#Melek Kalfa
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magnificentlyreused · 8 months ago
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This pink and purple dress was first worn by Hafsa Sultan in promotional material and the first episode of the second season of Magnificent Century. It was worn again by Mihrimah Sultan in the eleventh episode of the third season. The dress was also used on Melek Kalfa in the twelth episode of the fourth season.
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awkward-sultana · 3 years ago
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(Almost) Every Costume Per Episode + Madame Margaret/Melek Kalfa’s green gown and green kaftan with gold print in 2x27
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incorrect-kosem · 6 years ago
Atike: Wait isn’t there a bigger problem here?
Melek: The dissolution of the monasteries.
Atike: No.
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fauzhee10069 · 8 years ago
Watching MYK episode 54 (S2E24), another surprise by TIMS. Madam Margaret (prenses Farya’s nanny) now converted to muslim, it’s funny that she cared to convert whereas her prenses never bothered to convert and change her name at all (LOL). On top of that, she is renamed as Melek now, welcome Melek kalfa.
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BUT WAIT!!! Does this mean that Meleki hatun got replaced by her, remember this girl from season 1?:
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And her grown up version:
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The girl named Meleki, she was a little girl saved by Kösem sultan when her mother died by illness and later she saved Kösem back by hiding her during Safiye’s coup d’etat, since then she became Kösem’s loyal servant until she had been sent away from the palace (iirc because Kösem thought that she was incompetent) in episode 38 (S2E8). You know, this Meleki hatun was famous enough as Kösem’s loyal servant who betrayed her in the end by exploiting Kösem’s plan to Turhan Hatice that she would replace Mehmed by another grandson, removing Turhan Hatice as Valide Sultan with another sultana who could easily be controlled, leading to Kösem’s death by murder.
I mean, will this girl Meleki hatun back and continue her role? Or will she be magically gone and replaced by the old Melek kalfa?? If so, what is the reason?
Could it be the last woman played as Meleki hatun has left the show for specific reason and madam has to replace her? With the similar situation that have happened before in Mahfiruz’s role. Remember this Mahfiruz hatun who got infected by smallpox and died:
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And later came Rasha hatun who became Mahfiruze Hatice Sultan:
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Or could it be another favoritism for Farya since her fans demand that her death by Kösem to be avenged? Will Kösem die by Turhan with Melek kalfa’s help? If so, I wonder why this favoritism has not ended yet even when the actress has stopped playing in this show and is currently busy shooting for her next drama?
I wish this is not the case, I hope Melek kalfa is a separated and different individual and the previous Meleki hatun will come back soon. Because I don’t want another favoritism for Farya when it only caused the disruption and confusion to the story that has been built and established before.
I think it’s enough for Farya became Murad’s legal wife without converting and changing her name, became a sultana without having a sehzade first in Episode 40 (S2E10), ditching the fact that Ayşe Haseki Sultan was the most beloved and held the highest position as Murad IV’s consort, twisted Ayşe Haseki Sultan’s role as Mahidevran 2.0 and died as traitor in Murad’s eyes. It’s enough for Farya had dramatic miscarriage in episode 39 (S2E9) only to have miracle twins sehzade in episode 52 (S2E22). Please, don’t force the story to have madam (as Melek kalfa) avenges Farya’s death by killing Kösem and abandon/defying previous Meleki’s existence like she is never existed, though I’m sure it will happen soon.
Honestly, I prefer a random woman appears and comes to Turhan that she is Meleki hatun, a loyal servant of  Kösem sultan that had been sent away from the palace by Kösem and felt betrayed by her then decided to help Turhan instead than madam Margaret as Melek kalfa who suddenly replaces Meleki hatun’s role.
I wish TIMS had planned their story better from season 1 to season 2 (or 3 from their initial planning), perhaps I will be okay with madam becomes Melek kalfa if only little Meleki hatun from season 1 never existed.
