#Meanwhile in the background:
darkpuck · 1 year
Bast didn't even realise he was humming until Aloy abruptly said, "I know that tune. Rost--" She stopped, and Bast pretended he hadn't seen her wipe her eyes. A brief pause, then she finished, "He used to hum that, when I was little. What is it?"
She really didn't know anything about the Nora, he thought, then shoved that thought somewhere under a rock. Between Vala and Aloy, he was left being the voice of reason. Anger was not reason.
"It's a lullaby," he said instead. Thought of telling her the last time he'd heard it, shoved that thought under the rock too. "My mother always sang it to me when I couldn't sleep." So long ago he couldn't remember the words, or her voice. The voice in his memory was deep, tired.
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artkaninchenbau · 3 months
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People keep on asking for more Baby Robin and Papadile so here is more Baby Robin and Papadile. Now never ask anything from me ever again
#My art#One Piece#Long post#Sir Crocodile#Nico Robin#Alternatively panel 5 would've been a close up of Crocodile's face from Robin's POV where he looks like he's giving her a death glare#Not intentionally he's just a big scary bastard with a Resting Murder Face and Robin is a small traumatized child#But I wanted to focus on the silliness of the moment so you get the goofy version instead#IDK man there's just something very funny to me about the idea of Robin just randomly info-dumping about a subject she's read about#And Crocodile being like ''?????????????????????? The fuck you talking about??''#Robin leaves the ship's kitchen and Crocodile just stares at the tomato like ''...It's a fruit? Forreal?''#(Meanwhile Robin is sweating bullets like ''I called his favorite vegetable a FRUIT right in his FACE he's going to KILL ME'')#Robin grew extra feet from the bottom of her feet to reach the counter and that actually isn't me trying to explain bad art away#In the original Papadile comic there was a panel of Robin doing the dishes with extra feet to reach the sink but I cut it out#(It was a stress relief comic I did not feel like drawing a complicated background in detail) (BUT YES I THOUGHT OF IT)#Nico Robin Age 11 is *more* than capable of cooking Crocodile just does not trust her with his food. At least not yet#She did start doing the dishes unprompted and continues to do so (mostly out of fear). Croc told her she didn't have to but allows it#IDK a lot of people seem to headcanon Crocodile as incapable of cooking and like. Surely Mr ''I don't trust people'' knows how to cook#Like he doesn't have to be a master chef or anything but and maybe he enjoys not HAVING to cook (pain in the ass with one hand + knife/hook#But surely he can cook decent enough. SURELY#Botanists don't @ me I know the ''tomato is a fruit'' thing isn't fully accurate this is just a silly little haha comic
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emacrow · 5 months
Um.. Superman.. what that thing stuck on your cape?
Clark's brain short circuit for a moment as he just got back of flying at great speed in the middle of deep space to thrown one of Lex's giants bombs destroy the city and come back in record time.
He turn a bit to look at his cape to see a tiny humanoid starlight dust covered child with white hair, glowing full green that look like white specks stars were implanted themselves into his big ol eyes, nawing on a handful of stardust with inhumanly sharp itsy bitsy fangs.
A small yet floating crown that look similar to one of Nasa pictures of far out space.
Did he just accidentally abducted an royal alien child/teen?
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methoughtsphantom · 1 month
silly headcannon #2 that Bruce never got the reference that Jason always made of himself being short round (he always thought it was Jason saying he was short) until after he died and Tim, avid Indiana Jones fan made Bruce watch the movies with him, only the man breaks out crying., sobbing, full on breaking down over the two second scene that is Indy ruffling Short Round’s hair as he explains they first met when he caught the kid stealing from him, and then took him under his wing.
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thebibliosphere · 8 months
I feel like I've complained about Tim's email situation in Gotham Knights before (edit: I have), but the truth of it is just so funny.
He's signed up for so many podcasts, video game streamers, and random news alerts; it's just a constant barrage of data going straight into his constantly whirring brain. Hell, he even floats the idea of the Batfamily having their own podcast as a way to correct misinformation about them (which Jason shoots down instantly), and it's made me realize something.
Timothy Drake would be a YouTuber.
In this universe specifically, Timothy Jackson Drake, the heir to Drake Industries and the foster son of the late Bruce Wayne would be a YouTuber.
