#Meet Artie
lycorogue · 1 year
Meet My OCs: Artie (Part 2 - Current Characterization and Images)
Hello again! Welcome back to my Meet My OCs series. This, surprisingly, took a couple of days to write up/edit. Mostly because Artie IS still an evolving character. I haven't quite locked them in yet, and I needed some time to sort out what to even share with you fine folks.
As I mentioned in Part 1 of my introduction to Artie, I tried to roleplay Artie twice, but both games quickly fell through. Artie's personality and gender identification also changed a bit between the two versions, as did their age. That's a lot to try to sort through and try to narrow down what will be canon for the character and what to scrap. This is made doubly hard because I don't have a story for Artie yet. They live in the ether of my mind, and that's pretty much it.
Lia, Willow, Trish, Shawn, Chayse (my husband's OC), and Devon (my friend Ronoxym's OC) all live in the story of X-Future/Glitches.
Amara, Jolene, Connor, and Nathalie live within the world-build of Gyateara. Every other D&D character I come up with - Arianna Snow, Emerald Gaze, Kriv, Elymoxa, Aubrianne, etc - can conceivably be slotted into Gyateara as well.
Mevakor is a fun NPC I came up with for my game of Scum and Villainy, and he can live comfortably in that world.
Colton and Zetelica have my completely original story to hang out in.
And then there's poor Artie. Orphaned (potentially) in character, as well as orphaned (truly) from any story they were crafted for. I'll have to sort out what to do with them some day. Maybe they will join Colton as he navigates his new life within the supernatural (pulling a little bit from the Dread game Artie was reworked for). Maybe Artie will find themselves in a desert portion of Gyateara (taking inspiration from the OG role play on Gaia that they were created for). Maybe Artie will become a glitch and join Lia, Willow, and Chayse. Maybe they will get their own original story entirely. Without really knowing, there's no way to hard-lock their build. They will always evolve as I find out more about them.
In the meantime, though, we have Part 2 of Meet Artie. I tried to really lock down what I feel are core components of the character, and then share those with you fine folks. I also brought up potential key traits and what I need to work out to solidify them more. Finally, I have a few images that I did up - thanks to Hero Forge and various Picrew makers - to TRY to lock in what Artie looks like.
Honestly? Considering how loose of a character build Artie still is, I'm surprised this post went as long as it did. I hope it's still a fun ride as you get to know them a bit better.
You still in?
You may have noticed that I never once mentioned Artie's last name. That would be because I never thought of one.
I don't think the colony culture within the Gaia RP required family names anymore. Everyone just knew who was related to whom (a necessity with such a small populous to make sure the gene pool remained relatively diverse). As for the Dread game? I don't think it was considered important to know the characters' last names? Most games of Dread are one-off/one-shot games, and, for Dread in particular, the characters may not make it out alive anyway.
So, positive side of never getting to play Dread with Artie: they didn't die. Whooo!
Not having a story for them means I haven't really had a need to come up with a family name. So, that's one of the things on my character-creation check list that I need to get to.
There are some elements that were consistent between the two versions of Artie. It's obvious that I'll have to keep them. They are core to their character.
For one, they are between 9 and 16. My current incarnation seems to be comfortably nestled at about the preteen range. That feels like the "right" age for them.
Artie's birth name is Artemis, and is AFAB. They also consistently dress androgynously, so that they can equally pass as either male or female. I do like the idea of Artie being genderqueer/GNC (are they two different things? Is GNC a subcategory of genderqueer???) Clearly, I need to do more research on what it means to claim those identities. I want to make sure if I stay on this route with Artie I don't use them to misrepresent the queer community. So, again, my Asks are open, and I am cisgender. If you have any advice, I would love any help I can get in making sure Artie is written correctly.
Speaking of things I'm not particularly knowledgeable about (yet), Artie is also good at engineering, and has a more analytical mind than creative/imaginative one. They are sometimes curt and a touch abrasive/blunt.
They aren't particularly close with their parents. Heck, Dread!Artie was straight up neglected/abused by her parents and killed her father.... sooooooooooooo. I haven't decided if Artie is just distant with their parents, but still living with them, if Artie is estranged from their parents, or if Artie is an orphan. I think I'm leaning towards the last one though????
Finally, Artie seems to have a special bond with animals - even wildlife - regardless of version. That trait is definitely staying.
