#Michael LaMontagne
lilliejareau · 11 months
jack: i can be your partner for the next race
henry: sorry, jack, it’s a sibling race
michael: maybe there’s a contest for lonely children after this?
henry: it’s only children, michael. a lonely child is what you’re going to be when i sell you.
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mulberrydene · 4 months
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will lamontagne jr
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milfsincrime · 1 year
jj: oh my god stop telling people you know me
will: we literally have two kids together?
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scarlettdragnastan · 1 year
I can’t believe they gave us an episode like 12x2 “sick day” which showed how strong Will and JJ are in terms of their relationship and how much he loves her and takes care of her, only for them to write the atrocity that was seasons 14 and 15.
It’s so refreshing to see a MARRIED couple going strong for 16 years + and actually communicating and talking when they have problems. Which is why seasons 14 and 15 were so out of character for JJ. They don’t exist for me.
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please feel free to push a button even if you have no clue who i am or what im talking about 😂
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cargopantsprentiss · 2 years
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some momily as a palate cleanser (thank you @criminalmindsgonewrong for the inspo)
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mcrdoesntdie · 2 years
headcanon that spencer loves matilda the musical and screams "revolting children" at top of his lungs
sometimes when he babysits for JJ he watches the film with henry and micheal
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No please give us an list about your favourite side characters!
Ahh ok, here it is!
Kristy Simmons
Henry Lamontagne
William Lamontagne Jr.
Savannah Hayes
Mateo Cruz (listen I love his friendship with JJ!)
Tsia Mosley (love her and Emily!)
Grant Anderson (he’s just happy to be there and confused when he’s invited to JJ and Will’s wedding)
Haley Hotchner
Erin Strauss
Beth Clemmons
Honorable mentions:
Michael Lamontagne (hate the continuity error but he’s still a cute kid bc he’s AJ’s irl kid!)
Rebecca Wilson (limited amount of screen time rn so a little early to rank her, but I love her and Tara)
Monica Walker (love Tracie Thoms in 911 but not enough screen time and I don’t remember much of s12)
That one coworker that was helping Garcia in s13 in the Cyber Division (I forgot who she was but she’s so sweet!)
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jareaulover · 11 months
Hi there, could you maybe write a JJ/Will one shot based on Josh Stewart’s cardiac arrest? I think it could be interesting ☺️
Don't go breaking my heart (Willifer OneShot)
Summary: Will has a heart attack after an argument with his wife.
Warnings: Heart attack, marital spat, not a huge fight though.
I couldn't find a ton of information on his heart attack but it seems like his wife at the time saved him. I'm gonna differ from that though. Also side note, when I was reading his roles on wikipedia, I seen Criminal Minds on there and I was so shocked for a whole 3 seconds before I realized I was literally looking for information for a criminal minds oneshot... Like my brain is lagging.
Anywayyyy here it goes
Read on AO3
or full story below cut
The morning had been cold, JJ had insisted that both boys put on jackets before they left for school and even though Henry had groaned and argued, he wore a jacket to school. JJ stood against the counter, a plate of Will's amazing scrambled eggs in one hand and a fork in the other.
