#Mercury Oppose Neptune
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bitesize-astrology · 5 months ago
Feelings Are Not Facts
Wednesday - September 25, 2024
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I have for a long time now reminded you that "feelings are not facts,' but that they ARE information. This doesn't mean they're incorrect either.
Feelings are information that let you know how you are perceiving and/or receiving events and situations. But feelings often have more to do with "perception" or "perspective" than facts and accuracy. How many of us have felt that someone is doing nefarious things toward us, determined to undermine us, when that isn't the case at all. They're just simply a dumbass.
As the Moon tours the sign of Cancer, and Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune in Pisces, you will be presented with both feelings and facts today. And it's important to remember that feelings aren't always factual, however facts aren't devoid of feelings either.
Allow your feelings to show you any hurt, frustration, anger or distrust you have about a person, place or situation. And then ask yourself if that person, place or situation actually intended that, or is even aware that is your perception. Believe me when I say this ... most people have no clue how you feel, and never intended nor desired you feel the way you do. And never underestimate how clueless and unaware many people are.
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robinregulus · 8 months ago
i ought to do a character study on sabrina, lin, + helen
(+ rue regulus)
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planetsandstarsandstuff · 4 months ago
Natal Chart Notes/Observations:
(please do not copy or repost on other platforms)
Those with Venus in the 3H can be extremely sweet in the way they speak to others - these people are often very verbally affectionate, especially with those closest to them. Compliments from them can feel particularly validating.
Cancer Moons tend to be babied a lot - people assuming they're more sensitive than they are, thinking their feelings need to be protected, etc. Their vulnerability is often exaggerated in the minds of others.
Having Saturn or Mercury in/ruling the 2H can allow a person to detach from material possessions quite easily; they tend to approach this area of life with logic + practicality and are often able to throw items away with little hesitation (Mercury likely even more so than Saturn, as Saturn's rigidity can hold them back here.)
3H Neptune may be especially prone to dropping things.
Those with Mercury in the 12H often struggle to turn their brain off; it can feel like there's constant chatter in their subconscious. This may also be true for those with Pisces Mercury, Neptune-Mercury aspects, and Neptune in the 3rd - no structure to keep racing thoughts contained.
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Above is an excerpt from an interview with Joan Didion, who has her Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus in the 6H - keen awareness of how one spends their time, finding and creating beauty in the mundane, daily indulgence in life's pleasures. Those with 6H placements, when expressed at their best, are particularly good at remembering to live.
7H Suns are often such lovely people to engage with, they bring so much warmth and vitality to their interactions with others. Very friendly people who focus a lot of their energy on those around them.
If you have any t-squares in your chart, look to the apex to see where you're likely to engage in unhealthy coping mechanisms in response to issues indicated by its two opposing houses. If the apex is in the 12th house, for example, this can look like isolating, excessive daydreaming, and possibly substance use. In the 7H this might look like codependence, in the 6H overworking, etc. The sign and planet should be considered as well.
(look to the opposing sign + house to find the qualities that likely need to be embraced.)
Our 3H is how we speak, but our 2H is how our voice sounds - someone with a 3H Moon might speak with a soft inflection but if they have a 2H Mars, for example, the actual resonance of their voice may be quite loud or harsh. Princess Diana's Moon was in both her 2nd and 3rd house (looking at placidus + whole sign together) and she's famously very soft spoken - not only in expression, but also in the actual tone of her voice.
Those with Chiron in the 1H are prone to viewing life through a negative lens, their pain informs their worldview more than most.
Scorpio Venus/Pluto-Venus/Scorpio 5H love angst.
Mercury-Venus aspects can indicate having a very classically beautiful voice. Jonathan Groff, who has Mercury exactly conjunct Venus, is a good example of this - under every interview I've seen of his are comments filled with people talking about how much they love his voice - not only his singing voice, but his regular speaking voice as well.
Prominent 11H placements can attract an audience quite easily.
Those with Jupiter-Mercury aspects tend to have a funny way with words - something about the way they speak just tickles people. Ayo Edebiri, who has her Mercury sextile Jupiter, is a great example of this. Kate McKinnon as well (Mercury conjunct Jupiter). These individuals often have great comedic timing and aren't afraid to go big in order to get a laugh.
Having Venus in or ruling the 4H can indicate a person being somewhat of a mediator within their family - always trying to keep the peace, encouraging family members to connect, etc. Family is often very important to these people.
2H Moons love providing for others - cooking for people, gifting things, just generally making sure those around them are well taken care of. They'll do anything to bring comfort and safety to their loved ones, and often find a lot of emotional fulfillment in doing so.
Capricorn Mars can be very presumptuous in that they think they're in charge everywhere they go. This can definitely get on people's nerves but in all fairness if any placement deserves to be in charge it's probably this one - if nothing else, a cap mars knows how to get things done.
Thanks for reading!
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imnotevenusin · 2 months ago
Rando, pt.3
- most likely, even from a young age, Capricorn Mercuries sounded mature when speaking and conveying ideas. Mercury, the planet of problem-solving, communication, and interaction, is paired with the goal-setting energy of Capricorn. Their authoritative tone is somewhat condescending at times. Even if they don’t know what they’re talking about, they make it sound believable/logical.
- the Pluto in Sag generation is having a hard time with this Saturn in Pisces transit. Whenever Saturn and Pluto makes any hard contact, this can indicate a time of hardship — it can take a while to break out of the societal limitations and pressures put on you. Overall, it’s a period of stress and constantly trying to make ends meet.
- Mars square Pluto denotes power struggles and violence. It can also indicate being obsessed with revenge. In most cases, these natives always try to control everything. They also hate being rejected or being told “no”.
^the Mars-Pluto aspects can generally indicate having to defend yourself constantly against outside influences, but the harsher aspects become vindictive and gain anger issues, while the softer aspects become stronger.
- Mercury conjunct Saturn natives go through an awkward stage when it comes to communicating. They’ve also, most likely, dealt with language barriers, loneliness, and anxiety. They’ve had to be patient when it came to connecting with other people. But, it’s just Saturn wanting us to communicate the right way.
