#Michael Booth
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chaellooo · 4 months ago
Michael what.
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kandicon · 10 months ago
I love the "he asked for no pickles" meme with doorkeay bc I've only ever seen it with Gerry being the one talking and u just KNOW it's not bc Michael doesn't want to correct the food staff, but that it wants to correct them a little too much. Gerry has to step in otherwise they'll be there for at least another hour of Michael spinning some philosophical bullshit and scaring some poor fast food worker, and while Gerry doesn't necessarily mind Michael doing that in and of itself (he knows the thing he's in love with), as the only one of the two of them who actually needs material food he would like to eat that food before it gets cold tyvm.
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miz-chase · 6 months ago
Bones Renaissance AU Starter Kit: Character Roles
Brennan: Orphaned child of a university scholar, she was permitted to remain, slightly feral, on campus (ala Lyra at Oxford but with a lot more reading), alternatively loved, ignored, and actively mistreated. She mostly spent her time hiding in the library, reading anything she could get her hands on, especially on anatomical topics. Growing up in the company of old scholars, she ends up an incredibly well-educated, poorly socialized, rather self-important woman. She rarely leaves campus, has viewed the students as below her since she was a child, and the citizenry are even below them. While not recognized as a scholar and often actively dismissed, people in-the-know know that she's a fantastic resource (if you can stand her/if she will tolerate you).
Goodman: One of the senior scholars who doted on Brennan and encouraged her reading. Tried to keep her out of trouble as he could, and especially discouraging any male interest in the young lady. They bonded strongly over reading together.
Zach: The one student Brennan feels is worthy of her time. He is also a library goblin like her, and wants to be just like her. She is directing his study of the texts they have, the acquisition of new material, and the publishing of new scholarship.
Michael Stires: Still a piece of shit. Traveling scholar who arrived at the university to teach. Contrary to tradition, he invites a young Brennan to his lectures and eventually private lessons. She is delighted and takes to the scholarship with her usual verve and is oblivious to the sexual undertones. Goodman, on the other hand, is very aware and does not approve, tries to intervene. When Stires propositions her, she is academically curious on the matter and agrees. What she emotionally feels about the situation, and its inevitable disastrous fallout, is a topic yet to be investigated. He implies he will marry her and thus give her actual standing, status, and a permanent home. Yet, before anything can even be planned, he's moved on to a different paramour.
Hodgins: Local eccentric scholar who definitely isn't nobility (wink). He has traveled the continent to better his knowledge and expand his experiences, and is glad to have a spacious office where no one asks anything of him. While he has studied at a variety of universities, he's happiest here because maybe, possibly, his family holdings are conveniently nearby. Zach is intrigued by his experiences and wants to follow in his footsteps... probably, someday. Their shared study hall is just so comfortable and leaving home feels too challenging.
Angela: A Florentine cortigiane oneste:
The cortigiane oneste were usually well-educated and worldly (sometimes even more so than the average upper-class woman), and often held simultaneous careers as performers or artists. They were typically chosen on the basis of their "breeding"—social and conversational skills, intelligence, common sense, and companionship—as well as their physical attributes. It was usually their wit and personality that set them apart from regular women. Sex constituted only a facet of the courtesan's array of services. For example, they were well-dressed and ready to engage and participate in a variety of topics ranging from art to music to politics.
When she met Hodgins, she was deeply unimpressed. He tried flaunting his money, she had no interest. He tried his wit, his knowledge, his possessions, but still she had no interest. It became a game between them, where he would travel the continent to return with an exotic fruit or flower, only for her to turn him down (though each time her smile grew fonder, the laughter in her eyes sparkling). Eventually, he presented her with a perfect little violet, plucked from ground just outside the palace. Only then did she agree to come traveling with him. They have a lot of fun together.