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burakurnaz · 6 years ago
Keller’in fanilik felsefesinin eşsiz yanı, bu felsefeyi çevreleyen ve Zürih’li genç bursiyerin öğrencilik yıllarında Heildeberg’li ateistlerin okulunda tanıştığı, dünyevi inanışın özel bir şeklinden türeyen neşeli bir pırıltıdır. Keller’in en hazmedemediği dinin vesayetidir; kamçı vurarak zavallı birinden adamakıllı bir Hristiyan çıkarmak isteyen yobazlıktan daha tiksindirici bulduğu bir şey yoktur. En çiçeli saatlerini bile gördüğü, ışığı olduran, asırlık inanç zindanından kurtuluşudur bu. Vaktinden çok önce hayata veda eden kuzini Anna’ya Yeşil Heinrich’in yaptığı cenaze konuşmasından daha parlak bir konuşma yapılmamıştır dense yeridir. Marangoz henüz tamamladığı tabutu sünger taşına vurduğunda, diye hatırlar Heinrich, “Tozla ovulan tabut kar gibi ağararak çam ağacının kızıllığı elma çiçeği pembesi gibi güç fark edilir oldu; boyansa, yaldızlansa hatta bir maden kaplansa bu kadar güzel ve kibar olamazdı. Doğramacı göreneğe uyarak tabutun baş tarafına bir de sürmeli pencere yapmıştı; kabre indirilinceye kadar ölünün yüzüne buradan bakılırdı. Bunlar için lazım olan camı almayı unuttuğumuzdan ben kayığa binerek eve, öyle bir şey almaya gittim. Bir dolabın üstünde resmi çoktan kaybolmuş bir çerçeve bulunduğunu hatırlıyordum. Bu çerçevenin unutulmuş camını alıp dikkatle kayığa yerleştirerek geri döndüm. İşini bitiren kalfa ormanda dolaşarak fındık topluyordu; ben camı ölçüp deliğe uyduğunu görünce tozuyla karalığını almak için duru çay suyuna sokarak güzelce yıkadım. Sularını damlatarak camı kaldırıp güneşe doğru tuttuğumda o zamana kadar görmediğim en sevimli bir mucize ile karşılaştım; mızıka çalan üç melek çocuk! Ortadaki bir nota kağıdı tutarak şarkı söylüyor, ötekiler ise ilk çağlardan kalma kemanlarını çalarak hep birlikte sevinç ve vecit içinde göğe bakıyorlardı. Fakat hayalet o kadar havai ve hafif idi ki güneş hüzmelerinde mi, camda mı yoksa yalnız hayalimde mi görüyordum, bilmiyorum. Camı oynatır oynatmaz hayal kayboluyor, sonra belirli bir durumda yine meydana çıkıyordu. Sonradan öğrendim ki bakır gravürleri veya karakalem resimleri yıllarca bir camın arkasında kalırlarsa, uzun karanlık gecelerde cama vura vura orada yankılarını bırakırlarmış.” Hayat hikayesinin bu kısmında Heinrich’e nasip olan tesellinin başta sanılacağı gibi cennet nimetlerini ummakla alakası yoktur. Huşuyla göğe bakan melekler yanıltıcı bir görüntüdür sadece, gerçekte kimyevi bir reaksiyonun sonucu olan bir mucize etkisi yapan sanal vinyetlerdir. Bunun içindir ki Keller’in ölümle barışmayı bu dünyada, işini doğru düzgün yaparak, çam ağacının karlı ışıltısında, gölde cam parçasıyla yaptığı sakin kayık yolculuğunda, bir şeyleri idrak halinde, hava, ışık ve duru suyun, hiçbir aşkınlığın bulandırmadığı güzelliğin ve yasın yavaşça kalkan örtüsünden geçerken başarır.
