#Maybelle Stubbs
the-crystal-one · 9 months
Nicest Kids In Town
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~Chapter 7~ Saucy finally had time to break away from the group, mistakenly leaving Seaweed in charge of them all while she began to change. Her mother knocked on her door, a simper sprinkling over her cheeks, "When do you eva get all dolled up for the platter parties?" Ms.Maybelle took the liberty of freely stepping into her daughters room, looking at her from the mirror. Sandra didn't know how to convey to her mother the emotional turmoil she had been putting herself through. IT's not as if this "crush" was new founded, nay. During her younger years, i.e five years ago, she had become fascinated by the idea of Corny Collins, before she had actually formerly met him. This was prior to him being The Corny Collins and at the time he was just 'Corny' from the hit show, Leave It To Beaver'. Once she had even asked her mom if it had been possible for her to meet Corny because she had heard on the television that he was going to be at some gathering. Saucy was ecstatic! She couldn't fathom possibly receiving his signature. She wouldn't have shown it to anyone, it would be for her, her mind, and her soul.
Without a second thought her mother declined her offer, this was one of the first times they had the "White People" and "Black People". It was not as if she didn't realize that she was different, she just didn't think it mattered. While in deep though, a sharp and quick clack clack rang through her ears. Sandra's head turned towards her mother, who's face had been bestowed with a face mixed with confusion and another emotion she could not quite pin point. "Yes mama?" Her voice echoed through the room following a lull of silence. Maybelle's eyebrow cocked in suspicion before she began to back away. "Mm....neva mind." A small grin began to grow on her face as she approached the stairs.
Sandra exhaled with a breath she didn't know she was even hold, a hand laying against her chest. "Sandra?" Her mother's voice rang from the steps causing her head to turn, "Ma'am?" "You look beautiful." The blonde haired woman smiled as she descended the stairs. When Sandra was finally sure that her mother had gone, a burst of excitement ripped through her body. She hopped up and down with her make up brush in hand.
A beat could be heard starting up from the floor underneath her. She finished the final touches and sprayed her Coco Chanel on before prancing towards the stairs that led into the shop. ~~~DownStairs~~~~ Corny Collins was way in over his head right now. What was he doing here?! Seaweed could see the reservation on his face so he made small steps towards him, placing a hand on the Caucasian man's shoulder. "Hey man it's alright. We don't bite." The Stubbs boy laughed as his mother turned the music up, everyone wooping in response. "Yeah, well, well, oh, yeah-yeah Bring on that pecan pie." Motormouth Maybelle belted as the kids dipped and swayed against each other, soul just filling the room. From the corner of her eyes she could see a door crack open and a grayish blue fabric flowing around. "Pour some sugar on it, sugar, don't be shy Scoop me up a mess of that chocolate swirl Don't be stingy, I'm a growing girl." Corny and Link were smiling into oblivion until they say the greatness that was Sandra. Corny's mouth became agape at the walk of confident strides she took. Her head turned upward with a smile on her face as she made her way towards the group. "I offer big love with no apology How can I deny the world the most of me?" "Have y'all ate anything yet? My momma has a thing when people don't wanna eat in her home." A melody of her laughter filled the room under the music. With her statement Corny felt a yank of his arm, seeing the slightly shorter girl pull him towards the table that held rows and rows of delectable things. "I am not afraid to throw my weight around Pound by pound by pound."
~Chapter 7 Part 1~ A/N: No excuses don't crucify me 😭
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manyfandomocs · 8 months
How about an oc who’s a male love interest for James Marsden as Corny Collins in Hairspray? 😏
Okay anon if you wanna contribute to my James Marsden Corny Collins love than I shall agree (how I ended up with 3 concepts for this I don't know but here's the winner)
Enoch Stubbs (Corny Collins ship)
Enoch wasn't involved in the showbiz world like the rest of his family. His sister Maybelle, his little niece and nephew, they were the ones that had the drive for it. Enoch, well, he just kept his singing to himself and worked at his sister's record store. That's how he met the host and namesake of the Corny Collins show, he knew of him of course, Maybelle spoke well of him and he's seen the show when his family is on, but he never met the man himself until Corny showed up at the shop. Which began an unexpected friendship that against all sense of reason in Enoch's mind, may be romantic
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angeleirene · 1 year
Watching Hairspray (2007) is a roller coaster.
