#Michel Nostradamus
nameless-flame · 6 months
Incorrect Quotes #42
Michel: If you put 'violently' in front of anything to describe your action, it becomes funnier.
Jack: Violently depressed.
Adam: Violently unbothered.
Qin: Violently haughty.
Kojiro: Violently old.
Lu Bu: Violently stoic.
[Name]: Violently murders people.
Nikola: Violently worries about the previous statement.
Leonidas: Was it that hard to follow the trend?
[Name]: Violently murders Leonidas.
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recordoficons · 2 years
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- ʟɪᴋᴇ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ sᴀᴠᴇ, ᴅᴏɴ’ᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴘʟs
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vividc4ndy · 1 year
Head cannon that Nostradamus cheats in monopoly. Fucker really goes "Look that way!" then when you turn he won't do anything the first couple times to mess with you, then when he finally does cheat you won't believe he actually did anything! Also he smells like vanilla cookies.
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foundfamilyhq · 7 months
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notrecesar · 10 months
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swallowtail-lotus · 6 months
Playful Much? {Michel Nostradamus x Tanjiro!Reader}
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Looking back, I realised I never really wrote anything for him... I'll have to change that hahaha
You walked alongside Brunhilde and Göll, a gentle smile on your face. You knew what the taller valkyrie was thinking. You both knew Buddha's victory against the Demon Lord, Hajun had unnerved the gods, except you, of course.
You weren't really paying much attention to the two valkyries and what they were talking about, but you knew it was about Buddha.
When everything was silent for a moment, you poked your head out to see what the two were staring at.
You didn't expect another Brunhilde in the room.
"There's two of her?? That shouldn't be possible unless it was Loki and his usual shenanigans, but I don't feel his aura at all. So who could it be?" You pondered, staring at the second Brunhilde in shock.
"Huh? What? Huuh?! Th-There's two Hildes??" Göll shrieked, her head looking at the two Brunhildes repeatedly. A tick mark appeared on real Brunhilde's forehead.
"What are doing here... With MY clothes on... Nostradamus?!" Brunhilde asked with anger, pointing her finger at the other Brunhilde. You and Göll looked at the ravenette valkyrie in confusion. More for Göll than you in curiosity.
The other Brunhilde took off the clothes and revealed a male with short hair and pretty eyes. His clothes were certainly interesting to you. He threw the clothes away and cleared his throat.
"Allow me to prophesy!" He said, pointing at you and the two valkyries.
"The ones to win Ragnarok will be the gods!" He exclaimed, now pointing at you specifically. A small gasp left your lips and your eyes widen.
"Y... You mean mankind's gonna lose?!" Göll exclaimed. Brunhilde and Nostradamus stared at each other for a few seconds before the male fell back from laughter.
"Khee hee hee! You bought it!" He laughed, his loud laughter filling the room. You looked at Göll, whose face was heating up, possibly from embarrassment. You held in your giggles, covering your mouth with your hand.
"S-sister Hilde!! What's his problem?! He's really peeving me off!!" Göll snapped, pointing at the male, clearly angry. It was really hard to keep your giggles in because of Göll's reaction. When Brunhilde was about to answer Göll, your laughter rang through the room.
"L-Lady (Y/n)?!" Göll asked.
"See? This lovely lady gets it." The male smiled, leaning back.
"As I was going to say, exactly what you see, Göll. The man before you is the most obnoxious man in all human history." Brunhilde spoke, patting the younger valkyrie.
"And unfortunately, he's really fucking strong." The older valkyrie finished, scratching her head. You already knew from the aura he had. You took some steps closer, scanning the man before you with your shiny eyes.
"Ah, just what do you think you're doing, Ma Chère?" Nostradamus asked, a cheeky grin on his face.
"Apologies. I was just examining your aura. You have a powerful one." You replied, your lips forming a gentle smile.
"Th-this pervert, who tries on your clothes without your permission is strong for real?" Göll inquired, still upset about what happened a few minutes ago.
"Yes. However, continue with your pranks and I will cut you from the roster and send you back to helheim." Brunhilde answered, folding her arms. 
"Huh?! Not thaaaat!!" The male exclaimed. You tilted your head at sudden loudness.
"Those monsters did stuff to me I can't even describe. Truth be told, they left my body and soul in shambles." He shivered. You sniffed the air, the familiar scent of someone's lies reaching your nostrils.
