#Mejores 2019
cristinabcn · 9 months
Pedro Peña Fernández, un artista del Renacimiento
TERESA FERNANDEZ HERRERA. Periodista, Escritora Directora Gral. Cultura Flamenca, Prensa Especializada Del triángulo mágico del flamenco, de  Lebrija tuvo que ser. De la tierra del primer gramático de Europa, Elio Antonio de Nebrija. Grandes humanistas los dos, a distancia de algunos siglos. Se diría que lo da la tierra. Se ha ido de su ciclo físico de vida el miércoles 20 de diciembre, Pedro…
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randombush3 · 11 months
ubi amor, ibi dolor
alexia putellas x reader
part one
summary: alexia and you as posh + becks part two x
content warnings: it’s gets a little sad but tbh the next part is the one you should be worried abt 🤘
notes: this one covers 2017-2019. i apologise if it’s a bit jumpy because if i covered EVERYTHING you’d be sat here reading for days. also, this part was so slow to be finished because i abandoned it for ages and only just decided i should probs get to finishing it. the next part is the last one!
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It’s about three months later, and there is not a silence that can’t be filled with the sound of Alexia’s voice. You don’t know how to prove this, because you leave none to be filled, instead seeking to occupy every spare second granted by your tour schedule to call her, to text her; to talk to her. 
You spend your nights on balconies all over the continent. Your smoking habit is worsening but the excuse of getting some fresh air to do so is a perfect way to weasel yourself out of parties and clubs and late-night chats with your friends. You much prefer to spend your time finding out more about the woman you quickly become obsessed with. She often verbalises her disdain for your disregard for your lungs – something that transcends the language barrier with an overwhelming clarity – but she is glad that you are talking to her either way.
A few times, you go as far as to hop on a secretly booked flight. You never step outside the airport, leaving Barcelona very much stamped in your passport but not on your list of places you have explored, but Alexia is more than content to pursue your hooded figure as you lead her into hidden corners of the arrivals lounge she begins to associate with the racing feeling in her heart when she sees you. Kissing against walls and on hard airport seats is not what feeds most budding romances, but you don’t care. You happily fly to her whenever you have a spare five minutes, and she is more than content to make the time spent physically together worthwhile.
The tour is nearly over. Five shows in three weeks, and then you can traipse back to London to fight off the delayed hangover in the comfort of your own home with meals cooked by your parents to keep you going. One of the worst things about being on the road is the food (or lack thereof), and your athlete gi… Alexia, is unimpressed with your nutrition. You find that she does not agree with most of your lifestyle, yet she seems captivated by it; like she is discovering a different, scarier world, and she can’t close her eyes.
Alexia’s birthday is soon. 
She has enough dread for the event to have communicated it far more efficiently than usual, with most conversations needing to be doubled in length to get past the all-too-familiar grunts of unrecognition. The streets of Barcelona are filled with whispers of a women’s league, and she is unsure of the pressure that is starting to grow on her shoulders. A birthday is inconvenient, she claims, though you only laugh. 
You tell her about Virgil – she knows you love him, she knows you love most things to do with him – and his famous quote. “Labor omnia vincit,” you say, finding it ironic that you are only able to talk to her right now because you skipped out on soundcheck and a run-through with the backup dancers. “Work conquers all. It reminds me of you.” 
Her lilting Spanish laughter fades as she actually thinks about it. 
“Es verdad,” Alexia replies, and you are glad to understand. “Quiero ser la mejor del mundo así que ‘labor omnia vincit’.” 
“You’re speaking Latin with a Spanish accent.” 
“You love my accent.” 
You smile. It’s true. 
It hasn’t settled in Alexia’s mind that you, who calls her whenever you can because you miss her opinions and her jokes and the face that you can picture when she speaks, are the same person as the one she sees on Jenni’s phone as the team crowds round the screen to watch a viral video from your concert last night. 
“A birthday present for you, eh, Ale?” Jenni jests, clinging on to Alexia’s admission months ago about her crush on you. She doesn’t know about the reality of it all. No one does, as of yet. 
“Who puts them in these outfits?” asks Leila, mildly outraged at the bedazzled lingerie you’d been dressed in. “There’s nothing to them! They might as well go on stage naked.” 
“It’s fine. They get hot while they’re performing anyway,” Alexia dismisses, not wanting to delve into your issues with your stylist. Well. Her issues with your stylist, who seems to not care about dignity or have any faith in the world’s imagination. (That, and Alexia is not sure she likes this idea of sharing, though she is aware that nothing defines you as hers.)
“Oh, did they tell you that themselves?” She glares at Jenni, and shoulders her way out of the huddle. It’s not Jenni’s fault that her mood has been easily soured, because tomorrow is Alexia’s birthday and then, the next day, she has to get to Madrid for her national camp. The Euros later this year is going to be in the Netherlands, and her dreams for her country are currently far-fetched. It hurts, and you’re well aware of her misery.
In fact, you are so aware that you are on a flight from Oslo on the fourth of February. It’s too special a day to miss. You have once again abandoned soundcheck. 
Alexia receives a text as she slides into her mother’s old car, considering flinging the device out of the window at one of her teammates’ heads after they sang to her at training without the mercy of letting her forget that she is one year closer to the end of her career. At this rate, the career will be full of wasted potential. She is in a terrible mood about it. 
And then she looks at her phone. 
You have really tried to up your game with the Spanish of late, enlisting the help of a private tutor who Skypes you twice a week with new phrases and grammar that mildly resembles that of a dead language you carry more than a passion for. 
You: Estoy aquí!
The only thing she can think to do is slam her index finger on the call button of your contact, nail bending painfully on the glass of the screen. 
Your instructions are clear: “Airport. Now.” 
She drives. 
She drives at an embarrassingly desperate speed, because just over a week is too long a separation and her day has been awful and there is something so magnetic about your presence that she would be going against nature to do anything other than find you. Obviously, find you she does: right in the arrivals lounge, same black hoodie as always disguising your identity. It’s not any busier than usual, and you catch sight of her the minute she pushes her way to the front of the crowd of expectant faces. 
With a weary grin, you walk towards her, and she knows that this game is only temporary. There will be privacy close by, and you can speak then. 
She turns with a nod, and you follow as she takes the usual route, but suddenly there are fingers intertwined with her own and you are stopping her in front of everyone. 
“Feliz cumpleaños,” you say with a pronounced failure and a hilariously concentrated expression. Alexia giggles, and the storm cloud above her dissipates, but the kiss she wants to press to your lips will have to wait. There’s somewhere empty just around the corner, and she tugs your hand to get you to come with her – to match the same haste she has – but you don’t. “Al coche. So we can go to your casa.” 
Her eyebrows raise. 
“It’s your birthday,” you explain, stepping towards her so that the people around you see a couple instead of two women walking in a vague direction. Alexia swallows, body tingling at your proximity. Her body always tingles when you stand near her like this. “It’s your birthday, so I am here for the night. My flight is tomorrow.” 
She understands you entirely. 
She all but drags you to her car. 
Alexia does not even remember what it’s like to be miserable. She is set alight by your presence, by your lips, your hands, your soft greeting that you whisper in her ear when she pulls away to drive you to her flat. It’s a new place, and she is free from the fuss of her mother. 
You smile when she pulls you out, taking your bulging handbag in one hand and grasping yours with the other, and she kisses that smile as she presses you against the mirror in the lift. The bag hits the floor with a thud, your overnight things spilling out because of her carelessness, but you pay the rolling Dior lipstick no mind, too caught up in the way her tongue swirls in your mouth. How her hands grip your waist. 
She’s stronger than last time. She gets stronger every day: she is going to be the best footballer in the world. She is dedicated to her sport. 
Your palms travel up the back of her t-shirt, cold from the metal you’d previously had them pressed against. Alexia flinches as your fingers brush a particular spot, the skin there slightly raised. 
“¿Que pasó?” you ask, head tilted to the side as she draws back, panting. “Are you hurt?”
She examines your eyes. Deeply inquisitive. Full of something that may resemble love in the future. 
Alexia smiles – an expression that she wears mostly when she is thinking about you. You watch as she turns around, the lift jerking to a halt as if to hurry up her slow movements. As she lifts up her t-shirt, you eye the tattoos you are aware decorate her back. There are going to be more someday, she has always been clear about that. 
And, oh. 
You’re not usually so attached. Alexia, it’s apparent, is a complete exception.
She asks you if you like it. You lean forward, and kiss the four words (she must have researched the quote, because you excluded the last when you mentioned it), tongue running over the redness as if you are going to heal the irritation. She moans quietly, more surprised than anything else. 
“Do I get the credit for it?” She shakes her head, which you catch in the mirror opposite, and, before you can voice your protest, she is facing the right way again and kissing you as she leads you to her door. “You know, there’s another quote from him that I much prefer to that one. ‘Labor omnia vincit improbus’ is… Do you know the word workaholic?” Again, her head shakes. She backs you against the wall next to her door, lips attached to your neck as you keen under her touch. 
She slots her leg between yours, and you forget your next sentence. 
It’s a heated kiss. It promises tonight’s activities to you, and you cannot wait for her to unlock her door. 
Your lips run along her neck as she jams her key into the lock. You suck and bite, spurred on by the moans she bites back with a clenched jaw. You find it sexy: her determination to get you inside. And it’s her birthday, after all. She deserves it. You have another gift for her in your bag, but she is grateful for this anyway.
“Inside,” she gasps as you smooth your tongue over the newly-created hickey you just gave her, kicking her door wide open and hauling you through the gap. 
The flat is pitch black, but Alexia knows it well enough to chuck your bag towards the dining table and have you on your way to the bedroom without needing to switch any lights on. But your hands wander, and she gets distracted. She stops you in the middle of the flat, only half a second into your journey, and her life feels so full (especially when you moan like that). The room feels so full. 
The room is full. 
The room is…
“Moltes felicitats, moltes felici–” sings (and abruptly stops) a whole choir of Alexia’s friends and family, the lights switching to bathe the two of you in total mortification. 
