#Michael the Zombie Piglin baby
journeysfable · 1 year
Fun facts about Tubbo 'cause I'm so fucking happy he's on QSMP
Actually mlm. Like the cc Tubbo is actually mlm. He's mentioned having a boyfriend
He's actually really good at rp
He's known for liking bees
He can hack and really likes technical stuff. He also plays modded pretty often
Calling it now he's gonna speedrun breaking the rules
He was on the dsmp :( and the fandom was awful toward him :( not to the same extent as the openly queer ccs and women but yea his character only mattered because he was c!Tommy's best friend.
Speaking of dsmp, Tubbo has experience with getting extremely emotionally attached to fictional children. He and Ranboo adopted a baby zombie piglin, named him Michael, gave him a room, the fandom made art that they hung up in his room. Tubbo and Ranboo walked so QSMP could run /j The dsmp fandom is still talking about Michael_Beloved to this day.
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rozugold · 7 months
Ok ramble time
Ok imagine you’re Tubbo. You just got your distant brother figure and your bestie off that damn mountain, though not in the most ideal way (I will make those comics eventuallyyy)
But that’s beside the point. You saved your best friend! You did something right for once! Except sike! your best friend hates you now, and you kind of hate him too (you let him know as much) then you guys stop talking. Which is fine, i mean, it’s not like he was your entire world.
You return to Snowchester! It’s a ghost town, obviously. There’s a memorial of you, decorated with fresh flowers and dusty knick knacks. The flowers are from Ranboo, he’s pretty sweet. He’s also been the one to upkeep your town while you were gone. You hang out with them a lot, they’re the only one who sticks around these days. They’re pretty sweet.
You try to go back to doing the things you did before you died. There’s those nukes you never finished making, so you work on them. And you work on them. And you work on them. And you get nothing done. Your brain feels scattered and far away, it’s impossible to focus. So you give it a break, you can afford to. It’s pretty safe these days with Dream gone, you know because you keep tabs on everyone on the server. There’s some strange things going on here and there but nothing too concerning. You hang out with Ranboo more.
Ah fuck, you two find a baby. It’s a piglin, infected but not fully zombified as it has enough thought to run up to you two for help. So you take it back to snowchester and give it potions to stop the infection. Ranboo is worried it won’t work, you tell him it probably won’t. But you reassure him that if it doesn’t, you’ll take it back to the nether to let it “live” out the rest of it’s days. (Do zombies live?) Ranboo spends the night in your attic with the piglin. He’s pretty sweet. Regardless you tell him to not keep his hopes up too high.
Next morning, it worked! You “dub thee Michael!” Ranboo is relieved. There’s a kid living in your house now.
There’s a kid living in his house now. The timeline becomes unclear at this point since I’m still figuring it out. But now that Michael is in the picture Tubbo starts getting worried. He realizes he has no way of protecting him. Maybe the syndicate come visit Snowchester and that shocks him into thinking about the nukes again. And so Tubbo starts throwing himself into projects again. And it starts getting ✨bad ✨
Honestly, It’s been really fun figuring out how Tubbo deteriorates because everything is so internal with him compared to Tommy. It’s obvious with Tommy, you could see him visibly fall apart (think his exile skins, he stops feeding himself, he doesn’t care when he takes damage) But with Tubbo it isn’t so obvious, atleast not right away. Sure his eye bags get darker and he stares off into space for a little too long. But he still looks put together. (Habitable maybe. Or a learned skill.)
Maybe he eventually gets the nukes working but they’re not as successful as he wanted them to be and that guts him. He takes it as another failure. What if he’s just cursed? Is everything he cares about forever doomed to feel like holding water in his hands? What is wrong with him?
I’m gonna share a song and explain this next part using its lyrics because I’m so ILL over it, it’s the most di!tubbo song ever. Throw on …Well, better than the alternative by Will Wood 👍
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Tubbo’s feelings towards Michael is complicated… He absolutely loves him to death but he’s really apprehensive about being a dad. He has this fear that he’s going to somehow corrupt Michael and or fail to keep him safe. So he ends up becoming emotionally distant from him and at his worst he gives him up completely to Ranboo.
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I think Ranboo and Tubbo get married as a joke at first. But Ranboo continues to love him so unconditionally and honestly and Tubbo catches a crush, which is absolute HELL for him at first sjdhdj. I imagine him being arospec so this crush is a completely new and surprising feeling and he doesn’t know how to handle it. So he doesn’t, and keeps playing it as a joke even as their relationship develops.