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ottomanladies · 7 years ago
On this day, 15 March, in Ottoman history
15 March 1536 - execution of Pargalı Ibrahim Pasha; probably the first important favourite in Süleyman I’s reign, he had risen to the rank of Grand Vizier without an actual political career. Since he was considered an outsider by the Ottoman élite, Süleyman organised a marriage between Ibrahim and Muhsine Hatun, granddaughter of Iskender Pasha (the man Ibrahim had first served after being captured). The wedding celebrations were so lavish that prompted historians to believe he had married a princess. Ibrahim Pasha is also credited to have been the one who presented Hürrem to Süleyman. On the evening 14 March 1536, Ibrahim went to Topkapi Palace to break Ramadan fast with Süleyman, and went to sleep in the room he still mantained in the inner palace. During the night, he was garroted with a bowstring, the usual method of death for Ottoman royalty. His body was removed from the palace in secret and buried an unmarked grave, maybe in the garden of a dervish hostel near the imperial court. Süleyman had effectively obliterated his Grand Vizier and friend from youth. Only Ibrahim’s wife Muhsine remembered him with a mosque in his memory in the Kumkapı district of Istanbul.
15 March 1835 - birth of Dürrinev Başkadın; Abdülaziz’s Senior Consort was born Melek to Prince Mahmud Bey Dziapş-lpa and his wife Princess  Halime Hanım Çikotua. She was sent to Istanbul with her sister Ayşe to serve Servetseza Kadın, consort of Abdülmecid I, who gave them a thorough turkish and french education. Renamed Dürrinev, she was an accomplished pianist and could spoke French without an accent. She also painted, and presented some of her works to Bezmialem Valide Sultan and Servetseza Kadın. Sometime before 1856, Prince Abdülaziz noticed her and asked her hand to Servetseza Kadın, who firstly refused before finally accepting. Abdülaziz and Dürrinev got married on 20 May 1856. On 11 October 1857 she gave birth to Prince Yusuf İzzeddin, but since her husband was still a prince, her child had to be kept a secret until Abdülaziz‘s accession. Her second and last child, Saliha Sultan, was born on 11 August 1862. After his deposition, Abdülaziz and his harem were imprisoned inside Feriye Palace, where Dürrinev shared a room with Şemifer and Zevkyab Hanım. Abdülaziz died only a couple of days later, but the imprisonment later until Abdülhamid II ascended the throne. Dürrinev Başkadın continued to live in Feriye Palace until her death on 4 December 1895.
15 March 1875 - second letter between Refia and Behice Sultan; in this letter, Refia Sultan tells her sister that one day, while she was sitting in Defterdarburnu Palace with her kalfas and her female slaves, she saw Behice Sultan’s fiancé Hamid Bey from the window and they all liked him very much.
15 March 1945 - death of Şayan Kadın; Murad V's Third Imperial Consort, she was born on 4 January 1853 in Anapa. Her father was Zan Batır Bey. She must have entered service in the palace at a young age because she was only sixteen when she married Prince Murad on 5 February 1869 in Dolmabahçe Palace. She became pregnant in the same year and Pertevniyal Valide Sultan sent a midwife to perform an abortion. Murad, though, was able to get permission from Abdulaziz to have the child so Şayan gave birth to Hatice Sultan in the house of Dr. Emir Pasha. Seven days later the baby was secretly taken inside the Heir's apartments and raised in the room of one of the kalfas until the prince ascended the throne. Filitzen Kalfa described her as "one of those beauties one encounters but rarely". She had blue eyes, a rose-pink face and was especially lovely. After Murad V was deposed in favour of his half-brother  Abdülhamid II, Şayan Kadın stayed in Çırağan Palace even after everyone had left after Murad's death. When the Dynasty was exiled in 1924, she moved to Ortaköy with Reftaridil Kadın. In her last years she suffered from dementia and used to yell that the soldiers were coming to raid the palace. She died on 15 March 1945.
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dizigundem-blog · 8 years ago
Ayten Uncuoğlu Kimdir Nereli ve Kaç Yaşında?