"Since its your day off, I was thinking that we could get to some of the yardwork that-" Will was cut off by his own groan and his hand went to his chest. JJ stood up straight in alert,
"Will? You okay?" She asked, quickly setting the plate down, Will took a couple of deep breaths.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm alright." He said, "It was just a little pain." Will brushed it off, JJ stared at him for a few seconds before nodding,
"Let me know if it happens again, alright?" She said, he nodded. JJ picked her eggs back up and continued to eat,
"Anyway, we have a lot of work to do if we want to get the fire pit done by Henry's birthday .I assume he still wants a bonfire birthday." Will said, starting to wash the dishes from breakfast. JJ nodded and added her plate to the sink,
"Yeah, he's dead set on it." She said with a smile, "I can't believe that he's going to be 14 already." She sighed, glancing at a baby picture of him that hung on the fridge. Will smiled sadly,
"Seems like just yesterday he was so small..." Will said, looking at the same photo. JJ smiled as well. The two were pulled from the moment by a familiar sound, JJ's phone pinging with a text. They stared in the direction of the phone for a few seconds before Will let out a sigh. JJ pursed her lips and grabbed the phone from the counter,
"Will, I'm sorry... Its an emergency." She said, reading the text. A girl was missing in Minnesota and her parents had waited nearly 24 hours to report it. Will just shook his head,
"Isn't it always?" He said. JJ sighed and touched his shoulder,
"Come on, Will, I can't help it." She tried, she knew it sounded lame but this was the same fight they'd had a million times before,
"It seems like every time you get a day off there suddenly an emergency and you're carted off to Mississippi or Iowa." Will said, sounding more than slightly annoyed. JJ rolled her eyes,
"Its my job, Will... What do you want me to do? Have a press conference and tell all the bad guys that they need to take a day off so I can have a day off?" She said, it was Will's turn to roll his eyes,
"I just don't understand why your team can't just go without you. I mean, they've obviously worked shorthanded before." Will pointed out,
"Yeah, but they shouldn't have to." JJ said, "Its a little girl..." JJ told him, "What if-"
"Don't say it. Just go." He said, turning back to the dishes. JJ sighed and turned to leave the kitchen.
Once his wife was out of the room, Will allowed himself to lean against the counter. His chest was hurting again, but this time he felt all the air leave his body as well. He grasped the edge of the sink, but pretty soon he felt his knees give out and he was on the floor. his hands were shaking as he pulled his phone from his pocket. He heard the front door open and shut. He wanted to shout for JJ, but it was too late. Will could barely keep his eyes open as he dialed 911 on his phone. He was able to utter 'Help' before losing all consciousness.
As soon as JJ stepped off of the elevator, Garcia was standing there with a worried look on her face.
"JJ, is your phone on?" She asked, JJ furrowed her eyebrows.
"No, I had it off while I was driving." She said, "Why what's wrong?" Garcia bit her lip,
"I got a call from the hospital, they said they couldn't get ahold of you but my line was also listed as an emergency contact for Will and-"
"Garcia, what happened?" JJ asked, her heart had started racing as soon as the tech genius said 'hospital'
"Will had a heart attack." She said, finally, "I guess he was able to dial 911 and they traced his call and the paramedics got him stabilized, but he's in the hospital now." Garcia said. JJ gripped the bag in her hand tighter,
"Let Emily know that I had to go. She'll understand." JJ said as she turned around and went right back into the elevator.
Will's eyes blinked open and he was met with a dim, white room. He knew right away he was in the hospital. He tried to sit up, but a hand on his chest pushed him to lay down. He blinked a couple more times before he could see who it was,
"Jennifer-" He murmured, she squeezed his hand.
"I'm right here, but you need to stay down. The doctors don't want you to get too active..." She said, her eyes were read and he could see the trails where the tears diluted her makeup.
"Oh, JJ..." He murmured, he wanted to pull her into a hug, but his whole body felt so weak,
"I'm so sorry, Will." She whispered, he could tell she was about to start crying again, "I-I didn't- I should have stayed... You- oh god- you needed me and I wasn't-"
"Sh, sh, Its alright, hun." He murmured, squeezing her hand back. She began wiping at her eyes,
"I should have seen the signs." She said, Will let out a huff,
"So should I. Its not your fault, JJ." He said,
"But the last thing we did was argue..." She murmured, "What if they hadn't gotten there in time and-"
"Well, they did get there in time." Will said sternly, "And I'm alright. In the future, we can work on not leaving our arguments unsettled. But right now I just want to be with you." JJ gave him a soft smile and nodded slowly,
"Sounds like a plan." 
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lavenderdrawer · 3 months
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I’m screaming, sobbing, and having a meltdown over what the writers did to her in Ep 3!!!
