angelkarafilli · 9 months
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Melomakarona are traditional Greek Christmas spiced cookies that are moist, syrupy and extremely flavoursome.
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peckcohen · 1 year
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Melomakarona Cookies Melomakarona, a dish of Greek spice cookies dipped in honey syrup and topped with spiced walnuts, will up your dessert game.
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starsrosesglitters · 2 years
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aleyuhhhh · 9 months
just trying to see something
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vegehana-food · 10 months
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✿ メロマカロナ | Melomakarona ・ギリシャの伝統的なクッキー。オリーブオイルやオレンジジュース、コニャックなどが加えられた生地を焼き上げて、ハチミツやオレンジの皮などから作られたホットシロップの中に浸け、最後に刻んだクルミとシナモンをまぶして仕上げられます。 クラビエデスとともにクリスマスの時期に供されるお菓子として親しまれています。 ・このクリスマスのお菓子にはお祝いの意味があったわけではありません。ほとんどの説明によると、「マカロニ」という言葉は中世ギリシャ語の「マカロニア」に由来しており、パスタをベースにした葬儀の夕食でした。マカロニは古代ギリシャ語の「マカリア」に由来しており、これは葬儀の後に供えられる現代の蜂蜜マカロンの形をしたソウルパイ、つまりパンのことでした。その後、マカリアに蜂蜜シロップをかけたものがメロマカロナと呼ばれ、主に小アジアのギリシャ人によって12日間(キリスト教の伝統によると12月25日から1月5日までの期間)のお菓子として定着しました。
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theodwras-kitchen · 2 years
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Keep them coming| sugarless melomakarona #theodwras_kitchen #lovebakeshare #melomakarona #sugarfree #nosugar #sugarfreemelomakarona #christmas #special (at Athens, Greece) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnAc-J6rbAq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ssvnormandie · 10 months
we're doing a cookie competition at work where everyone in the department is supposed to bake one to two dozen cookies .... there are forty-six people in the department
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newtness532 · 2 years
kourabiedes and melomakarona for the mutuals <3
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Save me melomakarona. melomakarona save me.
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greelin · 6 months
found a place that’s open every single day & has melomakarona….
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glikozi · 9 months
shkwthika full kavlwmeni na faw ta melomakarona me sokolata poy pira apo ton fourno xthes , gia na anakalipsw sthn prwti dagkwmatia oti einai gamimenos kourampies. Night ruined, kalinixta.
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greek-orthodox-priest · 9 months
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iamrizaka · 1 month
Hecate doesn't really like to be alone with someone. Especially if this "someone" is someone who is deeply unpleasant to her. Especially if this "someone" is an Olympian. Especially if that "someone" is him.
Hecate keeps her demeanor calm and reasonable, Hermes is carefree and cheerful as usual, they both know that this is a pretense. If they could, they would bite their teeth into each other's throats. They always didn't get along, now they're probably cursing each other.
He does not forgive her for being on the side of the Titans, although she rarely expressed loyalty to anyone while remaining neutral, she hates what he is doing now.
"How is she?" Hermes asks after all, after an empty chatter for decency. Hecate feels the ashes on her tongue. "She" seems as wrong and mean as possible in relation to the golden-haired child who played with her daughters and sons and whom Hecate treated to melomakarona.
This golden-haired child was a boy, not a girl. This golden-haired child deserved a normal childhood and a full life. This golden-haired child Hecate, she was pathetic and helpless, broke with her own hands.
"The child is fine," Hecate primly mints, straightening the folds of her cloak, she tries to look detached and disinterested.
What part of her is still elated that she was able to at least temporarily shield the boy from Hermes, by making the cause the severity and tension of the procedure the boy was going through.
Since it started, Hermes has "visited" Will only once every 10 days and that's only for 7-10 minutes and only under her supervision. It was a temporary respite that was actually vital for the child.
"It's wonderful" Hermes' face brightens and acquires a gentle, almost loving expression, his smile is thin and soft, and his eyes are warm. Hecate wants to spray liquid fire right in his face. "I missed her, I hope she can come back to me soon."
Hecate does not respond, turn her attention to Weasel, her sweet girl Josie, who had been sleeping on her shoulder before. Her Josie perched on Hecate's neck like a scarf and looked around with impenetrable black beady eyes.
Hermes apparently takes this as a sign to stop being nice to her and finally get down to business. Hecate doesn't want to think about what kind of disgusting horror will come into his head.
