#sun opposite saturn synastry
geovanag · 18 days
Aspects in the synastry chart that are mistaken for love at first sight but reveal themselves over time ☄️
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In synastry, certain astrological aspects can initially create a strong romantic attraction, but over time, reveal significant differences between partners that could lead to challenges.
In this article I would like to talk about some aspects that I have noticed in my own synastry.
Venus Square/Opposite Uranus
It can create a dynamic, exciting but unpredictable energy between two people. Over time, however, the tension can become unbearable. There is an instant spark and the relationship can start suddenly or unexpectedly. Uranus finds Venus' charm and love intriguing. The unpredictability in the relationship can be intoxicating for Venus and create a strong initial attraction. Venus feels insecure or uncertain about where they stand in the relationship. In this relationship Venus regularly takes on the role of showing love and care, while Uranus often avoids this, often with a desire to create space for itself, so feelings of neglect or worthlessness are very evident. Uranus can resist Venus' attempts to "settle down" or establish traditional relationship norms. The relationship may become too challenging to sustain, potentially leading to a breakup.
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Mars Square/Opposite Neptune
If this aspect forms the main layer of synastry, there is probably too much “idealization” between the two people. The Mars person is drawn to the sensual nature of the Neptune person. Mars might naturally want to move the relationship forward in a clear, decisive manner. However, as time goes on, Mars might feel frustrated by the lack of clarity in the relationship with Neptune. Mars might start to feel that Neptune is elusive or inconsistent. Mars straightforward approach to love and relationships clashes with Neptune’s more subtle, evasive nature. The tension in this aspect often arises from misaligned expectations. Neptune, on the other hand, might feel pressured or overwhelmed by Mars direct approach, leading to further retreat into Neptune’s dreamy, elusive energy. Both partners might struggle with accepting the more mundane or challenging aspects of the relationship, leading to disappointment or disillusionment.
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Sun Square/Opposite Saturn
In this relationship, the Sun person may feel that he or she is being molded into a pattern and therefore “the light has gone out”. They may feel that their Saturn person is making them feel that they are never good enough at this point. At first they will realize that Saturn brings stability and discipline into their lives. The Sun person will like this. But over time it may seem as if this is draining their (the Sun person's) energy. Like when they enter a social setting and one of them smiles too much and the other one looks around with a flat expression. Saturn, who doesn't shy away from taking responsibility, can take the initiative but it starts to burden him. He restricts many of the Sun's behaviors for fear of a possible change. Saturn is about the present tense, while the Sun is about the “now”. The Saturn person's control is likely to oppose the Sun person's leadership role. Over time, both parties may start to feel resentment. The Saturn person may resent the Sun person for what they see as irresponsibility or frivolity.
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Moon Square/Opposite Mercury
The Moon person may feel that the Mercury person focuses too much on rationality and does not empathize with their emotional experiences, leading to feelings of frustration and emotional neglect. The Moon person may perceive the Mercury person as someone who belittles their feelings. When the Moon person expresses their feelings, they may feel that the Mercury person responds in an overly distant way. The Mercury person, who values clear communication and logical thinking, may feel confused by the intensity of the Moon person's emotions. The Mercury person may see the Moon person as irrational because of his or her excessive use of emotion. The Mercury person may try to communicate sensitively to nurture the Moon person's emotionality, but this will be challenging. The Moon person may feel that by keeping up with Mercury, he/she is becoming callous while using logic.
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Venus Square/Opposite Saturn
Saturn's influence can feel cold or distant and can make the Venus person feel rejected or unworthy. They may question whether they are truly loved or valued by the Saturn person. They may feel that they cannot be fully themselves or that they have to conform to the Saturn person's expectations or standards, which can lead to feelings of frustration and emotional suffocation. The Saturn person may perceive the Venus person's needs for love and approval as excessive or demanding. The Saturn person may feel that they need to set limits or impose restrictions. The Saturn person may be afraid, creating distance to protect themselves from being hurt. This aspect can lead to feelings of loneliness and frustration within the relationship. The Venus person may feel rejected, unloved and restricted in their ability to express love. The Saturn person may feel crushed under the responsibility of the relationship and may fear being too vulnerable.
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I just feel “battered” as someone who has experienced all of these aspects in synastry. Remember that although the square - opposite can be difficult, the problems will disappear if both people consciously work on their relationship.
Take Care,
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astroismypassion · 1 month
Composite and Synastry chart real life observations by @astroismypassion
Credit to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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🔴 Moon square Jupiter in Synastry chart: I just didn’t enjoy that one as much. Especially if you have positive Moon Jupiter aspect in your individual Natal chart (sextile, trine), you are likely to not like this as much. Positive is that you can be much more realistic than usual and you have a very realistic grasp on who the person is. You don’t idealize them, put them on the pedestal. Negatives: there are a few actually, you probably live at a distance from each other or even whenever this person is in your home, you could feel like they are at times in a different place mentally, only physically present with you, but the mind is somewhere else. Likely not hanging out as much in each other’s home, usually out in the city exploring new places. A LOT of rationalizing of feelings happening. There is present the feeling of “false hope”. If this is a crush, person can do something really sweet, but in your mind you’re like “can’t have up hopes up”, because usually it’s just a kind gesture or they are being nice and friendly. You feel like exaggerating emotions or being overly dramatic is something that isn’t “allowed” or well accepted in this connection. Hence again rationalising emotions, feelings and gut reactions is likely to happen. Jupiter person feels like how Moon person expresses their feelings is just not one of the ideal traits they are searching for in the long run. This can also happen that Jupiter person might not want to move in with the Moon person. Jupiter person wanting to keep their own place or living on their own.
🔴 Mars sextile Mercury in Synastry chart: Mars person is usually more communicative. Mars person can also start majority of conflicts with Mercury person. Mars person might not like Mercury’s friends, on a few, if it’s positive aspects (sextile, trine). Mars person feels like Mercury person doesn’t communicate enough and not regularly enough with them. Mars person feels like they need to rationalize behaviour or reactions, which results in “walking on eggshells” with the Mercury person. Usually both like to resolve disagreement on the spot, right away and usually very quick resolution.
🔴 Mars trine Moon in Synastry chart: Mars person encourages Moon person to express their emotions more. Moon can feel peaceful when Mars person is arguing. Moon person react emotionally when Mars person is angry or voices disagreement. Likely working out together or just very active when visiting each other’s home. Both Mars and Moon person are very encouraging of each other to be expressive of needs and wishes directly and openly. Be mindful of unexpected pregnancies, you two are likely more fertile together than with other people!
🔴 Mercury in the 8th house in the Composite chart: Be mindful of the power of words in this connection. Because sometimes you may hurt each other with words so deeply that the wounds won’t heal. Positives: you encourage each other a lot of speak up your mind and the other person always wants to know what the other is thinking. Negatives: there can be outbreaks of anger, crying, accusations or an emotional breakdown at some point. But the thing is that this can be a positive as well, because you will feel like it’s “cleansing”, that you are not only letting go the argument with your person, but also previous past hurts, because you realize that those past feelings that you had as a past version of yourself don’t resonate with you anymore and that they are not relatable to you anymore. So like I said strong cleansing energy with this one, but it is on both ends happening, not just one person. Basically how the other person thinks helps to shape a newer, better version of yourself, you mature a lot. Try not to be too serious all the time, but also not to push their limits. More humour, joy is needed in conversations.
🔴 Venus in the 8th house in the Composite chart: The bond you have with this person really touches you on the inside. If it’s romantic, feelings for this person can scare you a little bit, because it can catch you off guard, when you are the least looking for a romantic connection or when you gave up. But when you cool off a little bit and become yourself again, you are likely to find this connection very positive and uplifting. Beware of placing too high of expectations on your person. If the connection is too intense at certain moments, try to keep your individuality and ground yourself, the person won’t go anywhere. You “melt” into each other, if you aren’t afraid to give up control, you experience what others often miss out.
🔴 Sun in the 8th house in Composite chart: Likely to earn a lot of money together. Probably feel like it was a fated even that you got to know each other. While in this connection you are likely to discover interest in your own life that you will grow very passionate about. Likely to experience career change, a move or start learning about a new topic while in this connection. Your old parts of personality that don’t serve you anymore will be replaced with new ones. Again, a better version of yourself.
🔴 Moon in the 7th house in the Composite chart: Trust here is usually very easy, unless the Moon is aspected by malefic planets. It’a very important that both feel emotionally content, because any divergence from that, the other person starts feeling really bad about themselves too. But if one person is jovial, happy and bright, the other person is likely to mirror back and feel that just as well.
