. Although drama in the Aphrodite family was not surprising, nor unheard of, seeing that outward facade be shelved for honesty and openness took Kaykrea aback slightly. Maybe she shouldn’t have eavesdropped on this conversation. It was beginning to become a little too personal and raw.
Bryan began to lean in, speaking both softer and with sincerity, the haughty persona being fully abandoned before responding.  “Mhm.” He started with a small nod. “You see, I’m a huge fan of the legendary wars and heroes of the past. That led to me digging, especially since my mother was one of the main causes for the biggest war in our history…” his eyes seemed to shine excitedly, passion bleeding from his slight movements and the small grin on his face.
“I couldn’t help myself.” Bryan continued, “I just wanted to understand why we had to throw that part of our past away. Just because our family represents the many forms of love doesn’t mean we couldn't enjoy combat or sparring. Heck, I even got a gift recently that-”.
All of a sudden, Bryan trailed off, his eyes becoming listless, losing that excited bright shine. The feeling of discomfort filled the still air, and his muscles tensed.
“What?” Mario cocked his head, “Something else on your mind?” He pushed.
Bryan backed off, glancing to the side in embarrassment. “Sorry, shouldn’t have said anything…” he muttered under his breath, shoulders sinking subconsciously.
The black clothed man quickly waved his hands, trying to brush off the others embarrassment. “No, no! I was just… uh.” He took a pause; he was ruining this again.
“It’s ok. Not many people know about my mother’s past with war. Especially after The Iliad was published.” The shorter man chuckled, starting to backtrack “But I want to know… even if she doesn't really like me digging into it.” Bryan was standing normally now, a lot more bashful and uncomfortable talking about his family.
Mario planted his hand on the other in a comforting gesture, rubbing small circles into his back. In return, Bryan leaned into the touch slightly, the muscles near his shoulders flexing oddly. It was like he wasn't used to touch, or at least it had been a while since he's been comforted. Although, from what Kaykrea had observed, and her prior experience with the Olympian gods. The awkward nature of the white-haired man seemed to suggest the former.
Bryan lifted his head to look at Mario, taking a small calming breath before speaking again. “To be honest, I don’t think I know much anyway. A lot of my own memories are fuzzy…” This earned him an odd look from Mario, and Kaykrea couldn’t help but do the same. It is rather strange that he would have a bad memory. Was this what the smaller was trying to talk about before? Well, whatever the case may be, the black-haired man let it be and merely nodded in acknowledgment.
It seemed the two had spoken their peace. Overall, a little more comfort had been built between the two. Mario stuck out his hand, offering an apology and a truce to their minor conflict, which Bryan accepted with a small smile. Kaykrea huffed a small sigh of relief, glad that a fight hadn’t broken out on the first day, nor that any enemies were made. She made a quick escape back into the mess hall, moments before the other two made their reentry. It was felt in the room, everyone could tell that whatever issue was happening between the two, it had been sorted out. They went off to join the others again, starting to take far more enjoyment in each other's company than before. At least that was resolved.
About two hours had passed at this point, Kaykrea taking the time to clean up as the festivities came to a close. Many campers had joined together into small groups or cliques and every once in a while, there would be thunderous laughter that would trail back into a comfortable buzz and light chatter. She was frankly quite surprised; no fights, mild and quickly resolved conflicts, and not a single misunderstanding! It was almost as if they were in a normal human camp and not a camp full of physical embodiments of natural concepts. Although she knew that it all had to come to an end soon, it was almost time to meet with The Oracle and she needed to pick up the mess hall before then.
“Okay, everyone!” Kaykrea called, waiting for the campers' conversations to end before she announced, “It is almost time to meet The Oracle, I would like all of you to go to your cabins and drop off your things, decide who wants what bed and such. We will meet back at the bond fire, I will move on with the night whether you make it or not, so be there if you wish to listen to The Oracles’ predictions.” With that, she went to clean the tables of the leftover dishes and scraps of food.
The campers had left for their cabins to drop off their things and to get sorted before heading to the large bonfire. When it seemed that all had arrived, Kaykrea used her flaming blade to ignite the kindling, and soon enough, a fire was brought to life. The flame was large and danced with the slight breeze of the night. Cracks and pops from the wood soon followed, allowing the meeting to officially begin. Xylo, with hardly any regard for the current evening event, suddenly pulled out a large bag of marshmallows, announcing a query of whether anyone wanted some. Most around the fire whooped at the human treat, receiving their share from the armored man.
Mitch had grabbed two and offered one to Jakey, who had taken it upon himself to grab his own from the son of Apollo rather than accepting one from his brother, Mitch practically looked scandalized. Mario had done the same with Relena, who happily accepted the offer, and Bryan, who simply denied the sugar pillow after giving it a questioning glance of uncertainty. Brandeen seemed all too eager to receive the food from the violet-eyed man. The two had been talking a lot earlier and appeared to have hit it off in some fashion, although Xylo did give him a standoffish look. Kaykrea was far from amused, seeing how all began to disregard what this meeting was about. She simply rolled her eyes and slithered away when Xylo attempted to offer her the bag's contents. In return, he merely shrugged and received a plush confectionary for himself.
The fire in the center of the gathering began fully burning in a bright blend of reds, oranges and yellows. Accenting the woman's appearance and making her look just as bright as the flames. With a faux clearing of her throat, she called to attention all of the present campers for the night's announcements.
“I’m sure some of you all are anticipating the reason as to why we are out so late.” She began, more so wanting to give a reminder to the campers. She continued “First, I do have a few announcements. Starting off, in a few days we will be having the Trial of Ares, which will be a sort of… death match.” This statement brought a few panicked faces and alarmed exclamations to the campers “However, with less… death involved. Close to death, I should say.” Her amendment melted some tension, but the atmosphere still weighed heavy in the group. “It will allow us to see who is at the top, and where others' experiences lie before we get into the real training.” Uncertainty followed the final word of the first announcement, nervous glances were shared between the others.
“Will we get anything?” Was a quick question from Xylo.
“Excuse me?” Came the indigent reply from the camp counselor.
“If one of us wins the trial. Do we get anything?” He clarified.
“That will be discussed at a later time” Was the firm response from the brunette woman.
“Now then. Secondly, as you all know, there is a special guest for you all tonight. They would like to pay a visit to all of you.” Suddenly the meeting area was filled with gasps of awe and excited mermers at Kaykrea’s reveal, some nodding that they did, in fact, remember the prior mention. “There is a message that they would like to give you all, a prophecy.” Her voice suddenly hardened as she followed up with a demand. “I do ask that as a way to show respect to The Oracle, you must stay completely silent, and to not have… snacks, while they are here…” This prompted Xylo to quickly hide the bag of marshmallows and for everyone else to swiftly finish their part of the treat. “Are we clear?” The serpent finished, allowing for any present questions.
