#Milgram your curtain call
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iri-desky · 1 month ago
"Why is Kotoko/Mikoto/Es (somehow?) singing over both Mikoto and Kotoko's parts?" Sorry to burst your bubbles guys, but I'm pretty darn sure that's still Mikoto and Kotoko. Their voices just sound really similar while singing at those notes, but if you listen to their voices closely you can tell it's them. For example, Mikoto has his usual higher tone mid-line, and you can hear Kotoko's usually slightly breathy tone mid-line for her as well. Both of them have slightly androgynous voices, which is where the confusion comes from; that said, if you listen closely, that's definitely them. Those ARE our children, no need to panic, I assure you. (Source: MeMe and Double are two of my most listened to songs on Spotify [I've only had Spotify since last Christmas] and I'm a Mikoto kin, Undercover is one of my favorite Milgram songs so I've listened to it an UNHEALTHY amount [I can probably recite the english lyrics to you by heart], and my best friend is a Kotoko kin so of course I've listened to Harrow and Deep Cover a LOT)
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doodles-in-sand · 2 months ago
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looks like its [curtains] for us
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hakunakii · 1 month ago
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WOOOOOO happy 2025 I swear I did not forget that I have tumblr (lie)
Here’s my most recent artwork to kick off the year, it’s a screenshot redraw from weakness :3 I had a lot of fun working on it, coloring was my favorite hehe I like how vibrant it looks
Don’t really know why I felt like doing this, I’m not a huge Haruka fan but I won’t deny that he is literally me
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Here’s the original screenshot for comparison!!
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myffithealienn · 2 months ago
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kikithedeceiver · 2 months ago
Milgram fans' reaction to the first verse of Undercover - Route: Your (Curtain) Call
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i-dont-r3member · 20 days ago
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lyns-art-estate · 2 months ago
I was writing the Shinonome Fuuta fanfic when MILGRAM UPDATED????
Spoiler wall ~☆彡
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My guess is that they're dead
Haruka killed himself bc he said so if Es (we) vote Muu guilty (T2 voice drama)
Shidou got killed by Amane
Mahiru died bc Shidou isn't there to heal her
It seems very likely but I'm not gonna believe it becAUSE 0206 AND 0507 HAVEN'T KISSED YET ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
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harukaenthusiast · 2 months ago
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archeia · 2 months ago
Prisoners' "UNDERCOVER [Route: Your (Curtain) Call]" Music Video Released
Good evening, this is the MILGRAM Management Committee. Today, we released a music video by the prisoners titled "UNDERCOVER [Route: Your (Curtain) Call]."
The MV has been reconstructed based on the original "UNDERCOVER" MV released in 2020. Please pay attention to the changes made after the first and second trials. Please look forward to more updates from "MILGRAM," the viewer-participation music project. Until then, have a good prison life.
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1moremilgram-enjoyer · 2 months ago
Your (Curtain) Call - Thoughts
Hey, it's been a while, huh? But the call of plot progression was too exciting for me to remain silent any longer. Trial 3 baby here we go!!!
And what a way to kick off the trial! There sure is a fair bit to talk about, so let's do just that.
CW: Murder, suicide, suicide threats, psychological torture (Unforgiven votes)
General Thoughts
WOOOO MILGRAM TRIAL 3 IS COMING!!! The excitement is through the roof!!! I am very desensitized to character deaths so my desire for more content currently supersedes the sadness I am feeling!!!! Still, without any other info on T3 atm, I should probably talk about the thing we do have, no?
First thing to establish, I'm going in with the assumption that the three who didn't show up in Your (Curtain) Call are just dead, because I see no reason to believe otherwise. So, Haruka, Shidou and Mahiru are gone.