- Jupiter opposing Neptune natives are big dreamers without a real plan. Neptune making any aspect to Jupiter produces delusion to some extent, and the opposition leads the way to unhealthy amounts of daydreaming — and even toxic positivity.
- Unfortunately, Aquarius Suns can, sometimes, fall into online Conservative-rhetoric. Under the guise of being a “free-thinker”, they’d follow people who are controversial and not scared to “speak the truth”. They get their Egos from being seen as innovative — and somewhat controversial.
- Venus in Capricorn natives fall in love with individuals who have a purpose and work hard towards that. Venus is not only physical pleasures, but the type of energy/things we appreciate, while Capricorn energy is about achievements.
- Taurus Mars, especially if aspected by Neptune, can become pornography addicts. Taurus energy deals with the physical senses and rewards, while Mars is primal and action-oriented. If aspected badly, it can produce a sex addict.
- Pluto in the 9th house could have to fight against certain ideologies they were force-fed.
^on the other hand, they could find great power and resilience through things like religion, spiritual practices, and philosophies — they need to gain the “answers”.
- Jupiter square/opposing Pluto can indicate illegal activities. Jupiter is freedom, and Pluto is extreme and taboo.
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cosmicplexus · 2 months ago
Astrology Observations
It's been a while...🌻
~venus in first house is truly the biggest factor to instant attraction even if the ascendant and the venus are not in conjunction
~taurus mars men and cancer mars men alike tend to be into curvier women
~to a certain degree, the moon placement plays a role to what one is attracted to sexually
~jupiter at 9° and 21° is a strong indicator of being spiritually gifted.
~people with moon at venusian degrees 2, 7°, 14°, 19° and 26° need to look into making music to heal self
~aries moons really could emotionally and mentally benefit from finding a physical outlet
~virgo placements especially moon, venus and mars have something akin to a martyrdom complex going on similarly to pisces placements their sister sign
...the only difference is that virgo placements view it as wanting to "fix" you as opposed to "saving" you
~moon conjunct mars in synastry really also depends on sign of conjunction, for example this conjunction in pisces plays out more gentler than it does in aries or scorpio
~moon conjunct moon in synastry is the one aspect I've seen where people were truly in love, struggled to let go, felt like they are soul mates and that they'll never find another
...this is especially heightened with water moons due to the water element's emotional nature.
~saturn in 5th house synastry is often regarded as challenging in synastry especially pertaining to having children, but I feel like one way of looking at it is that you'll be binded together for a long time because of kids.
~having natal uranus or neptune in 12th house will make you feel deeply connected to your peers for better or worse. You may experience telepathic relationships with those closer to your age.
~not to flatter anyone, but a lot of leo mars placements radiate superstar energy.
~sagittarius placements, especially venus are willing to settle down in relationships, but it just shouldn't feel like settling down to them.
~synastry in 5th house is a common aspect in childhood sweethearts
~jupiter in 4th house really needs to look at going into real estate
~venus in 2nd house synastry is about acquiring wealth together and building a life centered around hardwork as well as leisure.
~north/south node synastry contacts indicate a relationship that is meant to be a lesson to both parties.
~mercury in 5th house/ gemini on 5th house should look into creative writing.
~virgo risings may be delusional in love due to the influence of pisces on their descendant.
Author's note... it's been a minute,hope everyone is doing well🌻🤍
My PayPal: paypal.me/Bills116
~Full analysis synastry reading: $15.00
~Career Reading $10.00
~Natal Gifts analysis: $10.00
~Birth Chart Degree Reading $10.00
~Standard Birth Chart reading: $15.00
Edit ~ 18 January, 2025:
While I want the readings to be done in under 24 Hours, I've realistically set a 3 day period to complete readings in case of unforeseen circumstances or a hectic schedule. Thank you so much for your love and support.
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fancyperfectionsweets · 1 month ago
🫀Astrology Observations 4 🫀
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🍂 if more planets are in your 3rd, 2nd, 1st, 12th and 11th house, you'd more probably work in the public eye. Conversely, if they are in 4th, 10th, 5th, 9th, 6th, 8th or 7th house, you're more likely to work at spaces where you're "hidden".
🍂 I know it is said that sun opposite sun in synastry can bring sexual tension and "opposites attract" energy to a relationship but every Libra Sun I know hates Aries Sun and vice versa. This is especially more pronounced if they have mercuries opposing each other too (since mercury is almost always in the same house as the sun). Their feelings become exposed to each other and it shows up in the communication. Of what I've understood, libras feel that aries suns are always trying to assert dominance, be too straightforward and talk over them. Aries Suns feel like Libras are too passive and hate how they try to be diplomatic. To an Aries, it is hypocrisy/manipulation and not diplomacy.
🍂 Sadly, having malefics in the 5th house is my number 1 indicator of someone who has been cheated on before. I've noticed that even one malefic (like Rahu, Sun etc.) with a benefic (moon, venus) here can still indicate failed relationships.
🍂 6th house synastry is literally "you're coming along with me" and a as a 6th house moon, I cannot stand people I don't have this dynamic with.
🍂 I absolutely understand why 12th house synastry is hated so much as it does add an element of "hidden" to it. I have a 12th house venus and I've always had to "hide" my relationship from socials because I cannot risk people finding out. That's because I come from a conservative country where dating is still supposed to be not talked about until and unless you're getting married. So context matters. However, when I do get a double whammy at times, I had to be extra careful and hide the relationship from even friends, it was usually always a karmic planet making contact with my 12th house Venus (ketu, Saturn). So I understand the hate for it in western countries. Lol.
🍂 Let me tell you about another auspicious yoga in the natal chart: Gajkeshari yoga. Gajkesari Yoga is formed when Jupiter and the Moon are in the same house or when Jupiter is in the 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th house from the Moon. It is supposed to bestow one with knowledge, be victorious over their enemies and be a good communicator.
🍂 Synastry aspect that I really like: when a partner's moon falls into your 5th house, the house of romance. I especially love this because my 5th house is empty and the moon person understands my language of romance with so much empathy. I love this one.
