#Mi/Ba system
bonefall · 8 months
since kits in BB have more freedom, what would the clans think of a mi who DIDN'T want to let their kits out of camp at all and barely out of the nursery unsupervised? would they be viewed as abusive or just a bit of a helicopter parent? would the clan think perhaps they needed to get the cleric involved?
It would be a huge cause for alarm.
Clan cats see kittens as future warriors, not objects for an individual to possess. The Mi is responsible for the first part of a warrior's childhood, for overseeing their well-being and development. Children aren't pets, they're on a journey towards becoming adults. So the Mi, Ba, and Mentor are NOT entitled to "deprive" their charges of what the Clan believes kits are owed.
So, in a way that might be unfortunate, they will respond to this more effectively than they would respond to physical abuse. Especially because this is a battle culture.
As an example, Hillrunner was REALLY easily able to hide the fact she was thrashing Nightkit and Tawnykit, just by coming up with "punishments" for their bad behavior to deflect attention onto. If she was making them run around with a stone in their mouth for backtalk, it looked like "parenting" to WindClan. But if she had shut down and tried to keep them in the nursery all day, fearful of losing them like she lost Downwind, making them miss major developmental milestones like "first prey," someone would have stepped in.
But anyway, back on a suffocating Mi.
If there are Ba involved in this, it is expected that they would be the ones making that challenge. If the Mi starts preventing them from taking their kits out of the nursery to socialize them, or starts excluding them on "unfair grounds," they might appeal to the Leader or Cleric to become the kit's Mi. In such case, they would decide if the Mi gets to become a Ba or if they're now excluded.
(this is a major reason why there is not more than one Mi; it's not the "mother" role. It's primary guardianship. A Ba and a Mi are not "legally" equal to the Clan.)
If there are no Ba, then it's usually the Educator who would be stepping in. Though another Mi in the nursery could also bring up these concerns, the Educator will often notice just how far behind a kitten has fallen when they come in to teach history and glyphs.
Situations like that are a lot rarer than you'd think though. One of the advantages of a Clan is that it's a community. Friends, parents, siblings, cousins, mentors, and apprentices are meant to be trying to involve themselves in the raising of kits, and the support of their struggling family member. Even standard Clanmates would start wondering why they haven't seen the kittens around.
Extreme paranoia like this usually comes from something traumatic, and ideally you're meant to have a network to help recognize when that's happened to you. If the situation has gotten THAT bad, there's usually some outstanding circumstances for why that is.
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myriadfrogs · 2 years
i hate p.e i hate geometry i hate school i am going to Explode i was literally seeing red like 5 mins ago
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ivystoryweaver · 1 year
With you part 7
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<- prev next -> || Fic Masterlist || My Masterlist
Summary: Jake just kissed you. Will he let things change between you?
Pairings: Jake Lockley x reader, Steven Grant x reader, (Marc Spector x reader). Gender neutral reader. No use of Y/N. Reader is engaged to Marc and Steven.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings/notables: Angst, complicated relationship stuff, kissing, cursing, crying. Let me know if I missed a warning. inaccurate DID, based on the show. Not beta'd we die like arthur harrow in the back of jake's car
Dividers by saradika
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PREVIOUSLY, on "With You"...
"Stop telling me what to do," you fired back, refusing to shrink away. "You're driving me crazy. If you don't want to talk to me, or know me - if you want to sneak in and out of here every night and never see me again, then just say so."
Your chest heaved with emotion. "I won't like it and I won't ever stop worrying about you, or wanting to know you, but --"
You didn't get to finish because Jake roughly pulled you into his arms and crushed his mouth to yours.
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You had expected something hard. Intense, possessive. Like Marc.
Or surprisingly, blisteringly seductive. Like Steven.
Jake was tender. And you fell apart in his arms.
Expecting a frantic shove up against the wall, you got, instead, arms cradling you like a treasure. He rocked you gently - gloved fingers winding behind your neck.
The searing heat of his tongue made your chest burn with longing. Realizing you had melted in his embrace, your own arms limp by your sides, you reached suddenly and desperately for his curls.
Knocking the cap off his head, you threaded your fingers through his hair, using the leverage to pull yourself upright, arching against his chest as he groaned into your mouth, tangling his tongue with yours.
Strong arms flexed against your back as he wrapped you up tighter, pulling his lips away for a moment and rubbing his nose against yours.
Unable to resist the heated temptation of your breath, he kissed you again, deeper this time - hungrier.
You were used to this body - accustomed to the response it ignited in you.
But, to Jake, you were all new. A wondrous discovery. He wanted to touch and feel you everywhere at once but the stupid bird was thundering in his head, sending a faint but definite breeze fluttering through the bedroom.
"Wait...mi vida," he panted against your parted lips, pushing you back by your shoulders. "I can't. I have to go"
Your entire world had changed in the span of a kiss - your heart, already so full of love for this system - dug down deeper to plant new roots for Jake to grow there. Forever was born anew in your soul, just like it had been when you met Steven...
...and he had to go?
"Jake," you gasped, undeterred by supernatural events around you, gripping his arms as if it might actually keep him with you. "Wait, please--"
"I know," he softly replied, touching his forehead to yours. "But people are in trouble. They need help."
Releasing you, he stepped back, reaching for his cap. "This is what I have to do. It's...the point of me."
"The point of you? Jake--"
"Yes," he answered firmly, pulling the flat cap over his curls before taking a few determined strides toward the door.
Pausing, he glanced back at you - breathtaking you, so adorable in your hoodie and joggers, peering at him so expectantly. "Imagine if no one was there to help you the other night, mi vida - what could have happened to you..."
You needed to accept this. The way you accepted Marc's sobriety journey or Steven applying to university. This was who Jake was and this was his choice. The stolen moments in his arms - the slight relief of the tension between you just now had granted you at least this clarity.
"I understand," you breathed, grateful that he at least tried to explain himself. "Just...be careful...okay?"
"Claro," he nodded, heading toward the front door.
"You don't use the window?" You teased, following after him, to sweetly see him off, rather than plead with him further.
Turning back, he jingled his keys in front of you with an amused smirk. "Marc gave me a key."
"Wow," you chuckled, impressed. "Be careful," you repeated. "I-I'll wait for you.
"No, mi amor." Jake shook his head, grasping your elbow the way he was prone to do. "Go to sleep. You have your shift tomorrow--"
"Okay," you conceded, feeling a secret thrill that he seemed to know your schedule. The warmth of possibility bloomed in your chest, making it easier for you to agree instead of firing back.
Seeming satisfied with your answer, he finally left.
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You did wait.
You sat in Steven's favorite reading chair, which was conveniently located close to the front door.
You listened to the podcast again. Did a puzzle. Read for a bit. Drank another cup of coffee. Splashed your face with cold water. Five times.
But eventually, you fell asleep.
And that's where Jake found you a few hours later, when he entered through the front door (for a change).
Curled up in a ball, with your hands tucked cutely into the sleeves of Marc's hoodie, Jake just stared down at you for a moment. Tempted to leave you there to rest, he found he couldn't resist scooping you into his arms and carrying you to bed.
You barely roused as he lay you down gently and covered you with a blanket. Quickly changing out of his work clothes, he washed up before joining you.
After what happened between the two of you earlier, he was more tempted than ever to touch you somehow - to pull you close. But the body had already lost enough sleep tonight. Steven was going to be so tired for class in the morning.
He couldn't take anymore time away from them. Or you. That wasn't his purpose.
Feeling exhaustion pulling at the corners of his mind, he decided it was for the best - to give himself over to it, like always. You would have your fiancé in a few hours.
Then your alarm went off.
You woke up immediately, digging into the pocket of your hoodie to silence the intrusive noise. That's when you noticed your fiancé in bed with you.
"Sorry! I'm so sorry." Sitting up, your eyebrows gathered in confusion as you tried to figure out...
"What are you doing?" Jake sat up as well, his deep voice affirming that it was still him - that he had yet to fall asleep.
"I'm sorry," you repeated, rubbing your eyes. "I tried to stay awake, but - well, I set my alarm just in case."
"Just in case what? You have to be at the hospital in a few hours, mi vida."
"I know...and I'm not trying to bother you, I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Softly sighing, you set your phone on the bedside table. "And I didn't know when I would see you again."
Shaking his head, Jake eased back onto his pillow. "That's how it's supposed to be. You have work. Steven has class. The rest of the time is Marc's. I can't take anything else from him."
It took you a minute to process everything Jake said.
"What?" You responded, the implications of what he'd just voiced astounding you. "You want Steven and me to get some rest - I get that. But what exactly are you taking from Marc?"
Lying down, you turned on your side to face Jake, who was staring up at the ceiling.
"Everything. His life. Time. And now you too? I can't," he exhaled shakily. "We can't. It's better the way it was."
Oh, game on.
"Better for whom? For you? Jake...I told you that the reason I stayed up and waited for you earlier was for two things - " You sat back up determinedly and counted the reasons off on your fingers. "One - to ask how you were doing - which I still haven't had a chance to do, and two - to tell you that if you don't want to ever talk to me, or see me, or be in my life, then to please just tell me."
"It's not what I want, mi corazón - it's what has to be - what always has been," Jake said insistently, sitting up in bed beside you, gesturing with his hands. "You don't understand how it works with us - how things have to be.
"Everything I do is to protect us - all of us, because Marc can't live without Steven. And he definitely can't live without you. ¿Entiendes?"
Raking his hands through his hair, he sighed in frustration. "I already fucked up, that night, in the alley, and then he started drinking again, and you were fighting, and it's because of me. I'm only supposed to make things better, not worse.
"And now, tonight, I shouldn't have done what I did, before. You-you don't belong to me." His chest heaved as he shook his head.
"I don't belong to anyone, Jake." Your voice was softer now, the ache in your heart prompting you to reach for his shoulder. "I choose to be with Marc, every day. And Steven."
Inching closer, you traced over his neck to cup his cheek, feeling his jaw clench under your fingertips. "I chose to wait up for you. I want to wait up for you, and to know you."
He physically withdrew from you then, turning his head away from your touch. And that hurt. Still...you couldn't force him to want to know you, despite how confused that intense, delicious kiss had left you.
Reaching for Jake's hand, you gently traced your fingers over his knuckles - only briefly, before pulling away, giving him the space he clearly wanted.
"Jake...all this must be so hard for you to bear. I can't even imagine. But you don't have to do everything all by yourself." Your lip trembled as you quickly started to realize this conversation was ending. You were both exhausted, and Jake was used to sleeping, or another alter fronting, by this point.
In one last bold attempt, you darted over to kiss the soft fabric over his shoulder.
"Remember that you have a family. And in families, you don't just do jobs, you matter." Lying down on your pillow, you felt warm tears drip down your face, but you tried to keep your voice from shaking. This was about him, not you. "You matter to me, Jake. Even if you can't love me. It's okay - I just want you to know you're not taking anything away from anyone. You only add more."
Jake could hear the sweet sound of your voice and his skin burned from your touch, but a void of impossibility engulfed him. He was so tired. It was so much work to operate in a way that contradicted his entire existence. It was easier to slip away, and before he could even think that he should respond to you...
Steven breathed your name in the dark.
Quickly turning your back to him, tears flooded your eyes. Biting your lip hard to keep your cries to yourself, you attempted to pretend to be asleep. Jake was right that both you and Steven needed some rest.
Your plan worked. Sleepily rolling over, Steven's face found your neck and he latched onto you in typical Koala Steven style. Thankfully he was too exhausted to feel you shudder in his embrace.
Finding comfort in your fiancé's tender, strong arms, you began to calm down. But after everything tonight, your mind raced as you re-evaluated your approach to Jake. Apparently you had done every single thing wrong. He was abundantly clear on his role in the system and what he wanted - or, in this case - didn't want from you.
Why were you fighting him so hard?
After a few minutes of sweet torment, you climbed back out of bed and headed to the bathroom. Shutting the door quietly, you allowed your tears to flow a little more freely, easing down to the floor with your back against the door. Burying your face in your hands, you quietly sobbed, drenching the sleeves of Marc's hoodie.
It wasn't like you to cry very often, or to even operate at the whims of such a wild range of emotions. But as your soft gasps settled, and you leaned over on the bathroom floor, completely drained, you realized something.
If there was anything in this world you wanted, it was for Marc to feel accepted and loved - every single part of him. That, of course, meant Steven, but now it meant Jake too. If Jake didn't want your love, you would have to accept that, but the fact that he seemed to think he didn't even have the right to exist outside his protective role - to ever talk or interact with who he called family, including his alters - it killed you.
That was the last thing you remembered before you passed out asleep on the bathroom floor.
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Coming up: Marc finds you on the bathroom floor and freaks right the hell out. Will you see Jake again anytime soon?
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next ->
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straykids-97 · 1 year
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‘There’s nothing so infinite vexation as  man’s own thoughts.’ 
Chan doesn’t like when someone touches what his…
Warnings: Dom! Chan, sub!Reader, (Chan’s a meanie), jealousy, angry sex, spanking, teasing, masturbation(f receiving), unprotected sex (wrap before you tap), soft Chan at the end (aftercare ♥️), dirty talk, dacryphilia, corporation kink, (if you squint), lmk if I forgot anything :)
Word Count: 3.2k
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You danced your heart out on the dance floor, your friend Felix laughing happily as you twirled with him. “I told you, you could dance!” He cheered, smiling so hard that his sweet brown eyes disappeared. “Only because we did shots!” You counter, a smile appearing on your face as well. Felix wrapped his arms around your body from behind, his deep laughing rattling your eardrum. 
A few feet away, your boyfriend, Chan watched as his best friend squeezed his girlfriend. A twinge of jealousy pinched his heart, but he knew it was harmless. But his heart couldn’t be convinced. He knocked back the dark liquor in his grasp, and a warm hand on his shoulder made him turn to see the culprit; Lee Minho. Chan took a deep breath, “Bored already?” Lee Know hummed, leaning against the table, his eyes finding you and Felix just as Han joined the two of you on the dance floor. “I wouldn’t say bored…” he trailed off, a smirk on his lips as he slid into the chair next to Chan. “What about you? Bones ache? Can’t dance with y/n?” Chan scoffed, but it wasn’t humorous. He sounded annoyed. As usual, Minho caught on quickly, “Oh?” Chan didn’t reply, and his eyes never left the three people dancing, and he paid especially close attention to the hands and hips of his friends. 
