#Midna and Zelda are around the same age
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smilesrobotlover · 1 year ago
I will gladly ask questions about love at twilight :D
in particular I’ve been thinking about Colin a lot lately, is he a swordsman in his own right now (when Kori is 10)? He didn’t seem as enthusiastic as in the whump from a few days ago, but is he more so when he’s older?
also how old are all the Ordon kids? now and during twilight Princess?
So, Rusl taught all the kids how to sword fight, and I wouldn’t say that Colin is strictly a swordsman, he knows how to fight with a sword. He def doesn’t take it as seriously as Rusl and Link, but he takes it seriously enough where if he needs to protect someone, he will do it. But let’s just say that he is more brave than half the soldiers in Hyrule ;)
The ages of the kids confuse me but here’s what I can try to say.
Colin was around 9-10 in tp, Talo was a little older than Colin, Malo was like, 2-3, Beth was around 12, and Luda was around 13 (in her concept art it says she was 15 but I decided to keep her closer to the kids, especially since she and Beth seemed more like friends rather than one being an older friend if that makes sense).
So it’s been ten years since tp so Colin is 20, Talo is closer to 21, Malo is 12, Beth is 22, and Luda is 23.
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prankprincess123 · 1 year ago
In one timeline, Zelda cries. She spends her late teenage years and young adulthood sobbing, emotionally a widow by the design of her own plans. She spends years heartbroken and mourning the Hero she loved and sent away in hopes of restoring the childhood stolen from him.
In another timeline, Zelda is confused. She thought the fairy boy who helped her save her kingdom was her friend, and that he would always be there to play with her. She spends her entire youth wondering why her Hero is so haunted, and why he can't look at her without seeming like he's about to cry.
In both timelines, the kingdom needs a Prince-Consort and an heir, not just a young Queen pining over a boy from the forest, so she agrees to an arranged marriage. She marries a man she does not love, and bears a child, and tries to be the best Queen that she possibly can.
In one timeline, her love and loss are not a secret, it becomes a common saying that the rains beginning to flood the land are a reflection of the tears their Queen sheds for her long lost love.
In another timeline, she pines silently for her Hero, simply watching in heartbreak as his inner demons drive him mad until he is merely a shade of his former self and disappears.
In both timelines, her heir grows, marries, and has a daughter of their own.
In one timeline, this princess - not the Sacred Princess but one of the sacred line nonetheless - grows up with stories of her grandmother's life as a Sheikah and the Hero she loved and lost. She grows up with stories of how when you fall in love, you should hold on tight, never let it go, and never waste a moment with them. As the flood waters rise, she swears she won't make the same mistake as her grandmother made. She won't let a second with her love be wasted, so she runs away from the palace, following the sailor she loves out to sea.
In another timeline, that same princess grows up with firm and unwavering expectations of what her royal duty is and how exactly she is expected to see that through. She grows up with a grandmother who married for duty despite her love being right there, knowing that she too is to marry an appropriate suitor when she comes of age. It never even crosses her mind that she could have fought to be with her love.
In both timelines, this princess bears the next Sacred Princess.
In one timeline, the next Zelda is born free as the waves beneath her. Her name is Zelda as her mother couldn't bear to break that far with tradition, but such isn't a name fitting for a pirate, so her middle name is all she ever knows. She grows up free and feral, sunkissed and smirking, allowed to be wild and go wherever the wind takes her.
In another timeline, the next Zelda is born as the sun begins to set over Hyrule. She grows up sheltered in a palace of rules and expectations. She learns to hide both smiles and tears, nevermind any improper impulses that might cross her mind. She grows up as a proper princess, internally screaming for anything more than the darkness around her.
In both timelines, Zelda finds her Hero. She finds Link, or rather he finds her, and they don't let go this time. In this lifetime they will get their happy ending, together, and they will fight anyone who tries to take it away from them.
(Aka: my brain realized that both TP and WW are next lifetime direct sequels to OoT. And now all I can think is that TP Zelda got ALL the anxiety in the timeline split, and that if Tetra ever met Midna they would get along like a house fire in that there would be no survivors)
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weirdnotal · 8 months ago
My Accent headcannons for the lu chain (and etc):
Time: was taught hylian by trees???? Almost has no tone/infliction in voice (he's working on it)
Malon: Tennessee accent all the way, with that nice hook at the end too (non southerners imagine dolly parton)
Lullaby: very formal proper hylian, dignitary style
Warriors: British military like he's reading from a manual
Sheik: I don't know much about her but the sheikah definitely take inspiration from Japan
Twilight: Appalachian accent as thick as raw honey (non appalachians have yall ever heard of one looking it up)
Midna: try 'n' convince me she don't have a loud ass Louisiana accent (non southerners go watch princess and the frog) (this is totally not for my Midna is African American agenda)
Dusk: real formal like n all that
Sky: That's a Midwesterner (he genuinely tried to get Wild and Rulie to eat jello salad once)
Sun: completely Midwestern
Groose: spends a lot of time around the other two^ but his parents are Gerudo (Arabic/middle eastern)
Four: the minish have always reminded me of the Icelandic tales of little elves
Dot: same formal accent, maybe more like Four's
Age/Cal(calamity): very formal british accent almost royal but also uses some Korean (Zora) words
Mipha: Korean accent (thicker than Sidon's)
Fauna: royal and tight lipped british
Wild: used to be more British (kinghts!), but now is more southern cause twilight has corrupted him
Flora: much more informal than the other zeldas
Legend: Scottish accent, but he usually hides it really well, so you can't really tell at all unless he's mad or tired
Fable: Scottish asf (non Scottish people imagine Merida)
Ravio: fairly normal, but if provoked, he will speak like an Italian mobster wife until he gets his way
Hyrule: Rulie is Irish or Welsh all the way (especially with half fae/fey Hyrule)
Dawn: pretty similar to Hyrule
Aurora: transatlantic accent!!!!!
Spirit: he's always reminded me of Hugo Cabret, so cockney british accent it is (this grates on War's patience)
Phantom: can be formal if she has to but usually just sticks with cockney as well
Wind: Okay look, I love scottish pirate Wind, but I raise you patois or creole pirate Wind
Tetra: Wind's accent but double the amount and also the volume she says it at
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livmightlive · 3 months ago
2 Adventures AU
I think it would be kind of interesting if the chain went on two adventures. What I mean by that is the first one would occur while most of the chain have only been through one or a few of their games. This could also be seen as a childhood friends au? The chain is pulled together when most of them are pretty young.
Time has just finished Majora’s Mask and is in full young teen angst, trauma, mode. He’s extremely mischievous and poorly adjusted. He’s only around 12 or 13 years old.
Wind has just been through the events of Wind Waker. He’s only 12 and is pretty shaken up but still pretty similar I’d say. Maybe even more hyper and desperate to prove himself.
Hyrule has just been through the events of Zelda 1. He’s quiet and jumpy. Dawn has gently been spending the past two years trying to help him adjust to a more social life but it’s been slow going. He’s extremely anxious to be around so many people. I’d say he’s around 14.
Four has only been through the events of Minish Cap so he’s not even Four yet. His age is canonically the most confusing to me but I really like the headcanons that he’s a young adult who has a baby face. In this he’d be a kid though, so maybe around 11?
Legend I can’t decide whether he’d have only been through A Link to the Past and the oracle games or if he’s been through Links Awakening by this point. I think it would be more interesting if he had just been through Link’s Awakening and is severely jaded. He’s 16. (If he had only been thru the oracle games he’d be 14 and a lot more light hearted)
Wild would have gone through the events of Botw being 17. He’d honestly just be pretty baseline with no crazy changes.