I'm frankly not all that surprised. Like, we knew what Haruka was gonna do from the moment Muu's verdict came out Unforgiven, the conversation Mahiru had with Kotoko in Kotoko's last birthday made it pretty clear she wasn't going to last much longer, and Shidou's death was always on the table when Amane's voting period finally closed. The big question was whether the writers would commit to killing off the characters before the true start of T3, and I'm actually kinda glad the answer to that was yes. Obviously I would have appreciated more time with them, and I sincerely hope against hope that we still get a T3 song for all of them, but the deaths are a good way to send the message to the audience that yes, consequences exist in Milgram, and yes, they're very serious.
Basically I'm actually kinda chilling, but that may just be because I... Look I like all the Milgram characters, but these three were never my favorites. I appreciated them, I enjoyed their existence and discussing them, but I'm ultimately more attached to other characters. So, in a sense, I kinda lucked out. Very sorry to those who can't say the same.
Where We Go From Here
Now, before talking about where I think we may go from here, I'm going to talk a bit about the verdicts that led to this. But since this is a contentious topic, I'll establish a few things that I'm sure you're all aware about, but bear repeating just in case.
-I don't believe there are any "right" or "wrong" verdicts, just those which I agree or disagree with. The decisions are difficult and multi-faceted, and usually had to be made with limited information. We're all trying our best here, so even if you disagree with someone else' perspective, it's important to remain respectful of it. If at any point in this post I come off as insulting to anyone else's choices, I apologize, it's not my intention.
-Hindsight is 20/20, but that means it's a distorted perspective. No one was completely certain of many things throughout the voting process. Even if things turned out exactly how you thought they would, or nothing happened like you hoped it might, keep in mind that no one could be 100% sure of some things before the release of Your (Curtain) Call. Basically, going "I told you so" doesn't help anyone.
-At the end of the day, these are fictional characters. It's perfectly fine to be emotionally invested in them, and feel strongly about their fates, but perspective is important. No one actually died, no one's hurt. You can regret your choices or be upset at the verdicts, but keep in mind it's ultimately just a web series.
With that established, the voting. Now, the arguments about Forgiven or Unforgiven have already been had and I have little interest in repeating discussions from the past. But I've never talked much about some of these verdicts here, and I know some of you may be interested in knowing my perspective on them and how I feel about them. Again, the following is simply my opinion, no better than yours, we're gonna disagree on some things and that's fine.
Haruka, Shidou and Mahiru will never get to react to their T2 verdicts in earnest. The verdicts to discuss, then, are Muu's and Amane's from T2, and Mahiru's and Kotoko's from T1. Obviously there's other verdicts involved here, but those are the most pressing ones in my eyes.
-I don't agree with the Unforgiven Muu verdict, and I held that opinion for a long time before Your (Curtain) Call released. I fully understand why it happened, I'm not upset it happened, and I don't hold it against anyone who voted her Unforgiven, but I respectfully disagree with the decision.
Of course, it's easy to say I would have Forgiven her when we now know for sure it would have avoided a death, but an Unforgiven vote was always way more dangerous than a Forgiven vote. Sure, Haruka, could have survived the attempt, but the best way to guarantee his safety would have been Forgiving Muu. That's why I held this opinion before the release of Your (Curtain) Call, even if I don't think I ever mentioned it.
Mind you, a Forgiven vote came with its own risks. It would have enforced a very dangerous mindset on Muu's part, and bending to the suicide threat would have enabled Haruka's self-destructive and manipulative tendencies. He probably would have made the same threat in T3 if we'd let him have his way. This is one of many reasons why I understand the verdict.
But those are things that can be dealt with once everyone's out of the hell prison; death isn't. And while it's true that an Unforgiven vote is the only way we have to get across to Muu that she did a bad thing, that doesn't mean we have to take it. Especially since mentally torturing a teenager to get a point across is... morally dubious, on its face. There's no shame in admitting we lack the tools to properly help someone and stepping back to focus on damage control, as helping without the proper tools can do more harm than good.
Again, though, that's my perspective, one which comes from someone who can only talk about the vote in hindsight as I wasn't around when the voting was actually happening. So, it should be taken with a lot of salt. I sincerely hope those who didn't Forgive her get what they wanted out of the verdict and that Muu will become a better person because of it in some way, even if I have my doubts about it. What's done is done, we should just hope for the best now.