🔴 Venus square Saturn in Synastry chart: Saturn person is willing to take on all responsibility for Venus person, but Saturn person demands and expects respect for it. Venus person likes that they can rely on Saturn person, Venus person can still be dissatisfied with the connection. Saturn person has hard time letting go and Venus person has a hard time relaxing Saturn person. Venus person can benefit from this (if they allow Saturn person to help them relax), since they can become for confident. What you really want is honest affection, but you just end up getting security.
🔴 Venus square Uranus in Synastry chart: Feelings can quickly develop, but you will still have doubts, if the connection is manageable to be long-term or you will doubt whether you will be in each other’s life for years, even if just friends. There is this feeling present that everything can quickly change and end quickly as well. Uranus person can’t really appreciate affection Venus person gives. But instead rather they appreciating affection, they feel trapped in the connection, restricted and like they need even more freedom. Uranus person can also be in a very non-commital era of their life. When Uranus person shows themselves as they are, that is freedom loving, Venus person feels hurt, under-appreciated, but also rejected or ignored. Venus person dislikes unpredictability of Uranus person, instead Venus person needs more warmth and sensitivity.
🔴 Sun in the 6th house in the Composite chart: Both could feel like you didn’t enter the connection voluntarily or wholeheartedly. Could end up feeling used, restricted in one way or another. You could be staying together for practical reasons. Might even stay together out of feeling obligated or because leaving your person could end up making you feel guilty.
🔴 Moon in the 3rd house in the Composite chart: Communication will always be determined by your feelings for each other. You both agree on how to do things. Make sure not to take advantage of your person’s weaknesses in arguments. Both feel immediately hurt if a misunderstanding happens.
🔴 Pluto square Mars in Synastry chart: Both are afraid that you will miss out on something, if you don’t commit to this connection and get involved with each other, either platonically or romantically. Pluto person is very set and focused on their own ambitions, long-term goals and can see Mars person as not as driven, ambitious as they are. Mars person can come across as a bit primitive to the Pluto person. Both are stubborn to make their goals a reality, even when those goals are clashing. Sex is like glue here, because it’s the only thing you both enjoy and agree on. Both need to learn compromise. It’s like Mars person wants to “conquer” Pluto person, but Pluto person can’t be conquered or doesn’t want to be conquered.
🔴 Mars sextile Mars in Synastry chart: There isn’t any competition between you two. Both take great initiative, so this is better for a long-term connection.
🔴 Venus opposition Mars in Synastry chart: If this is romantic, probably both don’t like traditional gender roles and you rebel against that. Venus person can be more vulnerable, feminine than Mars person. Especially, if Venus person is a man and Mars person a woman, Venus person cannot do the same things as they did with previous women. Mars person wants less vulnerable, sensitive partner, but instead desires a partner who takes initiative and works a lot. Venus person want vulnerability and harmony, Mars person wants strength and passion. Venus person also can’t appreciate Mars person’s strength and independence.
🔴 Sun in the 5th house in the Composite chart: Both accept each other as you are and give a great deal of independence and freedom to each other. You have a life outside of this connection and you don’t put pressure onto each other. But too much freedom can quickly turn into lack of interest in this connection.
🔴 Moon in the 4th house in the Composite chart: You are likely to be overprotective of this connection. And if someone say something about your connection you won’t take it lightly. You want to be in your own bubble and want to avoid being irritated by the outside world.
🔴 Moon in the 6th house in the Composite chart: You could feel like there is some sort of emotional neglect happening in this connection. One person can also think that they are giving more than the other. This is actually one placement that thrives when there is a bit of friction, because you will understand each other better after.
🔴 Moon opposite Mars in Composite chart: A lot of letting your bad mood out on each other out of frustration or being dissatisfied with yourself. You may not always be able to give comfort to each other. You may also not share your life with your person, because you think your own interests would suffer.
🔴 Moon square Pluto in Composite chart: You will need to learn how to respect your partner’s feelings. And to not jump to conclusions too quickly and learn how to see an issue from an emotional distance. Avoid needing to know every single secret of your person. Or making up expectations from your own feeling of insecurity that no one can fulfil.
🔴 Moon in the 5th house in the Composite chart: Both can be too moody, changeable and inconsistent to overcome challenges together. Also can be easily offended because of an exaggerated pride in this connection. You could have troubles committing to this person, because you might have a feeling that you might be missing something.
🔴 Sun in the 9th house in Composite chart: You may want to outshine each other with your achievements. You may struggle with closeness or you just don’t want to admit your weaknesses. You also get a lot of opportunities to create a future together.
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Credit to my Tumblr blog @astroismypassion
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bluee08 · 2 years
Astro observations 《3》
Disclaimer : Not an astrologer, take it with a grain of salt, only for fun.
🫧 Asteroid Orma in 8th house might be the people to leave an impression of being hella reserved in a mysterious way. Like they might tell you a story and you will always feel like there is something more to it.
🪩 Mars in 3rd house people often say something offending without meaning to and regret the very next second. Trust me it's not their fault, they wanted to say something else and ended up saying something totally unexpected. They also feel guilty about it for days and feel sad that they might have come off rude for no reason.
🫧 Neptune conjuct ascendant, they are the real chameleons. They can mold themselves as per the situation demands. Ngl it comes handy sometimes. Like I remember when I was in 6th grade I was caught into a very serious matter but I pretended as if nothing happened and flew away. When the other guys rattled me out to the teacher, she said It's impossible that I was involved and that she doesn't believe them. She didn't hear a single word against me. Lol no, I wasn't her favorite student or something. It's just that I had maintained a certain reputation among different sect of people as per my own convenience. Call it manipulation if you want, if that doesn't explain the planet itself.
🪩 Pluto trine Lilith, it's not always sexuality that comes to the mind when we hear about these folk. Lilith here is aware that pluto is her benefactor. But it takes time for her to feel comfortable in her own domain. She is powerful here and knows what she wants. Definitely won't take anyone's bullshit. Her transformation can be scary and ruthless if someone tries to pin her down.
🫧 Jupiter sextile Pluto have a deep interest in forbidden things. Learning things that often people consider taboo is their thrill. They may or may not share the knowledge but they are always resourceful about topics relatated to dark themes of life. Feel free to discuss anything with them, they won't judge you infact they will help you inhance your own boundaries. You will be surprised how normal they'll sound while talking about things that might trigger other people even if they have gone through the same.
🪩 The one guy I had a Aphrodite-Eros synastry with made me feel like...idk strange. I was on a constant pedestal. I cared a lot about him. His Eros conjucted my Aphrodite and I looked out for him a lot. There was a thick sexual tension but also comfort. He also made me get a taste of jealousy. Which I don't usually feel. I used to constantly compare myself with the girls he used to interact with. We were not dating but I just couldn't help but feel insecure. Not because of him....idk why I was acting like that when I knew I was pretty enough.
🫧 Mars opposite Venus people get sudden mood swings from doing absolutely nothing to doing everything in next one hour. Oh and they'll do it again if it ain't asthetically pleasing to the eye.
🪩 Sun sextile Saturn, trust me they do know how to control themselves and take things with a grain of salt. Their ego is well maintained and not fragile unlike others. Very understanding and real mature people.
🫧 Sun sextile/trine Moon are the most compassionate and intuned with their selves. They know themselves better than anyone else. Also they always know exactly what they are feeling at any given time. Even if they are depressed at some point they won't give up easily.
🪩 Neptune negatively aspecting Saturn, dreaming big is easy, isn't it? But when you start implanting those dreams in real life your dreams remain dreams only. Don't worry though. It's a lesson. Don't give up, try harder. Dream as big as you want but at the end of the day remember to open your eyes and start afresh with new motivation. And please don't listen to those who tell you to quit it down. Your dreams are not weird or impossible or too much. Those people are just jealous because of how big your ambitions are and how far you are willing to go for it. Don't restrict your imagination for someone else. Believe yourself, you can do it!
🫧 Pluto in 10th house solar return chart can indicate a huge change in academic life or anywhere you are working at. For better or worse you better take precautions before hand. I am having it this year with mars in 3rd house and trust me from an above average student my grades are becoming poor. If I were to describe my graph I can see it coming downhill like a water slide which is creating quite an impression on my parents as well as my teachers. Note the sarcasm.
🪩 Saturn in 7th house could indicate having no interest in relationships at first or people being afraid to ask you out but when you grow up, settle well, you find yourself looking for your better half, resulting in either meeting them late or doing an arrange marriage.
