#Mighty Mite
spectraltenkai · 6 months
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Song: One Fine Morning
Day 8 already! Yes, I was wild enough to draw five familiars from Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch!
I absolutely adore the creature design and have a few favorites, but these buddies in particular I know are on my main team and I refuse to swap them out even if their synergy with their user doesn't maximize their potential.
I never beat NnK1 but I am ok with that. It's honestly a story I think I'd be sad to finish, if that makes sense-
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daisyducklover2021 · 8 months
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The boys took the bus to school.
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2lim3rz · 1 year
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Has shipping self inserts with The Spot been done yet??? No??? WELL HERE I AM
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savageonwheels · 2 years
Car Spot: The AMC Mighty Mite
American Motors filling a need in the market. This week's car spot the Mighty Mite.
The Jeep before they bought Jeep. Being an AMC guy, I get a fair amount of abuse but I remind those abusing me of the innovative vehicles the company came out with in response to the market. One example is this week’s car spot, the Mighty Mite. Found this example at the Russell Military Museum just south of Kenosha where the Mighty Mite was built. They also have lots of Jeeps built for military…
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mudwerks · 2 months
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Pretty Kelly Lee, California's "Safe Driving Queen" & The P.I.E "Mighty Mite" Half-Scale Model, Dedicated To The Promotion Of Highway Safety
I want that truck
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jasminem18 · 18 days
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kids on their way to school
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bobbytriesatlife · 1 year
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I finished some updated sprites based on my Toku comic oc's.
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lonestarflight · 2 years
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"In the immediate afterwar years, the U.S. Army Air Force and the U.S. Navy started a series of joint evaluation programs which for the most part proved unsuccessful. The Martin Model 233 Mighty Mite was the Navy's own parasite fighter, evaluated in parallel with the Air Force's McDonnell XF-85 Goblin under the designation XF3M-1. Slightly bigger and heavier than the Goblin, the Mighty Mite first flew in August 1948 and handled much better, but fell a victim of changing requirements. When the Navy's involvement in the program ceased abruptly early in 1949, some of the XF3M-1's successful features were incorporated in the Goblin, but this itself was canceled a few months later."
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McDonnell XF-85 Goblin vs Martin XF3M-1 Mighty Mite
"Don't believe everything you read or see!!"
source, source
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demonic-pizza-child · 2 years
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Baldethor the Mighty, crusher of mites, devourer of the dirt kingdoms
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bogleech · 1 year
While the hosts as spaceships thing is cool I've always been fascinated by parasites (and other things that live in and on animals since some are beneficial or benign, like gut bacteria and those eyelash mites [though those might technically be parasites? I'm not clear what makes the difference between a harmless parasite and a Guy Who Just Lives On You]) because they make one recontextualize animals as environments and ecosystems in their own right. You are an ecosystem, your dog is an ecosystem, every person and animal you meet is an ecosystem, there are other animals that can and will and sometimes do view you as a hospitable, just right place to live, it amazes me, I am like a desert, plain, or forest, there are creatures that would choose no other place to live than me (which is unfortunate with harmful parasites but AMAZING with the benign/beneficial things that reside on a body, like wow those things wouldn't want to be anywhere else, how nice for both of us)
Yep the majority of life on Earth in terms of total species as well as population numbers is symbiotic in or on other living thing's bodies, and parasitism is the most common form of symbiosis! So mainly we're a planet of very very tiny creatures who mostly have to live inside the mighty titan monsters who can magically live in just the dirt and water. Beneficial body friends are called mutual symbiotes and what they do is mutualism or mutual symbiosis, while sneaky ones that eat you are doing parasitic symbiosis, and guys who are just there for the ride and don't make a big difference are commensal symbiotes. But the lines ARE blurry to the point that for a lot of species we can't even make a meaningful distinction at all. There are some things that feed on their host for instance but they're so small in comparison they don't cause any noticeable harm, so does that make them commensal? How do we decide the cut-off point? Sometimes a commensal creature does feed on something from the host, but it's not something the host usually needs, UNLESS the commensals become overpopulated. For instance, mites that usually eat harmless amounts of extra skin oil can sometimes boom in number until they're taking *too much* skin oil, causing psoriasis! Did they "become" parasitic, then?! Lice are considered ectoparasitic (external parasites) because they breed directly on the host's body and feed on blood. But fleas come and go from their host, raising their young in the surrounding environment, so are they true parasites? Vampire bats and mosquitoes drink blood but they never spend any time living ON another animal, so some in biology have started calling those "micropredators" instead of parasites. It gets extra confusing with "parasitoids," like wasps. We think of a parasite as something that feeds on another animal long-term, without killing it, but parasitic wasp larvae have to kill the host to mature, and that's why they get called "parasitoid" or "parasite-like," which isn't considered a really technical distinction. Maybe we should think of them as a predator, but the adult wasp doesn't *eat* the host, the "parasitic" larva just consumes enough of the host to finally kill it. How slowly does something have to kill its prey to be a predator vs. a parasitoid vs. a true parasite?! Nobody can agree!
