iobsesswaytoomuch · 5 months
Herculean Cerulean: Part One
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I can totally draw older turtles that are also gods... And crowds... And ancient Greek temples.... Yeah👍
Brother rivalry. That won't be important later! (Maybe. Idk)
Raph was lost and abandoned until big mama found him (I'll make a reference for her later).
Mikey is so done with Zeus's temper.
Donnie has face markings but later covers them up because he's embarrassed about them. And fun fact; those toys on the ground around him were carved by this older Athena worshipper/caretaker/older brother figure. That deeefinitely won't be plot relevant later :)
Also, unlike in Percy Jackson, the gods actually check in on their kids from time to time. I didn't want to try drawing medusa's head on athena's shield so just pretend it's the aegis. Yeah.
Hope you like the first part! I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing :D
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iobsesswaytoomuch · 6 days
Herculean Cerulean: Part 5
@mintleafkitty72 @froggyphycosis @daboyau @theartofeverything @apoeticwasteoofspace if you want me to tag/stop tagging you, let me know!! :)
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Boy just experienced death for the first time lol
Ya'll probably believe this is actually his first time lol (he doesn't remember. Yet)
Okay but imagine; you live forever, everyone you know lives forever; then one day you make a new friend, and you find out that they can easily just disappear off the face of the earth forever. :)
Also sidenote I can't draw frogs😀😭
Edit: @theartofeverything made some AWESOME colored panels you should go look at!!
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iobsesswaytoomuch · 2 months
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the bay area turtles of cabin 5 want to know if your turtles wanna surfboard with them!
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Eugh boy, this is a bit of a mess, but hopefully you can tell what's happening well enough?
It turned into more of a lesson than a competition. Leoclese is the only one who had much success, while Raphodius is just living his best life and Donotos is failing miserably😆 Michelantius decided to stay behind
✨✨Cabin five✨✨
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iobsesswaytoomuch · 3 months
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The No Fun in Fungus Group from cabin 1 made you a friendship ring from the craft table! Ignore the glow, I’m sure it’s fine.
Hey did someone order turtles with a side of trauma, A large lore dump, and some more trauma to wash it all down?
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Cabin five, sector three
Aaaaaannnnddd I also wrote a lil thing :]
Leoclese grinned at his and his brother’s counterparts, and happily took the ring from them. The mushroom on it flashed in the light, catching his eye.
“Thank you!” he said, beating the others to it. “I take it you’re a fun-gi?” he earned a chuckle from the other Leo, while everyone else groaned at the pun. He just smiled cheekily at them.
“It looks really cool!” Michelantius said as Donotos moved closer to study it in more detail. “How did you guys get it to glow like that?”
The No Fun In Fungus turtles just shrugged.
“We’re not exactly sure,” the other Donnie admitted. They all decided to just accept it. Something felt… off about the other turtles, but Leo just pushed that to the back of his miind.
“Well, we’d best be off now” Leo’s counterpart said. They all waved, calling parting words after them.
“Everyone’s so nice here,” Michelantius said happily, staring after them.
“I’ll say,” Raphodius agreed, and the other two nodded. 
Leo scrutinized the ring. It glowed an electric blue, a miniscule mushroom presented as the centerpiece. It really was a cool ring.
Shrugging, he slipped it onto his finger, admiring the way it flashed in the light of the caves crystals.
“Hey, share!-” Mikey started to speak, when without warning, small tendrils shot out of the ring and wrapped themselves around Leo’s finger. 
“AH- OW!” Leoclese cried out as the tendrils embedded themselves into his skin and spread to his wrists and hands.They lashed out, spider webs quickly interlacing and spreading by the second. 
Dimly, he heard the others calling his name, but it soon left his mind as the world was tinged blue. It creeped across his vision, the same shade the ring had glowed, and he squeezed his eyes shut, trying to blink it away. A flash flared behind his eyelids, then everything went dark again.
When he opened his eyes once more, adjusting to the light, he was no longer in the camp.
He was back in the hidden city, a sword suddenly gripped in his hand and debris scattered around him.