Xylo ended up asking another query, the primary one on everyone’s minds. “What if we have questions about what they say?” Soon pipings of agreements followed and Kaykrea was quick to respond.
“There will be no questions for The Oracle at this time.” she asserted. “Although, perhaps in the future, but not today. Am I clear?” She took a pause so the campers could give their affirmation, albeit tentatively. “Alright. Introducing… The Oracle.” The winged woman slithered back as the flames of the bonfire began to grow unnaturally, responding to the approaching powerful presence. The once gentle breeze started to pick up and blow back locks of hair. Even the moon appeared to shine brighter as a soft flapping of wings could be heard just over the cracking and popping of the fire. A small shadow formed in the glowing space above the flames, and as it came closer to the light, The Oracle was revealed.
They were small, looking no bigger than the length of an arm vertically and horizontally if the wings and tail were fully stretched out. Right, they had a tail, covered in small iridescent scales that transitioned from black to a deep blue to a bright green, speckled throughout were small white spots, it’s unclear if those were the scales shining or just part of the pattern. Underneath was a black belly with long smooth scales that came up to the main ‘head’. The bat-like wings shared similar traits to the tail, with the black, blue, green with white speckles, pattern. Their head could hardly be considered a ‘head’, since it was just a single large eyeball. The unnerving sight was only enhanced by the odd shaped iris and pupil, which had the shapes of diamonds. The iris itself shared the previous color pattern of the tail and wings. The eyelashes themselves didn’t help either, being large and thick. The top half was long and had two protruding chunks on either side that enhanced the bat-like look. The bottom came to multiple sharp points. Large openings where the eyelids met showed the connective corners. It all was so disproportionate and unnatural, yet here they were, right in front of the small crowd.
A voice, as soft and smooth as the nearby ocean waves, whispered through the open air. Despite not having a mouth, The Oracle spoke as though projecting their message straight into the minds of the camp's inhabitants. “Ah, and so arrive the children of the gods…” Like a knife through butter, the voice cut through the silence, demanding the attention of all those present. The single eye glanced with a piercing gaze over the group, barely stopping on anyone specific. But still, The Oracle already was seeing the future of the campers. “How interesting… hmh… very interesting.” The eye began to glow in rings, looking like the flaring of the sun when looked at through a window or from a recording. The fire began to build, and the smoke rose in large plumes as the small bat-serpent form took to hovering over the pit. Finally, they spoke of what they were seeing. “Darkness looms over the future for one of you, and with it will come terror and destruction. Greatness follows another, a coming day where you will become a great hero. But, not without great loss of those who you love and believe to be close friends. And one of you will assist to break open the earth, and free The Titans from Tartarus. The Future is filled with bloodshed.”
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With the final declaration from The Oracle, the fire suddenly is extinguished, leaving all to be shrouded in the darkness of night. The Prophecy held very few good omens it seemed. An unnerving silence filled the air as the small eyeball-bat disappeared into the star-filled sky, swiftly blending in and vanishing from the scene. Soon hushed whispers filled the area as uncertainty and fright began to grow. Kaykrea was quick to initiate the ending statements for the night and sent the campers back to their designated cabins to rest. Although, it would best be assumed that not many got much rest, whether if it was discussing the words of the Oracle, concerns on the upcoming trial, finishing unpacking, or ponderings on how the summer may be more interesting than at first predicted.
Kay stood at the shoreline straddling the camp, nearby was The Oracle’s abode, where the small creature was resting. She didn’t want the others to see, but the prophecy frightened her. She knew that the lives of gods and demi-gods could get dangerous, but… bloodshed… terror… The Titans. What would this mean? Was everyone here doomed right as they crossed the threshold? Perhaps even before they arrived? Not only that, but nothing said that The Oracle was safe either. It appears that maybe She has bitten more than she could chew. But she would do anything for the camp, anything for The Oracle.
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Please watch the original Origins of Olympus series, while this story does make major changes; the series made by the Origins MCRP crew is important to understanding the Reimagining, and it's good to support the original material if you can. It's free on YouTube with multiple perspectives. If you see any way that I can improve my writing, or any grammar/spelling mistakes please let me know!
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saresai · 8 months
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Part of my original art series “Interstellar Olympus”, a reimagining of Greek mythology combined with elements of space.  
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genericpuff · 10 months
Is there a real difference between something being a reimagining of Greek myths and something being inspired by it?
I mean, it's a difference that's kind of subjective IMO but the way I personally see it, it comes down to what the story itself is trying to be. Is it trying to be a retelling, or is it trying to be its own story that just happens to take elements from the myths for the fun of it?
A myth retelling will typically be doing just that, retelling a mythical story with its characters with maybe some aesthetic changes, artistic liberties, or tweaks to fit a new generation. Example: Stray Gods, Hades, Hadestown, Lore Olympus, etc. All these stories are retelling myths and tales while putting more modern or subversive twists on them. Hadestown may feature a version of the Underworld that's built on coal mines, but it's still the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. Hades may feature a version of Hades and Persephone who genuinely fell in love (Persephone was born to Demeter and a mortal man instead of Zeus which also removes the incest, and Persephone genuinely wanted to leave Olympus and saw marrying Hades as her way out), but they still gave Demeter her affiliations with winter and grieving the loss of her daughter.
Something that's simply myth inspired isn't necessarily trying to be accurate to the myths or retell them, they're just yoinking elements out of myths either directly or indirectly for the sake of fun and creativity. A recent example is Attack on Titan which is clearly referencing a lot of Norse mythology by the end with Ymir. Though an even bigger example of this is JRPG's, a lot of them tend to reference Greek and Norse myth in obvious or subtle ways, but aren't necessarily retelling those stories. Persona 3 uses a lot of Greek myth as the foundation for its story. The Ascians in Final Fantasy XIV go by Greek myth aliases such as Hermes and Hades, while there are raids in the game with Greek naming conventions (there's literally a raid boss in the newest set of Asphodelos raids named "Athena"). Tales of Symphonia is WWII meets Norse mythology, featuring subplots that tackle deep topics like discrimination, segregation and genocide (the "human ranches" are literally concentration camps) while also taking artistic inspiration from the Norse myths featuring the Great Kharlan Tree (the tree of life, Yggdrasil) and even the final boss' name is Yggdrasil, in the game's final cutscene Lloyd is given the opportunity to name the new reborn tree and while the audio fades out before you can hear what he names it, when you learn of Norse myth and how it inspired the game you just know he named it Yggdrasil (unfortunately they played it safer with the name "World Tree" in the game's sequel Dawn of the New World, but we don't talk about DotNW lmao). There are also a lot of religious allegories in JRPG's, particularly with Christianity, but that's another topic.