🍂 virgo-scorpio conjunctions in any way makes for one stubborn mf. I have two friends with a virgo stellium in the 8th house (scorpio's house) and a scorpio stellium in the 6th house (Virgo's house) and they can be super headstrong in relationships as both of their stelliums houses have venus. I watch both of them being super stubborn in love. Different angles though. While the 8th house stellium friend is super adamnt on her beliefs of love, the 6th house one is super nitpickey of her partner's actions. The 8th house stellium is nit picky about herself and how she conducts herself and then the 6th house stellium person is super stubborn of her personality.
🍂 capricorn risings, leo risings and venus 10th housers are often viewed as trophy wives/husbands.
🍂 Wherever neptune is, or whichever planets neptune touches, you tend to lie in those aspects. If it touches benefic planets, it makes you good at lying and getting away with it. Eg. I knew someone who had a Venus-neptune conjunction and he constantly lied to his partners to keep them around, I have mine in the 1st house and for the longest time, felt that I needed to improve my appearance = lie (surgery, make-up) about it to be perceived better.
🍂 Another liar placement I've realised is rahu (north node) in the 8th house. Why? I still haven't figured it out.
🍂 ohk. I may be wrong but the reason why Saturn is a "malefic" is because it can literally bring out the karma in the themes of your houses in the most vicious way. If it's not conjuncted by benefics, a strong saturn can be also an indicator of death of significance related to the house's theme. Let me give you an example, I have a Saturn in the third house which is also my lagnesh, since third house is the house of siblings, I'm a single child. My mom had a miscarriage when I was a kid. Similarly, my mother has saturn and ketu conjunction in the 4th house (childhood home, mother's home) and she lost her father at a young age, pushing my grandmother to be the protector and provider of her household. Absolutely heartbreaking. Another example I saw was this girl's saturn in the third and she lost her baby brother at the age of 26. 💔
I don't mean to scare you but I think you should definitely see if your saturn is conjuncted by a benefic or if the zodiac it's in is exalted or a benefic because that would reduce the harshness of Saturn. 🥲
🍂 I'm jealous of 2003 born babies tbh. That was the year a lot of people's chart have exalted planets. Someone I found had 8 exalted planets (especially Jupiter and Saturn) like damn! Y'all must really be happy because the rest of us mortals are struggling out here. 🫠
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An extra cute cat gf for that scary introduction 🤭
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astrologiadivertida · 3 months ago
Astro observations pt1
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Saturn in the 5th house:
Saturn in the 5th house people don’t seem to like children.
It sounds horrible, but they are just put off by all the ruckus the children are making
But I’m not saying that they’re psychopaths: Saturn in the 5th house people are like old people who doesn’t like loud noises, and guess who makes loud noises? Children!
10th house Sun:
10th house Sun people crave attention, they practically live for it. They love it when they get appreciated for a project or something related to their careers: it makes up a huge part of their identity
So please pat your 10th house Sun friend on the back for a project they worked their asses off: they’ll appreciate it a lot
Pluto conjunct Ascendant:
They look like they’ve seen shit.
Someone I know who has this aspect always gets asked if their family is doing okay because of this aspect😭
Also they look like they can keep secrets very well. So they have a lot of secrets, because people tell them their secrets very often.
Men with hard aspects to their mars(squares, oppositions) are red flags to me. And if they have a moon aspect that’s also badly aspected? Run, girl, run😭 Chances are that he might cheat on you or hit you🚩
Lilith 9th house:
They question god a lot. It doesn’t mean that they don’t believe in god, actually Lilith 9th housers are fascinated with their religion. They seem to have a good grasp of religion from an early age because of that.
But often than not, they could create a version in their heads of god that is quite different from the concepts that we learn in church. They love saying thought-provoking questions about god and religion.
Your Venus sign and house placement+ your Juno(3)sign+house placement can tell you a lot about your type.
Ex) I have Venus in Capricorn in 12th house and Juno in Sagittarius in 10th house: Kendall Roy( from succession)
He is my favorite character. I had a crush on him since I was little. He gives off an endearing vibe, Venus in 12th house people likes that in a guy
Contemporary politicians all seem to have prominent Jupiter/Neptune influence in their charts: Jupiter/Neptune placements in your charts can give you luck(winning elections) but also delusions and unclear thinking
Are we all doing okay?😭
Ex. Emmanuel Macron(president of France 🇫🇷 since 2017) is a Sagittarius Sun. He has Sun conjunct mercury opposite Jupiter . He also has Neptune in the 10th house,.
Boris Johnson has Jupiter opposite Neptune
Joe Biden has Neptune in 10th house. He also has Jupiter trining his sun and mercury and Venus . He also has Neptune sextiling his sun and Venus and ascendant
Yoon suk yeol(current president of South Korea🇰🇷 ) is a sag stellium(sun, moon, mercury) and has Jupiter trining his Neptune, but opposing his mars.
Lilith in 5th house+a difficult mars placements(square, opposition) can make you have weird kinks in bed🤭
Saturn in the 3rd house in a solar return chart is a tough placement to have. You might feel really lonely. You might feel cut off from your friends this year. Your communication skills might hit a new low this year.
But remember, this is a Saturn placement: all of this can be improved by hard work. If you want to know what to work on, check the planets that aspect your Saturn
Ascendant conjunct Mars in SR chart(especially if mars is in the 12th house)
could be bad for you 😭contrary to the popular belief that it makes you more assertive
It can make you susceptible to illness or infections. So if you have this placement in your sr chart, try to stay as healthy as possible.
Leo moons are so endearing to me: They are kinda dorky and cute even if they don’t know it. They’re really close with their moms as well.
Aries moons are so pure. They always think for themselves and their thoughts are so interesting to me. They never hold back and they are so bold in their thinking. They are so fun to talk to.
Uranus in the 1st house people are used to being an outcast: something about them is so different and they don’t seem to fit in at all with a group.
Pisces signs are notorious for being delulu but have you ever met a mars in Pisces?Their actions revolve around their delusions(big dreams) and if they don’t get to make their aspirations come true, they’ll get so sad sometimes.