-The Amane vote was a lot harder, because neither option came with a guarantee of safety, and neither option came with a guarantee of death. The setup was always there for a Forgiven Amane to kill Shidou (which is what I assume happened), but there was also setup for someone like Kazui saving him. It was entirely possible that Shidou could have survived with injuries, and just because it didn't happen, we shouldn't forget that it seemed like a real possibility at the time.
That isn't to say I blame Kazui or even Shidou or anyone else for what happened. Trusting a child isn't a crime, and people shouldn't have to be babysitting Shidou the whole time. The fault is entirely on the people who raised Amane, the audience who allowed her freedom of movement, and Amane herself.
In the same vein, an Unforgiven vote could have carried no inter-prisoner fatalities, but it would have been Amane's second Unforgiven, meaning there was a real possibility she'd die. We don't know how that works, after all. I don't even find it particularly likely, but it's a real concern that I took into account.
Basically, unlike Muu's vote where one option was clearly safer than the other (in my eyes), Amane's vote was a gamble either way, and we had no way to genuinely tell what the odds of Shidou's death (and Mahiru's, as we believed back then that they were linked) on a Forgiven vote were compared to the odds of an Amane death on Unforgiven.
Which is why I don't regret voting Amane Forgiven. We can speculate on what we'd do with the information we have now and the information we may get later, but with the information we had at the time, I find it a perfectly reasonable decision. If the information we'd had was different, and you could guarantee that no one would die to an Unforgiven vote and that Shidou would absolutely die on a Forgiven, I might have ended up voting Amane Unforgiven. It would have hurt me a lot and I'd feel gross doing it, but I stand by the principle that preserving human life is always the priority.
However, such a guarantee didn't exist. So I had to weigh the possibility of life and death against the other aspects of the vote. And to put it bluntly, I've never personally found any Unforgiven argument unrelated to Shidou's safety to be particularly convincing. We've seen what an Unforgiven vote does for Amane, and it's not good. I sincerely doubt that doing the same thing again would carry different results.
Also, there's another reason I found voting Amane Forgiven when Shidou could die easier to justify than Not Forgiving Muu when that could get Haruka killed: it's just easier to sell me on a Forgiven vote than an Unforgiven vote. That's a personal bias I'm aware of, but not one I particularly mind having and acting upon. Hot take, mentally torturing teenagers is Bad actually, and should be avoided whenever possible.
-I didn't talk about Mahiru much in the previous section, because I'm pretty sure she was dead from T1.
[2024/12/15 Timeline] Mahiru: I also have to, say my thanks, to Shidou-san. Kotoko: I can’t even laugh at how carefree you are, going out of your way to call me over. Well...... if you have any grudges in your last moments, I guess I’d consider listening.
In this recent timeline,, Mahiru talks about Shidou as if he's still alive, but Kotoko seems pretty convinced Mahiru's not going to last much longer. This seems to imply, at least to me, that Shidou wouldn't have been able to keep Mahiru alive for T3 even if he hadn't gotten stabbed by the child. She was likely just kept alive to explore her character further before killing her off.
Now, I don't hold any votes cast against anyone in general, but I especially don't hold anything against the votes from T1. From my understanding, that was the wild wild west when it came to voting, as there was no precedent for what the votes would actually do. I don't even know what I would have voted Mahiru, since by the time I joined the fandom, the consequences of the voting had already been made relatively clear. I have no basis for what I would have taken into account when it came to casting votes in T1.
That said, I would have voted Kotoko Forgiven, probably. I tend to trust fictional characters more than I probably should, and the partnership she offered in TASK sounded quite appealing when we had no precedent for inter-prisoner violence beyond John Doe. HARROW made it look (at least to me) that Kotoko did a lot of research before attacking her victims, so I'd have given her the benefit of the doubt and thought she wouldn't attack the others until she learnt more about their crimes. Without Deep Cover, there wasn't any reason to believe she had that info at the time. Clearly, I'd have enabled the bullshit that happened in the T1-T2 intermission. Oops.