Glancing around, he noticed a giant snake’s head, lying beside him, and leapt back in alarm. When it didn’t move, he hesitantly moved closer and realized it was dead. Of course, the hydra! He’d just defeated it, hadn’t he! Yeah, that’s right! Glancing up, he realized he had an audience, sitting in stone bleachers that were there for some reason. The spectators stared down at him silently, and his smile wavered as the silence stretched on. Shouldn’t they be celebrating by now?
“Hydra got your tounge?” his voice trembled under their gaze, and he hoped the crowd hadn’t noticed. He waved up at them, but none of them reacted in the slightest. The smile now gone from his face. His confidence starting to flicker, he walked away from the crowd and the dead hydra. A doorway made of stone was behind him, and when he made his way through it, he found himself in the bustling streets of the Hidden City. The yokai flowed around him, surrounding him. Until suddenly they didn’t flow around them. They completely ignored him, bumping into him and ignoring his protests.
“Ah– hey– stop! Hey, I’m right here!–” he kept getting cut off by a new body crashing into him, he being the only one who seemed to notice or feel it. Eventually he lost his footing, and he was suddenly beneath the flow of the unrelenting current, resorting to covering his face to protect it from getting stepped on.
He felt his eyes widen as he realized he could see through his arms.
Finally managing to make his way to his feet again, he looked down only to discover that he was translucent.
He stumbled backward, looking around desperately. Still, no one even acknowledged his existence. 
His eyes located a flash of red, purple, and orange– his brothers! He ran through the mass, pushing through the crowd until he reached them.
They only stared blankly through him, and he was pushed aside as they nearly knocked him over.
“... guys?” his voice was pitifully weak, but he didn’t care about that at the moment. He caught a snippet of their conversation.
“– it was such a good idea to come here just the three of us!” Mikey bounced exuberantly as he walked.
“Yeah, it’s nice to have all three of us together,” Donnie affirmed, and each word was a punch to the gut.
They didn’t even know Leo was gone. They didn’t even remember he existed!
“PLEASE! I CAN’T DO THIS AGAIN!” he called after them, into the air, wishing someone, anyone would hear it. “ I CAN’T LIVE BEING COMPLETELY IGNORED AGAIN!” his voice broke.
He fell to his knees, unable to see the point of standing anymore. He suddenly found himself in a small circle as the civilians stared blankly ahead, weaving around the invisible bubble that must have been there.
Normally, he would’ve made a joke, diffusing the tension, if not for the others then himself. But all other thoughts had left his mind, and no one would hear it anyway.
“Wait…” he said weakly, not expecting a response as he stretched a hand out at his brother’s receding backs.
His facade finally crumbled, and he gave up trying to hold back the tears that came.
He’d sworn he’d never be invisible ever again, and yet here he found himself. Pitiful and unseen, once again.
Had he even been there in the first place? Had anyone even known him before? Did he even exist?
For a moment, Raphodius stared in shocked silence as Leo screamed, glowing tendrils snaking around his arm, before snapping into action. 
Without a thought, he leapt forward, trying to drag the ring off of Leo’s finger. The only thing he succeed in was tearing a few tendrils off and leaving gashes in his brother’s skin, where it’d been ripped off. Horrified, he released the tendrils, which waved around threateningly, then were quickly replaced by more. His brothers joined them, but were uncertain in how to help.
Grimacing and muttering a small apoology to Leo, he grabbed the snaking tendrils and tried to snap them, resorting to tearing at them with his teeth, but they wouldn’t yield. Before he knew what was happening, they latched onto his face, creeping up around his eyes.
His scream matched Leo’s, before his mouth was covered by the rubbery tentacles. He stumbled backward, but only succeded in being dragged back to Leo, forced onto his knees.
Vaguley, he saw Mikey and Donotos coming closer, and tried to warn them away before his vision was completely eveloped in an electric blue haze.
When his vision finally cleared, the camp was gone. In it’s place, he was kneeling in a long stone tunnel. Figures obscured by the darkness lay scattered around him. 
Warily, he made his way to the closest one, against the wall. Moving closer for a better look, he instantly regretted that decision. It was the body of a fox yokai, their fur matted with blood and a blank expression frozen on their lifeless face. His insides roiled as he recognized them as someone he’d killed in the arena.
Eyes burning, he lowered his head.
“I’m sorry.”
He moved on, walking among countless corpses through the never-ending tunnel, wanting to curl into a ball yet unable stop moving.