🫧 Saturn opposite ascendant are the people who often get told that they look unapproachable on first glance. Kind of the 'out of league' vibe surrounds them. Which is not always true but I have noticed people do think twice before approaching them. These sweeties are also damn soft on the inside but for only those who do dare to talk to them. They rarely take the initiative themselves. But come ask help from them and they will risk their lives for you.
🪩 Mercury aspecting chiron could indicate healing your wounds by diving into the world of books. You might like to read or write journals when you are feeling down. There might be a small diary or pages that you have written when you were at your lowest. Its also possible that you start writing a novel or something to help you voice out your pain through written words.
🫧 Sun conjuct asteroid Medusa. Damn! You could have curly hair or hairs that are a lot wavy, thick and voluminated. Highly blessed in hair department. Many people might have praised you or complimented on your hair from a very young age. This could also indiacte a lot of body hair. From top to bottom you have body hair and trust me its not a bad thing. Its a blessing of being powerful, embrace it. It's just a hunch but some may have complimented you on that too.
🪩 Mars in 3rd house can't watch porn without audio or no communication during the deed. They always want to hear the sounds, no, they NeeD to hear the sounds raw! Only visuals is boring for them just as adding some weird music to the video. No, its not creating the mood, its ruining my experience, pls stop it.
🫧 You don't wanna hear someone moan who has their personal planets conjucting asteroid Sirene. Trust me you will get addicted. Its insane and I am not bluffing. Their voice may or may not be as addictive in general but in bed? Or when they want to take something from you? You will be trapped even before you blink. It's dangerous.
🪩 What's with Taurus Mars and Laziness? So much potential and still they study few hours before exam, complete assignments few minutes before submission and still have the audacity to say they will easily pass. Like bro if that's how you pass then I can't imagine how you will top....
🫧 Moon in 4th house people are highly invested in family matters. Family comes first to them and then the rest. The kind of people to tolerate an unhappy married life for the sake of their kids because they can't see their family being split apart.
🪩 Mars aspecting Pluto. It doesn't matter if it is positively aspected or negatively aspected, there is a lot of pent up frustration and anger issues underneath this placement. If provoked or underdeveloped could result in a very sudden and violent rage from this person. Better to leave them alone in such situations.
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punksocks · 1 year
Astrology observations No.15
*just my opinions, take them with a grain of salt
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-Neptune hard aspects to Mercury/ Neptune in 3rd/Pisces Mercury- people may constantly underestimate your intelligence and they’re genuinely surprised if you’re observant/smart
-The only Virgo risings I’ve known that are not skinny/petite have mars conjunct asc (even then they had a period of time when they were really skinny and either got out of that on purpose or on accident)
-Did you notice that a lot of Cancer Asc men get cast as like “traditional” manly men. I saw Ben Affleck was a Cancer Asc and Kurt Russel! They’re both known for their action movies (I like Kurt Russel more lol) and I was looking at Jon Hamm’s birth chart and he’s a cancer Asc too. He prefers to be a comedy guy, but looks like he walked out of the 50s so he had his breakthrough in mad men. (There’s also a lot going on there with that whole hazing scandal that I note everytime I see him so that’s a lot)
-Libra mars Asc try not to get frustrated but often their mars energy leaks out in other ways and they end up expressing their anger somehow despite the passive aggressive placement for a mars sign
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-Fire Mercuries (especially Leo and Sagittarius) copy speech patterns/catch phrases a lot imo, almost as much as water Mercuries but less exact mimicry. Earth Mercuries tend to have very specific speech patterns that don’t change too much throughout their life, they can be very direct and to the point but will have a great deal of detail to share depending on the subject. Air Mercuries tend to have very distinct speech patterns and usually are the most likely to talk and write in their own sort of prose, I’ve known a few (specifically Gemini Mercuries) that have overcome speech impediments and become great, captivating speakers.
-Pluto touching Saturn can amplify its lessons and effects to a higher degree. (Trine, Sextile) will make the experiences more intense but conjunction, opposition, and square could make these effects explosive and intense. With both positive and negative aspects the native will be forced to transform and change their ways- with the negative aspects (conjunct, opposition, square) the native will feel the trials they go through in these transformations
-12th house placements can give you psychic dreams, I’ve also frequently dreamed being people other than myself. Mars will have action oriented dreams. Sun may have more dreams about experiences they’ve had echoing in their dreams. Moon will have deep emotional experiences. Venus may dream about love and friendships.
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-Moon opposition sun synastry can create a lot of tension in a romantic relationship. There seems to be some underlying competitiveness going on. Especially if the moon and the sun are Cardinal signs.
-Moon conjunct Sun synastry can be intense. I think it shows how conjunct can be a negative aspect. The energies can understand each other sure, but they can also become an echo chamber of feeding into each other’s egos. I feel similarly about Sun conjunct Asc synastry. (My parents had this and oof, if that relationship isn’t karmic anyway it’s even more so now..)
-The only conjunct synastry I think I had intensely play out was Scorpio moon conjunct my Asc (I didn’t even realize it at the time) it was a lot! Fun and passionate but also he would get so overwhelmed he would be just shaking in normal conversation. Felt like with that and the 8th house synastry and my venus conjunct his pluto there was no was to turn the heat down and be normal with each other. Like we knew it would be short term but he was like talking about the future then I was overthinking the future and then it was over and idk that’s too much imo lol, lil dramatic just to be over in a snap. (Local Capricorn moon doesn’t get what all the fuss is about lol)
-Plus you can have all the positive synastry in the world, it really depends on timing and effort and individual choices and joint communication to work on your relationship, it’s an effort game
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starsworldd · 2 years
✪ short astrology observations pt. 2 ✪
**these are just observations only take what resonates they’re not supposed to be the most accurate thing on this planet lol**
: ̗̀➛ leo moons are weird + energetic, but at the same time they’re also funny and charming about it :>
: ̗̀➛ having your 10th house/mc ruler in your 4th or 5th house may mean that you start with your career really young or that you have success with your career young (billie eilish + britney spears have these placements)
: ̗̀➛ moon in 5th house is relatively common in celebrities (madison beer, the weeknd, grace kelly)
: ̗̀➛ 10th house/mc ruler in first house or conjunct the ascendant is another common fame indicator
: ̗̀➛ sun-neptune conjunction in natal chart can make one express themselves like they’re in a movie (makeup, outfits, boys, fantasies + daydreams, etc…)
: ̗̀➛ you’re either obsessed or disgusted when you have someone else’s planets falling in your 8th house
: ̗̀➛ possibly far-fetched but i’ve noticed people who have well-placed venus’ (in a sign of domicile/exaltation or in 2nd/7th/12th house) or venus retrograde in their chart often take longer to get into relationships or they have more difficulty finding a good match
: ̗̀➛ another far fetched thing but if you have night chart might mean you’re most active during the night and if you have a day chart means your most active during the day
: ̗̀➛ another big fame indicator i’ve noticed is sun in 7th house in whole signs for celebrities. sometimes sun in 6th but i’ve especially noticed 7th house suns (whole signs). some celebrities who have this are michael jackson, ariana grande, and bob dylan
: ̗̀➛ pisces risings be like: 🧿 🧿 (these are eyes btw)
: ̗̀➛ venus conjunct mc in a lunar return chart may mean going to gatherings + parties with friends and getting to know new people :>
: ̗̀➛ gemini risings have cute + youthful faces i love it
: ̗̀➛ your rising sign being ruled by luminary (cancer + leo) or saturn (aquarius + capricorn) could mean that you physically age well
: ̗̀➛ scorpio moons 🤝 obsessed with astrology
hope you enjoyed! lemme know what other posts you guys would like to see 💫
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Synastry aspects with my unforgettable and beloved ex (Personal Experience) *Part-1* 💝👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏻
I’ve been feeling quite nostalgic about the memories I had with my first ex in these days. I normally don’t reveal my feelings this because I’m worried that I wouldn’t be able to control myself and things would go worse as I tend to be impulsive when I really want something. However, I checked our synastry chart last night as I couldn’t sleep and I saw some lovey-dovey aspects as well as heartbreak aspects so let’s dive into it!🤿
His sun conjuncts my moon
💗This is a traditional soulmate aspect and I also think he’s my soulmate. We broke up because we were too young and our parents forced us to. Also, it was because he was moving to another city. If it had not been like that, I’m pretty sure that we would still be together to this day. He has also told me that he felt that we’re soulmates. I felt very comfortable with him most of the times and he just got me. He understood my feelings and I also could tell his feelings just by looking at him. Our energies also sometimes were mixed up. If he was sad, I was sad too and we were not even in the same place at those times. It was like magic. He was like the Ying to my Yang and Romeo to my Juliet. Even though we don’t have mercury aspects, our conversations were always going with the flow and there was not a single time when we had nothing to say. We were friends and also lovers.👫🏻