Okay that's way too much yapping about things that no longer matter. The votes are cast, the decisions are made, we move. What's next?
Well, that would be discussing how these deaths affect our choices moving forward. I don't feel like speculating on how characters are going to act in T3 when it's likely we're gonna get more info on that soon anyways (I can't believe it!!!), but what are my plans for voting?
Well, you can probably guess, but I'm hoping for an inno sweep. Unless we get confirmation on what our votes are gonna do before casting them, the possibility that a T3 Unforgiven will kill the character is too dangerous for me to consider that, unless there's some reason to believe a Forgiven vote would also carry risk of death. I think I've made it clear that I don't usually find the mental torture that an Unforgiven vote carries to be particularly helpful, so unless the consequences of the vote change, full Forgiven is probably the best we can hope for. I really doubt it's going to be so simple, of course, but I can't comment further without more info on the trial. I'm very excited to see how they try to avoid the full Forgiven sweep over at MILGRAM HQ (?).
And I'll actually get to vote for all of them this time! Well, the ones who are alive, anyways. Yippie!!!
On a completely unrelated note; really love the title of the video. The play on "your call" (your decision) and "your curtain call" (the end) is fun.
I wonder what other routes would have been called, though. Because obviously you can't have a name for every possible combination of T1 and T2 verdicts, so you need general names like Your (Curtain) Call for most of them. I kinda wanna know what decisions could have led to a different route name. If I feel like it, I might make a post with some other route ideas for the fun of it. But I have like a bajillion posts I want to write on my main still, so. God knows when that would come out.
Alright I've evidently run out of meaningful things to say. Hope you enjoyed this massive rambling session, that you don't hate me if you disagree with my opinions, all that stuff. In any case, thanks for reading, see ya'!
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grimeye-j · 2 months ago
I'm not even processing the new milgram video
Your (Curtain) Call
'Your Call' as in our decision
'Curtain Call' as in the end
The end as in both the third and last trial, as well as the end of some of the characters as a direct result of our votes
We knew this was coming, but it still hurts
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doodles-in-sand · 1 month ago
put your affairs in order before your end
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or, the prisoners' last words (as according to timelines)
(translations taken from milgram wiki)
individuals under cut
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nayways. guess whos still not over curtain call :) <- this guyy
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snakes-and-fluff · 1 month ago
My sincere hopes for T3 covers! (Though I can almost guarantee being wrong on at least two counts here)
EDIT: I'd written this up before Curtain Call dropped, but I think it'd be funny to post it anyway (also I still think they might get cover songs; they're not canon, please it'd be so goood...)
Haruka – Undead Alice Every time I ask for ideas to hurt myself, I breathe in happiness and breathe out poison The ideal junkie, doesn’t it feel good that only the two of us are normal? First and foremost, I just think his voice would sound good with this song. Secondly I think the juxtaposition of emotions in this song works for Haruka - love and hate intertwining until it's so so hard to tell where they start and end, knowing on some level that's not "normal" but ignoring it anyway because it's easier, because it's the only thing you know.
Yuno – Rookie Layerings on my skin What’s it mean, who was I with when I got this? Though Yuno has no literal tattoos, I do think that she carries the memory of what she's done physically, with her constant talk of physical sensations like warmth.
Fuuta - Ghost Rule That affected talkativeness of mine, Just digging my own grave, burning myself out My fave Deco song, with my fav Milgram prisoner? Yes please! The constant focus on guilt and regret, the cyclical nature of it all... Your own words ending up being your undoing as you seek approval and redemption even as you're fully aware that you're just lying and acting and projecting a version of yourself that was never really real.
Muu - Dilemma There’s nothing that can be done anymore, I’m too much aren’t I Who else am I supposed to love but you? Not knowing if you're meant to be angry at yourself or someone else; who is to blame in this situation? It might be easier to shoulder the blame yourself but maybe your simmering anger wishes to lash out instead.
