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bebemoon · 8 months ago
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look for the name MEILING (requested by anonymous) | sculptor long sleeveless dress w/ fawn image on back in pale blue, sandy liang mary jane pointe shoes in color ballet nappa, swamparsenal "porcelina of the vast oceans" necklace (handmade of grade a-aaa freshwater pearls and gemstones), essential parfums "divine vanille" eau de parfum (clary sage, cinnamon, black pepper, osmanthus, incense, pomarose, vanilla, tonka, benzoin, cedar, musk, patchouli), christian dior pink and cream leather logo handbag (c. 2ooo's)
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kevinarthur64 · 1 month ago
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LoveStalkers Revenge
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auranova26 · 1 year ago
Happy Birthday!!
In Cryas Darkstalkers, Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling were both born on February 17th, 1730. Today now marks their 294th birthday! Wish both of these wonderful women a Happy Birthday!🥹🥳💙💛
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auranovabloggers · 1 year ago
Weapon Masters
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My submission I made for the @darkstalkersfanzine that just released officially via digital means, 27/11/2023! The first ever zine I ever participated in and while I was nervous about having to meet a deadline considering my still shaky ability to focus on art, I managed to get this piece done in time! Not only that, but I also made an absolute banger of a masterpiece of my favorite characters in both Darkstalkers and all of media! Since it's my most recent art of the two, it means I get to update Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling with a few new details I have both gotten from commissions and my own thoughts. Very elated with how incredible they look. Not only that, further working on my style of rendering and trying new things out as well! As the title suggests, these two are masters of weapons! In Cryas Darkstalkers, Mei-Ling is actually the most seasoned between the two as she has a genuine love and appreciation for different forms of weaponry. She taught Hsien-Ko all she knows and even crafted all her weapons for her little sister! For the weapons both are currently wielding, Hsien-Ko is wielding a zǐwǔ (子午) while Mei-Ling is with the liúxīngchuí (流星錘). Stances where they are both graceful and strong. Very proud of this and happy to finally share some new art after a drought for a while! I hope you enjoy! 🥹🥰 If you wish to view the zine, please check out @darkstalkersfanzine for information regarding where you can view the zine for your viewing pleasure!
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xbuster · 1 year ago
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roninkairi · 7 months ago
And Now. More Game Related Tomfoolery Thanks To Death Generator
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It's for gathering intel on the enemy, I SWEAR Stalker!!
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Lady Jaye: That's classified, Stalker.
Stalker: But---
Baroness: A lady is allowed to have her secrets.
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Lifelne: Deep down, we all knew.
Zartan: I honestly wish I didn't.
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...there is not enough art of Mei-Ling out there.
Just saying.
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Good question, Naomi.
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ceruleanbender · 20 days ago
//Fire Nation princess or not going that route...? Mei-Ling is either a princess or a noblewoman from the Fire Nation. As a noblewoman, she has dark blue eyes--I might just keep her dark blue eyes anyway. Might've inherited from her father or smth of I go the princess route. I kind of want to give Izumi's daughter a face and all... And she used to have long hair until she was 17 and cut it off cause she love had kinda enough of it. Also, shamelessly merged three dresses in one \o/ Just altered this from official work. So, art ain't main.
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marycrispies · 1 year ago
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It's a date! 🍔✨
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ercdouken · 1 year ago
Force Five (Unreleased) [Dreamcast conversion] - Mei-Ling Playthrough (2P Outfit, vs. Phantom)
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ne-cocoa · 8 months ago
Season 5 doodles (I’ll make another part :>) ✨💛
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orphetoon · 8 months ago
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(fullmeal au) xing gang!!
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luoiae · 9 months ago
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the biggest losers
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auranova26 · 11 months ago
Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling Lore Bits 4
I had made mention of bringing up some new information that came to mind during my research. And now, I am ecstatic to share! 😄Brace yourself for not only cool additions to their lore, but some Mandarin Chinese script here and there. 🧧
The Igyou Tenshin no Jutsu (いぎょう-てんしん-の-じゅつ) was the name of the art used by their mother and them in the original lore. However, that name is Japanese. After finally getting a translation of this skill (Change Oneself to a Strange Form Technique) then finding a way to translate that into Mandarin, I finally have a name for the art in Cryas Darkstalkers!
異形變形術 (Yìxíng Biànxíng Shù) is the new official name of the art. In English, it means Irregular Shape Change Skill. Also for fun, the simplified script for ya'll: 异形变形术
Jiangshi can enter into a state known as 狂暴 (kuángbào). Basically, translating to 'frenzy', this is a state where a jiangshi is driven into an unpredictably violent rampage for Qì if they have gone too long without feeding.