Twilight would have also just gone through Twilight Princess being 18. I think he’d be really hung up on Midna. 
Sky has also just completed Skyward Sword, I think he’d also be 18? Pretty similar to canon. 
Warriors was plucked halfway through his game and thrust into this adventure. He’s very stressed, worried he left his people behind when they needed him most. He becomes the group leader being the eldest at 20. 
They come together, pretty much a platoon of child soldiers, defeat the evil, say teary goodbyes, and return home. 
Years later they’re all shocked to be pulled into a second journey across time and get to reunite with their brothers. 
This time Time is his canon Lu age of being somewhere around his early to mid thirties being much more cool and collected than the actual child nightmare he was initially. He falls easily into a leadership role. He seems to have mended many of his mental wounds despite him being prone to grumpiness. This adventure after so many years of peace is pretty triggering though. 
Wind has gone through phantom hour glass and is freshly 15. He’s a little more mature now but very much so the same kid except now he’s like: “I see dead people”
Hyrule is a lot better socialized this time. He’s almost easy going and has a mischievous streak that the chain welcomes. It’s a fine change from the scared scrawny kid he was years ago. He still is exceedingly sweet and has a plethora of new talents to share. He also has crippling paranoid and a blood phobia. He’s around 18. 
Four, despite being the youngest the first mission, is now a young man being in his early twenties. He doesn’t talk much about his last adventure but he’s noticeably scatterbrained. Despite that, he can think outside the box like nobody else. It’s like he can think with the power of four people! He also goes by the name four now. 
Legend who has completed two more quests now is incredibly frustrated to have been yanked out of retirement/his wedding planning. Legend was able to manage a lot of healing over his last two journeys. He got engaged to the one and only Ravio who he was supposed to be working on wedding invitations with. He’s lighter now but still a grouch at times. He’s in his earlier twenties.
Wild has completed his mission from TotK and somehow his iPad can do EVEN MORE now. If lobbing bombs wasn’t enough last time, now he can crawl through walls. He is noticeably shaken in a way he wasn’t last time and has almost an unwilling clarity of the world around him. He’s 21 now. 
I so sorry but I don’t think Twilight would be much different. If anyone has thoughts pls lmk. He’s been able to move on from Midna and has thrown himself into shepherd work. I think he’d be courting Ilia and would be living a good country life while getting to brag about having tea with the princess. He’s fairly okay with being on another mission.
Okay this is totally just a headcanon but I picture Sky as that guy you knew in highschool who gets married really young and starts a family right after school. Sky is stressed after getting sent on another because he’s in the middle of building a kingdom and his wife, Sun, is pregnant. 
Poor Warriors. As mentioned the first journey happened for him when he was halfway through his war. Unlike many of the others, when he returned to his f ‘n c z timeline it was like no time had passed at all. For the second half of his war he met many new people and old friends. Mask (time) joined him, an older, almost grown version of Wind as his best friend and second in command, Ravio, Midna. When the war ends he’s saddened to say goodbye to dear friends once again. Warriors is whisked away to his second journey with the chain the moment his war ends. For him, it’s only been a year or less in some circumstances that he’s seen the chain. For most of them to had aged so much is jarring to him. The last time he saw them all it was him and a mostly non verbal group of children. Now it’s a group of almost all adults bar Wind, who was Warriors’ age last time he saw him. Most shocking of all is to see his baby brother all grown up and older than him. 
I haven’t put much further thought into the AU but I thought the dynamic of splitting the chain up by the amount of adventures they completed would be interesting. Most of the chain also had started their journeys as children so I thought it would be a fun dynamic for them to have all met younger. Poor Warriors though, leading 6 mentally ill teenagers and children was a huge task. And now they’re all either older than him or roughly the same age. I imagine they hit the pubs hard 😭
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beesandhoney1219 · 8 months ago
A Work In Progress For My Hyrule Warriors x Linked Universe Fanfic (Character List) :)
Lemme know what you think, and put your thoughts below! Basically, all the heroes were dropped off in the middle of Warriors' era for their first meeting. Who will they trust? And how much blood will be spilled?
Warriors- The general of the Hyrule troops. He is also the first to meet with all the new Links brought by Hylia.
Mask(Time)- The first Link that appeared in the war. He stays in his child form except in dire situations.
Tune(Wind)- The second Link to appear, joining with Tetra. The two of them will take a bit to adjust to solid ground and not endless waves.
Spirit (Toon Link)- Appeared soon after Tune with Phantom. All four know they’re relatives, but keep it on the down low. For now, both Tune and Spirit are around the same age.
Sky- Fi personally introduced Sky to the rest of the heroes, having vanished in the middle of the night once she sensed his presence. Sky suffers from breathing problems and is mostly kept on the backlines as a last resort.
Artemis/Sheik- The ruler over Hyrule, and is regarded as the main general (with Warriors as her backup). She only dresses as Sheik for recon missions, or if she wants to get away from everyone.
Tetra- She uses her guns for range, providing covering fire for the troops. She is also a powerful sword wielder. She also is the best at controlling ships and loves water-based missions.
Phantom (Toon Zelda)- One of the many powerhouses in the troops due to her possessive abilities. Although many people can see her, hitting her is a different story. She has gotten very good at dodging while she’s separated from her body.
Linkle- Due to her clumsiness and lack of directions, Linkle is barely on the battlefield except if the fight is close to the main base. She is used mostly to gather supplies and teach less experienced troops how to fire crossbows.
Impa- She trains all new troops and is a close friend of Artemis. She is also a massive powerhouse.
Lana- A powerful sorcerer and healer. Due to her and Cia’s unique circumstances, she is mostly used as a healer and support, helping those who suffer wounds during battles.
King Daphnes-
Ganondorf (General Villain)-
Cia (Warriors’ Villain)-
Zant (Twilight’s Villain)-
Ghirahim (Sky’s Villain)-
Volga (Warriors’ Villain)-
Wizzro (Warriors’ Villain)-
Yuga (Legend’s Villain)-
Astor (Wild’s Villain)-
Bellum (Wind’s Villain)-
Onox (Legend’s Villain)- 
Vaati (Four’s Villain)-
Octavio (General Villain)-
Four- Cia was able to manipulate Four to her side by promising to revive Shadow. They only joined after seeing Vaati’s revival with their own eyes. Nobody knows about the Colors (besides Vaati, but the sorcerer is keeping it a secret).
Wild- With his shattered memories, Cia was easily able to convince Wild that the heroes were the bad guys in the situation, saying that they were the reason why he was brought here and away from his era. Wild is a soldier at heart and dutifully follows the orders of the person who helped him first, Cia.  
Hyrule- Hyrule, in a new era filled with bloodshed and violence, was reduced to his paranoid and aggressive behavior from his past. He lashes out like a wild animal, yet will retreat as soon as a drop of his blood is spilled. Only Cia and Ganondorf know about the magical abilities of his blood and will collect it to heal/revive those who fall in battle. The only reason why he stays with the villains is due to Cia’s kindness towards him. Is it manipulation? Or does she have a soft spot for the hero?
Legend- Legend is not trustful of anyone besides Hyrule, who he knows is his predecessor. He stays with the villains just to keep an eye on the other. He doesn’t trust the other villains, but he also doesn’t trust the heroes. They’re all suspicious in his eyes. 