Alba’s hand covers the eyes of her cousin’s six-year-old, whose mouth has formed a perfect circle.  
Silence washes over what looks to be a surprise birthday party. One which Alexia was assured yesterday was not going to happen. By multiple guilty attendees! 
Alexia looks helplessly between you, her mother, and the shit-eating grin on Jenni Hermoso’s face, remembering herself promptly when Eli’s eyes drop to the placement of her hands on your bum. She almost jumps away from you. 
“Fuck off,” you mutter under your breath, stewing in the terribly awkward silence as Alexia’s eyes only grow wider and wider. “Alexia.” 
She breaks from her frozen state, thawed by the husk of your voice. 
The crowd explodes, and you let the tsunami of Catalan wash over your ears. There is so much noise, and so many people, and you can only watch as Alexia tries to answer all of their questions. She shakes her head, nodding at the same time, switching between two different languages to cover the shrieks from Jenni and the absolute bollocking her mother is giving her in front of everyone about dignity and respect. You are famous, says Eli, and you do not need Alexia’s horny motives to embarass you like that. 
“She’s a celebrity,” Eli chides with a glare at her daughter, eyes softening as you continue to stare at the sea of faces blankly. You are backed against a wall with nowhere to run. “Alexia, introduce us to your girlfriend. Now.” 
“You guys don’t need to be introduced to her!” Alexia replies like a petulant child, nearly crossing her arms and stamping her foot. “You know her name, and you’ve seen her. So you should all leave, really. Mami, I told you I didn’t want a party.” 
Eli’s hands fly from her body to halt the departure of the guests as they catch on to how unwanted they are. “No, we are still going to have this party,” she insists. It’s the final decision. “So, go on. Introduce us.” It’s definitely not a question. 
You clear your throat, wanting to save Alexia somehow. “Hola,” you begin, and every face breaks out into a beaming grin. “Um. Soy Y/n. Y… soy de Inglaterra?” 
“Sí,” Eli says with a swell of encouragement that you can feel from two metres away. 
 “Alexia,” you plead. 
“Guys, this is Y/n. She doesn’t speak Spanish, and she definitely does not speak Catalan, so either you practise your English or we cut the cake Mami has made and then you–”
“I am a big fan!” Jenni squeals, accented words loud and piercing as she surges towards you, sparking the movement of the entire body of people. No one listens to the rest of Alexia’s declaration. 
There is a reason you are so well-liked, Alexia determines. She can see it as you interact with her family and closest friends. You smile and you listen and you remember things about people that they would deem insignificant. And it helps that you look breath-taking while doing it all.
Sitting at her dining table, Alba on one side, her mother on the other, she watches you flit around her flat with a talent for socialising, charming every person you speak to. 
“She doesn’t know how you feel, does she?” Eli comments, noticing the hesitation in her daughter’s expression. 
“I don’t know how she feels,” is what Alexia replies, because there is no way you can ignore the emotion she pours into your conversations. It exceeds that of a simple crush or hormone-fuelled desire. “She is incredible. I am me.” 
“You are Alexia Putellas.” 
“And she at least likes the way you kiss her,” Alba chimes in, her contribution unnecessary but making Alexia blush at the memory. The fact that her entire family saw that, most of them knowing where you were heading, is something she might be tossing and turning about at night for a while yet. 
“Your father would love her.” 
“I think so too,” Alexia says, chin resting on her palm as the world melts away, your eyes briefly meeting with hers as one of the children giggles at the face you have just pulled behind their mother’s back. A pang of disappointment reverberates in her chest as she grieves momentarily over the loss of her favourite person on Earth, wishing he could have shared the traumatic experience of today. He would’ve laughed so hard at her face when the lights went on.  
“She seems lovely, really. Very polite. Is it because she’s English?” 
“She is very…”
“I suppose the Latin came from her?” Alba asks with a smirk, prodding the fresh tattoo over the thin material of Alexia’s t-shirt, grinning as her sister hisses in pain. 
“Next time, we can go somewhere quieter and talk properly. I know that you’ll be busy when tonight is over.” 
Both Alexia and Alba shudder. “Mami!” her little sister groans, suppressing her gag. 
“Sex is nothing to be ashamed of, Alba.” 
“Never say ‘sex’ in front of me again,” Alexia tells her smug mother.
“Well, never get so caught up in the moment that you don’t notice the balloons taped to your flat number.” 
Alexia bolts outside to check, and hates herself when she sees them. 
“Dance with me!” 
You grab Alexia’s hand, pulling her towards you. The party has lasted longer than she’s happy with, and you have seemingly forgotten about what you could be doing. You love to dance. You love music. 
The little boy who’d been your partner up until now sticks his tongue out at Alexia, and she reciprocates the gesture. She is the birthday girl, after all. 
You don’t understand a word of the music, but the beat flows through your hips as you move them against her. She runs her hands up and down your sides, your tank top now the only layer between your skin and her impatient fingers, hoodie having been stripped off the minute the party became interesting. 
“My mother likes you,” Alexia whispers into your ear as you sway in time to the rhythm. Her lips brush your ear lobe, and you shiver despite the growing heat between you. 
“This was very much a surprise,” you giggle in response, possibly answering wrong because her Spanish didn’t quite catch.
“I can’t wait for them to leave.” 
Her eyebrows furrow. “You are not having fun?” 
“I am,” you reply with a nod, a smirk slowly creeping into your content expression. She holds her breath, reminding herself of the presence of her family as you grind into her. “But I also can’t wait to fuck you.” 
Alexia shudders.
“I will tell them to go.” 
They cut the cake. 
They sing again, completing the lyrics this time. You are even taught them before-hand, pushed out to the side of the crowd, very much silently told that you currently hold no place in Alexia’s life in comparison to these people. They all love her. You aren’t there yet. 
But, she values your presence. 
Alexia doesn’t care much about the people here tonight. She sees them almost every day, and she knows they are constants. What she does care about is you. 
You, in that tank top. You, with your hair down, face fresh even though your day must have been exhausting. You, with a red mark on your collarbone that no one knows how to point out to you in English. 
Soon, everyone is gone, and you are panting underneath her. Her lips capture yours, muffling the groan that comes with the movement of her fingers inside you. Your legs wrap around her body tighter, heels digging into her back. 
Her hair falls around you; encapsulating you, surrounding you with only her. Her smell, her taste, her fingers. 
You moan as her determination to destroy you becomes apparent. She hits every spot that has been neglected for the past few months, and though it is the first time the two of you are doing this, it’s as if Alexia has studied your body for years already.
She breaks apart from you as you come, your back arching off the mattress, chest pressing against hers. She wants to see your face for the first time. If she had a camera, she would have used it. You look beautiful. 
Nothing on Earth compares to the cliff you have just been pushed off, and it is as if you are falling for eternity. 
She goes again, and again, and again. She’s an athlete. 
She ruins you, but her strong arms hold you together afterwards. 
You fall asleep, for the first time in a while, with someone by your side. Whose hands find purchase on her favourite part of you, pulling you on top of her as she whines at your own tired attempt to make her feel good. Alexia whispers that she has been given enough, that she doesn’t need it, and she thinks you fall asleep to the sound of her incomprehensible, breathy Spanish. You cling to her. 
The tour ends. 
You couldn’t be happier. The final show is a blessing, and the tears in your eyes are of joy. You, Gio, and Anya are going home at last. 
However, the well-decorated flat you walk into lacks everything possible, because there is no Alexia standing in the middle of the living room. She can’t be here, though you wish things were different. The season has been successful for her so far, and she is busy. 
You really miss her. One night wasn’t enough. It will never be enough, and you are starting to realise the gravity of your blushes. 
You like Alexia, and you have fallen hard and fast.
“You’re not coming back with us,” your brother says knowingly, skiing beside you down the picturesque blue run in Les Gets. You have come here every year since you were eight. April is a little later than usual, and the snow often turns to slush towards the afternoon – though one could argue that is simply a cue to move onto apres-ski – but it is pleasant to be on holiday with your family. People try to bother you, but it is easier to pretend you don’t see their waves when you have your ski goggles pulled over your eyes. 
Your brother coughs, not pleased that you are ignoring him, reducing him to ‘everyone else’. (His ego, far too preened, far too large, cannot handle the idea of that.)
In front of the two of you, your father turns with precision and great technique. You can’t relate: you’re drunk. You have been since this morning. 
“Sorry?” Your innocence is pretence and he rolls his eyes behind his Oakleys. 
“Your flight. I saw it was booked to take you somewhere else. Somewhere you’ve been going a lot.” 
“You’re not subtle.” 
“You’re not subtle,” he replies, skis dangerously close to yours. You have to swerve, sending you onto the off-piste section of the run much to your irritation. With the excuse of tackling the jumps, however, you are lucky to evade further questioning, watching as he glides off into the distance, reaching the banner and skidding to a halt to wait for you and your mother. Your mother prefers to drink more than ski. She is always holding up the rear. 
When you return to the chalet, bought by your parents a decade ago to solidify their roots in Les Gets, your brother seems to have remembered your conversation from earlier. Your parents have gone out for dinner, leaving the two of you to make something for yourselves. He is glad to have you alone. 
“You don’t like lads, do you?” And, in truth, it’s an insightful question by his standards. He cares; he just does not know how to show it. 
Pausing the construction of your sandwich for a moment, you allow him to see you for who you are. He’s your brother, after all. “Not at all,” comes your response. 
He hums. “Thought so. You’d have gone out with half of England’s football team otherwise. God knows that they don’t mind.” 
“England has a women’s team.” 
“Gross.” His lips purse as he thinks about his little sister’s love life, and he decides that he would like to know more about Barcelona. “Are you buying a villa?” 
“Well, you go to Barcelona a lot. Are you buying a villa with the girls? Is that what celebrities do?” 
You roll your eyes. “Mum and Dad buy villas. It isn’t just celebrities who splurge on property.” 
