#Melody writes fanfic
hawkinsthe3rd · 20 days
This is a Digimon Fanfiction I had based off a dream where Giancarlo Esposito was the villain. Please enjoy.
“Uh, hey, boss? I have some troubling newzzzz” the boss lowers his head, peering over his rimless glasses and gesturing for the digimon to continue, “One of the Digidestined has escaped her Hexalink…”
“Oh, Fanbeemon, I thought you said it was troubling news!” Giancarlo stood up from his desk and shuffled some papers with a wave of his hand.
“Is… izzzzn’t it?” The rotund little bee waddled forward and peered up at his partner’s gentle face, “the guardzz are mobilized and incentivized with some Honey to bring her back…”
“That’s all well and good, but you see…” the boss knelt down and rubbed the head of his fuzzy friend, “I’m not concerned with any breakouts. I already know which pod failed, and she’s been in here so long I doubt she’ll be any kind of threat to our operations. After all, she’s not a Digidestined anymore. Now she’s just a scared adult in an unfamiliar world. Nothing to worry about.” The boss stands and adjusts the lapels of his striped suit, “Could you ask Chiefbeemon to investigate what went wrong with her pod? While an escapee isn’t a big deal, I’m more concerned with why. Why now? Why her? My system is flawless, Fanbeemon. It must remain so.”
“Yes, sir. Right away sir. Pleazze remember you wanted to quash that rebellion at 1700 today, sir.”
“I wouldn’t miss it. Run along now.” Giancarlo returned to his chair, sitting and letting the smile fade from his face as he turned to the array of screens behind him. Sixty screens of status information, tuned to show the recurring nightmares each former Digidestined faced as the Hexalink siphoned off their power to fuel the Hive. Failure would not be permitted.
As the rebel forces created the hill, they were shocked to see that their opposition consisted of just a single pair. One human, one Digimon. Their leader, Leomon, stepped forward and spoke with a gravel in his voice that would make roads jealous,
“I appreciate you making this easy for us. Today is the end of your reign, King Bee. For too long you have-“ The stoic digimon is cut off by the sound of gentle laughter,
“Please, that nickname is very silly. Just call me Giancarlo.”
“Very well. Giancarlo, you have kept us under the boot of oppression for too long. Today we shall take you down and bring your Hive crashing to the ground.” From the scabbard at his waist, Leomon drew a sword in reverse grip.
“Admirable conviction, mister Leomon. But there’s one thing you’ve forgotten to take into consideration. I’m not meeting you out here as a form of surrender. No, I’m here to show you that there’s a reason I’m on top. The gulf between you and I is so vast, you cannot even fathom it. I’ve stopped the cycle of Digidestined. There are no heroes coming to save this world. The only one who can do this…is me.”
With a flick of his wrist, Giancarlo produces a black and yellow digivice. With the press of a button, the screen came to life with the text, announced by a disembodied voice.
At his side, Fanbeemon began to glow, rising up in the air as his stubby legs grew, lengthening into armored greaves. His arms extended and grasped a spear and shield forming from the glow around him as his chest and wings matched his new size. Finally, his head became encased in light, revealing an intimidating helmet.
The armored figure stood in Fanbeemon’s place, towering over Giancarlo and the rebel army. In one hand, a spear handle black, giving way to a yellow crossguard with red spikes, a blade of pure light extending from the center. In the other, a small buckler of black metal glowed and projected a pattern of hexagons before it.
“Vespamon, reporting for duty. What are your orders, sir?”
“Annihilate these fools, Vespamon. You have until 1730.”
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mauvecherie-writes · 4 months
endless melodies: l.hamilton
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part: v [series masterlist]
pairing: lewis hamilton x oc!jamilah riley
summary: shared time leading to perfect moments …
tags: 18+, MDNI, fluff, shameless corniness, dual povs, making out, cunnilingus, cliffhanger ending.
w.c: 4.8K
notes: the social media posts for this chapter will be coming later. Don’t forget to comment, reblog and like!
reading list: @queenshikongo3 @dhlfastestlap @saintslewis @serpenttines-library @saturnville @hopefulromantic1 @cocobutterqwueen @bluesole16 @chaneajoyyy @emjayewrites @melodichaeuxx-lacritquexx @sapphireheaven @olyvoyl @lewisroscoelove @lh44adore @hellomadamebutterfly @scorpiobleue @qveenmelanink @tremendousstarlighttragedy @bekindbecoolbeyou @greedyjudge2 @itsapurrfectstorm @createdbylivingclocks @samiwzx @omgsuperstarg @peyiswriting @miyuhpapayuh @blowmymbackout @purplelewlew @henneseyhoe @xoscar03
“Mmmm.” Jamilah moaned softly. “This is some of the best sorbet I’ve ever tasted.” Her eyes were closed as she savoured the taste but his eyes were on her face watching her. Since they had started dating, her and Lewis would explore all the vegan food spots that the city had to offer, including Neat Burger - a vegan fast food restaurant Lewis a controlling stake in. Lewis never cared about what Jamilah ate but he had picked up on the fact whenever they did decide impromptu food dates, she would suggest a restaurant that was vegan or had a lot of vegan options. He appreciated that effort from her and it made his feelings for Jamilah deepen further.
After her comment, Jamilah must have realised how quiet he had been. So she opened her eyes and turned to face him, he didn’t shift his attention from her face and it caused her to sheepishly smile as she licked her lips of the remnants of the sorbet.
“What?” Jamilah enquired with the softest giggle to her tone.
“Nothing.” He shrugged his shoulders. “I just like seeing you enjoy your food. Every time you eat., your first bite is your slowest, like you’re really savouring it and this expression of joy spreads across your face. That’s the moment I wait for to savour myself.”
His words caused her to take a sharp gasp and then exhale as she inched closer to his body on the bench. Lewis placed his head on the back of the bench behind her head as she crossed her leg so that her calf softly hung over his parted legs.
“That was the sweetest whole load of nothing Mr. Poet.” She said as she leaned closer to his face. Lewis smiled as he closed the gap in between them and brushed her nose with the tip of his.
“You like it when I become wax poetic for you.” He mumbled against her lips.
“Unfortunately, I do.” Jamilah whispered before sliding his bottom lip over hers and then capturing them completely. They both taste of the of the summer berries sorbet they had been eating but from her tongue, the flavour was so much sweeter.
A low moan left his mouth as she seeked out his tongue before beginning to suck on it. Lewis had to quickly stop this kiss before he took it too far. His free hand came to the back of her neck and softy gripped it, forcing himself to pull his lips away.