She didn’t deserve any of that, I just want and need her to be happy and enjoy life with Will, Henry and Mike with out worrying about her family’s safety!!!!
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blackbird-brewster · 3 months
JJ/Tara || Rated: G || WC: 872 Prompts: Bruises (for @cmkinkbingo2024) and Swimming Pool for (@storiesofsvu bday bingo)
Tara and JJ take the boys swimming.
[Read on AO3] || [Kink Bingo Masterlist]
Tara's long legs were bent at the knees to cover most of her body in the water in the shallow end of the pool. Her arms straight out in front of her, ready to catch Michael at a moment's notice if his head went under the water. He was still getting the hang of swimming and while he was adamant that he could be in the pool all by himself (just like his big brother), Tara wasn't ready to let that happen quite yet. Especially not when JJ wasn't present, last thing Tara needed was for her girlfriend's son to start drowning on her watch.
JJ had brought the boys over to Tara's apartment complex to enjoy a day at the pool, but right as they arrived, she'd gotten a call she had to take. The boys, ever impatient as they were, begged Tara to take them to the pool and just let their mom catch up when she was done. Tara had zero ability to say 'no' to Henry and Michael, the three of them had become extremely close over the span of Tara and JJ's relationship, so she was more than happy to appease them.
She'd watched them on her own before, this wasn't anything new, but she was still on high alert in terms of safety in the pool. She, better than most people, knew all of the horrible ways things could go south in the blink of an eye, so she was being hyper-vigilant at present.
Michael sputtered slightly and she immediately grabbed him, lifting him out of the water with her hands under his armpits. "Oh god, are you okay?!"
He wiggled in her arms. "I'm fine, Tarwa! I was swimmin'!"
"Okay, okay," she cautiously lowered him into the water again and resumed her previous posture, acting as his spotter while he clumsily doggy-paddled in the shallow end.
She glanced to the other side of the pool where Henry was playing with some kids his age. He caught her eye and waved before he did a cannonball into the deep end, the splash was awarded with uproarious applause from some of the other boys. Tara scanned the surface, waiting for him to come back up, but there was no sign of his long blonde mop of hair.
"Henry?" she called as her heart raced.
She was one second away from putting Michael on the edge so she could find his brother, when two hands grabbed her shoulders from behind as Henry yelled, "BOO!"
She jumped at the shock and both of the boys burst into laughter. Henry grinned, "Oh, I so got you that time!"
She threw him a glance over her shoulder, "Yeah, you did, but you didn't count on me..." she grabbed his arms and pulled them over her shoulders at the same time she jumped up out of the water, then threw him off her back to send him flying into the water.
He resurfaced, shaking his long hair out of his face. "Not fair!"
"Neither was scaring me," she replied sternly. They held each other's eye for a moment before she winked to indicate she wasn't actually upset and he swam back to his new friends.
Michael shrieked in delight, "Me next, me next!"
"Alright, hold your nose kiddo," Tara grabbed him under his arms again, bouncing him on each count, "Three...two....one!"
She tossed him gently into the water and he came back up, sputtering. She quickly swam over and grabbed him again, "Oh, god. You okay? Are you hurt?"
"Tara, he's five," JJ laughed as she walked up. "He can survive a bit of water in his nose."
"Mom!" Michael cheered.
"Hi baby," she smiled her son and her girlfriend simultaneously. She slipped off her sandals and dropped the towel she had wrapped around her waist.
Michael's eyes went wide. "Mommy! You have an ouchie!"
Tara followed his line of sight and her face dropped as she took in the dark mouth-shaped bruise on JJ's inner thigh. "Yes... you do."
In her rush to get into her swimsuit to go join the trio, JJ opted to forgo her shorts and settled on just taking the towel with her. She quickly wrapped it around herself again, sharing an embarrassed look with her girlfriend. "I totally forgot about...that...um, ouchie."
