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balboamedical · 6 months ago
Meet Dr. Amir Raeesy: Expert in Internal Medicine and Medical Cosmetics
Dr. Amir Raeesy, MD, is an internist of the Balboa Medical Center & Spa located in Encino, California. Dr. Raeesy has over 14 years of practice from which he provides quality services in internal medicine and medical cosmetics. Born in Iran, Dr. Raeesy graduated from Shiraz University of Medical Sciences before moving on to do his internal medicine residency training in Maricopa Medical Center, Phoenix Arizona. He is experienced and offers a great solution in the medical spa treatment which includes the most preferred technique of liquid facelift. Dr. Raeesy is committed to the measures of individual need, he treats each case with an individual approach that will improve human health, physical and aesthetical attractiveness. This is attributed to the friendly nature of the doctor that makes the patients relaxed through out their stay.
Read more: About Dr. Raeesy
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biotouch-canada · 4 years ago
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Venus Versa uses cutting-edge technology to offer non-surgical solutions for your most pressing aesthetician concerns. 💚 Customize your treatments to achieve maximum results! 💯 Procedures are quick and comfortable! No pain doesn't always mean no gain! 🧖🏼‍♀️ No downtime required, return to your daily activities immediately after your treatments! 👩🏻‍💼 Book with us now to take advantage of our $99 Promo deals on: - IPL Photofacial - IPL Hair Removal - IPL Acne Treatment - Body Contouring/Tightening - Face Contouring/Tightening - Skin Resurfacing - Cellulite Reduction #venusconcept #venusversa #ipl #photofacial #hairremoval #contouring #bodycontouring #facecontouring #skinresurfacing #skintightening #cellulitereduction #acnetreatment #medicalaesthetics #medicalcosmetics #pmu #biotouchcanada #biotouch #cosmetics #beauty #vancouver #vancouverbeauty #yvrbeauty (at Vancouver, British Columbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMQVPn2nWZ4/?igshid=1ddpc72jmayv4
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shellygossip · 5 years ago
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温めて疲労回復グッズ。 . . ▶︎中性重炭酸入浴剤 @barth_rt_official 薬用の重炭酸がとにかく疲労回復に効く!腰痛や筋肉痛がひどい日にこれを入れてお風呂に浸かると、びっくりするぐらいに痛みが和らぐ😲 . . 以前日々のデスクワークと、負��の大きい筋トレのフォームが違ってたことから、じっとしてられない程の腰痛になった時、これはヤバイ!と思って @biople のお店に行って、オススメして頂いたのがこれでした✨ 酷かった痛みがかなり楽になった時の感動は大きかったな😌✨ オーガニックコスメの中で感動が大きかったものだと今の所これが一番! . . また、疲労回復だけじゃなく、冷え性、肌荒れ etc...といろんな効能があるので常備しておきたい入浴剤。 頭や顔まで浸かると頭皮や髪も柔らかくなるし、お肌には美容液効果もあるので、全身丸ごと浸かるのがオススメ🛁 香りは無臭なので好きなアロマを足してみるのも良いみたい。 . . ▶︎めぐリフレ ジンジャーホット これもBarthの入浴剤と併せてオススメしてもらった湿布。 . . 凄いのが、温感成分として生姜を100%使用していること! それから防腐剤や香料なども不使用なので安心して使える😌 (湿布独特の臭いもありません) . . 身体の内から生姜を取り入れるとじんわりポカポカしてくるような感覚を、身体の外から感じる感じ。 . . 疲れた所に貼ると生姜の温かさで疲れと同時に気持ちもほぐれてく😌♨️ . . Barthの入浴剤を入れたお風呂に浸かって、めぐリフレを貼って寝たら最強だと思うw . . #barth #barthrecoveryandtreatment #bicarbonated #bath #medicalcosmetics #recovery #relivefatigue #warmupbody #warmbodies #biople #bioplebycosmekitchen #organiccosmetics #remedy #megurefre #poultice #ginger #organic #selfcare #healthcare #バース #中性重炭酸入浴剤 #めぐりフレ #めぐりフレジンジャーホット #疲労回復 #温活 #薬用入浴剤 #ビープル #ビープルバイコスメキッチン #オーガニックコスメ #オーガニック https://www.instagram.com/p/B8oVVfAg-Tz/?igshid=3l59456temhb