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thenmichael · 10 months ago
Hero of Twilight, ie Reaper
His name is Reaper cus, it's cool asf, and it has both connotations of farming and death (the tool and grim reaper etc etc) wolf go bark. He is stubborn, especially when it comes to people helping him, it's foreign to him ig, having ppl relay on him for stuff in a small village without giving anything in return does smth to a guy.
He is a perfectionist (after me :3) he is very VERY passionate about what he thinks is best for him, and he dislikes being criticised about something the other person doesn't know the full story to (This led to an argument he had with Shad during his adventure, i wont spoil tho).
Only him, Zelda and Midna know about wolfie, and its very isolating having to keep such a big thing secret from everyone. (Just listen to Bottom by McCafferty)
It took a WHILE for him to kind of accept that he will never see Midna again and to help with that he dates the only other ginger in Hyrule that's around his age, Shad !! (in this au Link is 19, Shad 21 so two years post game) At first their relationship was very much Reaper trying to grasp onto anything that could remind him of Midna, ie, ginger hair, and that got his mind off of it for a while, but he still felt empty, Shad began to realise and asked him about it, Reaper, reluctant the first few times he was asked, but eventually he had to come clean about SOME things. Still keeping it vague, like
"There was someone who I loved. She didn't see me that way, and she had to leave forever," yada yada. Shad, obviously is hurt after this, and steps away for a while (a week or so to gather his thoughts) this destroys Reaper, and so he uses the twilight crystal for the first time in a year or so and just runs, no goal in mind, he stays in Faron woods for a few days, specifically the spring of faron, and folks at ordon r like "oh shit, wheres Link? He normally says when he is leaving, what the hell"
Time goes on, Shad and Reaper make up I don't wanna have this whole thing just abt that situation, but I will say, Colin is the one to go out and try and find Link.
Zelda wanted to make Link a knight of Hyrule post game, and he refused, cus he already has a life, and goats.
Rusl is a Father figure to Reaper
Reaper is half ordonian, I was debating on making him fully ordonian, but I liked the ears. His ears are shorter than regular Hylians, fun stuff.
His face markings from when he is a wolf fade over time when he isn't constantly transforming, same with his teeth (sharper) but it's a slower process.
He has one Shad's bracelets on his left wrist, Shad gave it to him after they made up.
He is ambidextrous, I thought this was a cool way to link (get it) his Wii and gamecube/HD appearances, he uses his left hand to fight (switches between them on horse back), he can write with both, but he uses his left hand more, since he is left handed in the majority of games he's in (the versions of tp)
( @mosaixe )
+ doodles of him
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(More will come, I will link this, and others, to my pinned post)
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themattress · 2 years ago
Ranking Link+Zelda and Ganon Incarnations
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1. Hyrule Warriors - The more time has passed, the more I realize just how fucking good Hyrule Warriors was as a celebration of the Zelda series, which includes how superbly designed and characterized its Link and Zelda are. There are aspects of many past incarnations mixed in them, but they still manage to stand out as their own individuals. I especially love how Link is given actual character flaws, growing arrogant and believing himself to be the great lone hero of the story only to recognize that he, like all Links, never save the day purely on their own, and how Zelda is an absolute badass in combat as both herself and as Sheik, something that’s rarely seen outside of the Super Smash Bros. series.
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2. Skyward Sword - Chronologically the first Link and Zelda, these two are some of the most human feeling. You really connect with them in all of their expressiveness and vulnerabilities. The relationships they forge with the likes of Impa and Groose only add to the sensation. It feels like they were written to be relatable people first and mythical figures of legend second.
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3. Breath of the Wild / Tears of the Kingdom / Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - There’s been much talk of this version of Zelda and how interesting, endearing and relatable she is in all of her scientific nerdiness and feelings of inadequacy when placed with heavy burdens, and how admirable she is in her courage and self-sacrificial nature, and all of that is true. But I think that across all three games Link also shapes up into a surprisingly complex character that was unexpected given his initial stoic front in Breath of the Wild. And give both of them credit: they’re the first Link and Zelda to have a radical design overhaul in three decades.
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4. Ocarina of Time / Majora’s Mask - The first 3D Link and Zelda were also the first to truly showcase some semblance of characterization and character development, as we watch them go from children to adults and gain great strength at the cost of losing their innocence.
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5. The Wind Waker / Phantom Hourglass - I greatly enjoy these two in The Wind Waker, where they are very expressive and funny and sympathetic. But they lose some points due to Phantom Hourglass, which did them kind of dirty in favor of becoming the Linebeck Show.
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6. Spirit Tracks - They look the same as their ancestors from The Wind Waker, but they’ve got a different, unique feel to them, with Link being a working class guy instead of some island bumpkin in over his head, and Zelda being a sheltered princess who has to learn to come into her own rather than an Action Girl from the beginning. They also have one of the tightest (and cutest) bonds of friendship out of any Link and Zelda given their circumstances.
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7. Twilight Princess - Both of them are in service of the real protagonist Midna, whom they share an excellent bond with, but they still have distinguishing factors that make them stand out, with Zelda being more of a Queen than a Princess this time around and Link having his own arc of going from simple farmboy to Hero of Hyrule carrying forth his ancestor’s legacy.
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8. A Link Between Worlds - Virtually clones of the next Link and Zelda pair on this list, but with somewhat more personality and agency, helped along by their Lorulian counterparts.
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9. A Link to the Past / Link’s Awakening / Oracle of Ages & Seasons - The “classic” Link and Zelda who provided the template for the others. No real personality to speak of, sadly.
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10. The Minish Cap - These two, who are childhood friends, have slightly more personality than the above...but I’m sorry, the “toon” designs do not fit beyond The Wind Waker and its direct follow-ups. It’s a freaking Game Boy Advance game, why give them these expressive designs if we aren’t going to actually see any expressions? Also, Link’s birb hat is distracting. 
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11. The Legend of Zelda / Zelda II: The Adventure of Link - Basic blank slates that existed before the franchise truly got solidified on the SNES. Zelda especially just looks wrong now.
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12/13. Four Swords & Four Swords Adventures - These are technically two separate incarnations of Link and Zelda, but they’re essentially carbon copies of each other. I can’t find myself giving the remotest shit about Link when there are four of him, and what the fuck is up with this different “toon” Zelda design? That giant red bow she’s wearing looks hideous!
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1. Hyrule Warriors - Again, this game nabs the top spot and gives us the definitive version of the character. Ganondorf in this game has it all: the active villainy and terrifying chimera beast form like in Ocarina of Time, the capacity for self-reflection and self-awareness like in The Wind Waker, the manipulative usage of other villains as pawns like in A Link to the Past, Twilight Princess and Four Swords Adventures, and even the mastery over his Demise rooted elements before Tears of the Kingdom. We even get three whole chapters of him as the playable protagonist, where he gets to show off his non-inherently evil qualities such as his tactical brilliance, good leadership skills, and sheer determination to achieve his goals.
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2. Tears of the Kingdom - The latest Ganondorf, who is also the first in the series’ timeline, has been met with great acclaim, and rightfully so. Not only does he (mercifully) usurp Demise’s position as Demon King whose hatred fuels almost every great evil in the series, but he feels like Ocarina of Time’s Ganondorf on steroids: an active, omnipresent villain despite not being on screen that much but this time not even needing to be mobile to do so thanks to the horrific Gloom ecosystem under his control. And like the corresponding versions of Link and Zelda, he bucks tradition hard design-wise by having a dragon as his beast form rather than a giant pig. Add to this Matt Mercer’s epic voice and you’ve got a fantastic villain.