Physically speaking, Artie is currently 4'8" (142cm), still fairly flat chested (they haven't started binding yet, but they wear baggier clothes to hide their developing curves), and weighs around 72lbs (32.6kg). Sometimes they weigh more, sometimes less, but usually they average out to 72. They're a lean little stringbean, but have a round face. They have a lightly-tanned olive skin tone and stormy-gray eyes. Their hair is a sort of silvery ash-blonde color that almost looks like gray sand. It's thick and has loose waves, but they keep their hair cut so short that the waves rarely show up.
They probably still fend for themselves, much like their Dread equivalent. I mean, their Gaia version also fended for themselves, but they also had a community available to help. I see this current incarnation not quite as self-reliant as Dread!Artie, but doesn't have quite as much community support as Gaia!Artie.
I haven't decided if Artie still has a petty father who named them "Artemis" to keep a family tradition alive despite Artie having a cousin named Artemis already (that had passed away just before Artie was born). I'm also still deciding as to why they were named Artemis in the first place. IS it a family tradition? ARE they at least part-Greek?
Artie is a bit of a loner. Gaia!Artie was irritated by people, but was still polite to them and showed them kindness. They were introverted, not wanting to be forced into socializing but feeling lonely if they couldn't at least hear people interacting around them. Dread!Artie was fully jaded and aggressive. She'd sell you out for a dollar if that somehow benefitted her. She yearned for Found Family, but never wanted to let anyone in and would self-sabotage to prevent anyone from trying. She was very much me-myself-and-I/survival of the fittest. Other people were only there as tools for her to use, she just needed to work out how to use them.
Current!Artie? Definitely still a loner, but probably not as grimdark as Dread!Artie. Also, probably a bit more jaded/snarky than Gaia!Artie. Some humble little Goldilocks area between those original two incarnations.
As mentioned, I'm definitely keeping the fact that Artie just feels more comfortable with animals (and they around Artie). Much like Dread!Artie, I don't think the current version would necessarily have a pet. While I haven't decided yet if they'll be homeless like Dread!Artie, I do still feel like Artie is nomadic, and might find it too difficult to travel with a pet? If I were to give them one, maybe a rat? Lizards feel the lowest maintenance for travel, but then Artie is stuck in warmer climates (or have to start lugging around heat lamps and the like). Dogs feel too big/high maintenance despite how many homeless people do seem to keep a canine companion. They aren't really "nomadic" though, so I feel like my point still hits. Maaaaaaybe a semi-domesticated stray cat (kind of like Gaia!Artie and their alien bug)? Gerbils/hamsters/guinea pigs all feel too hard to carry around without a cage. Rabbits also feel less practical for a nomadic life, but I could be wrong (please let me know if I am). Birds also feel too high maintenance, despite the trope of pirates keeping them as pets (if Artie were to have a bird, it would a type of corvid, I suspect). Rats/mice just feel like the right choice, if they were to have any pet at all.
Back to animal bonding though. I feel like a lot of the "weirdo Snow White" traits should carry over. Don't know if Current!Artie would use this connection with animals to win horse/dog racing bets or anything like that. I'll have to ponder that a bit more. Either way, they feel more at-home and relaxed socializing with animals than with humans.
Artie's Style
As I mentioned, Artie prefers loose-fitting, comfy, gender-neutral clothes. Jeans or denim overalls. Graphic tees. Plain t-shirts or long-sleeve tees. Work/hiking/combat boots; something durable and comfortable to walk around in for months. Hoodies or hooded zip-up sweatshirts. Swim trunks and light t-shirt to swim in.
They have a pair of steampunk-like motorcycle goggles - either the round lens or pilot style. They use them as sunglasses, to protect against the elements, or as low-end welding goggles while they're building something. Plus, they just like how they look. Makes for a good hair accessory.
They don't really wear any other accessories. No bracelets, necklaces, or piercings. They do have a basic wrist watch, but that's about it.
Sadly, the computer that had my Gaia Online avatar rendering of the OG Artie died on me nearly a decade ago. I was going to recreate them, but the "Gaia Online Dream Avatar" creator Tektek was taken down nearly a decade ago, and I couldn't find an alternative. Shame, because I did enjoy that design.
Anyway, as I mentioned at the top of this post, I spent some time on Hero Forge instead to try to recreate Artie. The hair color isn't quite right, but I'm happy with them otherwise.