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astridfierce · 6 years ago
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Lymphatic Drainage is a very comfortable 15 minute treatment that helps to enhance the quality of your skin🌟⠀ ⠀ Lymphatic Drainage:⠀ -drains stagnant fluid⠀ -filters out toxins⠀ -detoxifies the skin⠀ -reduces swelling or puffiness⠀ -improves the skin’s appearance ⠀ -gives you better results when combined with facial services⠀ -enhances the body’s natural healing process.⠀ ⠀ Lymphatic Drainage can be added to any Facial Service or Done prior to upper / lower eyelid surgery to improve healing and minimize swelling. ⠀ ⠀ Lymphatic Drainage is not for right everyone, so we suggest a consultation prior to your treatment. If you would like to know if you are a candidate schedule a complimentary consultation ⠀ ⠀ 📞407-857-3937⠀ 💻www.nonamedspa.com⠀ 📧[email protected] ⠀ 📍Lake Nona Ophthalmology Suite 204 Orlando, FL 32827⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #lymphaticdrainage #antiaging #puffyface #facialswelling #detox #detoxifying #smoothskin #facialdetox #faciallymphaticdrainage #medspa #medicalspa #lakenona #lakenonaorlando #beforeandafter #slimmerface #hydrafacial #hydrafacialnation #hydrafacialist #medicalesthetics #medicalcosmetics #aesthetics #medicalesthetician (at Lake Nona Ophthalmology) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0GleNSH64Y/?igshid=w1kuovk6mj8b
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giacomourtis · 6 years ago
Crema filler stick + borse reducer per 1 mese at www.drurtis-shop.com Assistenza scelta dei prodotti : 3463101177 📬 Email: [email protected] 🌍 Website: www.drurtis-shop.com 📍 Location: Milan And Rome#l #drurtis #medicalcosmetics #giacomourtis #occhi #borseocchi #chirurgiaestetica #chirurgiaplastica #plasticsurgery (presso Milan, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvOVJbbiEfr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dso5ym9l904j
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sg-kosmetik · 3 years ago
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Medizinische Fachkosmetik Ausbildung Starte Deine Ausbildung ! Die Ausbildung Medizinische Fachkosmetik Ausbildung beginnt am 22.11.2021 . Lass dich jetzt beraten unter Tel.: 030 / 2162626 In dieser 6- monatigen Medizinische Fachkosmetik Ausbildung vermitteln wie Ihnen alles, was Sie für eine anspruchsvolle Kosmetikbehandlung benötigen. Diese Ausbildung bietet Ihnen eine einzigartige Zusammenstellung die sich gezielt auf die Bedürfnisse der angehenden Kosmetikerin und der Kundschaft stützt. Alle Infos, Termine und Onlinebuchung unter: https://sg-kosmetikacademy.de/medizinische-fachkosmetik-ausbildung Bei Fragen, einfach Anrufen oder mailen: 030 2162626 [email protected] #medizinischekosmetik #kosmetik #medicalcosmetic #beauty #makeup #cosmetics #lashes #wimpernverlängerung #schönheit #cosmetic #kosmetikstudio #germany #skincare #microblading #wimpern #antiaging #hautpflege #berlin #instagood
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kansascitybeautysolutions · 4 years ago
“I woke up like this.” Wouldn’t it be great to wake up and have your makeup already applied! To schedule your Brow, Eyeliner, Lipcolor or Scalpmicropigmentation session please Message or 📲Call 913-378-4847 Free FaceTime consultation available.
