#Maybe she tried to fight it but nobody saw
science-lings · 2 years
Was replaying botw so I can finish it before totk comes out and, I just realized that you can hear naydra moaning and wheezing of pain as you make your way up mount hylia. I know It’s probably the most obvious thing ever, but it still broke my heart a little bit
Oh yeah, I love it in a sad way. It's so gradual too, bc you have to sneak/ fight your way up and you can tell that something is off but it's only until after you get to the spring that you see what's going on. When I get to that point. I'm going to see if I can get high enough to see her without triggering the cutscene and the fight.
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barcaatthemoon · 1 month
make a move || fridolina rolfo x reader ||
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frido's teammates convince her to make the first move with you.
mapi snickered as she watched frido watching you. it couldn't have been a mistake that you almost always found yourself near their bench whenever you came to report on their games. you had always loved the sport, and barcelona was your favorite team. it was why you had initially jumped at every opportunity to report on the women's team. you still loved the game, but admittedly, you also had developed quite a crush on a certain swedish player.
"what is so funny?" alexia asked as she glanced at her friend. mapi pointed at frido, who was staring at you like she was head over heels. the two of you had spoken several times over the course of her time in spain, and the whole team had caught onto her feelings for you. "she's wearing that dress frido likes."
"trust me, she definitely noticed. isn't that right fridolina?" mapi teased. frido reluctantly tore her eyes away from you to glare at mapi. "(y/n) looks good in that dress. it does wonders for her ass."
"careful, frido can fight," ingrid warned. mapi didn't listen and continued to tease, earning herself a water bottle thrown her way. their antics continued throughout the end of the game, just a small distraction that you could see from the corner of your eye as you reported on the end of the game. the team began to file onto the field to celebrate, which was when you took your opportunity to speak with frido.
"excuse me, miss rolfo, do you have a moment to talk about the game?" you asked. frido let out a small sigh as she heard mapi and alexia laughing behind her.
"for you, i have as many as you need," frido said. you blushed at her words. years of media training had never stood a chance against the charming swedish woman. every single time that you interviewed frido, you felt like a bumbling idiot. some of your co-workers had noticed this, but the players that you interviewed liked you quite a bit and always let you interview them no matter what, so nobody said anything.
"thank you. congratulations on the win and successful header in the corner. i know that it's definitely my contender for goal of the match. what was going through your head today?"
"we're coming in as champions, and this first game is just a taste of what's to come for the rest of the season. everybody has been working hard, and we all just wanted to show that today," frido answered. the two of you continued your interview, and once it was finished, you reluctantly let her go and found more players to speak with. after about 30 minutes, you were finished with post-game interviews and your crew began to pack up their things.
"go on, they're getting ready to leave. this is your chance," ingrid said as she pushed frido towards you. the blonde felt like a baby deer as she tried to walk casually over towards you. luckily for her pride, your back was turned as you chatted with a young fan.
"ahem, excuse me, do you have a minute?" frido asked as she noticed your conversation come to an end. you stood up and looked at her, more than a little surprise she came over to talk after the cameras were done rolling.
"i guess i could find a few for you." you were definitely flirting with her, but were doubtful that it would amount to anything. flirting with frido was nothing new for you, and it always ended up the same way. you never went on any dates or saw each other outside of the football stadiums.
"good, i was hoping that maybe after this we could meet somewhere. i don't know if you have much work to do after this, but tonight, the girls will all be out at a bar. maybe i could get your number and let you know which one? i bet you could get some pretty interesting quotes." frido was trying very hard, and you appreciated the obvious effort.
"i would like that a lot." you scribbled your number on the back of one of your business cards. "the ones on the front are for the channel, but my personal one is on the back. feel free to call or text me for other things, i hear that i'm great dinner company."
"well, i can't drink on an empty stomach. does 7 sound okay?" frido asked. she felt like her lungs couldn't quite pull in enough air, but you were smiling at her, so she must have been doing something right.
"perfect, i look forward to dinner and a few drinks. it's a date," you said. frido swallowed nervously as she nodded, and she swore she was going to pass out when you leaned in and kissed her cheek.
"you know, it isn't too late for us to just turn around and go somewhere else," frido offered as the two of you turned down the street the bar was on. your dinner date had been nice. in terms of first dates, it was one of the best ones you'd been on. the restaurant was nice, frido was great company, and everything was just casual enough to keep you out of your own head.
"that sounds nice, but i'm kind of excited to see what everybody is like off of the field. and don't worry, i'm not going to be collecting any quotes," you told her. frido sighed and pouted at you, which nearly did get you to agree to go somewhere else, but one of her teammates spotted the two of you.
"about fucking time! do you know how long we've been waiting for you to get over here?" you had met claudia a couple of times before, mostly from your coverage from the barcelona b-team games. she had always been one of your favorites to interview, despite how difficult it could be to get to actually answer your questions.
"oh good, they're waiting for us," frido grumbled. you rolled your eyes as you grabbed frido's hand and led her into the bar. the patrons were mostly the players, and they all turned their heads to look at you when you walked inside. frido was quick to pick out a spot with some of the quieter girls and led you over to join her. "what can i get you to drink?"
"a manhattan if they have it. if not, just a shot of vodka," you told her. frido looked surprised by your choices, but didn't say anything. you had been a bit of a partier at university, so you knew that you could handle anything. the drink thing was also a good test of your dates because the last thing you wanted was someone who was overly judgemental.
frido left and came back just a couple moments later with your manhattan. she had something clear for herself that she took a sip of as she slid in next to you. it was a bit awkwardly cramped until you moved her arm around your shoulders. the two of you sat there with two of her teammates, marta and caroline, who were more than happy to sit out some of the more rambunctious activities of the night.
"do you dance?" you asked as you noticed more of the team move onto the dance floor.
"not really, no. you can go if you'd like to though," frido answered. she started to move out of the booth, but you held onto her to keep her next to you.
"no, it's fine. i'm having fun like this. i'm a little too sober to dance by myself."
"do you have to go all the way to madrid?" frido whined. you had your bags packed for your weekend in madrid. the weekend was full of games for both the women's and men's leagues, and your boss wanted you at all of them. it was a big step, and while it was a lot of work, you were more than ready for it.
"yes, i do, and while i would love to stay and enjoy your bye week with you, i have to go. don't miss me too much, okay? i have to go, my cab will be here any minute," you said. frido grumbled, but sat up to give you a proper goodbye hug and kiss anyway.
the two of you were a few months into your relationship and it felt unreal. you loved frido, you were sure of it, even if you hadn't said it yet. you hoped that frido loved you too, and a part of you knew that you wouldn't feel this way if she didn't. everything was too strong to just be coming from one direction.
"text me before you get on the plane and when you land. then, if you feel up to it, give me a call at the hotel? this feels like an awful long time to be away from you." frido cupped your cheeks in her hands and leaned down to kiss you. without your heels, you felt so small next to her. you had never really realized how much of an edge those gave you when standing around athletes all day.
"i will, i promise. see you monday night, love you," you said as you stepped out of frido's apartment. you hadn't even realized what you said until you were in the car and riding towards the airport. you were terrified to look at your phone, but when you did, you couldn't stop smiling from frido's message.
*'i love you too <3'
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ellieswrldd · 3 months
about you
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pairing: spiderman!ellie williams x female reader
summary: ellie is living a double life, one of a college student and one of a crime fighting hero. she wants you more than anything but is scared to put you in danger.
content warnings: SMUT 18+ MDNI, oral sex (r!receiving), scissoring, use of alcohol and weed, ellie is kind of a nerdy loser, a little rushed! not proofread
a/n: writing this taught me that i should never try to estimate when i’ll finish something because “posting this week” quickly turned into “posting sometime this month”….sorry lmao. also this is inspired by the 1975 song!!
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8:30 am
Good morning New Yorkers!
This was Ellie’s favorite part of the day. A bagel in one hand, the newest edition of Savage Starlight in her other, and her phone playing the morning newscast. 
Today is April 12th and it looks like another beautiful day…
Moments like these were the only times she felt at ease. Her university classes kept her busy and when she wasn’t studying or in class, she was off protecting the city. 
So, sitting on the rooftop of a building where nobody could bother her was Ellie’s idea of peace. 
It was easy to lose track of time while in her spot and Ellie always tried to keep an eye on the time, but it seemed to end the same way almost every day. 
We’re starting to see some traffic down by— 
The reporter was cut off by Ellie’s loud ringtone. She glanced at the caller ID and sighed softly when she saw it was her best friend Jesse calling. 
“Hey man, I’m kinda busy right now—” She said as she took a bite of her bagel. 
“Dude where the hell are you? Class started fifteen minutes ago and we have that big lab today!” Jesse whispered-shouted into his phone. 
“What are you talking about? I don’t have class on Thursday mornings,” She said. 
“Ellie, it’s Friday, we have class today,” Jesse said sharply, clearly irritated by Ellie’s lack of organization. She couldn’t blame him– he always needed her help during labs, and without her, it was likely he’d get a failing grade. 
“Oh shit!” Ellie groaned and began tossing her things back into her backpack. “I’m on my way right now, I swear.” She stated with her phone pressed against her ear by her shoulder. Stuffing her face with the last of her bagel, Ellie slid her backpack around her shoulders and stood up. 
The streets were beginning to bustle with activity and the sky was bright, New York was awake and ready for the day. Ellie pulled her mask over her face and jumped off the roof, flying towards her class with the flick of her wrist. 
10 pm
Going out was the last thing on your mind. You were still coping after a messy breakup, and partying didn’t sound like fun. The only reason you found yourself standing in front of a bustling frat house was because Dina had dragged you here. She had made a variety of arguments as to why you needed to come, mostly consisting of “You’ve been too sad, let’s get you laid!” or “I need you to be my wing-woman, Jesse will be there!”. Despite her nagging and desperation, you somehow ended up following her right to the party. 
���Dee I don’t feel great, maybe I should just go back home,” You mumbled and tugged at the skirt you wore. It was Dina’s and it was far too short for your liking. In the past, you loved partying and going out with friends, but at the moment all you wanted to do was curl up in your bed. 
“Just stay for a little bit, I promise you’ll have fun. It isn’t good for you to rot in bed every day anyways,” Dina linked her arm with yours and gave a soft smile. You sighed and nodded, she had a point. 
You stood in the frat, holding a red solo cup close to you. Dina shifted nervously beside you. 
“What if he changed his mind? Maybe he doesn’t want to see me,” She crossed her arms.
“Dina, he’ll show up, don’t worry.” You reassured her. “Have another drink, you need to chill out,” She shrugged and poured herself a drink. 
“Hey, Dina!” A man greeted your friend loudly, a bright smile on his face. Dina grinned and gave him a quick hug. 
“Jesse! I’m so glad you made it, I was starting to think you weren’t going to show,” 
“Sorry, Ellie was taking forever to get ready, slowed us down,” He laughed and shifted his gaze to you. “I’m Jesse, you must be y/n,” 
“Yeah, Dina’s told me a lot about you,” You glanced past him and looked at the girl standing awkwardly behind him. She was staring down at her phone, her lips pursed, clearly not excited to be there. 
“Oh, this is Ellie,” He turned and nudged Ellie with his elbow.
“Hi,” She offered an awkward smile and stood a little straighter. “Sorry, I don’t come to these things very often,” Ellie looked around at the frat, drunk partygoers dancing and screaming, the floor covered in red solo cups and sticky liquids, it wasn’t really her scene. 
“That’s alright, it’s nice to meet you,” You shook her hand. “I’m going to go out and get some air,” You shouted into Dina’s ear and she nodded. Waving to Jesse and Ellie, you pushed past the crowds and made your way outside. 
The cool air against your skin was a relieving change. You leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. It was nice that Dina was looking out for you, but it was honestly overwhelming. 
“Mind if I join you?” You turned to look at Ellie, who stood a few feet away with her hands in her pockets. You simply nodded and tipped your head to the spot next to you. Without all of the flashing lights, you could get a good look at the other girl. A red flannel hung loosely around her frame, her short hair was in a messy half-up half-down style, and her face was covered in light freckles.
Ellie’s eyes lingered on you for a moment before she spoke again. “You look stressed,” 
“I guess that’s one word for it,” You chuckled. She dug her hand into her back pocket and pulled out a neatly rolled joint.
“Jesse gave me this, do you want some?” Your eyes lit up a bit at the sight of the joint and you looked back at her.
“How could I say no to such an offer?” Taking the joint, you held it between your glossy lips. “You got a lighter?” 
Ellie’s eyes widened slightly as she realized she had been staring at your lips. “Ah— yeah, here,” She took the lighter from her pocket and fumbled with it a few times before she got a steady flame. You leaned in and watched as the end began to burn. 
“You don’t smoke much, do you?” You giggled softly as your eyes drifted toward her. She watched you intently and shook her head. 
“No, not really,” You breathed out the smoke and offered her the joint. 
“Do you want to try?” Your voice was soft and sweet, Ellie couldn’t help but take the joint from your fingers. “Just breathe in slowly and then exhale,” She followed your instructions, still watching you as she took a drag. Coughing, Ellie passed it back.
The two of you passed the joint back and forth in silence, staring up at the night sky until you were able to drown out the loud noise of the party. 
“Jesse and Dina are definitely hooking up right now,” You blurted and started laughing. 
“Oh my god they totally are,” She shook with laughter. As your shoulders touched Ellie’s and you laughed until your cheeks grew tired, you realized that you were actually having fun. You hadn’t thought about your ex in hours. 
Eventually, Ellie offered to walk you back to your dorm, and you accepted gladly. 
The walk back was full of mindless giggles and seemingly innocent brushes against one another’s arms. Ellie leaned against the frame of your door as you fumbled with the key. 
“Do you want to come inside?” You muttered with a smile once you managed to get the door open. Ellie’s heart pounded at the offer and she could feel heat rush to her cheeks, but she found herself shaking her head no. 
“I—I’m sorry, I can’t,” She bit her lip and looked down at her sneakers. “I’ve gotta be up early tomorrow for work, but I’ll see you around, yeah?” You tried not to look disappointed but Ellie could see it on your face almost immediately. 
“That’s fine, see ya,” You sighed and closed the door with a small smile. 
Ellie could feel her heart sinking, and she almost regretted her words. Almost. She knew better than to get involved with someone while in her position, she could put you in a lot of danger, and it was too risky. 
The next few days were rough. Ellie seemed to be actively avoiding you for some unknown reason and it felt like Dina and Jesse were too wrapped up in one another to even notice you. Every time Jesse came over to see Dina, he used the same excuse to cover for Ellie’s absence. “She’s busy studying, couldn’t make it today.” 
“Hey, have you seen Ellie lately?” You asked Dina as the two of you walked to class.
“Huh? Oh, no, I haven’t, why?” Dina glanced at her phone before looking back at you.
“Well, I thought we kinda hit it off at the party, but I haven’t seen her since.” You sighed and trained your eyes on your shoes. “I invited her to come inside our dorm, but she said she had work and bolted,” 
Dina looked confused. “That’s weird, she doesn’t work in the mornings,” She shrugged. “I can invite her to come with us to that bar tonight, how about that?” Dina bumped her arm against yours.
“Sure, that’s great,” You smiled, relieved to see your best friend was still looking out for you. Her words stuck with you, why would Ellie lie to you? Maybe she was avoiding you.
That night, Dina got ready with you in your shared dorm. 
“Did she say she was coming?” You asked nervously as you stared at yourself in the mirror. 
“She just liked the message,” Dina snorted and rolled her eyes. “What an ass.”
You sighed. “She’s definitely avoiding me,” 
“I’ll have Jesse drag her ass down to the bar if she doesn’t show, don’t worry babe.” Dina pat your shoulder. “Are you ready to go? I think some of the other girls are there already.” 
“Oh, yeah.” You took one more glance at yourself. You wore a sparkly fitted dress, one that had been growing dusty in your dresser. It was pretty, but a little loud for your taste. “Let’s go before I change my mind,” Dina laughed and nodded.
The bar was busy already, filled with college students and their fake IDs, overpriced drinks in their hands. Dina ordered the two of you some drinks and you stood beside her at the bar. 
You couldn’t help but watch the door as Dina told some exaggerated story. You hated this, the feeling of self-doubt and disappointment that coursed through your body every time a girl let you down. It had only been a few weeks since your last girlfriend dumped you, and yet here you were repeating the same vicious cycle with another girl. 
Just as you were about to make an excuse to leave, the door to the bar opened and Ellie strolled in. She was by herself, fidgeting with her hands nervously as she looked around the room.  
You turned back to Dina before you could meet Ellie’s gaze. You had decided that if Ellie wanted to speak, she would have to come to you first. 
“Hey,” Ellie tapped your shoulder and stood beside you at the bar. 
“Hi Ellie,” You gave her a tight-lipped smile and took a sip of your drink. Ellie glanced at her shoes for a moment before speaking again. 
“Can we talk?” She asked quietly. Was she nervous?
“Sure, yeah, outside?” Ellie nodded and followed you out. 
“Okay, you wanted to talk so let’s talk.” You crossed your arms and faced her once you stood outside. 
Ellie took a deep breath and stuffed her hands in her pockets. “I know this is kind of forward, but I like you, and I want to get to know you better, but—”
“I’m just,” She sighed, seemingly frustrated. “I can’t, I can’t be around you,” 
“What is that supposed to mean?” You scoffed. 
Ellie pinched the bridge of her nose as she struggled to think of a reply. 
“It’s not a good idea,” She mumbled.
“You’re still not making any sense,” 
Ellie hesitated. “Can I show you something?” 
“You seriously can’t tell anyone about this,” Ellie glanced around. “Like anyone, not a single soul,” 
“Jesus, I get it, Ellie, I’ll keep whatever secret you’re sharing.”
Ellie nodded and took one more look to make sure nobody was nearby. 
“I’m, um, kind of like a superhero of sorts, like I fight criminals and protect people sometimes,” Ellie’s cheeks seemed to burn red as she spoke. “I just— I don’t want you to be put in danger because of it,” 
You stared at her for a moment before you laughed. “Is this some kind of joke? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard! You’re a superhero? Forget it, I’m going home, Ellie,” You turned away and began to walk toward the bar. 
Ellie reached out and grabbed your arm. “No, I swear I’m not lying, I can prove it!” She said frantically. 
“You can prove it?” 
“I can,” She nodded. 
“Okay, prove it.” Ellie nodded and offered her hand to you. 
“Let’s go to my dorm, I can show you there,” 
“Are you trying to get me to sleep with you?” Ellie rolled her eyes. 
“Not at the moment, no. Would you just come with me?”
“Alright then, let’s go,” 
The walk to Ellie’s dorm wasn’t long, but the tension between you and her made it feel insufferable. 
“Here we are,” She nodded toward the building and unlocked the front door. Ellie led you up a few flights of stairs before finally arriving at her room. 
Ellie’s dorm room was covered in colorful posters and pictures. A small telescope was leaned against the wall by her window, comic books were stacked high on her nightstand, and some science textbooks were left open on her desk alongside scattered papers and assignments. 
“This is cute,” You muttered as you ran a hand along her navy blue bed sheets and looked around the room.
“Oh, thanks. You can just make yourself at home,” She smiled and went to open her closet. 
You sat on her bed and watched her rifle through her clothes. “How do you plan on proving this?” You asked, slightly amused by this whole situation. 
“Just wait and see, I don’t think you’ll find it funny in a minute.” She said, glancing over her shoulder to look at you. Ellie finally pulled out a hanger covered by a black zip-up cover. 
She held the hanger up and unzipped the cover, letting it fall to the floor. Underneath the cover was a bright red and blue suit. 
“What is that? Some sort of cosplay outfit?” You snorted.
Ellie narrowed her eyes at you. Without a response, Ellie slipped off her flannel and started tugging her shirt off. 
“What are you doing?” You gasped and covered your eyes. 
“I’m just changing, don’t cream your pants.” She said sarcastically. Ellie stepped into the suit and pulled it on. 
The suit itself seemed good quality, it was a shiny, bright red with black and blue highlights, and it fit her like a second skin. With a closer look, you could see the little details of the suit were designed to resemble a spider web of sorts. 
“This is what I wanted to show you,” She said and held out her hands. On each wrist was a complicated gadget that wrapped around her wrist and lay in the palm of her hand.
You reached out to touch the device but Ellie pulled her hands away. 
“Don’t touch them, you’ll regret it.” She said with a small smile. 
“What do they do?” 
“I’ll show you,” She walked across the room to her window and pulled it open. “C’mere,” 
You went and stood by her side, an anxious feeling bubbling in your stomach. Ellie reached behind her head and pulled the mask of the suit over her face. 
