salubri-outcast · 2 years
I'm not one to pay much heed to pokemon builds and just go with what's fun. But I've wanted to do well in the tera raid dens. Because of this I've been playing around with builds. Doing this I've discovered a very cheeky dragonslayer build. A Draining Kiss Tinkaton, holding a metranome. I'm still refining it, but she just tanked a six star dragon mimikyu raid. I've even put her in raids with fire types and she's survived long enough to terastalize. I adore this pink menace, and finding a way to use her when some people said that she couldn't be tanky... I'm pleased with myself
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i have another mb list
note: adam is the drill director, cole is the music director, jon is the pt instructer, carly is drum major :)
theres lots of swearing, sex jokes and crude humor, read at your on risk.
"ref femington" "f remington?"
"do u think mr gessel is here" "mr gaslight??"
"carly ur killing it as drum slayjer"
"i come from a drum major growing farm" "did you grow on a tree" "i did"
"i am going to get humoungus shoulder bones"
"why are tou fingering my trumpet"
"do what i say not as i mean" "waot no"
"brain brain brain brain says yes i can okay"
*cries in reed wall*
"i got a dimple bc i got hit by a truck"
"blessinfs of the flying spagetri monster"
"do the rhing"
"nate was like i talked to Micheal after we stopped being friends bc he didnt choose jazz"
"dick and balls"-mason
"it looks like a jail"
"by the double doors-" "dumbledore??"
"where the fuck did my phon-" "WOAH THERE." "on the stage?" "watch ur fuxking mouth"
"grant cant be rushing the trumpets to the field while toris takin a smoke break"
"colby does my music inside my bell look sexy" "hot"
"kachow?" "KACHIGGA"
"was bernie sanders in dci"
"do as i mean not as i say"
"if you summon a demon you must make thrm a sandwich" "im wanna be a demon so people make me sandwiches"
*metranome noises*
/uh/ "tqkes me back" "wHAT" "STORYTIME?!"
"in the beginning, there was cole lobdell"
"are we not allowed to have fun" "AbsoLuT lY nOt"
*nods to george laying dead on the ground* "he does that a lot, doesnt he?" *nods*
"mellos stop showing off"
"stab wm like oj" "alledegy"
"are you dancing to the abulance siren-"
"you guys are starting to sound like a decent mb" "YEAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
*look9ng at uneven lines* "those lines are straighter then me"
"was that dupposed to be british sxottish or Australian?" "good question"
"theyre both boring" "exCusE mE dId yOu jUst dIreSpEct oUr nAtIonAl aNtHem"
"we need to slay harder" ".. yes that"
"why do drugs when sprinkles"
"i hope that you achieve your wildest dreams neighbor"
"jon is mean sometimes neighbor" "jon is really a terrible person neighbkr"
"ill venmo you my soul"
*cries in hardware store*
"i want to kiss a woman" /whispering/ "yea"
"you cant be late if adam isnt out here before you are" "that is a correct statement"
"aAron" "what" "shut up" "no i will die on thr british hill"
"oh blimey its adam"
"oh poppycock its the razzers"
"wer we gonna slat the whole way" "mercilessly slaighter"
"slay target queen adam" "target princess"
"forkcus- oo forkus- FOCUS"
"/chucks shoes across the field to show a better demo/"
"you better slay bitches"
"can we talk for a minute abt the strange journey of the word dope-"
"we should build a wall and make jazz 1 pay for it"
"im gonna need an algebraic expression for ur straightness"
"the queen is being reincarnated as trisha payatas kid"
"i am sorry for bringing the vibe down"
"is that gonna be a slack channel-"
"bring the beat in" "ANYTHING FOR YOU BEYONCÉ"
"we are taking the hypetrain to slaytown"
"phillip the metranome boi"
/addy with a sousa/ "colby do you think it fits me?" *aggressively shakes head no*
*aggressively yell counts* "how do you guys FEEL"
"do you like men or do you like women" "yes. /silence/ wAIT-"
"#do not drag #slay #swag"
"im sure its important info but youre hearing THE SOURCE"
"im sorry i neglected you" "remember when cole neglected us? pfft. loser."
