#midget fighter
lonestarflight · 2 years
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"In the immediate afterwar years, the U.S. Army Air Force and the U.S. Navy started a series of joint evaluation programs which for the most part proved unsuccessful. The Martin Model 233 Mighty Mite was the Navy's own parasite fighter, evaluated in parallel with the Air Force's McDonnell XF-85 Goblin under the designation XF3M-1. Slightly bigger and heavier than the Goblin, the Mighty Mite first flew in August 1948 and handled much better, but fell a victim of changing requirements. When the Navy's involvement in the program ceased abruptly early in 1949, some of the XF3M-1's successful features were incorporated in the Goblin, but this itself was canceled a few months later."
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McDonnell XF-85 Goblin vs Martin XF3M-1 Mighty Mite
"Don't believe everything you read or see!!"
source, source
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nocternalrandomness · 1 month
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PZL-Mielec Lim-2 - Warsaw Modlin Airport, Poland
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bbq-ishere · 6 months
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these suck but imma update them in the next year or so anyway
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roughridingrednecks · 10 months
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Half Pint Punk
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wesleysnipesfacts · 10 months
Fact #541
Wesley Snipes once threw a bag of Cheetos at Dagestani midget UFC champion Little Uri at a charity match in Derbent. Snipes, a midget who knew no martial arts, officially won the fight, but Little Uri later petitioned Dana White to reverse the decision, claiming that Snipes had two left feet (fighting with two left feet is illegal in Dagestan) and had blinded him with Cheeto dust.
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drawingquest21 · 1 year
Crazy battle junkie midget
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And on the right is another character, even if the haircut is a bit similar to the crazy battle junkie midget.
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cartelohandbag · 1 year
Kinda wish my name was as cool as Æethelflæd Juliette Montbéliard
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Hi there! I'm just popping in to say that I looove all of your fics and headcanons for the One Piece men! I'm looking forward to reading more of your ongoing projects as you share them ☺️
Would you consider, in the future, maybe doing a request for headcanons of Zoro, Sanji, Shanks, and Mihawk with a short/petite female reader?
Thank you, and keep up the superb writing!
First, thank you so much!!! So so happy you're enjoying them, I am honored.
Soo most of my female characters actually are on the shorter/more petite side. I don’t like self-inserting when writing (doesn’t bother me at ALL to read it, I just don’t like writing myself), so they’re about as different from me as possible in appearance, which means short and small.
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So I’ve got PLEEEENTY of headcanons for this!!
Short Stuff
NSFW Headcanons
OPLA!Sanji, Zoro, Shanks, Mihawk x AFAB!Petite!Reader
♫♬Baby Doll — The Fratellis♬♫
Baby doll, do you believe they’ll catch you when you fall,
And when morning comes, the sun is gonna shine?
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"I've never met anyone sweeter than you in my life, love."
Honestly thinks you’re the cutest thing in the world. Just wants to cuddle you forever and protect you from everything.
If you’re self-conscious about your size for any reason he definitely isn’t going to tease you about it; won’t even make mention of it, if that’s what you prefer, but he still absolutely loves it.
Loves to carry you on his back if you have to walk anywhere, you resting your chin or your cheek on his shoulder, your arms wrapped around his neck and shoulders.
Honestly so gentle, like he’s afraid of breaking you, you’re just so precious and cute and he doesn’t want to do anything that could ever even potentially hurt you.
Loves even more to carry you like a princess to bed, one arm around your back and his other under your knees, brushing his lips to yours.
Showering you with murmured praises, laying you down gently and kissing every inch of you, trailing his lips across your skin.
Just dying between your thighs while you come over and over again on his tongue.
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“Oh, yeah? And what are you gonna do about it, midget?”
“Midget” is a term of endearment…though he does use it to get on your nerves just a little because it’s cute seeing someone so small get so annoyed.
Like the top of your head barely comes up to his chin, seriously, what are you going to do about it?
Not being cruel by any means, just light teasing. Just enough to make your cheeks go a little red, to make you purse your lips and shove at him or punch at his arm.