He knew it was he who had their blood on his hands. There was no other explanation. He had done this.
Guilt edged inside of him, as he saw more and more familiar faces. It kept growing, a weed inside of him and choking out all of the progress he’d made after escaping the arena.
People he’d fought in the gladiator nexus, people that had been in the crowd. Faces of acquaintances gave way to loved ones, people he’d been close to. The old woman who used to work as a medic, gently wrapping his injuries and embracing him as child. The young gecko boy who had always cheered him on in the crowd. The tiger yokai who’d made sure he received food every day, despite her all but forgetting about him sometimes.
Each lifeless face made him tremble more, and kept hitting harder and harder each time. 
He skidded to a stop. The tears he’d barely managed to hold back broke free, coursing down his face.
Donotos accessed the situation. That was what he was good at! He was good at accessing things! He could take care of this, it was fine, it’d be fine, he was fine, they were fine, it’d all be-
Tamping down the momentary panic, he gently pulled himself and Mikey away from their two… incapacitated… brothers.
Their brothers sat there, side by side, suddenly still and eerily silent. The strange blue threads waved around them, growing longer by the second.
What had even happened?! One second, they’d all been fine, the next, Leo was screaming and Raph jumped in and then suddenly they were both roped together, limbs slowly disappearing in the sickly ropes that seemed to be causing it.
“...What do we do?”
He didn’t glance at Mikey, instead staring resolutely forward, keeping a lookout for any stray tendrils, while speaking.
“I don’t know. I couldn’t even see what happened!” he tried to keep the panic out of his voice, for Micheal’s sake. “But whatever it is, it has something to do with that ring. By Socrates, how were we stupid enough to trust everyone so easily!?” he cursed the sense of ease that had pervaded their shenanigans until now. Of course not everyone meant well! In hindsight, that other Leo had been very suspicious.
He felt a tap on his shoulder.
“What?” he finally turned to look at Mikey, and his face said it all.
Mikey wasn’t the one who’d tapped him.
His foot was suddenly yanked out from under him, and he heard the telltale thud of Mikey having the same done to him. A thread must have snaked around them and grabbed their ankles when they hadn’t been looking!
He twisted, struggling to rip it off of him, but his hands were yanked back by yet another tendril, binding them together.
“Mikey…” he tried to call out, but the hazy blue that had been tinging his vision suddenly collapsed in on itself, and everything was replaced with an azure fog.
When it finally cleared away, he stood in a forest. The trunks rose up around him, trunks and branches twisting around and among each other, creating a dappled canopy up top. It was achingly familiar.
Dreading what he would find, something primal in his chest telling him what he would see. Despite that, he could not stop, instead breaking into a run, as if something were chasing him. The trunks and undergrowth of the forest whipped by, blurring together as he spurred himself on faster, and faster still.
Eventually, he came to a stop.
Just as he’d feared, a broken tree lay across the path.
Limbs stuck out from underneath it, and suddenly he was six years old again, a broken leg throbbing, and [redacted due to spoilers] lying motionless before him.
“....[name redacted]?”
No no no no no no no no not again. Not again. 
“Not again” he whispered hoarsely. His mask was damp, the fabric sticking to his face, but he ignored that. Nothing else existed except the broken form, that he did not have the strength to pull out from under the giant trunk. It wavered, growing fuzzy around the edges. He desperately and desolately tried to make out the feature, but they were suddenly gone from his memory. He couldn’t even remember [redacted]’s face? After everything he’d done for Donotos?
An empty feeling spread through him, one he’d promised himself he would never let exist again, and he gladly welcomed it. It was better than the alternative.
He jumped as a rustle came from the branches behind him. Whipping around, all else was forgotten as a horrible, eight-legged creature rose from the bushes, more following after it.
No one heard his high pitched shriek as he scrambled away from the horde of spiders, and for that he was grateful. Not that it mattered.
He stood rooted to the ground as they pursued him,  spindly limbs undulating and overlapping each other, crawling over each other to get to him.
He couldn’t do anything, paralyzed as they reached his leg and began crawling up, a horrid, frenzied mass that covered him completely almost instantly.
They reached his face and he shuddered as he felt the tiny legs caressing his skin.
He could do nothing but kneel there, the blood-red arachnids obscuring his vision, and enveloped by his own failure.