Like, I love the musical, I love the movie musical. I think the cast is stacked. Zac Efron (you cant not mention him) James Marsden, Michelle Pfeiffer, Amanda Bynes, Christopher Walker, Elijah Kelley (who had the second best voice holy shit this man), Jerry Stiller. It had Queen Motherfucking Latifah (the best voice in the entire cast)! It introduced me to Tayla Parx’s Little Inez (and she’s relevant here, we’ll get back to her), and it had John Fucking Travolta wearing a dress.
This cast was more stacked than Edna Turnblad.
And honestly? I bop hard with the songs. Special mention to “New Girl in Town”, specially the Dynamites. “I can hear the bell”, “I know where I’ve been”, “Run and tell that”, “Big Blonde and Beautiful”, and “You can’t stop the beat”. They slap and some I got more to say but I’m not the person who should say it nor is it the point of this post.
Also some of the direct depictions of the racism is on point. “The white direction”, way to say the quiet part out loud. Also for some more blink and you’ll miss it parts: the sponsor for ‘N-word’ Day is a product for ��stubborn hair”, for fixing stubborn hair. And how Maybelle just forced the prompt out of her mouth so done with life. For fucks sake! Also the Dynamites! Velma was so pissed at Maybelle for ‘picking the same song’ and the only response is an incredulous “they wrote it”. This movie did good on this. (Also little pearl, she’s known as Motormouth Maybelle Stubbs. She’s legit perfect).
BUUUTTTT! This is also where it didn’t.
Because as much as I love Tracy and Nikki, she stands out as a sore white thumb in this movie. I do love her, I do, but it feels oddly intrusive to have this self admittedly ignorant white girl (never pays attention in history class, not that 1960s history class in Baltimore would teach much about social issues and racism) be the centre stage and driving conflict in this story about race. Yes there’s a point to be made that Tracy sacrificing her role in the CC show was brave and a very meaningful act of goodwill as someone who’d dreamt of being in the show; sacrificing it for the objective greater good.
[There’s also a point to be made that Tracy’s a more problematic character in the race storyline with her dumbass hitting the police officer, but that’s a whole other rant that I’m on the wrong side of Pantone 723 to be the one to make it]
However this is where what I said about Inez becomes relevant again because she really should’ve had a bigger role. Because like Tracy she had the dream to begin the CC show, except with a much greater barrier to make it. And with the movie making her winner of the pageant when she’s barely allowed to have a role in the movie at large... it’s tragic.
Black character by and large suffer from this. It’s like they’re fighting their own internal battle for equal value in the film. Seaweed (who is a travesty got to sing only twice) was “Penny’s boyfriend”, his relevance to the story came contingent on Penny, with her being a critical component of his relevance to the plot and of both of his songs. (Which also feels more like the movie reducing them to each other’s partners on some extent, and while I do appreciate the interracial relationship point it felt rushed. Too rushed.
Inez was even reduced further by being an extension of other characters. She had to share her solo in a song with Seaweed, then she was frustrated to the side, then she was Link’s dance partner and then she won. Apparently. Maybelle was the only one who got to have more of an individual character. (Serious tho, Inez got like 2 verses and her singing fucking slaps. This is theft).
And so watching the movie I’m like, “I love you sweetie, and I know you’re trying but my god there’s just a few blotches I’m dying to fix”.
Imagine just how much cooler it would be if she had more of a role, if she got to be the (or a) driving force in fighting for her dream. Because she didn’t get to do this, it was just handed to her by white showboat Zac Efron.
You don’t even gotta shaft Tracy either, instead reduce the love plot with Tracy and of Tracy’s parents, and let Inez be the second protagonist of the film. Play the story of both fighting through their adversity for their dreams. Inez gets more of a spotlight early on, maybe watching from the sidelines during “N-Word day”, and practising with her mom as hard as she can till she can finally go on to the CC show. Meanwhile Tracy is doing her thing she already does in the movie.
Then Tracy gets sent to detention and they both meet. Seaweed does the introduction and then Trace and Inez are the ones dancing together and sharing their goal to go on the CC show together when Link walks in and gives Tracy the idea to take over. On the dance floor, when Trace asks them to dance with her, they refuse for the same reasons but it’s both encouraging her. And she does and she’s in.
So then when Edna is cheering to see Trace in the show, and when Tracy says she wishes Negro day were every day she can get a kick ass solo of wishing that too, of wanting that dream too, then scene change to New Girl in Town. Or vice verse, Trace gets her spotlight, then NGIT, then after the Dynamites steal the show, Inez who was watching from home gets her solo. Wishing to have been on that day, looking at Tracy merch and being happy for her but still wishful for herself.