"Does it hurt?" Michael asked in concern. "What happened?"
JJ recovered from her momentary shock and sat on the edge, putting her feet in without removing the towel. "It doesn't hurt, baby. It's from...uh, work."
His little hands gripped the edge, his tip toes barely resting on the bottom of the pool to hold him steady. "Did a bad guy do it!?"
JJ didn't lie to her children when she could help it, but she was at a loss with how to explain the massive hickey her girlfriend had left on such an intimate area of her thigh. She sighed, "Yes, the person who did it was being, very, very, bad."
"Did he go in time-out?" Michael decided. "If you're bad, you gotta get in trwouble and go to time out."
She looked over his head, glaring at Tara while she replied, "Yes, you're right. They are definitely in trouble."
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i love your hotchner future au! was wondering who your fancast for the kids is? when they're young and grown up?
okay I got super excited when you asked this and I made...collages!!!!!!
I didn't make them for young Jack, Henry or Michael since we know what they look like when they were younger, but I made younger and older versions!!!!
Their ages don't all fit with each other (like Ava and Henry are a couple but their faceclaims aren't the same age) but it's fiction so who cares x also I used two of the hill house kids bc they're perfect
they're under the cut bc this got long
okay so grown up Jack Hotchner is Casey Deidrick.
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Grown up Henry Lamontagne is Logan Lerman
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Young Ava Elizabeth Hotchner is a young Lucy Hale and Older Ava is Torrey DeVitto.
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Older Michael Lamontagne is Charlie Rowe because he gives me gentle vibes and so does Michael.
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Young Livvy is Mckenna Grace and older Livvy is Adelaide Kane.
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Young Alex is Julian Hillard and grown up Alex is Jacob Elordi.
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leo-gold-hotchner · 2 years
Christmas consult
Happy Holiday! I hope everyone is having fun and a good time, unlike me! I’m literally home alone and doing nothing but reading (sigh)
Sorry, no Aaron this time. Just you, Jack, Michael and a bit of Henry
F/N: Your first name
D/M: Dad or Mum 
Jack was playing with his pen while reading the book he’s been reading for the past few days. His ears picked little footsteps.
“Hiya, Michael,” Jack smiled at the young boy he considered a brother. “Where’s Henry?”
“Kitchen,” Michael shrugged and sat on Jack’s bed. He looked at Jack with his big eyes. 
Jack knew he was here to talk about something. As a son of an FBI profiler, he picked a few tricks from his dad. He waited until Michael was comfortable enough to talk first.
“I asked Henry if Santa was real,” Michael whispered, his legs dangling.
“Yeah?” Jack didn’t like the statement at all. He wasn’t sure what to say to the boy. 
“Yeah. And Henry laughed at me,” Michael huffed. “He said Santa is actually dad and mum. He said I haveta act like I believe in Santa if I wanted to have presents.”
Jack watched Michael’s face crumble as he talked. Jack was sure he’d swat Henry’s head for crushing Michael’s innocent belief. But still, he wasn’t sure if he had to tell Michael that Santa was real or not.
“So is Henry right?”
Jack scratched his head and sighed. “How ‘bout we ask D/M?” Michael was young and innocent, but he was smart. Jack wasn’t sure if Michael would want to ask F/N because F/N was an adult like his parents.
“Yeah! F/N always said Santa was real!”
Jack ruffled the younger boy’s hair. “Wait here. I’ll bring D/M.” Michael nodded enthusiastically.
“What was that for!” Henry cried as Jack slapped the back of his head.
“Don’t crush Michael’s hope, will ya?”
Henry rolled his eyes and went back to his gaming. 
“Hey, D/M,” Jack called F/N as he entered the kitchen.
“Hey, Jack. Did you want something?” F/N asked curiously. 
“Nah, but I need help.” 
Jack sighed deeply and then started to explain what Michael had told him.