"To be sent back there, after you chose me to represent mankind and called me here, brunie..." He lied again, his hands clasped in a prayer. When the ravenette valkyrie opened her mouth, you stomped your foot.
"Please stop, young one. We both know of your lies." You snapped, you smile long gone and arms folded over your chest.
"If you truly felt like it, you could have come back any time. Even if it took killing the guards." Your eyes widen at the statement. This small male human could've come here without being called here?
"I guess, yeah! There's just a certain Je-ne-sais-quoi about that place the makes it all so appealing!~" Nostradamus chimed, throwing away the white cloth he used to wipe away the fake tears.
"H-hang on a minute! H-he's a human, right? W.. why was he in helheim?" Göll asked the question you wanted to ask.
"He broke the god's taboo and became the only one in all humanity to be cast into helheim." Brunhilde explained. Your eyes expressed shock and worry, mostly shock at that info.
"Ehehehehe! Don't flatter me too much! You're overexaggerating!" Nostradamus laughed, looking all happy.
"B-broke the god's taboo? What the heck did he do??" Göll panicked, her face showing fear.
"He destroyed the bifrost." Brunhilde answered. Both you and Göll held fearful expressions. Why would this human do such a thing?
"Y-you destroyed the bifrost?! Why would you..."
"I didn't destroy the whole thing, though. They got to me eventually!" Nostradamus admitted, poking his tongue out in a childish way. You played with the silk around your arms, not knowing how to respond to such information.
"Is there any reason why you're here?" Brunhilde questioned, staring at the male.
"Ooh yeah. I was just wondering if it's my turn yet." Nostradamus recalled. That perked your interest.
"No. Your turn is still a long way. Because you are our joker." Brunhilde responded. A ring from her device caught all your attention. You took a spot behind her, looking down at the screen display. You sworn your felt all colour drain from your figure at the next fighter for the gods.
"What?! Round seven is H-H-H-Hades?!" You had an idea of how Göll was feeling about that. Hades is one of the strongest Greek gods. Nostradamus and Göll were talking at once, slowly giving you a headache. Second after you moved away from the ravenette valkyrie, she shoved them off her. You moved to catch the human male, his head nearly hitting your chest.
"Are you okay?" You asked the man, standing him up on his feet. The light haired male turned around, giving you his teasing smile.
"I am now~" He sang, his eyes staring into yours. When you wanted to speak to the Valkyries, you didn't see them in the room. They must've took off to go find the next human fighter. You walked to the doors when you felt something grab your silk.
"Aw, don't you wanna stay with me? Am I too much?" Nostradamus teased, sitting back down on the table with his usual self. It was like he was inviting you back to him.
"Well, not really. I admit, I am surprised about you becoming the first human to be cast to helheim." You admitted, your eyes closed and your gentle smile on full display.
"What can I say, I just wanted to know what'll happen if I destroy that gate." The male beamed.
"By the way, you look really cute. Your slightly feminine features actually suit you very well, oh dear Nostradamus." You complimented the man, bringing his locks of hair in your hands.
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nostradamus-ror · 6 months
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“It’s about time I joined the fun~ time to see what all this fuzz is about!!”
(Hihihi!! Welcome!! Rules and about the mod under the cut ⬇️)
Flirting is allowed, but no straight up AO3 smut type of stuff please. asks like these will be ignored and will be called out if they get too much.
OCs are welcome! And yes feel free to bring up other characters!!
No hate towards the chaos baby please. Nor to the mod (me).
Hihihi I’m @brokensenseofhumor/Ali!!! I’m a minor and I do not care about pronouns (Im genderfluid).
Michel’s responses will be in blue! And mod’s sudden involvements in RPs will be in Green!
Thanks for reading! :D
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thecrenellations · 1 year
*yet unimportant. Does this exclude the telepathy? Your call.
shoutout to @sophosthewisebunny for talking about the Sybilla one, especially
What a book!