The march happens (which Tracy also went for in support of Inez) and Inez is there with Seaweed to free Penny, the latter informs them Tracy is down below and she saves her. A cute “you made it, I’m not letting you loose it” moment where they all hatch the plan together. The plan being to get Tracy back on the show, with no argument from Inez who at this point is only focused on protecting her friend.
So when everything reaches the climax, Link jumps to dance with Tracy in ‘You can’t stop the beat’, and they do, they kiss but then Tracy insists they ‘switch partners’ and runs to get Inez “I made it, now you will too”. So she gets that reciprocation value, and link gets to showcase he’s not an ass by playing along happily and helping her show off.
The finale performance continues as scheduled, Inez wins, and when Maybelle’s called to sing, it’s a mother daughter duo. Because just like it was Inez’s dream to be on, it was Maybelle’s dream to see her daughter on the show. They get a cute duet moment, and by the end when the crowd takes over they circle round the back for when she gets crowned and Tracy also gets her kiss and close scene and out.
*Little on the spot brainstorm rant but the point stands*.
Inez is such an absolutely fantastic character and every time I watch this movie I can’t stop thinking of just how little love she got when she deserved more. She deserved a bigger spotlight. Like, that’s the conclusion, Inez is critically unappreciated and should’ve had a much bigger spotlight.
Just watch this video, watch her be a Queen and know it. Yes this is an Inez Appreciation PSA.
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news4usonline · 1 year
‘Hairspray’ star Sandie Lee is an overcomer  
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(News4usonline) - “Hairspray” star Sandie Lee knows where she’s been. Lee has seen her share of racial inequality. She grew up in Mississippi. So, she knows what time it is when it comes to having to deal with race issues. Ironically, one of the major parts of “Hairspray” is the lack of race equity that confronts the social norm that sees Black people get second-hand treatment as citizens in the year 1962. The unofficial running theme in “Hairspray,” the hit Broadway musical, is acceptance. Back in the 1960s, acceptance was something that Black people did not fully have.
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“Big, Blonde & Beautiful” – Sandie Lee as “Motormouth Maybelle” in Hairspray. Photo: Jeremy Daniel The Civil Rights Movement was in full swing. Jim Crow racism reared its ugly head. Instead of running away from the matter or ignoring it altogether, “Hairspray,” deals with race head-on as it does with body-shaming, peer pressure, classism, and self-acceptance. Lee, who plays Motormouth Maybelle in “Hairspray,” is front and center. As the show progresses and spirals towards its dramatic climax, Lee, as Motormouth Maybelle, delivers the show’s most potent song. When Lee sings  “I Know Where I’ve Been,” the song pierces your soul. It hits you right in the gut and makes you wonder why I am sitting on the sidelines doing nothing while freedoms and liberties are being trampled on. It is perhaps the most stirring moment of “Hairspray,” now on a national tour. The tension-filled build-up to that scene is what makes that moment shine, Lee said in a phone interview with reporter Dennis J. Freeman.   “The scene before is the most important part of the song, is before we even sing it,” Lee said. “It’s the buildup of letting the children know, you know, not to give up, and giving them insight to what I’ve been through as Motormouth. You know, you can’t get lazy with things…get crazy. That’s one of my lines. You can’t give up on something that you believe in. “You can’t give up on change. You can’t give up on progression. You have to keep fighting until, you know, there is a change until your voice is heard. So, that for me, is the climax…If I don’t say anything else to these children, I have to let them know like I know where I’ve been, and I see where things can go, but you guys have to go on this journey with me. You can’t give up now because what you do now determines  who you’ll be in the future.” Lee said there are some commonalities that she shares with Motormouth Maybelle. The song “I Know Where I’ve Been,” reflects that connection. “I always find like personal things in my life to connect with,” Lee said. “I’m from the South. I’m from Mississippi. So, I had my own experiences with inequality and racism. I’ve also heard stories from my parents, my grandparents, and things like that. And so, I have a different connection with that scene and with that song for those reasons.”   Motormouth Maybelle is a larger-than-life character in “Hairspray.” We all know her. She’s loud. In every way. She commands attention whenever she speaks. She is adorned with outlandish blonde hair. She struts with a dash of sassiness to her walk. She is also a voice of reason and wisdom as the host of “Negro Day” for a white radio station.