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I decided to design them as if they were still in the RPGs I created them for. Gaia!Artie lived in a dust bowl/desert section of a planet. Dread!Artie was making her way to Las Vegas. Gaia!Artie would need a lot of pockets for their maintenance/engineering equipment, and had few other possessions. Dread!Artie was a nomad, and, again, was making her way to Vegas. The hair is still a touch too blond for what I picture. Some of the Picrew versions were a touch closer. Although, I ended up losing the skin tone I wanted for Artie when I switched to Picrew.
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These two Picrew designs are probably closer to the ash hair color I picture for Artie. Not quite gray. Not quite blonde. Somewhere on the spectrum in between.
Nanameka: the maker used to create the left image, the one with gears behind Artie. The maker used for the right image: with the sun setting behind Artie.
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Neither the hair color nor the skin color really works for either of these versions of Artie. The right "vibe" is there for them though? And the one on the left isn't TOO far off hair color wise. The one on the right isn't TOO far off skin tone wise?? I also like the clothing I could choose for them with that right image, and that they could have their goggles.
The maker used for the left image: Artie in a black shirt and brown hoodie. Maker 773 - the one used to create the full-body Artie on a rooftop.
So, what do you all think of Artie? Any advice on them? Any thoughts in general? They've been so neglected in my mind for so long*, and their call to be noticed was so loud the other morning. I'm glad to revisit them again. I'm also happy to share them with all of you.
Now to get back into the habit of working on this series a bit more. I still need to finish up my Meet Lia sub series....
*Poor thing! They get enough of that from their parents!... how sadly appropriate...
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localceilingdevil · 7 months
forced pacifist meets violence itself
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day 8 - saint
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emile-hides · 25 days
Thinking about a Drawtectives OC named Ed Erring who's like the Larry Butz of Drawtectives. Constantly way too personally involved with the crime, bumbling, compulsive liar, guy failure type with a heart full of romance and a dream of being an artist. He didn't do it but he sure was there and yet he never has any helpful information.
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raksha45-blog · 11 months
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dear-kumari · 1 month
"he held his breath underwater for three whole minutes" he has a fractured piece of a lovecraftian god controlling his eyes for god's sake suspend your disbelief and enjoy things
Over three minutes, actually! But sure, I guess it's unreasonable of me to expect this story about a man whose child drowned to portray his own near-drowning experience accurately or believably or with any sort of dramatic weight
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weepingpineapplechaos · 2 months
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oh the things I would do if I were to learn to code..
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brainman1987 · 3 months
Meet the artist! (I guess!)
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Based on this thingy:
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skyistheground · 2 years
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you know how arti lost her kids. and gourmand gets two at the end of their campaign
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artystaroc · 6 months
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Hi, hello! Welcome to the show. I noticed quite a few new followers coming in, so this suggestion by @brandonlindelof came at a good time! (thanks again, btw) I hope this gives y'all a good insight on me 💛
og "All About Me" sheet under the cut
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Plus some close ups of the doodles!
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lycorogue · 1 year
Meet My OCs: Artie (Part 1 - Background)
WAAAAAAY back in May of 2019, I thought it would be fun to introduce my OCs to the world. I had created the Meet My OCs series with the intent to add to it every (other?) Sunday. I got to July of that year (but 11 posts... yay!) before I fell off the wagon for that project.
Well, this morning, I was suddenly struck with this urge to introduce you to one of my OCs again: Artie.
Poor Artie wasn't included when I first listed off my OCs (neither was Willow's brother Shawn... whoops!). For Artie, it was mainly because I was focused on the OCs I created for either my fantasy world Gyateara, or my X-Men-inspired cyberpunk-lite story Glitches. Artie fits in neither category.
(Along those lines, I have four other D&D characters, and 2 wholly original story OCs that should be added to that already 14-deep list of OCs....)
Who's ready to meet Artie?
Birth of Artie: GaiaOnline
Somewhere between 2008 and 2010 (I think), back when I used to frequent GaiaOnline, I was invited to a play-by-post roleplay game using one of GaiaOnline's private forum set-ups.