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3. Ocarina of Time - The first ever Ganondorf created, this is the character that took Ganon from an average villain to one of the greatest villains in video game history. He actively drives every major crisis over the course of the game, lending him an aura of omnipresence despite his actual limited screentime, and is shown to be as cunning as he is powerful by tricking Link and Zelda into helping him conquer Hyrule, turning it into a dystopian nightmare. He’s also deliciously theatrical - the man plays his own theme music on a pipe organ, for crying out loud! The cherry on top is his horrifying Ganon form taken in an unforgettable final boss fight.
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4. The Wind Waker - Ganondorf is kept at a distance throughout this game, locked away in his tower and pulling strings, more of a McGuffin than a nemesis. After Ocarina of Time, this is a disappointment, but it could be made up for with good pay-off. And man, does the game ever deliver. When Ganondorf takes action, he is terrifying, both animalistically psychotic enough to do anything yet humanely wizened enough to control this madness at the same time, giving Link the worst of both worlds to contend with. And not only do we get yet another epic final boss fight against him, but he even ends up as a tragic figure: a wretched old soul full of regrets but too full of greed and pride to act upon them, desperately clinging to his dreams rooted in the past while raging against the future that threatens to leave him behind.
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5. Twilight Princess - Being just the power behind Zant until the very end, Ganondorf is just here to be the final boss. Again, this would disappoint if the game didn’t make him a worthy final boss, and it more than delivers in this regard. You fight this bastard in just about every way you possibly could fight him, all while he displays a chilling malevolence in every word and action. He really does feel like what he is: an aged-up version of Ocarina of Time’s Ganondorf whose goal is still well in sight and thus he’s able to play the long game to get it.
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6. A Link Between Worlds - As many others have observed, Yuga-Ganon of Lorule ended up being a greater menace than his Hylian counterpart who comes directly below him on this list. Not only does he have a unique design and personality of his own, but he is an even more formidable opponent in battle, full of tactical creativity that is difficult for Link to counter.
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7. A Link to the Past / Oracle of Ages & Seasons - The “classic” Ganon. He’s big, he’s got magic powers, and he’s got a wicked trident. Unfortunately, you barely ever see him, much less get a feel for any personality beyond baseline evil. Oh well, he still gets the job done.
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8. Breath of the Wild / Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - He’s more of an evil force of nature than a proper character, especially in Breath of the Wild where he has been rendered mindless. What he lacks in substance he makes up for in style, as he is visually stunning.
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9. Four Swords Adventures - The problem with this incarnation of the character is that he entered development as one thing and ended it as another. He was supposed to be the same version of Ganon as two spots above and this game would show his origin. But when Shigeru Miyamoto nixed that, we end up with a Ganondorf who is completely offscreen, and a Ganon who still just feels exactly like that version but with a different color scheme. The best that can be said about him is that he finally allowed there to be a truly gigantic 2D sprite of Ganon.
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10. The Legend of Zelda - Ganon is one of video gaming’s greatest villains, but man would you not be able to tell that from his debut. All the build-up and mystery surrounding him, presented so well in the instruction manual (”no one knows how he looks like, for none have lived to tell”), and what do we get? A teleporting blue pig in a red jersey. That is SO LAME.
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piratesofhyrule · 1 year ago
The Story That Will Never Be Told 2: Midzel (For Realsies)
Don't worry, this is legit XD
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This was planned from the start, simply a matter of getting to that point was always the REAL question. I saw the concept of "BOTW Midzel, but it's the same Midna from TP that's lived to this day and age due to time-shenanigans" kicking around, it springboarded what I devised.
Midna was rather easy to write concerning her heart as the core of this matter is she has had to live so long without the one she loved most, an agony I am most familiar with. The Zelda she knew may have been cut from the same cloth as the current one, but there's marked differences between the two. Twilight Zelda's stoic and outwardly cold to hide her softness, my Barbarian Zelda meanwhile is a carnivorous and brutish wastelander with the biggest heart you've ever seen. This is then juxtaposed further with how she's also a closeted nerd, the savagery of her upbringing stifling that part of her, but it's something Midna recognizes from the Zelda she originally knew. She wanted to befriend Zelda again, to truly learn of her without any sort of preconceptions or romantic expectations because while Zelda is clearly enamoured with her, Midna would never take the freedom of choice from her. She wanted Zelda to learn the sad truth of their shared past because the secrets and loss of choice that Midna suffered thanks to her curse were deeply engraved into her soul. She would never inflict that on her Zelda and that's why she strove to let Zelda initiate it all.
Although Zelda's initial attraction was rooted in "tall lady sexy lemme smash", I did want her to grow beyond base horniness into something much more profound and deeper. Choosing the whole "she has no clue about her royal heritage" was made quite early in pre-production, but it indirectly played into this as it's Midna that guides her along this learning curve. Thus Zelda's attraction stalls a bit in the face of their shared pasts, but such sudden curveballs in life can be the greatest of teaching moments and this helped develop Zelda more. When the two finially get together, she makes that decision with both eyes on Midna as she walks towards her, not falling in love but purposefully seeking her out.
Was thinking of posting the Midzel smuttery, but I'm not so certain about that these days.
The Gerudo Arc was meant to deepen their relationship, assorted terrors and battles only further entwining them. Deeper their love grows, it's tempered by the two low-key panicking about the other in any degree of mortal peril, which only worsens during Zelda's pilgrimmage up Mt Lanayru where she awakens the Queen's Ghost as she nearly freezes to death along the way. Midna meanwhile takes a serious hit from King Dedede during the Colossium Battle, Zelda entering a raging berserker state that allows her to take on Dedede on equal terms.
This has both of them conflicted over the same matter "I'm not the boss of her but I cannot stand seeing her get hurt." Some tension between the two over this, but they resolve it and that's when Midna proposes to Zelda during the Last Voyage (she wanted to earlier, but Zelda reuniting the wayward provinces and Fortunate Gents under her flag along with Kade's death took precedence). Given that everyone's sailing to the apocalypse, the wedding is pretty improvised and takes place on the deck of Wolf of the Seas. Linkle officiates as she's now captain of the ship, Ganondorf's on the organ for the Bridal March, Link and Sheik are the best men, Skull Kid's the ringbearer and Saria called dibs on being the flower girl. During the kiss, that's when Zelda takes the spark of the Night Father's divinity into herself, thus preserving the cosmic balance between both worlds.
This is a momentous occasion in the whole book because first, it's the formal union of Hyrule and the Twilight Realm. But more importantly, the chapter right after this is when the final battle begins and the fate of the world is determined not by gods, but by the mortals who make up the entireity of the world. During the climax when Link dies, Zelda sees the gamble she must make in his stead, Midna tearfully begs her to reconsider, even reciting their wedding vows. Much as Zelda doesn't want to, she knows and accepts that she must make this choice as that is the price of the Triforce.
And so Zelda becomes something more then human, beyond anything on the mortal plane in a last ditch effort to stop the Blood Moon's cataclsymic descent from the sky and Midna can only watch in horror, hoping that she has not lost her beloved again.
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maybeamiles · 1 year ago
Characters that made me realize I was trans
You ever just wanna make a comprehensive list of everyone that gave you gender envy from a young age? Yeah me too.
So here it is! A list of every character that made me realize I was trans, starting from when I was a little kid!