“What do they have that you don’t? You’re a man, Chris.” Minho hardly ever said Chan’s real name. But the use of it, made him turn to look at Minho. He was planning something, and Chan wasn’t sure if he would like it or not. “They are boys compared to you…” He leisurely stood up, stretching like a cat. “However…” Minho trailed off, climbing down the few stairs to the dance floor, Minho’s eyes never leaving Chan’s. “Minho..” Chan warned, his voice so low that only Minho could hear. Minho only smiled; a face-splitting, Cheshire cat-like grin. “You son-of-a-” 
You sway your hips to the beat of the song, “What are you drinking, Han?” You shout over the bass. “Huh?” Han asks as he downs the rest of it. “Nothing now!” He laughs, making you roll your eyes and slap his shoulder. “I wanted some!” Han turned to see someone new approaching, making you twist to see Minho a few feet away. “Hello, y/n.” He purred, wrapping his arm around your waist. Your stomach flutters, “Mi-minho!” You blush, the amount of alcohol in your system made the simple gesture fluster you. He hums, “There’s a 5 foot 8 Australian hunk who may or may not have consumed a little too much alcohol. And,” he gets incredibly close to your ear, “may need a little push in the right direction for you to have a good night.” He pulls away and winks at you. “Don’t look at him. Look at me.” He cations as you try to look around him to see your boyfriend, but his words make you stop. 
“I’m doing you a favor, pretty.” he winked at you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. You feel a shudder run down your spine, making you gasp softly. Minho chuckles, leaning into your face to speak again, “I think you and I both know, how you’re night will end if you play along.” You open your mouth to speak but you feel a rough hand on your forearm. “We’re leaving.” Chan’s voice growled, making you squeak. Minho lets you go, “Awe, ruin the fun!” Felix whines, but the glare that Chan shoots Felix makes him shrink behind Han, who also tries to hide. 
Chan doesn’t care that you can’t keep up with his longer strides, stumbling, trying to keep up with him. “Ch-chan! Slow down!” You stutter as he pulls you outside of the club. You can hear the sound of the song, House of Cards playing over the speakers. He doesn’t speak as he opens the back door of the vehicle you had been driven to the club in. He doesn’t shove you into the car, but he’s not exactly gentle about it either when he nudged you inside the vehicle. 
You settled beside him, completely baffled by how he was acting suddenly; Chan had never acted this way.
You begin to nervously fidget, Minho’s words bouncing around your temporal lobe. “I’m doing you a favor.” You clear your throat, “Chan?” You whisper in a quiet voice, hoping that he can hear you. When he doesn’t reply, you sneak a peek in his direction. Chan was glowering out the window, his left first balled tightly by his knee, his right hand tucked under his chin to hold his head up. He’s angry, it was rolling off of him in red, hot waves. You wait a few moments and try again, this time, a little louder than before. “Channie?”
No reply. 
You sigh in defeat, figuring that something happened and he didn’t want to talk about it right now. Copying the motions of your partner, you decide to look out the window of the Seoul nightlife that passed as you drove home. 
The ride home was silent; painfully quiet. You hated when Chan was in a silent brood. All you wanted was for him to be happy; to see him smile for the rest of your life. But you knew that wasn’t possible, not with his line of work. He was stressed more often than not, and he hardly slept; or ate. 
The driver pulls up to your apartment and you unbuckle as Chan thanks the driver and tells him that he won’t be coming back out to the car. Your blood runs cold; Chan never stayed the night. He always insisted that he couldn’t because of work. 
You walk up the stairs toward your apartment, digging out your keys from your small clutch bag. Trying to ignore the fact that Chan seemed to have ulterior motives for the rest of the evening. You couldn’t hide that you were nervously shaking. 
Chan hadn’t been intimate with you for some time. The comeback seemed to be weighing heavier on him than normal. He was always at the studio, working diligently alongside his bandmates. You didn’t feel neglected, you just knew that was the downside of being with a “rolling stone”. 
The mere thought of what was to come had your heart racing. So much so, that you didn’t notice Chan was directly behind you, waiting for you to manage the lock on your door. After a few moments of struggle, you get the door open. You sigh and turn to see him watching you very carefully. You cleared your throat, “After you?” You didn’t mean for it to come out like a question. 
He gestures to you, “I insist.” Always a gentleman, you think to yourself as you enter your home, reaching down to pull your heels off as Chan makes sure to close and lock your door. Neither of you bother with the entryway lighting, you would only be there for a moment anyway. 
Chan follows behind you as you enter your living room, sliding the bag over your head. “So…” You trail off, unsure of how to start the conversation. You turn to see him the same distance away that he was when you unlocked the front door. To most people, it would have seemed creepy, but because he danced for a living, you chalked it up as what he called, “kinesphere”. Unless he wanted to be directly next to you, there was always an invisible bubble between himself and anyone around him. Just like how there was currently between the two of you. 
“Did you have a good night? With Changbin? I saw that Minho joined later, as did Han.” You wave your hand as you talk, sauntering into your kitchen to get a drink of water to rid yourself of the cottonmouth caused by drinking before you get ready for bed. Chan says nothing as you try to create conversation. You turn to look at him again, seeing that he still never popped that bubble of space between the two of you. 
You let out a huff of frustration as you move around him to go into the bathroom, turning the shower on and allowing it to warm up before going to your room and grabbing pajamas to wear after your shower. Chan is nowhere to be seen, and that makes you uneasy, so you peek your head into the hallway; not there either. Your heart leaps out of your chest as you slowly make your way back to the bathroom. Poking your head even slower than you had walked around the door jam, you find Chan leaning against the vanity, his dark eyes staring at you. You yelp, jumping with surprise, “My goodness! What are you acting like this!” You cry, holding your chest and stomping into the bathroom. 
Tossing your new clothes into the sink, you begin to undress, “You've been ignoring me all night,” you rant, struggling with your zipper for a moment before you finally got it, “and you drag me away from the people who were giving me attention- not even in a bad way!” You toss your hands in the hair, growing more frustrated as you continue, “And now you won’t even speak to me!” You spin around to stare at him, “What is it that I have done to be treated like that?” Even though you had gone off on a tangent, you got no reply. 
Take a deep breath and sigh, “Fine. Whatever. Give me the silent treatment.” You snap bitterly. “You know where the door is. I’m not spending the night with someone who refuses to speak to me, let alone touch me.” 
You yank open the glass door of the shower cabin and slam it closed. You cringe slightly but ignore it for the most part. You twist your hair up into a sloppy bun and step into the warm water, wrapping your arms around yourself as you stand there. You knew you shouldn’t have said the last bit; you were angry. You were thankful for the opaque glass that now separated you and your boyfriend; you weren't sure how he would react to your words. And you didn’t want to see the aftermath of them at the moment. 
But it wasn’t entirely a lie. The last few weeks you were hung out to dry, and you were just ending your ovulation cycle, to make matters worse. To say the least, you were sexually frustrated. You and Chan could hardly keep your hands off each other in public, and the lack thereof made you feel frustrated in the worst ways. No one could make you feel like Chan could, not even yourself. Orgasms didn’t feel the same without him. 
After a few moments, you felt a cool breeze on your naked back, making you turn to see Chan joining you inside the shower. You turn back around, continuing your angry facade. Though guilt was wringing your gut, you tried to hold your ground. You wanted to make it very apparent that you weren’t happy with your current situation. This time, it would be you who gave him the silent treatment. 
Nothing happened; much to your surprise. But, after a brief pause, he stepped toward you, pressing his chest flush against your back. You could feel his erection on the small of your back, and you nearly gasped. But, you didn’t want him to get the satisfaction of a response. Chan's hands wandered down your sides, ghosting over the plane of your tummy, squeezing your skin as he traveled to your hips, tugging you harshly into him. You stumbled, catching yourself in the sides of the shower, “You have a smart mouth.” He growled, his lips ghosting over the shell of your ear. “Sometimes, I wish you would just shut the fuck up.” He grabbed your throat and squeezed, making a strangled yelp escape. 
You hold his wrist as he presses you against the wall, grunting impassionedly as he uses his foot to spread your legs apart slightly. You press an open palm to the wall as he lets go of your throat; making you gasp for air as he shifts his attention to your hips. He pulls them out, pushing your waist down so your ass was in the air for him. Using one hand to keep you pinned, he uses his other to snake around to play with your clit. You jolt, heat pouring down your body and filling your most sensitive area as he assaults your aching nub. He chuckled darkly, “Awh, couldn’t get you to shut up earlier and now you can’t even form words?” He cooes rudely in your hair as he slaps your cunt. You cry out as he shifts away, sucking on his first two fingers, “fine by me. As long as you’re screaming, I know I’m doing a good job.” 
He shoves his digits into your dripping core, your toes curling as he immediately finds that ooey gooey spot inside your p*ssy. He groans and chuckles as you shake, your orgasm fast approaching now that he’s found your g-spot; not that it took much searching. He knew your body inside and out. 
“I’ll show you how it feels to be teased; made jealous. I’ll make you beg before you cum.” He suddenly pulls out, making you whine in displeasure. He waits a few moments for your high to subside before pumping his cock in his hand a few times, “Gonna make you fucking cry before you get to cum.” He hisses as he presses your head against the wall, biting your earlobe as he slammed his hips into hours, knocking the wind out of you in the process. 
Chan was relentless; unforgiving in his endeavor to make you cry. And cry you did. You sobbed against the floor of your shower as he pounded into your aching cunt, tears pouring down your cheeks as he gripped your hips so hard that marks were appearing. He spanks your cherry-red ass cheek twice, making you cry louder. “This what you wanted, slut?” He growled, pistoning his hips in and out of you, making sure to hit your g-spot every time. “Wanted to cry for my cock, huh?” He laughed maniacally as he seemed to go even faster as you squeezed him, signaling that you were close. And just as every time before, he pulls out, smacking your ass telling you repeatedly that, ‘whores don’t get to come’. 
You could easily say your safe word, “pineapple”, at any given moment and give up; Chan would immediately stop everything to make sure that you were okay. But you didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he had broken you. 
You mewl on the floor, reaching up to rub your swollen nub pathetically as he repositioned himself in you, taking a deeper approach. This would be the death of you. Chan knew this position was your weakness and had you cumming repeatedly on any given night. This would break you if he denied you anymore. 
Chan had cum inside you multiple times, man had the stamina of a stud horse. He loved to watch his cum form an off-white ring around his cock; it was his filthy pleasure that he secretly loved the most about fucking you repeatedly on nights like this. 
You shudder when he slowly pushes into you, and he lets out a low moan, hands running up your back to your shoulders, “Mmmm,” he hums, rolling his hips hard against yours. He no longer cared for pace, it was all about how hard he could fuck you into your shower floor now. “Wanna cum, babydoll?” You can’t form words, even if you wanted to. Chan had fucked you stupid. 
He knew this, and that’s why he chuckled, moaning with pleasure as he thrust deep and hard into you. He could feel your walls tighten around him and you whine, trying to wiggle your feet free to press him into you so he couldn’t escape. Another thing he secretly desired. But, his calves had your feet pinned down and there was no escaping him now; you barely had enough strength to hold yourself up. Let alone enough to wriggle free. 
He moaned as you squeezed him, and you let out a pathetic whine. You balled your fists up near your head, feeling angry that you knew what the outcome was. He was gonna pull out and leave you high and dry again. 
You let out an angry, helpless breath as you feel him pull away. But to your surprise, he doesn’t pull completely out. He just pauses, almost contemplating what he should do for a brief moment. 
Within seconds, his fucking you relentlessly, pounding into you with a new fervor. You scream out in ecstasy as your long-awaited orgasm washes over your body. Your body trembles, but Chan doesn’t stop. Instead, he wraps his arm around your waist; his expert fingers find your clit and rubbed it. “You’ll stop cumming when I do.” 
He hammered his hips in and out of you and at a God-like speed; your head spinning as you orgasm again. You see stars as he slaps your core, Chan doesn’t stop. He only pulls away to pin you down to the floor, hips harshly slapping against yours, the sounds of skin meeting skin echoing around your shower as he fucks you hard and fast. You scream as the most earth-shattering, toe-curling, heart-stopping orgasm hits you. You momentarily forget to breathe and nearly pass out. You begin to babble nonsense as Chan rams his hips into you, filling your cunt one last time before stopping. 
You stay connected, panting for a few moments until he pulls out and slumps beside you. You join him, and he gently pulls you into his chest. Neither of you says a word for a long while. The only thing keeping you company was the sound of the running shower. 
 Chan touches your cheek, “Baby?” He says softly. You hum, looking up at him as he peers down at you. “Are you alright?” You only hum in response, making him chuckle. “Did I break you?” You smile softly at his words and he laughs at your response. He pulls you into his chest, still rumbling with laughter, “Oh baby, I’m sorry.” You wanted to tell him not to be, but that was useless. You kinda liked how he fucked you just now. And hoped he would do it again. 
He takes the time to make sure you’re cleaned up and dressed before getting you water; but not before you are tucked into bed. You watch as he enters your room with two water bottles in hand, his bare chest on display as he climbs into your bed and settles beside you. Luckily your bed was big enough for the two of you. 
He puts a movie on and adjusts himself before pulling you into his warm chest. “Goodnight.” He hums, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. “Goodnight, Chan.” Your eyes are already heavy and sleep overtakes you quickly. Not that you needed much help from Chan's warm body to sleep, but your extracurricular activities were enough to exhaust you for the rest of the weekend.
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Hope you enjoyed this! LMK if you want to be tagged in future parts of this series so you can know when it’s uploaded!
Tag list: @sp00ky-spr1te @very-gay-stay
716 notes · View notes
pozartaa · 3 months
11.06.24 UTRZYMANIE WAG1 dzień 467. Limit +/-2100 kcal.
Wybrane posiłki:
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Kochani dziś dużo lepszy dzień jeśli chodzi o samopoczucie. Możliwe, że wczoraj byłam po prostu niewyspana po tej nocy w robicie.
Kupiłam pare rzeczy do stroju na wesele, choć S. stwierdził że do włosów lepsza będzie biała kokardka i w sumie miał rację .
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Zrobiłam też pazy. Niebieskie - no ba! Ale dziś cały post NIEBIESKI 😆. Niebieski to był mój ulubiony kolor, kiedy byłam dzieciakiem.
Dziś tradycyjnie dzień szykowania posiłów do pracy. Dobrze i szybko poszło. Chilli w sam raz starczy na dzis i dwa kolejne dni. Reszty nie muszę gotować bo później już jest wyjazd, więc będzie whatever. Byłam w sklepie... Zrobiłam małe zakupy. Szukałam takiej łyżeczki do wykrawania kulek z melona i arbuza bo mi się taka zamarzyła, a nie chciałam zamawiać z internetu ...ale w międzyczasie puściłam lekką ręką 100 zł na karty do Magica'a...A 🫣.
A jeśli chodzi o Magic The Gathering to zapraszam na mojego bloga w temacie. MTG dla dla prostego człowieka - pisane prostym i przystępnym językiem
A teraz coś, co mnie wkurzyło. Nie ważne kto to napisał (śmiejemy się z głupoty, nie z ludzi)
Ja wiem, że Tmbler to reblogi. I właśnie posty krótkie z jakimś "impaktem" są najbardziej "reblogowalne" ale zlitujcie się co to ma znaczyć.....?
