#Mindful Maternity
astralloom · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide To Prenatal Yoga
“The Ultimate Guide to Prenatal Yoga” is not just a series of poses or breathing techniques. It’s a tapestry woven with ancient wisdom, contemporary knowledge, and the intimate stories of countless mothers before us. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or someone who can’t tell a Downward Dog from a Cat Pose, fret not! This guide is tailored for every mama, every body type, and every stage of…
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shotmrmiller · 16 hours
simon going after very single baby moms cuz he wants some of that breastmilk 🥴
might even step into a crumbling relationship and simply take over all for the sake of having some of it spurt onto his chest hair.
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butcharium · 1 day
At home and the environment I've grown up in it's okay to be a lesbian (in fact, my paternal grandparents have been okay with and even supported homosexuality since the 60s), but do you really need to look like a man though when homosexuality is so normal is the undertone I sometimes catch a whiff of, however now in the rural part where my mother grew up it's no issue for women to look like men and being practical, as long as you're not being a lesbian about it. Well what if I do need to be both lesbian and masculine about it.
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breadmecoshy · 4 months
Hiiiii !!!
I've started to notice a pattern in the hk community.
When people (not all but most) draw pk ,in bug or gijinka, they tend to hide his pretty wings or not draw them at all.
So I've decided to ask bloggers if they could show or describe the king's wings, just out of curiosity (and for my own amusement)
(Btw if you are not taking requests please forgive me, I did not wish to annoy you with my silly babbles)
Yes, I accept requests, and I am very glad to receive them! ^w^
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I've been wanting to draw gijinka the Pale King and the White Lady for a long time, so I might have gotten a little carried away, haha, it doesn't quite match your request for wings….
He Pale King was described in the game as a recluse who was rarely seen outside the palace. I think he hid his wings under his cloak so as not to attract too much attention. Perhaps initially he wanted to have a more mundane connection with his subjects, but they still elevated him to the rank of god and prayed to his idols, so he just tried to look less like such an idol in everyday life
And as for his gijinka, he just wears the most closed clothes so that his divine nature does not confuse ordinary people (since the gijinka of other beetles are completely ordinary in my mind) The head is covered with a cloth, and the body is covered with a spacious medieval cotto. Only the face is visible, so mysterious~
The White Lady, on the contrary, does not hide her divine nature, I love this design of hers so much….. She is big and imposing, with exposed body parts, because her nature is higher than that of simple beetles (and it's probably not obvious in the picture, but she is very well-fed, after all, as the goddess of reproduction, she must be strong and fertile, huh)
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not-a-heretic · 27 days
y’know what? fuck you *de-ages your forbie*
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do you guys think they ever ran into one another as kids?
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runawaycatwalker · 6 months
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Part 26. Asynchronous Expectations (Oni-Chan 2.0, part C)
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Description below the cut
Astrocat wings pattern from here.
Ladybug leaps through the air, swinging her yo-yo towards the Agreste mansion.
Ladybug: Those ribbons were coming from Adrien's place.  Now where's the villain...?
Cut to Gabriel’s atelier, where Oni-Chan is throwing up her hands (one hand holding her sword upwards) in exasperation while looking at a sentimonster—the Unpublisher—as he holds up a single finger.
The Unpublisher: It looks like you want to know what my powers are.  Would you like help?
Oni-Chan: Yes!  I just said that!
The Unpublisher has an uncanny smile and holds up a hand in helpful explanation.  (The Unpublisher is an unsettling inversion of Adrien Agreste—blue hair, dark blue skin, a black overshirt with a white undershirt, hair parted on the other side, and all line art with white lines instead of black.)
The Unpublisher: To delete a picture of Adrien Agreste: Hold my amok and order me to delete a picture of Adrien Agreste.
Oni-Chan picks up a photonegative that was left on the corner of the central platform of Gabriel’s atelier.
Oni-Chan: Is this it?