No. 1 - Aravis from The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis
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Okay, weird racism in this book aside, the amount I loved Aravis was probably the first indicator that I was not cisgender. I thought she was so cool for dressing up as a boy and rejecting traditional femininity and being so "not-like-other-girls" (i also had a big not-like-other-girls phase around the time I read this, go figure). Of course, she is cisgender, and seems to fall into a *slightly* more traditional role by the end of the book, but this isn't about C.S. Lewis' gender stuff and more on the fact that I related very heavily to Aravis and the fact that she didn't fit in with other girls, because I also felt the same way.
Her male co-star Shasta also gave me gender envy so between them both it's no wonder 9-year-old me loved this book.
No. 2 - Deryn/Dylan Sharp from Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld
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Once again it's the girl-dressing-up-as-a-boy-to-fuck-with-gender-rules trope! Only this time, Deryn Sharp is actually treated like a man by her male co-star, Alek (up until he figures out that Dylan is actually Deryn, but then he's quite supportive of her gender fuckery). Deryn, like Aravis, doesn't actually feel any gender dysphoria. Her gender fuckery is a means to pursue her passion for air travel via joining the army. This does get fucked up by the last book and she ends up needing to leave the army, but we don't actually see how she presents herself when in non-millitary society so I will headcannon that she remains quite butch.
I thought Deryn was the coolest when I was 13, and even wound up copying her way of saying "barking spiders" for a bit. And her and Alek's romantic relationship was peak goals for me, probably because it begins while Deryn still presents masc.
No. 3/4 - Link, from TLOZ: Twilight Princess and Breath of the Wild
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So, the Links! Let's talk about the Links!
Twilight was the first male character I remember projecting myself onto. So much so that I did not ship him and midna OR him and Illia (and didn't really like illia's quest), not because they didn't have chemistry but because I am very homosexual and did not like the idea of my self-insert being with a girl. Now, do cis girls project themselves onto male character? Idk but I'm not cis and this is something I did so *shrug*
I've lumped these two together because Zelda was a sort of twofer for me. I played Twilight Princess and then a couple years later played BOTW and began discovering what transgender people were. At the time I ID'd as nonbinary, and my Zelda obsession grew with my understanding of "shit I'm not cis." (I even named myself after a Zelda character for a bit). The links were my first *conscious* experience of gender envy, and hold a special place in my heart for it.
No. 5 - Aether from Genshin Impact
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Last, but CERTAINLY not least, is the man, the myth, the legend, Aether Genshin Impact. And there is a STORY behind this guy's inclusion.
See, by the time I started playing genshin, I had long since accepted that I was not a girl. I called myself nonbinary, and thought I was okay with simply "not being a girl" and was fine doing what I saw all the other nonbinary people doing (binders, no testosterone, vaugely masc clothes, etc).
Then I booted up genshin impact, and had to pick between Aether and Lumine. And I still remember the "oh shit" moment I had when I realized that the default I expected to fall into would not make me happy. I had expected myself to pick Lumine, because I had previously thought that I was more comfortable with femininity than masculinity. I realized that I didn't just want "genderless." I wanted masculine. And I had this guy to thank for helping me come to that realization.
Anyways that's not all the characters that gave me gender envy or really even my entire "here's how I knew I was trans" but they are the most influential ones to me.
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legofanguy · 8 months ago
Werecat Midna
A Legend of Zelda werewolf AU featuring Midna from Twilight Princess. I made Midna a werecat as she has been called a kitty.
Midna begins her story to Zelda, "Well, let just said that my life in my old home was awful with my father wanting me to marry a sicko and I run away from home thanks to being a werecat. I travel in the road for awhile until I hear about this farm offering a job opening and it seems like a nice place to hide out for awhile. I didn't knew that was where I meet Anakin."
The bus arrived at the farm on the afternoon and Midna and three other young men are drop off. After a search around the farm, Midna and the three men head to the main office of the farm, which would be inside the farmhouse.
As the four enter the house and head to a closed door, they hear a woman talking to someone, "I don't get why you are getting paranoid, honey. I'm sure that these new farm hands are just nice folks." and a man voice from the other side of the door said, "I want to see if we can thrust them, and if they are the same as us. If they are like us, I need to know if they can follow me." Midna doesn't like the sound of that as the woman said to him, "Just because you are the head here doesn't mean that you have to be controlling everyone here. It's not like everything is on you." One of the men open the door to the office and the pair, a red hair woman in a white dress sitting on the desk and a blond hair one eye man wearing a green shirt and jeans, see the four and the man said to them, "Ah, you must be the new farmhands." and walk up to them, "My name is Morhoam. I run this here farm." and point to the woman, "This is my wife Malon. She help me run the farm since her father was the last owner of this place." Morhoam then ask them, "What are you folks names?" and a young man in blue with a strawberry colored hair, "I'm Shigeru." then a young man in green, "I'm Grebit." and a blond hair man in blue whose is younger than the two men, "I'm Kaze." Midna then introduced herself, "The name is Midna." Morhoam look at Midna with a look that he doesn't trust her and then said to the four, "Alright, I will let my family help you get started. I need to make sure the horses are okay. Just be careful on the full moon night next week. Folks around this part can go crazy on the moon light." Midna don't know why Morhoam said something like that as he left the office.
Malon sign and said, "For the head of this place, he give me the task of giving orders to the farm hands." and then said to the four, "Alright, you can start with helping Anakin with the cows." and then call out, "Anakin!" A reddish blond hair young man in farmer clothes come on and ask, "Yes, mom." and Malon introduced Midna and the three men to the reddish blond hair man, "This is my son Anakin. My husband is something of a Star Wars fan. I don't like the Disney movies. through." and then said to her son, "Anakin, these are the new farmhands Midna, Shigeru, Grebit, and Kaze. Can you show them around?" and Anakin reply, "Such thing, mom." and the four followed Anakin while Midna is sure that they were thinking the same thing of how surprising that Malon and Morhoam look so young and appear to be in the same age as their son.
Over the next days, Midna and the new farmhands work in the farm oversee by Morhoam, Anakin, and Boba. Midna could feel that Morhoam have a low option of him, and she planned to leave once the full moon night comes.
As the full moon raise, Midna transform and said to herself, "Alright, time to leave this place. I'm not liking the way that Morhoam look at me." and she climb out of the window of her bedroom on the third floor and onto the rooftop. Midna let out a sigh as she feel the night breeze blow upon her red hair and dark fur until she hear a howl of a wolf. Midna was surprised that there was a wolf in the farm since she was sure that Morhoam and Malon would not allow wolves in their farm.
As Midna explore the farm to look for the wolf, she got tackled to a wall by a gray fur werewolf whose said to Midna, "Well, well. Look who I found here. I should knew there was a reason you smell like cats, Midna." Minda was surprised that the werewolf knew her name until she got his scent and she recognized him as Anakin, and she quickly said in a attempt to escape, "H-Hey Anakin. It's good to see you tonight. Wow, you have grown so much." as she move her hands on his body and it made Anakin nervous as he said, "W-What are you doing?" Midna think to herself, 'Seduce you so I can get the hell out.' while she answer, "I'm just seeing if you are bigger down there, big boy." and Midna lower her hands to Anakin's bottom.
Zelda stop Midna's story by saying to her, "Stop right there, Midna." and ask the other women, "Are you girls telling me that every stories of yours have such kind of lewd scene?" and Hilda ask Zelda, "How do you think we become mates of our men in the first place?" Midna said to Zelda, "Well, I guess I can skip the good part, and tell you what happen after I took Anakin's virginity."