Point is, something that's simply taking inspiration from Greek myth or other mythologies isn't necessarily trying to retell those stories directly or even at all. Sometimes a piece of work is simply referencing them or enjoys the naming conventions or messaging of those original stories that it makes for a good parallel.
Not every story inspired by mythologies are attempting to retell them, but every retelling is inspired by the mythologies upon which they're based.
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ae-neon · 1 year
Hades and Persephone
Disclaimer: this rant is not about fanfic - fandom is a free space and what the next person does is none of my business.
This is more YA and how certain works may influence and harm young, impressionable readers.
It's also about misogyny in shallow "feminist" retellings
I have work to do so of course I'm going to procrastinate in a very random way: Hating on the modernised, girlboss but actually misogynist version of the myth and turning the camera back to who the story is actually about: the bereaved milf Demeter.
Obviously, as a whole the Greek gods are not meant to be pillars of modern or even ancient moral values. And there's nothing wrong with imagining Hades as more than creepy uncle.
But reimagining this exact myth in a way that demonises the loving and concerned mother Demeter is misogynistic.
Won't get into how reimagining it as Persephone being not just wiling but the mastermind puts the "blame" of kidnapping and sa on the little girl and sounds eerily similar to how predators speak
The Hymn is a song of praise for Demeter, the story is not "told from her perspective" the story is about her.
And I often think it's done by people who are mostly unaware of any real knowledge of the myth outside of pop culture. That's not a dig, not everyone has the time, resources or even the want to read up on it.
But, maybe, if you're gonna write about something - even if you don't plan to stick to the original - a little research would help.
So here's most of the original story
(Translation by H.G. Evelyn-White)
The Homeric Hymn to Demeter
[Hades kidnaps Persephone while she in a field of flowers]
He caught her up reluctant on his golden car and bare her away lamenting. Then she cried out shrilly with her voice, calling upon her father, (...)
[Persephone screams for help so loudly her voice carries over the Earth and reaches even Olympus but her father (Zeus) doesn't help because he agreed to it already]
So [Hades], that son of Cronos, of many names, who is Ruler of Many and Host of Many, was bearing her away by leave of Zeus on his immortal chariot – his own brother’s child and all unwilling.
[In her 'final' moments, Persephone takes in the Earth - her natural domain - and yearns for it, her mother and Olympus]
And so long as [Persephone], the goddess, yet beheld earth and starry heaven and the strong flowing sea where fishes shoal, and the rays of the sun, and still hoped to see her dear mother and the tribes of the eternal gods, so long hope calmed her great heart for all her trouble...
[Demeter hears Persephone screaming, rushes to her and looks for her - completely distraught and wrecked by grief]
Bitter pain seized her heart, and she rent the covering upon her divine hair with her dear hands: her dark cloak she cast down from both her shoulders and sped, like a wild-bird, over the firm land and yielding sea, seeking her child.
But no one would tell her the truth, neither god nor mortal man; and of the birds of omen none came with true news for her. Then for nine days queenly Deo wandered over the earth with flaming torches in her hands, so grieved that she never tasted ambrosia and the sweet draught of nectar, nor sprinkled her body with water
[On the 10th day Hecate takes Demeter to Helios, who witnessed the kidnapping, and Demeter pleads to him:]
"(...) Through the fruitless air I heard the thrilling cry of my daughter whom I bare, sweet scion of my body and lovely in form, as of one seized violently; though with my eyes I saw nothing. But you – for with your beams you look down from the bright upper air over all the earth and sea – tell me truly of my dear child, if you have seen her anywhere, what god or mortal man has violently seized her against her will and mine, and so made off .”
[Helios ultimately tries to comfort her saying Hades isn't a bad match in status but before that says:]
And the Son of Hyperion answered her: “Queen Demeter, daughter of rich-haired Rhea, I will tell you the truth; for I greatly reverence and pity you in your grief for your trim-ankled daughter. None other of the deathless gods is to blame, but only cloud-gathering Zeus who gave her to Hades, her father’s brother, to be called his buxom wife. And Hades seized her and took her loudly crying in his chariot down to his realm of mist and gloom.
[Demeter is further saddened and enraged by the added betrayal]
But grief yet more terrible and savage came into the heart of Demeter, and thereafter she was so angered with the dark-clouded Son of Cronos that she avoided the gathering of the gods and high Olympos.
[Demeter disguises herself as a mortal and takes on the form of a weathered, 'elderly' (more likely middle aged) woman. She then goes to the city of Eleusis.]
Vexed in her dear heart, she sat near the wayside by the Maiden Well, from which the women of the place were used to draw water, in a shady place over which grew an olive shrub. And she was like an ancient woman who is cut off from childbearing and the gifts of garland loving Aphrodite, like the nurses of kings’ children who deal justice, or like the housekeepers in their echoing halls.
She meets 4 daughters of King Celeus (Callithoe, Demo, Callidice and Cleisidice) who are probably around the same age as Persephone and described as "like goddesses in the flower of their girlhood".
The girls don't know her - not just as the goddess but as a person - but nonetheless they worry about her and tell her to come into the town to be with other women, older and younger, who would "welcome [her] by both by word and by deed."
Demeter tells them her name is Doso, from Crete, and that she was captured by pirates and brought over but managed to escape. She asks the girls if there's any work in the household for a woman her age - including housekeeping, teaching younger women or nursing and rearing a newborn child.
[Callidice tells 'Doso' about good households that might be in need of help but says that in their own house, their 'elderly' mother - Metaneira - has just had a son]
She has an only son, late-born, who is being nursed in our well-built house, a child of many prayers and welcome: if you could bring him up until he reached the full measure of youth, any one of womankind who should see you would straightway envy you, such gifts would our mother give for his upbringing.”
[Demeter arrives at the house and Metaneira, who feels her prescence right away, gives up her chair despite being a nursing mother with her baby in her hands and the wife of the king.]
But the goddess walked to the threshold: and her head reached the roof and she filled the doorway with a heavenly radiance. Then awe and reverence and pale fear took hold of Metaneira, and she rose up from her couch before Demeter, and bade her be seated.
But Demeter, bringer of seasons and giver of perfect gifts, would not sit upon the bright couch, but stayed silent with lovely eyes cast down until careful Iambe placed a jointed seat for her and threw over it a silvery fleece. Then she sat down and held her veil in her hands before her face.
A long time she sat upon the stool without speaking because of her sorrow, and greeted no one by word or by sign, but rested, never smiling, and tasting neither food nor drink, because she pined with longing for her deep-bosomed daughter, until careful Iambe – who pleased her moods in aftertime also – moved the holy lady with many a quip and jest to smile and laugh and cheer her heart.
*[Iambe is the slave of king Celeus but also daughter of the god, Pan and the nymph, Echo. She is the only one who made Demeter feel better.]