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celestialtarot11 · 1 month ago
Astro Observations
Hey friends! Im back with another astro obsv after getting settled in Uni. I've had a great week focusing on my new classes, and yeah my brain is working overtime to read and study haha. Im taking 2 marketing classes and antisemitism/ racism, and psychology :) learning so much already! I hope you enjoy the post below! Feel free to like, reblog, and share your thoughts.
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Moon at 1 degree—Often this represents someone who is learning about emotional stability, processing and releasing in this lifetime. They may struggle with escapist tendencies, or even using drugs to compensate (hard aspects) with the moon aspecting Chiron, Saturn, mars, negatively this can happen, its even more pronounced when at the 1st degree.
Sun-uranus—Could have had a father who thought the native lied a lot, or the father imposed assumptions, for example the native stealing their money. The father figured could have been frugal, paranoid and absent in the natives life for a period of time, only to randomly pop back in.
Venus aspecting Pluto in a males chart—Can make him obsessive with women, and not in a healthy way. He can objectify women, sexualize them, and behave passive aggressive when it comes to making moves sexually. He may confuse sexual attraction for romantic attraction easily. If Pluto makes a hard contact with mercury, he is more likely to be passive aggressive and will objectify women without considering the consequences. He is weak in his approach towards women. If Pluto touches the sun, he will act dishonorably and his reputation will be stunted by his behavior towards women.
Lilith Aquarius 12h in a males chart, with Uranus, and Neptune—Can find himself in a group of friends or community that is considered taboo, unconventional, and unhealthy. This can signify, though not always, selling drugs, or being around those who sold. It can even signify being around sex work. I knew a guy who participated in selling drugs from a young age, because his friends were doing the same, and Aquarius rules networking, and encompasses social aspects of our lives, and when it is in the 12h, he associated with ''underdogs,'' at a young age, those who were considered the black sheep of the family as a way to cope. Lilith here signifies a break through with the mind, a need for agency. But this can turn into unhealthy coping mechanisms as a result, and he does smoke weed everyday to get by.
Mercury opposing Pluto in a male--The native can often struggle with speaking up, making a move, and being clear and concise in their intentions especially in romantic scenarios, though not limited to. They tend to like it when others finish their thoughts for them, and they may project themselves as highly wise in a certain area, but lack knowledge of said topic. The Donning-Kruger effect is common here. Even with a gemini/virgo mercury, if negatively afflicted, this can produce issues with the way he thinks, and how he process his thoughts. Pluto is all about the subconscious and so, some men derive power from projecting what they think they know to others. Reminds me of the quote: you should be scared of not those who have read books, but those who have books on their shelf that they've claimed to have read.
Moon in Aries male--He can be fickle, quick to judge, quick to leave and exploit for his personal gain. I've noticed this is common with men who have a negatively placed moon, or it is afflicted, or both. Especially if the moon makes contact with Chiron, he will project his fears, anxieties, and desires (including sexual) and create tension and confusion in the connection. The sexual part from what I understand is a way they try to inflict intimacy, even though the connection is nowhere near that stage, or the other person does not want it. Aries moon men, if negatively afflicted won't care for your boundaries and can be callous, and cowardly, and can seek to find loop holes.
Weak afflicted sun in males--Tends to talk a big game, and doesn't live up to it. A lot of these guys have a lot to say to look like a contributor of society, especially if they are trying to make an impression, but if you ask them a deep question about a topic, they'll fumble.
Taurus affliction--I've noticed these natives struggle financially, even though in the astro community we see Taurus as sustainable, a provider, and quite materialistic. A large amount depends on the aspects in the chart, I think we sometimes overlook this. An afflicted taurus sun, moon, Venus, mercury, can all impact financial gains. Emotional stability and physical, and can even signify struggling with losing a home, or having bills or loans to pay at a young age. Or having to ''contribute,'' to the house, to prove yourself as good enough.
SN in Capricorn, and NN in cancer--Someone with this placement who I knew had to pay the bills in the house, because their mother was impaired on drugs. Usually this placement indicates the mother playing an important role in the natives lifetime, and it isn't necessarily good or bad. The native was parentified a lot, whilst the mother made excuses for not wanting to step up. The native can also experience a codependent bond with their mother. Even though they have been hurt by their mother, they still admire and respect their mother, even if others don't understand why. These NN natives also tend to cling to nostalgia, the past, and perhaps they think of all the good times they have with their mother and cling to that. It also happens a lot outside the mother, they'll think of the friends they used to be with. SN and NN is also at 8 degrees, and this person went through a lot of loss financially, and they still struggle with building stability. Almost left and right they face struggles with abandonment, so in a way their mother's inability to find financial stability fell in their hands. If you look at the moon you'll see the relationship with the mother in detail :)
Gemini women have an inclination to be in theatre, acting, or film making or photography of some kind. Even song writing, play writing, or directing plays. It's no lie gemini women are exquisitely charming, and when paired with heavier placements such as Saturn 1h/12h, 8h/12h moon, Chiron 4h, Chiron 12h/8h, they can easily reenact roles from the depths of their soul, or write about experiences people find themselves reveling in. Their charm, plus their ability to transform their pain of the past creates for an alluring, powerful and intimidating presence.
5h scorpio, 5h Sagittarius, or 9h moon/sun, or Jupiter 9h, may want to adopt children at some point in their lives or have considered it. These placements know the systematic issues that lie in the government and instead of wanting to have their own kids, they may want to rescue kids already lost to the system. I had a friend that said why have kids when she could be saving one already, and she has a 5h scorpio which conveys a deep need to connect with children who have been hurt, and giving them a new home. Very healing and transformative. She specifically said she'd rescue teenagers since they are overlooked by a lot of people.
Also these placements are known for helping children, even creating fundraisers for children in need. Angelina Jolie has Jupiter 9h conj moon and she has an innate need to help children, and has adopted 3 children, and 3 of her own. She's a protector driven by instinctual maternal desire to help those who are considered ''helpless,'' by the systems fault.
Also her moon is in Aries, and after dropping Maddox, Angelina said she couldn't continue her self sabotaging tendencies. So in a way, she healed a lot of control issues within herself by becoming a mother. It's not because of the label. Her need to set an example and show up for her kids is what helped her change, by giving them the best, she ended up giving herself better. Her moon sign, instead of leaning into its fiery, consuming depths, she learned to create structure, embrace her passions and seek healthier forms of expression.