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bellafriedabeauty · 4 years ago
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Tag 1 von mindestens 30 und erst mal ein Green Peel gegen die Sorgenfalten 👹 Natürlich im heimischen Bad. Danke an alle meine Kunden die in den letzten Tagen so unglaublich flexibel, kooperativ, verständnisvoll und auch verzweifelt waren. Ihr seid die besten. Wir sehen uns alle im Dezember wieder 😘 #bellafriedabeauty #bellafrieda #kosmetikstudio #kosmetik #kosmetikberlinmitte #lockdown #greenpeel #schrammek #peeling #schälung #kräuterschälkur #greenpeelclassic #vegan #naturalbeauty #herbs #beauty #treatment #antiaging #cosmetics #medicalcosmetics #acnescars #acne #rosacea #melasma #pigmentflecken #melasmatreatment (hier: BELLAFRIEDA Beauty) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHFbKWcHg4s/?igshid=kdzw92pm2r2l
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agelessshopping-blog · 5 years ago
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🇬🇧 Fight seasonal hair loss with our Anti-Hair Loss Meso Starter Kit. A kit with the most efficient hair loss mesotherapy products, so that you can carry out your professional treatments efficiently and safely. Have you tried it yet? 📸: @blomfieldsandra #toskani #toskanicosmetics #wecare #antihairloss #hairloss #hairlosstreatment #meso #mesotherapy #dermapen #microneedling #dermaroller #hair #skincare #scalp #seasonalhairloss #caidadelcabello #caidapelo #healthyhair #cabellosaludable #dermatology #aestheticimedicine #medicinaestetica #medicalcosmetics #skin #cosmetics #skincare https://www.instagram.com/p/B39jOAFjoCL/?igshid=y5yqf494obpu
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giacomourtis · 8 years ago
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#Repost @drurtis_notonlystar ・・・ @sissieden applica 2/3 volte al giorno MUA' per mantenere le labbra polpose sul sito www.notonlystar.com! 👄 MUA' Lip filler stick Ialuronic acid Lip enhancer 😷Treatment : idrata, aumenta e mantiene a lungo gli effetti del Filler nelle labbra. 🎯 Purpose: enhancer Lip volume -Obbiettivo: idratare e aumentare il volume 👓 How it works: 2/3 Times a day -Come funziona : applicare 2/3 volte al gionro 🎉 Results: 2 week s -Risultati : in 2 settimane ✏ Note: Individual results may vary - Assistenza scelta dei prodotti : 3463101177 📬 Email: [email protected] 🌍 Website: www.notonlystar.com 📍 Location: Milan And Rome 🏥🏥 ⏰Time it takes: 1 minute for Lip -Tempo di trattamento: 1 minuto per labbro - 💵Average Cost: 28 € - da ABBIANARE nei nostri centri con FILLER LABBRA O PERMALIP CHIEDI INFO WWW.drurtisclinic.com #drurtis #medicalcosmetics #labbra #lip #labbra #lip #notonlystar #cosmetici #trucchi #struccante #drurtisclinic #giacomourtis #blogger #beautyblogger #medicalblogger #inclinic #filler #acidoialuronico #ialuronicacid
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jessicakehoe · 6 years ago
This Week’s Need-to-Know Beauty News
Hair Discrimination Is Now Illegal in the State of New York
New York has followed in the progressive footsteps of California, becoming the country’s second state to pass legislation making hair discrimination illegal. Governor Andrew Cuomo signed the bill this week, effectively strengthening existing civil rights laws to ban race-based discrimination against natural hairstyles. “For much of our nation’s history, people of colour—particularly women—have been marginalized and discriminated against simply because of their hair style or texture,” Cuomo said in a statement. “By signing this bill into law, we are taking an important step toward correcting that history and ensuring people of colour are protected from all forms of discrimination.” The bill amends section 292 of the Human Rights Law and section 11 of the Dignity for All Students Act to extend the definition of race to cover “traits historically associated with race, including but not limited to hair texture and protective hairstyles.” California became the first state to pass legislation against hair discrimination, signing the CROWN (Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair) Act—which has been championed by Dove—into law earlier this month.