New Post has been published on https://www.dizigundem.com/ayten-uncuoglu-kimdir-nereli-ve-kac-yasinda/
Ayten Uncuoğlu Kimdir Nereli ve Kaç Yaşında?
Ayten Uncuoğlu Kimdir? Biyografisi Adı Soyadı : Ayten Uncuoğlu Doğum Tarihi : 24 Mayıs 1946 (71 yaşında) Doğum Yeri : Eskişehir Boyu : 1.60 cm Burcu : İkizler Ayten Uncuoğlu Kilosu : 64 kg Ayten Uncuoğlu Boyu : 1.60 cm Ayten Uncuoğlu Saç Rengi : Siyah Ayten Uncuoğlu Göz Rengi : Kahverengi Ayten Uncuoğlu’ın Eşi : – Ayten Uncuoğlu’ın twitter adresi : – Eğitimi : New York State Üniversitesi
1.60 cm boyunda 64 kg ve İkizler burcu olan usta oyuncu Ayten Uncuoğlu, 24 Mayıs 1946 yılında Eskişehir’de dünyaya gelmiştir. Ankara Üniversitesi Dil ve Tarih Coğrafya Fak��ltesi Tiyatro Bölümü mezunudur. Tümay Özokur ajansına bağlı olan usta oyuncu, Ankara TRT’de 1964 yılında Radyo Tiyatrosu kadrosuna dahil oldu.
Radyo Tiyatrosu, okul radyosu, arkası yarınlar, mikrofonda tiyatrolar, çocuk bahçeleri programlarında görev alan Ayten Uncuoğlu, Yıldırım Önal, Kerim Afşar, Cüneyt Gökçer, Macide Tanır, Işık Yenersu, Çetin Tekindor ve Cihan Ünal ile birlikte çalışma imkanı buldu. 1996 yılında Çılgın Bediş adlı dizide Müdire Nazime Hanım karakterini canlandıran Ayten Uncuoğlu, 2003 yılında yönetmenliğini Kudret Sabancı’ nın yaptığı Aliye adlı dizide rol almıştır.
2008 yılında Aşk Tutulması adlı sinema filminde oynadıktan sonra Aşkın Kanunu adlı dizide Kadriye karakterini canlandırmıştır.
Son olarak Meryem dizisinde kamera karşısına geçen Ayten Uncuoğlu, Meryem dizisinde Nurten karakteri ile kamera karşısına geçmiştir. Ayten Uncuoğlu’na Meryem dizisinde Furkan Andıç, Ayça Ayşin Turan, Açelya Topaloğlu, Seranay Aktaş, Türkü Turan, Kenan Acar, Cemal Toktaş, Uğur Çavuşoğlu, Sezgi Sena Akay, Bestemsu Özdemir, Sema Öztürk, Ayten Uncuoğlu,Beste Kanar, Necmi Yapıcı, Gülden Avşaroğlu, Tekin Temel, Efsane Odağ, Yıldırım Beyazıt, Sonat Dursun, Aydan Kaya ve Mutlu Güney gibi usta oyuncular eşlik etmektedir.