The Unpublisher: That is the amok belonging to the Unpublisher.  Helpful tip: the Unpublisher is me!  This amok can be used to control the actions of the Un—
Oni-Chan: I get it.
Oni-Chan holds the photonegative and points towards Gabriel’s computer.  The Unpublisher looks at her with a large grin.
Oni-Chan: Look through that computer for Adrien Agreste photos.  Delete all of them from existence.
The Unpublisher: Got it.  Please be patient while I take care of that for you.
Ladybug throws the door open and leaps into the room, wielding her yo-yo.  A couple black ribbons are starting to weave their way into the world.
Ladybug: Not if I have anyth—
Ladybug is abruptly swarmed by a dense slurry of the magical ribbons conjured by the Unpublisher as he deletes every image of Adrien that Gabriel owns.
Ladybug: —Mmph!
Cut to Rena Furtive looking through her telescope at Oni-Chan teleporting across the rooftops as the ribbons fan out across the world.
Ladybug (over comm): I can't get past these ribbons!
Rena Furtive: You might not have to.  Oni-Chan’s mass-teleporting again.  She’s holding something new—I assume it's an amok?
Ladybug (over comm): Then I’ll have to bring her to me...
Cut to Nathalie’s bedroom, where Nathalie sits on the edge of her bed as she speaks to Ladybug.  Her room is largely untouched by the ribbons (though a few can be seen flowing past her windows).  Note that Nathalie has a large map of the world on her wall.
Ladybug: Ms. Sancouer, I need your help.  Do you have a picture of Adrien that Mr. Agreste doesn’t have copies of?
Nathalie: I believe so.
Nathalie (internally): As much as I want to find Adrien, I can't risk an akuma like Oni-Chan leading Gabriel to him first.  If Gabriel asks, I’ll just say I couldn’t refuse Ladybug without rousing suspicion.
A closeup of Nathalie holding her tablet, on which is a picture of Adrien as he stole the grimoire.  He has yet to be deleted.
Nathalie: Here.
Ladybug: Wait, don't look yet—
Oni-Chan teleports in and hits Nathalie (and her tablet with the offending image) with her sword, petrifying her.  Oni-Chan looks towards Ladybug and waves an angry fist (which holds the photonegative amok).
Oni-Chan: Again, Ladybug?  Why must you keep getting in my way?
Oni-Chan swings her sword towards Ladybug, who manages to deflect it with her yo-yo as she leaps back.
Oni-Chan: I just want to find Adrien!  Don't you want that too?
Ladybug: Not like this!  I won't let you hurt everyone just to get to him!
Close-up of Oni-Chan’s unyielding eyes.
Oni-Chan: Then perish!
Ladybug, on pure instinct, yells and throws her yo-yo.
Ladybug: Chat Noir, now!
Ladybug clenches her eyes shut, berating herself.
Ladybug (internally): Stupid reflex!
Ladybug yanks her yo-yo back before it makes contact with Oni-Chan.
Ladybug (internally): He's not here!
Ladybug uses her yo-yo to flee as Oni-Chan lunges towards her.  But behind Oni-Chan, Catwalker has backflipped into the room behind her, his finger touching the amok with his Cataclysm.
Ladybug (internally): I have to fall back and try something els—
Catwalker: Cataclysm!
A closeup of Oni-Chan as she teleports away as the feather starts to emerge from the amok.
Cut to a closeup of the Unpublisher as he begins to dissolve, his mouth forming an ‘O’ as his final ribbon fails as it comes out his finger.
Cut back to Nathalie’s bedroom (she’s still petrified), where Ladybug raises a hesitant hand towards Catwalker.
Ladybug: C-Catwalker?  Where’s the amok?
Catwalker: Oni-Chan took it with her when she teleported away.
Ladybug, face in panicked shock, clenches her fists.
Ladybug: No!  That means I can’t heal the sentimonster’s damage!
Catwalker holds out an appeasing hand.