“Do you trust me?” She asked, her arm snaking around your waist. 
“Do I have a choice?” Ellie laughed and pulled you closer to her side. 
“Hold onto me, and uh— don’t look down,” Before you had time to ask her what that meant, Ellie flicked her wrist and sent the two of you swinging out of her window. 
As you flew through the air, all you could hear was the wind blowing past you and the sound of your screams. It was then that you started to believe that Ellie could be telling the truth. 
“Ellie Williams put me down right now!” You screamed as you watched the buildings fly past you in a blur. 
“Calm down, we’re almost to my spot.” 
Ellie slowed down and stopped on a rooftop. She pulled her mask off. “This is my favorite spot in the city.” Ellie helped you find your feet and kept a hand on your lower back. From the rooftop, you could see the glittering lights of the city life and the usual noise seemed to be quieter. 
“That’s great and all but I think I might vomit,” You let out a shaky breath and sat down. “You wanna explain what the fuck you just pulled?” You looked up at her.
Ellie grinned and sat next to you. “The nausea will pass, just take deep breaths. As for that,” Ellie showed you the gadget on her wrist. “They’re web shooters, I made them myself. They shoot something similar to spider webs, but much stronger.” 
“So what, you’re like a spider-girl or something?” 
“Well, when you say it like that you make it sound childish.” Ellie chuckled.
“Okay Spider-Woman, why is this stopping you from taking me out?” 
“I’m scared,” She sighed. “I already put myself in so much danger by doing this, do you know how much worse it would be if I had to worry about keeping you safe as well? I can’t guarantee that you’ll be protected from everything I deal with, and I can’t even imagine what it would be like for you if I ended up hurt or worse.” 
You stared at her for a moment and reached out to rest your hand on top of hers. 
“You’re forgetting that I’m my own person, Ellie, I can make those decisions for myself. You don’t have to protect me, I can do that on my own.” 
Ellie, careful not to touch the web-shooter on her palm, squeezed your hand gently. “I want you and I want this so bad, you have no idea,” 
“Show me,” You murmured as you turned to face her. Ellie let out a shaky breath and leaned in. 
Your lips tasted exactly how Ellie had imagined they would. They were sweet, presumably from the lipgloss you always used, or maybe you just always tasted like cherries, Ellie couldn’t tell, all she knew was that she wanted more. 
“Let’s go back to my dorm,” She murmured as her lips chased yours. 
“Okay,” You agreed, every thought in your head was focused on Ellie, and suddenly the only thing you cared about was getting that comic-book-looking costume off of her body. 
The quick trip back to her dorm wasn’t as scary as the first, though you weren’t sure if you could ever get used to the way your stomach dropped every time she swung. 
The moment your feet were on the floor of her dorm, Ellie had you pushed up against the door, her lips traveling down your bare neck. Your hands ran down Ellie’s back in search of a zipper or button to take off the suit, but you grumbled in frustration when you failed to find one.
“How do you take this fuckin’ thing off?” You muttered while Ellie ran her fingers along the hem of your dress. She laughed softly against your skin.
“The zipper is right here,” She whispered into your ear, taking your hand and guiding it to the side of her torso. Hidden beneath her arm and within the detailing of the suit was a tiny zipper. 
Your lips met hers again, and while you slowly dragged the zipper down, you let your other hand slide around her waist. 
And just before you were able to completely unzip the suit, a loud banging on Ellie’s door startled you both.
“Yo, Ellie, you in there?” It was Jesse, and he sounded very drunk. Your eyes widened as you looked at Ellie, waiting for her to say something. 
Ellie held a finger up to her lips and signaled for you to keep quiet. She was sure that if Jesse assumed she wasn’t home, he’d find someone else to bother. 
Jesse banged on the door a few times and groaned loudly when he realized Ellie wasn’t answering. You sighed softly once you heard him shuffle away. 
“Where were we?” Ellie smiled and pulled you close to her. Finally, you were able to pull down that zipper and the suit came loose enough for Ellie to pull off. 
Ellie slid her fingers under the straps of your dress and let them fall down your shoulders. “Can I take this off?” She asked.
You simply nodded. 
As if trying to tease, Ellie slid one strap down at a time, then moved onto the zipper, which she pulled down as slowly as she possibly could. 
After what felt like years of waiting, your dress fell to the floor, pooling at your feet. 
The feeling of Ellie’s skin against your own was everything you needed. She was warm and gentle, even her calloused fingers felt like butter on your skin. 
Hungry for more of her, you reached out and ran your fingers along the waistband of her black boyshorts. Everything about her drove you insane, the sight of her in the simple black sports bra and boyshorts that she wore was enough to make you go practically feral. 
Ellie followed your lead and copied your moves, tracing the waistband of your panties, then going further and dipping her fingers inside. Ellie could’ve sworn that the gasp you let out when she brushed against your clit was enough to make her cum, god she was already completely soaked just by standing there with you. 
“You’re so wet,” She breathed and her fingers slid against your pussy again. 
“Fuck,” You whined. 
Ellie pulled her fingers from your underwear and licked them clean. 
“I gotta have more of you,” Ellie said desperately.
“Then stop talking and do it,” You bit your lip. Your words were the last bit of confirmation she needed. Ellie grabbed your thighs and picked you up with ease.
Just as quickly as you had said those words, Ellie had swept you off your feet and sat you right on her bed. Your legs spread and her head in between them. 
She didn’t waste time taking off your panties, she couldn’t stop herself after she had that first taste. Ellie’s lips brushed against your cunt almost hesitantly but soon enough she was diving into you like she was starving. Your hips bucked up against her tongue as you searched desperately for release. Ellie’s hand snaked up around your thighs and held you down, causing you to whine out loudly. 
“God, you taste so good…” She groaned against your cunt.
“I’m getting close,” You gasped as you felt Ellie swirl her tongue around your clit. 
“We just started, baby,” Ellie chuckled and ran her tongue up along your slit. “Think you can wait a few more minutes? You just look so pretty like this…” She squeezed your thigh and looked up at you with a playful smirk. 
You stared at her, stunned by how she could be so dirty when she was the same girl who had been nervous to talk to you at the bar. How could she look so sexy when her chin and nose were both glistening with your slick and her hair was messy from you pulling on it? Was this the same girl who had choked after taking a drag from a joint?
“Please…” You moaned loudly and let your head fall back against the mattress. Ellie pulled away and kissed the inside of your thigh. 
“Fine, but only because you asked so nicely,” She smiled and stood up, pulling her underwear down and straddling your hips. “I wanna cum with you…” She mumbled as she leaned down and kissed you gently. 
A sharp gasp escaped your lips once you felt Ellie position her cunt against yours. Ellie let out a whiny moan and slowly rolled her hips forward, drawing out a loud sigh from you. Your bodies moved together slowly as if you were performing some heavenly dance. 
Her wet folds grinding against yours seemed to stop every thought in your head. You couldn’t recall the last person who had made you feel nearly this good– hell, you could barely form a coherent sentence. You reached out and grabbed Ellie’s hands, intertwining your fingers and squeezing her hands gently. 
“God, Ellie I can’t–” You stuttered and squeezed your eyes shut. 
“I know, me too…me too,” She groaned and tossed her head back. It wasn’t hard to tell by the way her thighs were beginning to shake or the loud profanities leaving her mouth that Ellie was just as close to orgasm as you were. 
It only took a few more moments before you came completely undone. A hot, sudden pleasure overcame you just as Ellie climaxed. As soon as the pleasure lulled, Ellie climbed off you and settled down next to you on the bed. 
“I didn’t want it to be like this,” Ellie whispered and turned to look at you. 
“What?” You giggled. 
“This,” She said and slid her arm around your waist. “I would’ve been more…romantic. Take you out to dinner, maybe show you all my favorite rooftops, I would’ve made this special.” 
You cupped her cheek and ran your thumb along her cheekbone. “I think tonight was pretty special. It was the best night I’ve ever had.” 
Ellie’s cheeks flushed slightly and a stupid smile tugged at her lips. “Don’t say that, it’ll inflate my ego.” 
“Alright then,”  
“Hey, promise me you won’t tell anyone about my–”
“Your secret identity? Trust me, I’ll take your secret to the grave.” 
“Thank you.” Ellie took your hand and placed a gentle kiss on the back. “I just want to keep you safe,”
“I know,” You sighed. 
On her nightstand, Ellie’s phone buzzed. You passed her the phone without hesitation. 
‘Active robbery occurring at…’ The headline flashed across her home screen. 
You watched as Ellie sat up and started grabbing her clothes off the floor. It had barely been ten minutes since the two of you had finished and she was already getting ready to run off and stop crime. 
“I’m so sorry, I just–” 
“You have to go,” You smiled and watched her slip into the suit. 
“Sorry,” She murmured, leaning down to kiss you before pulling the mask over her face. 
“Good luck and be safe,” You waved as she leaped out of the window and swung into the darkness of the night.
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diaryofanidiot · 1 year
The Experiments
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader
Chapter list: Prologue, <1>, 2, 3, 4, 5
Cw: Swearing; torture; blood; medical experiments; panic attacks; malnourishment
Summary: For over a year, Y/N was held in a soviet experimentation facility. Forced to fight and claw her way to live, she managed to stay alive. When the 141 rescues her, they get way more intel than bargained for.
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Chapter One
"What the bloody fuck is this..." A gruff voice spoke. I slowly looked up with wide eyes and nearly shat myself at the sight.
A giant behemoth of a man in a skull mask stood still, his body language relaxed but on guard as he stared in my direction.
His boots clunked heavily on the floor as he approached me, his gun still held at the ready but not pointed in my direction. I couldn't see his face, but his frown was apparent in his voice.
"Mactavish, I've found something... or someone, rather." He said, tuning in on his radio. I never once took my eyes off of him, unsure of if he was even real or not. Perhaps I had already died and this was the grim reaper to take me away...
"I don't understand, L.T." A staticky voice came through his radio.
"A woman. In a cage."
"Last I checked this wasn't a sex dungeon." The voice on the radio had a Scottish accent, dripping with amusement.
"Not joking." The British skull faced man said gruffly. "Finish clearing out the building. Then get to the rendezvous. I'll meet you there."
As he finished giving his orders, he knelt down next to the cage. "Who are you?" He demanded.
I scrambled back in the cage until the bars pressed against my bare back. I tried to speak, but my voice only came out in cracks after long-term misuse.
"Ah. Gotcha." He seemed to understand, or maybe he simply thought I was a mute. I saw his eyes flicker up toward the label on the cage.
"Subject 237: "Banshee"." He read aloud. "Stay where you are. I'm opening this blasted thing." He warned. "Try anything and you're dead."
I nodded slowly, desperate to let him know that I understood English. My eyes never left him as he shot the lock on the cage, despite my flinching at the sound.
"Out you go." He demanded, his gun still at the ready. My knees protested in pain as I crawled toward the entrance of my cramped confinement. I had almost forgotten about the chain and collar around my neck.
I could see his eyes widen slightly as I crawled into whatever light the room had offered; they darted around my scarred naked form as he observed me.
"Fuck did they do to you..." He mumbled below his breath.
The chains length only went so far for me to get an inch of room past the cage door. He knelt down in front of me. My traumatized brain flashing danger signs with every movement.
"I won't hurt you." He said in a low tone, one hand coming up to reassure me. "Not unless you try to hurt me. Just need to take this off..."
His hand darted toward the chain around my neck, causing me to flinch at the rapid movement. I could hear him curse underneath his mask as he realized a key was needed.
"Wait. Here." He ordered, standing back to full height before he went to raid the dead corpses in search of the key. He found it on the assistant's body with impressive speed before walking back over and swiftly removing the steel collar that kept me in place.
I hissed in pain once more as the cold damp air hit the sores on my neck, my hand going up to rub them instinctively. His hand was on my wrist now, stopping me from rubbing.
"We should get a doctor on that. Or on you in general..." His gun was lowered now, seeing as I had made no room to attack him. "Do you have a name?"
Once his hand was off my wrist, I pointed a shakey finger toward the label on the cage. He shook his head at this. "No, that's what they called you. I mean a real name." He insisted.
I frowned and looked to the ground. I had one. Over the course of a year, somehow, it had fled my memory. Nobody called me it anymore anyway. I turned my gaze back toward him with an apologetic look.
He sighed. "No matter. It'll come back to you. Let's get you out of here."
He swiftly walked over toward the scientist and removed the lab coat from the corpse.
"Put this on." He demanded, handing it to me. I complied. The fabric swallowed my malnourished body as I looked down, as if just now realized how gaunt my once healthy body had become.
He seemed to be looking at me expectantly. My legs tried to hold me up, screaming in agony as I stood slowly with atrophied muscles. I stumbled, my knees slamming against the linoleum tile. I cringed in pain as they did.
"Fuck." I heard him say before I was lifted and thrown over his shoulder. "Let's get you out of here." I watched as he seemed to notice a file on the table... my file. He snatched it up quickly and stored it away before the same voice I had heard earlier came in on the radio.
"L.T., you copy?"
He spoke into his radio with a sense of urgency. "Aye."
"I'm at the Rendezvous point now. The building's cleared, so you should have a clear path as long as there's no stragglers."
"You have my appreciation." If it were possible to hear a smirk, you could swear he wore one under the mask.
"Get here safely, and you'll have mine, Sir."
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The radio went silent once more as I was carried out to the hall like a rag doll. Hell, I probably weighed less than one at this point. My eyes were wide as I saw all the death that littered the building.
Unable to push down the sick sense of satisfaction that came from seeing my tormentors dead on the ground, I managed the smallest hint of a smile. The first one I've worn in what seemed like forever.
The man on the radio was right. A path was completely cleared, seeing as my rescuer never once had to stop for any threats.
Until we exited the building, at least...
Gunshots were pouring out as my eyes adjusted to the rising sun, unaccustomed to the light. I felt my body thrown behind something as my rescuer took cover beside me, firing multiple shots.
Once my eyes adjusted, I blinked them open to see we were behind a set of barrels. I managed a small peak at our assailants before I was forced back behind the cover with an angry "stay."
I frowned as he continued making his shots before requesting backup. I guessed the soviets really didn't want him escaping this one with how many men were sent.
Opening my mouth to try to speak, my voice cracked and strained severely. "Ears..." I mustered. I saw his eyes flicker to me for half a second before refocusing on his targets.
"Ears." I tried again, miming for him to cover them.
"Noise reduction headphones, kid." He said gruffly. It was then I noticed that his ears were already covered.
I glanced back once more, placing a hand on his arm to prepare him slightly as I gathered all the strength I could.
I screamed. The supernatural-esque sound reached nearly two hundred decibles, equivalent to a large bomb. I heard glass shattering and the sounds of people crying out in pain. My throat was raw by the time I let my screaming fade to an end.
The enemy gunfire ceased, and even the man beside me looked temporally disoriented. He grunted as he got his bearings back and shot those writhing on the ground in pain. They weren't wearing ear protection, I noted, finally looking up from my spot behind the steel barrels. They must've been deployed in a hurry.
Once the waves of gunfire ceased, I heard a shuffling motion and a click beside me. My rescuers gun was now to my head.
I looked at him with wide, fearful eyes as he stared me down.
"What the fuck are you?" He demanded. I flinched, but the scream had left my throat too damaged to speak. I could only croak out a few sounds, none of them enough for form even a single word.
"Don't. Move." He demanded, pulling out the file he had snatched earlier from its space between his vest and his chest.
I watched him with unblinking eyes as he opened it. "Are you even human anymore?" He asked seemingly to himself as he scanned the front page of the file.
Something he read caught his eye before his gaze landed on my frightened expression once more. "Show me your teeth."
Hesitantly, I opened my mouth. The barrel of his gun moving to pull my lip back further. I could've sworn I stopped breathing as he revealed the pair of sharp fangs that had been surgically fastened to my canines. His eyes then lowered to my throat. Underneath the sores was a jagged surgical scar where they had altered my vocal chords.
I couldn't read his expression due to his mask, and his eyes said nothing.
"You scream like that again and I'll kill you." He stated matter-of-factly. He didn't seem to care that I just gave him a major advantage against his enemies. I watched him cancel the request for backup before I was thrown over his shoulder once more.
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The Rendezvous wasn't far; he experienced no more hiccups in getting me there. I blinked as I observed the abandoned factory, the floor creaking with each of his heavy steps.
I felt my weak body stumble as I was set down on the floor. I winced in pain before a new set of footsteps approached.
"Good to see ya, Sir." The voice that once cracked through radio waves was now just in front of me. I looked up to put a face to a voice. This man wasn't masked, I managed to get a good look at his face.
"Sergeant." The tense tone in my rescuer's voice was gone now as he greeted the other. I listened in as he updated his teammate on the situation.
"Experiments?" His Scottish accent was thick with confusion. His attention turned to me as he knelt down to my place on the ground. He seemed to be observing me, a slight crease between his eyebrows as he did.
Not a trace of fear entered his eyes even once as he looked at me. "Call me Soap, lass."
I blinked at his friendliness, a stark contrast to the other man's battle hardened tone.
"That over there, That's Ghost. He's the one who got you out of there." Soap's hand went to his hip as he unlatched something from his vest and held it out to me. "You'll probably be wanting this."
It took a minute for me to realize what was in his hands but once it clicked, I snatched the canteen quickly and fumbled it open. I heard him chuckle as I drank greedily, the room temperature water doing wonders for my dry throat.
"Slow your roll and don't drown yourself." He lightly lectured as I pulled away in a coughing fit once my greed bit me in the ass by sending water down the wrong pipe.
I watched him turn to Ghost, a quizzical look in his eyes. "She doesn't appear dangerous."
"Appearances can decieve." Was Ghost's response. "Show him your teeth."
I cringed at having to go through this again before I bared my fangs hesitantly. "She was heavily altered. I'm assuming they were creating human weapons."
"That all?" Soap scoffed, seemingly not intimidated. Ghost shook his head.
"They called her Banshee. Her vocal cords are altered as well. I watched her practically burst the eardrums of five enemy soldiers. Hell, nearly had my own eardrums bleeding."
Soap nodded and took the canteen back as I handed it to him. "She's so scrawny. How long have you been there?" He asked me.
Ghost placed a hand on his shoulder. "Her voice is fried. Gonna have to get back to the compound and have a more thorough look at her file. Where are the others?"
Soap stood to his full height. "Gaz and Price are clearing out another facility nearby. They should be here soon."
A new voice called out, turning the heads of all three of us.
"Soon? Try now."
The two strangers, we'll at least strangers to me, walked up. The older man looked at me with an expression I couldn't quite identify before speaking.
"Ghost.... fill us in."
Typos? In my fanfic? Liar. (Pls point them out to me as we don't do roughdrafts in this household. We die like Roach here 🫡)
A/N: thank you all for the love this got from just the Prologue alone <3 sorry if anything feels off. I'm a secondhand fan and never touched the games lol.
Taglist: @warenai @linoskitten11 @jamesrifftapes
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another-goblin · 3 months
I've seen a lot of interesting opinions about Dr. Ratio. Some of them I disagree with. So I decided to compile a little list of why I disagree with them. The first part will be about things that seem factually incorrect, and the second part is about things that are rather a matter of interpretation and context.
As always, I might be wrong, so feel free to correct me.
1. Things that seem factually incorrect. 
"Ratio is an egoist and does everything for attention and recognition" - I don't remember him ever saying or doing anything that would indicate that. He saved these researchers secretly and made our TB take all the credit. He later even calls himself a "supporting character". He gets angry if we ask him for an autograph.
"He doesn't care about people" - yes, if you skipped his passionate speech to Screwllum about how much he cares about people. But also, everything he does in the game is helping people (saving these researchers on Herta station, offering us his help later in the express dialogues and messages - offering us to enroll in university, participate in devates, turn the express into a weapon, later helping Aventurine with his plan, helping him to find information, and so on).
"He hasn't achieved anything in science" - the list of his scientific achievements is easily available, I wouldn't say it's nothing. But I'll also leave this here:
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Even his dedicated hater disagrees with this.
"Ratio's note did nothing to convince Aventurine to stay alive, it was all Acheron" - from how I see it, he was fully determined to end his life up until he read that note. Otherwise, why would they introduce the note at all? Why did Acheron feel the need to remind him of it?
"He never wanted to draw the gaze of Nous" and "He still wants it" - we can deduce that it isn't true from different parts of the game (he actually wanted it in the past but doesn't anymore), but that is a direct confirmation:
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(I trust Screwllum's opinion.)