Ayten Uncuoğlu’ın Yer Aldığı Projeler
Rol Aldığı Bazı Tiyatro Oyunları:
2008 – Bayrak (oyun) (Berkun Oya) – Tiyatro Krek 1968 – Allı ile Güllü (Ayme Marcel ve Helene Hilly) – Ankara Sanat Tiyatrosu 1967 – Küçük Prens (Exupery) – Ankara Sanat Tiyatrosu
Filmleri ve Dizileri:
2014 – Olur Olur! (Sinema Filmi) 2014 – Aşkın Kanunu (Kadriye) (TV Dizisi) 2014 – Ağlatan Dans (Dilek Demir) (TV Dizisi) 2013 – Özür Dilerim (Nalan) (Sinema Filmi) 2013 – Yarım Kalan Mucize (Kezban ) (Sinema Filmi) 2013 – Kadın İşi: Banka Soygunu (Anne) (Sinema Filmi) 2013 – Gelmeyen Bahar (Feriha) (Sinema Filmi) 2013 – Benimle Oynar mısın? (Despina) (Sinema Filmi) 2013 – 20 Dakika (TV Dizisi) 2011 – Sensiz Olmaz (Muhterem) (TV Dizisi) 2011 – Eylül (Aslı) (Sinema Filmi) 2010 – Kurtlar Vadisi Filistin (Abdullahın Annesi) (Sinema Filmi) 2009 – Rina (Perizat) (Sinema Filmi) 2009 – Başka Dilde Aşk (Mürvet(Zeynep’in Annesi)) (Sinema Filmi) 2008 – Usta (Ayten) (Sinema Filmi) 2008 – Gökten Üç Elma Düştü (Kayınvalide) (Sinema Filmi) 2008 – Aşk Tutulması (Latife) (Sinema Filmi) 2007 – 2010 – Kavak Yelleri (Ayşe Güngör) (TV Dizisi) 2006 – Sis ve Gece (Madam Eleni) (Sinema Filmi) 2006 – Janjan (Nurcan Harmancı) (Sinema Filmi) 2005 – Dilekler Zamanı (Yaşar’ın Annesi)(TV Filmi) 2004 – Tam Pansiyon (TV Dizisi) 2004 – Haziran Gecesi (Sadiye) (TV Dizisi) 2004 – Avrupa Yakası (Ayten) (TV Dizisi) 2004 – Aliye (İkbal Karahan) (TV Dizisi) 2003 – Kırık Ayna (Hicran) (TV Dizisi) 2003 – Hürrem Sultan (Dilbaz Kalfa) (TV Dizisi) 2003 – Estağfurullah Yokuşu (Mualla) (TV Dizisi) 2002 – Emanet (TV Dizisi) 2002 – Derya & Deniz (Börülce) (TV Dizisi) 2002 – Canım Kocacığım (TV Dizisi) 2001 – Yeşil Işık (Sinema Filmi) 2001 – Tatlı Hayat (Madam Anjel) (TV Dizisi) 2001 – Nisan Yağmuru (TV Dizisi) 2001 – Maruf (Ebe Kadın) (Sinema Filmi) 2000 – Dadı (Katı Satı) (TV Dizisi) 1999 – Eylül Fırtınası (Nurten) (Sinema Filmi) 1999 – Dilber (Rabia) (TV Filmi) 1998 – Kaçıklık Diploması (Sinema Filmi) 1997 – Sır (Kısa Film) 1996 – 2001 – Çılgın Bediş (Müdire Nazime Hanım) (TV Dizisi) 1995 – Yer Çekimli Aşklar (Sinema Filmi) 1994 – Babam Askerde (Sinema Filmi) 1993 – Gece, Melek Ve Bizim Çocuklar (Sabahat) (Sinema Filmi) 1992 – Çıplak (Sinema Filmi) 1992 – Cazibe Hanımın Gündüz Düşleri (Fal Baktırmaya Gelen Kadın) (Sinema Filmi) 1991 – İlk Aşk (Sinema Filmi) 1990 – Soğuktu Ve Yağmur Çiseliyordu (Komşu Kadın) (Sinema Filmi) 1989 – Tiyatro Belgeseli (Sinema Filmi) 1989 – Ayaşlı ve Kiracıları (Süsen) (TV Dizisi) 1988 – Bir Tren Yolculuğu(TV Filmi)
Ayten Uncoğlu Resimleri
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magnificentlyreused · 10 months ago
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This black and grey cloak was first worn by Malkoçoğlu Bali Bey in the twenty-first episode of the third season of Magnificent Century. It was worn a second time that season by Şehzade Mustafa in the thirty-third episode. The cloak appeared six times in the fourth season, first on Şehzade Selim (later Sultan Selim II) in the fifth episode, secondly on Cevher Hatun in the sixth episode, thirdly on one of Rüstem Paşa's lackeys in the tenth episode, then on Melek Kalfa in the fifteenth episode as well as on Hürrem Sultan in the twenty-seventh episode and lastly on Gülfem Hatun.