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the-fluffy-folio · 11 months
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Mite Knight – Tiny humanoid, lawful good
Tiny problems require tiny solutions! One of such solutions: the mighty mite knight – a small, yet relentless guardian of unknown origin and nature. Wherever lesser evil of greater significance threatens to disturb the peace, to cause trouble or to end the world, it appears. With divine devotion, it fights, retaliates and defeats – however, unnoticed by most. But the mite knight neither seeks attention nor does it strive for approval. Justice is what drives its sword; modesty strengthens its armor; truthfulness keeps its courage growing.
🔮 If you like my work, kindly consider to support me on Patreon to gain access to monster pages, tokens & artwork of over 220 quirky creatures as well as dozens of potion & item cards based on their lore.
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dailydccomics · 4 months
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the all-mighty Wonder-Mite Batman/Superman: World's Finest #28 by Mark Waid and Dan Mora
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ultraericthered · 4 months
One Villainous Scene: The Mighty Moonlander
I'm gonna go ahead and say it - Season 2 was the best season of the 2017 DuckTales reboot series, and the Moon arc was the best story arc the show ever gave us. The entirety of the episode "Whatever Happened To Della Duck?" really showcases why it is, but the next time we saw Della on the moon was every bit as revealing, including the true unveiling of this season's main villain, General Lunaris. So let's flash back to May 2019, since when it's been exactly five years.
For his time in Della's focus episode, Lunaris seemed to us like a bold, intellectual, generous and reasonable soldier of what he and his people the Moonlanders knew as "Planet Moon", being visibly and vocally impressed with Della's motherly compassion being able to solve their problem with the Moon Mites and offering her a place to say in the moon's hidden civilization of Tranquility. It was his follower, Lieutenant Penumbra, who was more openly antagonistic and distrustful of Della by contrast. But Lunaris' insistence that Della and her Earthly compassion "may prove useful" to them was a red flag at the end of that episode, and in this one Lunaris reminisces about how his late father had always feared Planet Earth due to the rockets launched from it, gives Penumbra the order to stick with Della and collaborate on a way to fix up the Spear of Selene so that she can return home, and even subtly puts ideas into her head regarding how to set the rocket to launch so that Della may be forced to leave in it.