Catwalker: But it was only destroying Adrien Agreste’s modeling photos, right?  No one got hurt.  And I don't think Adrien would mind losing all that exposure.
Ladybug holds up her hands in infuriation.
Ladybug: Not mind???  Those pictures are incredibly important to Adrien and everyone who still cares about him!  They were all anyone had left of him!
Catwalker slumps and touches the back of his neck.
Catwalker: I'm sorry.
Ladybug: What were you even thinking?
Catwalker: I thought... I thought I was following your orders...
Ladybug points her finger in accusation.
Ladybug: The only order I've given you is to stay out of my way.  And you can't even do that!  I am this close to taking that ring and giving it to someone else, screw what Mayura promised!
Catwalker backs up against the bedroom door, shamefaced, holding his baton in both hands in front of him.
Catwalker: You called for Chat Noir.  Since he couldn't answer you, I just... did what I thought he would have done.
Ladybug shoves Catwalker through the doors, bursting them open.  Catwalker loses grip on his baton as he tumbles backwards.
Ladybug: Don't you dare put the blame on him!  You aren't Chat Noir!  And me calling for him out of old instincts does not give you the right to act like you could ever fill his shoes!
Ladybug slams the doors shut.
Ladybug: Here's your new orders: Go home!  You've put in your mandatory appearance, now leave me alone!
Cut to a conciliatory Rena Furtive calling over her comm, split screen with Ladybug as she answers over her comm, trying to get a grip on herself.
Rena Furtive: I'm sorry.  I know how important Adrien's pictures have been for you.
Ladybug: I can't worry about what's been lost.  I need to figure out my next move.
Rena Furtive: All the other heroes have been frozen by Oni-Chan.  We're running out of allies.  If we can't use Catwalker, I might have to expose myself and join in the battle.
Cut to Catwalker as he sits sadly on the floor on the other side of the door, hugging his knees and eavesdropping on Ladybug.
Ladybug (voiceover): I can handle this all on my own.  I just need a...
Cut to the creation of a Lucky Charm.  It’s a pair of gloves holding hands, one red covered in black spots with Ladybug’s emblem on the wrist, the other solid black with a red paw print on its wrist.
Ladybug: ...Lucky Charm!
Rena Furtive (over comm): What did you get?
Ladybug: A red glove glued to a black glove... holding... hands?
Ladybug looks frazzled and in deep denial as she lifts one of the fingers from the red glove and making it point somewhere.
Rena Furtive (over comm): I hate to say it, but that sounds like you do need to ask for help this time.
Ladybug:  No!  This can't mean that I have to use him!  It's obviously just pointing towards...
Ladybug holds a pencil in the air, about to throw it, as she starts to cover her eyes with her other hand, one eye peeking as she takes aim.
Ladybug: ...This pencil!  And if I close my eyes and throw this pencil at this map, it'll show me where Adrien is!
Rena Furtive (over comm): Uh... I don't think your Lucky Charm works like that...
A close-up of the map, where the pencil has embedded itself.  Ladybug takes a picture of it with her yo-yo.
Ladybug: I've got the coordinates!  Now I just have to follow them!  Power up!
Catwalker watches Cosmobug flying through the sky via the window.  In one hand, he uses his baton to take a picture of the map; in the other, he holds a purple piece of cheese to his mouth.
Catwalker (internally): I'm sorry, but I think I have to disobey you once more, m'Lady...
Catwalker (aloud): Power up!
A closeup of a pair of cuffed black gloves in front of magical green wings.  He holds his baton in one hand and points at the picture of the map on its screen with the other.
Astrocat (internally): If I take a path curved away from the equator... I can get there before Ladybug does and—
Pull back to show Astrocat—the powered-up form of Chat Noir, not Catwalker—looking at himself in panic.
Astrocat (internally): Oh no.  I powered up as Astrocat without thinking!