"shes giving dead but shell alwats serve; june, probably"
"and without further adue the hmb present the national anthem" "from memory" "from memory" "with skyrim"
/skyrim ambiance/
"that is not a joke it is just straight facts"
"did you feel good abt listening to us ballade"
"im not even white lying" "are you saying youve done that before"
"see if we shame them enough shame becomes fear"
"cheese grater 2.0!"
"mom alex is being kinky"
"you are only half a woman"
"see so i have a kink for men and /blank/ has a kink for women" "it cancels out"
"see so i dont like children and i dont like sex so no more sex no more sex no more sex"
"i want to get mentally better so men can hit on me so i can get mentallt better"
"i dOnT hAvE thEm dAnG proNounS iM an AmerIcAn"
"i forgor my pronouns"
"ladies lads and non binary chads"
"oh by the way /blank/ im sexist now" "nice"
"hi im sexost" "gello felloe sexist"
"sarah i dont think ive ever heard you say smth as relatable as "im going to eat smth flr my mental health""
"a wood made of reed" /couple seconds/ "wAIT-"
"just march brass and then youll never have that problem" "respectfully no."
"not to be political or anything but honosexual... is kinda gay" "woah"
"activate yoyr slat switch"
"trumpets" /dramatic pause/ dayummmmm"
"colby do you agree that john loves balls"
"if i see another person climb a fence i will be a very sad boi"
"learning the rest of the salad'
"loop doop doopity loop doop"
"well /pause/ if the sparkplug fits"
"colby did you like my trill" "i was not... mentally prepared for it"
"wait no it was a del taco" "fre sha vac a do"
"i am not touchin yalls sweaty ass hands'
"/takes addys hand/ /knees down/ "queen? /gasp/ /sniffle/ i do" /arron plays the beginnings of careless whisper/
/in the middle of a rep/ "FUCK"
"what the absolute fuck is that every time i look over here you two are doing whatever thr goddamn fuck that is what even-"
"so like vocal ideA: snares sing the first verse of i am a gummy bear. like i think its actually a really good idea"
"that was very intimate" "uH *confused straight noises*"
"sarahs just laughing at us"
"like cockwork" "tee hee"
"remy!" "yea?" "you have been promoted to stick boi"
"me when split squat"
"tue ghost of george was playing a beat early"
"tenors one of yoy is coming in early" "YEAH GEORGE" /george is not there/
"adam hancock is draco malfoy" "POTTAH-"
/dutdut dah daht/ "sports"
"they locked us out of the school :("
*plays careless whisper really loud and scream sings half of the lyrics over loud band noises*
*spontaneously plays half of 7 nation army with only bass line as an entire band*
"sorry me and cole have like 0 brain cells combined-"
"nobody leaves until weve falcon prided"
"ate my grandma ans call my daddy oat lawd"
"i beg of thee to pls unlock thy band room door"
"guys omg were still winning"
"prep step on god"
"imagine flirting with the drumline" "imagine not flirting with the drum line"
"bloody stumps on the yard line"
"you ever just look at drum line and are like w o a h" "are you calling me sexy" "i mean-" "I MEAN-C
"thanks queen" /over speaker/ "hashtag slay"
"yo team that was hashtag slay"
"are they really homies if you dont kiss rgem goodnight"
"band ten slay"
"if you do that i will be sad boi hours"
"see im supposed to give all my organs to carly but you can have my balls"
"shhhh i like phillips legs"
"where did stick boi go he forgor his stic"
"not only will i go against your wishes i will go thr complete opposite direction"
"talk less!" "...smile more" "dont let them know ehat your against or what your for?" "you cant be serious" "you wanna get ahead?" "yea" "fools who run their mouthes off wind up dead" "STOP QUOTING HAMILTON"
"if you dont stop i will slay you with a spear"
"I A M F I R S T" /but said like i am spartus/
"jesus christ-" "you called?"