Also the repeat of “everybody’s up on everybody’s business” is very fitting for describing the server. There’s things to be developed here I just haven’t yet… I’m just thinking about the possibilities like the egg, the syndicate, las nevadas… hmmm
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This song is begging to be made into an animatic because I can imagine Tubbo screaming at Tommy during this part. He was just trying to help the best way he could… yet things still end badly, and everyone ends up hurt… di!clingy oh di!clingy, they’re such a mess. A bitter, angry, grieving mess. Wait ok i wasn’t planning on writing grieving there but then my next thought was “who are they grieving?” EACH OTHER. THEY’RE GRIEVING EACH OTHER. o(-(
Ok that’s it. Phew that was a lot of writing. Here’s some drawings for your time
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its-elvie-innit · 8 months
sunny and michael need to meet. for qsmp people who don't know, Michael was a baby zombie piglin that tubbo adopted with his tax benefit husband in the dsmp, he was an npc but also adorable and headcanoned/treated in-game as a very shy, bubbly, bright kid who was very kind and sweet. Sunny is like all those things shifted to the right, she's enthusiastic and bossy too, and I think it would be the greatest thing for them to pretend meet
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cryptidflow3r · 7 months
Michael sketch!
Didn't think my first post would be Micheal, but here we are!
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He is baby, our favorite zombie-piglin 💜
Might dump a bunch of other sketches soonish, but I'm undecided. Definitely gotta draw beeduo soon.
I've got an idea for a little Tubbo and Michael comic, so if hands will decide to stop being the worst to draw that'll probably be posted soon.
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transbeeduo · 9 months
I think baby piglins crunch up netherrack to help them digest things bc their organs are still growing and also it helps their immune systems. So I think one day beeduo take michael on a day trip to the nether to help connect him with his roots and they see him eating what is essentially rocks and they're like MICHAEL NO
But also imagine michael meeting other zombie piglin children and beeduo negotiating playdates despite the language difference
OUHHHH I CAN SOOO SEE THAT zombified piglins’ organs tend to like. Struggle a bit due to being zombies and as such not working as good compared to a “normal” piglin’s would. So I can totally see that!! (Plus it really wouldn’t hurt Michael i’d assume) I could see Michael like, going outside to find rocks to eat while at home too!!
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cielcreations · 2 years
“Purple” - Desert Duo Dads
This is a direct continuation of "Our Precious Son"!
Also, this story will have STRICTLY PLATONIC shipping of Ranboo and Tubbo! Just like in lore, they got married for tax reasons, there is no romantic ties, they're just best friends who adopted Michael together and were like "Hey, marriage is a tax write off, let's do it."
"...Tubbo, have you ever seen... something dark? Like, a shadow with purple eyes? Or... anything with purple eyes?"
"Hmmm... no, not that I remember?"
"Okay, good. Promise me, if you see anything, and I mean anything with purple eyes, you call me immediately, okay?"
"Dad, what-"
"Just promise me, Tubbo. I just need you to promise me."
"...I promise."
"Good... I love you, Tubbo."
"I love you too, Dad. And you too, Pops." Tubbo smiled, "You guys are the best!"
 When Tubbo moved to the Dream SMP, he never thought he would actually see anything with purple eyes. He had met a lot of horrible, disgusting, and evil people. He met Dream, he met Quackity, he met Sam, he watched as Techno turned into an anarchist who craved violence and destruction. None of them had purple eyes. The only thing that had purple eyes were Endermen, but they never attacked unless you stared at them first.
He never would have thought he would be scared of one of his best friends.
Tubbo had become fast friends with Ranboo. They became such good friends, they made a small town together and adopted Michael, a cute baby zombie piglin who was left alone. They even got platonically married, just so they could make the Bee N Boo Hotel as well as for tax reasons. They became best friends and loving parents to the baby. Ranboo had become so comfortable with Tubbo, that he could stare into the goat hybrid's eyes without getting a headache (a side effect with being an Enderman).
Tubbo never would have thought he would have to be scared of the sweet, caring, awkward, and forgetful Enderman hybrid. There was no reason to be scared, there never should've been a reason to.
One night, Tubbo heard the front door slam, shivering at the cold wind that had entered their home. The brunette yawned and sat up, seeing it was still dark outside. He turned and blinked, seeing Ranboo's bed was empty, the white sheets thrown at the bottom of his mattress. The brunette groaned and pushed his yellow sheets down, going to Michael's room, seeing the baby still fast asleep. He smiled before climbing down the ladder and seeing a bit of snow in front of the closed front door.