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So as part of my #MissEngland2019 journey I had to rise up to the challenge and bare it all on camera. Make up is a means of enhancement but how often do the lines get blurred between enhancement and concealment. So often we just hide behind a film of products and even artificial cosmetic enhancements be it Botox or fillers. it's just easier to blend into the crowd than own your flaws forgetting that it's these that make you you. So here I am owning my flaws. My imperfect skin. My short sparse eye lashes and brows. No filter. No enhancement. No Photoshop . Although I have to thank @medicalcosmetics for giving my skin back it's youthful glow and lustre it's lacked for years ! Photo credit : @aryavisuals @missenglandnews @afofme #barefaced #nomakeup #flawed #aunaturel #nofilter #nophotoshop #natural #missenglandfinalist #missasianfaceofengland #misstopmodelbeauty
A post shared by Bhasha Mukherjee (@bhasha05) on Jun 24, 2019 at 12:35pm PDT
Miss England Pageant Has Introduces Makeup-Free Round
While beauty pageants that pit women against one another, judged primarily on physical attractiveness, may not be the epicentre of progressivism, there is some movement in the right direction. UK-based beauty competition Miss England announced this week the addition of a makeup-free round in the 2019 edition of the pageant, a move conceived of by founder Angie Beasley. “Recently we have been shocked to see Miss England contestants as young as 19 undergoing lip filler treatments and even Botox, and so many entering with full faces of thick makeup covering their natural beauty,” Beasley told the Telegraph. “We tell the girls they don’t need fillers, fake eyelashes and tattooed brows to enter our contest, but it just shows what a damaging effect edited social media images can have on young women’s self-esteem and mental health.” One contestant, Bhasha Mukherjee took to Instagram to share her thoughts on the move, plus a makeup-free photo. “Makeup is a means of enhancement but how often do the lines get blurred between enhancement and concealment,” Mukherjee wrote. “It’s just easier to blend into the crowd than own your flaws forgetting that it’s these that make you you. So here I am owning my flaws. My imperfect skin. My short sparse eye lashes and brows. No filter. No enhancement. No Photoshop.”
Photography courtesy of Neutrogena
Neutrogena Recalls Light Therapy Masks
Neutrogena has issued a recall for their blue and red light-emitting Light Therapy Mask and Activator, which was targeted to acne sufferers as a means to kill bacteria and reduce inflammation. “Our decision to recall this product is being made out of an abundance of caution,” the brand said in a statement. “For a small subset of the population with certain underlying eye conditions, as well as for users taking medications which could enhance ocular photosensitivity, there is a theoretical risk of eye injury.” The mask, first released in late 2016, was a popular seller—one of the more affordably priced options in the category of at-home light masks—and was awarded in Allure Magazine’s 2017 Best of Beauty list under Best Skin Care Devices.
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Total ecstasy, now in the total package. Introducing Orgasm Fantasy Trio, a mini set featuring our iconic shade Orgasm in Afterglow Lip Balm, nourishing Oil-Infused Lip Tint, and glowing Blush/Highlighter Duo. Now available @sephora #whatmakesyoublush
A post shared by NARS Cosmetics (@narsissist) on Jul 1, 2019 at 6:33am PDT
Nars Celebrates 20 Years of Orgasm—And Plans a Fall Fragrance Launch
Nars fans will be pleased with the latest bit of news from the brand: the cosmetics company has announced that it will be expanding into the fragrance department, reports Business of Fashion, with a launch planned for early fall. The scent will be a first for the storied makeup brand, which was founded in 1994. It’s a move other makeup brands have made in recent years, including Bobbi Brown with Beach and Charlotte Tilbury with Scent of a Dream. No details have been divulged yet on what the scent will smell like, but founder and creative director François Nars does own a private island in Bora Bora, so a good guess might be something akin to their Tahitian Monoï Oil. The brand is also celebrating 20 years of their now-iconic Orgasm line. “Looking back, I think the combination of its audacious name and its universally flattering shade made it so popular,” Nars has said of the line. “Even grandmothers like Orgasm.”