"i have a social life during marching band"
/gasp/ "adam!" /gasp/ "aADAM"
"mw when fruity"
"bro im goung on the second bus"
"adams head just swung open and out popped out colby thr drum major so no he did not grow on a tree"
"oh dear the contible you must find yourself a place to hide"
"you blew my wig off"
"i need a will to live" "same i think theyre 23 cents at 7/11"
"ngl i didnt see that correctly and i thought colby and jon were holsing hands"
"its like a bunch of bb birds" ..kinda gross lowkey"
"you can decline but idk why you would liek honestly get ur life together"
"hey bandits c:"
"its a conga line" "but like an intimate conga line"
"jack you look- .. i was gonn say hot but im nkt sure if thatd allowed"
*sad band hours*
"yo that was cRISPY"
"a little curvy is okay" "a little,,, fruity,,, if you will "
"guys their show is twitter" "that is an interesting show name"
"YO THEY MADE A TRIANGLE I LOVE TRIANGLES" "personally i like potatoes"
"i think we should have a band get to tegther where tougrt kicked out if you dont make xomments on everything"
"guys at the end of the show you should light me on fire" "like in a cute way"
"cole do you feel at home in the choas kf marching band" "yea 😌"
"you ever just throw a colby in ur carly"
"ill be the colby to your carly"
"drunk driving best driving'
"work harder, not smarter"
"sax section vocab section"
"sax section smoking section" "sax section SOBER SECTION"
"gay eighth notes"
"sax section consenual sex section"
"mr lobdell do you want to babysit adams kids"
"cwrly whar are you doung to natilias hands" "shes gently caressing them"
"have them make it into a jif and send it to you" "its gif" "i will fight you"
"I am first" "i will slay you with a spear"
"thr whole band is in a polygamous relationship"
"-my man tights-"
"we should go back to confederacy and the whole bus goes WOAHHHGG-"
/walks up/ "perry the platypus is a slut" /walks away/
/during a band performance/ /several peopl/ "CIRCLE DRILL???"
"bro look at those sexy feet theyre so in time"
"yo why is the sun on dark mode"
"i got shaken baby sydrom for real"
"i strongly suggest that all of you go sit in thr bus snd take a nap"
"that was a certified my bad"
"sup baby gender"
"top of the toe"
"when i grow up i wanna have a kid and name him georg" "name him what"
"bro you just got tondID"
"heres an idea: bring edibles" "W O A H T H E E R E "
"cosmic brownies are crack cocoaine"
"anything for the good of the order?" "slay" "actually slaying is against the law"
"when she puts the 7th over the 5th uts just really heartwrenching, it is"
"two dollars for any coffee at mcdonalds were gonna get liIiiIiiTtt"
"girl is he rich thats the real question men objectify us so we should o jectify them"
"slay bitch"
"miss slayness-"
"bro i slayed in 78 better then anyone slayed in 84"
"flip phone is the new asians"
"we should kiss" /silence/ "no response?"
"she made fun of dom- which is respectable but-"
"i think i would understand you better if you were speaking spanish" "you would understand me if i was a lesbian"
"stab it like ceaser" "allegedly"
"adam can we go fraterinize with the other tubas"
"sex more like cringe stay virgin boys"
"do you like meaty balls" "OH YEAH"
"you look like kurt coban if kurt coban was logan"
"its cold but its like crisp.... newbury"
"i just sucked up all of laurens diseases- do you have aids?"