Tubbo put his jacket on and opened the front door, calling out, "Ranboo?" He stepped onto the porch, "Ranboo...?"
The goat looked around and saw the Enderman standing in front of the frozen lake. The brunette blinked and walked over to the other, shivering a bit at the cold. He could hear Ranboo mumbling to himself, but couldn't quite hear what he was saying.
"Hey Boss Man!" Tubbo smiled, "What's going on, you okay?"
Ranboo went stiff.
"Ranboo? Are you-"
The Enderman turned around and pinned Tubbo to the floor. Tubbo yelped, the snow freezing his skin. Before he could get up, Ranboo wrapped his hands around Tubbo's neck, squeezing. The goat hybrid widened his eyes and gasped for breath, trying to push the other off, kicking his feet. He shook his head, tears forming in his eyes as Ranboo's hand squeezed tighter. 
"'A-'An-" Tubbo choked out before his eyes widened more.
The Enderman was speaking in a language he didn't understand, eyes glowing purple with a weird white symbol in his eyes.
This isn't Ranboo... Tubbo thought. He looked around frantically before thinking, Sorry Ranboo.
He kneed the Enderman in the stomach, who's grip loosened. He then kicked at Ranboo's groin, who cried out and let go. Tubbo pushed the other off, screaming as he ran back inside. He slammed the front door and locked it, climbing the ladder as he heard a bang and a shriek from Ranboo. He blocked the trapdoor with a dresser and ran into Michael's room, who had woken up from the noise.
He grabbed the baby and ran into his room, the piglin sobbing at the loud noise. Tubbo slammed his door and locked it, blocking it with a dresser before curling up in the farthest corner from the door. He heard another shriek as the Enderman tried to get past the dresser.
Michael sobbed more, "D-Dada-"
"S-Shhh, shhh!" Tubbo hushed, holding the baby in his chest, covering his mouth as he looked through his communicator, Come on, come on!
Their was another screech and the dresser was destroyed. Michael screamed into Tubbo's hand, curling into the brunette's chest. Tubbo sobbed as he heard growling and going into Michael's room. He finally found the contact he was looking for and clicked the call button, putting it to his ear. Come on, pick up, pick up!
"Hey son, aren't-"
"DAD, HELP!" Tubbo sobbed, "R-Ranboo, is being controlled a-and his eyes are purple w-with a weird white swirl a-and saying weird things! W-What do I do?!"
There was a loud shriek and Michael screamed, "D-DADA!" 
Tubbo screamed and hugged Michael tighter as Ranboo slammed against the door, "RANBOO, STOP!"
"Oh my fucking god-" His father growled, "HIDE, I'LL BE THERE SOON, I PROMISE!"
Tubbo and Michael screamed as the door was kicked open, destroying the dresser and door. Ranboo growled, eyes still glowing purple as he faced the brunette and piglin.
"D-Dada-" Michael hugged Tubbo, the brunette hugging him to his chest.
"R-Ranboo, p-please don't-!" Tubbo sobbed.
Ranboo shrieked and went to run over.
Suddenly, a dirty blonde man stood in front of the Enderman. He towered over them, his head hitting the roof. The dirty blonde was dressed in a dark purple robe, three sets of black wings with purple eyes on them, a purple halo around his head. Tubbo stared at the man's back as he caught Ranboo's wrist.
"Grian-" A voice, not Ranboo's, came from the Enderman's mouth.
"Leave. My son. And his husband. And their child. ALONE!" The dirty blonde screeched. Tubbo curled himself around Michael to protect the baby as the screech shook the house, windows breaking.
Tubbo turned and watched at the dirty blonde shrunk to about 5'8, only a few inches taller than Tubbo. Two of his three sets of wings disappeared, the last set turning to look like a parrot's wings as he wore a red sweater and black jeans, no shoes. The brunette saw his platonic husband laying on the ground, face twisted in pain as he groaned. 
"He's okay, probably just a headache at most." Grian reassured, turning to face Tubbo.
The boy gasped, "D-Dad, your eyes-!"
The dirty blonde's eyes were purple with the same weird white symbol. He blinked and groaned, holding his face before they turned back to their normal green color.
"Get some sleep, Tubbo." Grian snapped, everything going back to normal, Ranboo now laying on his white bed, "I promise, I will explain everything in the morning."