“You’re not answering my question.” 
“I wish you’d never become a lawyer.” 
He laughs – hearty and deep. His laugh reminds you of dark forests for some reason; tall trees that dwarf your body, but keep you safe nonetheless. “I wish you’d never gotten famous. My life would be so much quieter if half my mates weren’t trying to squeeze something or other out of my connections.” His pride is profound in his misery, and you smile, blushing. “You’re not buying a villa.” 
“Well done, genius,” you taunt, assembling your sandwich once again in hopes that the baguette will kill the buzz in your mind. You can’t really think when you’re drunk, and, recently, when there is nothing else to occupy you, your mind wanders to Alexia. What is she doing now? Does she miss you? Is she excited to see you in three days? 
It dawns upon his face with an amusing animation. “You’re seeing someone,” he accuses. 
“Maybe,” you shrug. “She’d be one lucky girl.” 
“One unlucky girl, you mean. I’d better find out who she is and tell her to run for the hills. You’re about two decades overdue for an exorcism, and it shows.” He swiftly appears behind you, despite his lumbering limbs, and flicks your ear as your teeth sink into your dinner. You squeal, pushing backwards to get him away from you. “What’s her name? Who is she? What does she do?”
“She is… classified.” 
He reaches for his phone. “I’m going to find a list of Spanish names and see which one turns you into a tomato.” 
“She’s still classified.” You prod your index finger into his shoulder.
“Hey.” You retract your finger, surprised by the tenderness of his tone. “You can tell me, you know. You’re my little sister. I really don’t give enough of a fuck to spread it.” 
With great shame, you absolutely do not need to be told twice to talk about your favourite Spanish woman on the planet at the moment. He actually has to beg you to stop. 
Things with Alexia are good. 
Not just in terms of your relationship, but in general, too. Walks are more enjoyable, and so are mornings, afternoons, evenings. She likes that you feel comfortable to chill in her flat while she goes to training. She likes that she comes home to you. She likes that you spend your days with a pencil between your teeth, a blank page set out in front of you. 
Now that the tour is over, it is clear what comes next. The new album will be the best ever made, you have decided, because you might finally understand the lyrics that you sing. They could resonate. 
They will resonate. 
Alexia asks you to be her girlfriend when she drops you off at the airport. Your plane is private and she can kiss you goodbye when you agree. 
You love being Alexia’s girlfriend. You repeat your new identity over and over as you fly back to London, and it is a mantra that plays on loop in your mind as you get on with life back home. 
The girls tease you mercilessly when you spill it. All three of you are on the balcony, though this time there is a joint placed between your fingers rather than a cigarette. Slightly high, more so giddy about Alexia, you confess. They’re happy for you, but Gio can’t help but text Anya later that night. 
Gio: Have you seen the new plan? 
Anya: What plan? 
Gio is sitting upright in her bed, ensuring that her panic is quiet so her new boyfriend does not wake up. Her fingers hover over the keys shamefully, but she has to tell someone and it can’t be you.
Gio: The publicity plan. 
It’s at your studio session the next day when all comes to light. Your manager/publicist appears, which is honestly quite rare. She’s not fond of the claustrophobia of the small room, nor the darkness it becomes shrouded in when you, Gio, and Anya are trying not to murder each other. 
Dave swivels around on his chair, bored with the bickering. You aren’t sure about a lyric, but they disagree, even if Anya knows you have a better point than the third member of your group. 
Your manager clears her throat. “Y/n, may I speak with you? It’s quite important.” 
“Do this lyric without me,” you grit out to Gio. 
“It’s your solo.” 
“I don’t care.” 
With that, you follow your manager into the corridor. 
They hear your protests from the studio, the shout of frustration piercing through the small gap underneath the door, overcoming the supposedly impregnable sound-proofing. 
There are tears streaming down your face upon your return. Fuck her, and fuck him. 
Anya and Gio can’t look at you. Their chins dip to their chest as they slump in place, succumbing to the predetermined guilt they discovered last night. 
“It’s not fair,” you cry to them as they refuse to turn around, throwing yourself onto the sofa with a heaving sob. “It’s not fair, it’s not fair. She’s going to hate me — she’s not going to love me anymore, and I… I love her.”
Anya’s mouth opens with a sob of her own. She had thought Alexia was a dalliance. She hadn’t realised. 
It’s fun to have someone, she knows, but it is painful to love them. 
You are clearly not enjoying yourself now. 
“You love her?” she asks, though she is sure of the answer as another gasp leaves your body with a chilling desperation. 
“Yes, I fucking love her. It was obvious.” 
“But you—”
“Because I’m not out!” 
“So what did she tell you?” 
“They want it to last a few months. Enough to draw the attention away from my aversion to men and his relationship with some blogger.” 
Anya gulps. A few months is a lot to endure, especially for the footballer whose heart you’ll be breaking. “You’ve said no, right?” she tries, paling as she grips onto the mic stand, trying in vain to remember the harmony she is supposed to sing. “You’ve told them… You’re you, of course you’ve said no!”
“Of course,” Gio adds, equally in denial. 
You can only shake your head. 
You were not given a choice. 
Telling Alexia is hard, and not just because of the tears running through your words as you try to get them out over the phone. 
In Barcelona, her head hangs in disappointment. She is never going to be good enough for you, she tells herself. The world will soon slot you by the side of another celebrity, and you will be pictured together as many times as humanly possible. No one will know that she is the one you call when you need to talk to someone, or that it is her rose that is pressed between your favourite copy of Little Women, saved from Sant Jordi. No one will be any the wiser to the girlfriend you keep in Spain, nor assume that you are visiting the country for a reason other than tourism and partying with your favourite foreign men’s football team. 
It goes like this for months. 
It sours the second- place finish in the league even more; makes the Champions League semi-final exit soul-destroying; and completely ruins her joy about winning the Copa de la Reina (worsened by a picture of you and him released the morning of the final). 
She is still your girlfriend, but she is always one step behind you. She is in the shadows of the crowd when you sell out Wembley for the first time, and is just out of frame in the picture captured backstage of you and your lover embracing. His muscles do not feel the same as Alexia’s, but he becomes a friend, you guess. He isn’t fond of the arrangement either. 
Then, when Alexia feels as though she might explode from the jealousy she harbours, she is tested once more as you go radio silent for a day. It’s unbearable. You usually text her every hour. 
She misses hearing you greet her with ‘I took a smoke break’. She misses the taste of your lips, and the heat of your breath, and the swell of emotion you cause inside of her when you show her that you really care. 
It’s a hard day. The Euros have started, and Spain has won their first two group stage matches. Vilda is terrible as usual, but it is nothing in comparison to the cavity left in her chest where you have carved out your notifications. Alexia has never wished to be distracted from football before, but today is clearly Judgement Day. 
“Is this about your girlfriend?” Jenni pesters, mocking Alexia’s frown by exaggerating it on her own face. “She’s not pinging your phone every five minutes and now you’re inconsolable.” 
“I have many things to be upset about,” Alexia replies moodily, though Vilda’s earlier berating has had no effect on her mood because it simply cannot get worse. “Our coach is shit, and we don’t get treated like England or Holland does.”
“And your girlfriend hasn’t texted you.” 
“Yes, Jenni. She hasn’t texted me.” 
She sighs. 
Jenni is repulsed by the fire in Alexia’s belly seemingly having been put out. Her grimace is noticeable as she bends down to unlace her boots, glancing around the shoddy locker room, imagining what Alexia claims a few of the other teams have. 
“Maybe she’s busy. She is, like, famous. She could be out for lunch with Shakira!” 
“No, that was last month.” 
Jenni pauses for a moment, awestruck at her friend's seriousness, before collecting herself and trying another approach. “Why don’t we do some shooting practice while you wait for her to call? That way, Spain gets more goals, and you’re…” 
She doesn’t get to finish, cut off by the alarming brrrp of Alexia’s phone. Her friend saddens at the volume, pitying Alexia for how loud she has turned her ringer up just in case she had been missing your notification all along. 
Alexia swipes her phone up from the bench, and hurries into the toilets. 
Throughout the five months you have been dating, Alexia has become increasingly more aware of your intense reactions to emotional situations. You feel when you feel. She admires you for your work ethic, as you do her, because you fly from Barcelona to London and back again, all while writing songs, humming melodies, and holding together your high-profile life. Unfortunately, your determination and tendency to give everything and more has bled into every aspect of your life. And you are a wreck when she finally gets a word out of you. 
“Tranquila, cariño,” she tries as you suck in a pathetically shallow breath. She knows exactly how many kilometres away from her you are, and she wishes she could sprint the distance. “Tranquila. What has happened?” 
“I… I fired her.” 
“My manager.” Alexia’s hand balls into a fist and she quietly celebrates. Well, until you sob again. “I mean, we all fired her. But now we have no manager and Dave is concerned about the structure of our group and the album sucks and it’s shit and HE tried to kiss me yesterday, even though he’s got a girlfriend too!” 
“Búa, más slower, por favor. I’m not inglesa!” 
Life, even if you are upset right now, starts to look up. You even get to spend a month with her, practising your Spanish (mejor-ing your nivel de español), meeting her family in a more appropriate context, and even watching the first match of the 2017-2018 season. Which Alexia is adamant they will win. 
She proposes in November; a year after you kissed. 
It’s not a hard decision to make. Not when you have built IKEA furniture together, and spent a week in Menorca with her, her mother, and her sister. Not when her English is littered with your vocabulary and references to Virgil and the like, and your family can all shout at you in Spanish because they’ve heard her do it so many times. Not when ‘I love you’ is the easiest sentence she’s ever said. Every minute of her life that she gives you is like exchanging part of her soul for pure, complete bliss. 
You’re fucking freezing, and befuddled at the fact that Alexia has requested to take a walk in the park near your flat. Your Spanish girlfriend, the same woman who finds summer too temperate in England, has somehow turned into a snow-lover, even if there is only damp grass and a biting wind. Alexia wishes England had white Christmases, but it’s a myth, she has discovered. 