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(From L) Joi D. McCoy as “Little Inez” and Charlie Bryant III as “Seaweed J. Stubbs” and the Company of Hairspray. Photo: Jeremy Daniel The idea of integrating color or race separatism into a celebration of overcoming is astounding. For Lee, what’s also worth celebrating is the fact that she can perform at all. According to Lee, she missed six weeks of the show due to complications she suffered from coming down with Covid-19. Those six weeks were difficult, Lee said.  Her first night of returning to the stage was the opening night of the show’s run at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts in Costa Mesa, California, on April 18. “Hairspray” is on stage at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles until May 21 before it departs the Southland to conclude its national tour. Lee, who starred as Shug Avery on the Broadway national tour of  “The Color Purple,”  said she is just grateful to be back on stage doing what she loves to do. “That was my first show,” Lee said about her Orange County arrival. “I’ve been on sick leave for like six weeks, so that was my first show back with the tour,” Lee said. “For me, Tuesday night, it was truly like I know where I’ve been. I prayed hard to be back on that stage. This Covid ...it caused havoc in my body. I got ill. I was hoping that I would be able to finish the tour. “And by the grace of God, I was able to return. I was experiencing some symptoms for five months. My body just responded in a weird way during a performance, and I had to go home. I had to be rushed home. I ended up having to have a procedure done. We had some respiratory issues, but I’m okay now. It’s the journey. Either way it goes, I wasn’t going to give up. I’ve come too far to give up.”   Lead photo caption: “I Know Where I’ve Been”–(center) Sandie Lee as Motormouth Maybelle and the Company of Hairspray. Photo: Jeremy Daniel Read the full article
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hitchell-mope · 2 years
This was somehow better than I remembered and I am not complaining about it
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janmenart · 5 years
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hairspray doodles- Tracy is so much fun to draw she’s so CUTE
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ilikemylifegrande · 5 years
📺 my whole heart
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Reasons why Hairspray (2007) is an intersectional masterpiece
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Tracy and Link’s relationship
So let’s start with this: Tracy’s feelings for link aren’t the driving force of the protagonist’s journey.
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Their relationship is mostly sexual (which I love). Rarely if ever do we see a female love interest who is non conventionally attractive (in universe) attract an S.O. solely based on looks as opposed to them falling for their personality. Link thinks she’s smoking hot the moment he sees her fully in her element. Yes, Tracy has totally objectified Link (realistic high school crush) but the movie doesn’t pretend like she likes him for more than his looks. And whenever he doesn’t adhere to her image of him, she is disappointed, but doesn’t scorn him for it. Her arc as a character is independent from her feelings for Link. With the exception of his self serving behaviour that leads to his rejection, nothing that Link does affects her mission to strive for integration. His fear is the push she needed to get past her own doubts and fully commit to fighting for equal rights, even if it costs her everything she wanted at the beginning of the movie. Link is inspired by Tracy, but none of his big moments are ploys to win her over (with only maybe the exception of the Run and Tell That scene, but I’ll leave that up to you to decide). His big move at the end is caused by Tracy inspiring him and showing courage and that helps him push past his own fears, because he knows it’s the right thing to do. At the end they just make out and it’s the best. Yes, who’s to say that the relationship will last, but what they have is rooted in mutual respect and friendship. And they wanna rip each other’s clothes off too!
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Female beauty standards
Now the intersectionality comes into play because it deals with female beauty standards, socio economic status, racism/ethnicity, body image, gender roles and ageism. Tracy is judged for her body, but generally exudes confidence and her insecurity is always due to external circumstances. The arc of body positivity is given to her mother. Edna has to learn to love herself, she has clearly internalized all the judgement over the years. Not only does she (start to) learn to love her size, but there is even an entire song about how age and being older aren’t bad things and can be beautiful. All this is done without shaming thin young women! The contrast between Edna and Tracy dealing with their size, emphasises the fact that Tracy is actually comfortable in her skin, which is such a good message.
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Dealing with racial inequality
So one criticism people could have with this movie, is the ‘white saviour’ aspect. But, even though there are plenty of reasons why one would think that, I think this movie is more than that, and the ‘white saviour’ makes sense in context. I will demonstrate this by going over Tracy’s character arc.
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At the start of the movie, Tracy wants to dance on the Corny Collins show and her other wants are quite superficial (to look cool and for her crush to like her back). She becomes friends with the black students in detention, by treating them as equals (also she just thinks they’re cool peeps) and doesn’t really think about segregation. She is unaware of the rules and reasons for it, which allows her to break the rules. Her general enthusiasm, as well as her disregard for seeing black people as inferior, gets her a lot of attention (and a lot of looks). She achieves her first want when Link notices her dancing, then he invites her to audition. For the audition she wants to dance Seaweed’s dance, but he says she can do his dance by herself (and sort of take credit for it). This is cultural appropriation, even though Tracy likes the black people in the black culture, she wants to be part of it, she doesn’t know about the struggles that come with black culture and is therefore, unwittingly, and with permission from Seaweed, only taking the aspects of black culture that appeal to her. She achieves her other wants when she gets to dance on the Corny Collins show and gets a makeover that starts a trend of girls wanting to look like her (she’s cool now).