"yo wheres the candy id like to accept candy from strangers"
"im gonna go home and- make out with my mom"
"sax section jiggity section"
"noah for person"
"so we like draft people for mb-"
"step one: kindly ask them to stop. step two: curse at them. step three-" "hold on can we go back to step 2 i like step 2-"
"mason how do you like your men" "logan" /blows kiss/
"im cold" "hi cold im logan"
"and you all slay with logan"
"ash stop gently caressing me with a leaf"
"now you have a little leaf hat :D" -tori
"what does period blood taste like like would it taste different"
"saxes!!!!! sexiessss!!"
"sax section make out section"
"sax section sex saxtion"
"i got out cuz i wanted to kiss grant"
"we should go get milk ans then we should go to lexs house and make out"
"im sorry i spaced out and heard sneaking out and doung drugs"
"no mom i swear im not sneaking out and doing drugs im going to a jazz festival"
"if that does not work, Joshua quintana's feet would be a suitable replacement"
"sax section toris section"
"max" "doo do do doo do doooo" "jUsT sAY hERe"
"what was discontinued?" "ur mom" "OOOOHHHHHHH"
"when you tell someone ur having a baby ur badically telling them IM HAVINF SWX EVERY DAY" "im sorry what"
"what are yoy high on" "ur mom" "you look like someone whod be high on their mom"
"sax section sleepover section"
"sax section geocash section"
"idk maybe i have foodborne illness disease on my hands" "that sentence made 0 sense"
"color gaurd obama be like lemme be gear"
"attendence obama: let ne be here'
"gay obama: let me be queer"
"ur literally just making out with her leg"
"sax section cuddle section"
"bAcK in My dAy we dIdNit nOne oF thEm daGnAb PrnoUns"
"up two boogaloo-"
"ill give you both 5 bucks if you kiss rn"
"we might not be thr bret band vut we will always be the most radioactive band"
"yknow with all the singing you guys do during marching band youd think youd be better at it-"
"love at first kiss"
"mr lobdell really said i support the gays"
"have you seen logan shirtless hes a mermaid"
"what is up my original gangster"
"jesus was homosexual"
"the hdmi is powered by love"
"check that you are connected to the correct wifi w t f mates"
"hes a google fanboi"
"POW right in the kisser"
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alan-p-49 · 1 month
what's the word when you're a homosexual but you're also a asexual but you're also a homosexual despite being asexual? like at this point my sexuality has only two extremes that go back and forth like a metranome and i can never see it coming when the homosexual thought pop up when i either see a man with a good ass and pecs
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fkgnotebook · 3 years
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Quiet little home. Often I make up songs on my piano before sleep. #metranome #papercrane #prayerwheel #votive #seewhathappens (at Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaGifVhu3oz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nyxi-pixie · 2 years
me when the milkvans yell at us for sexualising children and then go off about how they want musty vermin to have actual on screen sex in s5
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Revalink Fic: Type 1
What if... Revali...but also... Link!
UwU owowowo 💕
And then... they like each other... but!!!
Revali is stupid!!!
And Link is stupid!!!
And they are both dumb and we love them but they are still pining because wow theyre just disasters like that
UwU Omg look at their cute banter they’re so perfect for each other OwO
And then wow ganon happen but they just love each other so much wow no one is dead and then they hug and then they do that Rito snuggling thing and wow oh wow it’s so cute and then they liv is Rito village forever UwU so cute ❤️
Revali Fic: Type 2
here’s one scene where theyre cute together oh wow feather so soft and Link cooks warm food when it’s cold out
wow Rito village is so cute so cozy and comfy
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ghostsinthecellar · 4 years
constantly torn between the comfort of "it's okay if all you did today was survive" and the crushing weight of knowing if I don't do much, much more each day, and soon, mom could die here
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dznypeta · 7 years
#music #metranome #puppylove #happydog
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With every beat of the metronome I feel the dissapointment from my music teacher
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vampiremagpie · 3 years
I fucking love this fandom
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[image ID : a screenshot of a piano score for the song "BIG SHOT" from deltarune chapter 2 where [[KROMER]] is put in front of the metranome marker]
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ask-o5-1 · 4 years
Hey b4 you get home done question the burnt soaked and broken eletric metranome in the sink k thanks ima go hide now -N
What the fuck N wh.. what did you do???