You get too annoyed and he just wraps his hands around your waist and lowers his head down to kiss you, murmur against your lips that you’re just so sexy when you’re pissed off, and goddammit if you don’t forgive him every time.
Loves using you to help with his strength training, e.g. sitting cross-legged on his back while he’s doing push-ups.
Which usually results in him flipping you onto your back and fucking you senseless at some point.
Still counts as endurance training, so win-win.
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"Come on now, love. You're not short, you're just fun-sized!"
You are his babydoll and you must be protected at all costs. Doesn’t matter if you’re an adept fighter or not, you must be protected at all costs.
You’re just so tiny and fragile and adorable, he literally has no choice.
And he absolutely loves it.
Coming up behind you and resting his chin or his cheek over the crown of your hair, pulling you back against him by your waist because you just fit against him so perfectly.
Or stooping down when you least expect it to catch you around the middle and just carry you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, chuckling at your protest the whole time.
The sight of you straddling him makes him completely feral—your thighs wrapped around him, your hips rolling, your slight form on full display for him to drink in.
Gritting his teeth while you grind against his cock, clenching his hand around your hip to pull you up…and then right back down, groaning as you slowly sink down onto him, slowly filling you inch by inch.
Struggling the entire time to hold himself back, to let you set the pace, you’re so much smaller than him and the last thing he wants to do is hurt you, but it’s oh so hard no to just seize you by the waist and pound into you.
Loves when you lay across his chest in the serenity of the afterglow, with your head resting against his shoulder, running his fingers through your hair or resting his hand over your ass, brushing his lips to your forehead and your temple and your neck.
Will likely hold you there like that all night if you have no protest over it.
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"You're pushing your luck, my little bird."
You brat him and he will literally pick you up and put you up on a high shelf somewhere that you can’t get down from and leave you there until you get your act together.
Probably just sip a glass of wine and smirk while you protest.
Has absolutely no issue using your size against you. It makes you seem all the more like a toy, his little plaything.
It’s something of a power rush, how easy it is to pin you down, how easily he can wrap one hand around both of your wrists and pin them over your head and refuse you the pleasure of touching him while he teases you to the brink of madness.
Pinning you to a wall, shoving his hand down your panties, his eyes locked onto yours the entire time while you beg for more.
It’s so, so easy to control you, to control your pleasure or deny it entirely while he revels in your whimpering and whining and pleading.
So easy to rip away your panties, pick you up by your thighs, pin you against a wall and thrust into you, rail you until you’re breathless and screaming his name.
Your legs wrapped around his hips, his eyes occasionally scanning down your slight form before locking back onto your gaze again.
So easy to carry you to bed after, to revel in your limp and trembling form pressed against his side with your arm across his chest and his tucked under your neck and curled around your back to hold you against him and comb his fingers through your hair.
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petermorwood · 1 year
Based on reality...ish.
After seeing this post, @elizabethgoudge wondered:
"Wasn't there a real prototype like the Hydra plane in Captain America?"
TL:DR -Yes, there was. Indeed there were several, though "real" is a bit bit up in the air (or not, considering that none of these things ever flew...)
"Captain America: The First Avenger" based some of its hardware on four or maybe even five Nazi-era prototypes, "real" in the sense of having a nebulous existence as sketches, blueprints, or concept / wind-tunnel models.
The film's design department clearly knew their stuff. They may have used other things instead or as well (there were so MANY), so the following is just my own speculation, based on many years of making many model kits :->
The Hydra mini-sub...
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...seems based on a cross between the (real) "Seehund" midget submarine...
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...and the design-concept Focke-Wulf Ta 283 ramjet aircraft.
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Red Skull's escape plane, though never clearly visible...
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...wasn't just based on but WAS a Focke-Wulf Triebflügel ("powered wings" - meaning the ramjet-driven rotor blades around its waist).
This was a proposed tail-sitter VTOL interceptor where taking off straight up might (?) have been possible, but landing straight down and backwards would invite all sorts of unwanted excitement.
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It also made a brief background appearance in "Loki".