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The second story arc comes to the frontline when Maybelle announces their day of the programme has been cancelled. Tracy is outraged and refuses that the black people this unfair treatment. In contrast to her dance ‘borrowing’ with Seaweed. She now starts to see the horrible reality of segregation (in movie context, related to dancing on tv). Tracy assures them that they deserve to ask for more and calls for a marched protest. She gives them the push to start fighting (which yes, makes her a ‘white saviour’) and her involvement with the protest makes all the difference (because she’s a white celebrity). As said before, Link’s selfish behaviour is in contrast with Tracy to show her character growth and part of the push she needed to give up her own ‘wants’. The other is her father’s declaration of pride, and how she inspires him. She joins the march as an equal, side by side to Maybelle. Yes, she is still a white celebrity, but her position and intent when joining is to aid, to be part of the movement. Unfortunately, when the police show up to stop the march, she refuses to adhere to the complicit, careful, inoffensive stance of Maybelle, but demands more, aggravating a police officer in the process. This is heartbreaking to me, because Tracy doesn’t know how the police treat black people differently, but Maybelle clearly sees the danger. All the protesters are arrested and Tracy runs.
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Now we get the third part and the eventual ‘solution’ to the movie’s conflict. Wilbur tells edna that he paid bail for all the protesters, because he saw the injustice. He was inspired by Tracy and wanted to help, even though he couldn’t really afford it. He put the rights of the black people over his own needs, because it was the right thing to do. From this moment on, even with the ridiculously amazing dance-heist, our protagonist starts ‘sacrificing’ her own wants and needs to give the black people a chance, inspiring others in the process. Link dances with Tracy (foreshadowing that his reasons for rejecting her previously have now changed) and then pulls Inez from the crowd and dances with her. Link, being the most high profile dancer on the show, instigates the first integrated dance on tv. He was inspired by Tracy, and shows tv audiences (of the Corny Collins Show, so in universe) that joining the movement is more powerful than if Tracy had danced with Inez. Then, Link steps aside so Inez can take centre stage and dance. Then Seaweed and Penny dance (clumsily) on camera and Penny shouts “I am now a checker-boy-chick!” and kisses him, giving the audience (probably) their first interracial couple on TV.
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Then the inspiration spreads to Corny, who isn’t just the TV show’s host and the face of the programme, but is affiliated with the network (which the audience knows). He pulls Maybelle to the spotlight and gives her a chance to shine, not putting them as equals, but raising Maybelle (and black people) above him. Equality needs to first restore balance to compensate for the inequality that came before. Corny joining the movement solidifies this as a real change (start of change) and not just the kids ‘acting out’. Once Maybelle starts to sing, all the dancers start coupling up with interracial dynamics. Turns out, even before all this, but also during, the audience loved Inez so much, they started voting for her. This is even more powerful than if she was a token winner to make a point. She was just the best and she deserved it. But that the audience gave her what she deserved, marks the shift in attitude, showing the movement has spread beyond the Corny Collins Show. Inez gets crowned the winner, by Corny and Maybelle, co-hosting as equals and the Corny Collins Show is officially integrated. Tracy got what she wanted, then gave it all up so she could do the right thing and she is super proud and happy.
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It starts with cultural appropriation, then by standing side by side, then by restoring balance to achieve equality.
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fallon-kora · 7 years
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Not sure how long I just spent on this but @scarecrowmes demanded I post my organic home grown meme so here it is (I hate it) 
(also this is not serious in any way pls don’t attack me)
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starkiddreamcasting · 2 years
Starkid Hairspray (mini-dreamcast)
Good Morning Baltimore! It’s the Starkid mini-dreamcast for Hairspray! Similar to Parade this is a musical that is very close to be able to have a full dreamcast for it, but for right now this fun and wonderful show can settle for a mini-dreamcast
1. Jaime Lyn Beatty as Tracey Turnblad
2. Chris Allen as Edna Turnblad
3. Nick Lang as Wilbur Turnblad
4. Alex Paul as Penny Pingleton
5. James Tolbert as Seaweed J. Stubbs
6. Robert Manion as Link Larkin
7. Lauren Walker as Motormouth Maybelle
8. Lauren Lopez as Velma Von Tussle
9. Ali Gordon as Amber Von Tussle
10. Curt Mega as Corny Collins
11. Tiffany Williams as Little Inez
12. Jamie Burns as Prudy Pingleton/Gym Teacher/Matron
13. Joe Walker as Harriman F. Spritzer/Principal/Mr. Pinky
(This casting is subject to change when the full dreamcast happens.)