His moon conjuncts my Venus
💗This is also very warm and sweet, especially in Cancer. We both were romantic but needless to say, as I have a Venus in 12th house, I made more romantic gestures for him than he did for me. Whenever we were together, we stared at each other while holding hands and we smiled and giggled. It was like a scene from a typical high school romance movie. I loved to hold his hands so much. I felt very safe when I held his hands. I used to hug him from behind and from the front and at those times, I just felt like I was at home even though I was at school where I hated the most. I used to rub his cheeks while holding his hands from the other hand when he cried. I felt appreciated with him and we loved each other’s presence. Lovey-dovey for sure!👀
My moon conjuncts his mars
💗This is known as a “baby making” aspect in synastry from my knowledge. And even though we didn’t have sex and he didn’t even touch my private parts and neither did I, I always felt this electric connection flowing in my body whenever he touched my arms and thighs. My blood boiled suddenly and it was special. I felt like he could be the father of my children lmao😭😂. And I also loved staring at him and brushing off his hair when he slept. He was like a cheerleader for me too. He supported me emotionally and I supported him to take actions to achieve his goals. I was prone to anxiety attacks so I had difficulties in studying but he uplifted me and I also helped him learn by studying with him together. The connection between us felt so traditional though. Most of the time, I loved switching gender roles (not in bed). For instance, I didn’t want to become a housewife who stays at home and takes care of children. But with him, I just wanted to marry him, stay at home, nurture him and our children, cook for them and do typical housewife duties.👰🏻‍♀️
His venus trines my mars
💗That also indicates a sexual attraction but his Venus was in Leo and I am allergic to guys with Venus in Leo. I just don’t get along with them normally because they irritate me. They want someone who they can show off to public and I don’t know his intentions towards me but urgh idk I don’t like Venus Leo men (I love girls though). At this point, I think I played as a masculine role and he was in feminine mood because I kissed him first. Yes you saw it. He wasn’t making any moves so I wasn’t patient anymore and I just kissed him and he was soo surprised because in our country, girls don’t normally kiss first. He told me that it turned him on more but in a romantic way and not sexually.😃
My moon conjuncts his Jupiter
💗We were bubbly together. I laughed with him a lot and our relationship was teemed with giggles and crazy laughs. I enjoyed his company and he enjoyed mine too. I felt expanded intellectually when I was with him and I was willing to do everything together with him such as traveling and trying out adventurous activities. I provided him to open up his feelings but he never fully did.🤷🏻‍♀️
My sun squares his mars
💗We rarely fought during our relationship but there was one fight that I can never forget. At that time, he teased me about a trivial matter and I was so serious about it because I was on a period and I lashed out my anger at him. He didn’t get it and he never retreated and went on teasing me so I didn’t talk to him for 3 days even though he was sitting beside me in the class for all those days. He tried so hard to make me talk to him but I kinda insulted his mom and his exes and then, he fought me back (he was a momma boy, he still is). Our argument was intense and explosive. My mars Aries shot his ass off with non-stop cursing words and he also said that I was selfish and etc. The fight ended with the help of mutual friends but during the argument, it was like two tigers fighting for a piece of beef.🐯
His sun sextiles my Venus
💗I have to admit it. I liked him first and I kind of flirted with him. He flirted me back and we got together. From the first time I saw him, I had this lil crush on him like he was my type even though he didn’t meet my expectations. I adored him the way he was. I just felt so positive about him and he told me he felt it too.
My north node squares his moon
💗I have seen in a post on tumblr (I don’t remember the original author sorry) that those people whose personal planets make square aspect to your north node may drag you down or delay you in some way. In other words, they may be the reason for delays and restrictions to get to your life purpose. His moon squares my north node and I had to process our break up for about a year because of his feelings and mine. I don’t know how to explain this but I felt emotionally stuck with him like I could not escape from my own emotions and I felt that he was the one responsible for it.
My Lilith conjuncts his Venus
💗It’s really interesting to see this pattern going on with me because there are 3 guys that I can never forget in my life and two of them have their Venus conjunct my Lilith. I’ve read countless posts about Lilith contacts and I still don’t clearly get who is more obsessed with who but I’m pretty sure I was the one more obsessed with both of them. I couldn’t let go of them even after a long time. This guy and I broke up 3 years ago and look at me, I’m still here, writing a post about the synastry between him and I😭😂. Plus, I felt that I could show my Lilith side to him without worrying about being judged. So if any of you have experiences with Lilith conjunct venus, please share yours freely because I’m so curious!!😩
His Lilith conjuncts my mercury
💗He was obsessed with the way I talked. He told me to talk more with him about various topics because he felt good hearing my voice. I find this funny because my word usages are not even attractive and my voice is also not hot but he said he loved it. He didn’t like it too when I talked to other people, even to my older cousin brother. Pretty bit of a tiny red flag but I was so in love with him so I was blind at that time.😪
My Chiron opposes his Venus
💗This is also a same pattern because I was always heartbroken by guys who had their Venus in aspect with my chiron (not only opposition). People say that Venus conjunction chiron is a marriage aspect and it’s very healing but I got major traumas from a guy whose Venus conjunct my chiron so hmm umm excuse me!? Back to my ex, his Venus is in opposition with my chiron and it was not healing at all. AT ALL. He traumatized me. His parents traumatized me. His friends traumatized me. Honestly, it’s very complicated to explain but the reason why I got bullied and slut-shamed at school is because of him. But those experiences made me stronger and more mature. It brought me to where I am right now and that’s why I don’t regret it. It hurt me so much though. Like a sword in my heart.😔
His Saturn conjuncts my ascendant
💗So, I don’t have much to say about this aspect but I felt insecure with him at some times. Especially when it came to my daily activities and my appearance. I felt that I wasn’t pretty enough and I felt ashamed to mention what I did in my daily life. But this is not very personal because most guys from my class had their Saturn conjunct my ascendant as Saturn moves not so fast and those guys were at the same age with me. In a way, I felt insecure about my appearance with people who were at the same age with me.
His moon conjuncts my ascendant
💗I’m not very sure about this because I don’t know his birth time and the moon can differ from 1-10 degrees forward or backward depending on the birth time. But his moon is at 15 degrees (without birth time) and my ascendant is at 21 degrees, so it conjuncts as of now. I felt at ease with him as I mentioned earlier but I’m going to talk more about this aspect in my later post because his moon is in my 12th house and I have a lot to say about that. Even creepy and paranormal stuffs.🥶
His chiron conjuncts my descendant
💗I searched it up on Google and I saw that the chiron person is destined to give the descendant person a lesson in whatever ways and that is absolutely true. He brought lessons into my life and I’m really grateful for those and interestingly, back in those days, most guys in my class also had their chiron conjunct my descendant and they also brought me lessons and lessons and lessons. The whole class didn’t speak to me FYI. And also the whole school. That’s okay now because I realized that being alone doesn’t mean feeling lonely and you can feel lonely even though you’re going out with friends if you’re not in the right circle.
Anyways, I had to write this out because my heart was crying out for him so much and the only thing I can do at this time is writing this and recalling some sweet memories we shared. I have a love-hate relationship with him and currently, I miss him so much and wanna talk to him but I can’t. I wanna g we back with him kinda but as my friend said, there was a reason why I broke up with him and why I blocked him on social media so I shouldn’t go back.
This is the end of this post and remember these are not facts. These are just my personal experiences so take them with a pinch of salt!! Thank you for reading to the end and have a nice day!❤️
•There is gonna be a part-2 for the synastry with this ex and I will be mentioning about house overlays in that post but mainly about moon in 12th house so stay tuned!✨
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vivmaek · 2 years
Least favourite synastry aspects?
Some of my least favorite synastry aspects...
Moon Square Pluto - I experienced some major power struggles in a relationship with this aspect. This has a very passionate effect that runs on obsessiveness. My partner was extremely jealous of me, and was also possessive. He was very suspicious of me, and later on in the relationship I became suspicious of him. It really wasn’t fun, I kind of felt like I was going crazy. A lot of these struggles were not overtly obvious, it took me some time to realize what was going on.