“Michael,” F/N called the young boy, and he looked around. “I heard from Jack.” F/N crouched in front of the bed where Michael was sitting. “So, do you think Santa is your dad and mum?”
Michael pouted and shrugged. “Henry and other kids from kindy said so.”
“Do they now?” 
“Do you remember last year's Christmas?” F/N grinned at the memory. “You were trying to trap Santa with Jack and Henry’s help.”
“Yeah! And I got the picture of Santa!” 
“Yep, you did really well. He even left you a note for your clever trap, didn’t he?” Michael nodded happily. “I saw the picture, too. But he didn’t look like your dad or mum, did he?”
“No, Santa’s grandpa.” 
F/N chuckled at his reply. “Besides, I remember your parents were sleeping next to you because you fell asleep during story time.”
“So Santa’s not dad and mum.”
“Nope,” F/N confirmed by popping the ‘p’. Technically it wasn’t a lie. Last year’s Santa had been Derek, who’d been gloating about him being a six-pack Santa. “So, you okay now?”
“Yeah!” Michael grinned, and F/N mirrored the boy. 
“Let’s have something before everyone comes back.”
Michael grabbed F/N’s hand and went to the kitchen.
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scarlettdragnastan · 2 years
Why I love Willifer and Will LaMontagne- and why they are the standard :)
I genuinely don’t understand the hate around Will in criminal minds. It’s actually very refreshing to see a man like him being 100% supportive of his wife!
I’ve seen many people claiming they hate him because his role is just being a husband and a dad. So what???????? I don’t understand the problem with that given that he’s not a main character, rather a supportive one that is specifically built to enrich JJ’s character and support her, and he did just that. I would have loved it if we see more of him and his backstory but that’s practically impossible given that the main cast is also huge and with limited screen time. Besides, it’s not like Maeve or Savannah are any better, and I don’t see any hate towards them?!
JJ has repeatedly offered to leave the job for him and their family so that she can be there for them more often and he always tells her to follow her heart and to do what she thinks is best. I’ve never ever seen such a supportive husband, especially in shows when this role is mostly allocated and given to women. (The wife at home.)
And nobody bats an eye when it’s the woman in Will’s shoes- like Savannah’s is. But when it’s a man that’s staying at home then people lose their shit and claim he has no personality, he’s bland, blah blah blah. Besides he’s not even staying at home, he’s a whole ass detective who RELOCATED his entire life for JJ.
He has so much potential as a character and like I said before I wish we see more of him, and I bet if they did a show about PD then Will would be kicking ass. He always is but we just don’t see it on screen because the show is about his wife and her team💀
If you wanna hate him, fine that’s your opinion, but you can’t really say he’s bland when he’s not. And if you do then give the same energy to Savannah and Maeve.
The way he’s always supportive of JJ even though she’s always running head first into danger, the way he always sticks by her, the way he loves her in the most subtle of ways… because that’s what love is. It’s not big gestures or over the top exclaims. It’s the little things between two people who love and support and respect each other unconditionally.
Which brings me to season 14 and 15 and why I absolutely loath them. JJ has never- not once implied that she liked Reid romantically. Which is why the writers were reaching so hard it was actually embarrassing. I feel so bad for AJ and MGG for having to go thro with it, especially AJ because she knew that she was gonna get hate for it. She also knew that they ruined her character for no good reason because every single shot we’ve seen of her and Will were literally marital bliss, and if it wasn’t them kissing or hugging or supporting each other, it was them COMMUNICATING to resolve their issues!
12x2? What do you call that? Season 16 was literally JJ giving her husband heart eyes the entire time, and him reciprocating.
Anyways, Willifer for life. It is so refreshing to see a strong couple that’s been going strong for 16+ years with no drama or near divorce experiences and I hope the writers keep it that way.
Stay away from my beloved Willifer 😡
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cargopantsprentiss · 2 years
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Emily + Michael, book-reading partners in crime (insp. by @jemily-in-paris)
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