#Mech's requests
mechformers · 1 year
Could I request spider x gn reader where reader as general anxiety and was human but got put in an avatar body indefinitely because they were dying it traumatised them and sometimes they dissociate a bit because of it and when they get kidnapped they get really anxious and stressed and they stay close to spider but when they get separated they stay closer to quaritch due to him reminding them of spiderthey self sooth by sucking there thumb, if it could just be fluffy please, thank you hope you have a good day/night
Absolutely! Thank you so much for your request <3
I don't know if this is anything close to what you had envisioned when sending your request, but it was so much fun to write. The reader maybe reads a bit more traumatized than what you asked for, but their dynamic with Quaritch was just too good to lose out on, so... <3
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You're alright, kiddo...
2074 words
SFW / Platonic Spider & gn!Reader + Quaritch & gn!Reader (blink and you’ll miss it Sider & Quaritch) Tw: gn!Reader, terminal illness before being transferred into an avatar, anxious reader, PTSD, thumb sucking as self-comforting, disassociating, selective mutism, food/eating, Quaritch is soft and kind to the kids (fight me lol)
You didn’t know what hit you when all of a sudden, your queue was grabbed hard and you were pulled backward. The Sully kids and Spider all screamed and hissed as they too were taken, but as you were all forced to your knees, all you could focus on was the huge man that sauntered into the little group, his sneer sending chills down your spine. You try your best to stay quiet, to cooperate, just like Jake Sully had always taught the kids to do, but you could feel yourself slipping. 
“What’s wrong with…” The big man, the Colonel, asked the Na’vi behind you when you started shaking. 
“Them,” Spider barked, fighting the hold on his own hair. 
“Uh-huh…” The Colonel hummed lazily, “What’s wrong with them?”
“They’re afraid, alright, so step away and give them some space already,” Spider sneers back, still fighting his hold. 
“Nice try, kid,” The Colonel huffs before turning his back on you to focus on Lo’ak instead. 
You don’t register what’s being said or what happens. The only thing you know is that it’s getting darker and then, Neytiri calls out to her children. Relief floods you as you realize that you’ll be saved, that you’ll get to sleep in your own nest and be with your own people. The next thing you register is running as loud noises and flashes of light bombard you from all sides. Neytiri and Jake are both shouting, and the Colonel answers them with a cold chuckle. Your hand is grabbed hard as Spider pulls you along from your cowering position by a tree, the undergrowth disappearing quickly as you get to higher ground, seemingly running for your life. There’s a loud noise behind you, a flash of orange light, and then everything goes dark. 
“Y/n? Y/n, are you alright?” Spider’s voice calls to you, but your ears are ringing so loudly, you just whine in response. 
This was easily ten times worse than waking up in your new avatar body ever had been. The memory, however, still makes you nauseous. You had never wanted to be transferred into this avatar body, yet, here you were while your own body was somewhere else entirely. Maybe you should have been happy that you got this second chance, but living with the Na’vi, with the scientists, after you were abandoned on Pandora, was anything but easy. You didn’t quite fit into the Na’vi way of life. You were weak, quiet, anxious… Yet, somehow stuck there with them all.
“Hey, Y/n, come on back to me,” Spider urged, making you open your eyes, only to quickly close them again. 
The lights were so bright in the room you were in, the floor cold and rough against your skin. You didn’t know how long you had been out or how much time had passed since you were taken. The only thing you knew was that Neytiri and Jake weren’t here, that this wasn’t home or anywhere close to it. You were sitting below a huge table with Spider, the older boy holding you close as he tried to connect with you. 
“Listen up, kid,” The Colonel hums as he steps into the room, the massive glass doors swishing open and then shut, “The deal is this; we gotta learn how to do this Na’vi stuff. Now, I know you said you won’t betray the Sullys, and I respect that. But I need an answer,”
“What if I don’t have an answer for you?” Spider spits back, the distaste so clear in his voice. 
