snackugaki · 2 years
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and another shitpost to close out the weekend
just out here to terrorize the other elder millenials who had their sense of humor fried by the internet
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nei-ning · 1 year
Do you think of Mezcaal had enough money on her she would use it to make a cybernatic eye for Raph?
I think Mezcaal loves Raphael unconditionally, just the way he is, accepting him, not changing anything on him. I'm sure Raphael is the same way about Mezcaal, loving her the way she is. I also believe Raph is okay with one eye (looking badass) :) If he wasn't, Donatello surely would had build him an eye already long time ago.
But there's also this opinion that IF Raphael wanted an eye and Mezcaal would have the money for it, then she (or they both) would go for it without a doubt.
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fabuloustrash05 · 4 months
If you want to know which Ninja Turtle had the most rizz, Raphael has had an actual canon girlfriend in at least 3 different versions of TMNT and is also the only Ninja Turtle to have ever been canonly married.
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althea-sirius · 1 year
Despite the idea being divisive within the fandom, the turtles have had other love interests other than the ones we're familiar with. Lotus Blossom (who was a early iteration of Karai no doubt), Kala (from the '87 cartoon), and April, Karai, and Mona/Y'Gythgba (from 2k12).
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(And for those curious, no, I do not think the writers handled the relationships in the 2k12 very well. Leo and Karai/Miwa especially)
For example, these ladies; Raven Shadowheart, Princess Trib, Princess Seri, Sara Hill, Alopex and Mezcaal. Each were paired with Leo, Mikey, and Raph respectively.
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And in the IDW comics, Donnie is paired with Mona.
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blade-liger-4ever · 2 years
So I've been going a little crazy with this site called Hero Forge (highly recommend it, if only so you can play around with designs), and I decided to put my own spin on TMNT Raph's alternate universe wife, the anthro-coyote Mezcaal.
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She sounds like a really cool character, and I honestly wish she had more screentime, or was even brought into new adaptations.
I just felt like sharing her with others and I hope y'all find her interesting!
Oh, and you can take screenshots of your characters in Hero Forge, in case you don't want to pay for a 3D model.
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umbreoncomplex · 8 months
all iterations of raphael are lesbian to me. all of them. from mirage to mutant mayhem he's a lesbian throughout it all. none of her relationships with women have been straight. none. he was a lesbian for mona lisa and she was a lesbian for alopex and yep even in archie comics he was lesbian for mezcaal and ninjara. sometimes shes butch sometimes shes femme but raph is always a lesbian and always has been. nothing will prove to me otherwise. raph x casey? well, easy answer there. casey can be transfem or a butch or even a transmasc lesbian. don't even try me. the red of the mask is for the lesbian flag
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Wait, the turtles have had sex? I have only watched the shows and movies so I am sooo used to them being 15-18. Do they have sex in the IDW series or the 2007 movie?? I know they are 18-22 in those.
Nono, the Mirage comics. That's at least when Mikey and Leo did it. Raph was in TMNT Adventure comics, and I think that came out after 87.
We never see them do it, but it is heavily implied.
This is Mikey and Seri in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles volume four #19 back in 2004.
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Here we have Leo and Radical. I'm not funny sure what issue that's from.
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And Raph and wife Mezcaal's "sleeping wear".
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EDIT: And other than April in 2012, Mona is the closest Donnie had been to get out of the virgin club.
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But that ended... not so well...
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pumpkinpie59 · 1 year
rating tmnt love interests for the turtles
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under the cut ;)))
radical / raven shadowheart - mirage
-she seems pretty okay, but i can’t tell how old she is.
-she’s only his love interest in a possible future, not in the main timeline, but she freaking dies in that future lol.
-i mean i think it has potential but there’s not much there. they seemed cute for what we got tho.
-prolly my second fav leo love interest but that’s not saying much.
leonardo’s wife - mirage
-from his side story vision or whatever
-kinda average bc they’re cute but she doesn’t exist :/
lotus blossom - 1987
-idk what to say they’re my otp lmao
-objectively best romantic relationship leonardo has ever had.
-they’re mutually into each other, work off of each other well, even splinter likes lotus so leonardo’s dad approves!!