Adrien hides himself behind a wall and detransforms.  Adrien closes his eyes and tries to focus.  Plagg, meanwhile, helps himself to another piece of purple cheese.
Adrien: Claws in!
Adrien (internally): Focus!  You're Catwalker.  Perfect...  Controlled... No more cat puns under any circumstances...
Adrien (aloud): Plagg, claws out!
Astrowalker—now in his proper form—resumes his flight to the location Cosmobug thinks she’ll find Adrien.
Astrowalker (internally): I really hope that no one saw that...
Cut to Rena Furtive, who Saw That.
Rena Furtive: Chat Noir...?
Below is the same image as above, only without text:
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Pretty much my ideal dcxdp coexisting world
Danny had all his canon happen before Bruce and the JL started their vigilante careers
Before Bruce was born or Martha and Thomas even got married
Phantom Planet never happened and the world never realized that they were almost dead in the first place (I apologize for mentioning it)
Danny retires after blowing up the portal and designing a new system of gov for the Infinite Realms (why the hell is that a monarchy anyway? Fighting being a way of communicating AND the way of determining a ruler does not make sense so I'll choose the better one)
Danny still visits the Infinite Realms but mostly lives his life
He still has interesting things happen to him but more because he apparently has a curse placed on him than anything else 'may you live in interesting times'
Danny manipulates the curse by getting into situations on purpose and then resolving them without getting attention drawn to his civilian id and normal life
He keeps track of immortals and big names that deal with death magic so as to lower the chances of being summoned
The more powerful the Realm Being the more powerful the summoner has to be to summon them and with how powerful Danny is there aren't many he has to keep an eye on
Ra's has been losing Lazarus water at a steady rate for over a decade but only now has it become a noticeable loss. The day the that he notices is a Very Bad Day for the League of Assassins (the day Danny lets himself get caught satisfies his curse for 2 whole months)
Danny hasn't aged much at all since he left Amity at 17. He's still short but mimics the effects of age with stage makeup and other tools used by actors to look older they actually are. This is how he meets a certain Alfred P. who remains a good friend even though they never really meet in person.
His parents blow themselves up and wipe their house off the map when tinkering with a device designed to lure realm beings to them. Danny isn't really sorry they're gone. He finds out after leaving Amity that he wasn't really their kid and he wasn't even adopted. They made him in their lab while distracted from their obsession with ghosts then completely forgot they had done so when they refocused on ghosts. His growth chamber (terrible name) was coated in ecto which allowed the device to reactivate and allow Danny to finish incubating into a toddler then (suspicious) it mysteriously popped him out before his the fentons noticed the growth chambers success.
His parents never took any notes on the clone experiment out of the house due to it being a (perceived) failure. After going back to their ghost obsession they completely forgot about it so no one knows. Jazz only found after Danny told her and he only found out after growing older and continuing to look less and less like either of his parents.
Danny finds the notes and that's what inspires him to leave Amity, to start looking for his bio parent. The Fenton's had no clue that the clone they grew was Danny. They dismantled the growth chamber when Danny was four (actually two) and never realized that the toddler they adopted was the clone of wonder woman they made. They never said anything to anyone about Danny being adopted so Vlad has no idea that Danny isn't Maddie's child.
Vlad starts to age drastically after the portals are destroyed and Danny figures out that Vlad isn't a halfa after all. He's just a normal ghost who can prey on people like spectra but with an obsession directed at Maddie originally and then Danny. Afterwards Vlad gets shunted off into Walker's prison because of all the toxic and human crimes he's committed among them brainwashing, mind control and mind wiping various wealthy and not so wealthy individuals into giving Vlad their money and companies.
Ellie has to explore the Infinite Realms (literally Infinite though so she's not confined) only because she can't really produce her own ecto. She has to absorb it from her surroundings so she can wander safely all over the Infinite Realms (so long as she calls for help when she gets in over her head) but not the human realms unless she takes a buddy who can produce a steady stream of ecto for her.