“You can’t be kissing me like that in public. You’re playing a dangerous game pulling that move.” He lightly teased her bottom lip, licking it and then slightly biting it. Jamilah’s free hand came to his chin and gripped it inbetween her pointer finger and thumb.
“I like taking you out of your element. I think about you losing your cool a little too often for my liking.” She stated as she caressed his lip with her thumb. Lewis suddenly nipped at the digit which caused her to yelp and then giggle.
“Let’s finish these cones before I do something that’ll get us in trouble.” He mumbled as he stood up and stretched out his hand for her to take. Once their fingers were interlinked, they took a walk down the block as they continued enjoying each other’s company.
A few days after the sorbet date, Lewis wanted to take Jamilah on one more date before he left for another race. With all of the time that they had been spending together, she was past the point of attachment, Jamilah knew that was falling and she was falling fast.
However, she knew that Lewis had to be feeling the way that she was. From the words he shared, his touch and his intended action with her. People in both of their camps were cautioning them about the speed of how their relationship was progressing but neither of them cared.
“So miss thang, we both know that you’re not coming home tonight so we changed your clutch bag to a larger shoulder bag and put in your essentials case.” Amal said as she dropped onto her older sister’s bed with a slight bounce. “Oh! And we swapped the condoms that were in there, lord knows that they needed a change.”
“AMAL!” Jamilah exclaimed as she whipped around to face her little sister as Jodie lightly chuckled as she snacked on a bowl of grapes.
“What? I’m nineteen, I know about condoms.”
“I know. You’re still my sister and I would like to not think about you touching such in relation to me.”
“Oh I didn’t do that, Jodie did. She changed the size too.”
“This is NOT the conversation I need to be having right now before I leave.” Jamilah scrunched her eyes shut as she tried not to focus on the words out of her sister’s mouth.
“Listen, we’ve all seen the shots and videos of Lewis adjusting his racing suit, we are not blind. We’re just making sure that you’ve got the right shit. I’m sure he has his own but you can never be too careful.” Jodie stated as Amal nodded her head along in agreement. Jamilah sighed as she stood up straight after finishing the application of her mascara.
“One, I don’t need to hear my two closest people talking about they were looking at videos of my man adjusting his junk. And two, while I appreciate your efforts, I highly doubt we’ll have sex tonight. In some cliche way, I’m waiting until he asks me to be his girlfriend.” Jamilah responded.
“And if he did ask you tonight? Would you?”
Jamilah pondered on the question. Things had been going very well between them but something just didn’t feel quite yet. The moment hadn’t arrived for the official question to be asked.
“No. But I will enjoy everything else.” She answered with a smile. “Now, stilettos or boots?”
She had chosen the boots to go with her black bodycon mini dress and the leather trench coat to shield her from the chilly winds of a London night. Lewis wasn’t able to come pick her up but he had arranged for a car to pick her up to drive her to the restaurant.
When she arrived outside of the restaurant, Jamilah was grateful to see that there were no paparazzi lurking by - at least from what she could see. She was quickly greeted by the front of house before being led through the space and led her right to Lewis.
He stood up as she approached the booth. There was a smile on his face as he moved around the table and outstretched his arm to take her hand and pull her into a soft kiss. Jamilah pressed a hand on his chest as she smiled against his lips.
“You look beautiful as ever Princess.” He mumbled into her ear as he embraced her.
“Thank you, handsome.” He was dressed simply in all black with a sleeveless buttoned cardigan with a couple of chains hanging from his neck. Jamilah placed one more kiss on his cheek. He took her hand and led her to sit down first before sliding into the booth and placing himself beside her.
The front of house placed the menus in front of them. “Andy will be your server for the night, they’ll be with you shortly.”
“Thank you.” Lewis replied to the staff before turning his full attention back to Jamilah. He leaned forward and took a sniff of her neck before placing a kiss onto her skin. The action caused her giggle. “You smell like vanilla and caramel today.”
“I changed my lotion a couple of days ago.” She replied as she opened the menu. “Are we drinking today?”
“I’m flying out tomorrow night so I can have a couple.”
“Yay!” Jamilah cheered as she reached for the drinks menu and browsed through the wine list. “Are you getting some sushi with me?”
“Yeah. I checked out the menu before I booked our table, they know my dietary requirements already.” Lewis said as he pulled the menu towards him.
“Will my fishy breath bother you?”
“Princess, I’ve kissed you after you demolished six birria tacos in like ten minutes. I think we are very much past the point of me caring about fishy breath after sushi.”
“Okay. I was just checking.” She giggled.
Andy came to their table and took their food and drink orders. Once they had left, Jamilah turned to Lewis and began playing with the chains around his neck.
“Are you coming back right after Monaco?” She asked him.
“I have some contractual things that I have to sort out whilst I’m still out there but then I have to fly out stateside to get some work done before Canada.”
“So I won’t physically see you until you come for Spain?!” She pouted, the cute expression causing him to laugh.
“We don’t need to be apart that long. I know your album roll out doesn’t start until Silverstone weekend. It’s in final production so you have some time on your hands.”
“And you’re saying all of this because?”
“I’m saying all of this because I want you to join me.” Lewis state confidently as he looked into her eyes. Jamilah was partially surprised at the statement but from what he had previously said that this was where it was leading to and honestly? It made her feel extremely giddy.
Then it dawned onto her.
“Why are you just asking me now?! I barely have time to prepare.” She said as she playfully nudges his arm.
“You can fly out on Saturday night and be there for race day.”
“No. I’ll fly out Friday night and then during the layover going stateside, I’ll grab the rest of my stuff.”
“God, my team is gonna think I’m crazy for doing this.”
“They had a meltdown at those pictures of us after our ice-cream date. I cannot imagine how Rosa is going to handle it me being there for the entire weekend without warning.”
“I’ll message her in the morning so that she has a heads up.” Lewis chuckled.
“Excuse me guys, here are your drinks. A white wine and an old fashioned with an extra half shot.” Andy placed their drinks down then announced that their food would be arriving shortly.
“Who is going to be at the race?” She asked as she took a sip of her wine.
“Roscoe. He’s going to be travelling with us for a little bit. I missed him.”
“Aww, I miss my little guy too.” She smiled. “Anyone else I’ll know?”
“I’m not really sure yet but some of the guy’s partners will be there.”
“Want me to join their little WAG’s club?” She joked.
“You can do that.” He laughed. “Making new friends is always good.” He added causing her to roll her eyes and smile before drinking more of her wine.