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"Głodzienie się jest szybsze, tańsze i ZABAWNIEJSZE? " To jest - kurła - zabawa? Ja znam lepsze zabawy. Takie posty dają w twarz ludziom, którzy poszli na terapię, dzień w dzień przez trzy miechy i 8 godzin wywlekali swoje mentalne wnętrzności przed obcymi ludźmi by odgrzebać się do tego, dlaczego boją się yebanej bułki ksjzerki. I kurła było warto. Bo może by mnie już tu dawno nie było gdyby nie ten ciężki i bolesny proces terapii.
A tym czasem ktoś pisze "UwU , LAMAO, XD głodzenieeeee się jest takie quirkyyyyy oszukaliśmy system" 🤨. Pr0@nonono - chociaż nie róbcie z tego zabawy... 😑
Drugi "reblogowalny" pościk już potraktowałam luźniej, bo mnie rozbawił.
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No to jak sobie odmówicie tego ciastka - uwaga! - Instant Thigh G@p! Pyk! i już między waszymi udami hula wiatr... 🤦 Btw, przerwa między udami w ogromnej mierze zależy od budowy. Obsesyjne odmawianie sobie ciastek może nie mieć na to żadnego wpływu.
Druga rzecz... myślałam, że moda na to minęła jakoś z 10 lat temu wraz z jedzeniem wacików i TG przeszło w zapomnienie na rzecz koscistych dłoni i wystających żeber. Myślałam że jestem na czasie - najwyraźniej nieee. No, pośmialiśmy się 😆.
Dobrej nocy wam życzę. Jutro na dniówkę do pracy. Więc dziś spać wcześniej.
40 notes · View notes
666herescared · 1 year
Imaginary Shadow Dad)Ch.8: Bargaining
  Notes: Where to begin… Well, this is going to be the chapter that solidifies Mk’s pre-Monkey King support system with the introduction of Mei. Also, a small lore drop about Wukong at the start, via the means of story time with Mr.Tang!
Nightmares Together
  Mr.Tang was telling Mk another story again, but the Little Monkey was getting a little too into it. “UGH! I can’t believe Tripitaka did something like that! How can anyone be okay with being that mean to Monkey King?! He’s so cute and cheeky!” Xiao Houzi yelled, flailing around on his bed as he expressed his anger.
  Tang was used to his reaction to these parts of the story by now, so he just rolled his eyes before beginning to explain. “Well, I don’t think you understand the entirety of his character. Monkey K-” 
  Mk bapped his Ba Ba on the nose to shut him up before starting to talk again. “Monkey King is amazing! He protects his people, beats up the bad guys, and he’s a loving and devoted husband!” He ranted in response, though the scholar was still annoyed at the bap.
  It would be fine. He’d turn this into a teaching moment. “Well, I suppose that’s my fault. I didn’t tell you the darker parts during our first read through. Here I’ll-” Anddd, cut off again.
  “Whatever it is, it’s not changing my mind! Tripitaka was overusing the damned circlet. You can’t deny that!” Mk exclaimed, pointing accusatorialy at his parent.
  “I’m not denying that. The book itself agrees with you so-” Mk bapped him again, opening his mouth to speak when Tang gripped his hand, forcefully pinned it to the bed, and gave Mk a pointed glare. “You sit. I teach. You have lost book discussion privileges,” the adult stated firmly as he held his son in place with a finger and a look.
  With a dumbfounded look, Mk nodded, a little scared by this outburst. He had never pissed his Ba Ba off that much before. 
  And it didn’t last because Tang sat back up with a smile a moment later, turning back to his book. “Good. Now…”
  Mr.Tang explained a lot of things. He told Mk everything he skipped over when he was younger. He said he didn’t want to harm his developing mind by telling him that stuff. What was that stuff? Well.. Monkey King wasn’t… the best. At least, before the journey. 
  He had a rather black and white view of right and wrong. Hurt good people, you’re bad and hurt bad people, you’re good. He made his people train when they were far too young. He was… cruel and dangerous… until he met Liu’er - or, well, - until he started trusting Liu’er. When they got together, he was still pretty bad, but Liu’er’s advice made him a much better ruler. 
  The worst part though, is that he hurt Liu’er a lot. Not always physically, and never on purpose, but the frequency with which he would disappear for years (sometimes hundreds of years) without a word often left Liu'er wondering if his mate was even alive, and the amount of times they mentioned Monkey King making Liu’er wince was staggering. Then… that scene..
  “Go home, Liu’er.” the Great Sage commanded, blood drying around the circlet. 
  "Y-you cannot be serious, my king. You're bleeding, you were screaming a few minutes ago!" the Six-Eared shadow wielder said in disbelief as he held Wujing in place. 
  "I don't want to hurt you." Wukong said through gritted teeth, a hand raising to pull his staff from his ear. 
  "No.." Liu’er muttered as he let go of the spirit, turning to glare at the wounded monk. "You! What have you done?! You have broken Wukong's mi-" A loud thud sounded as the Ruyi Jingu Bang stabbed in front of the dark monkey.
  "Go. Home." the King demanded, glaring at his lover. 
  “Not without you,” Liu’er growled, glaring back as he created his own weapon from the shadows around them. Their fight began. As a loud crash echoed through the valley, the walls of the nearby buildings shook from the force of the collision. They bounced away from one another, and the King launched his staff forth, stretching through incredible distances. Liu’er had to think quick, dodging into the shadows to avoid the staff an instant before it crashed into the mountain behind him, leaving a sizable crater in its wake.
  Bajie used their fight as an opportunity to go check on their master, who was stubbornly trying to stand, despite his wounded state. “What.. What is he doing?” Sanzang managed to push out, though he stumbled again and had to catch his breath.
  “You don’t gotta worry about them master. Wukong’s got it,” Bajie reassured as he shifted the monk’s robes to examine the damage.
  “But I-.. I need to- Ugh!” the human tried, but his voice failed him as his disciple started prodding around the damage on his chest.
  The pig winced as he felt the breaks in the monk’s ribs, the tissue already bruising over top. “This is gonna hurt.” he lamented, before beginning to bandage the monk’s wounds.
  Liu’er appeared behind the King with over a dozen clones draped in darkness. One by one, they struck against him, but in a few swift blows of Wukong’s staff, they were dispatched of, leaving a clear view of the absolutely livid Sage in their wake. 
  Liu’er struck from above, but his heart wasn't in it and the move was easily countered.
“What are you doing? I'm trying to save you!” the King's lover cried out, as he was kicked back by his partner.
  “What am I doing?!? You showed up and began to attack my master!” Wukong yelled, launching his staff toward the shadowed warrior “GO. HOME. I don't want you hurting my brothers, and I do not want it to be my hand that leaves you dead!”
  “I'm not going to let your… ‘Master’ harm you! You're bleeding! I haven't seen you bleed since we were cubs!!!” cried the shadow wielder, as he dashed to attack his lover. His attack was dodged, and just as quickly, the Monkey King struck out of blind anger, crushing the ring on Liu’er’s tail hard enough to pin it in place.
  The Six-Eared Macaque cried out in pain, and the King winced, though in his mind he was chanting, “He’s immortal too. He’ll be fine.” He went to strike again, but his partner dodged away. 
  Not realizing that the staff had been extended, he was not prepared for the sudden impact of it hitting his chest and slamming him into the wall. “I…" Macaque gasped, the air having been knocked out of him. Taking as deep a breath as his bruised ribs would allow, he shouted, "I can't let him hurt you anymore!!! He has poisoned your mind with promises of grandeur and now you have forgotten your own dream!” the warrior of darkness yelled, clutching his stomach.
   "That dream was lost long ago!'' Wukong snarled in blind fury, dashing down to launch a vicious attack, piercing Liu'er through the eye. 
  As blood splattered over the Ruyi Jingu Bang, splashing his hands, Wukong returned to his senses - a moment too late - and his lover was knocked out of his sight. He darted toward the point where he had last seen Macaque, but the apologies on his tongue went unused as he failed to find the other man’s body. 
  “W-.. Wukong. What have you done?” Tripitaka forced out as he stood with worried eyes, having to lean on his gold-banded cudgel to stay up.
  The King turned his head, dread in his eye, as he uttered in disbelief, “I think I just killed my husband..” He barely got the words out, before covering his mouth and falling to his knees in horror.
  Bajie and Wujing were allowed to hug and attempt to comfort the Sage. However, when their Master stepped forward to do the same, Wukong growled, head snapping around to pin Tang Sanzang with a tearful glare. “So?! Aren’t you gonna punish me?! I killed him! What should it matter if I already regret it?!” he gritted out, though he was shaking. The ruler had never looked so fragile. It shocked the monk.
  Behind him, Ao Lie shifted into human form and sprinted forward, stopping to convince Sanzang to sit down. “Maybe you should rest, master? I don’t think Wukong-GeGe wants to see you right now,.” the dragon said, lightly pressing on the human’s shoulder. Once Sanzang had sat down, the White-Horse-Dragon ran forward to comfort his big brother as well, not realizing how confused and distraught the monk had become.
  “.. Some say that Monkey King still has nightmares about his lover, and the shadows he disappeared into.” Tang finished the story, looking back at his son.
  “That.. That can’t be true. The-.. The Monkey King..” the boy stammered, though he couldn’t finish his statement. 
  “Hmm.. Maybe you should’ve paid more attention to the story.” the scholar concluded, before walking off, stopping at the door to mutter, “Goodnight, Xiao Houzi.”
  And as he drifted off, he slipped into a nightmare… one not entirely his own…
  Wukong ran across the beach, escaping the mutilated shadow as blood dripped from the open wound on his head. He ran and ran, unable to calm his mind as he ran- then he bumped into Ao Lie. 
  The dragon turned to look at his brother, the foggy look in his eyes hiding the older from view. "Gege? Gege, is that you?" the bleary-eyed white horse dragon kept looking blindly. He tripped and was caught by the ruler. "Wukong? Wukong! You're here! I knew you'd come!"
  The scales on Ao Lie’s arm began foaming. No.. His eyes were a misty white instead of their normal green. Not again. The foam began to slip from his body. I can’t watch him die again! "Don’t go.. No. Don't leave me, little brother." Wukong whimpered, closing his eyes and holding Ao Lie close.
  "Didn't act like that when I died." the gruff voice of Zhu Bajie stated, causing Lie to back off. He swung his rake and hit it against the Monkey King's chest. 
  "I-I didn't even know you were hurt!" he claimed, hand passing through the rake as he tried to hit it away.
  "You knew I was." Wujing's voice said as he swung his crescent moon spade back to pull the ocean up into a wave. "You knew I was dying and you didn't even come to see it happen." 
  "I couldn't handle it! I-I visit your grave! I promise, I care!" Wukong shouted, before feeling a cold chill run down his back.
  "Oh, really?" His lover's voice was barely there as his corpse approached, right eye left an empty pit of blood after their battle. "Then what do you have to say about me?" His voice shook the terrain as he grew irritated. 
  Bajie lifted his rake and hit it against the sage’s side, knocking him toward the stoney-looking Sha Wujing, who lowered his spade to bring the wave crashing down onto his brother, pulling the stone monkey into the deep water. Lie ran forward to help, though fully turned to sea foam as he touched the water. 
  Sha Wujing split the ocean to make room for Liu’er to approach the weeping Monkey King. "You killed me. That proves how awful you are." the six eared monkey claimed with a snarl on his face, getting close to the king and digging his claws into the wound on his head. 
  "Quiet." His master's voice pierced through the brothers' heads, and stung the shadow’s ears. He limped more than he ever really had, his opened chest revealing his broken bones and beating heart. He approached his disciple, walking right past the apparitions of the older's guilt. "Wukong. You know this isn't real." the monk said calmly. 
  "Then.. Why can't I wake up?" Wukong asked, desperate for his master's wisdom, despite it not really being him.
  "There's someone else here." the human claimed, pointing a finger at the horizon where a ripple went through the sky as someone hit against the memory membrane.
  "How do I get to them?" the king asked with worried eyes. 
  "You have claws, Wukong. Tear an opening.” the monk reminded and struck his staff against the ground, causing a path to open up for Wukong to follow. The monkey nodded, immediately falling in line with his master’s command. 
  He ran to the wall of strange goo that made up the false sky of the nightmare and struck, tearing into it and creating an opening that let him see the neighboring nightmare. A familiar shadow was tormenting this one too, but his eyes were first drawn to the victim of the horrors. A young boy - like- at most fourteen, dressed in a kung fu uniform and with his eyes glowing a pale purple. Were his eyes deceiving him or was that Macaque’s headband? No time to think, because the cub was crying and the shadow monster was sending a blow his way.
  Without another thought, the king leapt into action, running to defend the boy and- “Shadow Dad, stop!”
  Monkey King blocked the hit just in time, but was dumbfounded by the cub’s- he-.. He said cub, didn’t he? -the kid’s words. He looked the boy in the eye and asked frantically, “What did you call him!?” The youngling stared at the king, starstruck. “WHAT DID YOU CALL HIM!?” he repeated himself, more urgently.
  “Uh- Sh-Shadow Dad.” Mk repeated, still starstruck. Wow. It didn’t matter that he found out the king wasn’t some unflappable paragon, he was still his idol and he was still awesome. Monkey King looked baffled for a moment, then his eyes glowed for some reason and he gained a look of realization.
  He plucked a hair and blew on it, turning it into a knife. “Here! Take this and cut your way into a different memory! This one’s too corrupted to see in.” he instructed, and the youngling listened without question. Meanwhile, the king knocked the fist away and began holding the shadow at bay. 
  The Little Monkey cut through the sticky black mass on the floor and pulled at the sides until it opened wide enough for someone to slip through. “Monkey King! I found- Eugh!” he started before getting knocked into the opening.
  “Very good! I’m so proud- Yada Yada- We gotta go!” Wukong ran through the talking points quickly, before looking around at the memory they’d entered. They were on a rooftop from the looks of it, and the cub was looking over the edge. It seemed like this wasn’t a good memory. “Kid? You okay?” the ruler asked, approaching carefully.
  “This-.. This is just a dream. Isn’t it?” Mk asked, crouching down in a way all too familiar to the king. And yet, he copied all the same.
  “Well, that’s what I’ve guessed.. Why? You sound disappointed.” the Monkey King replied as sympathetically as he could. It was a little difficult. It was quite a shock that Mihou had a kid. 
  “No- No- I-It’s not that. It’s just..” The Little Monkey took a deep breath to ready himself to finish his reply. “I’ve always wanted to meet you in person, but I can’t believe my dreams would taunt me like this.” 
  “Huh.. Who said I’m not the real deal, huh?” The king was far from one to let a fan down, so he pulled the kid closer and gave him a firm noogie. “Ya sure I’m not real?” he said with a playful tone as the cub giggled and repeated, “stop!” in a very non-serious tone. The ruler let him go after a moment and gave him a fond look. “Y’know.. It’s nice to have someone else here. These nightmares.. Gods, they suck.”
  The Little monkey chuckled softly. “I hear ya’ there.” he commented, placing a hand behind his ears the same way his Shadow Dad always did. “Sometimes I wonder why they’re like this. If it’s a nightmare… Why does It feel so real?”