Mercury Square Ascendant - This relationship was riddled with constant misunderstandings. It was hard to reach a sense of cooperation sometimes. We had lots of differing opinions that would lead to circular arguments. Honestly, there were many situations in which I was far too critical of him. (My Mercury being in Virgo definitely didn’t help.)
Jupiter Square Sun - My sense of values was just completely different from this person. Everything felt like it was too much, there was a lot of drama. I think we got into this partnership overlooking the actual work that a long-term relationship takes. I thought he was self-centered, he thought I was unrealistic.
Saturn Opposition Mars - During this relationship, my partner's recklessness and immaturity caused many issues. I wanted to lay out clear boundaries, but he just never seemed to understand where I was coming from. It got to the point where I felt very controlling of him, and his personal decisions were affecting me way more than I should have let them. 
Jupiter Square Saturn - Free spirit meets stern traditional rule follower. It was interesting.. But also really annoying. 
Neptune Conjunct Venus - Okay look, yes this is a very romantic aspect and it inspires a lot of wonderful feelings. But, it is also overly idealistic and the expectations me and this person set up for one another just couldn’t be met. This type of disappointment is really hard to get over. This isn’t a terrible aspect, just one that needs to be treated delicately. 
These synastry aspect observations are based on my own personal experience with them, so these specific situations and energies may appear different for other people based on their own unique chart details. <3
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girlypopastro · 2 years
ignoring what my best friend says until she has a life shattering entanglement with somebody whose venus is in her 12h triggering her 12h mars and their sun exactly conjunct her saturn and their mars in her 8h while the eclipses are in her 1 and 7h
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botanicalsword · 2 months
Relationship ✧ Why Is It Difficult for You to Fall in Love?
You find it difficult to fall in love often grapple with the challenge of being vulnerable. 
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You are unable to engage in relationships that do not resonate with their authentic feelings - This inability to connect on a deeper level means that you cannot settle for mere companionship; they seek a a meaningful / emotional connection
Moon in the 1st House - Their existence is deeply rooted in their inner feelings - find it impossible to engage in relationships that don’t resonate with their true feelings / They cannot be with someone they don’t genuinely love
Moon in the 5th House - They are perpetually in search of the thrill and essence of romance - Difficulty in Opening Up Emotionally / struggle to engage in relationships that don’t align with their true emotions
Moon in the 7th House - They tend to invest themselves wholeheartedly in a relationship or marriage - often losing sight of their own identity - finding a partner who truly understands them is essential; otherwise, their kindness may be misplaced / they need a passionate and exhilarating connection that make them hesitant to settle down - as they fear that a stable relationship might lack the spark they so desperately desire / the constant search for the next great love story can leave them feeling unfulfilled 
Strong Sun and Mars energy - represent the qualities they admire in partners 
Strong Sun and Mars energy - High Standards / have high expectations / a heightened set of criteria for their potential partners
Empty 5th / 7th house - fewer opportunities for love and romance
Saturn in 5th / 7th House - a lack of romantic opportunities - making it challenging to establish a stable, lasting relationship
5th / 7th house ruler - Saturn - Limiting romantic encounters / possibilities 
Capricorn / Aquarius in 5th / 7th house 
5th / 7th house ruler / ruling planet conjunct Saturn
Venus-Saturn ( conjunction / opposition / square ) - suppression by Saturn / fewer romantic encounters
Neptune in 5th / 7th House - setbacks with unsuitable partners 
Pluto in 5th / 7th House - setbacks with unsuitable partners 
7th House Ruler in 10th House - strong desire for powerful partners - making it difficult for them to find anyone who meets their standards / they often feel that those they encounter fall far short of their expectations
7th House ruler in 12th House - hidden affair / elusive matters 
>> Relationship ✧ What is the long-term focus in this connection ✧ Composite Chart vs Davison Chart
>> Relationship • Observations on Marks chart
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geovanag · 8 months
🪐 Astrology Observations 5 🪐
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Capricorn Moon signs start to look more attractive to other people when they reach middle age (after 40).
You may know that the Moon is at its lowest position in Capricorn. So how did I make such an observation despite this position? By middle age, many turning points in a person's life are completed. The moon is one of them. Now the mature (Capricorn) emotions (moon) begin to show themselves.
Then these people, who maximize their emotional maturity, improve the problems in their relationships with their mothers and sometimes succeed in camouflaging their feelings and sometimes in sharing their feelings with people they feel close to.
(This was the position I observed in men).
I think the Sun Ascendant square aspect is really challenging for a man. He has a problem with the authority figure, the father from an early age. It may not be completely confrontational (unless Mars, saturn, uranus and pluto are in hard influence)
Being in the same environment together can make them feel like they are being restricted. Maybe they feel that something is wrong. But is it really what they think it is? Yes. With the other person, (the Sun) it is very difficult for them to forget everything and get back together with them. (Orb should be maximum 6)
Although they say that Juno is only a marriage indicator and other asteroids can show ceremonies like weddings, I don't go into that much detail. I think even Juno can show the wedding process. For example; I had a friend with Juno in Virgo. Maybe she didn't scrutinize the person she was going to marry down to the most meticulous detail, but the wedding process was exactly like that. She had prepared details down to what the guests would wear. Ugh I think it is very tiring, even though I have Virgo juno, lol
Juno in Virgo may have met the man she will marry at work.
Chiron - Moon square aspect, this aspect allows you to feel the healing and wounded spirit of Chiron deep down. Let's not discuss whether it's good or bad, but it's certainly very palpable. Your emotions are shaped by "compassion". For example, you see a homeless man and a little child a little further away. You feel infinite compassion for these two people and a desire to give them a home. You take into account the situation and circumstances and just think that they are in need of help. Independently of this, I find it interesting that people with this aspect do not get enough support from the women around them. Maybe this is how the "lacking" aspect of chiron works. I would like to write a more detailed article about Chiron.
Having a Venus-Neptune-Jupiter T-square. The signs and houses where the planets are located will play a serious role. I know someone who has this T-square in 2nd-4th-10th houses. I realized that he is not where he is supposed to be because of his family's pressures. He doesn't want to talk about it but I can observe it. Sometimes his mother and sometimes his father try to shape his future position, how he will earn money without asking him. This will hurt him a lot but he has a very strong character and he will get what he wants at the end of this path.
Having Pluto aspects in synastry is known to be quite difficult. But you should know that it is difficult for the planetary person. Because they are both deeply attracted to Pluto's mysterious aura and very annoyed by it. Both of these feelings are exhausting for them. I am not saying that Pluto benefits from this, but things are much simpler for Pluto. It's the other one who gets exhausted.
In the next post I will write about the ascendants in the Composite chart. New post will be coming very soon, please get in touch if you have any observations you would like to share.
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raisethetoast · 13 days
Astrology notes #3 🎀
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Please do not copy or plagerise my work, if you want some of my observations to be included, please mention my username, thx
🎀 Saturn is what glues two people together, but mostly negative aspects. There are other indications with bad aspects but they aren't strong as ones with saturn. Saturn makes bonds between people to mature more and grow through lessons
Ex. Saturn square Sun can make Sun person seem immature with their actions to Saturn person but at the same time Sun person grows with them
🎀 SN conjunct Sun can make the SN person feel connected to the Sun person (had this more than 5 times and they kept coming back 😭), same thing goes with Vx
🎀 Moon in 8th house is also a huge indicator of connection between two people, the moon person can read the house person very well or vice versa
The time just hit 12:22 PM while editing 😭
🎀 Mercury opposite or square Mercury is a BIG NO NO for me, these two people can't communicate with each other appropriately and the amount of miscommunication is overloaded 😭 (seriously I don't know how any of yall can manage to still have conversations with those people)
🎀 Moon aspects with other one's Moon are huge indicators of soul connections, especially conjunctions. Could possibly mean soulmate connection.
🎀 Asc conjunct Moon means that the Asc person can really treat the Moon person well and fulfill their needs. (This one is the cutest for me)
🎀 Twin flame connections are usually opposites or conjunctions in synastry (can be quincunx too, but I don't really work with that minor aspect)
Ex. Sun opposite Sun, Moon opposite Moon, Mercury quincunx Mercury, etc.
🎀 Uranus aspects to Mars or Venus are indicators of attraction or sudden connection, same as any planet conjunct Dsc or Asc
🎀 Pluto in 6th house is not ideal for for them to do daily routines together as the house person can be really aware and sense a lot of skeptical energy from Pluto person, but it doesn't have to be true IF the Pluto person doesn't have any negative aspects in their NA to Pluto or the house person doesn't have any bad aspects to Pluto in synastry.