Shidou – Cosmic Rendezvous Everything I thought I did for you, it was actually all for me To realize that now, I mean, how thick am I? Here, take all of my oxygen, so in exchange, please please wake up Thinking of Shidou with this song twists my insides and causes me so much emotional pain, it's a perfect fit. The themes of loss and pain inherent in "love" even when you try your best to move on. And yes, I do think it'd be funny to hear him say "fuck fuck fuck".
Mahiru – Aitai-liens Goodbye to “want you”, a Loversaurus I wanted you to be the hero of this story, you know An alien that destroys a planet because in her pursuit of "love" she only found negative emotions instead, even when pleading with the protagonist that she wanted him to succeed, which would imply either reciprocating her love or destroying her before she could destroy the planet. Who keeps seeking out this "love" even though it seems to end the same way every time.
Kazui – Relationship Scramble "Let's fall in love and do everything in the correct order." But in any case, we're just gonna let love consume us, hurt each other, then say goodbye, aren't we? There are other songs on this list I like more but this is the only one I yearn for this specific Milgram cover so badly. A relationship that falls apart despite trying so so hard to get it to work, simply because it was never meant to be. Scrambling after the gratification that's meant to be found in "love" but somehow never finding it, even at different times with different people. The shadow of a specific someone hanging over you like a curse, never letting you go. If that's not Kazui, I don't know what is.
Amane - Find the Light Gather together, for those singing voices will grow stronger as one Break through, grasping that color of tomorrow with this hand Probably the most unknown song on this list, I've liked it ever since I've first heard it. A story of desperately trying to cling to hope in a seemingly hopeless situation, tearing yourself apart to try protect the smiles of the ones closest to you. Despite everything, Amane is just a child that wants to see those she cares for happy and carefree, though she does have a unique way of going about it.
Mikoto – Chimera What do I want to do? Oh yeah, it's up to me What do I want to do? Oh yeah, I get to choose A song about falling prey to external evaluation and praise. A song about losing yourself and your identity. A song named after a combination of different things that make up one whole. A song that screams Mikoto, through and through, who lost his core so much that he ended up falling into Milgram.
Kotoko – Iiya/118 Even if you say, "In that case, we're accomplices" Well, I guess that's how it goes A codependent relationship, toxic for both sides but neither can stop the wheels from turning once they're in motion. Mourning the fact you're incapable of change and dying on the hills of the sunk-cost fallacy. Until it all comes crumbling down and you fall apart.
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milgramfessing · 1 month ago
I binged milgram this week and immediately pinpointed amane and shidou as my favorites. then I got to your (curtain) call. I feel like I clowned myself.
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givemeanaccountalready · 1 month ago
A sprinkle of predictions based on the teaser trailer for Milgram’s Third Trial to add to my last post.
So far, it looks like I was wrong about Muu dying. I have more under the cut, since I made that first batch of predictions before Undercover (Your) Curtain Call came out, so everything was fair game.
I’m still firmly in the camp of Shidou tried to kill Kotoko during the break. Amane’s actions during her second voice drama showed that a prisoner could still move to attack even with one round of restraints. We still don’t know the level of restraints Haruka, Muu, and Kotoko received after their Trial 2 Guilty verdicts, but it was probably the same level of physical restraints that the Trial 1 Guilty crew received. I don’t think Milgram would double up their restraints for getting Innocent the first trial and then Guilty during the second trial. Neither Fuuta nor Mahiru are physically strong, and Kotoko is trained in martial arts and has the advantage of getting the first and next moves on her victims. Shidou probably assumed that the level of restraints were more restrictive and would make killing her easier. So, he takes on Kotoko to, “extract the fang,” and by that, I mean kill her. I still think he would have been driven by the motive to not only prevent other prisoners from getting hurt but also to get Es to vote him Guilty and give him the death penalty that he kept wishing for back in the first trial. Kotoko killed him in self-defense, despite her physical and mental restraints.