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The Valkyrie flying wing…
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…was based on, and hugely upscaled from, the Horten H.XVIII, one of many pie-in-the-sky "Amerikabomber" projects.
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Resemblance to a Northrop YB-35 (props) / YB-49 (jets)...
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…is coincidence based on form-follows-function, since - and rather importantly - the Northrop planes were built for use by the US Air Force, not the Luftwaffe (though given the way some plotlines went, their use by Hydra is another matter…)
The flying bombs which it carried...
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...seem based partly on a Messerschmitt Me 334 project fighter...
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...and partly on a Sombold So 344 bomber-destroyer, which had the same detachable-bomb arrangement.
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The So 344's explosive nose was meant to be launched into a formation of Allied bombers, after which - despite aerodynamics now wildly out of whack and a bunch of angry escort fighters in hot pursuit - the piloted part would land safely.
Yeah, right...
Despite "what if...?" suggestions on the "History" Channel that one or other of these contraptions could have "won WW2", they didn't even help to lose it less severely.
IMO their probable main purpose was to keep numerous engineers and designers safe(-ish) with pencil and ruler in workshops and at drawing boards, rather than very much not safe with rifle and grenade on some bomb-and-bullet-swept front line.
Besides the midget submarine, there's one other exception to all this based-on-paper stuff, and that's Red Skull's car...
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...whose inspiration seems to have been the Mercedes Benz W31 G4 heavy staff car and a Hispano Suiza H6A limousine custom-built in 1923 for the King of Spain.
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All of which goes along with my own notion, that starting with a real - or merely "real" - object is a great way to make fantasy objects look, and sound in description, more convincing.
Or, as @dduane says, "The more truth you mix with a lie, the stronger it gets..."
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The pilot and groundcrew of P-51B Mustang “The Mighty Midget” of the 363rd Fighter Group with an impressive mission and kill tally, ca 1944
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Wrestlemania III (1987)
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Wrestling baby! We’re back and good lord that one of the biggest crowds I have ever seen. I always question events that get this kind of capacity thinking “surely, it’s not that popular right?” Turns out like other things in my life, I’m often wrong. But golly that sure is an immense audience for this burly sport! It’s also odd to see people wearing tuxedo’s outside in the daylight but who am I to judge?
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We get our yearly dose of pure melancholy filled ‘Murica with the amazing Aretha Franklin playing piano to start the show off. The lady can sing! Is this going to be a ritual for all Wrestlemania’s? Overdose on patriotism before decanting your spirit with airborne flesh assaults? Kudos if they can keep this up over the 90s. Well it’s certainly better than Liberace and his dancing girls. Let’s get on with the show!
The Can-Am Connection V “Cowboy” Bob Orton & The Magnificent Muraco (w Mr. Fuji) - Fuji back to bring the boos and apparently Muraco in the intervening years has turned heel, but no less meaty than the last time we saw him. The Can-Am connection seems to have the frantic energy of a duo who are struggling for their audience to tell them apart, this is literally the era of the perm and when everyone has curled hair, no one does. Can-Am takes the win in a standard by the books match -Tier 5-
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Bob Orton Away!
Billy Jack Haynes V Hercules - I didn’t realise Hercules was literally cosplaying the Greek demi-god so literally. Talking about breaking Zeus and Samson and unleashing a mighty dury upon Billy Jack Hayes. Whom appears in the ring, in another tiny ring. Which is hilarious! I want one of those to drive around town! 
A battle of titans ensues. Slaps happen, slams occur, each fighter giving it their all, resulting in a double countout. Hercules breaks possibly the fakest looking set of chains onto the face of Billy post-match in an effort to sell the fury. I’d like it to stop now, thanks. -Tier 6-
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All that glitters is god-awful
Hillbilly Jim, Haiti Kid and Little Beaver V King Kong Bundy, Little Tokyo and Lord Littlebrook
I take that back, I’d like to go back to the previous match please. How did Bundy sink so low, not a pun. Literally midget wrestling…I thought that was a myth! It’s absolutely ridiculous to watch and, although there’s not much “serious” with wrestling, it’s hard to take any of this at face value. Hillbilly and his cadre of smaller billy’s take the win on this occasion, am I entertained? A bit. Do I have second-hand embarrassment from what I watched, absolutely. -Tier 10-
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Something tells me this match is a little one-sided
Interlude - Macho Man interrupts The Lovely Elizabeth’s interview with some nonsensical gibberish which, although not as energetic as his previous promo’s, is somehow still entertaining.