[Demeter accepts the offer to nurse and raise the Queen's son, Demophoon, and promises to protect him. However, still unaware that Doso is the goddess, Demeter, Metaneira is distraught when she finds out how Doso holds the baby (above or in) fire every night]
And the child grew like some immortal being, not fed with food nor nourished at the breast: for by day rich-crowned Demeter would anoint him with ambrosia as if he were the offspring of a god and breathe sweetly upon him as she held him in her bosom.
But at night she would hide him like a brand in the heart of the fi re, unknown to his dear parents. And it wrought great wonder in these that he grew beyond his age; for he was like the gods face to face.
And she would have made him deathless and unageing, had not well-girded Metaneira in her heedlessness kept watch by night from her sweet-smelling chamber and spied.
But she wailed and smote her two hips, because she feared for her son and was greatly distraught in her heart; so she lamented and uttered winged words: “Demophoon, my son, the strange woman buries you deep in fire and works grief and bitter sorrow for me.”
[Demeter literally drops/throws the baby (he's fine) and yells at Metaneira, the forces the town to become the site of the annual Eleusinian Mysteries which were performed in worship of Demeter and Persephone]
“Witless are you mortals and dull to foresee your lot, whether of good or evil, that comes upon you. For now in your heedlessness you have wrought folly past healing; for – be witness the oath of the gods, the relentless water of Styx – I would have made your dear son deathless and unaging all his days and would have bestowed on him everlasting honor, but now he can in no way escape death and the fates.
Yet shall unfailing honor always rest upon him, because he lay upon my knees and slept in my arms.
But, as the years move round and when he is in his prime, the sons of the Eleusinians shall ever wage war and dread strife with one another continually. Lo! I am that Demeter who has share of honor and is the greatest help and cause of joy to the undying gods and mortal men.
But now, let all the people build me a great temple and an altar below it and beneath the city and its sheer wall upon a rising hillock above Callichorus. And I myself will teach my rites, that hereafter you may reverently perform them and so win the favour of my heart.”
[Demeter throws off her disguise and leaves]
When she had so said, the goddess changed her stature and her looks, thrusting old age away from her: beauty spread round about her and a lovely fragrance was wafted from her sweet-smelling robes, and from the divine body of the goddess a light shone afar, while golden tresses spread down over her shoulders, so that the strong house was filled with brightness as with lightning. And so she went out from the palace.
Demeter is a MILF, a hottie, stop portraying her otherwise
[The temple is built but it doesn't cure Demeter of her sorrow and her depression causes a year without crops of harvest]
But golden-haired Demeter sat there apart from all the blessed gods and stayed, wasting with yearning for her deep-bosomed daughter.
So she would have destroyed the whole race of man with cruel famine and have robbed them who dwell on Olympos of their glorious right of gifts and sacrifices, had not Zeus perceived and marked this in his heart.
First he sent golden-winged Iris to call rich-haired Demeter, lovely in form. So he commanded. And she obeyed the dark-clouded Son of Cronos, and sped with swift feet across the space between.
She came to the stronghold of fragrant Eleusis, and there finding dark-cloaked Demeter in her temple, spake to her and uttered winged words: “Demeter, father Zeus, whose wisdom is everlasting, calls you to come join the tribes of the eternal gods: come therefore, and let not the message I bring from Zeus pass unobeyed.” Thus said Iris imploring her.
But Demeter’s heart was not moved.
Then again the father sent forth all the blessed and eternal gods besides: and they came, one after the other, and kept calling her and offering many very beautiful gifts and whatever rights she might be pleased to choose among the deathless gods.
Yet no one was able to persuade her mind and will, so wroth was she in her heart; but she stubbornly rejected all their words: for she vowed that she would never set foot on fragrant Olympos nor let fruit spring out of the ground, until she beheld with her eyes her own fair-faced daughter.
[Zeus sends Hermes to persuade Hades to let Persephone out to see her mother so Demeter will calm down, Hades basically has no choice and agrees but...]
And [Hermes] found the lord Hades in his house seated upon a couch, and his shy mate with him, much reluctant, because she yearned for her mother. But she was afar off, brooding on her fell design because of the deeds of the blessed gods.
And Aidoneus, ruler over the dead, smiled grimly and obeyed the behest of Zeus the king. For he straightway urged wise Persephone, saying: “Go now, Persephone, to your dark-robed mother, go, and feel kindly in your heart towards me: be not so exceedingly cast down; for I shall be no unfitting husband for you among the deathless gods, that am own brother to father Zeus. And while you are here, you shall rule all that lives and moves and shall have the greatest rights among the deathless gods: those who defraud you and do not appease your power with offerings, reverently performing rites and paying fit gifts, shall be punished for evermore.”
When he said this, wise Persephone was filled with joy and hastily sprang up for gladness. But he on his part secretly gave her sweet pomegranate seed to eat, taking care for himself that she might not remain continually with grave, dark-robed Demeter.
[Hermes and Persephone go to Demeter]
And when Demeter saw them, she rushed forth as does a Maenad down some thick-wooded mountain, while Persephone on the other side, when she saw her mother’s sweet eyes, left the chariot and horses, and leaped down to run to her, and falling upon her neck, embraced her.
But while Demeter was still holding her dear child in her arms, her heart suddenly misgave her for some snare, so that she feared greatly and ceased fondling her daughter and asked of her at once: “My child, tell me, surely you have not tasted any food while you were below? Speak out and hide nothing, but let us both know.
For if you have not, you shall come back from loathly Hades and live with me and your father, the dark-clouded Son of Cronos and be honored by all the deathless gods; but if you have tasted food, you must go back again beneath the secret places of the earth, there to dwell a third part of the seasons every year: yet for the two parts you shall be with me and the other deathless gods.
But when the earth shall bloom with the fragrant flowers of spring in every kind, then from the realm of darkness and gloom thou shalt come up once more to be a wonder for gods and mortal men. And now tell me how he rapt you away to the realm of darkness and gloom, and by what trick did the strong Host of Many beguile you?”
Persephone then tells her mother "(...) he secretly put in my mouth sweet food, a pomegranate seed, and forced me to taste against my will." and recounts her kidnapping "(...) in his golden chariot he bore me away, all unwilling, beneath the earth: then I cried with a shrill cry. All this is true, sore though it grieves me to tell the tale.”
Still they're happy to be reunited
So did they then, with hearts at one, greatly cheer each the other’s soul and spirit with many an embrace: their hearts had relief from their griefs while each took and gave back joyousness.
[Zeus calls on Demeter and promises her, Persephone will stay with her for 2/3rds of the year and in Hades 1/3rd. Rhea, their mother also comforts Demeter and urges her to accept the peace offering and she does. She then goes to teach certain Kings and cities the Mysteries.]
The End.
anyways >>>>>>> over the same old child bride mary sue Persephone falling in love with old emo Hades who empowers her.