Think about it. It'd be the perfect cover. Who would ever suspect that some 16-year-old nepo baby with a YouTube channel could ever be Red Robin? You'd have to be mad. I mean, look at him.
Red Robin just dropped out of literal thin air and garotted someone four times his size, and you expect anyone to believe that's the same kid who does 24-hour Minecraft charity streams and occasionally drops 6-hour video essays (his last one was on Lex Luthor's illegal bit mining operation on the moon)?
That kid?
You think that kid is Red Robin?
Ch'yah, okay, sure. And the Joker is funny 🤡.
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schnuckiputz · 2 years
something something about rockstar eddie on tour telling everyone left and right about his sweetheart, his stevie, the light of his life, his sweet lil baby. getting more and more excited about when he's going to see his sweetheart at a concert soon.
the roadies and techs are kinda excited about it - placing bets on what kind of girl could have big bad rockstar eddie munson this starry eyed. with the way eddie is going on they are absolutely convinced that she's some tiny little slip of a girl that wears pastel pink everywhere and has never ever done anything bad in her life.
the big day arrives, everyone is excited to meet eddie's lil princess...but instead "sweet little babygirl stevie" is some big jock dude in a polo shirt and lightwash jeans who carries around equipment like it weighs nothing and who swears like a sailor when someone nearly drops an amp on his foot.
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stuckinnet · 6 months
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sometimes your babygirl is a crusty 36-year-old man and that's okay. he’s been wearing the same grungy jockstrap since his teens but his teammates would kiss him with tongue 100 per cent of the time.
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commander-diomika · 11 months
Whilst I'm more about polyships myself, if you do go in for monogamy I think the funniest trio of Origin ships is Gale/Astarion, Shadowheart/Lae'zel and Wyll/Karlach coz like
Gale and Astarion have their toxic old man yaoi thing going on and can't stop preening and puffing themselves up real big like angry cats as soon as the other one comes near.
Shadowheart and Lae'zel are literally trying to kill each other.
And Wyll and Karlach are like, braiding each other's hair and talking about how much they love saving endangered children
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muffinlance · 18 days
druk gets into zukos coffee supply
Uncle raised his tea cup to his lips.
"Uncle, how did he get in."
Uncle took the most delicate of sips.
"Uncle I am not turning another storeroom into tea storage."
"How unfortunate to waste the space," said Uncle. "After all, it is quite hard to keep a dragon out once they have acquired the taste!"
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tmntkiseki · 7 months
This entire scene makes me laugh harder than it should.
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a2zillustration · 9 months
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Buddy we literally JUST read a scroll about hubris AND you were just inspired about something called "Don't let history repeat itself," that 10 wis stat is really coming through.
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ask2ps · 2 months
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Possessing the 1P nations can make the 2P nations pretty sick… consider it like an advanced, interdimensional form of jetlag. There’s a variety of side effects, and some are more unpleasant than others. 
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lefthandarm-man · 2 months
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Steve Rogers & Natasha Romanoff Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
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smoothriverrocksrock · 3 months
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cursedzucchini · 2 years
Danny and Jason meeting each other for the first time like:
Danny, pointing at Jason: baby???????
Jason, who just walked into the kitchen for cookies: baby!!!!!!!
Danny: what the fuck is a baby doing here???????
Jason: who left the baby unattended?????? Where are his parents????????
Bruce: i adopted both of you wh-
Jason & Danny, screaming on top of their lungs: BABY!!!!!!!!!!
Idk I'm just imagining Bruce adopting Danny, not telling anyone, bringing him home and Jason was just in the mansion. And their stupid dumb ghost brains go
Danny: not even filly formed baby in pain!!!!!! He's been suffering for so long.... Need to protect!!!!!!!
Jason: a fucking two years old baby!!!! (Wait what) very very young, very dumb, need to protect!!!!! (Who tf is this kid)
And when put together, they immidietly adopt each other. I feel like the scene that follows is Jason force feeding Danny a cookie, rambling Abt how thin he is and how he should eat more, and Danny fighting him while trying to give him ectoplasm so his core can fully form, cooing and telling Jason how he doesn't need to worry, Danny's here
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vikingknight90 · 11 months
This cute little moment where Gwen awkwardly reveals to Jess just how close she had been to Miles
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her inner mind: "And we almost kissed, okay?"
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