During their dinner, their conversation never stopped - mostly focused on their plans for their coming weeks together. They fed each other pieces of their food but it was mostly Lewis sharing his enoki mushrooms in chilli oil because Jamilah had not liked the seaweed salad she had ordered.
Once her glass of wine was finished, Jamilah was more than ready to leave and spend time with Lewis in a more intimate setting. She wrapped her hands around his arm and she dropped her chin onto his shoulder.
He glanced down at her with a soft smile on his lips.
“How are you feeling baby?” He asked as he moved his free hand to her face and brushed a braid that had fallen out of place and tucked it behind her ear.
“I’m good. Thank you for dinner.” She said, sighing softly as Lewis drew mindless patterns with the back of his fingers.
“You’re welcome baby.” He cupped her cheek and then pecked her lips. “You ready to go?” He questioned which Jamilah responded by nodding her head.
Lewis called for the bill and after it was settled he stood up first and grabbed her trench coat, holding it out for her to wear.
Their car was already waiting for them as they walked outside hand in hand. He let her enter into the car first and then he got in after. On the drive over to his home, Jamilah texted her groupchat updating them on her whereabouts and bidding her goodnights. It did not take long for them to respond. She just smiled to herself and locked her phone.
The driver drove into the underground parking of his building and parked close to the entrance doors.
“Thank you, Justin.” The two of them said to his driver, who threw an appreciative nod back.
They entered into the elevator and she smiled when she saw the mirror. “Take a picture with me.”
“Are you going to post it?”
“Only to my close friends.” She chewed onto her bottom lip.
“Okay.” He stopped leaning against the mirror as she positioned herself in front of him. His hands came to her hips as she grabbed onto his neck and took the picture.
“There we go.” She giggled as she stared at the way his head naturally leaned towards hers. Lewis glanced at the picture as well.
“Send me that.” He said as she posted the picture onto her private Instagram story. She hummed as an answer as the elevator finally reached the main floor of his building.
The entrance of the ground floor of his home was a well decorated foyer with a central table with a beautiful cherry blossom bonsai tree sitting on top a marbled floor. Dotted across the white walls of the foyer were decorative art pieces complimenting the colour palette of the area.
“Not only did you renovate this building to have an underground parking space and with an elevator, you have a foyer with a bonsai tree to greet you!”
“Wait until you see the indoor spa.” His comment caused Jamilah to gasp with glee.
“We are so ending the house tour with that.”
Lewis then proceeded to show her around his home, leaving the master bedroom and his closet. Somewhere along the way, they had both taken off their shoes - Jamilah, happy to be flat footed with her boho braids in a bun.
Seeing the blue of the water was like a siren calling which shot an idea into her mind. She stopped walking in her tracks and turned to face Lewis from where he stood.
“I want to jump into this pool.” She exclaimed which made Lewis chuckle.
“Are you sure that you want to do that?.” He asked.
“Is the water heated?”
“Let me check.” He walked towards the control panel closest to him. He pressed a few buttons and then nodded his head. “Yeah it’s warm.”
“So what’s stopping me from taking a dip in this gorgeous pool of yours?”
“Um, you don’t have a swimsuit?” Instead of answering, Jamilah took a good look around. The spa pool was dimly lit with loft music playing in the background, the sounds of the jets echoing into the space.
“You know you can always come back and do this at a later date. Are you sure that you want to do this now?” Lewis asked her as he stood by the entrance to the indoor pool as his eyes followed Jamilah who was dancing around close to the edge of the pool. She then turned on her heel to look at him with her eyes brimming with mischief once her mind was finally made up.
“I mean my underwear provides the same function right? Covering up all my good bits.” Her answer caused Lewis to laugh before he licked his lips and shifted his weight with his hands behind his back as he leaned on the wall with his shoulder for support.
“I guess so.” Lewis later mumbled.
Her next move could not be blamed on alcohol. She only had one glass of wine at dinner - Jamilah could only blame it on being high off the attention that Lewis had been constantly feeding her all night.
So whilst holding eye contact with him, she began pulling the bottom of her dress upwards her thighs. She could hear his breath hitching when her black thongs got exposed to his eyes. It brought a smile to her face. Jamilah grabbed the bottom of the bunched up fabric and completely pulled the dress of her body before dropping it onto the floor.
“Fuuck.” Lewis lowly uttered which sent a shiver down her spine. She bit onto her lip as he drank in her body. The softly padded bra did nothing to hide her body’s reaction to his gaze.
He stood up straight as she began slowly inching backwards towards the heated pool. “Are you going to join me or are you going to stand there and watch me?”
Due to the silence, Jamilah could only focus on the frantic beating of her heart after she had asked the question. But she didn’t need a verbal answer - her abdomen muscles involuntarily clenched as she watched Lewis push off the wall and begin to approach her.
With a smirk playing on his lips, he begun to work to unfasten the buttons of his sleeveless cardigan before pushing it off his body. Once the fabric fell away from his shoulders, he turned to his jeans to unbutton them and push them past his thighs leaving him just his boxers.
Jamilah chewed on her bottom lip as she let her eyes marvel in the beauty of the specimen standing in front of her. Not wanting to let nerves show any further than they had been to this point. She walked to the ladder leading into the pool and began to inch her body below the surface of the water. She shivered at the contact with the warm water but she let it wash over the longer she immersed herself in the pool.
She swam away from the ladder, careful not to get her hair wet as she got closer to the edge closet to where Lewis was standing.
“Don’t be scared to jump in.” She teased him. He rolled his eyes before he dove into the water. Jamilah squealed as she turned her face away from the splashes of the water. Before she could clear the water away from her face, she felt his arms reach across her waist and he pulled her into the warmth of his body.
“You’re so fucking lucky I have braids right now because had it been a silk press, it would been real bad for you.”
“I would have just given you the money to get it sorted.” He shrugged as he wrapped her limbs around his body.
“Not all of us have hair stylists on retainer. I have to book mine.”
“So I would have given you mine.” His sentence caused her to laugh as they continued to bob along in the water.
“No offence babe, because for whatever reason that works for you but I’ll never let your stylist touch my hair.”
“Not this again.” He groaned.
“Yes this again! Baby you need to change the person who does your hair. I’m tired of your fans crying in my comments every time I post.”
“Princess, I don’t want to talk about how much you and my fans don’t like my braider when you’re this close to my dick.” Lewis said he squeezed her ass cheeks causing a squeal to leave her mouth before giggling. She was just not realising how much she did when she was with him.
“Fine.” She tried to pull away from him but Lewis held onto her. “Baby.” A soft laugh left her as she placed her hands on his shoulders. “If you don’t let go of me, I can’t enjoy this marvellous pool the way I want to.”