Michael peaked out from Tubbo's chest, "...D-Dada... okay?"
"He's okay, sweetheart." Grian cooed, gently taking the baby, "Here, I'll take you to bed and make sure all the bad dreams go away." He began walking out of the room, "Close your eyes, and repeat after me. Bad dreams, go away-"
Tubbo didn't hear the rest, shakily walking to his bed. He got under the sheets and closed his eyes.
"Bad dreams, go away, I only want my good dreams to stay." Tubbo whispered to himself.
"T-Tubbo, Tubbo!" 
The brunette blinked, eyes fluttering open. He turned and gasped, hugging the other, "R-Ranboo!"
The Enderman blinked and hugged him back, "...W-What happened?"
"You don't remember?"
"No... I-I just woke up and saw Grian and Scar were downstairs, taking care of Michael."
Tubbo pulled back and blinked, eyes wide. He began to shake, grabbing the other's hair, Ranboo confused and trying to ask what was wrong. Tubbo climbed down the ladder, Ranboo following.
Once they were down on the main floor, they saw Grian finishing breakfast and Scar happily playing with his grandson.
"Dad...? Pops...?" Tubbo said.
The two turned and Scar smiled brightly, the cat centaur standing up. He placed Michael on his back and walked over to the brunette.
"Hey, kiddo!" Scar hugged Tubbo, "How are you?"
Tubbo blinked, "...What happened last night...?"
Scar stiffened and turned to Grian. The dirty blonde hummed and turned off the stove as he faced the three.
"Hey, I'll take Michael on a small walk around Snowchester!" Scar exclaimed, grabbing the baby from his back and holding him up, "We'll have lots of fun!"
"Ah, wait-" Ranboo called but the cat centaur was gone before he could say more.
Grian set two plates of breakfast down on the table, "Sit. We have a lot to talk about."
Tubbo and Ranboo sat next to each other, Grian sitting across from them.
The Enderman blinked, "Sooooo what happened?"
"The people who attached and took control of Ranboo last night are called Watchers." Grian said, skipping to the point, "They're Gods who are only suppose to watch certain worlds, hints the name. They are not meant to interact with the human world. They... they just want to watch humans struggle... for fun." He clenched his fists, "And... I was one of those people they watched. They took an interest in me, I guess, so when I was suppose to die, they offered me a deal."
"...So you became a Watcher?" Ranboo asked.
Grian nodded, "...I did. I had lost Scar for the first time. In a state of grief, I was offered immortality, allowed to have everything I wanted with a snap of my fingers. Well... almost everything. I couldn't get Scar back and... well, I accepted the deal because, with my powers, I could relive those memories over and over, almost like Scar had never died in the first place."
"Wait, Pops died?" Tubbo asked.
"He did. But, obviously, he's alive now." Grian clenched his fists, "He was reincarnated, rebirthed, respawned, whatever you want to call it. When it first happened and I saw him again... I ran away from the Watchers. I went to Earth and hugged Scar, telling him I loved him, that I missed him, that everything is okay. But he didn't remember me." The dirty blonde held up his pinky finger, "Something that Watchers can see is called a String of Fate. It's basically a string that allows the Watcher to see who are soulmates. Well..." He snapped his other finger.
The brunette and Enderman saw a purple string, floating and leading outside as it turned into a red gradient.
"You're soulmates with Papa..." Tubbo said.
"Exactly. No matter what, we were soulbound, we were destined to be together. It didn't matter that he had died and I had become a Watcher, we were meant to be together. And with me being a Watcher... it meant I could just help Scar." Grian lowered his hands, the string disappearing, "I thought I could just leave. I didn't want to be one anymore so I thought if I just went to Earth, acted like a human, they would strip me of my powers. I stayed with Scar, spent human years with him, he fell in love with me again and my love only grew strong. But they... they didn't like that and they..." Grian's eyes turned purple, "They killed Scar in front of me."
Both gasped in response.
"'He will come back, he always does.' 'Part of being a Watcher is watching the same people do different things.' 'You must not interfere.' Those are the things they told me." Grian hissed, "Excuse my language, but fuck that! Scar is my husband, he will forever be my husband no matter what they said. I am not going to just sit there and watch my friends and people I consider family die over and over and over and not do a single thing! So, I kept running away." He hummed, "I would wait for him to be reborn, get back to him, we would fall in love, I'd tell him my secret, give him back memories of the previous lives, he would eventually die, and I do it all again. That was my cycle.