-only downside is lotus hasn’t been in anything since and i think that’s why i’m so salty that they paired leonardo with april in the new movie (kinda but i’ll get to that).
venus de milo - next mutation
-what the.
-that scene was painful to watch holy cow.
-“we’re just a mutant guy and a mutant girl” *lip bite* -> she just wanted a family bro 😭
carmen - archie
-all i know is that it’s from a possible future and the wiki says they’re implied to be interested in each other but i don’t trust the wiki so i’m skeptical
-also it’s weird for leonardo to date his pupil
koya - idw
-bruh they have no chemistry and he literally crippled her and she hates him for it.
-this only exists for the bad future and i’ll stand by that.
karai - 2012
-it’s worse than venus bc they both have splinter’s genetics. they are blood related.
-also they’re cousins too.
-“tHeY’rE nOt rLLy reLaTed” okay even if they weren’t blood related, it’s still weird as hell to crush on an adopted or step sibling/cousin. family is family regardless. and in a kids show especially; tmnt shouldn’t be telling kids it’s okay to crush on your adopted/step sibling/cousin!!!!
-karai led leonardo on.
-it sucks bc if you drop the flirting and crush completely, leonardo and karai’s dynamic is really good for both their characters!! new girl in town is legit one of my fav episodes just for how it portrays leo’s conflict with himself as a brother and as a leader. and he and karai’s dynamic is very interesting as friends and/or siblings or cousins.
april o’neil - mutant mayhem
-i mean it’s just okay imo.
-leo’s crush is adorable and i like their dynamic a lot.
-i just don’t think april is into him romantically. but their friendship is great.
-i honestly want leonardo to move on and let them be good friends. but i don’t want it to be drawn out and excruciating.
-also i want lotus in a sequel or the tv show 😭
mona lisa - 1987
-okay so. if i’m being completely honest, in the show they’re not really romantic. she’s a bit flirty but their dynamic is mostly platonic. which isn’t a bad thing!
-i think as a romantic pairing, they wouldn’t get together for a long time, but i do like them as a couple.
-it’s one of those pairings where i like them as both a romantic couple and as best friends and they work for both equally!
-they’re funny i like them.
venus de milo - next mutation
-oh yeah raphael liked her too …
umeko / ninjara - archie
-i’ll be real i do not care about ninjara.
-they broke up so it doesn’t even matter.
mezcaal - archie
-raphael’s wife from a possible future.
-they’re adorable. shout out to archie raphael for being the only turtle to canonically get married.
-he gives her head pats :3
joi reynard - 2003
-he asked her out how sweet :3
-i wish joi showed up more i would’ve loved to see them interact more
alopex - idw
-she was tWELVE when they met
-he was sIXTEEN
-what the HECK.
-also he was so moody toward her several times ugh
y’gythgba / mona lisa - 2012
-there we go. the best raphael romance.
-idk they’re cute.
-my only issue is that their first episode together is badly paced and i just wish they had more episodes together. but that’s the issue with 2012 in general not just them specifically.
jhanna - mirage
-literally the same as 03 except not as much interaction between them, however, donatello did look much more smitten in mirage?? ig???
-but yeah i love jhannatello :3333333
irma - 1987
-does this. count?
-idk i only included it bc irma kinda flirts with him more than the others and they end up being closer friends compared to the other turtles.
-yeah no i really don’t think this should. be shipped gjdjfj
-she’s an adult. tho it is weird that she flirted with him but ig the writers forgot the implications 😭
-i could see ppl making her a love interest in a version where she’s a teenager too but otherwise noooooooo
-i like their friendship tho they’re funny.
((((also shout out to next mutation donatello for not flirting with his sister so i don’t have to include her lol))))
jhanna - 2003
-my belovedssssss
-idc that it’s only implied I LOVE THEIR DYNAMIC
-i ship them so hard.
-they have more screentime together in 03 which is why i like it more than mirage.
-also they slept side by side so obviously it’s canon duhhh
renet - 2003
-included cause some ppl think they were a thing
-they’re cute ngl
-i think maybe they were into each other for a bit but it didn’t work out bc time travel romances don’t work
april o’neil - 2003
-donatello kinda had a crush on her but thank God it didn’t go anywhere.
-yeah no thanks lol.
