#Mel trio
shadestar413 · 1 year
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“Welllll hello there darlins!”
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“We decided that you all didn’t get enough of us clearly! Soooo, ask us anything and everything? Please please please? Or just anything hehe!”
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“…I’m here too. Sigh, just call me Canon or Prim if ya wanna. Still a Mel yeah but. Differences ya know? Vampy Mel over there is Alta, and the other one is Fenn. Fenn’s damnit, Alta’s the other one, and I’m threesacrowd if you were curious. Just don’t be too crazy. Or not. See if I care.”
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mel-loly · 1 year
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-It's not your impression, he really did it.
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sophsun1 · 2 months
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Queer As Folk – 1.04: Ted's Not Dead
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demacianpuppet · 1 year
Having some Meljayvik thoughts that I wanted to share badly.
Meljayvik is one of this ships I really enjoy not only because I tend turn most possible love triangle to polycue but because for it to actual work, it would mean that both Mel and Viktor would have to work on their flaws and get a better understanding of themselves.
Mel is a person who needs control. As someone who grew up in Noxus, she learned early about how to use pure brutality to crush all your enemies. And while she chose a softer approve, the teaching never left her. The serie does a fantastic job to show how much influence Mel has over the council and how she is not afraid to use it, her weapon of choice is silver-tongued diplomancy instead of pure strength in contrast to her mother.
If Mel would engage in such relationship, she would have to relinquish her control over Jayce. Instead, she would have to come in term with her need to have influence about everything and everyone and this would resolve (imho) in a better understanding about her relationship with Jayce and herself.
Viktor’s conflict would be all about learning to see his own self-worth and stopping comparing himself to everyone. One of Viktor’s major theme - aside from the whole dying plotline - is his battle with his sense of inferiority. Born on the wrong side of the river and having a disability resulted in a difficult journey to success. Everything that Vikor achieved, he had to work twice as hard. And no matter that, it never feels enough for Viktor.
If Viktor would find himself in this kind of relationship, he would have to learn that this is not a competion about who wins Jayce’s attention. This is not how a non-monogamous relationship work, these are complete different relationships which have different basis and needs. Jayce’s love to him would be a different than to Mel because Viktor is Viktor and that would be enough for Jayce.
And in the end, Mel and Viktor would maybe notice that they have more common with each other than just the interest in the same man.
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ducktracy · 7 months
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neptunemagia · 1 year
Magia Record anime endcards pt 2
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mellinda242 · 1 year
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🔥💥Here Comes RED SON 💥🔥
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ryssbelle · 7 months
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When you've been forever potioned
Ocs belong to @its-caluke @marshmellohi and me!
This was made as a joke while discussing minecraft diaries and then applied to our trio of superhero ocs
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xomnus · 1 year
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Endless list of favorite things in Final Fantasy XIV  [5/?]
→ ◇ ◯ ▽
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honnie-bunni · 9 months
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These guys! Oh, they're my favourites!
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justfonnsblog · 11 months
That is random as frick but...
At the end of Jurassic World, I almost feel like Rexy and Blue work as a team and brought the Indominusrex toward the water on purpose, then the third memher of the team appeared and finished the job.
Good job guys at protecting your home.
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danielpowell · 2 years
(turns every man gayroace and trans) oh noooo :3
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redridcr · 2 years
Also, this is soo specific to triad ships like I have with @revxnant and @holyrained, but.
In those ships, Red initially has a cute little lady partner. They elope and there’s promises of babies and a house and a full life. But Red, despite being ‘the man’, is the one that needs the most work. Needs the most help.
So he’s easier to accept another male partner who could take care of their wife, if God forbid something worse happens to Red and he’s not there to provide anymore.
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aceologist · 2 years
Ace: Want to make fifty quid?
Mel: How?
Ace: I need you to take the fall.
Mel: What did you do?
Ace: I can't tell you. Yes or no, no questions asked.
7, from the other room: Oh my god.
Ace: ...
Mel: Make it a hundred.
Ace: Deal.
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scoopstrooptm · 2 years
       Something was very wrong. Robin had sensed it in Nancy ever since Barb had gone missing from Steve Harrington's party and disappeared into the woods. It had been understandable, really; they were all worried about her and frustrated that the Hawkins PD's search had yet to turn up any results. But it hadn't been Nancy's behaviour alone that had led Robin to the Byers house, of all places, on this cold November evening. Instead it was the way she'd witnessed both Nancy and Jonathan Byers downtown shopping for hunting supplies earlier in the day. Seeing them load up Jonathan's car with bear traps and hammers and gasoline from across the street... Robin wanted to make sure they weren't gonna try anything stupid.
       “ Hey! Don't go in there! ” A voice pulled her attention away from the front door as she approached, and Robin's brow furrowed at once.
       “ Harrington? ” Nancy's asshole boyfriend was stood by his car, door open, staring wide-eyed at the house as if it might reach out from its foundations and grab him. His face looked just as messed up as it had earlier in the afternoon when she'd caught him cleaning off spray paint from the movie theater marquee. The rumour was that he'd been the one to put it there in the first place. But none of that explained the alarm or urgency in his tone, or the way it looked like he'd just seen a ghost. Robin glanced from the front door back to him again. “ What are you talking about? ”
       He didn't say anything, but his eyes nervously shifted from her back to the house, and Robin followed his line of sight this time. The warm yellow light emanating from the windows were suddenly flickering, and before Robin had a chance to ask Steve about it, he was already making a beeline for the door. She instinctively followed.
       “ I'm serious. You should go home. ” He hissed the words at her right as his hand reached the door handle, but it wasn't the deterrent that Steve had maybe been hoping for. He was being serious, no doubt about that. But there was still no explanation, and if Steve Harrington was here that surely meant that Nancy was here too. Inside. Why else would he be here? Jonathan Byers was about as low down the social food chain as she was.
       Besides, she wasn't about to let the bane of her history class tell her what to do.
       Robin carefully crept into the living room after him but, where Steve immediately sprung into action, she could only stare. A monster — there was no other word for it — with a face that had opened up was in the Byers living room advancing on Nancy. She had a gun in her hand, but it had run out of bullets. As it moved to finally strike, Steve threw himself in the way, wielding a baseball bat with nails sticking out of it.
       The distraction he'd provided finally spurred Robin into motion. “ Nancy! ” As Steve pulled the monster's attention, Robin reached forward to grab her friend's arm and pull her out of the way. She watched Steve's silhouette flash against the flickering lights as he pushed the creature into the hallway. “ What the hell is going on? ” @gunspluraltm
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ducktracy · 7 months
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