The ring sits in her coat pocket. She chose it with Alba before she left the warmer climate of Barcelona, and her sister did not ask her whether she was rushing into things. It’s not too soon; if anything, she should’ve asked a year ago. 
“Fuck me, it’s cold,” you groan as you shiver. She takes your hand, her woollen gloves itchy against your bare skin, but it warms you up. “We could be inside, in bed. There’s a new series we could start, or, I don’t know, don’t you have some football game to watch?” 
“I hate watching football with you.” 
You part your lips to respond, but she is not lying and she has said it before. Some bullshit about you supporting all the wrong teams. 
“Well, I hate it when you drag me out into the freezing cold for no reason. If you want a dog to bring on walks, just say so. We can go to Battersea before you leave tomorrow.” 
“Don’t,” she murmurs, halting you both near the inky water of the lake you have been circling for the past five minutes. It sucks that her visits are temporary, even if you are technically moved into each other’s homes (she has your keys, you have hers). With the remaining time left before her flight tomorrow at noon, she has worked up the courage to do it now. 
It’s like scoring a goal: receive the pass; dribble; gear up for it; shoot. 
“What’s wrong?” 
Her free hand reaches into her pocket. “Nada.” 
“No, you’re acting weird…” You blink a few times as if to adjust better to the dim light coming from the distant lampposts. A plop sounds from the water, and she jumps. She’s on edge.
“Yes. Jesus, you haven’t decided to break up with me in the middle of a park at night, have you?” Your question packs an unnerved insecurity, and she feels a little guilty about the suspense. She fiddles with the ring in her pocket, and then she takes a deep breath. “Hey,” you try tenderly. “Seriously, Ale, what’s wrong?” 
“Te lo dije. Nothing.” 
“So what’s in your pocket?”
“Are you sure?” 
She sighs, “here,” and she grabs your hand to press it into the soft warmth inside. And there’s a piece of metal, heated by her fingers. With a chunk of rock on top of it. It feels like an engagement ring. You’re probably not getting broken up with tonight. 
“Are you proposing?” 
“Are you saying yes?” 
“Hòstia.” She frowns, and you consider pushing her into the lake. “I am going to say it now.”
“But you already—”
A quick display of her athleticism, for the muscles exist despite being buried underneath all those layers, and she is down on one knee. Her joggers will have wet patches, and she hates the squelch of the mud beneath her, but she has a perfect view of your surprise. Your tears. 
“Bueno. Your brother helped me to… write the speech,” she starts, and her rehearsal is adorable. Although, honestly, you don’t hear what she has to say because you have already made up your mind. 
You tell her yes in as many languages as you can. 
And she thanks you with breathy moans into your mouth as you guide her towards a bench, and then your flat, and finally your bed. 
When you are finished, well into the early hours of the morning she will have to leave, you climb out of bed, missing the firm grip of her toned arms the minute you’re out of it. There is a burning, overwhelming sureness inside of you that you can’t escape. You know it is soon – probably too soon for most – but there is a person out there for everyone, and yours is right in your bed. 
Your guitar, slightly dusty from the neglect because of your frequent visits to Barcelona, rumbles when you pluck it from its stand, collapsing into the armchair beside your bed with a groan, feeling the ache of your muscles that only affirm just how good a time you’ve had with your fiancée. 
You don’t play anything interesting, but the noise is enough to rouse Alexia from her heavy slumber. She lifts her head from where it has been buried within the silk pillows of your bed, and watches as your fingers pluck the nylon strings with vague allusion to one of your older songs. The weight of her ring – your engagement ring – does not seem to affect your playing: in fact, Alexia realises your hand was naked without it. You hum, fingers beginning to itch for a cigarette the minute the guitar starts to bore you, and she clears her throat. 
Her grin is self-satisfied and certain. “Me voy a casar contigo,” she says into the dark stillness of your bedroom.
“I love you,” you reply.
Being engaged is fun. 
Like, really fun. 
You stay in Barcelona in December, hiding from the bitter chill of England. No one questions it, and the absence of a manager grants you so much freedom. The girls pop to the city one weekend to brainstorm a song, but, other than that, you are content to forget your own identity and become Alexia’s fiancée, one of the regulars at the increasingly more popular Barça Femení games (only the team know you’re there, able to see through the caps and sunglasses). 
There are still rumours circulating about you and him, though their credibility has lessened ever since he revealed himself to have been in LA for a while. To the world, you’re sort of MIA. They catch you occasionally when you return to London for photoshoots or just to chat with your friends and family, but they get nothing more. Your Instagram posts are few and far between, and the most recent paparazzi picture is of you leaving Gio’s house to buy her a pregnancy test. 
When the test is positive, something is tweaked inside of you, and you return to Barcelona – a place that is now your home too – carrying a lead-ish guilt. 
Alexia loves her football, and Alexia is obsessed with her career. You are too, but you have done what you can, really. The BRIT nominees will be announced tomorrow, and you know that you and the girls are on that list. You have your fame, you have your money. But Alexia has neither, and she should. Especially when her male counterparts are raised high and mighty on large, golden platforms. 
You know just how ambitious she is, and that is why you lack surprise when you enter her flat to find her hunched over her iPad at the dining table, replaying the same twenty-second clip over and over until she has identified every single fault and created a plan to correct them. 
She barely registers your presence, but you don’t mind how absorbed she is in her footage. It is nice to make the ever-composed Alexia jump when you slink up behind her, pressing your lips against her neck. She dissolves herself in the fuzzy feeling you give her.
“Hola,” she says, regaining control when she spots another mistake, grasping her pen tightly as she scribbles down Spanish words you can’t be bothered to read. 
“Hola,” you reciprocate, though you are a lot more enthusiastic about it. “Tengo una pregunta.” 
“Oh no.” You wrap your arms around her shoulders, and she relaxes. Your ring reflects the light from her screen as if to remind her that you are hers, and that softens her previous sternness slightly. Another kiss to the skin behind her ear, and she is more open to talk. 
Clicking your tongue, you think of where to start. “Okay, first, I have news.”
“About Gio? Is she okay?” 
“She’s… pregnant.” The emergency you were recalled to London for was actually a pleasant surprise for her and her boyfriend. You’re unsure about how committed they are to each other, and whether a baby is a great idea, but you held your tongue when Anya shook her head at you. 
“Uf. Pobrecita, ¿no? She loves tequila.” 
“She does love tequila,” you agree with a chuckle. You extend your hand slightly and press pause on the footage. Alexia pushes back against you. Her chair scrapes against the wooden floorboards, but there is a gap between her and the table now. She motions for you to sit in her lap. 
She tilts your chin up and kisses you gently: a welcome home kiss. “¿Qué pasa, mi amor?”
“What would you do if I told you that I was pregnant tomorrow?” 
“I would ask you if you have been cheating on me with a man,” she replies instantly. You laugh, head falling forwards, resting on her shoulder. She runs her hands up your sides, fingers firm, thighs tensing underneath you. 
“But hypothetically. If it were possible,” you continue, a smirk working its way onto your lips, guilt forgotten. You may have spent your plane journey scrolling through pictures of Alexia with the various babies in your life. It was a self-indulgent act, and it has very much led you to now. 
Her eyebrows furrow with the adorable crinkle in between them, and she is seriously trying to work out if she is missing something. You go to London, you come back, you want a baby? 
But she loves you. And she is very intrigued. 
“Is it mine?” 
“Yes, it’s yours.” 
She watches the smirk on your face blossom into a smile, and she feels a matching one tug her lips upwards. “Is it going to support España or England?” The latter is pronounced in your accent, and you make a mental note to ask Jenni if she has been doing impressions of you to her teammates. 
“It can choose when it’s older,” you say, waving off her stupid football question. Since dating her, your interest in football has decreased. She has sort of put you off. You only really watch it to watch her now, or when United are playing an interesting game and your father is antsy enough to text you every minute. 
“No, it can’t.” You blink. She pulls you into her. “It chooses now. Spain or England, and Manchester United or Barcelona. There are right answers.” 
“Wrong! I think I will have to make sure the baby is not brainwashed.” 
You panic for a moment. “Wait, you do know I’m not really pregnant, right?!” 
Alexia is not the most ready for children, but she is always prepared to give you everything you want. “If you want a baby, mi amor, let’s make a baby. Sin chicos.” You giggle coyly as she hoists you up – the display of strength exuding an unbearably sexy cockiness. “And after,” she says in between kisses as she stands, “we can look on the Internet for options.” 
The Barcelona women’s team congas its way back into the Home team changing room of the Joan Gamper, following a 7-0 win. Alexia kicked off the goal-laden game in the sixth minute, and she is on cloud nine. Victory is the sweetest taste in her mouth, and one where she knows you are watching is even better. 
Mapi flicks her shoulder as they dance to the music bursting from someone or other’s speaker. “You’re so happy,” she says, her grin wide and eyes shining. They dance topless, most of them, but Alexia has subtly been rushing to get dressed and find you. Barcelona is a beautiful city, and she has promised that you can take her to dinner somewhere now that your morning sickness has subsided and only started to affect you when it is supposed to. 
“We just won,” she explains over the shouts of joy from her teammates. 
María León joined from Atleti this season, but she has known Alexia longer than that, and she can tell when there is something more to football in her emotions. Though it is a well-kept secret, Alexia has two obsessions, and you are one of them. 
“Yo sé. But you have been very happy recently, in general. Except, you don’t come out for team nights or hang back to practise more after training, so it is definitely to do with Y/n.” Alexia’s absence in her teammates’ lives is actually unusual, seeing as you are very encouraging and a firm believer in the ‘work hard, play hard’ mentality. Your urging is what sends Alexia to bars and clubs with the girls, though she has neglected all of these outings ever since you showed her your positive pregnancy test (best belated birthday present ever). “So… what’s going on?” 
“You’re so nosy.” 