-love their friendship tho they bestiessss
mona lisa - idw
-why is mona a jerk in idw smh
-i’ve already talked about this but yeah i do not like their situationship at all.
-give him jhanna i’m begging fjdjfjdk
april o’neil - 2012
-only turtle x april ship i like; otherwise i’m a jhannatello stan
-keep in mind i only rlly “ship” them in season 4 onwards
-season 1 to 3 was their messy phase and they needed to grow up before they got together
-they were totally dating in season 5 fIGHT ME
-they’re idiots and i love them
bigfoot - 2012
-thanks to my sister for making me add this
-yeah what the.
tbh i don’t count batgirl hhh
princess seri - mirage
-what in the soap opera—
-no bc she seduced him, had his babies, sent him to jail, and left him there when he called out for help; he was justified to hate her
-the way this plotpoint gets dropped and never mentioned again LMAO
-mikey is the only turtle with canon kids 💀
kala - 1987
-the best michelangelo ship bite me
-the way he looked after her when they first met 😭
-their cute flirting fjskfjdkdk
-i love them
buffy shellhammer - 1987
-she’s annoying but she’s capable of handling herself so i like her lol
-but michelangelo liking her was super random and was only there bc the episode was a copy of the transformers g1 episode where powerglide falls for a human girl. i’m not joking both episodes were written by david wise and have the same plotpoints.
-“main flame” my butt michelangelo
-maybe he crushed on her bc kala being in an alternate dimension and near impossible to contact made him feel like it was never gonna work or something … that’s so sad omigosh
-leonardo of all ppl telling him it wouldn’t work bc she’s a human is hilarious tho. like boy lotus blossom is into you too and you know this lmao
mitsu - 3rd 90s movie
-i haven’t seen this movie, but i don’t like time travel romances.
venus de milo - next mutation
-pls end me
sara hill / horridus - image
-… tbh i don’t like hook-up dynamics … it’s not romantic to me …
-also idc if a character is curvy but the girls in image comics are drawn so badly like they have no spine,,, just boobs and butt 💀
princess trib - idw
-finally a good mikey ship
-the purest idw couple fr
-they’re just sweet to each other and encouraging and gahhhh
-mikey wanted to show her his manga collection to impress her and i think that’s funny
-it is kinda weird that trib is based on tribble from 1987,,, aka the neutrino baby … but whatever lol
renet - 2012
-i mean y’know whatever they’re cute
-it’s still a time travel romance which is … mehhh for me
-like it’s sad bc i don’t see it working out unless renet quits her timestress job …
shinigami - 2012
-pls they’re just friends.
-there’s no reason to make the turtles crush on every single girl character in the show 😭
april o’neil - bayverse movies
-end my suffering.
-making april pretend to think it’s funny was also cringe. like make her tell him to stop pls.
lemme know if i missed one ….
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In the Archie run who was Raph married too?
Her name was Mezcaal. She was a mutant coyote, and they ran a restaurant together!
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I absolutely love her, and I wish we had seen her more often!
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lycanthropiclesbians · 2 months
I may have accidentally created a post-show 2012 AU. It's kind of a mess. Leo, somewhat accidentally, is roaming the Earth and can't muster the strength to return home. Mikey is a raver. Mezcaal is here. Donnie may or may not work for NASA. And they don't even know that the world is about to end in a way that is kind of their fault.
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116t98 · 1 year
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mooncalfe-art · 1 year
Good morning, first of all I want to say that I really like your work, I don't know if you can answer this but I have noticed that the IDW story has been introducing its version of some archie comics characters like Armaggon who seems to be relevant soon and I It's very interesting, it's like seeing a crossover since I think that after IDW comics the Archie comics may be some of the most popular. Are you considering doing more of this in the future? It would be interesting to see Chien Khan and Ninjara return in some way if you guys have thought about reimagining the midnight sun arc.
Thank you so much! Armaggon is the main villain in the next story arc, yep. >:D Some of the other Archie characters I've brainstormed for are Ninjara, Mezcaal, Scul & Bean, and Oyuki. I also had a storyline I wanted to do where Seymour and Mondo return to NYC and Mondo is dating Candy Fine. All this brainstorming was brief and tentative, though, and I don't currently have any plans to bring any of those characters in but who knows what the future holds or what other writers might do!