The cloak was also used twice in the first season of Magnificent Century: Kösem, where it was worn by Menekşe Hatun in the first episode and by Mehmed III Giray in the third episode.
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magnificentlyreused · 11 months ago
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This gold shimmering pink cloak was first worn by Hatice Sultan in the eleventh episode of the first season of Magnificent Century. It appears again on Armin Hatun in the fourth episode of the second season. The cloak was also worn by Nurbanu Sultan in the fifth episode and Melek Kalfa in the fourteenth episode of the fourth season, respectively.
The cloak was worn twice in the first season of Magnificent Century: Kösem, first by Anastasia Hatun (later Kösem Sultan) in the fifth episode, then by Iskender's mistress in the twenty-second episode and lastly by Hümaşah Sultan in the twenty-eigth episode. The cloak was used twice once again in the second season. This time on Madame Margaret (later Melek Hatun) in the second episode and on Kalika Hatun in the fourteenth episode.
Mehmed The Conqueror saw the cloak on Melike Hatun's servant in the third episode.
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magnificentlyreused · 1 year ago
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This pink and grey kaftan was first worn by Mahidevran Sultan in the first episode of the third season of Magnificent Century. It appeared again three times in the fourth season, first on Melek Kalfa in the thirteenth episode, then on an unnamed harem member in the twenty-third episode and lastly on Fidan Kalfa in the twenty-sixth episode.
Magnificent Century: Kösem removed the sleeves and used the kaftan on Menekşe Hatun in the first episode of the first season and on Meleki Hatun in the sixth episode of the second season.
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magnificentlyreused · 1 year ago
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This brown and golden vest was first worn by Dilanur Hatun in the tenth episode of the third season of Magnificent Century. It appeared again in the twenty-fifth episode of the same season on Şah Sultan. The vest is also worn by Melek Kalfa in the seventeenth episode of the fourth season.
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magnificentlyreused · 1 year ago
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This green and golden kaftan was first worn by Princess Isabella Fortuna in the seventh episode of the second season of Magnificent Century. It appeared five more times during the same season, first on Menekşe Hatun in the fourteenth episode and then on unnamed harem members in the eighteenth, twenty-second and thirty-first episode. It was also worn by Fidan Kalfa in the twenty-eighth episode. The kaftan was used twice on unnamed harem members in the third season, namely in episodes seventeen and firty-five. It can also be seen on Melek Kalfa in the third episodes of the fourth season, as well as two unnamed harem member in the fifteenth and twenty-fifth episode.
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magnificentlyreused · 2 years ago
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This brown and golden dress was first worn by Safiye Sultan in the first season of Magnificent Century: Kösem. Melek Hatun wore it again the following season.
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magnificentlyreused · 2 years ago
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This brown kaftan was first seen on Safiye Sultan in the first season of Magnificent Century: Kösem. It appears again on Madame Margaret (later Melek Hatun) in the second season.
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magnificentlyreused · 2 years ago
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This brown kaftan with a silver and golden flower pattern first appeared on Nadia Hatun in the third season of Magnificent Century. It was used three more times during the same season. First on Nurbahar Hatun, then on Ayşe Hatun and lastly on Cihan Hatun. The kaftan was also seen on Nazenin Hatun and Melek Kalfa in the fourth season.
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magnificentlyreused · 2 years ago
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This green kaftan with golden or bronze trimming was first seen on Firuze Hatun aka Hümeyra in the third season of Magnificent Century. In the twenty-second episode of the third season, it is seen on one of Şah Sultan’s servants. It was worn again by Melek Kalfa at the beginning of the fourth season. The kaftan is also seen on an unnamed harem member in the twenty-eighth and on Canfeda Hatun in the thirty-sixth episode of that season.
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