Like all myths there are other versions, I'm sure, but the version of Persephone said to be a frightening Queen of the Underworld actually predate Hades so how about adapting and writing that instead of some creep edge lord and his child bride flower crown princess
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a-rose-for-gold · 1 year
So I had this really fun idea recently for a Lore Olympus AU.
I thought it would be really fun to reimagine Once Upon a Time characters as Gods from the acclaimed Lore Olympus webcomic by Rachel Smythe. (Not Greek Mythology - not matching characters with specific Gods. I mean Rachel’s interpretation and art style specifically) I absolutely LOVE that series’ art style and the way Rachel uses color to tell the story.
So obviously I had to start with my favorite character!!!
God of
Dark Magic
and Deals
(He’s an old God - he’s been around and is the deity of a lot of things.)
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I have also drawn Belle but am yet to color her. I’m thinking she’s going to be the goddess of learning, stories, books, and redemption, and she’s going to be all shades/tints of light blue.
What other characters/gods & goddesses would you like to see?
Also some notes about my design/thought process and some other ideas about Rumple in this AU if anyone’s interested:
I put a lot of thought into Rumple’s design and what colors I should use for him. I wanted to incorporate gold into it obviously but I thought that all gold would be more appropriate for King Midas and Catherine. (And I wanted to try for something more original since Hera in LO is all gold) That, and I didn’t think all gold would fit all of his vibes. So eventually what I decided on was this:
Rumple’s main color was inspired by amber for a couple of reasons.
I thought oranges and browns would suit him well at all stages/phases of his life, from the spinner then the dark one to Mr. Gold then Detective Weaver.
Because amber fits well with the design concepts I have in mind for Fiona, Malcom/Peter Pan, and Baelfire.
Because his coloring is inspired by amber, which is a translucent stone, he can look different depending on the lighting he’s in or his mood, which suits him really well as an ever-shifting, complicated, and at times unpredictable character.
His hands however, have been corrupted by him overdoing it with his powers, so they’re black up to the elbow. Save his fingers, which turn gold when he’s spinning.
I also had the idea that his ankle was injured in the war against the titans, leaving him with scars that hurt and bleed ichor from time to time.
Also his like “god form” when he’s angry or otherwise using a LOT of power at once is either all gold or black with gold speckles/stars. I haven’t decided yet.
And I put him in the blue outfit for the sake of this drawing because I thought it would contrast nicely with his skin.
And the sparkles around the gold straw may be a little overboard and were a last minute decision but they were ✨fun.✨ ☺️
I had a lot of fun with this and probably won’t be able to resist drawing the God of Wealth again.
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rainsoakedpavement · 4 months
I was forced by my friend to promote her fanfiction so…
Read her story!
(It’s actually really good if it wasn’t I wouldn’t promote it.)
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litapeanut · 5 months
The retelling of Medusa's story isn't getting better
A review of Percy Jackson and the Olympians season one
I've not read the source material, but from what I watched, the series is a generic mainstream fantasy show, with Percy being the blandest protagonist ever, despite everyone else around him stating he is special, he literally does and says nothing that resonates this specialness.
Particularly, the thing I found irksome is the third episode where Percy goes on to kill Medusa. Sure, the show made a point that she is no mere monster and included her origin story, but, she is still seen as a quest to be accomplished, and she gets beheaded anyway ( just censoring that with the invisible cap doesn't make it less brutal, I also saw people applauding the invisible cap treatment, as if women being brutalised is okay as long as they are brutalised in a more humane way😂), and furthermore, her head is shipped to Olympus like a common parcel. None of the micro progressive changes matter, because she still ends up the way she is in the original story. I'm not against female characters dying, but female characters dying in a tropey and pointless way.
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Let's look at the original Greek mythology, it is a story so well-known that non-classics-professionals are familiar with. The essence of the story boils down to: 1) Medusa is a victim of feudal misogyny and victim blaming; 2) she is being objectified as a quest to conquer and a weapon to use even after her death. The original story is ugly. If you want to keep the story as it is, you have to keep the ugliness too, no wishy-washy sanitisation is going to make it "better". One good way to handle this is to acknowledge the ugliness and offer modern critique, especially in a fantasy show set in contemporary times. The series' way of handling is dodgy, since it is literally a retelling that preserves the core element of the original story invented thousands of years ago, without any updated criticism. (Well, if I want the original version of the story, I'd read a non-fiction book about this matter, not watch a modern fantasy story.)
Perhaps my disappointment came from my expectation that I hoped Medusa could somehow become an ally without having to die, since it's the 2020's now, we probably moved on from the binary hero-vs-monster trope. I still remember that episode from the 90's Hercules cartoon series I watched as a kid (also produced by Disney) in which Hercules came to understand that not all monsters are malefic, and he makes friends with Medusa in the end; more importantly, Medusa lives. This is yet another good way to reimagine the old myth by taking a wild leap. It's sort of sad that a silly cartoon show made more than twenty years ago has a more nuanced understanding than our current production.
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How we view non-human beings in the fantasy world, more or less, reflects our attitude on other people who are different from ourselves in real life.
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lifebeginsat8bit · 1 year
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“God of War” (2018) not only reimagines the core gameplay of the series but also Kratos as a character. The vengeful, deity-dispatching Kratos of the four mainline games in the series (and two very good PlayStation Portable adventures) is softened by the time we meet him in his 2018 incarnation. Though he remains haunted by the demons of his past and the atrocities he committed, he is trying (and often failing) to be a father to young Atreus.
Gone are the fixed camera angles and Kratos’ signature, long-reaching chain blade weapons from the original games. In their place is a singular, camera angle behind Kratos’ shoulder that displays the entire game with nary a cut and the much more intimate Leviathan axe. The axe may be recalled like Thor’s hammer and allows Kratos to go on a punching spree when he throws it away. 