Hsien-Ko is no different in terms of the requirements to enter kuángbào. However, as she still possesses a conscious, unlike most jiangshi that come into existence. When in frenzy, her body forces her mind to be locked deep away as the desire for Qì takes over.
Even if Qì is obtained, the frenzied Hsien-Ko would still go on a rampage as with her mind locked away, Mei-Ling can't influence Hsien-Ko. The only way to stop her is for Mei-Ling to reattach in her talisman form and bring back Hsien-Ko.
As she is also a jiangshi by nature of the Yìxíng Biànxíng Shù, Mei-Ling does require Qì. However, she doesn't enter into kuángbào via a hunger for Qì. Only via sufficiently strong magic interference can cause her to go frenzy.
When Mei-Ling does get hungry for Qì, she tends to get lethargic and irritable.
Mei-Ling can transform into a form known as 護身符 (hùshēnfú). With her role as 'the mind', she has to help regulate the flow of Qì in Hsien-Ko to allow 'the body' to function at full power while also having control of said power.
While the term hùshēnfú basically translates to amulet/talisman, the specific form she takes on is joss paper, 金紙.
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金紙 (jīnzhǐ) translates to 'golden paper. The texture of her form is that of coarse bamboo paper, the traditional material for joss paper. Interestingly, the golden color is a signifier of being an offering for deities.
The script on her form translates to 'keep this on your body to keep you safe'.
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While in her talisman form, Mei-Ling has a special enchantment on her granted by the Yìxíng Biànxíng Shù. This enchantment is known as 奇異守護 (Qíyì Shǒuhù).
Qíyì Shǒuhù, or Strange Protection, allows her to be able to perform her function as 'the mind' by granting her hùshēnfú form total immunity from practically any form of magic. The only real way to 'damage' her is to physically break her talisman form to force her back to her true form. Ripping, shredding, and cutting the form are the best ways.
Even when her form is attacked by physical means, Mei-Ling's true form doesn't suffer actual harm. However, she can't change back for some time as her Qì needs to reconstruct the form internally. This can not only leave her vulnerable to genuine harm but means that Hsien-Ko can't be at full strength for the time being.
Mei-Ling did attempt to reverse engineer the Qíyì Shǒuhù to provide Hsien-Ko with this form of protection. Years of tinkering, she eventually had to stop by the pleads of Hsien-Ko.
Despite the fruitless endeavor, her trying to figure out this enchantment did help her eventually craft one for Hsien-Ko that allowed for the phasing of her body through clothing, along with manipulation of it. Something that would be applied to the clothes that she would make for Hsien-Ko in the future.
轉生術 (Zhuǎnshēng Shù) is the final art taught to Xiānshùshī who have been recognized with the title of Shīfu. Translating to 'Reincarnation Skill', Zhuǎnshēng Shù is said to allow the caster's soul to be able to safely depart for the afterlife.
Because the Yìxíng Biànxíng Shù transformed them both to jiangshi, their souls have been tethered to their bodies as a fuel source to allow them to continue living and replace the metabolic functions of their bodies.
The sisters are incapable of passing on via natural causes. The only ways the sisters can truly die is either being killed or allowing their bodies to fully consume their souls. The first option is not a way that either sister wishes to die and the later would lead to their erasure. A true death in a way.
The Zhuǎnshēng Shù is the only means that allows the sisters to pass away peacefully. Once they save their mother and have a final conversation with her after awakening from a long coma, Mingxia bestows not only the mirror and necklace back as a gift to her daughters, but also the knowledge of the Zhuǎnshēng Shù to recognize them both as Shīfu.
As mentioned above, the Yìxíng Biànxíng Shù turned Hsien-Ko in the body of a jiangshi and Mei-Ling into the mind of a jiangshi. The rest of this Lore Bits shall be dedicated to what the Yìxíng Biànxíng Shù did to Hsien-Ko, to Mei-Ling, and to both. First, to both:
Metabolic functions ceased in both sisters. For all intents and purposes, they are dead.
Qì is required to not only satiate their bodies, but to allow for limited bodily functions, like their digestive systems, movement, and brain function.
Neither sister needs to breathe oxygen.
Innately, both sisters are granted the ability known as Qì Absorption. This art is executed by a focused deep breath that allows for spiritual energy to flow from the target into their bodies.
Both have a high tolerance for temperature variance. The only way they can feel hot or cold is via extremes of either.
They possess a sensitivity to the presence of living beings and of stray spiritual energy.
Both have the ability to walk on air for brief periods of time.
They age physically very slowly.