"Everybody hates him in-universe" - this is interesting because I even heard this from his fans. And it might sort of feel intuitive, but I don't remember any evidence of that. He literally has an in-universe fan club. People who knew him closely talk about him warmly in his character stories. The only person I remember ever expressing any negativity towards him was some shcolar in the Simulatred Universe, but I don't think it counts. I'll talk more about his students in particular later, but short version: I don't think they hate him either.
"I hate it when he tells me 'Zero points, get out' and throws chalk at me, that's mean" - that's so weirdly specific, but I've seen it a dozen times already. And, like, why??? He tells it to his enemies, not to us. I mean, nobody's angry at Serval for electrocuting her fans with her guitar just because that's what she does in her fighting animation.
Speaking of combat voice lines, if we wait too long, most characters get irritated and try to hurry us up. Meanwhile Ratio:
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'That's okay, take your time, it's a turn-based game after all.'
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"He's physically abusive to his students, he throws chalk at them" - similar to the previous point. I don't remember any mention of him doing that. The only case of him using physical force against a (potential) student was when, as a TA, he threw away a rich asshole who tried to buy a degree. And yes, in the boring real world, I wouldn't approve of that, but in the world of the game - well done, good ridance!
"He doesn't tolerate people disagreeing with him, he thinks he's always right"
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"He's responsible for the crisis at Herta Station" - how though? I saw this opinion several times, and I'm really curious what people mean by that. Did he himself endanger these researchers by teleporting them who knows where, then faked the video from Duke Inferno, and so on? But why stop here while we're at it , maybe he also impersonated Ruan Mei, left the bug on the station, abandoned the poor cat-creatrures and drugged us with a cake?…
"He's worse than Dottore from Genshin" - technically it's a matter of opinion, but I think nobody will mind if I put it in the 'just wrong' category. But yeah, that's an opinion I've heard. I've got no idea what they meant, but it made me think, how many people did he help and save, both in the game and in his past? Probably more than most of the characters we've met so far. And he doesn't seem to discriminate, it's not 'I'll save my people'. He cured that disease for everybody's benefit, he saved Herta's researchers, he helped TB unravel the events on the station and then proceeded to pester them offering his help, he cosideres some troubled IPC executive 'his responsibility' and so on.
"He actually betrayed Aventurine" - no comments. Come on, play the game, read the dialogues.
1.5. A little intermission.
The thing that's hard to deny is that he definitely doesn't mince his words. Whether you see it as him being a rude asshole, being justifiably angry, brutally honest, sarcastic, or snarky, or showing tough love, or just being incapable of expressing himself in an adequate and socially acceptable way, it's up to you. I can understand how some people might be uncomfortable with that. I personally find it an interesting character trait. (I mean, he isn't even capable of expressing positive feelings in a normal way, what did you expect of him?):
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There is also a very interesting (but rather confusing) thing that can be missed if you are unwilling to see further than the initial shallow impression, but it is impossible to unsee once you've noticed it. He sees himself as a teacher in two very different ways. It can be missed at first because both ways are described in very similar words. These ways are: 
a teacher in a traditional sense (let's call it 'academic teacher'); 
and as something akin to a 'life coach', just helping people and making them realize that they shloud (and can) rely on themselves.
The thing is, we never see him in his 'academic teacher' role. As far as we know, he only acts this way with his university students. We never see him teaching anybody any scientific stuff, or berating people for their lack of knowledge and education. Yet he says that he considers everybody his students. But what does he mean if it's not about knowledge? He means it in the second 'life coach' meaning. Therefore, he sees literally everybody as worthy of his help and support.
BTW, I feel like his main problem as a character is that people tend to settle on the first impression they get of him and are unwilling to see further than that. Meanwhile, the game continues to explore his personality, revealing that most things about him are actually the opposite of what they might seem at first. That's why so many people think that he calls everybody idiots for being less smart than him, that he's egoistic and unfeeling, that he values knowledge above all, and so on. So if you actually have interest in him as a character, I'd encourage you to look at him more closely.
2. Now to the things that are more open to interpretation.
"He uses mean words" -to be honest, I'm not a big fan of writers making him use these words (idiots, fools, stupidity, and so on) because, first, they are usually used as just empty insults. (I'm curious whether he uses similar words in Chinese or something more nuanced). So I can understand how it can put some people off. And the second problem is that it feels like he means different things every time he uses these words. It's quite confusing. Here is a post where people helped me find different cases of him using these words; you can check it out yourself.
Let's look closer at some of these cases: 
-'While geniuses wander among the stars, the ordinary can't even trace their footsteps. Those less gifted have no choice but to walk alone, enduring a lifetime of tumbles and triumphs. But even a life marked by failure is a life worth living — it is only in moments of solitude and despair, when help is absent, that fools grasp how to pick themselves up' He seems to contrast geniuses with fools here, so fools are everybody who's not a genius. So if you are inclined to see him this way, if you squint, you can technically see it as him insulting people based on their intellectual abilities, right?… Except, he includes himself among these fools, so no:
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So it's basically 'all who are not geniuses are fools, including me'. Which is an interesting way to put it, but it definitely doesn't mean ''you are all fools for not being as smart as me''.
But he mostly uses these words when he talks about his fellow scholars:
-'First, with the headpiece on, isolated from my five senses, I can think without interference. And second, I don't have to set eyes on stupid people' - we only see him wearing the plaster head on Herta's Station, a place full of the most brilliant minds in the universe. We never see him using it again with normal people, so the word 'stupid' here can't be about people's intelligence.
There is also an interesting little detail:
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He admires her intelligence (although in a sarcastic manner) in his 'about Herta' voiceline. He doesn't wear his 'anti-stupid' mask when he's with TB or Aventurine, but he always wears it with Herta. Which is very telling, and indicates again what he means by 'stupid'.
Some other examples:
-'(…)the fools from the Guild with ambitions beyond stars should be banished from my sight and thereby mind' -'Don't invert priorities like these dolts from the guild' -'I cannot stand fools, idiots, or imbeciles. Seeing them fills me with dread. Regrettably, this space station is just like the Intelligentsia Guild — devoid of geniuses and filled with mediocrity' -'Ah, the Technology Department. Charming little place, isn't it? Madam Yabuli does possess some semblance of competence, but her subordinates? Oh, they're a riot — brimming with enthusiasm yet utterly devoid of intellect. It's as if evolution halted prematurely for them'
He is absolutely RUTHLESS when he talks about scientists, because he expects a lot from them.
So no, I don't think he'd call you an idiot for not being an A student, or having learning difficulties, or just lacking an interest in learning. He absolutely would though if you were a brilliant scientist, priveledged with great education, resources, and a personal lab, squandering your talents and funds on a useless vanity project, or hoarding potentially life-saving knowledge for yourself, to use as a commodity.
"But he does call people idiots!" - I've noticed that most of the time he uses these 'insults' he talks about some groups of people.
I could only think of 3 times when he called an individual an idiot. He calls Aventurine an idiot because he 'lost' the stones (but it doesn't count because he plays a role and pretends that he hates Aven). A scholar in an event in SU complains of Ratio calling him an idiot (I'm not sure it actually happened, it's just a story in SU).
But there is one case of him calling somebody an idiot and actually meaning it. And who is this poor victim of his terrible verbal abuse? It's himself. Whoops. (speaking of how he's supposedly full of himself and thinks that he's better than the others.)
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"He would call me an idiot because of my supposed lack of knowledge/education/intelligence" - I showed in the previous point why I think he wouldn't (he never seems to use these words to mean that).
But also consider this. During his interactions with Aventurine on Penacony Ratio mostly plays a role for Sunday, pretending that he despises Aventurine. That's why we can't draw any conclusions about his personality from most of their dialogues. But the moments when he breaks the role are extremely telling.
Let's look at one of them from the beginning. They argue; Ratio calls Aventurine an idiot for 'ruining their plan'. And then Aventurine mentions that he didn't go to school and lacks formal education. If there ever was a good time to call someone an idiot for being uneducated, that's it! That's what Sunday expects to hear (because his plan hinges on Ratio valuing knowledge above all else).
And what does he do? He fucking apologizes! Even for the role and for the sake of their plan, he can't bring himself to insult someone for being uneducated.
"He's mean to TB" - it's a matter of interpretation, but his behavior with us didn't strike me as mean or demeaning. He was just being sarcastic and snarky as always (and I understand that it's not everybody's cup of tea).
The situation was time-sensitive and precarious. We don't know how much control he had over it. He tried to make us realize what's going on as fast as possible, pretending that he himself is clueless. Because his goal was to show the recearchers that despite the presence of 2-3 geniuses on board, none of them were able to save them. If he just publicly saved everybody, it would be just another genius appearing out of nowhere and saving the day, which would go against his goals and his philosophy.
And later, our TB seems to regard him with a mix of respect and amusement (calling him Professor, asking for an autograph), no resentment here. So TB didn't think he was mean either.
"He values knowledge above all, he's obsessed with teaching people stuff, and he doesn't understand/accept that other people might have other priorities" - I'd argue that literally the opposite is true. He doesn't impose his knowledge on anybody against their will, and we never see him berate anybody for their lack of knowledge or education.
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Sunday isn't the first person to misunderstand him that badly, and he's not having it. Even though at this point in the story, his and Aventurine's plan hinges on Sunday's misunderstanding. But I think his position is very clear: pursuit of knowledge above all is a matter of petty pride.
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He says it when we ask him why he doesn't nag us about getting our act together, before a party. So basically "if learning makes you feel bad (doesn't enhance your living) then you are doing it wrong, go and have fun".
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This probably isn't considered canon, but it illustrates how he sees knowledge. Here is an analogy. If I had an apple orchard, and I thought my apples were awesome and they'd make a great gift, and you should feel free to ask me if you want some. It doesn't mean that I shove my apples into people's mouths against their will and then call them idiots and spit on them when they don't like it.
"He's a bad person because he didn't help us fight the big bug" - he knew who we are. It's not in his habit to directly involve himself where he's not needed, it would go against his philosophy ('you should count on yourself; you can do it'). It's not like he left us to die; he must have known how capable our TB is. BTW, he was still looking after us, seemingly ready to come to our help:
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Besides, currently nothing indicates that (outside of the turn-based gameplay) he's anything more than a normal human being. He would be a hindrance in a fight. 
"He's a bad teacher" - (first, here is an interesting post about this from the point of view of an actual teacher)
So yeah, it's about the 3% passing rate. Yes, it can mean that only 3% of his students end up learning something. It's possible that he's such a bumbling idiot of a teacher that he doesn't even understand how bad he is. It's possible that he's somehow still allowed to teach despite being THAT bad.
But I think it's much more possible (and consistent with his philosophy) that he just has very high standards. A 3% rate doesn't mean that only 3% know anything. Students might benefit enormously from his classes, even without passing. They still have all their valuable skills and knowledge.
But also, let's not forget that he doesn't teach children. He teaches at the university. And I don't think it's some 101 basics; it's likely something related to his research and discoveries, some extremely advanced cutting-edge stuff. So his students are already extremely well educated adults, who want to achieve more. He would probably see lowering his standards as a betrayal of his students.
"His students hate him" - I didn't get that impression. On the contrary, they seem quite interested in him (some times in really creepy ways):
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The only indication that they might have something against him is this:
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It's either a literal roll-call of actual adults who shed literal tears during his classes, or it's just students being their normal cheeky selves, being overdramatic about a strict teacher. 
An example that came to mind: I can whine about how ruthless my gym trainer is and how I couldn't walk for a week after the last leg day. And his other clients would agree. But everybody understands that it's an expression of approval, not contempt. And maybe a bit of a humble brag.
Besides, if we decide to take that post at face value, then we'll have to take this literally too, meaning that his students consider him an actual God. And I don't think it's true:
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There are still a lot of hot takes I disagree with that I haven't mentioned, but I'm too tired. This took WAY too long. Other cases are mostly quote-mining and deliberatly taking what he says out of context, which isn't very interesting to argue against (just read the full dialogue and consider the context). And also different variations on 'he's an asshole, he hates people, he thinks he's better than others, he'd call you an idiot for this or that, he's elitist, he only values knowledge and intelligence' and so on, but I think I addressed it sufficiently.
So yeah, that was my little character research. This wasn't written for his haters (I dislike some characters myself, and I wouldn't probably read 3K words about how I should change my mind). It was rather for the people who kind of like him, but who feel sad thinking how he'd probably call them idiots or something. I hope I was able to help you see him in a different way. He wouldn't call you an idiot, he'd support you.
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nyctophicbtch · 2 years
metkayina reader firstborn daughter of ronal and tonowari and most authority out of their children maybe shes the clan heir or future tsahik plsss!! love interest either non canon character/oc mate or neteyam
Neteyam with Tonowari’s firstborn daughter
When you first met the Omatikaya guests, you were obligated to treat them kindly
You weren’t as cheerful as your sister, Tsireya, was thanks to the responsibilities you had, but you were still sweet and cheerful on the inside
Your personality caught Neteyam’s eye, but it wasn’t too obvious at first
Scolding Ao’nung for being mean is your daily routine ever since the Sullys arrived
Nobody really noticed, but Neteyam observes you a lot
He saw the inner you whenever you interacted alone with his younger sister, Tuk
You’d laugh so much and allow yourself to be childish
But once you’re with the group, you’d put on the facade again
In some way, Neteyam could relate as the eldest child and future to the clan
One day Neteyam overheard your father scolding you over a mistake and reminding you that you were the clan’s future
You looked so pressured you were about to cry
You flinched at some point when your father yelled at you
Ao’nung was just sitting in the corner feeling terrible for you
After your father left, you didn’t let your brother see you break
Instead you just ruffled his hair, saying it’s okay
Then you went out and bumped into Neteyam and your face went pale
“How much did you hear?”
“Not much.”
You started talking to him more often after that
It wasn’t as if there were obvious feelings between the two of you
But your siblings and his would tease you whenever they see the two of you sitting alone
Neteyam would talk to you more often than he would with your siblings
Def gonna be teasing Lo’ak and Tsireya together
And then you started noticing the little things about him
Until you finally realized you had feelings for the eldest Sully
They terrified you
Because Neteyam was just confusingly unpredictable
On one side, he treated you differently in a good way
The little gestures he’d only do with you were sweet and kind
But on the other hand, you were someone he could relate too, so he probably just saw you as a close friend
Your thoughts were constantly fighting amongst themselves
Even your siblings noticed
Tsireya tried calming you down once when you were stressed out about your own feelings
Kiri somehow found out
Then she told Lo’ak
And they both tried getting some confirmation out of Neteyam and tried convincing him to make a move
But he won’t budge
At some point Ao’nung would teach the Sully kids something misleadingly
And then you’d smack the back of his head
“That’s not how you do it.”
Neteyam laughs and everyone would pass knowing looks
Except Tuk who was oblivious and was in her own little world
After some time, Neteyam starts noticing too
The stolen glances you’d send his way when he wasn’t looking
How nervous you looked when he was standing way too close to you
He found it adorable
Meanwhile, you were still trying to figure him out
The Skxawng knows and he’s not doing anything about it
Yes, he feels the same way
Although Neteyam would usually stay calm
His heart would race when you maintain close up eye contact with him
Or when you’d lay a hand below his chest to help his breathing
Tsireya notices and she tells Lo’ak who confronts Neteyam
“Bro, she totally likes you and she’s frustrated trying to figure out if you feel the same way.”
“I know.”
“Why aren’t you doing anything about it?”
Neteyam sighs
He doesn’t think it’s a good idea and that both your parents won’t take the news so well if he were to act on his feelings
Lo’ak and Kiri thinks he’s an idiot for that
So they come up with a plan, including Tsireya too ofc
Let’s just say Neteyam wasn’t happy about being set up by them
And he couldn’t think of any excuses when you were already there expecting to hear something from him
So he just spits it out
And then takes you by surprise by kissing you
Lo’ak, Kiri and Tsireya were definitely watching, and somehow Ao’nung and Rotxo joined in too
They were busy shushing each other and trying to keep quiet
Luckily for them, you were too focused on each other to notice the furious whispers coming from behind
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kalinysu · 1 year
Hi there! Can I request Muzan x fem! slayer! Reader? :)
Slayer! reader going into an abandon house right after some villagers told her that things happen at night inside the abandon house and when she turns up, she meets Muzan again after encountering him alongside with Tanjiro from the night market. Muzan confessing his love and begging and telling the reader to stay beside him and become his and become a demon. (slight Yandere! Muzan maybe??)
Thanks!!! :)))
𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄. — Muzan x F!Slayer
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𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Yandere behavior, murder, blood, kidnapping.
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: Still taking requests! I’ve always got too much free time, and i’m also working on a surprised fluff story on the side.
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You were a strong hashira. Not the strongest, but definitely no where near the weakest. You were also the only hashira to ever meet face to face with Muzan Kibutsuji. Having ran into him in Asakusa after meeting a new demon slayer, Tanjiro Kamado. You didn’t fight him, as there were far too many people in the area, and it’d be risking thousands of lives. So the two of you had no choice but to let him go on. Today, you were out on a mission you had received from Ubuyashiki.
There were some strange things going on in an abandoned house on the far part of a village, along with people frequently going missing. You arrived late at night, which was perfect. There was nobody outside, and if it was a low rank demon, you could kill it easily without anyone seeing or being disturbed. Though, when you walked into the abandoned house, you were greeted with the unpleasant smell of blood. And the first thing you saw was a tall figure right in front of you, his crimson red eyes glaring down at you.
Your hand was quick to unsheathe your sword, before it was flung far away. Now you recognized him, and he had already recognized you. “We meet again, darling.” His voice was deep, and filled with malice. Your eyes were wide, and you were frozen in place for a moment, moving quickly to run and grab your sword before you felt his cold hands grabbing you. “Come on, you know, i’ve missed you. I knew I recognized that beautiful face of yours.” He said, his arm around your waist, holding you tightly against him, his other hand gripping your chin and forcing you to look up at him.
“Let go of me.” You said sharply, your body tensed up as you tried to move away from him. Your hand pressed against his chest as you groaned. “What kind of man would I be if I did that? You are much too beautiful for me to let go of, your rare.” He said with a dark chuckle. “Ive loved you since the first moment I laid eyes on you, despite you being a slayer and all. But that’s an easy fix.” He said, gripping your chin tighter, causing you to try harder to get away from him. “Get off of me! I don’t give a damn if you love me or not, I hate you and I always will!! I have a boyfriend already anyways, you could never compare to him.” You shouted at him.
“Do you now?” He said with a chuckled, allowing your line of sight to trail behind him. The body of your boyfriend was on the ground, his limbs torn apart and blood practically everywhere. Your eyes widened, feeling a terrible sense of dread. Your breathing sped up, your heart pounding. “You—monster!!“ You screamed at him, tears forming in your eyes as your attempts grew more aggressive. “Your far too noisy.” He said, before suddenly your vision went black.
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As your vision fades to black, you find yourself overwhelmed by a sense of helplessness and despair. When you regain consciousness, you realize you're in a dimly lit room, restrained by chains that bind your wrists and ankles. Muzan Kibutsuji stands before you, a sadistic smile on his face, relishing in your suffering."You thought you could escape me, my darling," he taunts, his voice dripping with venom. "But you're mine now, forever."
Fear courses through your veins, but you muster your strength and defiance despite the dire situation. "I'll never be yours, Muzan! I'll fight you until my last breath!" His smile widens, amused by your futile resistance. "Oh, how I adore your spirit. But don't worry, my dear, I have plans for you. You'll come to love me, just as I love you." Your mind races, desperately searching for a way to escape or find a weakness in Muzan's hold. You remember the stories of his immortality and his insurmountable strength, but you also recall the determination of your fellow demon slayers and the bond you shared with them.
Summoning every ounce of courage, you lock eyes with Muzan, determination burning within you. "You may have me trapped for now, but my comrades will find me. They will defeat you and put an end to your reign of terror." Muzan chuckles darkly, amused by your defiance. "Ah, yes, your fellow demon slayers. How quaint. But they won't find you in time. And even if they do, they'll fall before me, just like the countless others who've dared to oppose me." With renewed determination, you refuse to let despair consume you. You know the strength and tenacity of the demon slayers, their unwavering resolve to protect humanity. You also hold onto the memory of your fallen boyfriend, using his sacrifice as a source of strength.