🎀 Mars square personal planets is at the same time extremely attractive but deadly as many conflicts might arise 😭 (Can't help it but attract them in my life 🤷🏼‍♀️)
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black-lake · 9 months
astro observations 11
your astro granny is back, I've been doing this for so long omg. some of it is venting, like always, so ignore that, but maybe don't you may find words of wisdom there. anyway, enjoy. also warning, it escalates to heavier subjects fast 🪐 🔭
🕰️ Virgo and gemini risings can pull off any type of glasses, sunglasses, bug-eye glasses, cat-eye, mirrored ray-bans, you name it. They even look cute with goggles no joke. They also make the smart and academia aesthetics look so cool and elegant in a chaotic way, not in a taurus capricorn way but in a- 'I spilled coffee on my boss's laptop this morning and I'm still talking about it way- because omfg- did you see the way they looked at me? it's like I've done it on purpose or smth but I didn't, not sure if they have a crush on me or they fucking hate me, what do you think? I'm pretty sure they don't hate me tho, but I can't tell, do you think I should quit?' 🎙️🎬
🕰️ I recently looked up George Clooney's chart and omggg, it all makes sense. The moon conj saturn in capricorn, giving him that nostalgic wise aura along his taurus sun, uranus and pluto opp ascendant kind of indicating finding his perfect partner later on in life, venus in aries and mars in leo, he's fiery but that fire so damn well contained with all the earth. His asc and jupiter in aquarius, yeah only an aquarius women with so much air and intelligence can maintain his attention and lock him in lmao. His synastry with Amal Clooney reminds of that of Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively. Manifesting a relationship like this for everyone reading 🧘🏼‍♂️✨
🕰️ Personal planets in scorpio 10° or 22° is a sexy mf combo, esp moon, venus, mars and asc, it gives bedroom eyes and seductive domineer, also godmade bone structures. 🗿
🕰️ Pluto opposite or square ascendant, a very classic aspect for friends/coworkers/admirers/people in general turning enemies and talking shit behind your back. This aspect can easily make people speculate, overanalyze your actions, assume things, spread rumors and lies about you out of jealousy and intimidation. 
🕰️ Any planet conjunct the desc can bring the physical manifestation to that planet's shadow side, up to 10°. It can conceal traits of that planet in the sign it’s in, as it’s descending and escaping the sun’s light. Pluto on the desc brings a few shadow traits out of people and conceals their true intentions from the native. So the native has to face those traits, learn to see them from miles away, to discern what people’s intentions are and whether it's that or their own perception and fears. In other words, they start from naive to paranoid to bs detectors, and it takes a long painful journey to get there.
🕰️ Even tho personal planets on the desc are much easier to see and handle, venus on the descendant can bring shallow traits and empty promises out of people, mars on the descendant, not as easy, can bring out anger, toxic masculinity and aggression. Saturn on the desc can bring immaturity, irresponsibility, immoral and disloyal behaviors out of people, stagnation, delays in connection and loneliness, pushing the native to learn patience and endurance. The native will meet people with such traits over and over again until they learn to spot and discern them faster and take the right action. ☔️
🕰️ I’ll keep talking about it in this blog cuz it’s always been one of my biggest challenges. What I learned with pluto on the desc is that you will keep attracting the same kind of enemies to challenge you if you don’t own your power and stop diluting yourself for someone else's fragile power hungry ego, because people will have a problem with you anyway. Also don’t hold too tight to anyone, never be afraid to lose people, because trust me you will. Almost no one is meant to stay in your life, they’re meant to transform you and leave. The only thing you’re meant to rely on is your power and independence. The moment you see it the easier cutting ppl off becomes. 
🕰️ I have venus in aries and I find myself always having a girl crush on celebs with this placement, Rihanna, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Jennifer Aniston. They all seem to share that fiery independence mixed with a childlike but fierce demeanor which I admire, plus they never age. 🐈‍⬛
🕰️ I have mercury in aries and mars in scorpio, but for some reason I’m fascinated by people with mercury in aquarius and mars in sagittarius, with mercury in aqua I always expect something fascinating about their minds but I can't guess it cuz it's always different, but females with mars in sag omggg the sass is hilarious, I can’t help but laugh when they get blunt, loud and shady out of nowhere lmfao.
🕰️ Speaking of placements I’m fascinated by, what’s the deal with moon in taurus? I keep thinking it must be… nice.. to have? people that have it are so grounded and serene it makes me think it’s the best moon sign. If you have it please share the emotional difficulties you experience, because I can speak of every moon sign emotional traumas in detail but for some reason I be romanticizing this one. ☕️
🕰️ Another placement I really admire is moon conjunct saturn, there’s just something unspeakable, that isn’t tangible (even tho they have timeless mesmerizing eyes) but on a soul level I can sense their wisdom and nostalgic aura. It’s like there’s a balance of feminine and masculine qualities which come out in their mannerisms. People that have it, Timothée Chalamet, George Clooney, River Phoenix, and every hot man ever. 
🕰️ Have you ever asked yourself why Morgan Freeman has such deep unique and easily recognizable voice? It's his mercury conj uranus in taurus. Who else has an easily recognizable voice, Kim Kardashian, mercury conj uranus in scorpio. 
🕰️ Having the axis of virgo-pisces over your sun-moon, like virgo sun opposite pisces moon, or mercury-moon can give someone a soft voice, their voice can even be therapeutic and healing. Think of Michael Jackson's speaking voice.
🕰️ The hardest aspect in any chart for me are oppositions or squares to pluto, saturn and chiron. These are easily the most challenging aspects you can find in a chart.
🕰️ Those that have lilith/pluto in the 1st, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th tend to have haters in their workplace, in groups or wherever they go often. It’s saddening but I’ve seen it a lot. Can also make ppl copy your style or attitude then hate on it, and never admit they got inspired by you.
-- potential triggers in the following one, pls skip if necessary.
🕰️ Difficult planets on the angles, saturn, pluto and chiron mainly can truly mess with someone's mental health to the point of them wanting to- yeah that. The most drastic effect is when they sit on the descendant and MC, since it deals with connections, groups of people and the public, a lot of it is outside of the native's control, and at times more than what they can handle. Their usually painful past experiences and memories has shaped their perception of the world to a dark and despairing one where they don't see a better future for themselves. A few examples, Kurt Cobain (chiron and saturn conj desc and pluto conj asc all tightly opposing), Mac Miller (chiron conj desc, saturn conj asc and pluto conj MC). Marilyn Monroe (chiron conj MC and saturn close to the IC, pluto conj nn). 
🕰️ I see every major astrological transit as a collective test, lesson and preparation for the next transit. It made sense that corona happened when pluto was in capricorn, a pandemic that restricted our freedom and made us prisoners in our own homes. There was a stellium of mars, jupiter, saturn and pluto all in cap the moment quarantine started in march. It was all about teaching us to respect societal rules and structures that keep us safe, whether it had to do with the government or the medical system, whether it was real or fake or real fake. Yes you have to give up some freedom for safety, that’s how surveillance and security cameras everywhere you go work, for your safety. 
🕰️ It taught us to care for the health of humanity, to live responsibly and respectfully when in crisis, even if that means compromising our freedom and limiting our movement. Trusting that the structure built over the past decades is somewhat reliable and helpful. We saw how some people put their own freedom above anything and anyone out of superiority, that's the selfishness we collectively needed to face before pluto moves to aquarius and we are given freedom we didn't learn how to appreciate or use responsibly. We had to learn the value of personal freedom vs discipline and structure.
🕰️ There are two planets I’ve seen repeatedly in people that manifest like magic, saturn and neptune. To add a third it would be uranus. Conjunctions and oppositions to these planets are like superpowers in manifesting your desired reality. All work in different ways. 
🕰️ For example people that have personal planets conjunct saturn (esp sun and moon) are easily attuned with the physical world and have some sort of control over time, turning it backwards or forwards, making themselves look younger and older at the same time, knowing the actions to take to bring anything into the three-dimensional world.
🕰️ Now this leads me to an astrology book I recently came across, the Alien Constructs the work of Edwin Steinbrecher and Stephanie Jourdan, discovering aspects that constitute an alien chart. The alien construct occurs when one of the outer planets, that is saturn, uranus, neptune or pluto, is conjunct or opposite the sun, moon, ascendant or the chart ruler. An individual that has one or few of these is different from other humans, they possess supernatural abilities, and typically have rough childhoods and adolescence.