The post This Week’s Need-to-Know Beauty News appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
This Week’s Need-to-Know Beauty News published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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excellencemedical1-blog · 7 years ago
Excellence MedicalCosmetic Clinic Dublin
Excellence Medical Cosmetic Clinic Dublin is Ireland’s number one specialist on all cosmetic treatments. Excellence Medical specialise in Dermal Fillers Treatments Injections like Lips &Cheecks, Silhouette Soft Thread Lift Treatment, Anti-Wrinkle Botox Treatment, Vaser Liposuction Treatment, Platelet Rich Plasma PRPTreatment is to name a view of the extensive treatments thatExcellence Medical Cosmetic Clinic Dublin offers their clients. Excellence Medical Cosmetic Clinic Dublin is geared around the wishes, needs, health, comfort and safety of our patients. Conveniently situated in south Dublin, the clinic is located in a Victorian building on leafy Morehampton Road, Dublin. Our clinic provides a discreet, convenient and private location for patients from all over Ireland and overseas. Call for Consultation at Excellence Medical Cosmetic Clinic Dublin
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kansascitybeautysolutions · 4 years ago
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Annual Color Boost Session for this Beautiful lady!
Typically Brows will last 12-18 months before needing a annual color boost/touch up once your follow up session is completed.
✨Time frame varies from client to client based on skin type, how fast skin cells rejuvenate, thickness of skin, depth of hair strokes, how fast oils in skin break down pigment molecules & type of technique used.
DM or Call 913-378-4847 to schedule your session!
#microblading #colorboost #microbladingeyebrows #microbladingkcmo #kansasmicroblading #medicalcosmetics #pmu #brows #browshaping #browartistry #browartist #permanentmakeup #cosmetictattoo #cosmetictattooartist #browsonfleek #waterproofmakeup #medicalcosmetics #medspa #missouribrows #browtransformation #browwaxing #browspecialist #browstudio #browstylist
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giacomourtis · 8 years ago
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#Repost @elebertoli ・・・ Sempre più spesso elogiate il mio lato B 🍑 oggi vi svelo il mio segreto... è da un po' che utilizzo ModelPushUp GLUTEI di @giacomourtis utilissimo per perfezionare i vostri glutei! consigliato assolutamente 👌🏼PRONTA PER MOSTRARE UN LATO B DA INVIDIA? READY TO SHOW A PERFECT BACKSIDE? NEW! MODEL PUSH UP GLUTEI Lato B sollevato, rimodellato e più sodo! www.notonlystar.com Treatment Backside Lifter - Obiettivo: Lato B più sodo, armonioso e tondo! Phone LEE Assistenza ORDINI 3458799606 Assistenza scelta dei prodotti 34.63101177 Email: [email protected] - Website: www.notonlystar📍Location: Milan And Rome - ABBINARE A VIP SLIM #drurtis #medicalcosmetics #butt Nella linea Star ⭐️ abbiamo il modelPushUp gluteo, avere il gluteo più tondo significa aumentare la propria bellezza e sensualità. Ovvio bisogna spesso ricorrere alla chirurgia ma possiamo anche aiutarci con creme e pillole. Cosa succede massaggiando il gluteo con modelPushUp glutei... Si può avere un aumento della dimensione del gluteo (volume e dimensione complessiva) aumentandolo diventa tondeggiante e si solleva. Di seguito riassumiamo i 5 effetti naturali senza ricorrere a chirurgia: 1 aumenta la dimensione e fermezza del gluteo 2 stimolazione dell irrorazione sanguigna 3 miglioramento estetico progressivo di tutto il lato B 4 miglior fiducia in se stessi (sicuramente soddisfazione) 5 miglioramento evidente delle stato fisico generale LA POTETE ACQUISTARE SU: www.notonlystar.com
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