“Then I gotta give you back to the lab coats,” The Colonel drawls before pinning Spider with a look, “They’re asking for you both this time,” 
“Guess there’s not much of a choice then,” Spider huffs angrily as he crosses his arms above his chest. 
“Guess there ain’t,” The Colonel smiles smugly before mirroring Spider and crossing his own arms over his chest. “So who’s your friend there?”
“They’re one of the orphans from the village,” Spider starts, stepping before you to block the Colonel’s way. “Their body got sick some years ago, so the scientists made them an avatar so that they could survive,”
The Colonel hums before sucking his teeth, his crossed arms shifting his hold before he looks past Spider to where you still sit under the table. His eyes make your skin crawl with the way you feel as if he sees straight through you. The need to be closer to Spider, closer to someone safe, eventually forces you to reach out for the older boy. The end of his tweng is what you grab a hold of, the worn material grounding in its own way as it’s stuck to Spider’s person. 
“You’re scaring them, skxawng,” Spider sighs as he steps closer to the table so that you don’t have to stretch your arms out to him. 
The Colonel stares at Spider for a long while before stepping back and getting down to one knee with a heavy grunt. Resting his arms on his bent knee, he leans forward, eyes looking for yours. They’re sharp and calculating, but to your surprise, they’re filled with curiosity instead of the cruelty you were expecting. 
“You alright there, kiddo?” The Colonel asks, his voice husky. 
“They don’t speak much,” Spider sighs, but the Colonel doesn’t pay him any mind. 
Unable to meet his eyes, you nod your head instead. The way he looks at you is stressing you out, your anxiety levels rising steadily as he stares. Eventually, he gets up on his feet, mumbling something to Spider before the doors swish open and shut again. It doesn’t take long before Spider’s head bends down to look at you too, his smile gentle. 
“Still good, Y/n?” He asks while squatting down to your level. 
“Yeah,” You croak, your throat tight, “Thanks,”
“Don’t know if you heard it, but we’re moving out later,” Spider explains slowly, making sure that each word registers, “He’s getting us some food, are you hungry?”
“I’m starving,” In time with your words, your stomach rumbles loudly, making Spider chuckle as a grin spreads on his face. 
“I guess you are,” Spider hums before getting up again. 
This time though, he takes your hand, squeezing it tightly as he sits on the tabletop. It’s an awkward position to sit in with your hand raised like that, but when he squeezes it, it settles something within you, making your anxiety dissipate somewhat. You don’t notice it when you start drifting, but when you come to again, the Colonel is sitting in the corner by the door as he chats with Spider. The older boy is still holding your hand while he eats with his other. He���s seemingly enjoying the conversation, his face breaking out in a grin as he chuckles at the Colonel. 
“Ah, there they are,” The Colonel hums, his sharp eyes greeting yours when you look up at him, “Brought you some food,” 
The Colonel's eyes turn almost gentle as his eyes drop to the thumb in your mouth, his head tilting curiously as his ears rotate toward you. Immediately, you pull your thumb out, clenching your hand around it as you feel your face heat. The Colonel tuts, his husky voice gentle when he speaks again. 
“It’s alright to suck your thumb, kiddo,” He hums, his eyebrows furrowing in deep thought for a moment. “Does it make you feel better? Safer?”
Nodding your head, you’re unable to see his expression. The Colonel hums gently and just like that, the room falls silent. Spider hands you what surprisingly turns out to be diced yovo fruit and sure enough, when you put the first cube in your mouth, the sweetness of the fruit explodes. Humming with happiness, you chew the cubed fruit until you’re full, eventually daring a low “Thank you, Sir,” which earns you another one of those gentle smiles. 
As far as kidnappings go, you guess this one isn’t the worst. You’re treated well and the recoms, the entire unit, do what they can to protect both Spider and you. It’s probably why it takes you by complete surprise when the angry General pushes the recom unit out on a mission they’re not yet ready to embark on. For the past few months, Spider has been teaching the recom unit the Na’vi way, preparing them for what Pandora had to throw their way once they were alone in the jungle that surrounded the area. Apparently, the General had been fed up with waiting, her angry narrowed eyes demanding results that even you knew wouldn’t come. 