"I won't let you win," you say, your voice filled with conviction. "Even if it costs me my life, I will never succumb to your bullshit. I will fight until my last breath, and my comrades will carry on the fight in my honor." Muzan's grin falters for a moment, a flicker of annoyance crossing his face. But he quickly composes himself, his crimson eyes gleaming with malicious intent. "We shall see, my darling. We shall see how long your defiance lasts." Muzan said, kneeling down to your side. “How does becoming a demon sound? Perfect huh?” He said, leaning close to your face. “Come on, you’ll get to be by my side forever, I won’t let anyone harm you, ever. And you wont have to worry about demons hurting you anymore. It’s such a wonderful idea, really. Your so perfect already, but it’d be better if you were immortal.”
You tugged against the chains, managing to break of of the only for you to be pinned to the floor immediately. “S-stop it!! Let me go!!” You screamed. Though your cries for help were ignored.
“Yeah, let’s get see just how much of my blood one of you hashira can handle.”
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xanasaurusrex · 9 months
clarisse freaking out when you're sick clarisse la rue x sick!reader a/n: i'm gonna do a part 2 where she's taking care of reader (:
clarisse was freaking out.
a mere five minutes ago, someone from y/n's cabin had approached her, with a nervous look on their face.
clarisse had immediately demanded to know what was wrong, and was disturbed by the feeling in her gut that it had something to do with you.
"uh... it's y/n," the boy muttered. "she's... very sick, and showed up to sword practice. we're trying to get her to go back to the cabin, but she's not listening to any of us, so... we thought maybe you could help?"
that was all clarisse needed to hear to rush towards the sword practice area.
and of course, there she was, swaying on her feet, with a sword in hand.
it looked like she was arguing with another one of her siblings, who was desperately trying to get the sword out of her hand.
clarisse sped up as she crested the hill where sword practice was being held.
y/n flipped around angrily at the sound of footsteps, but the anger dissipated when she saw who it was. a wide smile broke out on her face, causing clarisse to smile despite the fact that she was a little bit upset at the moment.
y/n started walking towards clarisse, but she was unsteady, and tripped over a lumpy patch of grass. in seconds, she was careening towards clarisse, who caught her, thank gods.
"hey baby?" clarisse began gently, her arms wrapping around y/n's waist and pulling their bodies closer together. "are you okay?"
y/n gave clarisse a wide smile as she draped her arms around clarisse's shoulders. "i'm doing great!" her smile turned into a scowl quickly. "except nobody will let me do sword practice!" she rolled her eyes dramatically.
clarisse glanced over her shoulder to the collection of people in the sword fighting area looking at her hopelessly.
y/n laid her head on clarisse's shoulder as she slumped against her body slightly, and clarisse subconsciously leaned her head against hers, beginning to soothingly rub her hand up and down y/n's back. she wasn't sure what to do, not wanting y/n here in the sword fighting area, and just wanting to lay her down in a bed in her cabin.
y/n let out a loud yawn that she tried to muffle against clarisse's shoulder. a few seconds later, y/n started coughing violently, a hacking cough that rattled her whole body.
seeing y/n like that freaked clarisse out even more, and her urgency to get her girlfriend back to her cabin and tucked under some comfy blankets and asleep increased tenfold.
suddenly clarisse had an idea, something that y/n often used on her when she refused to go to bed.
clarisse gently pulled y/n away from where her head had been resting on her shoulder. she smiled softly at the way y/n reluctantly pulled herself away from the comfort of clarisse's shoulder with a small frown.
"hey baby?" clarisse began, catching y/n's attention. "i'm getting kinda tired. do you wanna come lay down with me?"
all the concerned faces surrounding the two immediately relaxed as they realized what clarisse was trying to get y/n to do. one of y/n's siblings began inching herself forward, hands reaching towards the sword still dangling from y/n's fingers.
"you are?" y/n asked, concern immediately taking over her features. "are you okay? you never get tired during the day?"
clarisse had to close her eyes to keep from laughing at the way y/n immediately became concerned about her when she was currently unable to stand.
"i'm fine, baby," clarisse said, making sure she was speaking in soothing tones, unaware of the fact that everybody around them was shocked at hearing clarisse sound so loving and gentle. "i just need a little power nap. do you wanna come lay down with me?" she repeated the question from earlier, with a bit more urgency this time, hoping that y/n would just come with her.
y/n seemed to think for a minute. "i mean... i guess, but... what about sword practice?" her words were practically slurring at this point.
"don't worry about sword practice," your sibling said from behind you. "we've got this all covered, right guys?" everyone immediately started nodding.
it was clear nobody was eager to have a loopy y/n running around swinging a sword, which was fair. clarisse certainly didn't want that either, the fear of y/n possibly hurting others or, gods forbid, herself was too great.
after the all-clear from everyone was given, clarisse turned back to her girlfriend. "see? everyone's gonna be okay for one day without you. it'll be hard, but they'll manage. can you come lay down with me please?"
clarisse engaged the puppy dog eyes she only ever used when trying to get y/n to do something, making sure to lay it on thick as she really just wanted y/n to lay down.
y/n looked at clarisse for a few seconds, clearly falling under the spell of the puppy dog eyes, and then threw her head back dramatically before saying, "alright, let's go you big baby,"
clarisse couldn't hold back the chuckle this time.
"alright, thank you baby," she said, letting go of y/n's waist in favor of holding her hand, hopefully to lead her back to her cabin as quickly as possible.
they ran into a problem rather quickly when y/n began stumbling, and would've hit the ground if it wasn't for clarisse's quick reflexes.
"baby, why are you falling? are you okay?" there was an urgency in clarisse's voice. they were a little bit away from the group of other demigods at this point, but everyone could hear the fear in clarisse's voice.
y/n yawned as she leaned against clarisse. "yeah... i just..." she yawned again. "i took some medicine before i left the cabin, and i thought it was dayquil but it was actually nyquil,"
clarisse closed her eyes for a second to process this information.
"so. you're telling me..." clarisse let out a small chuckle. "you took nyquil, a medicine that makes you fall asleep, and then you went to sword practice?"
y/n scoffed. "you make that sound like it's a bad thing. it's called dedication, actually,"
clarisse closed her eyes again so she could roll them. "okay baby, yeah," she said soothingly. "you're very dedicated, but i still need to lay down, remember? can i carry you?"
y/n rolled her eyes, or at least... it looked that way. clarisse figured it also could be her eyes rolling back into her head, it was becoming increasingly clear just how tired her girlfriend was, seeing as everytime she closed her eyes they stayed closed for a few extra seconds.
clarisse would be worried she was dying if she hadn't just been told that she had taken nyquil before going to sword practice.
y/n nodded eventually, and clarisse didn't hesitate to throw y/n's arm around her shoulder before tucking her arm under her knees and hoisting her up into her hold.
clarisse paused to give y/n a kiss on her hair before taking off for her cabin.
"we're gonna take a nice nap together, and then hopefully when we wake up we'll both feel better," she whispered into her ear.
"yeah," y/n yawned. "that sounds nice,"
everyone back at the sword fighting area looked on the situation with a feeling of curiosity and also confusion, because none of them had ever seen clarisse act this way before. clarisse was known for being brash and mean; they weren't accustomed to this softer side of clarisse, and it was a bit jarring.
it was definitely interesting to see, though.
taglist: @asvterias @lvrue
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churipu · 9 months
Hey! May I request headcanons with Choso in which his s/o is like him, half human half cursed. Like their dynamic, if he’s protective, etc.
I also saw no req rules so I apologize in advance if this made you uncomfortable in anyway.
Thank you and have a great day/night🫶
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featuring. choso kamo x reader
warnings. choso and yuuji having sibling dynamics
note. hi anon, so sorry for how late i posted this. and don't worry about the request omg i find myself thinking about this a lot <33 bcs yeah, what if choso has a partner who is half cursed like he is? i hope you like this one! <33
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CHOSO is delighted to have a half-human, half-cursed partner like him.
i feel like he's going to be extra protective of you, like he is with yuuji (maybe a tad bit more). since he won't be able to sense if you're in danger or if you're near death like how he could sense his brother's, i feel like he's going to give you extra attention.
"cho, what are you doing?" you found yourself asking him in confusion as he was baby-proofing the whole house.
everything sharp: table edges, counter edges, kitchen island edges, you name them all. choso puts a rubber on the corner so you wouldn't get hurt when he's not there to look after you.
"keeping you safe." he mutters out in concentration, earlier in the day he had asked yuuji for help with these baby-proofing materials — and of course, yuuji thought that both you and choso were having a baby.
in reality, you were the baby.
"but i am safe?"
"not when i'm not around."
i feel like you and choso would have the "dumb" x "dumber" dynamic. since you're both half-human and half-curse (heavy on working as a curse because i could see you both working with mahito and so as a result, you both lose experience on living like a normal human being), yuuji has to keep you both up on what to do sometimes.
"what were you both thinking? she could've called the authorities on us!" yuuji yells out, a little breathless as he had dragged both you and choso out of the park.
"she was being mean to you," you shrugged, looking away.
"it was my fault!" yuuji scratches his head exasperatedly, "i bumped into her and spilled her coffee."
"still, she was mean to you, brother." choso mumbles.
"we were protecting you, yuuji."
yuuji called nobara and megumi for help to look after you both after that.
choso gets angry at anything who tries to harm you. by anything, i mean even dead objects. you accidentally cut yourself with a knife? the next day the knife is no longer there. you accidentally bumped into the door? choso would pick a fight with the door. or if you were walking down the streets with him and a speck of dust makes you sneeze? i swear he fights the air when you're not looking.
"cho, look. i pricked myself," you proudly presented your index finger which was messily wrapped with a bright yellow colored bandage with rabbit motives all around it.
choso's eyes widened slightly, "who did it?"
you blinked at him, "nobody. i accidentally pricked myself with a knife earlier."
choso squints his eyes at you, "which knife was it?"
oh god, please — if he starts asking you those kind of question, tell him a lie that you threw the knife away so he won't have to do it. quick tip: don't tell him it's nothing or you're fine, because i swear choso will throw the whole knife set away behind your back just minutes after.
i could see choso being a touchy bf. so he tries to be as close to you as possible and at all times, holding hands, giving you kisses, your pinkies intertwined, anything, just let him touch you.
"are there any reasons to why you're hogging my lap?" you groan out slightly, a little burdened at the fact choso's whole body is draped across your thighs. face planted down, he's just laying there motionless.
"missed you. so much." he mutters out, his voice coming out muffled as he is laying face down, "miss your pretty face, miss your touch, miss you."
you rolled your eyes, "i was gone for fifteen minutes."
"still. i missed you."
i could also see him as an attention hogger. he wants your attention, and if you give something or someone much more attention than he's giving him, he'll do anything to try to earn your attention back. also, pretty happy when he success (which he does most of the time).
"what's wrong with you?" you ask choso, who has been sitting down, knees pulled to his chest and his face solemn.
"y'don't love me anymore?" he asks back, and you furrowed your brows in confusion to why he came up with that conclusion. no wind, thunder, rain, anything — he just asks about it out of the blue.
"why would you say that?"
"y'don't give me attention anymore." choso concludes, eyeing you and then eyeing the TV that has been on for the past two hours, hogging all your attention, "give me attention too."
he always asks you to style his hair. if you style them with cute pom-pom hairpins, he won't take them off until the end of the day (even if yuuji made fun of him for it). or if you styled his hair unevenly, he'd still leave it at that — he just wants you to style his hair. pronto.
"you kept the rabbit hairpins i used?"
choso nodded his head, "you put them on. i don't want to take them off," you can't help but to smile at him.
"did anyone make fun of you?"
"yuuji was laughing, but i assumed he finds me cute for wearing those hairpins." you chuckled a little in awe as his eyes were shining brightly talking about how yuuji finds him cute.
just, don't say anything about how yuuji was probably poking fun at him for wearing those pins.
gets you hand picked flowers. he reads somewhere once that flowers could make a partner happy — and now he brings you hand picked flowers everyday (he visits the park, finds the prettiest flowers for you and then picked a few before going home).
"flowers." he handed them to you before kicking his shoes off into a random direction.
"oh, thank you. why did you get them?" you ask him.
"because they look pretty, 'n i remembered you."
every single day, it's a different kind of flower. and if he can't find them at the park — don't even be surprised if he actually confessed about picking them from a random person's yard because they're pretty (anything for his partner).
choso loves listening to you talk and your voice in general. he'd rather listen to you talk all day than having to go out on missions, just the thought of hearing your voice makes his stomach flips. when he has to leave for a long time (a couple of hours), whether it being with yuuji or other people — he'd force them to call you so he could listen to your voice.
"hi pretty, i missed your voice."
"did you force yuuji to hand you his phone again?" choso hums, but he sounded like he didn't regret it one bit.
"y/n i swear if he doesn't get a phone, i'll buy it for him myself!" you could hear yuuji complain from the background, and then a few shuffles along with a yelp before choso has to say his goodbyes because of "circumstances" (which was just him giving yuuji a piece of his mind).
"'m gonna be back soon, miss you. i love you. bye." choso hung up, not letting you return his words back.
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heaartzzforcupidzz · 3 months
Heyyy I was wondering if I could request something?? You don't have to do it but I wondering if you could do a Catnap and Dogday x reader who acts very motherly to everyone? It can be smut or not, you can decide. But I'd really appreciate it if you did my request. Thanksss :3
“Kitty Catty.”
Relationship(s): catnap x bunny!mother!reader x Dogday
Warning(s): fluff, suggestive
You were basically everyone’s mother. They all adored you when you were created. You were created for the purpose of acting like a caring mother to the poor orphans. You did your job so well that even the other critters considered you their mom except Catnap and Dogday. They saw you as.. well, we will talk about that, later, hm?
There was a storm that night and instead of sleeping in your warm cozy bed, you had laid in the middle of the floor with a blanket because Kickin’ oddly enough was afraid of all the thunder and lightning. you didn’t complain though. you hummed a tune until you were sure, he was out like a light.
For another instance, if Bubba had become stressed that he couldn’t answer a problem, you would gently ease his mind with questions he could answer and then help him figure out the one he couldn’t by himself. Afterwards, you’d tell him how proud you were of him.
Lastly, it’s how when Bobby felt alone and that nobody really reciprocated how she loved. You’d try to match her love or even top it. She loved you the most for it. You never made her feel like a problem. You even looked at her like she was everything to you and she loved you dearly for it.
Dogday and Catnap loved that about you. You were sweet, caring, and made sure others were okay before you tried to even look after yourself. That last part was good and bad to them but nevertheless, it still made you so special in everyone’s hearts.
“Wake up, Kitty Catty,” one of the kids said as he poked the side of Catnaps fur. Catnap just opened his eyes and stared. Trying to determine if he’d use his gas or not. This was the second time this kids, Timothy, he believed has walked away from the group to mess with him.
Catnap stood tall. Timothy instantly became fearful, his heart thumping loudly. Soon enough, here you came and ushered Timothy out of Catnaps ‘hiding’ place. you then turned, a nervous smile on your plush lips. “Im sorry, Kitty-“ something he has grown a liking to ever since you called him that your first meet. “He’s just playful and can be a bit eccentric at times.”
Catnap only stared at you. He nodded before he walked away. Strange? he usually put up more of a fight with the others.. why was he so different towards you? you didn’t care too much though as you heard a child cry. your feet moved quicker than your mind and soon, you were holding the crying child up to your chest.
“Charlie? what’s wrong, my dear?” you said, sweetly as you softly rubbed circles on her stomach as she looked up at you. She sniffed and told you she had fell and the other kids began to laugh at her. you sighed, before you pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “Mm, did you tell them that wasn’t very nice?” You asked. Charlotte otherwise known as Charlie shook her head. “Well, maybe you should.. and if it doesn’t stop, tell them that mama is coming for them.” You said, before putting her down and watching her smile.
“Thanks, mama.” She said before she ran off with the other children. You hadn’t noticed Dogday standing behind you with Timothy. Timothy had been telling Dogday all about how Catnap had frightened him.
“That was amazing.” Dogday said, breaking the silence. you were abit frightened but turning around and seeing Dogday, you smiled. “Oh hello!” You greeted. That’s how you and Dogdays friendship began.
You had already knew Catnap and he sat with you sometimes and just watched the ‘stars’ with you. You weren’t expecting for both of them to confess to you a year or maybe even two later. But you weren’t complaining.
They both accepted the fact that you loved them both equally and that they’d have to learn to share. Which they did. It worked good for all three parties and you became an actual mother to your own litter soon enough.
They made you the happiest mother in the world.
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blckbrrybasket · 4 months
Good Luck, Babe.
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Robin Buckley x Fem!Lesbian!Reader
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 10k
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ:  no use of y/n, mentions of sex, underage drinking/smoking, fluff, angst, jealousy, allusions to a physical fight, reader is in denial, wingman Steve, childhood friends to strangers to lovers
ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: Robin and you have been best friends since you were kids. You offer to help her learn how to kiss…looking back on it now, there was no way you could have had a different ending.
Inspired by Good Luck, Babe by Chappell Roan
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Knowing Robin was a privilege. So many people mischaracterized her as a weird band kid, and she was, but she was also so much more than that. She was the girl who wished she was older to be free, who stared mindlessly at the ceiling when she was bored, and the girl who stubbornly slept through her growing pains to ignore them. Maybe it was just you who looked deeper and for that, you couldn’t understand why anyone wouldn’t want to know her profoundly. For some inexplicable reason, you wanted to know her inside and out. Maybe that was why you had offered to help her practice kissing.
“It’s for whatever guy you’re interested in!” Robin snorted in incredulousness, “I am not interested in a guy.” How true of a statement that was. You groaned and shook her shoulders. “Okay! Then whoever you eventually like will be thanking me one day after we teach each other how to kiss.” Robin paused with a surprised expression, eyebrows sliding up her forehead. Holy shit, you were serious. Not kind of serious, still second-guessing serious, but one hundred percent wanting it serious.
She scoffed and turned her nose up. “I think you mean your future bachelors will be thanking me.” Falling back on banter was her only move to pretend she wasn’t as nervous as she was. “Robin!” You snapped back only to watch her fall back against your carpet laughing. Shushing her, you laid back against the floor to look at her. Once her slightly nervous giggling died down she shyly nodded. “Yeah, okay. Do you use tongue though?” Robin wrinkled her nose at her own inquiry. She’d heard girls talk about it before but she couldn’t see the appeal. “It sounds like it would feel gross.”
“Like a wet..snake slithering-” “Ew! No!” You pushed Robin away, careful not to knock over your fort, as you sat up. She snickered and mirrored your position, knees pressed together as you sat in front of each other. “It’s…nice.” You imagined. You had only kissed one person with tongue. David had just barely grazed your tongue with his when he’d grown too eager and immediately jammed his tongue into your mouth. You had to resist grimacing at the memory, hand fiddling unsurely with the flap of the makeshift red tent you sat in. “It feels good,” you tried to reaffirm. Robin tilted her head in curiosity. “So how do we do it?”
An age-old question that apparently nobody had the answers for. “You just kind of do. Don’t worry about it, you’ll know when you’re doing it right.” Creeping closer to when you’d be kissing her you felt the need to sit up straighter and run a hand through your hair, shit did you brush your teeth recently? The thoughts were knocked out of your head once Robin leaned in closer, a hand bracketing your cheek like she had seen in the movies.
Most people would have been nasty or blatantly disliked her, but you never did. You always saw her for who she was. Robin was thankful she had such a good best friend, yet she was unsure as to why the word ‘friend’ hurt her to say. Feeling the high of her emotions for you she leaned in. It wasn’t enough to dismiss her second thoughts, although your lips brushing against hers automatically shut her brain up. Her eyelids fluttered shut as she pressed forward to slide your lips completely together. Unlike seeing the couples on screen or imagining kissing a boy this felt right. 
Robin remembers how her cheeks burned after you had kissed. If only you’d known how deeply her heart beat for you. It was a kiss or two, but it was enough to seal you in her heart. Unfortunately, the perfect bubble of that night would pop and become a memory after you two had grown apart.
Despite popular belief (Steve’s belief), the kiss wasn’t what caused you to become distant. You made no move to come out though. Hell, you didn’t even know yet. It was hard to decipher why you liked boys unless they gave you attention back. You never felt like that with Robin, but how could you? She was Robin Buckley. You were sure you would love her forever but that was what made it scary. That may have been a part of why you two weren’t as close anymore, but not a majority of the reason. She got new friends and so did you. Childhood best friends grow older and become different people, it happens all the time.
But Robin couldn’t let you go, so she held on for as long as she could. You tried your best to delay the inevitable, but you two were worlds revolving in different solar systems, so you watched each other's lives from afar. It was a weary dance, knowing you couldn’t stop the change. Robin felt the same, having seen you grow before her eyes. She loved how you used to go to parties to just hang out with her. She also remembered when that began to change, how you were invited to go play games, happily pulling Robin along. You hadn’t noticed the expressions on your new friends' faces. You didn’t realize that they didn't want Robin there, but she had. She always knew.