“Give me a kiss first.” He mumbled. That she could do. She slid her lips against his. Lewis moved his hand along her back before settling on the back of her neck to deepen the kiss. On instinct, Jamilah pushed her breasts against his chest as she moaned into his mouth. Without realising, she had been rubbing herself against the fabric of Lewis’s boxers. He brought his hands to her waist to steady her before he pulled his mouth away from the kiss.
“If you want to swim then I suggest unwrapping yourself from me before I take you out of here.” She blushed as she detached her legs from his body. She splashed his back as she swam away trying to calm the rush that had began to spread through her body.
Before she had let go of him, Jamilah had looked into his eyes. They held promise. They had been playing so close on the edge and if she wasn’t careful, she was going to break the promise she had made to herself.
After spending no more than thirty minutes swimming and playing in the pool, Lewis led her to the master bedroom and showed her the en suite, giving her something to change in as he utilised a guest bathroom to shower. Once he was done, he went to collect their belongings and headed back to the bedroom.
Jamilah hadn’t left the bathroom but he could hear that the shower was off. As he folded her dress and placed it by her handbag. She opened the door and his eyes took her in. She stood there wearing one of his baggy t-shirt. He had also given her a new pair of brief boxers but they weren’t showing as they were swallowed by the fabric.
“Don’t you look gorgeous.” He smiled at her as she walked towards him and reached for her bag.
“You never stop do you?” Jamilah said as she dug through the bad and pulled out a smaller bag.
“Like any man, I like seeing my woman in my clothes.” She rolled her eyes at his answer as she pulled out a silk scarf.
“Give it to me.” He held out his hand and she placed the scarf into his palm. Lewis focused on carefully wrapping her braids, making sure that it wasn’t too tight on her edges.
“Thank you honey.” She lightly stood on her tip-toes and pecked his lips. “Where’s your durag? I need to wrap up your fuck ass braids.”
“You need to stop talking shit about my hair.”
“Not until you change your braider.” She replied in a sing-song voice. Lewis didn’t respond to her but he sat in between her legs as she sat on the edge of the bed. Jamilah soothed out his plaits once she had taken off his hair tie. She secured the durag and placed a kiss on top of his head. “All done.”
Lewis turned his head and kissed her thigh. He continued to place kisses on her skin as he turned his body.
“Stop!” She squealed, feeling ticklish and pushed his head away from her legs but Lewis picked her up by her knees and dropped her further up the bed. Jamilah rushed to pull the t-shirt down her body. The underwear that he had given her were tightly pressed against the dampness of her cunt.
Since they shared their first kiss in the studio, they had been playing it safe. But the kissing and touching was becoming too much for her. Her body was craving more but she knew that if they crossed that line, then she would be giving herself to on a platter. It was hard not to when he had been doing everything right.
“Hey.” His voice pulled her out of her thoughts. “Where did you go just there?”
She shook her head in response as she gave him a lazy smile. “I was just thinking.”
“What about us?”
“You don’t think we’re moving too fast? Like everything had been so perfect and at the back of my mind, I keep waiting for the ball to drop.” She confessed. “I want this with you so much but I’m also the first woman you’ve been with publicly. What if you don’t want this any more, the longer it goes on?” Jamilah was no longer looking up at him but as his chest, focusing on the compass tattoo, tracing the north tip point. She felt Lewis place his hand beside her head before tipping her face upwards so that she could meet his eyes.
“Did you ever think about the fact that it’s going really well because I want the exact same thing that you want? That I’m doing things out of my typical because I am so enamoured by you, I’m doing what my heart tells me instead of following the logistics of what our teams tell us to do.”
His words rained over and pooled into her heart. She cupped his face and stroked the swell of his cheeks.
“You’re not alone in this. I’m right here with you.” He turned his head and kissed her inner palm.
“Okay.” She whispered then leaned up to capture his lips. The gentle touch of their lips caused him to sigh into her mouth. Jamilah took the opportunity to deepen the kiss, sucking on his tongue. He groaned as he leaned down and pressed his chest against her stomach.
“Baby.” Jamilah whimpered as his hands moved beneath her shirt and settled on her back, just above the hem of the boxers.
“Let me take care of you.” Lewis mumbled before nibbling on her bottom lip. She parted her legs as he began moving down her body. He moved the fabric of the t-shit away from the stomach. He inhaled deeply as her hands rubbed on his head. Lewis grabbed at the boxers and pulled them away from her hips.
Jamilah sighed as he returned to lay kisses on her hip bones, the contact sent shivers up the length of her spine.
“Mmm.” She moaned as his thumb caressed her clit in slow, soft circles that made her pussy clench. Lewis dipped his head in between her thighs and glided his tongue across her clit. A tremor rushed through her body and made her legs wobble. He picked up her calf and placed his leg over his shoulder.
“Look at me, princess.” He commanded. When Jamilah looked at him and his stare was intense and full of desire. Full desire of her.
He winked at her and then lowered his mouth onto her clit. He wrapped his arms around her legs, pulling Jamilah closer to his mouth and locking her bottom half in place. Lewis kept his eyes locked in with hers as his tongue flicked against her clit.
“Oh shit! Lew!” One hand reached down and kept his head in place as she rode his face.
“You taste so fucking good baby.” He moaned and continued moaning against her pussy as her eyes rolled to the back of her head.
Jamilah had received head before and she knew how good it would feel but it was never like this. All of her senses were alive but her mind was clouded with pleasure. Lost in it, she fell back onto the bed. A hard slap came to her inner thigh and the sting made her shiver with pleasure.
“Eyes on me princess. Don’t make me tell you again.” The sternness of his voice aroused her even more.
“Okay.” She whispered.
Right then, Lewis began to flick his tongue faster, forcing her words down her throat. She dug her nails into his hair, pulling on what she could through the durag as she began to tremble.
“Right there! Right fucking there!” She pleaded as she locked eyes with him, concentrating on rocking her hips faster, bumping her pussy against his nose. Jamilah was making his face wet and she didn’t care.
Evidently, he didn’t care either.
Then Lewis pulled her pussy lips apart and slid two fingers into her cunt and curled them upwards. Dragging his fingers forth as he thrusted them, with his tongue eagerly rolling on her clit and applying pressure on the nub. Jamilah’s mouth formed into a silent O with one last drag.
“Oh fuck! I’m coming! I’m c-.” Her body seized in place as her orgasm ruptured. Lewis hummed satisfied as his gaze darkened.
She fell backwards as she tried to catch her breath. He gently kissed her pelvis before shifting until he was hovering above her. He held onto her chin and pulled her in for a kiss. Jamilah moaned at the taste of herself left on his lips.