Streaming tonight at 7:30 Central: The gods of Olympus could not defeat him. The Sisters of Fate could not control him. But is Kratos ready for fatherhood? We’ll find out as Life Begins at 8-Bit continues with the games of 2018. Twitch.tv/lifebeginsat8bit
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ash-and-books · 1 year
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Rating: 5/5
Book Blurb: Witness what the gods do after dark in the fourth volume of a stylish and contemporary reimagining of one of the best-known stories in Greek mythology, featuring a brand-new, exclusive short story from creator Rachel Smythe. “I don’t always get to do as I please.” The rumor mill of Olympus is constantly churning, but Persephone and Hades are all anyone can talk about. With the constant gossip creating intense pressure on the pair, they decide to slow down their budding romance and focus on sorting out their own issues first. But that’s easier said than done. Hades struggles to find support in his personal life, with Zeus trivializing his feelings and Minthe resorting to abusive patterns in their relationship. And while Hades tries to create healthier boundaries where he can—like finally putting a stop to his sporadic, revenge-fueled hookups with Hera—he still feels lonely and adrift. Persephone feels equally ostracized as her classmates shun her for her connection to Hades, and she can find no refuge at home, with Apollo constantly dropping by unannounced and pushing his unwelcome advances. And on top of it all, the wrathful god of war, Ares, has returned to Olympus to dredge up his sordid history with the goddess of spring, threatening to surface Persephone’s dark and mysterious past and ruin her tenuous position in the land of the gods. Despite agreeing to take it slow, Persephone and Hades find themselves inextricably drawn toward each other once more amid the chaos. The pull of fate cannot be denied. This edition of Rachel Smythe’s original Eisner-winning webcomic Lore Olympus features exclusive behind-the-scenes content and brings the Greek pantheon into the modern age in a sharply perceptive and romantic graphic novel. This volume collects episodes 76–102 of the #1 WEBTOON comic Lore Olympus.
The fourth volume in the series, picking up where the last book left off with Persephone and Hades working out their feelings for one another while Hades struggles to deal with his feelings about Minthe and their abusive patterns in their relationship as well as Hades dealing with trying to put a stop to his sporadic, revenge-fueled hookups with Hera. Persephone is feeling left out by her classmates for her connection to Hades as well as the fact that she can barely be in her home because Apollo is constantly stopping by unannounced and pushing his unwelcome advances onto her.  To also throw in the mix is the god of war Ares, who has finally returned to Olympus and he has his own history with Persephone...... Can Persephone and Hades work out their feelings amongst all this chaos? I love Lore Olympus so much and I appreciate getting to see these characters grow!
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I pictured a reimagining/crossover mashup between the GOW franchise and Jeff Smith's Bone comic franchise.
I've imagined the scrapped concept of Kratos having blue tattoos and he has all of Fone Bone's personality traits such as being dependable, resourceful, polite, friendly, and even forgiving. But he still has his years of combat/battle/killing experiences and hides a more jaded and hardened side of him as a result. He also has no qualms with pulling off brutal murders like the original but they are done under more heroic circumstances. He did have red tattoos once but they turned blue while his skin also became white. This happens after Kratos finds the golden fleece inside Pandora's box, with Pandora’s soul trapped inside the fleece and her soul is imbued by the flame of Olympus/power of hope. Kratos is also not a demigod, he's a full-on mortal and he transcends all by himself.
Thorn Harvistar is now Lysandra Harvistar but the name Thorn can be her nickname/undercover name. Her story is pretty much the same but the Valley setting in the Bone series is reimagined as Greece itself. The stories of the first 9 Bone books and the stories of the entire Greek saga are all presented, just rewritten a bit so that they are told coherently in one long arc.
The "lord of the locusts" character, the "evils" inside Pandora’s box, the chaos entity, and Thanatos, the god of death, are all rolled into one, and Thanatos is the main antagonist of the Greek saga.
By the time of Thanatos' death after the entire Greco-Roman Pantheon was destroyed, the world was actually saved, Pandora's soul was released and hope was spread throughout Greece. But Pandora informs him that Kratos's release of the "evils" has infected and corrupted all other Pantheons in the world and the world will soon revert into chaos, so for the world to be saved, all pantheons need to be destroyed and Kratos is the only one who can do it.
Pandora gives him a very tough choice, spend quality time with his loved ones before the apocalypse arrives, or leave everything behind to destroy all pantheons to save the world. This choice is made even tougher when another decision is forced on him between going home to his two brothers or staying beside Thorn, wed her, and rule with her. He ultimately chooses the mission. Fortunately, at one point, Kratos and Lysandra conceive a child, an heir, who is later revealed to be a daughter and is named Calliope. Kratos's family still lives but it's unclear if he'd ever see them again.
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ownedbybooks · 2 years
2022 winter wrap up
Disclaimer: I live in the Southern Hemisphere
Clockwork Prince, by Cassandra Clare ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Guys, I feel this is THE BOOK in all of my short shadowhunter’s chronicles fan life. I was kinda lost in the first book, mainly because I was used to the mortal instuments character and setting, BUT! THIS BOOK RIGHT HERE! YES! I loved it! I loved everything about it!
Sky Key, by James Frey ⭐️⭐️⭐️
A reread, to be honest. I knew what was going to happen but still I got myself surprised because I didn’t remember thsi book very well, so once it reached a point I was like “oooh waaait this happened??”
Arsène Lupin contre Herlock Sholmes, by Maurice Leblanc ⭐️⭐️
I don’t know about it. I feel there was not enough of Arsène Lupin charms’ in this second volume as it had in the first one...
Crazy Rich Asians, by Kevin Kwan ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
OMG I NEEDED A ROMANTIC COMEDIE BOOK THAT HAD KOREAN DRAMAS VIBES AND THIS IS IT!!! I had so much fun reading Crazy Rich Asians that I’m kinda glad I haven’t watched the movie adaptation yet (and I now believe I will never watch it).
Meu quase irmão: Laura, by Mônica Meirelles ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
It was fun and nice and a got a bit more into it than I expected, even though I had to keep telling me the main couplee WERE NOT SIBLINGS AT ALL.
Lore Olympus (Season 2), by Rachel Smythe ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Aaaah perfection itself???
Life and Death: Twilight Reimagined, by Stephenie Meyer ⭐️⭐️
It was a great way to remember everything from the original Twilight book before reading Midnight Sun, but I gotta say the end of this one is like A HUNDRED TIMES MORE REALISTIC to the original one and if you still have doubts about reading it, read it for the end!
Encontrada, by Carina Rissi ⭐️⭐️⭐️
I liked this one because I could feel that the main couple’s relationship has matured beautifully, even though in the end it’s more about the maturation of the protagonist and her understanding that she’s not living at the 21st century anymore.
Before The Pirate Balthasar, by Dedasaur ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Putting the whole thing together just to say how nice was to read about all of the guys meeting The Pirate Balthasar, since the main series is about the sister’s meeting him and his friends hahahah
The Pirate Balthasar #1-4, by Dedasaur ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Aaaah just the pirate romance I was needing to read! It has a great level of fluffiness as well of smutty 💕💕💕
City of Lost Souls, by Cassandra Clare ⭐️⭐️⭐️
This book??? Once again I feel I was reading it mainly for the secundary characters because the main one were like mad lmao what the hell was all of the ClaryXJaceXSebastian plot in this volume ???
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insirisarts · 4 months
Origins of Olympus - Reimagined: Prologue
Hello! I have been working for a while now on a reimagined version of an old Minecraft series I used to watch. This is in no way me commenting on the writing or story of the original series, I was just inspired to see how I could write it based on what we were given in the original. Also, if you see any way that I can improve my writing, or any grammar/spelling mistakes please let me know!