Harley Race V Junkyard Dog - Harley professes himself as the King of Wrestling, meanwhile the black guy in chains comes out to profess that America didn’t need no King. I do like the Junkyard Dog but god damn, the 80s suck for this kind of optics. And now they have him bowing before the King…yikes. However he does at least put a chair in the back of his head, whilst Jesse complains that he’s never seen such a cheap shot in all his life…yeah okay Jesse, okay…-Tier 9-
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Honestly, still better than King Charles III's coronation
Interlude - Hulk continues to wipe the coke stains from his moustache and flex infront of Vince’s pouting face, also he seems to never stop talking. And people were surprised these guys were problematic later in life?
The Dream Team V The Rougeau Brothers - A skating team lost on their way to the rink versus two guys who have the dress sense of a blind drug-addled car salesman. Greg “The Hammer” Valentine still looks like he came straight from the pub too, three pints in, yeah I can take ‘em! Yeh and he moves pretty much like that too. Some of the usual wrestling with a ref distraction for added drama, but a quick bout at least. -Tier 7-
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"Brother, I don't think this is the Toronto Ice Rink"
I should probably explain Tiers and my rating
Tier 1: Superb, one for the ages, should absolutely not be missed.
Tier 2: An amazing match, extremely entertaining, worth anyone’s time
Tier 3: Good wrestling and/or drama, a great watch!
Tier 4: Just great quality, solid example of good wrestling or entertainment.
Tier 5: Just a match, nothing good or bad, just the middling tier.
Tier 6: An okay match, some problems, overall decent.
Tier 7: Not great, too quick or too sloppy.
Tier 8: Terrible, performers uninteresting and nothing going on
Tier 9: Absolutely awful, nothing redeeming about this match, avoid at all costs
Tier 10: Incredibly problematic, dire wrestling, objectively harms wrestling.
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"And here at Madam Tussauds we replaced our wax figure with the real Andre, because honestly who can tell the difference..."
“Rowdy” Roddy Piper V Adrian Adonis (Hair V Hair Match) - I still don’t quite get Adrian’s gimmick, but am enjoying Roddy’s righteous fury although I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen a Hair V Hair match before. But you know, Adonis can throw himself about really well despite his size. This works as a better comedy match than the earlier midget wrestling purely as it’s more farcical. Roddy’s heel status works well here and you want to root for him against the forces of…absurdity? Although I’ll be happy when WWF stops using trans characters as bad guys, again, the 80s…despite that, good match, lots of energy and fun. -Tier 4-
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"Just a little off the top sir?"
Danny Davis & The Hart Foundation V Tito Santana and The British Bulldogs - Oh hey, I know Bret Hart! He was from all the 90s wrestling my friends watched! And of course we remember the Bulldogs from last year's antics, complete with a small bulldog which we’re lucky didn’t do its business on the turnbuckle.
These are some of the biggest tag team names in wrestling for this moment and you can see why. Some good moves and although no storyline really to follow, this is an engaging match with the crowd going wild for Tito Santana once more. -Tier 3-
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Jimmy Hart wondered for a moment if he should suplex a dog...
Butch Reed V Koko B. Ware - All I can think is, that poor bird. Being thrown about like that then perched on the edge of the stage infront of thousands of screaming people. This absolutely has to be before animal cruelty laws were brought in. Also “slick” does seem to have that pimp energy, not sure how long his gimmick will go on for. Some standard wrestling, doesn’t excuse torturing the bird. -Tier 8-
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"After this match I'm biting that man's nose off..."