“You’re so pretty when you come.” He murmured, pecking her lips as he spoke.
“When will I get to see you come?” She threw back at him which caused him to smirk.
“Not tonight.” He replied, colliding their lips once more. “But I’m going to make you come on my face again.”
“Oh god!” Jamilah gasped as she arched off the bed as he laid his mouth on her pussy once more …
You’re really fucking with that nigga huh?
ru’s letter💌: it’s nearly 5am. I hope I wake up to all of your love 💋
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jamesdotmp3 · 6 months
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not star trek but um. watched the new ghostbusters today. ghost lesbians ,
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wonuumelody · 1 year
Where svt likes to hold you
🎀( hand / thigh / waist /arm around your neck)
pairing: seventeen x gn!reader
genre: fluff. warning(s): none
Hand : Dokyeom, minghao, seungkwan
They like simplicity. Sometimes they hold you as if you were the most precious object in the world. They like to feel your fingers, and intertwined your fingers as you walk. They also like to play with your fingers when you're both sitting on the couch. It's cute for them
Thigh : scoups, mingyu, Woozi
It's so hot. They like to show that you are theirs. They put their hands on your thigh all the time, in the car, when you're sitting next to it. It is a gesture that allows them to be reassured and at the same time to show others that you are a person already taken.
Waist : wonwoo, Jeonghan, dino
They find it romantic. The fact that you stand by the waist and have the opportunity to get closer to them very quickly. It allows them to be close to you. Plus, they know you like it a lot when they hold you by the waist.
Neck : Vernon, Joshua, Jun, Hoshi.
They find this position more comfortable for their arm. They can hold you really close to them like that and their hands are still free (Hoshi can horanghae in peace.) This way, it's also easier to make others understand that you're already with someone.
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idiopath-fic-smile · 11 months
me, earlier this week: the characters in this one are 1920s showbiz folks, i should write a little cole porter-style song for it, that'd be fun
me today, up to my fucking eyebrows in rhymezone.com: oh right, cole porter's famous because what he did was hard
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kryptonianheroao3 · 5 months
Maybe I’m looking into it too much but did anyone else not like the scene after the ionic separator scene where Callie asks Phoebe ‘are you ready to be a Spengler again?’
I get it, she’s probably just saying it to get Phoebe going again after what just happened but considering all Phoebe has been through in the film. Being benched, then fired, feeling like her family didn’t care and then the one person who gets her betrayed her, being asked if she’s ready to be a Spengler again, right after what’s happened, is going to hurt her.
You can see how much being a Spengler means to her. The way she uses it against her mom when she’s angry is proof of that. Imagine being asked that. Imagine how that must’ve made Phoebe feel, implying that she wasn’t a Spengler because she had messed up.
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rahuratna · 1 month
The Transformation of Nanami Kento, Part 9: Side story
As requested by @tsukimefuku , here's a little glance into how Ijichi and Nanami-pom handled the other transformed mascots. Shoutout to Sanrio for the inspiration!
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Ijichi had breathed a silent sigh of relief when the rogue curse user had been found. The thought of Nanami having to remain in his transformed body for too much longer had been playing on his mind, even as he attempted to continue with his normal duties. The curse user, who the file had named as Ichimura, was now in captivity, and a team had been dispatched to the daycare facility where the other victims of his transformation had been kept.
Glancing over the file, Ijichi shook his head in slight disbelief. What a strange and, quite frankly, alarming ability. Even though Nanami was that much stronger, he had been rendered weak and vulnerable through the curse user catching him off guard. The fact that Ichimura's victims had all been transformed into cute mascots for the benefit of the children attending the daycare was ... its own can of worms.
Setting the file aside, Ijichi picked up the phone and dialled the number for the requisition department. He had ordered Nanami-pom a few extra sets of clothes, in case the hunt for Ichimura dragged out. There was obviously no longer a need for them. Ichimura had quickly crumbled during interrogation, faced with the slightly unhinged cheeriness of Gojo. He had agreed to undo the transformation on all of his victims, provided he received breaks in-between to recuperate his energy.
"Hello? Yes. Yes, this is Ijichi. I made a request yesterday afternoon for the ... yes. The clothes. Well, we've managed to capture the curse user, so there will no longer be a need for them. You can cancel the order."
There was a slight pause as Ijichi's frown grew.
"What was that? Oh, but ... really, I assure you, there's no need for them any more. No, I'm quite serious. What ... I mean, yes. Yes I agree that the clothes are ... cute, but ... Well, he's going to be transformed back within the next twenty four hours. So really, there's no need ... Wait, what?"
He listened for a minute more, eyebrows rising into his hairline.
"Excuse me? Have I heard you correctly? Ma'am ... absolutely not! I will not ... Yes, I know! I heard you the first time. The clothes are ... sweet and fashionable and nunu, but if you think I'm going to force one of our grade one sorcerers to model clothes for you and take pictures of him while he's in this state ... well you have another think coming!"
Slamming the receiver down, Ijichi huffed out an indignant breath and glared at it.
The nerve of some people!
At that moment, there was a soft knock on the door. Ijichi straightened his suit jacket, hoping that nobody had heard the tail end of that altercation.
"Er ... come in!"
There was a pause, before another soft knock sounded. Dropping his pen, Ijichi immediately noted that the sound was coming from rather low down on the outside of the door, and there was also a soft snuffling that could faintly be heard through the crack of the hinge. Exclaiming softly as he realised who his visitor probably was, Ijichi rose and made his way over to the door, opening it carefully.
Nanami-pom stood outside, alone. He was dressed in his tiny pyjama set, since his suit had been sent for dry-cleaning after the battle in the amusement park. He looked up at Ijichi, soft hazel eyes holding an air of expectancy. Smiling, Ijichi stepped aside, and the soft patter of small paws sounded on the wooden floor of his office as Nanami-pom entered and hopped up onto the sofa.
"Ah, Nanami. Is there something you need?"
Nodding, Nanami-pom pointed with one small paw at the door, then at the clock. Glancing at the time, Ijichi's eyes widened as he realized that the retrieval team would be back at any time.
"Oh, I see! Are they bringing Ichimura's employees here to the managers' offices?"
Receiving another floppy-eared nod, Ijichi hurriedly rose and grabbed a file from the shelf, flipping through to the necessary forms.