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nei-ning · 2 years
New follower. Love your works on Mezcaal and I like her and ninjara tho I loved Mezcaal more with Raph!
Oooh!! Hello new follower! :D Thank you for sending me this message! I'm glad there's another Mezcaal fan since we are a rare thing :3
But to the topic: When I was a little girl back in 90's and saw Ninjara... She was pretty but felt off in a way. She just didn't click with Raphael with 100% in my eyes (and instincts). But when I saw Raph with Mezcaal - MY GOD that they clicked! :D I could instantly feel / sense it. They were a match made in Heaven, ahah! They still are my favorite MxF pair (with Casey x April) in TMNT fandom <3
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fabuloustrash05 · 3 months
Fun fact about the recent chapter of Turtles In The Roaring 20s!
In this scene, Mona Lisa overhears a conversation between 3 women who are fawning over Raphael.
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These women are actually a reference to 3 of Raphael’s love interests from other versions of TMNT!
Specifically Joi (2003 series), Mezcaal (Archie comics) and Alopex (IDW comics)
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crissanngh · 6 years
So maca and barbi are hangging up... and sharing with us. 🤔 according to the data the more barbarena we get, the more drama juliantina goes through...
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orexis-blanco-posts · 5 years
Love interests/intereses amorosos-Tmnt CANON
¡¿Como que San Valentín ya paso…?!
El mes de septiembre es también el mes de la primavera y del amor de donde vengo. Así que hice este pequeño especial conpilando parejas de los comics, películas y series. Llego tarde pero igual decidí postearlo.
Esta es la mayor recopilación de parejas de tmnt ¡CANONICAS! (que yo sepa)
♥♥♥ Feliz mes de la primavera y el amor! ♥♥♥
Radical – Aborigen *Novia difunta (Tales of tmnt 2 #41)*
Lottus – Japonesa *Interés amoroso (Serie Fred Wolf Temp3 Cuidado con el lotus)*
Carmen – Latina *Interés amoroso (Archie comics #62)*
Karai – Japonesa *Interés amoroso (Serie Nick)*
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Lucindra – afro americana *Interés amoroso? (Tmnt vol1 #44)
Monalisa – Salamandra mutante/ Alienígena en Nick *Interés amoroso (Serie Fred Wolf Raphael encuentra la horma de su zapato) Novia (Serie Nick Temp 4 La Luna de Thalos)*
Ninjara – Zorro antropomorfo *Ex Novia (Archie comics #70)*
Mezcaal – zorro antropomorfo *Novia (Archie comics #64)*
Pimiko – Japonesa *Interés amoroso (Tmnt vol3 #25)*
Venus – tortuga mutante *Interés amoroso (Serie Next mutation)*
Alopex – Zorro mutante *Interés amoroso (Idw Comics #66)*
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Horridus – Alienígena *Ex novia (tmnt vol3 #25)*
Seri – Triceratoniana *Ex amante (tmnt vol4 #15)*
Kala – Neutrina *Interés amoroso (Serie Fred Wolf)*
Mitsu – Japonesa *Interés amoroso (3ra película)*
Oyuki – Japonesa *Interés amoroso (Tmnt adventures #31)*
Venus – tortuga mutante *Interés amoroso y novia (Serie Next mutation)*
Renet – Viajera del tiempo *Interés amoroso (Serie Nick temp3 ep 19)*
Shinigami – Japonesa *Interés amoroso (Serie Nick temp4 Ciudad en guerra)*
Princesa Trib – Neutrina *Interés amoroso (idw Comics #18)*
Abril – Americana *Interés amoroso (Película 2014)*
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Jhanna – Guerrera alienígena *Interés amoroso (tmnt vol1 #16)*
Abril – Americana/mutante alienígena *Interés amoroso (Serie Nick)*
Batgirl - *Interés amoroso (Batman Vs tmnt Comics Nick)*
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*Suspira largamente* 
No conseguí una imagen de jhanna en el cómic, así que agregué la de la serie 2003.
La verdad no me esperaba que hubieran tantas. Si me equivoque en algún dato o me falto una (exceptuando la que ya expliqué), hágamelo saber para tenerlo TODO. ;D
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