Ricky Steamboat V Randy Savage - Going to put it out there, this might be the most impressive match I’ve watched in all of these events so far. The energy is outstanding, it absolutely paid a lot of respect to the talent of Ricky Steamboat and made the Macho Man more than just his goofy promo’s. I’m becoming a big fan of Ricky Steamboat the more I see of him, he’s absolutely top talent during this era. And this match is electric, with not even myself expecting Steamboat to get the win on this occasion. Not sure about the bit with Hairy George and Miss Elizabeth, but I’ll give that a pass for some quality in ring action. -Tier 1-
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The production of The Karate Kid is currently sueing the Steamboat Estate
The Honky Tonk Man V Jake Roberts - Alice Cooper! And he shows his guns for some in-ring action wow! I also dig the hokey nature of the Honky Tonk Man’s Elvis impression, he commits for the bit for sure! Bonus points for Jimmy Hart getting a snake to the face. This was an entertaining match! Give me more Alice Cooper’s skinny arms in the ring! -Tier 2-
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"We're the perfect team Gene, he's the muscle, and I'm nothing else"
 The Iron Shiek & Nikolai Volkoff V The Killer Bees - Oh they are back, the crowd’s favourite antagonists. When does the Soviet Union collapse again? Ah it’s not for a while yet. Okay fine but they get notably interrupted by the spirit of America in Hacksaw Jim Duggan which, well, i don’t know which is worse to be honest. 
Actually, yes I do, it’s the Killer Bees. Who thinks of this as a team style? “Hey let’s wear striped bottoms and pretend our stings are lethal!” Maybe bringing awareness for the  declining bee population? Mostly an uninteresting match with the asian bloc taking the win, getting the crowd riled up for the main event. -Tier 7-
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The perfect American, and his 2x4 patriotic plank
The Main Event: Hulk Hogan V Andre The Giant - Here it is, the event to end all events. The pure exhilaration of Hulkamania meets the largest man ever to wrestle. And it’s kinda disappointing? A supposed clash of the titans but met with Andre’s inability to move very well and his lack of doing anything other than standing, grappling and taking the occasional hit. The Andre heel turn is quite funny though, I absolutely get Bond Jaws vibes from the whole exchange and it definitely reads as “we needed Andre to be the heel, so let’s just make him turn because why not”. Hulk does perform a slam on him which is impressive, that could not have been easy on either contestant. Oh and Hulk going Super Saiyan will never not be funny. -Tier 6-
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"So...want to just go get a drink and wait for this whole thing to blow over?"
Overall Average Tier - 6 Randy Savage Driveling Rambles Out Of 10
On a side note I realised I still have literally hundreds of PPVs to go through, so I might not do so much writing for each individual event, but pics and commentary will continue. Next up Survivor Series (1987)
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beatthegame · 1 year
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I just beat Megaman X! Originally released on the Super Nintendo back in the 90s. Played again 30 years later through the Megaman X Collection on Nintendo Switch. I remember owning the original SNES game cartridge back in the day at Kay Bee Toys! Which was about the size of a concrete brick. Comparing that size to the modern day switch game cards (which is about the size of a single cinnamon toast crunch flake) is kinda funny. But I'm getting waaay off topic. Which is a shame because this game rules. So let's show a little respect...
The Good: Megaman games have a consistent recipe since day 1: Side scrolling platformer with a mean blue midget armed with a hand cannon. Hopping across platforms and defeating robot masters to steal their powers. The latent strategy being that each robot master has a certain weakness to another master's powers. So you kind of have to figure that pattern out along the way. They ran with this formula through several games on the 8-bit Nintendo. But its mix of cool robot designs and high tempo music makes Megaman a stand out franchise in gaming history. Megaman X is the next level to that series. You start off several years into the future and start off like any other Megaman game. Run towards the right and blast a bunch of robots. Controls are smooth and responsive to your button inputs. Music is rocking! But as you progress (spoiler alert) you encounter a boss fight you can't win. Seemingly not a big deal but this was probably the first time this trope has been made? The "unbeatable first boss encounter who you'll eventually defeat later in the game after you collect all the power-ups" scheme. But the new X model sets this game apart from the NES series. Not only do you collect enemy powers after defeating the robot master. But you collect pieces of armor as well. Enabling cool new abilities like spint dashing, double jumping and smashing rocks with your helmet. My personal favorite touch is that they kept the Street Fighter easter egg in the collection! Basically, if you collect all the powers, armor pieces and energy tanks, there's a crazy sequence you have to do on one of the levels that will enable the best weapon of the game. With the same motion control input in Street Fighter you can pop off a HADOUKEN that can kill any bad guys with one shot. Bosses included! That easter egg alone is worth the price of admission. Secret codes aside, this game is a fun robot blasting blast!