Still, the recom unit obeyed the orders, which was what led you to be in the situation you were now in. Distressed and spiraling, sucking your thumb for comfort, you crouch by the hollow opening of a tree root as the furious thanator the recom unit had stepped upon runs around the area, furiously protecting its territory. In the chaos that erupted when it attacked, Spider lost the hold on your hand, his body being pushed away from yours as the recoms pushed at the two of you to move forward, shouting for you to run, to get away. It hadn’t taken long before you were separated, each one of you spread around the forest as you tried to escape the predator. 
Before you know it, you’re pulled out of your hiding spot, strong, huge arms wrapping tightly around you as you’re gathered up to wrap your legs around a strong waist. Locking your legs behind the recom’s back, you cling to him as if your life depends on it as he takes the both of you through the forest, sprinting further and further away until suddenly, the thanator stops and turns, the intruders - you - out of its territory. Breathing heavily, the recom cups the back of your head, pressing your face into the crook of his shoulder as he comes to a stop. 
“You’re alright, kiddo…” Quaritch rasps, his voice windy as he turns in circles, “You’re alright,”
“Are you hurt?” The question registers, but you’re unable to reply to it, your heart still racing in your chest. 
“Y/n, are you hurt?” Quaritch asks again, this time more gently, but with an underlying urgency. 
When you still can’t reply, he gently peels you off of him, sitting you down on a rock as he checks for injuries. Eventually, when he’s pleased, you’re lifted up into his arms again. Quaritch’s own heart is beating frantically, even through his vest, but that doesn’t stop him from reacting. His first priority seems to be to get you as high up in the air as possible, something that doesn’t come easy when they haven’t trained much on climbing. At least he isn’t wearing the boots anymore, which makes the whole thing a little bit easier. Only when he’s reached the highest branches does he stop to sit down, his long legs spread on each side of the thick branch as he takes a moment to just breathe. 
“Iron Sky, Blue one, actual,” Quaritch rumbles as he presses the device on his neck, “Requesting extraction,” 
You listen as he talks to whoever is on the other side, the hums and grunts rumbling through his chest as you try your best to calm your nerves. A big hand cups your head, gently pressing it to Quaritch’s chest, making you look up into sharp yellow eyes. There’s a soft smile on his lips as he looks down at you before he looks out over the jungle below. There are sounds all around you from smaller animals, birds chirping as they communicate in the neighboring trees, no doubt telling each other about the two Na’vi in their territory. 
Taking a deep breath, you relax your head against Quaritch’s chest before letting it out. Although you know that he’s a bad man, you can’t help but feel safe as his arms hold you protectively against him, making sure that nothing or no one can hurt you. Your feet hurt and you’re tired, sleepy even. Lifting the hand closest to Quaritch to your lips, you gently slip your thumb into your mouth. It’s immediately soothing in a way you have never been able to explain, and when his thumb starts stroking your head where he cups it, it doesn’t take long before your eyes close and then… you sleep safely wrapped up in protective arms.
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ghostpajamas · 5 months
For the requests since ur a big Chillai fan-- Chilchuck having to climb Laios to deal with a trap?
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sounds stressful
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dropitdoeeyes · 6 months
Nastya in a tank top covered in machine oil and maybe sweat please and thank you
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gay people in my tumblr inbox
ID: A digital drawing of Nastya Rasputina from The Mechanisms leaning in an engine room, exhausted, wiping sweat and machine oil from her forehead. Nastya is a toned blueish-grey skinned woman with very visible dark veins, and short brown hair dyed blue at the tips. She wears crooked glasses, a tank top, and baggy brown cargo pants, all smudged with oil or stained with sweat. In the hand that hangs by her side, Nastya holds a rag covered with oil. The drawing is colored mostly in shades of blue, save for the browns in Nastya’s hair and pants. She’s lit by a bright cyan light coming from an unknown source off to the side. End ID.