"I want to give her a new name," Hermes' voice is surprisingly serious, Hecate feels as if Boreas has covered her insides with ice, "Will's name sounds cute, but it won't suit her at all when the procedure is over and she will be a lovely Kore."
Hecate gives a silent, imperceptible sign and Josie, understanding and obedient, gets off her neck and runs away on her fast tiny paws. She's probably going to visit her sweet Lou Ellen. Hecate does not want to accidentally harm her pet in the heat of anger.
The air around her crackles with her feelings, Hermes, in his Olympian arrogance, ignores her anger, perhaps even finds it funny. Hecate feels her nails getting longer and sharper.
She comes close to him, as she did when they were angry children, and grabs his chiton, she feels the fabric crackle under her fingers. Hermes remains indifferent to this, as a child he looked at her with an unkind gleam in his eyes.
"Where is it?" hissed Hecate like a snake, viciously and subtly, vibrating from the walls and ingrained in head. It was a mistake to think that Lamia was not born a snake monster.
"What?" it sounds easy and kind when he pretended to Maya that he was being nice to her. He always knew what, in what form, and at what exact moment he could make her most angry.
Hecate feels like the cracked and collapsed ice inside her has turned into a burning, all-consuming fire, it is this kind of anger that has always made her remember that she is not only the daughter of the gentle star Asteria, but also the child of the titan destroyer Perses. She exhales and her fingers only tighten on his clothes, the fabric still rips.
"Your sympathy," she exhales through clenched teeth, "Even in ancient times, when people knelt in front of you and burned the best cattle in your honor, you had it... Where in the name of Chaos is it now!? He not she, He a fucking tortured baby!".
"It's still there, O meli" his fingers gently touched her hands, Hecate wanted to peel the skin off them, "she just doesn't need to sympathize. She lives in the best position she could have and I take care of her diligently, it's just the difficulties of the initial stage, in the beginning it's difficult for everyone."
He easily pushes her away from him and she sticks to the wall out of surprise and leaves without even wanting to listen to her answer, maybe he went to do divine things or choose another shiny jewelry and silk dresses that he could send as a gift to Will.
She is a minor goddess who has already seriously screwed up and whose few children are tightly squeezed in the Olympic vice, he is an Olympian with power and might, who is in favor of his father. Hermes can do whatever he wants with whomever he wants, and Hecate hates it.
Melomakarona - ancient Greek honey cookies. Kore - ancient Greek word for "virgo" or simply "girl". O meli - ancient Greek word is "dear".
Little Hecate and Hermes meeting each other and yelling "I don't like you!" is hilarious to imagine.
Hecate and other deities who joined Titans' side of the war are not going to forget about it any time soon. Not only because of their children being tortured, but because the Olympians will never change their opinions about them, not after the war. They would forever be some minor deities who thought they could win against their power.
Hermes referring to Will as "she" and "Kore" makes me so angry. He doesn't see anything wrong with it: in fact, it's completely opposite! He's giving his mistress a place to live, tasty food, pretty dresses and beautiful jewelry. He found someone who looks like his old love. He had lost May all those years ago — his sweet and gentle May went insane because of the Oracle, but now he has a second chance to make everything "right". He can have his May again, but he needs some time and make sure that his mistress is healthy and ready.
Hecate, meanwhile, takes a moment to get who he is talking about. Because she sees Will as Will, not as some girl and woman Hermes wants to make out of him. She tries not to touch the subject at first, instead calling him "the child" and not using pronouns. It leaves a bitter taste in her mouth, but she has to remain calm. She can't let any of the major gods get another advantage over her; they already have too many.
But Hermes doesn't stop. He continues talking about "the girl" and even wants to change the child's name. And that is when we can see Hecate break her façade, when she grabs him and growls into his face. When she tells him about sympathy and robbing a boy of his person.
But the thing is — Hermes is being sympathetic! He is giving a girl the best life she can ever have, something he couldn't give to May. And he knows how the girl lived before; he's basically doing charity!
And then he reminds Hecate again of why he is the major god, and not her. He reminds her of how more powerful he is than her, and she has nothing else to do but accept it. It's shown by the way he easily pushes her and doesn't even answer her; she's not significant enough for him to do it.
And Hecate is left like this: with memories of her children, of their friends and comrades. Of how she is single-handedly destroying the life of one of them, and of how she had a hand in ruining other children's lives as well.
Being a daughter of the Titan Perse, "The destroyer", has two sides. Just like how she tears down her enemies in her anger, she leaves her family wrecked.
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arsiaaaa · 2 months
Kaneis den me stamataei apo to na ftiaxw melomakarona autin tin stigmh
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