The Bad: Don't let the cute character designs fool you. This game is no joke. These robot masters will fuck you up! You really need to play along and collect the correct sequence of robot powers and armor pieces to truly advance. This can be frustrating for anyone trying to just shoot around without a strategy. But if you play along, the game delivers. Although this is a minor complaint, I didn't like how you can't do mid-level save states like every other emulated game collection. It's such a shit complaint but there isn't that much to whine about. Megaman X is pretty great!
Overall: Megaman X was great back in 1994 and it still holds up today. Beginning to end, it was a robot smashin good time. It's a fantastic game as a standalone experience. But there are 4 more Megaman X games contained inside that tiny little cinnamon toast crunch flake-sized cartridge. Which should keep anyone busy for a while. Great deal for a great game!
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shadesofnavy · 1 year
I saw one of your previous post (from 9th of August i think), and to add to the whole Boyfriend being buff, didn't the creators mentioned that Boyfriend is actually 7 feet tall and was actually quite a capable fighter too?
I've heard of that, canon BF is the top dawg.
Though I will say, his canon height always makes me hesitate and have an existential crisis whenever I try to draw him--do I draw him as the midget everyone else does or do I follow my primal artist instincts to draw him his actual height? If so, how much taller even is Girlfriend? What IS her height anyways? Daddy Dearest is shown to be taller in-game, so is he over 7 feet tall? Am I overthinking this? Should I simply not care? Did I just wake up? Yes, yes and yes.
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facelessxchurch · 1 year
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SP HeroForge: Eliza Scorn
And a natural progression of making war-time China is to make war-time Eliza, too.
I decided to give her the spell-bow archetype, based primarily on that short chapter in KoTW where she and Nocturnal hunt mortals for sport with bows.
Those glowing red decals on her bow are meant to represent sigils etched into the wood that generate arrows of red light, and then take advantage of the bow’s own mechanics to propel them, allowing all the magic to be focused into penetration power. Hence no quiver- her magic is her ammunition.
I think maybe Eliza can also give them tracking properties, so they hone in on targets or fly around corners. Exactly the kind of ability you would need to, for example, hunt down Saracen Rue in a forest where he keeps hiding behind trees and seems to always know where you and your soldiers are.
If you’re wondering why all the female characters keep using heeled boots, it’s because HeroForge has no option to lengthen the legs only. It does have that option for arms, so you can have a little midget with freakishly long arms, but you can’t really have a character who has very long legs in comparison to their torso for those ideal proportions.
As a result, I keep resorting to putting characters into heeled boots who shouldn’t really be in them because it gives me the ratios and vibe I’m looking for. Otherwise they look too squat/short.
I also gave her a bowl cut to match with China, but her hair is straight. Usually I despise bowl cuts but I think Eliza makes it work. A pretty girl can rock a ridiculous bowl cut. Just in general, a lot of atrocious hair can be excused if it’s on a beautiful woman lmao
Like China, I also gave her a sigil lighting up under her skin, in the same place, but hers is red and more angular and spiky. Maybe this sigil links the sigils on the bow to her eyes in some way- some modern technology is controlled by people by tracking eye movement, maybe Eliza triggers the arrows to appear or identifies targets for them to hone in on the same way.
And a cool metal face guard that hugs the line of her jaw. I always like giving archer characters those for some reason, it just hits right.