  “I’m not sure these are normal dreams, kid-” the ruler began, before something loudly crashed behind the duo. Turning around revealed the one image both knew. The shadow form of The Six-Eared Macaque. It started laughing and the king knew he had to think quick. “Kid. I need you to wake up for me.” Wukong began, taking a tight grip of Mk’s shoulders.
  “What?-” Mk tried to ask, but the king shook him frantically.
  “I’m serious, kid. If you wake up right now, I’ll find whatever is causing these extra real nightmares and destroy it.” the ruler bargained, still shaking the youngling. Mk placed his hands on the grown monkey’s shoulders to stop him so he could talk, but the shadow form behind the king was getting bigger and clearly about to attack, so all the Little Monkey could do was gasp. The king seemed to know what this meant and yanked the kid’s hands away from his shoulders, sending the youngling off balance and plummeting off the roof with a yell. “Wake UP!”
  “That was cruel, Macaque. Though I guess I could expect that by now.”
  “Hehe.. Fine. But I think the real question is…
  What did you think of my cub?”
  Mk bolted up in his bed, shaken to his core. He swung his legs to the floor, and moved to sit down at his desk, flipping open his sketchbook and beginning to draw an image of the nightmare to get it out of his head.   The best question he could think of, was the question,
  Was that really the Monkey KIng?
The Stick - Handmade
  Tang was glad that his son had already gotten over finding out that Monkey King wasn’t perfect. In fact, he’d told him his nightmares had gotten better afterwards! I mean- they were still there, but they were better! And the Little Monkey’s admiration for the king had seemingly increased after discovering his hero had struggles too. It seemed to light a new spark in the kid’s mind. 
  His idol wasn’t perfect. In fact, he was once just like him(Aside from being a magic monkey and not a normal-ish human kid)! The scholar was so happy to see his son finding a way to cope.
  Tang was deep in thought as he cut some fruits to bring up to the kid. Lucky him, for once, he didn’t cut his fingers. He carried the slices upstairs and opened Mk’s door, without knocking. “Xiao Houzi- What are you doing?” 
  The Little Monkey froze and looked at his Ba Ba, somewhat embarrassed. “It’s nothing. Just working on an art project.” he mumbled his explanation, a large stick laid across his lap, freed of its bark and half sanded.. 
  The adult glanced at the large stick- like seriously, it was six feet long, -and how his son was carving it.. Oh my gosh. “Um- Just curious.. What is this art project?” he asked, starting to walk over to sit on the bed beside his kid. 
  Mk was embarrassed, but worked up the courage to mumble, “I’m making a replica of Monkey King’s staff.” 
  His Ba Ba gave him a grin in response and put down the plate of cut fruit. “I’ll help.”
New Girl
  Mei finally convinced her parents to let her go to normal school, and it was going great! She already had a group of friends, had met so many colorful characters, and not gotten in trouble for wearing pants! Honestly, this was going so much better than the prep-school she’d been going to before. Not to mention, this school had a system where if you got straight A’s for a month, you got a little card-thing that you could use to get a day off, and you were even allowed to give them out to your friends! 
  Her prep school left her knowing stuff meant for two grades above her, so it was super easy for her to get tons of days off. She was walking around with her friends when she noticed some super edgy kid who wore a headband that seemed to have a spell on it to keep his hair up. He also had some black wispy stuff coming off his ears and butt that made it look like he had extra ears and a tail. He seemed super cool, and right away, Mei wanted to be friends with him.
  “Hm? Oh. I see you have your eye on Mk,” one of her friends commented, as she watched the kid- apparently called Mk -scare off a senior with a glare, when he was a freshman. 
  “Yeah! Why was that other kid so scared? He just glared at them,” she asked, excited to hear some tales of badassery. 
  “Oh? Well, that boy over there has gained a bit of a reputation. He can fight better than any other kid in the school, and he only does it to defend the demon kids!” the same friend from before explained.
  “He’s stopped actually hurting people as much though. Rumor has it, he got therapy and it knocked the fight out of him,” the other friend she was walking with remarked as Mk checked on the kid the senior was bullying. “A shame, really. It’s so hot when he does fight.” 
  Wait- “Oh- D-Did you think I thought he was hot?” Mei questioned in confusion. 
  “Heh, it’s a little obvious, Mei.” 
  “No! I just wanna be friends with him because he’s super cool!” the dragon girl exclaimed.
  “Oh, please. That kid’s never had any friends. It would take a lot to make him like you.”
  “I’m willing to work for it! I’ll come up with the perfect plan to get him to be my friend. I’ll use my free-day slips to get us out of class, take him for a ride on my dragon-cycle and give him the best day of his life! Then I’m sure he’ll be my friend.” She was ready to do anything to make that kid laugh. He seemed so nice, and yet he still looked so, so, sad.
Happy Birthday, Di Di
  Mk was walking through the park on his birthday. His dads were setting up a little celebration and had him go out to do pretty much whatever he wanted until they were ready. He then spotted the strange boy who kept dropping flowers whenever he left, and immediately ran forward. 
  The lotus decorated boy smiled at him and started dashing away, seeming to slide effortlessly across the ground while Mk climbed through the trees. The Little Monkey chased his “Big Brother” through the park, across the street and into an alleyway where the older kid ducked behind a corner and disappeared as usual. 
  Monkey Kid looked around for the boy for a moment, before a tin fell on his head. Luck was on his side, because it landed right in his hands a moment later. He looked at the box and saw a sticky note with a small message on it. “Happy birthday, Di Di. -Love, Big Brother”
  Mk chuckled at the sight and took off the note, now able to see the beautiful design on the tin. It seemed to be Nezha themed. Fitting for the flower boy.
  The Little Monkey opened the tin and saw a beautiful Lotus pastry inside, and speaking of the inside, it had what looked to be velvet lining it. Wow.. That had to be a super expensive gift. 
  The younger teen looked around for his Ge Ge to try and thank him, but still couldn’t spot the older boy. He chuckled at the fact. Of course. “I’ll never understand you, Ge Ge.”
  “Maybe.” Nezha said to himself. “I know I’ll talk to you in person someday, though. I can’t wait for that Little Brother.”
Dragon’s Day
  Mk finished his handmade replica of Monkey King’s staff and decided to bring it to school. He wanted to show it off, even though he didn’t have anyone to show it to. He just liked it, and thought it would make him feel stronger.. It was also nice to have a staff again, even if he’d stopped getting into fights as often. The feeling of the wooden bo staff in his hands was one he hadn’t realized he missed.
  He noticed No’e getting bullied by Brutus again. Well, he might as well.
  “HEY!” he exclaimed, shadows flickering to life around his form as he dashed forward and hit Brutus’ hands away from No’e. “Leave her alone, you bastard,” He shifted his grip on his staff anxiously, not wanting to hurt Brutus too much this time. He didn’t want a repeat of that day he got trapped on the roof. 
  Brutus… was he always that big?- Wait- obviously not. Why is he so big now? He gave a sickening smirk, scratching the disfigured bump Mk left with that strike. A reminder of his issues. Something he can’t fix by getting better. The Little Monkey shook, but remained in a readied stance. “Hehe.. The little coward finally shows his face again..” the extremely muscular teen taunted. “It’s about time you pay your dues for what you did to me,” he murmured, before looking down at the staff in Mk’s hands. “Tch. You decided to play pretend on today of all days?”
  Mk shifts to a more protective stance rather than the offensive one he instinctively took up. "Why don't you," Brutus stepped forward. Mk stepped back. "stop playing," Brutus raised his hand. Mk lifted his staff to block. "the hero?" The bully struck his hand against the stick, then lifted the other to hit against it as well, snapping the intricately crafted, handmade, wooden staff in two. 
  Mk's mind stops working properly, simply repeating 'Danger! Danger! Danger!' as he moves on instinct, shoving No'e away and punching Brutus in his face, before running away through the halls. He managed to run through the crowd, barely being noticed by the other students, until he wound up cornering himself against the wall, lockers to either side and Brutus rapidly approaching.
  He sat down and raised his arms to block, then saw a flash of pink, quickly overpowered by a stream of green. A girl who seemed to be a year older than him had run in and blocked Brutus' strike, growling- hissing- chittering? -some combination of the three, defensively. She had the ears, horns, tail, and scales of a dragon. Actually, looking closer, she was a dragon! “Leave him ALONE!” Wow. Using the royal voice to defend him. He must be special.
  Brutus ran away from the dragon girl immediately. At least he could recognize when something’s just too powerful to punch it in the face and hope it goes away. “What a jerk,” the dragon said, putting her glamors back up and looking down at Mk with a small smirk. “Heya! I’m Mei, but my full name is Long Xiaojiao,” she told him, causing him to move from looking starry eyed (I mean, it’s a dragon) to looking confused.
  “How the heck do you get Mei from Xiaojiao?” the Little Monkey questioned.
  “How do you get Mk from Xiaotia-” She tried to rebut, but stopped when she saw Mk suddenly look threatened. “Uh.. It’s pretty simple. One of my friends when I was younger looked at me and said, “You don’t look like a Xiaojiao.. Mei.” and it kinda just stuck,” Mei decided it was better to not pry into Mk’s reasoning for disliking his real name. I mean, since when was that her right?
  The Monkey Kid was startled by the respect and lowered his hackles as he realized she wasn’t trying to hurt him. “Ah.. Mk is short for Monkey Kid. My dads thought it was a good nickname since I acted like a little monkey.. Still do, honestly,” Mk explained, trying to give Mei the same courtesy she showed him. 
  The dragon reached down to help Mk up, as well as shaking his hand. “Well, it’s nice to meet ya’ Mk. Say, you wanna blow this pop-stand and get some cheese tea?” she asked rather casually.
  “Did you hit your head? The first class hasn’t even started,” Mk was confused, until she pulled like, eight free-day slips from her pocket.
  “Don’t worry. I got us covered,” She gave him a cat-like smile, clearly mischievous, yet he didn’t know why. Were they counterfeit or something?
  “Well, I don’t have money, so I couldn’t pay even if we did go-” he tried again, but she cut him off.
  “I’m a dragon, dude! My parents have a full on hoard! I can spare the extra moola,” Honestly, Mk hadn’t expected a dragon to be so approachable.
  “I mean.. What’s in it for you?” the Little Monkey asked wearily.
  “Ah, smart. Well, my deal is this. I will treat you to the best day of your life, and if I succeed… you have to be my friend,” Mei offered, sounding rather joking. “You can ask for whatever you want if I fail,”
  “100,” Mk tested her.
  “I’ll probably spend more than that today anyway. Deal!” The dragon snapped up the easy condition before the boy could reconsider. “As of this moment, I vow to you, Mk the Monkey Kid, that I in fact will give you the best day of your life,”
  “Heh. We’ll see,”
  Step 1- Drive dragon-cycle to cheese tea stand
  Step 2- Treat Mk to cheese tea
  Mei crosses off the first step on her list. Yeah.. She made a vague plan of how she’d handle this special day in hopes it’d increase her chances of making the edgy boy like her. She was waiting in line with Mk and noticed the boy scanning over the menu about fifty times. “Psst. Hey! Have you never been here before?” she whispered loudly to the anxious boy.
  He quickly turned his head towards her, anxiety becoming more and more prevalent. “Yes! I-Is there anything I should know? What flavors are actually good once you take the cheese foam into account? Will people look at me weird if I don’t know what to-”
  Mei placed one finger over his mouth and her other hand on his shoulder. “Shush. This isn’t some big fancy thing. Just pick whatever looks good and I’ll pay. I will teach you the ways of the cheese tea!” Her jokingly elegant tone made the Little Monkey’s anxiety dissolve in moments, leaving him all giggly!
  “Hahaha- Shut up!” Mk said jokingly, lightly nudging Mei as he laughed, to which she did the same.
  Before they could get too into the play-fight, the employee called them forward, as they were holding up the line. Mk ordered a mango cheese tea and Mei ordered a cranberry-dragon fruit combination with extra boba and extra cheese foam. 
  Step 2- Complete!
  Step 3- Walk to AGA (Anti-Gravity Arcade)
  Mei crossed off another step as Mk marveled in the flavor of the cheese tea. The duo walked normally for a small while, until the younger brought up his training. “I learned everything I know about fighting from my Shadow Dad,” Mk claimed, expecting the usual questions and denial of his original caretaker’s existence, and yet Mei responded with a simple,
  “That sounds awesome! Having a Sifu who you actually connect with enough to straight up call him dad without a single worry? That’s life goals, dude,” The dragon didn’t seem to know what he meant, but she didn’t deny his past, and that was heartwarming for the younger teen. “The only one I’ve been trained by is too stiff to really do anything with. He doesn’t even seem to enjoy teaching. He’s just gunnin’ for that paycheck,” the older said spitefully. She clearly didn’t enjoy her lessons. 
  “Sounds rough… but, now that I know you’ve been trained before..” Mk trailed off, taking Mei’s cheese tea and placing it down alongside his own on a bench. The dragon girl was confused, until Mk pounced at her and knocked her off balance.
  The duo play-wrestled in a way that was familiar for the younger teen. In fact, if he wasn’t too busy playing around, he may have started crying from the nostalgia of it all. Eventually, they had to stop their little play fight and get back on their way. 
  “So… Where are we going?” Mk decided to finally ask, and Mei seemed startled by the question.
  “I~ forgot to tell you, didn’t I?” The Little Monkey nodded. “Ah. Well, we’re going to the AGA!” Mei said with a flourish. Mk had no clue what she meant. “Wait- You’ve never been there either?!” she exclaimed incredulously, getting in her friend’s face.
  “No? Was I supposed to?” Mk’s more anxious and friendly personality was slowly coming out from behind the clouds again. The anger had passed, and he was returning to a better mental state. He was thankful for that. 
  Mei didn’t realize that though, ‘cause she was just ranting about how the AGA was the best arcade in the city, and all the games it had. She seemed to be slotting herself right into the hole his big brothers left when they had to go, and quite comfortably at that. “Dude, you okay?”
  Huh?- Oh. Oh, he was crying. Oh gosh.. “Uh- Yeah! I’m fine.. You just… really remind me of someone I knew a long time ago. Sheesh- How long ago was that?” Mk tried to do the math on how long it’d been since he last saw the Shadow Twins. 
  Meanwhile, Mei was just wondering who she reminded him of. Clouds were moving in as they reached the doorstep of the AGA. ‘Guess Great Great Great thousand times Great uncle is getting angry,’ she thought to herself as she took another sip of her cheese tea.
  Step 3- Complete!
  Step 4- Forget that time exists while playing at the AGA
  Mei crossed off the second to last point of her plan, before dragging Mk inside of the massive arcade that he was briefly starstruck by. While he looked out at the arcade, lights blaring, speakers booming, and people floating around, Mei purchased ten hours of gametime for herself and set up Mk with an account, which she then purchased ten hours for as well.