As Midna catch her breath and Anakin has finally fall asleep, the werecat is about to get up when a one eye werewolf and a red hair werehorse woman come before her and the werewolf said in Morhoam's voice while deeper, "Well, well, loke like we got a kitty that take our boy's virginity, Malon." and werehorse Malon said to her husband, "So, she is basically our Anakin's mate and one of our pack now, Morhoam." Morhoam said with a smile, "Yes, she is, Malon. I hope she understand the rules of mating for werewoles that they would take a partner of the person they lost their virginity to." Midna now knew that she has mess up big time.
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cookie-waffle · 1 year ago
I love how people who don’t ship Zelink act like we’re the aggressive ones. Like, I don’t care if you don’t like the ship, but we are not the devs who coded all the little hints and evidence into the games. Nintendo is very particular, there’s no way any of that stuff was by accident.
Eh, I have seen a few stinky zelink shippers who attack people as well.
Honestly, the shipping culture in the fandom in general comes off as very “juvenile” to me. if that makes any sense. People fight over ships that have nothing wrong with them, but at the same say nothing when underage characters are shipped with adults who are like twice their age.
And it’s not just a bunch of kids in the fandom acting like this, either. Way back in my Deviantart days, there was this grown ass professional artist zelink shipper (and her husband who collabed with her) in the fandom who would draw violent anti-ship art of characters like Midna and Malon being murdered or dying in some sort of awful way. (they also drew some borderline zoo stuff with wolf Link)
There was also this person in the zelink tag a few years ago who would post oot zelink hate because, get this, “it’s pedophilia because Zelda is a demigoddess and is technically millions of years old”. And another person around that same time saying botw zelink was problematic because they had a headcanon that they were siblings. People literally INVENT reasons to call the ship problematic. It’s so wacky.
Like, can we just ship some funny video game elves without people going absolutely insane? The way people get so worked up over which girl they think Link likes is just bonkers to me.
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waywardsalt · 1 year ago
gonna ramble a lil bit abt loz au stuff so uhhhh
okokokokok. i cant go tooooo indepth abt bellum atm (iykyk) but im gonna. talk abt linebeck stuff specifically within au stuff bc hes fun to play with in aus esp since i hold the belief that he would be a bit different in aus on account of them tending to be very drastically different from canon. ofc the au set in space with hi tech and space travel and his backstory being that [REDACTED]. dw abt the space au idk if ill even get around to spilling the beans on that one any time soon lmao
like ok i have a whole bunch of aus and linebeck teeeends to play a major role in a lot of those aus bc Of Course and bc i think hes interesting
anyways heres the list of aus (took me ages to find this in my archive) but like. it is fun to experiment and be like ok how would this character act in work in x setting with y circumstances and z goals. theres a lil bit of nudging/shoving out of character w/ linebeck in some of these that im trying to wrangle back under control while keeping the story intact while some are fine cuz its like. vastly difference circumstances understandable. gotta keep some staples the same tho
like… without spoiling too much about any of these, crimson king au linebeck is like… hes similar to canon personality wise, if a bit more ruthless, while space au linebeck is just. Out There with some of that same greed and jumpiness, gimmick au linebeck is very much the same but with loftier ambitions and more of a willingness to risk getting hurt for something, in the modern au(s) hes going to be a bit different due to. well. technology going through full schooling meeting different people.
a lot of the fun differences are best expressed through how he fights or what kinds of conflicts he comes into contact with, and i usually try to think to myself how canon linebeck might prefer to fight and then somewhat sticking to that idea while branching out to fit circumstances and setting. crimson king au has him using a pair of knives and fighting in a style that keeps him dodging and moving quickly and aiming to dispatch as quickly as possible. space au linebeck is first and foremost a sniper, with some ‘fights like a cornered animal’ flavoring tossed in. gimmick au linebeck has to learn to fight, but fights dirty and takes every advantage and cheat he can find.
its fun to tinker with his relationships with returning characters too. i have a lot of wiggle room with his relationship with bellum, but i always like to root it in the idea that bellum finds him interesting and ends up being some form of beneficiary due to circumstances. it’s interesting with link, too, they’re usually close or grow to be close, kind of sticking with the idea that they make a good team, in the crimson king au theyre adoptive brothers, in space au theres a sort of (one-sided) rivalry going on, gimmick au is uh… complicated so its fun, in a few aus like the modern or… one of the ruined hyrules they only know each other in passing, and in some theyve never met before. other characters that are fun to play with are zelda, ranging from being enemies to close friends, ganondorf, extremes being an au literally centered around ganonbeck and then an au where they are enemies in a sense, midna is fun to play with, so is ghirahim, it’s fun to see how his relationship with other characters can be taken in different aus
the different designs are also a lot of fun, but theres not a ton i can say here (some aus hes pretty much the same as canon, but a few have him with alternate designs, or both. his space au design is prob my favorite lol. that au is fun)
a few times i have to forcibly put him in a background spot or smth so i cant constantly focus on him while hes still important (murder mystery au is a good example, hes important but not generally to the larger plot, hes kinda just a character who ends up somewhat helping in investigation, other examples being the amnesia link au where hes [REDACTED] and therefore not present for like. half of the story, or the gimmick au, where he has his own stuff to do apart from link and co, or the general modern one, where that one is generally meant to have a larger cast so i. just cant focus on him lol)
au stuff is fun with linebeck i get to put him into highly varied and highly specific Situations
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beesbeesdragons · 9 months ago
ww1 au, they're all anzacs (so australian/nz soldiers) and it's written in an epistolary style, so as letters sent by each of the links to people back home over the course of a month or so, during 1916 in the leadup to the battle of fromelles (aka australia's first big battle in france post-gallipoli). it's partially because it gives me some interesting characterisations to work with (eg sky being from the middle class while hyrule is from the working class, four living in sydney vs wild living in woop woop, etc), and partially because the social developments during that period are fascinating to me; the everyday aspects of life in the trenches is both interesting and incredibly bleak, and ww1 specifically is such a massive part of australian history and I want to write more about it in the future, so this is where i'm starting! the links also all have,,,other names (like, different first names related to their nickname)
the full list of everyone's backgrounds:
Sky; engaged to Sun, lived in Melbourne pretty close to her and was studying maths at university. wants to become a pilot after he saw a plane for the first time. he grew up in the blue mountains but moved to melbourne when he was around ~13, which is when he met sun. enlisted during the gallipoli campaign but didn't go to gallipoli. got his nickname from the plane thing.
Time: married to Malon, they live in rural NSW and own a small-ish property, which malon is maintaining with her family's help. he enlisted around the same time sky did. the unit's resident Dad. He's the oldest in the unit. got his nickname based off the fact that he...somehow has a pocket watch that still works??? no one knows how tho. it's just. there. he also plays like six instruments and has a nice bass voice.
Warriors/Wars: lived in regional-ish victoria (geelong), was regular army. was in gallipoli, he's the highest rank of the unit (captain). got a promotion as he was the only surviving member of his last unit (at gallipoli). at this point, he just really wants to go home. has an 'understanding' with sheik but no one,,,really gets whats going on with them. got his name because, well...he's a soldier
Legend: lived in sydney. bastard child, sister of his zelda (fable, I think? the zeldas are harder to keep track of). he's...chill. wasn't at gallipoli but he's also, like, been a soldier longer than most of them, coz he signed up in 1914. got his name coz he somehow managed to sneak a small book of greek myths (it was actually a copy of the illiad) to the front. how? no one knows.
Four: lived in Adelaide, worked in a factory as an engineer, pretty chill. got his name coz he keeps complaining about having four siblings. the unit's resident stem kid. about 19, shorter than everyone.