“I’m interested. I love her, and I want to know how she has made it so that you haven’t had a bad day for the last three months, even when we lost to Bilbao. Is it sex? Does she suffer through–”
“No!” Alexia interjects, cheeks reddening. Mapi smirks at the twenty-four-year-old, proud to have embarrassed her. She still claims that she is not a prude. Her phone buzzes on the bench – you’re asking how long she is going to take.
Mapi swipes Alexia’s clean clothes from her grip, holding them behind her back as she giggles at her friend’s exasperation. “Tell me, or go outside like that.” 
“Good thing it’s May,” Alexia shrugs, grabbing her phone and bag, knowing you won’t at all mind spending time with her in just her sports bra. She is pulled back by Mapi, who has hooked her finger into the waistband of Alexia’s shorts and yanked hard enough for them to have stretched. 
“Ale, tell me.” 
“No. You’re a gossip.” 
“I’m not a gossip.” 
“You so are.” 
“Am not.” 
“So it wasn’t you who told Leila about Patri’s crush when I made it clear that we weren’t even supposed to know?” Mapi shifts uncomfortably, letting go of the shorts. “And it definitely wasn’t you who let everyone find out about my engagement because you don’t know what an inside voice is?” 
“Hey, you never specified that you were going to be sneaky about it!” she defends, as she has done ever since the entire canteen went silent in shock and then, two seconds later, broke out into a clamour of pleas to be bridesmaids and to get Bad Bunny invited to the wedding. 
“It was implied,” Alexia shoots back with a glare. 
“Fine. Be annoying. I’ll just ask Y/n.” 
“She doesn’t want to talk to you. She’s got better things to do.” 
“Ouch,” Leila says, patting Mapi on the back as she shoves her way into the conversation. The two are partners in crime, and Alexia hates that she is now outnumbered. “But tell us. Please, Ale.” 
“We’ll even not nutmeg you for a week.” They love to try. It’s their highest priority mission.
“A month,” Alexia negotiates. 
“Yes! Just tell us.” 
“Y/n is pregnant.” Three months down the line is not necessarily when she wants to announce her personal business to the entirety of Spain, but you both know that it’s safe to tell people now.
Mapi laughs. “Ay, Alexia, you don’t have to lie to us.”
She looks at her friends blankly, having not expected this reaction. When she told her mother, the woman at least had it in her to take it seriously (albeit with quite the cautious ‘are you sure?’). “I’m not lying,” she then says, more to Leila than the giggling Mapi in front of her.
“You’re not…?” Leila tries, grappling with it. Two pairs of eyes drift down to Alexia’s crotch, squinting at the material as though some previously concealed appendage is going to jump out at them.  
Alexia clears her throat. 
“I’m sorry. How?!” 
“The normal way most lesbians–”
“She’s, like, actually pregnant? Like, de verdad, she is pregnant?” 
“Or she’s smuggling a lime under her shirt.” Her nod is small and she has the glimmer of a smile on her face despite Leila and Mapi’s gobsmacked expressions. Her phone buzzes: it’s you again. “And, if you two don’t mind, I don’t want to leave her waiting for me outside.” 
“Because she’s…” 
When she finally escapes the changing room, she climbs into her car. With heartbreak from both you and your dad, you have sold your i8 in favour of getting Alexia a Land Rover. Most of your money is in savings. You earn loads, but it is hard to find things you want to spend it on, and a lot of it goes towards private jets to get you to and from Alexia. 
You are sitting in the passenger seat. “Jugaste bien,” you say as her hand moves up from its instinctive resting place on your thigh, settling on the growing swell of your stomach. “I’m so hungry. I could eat a horse.” 
“A horse?” 
“Or a house. Or, I don’t know, an entire cavalry. Feed me.” Her alarm — a mistranslation — causes her to almost run over the steward directing her out of the car park. “Tengo mucha hambre, Ale.” She nods with a roll of her eyes. She’s been warned about pregnant women. 
In the bustling excitement of Estadi Johan Cruyff, which has slowly filled with more and more fans in the time you have known the plastic seats and improving pitch, you find yourself in the midst of an unexpected turn of events. With your due date approaching and Alexia’s insistence that you are surely made of glass, you have been forced to part from your sisters (Gio and Anya) and live in Barcelona. She wants the baby to be born here. You’ve negotiated that the next one will be had in London. 
Alexia’s mother notices the deep breath you take in, well-acquainted with the horror on your face having worn that same expression twice before. ¿Estás bien?” she asks you, the steadiness of her voice comforting to the flurry inside your head. 
The whistle blows and the game kicks off. This can’t be happening now. 
It’s too early. There’s a… What are they called? Braxton-hicks? 
“Sí,” you affirm with a curt nod. The not-contraction doesn’t hurt that much, you tell yourself. You settle in the seat and focus on the match in front of you, using the rhythm of the crowd’s cheers (it can now be called a crowd!) to keep you grounded. With a reassuring smile, Eli offers you her hand. You take it and try not to crush her metacarpals. 
It’s definitely possible that you are in actual labour, considering the increasing intensity of your contractions, but you are not about to leave the match. Alexia would notice your absence. This game is important for her team – it’s the last before the Christmas break. 
At halftime, Eli quietly reassesses you, tricking you into seeing the team’s medic when guiding you to the ‘toilet’. Already briefed on the situation, the medic asks you a few questions in accented English, much like that of your newly trilingual fiancée. “Don’t tell her,” you beg quietly through a huffed sigh, gladly taking the seat offered to you. “I’ll wait until it’s finished.” 
“There is another hour left.” 
Your ears burn and another contraction shoots through you. You shake your head, fending off the pain while you do so. “He can’t be a Barcelona fan,” you insist. Eli grins at the knowledge that her first grandchild will be a boy, but you do not see it, too focused on convincing the medic to keep the child’s other mother in the dark about what is currently happening in the Barcelona medical room. “I’ll wait.” 
Eli hands you your phone per your request. You call Gio, whose daughter is only two months old. “Don’t tell me,” she starts when you fail to greet her. The sound of her voice, her accent, her tone is relieving, though you are incredibly grateful for the woman who continues to hold your hand as though you are her own daughter. “Nah, nah. Where are you? I’m gonna jump on a flight, alright? I’ll call Anya and we’ll be there soon.” 
“Don’t… rush,” you groan. 
“Babe, we are going to rush. Where are you?!” 
“A match!” You try to remember the breathing exercises you learnt for this exact moment. “Her match. Second half’s only just started. She… She doesn’t know.” 
Gio’s loud, boisterous laugh rings out, and you can tell that she is not at home. No one with a newborn baby can afford to make noise at that volume. “Fucking hell. Ever heard of sense?” You don’t respond, embarrassed that you are in too much pain to think of a comeback. “I’ve left Mia at my mum’s, so don’t you worry. Want me to bring anything from home? Cadbury’s, maybe?” 
“One of those massive bars?” 
“Yep, done deal.” She pauses. “Hey, babe, I’m gonna ring Anya now, alright? Call your mum – or your dad, if you two haven’t yet made up. I’ll see you soon. Tell Alexia her baby’s on the way!” 
Your protests are cut off by the final beep of her hanging up, and your head drops back as another contraction, your body squeezed as though some giant rubber band has just snapped back into place. Eli stands up, worried now. 
Before you can tell her that you are alright, a gush of water hits the sterile floor with an unnerving splatter. The prospect of having to care for another life suddenly becomes very real. “Tenemos que ir al hospital.” 
“Soy la abuela. Yo sé que hacer.” Even the medic, who has nervously stayed by your side, much more experienced with ACLs than broken waters (and stubborn pregnant women), looks intimidated by the firmness of Eli’s words. “Por favor”: she softens her blow. 
You glance around the room, slowly descending into agony and helpless against the wrath of rationality from your fiancée’s mother. “How long’s left of the match? ¿Cuántos minutos quedan?” 
The medic holds up all ten fingers. You grapple with your body, begging the baby to sit tight for a moment. “Let her finish. We can go when the whistle blows.”
Your contractions get closer together. 
Eli’s frustration leads her to ask God for the baby to not have inherited your stubbornness. She also loves you more for it; admiring your insistence to keep Alexia from missing everything. 
You don’t call your own mother. You simply type out a shaky text to the family group chat; blunt and to the point. ‘Baby. Now.’
Half of your universe storms the web, booking flights to Barcelona. Anya and Gio are almost at the airport already — a few steps ahead of your panicking parents and your brother, who has been enjoying dinner at the Savoy with his clients. Those who serve as your planets, revolving around you like you are the sun, do you a favour, letting Dave know that you probably won’t make it to the Skype call scheduled for tomorrow morning. Dave, in turn, now expanding into management, informs your newly-hired publicist (good riddance to the old one). The world has expected a pregnancy announcement ever since you failed to appear at your most recent awards show, despite winning in your category. 
It's almost an eternity later that Alexia, football boots clacking against the floor, flings open the door of the medical room. Eli calls out, warning her daughter about slipping on the sizable puddle that has spread out beneath you. 
Your fiancée is valiant in her attempt to mask her sheer panic. 
“Have you called an ambulance?” she asks her mother, stepping over your amniotic fluid and placing her hand on your shoulder. You squint, trying to open your eyes though this contraction has been the most excruciating so far. 
“We were waiting for you. She was adamant that you finished your match.” 
“No football match is more important than her!” If you understood Catalan (and weren’t in labour), you’d have teased her for being a sap. “Call an ambulance, Jesus Christ. Look at her — she needs a doctor.” Her composure revisits her fleetingly, and she turns to the medic. “Thank you for looking after her.” There is no answer because it is drowned out by her barking more orders her mother’s way. 
“No ambulance,” you declare before your mouth opens in a silent sob. “Drive me. Not an ambulance.” 
The last glimpse the Estadi Johan Cruyff gets of Alexia Putellas in 2018 is her carrying you to her mother’s car, your face buried in her team-issued jacket in case anyone is waiting outside to take pictures of the players. 