Venus in cancer is not all what the astro community has portrayed it to be, for ex: ''crybaby, sensitive,'' in the means of demeaning the sign and its expression. I think it's easy to get hung up on these words without understanding its importance on a deeper level. These natives are one of the most in tune, and empathetic natives I've met. It takes an immense amount of courage to be in touch with one's feelings in a society that encourages us to abandon this. Their softness is their strength, and for those who can't see it, this intuitive energy asks them to go inward as to why they can't.
4h scorpio came from a turbulent, deep, enigmatic family of troubles and despair. The native learned to pick up habits such as hiding from the light to protect themselves from criticism, because being seen at home just wasn't allowed, and it was shunned. It creates for an interesting complex, because people may view these natives as liars, cold, and shut down and whilst outside of astrology this can be true, this isn't always the case. 4h scorpio is private for reasons such as protecting their energy. Not everyone should have the privilege of knowing the things so sacred to them.
4h scorpio natives can go on to become open about adverse experiences, the things society tells us to pack away and hide. They begin to see the necessity in sharing their voice, and the raw power of awareness. Sometimes the light isn't so bad, after all.
Moon opposite Pluto 3h--Makes the native a deep thinker, a philosopher, and may see suffering as a crucial force in self growth. They can go on to share their wisdom in the world and make a profound impact. Often this placement to me indicates beauty and brains. I also feel as though these natives surpass beauty norms, they challenge it in a lot of ways. especially if they are a woman with this placement they will find ways to move away from the whole sexualization and objectification of women. They can be part of the LGBTQ.
Lol, my friend also stumbled on astrology and found nothing resonates, because all those sites do is talk about sun sign shit, and then when I looked at her chart she has Venus 8h, scorpio moon, and Saturn 1h. And yes, she has been through a lot of Big Trauma moments.
Thanks friends for being here and reading! Leave a like, reblog & comment if you found it informative 🤍
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geovanag · 6 months ago
Aspects in the synastry chart that are mistaken for love at first sight but reveal themselves over time ☄️
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In synastry, certain astrological aspects can initially create a strong romantic attraction, but over time, reveal significant differences between partners that could lead to challenges.
In this article I would like to talk about some aspects that I have noticed in my own synastry.
Venus Square/Opposite Uranus
It can create a dynamic, exciting but unpredictable energy between two people. Over time, however, the tension can become unbearable. There is an instant spark and the relationship can start suddenly or unexpectedly. Uranus finds Venus' charm and love intriguing. The unpredictability in the relationship can be intoxicating for Venus and create a strong initial attraction. Venus feels insecure or uncertain about where they stand in the relationship. In this relationship Venus regularly takes on the role of showing love and care, while Uranus often avoids this, often with a desire to create space for itself, so feelings of neglect or worthlessness are very evident. Uranus can resist Venus' attempts to "settle down" or establish traditional relationship norms. The relationship may become too challenging to sustain, potentially leading to a breakup.
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Mars Square/Opposite Neptune
If this aspect forms the main layer of synastry, there is probably too much “idealization” between the two people. The Mars person is drawn to the sensual nature of the Neptune person. Mars might naturally want to move the relationship forward in a clear, decisive manner. However, as time goes on, Mars might feel frustrated by the lack of clarity in the relationship with Neptune. Mars might start to feel that Neptune is elusive or inconsistent. Mars straightforward approach to love and relationships clashes with Neptune’s more subtle, evasive nature. The tension in this aspect often arises from misaligned expectations. Neptune, on the other hand, might feel pressured or overwhelmed by Mars direct approach, leading to further retreat into Neptune’s dreamy, elusive energy. Both partners might struggle with accepting the more mundane or challenging aspects of the relationship, leading to disappointment or disillusionment.
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Sun Square/Opposite Saturn
In this relationship, the Sun person may feel that he or she is being molded into a pattern and therefore “the light has gone out”. They may feel that their Saturn person is making them feel that they are never good enough at this point. At first they will realize that Saturn brings stability and discipline into their lives. The Sun person will like this. But over time it may seem as if this is draining their (the Sun person's) energy. Like when they enter a social setting and one of them smiles too much and the other one looks around with a flat expression. Saturn, who doesn't shy away from taking responsibility, can take the initiative but it starts to burden him. He restricts many of the Sun's behaviors for fear of a possible change. Saturn is about the present tense, while the Sun is about the “now”. The Saturn person's control is likely to oppose the Sun person's leadership role. Over time, both parties may start to feel resentment. The Saturn person may resent the Sun person for what they see as irresponsibility or frivolity.
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Moon Square/Opposite Mercury
The Moon person may feel that the Mercury person focuses too much on rationality and does not empathize with their emotional experiences, leading to feelings of frustration and emotional neglect. The Moon person may perceive the Mercury person as someone who belittles their feelings. When the Moon person expresses their feelings, they may feel that the Mercury person responds in an overly distant way. The Mercury person, who values clear communication and logical thinking, may feel confused by the intensity of the Moon person's emotions. The Mercury person may see the Moon person as irrational because of his or her excessive use of emotion. The Mercury person may try to communicate sensitively to nurture the Moon person's emotionality, but this will be challenging. The Moon person may feel that by keeping up with Mercury, he/she is becoming callous while using logic.
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Venus Square/Opposite Saturn
Saturn's influence can feel cold or distant and can make the Venus person feel rejected or unworthy. They may question whether they are truly loved or valued by the Saturn person. They may feel that they cannot be fully themselves or that they have to conform to the Saturn person's expectations or standards, which can lead to feelings of frustration and emotional suffocation. The Saturn person may perceive the Venus person's needs for love and approval as excessive or demanding. The Saturn person may feel that they need to set limits or impose restrictions. The Saturn person may be afraid, creating distance to protect themselves from being hurt. This aspect can lead to feelings of loneliness and frustration within the relationship. The Venus person may feel rejected, unloved and restricted in their ability to express love. The Saturn person may feel crushed under the responsibility of the relationship and may fear being too vulnerable.