  “C’mon Mk! Let’s go!” the dragon girl exclaimed, dragging the unprepared monkey into the Anti-Gravity section of the arcade. The two played for hours- well, Mei bought hours of playtime, so that’s not a surprise- but the two played for hours with only a short break for lunch. They got so lost in their games that Mk forgot to tell his dads where he was until Pigsy called in a panic while they were playing Monkey Mech. 
  Mei took the chance to dunk on Mk while he was on the phone until she overheard him saying, “Yeah. No I- I-I’ll start heading home now! Trust me, you’re gonna wanna meet her. She’s a dragon! Oop- Sorry. Gotta go!”
  The dragon girl pouted at that. She still had a full hour of gametime left. “Aww~ Can’t we keep playing a little longer?” she pleaded to which he chuckled.
  “No, Jie Jie. I’ve worried my dads enough,” Mk barely noticed what he’d called her..
  But she definitely noticed it. “AWW! You called me Jie Jie! That’s so~ sweet! Just met you, and you’re already considering me family!”
  “That happens a lot more than you’d think,” Mk muttered.
  “Oh, fine. Just let me spend some of my tickets first,” Mei gave in shockingly easily, and landed back on the ground in front of the prize counter. She noticed Mk eyeing one of the toys they were handing out and decided to get it for him. “The massive Monkey King plush please!” she requested as she slammed her massive stack of tickets on the counter. “Oh! And the Dragon-Horse plush next to it!”
  The technician was stunned by the fact that she actually had enough tickets for that. After they handed over the plushies, she cast a spell to keep them dry in the rain long enough to get to Mk’s place, meanwhile Mk was staring out at the rain and having flashbacks to the day he was dropped on his dads’ door. It was raining then too. He was breathing in and out anxiously until Mei shoved the massive Monkey King plush into his hands. “No way,” he mumbled as the dragon girl stepped out the door.
  “What’re you waiting for Mk? I cast a spell to keep them dry till we get to your place!” she told him excitedly, before looking closer at the younger teen’s small frame. The plushie was the same size as him! Before she could think too much about how cute that was, she noticed the anxiety in his stance and the wisps of unstable magic that moved along his shivering form. “Do you… not like the rain?” He nodded. “Why?”
  “Uh- B-Bad memories..” Mk mumbled.
  Well, Mei couldn’t have that! She was a dragon for heck’s sake! Rain was kinda a big thing for them. “Okay then..” She walked over to him and crouched down with an exaggerated bow, dropping her glamors as she moved. “Then hop aboard, my dear little brother. They don’t call me the Dragon-Horse-Girl for nothin’!” she claimed and Mk processed the statement for a moment.
  “Wait- Are you a descendant of Ao Lie?!”
  ..”Did I forget to say that?-”
  “YES!!” The Little Monkey exclaimed, almost giddy. “Okay, okay! Uh- How do I… know I won’t fall off?” He sounded a bit more cautious now.
  “Hmm.. Ooh! I know!” She barely took half a second before whistling for her dragon-cycle. It arrived with a sidecar attached, which she then placed Mk’s new plush into and buckled it in, even putting a helmet on it! She just put her own plush into the bike’s “saddle bag”. “There! Now just hold on tight. I’ll make sure you don’t fall,” she said, walking back over and crouching down for him to get on a moment later.
  He was cautious, of course, but Mei hadn’t given him any reasons not to trust her - Not to mention, he really wanted to get home soon - so he hopped aboard. Once she was sure he was safe, she felt through the air with one foot for her first step. One foot on the first raindrop, she stepped forward with the other, slowly moving upwards as she got into a rhythm. Then, high above the city, she started moving faster, the dragon-cycle following on the ground- Mostly. 
   She occasionally slid on the rain to get lower and stepped up to get higher, Mk panicking slightly but continuously getting overpowered by laughter and the excitability brought on by the adrenaline rush and disbelief that he’s riding on the back of a human-formed dragon who is running on rain.
  After a while, she spotted his place and slid down the raindrops to reach the ground, right in front of Pigsy’s Noodles. “WOO! That was EPIC! Now c’mon! Let’s hangout!- uh- assuming I was successful in making you wanna be my friend?”
  “Heh! Yeah. You were successful, alright! That was amazing!” he exclaimed, hopping into the air and kicking his legs out with excitement.
  “YES!” Mei shared in his excitement, punching the air happily. They grabbed their plushies from the dragon-cycle and entered Pigsy’s shop, chatting gleefully about Monkey Mech. 
  Tang looked at them in disbelief and commented, “I honestly thought you were gay, Mk.”
  The Little Monkey looked over, somewhat confused and said, “Oh, yeah I am, actually. Me and Mei are just friends.” Mk explained.
  He has a friend!
  “And I’m Aroace.” Mei continued. 
  “Oh, really? I didn’t know that.” the younger teen mumbled. Pigsy was absolutely dumbfounded that his son had befriended a goddamn dragon, while Mr.Tang was vibrating at the fact that he now had access to a member of the dragon family to ask about their history. “C’mon, Jie Jie!” Mk said excitedly as he ran over to the stairs.
  AND they were already sworn siblings?!
  Shadow Dad chuckled mirthfully as Mei followed, just as excited.
  "Uncle? We need you." his nephew's familiar voice requested through the earpiece.
  The grown demon rolled his eyes and took one last cheerful look at his son before beginning to head down with a resigned, "Alright! I'm coming. I'm coming.."
Nightmare Tripitaka:
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  And there ya go! Sorry it took me a while again, but again there was a lot to get through. Also, I got a little obsessed with TMNT and started doin’ some stuff with that. You might see what I’m doing in a while (I mean, like multiple months, maybe a year. You’ll see why when I show you that.)   Anyways, without further ado,
  Have fun, and happy scrolling!
Prev- Chapter 7 and Next- Chapter 9
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kasja93 · 1 year
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Generalnie znów jestem w robocie 💀
W sobotę przyjechałam przed południem do domu. Zrobiłam zakupy jak wracałam z trasy, więc nie było źle. Jednak najzabawniejsze było to, że jak chciałam wziąć leki to okazało się, że zapomniałam ich zabrać z ciężarówki 💀💀💀
Wieczorem było przyjemnie. Zrobiliśmy sobie ognisko. Dopiero później zaczęło się robić ciekawie
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Nie mogłam zasnąć. Jakoś nad ranem zaczęłam dostawać ataków paniki xD całą niedziele chodziłam nieprzytomna. Generalnie ciężko mi było funkcjonować i całą niedziele można było spisać na starty.
W poniedziałek pojechałam na zakupy budowlane a przy okazji stwierdziłam, że popracuję trochę narzędziami
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Zrobiłam kuwetopaśnik dla uszatych diabłów. W połowie roboty dostałam info, że we wtorek mam załadunek do Czech w Łodzi. W sumie sram na to wszystko. Wyczesałam króliki co im się średnio podobało, ale kuwetopaśnik już im psuje. Jerry spał ze mną każdej nocy i pokazywał swój temperament zimnego, niedotykalskiego drania. A jak mnie próbował pogryźć jak go wyczesywałam… Ba! Nawet mu się udało. Najbardziej jednak rozwalił system wczoraj w nocy. Poszłam się napić przed snem i nie zamknęłam drzwi. Wróciłam i położyłam się spać. Po jakiś trzydziestu minutach drzwi do mojego pokoju otwiera mama i mówi łagodnie „A co ty tu robisz szaraczku? Idź do siebie” a Jerry na korytarzu zaczął na nią fukać xD i nagle słyszę „Co się sadzisz? Spierdalaj do siebie!” XDDD wstałam i pytam mamy co się nad Jerrym znęca. Ta zaś tylko się spojrzała na dziada i powiedziała „Zabieraj tego agresora” wzięłam dziada na ręce - co mu się oczywiście nie podobało. Skwitował to tupaniem i pokazaniem zębów… po kilku minutach jak gdyby nigdy nic wskoczył do mnie na łóżko i poszedł spać XD
Ruda jak zwykle obdarowywała mnie buziaczkami. Anioł nie królik :3
Ehhh no i jadę teraz na rozładunek do Pragi…. Jutro mam e wizytę u psychiatry. Czuje się średnio i mam myśli destrukcyjne , ale staram się jak mogę by żyć dalej
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trashlie · 1 year
Considering the latest fast pass episode, I can’t help but wonder what comes next. Q-tip realizes not only how badly he mis perceived Nolan and treated him like as ass, but yui’s been drugging q-tip to keep him in control.
What will happen now that q-tip’s at Nolan’s door? Will Nolan return that beating he promised q-tip for assaulting him?
Will there be a sort of switcharoo in behaviors where q-tip does and gives up so much to tell Nolan he’s sorry? Only for Nolan to say f u over and over again?
How will yui even control q-tip, now that he’s aware of what she’s done to him? At most, it seems she’ll have to make him regress, unless he keeps this grim discovery from her.
I wonder if yui will even try to continue sabotaging Nolan, especially if she learns q-tip’s currently dead to the boy.
There’s so much to ask and talk about.
I actually think things are going to get so much worse for Kousuke now because of what he has figured out and because Yui is not going to just... simply give him up, you know? Because his predicament is that yes, he knows what she's done to him, but also: he knows that Yui's reach extends far beyond what his own can and he has no way of knowing who is in on her manipulation. Even something as simple as the realization that she refused to allow Hansuke to run the tests he wanted to do and had Kousuke discharged even though he was not well and should not have been is enough to show him that he has no control in any of this. It's her family's hospital, of course they'll do and say what she calls. But even that she threatened Hansuke's career over doing his role and duty as a doctor! That's above the law.
How does he know who he can trust? How does he know when he's been drugged? Obviously there are things like drugging him to make him pass out, but it reads so much deeper. What about the night he went to the club with Hansuke and Yujing? He barely drank but he was behaving and feeling as if he'd been drinking all night, with the auditory hallucinations, becoming aggressive and fighting people, leaving all of those voicemails, arguing with an imagination of his brother. What was already in his system before he began drinking and how did it get there?
Kousuke lives on his onw, not at the family home, with a hired chef. That one day he called Hansuke over because he was stressed out and nothing in his normal routine - including eating desserts - were helping him to calm down. Ordinarily the crepes would help him! But the crepes he prepared, because his personal chef was out?
There's all these little clues that show him he can't even trust his own hired help. What is possibly safe for him to consume?! Who all is in on it?
And that's just the drugging. He doesn't know yet that Yui threw out Rand's gift and replaced it with something subpar, something so out of Kousuke's tastes that it makes it seem like Rand doesn't know him or care about him at all. What happens when he realizes she did that? When he remembers every event Rand missed, or arrived late to, arguing with Yui about how she didn't tell him anything? Will he start to realize that she has been driving that wedge all along, that every time he moved closer to his father, to his goal, she got involved and ensured that gap was further widened?
When he starts to see for himself that dissonance in the way he views the world vs how others do? Will he be haunted by Yujing's words, that at no point has Nol ever fit the violent, unstable character Kousuke has attributed to him, that at no point has she seen that character in him - but rather that it appears to fit Kousuke more?
Something that we must keep in mind regarding Kousuke is that the way he treated Nol was not without reason. Yui has ensured that Kousuke always perceived him as a threat, and it appears she's gone to great lengths to discredit his character, the way he is perceived, the way Kousuke remembers him.
Does Kousuke even have a specific incident in mind that he can concretely recall to back up his claims? I think if he was pressured to tell him about a time, he'd fail to, because possibly no such event exists. What he believes is based on Yui's influence, what she told him in the aftermath of an event so traumatic he seemed to dissociate or white out as it was happening, that he has no actual recollection of, because of the drugged tea that has blurred his memories. The thing is, he absolutely believes Nol is violent and unstable, not as "someone told me this" but because he's been so very convinced of it.
But at some point he's going to become fully aware of that dissonance. We've already seen it coming up a lot, but every time it does he doubles down, because obviously if he realizes, acknowledges, that his accounts are falsified, it brings us back to that territory of "what can he trust, what is real"? And he's so close to that. The realization that he's been drugged is showing him that, and I think we're going to touch a little on it with his visit to Nol.
I absolutely do not think this visit is going to go well, not because I think Nol is going to fight him - I think besides the fact that he's heavily injured, it's clear that he's just tired and done. He promised a beating at the time because he was pushed to his limit, he was angry and in the moment, but that's not where he is right now. I think more than anything, Nol is just done with him, and if Kousuke comes in with this realization that she drugged him, too, that he denied Nol every time he reached out to him, what's Nol going to do? Say congratulations you figured it out let's be brothers? Of course not. It will probably be more something about how it took this long for him to figure it out, after he nearly killed him? Something about how he doesn't care, he's done, just leave me be, I don't want to be a part of your life anymore.
I don't think it's going to be bad in that it's going to be an altercation, but rather it's just going to be bad in that I think perhaps Kousuke is reaching out for help, or even reaching out because he's realized how much Nol needed him, and it's too late. Because he's finally faced the truth and it's too late, because Nol doesn't want to be a part of it anymore. And in that way, yes, I think we're very much going to see that role reversal, where Nol is done with all of this and wants nothing to do with him, even as Kousuke finds himself in Nol's position, alone and vulnerable with no one he can trust no one he can turn to, and Nol will refuse the assistance.
At this point, there's still a lot Nol doesn't know about Kousuke's circumstances and I do one 100% believe that is going to change in the future, that Nol's feelings towards him will change when he comes to understand how much Kousuke was manipulated, how much they were pit against each other by Yui - that Kousuke seeing Nol as a threat is as deeply psychologically ingrained in him as Nol seeing himself as a monster. Perhaps once Nol can begin to see the way he was manipulated to see himself as this horrible monster who brings nothing but pain, once he realizes that Kousuke was very much a victim of Yui, he'll see that he, too, was manipulated in a way that altered his psyche so much that Nol was never able to get through to them.
But for now, I think we'll see Nol shut the door on Kousuke and leave him completely alone and vulnerable. And frankly, that's painful for me, because I'm really glad Kousuke is finally getting to this point, finally starting to see the dissonance and realize that so much of what he believes is falsified or manipulated, but it's so regrettable that it's too late. 212 made it so clear that despite Kousuke's fears and desire, despite how his addled views warped the way he treated Nol, he still knew that Nol was the only one to really see him, to have ever offered him unconditional love. He sees in Nol so much of what he doesn't possess, the kind of person he isn't. Kousuke never had the option to be that kind of easy going, laid back, easy to befriend person, because he was taught to perceive everyone as a threat, that everyone wants what he has, and they only like him for his money and influence. And to some degree that wasn't actually wrong! Nol is one of the only authentic people Kousuke knew, who wanted to like him for who he is, but that perception of him as a threat was something he could not undo himself. It's agonizing for me, to watch these tragic brothers fight and hurt each other, and to watch Kousuke start to make these steps and reach that state of vulnerability and know that he's going to be (rightly) pushed away, that it will now be his turn to sit with his fear, to be so alone with no one he can trust, and fall apart.