Make sure to leave any requests of future dreamcasts!
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the-crystal-one · 1 year
Nicest Kids In Town!
Previously on: Nicest Kids In Town
'They were so sure that if they held onto each other,
They could stay in this moment forever.'
Now onto
Nicest Kids In Town
~Chapter 4~
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"Yeah! That was the dance of the week..." Corny Collins' voice faded into the back ground of the Stubbs household. The jump and yelling and running around had overpowered their small soap box tv, but they all heard what they needed to hear. "Ooooooh I knew she could do it!" Seaweed spun smooth as butter and slicked his hair back. "You knew? No no young man, I knew she could do it, from the minute she waltz up into detention." Inez would've like to join the family chat but she hasn't even been formally introduced to Tracy, so she stood next to her mother silently watching her siblings. Mama Maybelle stood right across from the, strutting her signature leopard moo-moo. "What are y'all goin' on about hm? Some girl- what do y'all mean detention?" She furrowed her eyebrows and her big blond hair maneuvered with each of head movements. Seaweed and Saucy hissed at the matter that they were attempting to keep from their mother. "Did I say detention? I-I meant....I- Oh Look Corny Collins!" She immediately flopped onto the couch, her afro bouncing on the way down. Seaweed sat next to her and crossed his legs, his hands going behind his head, "Very smooth sis, very smooth." He snickered and she cut her eyes at him, aggressively 'shush'ing him. "So Trace, cozy up to old Corny and tell us about yourself." Corny's arm wrapped around Tracy and Saucy couldn't help but imagine what she would do if that was her. She knew it was wishful thinking but her heart wouldn't stop beating at the thought of him and her, together. She tuned back into the tv just in time to hear Corny's next question and a jarring response from Tracy, "And if you were President Tracy, what would your first official act be?" Corny's eyebrow arched in a way that made Saucy smile like a bum who earned a dollar. "Hmm, I'd make every day Negro Day!" All jaws in the house dropped. Like a domino affect, Motor Mouth Maybelle, Saucy, Seaweed, and then Inez. "I'd read you like tomorrow's headline Tracy! What do you think kids, think we have a hot new candidate for Miss Teenage Hairspray?" After what felt like hours, Saucy cleared her throat and looked at her family. "I think I need to get some air y'all. I'll be back in a few minutes." She didn't even give her mother time to respond before she grabbed her jacket and made way out of the house.
The door behind her shut and she exhaled, leaning her head against it before walking down the stairs.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (if you want skip to the better part, you know which part I mean)
"The new girl in town, Has the guy on a string! The new girl in town! Hey look she's wearin' his ring!" Saucy watched as the Dynamite meticulously sing and dance with every step...every step she planned. She loved the delivery they all gave and it disheartened her that she couldn't get in front of the camera herself. It's not that she was afraid, no no that wasn't the case. Sandra couldn't bear the thought of messing up in front of the camera so she kept her talent to herself- Her singing talent it is. ""I can't stop cryin' and so in my own tears I'm gonna drown! Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa!" Motor Mouth Maybelle nudged her daughter and smiled, her eyes pointing towards the 'Dynamites' in an encouraging way. Saucy simply shook her head and watched from afar, leaning on the table in front of her. "Cause he wants to rendezvous with the new girl. We're kinda sad and blue, yes it's true girl. We'd like to say *beat beat* to the New girl in town." Saucy quickly looked over to the band, knowing this was the part in rehearsal where they all messed up. But much to her surprise, they went right into the upbeat tempo she wrote and demonstrated for them. Her hands began clapping with the tempo, her shoulder rubbing against her mother's with light in her eyes. "The new girl in toooooown!"
~In Detention~
"Hi, I'm here to see Tracy Turnblad." A skinny, red haired girl knocked on the door and stood tall with a sucker in her mouth. "Where's her right up?" Smooth James asked when he turned to Tracy with confused eyes. "She doesn't need a detention slip, she's with me." Tracy grabbed her friend's hand and pulled her closer. Smooth James shut the door and everyone went back to dancing just as before.
"Penny, this is Seaweed and Saucy, Saucy and Seaweed, this is Penny." Tracy said and walked away to continue her extracurricular activity. Saucy curtsied to her and quickly followed Tracy, grabbing her by the arms and spinning her around. Seaweed on the other hand, was speechless. ~Back in the studio~
"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa" The Dynamites belted and smoothly turnt their bodies as one, rocking slowly and smiling at the camera. "To the new girl in tooooown, The new girl in toooooon! Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa." The tempo of the drums, saxophone, and singers increased more. "From out of the blue girl! Hey, This town's in a stew girl! Ooh, what a hullaballoo, girl! She ain't just passin' through girl!"