Eli drives; something she doesn’t like doing often but feels is necessary with the nervous bounce of her daughter’s legs in the backseat enough to convince her that they’d speed like the Flash if anyone else ended up behind the wheel. She knows Barcelona, can navigate it with her eyes closed, and you are at the hospital before you can begin to tell Alexia how much you think you can’t do this. 
“I really fucking can’t do this!” you cry out, situated in the delivery room. Sweat rolls down the side of your face, already dampening your hair. Alexia thinks you look beautiful, and she has been made proud of the last two hours. You’ve also helped her a lot with English swearwords. 
“You can.” 
“I can’t.” You’re told to push again. “Alexia, you are having the… next… fucking… beach ball.” Each word is punctuated by a guttural moan. 
Waves of intense pain contort your face in agony, and the midwife continues to talk you through your task as though instructing you how to park a car. “Estás haciendo muy bien, mi amor,” she tells you, ignoring the possibility that you may have rendered her left hand boneless. 
“There’s a baby coming out of my vagina,” you shout, “don’t even try to test my Spanish, you twat.” 
The midwife shoots your fiancée a pitiful look. “She’ll take it back,” she says in Catalan. 
“She’s getting quite inventive.” 
“There’s been worse.”
You can imagine the conversation taking place in the middle of you delivering her literal child. “No, I won’t! It’s breaking me in half.” You grip her hand harder. “Never. Again.” 
But, with a final, visceral (and heavily encouraged) push, the room is filled with the sound of life. Nico comes into the world screaming at the top of his lungs. All Alexia can think to say is, “definitely yours.” 
Life is a lot more tiring trying to juggle being a mother and a pop star. 
The press have a field day when you announce the birth of your son with a simple Instagram post, your engagement ring second only to the swaddled lump on your chest. The caption (‘ours’) sparks debate on who exactly is the other parent. Well, father. Alexia’s teammates, while waiting to finally be allowed to meet your bundle, spend a good two months teasing her mercilessly about it. Most notably, Alexia almost loses La Reina to Papi. 
2019 comes with change — a lot of it. 
You hire a new manager so that Dave can focus fully on the last album 2sday will produce. The group has been together for six years, and you have made your millions.You seek neither money nor fame, but it comes knocking on the door of your quaint apartment in Barcelona anyway, along with a record deal only for you. A solo act.
Between Nico crying, Alexia playing football, and you trying to write songs that don’t end up criminally depressing, the contract on your dining table slowly becomes forgotten about. Alexia is too stressed about the impending World Cup to grant you a moment to breathe. You spend your days in Barcelona with a baby attached to your hip, the question of his parenthood still a mystery to the public, and, ever so slowly, you begin to resent your life. 
It could be postpartum depression, but you have no time to really investigate the symptoms. 
Alexia, two weeks before she needs to leave for her national camp and then the World Cup in France, comes home to an eerily silent apartment. 
She calls out your name, wondering if you have perhaps gone to her mother’s house. The terrible sinking feeling comes with your reply. “Can we talk?” you ask. 
She finds you perched on the Egyptian cotton sheets that cover your double bed. The sheets are out of place here, greatly exceeding the original budget of the decor, and, where Alexia sees this as you adding to her life, you feel you are somewhere you don’t belong. It is fine when she is next to you, holding your hand, claiming the other half of the now six-month-old baby boy gurgling in his carseat. When she isn’t there, though, the vacant space taunts you. 
“I have no friends here,” you tell her quietly. The gravity of the mood settling over you pulls her onto the mattress, not caring if the sheen of sweat she wears as her outermost layer of clothing dirties the expensive creamy white beneath her. “I have no friends, I don’t speak the language, and I think that I have played at being a normal person for long enough. I mean, it’s great to watch you and to be there for you, but, darling, that’s not who I am. This,” you gesture to the loungewear you have on, stained with dribble, “is not who I am.” 
Alexia hears what you are saying. She understands; she remembers the nights where you’d call her, a cigarette rasping your voice, sparkles shining in the valley between your breasts. She has seen this coming. It would be impossible not to notice the dimming of such a strong love between you: still present, yet slowly fading away. 
“They want me to sign a new deal. Alone.” The suitcases lined up in the corner of the bedroom become glaringly obvious. Nico is in his carseat for a reason. “I think it would be good for me to go back to London. I need to feel like myself again, and my parents are willing to watch him. I sold my flat – I’ve bought a house in Highgate.” Tears sting your eyes as you speak, and you know where Alexia’s shoulder is without having to look, resting your head against it. “I love you. I love you so much, but I just can’t do this anymore.” 
It’s as if the ground crumbles away beneath her. Your words hang above Alexia’s neck like an axe, waiting to execute her, waiting to end everything. She can’t look at Nico, whose face crumples at his mother’s clear heartbreak. 
The world, once vibrant, lays in ruins. Her funny story from training dies on her tongue, and her question of whether you wanted to visit her mother before she left for camp disintegrates, leaving a bitter taste in her mouth. 
“Do you still want to marry me?” she asks, and you hate the way her voice cracks with uncertainty. “Are you moving permanently?” 
“I haven’t called anything off. It’s still going ahead as planned.” She senses the but. “But I… I can’t think here. I can’t be here. I want – I need – to go home.” 
She is going to be at the World Cup anyway. You and her will always find your way back to each other. She is going to be busy. 
She is going to be busy. 
She is going to be busy. 
“Yeah. It’s okay. Take all the time you need.” 
She is going to fall apart without you. 
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esrwag · 1 year
pedri gonzalez x famous!reader
summary: in which a relationship thought to last forever starts posting less of each other. will it be the end?
part 1: amigos de la infancia
sharing their friends to lovers relationship over the years through instagram posts. pedri is a professional fangirl.
warnings: language… for now.
NOVEMBER 26, 2013
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liked by pedri, feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr and 24,842 others
yourusername xDDDDDD
view all 1,105 comments
user finally scrolled to the bottom of her account
user 2k photos and ofc pedri is in her first post
user who else is stalking in 2023 👀
user 👀👀
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr 👀👀👀
user ❤️❤️
NOVEMBER 25, 2018
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liked by pedri, feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr and 199,192 others
yourusername happy 16th birthday to the muppet who has held me captive for 13 years, here’s to many more. 🍌
view all 226 comments
pedri was the first picture neccessary...
yourusername mayb.
user her posts are still up 😭😭😭
user one piece is real…
MAY 27, 2019
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liked by yourusername, feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr and 31,568 others
view all 77 comments
yourusername 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr where’s my post
user nothing has changed
NOVEMBER 25, 2019
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liked by pedri, jennaortega and 347,724 others
yourusername pedri: a compilation - feliz cumple 🧙‍♂️
view all 300 comments
pedri can't trust these hoez 😔
yourusername not really confidential if they were on the big screen
pedri watch ur back.
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr why was i cropped out.
pedri this isn’t about you.
yourusername yeah go away
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr 🙁🙁🙁
DECEMBER 13, 2019
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liked by pedri, bellahadid and 561,788 others
yourusername mi primera colaboración con j.balvin y el guincho (!!!) disponible en todas las plataformas MAÑANA. new song "con altura" estais readyyy ?!?!? ✈️🩷✈️🩷✈️🩷
view all 11,041 comments
user me ha encantado 😍
bellahadid 😍😍😍
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr 🩷🩷🩷
user what country is she from, can someone tell me?
user queen u dropped this 👑
DECEMBER 14, 2019
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liked by yourusername, ferrantorres and 43,790 others
pedri 🔁😎🎉😜🔁 link in bio y stories
view all 118 comments
user trash
yourusername 😁🩷
tasca_fernando love!!!!
ferrantorres 🔥🔥🔥
user we love a supportive bf
MAY 27, 2020
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liked by yourusername, andre3000 and 100,160 others
pedri just want to wish André 3000 the most special, magical birthday ever. i love you with all my heart. also, happy birthday to my y/n
view all 180 comments
yourusername 🙁🙁😠
pedri te quiero 😘
yourusername yo también <3
andre3000 thanks man 😎 you really know how to mend an achy breaky heart! tell y/n i said happy birthday
pedri anytime!
yourusername i am right HERE.
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA
user who is she
user why didnt this go viral
user 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
user pedri 🤝 ryan reynolds
AUGUST 20, 2020
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liked by pedri, tasca_fernando and 1,057,984 others
yourusername the one and only time i will get cheesy. i am beyond proud of you and am ready to support you in this new chapter of your live. watching you achieve you dreams means so much. i love you to the moon (i am not crying) visca barça y visca cataluña ❤️💙❤️💙
view all 460 comments
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr the last slide 🤣😂😂
fcbarcelona ❤️💙
pedri 💙❤️💙❤️
user barça’s future
jennaortega 🐐🐐🐐
OCTOBER 20, 2020
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liked by pedri, fcbarcelona and 954,729 others
yourusername maybe ucl nights are better when he scores
view all 2,151 comments
pedri graciasssss 😁
yourusername not you
pedri wow
yourusername kidding
pedri woah 😳 well 😅 then i will continue scoring
pedri who
yourusername messi
pedri asked 😂
yourusername ok.
user who's that
user probably her side
user it's her cousin weirdo
NOVEMBER 25, 2020
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liked by pedri, rosylopez78, and 920,475 others
yourusername happy birthday to this boy 🫶🏼
view all 420 comments
pedri stink stink
yourusername 18 has looked better on others, but you'll get there 😘
rosylopez78 ❤️❤️❤️
user babe wake up new pedri pics just dropped
yourusername will drop more just for pedri nation
MAY 27, 2021
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liked by yourusername, frenkiedejong and 327,742
pedri happy birthday to the love of my life, you've changed my life more than you know. i love you 🤍🩵
view all 534 comments
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr happy birthday to my biggest bully 🤥
yourusername ty.