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I just feel “battered” as someone who has experienced all of these aspects in synastry. Remember that although the square - opposite can be difficult, the problems will disappear if both people consciously work on their relationship.
Take Care,
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lilithlounge · 20 days ago
Vertex in Synastry: Fated Encounters & Karmic Connections ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
In astrology, the Vertex is known as the “fated point” in the natal chart. It represents destined encounters, life-changing relationships, and karmic connections that feel almost inevitable. When someone’s personal planet or angle overlays your Vertex in synastry, it can signal a powerful, life-altering connection—but not always in a smooth or easy way.
Let’s explore how the Vertex influences synastry when activated by planets or points!
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Want to know if your Vertex synastry is a soulmate connection? Book a detailed astrology reading with me!
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The Vertex in Synastry: A Cosmic Trigger
The Vertex is activated in relationships when someone’s:
Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars conjuncts or opposes it
Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, or IC aligns with it
Outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) touch it, often signifying a profound but sometimes challenging karmic tie
💫 Key Themes of Vertex Synastry:
-Fated Meetings: The connection feels “meant to be” from the start.
-Karmic Pull: There’s an instant sense of familiarity, as if you’ve met before.
-Turning Points: The relationship significantly alters life direction.
-Unpredictability: The connection may come out of nowhere and feel beyond control.
🔮 Vertex Synastry Overlays (House-by-House)
1st House (Identity & Self-Image)
💫 The Vertex person sees the planet person as someone who changes their sense of self. There’s an intense attraction, as if their presence alone awakens a new version of you. The relationship reshapes how you view yourself.
2nd House (Values & Stability)
💫 This connection affects self-worth and material life. The planet person may introduce new values, financial shifts, or help the Vertex person redefine what truly matters in life.
3rd House (Communication & Thought Patterns)
💫 A mind-opening connection. The planet person influences the way the Vertex person thinks, communicates, and absorbs information. This overlay is common in relationships where intellectual or verbal connection is key.
4th House (Home & Emotional Foundations)
💫 A deep, soul-level connection that feels like “coming home.” The planet person activates the Vertex person's deepest emotional memories, family karma, and inner security needs. Often found in long-term or past-life connections.
5th House (Romance & Creativity)
💫 A magnetic, passionate connection that sparks intense romance, artistic inspiration, and sometimes fated children. There’s an undeniable pull toward joy, pleasure, and self-expression.
6th House (Daily Life & Service)
💫 This relationship transforms habits, routines, and health. The planet person often brings structure, healing, or service-oriented themes into the Vertex person’s life. The connection may feel practical yet deeply significant.
7th House (Marriage & One-on-One Partnerships)
💫 One of the strongest fated relationship indicators! The planet person may be seen as the “ideal partner” or the person who teaches major lessons in love and commitment. It can lead to a life-changing marriage or profound partnership.
8th House (Sexual & Transformational Bonds)
💫 Intense, deeply karmic, and sometimes overwhelming. The planet person triggers major personal transformation, psychological depth, and even shared resources or financial entanglements. Can indicate an obsessive or life-altering connection.
9th House (Philosophy & Higher Learning)
💫 The planet person expands the Vertex person's worldview. They may introduce them to new beliefs, travel, or education. This connection often feels eye-opening and spiritually significant.
10th House (Public Life & Career)
💫 This overlay reshapes reputation, career, and social status. The planet person may push the Vertex person toward success, recognition, or a major career shift. Often seen in mentor-student relationships or power couples.
11th House (Friendships & Social Impact)
💫 A fated friendship or community connection. The planet person may introduce the Vertex person to important networks, social movements, or collective missions. Often feels like destiny brought you together for a higher purpose.
12th House (Karma & Spiritual Lessons)
💫 One of the most profound, yet confusing overlays. The planet person awakens deep subconscious patterns, past-life connections, and hidden fears or desires. This connection can feel otherworldly, even telepathic, but may also involve sacrifice, secrecy, or unresolved karma.
Final Thoughts: Is the Vertex a Soulmate Indicator?
While Vertex synastry often indicates a destined meeting, it doesn’t guarantee a lifelong relationship. Sometimes, these connections arrive to push us toward personal growth, not necessarily stay forever.
However, if the Vertex connection is mutual (both charts activated) and supported by strong Venus, Moon, or North Node aspects, it can signal a soulmate bond that leaves a lasting impact.
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airytaurus · 1 year ago
Astro notes💌
Venus-uranus people can have the majority of their relationships online and lots of online friends but they are pretty fast on the internet when it comes to finding a companion or lover
underdeveloped Pisces moons can be very manipulative , aloof , co-dependent and flaky
Sagittarius 10H/MC-Jupiter people can travel alot and make lots of money from traveling
Mercury-Chiron especially if (opposed, squared) can be very vulnerable and think everything is their fault , they also may be afraid to speak out or share their opinions because of either being misunderstood or judged
Libra moons are always the ones too start a relationship with anyone no matter who , what , when , where
Mercury-Neptune people daydream alot and often in their own lil bubble
12H mercury people don’t talk much or get personal unless they actually know you or can trust you
Virgo/Cap 1H/Saturn-asc people can be very obsessed or anxious over how they look or come off they feel like something is always with how they look maybe
Virgo Venus are all about routine and having a plan
Sun-Pluto people can very easily annoyed or bothered by other peoples presence
Air and water in big 3 can make someone very emotionally attached and vulnerable with people in some cases
12H stellium people could get easily drained from doing anything
You know those people who can’t make up their mind when driving and they go super slow but then speed but then slow down yea that person definitely has a air or water 3H
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bitesize-astrology · 3 months ago
Conspiring For Your Good
Wednesday - December 4, 2024
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A short post today on a day with some powerful transits.
The planets are conspiring together for your good. That may not look the way you thought it would. And it will probably require a commitment you didn't think would be asked of you.
So are you in?
If you are, let God Universe know today by how you act and what you make a priority.