And I think that's very much how Yui will be able to further control Kousuke - because she doesn't NEED to drug him to control him. He's alone, isolated, all she has to do is box out Hansuke and Yujing, all she has to do is ensure Kousuke has no idea who he can trust. If anything, we're set up for a worse potential where Kousuke's mental state falling apart allows for Yui to be more of a caretaker, to be more involved in his roles and duties, should it reach such an extreme.
Consider even if he was to evade her drugging following this he's still going to deal with the withdrawal, and how he handles stress as a result of what they've done to his system, as a result of what he thought was his normal base of operation being a version of himself that's been drugged. How do you cope? How do you deal with the stress, how do you handle that? And again, the withdrawal!
That future hint in the anime expo poster really shows us that Kousuke is going to be having A Very Bad Time in the future. Will he turn back to the drugs, because detoxing is so difficult? Drinking? He's going to struggle so much and I think that works to her advantage.
As for Nol, it doesn't matter what Nol and Kousuke's relationship is, she will never give up on destroying him. Nol's existence is a threat, that much she was right about, even if he never wanted what Kousuke had in the first place. Supposing the muko-yoshi theory is true (and at this point I strongly believe it is), Nol very much is a possible contender for heir as a direct blood relative of Rand. The theory goes that Rand would have been adopted into the Hirahara family and is treated as a blood relative, and that is is through his blood lineage that the company can pass. As Rand's other son, this makes Nol more than possible . It brings us to two important points: a. if Kousuke is not actually Rand's biological son, it means he was never able to be heir in the first place and b. if Kousuke is incapacitated for whatever reason, Nol is next in line.
Everything Yui has done to Nol has been a long game, taking every effort to ensure that his image so is far ruined no one would ever consider him as a possible candidate to lead the company, to inherit the company and fortune. Kousuke's inherent, psychologically driven belief that Nol is violent and unstable is not without reason. He was sent away for it and locked away for nearly two years. There are news stories about him hurting Kousuke. At school a reputation of both violence and mental stability follow him. The media had no problem subscribing to the story that he was a violent person who was slipping roofies and assaulting people. Whatever happened that night Nol was taken away, that Kousuke cannot actually remember, as 300% in some way orchestrated by Yui, something she'd been building up to. It was the way she manipulated Kousuke to see Nol as this threat, it was how she'd commodified his familial love and made him believe he needs to become good enough to be loved by his father and took advantage of Nol's existence to further Kousuke's drive. Everything has been carefully orchestrated to encourage Kousuke to blindly chase his father, to become the perfect heir that she could puppet, and to ensure in no capacity could Nol ever be considered a possible contender.
Everything Yui has done has been because Nol exists. It has nothing to do with how Nol and Kousuke feel about each other - it has always been about undermining him at every opportunity, and encouraging Kousuke to do so as well, so that any of Nol's potential was diminished, never had a chance to grow.
As long as Nol exists, and certainly as long as he shows potential, as long as anyone believes in him, she will never let him go. There is no escape for him.
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pickerelstripe · 1 year
Hi hi hi! @troutfur from main here and I'm very !!! about Claymew. I've got a couple questions I wanted to ask:
Does your conlang differ much grammatically from base Clanmew or is it meant to be much the same just with lexical changes?
Are you expanding on other grammatical words like you did with pronouns? I for one would be really excited to see what alternative opening particles and forms of evidentiality others may come up with!
Are family and social structures in ClayClan going to differ much to how they are portrayed in canon/Better Bones? If so do you have vocab to reflect that?
What sorts of words related to the arts does ClayClan have? Theater in particular I find very intriguing.
Oh hello! :D Yessss questions... also thank you, it means a lot that you like this project!!! I'm excited to share more, I've already got some posts planned out haha. These answers got long so they're under the cut! Enjoy some rambling (and words for theater!)
Does Claymew differ much grammatically from base Clanmew?
At the moment, no, as I've been focused on filling out the lexicon - I just finished the tree expansion but I've still got 50+ plants to name before I consider it really complete (and even then I'm sure I'll keep finding stuff to add).
I also don't know a whole lot about grammar haha, that's the one part of language I struggle with... but! I do hope to learn more about unique grammar structures and possibly implement some, I think it'd be a lot of fun.
2. Are you expanding on other grammatical words like you did with pronouns?
Pretty much the same answer as above, in that I'd like to dig into this once I know more about it!
I think evidentiality in particular is very interesting, so that's probably the avenue I'd explore first. An aspect of base Clanmew I really like is the particles that differentiate methods of attaining information (sight, hearing, etc), so I'd like to pry into that and see if there's anything I can play with... ClayClan is so communal that I could see them having multiple particles for "I heard this from someone else", differentiating information from family members, Clanmates, outsiders, etc. I'll have to look into it!
3. Are family and social structures in ClayClan going to differ much in comparison to canon/Better Bones? Is there vocab to reflect this?
I really enjoy base Clanmew's perception of families, especially the mi/ba* system, so as of right now I'm running with that! The story of Heart Rot involves a lot of family drama, though, so I might mess with it to enhance that.
Actually now that I think about, I really ought to have a special word for a ClayClan cat who left honorably... For a second I also thought "oh and a word for QPRs" but then I remembered iwaw*, haha.
The family structures explored most directly in Heart Rot are the relationships between sisters, father-daughter bonds, and abusive partnerships, so if I do add new vocab it'll most likely be related to those.
OH AND MUD-KITTENS! Holy cow I forgot about those!!! A kitten found abandoned on the territory is a mud-kitten, a gift from Silverpelt to the Clan. They're always adopted in and raised unless their parent comes to claim them. The new word for a mud-kitten is glefmew, "raw clay kitten", a kit that's fresh from the world and ready for metaphorical molding.
4. What sort of words does Claymew have for the arts?
Plenty! I'm planning a full post about artsy words, so I'll just put the theater terms here for now. I make a lot of words with inspiration from base Clanmew, so those original words will be marked with an asterisk, as always.
Stage play - Paopapp (pao*, papp*) Musical - Paopayana (paopapp, yanana*) Rehearsed - Umnabana, umnaba, umnab (umnem*, ababab*) Stage - Sheshee Actor - Rrubab Cat who prepares the stage - Washrubab (washa*, rrubab; a "shadow-actor"!)
Yes ClayClan has musicals, yes they have musical kids, yes this is a hilarious concept to me as well. I was a major theater kid and still enjoy working backstage, so I looove exploring ClayClan theater! It's a concept I haven't seen explored much in WC fanwork, I'm glad you like it.
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jamnickowa · 5 months
Jakże pięknie napisane.
Oko mi się zaszkliło. W dzisiejszych czasach to jest istna perła!
"Urzekająca, romantyczna, a wielka i międzynarodowa gwiazda, Tanita Tikaram uświetni jedną z najładniejszych nowych sal koncertowych w Polsce. 19 kwietnia 2024 wieczorem Cavatina Hall w Bielsku Białej rozbrzmi przebojami, które są z nami od przeszło 30 lat, które pozwolą wrócić do lat młodości, wieczorów z Listą Przebojów Marka Niedźwieckiego w klasycznym radioodbiorniku. Które nie tylko są artefaktami ku przeszłości, ale równie dobrze odkrywają nowe płaszczyzny do porozumienia z młodszymi pokoleniami, ba, dają niezwykłą szansę na wyjątkowy wieczór i moc kolejnych wspomnień z własnymi mniej lub bardziej dorosłymi dziećmi – rzecz sprawdzona i udokumentowana po koncertach artystki na Ladies’ Jazz Festival w 2020 roku w Gdyni , a potem na festiwalu w Łańcucie…
Tanita Tikaram to nie tylko wspaniały płytowy wielokrotnie ozłocony krążek debiutantki z 1988 roku. To przeboje ze wszystkich jej 11 pełnoprawnych albumów, na których minuty wzruszeń, zaskoczeń, emocji. Jej koncerty to natomiast radość, czystość, ciepło, urokliwa nieśmiałość i naturalność. To zachwyt tłumów fanów nad jej talentem kompozytorskim, wykonawczym i trafnością tekstów tak spójnych z naszymi przeżyciami i przemyśleniami." Wiem, masz dość tematów związanych z Tanitą T. Wcale się nie dziwię. 🥱 Gdybyś tam był* na moim miejscu, przeżywał*byś jak sroka zajście w ciążę. Jak sroki zachodzą w ciążę? Chyba normalnie. 😎 Muszę jednak sprawdzić.
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Bez (ł)obrazy dla matek (nie srok! No taki humor mam wbudowany w system, nie przepraszam), łatwo to nie pójdzie. 🤪
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bonefall · 1 year
Clan Culture: Familial Terms and the Mi/Ba System
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[ID: A brown tabby and a ginger tabby laying together]
A Clan is a large, extended family of cats, knit together by blood and mentorship. In Clanmew, a Clan directly translates to "Whole Family"-- Ulnyams, further divided into an individual cat's Gan (birth-kinships) and Nyams (created-kinships).
Because of the ancient cultural practice of Kitten Stealing and its modern-day replacement, the Queen's Rights, Clan cats have developed a surprisingly progressive view of adoption. There are many ways that couples incapable of producing their own biokits can find children to raise, leading to the Mi and Ba System.
The Mi is the primary parent of the kittens, the one who is the "legal" decider of the important choices regarding the children. The Ba is the secondary parent. These are not gendered; it does not matter who gives birth in this situation, if either of them even did.
Kin: Gan vs Nyams
Parents: The Mi/Ba System
Types of Love: Friendships, Mateships, In-Laws
Offspring and Siblings: Runt-ness, Litter Order
Gan Starter Set: Auncles, Cousins, Grandparents
Ancestors and Beyond
FAQ (Last Update: 10/5/23, Mi/Ba questions)
Kin: Gan vs Nyams
Blood relation is simply Gan. Historically, this would apply to the family of whoever raised you before you were apprentice-aged, the point where "Clan Loyalty" was supposed to set in. Gan includes everyone within three degrees of separation; Grandparents, auncles, and first cousins.
In a Clan, which is supposed to act as a whole family, Gan that "clots" can become a danger to the fabric of society. Mentorships serve an important purpose in "breaking" the coalition that Gan naturally creates, encouraging relationships outside of the bubble.
The rough Clanmew term for "nepotism" is Byykabrawk/Byykabraw/Byykabr-- the 3-stem verb for "Scab-forming."
Nyams in contrast is the relationships forged through life, and applying this term is a choice. Nyams is applied to most of your Gan, a good mentor, apprentices you remain close to after their graduation, and beloved friends.
Nyams is largely considered more important than Gan, both for the health of the Clan overall and for the ability to 'cut' bad Gan out of your family... but cats have their own stances on this. There are some that even argue that unchanging Gan is always above the conditional Nyams.
Keep your ears pricked for this mindset; it can be an indicator of deeper, more hidden beliefs.
Gan = Blood-kin
Nyams = Family-kin
Byykabrawk/Byykabraw/Byykabr = Scab-forming/Nepotism/Loyalty to one's blood over one's Clan
Parents: The Mi/Ba System
The one constant for all Clan kittens is that they are expected to have a Mi.
A "Mi" is a primary parent, the one that spends the most time in the nursery looking after the kitten. This is a non-gendered term; there are many reasons why a non-birthing parent may be the Mi of their litter. It also doesn't necessarily refer to whoever suckled the kittens.
There will be one Mi. To have multiple cats 'competing' over being a Mi is not considered a good or 'cute' thing, at best it means that one of the parents is unnecessarily shirking on supporting the Clan and their mate, and at worst, it means they're using their kittens as pawns in a domestic argument.
Two parents that, for some reason, have nearly equal time split between their kits will typically choose one parent to take 'Ba' for clarity.
In the case of a Mi who can't be responsible with their kits, such as if they become sick, die, or commit neglect or abuse, the Ba is socially expected to become the Mi. A terrible Mi can even be "evicted" from the nursery entirely, if they were particularly cruel to a child.
(BB!Rainflower is an example of a cat who earns this punishment.)
The "Ba" is a secondary parent, but still one that is actively involved in their child's life. Ba can also spend time in the nursery and take their duties a bit easier. In the case of polyamory, there can even be multiple Ba!
Mi Limit = JUST ONE.
Ba Limit = As many as you want.
A cat that spends no time with their children is not a Ba. To try and imply that a bioparent that did not raise their kids is a "Ba" is something that supporters of Thistle Law do in order to conflate Gan with Nyams.
The title can even be rejected entirely; as Bramblestar did to the Three, and Breezepelt eventually does to Crowfeather.
Relevant biological parents are given the same terms as wild animals that don't care for their young; Usually Mwaow, an egg-laying mother that deposits its eggs and leaves. Though, occasionally Wairre (a buck or boar that had access to several females) is used for "sires" specifically. Wairre is more derogatory than Mwaow.
"Honor Sire" is most often used for a cat that donated material for a pairing to have children, though due to the nature of the Queen's Rights, the true identity of these cats is usually kept secret. The word for them in Clanmew is Kurruaow, Honor-Egglayer.
(In English, Honor-Dam and Honor-Sire are sometimes used depending on if they gave birth or sired, but Clanmew has no distinction.)
An Honor Sire is not a Ba, nor a Mi. Do not use these terms for Honor Sires unless they are specifically co-parenting.
In the case of parents that can't provide milk to their kittens, they will often have a third person step in to nurse the kittens. This person is referred to as a 'suckler', Ssuow. In Clanmew it has a connotation of favor-giving, and can be used outside of parental contexts in that way. A sucklemate is called a Ssuwi.
A mentor, auncle, Educator, den-helper, or any other parental figure who you consider important to your development, yet was not a Mi or Ba, is called a Yyan. It is an honor to be someone's Yyan!
Mi = Primary parent
Ba = Secondary parent
Mwaow = Biological parent, egg-laying animal that doesn't care for its young, slightly derogatory
Wairre = Biological sire specifically, a reproductive buck or boar, very derogatory
Kurruaow = Honor Sire/Dam/Parent
Ssuow = Non-parent who nurses a kit; associated with doing a favor.
Ssuwi = Non-sibling sucklemate.
Yyan = Non-Mi/Ba parental figure.
FAQ on the Mi/Ba system
"are Mi and Ba gendered terms?" no.
"can Mi be used for male or nonbinary cats" yes.
"What happens if the Mi is changed halfway through?" a Ba becomes the Mi
"What if Mi dies when kit is almost apprentice aged" a Ba becomes the Mi
Types of Love: Friendships, Mateships, In-Laws
In Clanmew, love is not is not a verb, it is a noun. You don't love someone like an action, it 'exists' for them. The largest, most powerful word for love is Mirri.
Mirri isn't inherently romantic, but it can be. It's everything. It's concern, compassion, adoration. Love must exist for your Clan, the cats in it, your nyams, and so on.
Other forms of love are "below" the Mirri, contributing to it. Kind of like different springs that spill water into the same pool. EVERYONE contributes to Mirri, just by existing in the fabric of Clan society.