Please watch the original Origins of Olympus series, while this story does make major changes; the series made by the Origins MCRP crew is important to understanding the Reimagining, and it's good to support the original material if you can. It's free on YouTube with multiple perspectives.
In this world, we have been left behind by the gods. After the Twelve Olympians had defeated the titans and locked them away in Tartarus; they had returned to the acropolis upon Olympus. However, not before spreading their influence far and wide. Now their children reside to continue their legacy, fighting through trials of life and death in order to prove themselves in this harsh, new world filled with monsters and beasts alike. But now we focus on a select few children of these gods, whose story will tell the tale of both the greatest joys and the deepest sorrows. A story that has only just begun.
'Delphyne is the name given, by some accounts, to the monstrous serpent killed by Apollo. She was my mother…’
A woman slithers past the cabins in the sacred oasis, making sure every one of them is properly cleaned. She checked every bed to be certain that the sheets and duvets were changed, and the drawers and closets were empty. Assured herself that all weapon stands were in perfect display condition. That each building was fit for the soon arriving children of the gods. The egos of the gods were sure to have passed on, and they would not accept anything less but the best.
Leaving the final cabin, satisfied with the cleanliness of the structures, she moved on. Gazing upon the lush plants surrounding the path, she took in the light atmosphere of the moon-lit area. Bright green grass, blooming flowers, well maintained bushes, and towering trees. She allowed herself to smile slightly, accepting the small moment of peace.
‘She wasn’t as vile as the story's make her out to be… she was only doing as she felt necessary to protect the Oracle of Delphi.’
Next was the mess hall and checking that it was suitably supplied with food and drink for the upcoming months. Inside the storage area of the building, were massive piles of the freshest meat and produce. Nectar and ambrosia, well-aged, lined the walls. It was more than plenty for the summer.
‘Despite all of her valiant attempts, she failed. Regardless of it all, her death doesn't pain me… and I do not ask for pity; I’ve had time to overcome my grief, and her legacy reigns on. That’s why I’m here. After her death, I had taken the Oracle to The Oasis of Demeter, a camp of sorts for the children of the gods to earn their worth. I, more so, see it as a sanctuary.’
Finally, she looked over the Oracle's abode, the house protecting the sacred being. It was her job to make sure they never got hurt.
‘And I plan to keep it, and you, safe.’
“C’mon!” Came a shout in the dark, thundering hoofsteps following closely behind, the loud screeching of an axe echoing hauntingly in the clustered forest. The minotaur was hot on his steed's heels, making the poor horse panic. A cliff came into view and the animal had come to a sudden stop, sending its master flying into the rocks and moist dirt below. A shrill whine reverberated from the animal as it sprinted away. 
“Woh-woh-woh-woh!” exclaimed the ashen man, landing harshly with an “OOF!”. “Shadow! Shadow!” He cried, now covered in scrapes and patches of dark mud. A monstrous cry echoed from the cliff followed by the harsh thuds of what could only be assumed as fallen trees. The man had no time to collect himself before getting up and back into a sprint. The sounds of hooves squelching in the mud only made the man run faster to escape. Wishing that he had waited until morning to make his expedition.
Short on breath, he quickly took shelter behind a tree. Quietly he prayed to his godly father that the monster wouldn't find him. Slowly building his courage, he peaked around to aim his bow at the beast; he knew that his archery was nowhere near the skill of his father and siblings, but he was desperate. He took a slow steady breath, preparing to take aim… only for the monster to suddenly burst into flames. Confused, the man leaves his hiding spot and looks around, dropping the bow to a resting position. 
“Well…” he breathed. “Let’s hope that was you dad…” He mumbled to himself, cautiously walking away from the scene, he had a horse to find and a place to be after all.
Arrows could be heard flying, followed by two pairs of feet running in the opposite direction. A man dressed in black, white and yellow sprinted past the surrounding monsters, sustaining minor injuries from attacks. A woman with hoven feet and horns turned to their adversaries and returned fire, trying her best to prevent any more harm to the other. As they made more and more distance between themselves and the beasts, the woman ushered the other to follow her. As grass bled into sand the pair took a small break, they finally lost their pursuers. There was still a lot of distance to cover to where they were going, but they had time as it was hardly noon. Snacking on their rations, they continued onward into the endless desert, keeping their eyes open for the gateway defended by towering statues.
A young man rises from the estuary that connects the desert to the nearby gulf. His blue and brown eyes stare in amazement at the towering statues that guard the gate of the camp; lit overhead by the high-noon sun. Aquatic life all around him began to announce his presence. Offering a soft smile of appreciation, the man leaves the water. Sand sticks to his wet leg armor and skin, creating a dry grainy texture that itches, but it hardly distracts him from the wondrous scene. Towering trees reach over the marble wall, framing the sky beautifully. If he was going to learn anything about himself, it would be here. He is sure of it.
Slowly, the world came to him. A fog lifted from his head as he stretched his arms and back, opening his eyes to gaze at the great Helios’s sun. It seemed to be slightly past noon, a moment where the bright chariot would be illuminating all of the surrounding world with little areas of shade. Glancing out to the land, he took in the beauty of it all; The sea of grass flowing in the wind, sparse spots of tree cover, an accumulation of rolling hills and distant mountains bringing it all together. It was serene. So, so serene. He felt so light. The world was still so fuzzy. He almost became dead to it again. Eyes slipping closed to soak it all in once more…
…Hm, wasn’t he forgetting something?...
Suddenly, he shot into full consciousness. A spike of adrenaline washing away the groggy listlessness in his mind. “I’m late!” He exclaimed, scrambling to get his things in order. Strapping his once abandoned satchel onto his belt, storing his red and white dual-bladed sword and grabbing his most recent gift from the gods. A purple and green sword that came around into a hook; making a sort-of eye shape, vines with rose thorns, black detailing on the blade, and a large purple rose as the cross-guard. “Oh gods, I’m going to miss the meet up and the tour if I don’t hurry!” He fretted, rushing to the camp for young demi-gods.
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saresai · 2 years
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Part of my original art series "Interstellar Olympus", a reimagining of Greek mythology combined with elements of space.You can purchase prints or wall tapestries of this series at my Online Store
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genericpuff · 2 years
Hello! As a previous fan of LO (back when there was actual effort in the art and I mistakenly thought certain themes and symbolism would be carried through the story) I’m really excited to see what you do with these characters! I was honestly pretty invested in the whole fertility/death goddess dissonance I initially thought was going on, so you can guess I was mega disappointed with where the story went. And I’m already way happier that you’ve begun to build off their relationship as something tangible and emotional, rather than insta love.