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pathologising · 4 years
I will tell you a bit more abt my cat bc she is chaotic
We got her November 2019 so she's a year old and a couple months now, she is a tortoiseshell, no she's not underfed, we leave her food out for her to graze at. We found her in the street and are pretty sure she's the runt of the litter bc her mom ditched her :(
She hates metranomes. She likes this one toy where you swing a ball on a string back and forth rhythmically and she goes crazy. Also she likes music and is very sweet :) she pretends she doesn't like head kisses (u go in to smooch and she goes "nooo!!") But she loves them very much, they make her purr. I wake up in the morning and go to the living room and she's so dramatic it's like she hasn't seen me in 12 years. She's very shy though! Usually very quiet unless she wants attention. All around baby
(Tbh tho she was supposed to be my sisters cat but my sister doesn't take care of her at all and just got her to give her undeniable affection... Nasty)
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caoscompanion · 4 years
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Witch Laws:  
There’s an Infernal Parole Board.
It is a hex that keeps Ambrose imprisoned in the house. Though astral projection, though disallowed, is a loophole to the hex as shown in the previous episode.
Displays of Power:
Lilith is spying on the Spellmans through the scrying mirror she created and sees Batibat.
Batibat breaks the scrying connection by breaking the mirror.
Lilith is able to travel through dreams from quite a long distance away, though the accuracy of where she lands is off, as she can’t find Sabrina at first, and travels through Ambrose and Hilda’s dreams to get there. However, the fact she can walk through one dream to another when on the other side of town shows considerable power.
Lilith is also shown to levitate
Sabrina, after learning how to do it from Lilith (gin clear mind, self-induced sleep and clear intent), also travels through the dreams, though these are the dreams of those in her house, so she’s able to be more accurate with her direction.
Sabrina glamours Salem to look like herself
Spells: .  
Protocols for a demon in house are you seal the house to contain the entity to prevent it from escaping into the world. The Latin spell for this is “Ex spiritibus neam sie te aeris. Qui Omnipotentiam Tuam parcendo clavem ad. Ostium ligate Diabolum hunc! Hoc captionem, et daemonium ab grandus cincinno” Roughly translated: The air will thus bar the spirits. The key to your almighty power. Entrance bind this trap and lock this grand demon.
Zelda appears to traps the demon the first time with the spell “turpis et infernis in terris pariunt. Adiuro vos tamen hoc graecas munus”  Roughly translated, the beginning means, hell on earth and ugly, and the last sentence makes no fucking sense as far as I can tell. It’s possible it’s a type of bastardised Latin that became popular in alchemy etc in the 1600s. Such Latin can be near impossible to translate.
Sabrina traps Batibat using the spider familiars to create a dreamcatcher, chanting; "Turpis et infernis in terris pariunt. Et furantur verba haec locutus sum vobis Laetitia. Punctum baculus parit malediction. Adiuro vos tamen hoc graecas munus." Hell on earth and ugly and these words I spoke to you. and then something about sticking and charging a role.
Magical Objects:
Sabrina has let a demon out of Edward’s Acheron.
The demonic metranomes from Batibat seem to keep them asleep; they can’t be touched while they’re asleep, as Sabrina tries and gets a shock from it.
Lilith wakes up Sabrina by sticking a hair pin, sharply, into a fetish doll she had made of her. It makes sabrina’s actual finger bleed and pulls her out of the enchanted sleep.
Hilda often uses a little foxglove to help her sleep.
Dream Analysis:
Sabrina’s dream is a direct mix of her lives. She’s set entirely in her mortal high school, but the students are witches. She is marrying Harvey, but is asked to run away with Nick. We also see Harvey’s witch hunter nature shown even before Sabrina knows he’s a witch hunter; foreshadowing. We also see Zelda portrayed as cold and unemotional, and Hilda as soft and romantic, which is perhaps the subconscious way Sabrina perceives her aunts. When she is attacked by the Hunters, she sees no one helping her, showing she feels alone in her duality.