My husband's (then fiancé) friend had come up with this intriguing sci-fi/steampunk-Western setting. Much like in the anime Trigun/Trigun Stampede, humanity was forced to settle on a hostile planet. The area humanity was forced to colonize was a large dust bowl/desert (I can't remember which), and it was unknown if the whole planet was that way or if humanity was just unfortunate when they crash landed. No explorers in search to find out have returned. Also, for some unknown reason, humans no longer live past 25, and most die before they are even 20. The children all seem healthy, but as soon as someone turns 16 their health starts deteriorating (the adults that had crash-landed all died off quickly via a plague that didn't affect the children). This has caused the colony to become more steampunk in nature since the adults died before passing on knowledge of the technology they brought with them, and the kids are kind of reverse-engineering off of the starship's remains. But even then, they have to quickly pass what knowledge they've discovered down before they too die. Teens, out of necessity, started procreating and raising their own families in an attempt to keep the population from dying off. Children are "wise beyond their years" as they hit "adulthood" more-or-less at the age of 10.
This is the world where Artie was birthed.
Artie's full name is Artemis. They're AFAB. However, Artie picked up pretty quickly on the systemic misogyny still inherent in their society. Wearing masculine/gender-neutral clothes like simple cotton shirts, jeans, and work boots just made life easier to navigate anyway. They then shortened their name from Artemis to Artie, and kept their hair short (which is again convenient anyway when dealing with a sandy/dusty/wind-ravaged land). Some of the kids began confusing Artie for a boy, and Artie noticed that they were respected more, given more opportunities, listened to more, and didn't have their intelligence questioned. Finding life easier if they presented male, they ran with it. It never really mattered to them anyway if people thought they were female or male (think Haruhi from the anime Ouran High School Host Club).
Then Artie realized there were benefits to presenting female as well. Females were allowed to like cute things or cry or feel uncomfortable if presented with something unpleasant. Girls could be "emotional" and want/give hugs. No one made fun of females if they asked for assistance with something or if they got scared or wanted to sleep with a stuffed animal or special blanket. They could be sentimental.
Artie started "switching" between presenting male or female to reap the benefits of both genders. They rarely presented as both genders to the same person though. If you knew them as male, they were always male. If you knew them as female, they were always female around you.
(I'm cisgender... can you tell? I apologize if this is a terrible misrepresentation of being genderqueer. I'm still learning and Artie is still evolving as a character. This is just how they formed in my head way back in the early 00's. If you have any suggestions, I am very much open to them. My Asks are open. Thanks in advance!)
For the Gaia roleplay, Artie was kind of a loner. They made themselves a hammock in the rafters of the large warehouse-sized barn the colony lived within. They created a secret hide-away in the wall by their hammock where they hid their prized possessions (I have no recollection as to what those items were, but they could all fit within a size 15 shoe box). They didn't really have friends within the colony, but they got along with the livestock. They also had a pet alien bug (about the size of a corgi, with a bunch of stubby legs like a caterpillar) that they would bring into the greenhouse every night to help fertilize the fields before releasing them back into the wild during the day.
Artie was an engineering apprentice. Their job was mostly maintenance throughout the colony while slowly learning about the tech the teens were able to sort out/reverse-engineer off of the spaceship.
Sadly, the roleplay didn't last long before it fell through.
Artie's Revival: Dread
Artie then sat dormant until 2016. Another of Hubby's friends introduced us to the horror-survival game Dread. The concept of players pulling Jenga blocks from the tower (instead of the standard dice rolls) to determine the success of the action they took intrigued us. Then, our friend sent us a 40-question questionnaire for our characters. Based on the character class we picked, we were supposed to answer a set-number of questions within the questionnaire.
I was drawn to the character class "waif":
Never innocent yet always without a lick of evidence against you, the life of the ‘meek’ is made easier by your naïve appearance. Something about you makes everyone want to help you. You take what you want, and no one is the wiser. The pockets of some faceless person left you with a strange necklace. Every effort to pawn it has left you with a strange feeling, like it doesn’t want to leave you. The last town you were in grew wise, however. Jumping into the back of the nearest semi, you fell asleep and waited hours until it creaked to a stop. The welcoming sight of a motel and diner should make you feel better, but the knowing look of a stranger already has you on edge…
Artie shouted in the back of my mind, and I knew this was my chance to revive them!
Picking "waif" as my character class, I was given the following questions from the questionnaire to answer:
1. What mental illness runs in your family? 2. What do you do for a living? 3. Where did you grow up? 7. What is your favorite game? 13. How old were you when you learned you could predict horse races consistently? 19. Why were you named after your cousin instead of your grandparent? 31. What made you think you could get away with it, and how in the world did you? 33. What is the recurring dream and why does it frighten you? 35. What addiction do you hide from your friends? 36. What can you do that most other people you know can’t? 37. When all else is quiet, how do you silence the screaming in your head? 39. Why is next month big for you? 40. What unusual hobby do you have?