Everyone on that stage clapped and stomped as loud as they could to express themselves. Saucy was on the platform with her mother, spinning and throwing her hands up with no cares in the world. "Ohh, She's sticking like glue girl! Whooooo, to the man I thought I knew girl." The Dynamites slowly took their positions back to where they originally started, hitting their hips with purpose. "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. Hey look out for that movin' van, look out look out, look out look out!" A brief silence came over the studio as Sandra lead them toward the ending. "She was the neeeeew girl in.....Towwwwwwn!"
They took their final stance as the stage erupted in cheers and roars of affirmation. Saucy stepped closer to her mother so she could read the cue cards in front of her, much to her dismay. Maybelle cleared her throat and grabbed her child's hand.
"And that's the way you do it! And I'm your Fabled Miss MotorMouth Maybelle. Your DJ Du Jour, pitchin' rhythm your way!" Saucy's mind immediately jumped into action mode as her mother passed the microphone,
"So, Hey, Better Stay and shimmy and sway. We'll be right back with more Negro day!" The two women stepped together to read the sponsor for the day and their smiles quickly faltered. "Brought to you by....Nap-A-Way....for stubborn hair."
The man flipped the queue cards and Sandra fought the urge to tell him something about himself, "Every kink...will be gone in a blink." The buzzer sounded which meant the show had went on commercial, giving Saucy enough time to rush across the way to fix up her hair and freshen up with the other girls. She quickly kissed her mother on the cheek and began her walk.
As Sandra walked, her thoughts began to stir, about nothing and everything all at once. She was so wrapped up that she didn't even recognize there was someone walking towards her, that is until it was too late.
"Oh my!" Sandra exclaimed as she came into contact with a rock of a chest. "Oh I'm so so sorry I-" Her eyes panned upward towards the face of the man. She met a pale skinned man with blue eyes and a sharp jawline gazed down at her, offering a hand. "I am so sorry little miss. I should've watched were I was going." He held out his hand to pull her up. She was awestruck, she took his hand, stunned and profusely apologized. He let out a chuckle that gave her a mini heart attack. "You're...Corny Collins." Her had instantly retracted as she turned her head around to see if anyone was around. They were alone in the hallway. "And you are the Sandra 'Saucy' Stubbs. I love the songs you've written, just shocking as to why you haven't gotten up there yourself." He tilted his head in genuine curiosity. Sandra smiled and ran her white finger nails over her braids, "I think I do much better behind that there desk." Corny ran his own fingers through his hair and glanced around, "Well...I think the world deserves to see you, don't you think?" If it were possible, Saucy would be all shades of pink and red. Her breath was caught in her throat and all she could manage to do was smile.
"I'd love to talk with you more, but I need to go calm a bull down." He took her hand and kissed the top of it ever so lightly. If you walked into the hallway, you'd think Sandra was about to combust. All she could manage to do was smile and stare at the man in front of her, her heart going a mile a minute. "W-well thank you very much Mr.Collins." She said in the calmest voice she could muster up. He rose from his kneeling position and chuckled once more. "Oh no no, please. Call me Corny."
He winked and proceeded to strut away. Sandra watched him until he hit the corner and even then waited a couple of seconds before squealing like a two year old who received a piece of cake. In that moment, she walked the fastest she ever did to their little closet room across the lot. She primped and primed like a little doll, the girls around her not questioning her peppy mood.
A/N: ~Whaaaaaat look at me updating like a boss~ ~Chapter 5~
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brainyxbat · 4 years
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Tracy Turnblad: Snow White (Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarves) (fanonically naming her Snowy Reddshoes)
Penny Pingleton: Catherine “Venus” Woods (my Big Hero 6 OC)
Seaweed J. Stubbs: Wasabi (Big Hero 6)
Amber Von Tussle: Juniper (Big Hero 6: The Series)
Motormouth Maybelle Stubbs: Queen Tara (Epic)
If this would ever be written, it would be merged with HS Live, and the 2007 movie. And possibly the 1988 movie, and the original Broadway production.
Keep reading for the rest of the cast!