But then, I had a second hellish thought for this hellish third trial. What if Amane accidentally killed Mahiru while trying to punish Shidou? I’m not sure how mobile she is, but what if she took the hit meant for Shidou, and it shook Amane to her core. She talks about warning someone (“he” or “them” depending on the two translations I’ve seen), and that has to be Shidou. He is the only person she has a problem with. Her third trial teaser lines strike me as odd, because she normally asserts her autonomy and beliefs when challenged, and in those lines, she appears to be blaming Es and asking him why he didn’t do anything to stop Shidou. The only things she has ever asked of Es is to treat her like an adult and to understand her religion’s values. Now, she seems to be blaming Es for not having stopped Shidou, which only means two things. One, she killed Shidou or otherwise had a role in his death that she regrets, or two, she tried to punish Shidou, but Mahiru was hurt instead. Mahiru wasn’t supposed to get hurt or die, and the guilt is crushing Amane. Her faith is wavering, and that’s why Fuuta talks as if he has the weight of the world on his shoulders in the teaser video.
Hokey, but eh, I’m on that copium. A-grade, baby.
As for the others, I think Yuno is talking about Mahiru when she says, “We spent too much time together.” Fuuta could have tried to kill Shidou, but I don’t think he has the guts, strength, or luck to have done it. Kazui is talking about his role in Hinako’s death and possibly if Hinako’s death could have been avoided. I call bullshit on John being gone for good. He is still there, just not as much. And Kotoko is going to try to manipulate Es by opening up about herself, possibly answering who was the girl in pink and the grandma we saw back in Harrow.
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archivalofsins · 21 days ago
Do you have any specific interrogation questions you would like to ask in Trial 3?
I have sooooo many I will go by character,
Ah, I was about to start with Haruka then I remembered. Man I still had so many questions I wanted to ask those guys too. Damn... Well, let's start.
Yuno (Trial three questions.)
What was your first heartbreak?
Have you ever been rejected?
How many people have you asked out/confessed to?
Do you enjoy your work?
Do you enjoy school?
What do you look for in your friends?
What do you think of balloons?
What's the name of your victim?
How do you feel about Shidou and Mahiru?
What do you think of the other prisoners?
What do you think of yourself?
Do you think you're a caring person?
What's a cherished memory of yours?
Have you ever told someone, "I love you"?
What do you think of your time in Milgram?
What are your feelings on Jackalope and Es?
What makes you feel warm?
What were the names of your clients?
If you could go on vacation anywhere in the world all expenses paid where would you go?
What's your school like?
After everything do you still feel the same way about the choices that led to you being here?
What have you requested from Milgram during your stay?
Futa (Trial three questions.)
What are your beliefs?
Have you ever been referred to as impressionable?
How would you feel about having siblings?
What was school like for you?
What were you studying in school?
What are your plans for the future now?
What are your feelings in regards to Haruka and Mu?
What are your feelings in regards to Shidou and Mahiru?
How have your opinions of the other prisoners changed?
Have you ever been taken advantage of?
What's your home like?
What do you think of Jackalope and Es?
What have you requested from Milgram during your stay?
After everything do you still feel the same way about the choices that led to you being here?
What could you never forgive?
If you were the guard what verdicts would you give the other prisoners.
Do you have any special talents?
What type of phone do you own?
Have any of the other prisoners been difficult to live with?/ What has it been like to live with the other prisoners?
What was the name of your victim?
What's your favorite animal?
Are you a cat or dog person?
Mu (Trial three questions.)
So, the important thing to remember here is that Futa and Mu will still be paired. This is illustrated by pairs still sharing lines in MILGRAM / Undercover [Route: Your (Curtain) Call] video. So unless the other prisoner in a pair has been lost or they're just Mikoto and Kotoko who never did anything together due to how the verdicts went.
Tangent isn't that wild. We managed to keep those two apart through verdict alone. Just like Kazui warned about. The whole reason they weren't paired together was because it was actually dangerous for everyone else here if they got along. If they were both innocent trial one man that would have been wild. Them working together like Mikoto wanted from the start would be mm that would have been a run.