For this game, I had aged Artie up to 14, turning 15 within the next month. Artie also still identified as female, but kept the original character build of presenting male to make life easier on herself. People were less inclined to interact with a teen boy living on the streets than they were with a homeless teen girl. Others were more inclined to take a teen boy seriously than a teen girl. People were less likely to try to "white knight" a teen boy than a teen girl. Etc.
I'll admit, I largely based this redesign of Artie off of the character Jack from the movie Pitch Black.
This Artie grew up in Detroit with a drug-addicted mother and alcoholic abusive father. She never knew her paternal grandfather who died from ODing when he was 50. Fearful of having the same addictive personality, she's avoided drugs and alcohol, but has instead become addicted to arson. She's careful to not intentionally harm any living beings, but she gets an itch to start a fire if the opportunities arise, even if the result would be devastating (property wise or legality wise).
For the Dread version of Artie, Artemis was a family name. Her dad's side of the family is at least part Greek, and it's tradition that the first-born girl of each generation is named Artemis. Both Artie's dad and his brother were expecting daughters at roughly the same time (the first females born to the family in three generations). Artie's cousin was born almost a month premature. She was named Artemis, but tragically died before Artie was born. Since that generation's 'Artemis' had passed away anyway, Artie's father had 'Artemis' put on her birth certificate before his brother or sister-in-law could protest.
While Gaia!Artie did connect more with animals than humans, Dread!Artie has an almost supernatural bond with animals. She described herself as "some weirdo Snow White or something." She can just TELL what animals want/need, and they feel comfortable with her. Even wild animals gravitate to her. Deer will get as close as ten feet from her. Crows will bring her shiny things in exchange for food. Squirrels will eat from her hand. Feral cats frequently come to her for food and cuddles/pets. Dogs practically break their leashes to reach her. This is how she was able to accurately predict horse races. Much like Anne-Marie from the movie All Dogs Go to Heaven, Artie could sort out how each horse felt leading into any given race, and predict the winner from that. She was seven when her father stumbled upon this gift, and he forced her to skip so much school (so they could "play the ponies") that she actually flunked out of 2nd grade due to poor attendance.
One night, in a drunken rage, Artie's father killed her mother. In retaliation, Artie struck her father in the head with a hammer, and then burnt their home down to try to bury her past and hide the evidence (not that it mattered, she knew she could claim "self defense"... plus she was nine, so she was pretty positive no one would convict her).
Artie was basically a "rogue" to survive: she'd panhandle, pickpocket, con, and commit breaking-and-entering.
Her favorite activities are card games and pro-level yo-yo tricks (I even had Artie utilize the yo-yo as a weapon back in Aug 2016... only to discover the show Miraculous Ladybug - in which the main character uses a yo-yo as a magical weapon - in July 2017!). Cards and yo-yo are mostly her preferred because 1) they're fun (duh), 2) they are easy to carry around, and 3) they're versatile (many different card games; many different yo-yo tricks to try out; both can be used to entertain/swindle/bludgeon people out of their money).
Finally, the nightmare that haunts her is one where she and her parents are being chased by demons, are killed, and revived as demons themselves. (It's more involved than that, but this is already an epic-length post....)
In another tragic twist for poor Artie, the Dread game fell through before it even started. The players all filled out our character questionnaires. Then none of us were available at the same time. Eventually the friend who wanted to run the game moved away.
Artie fell dormant again.
And, with that. I'll end Part 1. This is already stupid long anyway. I'll catch you in Part 2, where I talk about Story-less Artie, and introduce their appearance.
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timechange · 2 months
MCFLY JULY ‘24 — blind spot.
JANUARY 11, 1986
The key turns in the front door, the winter chill rushing into the house. A moment later, the hall light turns on.
“Mom? You awake?” 
Sylvia smiles at the sound of her son’s voice, putting down her crochet things on the end table.  
“We’re in here, Georgie!” 
Carefully, she stands, easing her grandson’s head off her lap and tucking a pillow underneath. She’s pretty sure the kid must’ve been an acrobat in another life; there’s no way he’d be able to sleep all twisted up like a pretzel otherwise. She readjusts the blanket she’d put over him, smoothing down his hair, before meeting her son and daughter-in-law halfway.