The other Watchers didn't like that. They tried their best to stop me. They would kill me but, when your a Watcher, it just meant being reborn with a new scar. They would mock me, tell me there's no point, that it's worthless. The would kill Scar to stop me. But nothing worked. I kept going. I became a Watcher thinking I would never see him again and I only ever wanted to love one person. But now that I knew he was always going to be there? I wasn't letting go."
Grian sighed, "When they realized I wasn't going to leave it alone... they just let me do it. I still have my powers, obviously, and they occasionally show up to taunt me, but I thought that was it." He clenched his fists, "But... when they attacked you both.... that's the first time they acted out of line." He held his face in his hands, "Tubbo, Ranboo, I am so, so, so, so sorry. I thought that if I never told you, you would be safe. If you never knew, you should've been fine. Ignorance is bliss. But... they have no boundaries, I guess." He looked at them, "That's why I only told you, if you see something with purple eyes? Call me. I'm glad you did but... now I know I have a lot more work to do."
Tubbo and Ranboo were in silent in shock.
The goat hybrid hesitated before he clenched hi fists, "H-How... How many times...? How many times did you re-meet Pops?"
Grian clenched his fists, ".........5,678 times, including this one."
"...And me? How many times did... did you meet me?"
"Including this time?" He hummed, "Once." He smiled at the brunette, "I never wanted kids because I was scared of this sort of thing happening, but... when we found you Tubbo, I took one look and I told myself 'No matter what hell the Watchers put me through, I will protect this child my life.'" He smiled, "You are my pride and joy, Tubbo, and I would do anything to protect you and Scar."
Tears came to Tubbo's eyes and ran over to his dad, hugging him, "I-I love you, Dad!"
"I love you too, kiddo." Grian wrapped the brunette in his wings, "I love you too..."
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blonde-elf-gf · 2 years
I hope Michael the baby zombie piglin is having a good divorced Christmas
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boxofpockys · 2 years
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I made Beeduo and Michael! It was so hard trying to make a baby zombie piglin, I had to get so much cc for these three
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mumza-superiority · 2 years
It was a slow day in the Antarctic Commune. The sun was hidden behind clouds as its inhabitants slept, granting them a few more blissful moments of sleep.
Well, everybody except a certain Technoblade, that is. 
He was out and about, gathering firewood, brewing potions, the like. Chat decided it’d be a great idea to wake up before sunrise to ask him his opinion about his favorite ice cream flavor. (It was chocolate.) He sighed, adding in a fermented spider eye into his already-concocted night vision potion, watching as it glowed atop the flames. A few minutes later, the eye fully dissolved before turning the potion a clear color, marking the newly-brewed invisibility potion as complete. 
Techno took the completed potion and put it into the chest. He walked over to the brewing stands and put a few more water bottles from the table into it when he heard the doorbell ring. He fixed his posture from the bent-down position he held while working with potions and went over to the door before opening it. 
Outside the door was none other than former president Tubbo and Ranboo, holding their kid. Now, Technoblade had no qualms about the zombie piglin child, seeing as they’d never met, but he wondered why they brought him here– Techno was known for not being the kindest to children, after all. 
“Ranboo, Tubbo, what a surprise. What’s goin’ on?” He asked, inviting them inside. He was on good terms with Tubbo after they helped retrieve Michael together, but Tubbo was still weary around him because of their past…incidents.
“Well, me and Ranboo want to go out with Tommy today, and we were wondering if you could, well, take care of Michael for the day? I’m so sorry, we wouldn’t have asked if anyone else was available.” ‘Hm. That’s something.’ 
Now, Technoblade couldn’t exactly take care of kids. They’re way too loud and energetic, and they run off too much for Techno to want to willingly take care of one for a whole day. But as the kid babbled happily, Techno couldn’t help but agree. He didn’t want to, but his instincts were shouting at him that Michael was a runt, he should be protected, taken care of, and he knew that if he didn’t agree, he’d be worrying and moody for the whole day. So he accepted, Ranboo thanking him profusely and telling him to “call me if he gives you any trouble, he loves mushroom stew,” and “we’ll be back by sunset, he should fall asleep by then” and “thank you so so so much Techno”  before Tubbo had to drag him off to go meet Tommy. 
Now he’s here, a baby zombie piglin sitting on the other side of the couch, staring into his eyes. 