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anamon-book · 1 year
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大予言者ノストラダムスの謎 ミシェル・C・トゥシャール 千葉茂隆・訳、河合浩三・解説 大陸書房 装幀=黒田久志
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francepittoresque · 5 months
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4 mai 1555 : publication des prophéties de Nostradamus ➽ http://bit.ly/Propheties-Nostradamus Son vrai nom était Michel de Nostredame. Les prophéties ou "Centuries" consistent en des quatrains censés prédire l’avenir jusqu’en 3797 ! C’est un outil qui pourrait être précieux, mais certains vers sont tellement ambigus qu’il est possible de leur donner bien des interprétations
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bones4thecats · 9 months
Can i request a Sayaka Miki (from Madoka Magica) reader w anubis , nostradamus , and Buddha
Where the reader Goes insane (like Sayaka when she was fighting the witch) because she cant feel pain anymore (btw she was fighting in a round of ragnarok) and brutally kills her opponent
And how would the charas reach to their lover doing that and maybe the aftermath where the reader win and maybe how they would confront her
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Anubis, Michel Nostradamus, and Buddha Name: Reader Goes Insane During Their Round and {Character} Comforts Them Requester: Anonymous
A/N: I have decided to make the Reader a God here, just because it made a bunch more sense for some reason. Anyways, Happy New Year everyone! Have a happy 2024, lil bubbles🫧!
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🐶 Anubis knew you weren't the most sane when it came to battles, since he had seen you go against multiple members of the Egyptian Pantheon before this
🐶 But, at those times, you had far more self-control then this, but, he couldn't seem to blame you for it, the human you were fighting, Caligula, was known for his violent outbursts to his people, and you did not like him at all
🐶 Your husband watched as Caligula threw a large spear at you and charged with his Valkyrie in tow, Brunhilde must have hated allowing her sister to bond with that monster
🐶 He observed you throwing yourself onto the side, grabbing the blade and grabbing the male from behind, throwing him onto the ground and stabbing his heart, a sadistic look in your eyes
🐶 You then smirked and whispered something to the human as he faded away and the Gods cheered for your win as Humanity shrugged, they knew what kind of man he was, and they had no shame in his demise
🐶 You were obviously upset with how insane you had gone on the battlefield, and Anubis ran to your side, hugging you as your began to cry into his shoulder, repeating how it was all your fault and Humanity was destined to die
🐶 Anubis sighed and rubbed your back as he carried you to the medical room, you really did care for innocent people. But right now, he knew you needed to focus on yourself, no matter how much you didn't wish too
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🎙️ Michel wasn't exactly the most sane man in history, and he owns up to that whenever you scold yourself for going a hint overboard
🎙️ You were set in a match against the Greek Goddess of Strife and Discord, Eris, who was starting to aggravate everyone in the audience because of how egotistical and cruel she was acting
🎙️ She even claimed after Humanity was gone, she'd get ride of the Gods one-by-one so she would rule supreme
🎙️ Eris had grabbed you by the leg and thrown you against the wall of the arena, causing a butt-load of dust to erupt from the now-broken bricks, and even the Gods were yelling at you to get up, shocking the rest of your fellow Einherjar
🎙️ Your husband smirked as your Valkyrie yelled at you to do something, and when Brunhilde screamed at him on why he was smiling as his S/O was about to die, he just looked at her and answered with a cheeky
" Y/N doesn't give up that easily, just wait~ "
🎙️ You lunged and began to savagely attack the Goddess, causing the whole arena to go silent with fear as your opponent screamed out her final words with so much pain it made dying from blood-loss more fun
🎙️ Michel began to walk to greet you at Humanity's entrance, and when you came up with blood on you and a sad look burning in your eyes, he just patted your head and called the medics over, claiming he'd visit you once your wounds were healed, and he'd bring your favorite food to continue watching the rounds, after all, the next one seemed fun!