It was clear you were trying to not get drunk tonight. Neither you nor Robin tried to get inebriated when you attended sleepaway camp. Being older now meant most kids your age snuck out to play games and drink, but it never appealed to you. Nights like those were reserved for the sleepovers you had together. So it was another night where you stayed glued to Robin’s hip, sipping at a concoction that no doubt held more mixer than actual alcohol. What you didn’t expect was for Vicki to flounce over and beg you to join the circle for seven minutes in heaven. You never got invited to those sorts of games. One of your hands was pulled into Vicki’s, Robin’s eye twitching at the action. 
As always though you looked to Robin first. “Come on Robs, it could be fun!” Robin scrunched her nose up before sighing heavily and sliding her hand into your outstretched one. She wished she hadn’t agreed to do this. A part of her brain screamed to leave as soon as she took your hand, but the other part of her wanted to go along with it. The moment you sat side by side she could feel eyes on her that weren’t yours. She imagined you could feel it too with how you hesitantly released her hand.
Robin’s shoulders raised, trying to shrink into herself more as she leaned back. Who was she kidding being here? She burned holes into the carpet while she zoned out, only partially paying attention to the music playing. It was easy to pretend she didn’t care when she didn’t have to look at you. One by one people had their turns when the bottle was finally passed to you. Instantly Robin’s eyes rose to watch you through the pieces of hair that fell into her face. She could tell you were nervous. The small shake of your hand gave you away. Robin would bet a million dollars that nobody else noticed your patterns like she did. That fact didn’t stop the bottle from landing on your ex David.
From what she knew he had not been a good boyfriend to you or any girl he dated. He didn’t try. Sure, she knew it was seven minutes in heaven and not dating but it couldn’t stop her from wanting to remind you how badly he sucked. A vicious feeling churned in her gut as she saw him help you up. It continued to boil within her once David held open the closet door for you. The slow shutting of it felt like a countdown till she inevitably shot up from her seat.
There was nobody she had to make an excuse for why she was leaving, she simply grabbed her bag and left for your shared cabin. No one batted an eye. Of course, she wouldn’t know how you awkwardly sat in the closet, not wanting to kiss him. You knew if you kissed him it wouldn’t feel like what it did when you kissed Robin. It was one of the first times you could remember being so scared about your sexuality. 
That was also the first time Robin had been so jealous about who you hung out with. She wished she was a better person who didn’t care about what you did. It didn't affect her, so why did it? If she had dwelled on it further perhaps she’d remembered the hasty kisses you exchanged when wine drunk at sleepovers. How pretty you looked when you were splayed out on her bed, pulling her closer as you cuddled to sleep off the drinks. But by the time the sun rose neither of you would remember what happened on nights like those. So reasons continued to pile up for why you pretended you were someone different and reasons for why Robin grew more possessive.
You felt like a fraud. Did you even have a reason to feel like that? No one else in your life questioned you, except Robin was anything but thorough. You could see the look in her eyes. You knew she was questioning things. Unlike her, you didn’t want to know. The world wasn’t built for people like you, so you settled on becoming someone else. However, Robin could always tell when you were switching to a different personality. The first thing she noticed was that you smiled less when you were around new friends and that you did everything in your power to subtly avoid guys approaching you. There were two reasons why that was; A. you were a lesbian or B. you’re dating David.
Robin chewed noisily on her banana runts that were more than likely damaging her teeth. “So you and David..?” She hadn’t stopped thinking about that night. When you had come back from the closet to discover her gone you had been immediately worried, going to your cabin right after. Your voice floating up to Robin’s top bunk did little to calm her nerves when she admitted she wasn’t feeling fine. She never wanted to lie, but if you believed she was sick she wouldn’t say otherwise. It had blown over rather quickly when you saw no need to press further. Robin, however, couldn’t stop thinking about what might’ve happened that night and what was to come from it.
“Ugh, no,” Came your fast retort. “It’s not like that! He’s just…nice.” Was that possibly the best thing you could come up with? To be fair, it wasn’t like he was much more than that. Fling or no fling he would never have a long-lasting impression on your life. When you were seventy and living with Robin and your pets you wouldn’t think back to him. He was fleeting. “So there’s no guy..or girl?” Robin wanted to include the latter to see if you would say anything about it. No one had ever claimed she was sneaky.
You huffed out a breath and shook your head. “Dunno why you’re so invested, didn’t you say you didn’t want to imagine me in a relationship?” Robin flushed. “Well yeah! I don’t want to know when you’re kissing other people!” Neither of you picked up on her mistake. “Okay, then don’t ask!” You teased, but there was more to it. You didn’t want to tell her about your romantic endeavors. There wasn’t a sure explanation as to why, but you knew for sure you didn’t want her speculating who you were with.
However, Robin wanted more answers. She always did. All the Nancy Drew novels she read as a kid always got the best of her. But she also knew there was more to it than that. She saw what you were covering up, it was the same thing she did when you hugged her. Trying to still your beating heart. You were one and the same and yet neither of you would take the leap to admit it for a long time. 
Robin had gotten there first. After another year going by of secret glances and steering clear of the Victoria’s Secret catalog. It was like the models could feel her looking! Aside from that, things had been going smoothly. She was beginning to figure herself out and she loved who she was. Robin wanted you to love who she had become as well. You were the obvious choice to come out to first. Okay, you weren’t as close as you had once been, but you still saw each other often! If anyone were to understand it would be you. You knew Robin the longest out of everyone in her life, besides her parents. Unfortunately, the day she planned to tell you, your family was hosting a soirée that foiled her plans. 
It was supposedly a small get-together with a few tens more people than you expected. The only good thing to come from the crowd was that the home bar was open. You could easily sneak behind the counter, remembering how you and Robin used to. Was she coming tonight? Thinking on it briefly you turned and ducked behind the counter, grabbing a bottle. It wasn't a second later when someone called your name scoldingly. You jumped with a start only to hit your head on the edge of the cabinets. “Oh shit,” Robin gasped. 
“Robin! You ass!” You hissed and grabbed her hand to pull you up off the ground. Robin stifled a laugh, dodging your swipe at her, guiding the bottle in your hand to the counter. It was all in good fun how Robin slashed her other hand out to grab your side. The jabs only pulled more giggles from you before you grabbed Robin’s waist and pulled her entirely behind the counter. “Come on! I was going to- oh hey, Tommy.” You leaned against the counter, acting innocent. “Hey ladies, I heard some noise down here. You alright?” 
From the way his eyes only stayed on you, it was clear that he was only checking on you. Trying not to cringe at his opener you nodded. “We’re fine, Thomas. You can be on your way now.” He frowned, almost the pout of a petulant child. Like most boys his age, he was not used to being shut down. “And if I want a drink?” Tommy smirked and moved to lean against the counter. Your lips sucked in, pulling into a straight line. “There’s drinks in the kitchen. I think you’ll manage.” To cement your point you pointed your finger towards the kitchen before shooing him away.
Robin stifled a laugh at him stomping away. “What? You didn’t like him?” She joked, leaning on the countertop beside you. “God no. Him? I don’t like boys.” The admission slipped out without the logical part of your brain thinking. You hadn’t ever focused on that fleeting thought, purposefully ignoring it. The slip-up didn’t go unnoticed though, your body becoming rigid. “I-I like men,” you coughed out. “You know, not boys. They’re too immature.” A nervous laugh escaped your lips as you attempted to cover up. “You can tell me.” Robin returned.
It was an olive branch, a hope that you would take it and tell her what plagued you. Naturally, that didn’t happen. “There’s nothing to tell.” As if you could read Robin’s mind you continued on. “I’m straight.” The finality in your tone was overlooked by Robin. “I would never judge you. You know that right?” You sighed heavily and glanced at her. “That’s great Robin, but I’m straight. I don’t know what to tell you. I could kiss any girl and feel no different.” It was a challenge you felt Robin would be forced to turn down. Surely she wouldn’t step up to it.
Little did she know that you were projecting and suppressing how you felt, which was the complete opposite. Nevertheless, at seventeen neither of you knew when to quit. “Then do it.” Robin retorted. You scoffed and raised an eyebrow at her. “You seriously want to see me kiss a girl?” Robin jutted her chin out and nodded. “Fine. Kiss me, it’s not like we haven’t already.” The room felt tilted at your dare. You couldn’t be serious, but the glint in your eye told Robin you were.
This couldn’t end well. Anyone could have told you that and the both of you would have still gone through with it. You both knew it was different now. You were grown up with no excuses as to why this would happen and yet here the two of you stood playing into the dangerous game. “Okay.” You appeared staggered and Robin smirked at you, flicking your arm. “Like you said, dingus, we already have.” Nodding shyly you stepped up to Robin, toe to toe, you rolled your eyes with a smile. “Alright Buckley, try to woo me.” In any other atmosphere, she would have cackled, instead she lightly grabbed your waist and leaned in. She had waited too long to beat around this anymore. 
Lucky for her and you, no one walked in. They continued to avoid the room as Robin kissed you softly. The year or so gone by had certainly made a difference in how her lips knew how to move against yours. Your gasp was swallowed by her, your lips moving slowly. How desperately you wanted to bury your hands in her hair and kiss her till her lips swelled. The thought alone is what snapped you out of your fantasy. As you hastily pulled away Robin sighed and ducked her head. She knew it was coming, she knew it was a dumb decision to fall for her straight best friend. “Did I woo you?” She joked.
“Mhm,” you winked. “Enough for me to take a shot.” It was no more than a joke, but Robin could see how the light in your eyes had dimmed. “What are you doing?” Robin whispered. It hurt her to see you like this. No matter how much you tried to hide she would always find out eventually. She knew it wasn't the first or last time you would do something like this. Melancholy pulled at her heart as she studied you. How long would this last, if it ever stopped? “What does it look like I’m doing? I’m taking a shot.”
Your tone was too cheery for the grim look on your face. “Seriously?” Robin countered. Deep down she knew it was her fault for entertaining the idea. You couldn’t have known she had been in love with you for years. If you had, you would have never joked about kissing her. Logically, she knew it. She just wished it would change and a bit of her wished you would change. “Yes, seriously.” When you looked at her so wearily the anger all but vanished from her. “Do you want a shot or not Robin? It’s fine if you don’t want one, I can drink enough for the both of us.” Robin shook her head, looking away while chewing on her bottom lip. 
In an instant, the conversation was over, whatever was happening between you shifted. She walked behind you, out from the home bar, and walked to the three steps to take her back to the main house. “Tell your parents I say hi.” With that, she walked up the steps a little too harshly and left you alone to stare down at the alcohol.
That was one of the last conversations you held before finally, and silently, parting ways. If there was a tragedy hall of fame you swore that moment was etched in it forever. No one knew why you and Robin sat farther apart in classes. Those who knew least of all were your parents. They still spoke to each other frequently, Robin’s distance not taking too much of a toll on their friendships. As expected they spoke about the split, never able to understand what happened. They gathered no information from the pair of you. Neither you nor Robin would speak a negative word about the other.
Now, imagine Steve’s surprise when Robin first told him how you were the girl she was in love with. He was still that shocked about it after knowing for months. It wasn’t hard to see why though. Steve remembered you as the smart popular girl who wouldn’t hesitate to lend a hand to someone in need. Sweet, but not a pushover. Even now he still finds it hard to believe, harder to believe that the two of you kissed. He wasn’t one to judge, no, but you had a boyfriend to his knowledge and Steve was (is) a little…surprised…was all. It’s not every day that your friend is practically in the plot of a movie.
“Okay okay, but you guys kissed, right? Isn’t that enough of a sign that she likes you?” Steve’s pointer finger moved the tab of his beer can around and around across the metal opening. “No it’s not dingus- stop that.” Robin swatted Steve’s hand to stop him from making the terrible screeching noise. “Even if she did, which she didn’t, she wouldn’t like me now. We haven’t held a conversation since what? Graduation?”
“Which was last week.” Steve snorted at Robin’s drama. It wasn’t a wonder that she was a theatre kid. “Still!” She protested and flopped back on the pool chair. Her eyes studied the way the moonlight rippled on the pool’s water reflecting on a time that you would have tugged her along to stare at the night sky. Steve followed her view and sighed if he had to hear one more goddamn time about how you liked the moon. He had no doubt you were a sweet person but one thing Robin didn’t know how to do was shut up, and that factored into how much she spoke about you.
He chewed on the inside of his cheek to think of something. “Look. It’s the week after graduation, there are tons of parties happening right now. How about we go out, find you a nice girl, and get your mind off her.” Before graduation, Robin had truly thought she was over you. Sure, you still sent her a dazzling smile in the halls and she tripped into a trash can once because she swore she saw you check her out, but it was nothing. You didn’t want her and by god, she would force herself to not want you.
That was until she saw you cross the stage at graduation, waving enthusiastically at your friends. Until you cheered the loudest for her when they called her name. It didn’t make sense to others, why one of the star cheerleaders was shrieking happily for the nerdy, band kid, but it didn’t seem to phase you. Nothing did. So it made it hard for Robin to wonder why you still had a boyfriend. 
Were you truly not gay? Had her hopes been misplaced? She hadn’t expected you to shout it from the rooftops, but she’d hoped that you would have told her before you two drifted. Or it was possible you liked both guys and girls? However, the thought didn’t seem to make sense with how you talked about boys. Even when you were just beginning to date boys you had mentioned offhandedly that girls were always better than boys. 
“Men aren’t supposed to be as pretty as girls so it's okay…I wish they wouldn’t be so gross though.” In her younger mind, it made sense, though years later it didn’t seem to be foolproof. Even when guys were begging you for a date you brushed them off. Then came the unavoidable boyfriend that would stick for a month or two until you broke up and you were single for an extended period again.
Mulling over it Robin groaned and lolled her head to the side. She was tired of being hung up on what-ifs. “Fine. But the moment I’m bored we leave.” Steve clapped his hands, jostling the beer can that now sat in his lap. “There we go, that’s what I’m talking about!” He shot up to high-five Robin only to spill his beer onto his lap. “Ah, shit!” Robin smirked and raised an eyebrow at him. “Might want a change of jeans, Cupid.” “Oh fuck off.”
For a second it fell quiet except for Steve’s mumbled curses as he rubbed at his pants. The ever-growing stain only spread against his wiping. “Jesus, fine, but tomorrow you have to promise you’ll come with me.” Blue eyes rolled to the side and Robin reluctantly nodded. “Promise. Now I’m headed to your guest bedroom if you don’t mind. Don’t go to sleep covered in beer!” She hopped up with a grin and dashed inside. “It’d help if I had a towel! Hello! Hello? …Robin?”
Ignoring him, Robin took two steps at a time up the stairs excited to be tucked in bed. No matter how many times she jokingly complained about the bed in the guest room she always slept better at Steve’s house. He didn’t mind though, the company was nice to fill his empty house. Besides, when Robin remembered to wash the guest sheets Steve could shove his own sheets in her laundry load.
She slammed the door shut and flopped on the bed to stare at the stagnant ceiling fan. One night. One party and it would be fine. You would be far away from her mind. Squeezing her eyes closed, Robin could almost convince herself of it. She rolled over, tucking her hand under her chin not bothering to get into the pajamas she’d left here a million times before.
If she knew what the next night held for her, her restless sleep would have turned into no sleep. At her core Robin was an overthinker.
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The next morning was usual and unsuspecting. Burnt eggs made by Steve who threw them out and settled on making coffee. Thankfully this Saturday was free of work shifts, unfortunately, that also meant Steve finding out where the nearest party was happening tonight. Subsequently, it had Steve stressing over what they would wear. Robin swore he cared more about their outfits than she did and she wouldn’t be wrong in the assumption. When it came to putting Robin out there Steve would put blood, sweat, and tears into it.
“It’s a party Steve, not tea with the queen.” Robin spun in a chair at her desk. Shortly after breakfast Steve had shoved her into his BMW and sped to her house. She had sworn up and down that it wasn’t a big deal, but to Steve it was. When he first began being so nice to her she thought it was because she helped him with flirting, then because she saved people from Russians, and then got him a job on top of all of it. To Robin’s pleasant surprise and delight it was because Steve actually enjoyed her company. 
Due to his experience, and care for Robin, Steve was determined to make this go well. He knew how nerve-wracking it could be to try and flirt with girls. Trust him, he knew, but he also knew there was another level he wouldn’t understand. All he could do was base things on his experiences and if this was going to go according to plan he was going to make sure Robin looked good.   
Steve planted his hands on his hips and twisted towards Robin. “Can you at least try to care? This is for you.” Robin’s lips pursed, moving from side to side before she sighed heavily. She raised a limp hand to point in the direction of a shirt. “Those with my black jeans.” Steve turned and nodded at the garment, pulling it off the hanger and tossing it onto the bed. “Good choice,” he commented, going to rummage for her jeans. “Yeah, well, it was her choice.” Neither of them needed to clarify to know she was talking about you. Steve’s lips pulled into a frown. “Tonight will be good.” He tried to weakly assert. She hoped it would be. 
Comparatively to Robin’s morning, yours was soon to be boring. There was no excitement for the millionth party you would be attending and definitely no surprise breakfast to wake up to. If you had known that was even an option your brain would have whisked you away in daydreams to what life could be like. In reality, you woke up far before the sun did, a routine you had formed over the last year. The few hours between you waking up and the sun rising was your safe haven. It was a comfortable silence that permitted you to slow down life and take in your surroundings.
Today you settled for staring at your boyfriend in front of you, studying his facial features. He was by no means ‘ugly’. By all standards he was conventionally attractive, however, you couldn’t bring yourself to yearn for him. The movies had infiltrated your head making you think love should be a whirlwind that swept you off your feet. Weren’t you supposed to burn for him, or at least crave to be in his presence? You couldn’t even bring yourself to come, having to fake your orgasm for him last night like always. You knew his ego would take a huge hit if you admitted this so you stayed silent.
It wasn’t him per se. It also wasn’t you though. You could come but not when you were with a man. It was always too much, not enough, too man-ish. If that made sense, which it didn’t. None of it did. What made it worse was the way your mind constantly wondered. Why did your brain keep drifting back to comparing every fling to Robin? She was gone. You wouldn't be hung up on losing a friend. She was a good example of a strong relationship, platonic sure, but it was something you subconsciously based your romantic relationships on. No one met the expectations though.
You never felt truly thrilled to be with who you were dating. Up until you had to exchange affection you were into it. Don’t get it wrong, you did feel something for who you dated but you weren’t sure what it was. It scared you too much to think about your boyfriend deeply, or any other man you had been with. How you wished he’d somehow feel the shift in the universe that you were now awake and wake up to smile at you like Robin used to.
Perhaps he’d stay up and talk about nothing for hours. None of it had to make sense you wanted it for the connection. Why could he not read your mind or simply go out of his way to do something meaningful for you without you having to ask? You were so tired of not having that connection with men. It became easier for you to find a woman and become close friends instantly! Men made it so hard.
And as if all the planets fell into alignment the breath was punched from your lungs. Fuck. Why now? Why did you suddenly figure it out now? In the end, it made sense, how had you been so blind? Staring at the ceiling you couldn't picture anything else in your head except the women you have loved in your life. Not friends or family, but loved loved. And every scene came back to Robin. You were choking. Maybe not literally, but there was no escape from the realization. Had you always known and simply forced yourself to hide it?
Unable to stop the rushing questions all you could focus on was how you ended up here. You never listened, not even to your own heart. Was this all life would be if you continued down this path? Men who pulled it together enough to have an average life, but never being able to fully love them. Realization after another, you recognized that you didn’t want to be next to a man when you walked down the aisle. You couldn’t. It felt like handing your life over. Ending something that had barely begun.
Looking back at Robert, there was no stopping the jolt of your body. It felt subconscious like it was telling you to run and never look back. From the dreadful feeling weighing you down, you supposed the earth had stopped turning and you could run straight off the edge of it. You wiggled back until you were close enough out from under the covers and stumbled out of bed. You couldn't look at him anymore, prying your eyes away to look at anything else. They scanned his familiar room for what could be the millionth time and you only felt sadness. Would your future home be decorated like this? Mediocre decorations with no touch of what felt like home. Forever compromising on how you wanted to feel.
It had barely registered in your mind that you had left his room, near running down the stairs and out of his house like a hookup who stayed over too late. You didn't know where to go. In another life, you would have legged it to Robin’s house but in this life, your feet carried you towards your home. The home where you had sleepovers in buried hopes that you’d uncover each other's secrets and sleep with legs and arms intertwined, pretending it was a hug. God, it was innocent and you craved to go back. You coveted your younger self for being filled with such innocent love for others. At the same time, you hated how buried your love became, concealed by fear. 