"I'd better get these ready then. They'll have some paperwork to do once the transformation has been undone and Ieri checks them over ... Nanami, would you mind helping me communicate with them when they arrive? I'm sure they'll be agitated, and exhausted, with all they've been through. Ah, let me also call Nitta and arrange some food, clothing and toiletries for them ... "
As Ijichi wrapped himself in a growing cloak of preparations, Nanami-pom sat attentively on the couch, following the proceedings. Now and then, he would lift one ear, listening carefully if he thought something was of particular importance. Nitta arrived soon, pushing a large cart piled high with supplies.
"Ijichi, I've got the care packages here. If this is their stop point, we'll leave them here in your - "
She stopped short as she caught sight of Nanami-pom, her eyes widening to impossible proportions. Nanami-pom regarded her gravely before hopping down from the sofa and approaching. Nitta appeared to be holding her breath. One small paw extended out to her and she bent hesitantly and took it between her fingers. In his current signature greeting, Nanami-pom placed his little snout within her cupped palm and sniffed slightly. Nitta looked like she was about to hyperventilate, when Ijichi cleared his throat and gave her a warning glance.
"Ahem ... Nitta. The supplies?"
"Eh? Oh! Right. Here, um ... yes."
Nanami-pom suddenly looked alert, one ear raised. Nitta straightened and glanced down the hallway before freezing in place.
"Oh. Oh, wow."
Ijichi joined her the doorway and immediately saw the cause of her exclamation. The retrieval team had brought the employees of the daycare with them ... and boy, was this a sight.
It seemed that Nanami's transformation had been but one possible pathway for the curse to effect a change. Coming slowly down the hallway, some clasped in the arms of the burly security personnel and sorcerers, some riding on their shoulders, some sleeping in small carriers, were a range of living mascots. Ijichi spotted a Cinnamoroll, a Hello Kitty mascot, a rather disoriented looking Keroppi, a shy Melody, a tiny Pochacco and a bright eyed Chococat.
The strange convoy found its way to Ijichi's office, dropping off their cargo and completing the necessary paperwork before the manager was left in his office with Nitta, Nanami-pom and six rather distressed looking transformed humans. He turned to them slowly, ignoring Nitta's quivering form beside him. It was quite evident that the younger assistant was itching to pet a few of them.
"Um ... good day."
Failing to think of anything else, Ijichi fell back on customary politeness.
"I am Ijichi, manager to sorcerer assistants at Jujutsu Tech. So ... I know this must all be a lot for you to absorb. And I understand the kind of ... trauma you must have suffered over the past few days."
At this, the Chococat let out a miserable mewl and the Keroppi croaked loudly.
"Yes, yes. I know. I've dealt with many cases of transformation before ... none quite so ... but that's beside the point. We will see to all of your needs and get you back to normal in no time at all. The culprit who has done this to you has been apprehended and is currently in our custody."
The Hello Kitty mascot hopped slightly up and down in celebration, while the Cinnamoroll looked angry and wrapped its ears around its own neck in imitation of what it would like to do with Ichimura.
Ijichi coughed slightly and waved a hand at the cart of supplies.
"Assistant Nitta will supply you with something to eat while you wait, some clothes, if you wish them, and some other conveniences. And - oh. Nanami, you wish to help too?"
Nanami-pom solemnly stepped forward and nodded, bowing to the other mascots in the office. Their eyes were drawn to him and the chirruping, croaking and other sounds emanating from the small group died down.
Thus far, Nanami had never uttered anything at all in this form. At first, Ijichi had wondered if it was because he was incapable, but Nanami-pom had, on occasion, made small sounds that indicated his silence was more of a conscious choice.
Ijichi soon learned why.
Nanami-pom looked up at Ijichi, and the manager cleared his throat.
"Everyone, this is Nanami. He is one of our grade one sorcerers and was transformed by Ichimura while pursuing him. Nanami was instrumental in capturing Ichimura, and thanks to him, Ichimura is ... incapacitated. Even in this form, Nanami is quite the capable sorcerer, you see. Please refer to him if you need anything further, or some advice on  how to manage your situation while we organize the reversal of your transformation."
The mascots slowly gathered around Nanami-pom, something akin to respect and admiration in their large, shiny eyes. He began to communicate with them, Ijichi and Nitta looking over in surprise as a series of the most adorable barks and yips escaped his snout, his soft, floppy ears lifting and waving first one way, then the next. He gestured with his paws and the other diminutive heads nodded strongly in agreement with him.
As Nanami-pom spoke, the change in the other mascots became more pronounced. Their eyes widened with awe, their small mouths lifted and curved in smiles, and the Hello Kitty was hopping up and down again. Whatever he had said had obviously encouraged them and given them hope.
Eventually, Nanami-pom turned away and looked over at Ijichi, straightening his small pyjama shirt in a very familiar manner and nodding with dignity. Ijichi cleared his throat.
"Thank you very much, Nanami. Um ... I'm not sure what you said to them, but I'm sure it helped."
Nitta received a call on her phone at that moment.
"Hello, Nitta speaking. Ah! Yes, Gojo, he's here. All right. I'll send him through."
She turned to Nanami-pom and lowered her voice slightly.
"Nanami, Gojo wants you in the interrogation room. Ichimura has recovered enough to start with undoing the transformations. He can start with you."
Nanami-pom seemed to consider this for a moment before shaking his head firmly. Nitta looked confused.
"But ... don't you want to turn back immediately?"
The small yellow-furred form turned back to the other mascots, who were still gathered around him. He raised a paw, pointing firmly at each of them, before gesturing to himself.
"You ... you want them all to go before you have your turn?"
Another nod. The shy Melody and the tiny Pochacco were looking at him with teary eyes, while the Cinnamoroll put aside its angry posture long enough to place a comforting paw on Nanami-pom's head.
Ijichi straightened and nodded firmly.
"All right. So be it. Nanami, I think you should go to meet with Gojo. We'll let him know your decision and get started with reversing these transformations as soon as possible."
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If only Ijichi had realised that it would come to this.
Ichimura turned out to use up a great deal more cursed energy reversing the transformations than effecting them in the first place. He needed extended breaks between each of the employees who visited him. It didn't help that they had to see him in order for the effect to occur.
The Cinnamoroll had been reversed into a burly security guard who had promptly attempted to give Ichimura another beating. Ijichi had managed to hold him off, but had decided to keep a closer watch in future.
The remaining hours were spent seeing to the other mascots sequestered in his office. It seemed that being turned into these forms also changed certain aspects of their personality. Things that were far less noticeable in the stoic Nanami-pom (who, despite his equanimity, obviously enjoyed riding around on people and had a mischievous streak where a certain white-haired sorcerer was concerned) were very evident in his mascot counterparts.