Wind: lived in Cairns, helped out on fishing boats, lied about his age to enlist (is 15 turning 16 in july, the fic starts in early june). got his nickname because he was born in wellington, nz, which is famously windy. also because of the fishing thing. has a kiwi accent. writes to his sister but also sorta to tetra (and by that I mean that he,,,leaves it in the postscript)
Twilight: farm hand, grew up in rural nsw and worked on time's farm before he enlisted. was in gallipoli but not for as long as the others who were there. got his nickname bc one day they got leave and he made them watch the sunset and said some Sappy Stuff. he's good with animals and keeps talking about how he wanted to join the cavalry. Also had a dog back home named Wolfie that is definitely not part dingo. Writes to Midna, who's his childhood friend and also...sort of sister? he's her father's ward, before he left to work.
Hyrule: grew up in (modern) Melbourne (for anyone curious, around where Cragieburn is), wanted to be a doctor but thats expensive so he settled for learning local medicine and helping out where he could. Still better at first aid than anyone else in the unit. Nickname came from a fantasy novel he talked about a lot, apparently given to him by one of his friends (one of his zeldas, idk their nicknames). he's the most recent arrival.
Wild: grew up in rural NSW, around Kosciusko. Nicknamed because he's definitely most knowledgable about actually surviving in the wilderness. was a stablehand/sometimes shearer on his zelda's/flora's family's farm and has a...thing with her. was in gallipoli, didn't have a great time. has facial scars from a fire he was in as a kid. He's used to going hungry. one of the younger ones (signed up when he was 17).
I have been hyperfixating on legend of zelda for like the past week and now im learning embroidery to possibly one day make a botw!link cosplay help me its getting too strong
then I found linked universe and help now im writing a historical au for it
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smilesrobotlover · 3 years ago
what are the links and there different relationships with there Zelda i know sky is in love with his Zelda but what about the others
Ok, some Zelda’s I haven’t thought about at all or won’t involve for reasons but let’s do this
Skord is romantic, Sky is thinking about proposing
Minish is mutual pining, but idk if they will end up since Minish isn’t royalty. But who knows! Maybe the King loves him so much that he doesn’t mind
For Time, they were in love, but because he was sent back in time, they couldn’t really be together. The child timeline’s version of that Zelda doesn’t know Time very well and it’s very heartbreaking for him. Malon helped him move on from it, tho it still hurts since Zelda understood him a lot. (I am debating on whether or not Adult Timeline Zelda is gonna show up, as Sheik. But who knows)
For Twilight, they were never really friends, more like acquaintances. They both knew and cared about Midna, but they didn’t ever know each other, so they kinda just… vibe separately. Zelda does want to get Twi more involved since he’s the hero but he doesn’t do anything, so they’re not very close.
For Four (lol) their relationship is based after the manga (the entire thing is based after the manga really) so Four has a big crush on Zelda! It’s cute.
Windy is of course, dating Tetra, who does not go by Zelda. He’s thinking of proposing and it’s so cute and Telink literally kills me I love them. They’re very close and deal with disagreements (like with how they feel about Daphnes) but they’re able to push past that.
Warriors has a HUGE crush on Zelda, but he’s trying to be chill about it. I love to think that he’s very smooth and stuff but around Zelda he turns into a mess. It’s cute. Tho something happens in the story that makes Warriors upset, but there’s a reason, you’ll see ;)
For Wild… I guess they’re good friends? Idk… to be perfectly honest botw Zelda is my least favorite so I haven’t thought about her in lbl at all. So idk if I’ll involve her or not.
For Age they’re close friends, but not a couple (it’s the same case with Wild, might not involve her cuz she annoyed me more in AOC)
For the downfall timeline peeps, I don’t have any ideas for them and don’t know if I’ll even involve them, but they’re both really close to their Zelda’s (Hyrule might be romantic and Legend might be good friend or romantic)
And First didn’t have a Zelda but he had Hylia, and yes, they were both in love
So yeah! Great question!!! Those are the relationships!!! :)))
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lemonlurkrr · 4 years ago
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@aureateart​ ok. My favourite parts of twilight princess  (and some other random thoughts about TP sprinkled in there) taken from my monster TP word vomit google doc :
Link lmao
Ok but for real, I like this incarnation of Link :)
I love Ordon (it just seems like such a chill and cozy village)
ALSO love how easy it is to interpret Link as being a sort of older brother figure to the Ordon kiddos. It’s just,, super cute? AND GHHH nice nice good thanks nintendo for giving me characters to care about/characters that I can imagine Link caring about
He didn’t sign up for any of this (tbh, none of the Links really signed up for this jshdjsd). But I mean like, dude was just going to take a trip to castle town, drop a gift off for the royal family, and come back. But haHA oopsies he did get to castle town eventually but definitely not the way he expected hsjdhsd
He’s just a little dude?
everything is new for the player AND Link
She’s cool :)
she really just
*teleports into your jail cell* hello whore.
I am no master at writing but AYYYY she do got a character arc!!!
She was actually pretty helpful sometimes, I ALWAYS checked in with her before turning to a game guide
Other NPCs
Love all of the TP character designs (ASHEI’S ARMOUR??? AOWOAOAOOAO)
Saving Zelda and all of Hyrule was important yea but thinking back maybe it was more like, the Ordonians and the kids were what was pushing Link to keep on going
I like the Resistance members :) Very video gamey of them to have one NPC assigned to each dungeon but hey!!! Kinda cool getting to see a little glimpse of each of em
Idk, it’s just fun to imagine Link popping into Telma’s bar after each dungeon and taking a little rest :) (or to celebrate? maybe just chat, idk, give this man some downtime!!)
Honestly it was just kind of nice that Link wasn’t entirely alone. I mean, I know Midna was there the whole time, but I am always for giving Link a big group of friends (see my love for hyrule warriors, age of calamity, and LU LMAO)
Hero’s shade, very very cool, kinda sad he died with regrets but HEY. He got to pass on his knowledge eventually
AND the connection to OoT?? AND assumed to be related by blood too????? GOOD SHIT
Ilia, I REALLY really wanted to like her (er, it’s not like I dislike her, she’s just,,, kinda there for me).
It definitely seems like Nintendo was pushing to make her the romantic interest, but GHHHHH they really threw that out of the window for me by having her lose her memories
I saw a text post a while ago that said it would have been interesting if Ilia was Link’s sister instead and YES!! That would have been cool too :0
Wish we got to know Zelda a little more
I feel like we barely know anything about her
Idk man, like I said earlier, I never really had any sort of drive to save Zelda during my playthroughs
She obviously knows Midna, so maybe if they gave us just a little bit more of that relationship I’d be more interested in her?
Botw has good world building too, but each race felt kinda,,, isolated? I absolutely love the different architecture and vibe each town has (and all the the weapons too) but ghhh yea everyone felt so separated. As far as I can remember, we don’t see tooo much of the races interacting with each other? Now that I’m typing that out maybe that’s to be expected because of the calamity but KLSJDKJFD ANYWAYS THIS IS ABOUT TP
The world feels nice and alive, love how populated everything is
Castle town I like castle town a lot, it feels dense and busy and I really like how you can’t talk to every NPC you see
Very cool very fun that we got to see the Gorons hanging out in multiple spots
kinda wish we got to see the Zoras a little more (I guess they are a bit limited since they need water but GHHHH the tp zoras are so prebby,,)
BUT HEY, I do remember seeing a zora or two hanging out in the hot springs around death mountain after beating the lakebed temple (I think, might have been a different dungeon) 
but aaaa would have been nice to see them in at least a couple of other places. I think it would have really added to the “congrats Link!! You’re restoring peace to Hyrule” feeling you get from seeing the Gorons hanging out in Kakariko and Castle Town
Love how chill it is and how it’s kind of separate from Hyrule proper
They really do seem to be doing their own thing apart from the rest of Hyrule
Just kinda adds onto the “he’s just a regular dude minding his own business” kind of vibes I get from TP Link
Also I like Ordona :)
Love their design
And love how they’re not exactly like a pure white?