🕰️ Every aspect with each of the outer planets has a unique ability, for example when the sun conjoins an outer planet it's called Power Alien Construct, the moon conjoining an outer planet is a Vessel Alien Construct, an outer planet conjoining the ascendant is an Instrument Alien Construct, an outer planet conjoining the descendant is a Shadow Alien Construct. Saturnian aliens are able to manifest things in the physical realm, plutonian aliens are masters of metamorphosis and irreversible change, uranian aliens are able to see the future and raise energetic frequencies. 
🕰️ Sun conjunct pluto is Plutonian Power, aliens are able to destroy that which is not built upon truth, understand the true nature of birth, sex, death and power, generate energy and power,  integrate polarities, perform psychic surgery, see beneath solid surfaces, shape-shift into animals, minerals or plants, heal utilizing sex, magnets or lasers.. etc. Moon conjunct uranus is a Uranian Vessel, aliens are able to comprehend the cycles and trends of the futures, safely corral erratic energy or electricity, channel high-frequency beings, telepath to imprisoned or trapped individuals or animals, sense the formation of inventions and innovations. Look it up, it's fun and tell me what alien construct are you and how you relate to it. oh it reminds me of a post I did a while back of aspects as superpowers.
Happy pluto in aquarius 🛰️✨ (will come back in years and see how this aged)
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lilacstro · 4 months
Astro observations pt 3
Trying to be a little consistent haha! Also, I suggest using astrology as a self development tool. While I do believe in fate and predictive astrology, I believe you still have free will for most parts in your life and how the cosmic energies playout for you can be hard to pin down since one single placement can have multiple meanings on how it is interpreted. If you have challenging aspects, you can DEFINATELY work your way through them and NO aspect or placement is bad or life ending ! phew, here we go
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1.I think, Uranus Trine Sun can give someone a very unpredictable nature.
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2.Uranus in your Second house SR can give you an unpredictable year in your finances. But, if uranus is in harmonious aspects with Jupiter, you will be able to arrange money when needed.
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3. I have heard to check the major themes of your year, check where does your chart ruler(ruling planet of ascendant) lie in your SR.
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4.Mars in 7th house in synastry can mean the relationship could be very passionate, things could go fast, but it may end fast or unpredictable. (you can just subscribe to the first part if you like, nothing is absolutely set to happen :) )
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5.I always have an urge to become a professor after some point in my life regardless of the career i choose , and i found my asteroid academia(829) lies in my 10th house.
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6.Speaking of which, if you are considering to choose a major but struggle or are confused, it might be worth looking at where does your asteroid academia overall lie in your chart. I have found it to be useful. I can make a separate post on this one !
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7.People with Sun and Jupiter in 10th house// sun and jupiter in positive aspects could do really well in careers like Public policy and international law.
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8. The house and planet in your 5th house can determine the nature of you child/one of your children. Mars in 5th house? A physically active child, Sun in 5th house? An outgoing easy child. However, PLEASE CHECK THE DEGREES, I can make a post on weak degrees for each planet if you all like :)
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9. Mars square Sun people can have so much restlessness, like they cant be still. My brother has this placement and well, it is not easy to match his energy most of the times lol. Also, very impulsive.
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10.Mars in inharmonious aspects with Mercury could show you having problems expressing anger overall. for example
are probably passive aggressive. You might like lashing out? giving silent treatment? saying things you don't mean?
not saying anything at all, letting things slide even when they bother you? letting your anger build until you can't take it no more.
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11. Sun in 3rd/10th/6th/11th could be really talked about. Also can get fame on social media at some point in their life, or get easily famous on social media.
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12.Sun in 6th house could mean your co workers may see you in high regard and may like working under you.
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13.Jupiter in harmonious aspects with uranus grants you unexpected luck. Places you did not expect to have luck at. I have seen this manifest with my own eyes.
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14.Saturn in 7th house people give me the types people go to advice for. My sister has this. Another example of what different placements can mean. 7th house rules your relationship with people while Saturn is wisdom, discipline and guidance, your father in your birth chart.
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15.I have seen this analogy that, in your natal chart Saturn is the father, moon is the mother, while sun is the child. How to use this information? Want guidance, your most confident self? Your Saturn sign.
who you turn to when you are down? emotional? who you are on the inside as your most vulnerable self? how to take care of yourself when you are down? Your moon sign. I can make a post on this too, i think it should help? idk, y'all tell.
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16. Water mercuries may like writing poems and journals.
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17. I have this theory that your Jupiter placements and aspects can show you how to manifest things for yourself. This observation has worked for people in my family, but I can give examples. You can couple this information to create a manifestation ritual maybe.
Jupiter in 10th house: If someone close asks you, what are your plans? or what do you want? tell them (dont breach your privacy or if you dont feel like it DONT lmao, im talking about what ive seen working). Talk about your manifestation.
Jupiter in 8th house: Keep it hidden, dont tell anyone until it manifests, have a positive self talk
Jupiter in 12th house: Visualize it, meditate, think about it as if you have it
Jupiter 3rd house: maybe create a manifestation journal and forget
Jupiter in 9th house: Pray if you believe. Be extremely optimistic about it, fake it till you make it thing.
Jupiter at mercurial signs/degrees/positively aspecting mercury: speak it in existence
I can again make a post on this if you all like.
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18. Your chiron placement in your SR is very important. The house it is in would tell you where you will hurt BUT grow. I read someone saying the North Node represents this part of learning, but i respectfully disagree.
I had Neptune AND chiron in my 11th house in SR, and this really amplified the learning experience that came regrading my deceiving friends, how i use social media, and who am i choosing to entertain, all at once. Its scary.
I am really considering making a SR series but i am unsure if its relevant dont know why. (not me giving myself post recommendations all throughout this post lol)
support me on ko-fi :)
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thats all for today, i am very sleepy, I hope you enjoyed this <33
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crishayle · 9 months
Astrology notes
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Disclaimer. This is where I write my personal notes. They may not suit you because your other planets and aspects are stronger. Please consider this. Thanks for the feedback. Kisses ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
The placements in Leo/5th house are very dependent on music. They turn it on whenever possible. It doesn't matter with or without headphones. Some even have a ritual. For example, they don't clean or walk down the street without music
The beginning of the Capricorn season really fits the atmosphere of the end of the year. All people are stressed out, overworking to close deadlines. Everyone is save money for Christmas and gifts. Someone begins to feel apathy because of the cold and eternal darkness. Well, isn't it true that Capricorn's vibe? ૮₍˶Ó﹏Ò ⑅₎ა
People with a dominant Moon, do you also feel the phases of the Moon? For example, the recent full Moon in Cancer? I noticed that all my friends and clients with a dominant Moon constantly complain about some kind of fucked up full moon
If your Venus gets into the 1st house of a person in synastry, then he will consider you the ideal of beauty. That is, to accept literally everything. Even what you think is ugly
I noticed that people with a Leo in the Big Three (Sun, Moon, ascendant) most often have a pink skin tone or, more simply, a warm one
People can notice and especially feel not only your ascendant, but also the dominant planets and stelliums (including in houses). For example, the stellium in the 6th house may feel like Virgo, and the dominant Moon like Cancer or the sign of your Moon
Mars in the 7th house is not so much conflicted as fair and harsh in words. He will not quarrel from scratch, but if he feels disrespect, lies or arrogance, then… Well, you know... But in general, they are very pleasant and interesting people
Some of the most physically resilient people most often have Mars in Scorpio/Sagittarius/Virgo. They may not look athletic, but they withstand heavy loads much better than others. Although maybe it's their strength of mind, not their body.
Many aspects to Neptune can indicate a person who has an eternal mess at home
Any aspect of Jupiter and the Sun indicates optimism. Of course, they get upset too and sometimes don't believe in themselves, but their resourcefulness is much stronger than sadness.