Honestly, when I first started reading I thought a major plot point was gonna be Persephone having to balance these two sides of her self that are in conflict, and come out to be a goddess of spring and new growth from decay and death. I thought it was gonna be clever, since that’s kinda what springs like, right? New life and growth from death and rotting matter of the previous seasons. That and the whole ‘red eyed wrath’ thing she had going seemed like a fun hint that she was suppressing her real emotions, and a lot (but not all) of her overly sweet personality was to cover that and be what she thought she was supposed to be. Kinda sad in retrospect, but that’s part of why I’m excited to see where your reimagining goes!
First off, been loving the asks I've been getting from y'all the last little bit, it's a great way to keep stuff updated here in between new Rekindled uploads and essay dumps LMAO so keep 'em coming!
Moving on-
I was really hoping to see that same kind of dissonance carry through the story as well, and it's proooobably one of the biggest things I'll be tackling in this rewrite because it was the one thing I was most disappointed to see fall through in LO.
Fun fact, a lot of my writing over the past decade has focused on dualities like this, alter egos, buried trauma, light vs. dark, host vs. parasite, etc. many of which were concepts you would find in stuff like Undertale, Omori, etc. but like... before those things even existed (I've been writng and making comics online for... a looong time.) I suppose it's the weeb in me that's drawn to these types of personifications of personal dark sides that are present in elements like Chara, Headspace/Black Space, etc. Needless to say, playing games like Undertale and Omori was like, super validating LMAO (if not a little oof because it also reminds me that my ideas aren't that original but that's not a bad thing, there's no such thing as an original idea anymore and that's what makes writing such a great process!)
So like... I weirdly feel that the plots and character dynamics/tropes I usually write and thought no one was interested in has prepared me for this one specific thing??? And it's for a fucking Lore Olympus rewrite comic jfc-
The universe has a funny way of preparing you for things you never expected to be guided to, I suppose. The only fallout is I'm not really eager to share my normal work on this blog due to how rabid/pervasive Rachel's fanbase is (and, y'know, Rachel herself) and I'd rather just protect my usual projects from that potential mess because my usual projects are the ones that are wholly my own, and I intend to still be working on long after Rekindled is done.
But trust me, it's out there and its heartbeat is in perfect sync with that of Rekindled's.
Maybe that'll be the essay I write at the end of all this.
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quoteablebooks · 2 years
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Genre: Graphic Novel, Fantasy, Romance
Rating: 4 out of 5
Trigger Warning: Sexual assault, Emotional abuse, Toxic relationship, Rape      
Witness what the gods do after dark in the second volume of a stylish and contemporary reimagining of one of the best-known stories in Greek mythology from creator Rachel Smythe. Persephone was ready to start a new life when she left the mortal realm for Olympus. However, she quickly discovered the dark side of her glamorous new home—from the relatively minor gossip threatening her reputation to a realm-shattering violation of her safety by the conceited Apollo—and she’s struggling to find her footing in the fast-moving realm of the gods. Hades is also off-balance, fighting against his burgeoning feelings for the young goddess of spring while maintaining his lonely rule of the Underworld. As the pair are drawn ever closer, they must untangle the twisted webs of their past and present to build toward a new future. This full-color edition of Smythe’s original Eisner-nominated webcomic Lore Olympus features a brand-new, exclusive short story, and brings Greek mythology into the modern age in a sharply perceptive and romantic graphic novel.
Writing reviews for these are so hard because they are such small chunks and hard to talk about one part without the others. The second volume of Lore Olympus definitely has more plot than the first volume and starts to set up a lot of storylines that will be followed into the next volume and beyond. I forgot how long it took for the story to address what happened between Persephone and Apollo. I don’t want to give any spoilers, but I don’t mind this representation as I feel as if it can mimic a lot of people’s experiences in real life. The fact that Persephone is only 19 is also addressed on the page by both Hera and Hecate, but of course, it isn’t given the weight it should as this story is a fictional depiction of the Gods. At least Hades is going to attempt to stay away from Persephone and have an age-appropriate, but toxic relationship at the end of this volume instead of not seeing anything wrong with his feelings for Persephone. While the overall feel of this comic is light-hearted and comical, Smythe does touch on some serious and heavy topics throughout Persephone and Hades’s story. Whether you believe she addresses these topics appropriately will depend on each reader. A Four-star read.
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Book Recommendations: More Fantasy Graphic Novels
Bright World by Stan Stanley
The Hazards of Love follows the story of a queer teen from Queens who makes some mistakes, gets dragged into a fantastical place, and tries to hustle their way back home.
Amparo's deal with the talking cat was simple: a drop of blood and Amparo's name to become a better person. Their mother and abuela would never worry about them again, and they'd finally be worthy of dating straight-A student Iolanthe. But when the cat steals their body, becoming the better person they were promised, Amparo's spirit is imprisoned in a land of terrifying, flesh-hungry creatures known as Bright World.
With cruel and manipulative masters and a society that feeds on memories, Amparo must use their cleverness to escape, without turning into a monster like the rest. On "the other side," Iolanthe begins to suspect the new Amparo has a secret, and after the cat in disguise vanishes, she's left searching for answers with a no-nonsense medium from the lesbian mafia and the only person who might know the truth about Bright World.
This is the first volume in “The Hazards of Love” series. 
Long Lost by Matthew Erman
Long Lost is the story of two estranged sisters who find themselves drawn back to their small southern hometown after an invitation from an otherworldly creature. The pair is compelled to unlock the disturbing mysteries that are hidden in Hazel Patch in the hopes of uncovering the bizarre circumstances surrounding their mother… but they must deal with each other first.
This is the first volume of the “Long Lost” series. 
Lore Olympus by Rachel Smythe
Scandalous gossip, wild parties, and forbidden love - witness what the gods do after dark in this stylish and contemporary reimagining of one of mythology’s most well-known stories from creator Rachel Smythe. Featuring a brand-new, exclusive short story, Smythe’s original Eisner-nominated web-comic Lore Olympus brings the Greek Pantheon into the modern age with this sharply perceptive and romantic graphic novel.
This is the first volume of the “Lore Olympus” series.
Here There Be Gerblins by Clint McElroy
Welcome to the Adventure Zone!
SEE! The illustrated exploits of three lovable dummies set loose in a classic fantasy adventure!
READ! Their journey from small-time bodyguards to world-class artifact hunters!
MARVEL! At the sheer metafictional chutzpah of a graphic novel based on a story created in a podcast where three dudes and their dad play a tabletop role playing game in real time!
Join Taako the elf wizard, Merle the dwarf cleric, and Magnus the human warrior for an adventure they are poorly equipped to handle AT BEST, guided ("guided") by their snarky DM, in a graphic novel that, like the smash-hit podcast it's based on, will tickle your funny bone, tug your heartstrings, and probably pants you if you give it half a chance.
This is the first volume in "The Adventure Zone Graphic Novels” series. 
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