As the Spear of Selene is about to take off prematurely and Lunaris pleads with Della to leave the rocket manual with him so that the Moonlanders can build their own rockets and visit her on Earth, the viewer should be instinctively on edge and not wanting her to do it, fearing there's a Twist Villain reveal right around the corner. And sure enough, the second the Spear of Selene has been flown out of sight, Lunaris blasts himself in the shoulder with a devious grin on his face. The moment we'd been dreading is the moment he'd been waiting for, where he gets to stand before his fellow Moonlanders and lie to them, claiming that Della was a secret agent sent to Planet Moon from Earth who'd only been pretending to befriend them all (painting onto Della characteristics and deeds that are actually true of him) before she blasted at him and flew off back to Earth where she'll report back to her Earthling superiors and be intent on putting together a massive force of similar rocket ships to invade and conquere Planet Moon, but that he was able to snatch the manual from her so that now the Moonlanders have a chance to construct rocket ships of their own and invade Earth first before such a thing befalls them. And in riling up the emotions of his people, Lunaris makes clear what this is truly all about for him - an assertion of supremacy. A way to "prove that the Moon is the greatest planet in the universe!" Like a true dictator and demagogue, he leads his people in a war cry of "We are the mighty! We are the Moon!"
In Penumbra's talk with Lunaris afterwards, Lunaris shamelessly admits that he'd wanted to prey off of the fear, uncertainty and outrage of his people in order to give them a reason to take up arms and become a willing invasion force so that his ambition to invade and conquer Earth could finally be realized, and he did so by expertly manipulating both Penumbra and Della, and exploiting Della's Earthly compassion. A line of questioning from Penumbra that asks "aren't you afraid" sparks fury in the general, who ellaborates on what drives his actions, that he refuses to cower in fear of some other planet the way his late father did when he built Tranquility and cloaked it, as that is an insult to his sense of pride as a mighty Moonlander. He insists that the Moon is the planet that should be feared, and he will make the Earthlings fear him when the time to invade finally arrives. With a last remark about how he'd seen how much Della had taken a liking to Penumbra due to noted similarities to her brother Donald, Lunaris walks away from the scene looking like the most reprehensible bastard seen on this show, and also one of the most cold-blooded, strategically calculating, manipulative, dangerous characters.
While the writing, scripting, and animation direction for Lunaris are all wonderful, what really brings him life is his voice acting by actor Lance Reddick, who tragically passed away on March 17 of last year. Rest in peace, Lance. You were the mighty. You were the Moon.
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Oi oi let him go! He's just a little Creacher
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Superman #73 (1951) "The Mighty Mite!"
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barbwritesstuff · 1 year
Ok firstly, why are people like so shocked you're an Aussie? I knew it awhile ago. But it's not that weird lol. Although I gotta ask, what is your opinion on Vegemite? I tried it once and I thought it was disgusting. Way too salty imo lol.
Secondly, congratulations on Blood Moon's earlier release! When I found out it was coming this month and not in June I fan girled so hard!! I get to see my octopus loving, weird AF but still adorable, cheerful Marco again!!! Ahhh I can't wait !
I'm glad you're excited for the release!
And vegemite is yummy! Great for kids. The thing to remember though is that it is made to be super strong. It's more like a spice than a traditional spread. You shouldn't eat a spoonful of it in the same way you shouldn't eat a spoonful of salt or stock. It won't taste nice that way.
If you're a first time Mighty Mite, this is what you should do:
Toast some bread.
Smother it in butter (or a butter alt of your choice) while the bread is still warm.
Put a VERY SMALL amount of vegemite on. This thing should be mostly butter, and the vegemite should be patchy.
Eat and enjoy.
It should taste a wee bit salty, but not a huge amount.
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I think a lot of Americans accidently put way too much on because they're used to things like jam and peanut butter where more is... well... more.
Vegemite was invented in the 1920s, based on British Marmite, but it gained more popularity in the 30s during... yeah, you guessed it, the depression and WWII. It's a practical food. A jar can last for a long time and it will keep for a long time too. Plus, it's made from vegetables so... healthy? Maybe? I dunno.
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jasminem18 · 3 months
Doodles i made not long ago but ye (sorry i keep not making actual full drawings , feeling unmotivated and .. eh)
Majin ver @bkchaos
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Benny belongs to ItsMeEd_Boy
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some doodles (that i saved ;v;) i did in a friend's straw page thing
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