No. Just no. This is an actual bowl cut and I have a passionate hatred for this hair style. No one can make this hair style work. Also, one of my personal pet peeves is depicting Eliza with straight hair and China with curly.
( For reference my face claim for Eliza Scorn is Alaina Huffman as Abaddon in Supernatural. )
The top part of the armour is fine, but I don’t like the bottom part. It reminds me too much of Astrid from HTTYD. And her metal head piece looks out of place. I feel like it would fit a Marvel super hero (thinking of Scarlett Witch in particular tbh) better than a mage warrior fighting between the 17th and 20th century. I also feel like Eliza didn’t spend much time on the battlefield if at all and her department was more espionage? Not based on anything canon (bc Landy doesn’t develop the world past what’s needed for the plot as we all know) but more a vibe I’m getting off her.
And I do realize I’m mainly giving you attitude over my personal headcanons and not canon. But to be fair canon gives us very little.
However I do like that you made Eliza use bow and arrow/made her a long distance fighter. It makes her compliment China close range fighting style (if I remember right, been a while since I’ve read the books) and differentiates her from China. Honestly, Landy did her such a disservice by just making her a lesser China. While I feel like the symbol would make more sense placed on the hand she draws the bow with, but I also recognize that HF has limited customisability and that’s probably not possible. I would also prefer hand movements used to control the arrows over her controlling them with her eyes bc it just reads better when using visual mediums, ya know? Still, her sigils on her body working together with the sigils on the bow is such a cool idea, I love it!
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slimeranch7 · 2 years
Something short and fluffy for the impending christmas spirit (not a reader insert fic sorry to disappoint) between ei and wanderer!
Also ik that archons don't distribute visions but for the sake of the plot here just go along w it pls
Spoiler warnings for the sumeru archon quest !!!
Inazuma started to celebrate Christmas eons ago, but no matter how long she lived, Ei was never one to bother with festivities. The Musou Isshin has kept her company since her sister’s untimely death. And she had kept herself busy locked up in her head for another few centuries.
Now looking down from the terrace of her estate, her nation is bustling and readying for an evening with friends and family. Despite the warmth of the lanterns and smiles of young and old, she feels so, so cold.
Ei recalls once when she heard the cries of a young boy, whose only words spoken to her heart were nothing but agonizing pleas and garbled speech. He kneels before a pile of indistinguishable corpses and cries for his lupical. She felt turmoil twist in her heart- the feeling of losing her beloved Makoto, and worst of all, being so helpless as to simply watching as she perished in the cataclysm.
There was nothing else Ei could do than to grant this poor boy a fraction of her power - something to protect himself with for the rest of his life. A companion of his own making so he should never suffer loss again.
Miko once told Ei, while she was thoroughly enjoying one of the fantastical light novels published by the Yae Publishing House, that she had an affinity towards the rather… “unbelievable” novels, in her words.
Later that night, Ei remembers her time in the Plane of Euthemia, when she heard quiet sobbing from the girl sitting across from her, clutching an old, tattered book in her arms. Ei’s heart wrenched as she watched the little mortal’s tears fall on the decoloring leather casing.
Her predicament with her family reminds Ei of her own. A deep, internalized conflict between parent and child, born out of misunderstanding. Out of pity and compassion, Ei grants her Oz, a loyal companion that would never leave her no matter the circumstance.
A week before Christmas, Ei inquires Miko about festive traditions. “Oh, just normal things. Dinners, blessings, gifts. Things like that. Oh! You’re buying a gift, right? Ei, you’re going to buy a gift?” Miko drones on. By now, Ei is making arrangements for a shipment to Snezhnaya.
The day before Christmas Eve, the Wanderer receives a small, unseemingly parcel.
Lesser Lord Kusanali returns a gentle, knowing smile to his glower as he snatched the packaging from her hands. "What is it this time?" He demands to no one in particular, crudely ripping it open.
It happens to contain a light novel titled ‘Life Made Me A Fighter When I Just Want To Be A Writer” from the Yae Publishing House, as well as a little fox charm with eyes that briefly flashed a brilliant purple when he touched it.