The Keroppi seemed to enjoy playfully hiding Ijichi's stationery and having it show up in unexpected places. The Hello Kitty was constantly giving the rest of the mascots hugs, and Ijichi certainly wasn't exempt. He'd had to gently pry her off his leg more than once so he could get up to go to the photocopier.
The small Pochacco turned out to have a huge appetite, and it had stolen and devoured Ijichi's lunch along with most of the snacks he kept in his cupboard, turning to face him eventually with a guilty expression and a mouth smeared with strawberry jam. And on top of all of this, there was the Chococat who kept camouflaging into the furniture and sending Ijichi into a panic when he couldn't find him.
The shy Melody seemed very taken with Nanami-pom. It kept borrowing Ijichi's pen and scrawling out malformed pictures of him. In all the pictures, he was holding her hand. Upon looking at them, rosy red patches would appear on her white-furred cheeks and she would hurriedly crumple the page, only to start up on a new drawing almost immediately.
In time, the office slowly emptied of its strange little occupants, as each of them was collected to be taken to Ichimura. As each regained their human form, they were shown to Ieiri's examination room for a quick medical and then to the neighbouring offices for completion of their paperwork. Most of the employees hurried back to their homes and families after their ordeal, but all of them left behind some form of communication, asking for their thanks to be conveyed to Nanami-pom.
He had, apparently, reminded them of the rights of the worker, their entitlement to suitable working conditions, and employment that they genuinely enjoyed. He had also given a scathing review of emotionally abusive employers, which the daycare workers had heartily agreed upon. Each of them had vowed to seek out more fulfilling employment in the future.
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Many months later, Nanami received a letter in the mail at Jujutsu Tech. He's just returned from a mission and was sipping some coffee in the staff lounge when Nitta delivered it to him. When he'd queried about who it was from, she'd mentioned one of the daycare employees who'd probably wanted to thank him for his help and encouraging words.
Bemused, Nanami had opened the letter, only to find a scrawled drawing of the shy Melody holding hands with him, with a red blob above them that appeared to be a heart shape. Below it were the words:
Thank you, my magical hero.
P.S. There will never be a Pompompurin as cute as you!
Nanami carefully folded the letter and placed it in an inner pocket, thanking his lucky stars that Gojo hadn't been in the room when he'd opened it. 
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petrowriting · 3 months
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and there’s no remedy for memory
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emmabirb8 · 12 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Gravity Falls Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jesus "Soos" Alzamirano Ramirez/Melody Characters: Bill Cipher, Melody (Gravity Falls), Jesus "Soos" Alzamirano Ramirez, others mentioned but not featured prominently Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Family Feels, Found Family, pregnancy/childbirth mention but nothing specific or detailed, Handyman Bill AU, soos is best husband, bill is trying bill is learning, he has a teensy bit of a breakthrough here actually, but he's still a pathetic little jerk sometimes, he's slowly becoming domesticated he just doesn't know it yet lmao, Book of Bill Spoilers, handyman bill au belongs to waty_mot and LosanPostle on twitter/x Summary:
A recently reformed Bill Cipher meets the newest addition to the Mystery Shack family. It rattles him a little, if he's being honest. But who is he kidding? He's never honest.
A “Handyman Bill” AU oneshot.
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Gravity Falls has me in a chokehold, and I’m a little obsessed with the @handymanbill AU, so uh... I went feral and cranked this out in the span of A DAY like the madwoman I am, apparently, lmao.
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brawlina · 5 months
Feel free to write this into an actual story if you like. All I ask is a bit of credit and a link if it does get written.
Brawl Stars Fanfic Idea #1
No. 1 Bad Random/He won't cooperate
Summary: Edgar is the Bad Random's biggest fan. When he gets 'recruited' by Melodie and Draco to make an opposing band to 'take them down', Edgar will have to defend his favorite band's honor!
(More info under the cut)
(Note: this idea was written before we learned more about Draco's personality, so his inclusion will be minimal and might not be in character)
Improtant Details (HCs important to the story)
Edgar is THE biggest Bad Randoms fan. Maybe an even bigger fan than Colette in this regard. He's wearing their shirt on his default skin afterall!
Outside of the band, Edgar has a friendly relationship with Buzz, Stu, and Poco. You can even include Bibi and Janet in here if you count Vicious Bibi and Popstar janet as somewhat part of the band.
Edgar can both play guitar and the drums. When he gets recruited for this new band, hes asked to be the drummer.
Normally he would be staying out of the nonsense, but he feels too much pride in being their fan. So he does a lil trolling and 'spying' instead.
Melodie started the band. She'd be a bit more antagonistic and spotlight hungry here to push the story.
Melodie believes that Janet is part of the Bad Randoms and makes many comments and jabs because of it.
Draco is just here cause he really wanted to join a band and the idea sounded awesome to him.
Draco thinks the Bad Randoms could be better and decides the best way to let them know that is to lead by example
Edgar and Draco vibe hard and they become friends regardless of what happens.
Edgar does not like Melodie that much.
The plan is to have several songs ready to go so that theh can crash the Bad Random's annual sunmer concert with their epic songs.
Potential Ideas (Other ideas that can be added)
Melodie recruits more than two people to the band to further 'upstage' the original. She would be looking for back up performers who can support her but wont steal her spotlight.
Bibi and/or Emz get recruited. Edgar decides to invite them to the trolling for more chaos
Melodie gets suspicious of Edgar at some point and makes a Monster Note follow him for 'espionage'(things dont go well)
Assassin Beef (Edgar, Buzz, Stu, and Melodie are all considered assassins so)
Colette gets involved and makes everything worse
Ships involving Edgar for more drama
Draco consideeing just joining the bad randoms as well and showing them better music in a more direct way. Edgar ends up joining him.
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hawkinsthe3rd · 4 days
Introducing my current writing project, Digimon Survivors!
It’s a little thing I’ve been whipping up based on a dream I had. If you read it, I hope you enjoy.
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mauvecherie-writes · 8 months
endless melodies - l.hamilton.
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pairing: lewis hamilton x fem!oc;jamilah riley
genre: smau romance x full chapters
summary: jamilah riley returns to the public after a horrible break up with her boyfriend of 5 years. Ready to continue with her life, she tells her story of finding love again through her art.
warnings: given per chapter
face claim: ryan destiny as jamilah riley
notes: trying this smau thing again. don’t know how many parts yet but i want to keep it relatively short. like, comment, re-blog.
tags: @queenshikongo3 @dhlfastestlap @hersinsarescarlet @emjayewrites @saintslewis @serpenttines-library @hopefulromantic1 @cocobutterqwueen @bluesole16 @chaneajoyyy @melodicheauxxlovesfood @felicity-x0 @lewisroscoelove @lh44adore @hellomadamebutterfly @lh44adore @blowmymbackout
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Liked by amalriley, fencer and 640 k others
jamilah.riley back in session 🎵
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j.rfanpage welcome back mother 🩷
⤷ jamilah.riley j.rfanpage 🫶🏾
amalriley and looking better than ever
liked by jamilah.riley
victoriamonet let’s take it to the booth mama!