Sorry, I'm digressing what I'm getting at is since they're still paired unlike Yuno who is all by herself now,
"Just me alone, it really is lonely."
Sorry, we'll probably cross that bridge when we get there. I mean having the person she was taking care of and the prisoners she was paired with die in the same span of time. How is she doing really? Because I doubt it's alright. She was already finding it difficult to look at Haruka and Mu together,
Q.11 Which of the other prisoners do you get along with least?
Yuno: I wonder. The ones that are painful just to watch are Haruka and Mu-chan.
Now Haruka and Mahiru are both gone while Mu is still here. I wonder how much Yuno knows about what transpired? Sorry, it's been a long day my point is Mu and Futa will be sharing interrogation questions again. In all honesty I'm not that interested in knowing more about Mu.
I feel like I know enough about her at this point. She's been pretty forward with her answers while Futa has been pretty vague. Sometimes not even answering the question simply because of how it's worded.
Futa and Mu first written interrogation,
Q.06 If you suddenly had a large amount of money, what would you use it on?
Futa: It depends on exactly how much. Be more specific with the setting.
Mu: I usually do whatever I want, so haven’t ever thought about it.
Futa and Mu second written interrogation,
Q.06 Do you remember the name of the person you killed?
Futa: I think I remember. I saw it a lot.
Mu: Of course, it was Rei right?
And we can't even blame him for not telling us the name. Like we asked if he remembered it not what the persons name was. He technically answered the question. The other reason I'm just kind of over her is because of how she's been treated by the community. The hypocrisy when it comes to her in contrast to everyone else is a bit annoying.
All the babying and going she didn't know her actions would have consequences, she expected Es to be better than her, she never thought, she must be so broken up over this. Like she's the only person who ever made a simple mistake or failed to treat a situation with the urgency it needed.
Where is that same extension of the benefit of the doubt for any of the prisoners, Es, or even others within this community. To some people who are very vocal about their favorites no one would be surprised to know that some can get carried away. It's just been particularly egregious when it comes to the behavior of a vocal minority.
Admittedly my annoyance arises because I'm just simply going that's unfair. Why is everyone else in this prison treated like they knew what they were doing one hundred percent of the time but her? It gets obnoxious and tiring to deal with others who seem to believe accountability only matters when it's someone they dislike needing to be held accountable.
People will be like Mu isn't a mastermind to lampshade her being complicit in heinous shit when the point of her character is she's complicit with terrible things as long as they benefit her. No one was ever saying she's a master manipulator just pointing out she knows the difference between right and wrong because she wasn't literally born yesterday.
Then everyone decided to go,
"No, no she doesn't! She doesn't know that people die when they die or get hurt when they hurt themselves."
Get the fuck out of here. At this point I've already decided on how I will be engaging with her third trial regardless of what Jackalopes tells us the consequences of our verdicts will be this trial. I'm not about it this year. I don't have many questions for her because the energy around her character has done enough talking as is.
We could be told by Jackalope,
"I am going to kill them if they are guilty trial three."
During the trial three commencement notice- Even that would not change how I have decided to move forward with Mu's case trial three. I'm just not engaging with it anymore there are so many other characters within Milgram I do not have to engage in good faith with people who have been consistent in engaging in bad faith. Be it Mu's character herself or the discussions that come about around her character.
Her victim could beat her with a chair Rika Furude style and I'd still vote go forward with how I want to go forward with her trial. I just wouldn't be up to hearing it anymore. Every defense given to Mu's character has been a defense that people in this community did not and continue to not be accept in many of the other cases here. A good portion of the audience treated Haruka like a whole ass menace and voted him guilty for "the safety of himself and others". Because he was such a huge threat to others, himself, and Mu.
Yet, look where we're at now he's dead and she's still here. Also this is a good time to point out in the MILGRAM / Undercover [Route: Your (Curtain) Call] video they remove the song extraction from the prisoners missing near the end displaying there's no more means to draw footage,
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Yuno and Futa's undercover images are displayed behind them because that's their extractions. When the parts for Haruka, Shidou, and Mahiru come up it's just static because there's nothing to extract. So they're gone-gone.