Ambrose’s dream is all about being alone, having no connections, feeling no one will mourn his death. Feeling trapped, and being stuck in a vicious circle that never ends. He quite literally dissects himself, misquoting Hamlet as he does so and when he eats his own heart, he claims it tastes bitter, reflecting how he feels about his situation, and those who are free and untrapped around him.  Blackwood’s grant of freedom to him in the dream is foreshadowing of the false promises Blackwood makes to him in the future. Ambrose dream is the first time we bump into Lilith.
Hilda’s dream is a mixture of sexual exploration and feeling confined and trapped and belittled by her sister, unable to escape her or her criticism. We also have Lilith’s second appearance in the dreams interrupting the flirting between Hilda and Hawthorne. Hilda declares no one has ever cooked for her before, and we have it confirmed that she is a virgin. Zelda in the dream is cruel and mocking and unsupportive, which shows us how Hilda feels about her sister much of the time. She declares ‘you never want me to happy do you’ and ‘I’m sick to death of being the put upon one’. Hilda slaps Zelda and binds her mouth, calling her an insufferable bitch. Yet, even when she’s bound her and she’s on her date, Hilda only talks about Zelda, showing that her sister will always be a part of her life no matter what, and that’s what she can’t escape, for good or for bad. Which concludes with Hawthorne having sewn them together, permanently. Batibat calls Zelda her ‘dark half’
Zelda’s dream starts with her talking to children about the origin story. This shows Zelda’s maternal inclinations, her focus on children, and as she’s teaching them about Eve (a part she played) and their Satanic bible, it also shows what else Zelda focuses on; the Church of Night. Having the Dark Lord visit reflects her desire for the family to rise in the Church. She sees Hilda as bright and bouncy, but also perfect; she sees Hilda getting all the praise and approval of the Dark Lord, showing not only her own self-doubts but also that she sees Hildain a more positive light than she ever admits out loud. Faustus reperesents thr Dark Lord, because he’s the closest thing to Satan, and Zelda’s attraction to him also reflects her ‘in awe’ feelings towards the Dark Lord, so it’s all compounded into one. While Hilda’s nightmare was being bound to Zelda forever, Zelda’s nightmare was losing Hilda forever, when she kills her and she doesn’t resurrect (also foreshadowing as that happens in part 3) and we actually do not see her kill Hilda again out of malice and irritation ever again. We also parallel the Cain and Abel story where the Dark Lord asks where is Hilda and Zelda replies “Am I my sister’s keeper?”
Infernal Phrases
I treated her like hell rot
For the love of Lucifer
For Satan’s Sake
Batibat is a sleep demon who fills people’s dreams with sublime nightmares. She lulls them to sleep, separates them so their dreams don’t cross over (implying this is possible) and then plagues them with horrific nightmares. Her purpose for the Spellmans was for someone to set her free, but in general she messes with people for the fun of it apparently.
The witch hunters in Sabrina’s dream quote the bible ‘thou shalt not suffer a witch to live’.
“Never open a magic box if you don’t know what’s inside it” - Zelda  
“Your attempts to conciliate your duality will only bring you pain and suffering” Dream Zelda
"Sometimes the oldest simplest magic works best”- Sabrina
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sushivisa · 3 years
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Small comic about the absolute bullshit the poor cops have to deal with here XD
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mikerosedrawings · 6 years
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Music & film #symbols #icons #design #graphicdesign #illustration #vectorart #vectordesign #music #film #amp #guitar #eye #record #drumsticks #red #metranome
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jswithdvondach · 8 years
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Day 16. Music #fms_music #fmsphotoaday #piano #musicnotes #sheetmusic #metranome #headphones
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