user i'm trying to be like them
yourusername writing you a song as we speak 🥲
pedri still can’t believe i’m your muse. seriously i love you
karinadiaz lovely couple
user dead six feet under decaying gone
siramartinezc my baby's bday <333
yourusername 🥰😍😘
pedri OUR baby*
DECEMBER 13, 2021
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liked by pedri, landonorris and 1,323,307 others
yourusername if there's one thing i'm infinitely proud of tonight, it's the incredible styling i did on myself. #Jokes #ProudofYou
view all 1,537 comments
user 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
user she always makes it about herself
user that’s their dynamic…
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr ❤️❤️❤️
pedri you’re not wrong. i am so going to devour you
yourusername 😳😳😳
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr @rosylopez78
JANUARY 1, 2022
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liked by pedri, mikkykiemeney and 2,001,332 others
yourusername 2021 adeu 2022 holAAAA :} to start off the year i have decided to release glue song early !!! my favorite love song i've written so far, i hope this makes you feel happy as much as it makes me. big shoutout to my friends and family for making me feel loved and who i am also dedicating this song to. finally, big love to my pedro, the reason as to why i wrote this song in the first place. please enjoy 🤍🏹
view all 5,932 comments
pedri i love you
yourusername me more
mikkykiemeney 2022 has been saved!! this is a masterpiece y/n ily
user i love this song (i'm stuck with seeing couples posting themsevles to it)
pablogavi 🥺🙌❤️
siramartinezc my dream girl
user need someone to make me feel the way this song sounds
yourusername you’ll find ur person <3
user who's cutting onions
landonorris goated 🫡
FEB 14 2022
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liked by pedri, zendaya and 2,325,127 others
yourusername MOTOMAMI ALBUM ❤️‍🔥 OUT NOW. madre miiiia! you asked, and we listened: after 3 years, it makes me very happy to share this precious art with you. thank you for waiting. thank you to everyone who helped bring these crazy ideas to life !! i also want to thank landonorris, who made time in his busy schedule to help shoot and photograph the music videos. lastly, i want to dedicate this album to my mother and boyfriend. thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart. i love you motomamis.
p.s. i have a special annoucment in a few weeks. it starts with t and ends with our ;)
view all 17,234 comments
pedri album of the year. beyond proud of you 🔛🔝🦋❤️‍🔥
yourusername bebe :(
user we love you y/n ❤️‍🔥
bellahadid mamacita i love it so much 🦋🦋
pablogavi T..OUR??!?!?!
user he's so me
landonorris it was a pleasure 🦋 thank you. everything about the album is absolutely amazing
danielricciardo can i be hired next... i taught lando everything he knows about cameras
landonorris NO YOU DIDN'T
yourusername hired! i believe you
danielricciardo i won't disappoint 🫡
user i'm completely obsessed with the entire concept.
user this new era is going to slay
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr it was mid
MARCH 8 2022
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liked by yourusername, pablogavi and 637,437 others
pedri always the happiest with you. happy anniversary to my person, my love, my y/n. five years and counting. here’s to growing old but never growing up 👴🏼❤️👵🏼
view all 1,845 comments
user bisexual awkwening....
user ask me if im ok
user a-are…y-y-you.
user BITCH NO.
yourusername brb. crying.
yourusername you’re my my my my lover
pedri 🥹🫶🏼🫶🏼
user the REAL childhood best friends to lovers
ferrantorres happy anniversary ❤️
MARCH 8 2022
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liked by pedri, siramartinezc and 1,198,216 others
yourusername happy anniversary my love. thank you for always fixing everything with just a smile. it’ll be my pleasure to write you love songs for the rest of our lives 🤍🩵
view all 2,811 comments
pablogavi mama... papa...
pedri 🥹🥹🥺🥺🥺🥺🥹🥹🥺🥹🥺🥹
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr cringe
yourusername just say you’re lonely and go
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr 😔😔😔😔
pedri enough you two 🙄
user the most unproblematic and cutest couple in the game
rosylopez78 en los buenos y en los malos momentos... siempre juntos (trans: in the good and bad times... always together)
JUNE 24 2022
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liked by pedri, danielricciardo and 1,323,775 others
yourusername BARCELONA T'ADORO ❤️‍🔥🦋 motomami tour has been amazing and i'm extremely grateful for the love my fans have given me. i cannot wait for what's next, latinoamerica y the states be ready. also swipe for a surprise >.< they somehow got past security
view all 7,209 comments
pedri i am motopapi #y/nhive #1fan #TopSupporter
yourusername 😅😅🤣
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr i was forced to go (i had so much fun 😭😭❤️)
landonorris i can’t wait for ur london show 😎
danielricciardo we*
aurorapaezg ❤️‍🔥🦋❤️‍🔥🦋❤️‍🔥 bellaaaaa
NOVEMBER 22 2022
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liked by aurorapaezg, pedri and 2,200,406 others
yourusername dropped by to support 🇪🇸 con aurora y fer
user ate that up
user i need them all in a way that is concerning to feminism
user ayoo????
user same
feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr 3 years later and i’m still getting cropped out.
user un grupo muy TOP!
user i thought she was on tour ???
user put a break in between to come support pedri
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ale’s note 🏷️ : so… !!!! this is the end of part one. it was very fun and interesting to create my first social media au. let’s all pretend it’s in spanish only because i don’t want to go back and forth. sorry for any errors. it only goes down from here hehehehe
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viejospellejos · 4 months
Me suelo posicionar bien poco y hacer risa y crítica de todo y todos, pero lo de hoy ya es de escándalo… tenemos un PSICÓPATA por presidente:
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Cada cual que saque sus propias conclusiones, yo nunca entendí la política partidista como aquel que es un fanático de su club de fútbol de por vida porque así lo fueron sus padres y así seguirá siéndolo él o ella.
Durante mis 15 años de mayoría de edad he votado a diferentes partidos políticos de muy distinta índole y color, llegando a simpatizar mucho con la izquierda durante los años 2010-2019 por sus políticas sociales, pero en los últimos años he visto y he vivido de primera mano un cambio muy preocupante en mi entorno, tanto en mi ciudad, como en mi país, en seguridad, en tranquilidad y, sobre todo, en economía familiar.
La política, como todo, tiene sus ciclos, y siento que votar a un color por fanatismo no tiene sentido alguno. Aquí no se trata del equipo de fútbol de toda la vida, sino de lo que es mejor en cada momento de la historia para este país tan precioso que tenemos y que tanto amo. Desde hace años tenemos al enemigo en casa por culpa de los datos de un teléfono móvil espiado y del egocentrismo megalómano de un sádico irracional ávido de poder.
Se han traspasado ya todos los límites que tanta sangre y lágrimas costaron a muchas generaciones.
Ojalá dure menos que cualquier otro anterior a él. Lo siento, pero no puedo ya más con esto…
Aquí tenéis la infame segunda carta del presidente:
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latinotiktok · 1 year
hablando de fanfics cagados.
No sé por dónde empezar pero voy a tratar de explicar esto lo mejor que pueda. Para el que no sepa hay un fandom de "countryhumans", que es países humanos (y no, no como en hetalia. eran bolas pelonas con las banderas todas pintarrajeadas en la cara. por lo menos en todo lo que es Hetalia tienen la DECENCIA de tener un medio de origen) donde todo el fandom se crea sus propias versiones y propio canon. cómo se pueden imaginar lleva a cosas muy... problemáticas a veces por decir de menos.
Bueno, por ahí de 2019 yo caí en el fandom ese, y como era un usuario de Wattpad pues me puse a buscar fanfics en esa página rancia y maligna. Y ahí encontré un fanfics del que no me acuerdo el nombre, pero era de una usuaria (? que se llamaba "mami-onu" en Wattpad. El fanfic si no mal recuerdo era uno donde la ALEMANIA NAZI volvía a la vida y decidía ir hacía un barrio? o edificio de la ONU(hasta las organizaciones eran humanos, y todos hombres también. Yaoi world.) y de ahí pasaba muchas cosas, la Unión Soviética tenía tensión romántica con la ALEMANIA NAZI. REPITO. ALEMANIA NAZI. y también El imperio de Japón y Italia Fascista estaban ahí como amigos del NAZI y creo que también eran shippeo. cuestión que esto sinceramemte era MUY común en esta comunidad, pero a mitad de la historia (o al final?) hay una fiesta por alguna razón, y en esta fiesta todos los países y organizaciones se empedan y cogen. algunos de los shippeos canonizados fueron; La ONU, la CIA, el FBI y no se quien chucha más, Norcorea y Surcorea (que eran HERMANOS EN EL FIC), Italia Fascista y Japón imperial, y LA ALEMANIA NAZI y LA UNION SOVIETICA.
y eso no es lo peor. lo peor de todo es que a este final tan ESTELAR le siguió un fanfic donde LA MAYORÍA DE LOS SHIPPEOS, INCLUYENDO A NOR Y SURCOREA QUE COMO MENCIONE ERAN HERMANOS *SE EMBARAZABAN Y TENIAN HIJOS A LO MPREG.* era horrible, los estados unidos de embarazo de rusia y perdió al bebé, portugal y españa tuvieron una hija ciega (la escritora lo trataba como lo peor del mundo), no estoy seguro si la alemania nazi se embarazo y ya no me importa. pero uno de los capítulos más absolutamente repugnantes fue uno donde China y Japón son el ship principal.
resulta que Japón era un bebé cuando China era un adulto, y China lo conocía. y lo tuvo en brazos. y pensó que era un bebé muy atractivo, lo suficiente como para DARLE UN BESO EN LA BOCA?? y se implica que el imperio japonés (quien es el padre de Japón) vio esto y lo único que hizo fue HACERSE EL MEDIO ENOJADO?? todo esto en un flashback, por qué en el presente China se estaba COGIENDO a Japón. Y OTRA VEZ SU PADRE NO DICE O HACE NADA??? btw Japón es una caricatura muy asquerosa, se viste y actúa como mujer y se implica que su padre está decepcionado en el (no hablemos de las políticas de nada de esto por que termina todo mal)
bueno cuestión que yo era un fan de seguir está serie y burlarme en los comentarios, y un día una cuenta recién hecha me empezó a responder a mis comentarios muy enojado. y se perfectamente que esa cuenta era un alt de "mami-onu" para q no le cayera una funa por decirme tales barbaridades que no colaban ni abajo de tal fanfic.
bueno, había MUCHO más en ese fanfic, y en esa cuenta en específico. pero creo que o se borró la cuenta/fanfics o se cambió de nombre el usuario ese. y francamente no tengo ganas de volver a revivir esos momentos xD. perdón por mucho texto mods de latinotiktok, pero tenía que dar mis dos granos de arena.