I don't have the empathy or sympathy to spare in order to feel bad for her anymore. I'm treating her like everybody here gets treated. She is not special. She does not get to be shielded by every excuse any other person has and will continue to be scrutinized for giving to any other prisoner here.
I'm gonna do my own thing and let whatever happen in her case happen. I've never presented myself as above being moved to act due to my personal feelings or anger at what I believe to be unfairness. Quite the contrary actually. I'm saying "what I believe to be unfairness" because I'm leaving space for the fact that some may not believe the treatment around Mu is unfair or may believe it's unfair for the exact opposite reason. That's fair we're not all meant to see things the same way and my experiences in this space have been vastly different from the experiences of those around me. I'm just making my personal feelings on this known.
So, now that I've highlighted my bias this is going to be shorter not just because she's paired with Futa and the questions for him work for her as well but simply because I have nothing more to ask her.
Do you think you're a good friend?
Why didn't you intervene when it came to the bullying at your school?
What do you think matters more a person's actions or their intent?
Have you ever had difficulties with your mental health?
After everything do you still feel the same way about the choices that led to you being here?
What's your favorite food?
I have nothing to ask Kazui. Like I really can't think of- Well, hold on... Hm, I should write this with both of them in mind since he's still in a pair. However I do have some Kazui specific questions.
Kazui & Amane (Trial three questions.)
What's the name of your friend with the boat?
What's the name of the person who won't see you anymore?
Do you have any siblings?
What's one thing your proud of yourself for?
How have you enjoyed your time in Milgram?
Do you like where you were born?
What's your favorite food?
Have you ever wished your life was different?
What are your longest friends names?
What's your dream date?
What type of baby were you?
What's the worse thing you've done to your parents?
What did you study in school?
What was your first job?
Tell us the moment in your life that disappointed you the most.
What do you like to read?
Do you or anyone you know drink?
What's your favorite show?
How have your opinions of the other prisoners changed?
What are your thoughts on Haruka, Shidou, and Mahiru?
What do you think of Jackalope and Es?
What have you requested from Milgram during your stay?
After everything do you still feel the same way about the choices that led to you being here?
Mikoto (Trial three questions.)
Do you feel like you've grown to know yourself better?
Have you ever betrayed someone close to you?
What's a typical work day for you?
Do you have trouble writing?
How do you feel about where you live?
Are you lonely?
Have you ever been stolen from?
How do you feel about your boss and coworkers?
What's one thing in your life you would change?
What have you requested from Milgram during your stay?
Have any of the other prisoners been difficult to live with?/ What has it been like to live with the other prisoners?
Do you find yourself being singled-out often?
What frightens you?/ What are you afraid of?/ What scares you?
What's your favorite thing?
What frustrates you?
What do you think of Jackalope and Es?
What's your favorite place?
What was your childhood like?
Would you say you cry often?
Did you ever struggle in school?
What are your parents occupations?
How do you decide what clothes to wear for the day?
Kotoko (Trial three questions.)
Man I am at a loss we've learned so much about her already. I'm just gonna make small talk.
What's your favorite food?
Who was your first crush?
Why did you learn English?
What do you think of Jackalope and Es?
How do you spend your free time?
What do you find attractive in a partner?
What is your definition of a weakling?
Have any of the other prisoners been difficult to live with?/ What has it been like to live with the other prisoners?
Is there anyone who you look up to?
What frustrates you?
Do you like the person you are?/ Do you love yourself?/ Are you happy with who you are?
How many friends do you have?
Have you ever been betrayed by anyone?
Have you ever betrayed someone?
What do you think of Haruka, Shidou, and Mahiru?
After everything do you still feel the same way about the choices that led to you being here?
How do you feel about the second trial verdicts?
What did you do between trials?
What have you requested from Milgram during your stay?
What do you like to read?
How do you feel about Milgram?
I'm pretty sure more will come to me as time comes on but I like all of these ones so far. So, for not that's it.
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