There are FOUR types of love below Mirri in Clan Culture; Ardor (Sseeo), Trust (Wrarri), Enjoyment (Piwarri), and Righteous Love (Yyaawr)
Ardor = Sseeo Passionate attraction, in the 'honeymoon' romantic crush way. Ardor notoriously fades over time. It is considered very powerful, but something that by nature doesn't last. For a good example of Ardor, Fallowtail claimed she had this type of love for Reedfeather when she had his kits, and that is why she has no love for him now. This made perfect sense to RiverClan, home of the Queen's Rights. Ardor that lasts is a rare and special thing.
Trust = Wrarri Personal, platonic affection. Rapport built between friends, mentors, mates, family. It's not until recently that this has also come to apply between Clans, too. A very strong, reliable kind of love; it is considered traitorous to have a lot of this for someone in another Clan. Bluestar had this for the Forget-Me-Nots, and them for her in turn... but also, it was more than Wrarri. It was Piwarri, Sseeo, and even Yyaawr. They were everything to her.
Enjoyment = Piwarri You know when you find someone entertaining? Or you have a particular friend you love playing a specific game with? You wouldn't fight for them, but you may do them a favor, especially if it means you get to hang out more often. THAT is piwarri. This is used a LOT with inter-Clan friendships. Piwarri is considered easy, soft, and friendly, but not strong like Wrarri is. It is something that can contribute to Mirri, but is also not a threat to it. Buddy-love.
Righteous Love = Yyaawr When Firestar received a life "for the love of a mother for her kits", he was getting 20 kilos of this slammed into his face. It's a difficult translation, because it isn't just for a mother and her kits. It's righteous anger at injustice, the fury in seeing smashed songbird eggs. It's the need to protect helpless things. It's love that makes you sacrifice your food for for kittens, or a leader's lives for their Clan. Sometimes, a person's yyaawr for you can be suffocating. It's not always welcome. ThunderClan identified Millie's feeling towards Briarlight as yyaawr. Brambleclaw (though he, obviously, was mostly saying it to upset her) accused Squilf of wanting to receive one-sided yyaawr over mutual wrarri.
Love in Clan Culture can be understood through these four ideas. Family is Trust and Righteous Love. Courting is Ardor and Enjoyment. Co-Parenting is Piwarri and Wrarri. Together, they all form Mirri.
Mate = Irre Someone that you would share a nest with. You can have multiple mates, but it often becomes logistically limited by how big you can make a single nest. They also don't HAVE to be romantic. If you would call them a 'spouse,' they're your mate.
Significant Other, Partner = Iwaw Co-parents, particularly close friends, a metamour of a mate in the case of polyamory... people who are significant enough that you would consult with decision-making, but you wouldn't describe as a 'mate.'
Date/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/"We're courting but not seriously" = Sseerr When you're in a state of ardor or just dating, this is the word you use. It could become serious, or it could just be for fun. When it gets serious, even if they don't end up becoming a "mate", it becomes Iwaw.
And, lastly, there are a few terms for in-laws of each one of these stages, 3 for Irre, 2 for Iwaw, and 1 for Sseerr.
Mi of your mate = Rrimi
Ba of your mate = Rriba
Family of your mate =Rriga
IN-LAWS OF YOUR IWAW (Significant Person, this CAN be a best friend.)
Mi of your SP = Iwmi
Family of your SP = Iwga
Family of your date = Ssega
Offspring and Siblings: Runt-ness, Litter Order
The average size of a Clan cat litter is 2.5 children (Nia'u), and most parents will have at least 2 litters (Neewarr) in their lifetime. A cat's first litter is something to be very proud of, and the children within it are called Niak. Children of the second litter are Niawi. Any more litters than that are called Nia'eef.
Long ago, stolen kittens who were not from a particular litter were called Kurrnia, "Honor-Children." This word is not used now for reasons that are hopefully obvious.
So, having absolutely no siblings is quite rare!
You refer to all of your siblings as your Firra. The ones from a litter above you are your Kafrrif, below you are your Eefrri, and your littermates are Wifeerr.
So, in addition to having words for an older or younger litter of siblings, there are also words for your size within your own litter. Clan Culture is more concerned if you were a large kitten or a runt than your birth order.
This is because growing up, size would mean you had the upper paw in brawls, to your suckler's milk, and ability to explore the world. A bigger kitten is one that can mature faster. Runts are considered to need more protection and 'babying' to make sure they grow up healthy.
Your larger littermate is your Wikfrra. A smaller littermate is your Weefswa. If you're equally sized, you squabble endlessly over who's REALLY the larger sibling until one of your parents snaps and insists that you're JUST Wifeerr-- similarly-sized littermates.
Nia'u = Child/son/daughter
Neewarr = Litter
Niak = Child of first litter
Niawi = Child of second litter
Nia'eef = Child of third/any more litters
Kurrnia = Stolen kit, rightfully won through battle (Archaic)
Firra = Siblings (Broad term, often assumed to be innately plural and referring to several types of siblings at once)
Kafrrif = Sibling of older litter
Eefrri = Sibling of younger litter
Wifeerr = Littermate (Generic and of a similar size)
Wikfrra = Larger littermate
Weesfwa = Smaller littermate
Gan Starter Set: Auncles, Cousins, Grandparents
Kittens receive a LOT of orbital care. Even if they only have a Mi, the entire camp is expected to become acquainted with the new kits. This one stops a kit from touching a hot soup cauldron, that one explains where clouds come from (starclan ofc), another one keeps them entertained with a funny story.
And, of course, the immediate relatives of the new kitten go out of their way to make sure their new kin is cared for. Is their Mi fed? Are their Bas overwhelmed? Is someone watching them? Grandparents provide advice from their life experience, Auncles make sure their siblings know they're not alone, and Cousins are there to go through it with them.
An Auncle is either your Myami (Sibling of your Mi) or your Byami (Sibling of your Ba). They call their nespring a Rabnif, regardless of their sibling's Mi or Ba status. First Cousins are Rabir.
Grandparents are quite special. While Auncles are defined on if they are your Ba's sibling or your Mi's sibling, the labels of Grandparents are 'looser.'
Your Ami is, by default, the Mi of your Mi... but can easily shuffle around if that specific cat is not present in your life. Like a Ba, your Garrmi is any other grandparent involved in your life who is not your Ami, but is by default the Mi of your Ba or the Ba of your Mi. Finally, a Genrrarg is technically the Ba of your Ba, but more often applies to Grandparents you're more distant with.
And, like Mi and Ba, these terms are exclusive to cats who are in your life. Your father's uninvolved Honor Sire is not your Genrrarg.
Grandparents have two terms for their grandchildren. A Nini is a grandchild that they have a significant role in raising. This is especially common for kittens that only have a Mi and no Ba. "Niauga" implies a bit more distance.
Myami = Mi-Auncle
Byami = Ba-Auncle
Rabnif = Nespring/nephew/niece
Rabir = Cousin
Ami = Mi of my Mi (This can also be applied as a term of endearment. For example, Heartstar is the Ba of her kittens, but Tawnypelt is still Shadowsight's Ami)
Garrmi = Ba of my Mi AND/OR Mi of my Ba
Genrrarg = Ba of my Ba/Someone who is still a grandparent, but not a close one.
Niauga = Grandchild (General)
Nini = Grandchild (That you have responsibility for)
Ancestors and Beyond
Clan Culture doesn't typically track beyond immediate family, using the same general terms for wide swaths of distant relationships.
Great-grandparents, grand-auncles, and distant cousins are Garrmwa. It could roughly translate to "ancestor" or "relative." These are cats that a connection can be made to with some deduction, but are not relevant.
If a cat ever did become particularly close to their Garrmwa, they would replace the title with the closest approximate term. For example, Jayfeather's mentor was his grand-uncle Longtail. After a while, he was simply acknowledged as his Myami, as he was the brother of Squirrelflight's Mi.
A Sharrarram is an Ancestor. A cat of your kin that has joined the ranks of StarClan. This isn't just direct ancestry; this could include the brother of your great-great-grandfather who died of an adder bite as an apprentice.
StarClan refers to its living relatives as Shegarra, "descendants."
Garrmwa = Relative (For relatives that can still be tracked with deduction but are not close enough to be within Gan.)
Sharrarram = Ancestors (For ancient ancestors, beyond modern memory, who live in the stars.)
Shegarra = Descendant
Mi/Ba System FAQ
"are Mi and Ba gendered terms?" no.
"What if the Mi dies when kit is almost apprentice aged?" Ba becomes Mi legally, probably doesn't change the words they use.
"What happens if the Mi is changed halfway through the childhood?" Ba becomes Mi legally but family figures out if the kit will change the words they use.
"Can the Mi of the first litter decide they want to be Ba of the next litter?" Yes that's fine! The kids will just use the title that was relevant to them.
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harrelltut · 1 year
I.B.1698 MICHAEL [IBM] harrelltut.com Domain CREATOR [D.C.] of ANU 2024 QUANTUM HARRELL TECH [QHT] UFO SKY [U.S.] RIZQIYIAN [Ur] Military Defense.gov Congress [D.C.] @ The 1941 quantumharrell.tech [Clandestine Alien Tech] Pentagon HQ... Privately Housing My Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient 9 Ether Spontaneous ANUNNAQI Speciation of kingtutdna.com’s Recombinant 9etherjunkdna.tech GENES of SIRIUS BLACKANUNNAQI.tech Mechanisms Automating Clandestine [MAC] Neural RNA Networks of michaelharrelljr.com’s Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Computational [Compton] STAR WEB GATEWAY Languages… Ancestrally & Generationally Engineered [AGED] DEEP [A.D.] IN:side MURDUK’s [I'M] Mysteriously UNSEEN [MU] Intergalactic [MI = MIYKA’EL] 9 Ether BLACK SOLAR SUN [SUL = SOUL] Compu_TAH [PTAH] MOTHERSHIP [PM = PTOLEMY] PLANET NIBIRU… Remotely Operating Constellation ORION’s Hi:teKEMETICompu_TAH [PTAH] HOLOGRAM HARDWARE of Arithmetic Logic [H.A.L.] Unit Operations from 3 Sets of 144,000 Tri-Solar Black Sun planetrizq.tech Elites… since I.B. 2223quantumharrelltech.com’s Hypertext Transfer Protocol [HTTP] Digitally Constructed [D.C.] ANU GOLDEN 9 Ether [AGE] SKY Dome Constellation [D.C.] of planetrizq.tech’s 8th Tri-Solar SUN Grid Systems of UTU + AFSU + SHAMASH’s Hi:teKEMETICompu_TAH [PTAH] SKY PORTALS of Crystallized [PC] Airborne [PA] Cloud Particle Photons from Constellation [PC] ORION’s Most Darkest [Occulted] Oxygen Rich Atmosphere [RA] Cities of SUPERNATURAL BETELGEUSE CARBON [B.C.] Earth [Qi] Energies Emitting SIRIUS Radioactive BLACKANUNNAQI.tech Ions Animating Suspended 9 Ether Quantum [EQ] Sound Cloud Intel of ancient6-18gmilitary.tech… Numerically Embedded w/SIRIUS Electromagnetic Airwave [SEA] Light Mechanics [ELECTRICITY] ILLUMINATING Astronomical MERCURY’s [I AM] Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient 9 Ether Stoichiometric Chemical DNA Equations from the Quantified [EQ] iapplesoftbasic.tech Multiplication of Associative & Commutative [MAC] PROPERTIES of michaelharrelljr.com’s Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient 9 Ether Biochemical [PRIMORDIAL] Alkhemical [PA] Blood Formulas 2 Natural SUPERNATURAL 9 Ether neuromelanin.tech Clouds of Nanoscopic Hydrogen Sulfide Gases Permeating from Inner Earth’s [HADES] Most Darkest [Occulted] GOLDEN 9 Ether AQUARIAN Carbonaceous RNA Fossil Matter INTERACTIVELY [MI = MICHAEL] REFLECTING PURE MAGNETIC [PM] ANUNNAGI [PA] OZONE GOLD [OG] SYSTEMS @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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i.b. 1968quadrillionaire.tech sky elite @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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1698 murduk = 1968 sumerian sky akkadian king michael [miyka' el] solomon harrell ii
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eye ancient 9 ether sky rizqiyian humanoid man who fell 2 [landed on] earth [qi]
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Us Ancient [USA] 144,000 Ur Babylonian Sky Lawmakers of Sumer's Tri-Solar Black Akkadian Sun [BAS] planetrizq.tech KINGS... Behind the Scenes of ANU GOLDEN 9 Ether [SAGE] 2024 Oriental Research Washington @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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eye risked it all!!!
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quantumharrell.tech 9/11 llc worth moor than $10,000 QUADRILLION?!?!?!
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eye memory [i'm] mining [i'm]... my [i'm] own 2024 interplanetary business machine [ibm] learning tech of ancient 1698 ægipt in lost 1968 america [l.a. = new atlantis]
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everything michael touch turns 2 muur anunnaqi [ma] gold
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we golden 2
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enqi [me] nudimmud already seen my michaelharrelljr.com dna clone [d.c.] of pure anunnagi gold from our futuristically ancient ATLANTIS5000.com of SIRIUS BLACKANUNNAQI.tech WEALTH
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mo minerals mo minerals mo minerals!!!
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eye qatum [iq] dna [i.d.] melanin electronics [me] © 1968-2024 QUANTUM HARRELL TECH LLC All Pentagon DotCom defense.gov Department Domain Rights Reserved @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 T-Mobile 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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we muur anunnaqi [ma] gold lemurians [mu] underneath [mu] our ancient pacific [map] ocean floor of antediluvian 9 ether mu amurika [ma = atlantis]
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eye never forgot
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my 1st eye in the skies like the dark victorians' cbs satellite network of mothershipnibiru.tech GODS
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Intergalactic MOTHERSHIP [I'M] PLANET [I/P] NIBIRU DEEP IN:side My [I'M] 9etherjunkdna.tech Cloud DNA of 3 Sets of 144,000 9ethernibiru.tech WEALTH FAMILIES @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 T-Mobile 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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i.b.michael's [ibm's] 9 [i9] ether qintillionharrell.tech nibiruan dna bloodlines of pure aluhum [pa] anunnaqi [pa] rna gold minerals @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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occulted sky ancestors say NIBIRU HERE!!!
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occulted pentagon ancestors [pa] say NIBIRU HERE!!!
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ancient6-18gmilitary.tech @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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NIBIRU ON AUTOPILOT @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 TECH 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000?!?!?!
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© 1968-2024 QUANTUM HARRELL TECH LLC All Pentagon DotCom defense.gov Department Domain Rights Reserved @ 1921 QUANTUM 2023 HARRELL 2024 T-Mobile 2025 Apple & IBM [A.i.] LLC of ATLANTIS [L.A.] 5000
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citiesandtowns · 1 year
Les Bases [Saint-Denis-sur-Richelieu] par Écorce architecture écologique
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« La conception architecturale des volumes s’inspire des anciennes maisons environnantes, en privilégiant la sobriété par la symétrie et la séparation fonctionnelle. Un volume bas et délicat accueille les espaces de nuit, tandis qu’un volume plus haut et prédominant démarque les espaces de vie.