When he peels opens the front cover, out slips an invitation pass for Kunikuzushi to visit the Raiden Shogun herself in the Tenshukaku.
Ever since the short visit from Kunikuzushi, Miko hasn’t stopped pestering Ei. “He’s such an insufferable brat, you know. When you mentioned gifting, I thought you were going to reward me for being such a great, patient familiar. Not invite that angry midget over. And what's with that new get up? And changing his name? How rude-"
Ei's hands trace over her heart, where she noticed Kunikuzushi's vision had proudly resided when he visited. Feeling warm and satisfied, she drags a rambling fox familiar back inside for a slow evening.
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How do you feel about lolis? Both real and fictional lolis?
Lolis is a complicated topic because people stop listening when they get the answer they want. I've been a lot more open about this lately but I'm a person that's was sexually abused as a child. And that's important context for my answer.
Loli as a term can mean a number of different things. If you ask an anti what it means, they will say kid. If you ask some anime fans, they will say it's either kid or small girl. The context in which I know Loli to be, is more centered around the Japanese definition, which means petit girl. The implication does not always mean "child like" contrary to popular belief. It means more small girl with small assets. Like Rebecca from Cyber Punk Edge Runners. Trigger "a studio in Japan" themselves called her a Loli.
So by that vein short stacks, and vertically challenged people/dwarfs qualify more times than not as Loli. However, even with all of this said, I personally don't like calling real women lolis because it feel like to me Loli is a term meant for fiction. We in the West tend to use, regardless of if they are offensive, words and phrases like midget, dwarf, short stack, petit, etc to refer to girls that could potentially fall under the qualification of "Loli".
My biggest issue with calling real women that is that I don't like mixing fiction and reality. Especially not anime. Anime isn't hyper realistic art. And people should not go out of their way to mix fiction and reality because they are not the same. As far as Loli in anime I don't really care here or there about it. Some Loli characters are "of age" some are not. But regardless of depicted age they aren't real.
Now I guess the next logical question would be an I against the under age Loli nsfw stuff. And the answer is a resounding meh. Don't get me wrong in the slightest. I personally find even fictional non realistic kids in nsfw to be gross. And to those it bothers, I understand that. However, they are fictional. And unless it's against the law where a person is, leave it be. You don't even have to associate with that person. You can even block them.
But saying a person that likes lolis is a pedophile is a stretch. Reason why? Because there's a trend of people looking fictional characters and character traits they otherwise would not like in real life. On a similar note, saying that it could lead to pedophilia is like saying playing shooter games will least to a person going out and shooting people. Or that people that play fighter games will go out and start fights. But there are dozens of studies, all showing that violence in videogames has no translation to causing it in real life.
Similarly, there are people that like chargers in anime and gaming who wouldn't like real life versions of those characters. Because they are invested in the characters IN the fiction specifically.
Lastly, I think it bares me saying it. I think consumption fictional nsfw kid stuff is raunchy. But as a real person who's fallen prey to actual sexual assault when I was a kid, do not EVER put fictional content on the same level as what happened to me. They are not real. They can be any age the author/artist/person in possession of says they are. They are not real. And, so long as the artistic depictions are not hyper realistic do not report it. Because on the US it's only illegal if it's pictures of real kids, or is clearly realistic enough to look similar to a real life kid. If you report anything else you are wasting resources that could be used to help real kids.
And do not be ever let me hear in person that a person legitimately reported anime Loli to the authorities. Because if I ever meet them, even as against violence as I am, I will hurt them. When sexual assault cases are being investigated, minutes matter. Especially with groups as vulnerable as kids. And when you submit an inquiry that takes minuets away from their ability to sift through all the BS reports that are otherwise unactionable. Meanwhile, while they are done a cursory check maybe there was another submission BURIED under the reports of anime Loli, where it's a real kid or real kids, and it's not gotten to until the next day.
As such tl;dr Real people should never be called Loli unless they want to be. Loli are not by default kids. Fiction and reality are not the same. Do no bog down reporting lines on non hyper realistic fictional content or you are an evil person who wants to have children be harmed.
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