“Well, how was the party?” she asks, leaning up against the breakfast bar as George and Lorraine hang up their coats. “You two crazy kids have fun hobnobbin’ with the head honchos at Simon & Schuster?” 
“It was nice, Mom, thanks,” George answers, way too dismissively for a party he’d been talking about for weeks, full of editors and publishers and everything he’d always dreamed of, “but–”
“How was Marty?” Lorraine interrupts, urgently.
Here we go. Finally, some answers.
“Lorrie, honey, you know Artie and I always love bein’ with the kids,” Sylvia begins, and she meant it, even though Artie had called it a night about three hours ago and was now snoring loud enough to shake the walls, “but seventeen goin’ on eighteen’s a little old for a babysitter, don’t you think?” 
“Oh, we’ve just been so worried about him, Sylvia,” Lorraine pleads, eyes wide. “We… we didn’t think it would be a good idea to leave him alone.” 
“For the last few months,” George elaborates, wrapping an arm around his wife and holding her close, “he hasn’t been himself. He doesn’t sleep, he’s been having nightmares… he’s been having memory problems, too, and I know he’s a teenager, but sometimes he’ll get in his own head and it’s like… he’s not even here, like he goes somewhere else instead.”
“He’ll get so confused,” Lorraine agrees, “and-and he used to love thunderstorms but now he’s just so afraid of them and... other things… sometimes it even feels like he's afraid of us…” She bites her lip and buries herself into George. 
It breaks Sylvia’s heart to see them like this; in mourning for the boy who’s alive and breathing and fast asleep on the couch. Just a few hours ago her and Marty were singing along to the radio while making dinner and laughing until they cried trying to play games on his Nintendo while eating Lucky Charms by the bowlful.
“We must’ve missed something,” George murmurs, “something must’ve happened to him and we missed it somehow.”
“We’ve just been so busy,” Lorraine laments, “too busy. I-I thought it was the stress… with college applications and everything changing… but even Jennifer and Doctor Brown don’t know what’s wrong.”  
Sylvia isn’t quite sure she buys that. 
She may not know a lot of things, but she does know that Carl Sagan from 1931 certainly doesn’t look like that nice young man on PBS from a couple years back but did look a whole lot like that whiz kid Emmett and even more like her grandson’s best friend, that nice Doctor Brown, that Emmett grew up to be. 
She also knows that Sonny Crockett (who is pretty much all they talked about at dinner tonight) is from one of Marty’s favorite shows, not that kid from 1931 with her grandson’s sweet blue eyes and a fake mustache.
She even remembers George begging her and Artie to help him get all dolled up for some dance at the last minute and talking all about how he wasn’t going with a date but he was going to meet up with his new friend Marty there.
Not to mention the date on that Bubble Bobble game of his is two years from now.
When you grow up around liars and cheats, you get to be really good at noticing things. 
“So how was he tonight?” George asks again. “Really?”
“Georgie, sweetheart, he was fine,” Sylvia emphasizes. “We had a great time. As for the other stuff… Remember what you were like when you were his age? I sure do. Any time your dad and I got near ya we’d have to promise we weren’t tryin’ to look in your journals. Even if we were just givin’ you a hug!”
They crack a smile at this, George at least having the decency to look sheepish.
“Whatever’s going on with Marty,” she continues, “he’ll tell ya when he’s good and ready. And remember: you’re great parents. He loves you. He’d do anything for you. Just be there for him until then and let him know that you love him too. No matter what.”
Sylvia looks over her shoulder at her sleeping grandson, a fond smile and a mischievous look in her eye.
We got a lot to talk about, kiddo. I’m ready when you are.
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valentinbelleyh505 · 6 months
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I can thought if they meeting
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raksha45-blog · 11 months
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Spoiler 🔥
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artnerd1123 · 20 days
So hi I’m home from road trip now, will begin to exist online again properly tomorrow!
For now just know I had the most fucking trip ever of my life :)
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di-daydreamer · 2 months
One thing's for sure about Sopranos yaoi: Tony gets all the guys.
Picturing everyone trying to seduce him, but he just does not get the hint.
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overgrownmoon · 3 months
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overcome with the insatiable need to make a new ponysona. meet doodlebug its a pony that really likes bugs. their special talent is finding bugs
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