Vlad makes Danny his heir so now he's rich enough to travel even after giving all the people Vlad stole from their money back. It turns out that Vlad was good with making more money once he had it.
just Danny being a crptoid for the entire magical community and them being unable to talk about it if they even know of him
while danny runs a NASA and space account where he talks about NASA's recent achievements, newly discovered stars, planets and new alien races that Earth has been in contact with
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sillyangstfic · 3 months
I cannot imagine how painful it must be to be Duusu after her miraculous is fixed. Because yeah, maybe before that she wasn’t exactly aware of what was happening to her sentimonsters. But after?
They are, in a way, her children. Her boys. She didn’t design them, but that doesn’t matter.
Is there a link between them? Can she feel it?
Can she feel how they were given hearts only for the purpose of bleeding?
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advluv4life · 5 months
It is insane to me that Mary Hatford abducted her child to keep him from being killed or sold and then went on to never show him an ounce of affection and was just another hand that hurt him. wtf??
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sealrock · 10 months
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I have a problem and it's called 'creating hot dads who love their partners and die tragic deaths'
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hayakawalove · 1 month
He loooves drinking your milk since it tastes so sweet and its maternal? He’d be caring abt it too since he wants to relieve your sore and heavy breasts <3
He is so maternal isn’t he….if it would make you feel better of course he’d do it. I think he’d offer but pose it as a joke at first, he wouldn’t want you to look at him differently. Like he’d make a joke that would be a bit patronizing at first but when you take him up on the offer he’s so happy. His hands are soft as they hold you, and he keeps a watchful eye out for your reactions. Obviously he doesn’t want it to hurt. Places kisses down your chest. Asks if you feel better after. And he all but begs you to tell him if you need him to do it again.
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froody · 9 months
my mom is really insecure about me not being as close to her family as I am to my dad’s side of the family so I’m like walking on egg shells in the middle of drama. listening to her vent. wanting to say stuff like “I never liked my (maternal) uncle so fuck ‘em” but not wanting to upset her.
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hardly-noticeable · 3 months
So my mother and I finished the second half of Bridgerton s3 and I would just like to say....I want to squish all three of the Featherington babies. They're so cute!!
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the-cookie-of-doom · 6 months
for a while now, I've really been doubting my career choices with nursing. I know a lot of it is burn out and depression, and being so overwhelmed between work, school, and clinical, that I didn't have time to breathe. I was in the hospital/on campus for 60 hours a week last semester, and that's not counting the time I had to study outside of that. It was awful. I quit my job because of it, I was almost involuntarily committed because of it.
But the scariest part for me has been how much I've hated clinical. It makes me miserable. And that's terrifying, because once I graduate? That's what I'm going to be doing for the rest of my life. So if I already hate it now, what does that mean for my future?
Sometimes, though... Sometimes I'll have a clinical that is just so good, it reminds me of why I'm doing this. Why I'm putting myself through the pain and suffering of becoming a nurse, which is honestly one of the hardest careers a person can have. It's mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausting. It destroys your body and your mental health. Most of the time it's thankless. It doesn't pay nearly enough for what we go through.
Despite all of the reasons there are not to become a nurse, there are some patients that will remind you why it's all worth it anyway.
Last week, I had a crotchety old bitch of a patient. She had been in the hospital for 10 days, was refusing all of her treatments, screamed at anyone that came in her room, and demanded dilaudid around the clock, despite having no injuries to justify it. Everyone hated her. Her own nurses went in her room as little as possible; I think in the entire 12 hours I was there, her nurse spent maybe a total of 20 minutes in her room. I was in there for hours. A couple minutes at a time in the beginning just so she could warm up to me. Then I spent 2 straight hours at her bedside just talking to her. Letting her tell me her life story. Which was tragic, of course, and no wonder she was so run down and bitter and wanted to get high off narcotics. She was miserable, lonely, and in chronic pain from a body that was deteriorating around her.