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🍭 Buddha knew you were a very level-headed person like himself, and seeing you get angry was a rarity, and besides, whoever saw it most likely never lives to tell how cold your glare was
🍭 Hearing you were going against a traitorous human, specifically the son of Eurydemus of Malis, Ephialtes of Trachis
🍭 You severely disliked the male because of what he did in life, a thing that he had quoted every time he had landed a small hit on your form
🍭 Your husband was watching alongside the rest of Humanity's fighters, and he glared when the man grabbed your arm and swung you off to the side, deeming you a weak woman and that was why Humanity deserved to die, while he deserved life
🍭 Buddha watched you slowly stand up, a dark aura emitting off your so strongly that it even made the Supreme Gods scream out
" Create a barrier around the audience now! She's going crazy! "
🍭 Sasaki Kojiro's eyes widened as you lunged at Ephialtes and began to punch and kick the man, dodging every hit he gave you, and every hit you gave him was either cracking or breaking a bone at a time
🍭 When you came back to reality, Buddha ran out and helped you back to the infirmary, despite the protests of Brunhilde and his fellow fighters
🍭 You were the most important thing to him, and he was not going to let you die on him, not like Jataka did all those centuries ago
🍭 While you healed, you cried into your husband's shoulder, saying how this whole ordeal was a mistake and asked him why the Gods couldn't see the pain this was bringing their creations
🍭 Comforting you, he stayed silent until you fell asleep with your face on his chest. All he did was look down at you and rub your back, whispering in your ear about how Humanity was now one step closer to survival, all thanks to you
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nameless-flame · 1 year
A Various! Record of Ragnarok x reader story✨
Snippet from Story:
"Why do you hate the gods, Lady [Name]?" He had expected her face to contract in anger when he worded the question. Rage, resentment, animosity – anything of the like. But Hermes was instead met with a vacant smile. Her eyes void of any emotion.
"Because you do not know the feeling of loss, and yet you take."
“Four years”, she told herself. Four years had passed since the war. Four years since the people of Erilea had fought the Valg King and his forces and stood victorious.
“It’s over”, she told herself. But she could not deny that some of those scars had yet to heal – and a small part of her wondered if they ever would.
The queen looked over the horizon, at the land of sun-bleached cliffs and white-capped seas, of cascading waterfalls and flowing rivers. Looked at the home she had so vigorously fought to protect, to nurture. Looked at this land of beauty and wonder, and at the constructions of the city that were almost complete, as the locals merrily flocked the streets.
Looked at Terrasen; her home. Her kingdom.
“It’s over,” she repeated.
However, destiny must have not aligned with her will because not long after a mysterious figure appeared at the palace gates, requesting her to participate in a tournament that would decide the fate of humanity.
She felt inclined to say no. But the valkyrie’s next words made her reconsider.
“The gods wish to end humanity.”
And an opportunity like never before presented itself. A chance to punish those divine beings that had wronged her and her people. To exact revenge for what they had done to her world.
The queen accepted.
A better world (Record of Ragnarok x Reader) | Quotev
A Better World (Record of Ragnarok x Reader) - Sara2771 - Wattpad
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micah-drew · 10 months
Record of Ragnarok: How Many…
How many shots will it takes for me to hookup with the ROR characters? Let’s find out!
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Lü Bu: A GOOD…SIX I THINK? I don’t have much reasoning other than I’m pretty sure he bites
Adam: none, because it’s not happening!
Kojiro Sasaki: Uhh, 7?? grandpa doesn’t need to break a hip today
Jack The Ripper: I think 7 again? It just makes sense to me
Raiden Tamemoon: 3 for confidence, praying he doesn’t crush me
Buddha: pass, sorry
Qin Shi Huang: 2 for confidence, yeah
Nikola Tesla: 1 for confidence HE IS SO FINE OH MY LO
Leonidas: 3 for confidence because oh my lord, WHAT A MAN
Soji Okita: pass
Michel Nostradamus: blackout. deadass I need to be fully blackout for a CHANCE
Sakata Kintoki: pass, again
Simo Häyhä: probably not gonna hookup, but I’ll give him a little kiss on the cheek!
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Poseidon: probably 7, I feel like he’d insult me the whole time for taking so much shots but iTS FINEEE
Heracles: 2, for confidence. he’s like a teddy bear I think
Shiva: UHH…7, yeah 7 seems good
Hajun: pass.
Hades: 3 for confidence, thank you and we move on
Beelzebub: I love him, but probably 9 or close to blackout I’m gonna be fully honest
Apollo: 2 for confidence, why is everyone in this round so fine
Loki: PASS.