Corny Collins: Butch (Pokemon)
Edna Turnblad: Shinobou (One Piece)
Wilbur Turnblad: Radcliffe Bomba (Epic)
Prudy Pingleton: Mother Gothel (Tangled)
Little Inez Stubbs: Young Tiana (The Princess and the Frog)
Velma Von Tussle: Cocoa (Pokemon DP: Arriving in Style)
Link Larkin: Sanji (One Piece) [pre-timeskip]
Mr. Pinky: Mr. Frederickson (Big Hero 6: The Series)
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Casting Goals: Hairspray
“Good Morning Baltimore!”
Madi Juleskusky as Tracy Turnblad
Kevin Chamberlin as Edna Turnblad
Fredi Walker as Motormouth Maybelle
Michelle Visage as Velma Von Tussle
Danny Burstein as Wilbur Turnblad
Kyle Selig as Link Larkin
Madison Alexander as Penny Pingleton
Curtis Holland as Seaweed J. Stubbs
Renée Rapp as Amber Von Tussle
Brent Barrett as Corny Collins (Edna u/s)
Storm Lever as Little Inez
Ellen Harvey as Female Authority Figure (Velma u/s)
Adam Heller as Male Authority Figure (Wilbur u/s)
Jacob Tischler as Brad/Ensemble (Corny u/s)
Reilly Wilmit as Brenda/Ensemble (Penny u/s, Amber u/s)
Darius Barnes as Duane/Ensemble (Seaweed u/s)
Bre Jackson as Dynamite/Ensemble (Motormouth u/s)
Dan’yelle Williamson as Dynamite/Ensemble (Motormouth u/s)
Zurin Villanueva as Dynamite/Ensemble (Inez u/s)
Corey Kline as Fender/Ensemble (Link u/s)
Fernell Hogan as Gilbert/Ensemble
Will Branner as IQ/Ensemble (Link u/s)
Domonique Paton as Lorraine/Ensemble
Tara Tagliaferro as Lou Ann/Ensemble (Velma u/s, Female Authority Figure u/s)
Gabrielle Carrubba as Shelly/Ensemble (Penny u/s)
Tyler Sapp as Sketch/Ensemble (Male Authority Figure u/s)
Jonalyn Saxer as Tammy/Ensemble (Amber u/s)
DeMarius R. Copes as Thad/Ensemble (Seaweed u/s)
Charnette Battey as Swing (Inez u/s)
Dashi’ Mitchell as Swing
Michael Graceffa as Swing (Corny u/s, Male Authority Figure u/s)
Molly Hager as Swing (Tracy u/s, Female Authority Figure u/s)
Sophie Patrice Golden as Standby (Tracy Turnblad)
Daniel Cooney as Standby (Edna Turnblad, Wilbur Turnblad)
Honorable Mentions: Adrienne C. Moore as Motormouth Maybelle Brent Barrett as Edna Turnblad Erik Martenson as Fender/Ensemble (Link u/s) Lillias White as Motormouth Maybelle Mariah Lyttle as Lorraine/Ensemble (Motormouth u/s)
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Seaweed: Mom, I want you to meet my new friends-
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aramajapan · 5 years
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Naomi Watanabe, Crystal Kay, & more team up for Japanese "Hairspray"
Visuals for the Japanese version of the iconic film and Broadway musical “Hairspray” have been released! Playing the lead role of “Tracy Turnblad” is none other than comedian Naomi Watanabe. Supporting roles include Crystal Kay as “Motormouth Maybelle Stubbs”, Yuichiro Yamaguchi as “Edna Turnblad”, and Hiroki Miura as the heartthrob “Lincoln “Link” Larkin”.
Read more on aramajapan.com
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willexxmercer · 5 years
HSMTMTS Hairspray season cast wishlist
So my sister @brillermcintyre and I were talking about what the cast could be if High School Musical the Musical the Series did Hairspray in some season and this is what we came up with.  Plenty of opportunities for plottage abound.
Putting below the cut for reasons.
Tracy Turnblad - Ashlyn or Kourtney (Either Ashlyn will get to develop as a leading lady or Kourtney will learn to express herself while still operating within the rules of theatre)
Edna Turnblad - Mr Mazzaro (because reasons)
Velma Von Tussle - Gina (I think she’d have fun with this role)
Penny Pingleton - Nini (personality-wise, she fits here the best and I think she’d enjoy it)
Corny Collins - Big Red (after this season, he’s curious about theatre and this is a good start for him)
Amber Von Tussle - Seb (need I say more?)
Link Larkin - Ricky (this is an obvious choice)
Maybelle “Motormouth” Stubbs - New Character (or Kourtney)
Little Inez Stubbs - New Character
Prudy Pingleton - extra
Mr Pinky - extra
Wilbur Turnblad - extra
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