Food can be eaten, and liquids can be drunk and processed by their digestive systems. The energy obtained from this can be used, but since their bodies require Qì to make their digestive systems work in the first place, this can't be a substitute for consumption of Qì, only slow it down.
As for how Hsien-Ko is specifically affected:
Sunlight debuffs Hsien-ko, specifically during the times when the sun is up directly in the sky. The reason for this is that the amount of energy from direct sunlight disturbs the imbalance of Qì she suffers innately from.
Thankfully she is not harmed by the rays of light, but she can feel its effects on her.
Unlike when she was human, Hsien-Ko is incapable of properly controlling her Qì.
Thanks to the innate imbalance of Qì flow in her, Hsien-Ko requires the consumption of more Qì compared to Mei-Ling.
Being 'the body', Hsien-Ko possesses a healing factor. The more Qì she has in reserves, the better her regenerative abilities are.
Despite the lack of full control of her Qì, Hsien-Ko innately has greater physical strength than she could ever achieve with Qì control as a human.
Hsien-Ko's nails have the ability to grow to 152cm (5ft). They are very durable and can be used to slash or pierce particularly vulnerable targets.
Hsien-Ko's body can easily contort into very unnatural poses and directions.
Oddly, her tongue can extend her tongue by 92cm or roughly 3ft.
While the best way to consume Qì is via Qì Absorption, Hsien-Ko can also sap Qì via physical contact. But this is less efficient.
Hsien-Ko cannot enter REM sleep naturally. In fact, she hardly needs to sleep. While initially seen as cool, Hsien-Ko desperately wanted to experience sleep, especially during the times she must be in the coffin. With help from Mei-Ling, she found ways to be able to rest.
The only way Hsien-Ko can enter REM sleep is via talismans crafted by Mei-Ling with the enchantment to allow it.
As mentioned above, Hsien-Ko can enter kuángbào via a hunger for Qì. However, she also can enter the state via being too far away from Mei-Ling for too long or via a disturbance to her Qì at an extreme caliber.
If not in kuángbào, should any talisman be placed on Hsien-Ko, she will be left paralyzed. However, if commands written in Manchu or Chinese scripts are on the talismans, she will be forced to obey the commands against her will.
The only commands she will not obey are ones that bring harm to Mei-Ling, her 'mind' to her 'body'.
Hsien-Ko undergoes the most physical changes to her form. Her skin is now a shade of light blue. Her eyes are that of a golden yellow. Her hair color is now a deep blue violet color, along with a wilder style.
Moss does grow on Hsien-Ko. However, she does strive to get rid of it when grows sufficiently on her body.
Finally, how Mei-Ling was affected:
Unlike Hsien-Ko, Mei-Ling didn't experience many physical changes. Her hair changed style and color to of a more umber shade rather than her original near dark brown color. Her eyes changed to that of a brilliant jade green.
The only giveaway that Mei-Ling is not human to the average individual is her lack of body heat.
Mei-Ling in her talisman form can possess other individuals, the ability of control varying.
Being 'the mind', Mei-Ling has a deep sensitivity to Hsien-Ko's thoughts and emotions.
When she sleeps, often enough she will suffer nightmares, ranging from reliving the night her mother sacrificed herself to the time her frenzied sister nearly killed her.
However, some nightmares are the perspective of Hsien-Ko's fears and memories.
Not only does she serve to stabilize Hsien-Ko's Qì, but also her emotional state as to ensure Hsien-Ko can serve her function in combat. A negative filter in a way.
While she can and does strive to work through this, there are times where she will breakdown and require comfort from Hsien-Ko. In turn, Hsien-Ko does her best to maintain a cheerful mood that is born from her being in a good headspace and not because Mei-Ling had to absorb some of the brunt of her emotions. Plus, to also make her big sister feel better. 🥹
After being comforted, Mei-Ling generally is capable of experiencing pleasant dreams. Assuring both sisters are in a great mood.
Mei-Ling generally sleeps for about 7 hours.
That should end this Lore Bits. Quite a lot to go through, but finally happy to get this out! 😎 Hope you enjoy learning about Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling of Cryas Darkstalkers. 😊
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auranovabloggers · 1 year ago
Mystic Gaze
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A redraw I did of this screenshot from the OVA.
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Was a wonderful test run of my new tablet that I got some time ago. Great device and while I did have to tinker around, I managed to pull off some incredible results with this piece. Incredible colors. I hope you enjoy this beautiful art of Mei-Ling Shao! 🥰💛
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auranovabloggers · 2 years ago
That's Mei-Ling's hand. Very pretty. 🥰💛
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6blackfilin9 · 5 months ago
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more Shifu
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