Hermes: I think 4?? yeah 4 seems good
Ares: pass, sorry bestie
Adamas: pass
Aphrodite: 2 for confidence
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Randgriz: I think 2 is good personally, no reason other than I’m shy
Reginleif: pass
Thrud: 1 for confidence! I like when tall women…
Göndul: 1 for confidence, again. can we kiss now
Geirölul: …fully sober or 1 for confidence, because oh my GOD WHAT A WOMAN PLEASE I AM ON MY KN- *coughs* sorry the demons won uh
Brunhilde: 3 for confidence
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Why did I do this instead of actually writing? I don’t know
Anyways Geirölul supremacy—
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swallowtailcherry · 11 months
New ROR Masterlist (because I can't access the previous one-)
Edit: I've labelled the nsfw ones so minors can avoid reading those and read the sfw ones instead! So that they don't feel uncomfortable!
Divine Devourer- Prologue
Potential opponent
Taken by Lust (NSFW)
Reincarnated Lover
Lactation (NSFW)
Secret Lullaby
Near Perfection
Reincarnated Lover
Seeking Comfort
Two is better than one (NSFW)
Poseidon headcanons (Fluff)
His 1200 year old daughter only having male friends
Lactation (NSFW)
My Raven
Sakura Mochi
Two is better than one (NSFW)
Hades headcanons (Fluff)
Husband!Hades headcanons
His 1200 year old daughter only having male friends
Lactation (NSFW)
Til we meet again
Bella Notte
Mistletoe Kiss (Christmas oneshot)
Sweet & Sour
Sweet heart
Eating your pussy while you're upside down (NSFW)
Perfect To Me
Sweet & Sour
Special treat (NSFW)
Mitsuri!Reader headcanons
Lactation (NSFW)
True feelings (Shinobu!Reader)
Clear favouritism
Reincarnated Lover
His 1200 year old daughter only having male friends
For eternity~
NSFW headcanons
Short thirst?? (NSFW)
Know your place (NSFW)
Human fighters
Qin Shi Huang-
Mitsuri!Reader headcanons
Relationship headcanons (Fluff/Suggestive)
Mine and Mine alone~
Proud (Male!Reader)
Lactation (NSFW)
Father's Love
Mitsuri!Reader headcanons (Platonic!)
Jack the Ripper-
Seeking Comfort
Meeting Fan!Reader
Michel Nostradamus-
Playful much (Tanjiro!Reader)
Nikola Tesla-
Pent up (NSFW)
Lactation (NSFW)
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 2 months
🏟 Record of Ragnarök 🏟
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Abrahamic Pantheon
🦢Lucifer ➳
🕊Samael ➳
Buddhism Pantheon
🍭Buddha ➳
Celtic Pantheon
🌳Cú Chulainn ➳
Chinese Pantheon
🐯Baihu ➳
🐲Qinglong ➳
🐵Sun Wukong ➳
🐢Xuanwu ➳
🐓Zhuque ➳
Egyptian Pantheon
🐕Anubis ➳
☀️Ra-Horakhty ➳
Greek Pantheon
⚔Adamas ➳
🔆Apollo ➳
🗡Ares ➳
☠Hades ➳
⚒Hephaestus ➳
🦁Heracles ➳
📨Hermes ➳
🌊Poseidon ➳
🏞Proteus ➳
🌌Zeus ➳
Hindu Pantheon
🔥Agni ➳
🌐Bramha ➳
⚡Indra ➳
⛈Rudra ➳
💥Shiva ➳
💧Varuna ➳
Norse Pantheon
⚖Forseti ➳
📣Heimdall ➳
🎭Loki ➳
👑Odin ➳
🌩Thor ➳
Philistine Pantheon
🪰Beelzebub ➳
Shinto Pantheon
🎶Benzaiten ➳
🏹Bishamonten ➳
🍳Daikokuten ➳
💱Hoteison ➳
🌏Izanagi ➳
♾Jurojin ➳
🗻Susano'o no Mikoto ➳
🌑Tsukuyomi no Mikoto ➳
Zoroastrian Pantheon
☁️Ahura Mazda ➳
🍎Adam ➳
🐎Lü Bu ➳
👎Sasaki Kojiro ➳
🎩Jack the Ripper ➳
🥋Raiden Tameemon ➳
☯️Qin Shi Huang ➳
🎛Nikola Tesla ➳
🛡Leonidas ➳
👺Okita Souji ➳
🔮Michel Nostradamus ➳
🐶Sakata Kintoki ➳
🔫Simo Häyhä ➳
❔Grigori Rasputin ➳
Back to the Masterlist Hub?
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notrecesar · 10 months
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