When Brennan is jilted by Michael, it's Angela that insists they take her in at the Hodgins Estate. Angela uses all means she has to get Michael expelled back to where ever it is he came from with his reputation in tatters. She knows people, you know.
and of course, the boys: I'm of many minds (or just different stories) if we choose to translate the FBI as the sheriff/constable (more like cops) or perhaps royal (ie, federal) guards or attendants. There's a class thing going on, where it doesn't seem quite right to make Booth a Knight/member of the nobility or gentry. He's an esteemed successful soldier, which puts him more in the realm of the Yeoman. Yeoman also has the bonus connection with longbow archery, which matches our sniperboy. The Yeoman of the Guard are royal bodyguards who could be tasked with specific missions, like say, perhaps, solving a prominent murder!
so we have
Booth: Is pretty much Booth. Working class improving his station through exemplary military service. Serves the Royal Court and Queen (fuck it, let's just say this is Liz I's reign) as an analogue to federal service. Is good at people, hates the rich, has absolutely no connection to the university and doesn't know what to make of those people.
Aubrey and Sweets: Come as a pair, they gay, come at me. Drive Booth insane. While Booth climbed socially to get to his position, both of these guys come from more money and status than him. Booth is their commander but they often are the ones navigating court politics for him, especially Sweets. Aubrey comes more from the military side, while Sweets is a city boy.
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yonderghostshistories · 21 days ago
Should I be like a Netflix equivalent for “Monty Python” (aka “Monty Python-Flix”)
(but actually human)
in which i make posts where I recommend random stuff for each Python member (& Co) that they’ve been in incase you liked them in Monty Python?
Basically I’m thinking of posting :
“If you liked [insert “x” MP Member & Co], then you may like [insert random project that they’ve been in and stuff]”
Idk uhh what do you personally think guys, gals & non-binary pals?
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iseecuassea · 5 months ago
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Sic semper tyrannis!
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vancruejovi · 8 months ago
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Even in his human form, dogs love KITT 💕
I never said i could draw dogs
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generic-lab-assistant · 6 months ago
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Nurse he’s out again
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frankenpagie · 11 months ago
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geekynerfherder · 7 months ago
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WOW x WOW presents 'Silent Soliloquies' group art exhibition featuring over 50 international artists and comprising of over 70 unique pieces.
Selected art by Chay Ruby, Morgan Booth, Cheryl Owen, Michael Camarra, Anna Kathleen, Amber Feng, Caia Koopman.
The online exhibition opens Friday August 9 at 7pm UK on the WOW x WOW website and will be on view until August 30 2024.
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smashthegiantkiller · 3 months ago
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Looks like Beat up Michael Cole is moving back to Mondays when Raw hits Netflix, and Pat's coming back full time!!
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rock-n-macabre · 9 months ago
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The three personalities...heck, could even be the three stages.... of 'while listening to a conversation'.
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courseyoulovemeyoudontknowme · 10 months ago
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Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975, Terry Gilliam and Terry Jones)
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commonguttersnipe · 1 year ago
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I’m desperate to make Python a proper cringy fandom…
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chernobog13 · 1 year ago
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Sir Bedevere and the witch.
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pam3pr · 4 months ago
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gracesworks · 1 year ago
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Hello, my name is Grace and I am a fanfiction writer. I am new to writing and I kind of enjoy it when I have time to do it.
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The Umbrella academy
Diego Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves (Any season)
Tony Stark’s daughter x Character
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Loki Laufeyson
Stucky x you
Rebelde (Translated in English)
Andi Agosti
Rebelde x you
Other Characters I write for
Micheal Bryce (Ryan Reynolds)
Nolan Booth (Ryan Reynolds)
Adult!Adam Reed (Ryan Reynolds)
Courtland Gentry!Six (Ryan Gosling)
Lloyd Hansen (Chris Evans)
Steve Kemp (Sebastian Stan)
Jack Sparrow (Johnny depp) (NO SMUT)
Ledger!Joker (Heath Ledger)
AUs I write for (So far)
Secret Relationship!Any character listed
Secret admire!Any character listed
Tattoo Artist!Bucky/Steve
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Rape ; Underage Sex ; Piss ; Scat ; Being used as human bathroom ; Abusive Bucky/Steve/Any Character unless it’s past abuse from someone else; Pedophilia ; Pederast ; Blood Related Incest ; Suicide ; Self Harm ; (More may be added)
My request are open!
Please be 16-18+
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