Different spirit representing each aspect of the triforce my beloved
But yes hi I think Ordona is very cool
Who are you, how did you get here, which goddess do you represent? Do you even represent one of the three golden goddesses? Do the Ordonians know about you? Have any of them ever SEEN you??? Do they worship you? Does anybody even know about the existence of the light spirits?? FUCK so many questions but ghhh I like how they broke the status quo a bit by throwing in a fourth spirit :)
I feel like this one is kinda weird but I like that voice sample they used in the light spirit music. It’s spooky and pretty at the same time :)  
cutscenes mmmmm
Ok ok, the spooky lanayru cutscene is very good
IT just
Idk man
It just hit different
I like the music
And seeing the light spirits swimming around in the light juice water whatever it is
Summoning the light arrows?
AND HHHHH “Lend us the last of your power!” THIS IS IT. This is the final battle.
Seeing Zelda bow down, and then Link putting his hand out 👌👌👌
Link: ok bud, let’s do this together :)
Connection to OoT (did I already mention this? Maybe., Whatever)
Very cool nintendo :)
I love seeing connections between all the diff zelda games.
Because like, on one hand, they’re all separate from each other because of yknow, individual hero stuff. BUT ALSO, they’re all connected because of the reincarnation stuff
Grrrr walking through the sacred grove and going “The Hero of Time walked around here a long time ago” FUCK THATS SO COOL
Is the Hero’s Shade watching me? What does he think of me? DIsappointed? Proud? The Hero of Time went through HELL so this timeline didn’t have to deal with any of the shit Ganon was gonna pull with the triforce, better not fuck this UP Link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Midlink is cute
Kinda hurts that she smashed the mirror but that was probably so Nintendo didn’t have to worry about people going “but what about the twili??????” for any of the other games LMAO
BUT ALSO LIKE SKJDKLJFJ There are some pretty massive plot holes in TP anyway so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whatever it’s fine we’ll just use this for angst because GOD do y’all like angst
So is Shadlink
Honestly don’t know where this ship came from but it’s cute so whatever
Love Midna’s theme and how they referenced the dark world theme from ALttP (I remember trying to learn the dark world theme on the piano and doing the Leonardo DiCaprio point meme at the little jingle I recognized from Midna’s theme)
Hyrule field theme SLAPS.
Apparently references a couple of the other over-world themes from the previous zelda games (I got this from 8-bit Music theory’s video on the over-world zelda themes, he talks about TP at around 11:40 but def recommend watching the whole video if you’re into music analysis stuff)
So there’s this bit of the Hyrule Field theme, I don’t know the official name for it but I remember seeing somewhere it being called the “at an advantage theme” since yeah, you hear it during the boss music whenever you expose their weak points. FUCKINGGG LOVE THAT. Didn’t notice it during my first playthrough, but hearing it during my second was like a little easter egg for my ears every time :)
Midna’s lament is very pretty (and fun to play on the piano)
I didn’t care for it too much when I started playing the game but hearing it in ZREO’s arrangement of the Hyrule Field theme literally makes me turn into a puddle of emotions. Also hearing it around and of the Ordon kids (I think it plays after Link saves Colin) AAAAAAAAAAAAA
Orchestra piece #1 and #2 HOLY SHIT???????????????? 
Literally, the first time I listened to those I just,,,, plugged in my headphones, volume 100, layed on the floor/against my desk and silently vibed. I don’t know what the hell it is, but those two just fit so well with TP?? I still avoid listening to them nowadays cause if I DO I definitely will get overwhelmed with the “god I love this game so FUCKING MUCH” kind of feels.
Wolf link sucks at singing
the first time I heard him howling Zelda’s Lullaby I lost my shit because LKSJLDKSGLKJFSKG god that was.,, Bad. Anyways, hearing him howl some of the songs from OoT was cute :)
VERY GOOD. IT’s like 10 minutes long and GOD do I love every single second of it. It doesn’t have the same energy as the skyward sword staff roll or the orchestra pieces but GOD does it hit good??
Nice and calm after that big exciting adventure. Maybe it would have been more fun or emotional to have a higher energy piece but it was really nice getting to sit back and watch the camera fly around Hyrule. Seeing like, the Gorons and the Zoras having a good time, the kids returning to Ordon? GOOD SHIT.
and AAAAA that end, when you hear the main Zelda theme and see Link riding off out of Faron woods on Epona… good shit. It gets you thinking, where the hell is he going? What is he doing? Off ot do more adventuring? Going to help out the resistance or something? Going to help Zelda? Or maybe he’s trying to figure out a way to restore the mirror of twilight? Whoooo knows.
I also want to acknowledge the instrument/samples they used for all the twili stuff.
They’re all just so unique and contrast SO well with the rest of the TP OST. LIKE FUCK!! Anytime I hear the screech from the Twilit Kargarok? Sends a shiver down my spine. I associate those sounds SO strongly with the twili realm. (Like, the same way you associate the BSHEWW VVWWMMM sounds with light sabers)
I love it so god damn much
literally any time there’s a certain sound or motif associated with something I lose my shit
Sacred grove sacred grove sacred gro-
lovely lovely lovely so much fun playing that on the piano. AND again, I did the Leonardo DiCaprio pointing meme when I heard the theme from the lost woods come in GHHHHHHHH
shoutout to TP Faron Woods for helping me study and get through all of my schoolwork
BLEGUUHHH can you tell that I really love music?
and also yea I guess TP is kinda cool too :\
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tachvintlogic · 3 years ago
The Twilight Realm's Political System
There's this line in Twilight Princess that got me thinking about their political system.
Zant: Y-You...TRAITORS! Midna: Traitors, ha! You want to know why none would call you king? It was your eyes, Zant. All saw it, a lust for power burning in your pupils… Did you think we'd forget our ancestors lost their king to such greed?
This implies to me that the people of the Twilight Realm have a great deal of say over who their ruler is. This implies a democracy. However, Midna is a princess and they had a king, which implies the ruler is part of a royal line and that both Midna and Zant were in line to inherit the throne.
One solution to this contradiction is that it is a democracy, and they just use the royal titles because fantasy. Twilight President and Twilight Prime Minister just don't have the same ring to them as Twilight Princess.
Alternatively, there is a royal line and Zant was next in line, but he was so unpopular that Midna was chosen to rule in a bloodless coup. This would technically mean that Midna is the usurper, and Zant is usurping a usurper.
Alternatively alternatively, there is a royal line but due to drama around Zant, he was excluded from the line of succession. He could've been before or after Midna in the line, and was just pissed about being removed entirely regardless of placement.
Alternatively alternatively alternatively, there is a royal line but siblings regardless of age are given equal preference. Instead, an election is held to determine which sibling gets to rule, and Zant lost.
So, why is Midna a princess and not a queen? Probably the same reason Zelda is a princess and not a queen in the game: Zant and Ganondorf attacked right before her coronation.
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