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samwise1548 · 2 years
Writer Jonny, Jonny D'ville, and Jonny Archivist, in one room. What will they do?
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[Plain text: Just note that you ask for this!!! You specifically asked for this and it was brought into this world because of you "anonymous asker!!!"  End plain text]
[ID: A comic of Jon Sims from TMA, Jonny D’ville from The Mechanisms, and Jonny Sims, who plays them both. Jonny Sims, a white man with a beard, is walking in and waving, “Hello guys.” He’s drawn in a more realistic style than the other two. Jon is a brown man with long hair wearing a skirt and backpack, and Jonny D’ville is a white man wearing goggles and many belts. Jonny D’ville raises a gun and clicks off the safety, shouting, “I thought I killed you back in Yggdrasil!” Jon stares and steps back. End ID]
Described by @princess-of-purple-prose
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hershelchocolateart · 11 months
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First expression request, from a friend on Discord!
(These are still open! Feel free to request something yourself!)
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jyou-no-sonoko19 · 5 months
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would love to see the toy soldier in apple! :DDD
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I don't usually draw TS outside of its uniform but this was fun :)
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anachronisticmech · 7 months
hi jon!!! if it’s cool could you doodle a little raph and nastya? they are my sillies i love them dearly :333
Here you go! They are the silliest ever <33
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I love showing autistic love languages so much 🫶🫶
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voidloidsstuff · 1 year
hi i love your art can you PLEASE draw the toy soldier :)
THE TOY SOLIDER!! I love it so much I can't believe I haven't already drawn it
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its-stimsca · 5 months
lefty fnaf stimboard maybe?? with red, black, and gold, gears / machinery, stars, and/or soft plush / fabric textures? you dont have to include them all but i thought it would look Nice !! 🫶🫶
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LEFTY LEFTY LEFTYYYY He’s one of my favorites!!
♦️ 🖤 ⚙️ / 🖤 ⭐️ 🖤 / ⚙️ 🖤 ♦️
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agbpaints · 7 months
The next Design by Committee poll will be live on Monday, but until then I could use some help! With 9.5 tons of armor on our mech, we have 16 tons of space left for equipment (at some point I messed up the weight of a 55 ton chassis so a half ton went unaccounted for). Instead of just death marching through a series of polls asking people how they want that allocated in excruciating detail, I figured I'd just ask y'all for your ideas on guns and heat sinks.
Now, some ground rules:
Total weight of equipment should be 16 tons
We're making a skirmisher, so this thing should have guns capable of handling a variety of ranges. Make sure your submission has at least 1 gun that can deal damage at 15 hexes or greater and at least 1 gun that can fire at something 1 hex away without penalty.
The mech should be able to fire all of its guns at least once, so if you decide to use ammunition dependant weapons there should be at least one relevant ammo bin any of them can drink from.
Tech should be limited to what was available in 3025 in the Inner Sphere.
Interact with this post or shoot me an ask with your idea, I'll take whatever I get by noonish Eastern time Monday and build the next poll. Cheers!
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mechformers · 1 year
So, could I request a reader with daddy issues who accidentally call tonowari dad? I need to heal my daddy issues
Tonowari! 🥰 You're absolutely welcome to message me with your request to iron out the details a little bit. Daddy issues and accidentally calling someone "dad" could be written in two wildly different ways, and I wouldn't want to just assume which one you meant 😅
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homestuck-o-phobic · 3 months
Can i have a transfem dirk lalonde (roxy-swapped) stimboard in dark blue with shadow stims, machinery/electronics and lovecore? Tysm if you do this!
of coUrse. ^_^
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dropitdoeeyes · 1 year
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Board games go well on The Aurora, clearly
Unblurred version under the cut ⬇️
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samwise1548 · 2 years
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@hawkfurze for a second I thought you wanted me to draw Jonny the writer ngl
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hershelchocolateart · 11 months
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Another request from Discord! Son of a gun it finally did it
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