Techno tried to ignore the child in his midst the best he knew how–keyword being “tried”. Right as he was about to shut his brain off and go on autopilot, he felt a tug on his pant leg. Michael looked up at him, his head cocked to the side in what was either deep thought or confusion. Techno couldn’t tell which was which. 
Eventually, Michael decided whatever he was thinking about and spoke. “Uncle Tech…Hungry!” 
Techno’s eyes widened for a split second before relaxing. Of course the kid knew Piglin– he was a literal pigman, for Prime’s sake. Techno just hadn’t heard it being said in… a long time. He hadn’t needed to speak it, either, so his Piglin was more than a little bit rusty. Techno had to admit, though, that Michael calling him “uncle” was kind of cute, even though Michael was saying it to him just because Techno is older. 
Still, it was his native tongue, so he knew enough and mustered up the courage to speak. 
“Do you want some stew, kid? I heard you liked mushrooms.”  He said, stumbling over a couple of words. 
Needless to say, the child was ecstatic. He jumped back–physically jumped back– and started to question him, stars in his eyes. 
“You know Piglin??” 
Techno lips quirked up in a soft smile. 
“Yeah, kid, I do. I’m from the Nether, you know.”
Michael’s smile only widened as he jumped up and down, his ears flapping happily.  
            “Is that a yes for the stew, Michael?” Techno asked, laughing. Michael nodded. 
           Techno grabbed some mushrooms from a chest and chopped them up, placing them in a pot with some water to marinate and make the base of the stew. As he was waiting for that to cook, he placed a stool on the floor. 
           “Wanna help me cook, kid?”  He asked. “I can show you how to use a knife.” 
          “But Boo and Bee told me not to go near those …” 
         “Eeeeeh, it’ll be fine. I know what I’m doing.” 
Michael laughed as he jumped up onto the stool. Techno placed a small knife in the kid's hands, guiding him to some onions that he had placed on the cutting board.  “Okay, so- you wanna chop it up into fine pieces, like this,” he said, taking Michael’s hands and cutting a few bits of the onion. He let go, and watched as Michael very slowly cut up the onion into (albeit larger than normal) slices. He didn’t hurt himself, which Techno is very grateful for. He didn’t want to sit through Tubbo yelling at him for five minutes about letting his kid use a knife. They gotta learn young, anyways.
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dyketubbo · 2 years
Maybe the fun gimmick of dsmp fakemon is triple typings? So more typings can be added to represent the characters? Also is Michael_b in this?
ohhh that could be cool actually.. and yeah he is! you know me i cant leave that lil guy out of anything. since theyre both pigs (i usually think of them as separate species but, eh) and i dont want to think about two entirely separate pig lines, ill say techno is like, a regional alt evo, and michael is an alternative form for the baby
fire/ghost, the piglet pokemon. exposed to harsh conditions, this pokemons skin has started to rot, leaving exposed bone. despite this, it totters along as if nothing changed (alt entry: exposed to harsh conditions, this pokemon clings to any comfort it can find). after a certain level, evolves into its second and last evolution, the stargazing pokemon (still fire/ghost). with age thankfully still came more awareness of its world. a bit better at braving the world, this pokemon often sleeps under the stars above (alt entry: finding comfort within a universe larger than itself, this pokemon often braves the world outside to marvel at the stars above).
hes still taken care of by tubbo and ranboo, and despite the whole baby zombie piglins cant age thing i have elected to ignore that and give him an evo anyways
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simplepotatofarmer · 2 years
there's a few moments that elicited an 'oh my god' of shock and vague horror or fear on the dsmp and i think a big one for me was when c!tommy pulled out his axe and threatened to kill michael underscore beloved right in front of the baby's parents.
like, i understand why c!tommy reacted that way, i really do, but it was such a chilling moment because you weren't sure what was going to happen. my heart was in my throat.
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thislilfecker · 4 years
ranboo is casually searching everywhere in the house
Tubbo: Hey Ranboo, whatcha looking for?
Ranboo in all seriousness: My will to live
MICHAEL walks, well, waddles into the room:
Ranboo is instantly calm and happy: Oh, there he is!
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novaandover · 3 years
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thank you eret
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finchfairy · 3 years
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Hello! Good Evening! Have a Michael/ baby zombie piglin mask I made for my little brother
I’m actually taking mask commissions as well (p.s not just for Michael, I’m open to literally almost anything) (dm me on here or on Instagram @ FinchFinchSketches)
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mcnotok · 3 years
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^^^ my beloved
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I really like my adult michael design
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amysensekai · 3 years
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Michael playing :D
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