⤷ jamilah.riley victoriamonet calling you rn!
user1 beautiful as ever!
jamilah.riley • 25 minutes ago
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ru’s letter: please let let me know what you think beauties! ly
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rentumblsstuff · 2 days
Daily affirmations but it’s just “I WILL finish the last chapter of my fic today”
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wonuumelody · 1 year
“ Boyfriend serie ” ; Seungcheol as your bf
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pairing: seventeen scoups x fem!reader genre: fluff, bf thoughts warning(s): use of pet name (mostly at the end).
Seungcheol is so husband material, like he is THE standard.
Would be so clingy and pouty when he get tired after a long day at work :((
He love touching you (he always ask you if he can before because he really don't want you to be uncomfortable with it). When you're both on the couch watching some TV, he always have a hand on you, on your thigh mostly.
He absolutely LOVE spoiling you. You often joke about all the gifts he give you by calling him your "sugar daddy" but he just love giving you gifts, handmade or not. When he's out and see something that makes him think of you he always want to buy it :( even if you tell him that it's okay
When you have your periods, he always ask you how you feel, if your craving something, if you want something.
He's so so so caring and attentive with you all the time. Sometimes when you go back to your place and don't speak a lot he knows that something is not okay. To help you quickly go to rest, he helps you make food and waits until you are both sitting on the couch to take you in his arms and ask you what is wrong.
He love walking with you and having your hand in his. Often he likes to say that you look like a retired couple, and secretly he dreams of seeing you both still in your old age.
He secretly like it so much when you put your fingers in his cheek dimples, he thinks that you're really really cute.
Want to marry you so so much and end up his life with you by his side.
When one of you is feeling down, both of you always take care of each other. Hugs on the couch, good and comfort food, serie on the TV with a cover on your legs.
His kisses are always so soft, he gently cup your face in his hand before put his lips on yours. But sometimes kisses are more deeper, his hand on your waist and yours on his neck, leaving you breathless. Always kiss the corner of your lips and your cheek after.
When he is with his friend, he can't help but text you when he is doing something. You always tell him "stop texting me and enjoy with your friends love" and his answer is always "but I wanted to text you my love" and then he got pouty and you need to kiss him after
He is possessive. You're his and his yours. That's all.
He was so stressed before you met kkuma, he was even more stressed for the meeting with his dog than the meeting with his parents. Was so happy when he find out that kkuma love you a lot
He loves using pet name like "my love" "sweetheart" "honey" "darling"
Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed reading this. This is the first thought of my bf serie with svt!
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atonalginger · 2 days
I'm Your Huckleberry
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Howdy y'all! Today the first two (2) chapters of I'm Your Huckleberry went live on ao3! This is that story revolving around the big west west party I've been working on off and on since April. It would have been done sooner but we can all thank heath issues for that.
The story is rated Mature and will be 14 chapters. Contains explicit language and themes of past abuse and neglect for several adult characters.
As The Liberated's survey of Cassiopeia I draws to a close focus shifts to planning young Sophie's 7th birthday party. The birthday girl's request is a big one but nothing Delgado and the team can't handle. Everything feels smooth sailing with Doc Melody's help until specters start casting shadows on the Ranch. Will Del and Doc be able to shake off the weight of their pasts before the party? Or will trouble rain of the joyous day?
The first two chapters are on ao3 and you can quickly get there by clicking HERE!
And as always, a snippet from the first chapter under a read more:
“How did you…” he stopped next to her and joined in looking around, his voice more calm, “Did you find any better spots?”
“Yeah, three or four,” she sighed, “I still can’t believe I let you two talk me into this.”
“Oh, come on, the arrangement is perfect for you,” Del clapped her back and ignored the unseen glare under her helmet, “enemy of my enemy and all that shit. Plus how many old Earth artifacts have the Liberated gifted to Constellation since we started.”
“Just get moving, the girls and Rafa await your return.”
He turned and watched as Rokov, Jazz, and the others hustled off the beach, A few bags and small cases left up on the rocks in order to travel light. He gave Jay’s shoulder another couple pats and said in a softer tone, “thank you for the assist.”
“I’m sure you did have it covered,” she looked down her barrel and took a shot off to the north, the explosion causing several walking flowers to scatter, “but better safe than sorry.”
“And you wearing your getup?” he asked as they started moving for the ships.
“Aw, come on,” she playfully pushed him, “you telling me you never wanted to work with a superhero before?”
Delgado heard Jazz snort a laugh before turning on her heel and backpedaling with the group, “I’m still curious to see the superhero in action. The way Cora has talked you up I half expect you to fly off into the sunset with a green cape billowing in the wind.”
“She has a…vivid imagination,” Jay said with the shake of her head.
Something about the good doctor’s tone made Del perk up. She was holding something back there. But that was silly, Jay was just an adventurous anthropologist who got a lucky score with finding that abandoned lair. Yet she was also deceptively strong and both her and her twin were eerily perceptive in a firefight. He’d seen them call shots impossible to see and twice now his crew reported seeing her survive grenade blasts that would have ripped anyone else apart. “It was like her suit was made of fucking stone,” Seumas had said about it after their run-in with spacers on the northern pole.
“Vivid nothing,” Seumas chimed in now, “I’ve seen that suit of your shimmer.”
“Trick of the light,” Jay waved off with a chuckle, “the firefight had knocked up snow and the lights around that landing pad bounced off the ice particles.”
“Bullshit,” Seumas pointed at her, “I don’t know did do it but I know that’s bullshit.”
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hotmonkeelove · 3 days
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I see no difference.
Okay, this is mainly for my upcoming SebaMey reincarnation fic, where Mey-Rin and Ran Mao are cousins/ besties/ roommates, as well as goth loli girls. I was looking at gothic lolita fashion the other day and came across the gl versions of My Melody and Kuromi, which instantly reminded me of them. (I'd seen the gl Hello Kitty before, though.) I thought posting this would give me some motivation to write more. I had been hoping to at least finish the prologue by now, but I'm still a wreck after losing Buddy. I can't believe it's been a whole week now. I miss him so much.
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