Michelantius’ head throbbed, probably from hitting the ground, as the hazy blue cleared from his vision. What had even happened? What did the ring even do?
He had a feeling that he was soon to find out.
Glancing up, he took in the scene around him.
He stood on a vast expanse of fluffy, white clouds, pale blue sky extending around him. In the distance, a gate barred entrance to a familiar, swooping palace.
“Olympus?” he thought out loud. What was he doing back there? Wait, had he ever left in the first place-? He wasn’t sure. 
“Long time no see” he swivled around at the voice, not unlike his own, as a familiar dread immediately started fill him, weighing him down.
“Tell me, cousin, where have you been? It’s been far too long.”
Mikey gritted his teeth, restraining the urge to hurl himself out of the sky to get away.
“Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy?” he smiled at his own reference. Hanging out with the fates had always paid off.
Aeolus tutted, shaking his head mockingly with a malevolent smile plastered across his face.
“Now now, that’s no way to treat your own family,” he said.
“You’re no family of mine,” Mikey growled, looking away.
“Such a shame, considering that you have no choice but to be with me.” The fake smile was gone, Aeolus’s face now twisted into something ugly.
Before Mikey could come back with a witty reply, Aeolus snapped his fingers.
Wind, somehow visible and bright red, swirled around him. Resisting the urge to scramble away, he stood there, flinching as the freezing air currents tightened around him, squeezing him until he could feel the blood flowing in his veins. Of course they’d be tangible. Why wouldn’t they?
“Do what you want to me,” he said, looking up defiantly. “It doesn’t matter.” As long as you don’t hurt anyone else, he finished silently.
“Well, if we both agree that we don’t care what happens to you, I’d rather not have to listen to your voice anymore,” the wind god sneered as the winds gagged him, successfully cutting off his ability to speak. That was fine. He didn’t need his voice anyway.
The wind (ropes?) sliced uncomfortably into his skin, and he knew there’d be bruises later.
He just stared, trying his absolute best not to show any weakness.
A cold glint flashed in his… cousin’s… eyes, and he flicked his wrist.
Mikey was forced to stand up straight, spine twisting as he was forced to stand uncomfortably stiffly.
“Oh yes,” he chuckled darkly. “I think we’ll have lot’s of fun together.” Mikey’s eyes widened, as he realized what was happening.
Not again, he thought miserably, as he lost his free will once again.
There was no escape. Running to the mortals would not work twice.
He should have known his freedom wouldn’t last forever.
Heheheheheheheheheheh :))))))))
Thank you so much for sending me this ask!!!!! I've always wanted to spore my own turtles :>
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iobsesswaytoomuch · 3 months
Hi!! I've been re-reading all of the stuff you have so far for your Herculean Cerulean au and am curious about a few things.
How did you come up with everyone's names?
How did Leoclese learn to make portals via lightning?
Similarly, how did Donotos learn he could fly? (I have this funny image of him just falling off a ledge or something by accident and he just kinda... floats there 😂 that's probably not what you have planned, but that's what popped up in my head)
I know answering these are probably going to require spoilers, so you don't have to answer them, there's absolutely no pressure :] I'm just excited and curious! (Also, I found the part where it mentions Donnie's older brother figure and I'm SO ready to meet this guy)
Anywizzle, I hope you have a fantastic rest of your day/night! 😁
It was pretty random. For Leocles, I literally just changed his name to Hercules but with a Leo, since that's who he's sort of going to be modeled after. For Raphodius, Michelantius, and Donotos, I literally just searched up Greek names, noting the endings and just their... Vibe? Idk, but anyway, I tried looking up different meanings too but don't remember what they were of the original names, then once I found a greek name I liked I changed the turtle's names based on them, just to make it different from the original show, and make them sound more ancient greek. For yuichio, I did the same, and realized it didn't sound greek, and instead sounds more italian, so he might be from another place or something. I was considering Rome because italy, but decided I didn't want to have greece and Rome existing at the same time. Then, he's going to follow meg (megara)'s storyline (kind of), hence Mesagi. He's going to be nicknamed Yui (by Leo heheh. I have plans for short. Splintoctetes, changed to sound like philoctetes. Maegasus, a combination of mayhem and pegasus. Baron Hades speaks for itself.