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cupidlovesastro · 1 year ago
𝑚𝑢𝑡𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑖𝑔𝑛 𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠
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ஐ i notice that virgo risings have soft looking lips with a somewhat prominent cupids bow and shorter face shapes
ஐ sagittarius/9h stellium, moon, venus, or sun people love the idea of traveling or doing it if they do. but they’re also really appreciative of the small adventures like going to the store, hanging out at the park, etc
ஐ gemini mercuries might laugh or make jokes while arguing or when a conversation gets tense
ஐ pisces sun or mercury people can have a dark sense of humor. they could like joking about topics that are edgy or inappropriate (doesn’t have to be in an extreme way)
ஐ sagittarius in 3rd house can mean you have siblings of a different race, religion, or culture than you
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ஐ virgo in 12th house can mean your not very public, or just very secretive about your health or hygiene. you may have a hard time talking about it, or maybe you like to gatekeep your health secrets lol
ஐ pisces in 9th house can mean you have an emotional connection to your religion, or philosophies
ஐ neptune trine/ conjunct jupiter can mean you dream a lot. you may also grow your knowledge or abilities surrounding intuition and possibly dream interpretations
ஐ mercury opposing jupiter can mean that you have a hard time opening up your perspective, changing your mind, or understanding others thought processes. you may also have a hard time with speaking, or learning
ஐ gemini mars people could like talking dirty, whispering in ears, flirting, etc. they can also be touchy since gemini rules over the hands
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ஐ sagittarius mars could be attracted to people who speak a different language, have an accent, or people of different ethnicities than them
ஐ pisces venus can mean you connect with partners on an intuitive level and your beauty can be soft, big or soft eyes, and feminine
ஐ neptune trine mercury can mean that you have dreamy or the ideal kind of handwriting. even your voice can be mesmerizing to others
ஐ having a lot of mutable sings in your chart can mean that you are adaptable and easy going. it can be easy for you to mimic others personality
ஐ lacking mutable signs can mean you are more stubborn and have a harder time being a “chameleon”.
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punksocks · 1 year ago
Astrology Observations: No.28
*just based on my observations, only take what resonates
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(Sorry it’s been a minute, I got my time back then I got sick- like same day! I’m good now, thank god, but it was absolutely insane and everything has been going on in the world, my God)
-If your moon opposes your ascendant you may be known for making the wrong impressions on people (especially first impressions) at some point in your life
-Not the first time I said this but I feel like Libra Asc tend to need to balance out aspects of their life more bc of their houses having the opposite signs over them.
-On the other hand I feel like Aries asc have a very straightforward, sometimes less complicated world view bc of their houses lining up with their traditional rulers.
-Mars in determemt and fall (Libra, cancer, 12th house) really gives you a finite amount of stamina
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-I feel like cancer venus/moons tend to wax the most poetically and romantically about the nostalgia they feel. Even stronger for Venus.
-Men with cancer placements be like: I didn’t know I was manipulating you into being nice to me until it was already happening (lmao oof)
-I noticed Aries and Scorpio Sun men/masc folks can get romanticized a lot, I think this is bc their identity is ruled by mars traditionally, so they tend to be assigned more masculine traits/act their traits out in a more “traditionally” (or even just comfortably) masculine way
-Aqua Sun/asc/venus usually have some features that makes their face really stand out I noticed (unique brow/nose/head shape etc) (idk why I haven’t seen this with moons as much)
-Signs in your 8th house may come off as mysterious or hard to understand
-You may find it really easy to vibe with people that have Sun conjunct your Asc
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-I’ve noticed that a lot of Virgo mars may eat like really spicy or punishing foods (especially if the mars is in a fire house)
-Saturn aspecting your big 3 can help you age really well- depending on how well you take care of yourself (extreme example: dick van dyke, he’s almost 100 and he’s still jumping around with so much energy)
-Pisces placements can be like incredibly intelligent and yet still come off as a bit spacey (one of my favorite YouTubers used to head extra credits and he is SO SMART, like just a seriously huge capacity for knowledge but he sounds spacey when he does his chill gameplays and pieces things together unscripted lol)
-Jupiter square/opposition Sun can make you come off as overly pessimistic, it can also make you come off as optimistic at the wrong times (laughing at serious moments, etc)
-Taurus placements are so motivated by food, it’s so real (the amount of times I’ve had a Taurus sun/moon/mars not hear a word I was saying bc they were scoping out a restaurant? Countless lol)
-I notice a lot of rappers & musicians (especially the innovative ones) have major Pisces placements
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-Aries moons get emotional fulfillment by winning what they chase after (Aries in big 6 tends to make you go after things in general too imo)
-I noticed sometimes Leo moon can make you a bit self centered, like in the most literal sense, you may have trouble understanding perspectives outside of your own
-Virgos and Geminis and 3rd/6th house placements have great memory but they tend to forget certain aspects. They tend to forget or mix up details. (My ex took like 3 years to remember my middle name beyond the first initial lol god; also, I always remember zodiac signs but not birthdays lol)
-I love how Joe Pera has a cancer Mercury and his comedy is like the coziest comedy I’ve ever heard, he even got his following bc his helping people fall asleep and just talking through his chill podcast (did not expect him to have like the most fire in his chart tho?? Wouldn’t have guessed lol)- Pisces Mercury and Mercury with hard aspects to Neptune probably have a cozy affect on others when they communicate with them too
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sokosmic · 2 years ago
Synastry Observations #2
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💙 Their Mars in your 3rd House makes them want to talk to you all the time. Conversation tends to flow freely. You inspire each other's thoughts and ideas. They tell you things about their siblings or neighbors. You enjoy running errands together. Frequent talks about sex and sexting isn't unusual for this overlay.
🤍 Moon overlaying the 9th House can indicate that there is significant distance between the two of you. Long distance relationship. Person from a different culture or ethnic background. This overlay also indicates that you may share similar religious beliefs or philosophies on life.
💙 Venus opposing Uranus can also indicate a relationship between two very different people. This aspect in synastry brings excitement, especially in the beginning. The Uranus person sends electrifying signals to the Venus person, who is drawn to the Uranus person. There needs to be some grounding and enduring aspects in the rest of this synastry for a relationship to last with this one. This aspect can also manifest as an on/off relationship because the two are activated towards each other through transits.