So I spent as much time with her as possible. Sure enough, she didn't ask me for any pain medications a single time, once she realized she could trust I was going to look after her. I Explained her medications and her treatments, and the reasoning behind them. I offered to reach out to out chaplain when I noticed she was hyper focused on some televangical broadcast. I got her to call her son to come visit her. I got her to agree to take her medications and allow us to take blood sample for her labs, which were days overdue. I got her up and working with physical therapy so she could start walking again.
By the end of the day, that patient loved me. Not a single complaint all day, she wasn't screaming down the halls and cursing everyone's existence. She was still crotchety and mean in that way old hillbillies are, but she wasn't angry. She wasn't lashing out. She was finally being cooperative. All because I took the time to talk to her and offer her company.
Tonight, I had a shift in our mental health unit. There was a patient who I noticed was very withdrawn and avoiding everyone, mostly just standing in a corner at the end of the hall, by a window. I went down and talked to him. Kind of stilted at first, but slowly he opened up to me. I really only meant to talk for a few minutes, mostly for my own sake, to get used to interacting with mental health patients like this.
Instead, we talked for hours. Nearly 3 hours straight at the start of the day alone, and then more throughout the day. My feet were killing me by the end of it, but it was completely worth it to see the way this poor guy came to life. We talked about everything from social topics like music and movies, to his medications and treatments, and how to manage his depression once he leaves. Something I was able to connect with him about on a personal level in a way his nurse hadn't, because I've been living with depression for a decade, I've been on antidepressants, and I understand. I think that was the point it clicked for him, when he really started reaching out to me, instead of answering when I prompted him. Because humans need connection and understanding.
By the end of the day he was talking freely and smiling nearly non-stop. We'd made plans for him to get back into an old hobby he hadn't touched in years, and he seemed genuinely excited to start it back up again. He was nearly bouncing in place when I went to say goodbye to him at the end of the night, and thanked me for talking to him all day. Even the staff nurses noticed the way his demeanor had completely changed.
Another patient (my actual patient for the night) started the day very combative. To the point she had to be redirected to her room (not locked up, just strongly encouraged to go and cool down). She was screaming at everyone, having some very serious and severe delusions. Same story; I talked to her throughout the day, little bits whenever she was feeling calm. I noticed she had a tattoo from an old semi-niche XBox game I used to play, and we bonded over that. By the end of the shift she loved me. Kept asking me if I'd gotten lunch/dinner, made sure all the other patients on the unit got their snacks, told us all to get some rest once it was curfew for the unit (we had to stay another 2 hours) and said we could use the spare bed in her room if we needed. Which sounds really weird but coming from her was incredibly sweet. Again, total attitude change.
I am very cognizant of the fact that the way I approach my patient care is largely a privilege of still being a student. It's easy for me to stand at a patient's bedside for 2 hours straight and listen to her life story when I have nothing better to do, let alone 3 other patients to take care of. But that nurse didn't talk to her at all. Even when she was in the room, she dismissed everything the patient said. The mental health nurses? Most of their time is spent in the nursing station gossiping and messing on their phones. There's no reason for them not to put in the extra effort of spending time with their patients. And especially there, it can have such an impact.
All of that is to say, I love the relationships I'm able to build with my patients. It's so important for me to be able to connect with people like this, to make them feel seen and cared for and important. No one wants to be treated like an inconvenience, especially not while they're in the hospital, sick and hurt and exhausted and in pain.
Nights like these are why I'm going into this field. I love medicine and I always knew I would end up in the hospital, I've always wanted to be able to save someone's life. But I think now that I've grown up and I'm actually working with these patients, I've come to see not only how rewarding it is to save someone's life, but to nurture that life, too.
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isekyaaa · 7 months
Omegaverse? Yes, I love the three genders. Alphas, omegas, and... *looks at the smudged writing on my hand*
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blueiight · 1 year
marius and lestat in the roman days would both be considered biracial girls...
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