2. I have. NO IDEA :D. I haven't thought that far ahead, but he is the son of the lightning god. I was mostly trying to figure out how to incorporate his ninpo. It'll probably appear in either the first or final fight (heheh the climax is going to be fun) and, won't be like. Summoning lightning, it'll probably just be like canon's portals, but more electric looking.
3. I don't know either. I just wanted to give him ninpo, but didn't want to stick to canon (as you can see I dont want it to be too much like the show). He's the son of Athena, who's sacred animal is the owl, which is a bird, and birds can fly, soooooo... Yeah that was basically my thought process. It will only show up in the climax most likely. (that'd be hilarious can I please use that?)
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE QUESTIONS AND ASK!!!! I had a lot of fun answering these, even if I can't give very clear answers. Never be shy to ask about my au I swear I will love any questions. :]]]] (HEHEHEHEHDHSHEHHEHEHHHDBSDHCBJWDHBCJHB I'M SO EXCITED TO BRING HIM IN YOU HAVE NO IDEA. I HAVE SO MANY PLANS FOR HIM. HEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE IT'S GOING TO BE SO MUCH FUN. FOR ME. Also, little spoiler; he's going to be a bird yokai :> I like birbs :>)
Have a marvelous day/night that's just as amazing as you are!! :))
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iobsesswaytoomuch · 1 month
Alrighty guys I need your help
For the next part of Herculean Cerulean;
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iobsesswaytoomuch · 2 months
You were walking down the purple sandy beach when you came across a a large wooden table. The table had a banner the read “Beach-side Gift Shop” in bold letters. Sitting at the table was a Rise April and…Bendy from Bendy and the ink machine?
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"Hmmmmm... Depends" Raphodius started. "What do you ha-"
"Is that tmnt family reunion merch?!" Michelantius interrupted.
Twenty minutes later, they walked away wearing hats and shirts that Leoclese couldn't see them ever needing.
Cabin 4 and 5!
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iobsesswaytoomuch · 2 months
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Kraang Mikey and Move Along Mi- RAPH from cabin 15 want to know if you'd like some homemade lemonade for your beach day! It's very delicious!
Art by: @spacemimz
Characters by: @spacemimz and @justalittleobsessed
"We'll take four please!" Michelantius said brightly, handing them two dollars they'd exchanged drachmas for.
"Been enjoying the reunion?" Raph asked, just as Donotos started questioning how they got the lemons.
Cabin 15 and 5!
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iobsesswaytoomuch · 2 months
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@justalittleobsessed (cabin 15) and @languajix (cabin 14) can't BELIEVE Raphaels are going around and causing chaos! Now only if they could find their Michelangelos...
Michelantius was the first to notice the fin slicing through the water towards them, in the middle of a splash fight.
"Hey, uh.... Guys? Are random fins in the water and weird music playing from an indeterminate source a normal thing here or should we start running?"
They stared, captivated, as it advanced and the music grew louder.
"Yeah. Let's run," Raphodius said quickly, and they started sloshing to the pier as fast as they could. The music, from that weird horn-looking instrument, reverberated through the air, growing louder with every second, and sending shivers up the turtle's shells.
Finally, they scrambled onto the pier, just as the shark was almost upon them.
"what kind of song was that? It didn't sound familiar," Donotos mused as they readied themselves for defense. Just as it looked as if the shark was going to bump into the wooden pier, it tilted upward.
"Wha-?" Leoclese started, before it became clear that another, red-banded turtle had been hiding beneath it all along. They watched as the other mutant climbed up beside them, grinning, and the other finished their song.
A slow clap broke the awkward silence, coming from Donotos.
"A well-executed trick," he admitted. "Do it again though and we'll hunt you down till the end of your days," he said conversationally, as if they were discussing something as trivial as the weather.
"Yeah- not cool," Michelantius pouted as the other (Raph?) smirked.
"You don't sound like a Raph," Raphodius pointed out.
"Well, would you look at the time!" The other turtle said, sounding suspiciously like a Mikey. The Herculean Cerulean crew watched as he met up with his fellow conspirator, calling their parting words, before running off. Something about filing Raph-related complaints, securing the fact that they were anything but Raphs.
"Well.... Okay?" Leoclese laughed. Then they turned back to their former activities, canon balling back into the water.
Cabin 15, 14, and 5!
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