🤍 Having Mercury square Mercury in synastry can be tough. Here the people involved struggle with communication and understanding each other during critical and even non-critical moments. When Mercury squares in synastry, even small misunderstandings can quickly escalate to bigger disagreements. Because squares are typically created by signs of the same modality, but different elements, the minds of these people clash because the approach is different. For instance, a Cancer Mercury and Libra Mercury both are Cardinal and the mind works fast for these signs. But Cancer's mode of communication is filtered through the emotions (Water), while Libra filters through the mind (Air).
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💙 When their Venus is in your 7th House, you find them very attractive. They embody what is beautiful to you. As the House person, you have the attributes and qualities of what Venus values in love and partnerships. The Venus person values you. This overlay can also indicate the Venus person coming into the House person's life to increase value or make money together.
🤍 When a person's Mars conjuncts another's Chiron, the Mars person has come to help facilitate healing for the Chiron person. As long as the rest of the synastry supports it, Mars isn't afflicted, and the Chiron person has already done some shadow work to address wounds, this is a very positive aspect in synastry.
💙 I've noticed when Saturn conjuncts the North Node in synastry, it can indicate a lifelong friendship. Of course, this can develop into a romantic partnership, or even start off romantic and end up as friends. But essentially, the people involved become bound together with this aspect. It is often the Saturn person who gets stuck on the NN person. Saturn initially introduces structure and discipline to the NN person. The NN person shows Saturn how to lighten up and allow lessons to evolve naturally. This aspect in synastry can also indicate creating 'good' Karma in this lifetime. Often there is an age difference involved.
🤍 Neptune conjunct Vertex in synastry can be a beautifully fated connection or an extreme nightmare. When Neptune is positively placed within the natal and in synastry, this aspect brings a brand new, positive perspective to the Vertex person about compassion and unconditional love. But because of the nature of Neptune and the potential for illusions and deceit, if Neptune is ill placed or badly afflicted, Neptune will teach the Vertex person about seeing clearly, setting proper boundaries, and using their intuition.
These are my observations and opinions. Take what resonates and leave what doesn't. Thanks for reading!
-So.Kosmic 👽💜💫
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cosmicplexus · 30 days ago
Astrology Notes
✨ Gemini Moons more than any other placement tend to be very conflicted about their beliefs and ideas.
✨ While often believed to be harsh, moon conjunction saturn in synastry has a nurturing element.
✨Cancer Moon, Venus and Mars women tend to go into careers that satisfy their nurturing side such as careers related to welfare of children and nursing.
✨ People with Moon at venusian or Neptunian degrees 2°, 7°, 12°, 14°, 19°, 24° and 26° need to look into the arts to nurture their inner child even if it's something they've never considered before.
✨If you have Aquarian and Mercurian degrees 3°, 11°, 15°, 23° and 27° in your chart, specifically in your planets and on your ascendant- descendant and midheaven- IC axis, you should at least try a career path that requires you to utilise social media following.
✨ Men with Capricorn placements just like cancer placement men prefer older partners.
✨ Our birth charts are maps to our purpose and we need to drive ourselves to that purpose, for example Jupiter in 2nd house is the greatest indicator of wealth, but you can't acquire that wealth if you never start a business(Jupiter in 8th house may be an exception as the 8th house governs inheritance), but for most parts the principle applies.
Another example is Jupiter in the 9th house aka the "luck" placement, you can't manifest that luck if you never take risks.
✨The 22nd degree(22°) has a bad reputation in astrology when it's actually an indicator of prominence and what rewards us for a long term.
✨The Arian degrees, 1°, 13°, 25° signify the gift of leadership and where we have these can shows us where we have the potential to lead and be pioneers of something.
✨ Mars at 18° is common in those who died from violent and unfortunate incidents. I don't like doom astrology so this is not to scare anyone, but just an observation.
✨Mars in hard aspect to Jupiter in a man's chart is an indicator of an unfaithful man.
✨ While Virgo is often synonymous to stern and "left-brain", Virgo placements especially moon, Venus and Mars are amazing creative writers and their analytical approach often makes their work very pleasing because they're good with details.
✨Libra Moons and Venus people may struggle with not being in a relationship and may get into toxic relationships just for the sake of being in a relationship.
✨ Sagittarius Mars people really take travelling and adventure seriously, this isn't a stereotype.
✨ The easiest way to get the attention of people with Earth Moons, Venus and Mars (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) is by talking about money moves. This may sound cliché, but if it's in cosmic plexus' observations, trust that cosmic plexus' has put it to the test.
✨ People with Moon or Mars in hard aspect to Uranus need to try calming remedies such as ashwagandha, lemon balm and chamomile once in a while.
✨Aries and first house Mercuries tend to unintentionally hurt people with their words.
✨If you're interested in dating people who think you're their dream person, please look into Venus in first house synastry.
✨When looking at synastry it's very important to look at how your progressed Moons affect the relationship.
✨ Pisces Moons, Venus and Mars tend to be more in love with the idea of love opposed to being in love with people.
✨Our north node house and degree placements similarly to our Jupiter's placement tells us what easily flows for us.
✨The house your Uranus is in tells you how you use the internet.
✨Certain psychological disorders are triggered by astrological transits, for example erotomania is triggered by transit Neptune's aspects to the natal chart especially natal Venus in hard aspect to transit Neptune.
✨Gemini Moons are some of the best authors ever(I'm not a Gemini Moon, but I really admire their penmanship and ability to accurately describe notions and feelings especially if it's an 8th house Gemini Moon)
✨Taurus and Scorpio risings tend to be possessive in love due to the influence of Scorpio and Taurus on their 7th house.
~Hope you enjoyed this🌻🦋🤍please go check out this star in the making, her music helped me so much with curating these notes
🥀 Standard Birth Chart Reading ~ $15.00
🥀Birth Chart Degree Reading~ $10.00
🥀 Synastry Reading~ $15.00
🥀Career Reading~ $10.00
🥀 Natal Gifts Analysis ~ $10.00
~cosmix plexus©🦋
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