Years of your life had passed by without you realizing who you truly were. You silently begged the universe to make it better, whatever that meant. Bare feet hitting the pavement echoed against the looming houses of the neighborhood. What would someone think if they saw you running like hell was on your heels? Would it compare to the shock of what they would hear if they could see into your brain?
It seemed like seconds of running when you made it to your house, but judging by the brightening sky and the burning of your feet it had been much longer. You wanted to go back to the way you had been. It wasn’t shame, or not entirely. It was an odd limbo of wanting so desperately for itself to work out that you’d beg to go back to denying it. What good would that do though? All you could do was take a hot shower and relax before the party. You were still going with Robert, knowing you’d get an earful later for leaving in the middle of the night, but you were incapable of caring at this point.
His loss. Seriously, his loss. Without you dating him you’d feel freer and he would plead for another chance to be a good boyfriend this time. You wanted to piece yourself back together by taking back the power he had unknowingly stolen from you. He was good sometimes, but you didn't deserve ‘sometimes’. Unexpected anger filled you as you closed your front door. Was it better or worse that you had discovered you were a lesbian when dating him instead of a good guy? “Oh honey!” your mother started, catching a glimpse of your expression from the kitchen table. “Did you and Robert fight again?” The familiarity of her thinking you and Robert fought again had your heart plummeting. There was thinly veiled ‘Is Robert mad at you again?’ under her question.
You weakly shook your head. “No ma’am, I'm okay…just tired.” A comforting smile appeared on your mother’s face as she beckoned you over. “Come here, sweetheart.” Compliantly, you walked closer to her and leaned down to feel her hand on your cheek. Something was bothering you, she could see that much. “I’m so proud of you.” Immediately you wanted to spill everything. You wanted her to hold you like you were a little girl again and have her tell you that everything would be okay. Suddenly you became aware that you were mourning the future you were guaranteed from a kid. It was a piece of yourself that you lost, but you were also gaining another piece of yourself. Bittersweet. 
You wanted her to love this new part of yourself as much as she loved every other piece of you. She pressed her lips to the crown of her head like she could read your mind. She was trying her best to solve your troubles with how she knew too. “I love you, my sweet baby girl.” Tears stung at the backs of your closing eyes. “I love you,” you wanted to whisper back, instead staying quiet out of fear of what you might admit. She nodded in time with you with a sweet laugh. “Now go clean up and knock them dead.” Your mother looked up from where she sat and winked at you as you went round the corner. “Those boys won’t know what hit them!” 
But they were never who you wanted. How could you tell someone that when they’ve known you as a different person your whole life? You knew your mom wouldn't hesitate to die for you, that’s what you chose to hang onto as you headed for the shower you hoped would wash away your anxiety. She still loved you. Unbeknownst to you, she would never jeopardize that love. You were her child forever.
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The shower had washed away some of your stress of the day, renewing you to a point that you could go out. That’s how you found yourself working your pants over your hips, doing little hops to slide the denim on. After the small workout, you huffed and threw things out of your closet to get a shirt. By the time a tornado looked like it had passed through your room, you resorted to digging through your basket of clean clothes, grabbing a cropped jersey Robert had given you. A thought nagged the back of your brain saying not to wear it because it was his, but you threw it on anyway. It was cute and would fit the vibe of the party.
It was a simple outfit but there was no way you were trying to woo anybody tonight. Hopefully, it would ward people off from talking to you. You didn't even want to woo Robert. A thought for a later date. Checking your alarm clock you realized it was an hour till the party with no sign of Robert. Your gut yelled at you to call him. Fuck you wished you didn’t have to. What if you walked? In that case, he could show up and wonder why you ignored him, or he could try to pick you up after you had already left the house. It left too many questions without answers.
Regrettably, calling him was the best option for transportation. You were not in a family who could spare your unlicensed person driving their car around. Stepping out of your bedroom you were met with silence. The house was empty aside from you padding to the landline in the kitchen. A note was left on the refrigerator reminding you of your parents' date night. Nerves nipped at you as you swiped your sweaty palms down your thighs and forced yourself to dial his number.
One, two, three, four rings later, “Hello?” Your teeth sink into the tip of your thumbnail. Yup, he sounded mad. “Hey, Rob!” You tried to chirp, voice unnaturally high. “Oh, are you talking to me now?” “What? I thought we were going to the party tonight…aren’t you coming to get me?” Robert being mad at you was a more than common occurrence. This was one of the more uncommon times when you had done something. “I thought you were mad at me.” he deadpanned, “No note. No warning. You were gone. What was I supposed to think? It’s embarrassing! Do you know how embarrassing that is?” He pressed on.
You fought off a sigh in response, trying to muster up a kinder retort. “I’m sorry Rob, seriously. I’ll make it up to you at the party. …I promise.” he sighed heavily, voice becoming soft again. “I don't think I can drive somebody who acts like that. Will I see you there?” Great. Great, great, great. Robert clicked his tongue sympathetically, acting as if it hurt him as much as he expected it to hurt you.
You didn’t dare ask if he was driving you again. “Yeah. See you then, I guess.” Dejection was far from your tone yet Robert failed to take a hint. “I’m sorry.” His apology fell flat. You couldn't bring yourself to be upset at his roundabout breakup. The dial tone answered him as you slammed the phone back on the receiver. 
So much for having a ride. 
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Figuring out a last-minute ride should not have been as difficult as it was. Apparently, when you drop off the face of the earth for a few days after graduation everyone thinks you’ve left them to die. Thankfully Tina had her convertible detailed on Wednesday and was more than happy to show it off. A little sucking up and a vague explanation later you had a brand new ride who was trying to get you to shove it in Robert’s face that you didn’t need him. And what better way to do that than driving you to the party?
Initially, you didn’t intend to get this far into things. Maybe a small catch-up chat and a shot to appease her, but it seemed Tina’s personal mission was to get you hammered. It was all she talked about on the drive over. The cool night air hit your skin as you stepped out of Tina's convertible, the engine purring below you. Music and laughter were already spilling out from the open windows. Tina looped her arm through yours, “Come on, let's show that loser Robert what he's missing!”
You smiled back at her, allowing yourself to be swept up by her. “Lead the way,” you replied, playing along. The two of you pushed through the people congregating on the front lawn. Tina's grip on your arm tightened as she guided you through the chaos, her eyes alight with a determined gleam. “There’s the keg over there!” Tina exclaimed and pointed towards the driveway. 
“That sounds amazing, Tina,” you spoke, raising your voice above the chaos. “Just give me a moment? I'm going to...powder my nose.” You punctuated your statement with a conspiratorial wink, knowing full well that Tina assumed you had somebody to go meet up with. Tina giggled and winked back, “Hurry up then! Don’t keep him waiting!” She waved and happily drifted towards some girls she recognized by the keg, leaving you to navigate your way.
Dodging a stumbling partygoer who barreled past you and out the front door, you twisted around and made your way backward into the living room. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and drinks, a stereo somewhere playing loud music reverberating through the floorboards as bodies danced where a coffee table once stood. A part of you couldn't help but scan the crowd, a lingering instinct to locate Robert. You rolled your jaw, determined to stomp out that fleeting desire.
Your gaze drifted towards the kitchen, and you figured a quick detour for refreshments was in order. Unaware of prying eyes, you hugged the wall, slipping into the relative sanctuary of the kitchen. Finally, a moment to catch your breath and collect your thoughts amidst the chaotic revelry.  A familiar face was standing in the kitchen, but they were no one there that you knew well enough. Nowhere near the level of recognition you held for the person who was watching you back.
Robin’s eyes stayed trained on you, having seen you the moment you had walked through the front door. Technically since someone pushed past you to get outside. She was sitting on a pushed-back couch with Steve. Normally he would find somebody to flirt with, yet here he sat debating who would be fit for Robin. His whispers fell on deaf ears, rubbing his chin with one hand. “I swear she’s not straight. Did you know she used to…” Robin’s harsh whisper drowned out the rest of his sentence, “Steve.” His brown eyes flicked to her. “Shit was that bad to say?” 
“Steve.” Steve finally took the suggestion and looked up to see you. His eyes widened while he watched you open a bottle and pour some liquid into the cup. Robin’s surprise came at the fact that you weren’t hanging over Robert. That wasn’t completely the jealousy talking. If you showed up at a party you tended to stay by his side the whole time. Whether it was to keep other men away from you or because you liked Robert that much, it also kept Robin at bay from thinking of trying to talk to you. Here you were now, looking unfocused, almost worried before chugging the alcohol.
“You should talk to her.” Steve started. He saw the look in Robin’s eye knowing there was no way around it. “What!? No! Steve, that goes against everything we’re doing tonight!” He knew that more than anyone else, of course, he did. There was no reason for Robin to go back on her word, other than the fact that she was obviously in love with you.
“Look, one conversation. Then you’ll know for sure that you can move on.” Steve reached over, shaking Robin’s shoulder softly to encourage her towards you. “Never know if you don’t try.” Swallowing her fear, Robin admonished Steve. “Remind me to never listen to you ever again dingus. No more plan-making for you.” “And yet you’re walking towards her.” Robin rolled her eyes, walking backward to you.
Once Robin deemed she was almost close enough she turned around to see your spot in the kitchen empty. Her baby blues scanned the house, spotting you heading to the backyard. After seeing you just out of reach she knew she had to speak to you for better or for worse. Robin sped up, pushing through to get to the back door. She could see your rapidly disappearing frame, focusing on how you moved. The wood creaked on the hinges, shutting in front of her face. Being so close to you she suddenly couldn’t bring herself to open the door.
She was being dumb, she knew it. It was one conversation. What harm could it do? Pacing in front of the door Robin barely had enough time to jump out of the way when it swung open. “Shit- sorry!” She called out, stumbling backward out the door. If anything it was the stranger's fault for slamming the door open, that’s what you thought at least. “Robin?”
Time instantly slowed as your quiet voice called her name. She slowly turned towards you, her movements making it seem like she was in doubt if this were truly happening. An awkward smile tugged at the corner of her lips when she caught sight of you sitting on the edge of the porch. The porch light basked you in its soft glow, contrasting the bright moonlight that hit the yard. “Hey..didn't uh see you there,” she offered hesitantly. Robin knew you would be out here, but actually speaking to you made it seem way more real. 
“Oh, I thought you were following me.” Robin’s face fell at the blunt statement, her composed facade cracking. “Huh!?” She squawked, the sound escaping her before she could stop it. Her eyes snapped to your face to search it, honing in on the cigarette you pressed to your lips. Not responding right away, a charged silence blanketed you. The only reprieve was the clicking of your lighter that pierced the air, flame roaring to life to light the smoke.
If this was to be the last time she spent in your company, Robin didn't want it to end like that. With a determined set to her jaw, she moved to plop down onto the edge of the porch beside you, swinging her legs over the side inelegantly. You wordlessly tilted your head back, exhaling your smoke away from her, a small gesture that did not go unnoticed. “I didn't know you smoked,” Robin ventured, her gaze transfixed by the way your lips wrapped around the cigarette, pursing and parting with each inhale and exhale.
“Oh yeah, new habit I guess,” you replied nonchalantly, as if the habit were no more remarkable than a new hairstyle. Robin nodded, her eyes trailing over you with a mixture of curiosity and concern. “Are you-” she began, only to be cut off as you simultaneously attempted to speak. “Do you think-” Your voices overlapped, the words tangling together in a mess. Robin felt her cheeks warm.
“You can go first,” you mumbled, ducking your head in an effort to hide the amused smile that threatened to spread across your features. “Um…” Robin nodded, turning her gaze forward once more as she gathered her thoughts. “What are you doing here without...?” Her voice trailed off as she realized, with discomfort, that she had completely forgotten the name of your boyfriend. She had heard it mentioned once, she was certain, but the name eluded her. It started with an R, didn't it? “Robert,” you filled the gap for her. “Yeah, him!”
You winced visibly at the mention of his name. Lifting a hand to scratch the back of your neck, the cigarette dangling precariously from your taught lips, you hesitated for a moment. “You don't have to answer if you don't want to,” Robin added quickly, noticing you were weighing your words. “No, it's fine,” you assured her, waving off her concern. “We're on a break, I guess? He's pissed at something I did this morning.” 
Robin sat up straighter, her curiosity piqued by your cryptic confession. “Oh shit. What'd you do?” Plucking the cigarette from your lips, you took a deep breath of clean air. “I sort of ditched him before he woke up. Ran out of his house... the whole shebang.” As the words left your mouth, you couldn't help but realize how callous they sounded. Robin, however, seemed unfazed by the revelation, barking out a laugh that seemed to echo in the quiet night. 
“What!? Why?” she asked, her eyes sparkling with disbelief and amusement. “So many questions,” you teased, unable to resist the urge to deflect, if only momentarily. Robin shook her head, a knowing smile playing at the corners of her lips. It was a known fact that she often pressed for more information. You gave a resigned shrug, not knowing why you found yourself spilling your guts to your old friend who you had barely shared a conversation with in over a year. There was something about her presence, something undeniably safe, that compelled you to open up in a way you hadn't with anyone else.
“Guess I realized something.” Robin knew better than to interrupt now, well versed with the pause you gave before fully voicing the thoughts on your mind. “I don't think he's the one," you admitted at last. Something about the need for clarity had you stubbing your cigarette out. Robin sucked in a sharp breath, her expression one of sympathy. “If it helps, I don't think anyone meets 'the one' in high school,” she spoke matter-of-factly as if stating an indisputable truth. “Plus, that's a dumb reason for him to break up with you.”
“Maybe,” you muttered in response, your voice laced with a heaviness that suggested there was more to the story. “For what it's worth, I'm sorry,” Robin continued, her words laden with sincerity. “You deserve better than that.” She knew you did. You deserved better than all the shitty boyfriends you had put up with. Turning to face her fully, you met her gaze with a look of self-doubt. “Don't know if I do. I kind of fucked up, big time.”
The guilt of having dated and potentially hurt a string of boys while unaware that you were unable to love them formed a lump in your throat. You had only just come to terms with the fact that you might have been a lesbian earlier that morning, but hadn't there been signs all along? Little hints you had chosen to ignore in favor of conforming to societal expectations? You truly did empathize with their feelings, holding the weight of your actions on your shoulders.
“Good people fuck up sometimes,” Robin stated effortlessly. The resolution she offered was so simple. “We're still young, we're going to make mistakes,” she continued. And you would. None of it had been malicious. Of course, Robin would be the one able to slow down your racing mind. You couldn't help but marvel at the depth of her understanding and how she cut through the tangled web of your thoughts with such ease.
“When did you become so wise?” You quipped. “I always have been,” Robin shot back with a sly smile. “You were just too busy being charmed by me to realize.” For a heartbeat, Robin froze, uncertain whether her joke had landed or if she had overstepped a boundary. Then your laughter met her ears, shattering her worry. “Hm. makes sense,” you conceded.
Robin sighed out in relief, your head tilting to rest on her shoulder. She slowly met your head with her own, leaning on top of yours. In the dim lighting, you looked at her feet swinging side by side with yours. Studying the familiar scribbles on her shoes made you feel so comforted. This was just Robin, sweet Robin who held your hands when you were scared to make leaps of faith. A leap of faith. That’s all it was.
“I guess I’m interested in other people.” Robin’s eyebrows furrowed curiously. Taking the moment you confessed before doubt could creep up your spine. “I don't think men are the ones for me.” All the oxygen exited Robin's lungs, however, she clamped her mouth shut, trying to remain cool. “I don’t think they are for me either.” She responded faintly. 
“Right? I get it, I do, I mean not really but..” you rambled on, taking a note from Robin’s book. “I feel bad because I dated so many guys. I can’t imagine how they felt when I couldn't give them what they needed.” Robin scoffed in return.  “Please, they sucked. They were practically sewer monsters! They’ll get over it,” Robin stated resolutely. You didn’t need to be hung up on boys like that. You laughed at her claim. “Yeah, they're gross.” You agreed. 
Talking to her again you realized how easy it was and how much you missed this. “I’m so tired of having to like what they like, do what they do, live in their world!” You huffed and glared up at the sky for an answer to your troubles. “I'm proud of you.” Robin blurted out to your surprise. “You’re proud of me?” 
Robin didn’t say many things that shocked you into a stupor anymore, but that was certainly one of them. “Yeah. You’ve kind of become super confident.” “Not at all. I’m still scared,” you exhaled regretfully at your admission. “You can be scared and still be self-assured. You’re like..on the right path, you know?” You blinked in amazement at her awareness. “Robin you are fucking amazing.” At your compliment, it was now her turn to be taken aback. “Oh- thank you.” She coughed with wide eyes. 
The connection both of you tried to shove down for so long sparked the moment your eyes locked. In that instant, the world faded away, neither of you caring that anyone could peer through the backdoor. As you gazed into her eyes, it felt as if her soul was laid bare in front of you. “Can I?” you asked, voice filled with longing. “Please,” she responded. With her confirmation, both of you moved forward eagerly, lips colliding. However, a second later a pang of pain quickly interrupted the blissful encounter, causing you both to recoil.
“Ow!” Robin hissed, pressing her hand to her mouth, her inner lips inadvertently having met her teeth. “Oh shit!” you exclaimed, scrambling onto your knees to be closer to her. Gently, you removed her hand, anxiously inspecting her. “I am so sorry. Are you bleeding?”
Your eyes snapped to Robin’s when she failed to respond. Her hand slid across your cheek much like it had the first time years ago. Hiccuped giggles fell from her lips when she edged closer to you. Taking the hint, you followed suit to gently press your lips together. This is what you were looking for. You understood why you had looked for her in other people for so long. You yearned for her.
Robin’s fingers trailed along your skin leaving tingles in their wake. Her hands slowly slid down, one coming to rest on the small of your back with the other holding onto your waist. She was desperate to eliminate any distance between your bodies, pulling you towards her like you were her lifeline. When the need for oxygen became too great to ignore, Robin reluctantly parted from your lips. A soft “Woah” escaped her in a breathless whisper. 
“Uh huh, woah,” you mumbled in agreement, blinking as you emerged from your trance. As your senses slowly returned, you turned to face each other, eyes meeting in a shared look of awe. The tension that had been building between you both for so long had finally been released, and the intensity of it left you both giddy with exhilaration. Unable to contain yourselves any longer, you burst into unrestrained laughter, echoing the pure joy you felt in that moment.
“Holy shit!” you exclaimed happily. Without a plan or a second thought, you jumped up and grabbed Robin's hand, pulling her up with you. “Let's go,” you said, the words tumbling out in your excitement. Robin's eyes widened at your sudden burst of energy. “What?” she asked. Despite her question she gratefully let you help her up and tug her towards the stairs. “Let's ditch!” you clarified. Robin took one look at the gleam in your eyes and she nodded rapidly, a matching grin spreading across her face as she raced down the stairs with you.
Her grip on your hand tethered you to her as she rounded the corner of the house at a breakneck pace. You stumbled after her, laughing breathlessly, the two of you surely a sight to behold. Anyone would take a look at the two of you and assume you were drunk.
As you burst into the front yard, Steve caught sight of you while he stood on the lawn. His expression grew into one of bemusement as he watched the two of you race past. He beamed at you both, your laughter infectious as you ran down the neighborhood street with no destination in mind. You were in love and it was pure.
Steve placed his hands on his hips, chest bursting with pride. As he watched you disappear he turned back to the shorter figure in front of him. His once soft eyes now held a glint and a not-so-innocent smile. “You’re Robert? Right?” 
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taglist: @andvys
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jaysng · 5 months
all i want is you | pjs
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pairing: loverboy!jay x reader
genre: angst, fluff
summary: idk how to summarize this🙏🏻
<a/n> little women reference used cope w it 🤣
you hear it, the teasing glances and the whispers as you walk around the school. it’s been like this ever since jay, the popular guy at school had asked you out about 2 months ago during valentines. 
“hey look it’s your girlfriend” you hear it very clearly, but you know what they want, they want a reaction out of you. 
you still turn your head to the side to look and jay seems.. embarrassed? sad? you weren’t good at reading people so you never tried that hard either. 
there wasn’t anything negative about you or your looks, it was just the people around you who did not value you. but sometimes you did tend to forget and let your emotions control you.
same way, 2 months ago when jay had asked you out, private proposal. it was pretty unusal to you, you thought it was some kind of prank, you still do, like some kind of bet. 
so you just stared into his soul that day, without responding you nervously just bowed at him and excused yourself. 
few other students saw and reported it to their friends and slowlt by the next day, the rumor spread like a wildfire.
yes jay’s ego was hurt, you expected him to look down at you after that day but later on he just showed up with “i will win you.”
maybe he watched a movie and got motivated off it? 
you did like him back, no doubt in that but all your life you’ve felt like you were in a competition and always losing it so you just let things be. 
there was someone else who wanted him, some other of your classmate, yunjin.
so you just did not want to be in all this drama, yunjin already despised you, you did not want to make things worse. 
you head back to class as soon as recess is over, ignoring all the whispers and the look of envy you recieve from yunjin.