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adylote · 2 months
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Hace AÑOS que no me paso bien por aquí, jaja.
Casi no dibujé a mi Operadora en el pasado (por ahí del 2019, que fue cuando fui más activa) pero ahora ando más hypeada con Warframe que nunca y traté no sólo de dibujar más a mi niña, sino que quiero mejorar mi estilo y de nuevo dibujar Warframes porque ya estoy perdida terriblemente en mi simpeo intenso por Umbra (ya no estoy en negación mejor dicho xd) y Ordis/Ordan.
Siento que hasta la mocosa creció, jaja.
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callmeanxietygirl · 2 months
La vida de Rebeca Andrade es completamente inspiradora; nació en Guarulhos (São Paulo, Brasil), no tuvo padre, su madre se hacía cargo de ella y de sus siete hermanos. Empezó a practicar gimnasia desde los 4 años en el gimnasio donde trabajaba su tía. Después de 5 años tuvo que mudarse a Curitiba para poder seguir entrenando y fue hasta los 10 años cuando fichó por el club Flamengo Río de Janeiro. Se destacó siempre sobre el resto de las demás pero también sufrió momentos difíciles en dónde muchas pensarían en dejarlo todo. Entre 2015 y 2019 pasó tres veces por quirófano pero no se dio por vencida y fue en los Juegos Olímpicos de Tokio 2020 en dónde lograría colgarse una medalla de oro y una de plata. 4 años después, en los Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024 logró superar a Simone Biles para ganar la medalla de oro sumado a 2 de plata y 1 de bronce. Convirtiéndose en la mejor atleta de la historia de Brasil. El camino no fue fácil, nunca se dio por vencida y logró dejar una huella en el deporte brasileño. La reina de Brasil.
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tomhardymyking · 1 year
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Impossible to forget when best kiss ever was nominated for the Best Kiss category at 2019 𝑴𝑻𝑽 𝑴𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒆 & 𝑻𝑽 𝑨𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒔 💓🔥
In the end, we were totally robbed 😩 It would have been amazing if 𝗩𝗲𝗻𝗼𝗺 and 𝗘𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 had won it 😏
Long live 𝗦𝘆𝗺𝗯𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗸 / 𝗩𝗲𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 / 𝗩𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 🙌🏻
Imposible olvidarse de cuando el mejor beso de la historia fue nominado a la categoría Mejor Beso en los premios 𝑴𝑻𝑽 𝑴𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒆 & 𝑻𝑽 𝑨𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒅𝒔 en 2019 💓
Al final fuimos totalmente robados 😩 Hubiera sido alucinante que 𝗩𝗲𝗻𝗼𝗺 y 𝗘𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 lo hubieran ganado 😏
Viva 𝗦𝘆𝗺𝗯𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗸 / 𝗩𝗲𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 / 𝗩𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 🙌🏻
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senig-fandom · 4 months
Senig alguna vez se han encontrado gafe y sur en una misión o un trabajo
Huy, que te digo...
Cuando Centro desapareció tanto Sur como GAFE rompieron algunas reglas, casi GAFE deserta de su trabajo por encontrarlo, hasta que una pequeña serpiente hizo su trabajo y Sur casi le entrega toda su alma a la Katrina para encontrar a su hermano, así que ambos se encontraron en ciertos lugares, claramente en México.
Sur y GAFE casi se matan por no encender una luz en un bosque oscuro, no fue hasta que GAFE sometió a Sur en una luz lunar que vio que era el, lo suelta de inmediato y lo ayuda a levantarse.
Claramente Sur no quería su ayuda, pero hubo ocasiones en las que trabajaron juntos, aunque GAFE priorizaba la seguridad de Sur, era notable que GAFE podía no proteger a Sur si eso dañaba la investigación o la misión.
Lo que ocasiono algunos malentendidos...
Por ejemplo Sur al ver que GAFE lo abandonaba lo hizo pensar que el no valía nada para el como México, o que no merecía su protección abandonándolo y haciéndolo sentir inferior y aumentando su odio a los militares.
Pero para GAFE el creía que no debería estorbarle o ralentizar a Sur, tambien no incomodarle sus reacciones protectoras que el tiene tanto con el como con Norte despues de la desaparición de Centro, pensando que es mejor que el no intervenga y solo lo haga si es necesario y lo malo es que creyó que sur lo entendía pero no...
Así se formo la relación de ellos dos, un GAFE que quiere sobre protegerlos por miedo a perder a otro representante, pero no quiere hacerlo sentir inútil y un Sur que piensa que no vale nada para nadie y haciéndolo solo odiar maslo que ya odiaba. (Claramente este es el Sur del 2004 hasta el 2019)
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daltony · 1 month
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Posted by The Agency México on IG. Frontón México
Tony Dalton recibió el premio a mejor actor protagonistas en Premios GQ Hombres del Año 2019. #TalentoTheAgency ____ #tonydalton #premiosgq2019
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gavotte-paradisio · 1 month
" You know what?
Screw it.
La serpiente es la mejor."
April 3, 2019
For context, when discussing my favorite side, I would say "El príncipe es el mejor" as a play on "El príncipe es estúpido," but Roman has been my second favorite since April of 2019
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naturalswimmingspirit · 3 months
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Te preguntas por qué mierda siempre caes en los mismos errores? Pues nada, a trabajar... Me siento un poco frustrada porque estoy cansada de mi misma. Culpable de crear siempre el mismo tipo de situaciones en mi vida que no me hacen bien. La vida siempre tiene lo mejor para nosotr@s ,pero nos pone a prueba una y otra vez. Aprendizajes cada vez más fuertes se nos ponen en la cara para no poder mirar a otro lugar, cosas que no se pueden evitar.
Siento que es el miedo a perder ( y no solo a nivel económico) lo que me hace que no aprenda. Pero estoy agradecida de ver los patrones que tengo para cagarla.
y, lo de siempre, relativizar! No te va la vida seguro a eso que te pasa, si tiene solución pues se soluciona, si no pues deja de dar vueltas cual hamster.
Una amiga y un amigo siempre le ponen nombre a los años antes de que pasen, un rollo predicción. Este año 2019 se llama THE REAL TIME. Y así lo he sentido, he visto mi realidad más cruda con vivencias que he tenido. y contenta ,porque el año que viene ya tiene nombre según ell@s: LA CONSAGRACIÓN! Quiero pensar que voy a, por fin, integrar eso que tengo que aprender y crecer de verdad!
Solo yo tengo el poder. Que no deje de caer agua, pues ya no sería cascada y que hermosa que es! Que la cascada no pare de mojarme, pues yo soy el agua
@francisrb78 @barenrosk@guidoriega
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byokinu · 9 months
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04. Independencia (2019)
Hay varias cosas que explicar de este dibujo. En primer lugar, está inspirado en dos personajes, uno de la historia Argentina, que es José de San Martín y Superman jaja, flasheo a mil. Las columnas, envueltas por laureles, son similares a las de la Casa de la Independencia (Casita de Tucumán para los no tucumanos) y de fondo la cordillera (referencia a la hazaña del Cruce de los Andes) y un cóndor. El sol ilumina su cabeza y lo corona ☀️. Las cadenas rotas no necesitan explicación. ___ No hay racconto de este año porque estuve muy ausente, esperemos que pueda estar más presente con mi arte el año que viene 🙃❤️ Les quiero desear un gran comienzo de Año Nuevo y todo lo mejor para el 2024 🎇🤞🥳
Pose de referencia: https://www.cartonionline.com/dibujosanimados/dibujos-para-colorear/superman/superman_ spezza_le_catene.htm
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dansfull · 2 months
hola dans espero q estés mejor, recuperada
cada tanto te leo, aunque suene raro te agradezco de alguna forma por expresar lo que sentís de una manera tan cruda, siempre hay algo q m llega de lo q escribís. te sigo desde el 2019 y aunque la app haya decaído mucho es lindo q converses el blog
gracias. sí. lo conservo. es mi espacio, desde 2017 que estoy acá. al principio escribia mucho sobre feminismo, militaba, estaba comprometida socialmente con distintas luchas que ahora ya no me interpelan. la vida pasa por otro lado. lo político atraviesa todo y no por eso voy a dejar que me consuma. estoy muy enfocada en mis procesos emocionales porque ahi es donde se da el verdadero crecimiento. no crecés leyendo o informandote. creces cuando duele, cuando incomoda, cuando pensas cosas por vos mismo. cuando aprendes a entender tus emociones y a redirigirlas. redirigir tu energia.
estoy hecha un trapo. ultimamente estoy escribiendo mucho sobre la perdida. porque es lo unico que tengo, por ahora, no puedo cambiar la narrativa. espero que no sea tan agobiante para leer. me alegro que no te sientas solx!!
un beso.
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kamas-corner · 4 months
16 de junio de 2019
Supongo que entendiste a Borges mucho antes y mucho mejor que Yo:
"No eres ambicioso, te confornas con ser felíz"
Felicidades ambiciosa...
Dime; Cómo duermes? Eres feliz?
Que palabras te dices cuando estás sola, sin el aplauso ni vista de nadie.
Bah, no importa, yo si soy felíz
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rinconliterario · 1 year
A lo mejor te quiere porque lo haces sentir un rey. A lo mejor te quiere porque te prefiere peón.
“Esquelas” Juan Solá, 2019.
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