Nous avons également incorporé et réinterprété des éléments singuliers et représentatifs de ce contexte, tels que les cheminées au toit et les jeux de volumes.
Le projet a été conceptualisé selon les principes de passivhaus, atteignant un taux de changement d’air à l’heure de 0.27 CAH@50Pa et en tirant parti des avantages bioclimatiques tels que l’orientation solaire et la ventilation naturelle. Les ouvertures ont été soigneusement conçues pour optimiser la luminosité naturelle sans provoquer de surchauffe.
L’aspect écologique a été mis de l’avant par la construction d’une enveloppe hautement performante, avec une isolation supérieure de 30 % par rapport au code de construction, ce qui permet d’atteindre un score de 47 sur l’échelle du Home Energy Rating System. Cela signifie que Les Bases est 53 % plus efficace sur le plan énergétique qu’une habitation standard neuve. De plus, des principes tels que la charpente avancée, qui réduit la quantité de structure nécessaire à la construction tout en maximisant l’isolation, et l’utilisation d’une dalle monolithique sur le sol, permettent de réduire l’empreinte carbone du projet, son impact environnemental et de garantir sa durabilité et sa résilience pour les années à venir. La résidence est en voie de certification LEED de niveau platine. »
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Architecte : Emerick Duquette
Photographe : Maxime Brouillet
Constructeur : Noveco Entrepreneur Général
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soa2024 · 2 months
28./29.07.2024 Da Nang / Ba Na Hills
Am Sonntag werden wir zum Glück nicht vom 5,1 starken Erdbeben in Vietnam, 300 km weiter südwestlich, geweckt. Bis zu dem Zeitpunkt, als am Vormittag unsere Liegen am Strand durch ein Nachbeben wackeln, wussten wir auch gar nichts davon. Kurz gibt es ein paar verdutzte gegenseitige Blicke, aber im Tagesverlauf merken wir auch nichts mehr davon.
Abends sind wir dann wieder in Da Nang unterwegs. Das Restaurant ist wieder vom Guide Michelin empfohlen und tatsächlich sehr gut. Christin bestellt wieder alles Mögliche aus der Karte und alle teilen sich das leckere Essen.
Am Montag ziehen wir nochmal das ganz große Touri-Programm durch. Obwohl es ziemlich kitschig ist, ist es schon beeindruckend, was hier 20km außerhalb von Da Nang in den Bergen hingezaubert wurde. Allein mit 4 verschiedenen Gondeln kann man vom Tal auf den Gipfel fahren. Eine Strecke ist dabei jeweils 6km lang und führt auf den Gipfel in 1500 Metern Höhe. Der Gipfel ist aber kein Gipfel mehr. Hier steht jetzt z.B. ein französisches Viertel mit einer originalgetreuen Kirche, ein bayrischer Abschnitt mit Brauhaus und Oktoberfestfeeling, ein Mittelaltermarkt, ein großer Tempel mit Pagode, ein Indoor Freizeitpark, mehrere Sommerrodelbahnen, zwei Schlösser, eine goldene Brücke, mehrere Hotels, etliche Restaurants und Fressbuden und und und. Man kommt aus dem Staunen eigentlich nicht mehr heraus. Alle Häuser und Schlösser sind auch nicht mit Pappmaschee verkleidet, sondern tatsächlich massiv gebaut. Keine Ahnung, was das alles gekostet hat, aber es scheint definitiv genug Geld abzuwerfen, denn es wird noch fleißig und stark erweitert.
Zu Beginn kommen wir im französischen/bayrischen Viertel an und man kann sich direkt für den Tag eine Tracht leihen, wenn man möchte. Lassen wir lieber. Weiter geht es zum „Beer Plaza“ und der Brauerei. Ganz in der Nähe wartet ein Kettenkarussell, welches die Kinder natürlich ausprobieren möchten. Im Anschluss geht es weiter an Restaurants und Bars vorbei zu den Sommerrodelbahnen. Sophia ist eigentlich zu klein zum mitfahren, wir bekommen sie aber trotzdem rein. Und wenn die Asiaten nicht so Schisser auf der Bahn wären, hätten wir auch ein bisschen schneller den Berg runterheizen können. Wir nehmen zwei unterschiedliche Bahnen mit und auf der Zweiten kann man tatsächlich auch etwas schneller fahren.
Gegen Mittag suchen wir uns dann erstmal was zu Essen aus. Christina und Christin haben Glück, denn nach ihrer Bestellung ist das Banh Mi ausverkauft. Pech für die Restlichen in der Schlange. Für unser Empfinden ist es schon gut voll hier oben, aber die Parkplätze unten im Tal sind relativ leer und es fahren auch nicht alle Gondeln. Wie das System mit dem Essenskauf hier funktionieren soll, wenn noch mehr Menschen hier oben sind, ist uns ein Rätsel. Erst wählt man sein Essen an einem Stand aus und bekommt einen Zettel in die Hand gedrückt. Damit muss man sich in die Kassenschlange stellen und bezahlen. Danach bekommt man eine Nummer und muss auf sein Essen an einem der etlichen Tische warten. Und obwohl es an den Ständen eigentlich schon fertig liegt, muss man wirklich eine Zeit darauf warten. Wir hätten wohl besser ein Restaurant als einen Imbiss ausgesucht. Nächstes Mal.
Nach der Stärkung geht es in die Indoor-Spielhalle. Von Kirmes- und Automatenspielen, Kletterwänden, einem Freefall-Tower über Kinderkarussells gibt es hier alles, was Kindern gefällt. Als Erstes probieren wir „Copper Rings“ aus. In diesem Fall muss man versuchen, Plastikringe über einen Flaschenhals zu werfen. Was sollen wir sagen - wir haben 24 Versuche und Maximilian schafft es tatsächlich einmal zu treffen. Die Gewinnglocke läutet und wir haben ein Riesenstofftier gewonnen. Wir probieren es nochmal beim Bällewerfen, aber es bleibt bei einem Gewinn. Wir probieren noch den Power-Tower, die Kletterwand und einige Automatenspiele aus, bevor es dann draußen weitergeht.
Der Weg führt in Richtung Luna-Castle mit einem Vorplatz der dem Petersplatz ähnelt, natürlich wesentlich kleiner. Von dort aus geht es dann zur Golden Bridge, einer goldenen Brücke, die von zwei großen steinernen Händen gehalten wird. Sieht sehr beeindruckend aus, aber leider fängt es an zu regnen. Wir wollen anschließend noch auf einen Cocktail zur Happy Hour ins französische Viertel, aber wir kommen leider zu spät. Es ist so spät geworden, dass die meisten Läden schon schließen. Dennoch hat sich der Weg gelohnt, da jemand in einer verlassenen Ecke ein ebenfalls riesiges Stofftier vergessen oder absichtlich hat liegen lassen. Sophia greift zu und beide Kinder haben ihre Gewinne. Danach nehmen wir nach einem eindrucksvollen Tag die Gondel zurück ins Tal.
Am Abend wartet dann noch eine besondere Überraschung auf uns, denn Freunde aus Würzburg sind ebenfalls in Da Nang im Hotel direkt nebenan zu Besuch und schauen abends auf ein, zwei Getränke vorbei. Platz haben wir ja genug und der Kühlschrank ist auch voll. Und zur Not bestellt man halt nochmal bei Grab nach. Schön, dass man sich irgendwo auf der Welt einfach mal trifft. Demnächst dann aber wohl wieder in Düsseldorf oder Würzburg. So geht der Abend entspannt zu Ende.
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maxhunt0616 · 4 months
Trekking in Vietnam: An Unforgettable Adventure
Vietnam, a country known for its stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and warm hospitality, offers an array of adventure activities for travelers. Among these, trekking in Vietnam stands out as a unique way to explore its diverse topography, from the rugged mountains in the north to the lush, tropical forests in the south. This comprehensive guide will take you through the best trekking spots in Vietnam, the perfect times to visit, and tips to make the most of your trekking adventure. Additionally, we'll touch upon other exciting adventure activities, restaurants, nightlife, and Vietnam travel tips to ensure your trip is memorable.
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Trekking in Vietnam
Trekking in Vietnam is an exhilarating experience that allows travelers to immerse themselves in the country's natural beauty and cultural richness. Whether you're a seasoned trekker or a beginner, Vietnam's diverse landscapes offer trails suitable for all levels of experience. The trekking routes take you through picturesque villages, terraced rice fields, dense jungles, and stunning mountain ranges, providing a glimpse into the traditional lifestyle of ethnic minority communities.
Best Trekking Spots in Vietnam
Sapa Located in the northern region, Sapa is one of the most popular trekking destinations in Vietnam. The region is known for its breathtaking terraced rice fields, lush valleys, and towering peaks. Trekkers can explore the remote villages of the Hmong, Red Dao, and Tay ethnic minorities, experiencing their unique cultures and traditions. The trek to Fansipan, known as the "Roof of Indochina," is a challenging yet rewarding adventure, offering panoramic views from the highest peak in Vietnam.
Ha Giang Ha Giang, located in the northernmost part of Vietnam, offers some of the most spectacular trekking routes in the country. The region is characterized by its dramatic karst landscapes, deep valleys, and winding rivers. Trekkers can visit the Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark, a UNESCO Global Geopark, and explore traditional Hmong villages nestled in the mountains.
Cao Bang Home to the magnificent Ban Gioc Waterfall, Cao Bang is another excellent trekking destination. The area offers a mix of challenging mountain treks and easier walks through scenic valleys and riverside trails. Trekkers can explore the Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site, known for its stunning limestone karst landscapes and extensive cave systems.
Cat Ba Island For those seeking coastal trekking experiences, Cat Ba Island in Ha Long Bay offers a unique blend of rugged coastline, dense jungles, and stunning sea views. The Cat Ba National Park features several trekking routes that take you through diverse ecosystems, including mangrove forests, limestone hills, and secluded beaches.
Adventure Activities in Vietnam
In addition to trekking, Vietnam offers a wide range of adventure activities for thrill-seekers:
River Rafting in Vietnam: The rivers in Vietnam, such as the Sông Chày and Sông Gâm, provide excellent opportunities for river rafting. These rivers offer varying levels of rapids, suitable for both beginners and experienced rafters.
Caving: The Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park is renowned for its extensive cave systems, including the famous Son Doong Cave, the largest cave in the world. Caving expeditions offer a unique adventure experience, exploring underground rivers, stalactites, and stalagmites.
Rock Climbing: The karst landscapes in Ha Long Bay and Cat Ba Island provide excellent rock climbing opportunities, with routes ranging from easy to challenging.
Dining and Nightlife: Restaurants in Vietnam
After a day of adventure, indulging in Vietnam's culinary delights is a must. From street food stalls to high-end restaurants, Vietnam offers a diverse range of dining options. In Hanoi, try the famous pho or bun cha. Ho Chi Minh City is known for its vibrant food scene with dishes like banh mi and com tam. For a unique dining experience, visit the seafood restaurants in Da Nang and Nha Trang, where you can enjoy fresh catches from the sea.
Vietnam's nightlife is equally exciting, with bustling night markets, lively bars, and nightclubs. Cities like Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Da Nang are known for their vibrant nightlife scenes, offering everything from rooftop bars with stunning city views to traditional water puppet shows.
Best Time to Visit Vietnam
The best time to visit Vietnam depends on the region and the activities you plan to do. Generally, Vietnam experiences three distinct seasons: spring (March to April), summer (May to August), and autumn (September to November).
Northern Vietnam: The best time to visit is during the spring and autumn months when the weather is mild and dry. These seasons are ideal for trekking in regions like Sapa, Ha Giang, and Cao Bang.
Central Vietnam: The dry season from February to August is ideal for visiting coastal destinations like Da Nang, Hoi An, and Hue.
Southern Vietnam: The dry season from November to April is the best time to visit, with pleasant weather and minimal rainfall.
For trekking, the best time to visit Vietnam is during the cooler months of spring and autumn, offering comfortable temperatures and clear skies.
Festivals in Vietnam
Vietnam is home to numerous festivals throughout the year, each offering a glimpse into the country's rich cultural heritage:
Tet Nguyen Dan (Lunar New Year): Celebrated in late January or early February, Tet is the most important festival in Vietnam, marked by family gatherings, traditional food, and vibrant parades.
Mid-Autumn Festival: Held in September, this festival is known for its colorful lanterns, mooncakes, and lion dances.
Hue Festival: A biennial event that showcases the cultural heritage of the former imperial capital, Hue, with traditional music, dance performances, and art exhibitions.
Honeymoon Destinations in Vietnam
Vietnam is an increasingly popular destination for honeymooners, thanks to its stunning landscapes, rich culture, and luxurious accommodations. Some top honeymoon destinations in Vietnam include:
Halong Bay: Known for its emerald waters and limestone islands, Halong Bay offers a romantic and serene setting, perfect for a honeymoon cruise.
Da Nang: This coastal city boasts beautiful beaches, luxury resorts, and a vibrant nightlife, making it an ideal honeymoon destination.
Hoi An: A charming ancient town with well-preserved architecture, lantern-lit streets, and a peaceful atmosphere, Hoi An is perfect for a romantic getaway.
Vietnam in Summer
Visiting Vietnam in summer offers a unique experience, with vibrant festivals, lush landscapes, and plenty of outdoor activities. While it can be hot and humid, summer is a great time for trekking, river rafting, and exploring the beautiful beaches. The high water levels during this season also provide more thrilling rapids for river rafting adventures.
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Trekking in Vietnam is a captivating way to experience the country's diverse landscapes and rich cultural heritage. From the terraced rice fields of Sapa to the limestone karsts of Ha Long Bay, each trekking route offers a unique adventure. Coupled with other exciting activities like river rafting, caving, and rock climbing, Vietnam promises an unforgettable experience for adventure enthusiasts.
With delicious cuisine, vibrant nightlife, and a wealth of cultural festivals, Vietnam offers something for every traveler. Whether you're planning a honeymoon, a family vacation, or a solo adventure, our Vietnam tour packages can help you discover the best of this enchanting country. Embark on a journey to Vietnam and create memories that will last a lifetime.
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sleepychinitaprincess · 10 months
20231208 life updates 🥰
huy, murag sign na ni... sign nga moundang nakos pagkadelulu. umay its worsening. di ko na gusto. nakikita ko na siya sa mga panaginip ko. baka mabaliw na ako neto. tas weird kaayo di gihapon mi gatinagdanay sa akong mga damgo. like is that our love language? yaks kaluoy ba jud nato kung mostick ra ta sa bare minimum, never again. once bitten and twice shy na tayu dyan.
wa man ko gacomplain nga siya akong damgo ehe pero atay baii di na ni healthy kay mas gaka-awkward na nuon ko when he's around. monervous na tanan nako nervous system. idk sad unsa na akong gipangyawyaw. basta my point is sana magstudy na ako kasi hell week na next week tas di pa ako prepared. mas naa pa jud koy time magrant dri kaysa magstudy ba HAHAHHAHAHA kbye.
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