“what is going on?” wincing in pain as yunjin pushes you onto some wall with a sudden question.
“what the fuck do you want?” you ask back as she laughs at your face “i thought i told you to stay away from jay?” you could’ve fought back to get out of her grip, but come on she had two girls behind her making sure nobody sees. 
“i did, we haven’t spoken in a while” you say as you grab her hand harshly and pull it away “and, don’t touch me.” 
the sternness in your voice intimidated her, you could tell by the way she was gulping, even though you appeared weak you still were strong enough to fight back so they could not do much.
“then why the fuck is a rumor about jay dropping all his friends for you going on?” she says as you look at her, not even surprised cause you were already done with this school and it’s rumors. 
she steps back “god have you like casted a spell on him? why the fuck does he even want you?” looking at you in disbelief if you have caused it.
shrugging, “don’t know and don’t care” you say as yunjin tries to trap you between her and the wall again but the teacher calls out
‘what are you girls doing? get to class right now’
she gives you the dirtiest smirk known to man kind as you stare into her soul back with a poker face, not feeding onto her little trick. 
deciding to talk it out with jay, during second break you visit him near the playground area.
“why would you choose me when you can have her? i mean she has everything i don’t” oh the way jay could answer this in a paragraph.
“she has everything but she is not you okay? she is a piece of shit who goes around and bullies people, just like she has bullied you your entire life at school” you can audibly hear breaths leaving his mouth, desperation of wanting you really evident now.
your gazes piecered each other’s souls, staring deeply, somewhere deep down you knew there was some spark as your chest tightened oh how bad i want you jay.
“you’re what everyone wants jay. i am someone they spit on and walk past. nobody wants us together.” you confessed absentmindedly. 
“why do you care about what they think?” he asked, “its always been like that, you were a bystander too before you liked me” he lowers his head out of embarrassment.
knowing there is nothing more to add in to the arguement, you slide your hands in the pockets of your uniform skirt and walk away.
little did you both know, yunjin was eavesdropping everything and rage of jealousy filled her making her undereye twitch.
class dismissed.
it is finally the end of the day, the bell rings as the sounds of everyone packing their bags fill your ears. 
jay’s class was right infront of yours, but unfortunately yunjin was still in your class so you just couldn’t avoid her for some reason, knowing you’re under her sight almost all the time. 
she walks out first as you go extra slow, too tired for anything. 
out of luck, no body stops you to tease you today, everyone annoying out of your sight. 
walking down the alley as everyone else, it was almost empty and not crowded as usual, as you realise you came out late. shit what was i dreaming about.
something captures your eyes, but you were captured someone’s eyes way long before you noticed, it was yunjin, she saw you walking back home to school and grabbed the opportunity out of her luck that jay was walking back too at the same time. 
“oh- jayie” she calls out for him as he diverts his attnetion to her now raising his eyebrows, “can i have some water.” she asks faking tiredness.
jay cringes at her but still reaches for his side pockets of his bag. 
as he is doing that, yunjin watches carefully as you walk closer, minding ur own business.
thats it as soon as jay looks back up yunjin pushes him to the nearest wall holding him by his tie and kisses him. 
she kisses him so hungrily, ignoring his pushes, finally jay gives her one sudden push that makes her lose her balance and fall over “dude what the fuck?”
“did she see it?” she thinks to herself directly looking back at you as she sees you standing there, amused and disappointed. 
jay looks at yunjin but realizes that she is looking somewhere else, his gaze follows her as his mind freezes for a short second. 
you slowly meet his eyes, he could feel the rage in your eyes, your face completely showing numb as turn your eyes back to your path and continue walking. 
you walked as fast as you could avoiding him calling out your name, running behind you. 
jay thought to himself, this is the most of my desperation i can show. mix of anger, love and worry on his face. 
“just stop jay.” 
both of you stop in your tracks as he pants swiping his sweat off, bending down taking supporting of his knee. 
he uses all his energy to keep his head high, it was like your and his eyes were magnets, once attached you could physically feel the burden of breaking it. 
“why don’t you get it? just leave me!” you scream from a distance at the top of your lungs, catching your breath as soon as you were done with your words. 
your feet faces back to your path as you continue walking fast, you could hear his footsteps fastening again, you did not quit either as you start running back
“i have loved you ever since i’ve known you y/n why dont you get it”his voice ringed in your ears as you cried after each word, eyes getting teary and blurry. 
that’s when you gave up and lost it all, crying right there on the spot. “what jay?” you ask as you shut close your eyes, your lips trembling and so were the words.
he didn’t stop, continued to approach you and close the distance, shaking you by the shoulder, even though the action seemed harsh it felt so soft, “why don’t you just accept this? why don’t you just accept me? what do i lack?”
what do i lack. 
someone so perfect like him had feelings like that too, about a total complete loser like you? after all he was just a person, just like you. 
you opened your eyes, your eyes met his as the world went quiet, his narrowed eyes staring at you, the tension in the air mixed with all your emotions crashing with each other. 
both of you taking deep breaths and panting hard, feeling the heat radiating off each other, “i gave up everything you didn’t like, cant you see? i’m happy i did its fine and i waited and i will wait and i never complained..
and i-“
you kiss his lips to shut him up, the sensation in his heart goes crazy as you feel his muscles go loose, knees bucking as sense of weakness. 
you hold his face, sharp bones of his jawline and cheekbones right in contact with your palm, he was so warm. his lips were like pillows, so soft.
his head spins around, incapable of coping with the moment. you pull back
“you know i figured you’d love me y/n.” he says without thinking as if he was on auto pilot 
“oh god how much i love you” you kiss his lips once again grabbing his collar to pull him closer.
you couldn’t hold onto it any longer maybe this is what everythings meant to be. 
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Hero shuffles in their chair. Why are hospital chairs so uncomfortable? It didn't help that they had bruises everywhere. They remember how during their last fight an entire building collapsed on them. It was an accident by one of Hero's sidekicks. They had placed the explosives in the wrong place. From what they heard there were no casualties yet, a few people in the ICU and a few people still missing. They didn't get exact numbers yet. If they close their eyes, they can see the building fall. It's coming straight at them. If Villain hadn't been there to shield Hero…
They look at the figure in the hospital bed. They are connected to multiple machines and are hooked up on an IV. The always intimidating and seemingly indestructible Villain looks so frail and vulnerable now. Why did Villain do that? Wouldn't it be easier for them to just let Hero die and save themselves?
They had tried to make it as comfortable as possible. The doctor had said that they were going to have to stay for a long time. Hero already knew Villain was going to try to run a few times despite their injuries. At least they didn't have to worry about getting arrested. The doctor seemed to know Villain as a friend and Hero hadn't told the Agency who they were with.
They had tried to get Villain a single room but those were full. So instead they were in a room with two beds. One for Villain, one for a loud teenage girl, maybe 20 years old. Luckily, the room was divided by a curtain between the two beds, and to Hero's delight, they got the side with the window. Not that the curtain that it stopped any sound…
A noise from Villain made Hero sprint to their side. The vulnerable criminal was pulling at their IV, trying to take it out. “Shhh, don't do that. You really need that right now,” Hero whispers. A soft, almost inaudible “No” escaped Villain's lips. Hero grabbed Villain's hand and held it. Now they can't mess with the IV anymore, plus maybe it comforted Villain. They have a pained expression on their face. “Shhh…it's okay. You're going to be okay,” Hero tries to sooth them. Hero watched as Villain's breathing slowed again and saw when they fell asleep.
The next three hours the girl presses the call button constantly. Hero has lost count how many times a nurse has walked in and left again. It's always for something stupid they could do themselves easily. Their bed wasn't at the right angle, they couldn't plug in their phone, they wanted a glass of water (the bottle wasn't good enough). Meanwhile Hero was looking at the Villain who was practically fighting for their life and if they could, would ask nothing from nobody. Besides, a friend of the girl had arrived. They had started talking loudly to the point a neighboring patient had walked in and asked to shut up. To Hero's dismay, they did not shut up. It made their blood boil.
A couple of hours later, Villain was awake. Not entirely coherent, but awake. They are eating a little of the shitty hospital food when the girl starts yelling for a nurse. Villain jumps a bit at the sudden noise. When a nurse walks in they can hear the girl and her friend ask the poor nurse to get their take-out that was delivered at the hospital door. They could hear the gears in the nurse's head turn. Finally, they hear an answer: “Your friend can get it for you. Besides, we serve you dinner,” the nurse answers with a patience that truly baffles Hero. They would have flipped out at the girl already. “Yes, but the food here is shit and it's too far. Plus, we would need to stop our conversation and that's not an option,” the friend answers. Hero can hear the Villain scoff from their bed alongside the word ‘Assholes’.
It's well into the night now and by some miracle the nurses allowed Hero to stay past visiting hours. The girl's friend on the other hand had less luck. She had to go home, but no worries, they could still talk. That's what facetime is for!
They are talking loudly over the phone. Hero is convinced every single room in the hallway can hear it. They look at Villain who hasn't been able to fall asleep again. Even in the dark they can see a tear roll down Villain’s face. “Hey,” Hero says softly as they come closer, “What's wrong?” It's one word that made the Hero's already thin patience disappear. “Tired,” Villain says, pointing at the curtain hiding the girl. Oh, now they are done.
Hero walks over to the curtain and pulls it aside. “Will you finally shut the fuck up!?” Hero yells a little louder than they had wanted. The girl looks back a little startled. “I don't have to listen to you. I do what I want. Who are you anyway?” the girl says with an arrogance that makes Hero want to strangle her. “I'm Hero, and if you don't shut up I will personally put you in the deepest darkest cell for public disruption,” They answer with venom in their voice. The message seems understood as the girl quickly hangs up and turns off her light. Hero returns to their chair and they could swear they heard a small applause in the distance. Villain has returned to dreamland and Hero decides to follow. The chair seems way more comfortable now there isn't a girl yelling in their ear…
Hi! I felt like writing something before I left for camp. I do have my phone on me but I'm going to be less active. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!
Per usual, my asks are open if you want to do a request ( or tell me something, that's nice too).
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randomshyperson · 2 years
Like Real People Do - Milf!Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: Wanda Maximoff is known to be a strict mother - the opposite of you. When a school incident involves your children, you two will need to learn to get along with each other. [Requested]
Warnings: General Fluff, attempted romantic comedy with opposites attract, mild making out at the end, milf wanda being adorable, brief angst for past relationships, found family. | Words: 5.733k
A/N-> My first fic of the year will be Milf!Wanda without smut? What happened to this blog, huh? I was so busy in December that I couldn't post anything, I hope you guys didn't forget about me. This is a very old request that I finished some time ago and never posted, here it is then. Good reading you all!
General Masterlist || AO3 || Wattpad
It started with a bloody nose.
It was Wednesday, which meant that you had painting class from ten to eleven in the morning, so when your cell phone rang and Principal Fury's angry voice demanded you not to be late, you could barely think of a decent excuse for your students.
The way to the municipal school was quick and even perilous - you never learned how to drive Natasha's truck properly no matter how hard you tried - but you arrived quickly at least.
America was standing with her arms crossed at the door to the principal's office - the jeans jacket with buttons you took her to buy last year had a bloodstain on the front that made your heart miss a beat. 
"Mom!" Her sulky expression lit up the second she saw you - the girl uncrossed her arms and ran to catch up with you, talking too fast about the mess while you searched her face for bruises. You sighed in relief at not finding any.
"Honey, slow down, I'm not catching any words." You warn her gently, and America giggles awkwardly, taking a deep breath to speak again.
"It wasn't my fault, Mom! It was those idiots who came at us, Billy wasn't doing anything, and when they called him bad names and I just lost my temper and-"
You frown in confusion, but America shuts up because the boardroom door opens and other people come out.
The blood is not America's you realize. It's the boy with ice on his face, accompanied by an equally grumpy adult. The boy also has blood all over the front of his shirt, and from the way, America tenses up and he flinches, you understand that he has been beaten.
"Come on, don't give me any more trouble." Warned the man to the boy who practically ran out. The man waved goodbye politely, and you turned to America, ready to ask, but you heard Mr.Fury call your name.
The room was not empty. There were two boys and a woman in a suit so impeccable that you became very aware of the ink stains on your work overalls. Or maybe it was the way she looked you up and down, with an indecipherable expression.
"Mrs.Romanoff, how nice that you could join us at last." Fury pinned on your lateness, and you smiled awkwardly.
"Sorry, I was in class and my cell phone was off." You mumbled, but he didn't seem to care much, signaling for you to sit down.
America stood beside you but smiled at the boys, who smiled back immediately.
"As I explained to Mrs.Maximoff, something rather unpleasant happened this morning. Your children got into a fight with another group of classmates..."
"And where is the rest of the gang?" You asked curiously, looking around. Fury frowned.
"Excuse me?"
"Well, you said they got into a fight. Nobody fights alone. Where are the other children? I saw the other little boy who went outside looking like he got punched right in the nose, and if you told me it was three against one, then yes, we have a problem."
Fury exchanges a look with Mrs.Maximoff, but the redhead is straightening up in her chair, looking at you curiously.
The principal lets out a short laugh. "Miss Romanoff, the confusion started at recess, where America assaulted five classmates. The other four are in the infirmary and-"
You cut Fury off with excitement, turning to your daughter beside you. "Five? Kid, you've been practicing, haven't you? Damn, your mother would be impressed. "
America laughs shyly, but Fury exclaims indignantly. "Excuse me, Mrs.Romanoff, are you really encouraging violent behavior in your 13-year-old daughter?"
 "It depends on what the fight is about." You mutter, but Fury sighs indignantly.
"Violence is never the answer!" Retorts the principal seriously, but his line makes the boys exclaim indignantly.
"They were the ones who attacked us first! America was only defending my brother!" Reported one of them, and you and Mrs.Maximoff exchanged quick glances at the confusion.
"That's right, we were just standing there, and those idiots came at us with curses! If it wasn't for America-"
"Quiet, all of you!" Fury cut in angrily, and the children grumbled but obeyed. He massaged his forehead. "It's clear that the fight started with America, so please could you tell me exactly why you assaulted your colleagues, Miss?"
But America hesitates and looks at the boys, who bow their heads. She sighs.
"It was something silly about grades." She lies - You can see it’s not true because whenever she tells a lie, her forehead frowns slightly and Natasha taught you to recognize everything about little Miss Chavez. You don’t understand why she’s lying though. 
Fury sighs wearily. "Are you sure that's all it was, miss?"
She looks down at the floor and nods. You lick your lips.
"Fury, I wonder if we could talk alone. Just me, Miss Maximoff, and you? They shouldn't be missing class."
Fury hesitates but eventually agrees. Once the children leave, you clear your throat.
"I want to know what will be done with the group that attacked them, Fury."  You state without waiting any longer, surprising a little. Nick clears his throat.
"Your daughter just clarified that it was a silly argument over notes, Miss Romanoff, you don't expect me to-"
"You know it wasn't just that." To his surprise, Wanda intervenes, sounding irritated and tired. She takes a deep breath. "It wouldn't be the first time Billy experienced bullying in his school environment, but you promised me that this school was a safe space when I came to enroll them, Mr.Fury."
Nick clears his throat clumsily, adjusting his tie. "Mrs.Maximoff, at no time-"
"America told me they insulted him." You cut in, exchanging a look with the redhead. "The kids who attacked them came in cursing Billy. That's unacceptable, Fury. You say I encourage violent behavior? No. Natasha and I taught America to stand up for herself and for the people important to her. Nat was in the military and taught her how to fight. You can't expect her to listen to someone use low insults with her friends and do nothing."
"You cannot teach your daughter to punch anyone who irritates her, Miss Romanoff." Fury retorts seriously, before turning his face to the other, "And this is a safe environment, Wanda. We have anti-bullying programs, and when the other boys leave the infirmary, they will answer for this event as well. But for now, it's your kids who need to understand that fighting doesn't go unpunished."
"That doesn't seem very fair." You mutter but Fury casts you a serious look. 
"Because they insulted them? Tell me what happens when they're adults, then." You open your mouth but Fury holds up his hand, rhetorical question. "I tell you, at the very least a lawsuit for assault. I understand it's important to tell them to defend themselves, but they also need to understand how the world works. They are children, by god. You can't tell them to go out punching their way whenever someone wrongs them."
"I guess that's easy to say when we're not the ones experiencing the aggression." Wanda mutters, and Fury gives a short laugh.
"Wanda, I assure you I know the feeling of hearing horrible offenses and having to put my head down and keep walking because the punishments would be worse for me than for those who offended me." Says Nick. "Billy is only twelve, he should learn to respond to things like that in a healthy and safe way. Teaching any of these kids to respond violence with violence puts them at risk, and I'm sure you understand that." Wanda sighs but nods in defeat. Nick clears his throat. "I believe detention for a month is a good punishment."
You sigh, but Wanda hesitates. "They'd be out by three, wouldn't they? Couldn't you do it earlier or between classes? I work office hours on Tuesdays and Wednesdays..."
Nick opens his mouth but you speak first. "I can pick them up." You say casually. "They're friends with America, right? They can stay over if you need."
The redhead blinks in surprise. "Wouldn't that be inconvenient?"
You laugh shrugging your shoulders. "Not at all. America is usually alone in the afternoon while I'm in the studio. It would be nice if she had some company."
Wanda smiles at you and your stomach does a complete turn. Nick claps his hands together.
"I guess we have a deal then. Thank you both for attending, even though it was not the most pleasant of reasons... I'll keep in touch, Miss Maximoff, Miss Romanoff."
You got up first but opened the door for Wanda to pass. Outside, she seemed in a hurry, checking her cell phone, and you didn't want to hold her any longer. Surprisingly, she called you before you left for your car.
"I want your number." She declares, and you can't help the teasing expression that appears on your face. Wanda corrects herself immediately, "B-because of the ride, so I can confirm that everything is okay..."
"I know, I get it." You assure her with a laugh, accepting the cell phone she holds out to put your number in. As you type, you take the opportunity to introduce yourself properly since you haven't had the chance to do so before. Wanda smiles before doing the same. "Here you go, Miss Maximoff."
"Just Wanda is fine." She says gently, accepting the cell phone back. "Thank you again, for the favor."
"You can return it by joining me for coffee." You have no idea where that came from. And it seems to surprise Wanda as much as you surprised yourself. But there's no going back because she smiles and you know you meant it. "Or a tea, or juice. Maybe vitamin?"
Wanda giggles, and it's a charm. You glare at her but she looks at her cell phone again.
"Sorry, I have to go." She looks really disappointed, and you notice that her phone has started vibrating on a call. She looks at you again. "I'll text you about that coffee."
"I'll wait." You mumble, knowing she heard just by the soft smile she still holds as she answers the phone before waving goodbye and turning in the opposite direction of the parking lot.
You sigh loudly as you are left alone, trying to figure out where to see the strange feeling in your stomach that you think you haven't felt in years.
Wanda probably forgot about the coffee. You don't blame her, because America has every social network possible, and through her friendship with Billy Maximoff on Facebook, you are able to find Wanda Maximoff's only two social networks. 
Her professional profile is impeccable. She is an important figure in a major New York company, but you are not too sure whether she is a writer or a manager, or both. Either way, with so many meetings and lectures in her feed, she is probably the busiest person you have ever met. 
The only personal profile she has is a Facebook profile that hasn't been updated in almost three years. It is public, and has family photos - the vast majority with the twins - but what attracts attention is the tall man next to her. If the photos were tagged, it was removed today. There was no link to his profile. You also noticed that the relationship status was still Married, and tried to ignore the burning in your strangers with this information. 
There should be no problem with Wanda being a married woman. You should have expected this, actually. In fact, you shouldn't expect anything at all. Losing Natasha wasn't exactly recent, but you weren't looking for someone to take her place. Ever.
Calling Wanda for coffee was a kind act in the interest of friendship, you convinced yourself. After all, with your antisocial nature, you didn't have many friends in New York. 
America found you stalking Wanda's Facebook, however, and had a very different idea.
"She's a total milf, huh?"