People with the Sun/Moon square/opposition Saturn often suffer from hyper-responsiveness. It is very important for them to keep everything under control and this can literally bring themselves to neurosis
Mercury conjunct Venus with orb 0 or 1 is always a beautiful voice, maybe they don't have to sing, but they have a velvety and most often a little low voice
The Sun/Moon square/opposition Neptune most often consider their parents to be a little infantile, or they have been put in the role of a third parent since childhood. For example, a mother could see her daughter as a babysitter for her younger daughter. Simply put, such people have already felt older and wiser than their parents since childhood
People with the Moon conjunct/trine/sextile Saturn are very well-mannered. They understand what morality is, they are moderately kind, moderately modest, they know how to communicate politely and beautifully
Girls with stellium in Scorpio have always attracted, attract and will attract everyone's attention (but especially men's). Moreover, they are admired by other girls (they subscribe to them on Instagram and constantly watch stories and photos)
I recently read that Socrates (the man who invented rhetoric) may have been with the Sun in Gemini. I'm not surprised
People with the Moon sextile/trine/conjunct Venus are adorable. It's not even about charisma here, but about the fact that they are generally quite cute in character and appearance
The dominant Pluto in the natal chart may indicate a love of sarcasm, black humor and a slightly harsh manner of speech. Touchy people consider them rude, but for Plutonians this is their usual way of communicating
A little more about Pluto. Stephen King has many aspects that point to his love and talent in the horror genre. This is Pluto in the 1st house, Mercury sextile Pluto, the Moon trine Pluto, Scorpio in the 5th house
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saturnian-venus · 11 months
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astro notes pt. v [composite & synastry edition part ii]
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ღ taurus stellium is such a glue factor in the composite chart it's found in charts of happily together couples.
ღ mars in the 7th house overlay the mars person wants to get married to the house person right away they see them as marriage material and for some people they will wait until marriage to have sex with the house person.
ღ there are numerous blissfully married couples with south node conjuncting inner planets I think it's a myth that this aspect makes a relationship temporary or short lived.
ღ 8th house overlays are not for everyone particularly if they have an empty 8th house or don't have strong pluto influence/many aspects with pluto they wouldn't like any planets there.
ღ many actors/actresses who meet their spouses on set have 8th house placements in combination with 5th house placements in their composite chart it makes sense cause acting is a talent and a type of transformation.
ღ composite saturn in the 4th house is an indicator of being a small family with one or two children.
ღ moon square uranus in composite means that they are attached to each other because of the absolute freedom they have in the relationship.
ღ composite north node in the 2nd house is the get rich together couple.
ღ composite chiron in the 5th house is an indicator of being parents to an only child.
ღ composite moon opposite juno is found in many childless marriages.
ღ pisces venus in composite chart is so lovely to have the couples that have this are fairytale couples they seem unreal with the amount of love and romance they have with one another.
ღ synastry sun square uranus the more independent the uranus person the more attention they get from the sun person.
ღ in composite the ruler of the 9th house in the 6th house could mean that the couple lead a busy life and travelling for work is like a routine for them.
ღ in composite the ruler of the 1st/10th house in the 8th house people be gossiping about their sex life cause they give the energy of we have a mind blowing sex life die mad about it b*tch hahaha.
ღ many people with aries/1st house placements love to have similar planet houses with their love interest and they like conjunctions and squares in their synastry/composite ex: if they have venus in the 4th house they might be attracted to people with 4th house sun/moon/venus/jupiter plus aspects between the same planets mars conjunct mars, moon square moon etc.
ღ individuals with moon/venus in the 11th house love uranus trine/sextile moon or venus in synastry them being the uranus person it makes them feel loved for their quirkiness.
ღ composite glo [3268] in the 1st/10th house or conjunct ascendant/midheaven lovers with this placement glow like swarovski crystals they catch attention from others immediately the it couple for sure.
ღ aeternitas [446] conjuct/trine/sixtile jupiter in composite is so marvelous. lovers with eternal blessings, ultimate expansion and never ending happiness ahhhh living the dream.
ღ the word fiducia means trust or faith so when we have the asteroid fiducia [380] in the 7th house in composite we get a couple that believes in the relationship and put a lot of trust in each other.
ღ priapus [h22] in the 1st house/conjunct the ascendant listen this is scary af the priapus person is going feral for the the asendant person they want them badly it's crazy it seems like they unlocked a new level of sexuality within them because of the ascendant person on the other hand the ascendant person might get scared by the intensity of the priapus person, although they will feel the attraction too but gradually more and more over time until paaam they are both insane about each other.
ღ sun trine/sextile jupiter double whammy between two lovers is great they are happy when they are around the other person and there is a limitless generosity between them.
ღ I love seeing venus conjunct/square saturn in composite charts cause even if It's difficult to love one another and in a way the world tries to keep you apart but there is faithful love there is no giving up on each other no cheating we love to see it.
ღ in a healthy relationship sun conjunct pluto synastry would be so good the sun person will elevate their self worth and be empowered by the pluto person. the pluto person will find their inner spiritual wealth and they'II end any toxic behaviors to be with the sun person the sun person will take pride in the fact that they had this big imbact on the pluto person seeing them radiant and less heavy energy wise.
ღ composite pluto in the 9th/12th house there will be some kind of spiritual even religious transformation in this relationship someone may change their religion or include some spiritual practices in their life.
ღ lilith [1181]/black moon lilith [h13] conjunct mercury in synastry ufff some heavy sh*t the lilith person is obsessed with the mercury person's mind they want to know them mentally like they want to invade their brain and the mercury person cannot stop thinking of the lilith person they live rent free in their mind the lilith person gets turned on by the mercury person's way of speaking/voice and the mercury person is making sexual fantasies about the lilith person. sexy voice notes and sexting are their cup of tea.
ღ joya [7899] conjunct venus the asteroid person is joyful around the planet person and gets happier by the love they receive from them the planet person is attracted to the asteroid person's gleeful personality and feels loved by the happiness they get from them.
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astrosamara · 2 months
Astrology Synastry Observations
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🌟Sun conjunct Moon: This is such a popular one, but it's so good. I love seeing this synastry in all types of connections, friendship, romantic, etc. It's so easy to click with this person right away and it's just nice to be in each other's company. I've noticed that in romantic relationships, these are the couples who start off as friends first and build an even stronger bond once they get together romantically.
🌟Personal placements in 5th house: This synastry is great for a relationship that is fun and flirty. You'll probably enjoy being creative together and pursuing the same hobbies. This is also great for sexual compatibility. The 5th house individual may feel like being around this person brings out their more youthful and carefree side. You just really enjoy having fun together.
🌟Venus conjunct Mars: I mentioned this synastry in a previous observation, but I've found it to be so prominent for attraction. The Venus person can feel so drawn to the passion and energy of the Mars person. This is another aspect that is super strong for sexual compatibility. Mars person embodies what Venus person desires.
🌟Sun in 11th house: One of my favorite aspects for long-term friendship compatibility. The sun person will also be someone that really encourages the dreams and goals of the 11th house person. This synastry alone might not guarantee deep connection (unless other positive aspects are at play), but I've found that it's a very positive synastry placement for friendly and non-judgmental connections.
🌟Sun in 6th house: Idk if this is just my own personal experience, but I've found that people who have their sun in my 6th house tend to really annoy me and get on my nerves frequently lol. There's just something about their energy that always rubs me the wrong way, but it's never based in anything deep or serious usually.
🌟Mercury opposite/square Moon: I've found this to be a very challenging aspect to overcome in connections. The moon person can often feel hurt and misunderstood when expressing their feelings to the mercury person. The mercury person can come across as cold and dismissive, perhaps even without intentionally meaning to do so.
🌟Same moon signs: This dynamic is really interesting to me because depending on the emotional maturity of the moon signs, it can be an incredibly healthy or unhealthy connection. These people can deeply understand each others sensitivities, but this energy can manifest as being manipulative and toxic if there are unhealthy dynamics involved. In healthy connections, this energy is beautiful and supportive and a great synastry for long-term connections.
🌟Jupiter conjunct Mars: This connection is all about passion and excitement. You both really motivate each other to achieve goals and embrace open-mindedness. The Mars person can really feel inspired when watching the Jupiter person embrace their passions. You just radiate enthusiasm around each other. This is a dynamic where you can both really grow together as people.
🌟Venus conjunct/trine Moon: I absolutely love seeing this in romantic connections. This represents feeling truly loved and seen by each other. There's just an ease and comfort in this dynamic. The energy here is warm, loving, and nurturing. The Venus person in particular may do everything they can to make sure the moon's person's needs are met. The Moon person feels safe and at home with the Venus person.
🌟Saturn square/opposite Mars: This is always a tough one to see in a synastry chart. A lot of arguments, tension, and frustration here. There can be a build up of resentment due to lack of harmony and seeing eye to eye on life. There can be multiple outbursts that seemingly come from nowhere. A lot of potential for this to be an unhealthy and toxic relationship to be in. Patience is challenging here too.
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