You closed the laptop hard, looking at your daughter with indignation. "Excuse me, young lady?"
America shrugged. "Miss Maximoff, mom. She's so gorgeous, like a movie star. Everyone keeps staring when she comes to pick up the twins."
You grimace, hugging the laptop against your chest. "America, I don't think it's very appropriate for you to say such things to me, don't you agree?"
Your daughter laughs confusedly. "But you thought so too. You're just there stalking her on the Internet..."
"That's it, out." You stand up embarrassed, ignoring America's mischievous laughter in the hallway as you close the door. You grunt red-faced, putting your hands over your face and trying to get the image of Wanda out of your head. America shouts from the hallway:
"I'll order Enchiladas for dinner!" - You open the door just to say thanks.
To your surprise, Wanda texts you the next day. 
It shouldn't really be a surprise, since the children's detention would start now, but still, you were so busy delivering some paintings that you almost completely forgot about it.
Hey Miss Romanoff, it's Wanda. Is everything okay for the kids to stay at your place this afternoon as we agreed? After detention? 
You are listening to music, so you ask the virtual assistant to read the message while you continue painting one of the higher boards. When you realize who it is from, you almost fall down the stairs you are on.
Your cell phone screen smears blue paint when you pick it up in one go, having forgotten your dirty hands, and you curse softly. 
Trying to sound casual, you decide on a voice message.
"Hey, Miss Max-Wanda, hey." Great start. "Sure, don't worry, I'll send you my address to come to pick them up later. And just Y/N is fine."
Wanda replies with an emoji heart, and you try to understand why yours is racing so fast.
Thomas and William Maximoff are two little devils. And America loves them, so you do too.
They play in the backyard and in the living room, surprisingly in harmony over sharing the video game after detention. You go back to work in the studio and keep the music down so you can hear them, and before you know it, the hours have passed and a red pickup truck is pulling up outside your house.
Wanda, on the other hand, doesn't seem too pleased to see that none of the children have had a decent meal after school, or done their homework. And you showing up with a dirty paint apron doesn't seem to help her judgment much.
"I don't usually cook, for the safety of the kitchen."  You try to joke to ease the tension and get giggles from the smaller ones, but only a forced smile from the other, who continues with her arms crossed. "They're not hungry, you know. There were snacks and cookies..."
"Very healthy." Wanda interrupts wryly. "Get your backpacks boys, and thank them for having you. Let's go home before it gets later."
You and America watch Maximoff's hurried exit until Wanda's car disappears at the end of the street, and it is your daughter who speaks first.
"I think she likes you."
You chuckle incredulously, turning your face to America. "What gives you that idea? The deadly stare?"
The smaller girl rolls her eyes amused. "No, Mom! She didn't say she wasn't coming here anymore. And besides, Tommy told me she's kind of too straitlaced... he may have used the word crazy, but I don't think that's very appropriate for me to say."
You chuckle through your nose, ruffling America's hair as you pull her into the house with you. 
"Well, the boys are your friends, so Wanda is going to have to get used to me because if there's one thing we take seriously in this family it's loyalty to our friends, isn't it, little Chavez?" 
America smiles warmly, stealing a glance at Nat's painting on the wall before nodding in agreement. You check your watch.
"Maybe Wanda is right, though. What do you want for dinner? Real food. I can prepare something-"
America grimaces. "I want pizza!"
"But kiddo-"
"With plenty of pepperonis!"
You roll your eyes, unable to say no to that lovely girl.
The next day, when Billy and Tommy take out lunch boxes from their backpacks, you want to chuckle. It's so... you don't even know what to call that.
"What is that supposed to be?" America asks in a mixture of indignation and disgust, standing behind the boys sitting at the table. Tommy and Billy exchange sighs.
"It's called Zucchini Boats." Says William, poking at the snack with his fork - which Wanda also sent in her purse - "Mom is a vegetarian and so are we."
"That's what she thinks," Tommy mutters mischievously, receiving an elbow from his brother. "It's good, America. Want some?"
"No, I'm fine." Your daughter says quickly, exchanging a look with you before leaving the twins to grab some of the juice you are bringing them on a tray. 
"Wow, that looks ... grown up." You comment with an impressed laugh as soon as you see the food the twins are pinching half-heartedly. "Do you guys always eat so fancy?"
"Yeah, all the time." Tommy replies grumpily. "Mom pays for vegetarian snacks at school, and it's always this kind of expensive food at the work parties she brings us to."
"Tommy, I don't think you should talk like that..." Billy whispers uncertainly but is cut off by the other.
"I can't stand eating asparagus or cabbage anymore! And I hate Lentils!" Challenges the twin, pushing the lunchbox onto the table.
America sips her juice in silence, and you sigh.
"Well, here's what we'll do then, little Maximoff." You say, picking up the bowl and some of the food that has fallen on the table. "I'll order hamburger and fries, and leave it on the counter. And you guys choose what you want to eat if you feel hungry."
Tommy loved the idea. Billy thanked him, but said he would stick with what his mother prepared. In any case, you ordered enough for everyone.
When the food arrived, you, America, and Tommy ate first. The Maximoff was very excited about eating meat - He eventually told you between bites that vegetarianism, as well as a dozen other habits, came to his family after his father passed away, and you were so surprised by the information that you could hardly nod in agreement. So Wanda was a widow like you? What a heartbreaking coincidence.
After you finished eating, you needed to continue working, and you left the children to do it. When you came back for some keys about ten minutes later, Tommy and America were playing video games in the living room and little Billy was eating French fries on the counter and having the time of his life. You didn't dare bother him.
The whole plot of Wanda and her vegetarian lunch boxes for 12-year-olds that were half going to waste - you insisted that they at least take a few bites out of respect for their mother's work - went on for three whole weeks.
It was on the penultimate day of detention when Wanda was already smiling as she came to pick up the kids, that she found out and showed up at your door during school hours.
"Sorry for the wait, I'm teaching a class." You tell her clumsily as you welcome her into the small makeshift office, while your students take a break in the studio in the other room. 
Wanda hasn't even taken off her coat and is still holding her keys in her hands. "Don't worry, I'll be quick." She says. "I appreciate the favor of picking up the boys and letting them stay here, but it has come to my attention your inappropriate behavior, and I-"
"Wow, what are you talking about?" You interrupt in confusion. 
Wanda doesn't hesitate, adjusting her posture. "The food I prepare for my children is properly planned with a nutritionist, and William has told me about your interference in their diet." You stare at her without reaction, and she takes advantage of your shock to continue speaking. "I respect that you are raising your daughter without any attention to a healthy diet, but I cannot allow you to do the same-"
"No, wait a second there." You cut her off with a short laugh, gesturing a little and without realizing it, moving closer, which makes Wanda take a step backward in that small office. "I never told them to stop eating your fancy food."
She grimaces. "But you bought junk food!" She rations angrily. "What do you expect children to choose?"
You chuckle. "Exactly, Wanda! They are children! You're the one who's feeding them like they're 60-year-old culinary critics!"
"A healthy diet is essential for their development-"
"Billy has never eaten pizza before! Do you understand how insane that sounds?"
Wanda feels her blood boil, much like you. And she doesn't realize she's screaming, much the same as you. 
"Oh, what a crime not to want to give my two children a fat bomb! Arrest me for preventing cardiovascular disease when they are adults!
"What the hell are you talking about?" You retort with an indignant chuckle, but Wanda steps forward, her gaze deadly.
"I don't tell you how to raise your daughter, so don't you dare do it to me." She says seriously, and you swallow dryly. 
"I never said anything like that." You retort. "It's not a crime to offer actual good food to a child."
Wanda frowns. "My food is good!" She defends herself almost offended, but you sigh wearily.
"For the adult palate? Yes, it is. I've tasted it, you have talent I admit." You say, surprising her a little by the compliment. Her posture almost breaks. "But for the boys? I'm sorry, I don't mean to pry, but they don't like it, okay? Especially Thomas. I didn't want you to find out like this, but he hasn't followed your all-important eating schedule in months, Miss Maximoff. He keeps buying candy and junk food around-"
"What?" she exclaims indignantly, turning away to walk around the room. You sigh. "Where does he get the money for that?"
You shrug casually. "I don't know, isn't he kind of pretty popular? Maybe he sells some toys or homework. I used to do that when I was young. And well, I give America an allowance and they hang out together a lot and-
"So you're the problem! Again!" Wanda suddenly accuses you, leaving you in shock. "You and your daughter, stay away from my boys!"
"Wanda, what...?"
But she turned her back on you and slammed the door hard on her way out. You huffed loudly, pressing your face between your hands for a long moment. Complete confusion in your mind. 
You're not sure what you expected for the last day of detention, but it sure wasn't the call from the secretary about America skipping class. 
You called her immediately, and to add to your despair, she didn't answer until an hour later, when you had already taken the car and were driving around town after her.
The arcade parking lot was empty because all the kids were in school. Except for a few.
You got down from the truck, and this time, you knew the blood was Billy's.
"Have you gone crazy? I drove all over town after you, America! Where-"
But she ran up to you, hugging you tightly, and you fell silent, worried. "I'm sorry, Mom!"
After massaging her back gently, you turned away to the boys sitting on the sidewalk. Bending down to Billy's height, you grabbed from the other twin the ice pack he held over his brother's bruised forehead.
"What happened, guys?" You asked, and all three of them started talking together. With a sigh, you shushed them. "Just one at a time, please."
America stepped forward. "We weren't going to skip the whole day, Mom, I promise! It's just that Tommy forgot to do his chemistry homework, so we were going to skip it so he wouldn't get in trouble!"
Tommy nods immediately. "We came here because we weren't going to hang around the school at the risk of getting caught." Continues the boy. "We were going to play and come back as soon as the next class time started."
Billy complains softly about the pain and you try to press more gently. "So?" You ask them to continue, but they don't, exchanging hesitant glances. 
It is William who continues the story, his gaze in his lap. "It was the idiot brother of a classmate of ours. He was at the arcade, and he recognized me. He said he was furious that I got his brother in trouble. And he said... He said there's no place in this town for a faggy like me."
You sigh immediately, putting down the ice to hold his shoulder with your other hand. "Oh, Billy, I'm sorry."
He sniffles lightly, shrugging. "It's okay, I'm used to it. America and Tommy were buying soda, so the jerk threw me out here. As soon as they came, the guy ran off."
"It was the arcade owner who gave us the ice." America clarifies, coming over to sit down on the sidewalk across from Billy, and slipping an arm over his. "Sorry for taking so long, buddy. Next time I'm going to break his leg-"
"Hey, listen up here you three." You interrupt, looking at them seriously. "Violence is never the solution."
"But, Mom, they-"
"I know." You cut her off with a nod. "And it's unfair that it happened. And all we want to do is return that anger, but we can't be like that. Billy, I'm really sorry that you've heard cruel things. There's a place for you wherever you choose, that boy is just being an ignorant fool. Don't listen to him." You assure holding the hand of the boy in front of you. "You three are going back to school, and I'll take care of it the right way, okay?"
At first, they don't seem very willing, but eventually, they agree. You direct them back to school, and are not surprised at the increased detention Fury gives them for skipping class. Nick, however, is the one who provides the numbers of the parents of the kids who attacked them, and of a lawyer. 
He comments something about having called Miss Maximoff but to no avail before thanking you for bringing the children back safely and saying goodbye.
You are walking back to your car when Wanda parks as if in a race movie.
"I'm glad you're here, Wanda, we need to talk." You announce loudly, walking to her car. She turns it off, takes out the key, and gets down, slamming the door. 
"I don't have time, the director called me during a meeting, and I-"
"I know." You cut her off, and make no mention of moving out of her way, trapping her between cars. "Our kids were skipping class."
She chuckles dryly. "That's what I'm talking about, your daughter is a terrible influence. I wasn't wrong when-"
"She was helping Tommy." You cut in again, crossing your arms. "Yeah. He didn't do his chemistry homework or something, and they decided to skip the first period so he wouldn't get a scolding. Because, yes, he'd rather take his chances on the street than smear the perfect record mommy wants for him."
Wanda tilts her head. "Watch your mouth." She warns between teeth, and you roll your eyes.
"Billy got punched." You declare, and Wanda's posture breaks completely. Desperation fills her expression.
"W-what... Excuse me, I have-" 
"It's taken care of, it was just a scratch I looked at it myself." You interrupt, steadying your feet in her path, and ignoring the way she looks you up and down. "But these assaults, Wanda, we need to get a handle on this."
She is surprised, in a good way. And she swallows dryly, trying to adjust her posture. "That's not your problem."
You don't care, pulling out of your pocket the lawyer's paper Fury gave you to hand to her 
as you quickly explain the whole story. Wanda is unresponsive until she sniffles slightly, and this breaks your posture.
Your natural instinct is to touch her, but you hold back, clenching your hands, and Wanda turns her face away, hugging her own body as she controls her crying.
"Forgive me, I just..." She takes a deep breath. "They're all I have. And they're perfect, just the way they are. I just wanted to...do the best for them. Keep them safe, and happy. But apparently, New York is even worse than Westview."
"Hey, I understand that." You can't resist, raising a hand to her back, and thanking the gods that Wanda leans into the touch instead of backing away. "Some things are beyond our control. But I think you're doing a damn fine job, Wanda."
She raises her eyes at you. "Really?"
"Yeah." You assure her with a smile. "Your kids are great. Smart, so independent, and good-natured. Very united and loyal. You've done a really good job with them-"
Wanda hugs you tightly around the neck, cutting off your sentence. You smile, putting your arms around her just as the surprise fades. She sighs. "Thank you." She whispers, and you squeeze tighter before letting go.
"Call Jen Walters about this. Nick said she's a good lawyer." You remind her, and Wanda nods. You put your hands in your pockets and stare at her for a moment. "Were you at some fancy event? You look good."
She blushes, smiling shyly and adjusting her suit. "Something like that. Just a new book launch, so phone off. As soon as I saw the missed calls, I ran here..."
You chuckle lightly. "Yeah, I noticed the Fast and Furious you pulled out." You joke getting a laugh and a slap on the arm.
As the laughter dies down, you face each other. And Wanda is the first to swallow dryly and shift her gaze away.
"I should go there... just to make sure everything is okay." She says pointing to the school. You clear your throat and finally give her space to walk through.
"Sure, sure. I see you...?"
Wanda looks at you over her shoulder, a soft smile on her lips. "Over coffee." She invites, her smile widening with your surprise. "It's about time, don't you think?"
You nod, swallowing your anxiety. "I can’t wait." You guarantee, and when she leaves, your cheeks are flushed like hers.
Wanda doesn't call. But she doesn't have to.
The detentions are over; you're pretty sure she threatened Nick Fury on her way back to the office, but whatever she said, she made sure that the victims of the story stopped being punished. Tommy received a short warning for his duty, but the matter was soon forgotten.
You were surprised that even with the end of the detention, the Maximoff twins were on your doorstep on Tuesday. And next to them, Wanda.
"If you're not busy, I was thinking we could all have lunch together. I got some free time at the office." Clarified the matriarch, and well, you had a dozen or so orders to make and they would all have to wait because no chance at all of you dismissing going out with Wanda.
She is infinitely more pleasant company than the impression you got during your fights. She is a fierce mother, but she is so much more than that. She's brilliant, passionate, and generous. You find yourself captured by her like a work of art, which you can stare at for hours and hours, trying to absorb every detail and discover others.
Lunch turns into afternoon snacks, and into dinners. The Maximoffs show up at your house on a weekly basis, Wanda cooks for you sometimes, and at other times allows herself to eat junk food with everyone else.
And family dates become the two of you dates when she kisses you.
It takes you completely by surprise, honestly. 
You have been dancing into a family routine for amazing weeks, and after one of the dinners, it gets late enough to insist that they sleep over at your place. 
The boys stay in America's room, and you take over the living room so that Wanda is comfortable in her room.
When she shows up at dawn in the kitchen while you're making tea, the first thing she says is "I feel terrible about making you sleep on the couch. I can't sleep because of it."
You smile and separate a mug of tea for her too.
"I think we finally had that drink." You comment a long moment later, as you pour the tea for yourselves.
Wanda smiles mischievously. "I don't think it counts." She murmurs mysteriously, and you raise an eyebrow.
Wanda hums in the negative. "We've drunk together a dozen times now, Y/N." She retorts, holding the cup close to her mouth. "If you want to take me out, you need to genuinely ask."
She sips her tea, and you swallow dryly as you stare into her lips. Blinking away when you notice her naughty smile, you ignore your nervousness, and retort, "I asked, you're the one who didn't call me." 
Wanda raises her eyebrow, taken aback that you brought back this information from so many weeks later. She doesn't lose her composure, however. "I thought it wouldn't be appropriate when given a second thought about it."
You sip some tea. "And what do you think of us now?"
Instead of answering, she leans over the countertop. She grabs the collar of your shirt and kisses you hard. Your whole body vibrates, and you gasp. But she lets you go before you have the chance to respond properly.
"I think if you don't ask me out soon, I'll have to do it myself." She teases affectedly, breathing out of breath as you do. You laugh, nodding.
"Go out with me." 
She raises an eyebrow. "Is that an order?" She teases, and you grunt.
"God, Wanda, come here." That's what you say before pulling her back to you, mouth to mouth.
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chaotic-starlight24 · 1 month
I see you have requested hc requests for a pair of outsiders characters. Dally and Darry please?
Thanks so much for the request :D Dally and Darry it is!
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Warnings: Spoilers, Angst towards the end
When Dally first showed up in Tulsa as a scraggly little 13 ¾ year old, Mr. Curtis told Mrs. Curtis and Darry to look out for him. So Darry tried his best to take him under his wing. Dally actually warmed up to him though it took a while. He saw him as an older brother of his own. But he never admitted that out loud since that almost always ended badly for the “older brother” of the situation.
They drifted from each other for some time though because Darry thought Dallas was becoming a bad influence on his brothers. Mainly the time when Dally fell back into the hood he was in New York. So Darry would try his best to keep Pony and Soda away from him (much to Soda’s sadness). After a couple arguments with Dally, Darry told Mrs. Curtis about his concerns. And she changed his point of view on Dally and just about every hood on the east side. It made him realize that Dally was a scared kid who had to toughen up or die. So Darry started to go a little easier on him.
Darry is actually one of the few Dally trusts. They butt heads from time to time but they also know they can lean on each other if really needed. 
Dally tries his best to help out Darry from time to time. The problem is that Dally isn’t exactly the most responsible person. Like he’ll offer to let Pony tag along with him and Johnny so Darry can get some time to do whatever, but that does mean Pony may or may not know how to gamble. Dally’s trying his best, guys.
Darry is one of the few to have heard about Dally’s siblings back in New York. Dallas hasn’t gone into a bunch of detail but most of the gang doesn’t even know Dally had a family. So for example, one afternoon Dally was just hanging out while Darry was sorting through Pony’s report cards and Dally just kinda laughed to himself, “You know, you remind me a lot of Henry.” “Who?” “Oh, nobody… He was my brother, he uh, he tried his best to get us all through schoolin’. But I neva cared much for it.”
One night while the gang was all hanging out, Dally overheard Darry talking to Two-Bit about Paul. Darry just says something like, “I miss him sometimes, but he’s not the same person anymore. I’ve heard some of the nasty stuff he’s said about me and my bro-“ That’s all it took for Dally to go storming out of the house to find Tim and his gang. Paul left his party to discover his brand new wheels missing from his car. Darry woke up in the morning to discover some real nice tires on him and Soda’s car. Dally was honestly ready to just steal Paul’s car altogether but Tim convinced him otherwise.
Before Dally really became a part of the gang, Darry wanted to help him out to find somebody who just matched his vibes. He knew Tim from random parties and from Two-Bit so he was just like “Maybe they’ll get along!”. So he took Dally for a walk and told him about this guy he thinks Dally will like and Dallas was just like “One second.” and pickpocketed a guy who walked by. That guy immediately turned around and started cursing him out and causing a fight to break out between them. Darry just stood there because “Aw crap, that’s Tim!” Darry very much believed he just gave Dally his first enemy. But after fighting they complemented each other’s fighting style and started talking. Darry left them to it and walked off.
Someone in Tim’s gang taught Dally how to drive. Darry heard Dally was learning and was like “Ok! How about you show me what you know!” Dally took hold of that wheel and Darry mentally noted to never drive with him again. Dally has since gotten a bit better but also hasn’t exactly made major improvement.
Darry tried to pick him up before Dally got similar in height to him. Dally immediately started squirming and cursing like an angry chihuahua.
Dally followed Darry and Two-Bit around a lot when he first became a part of the gang. Sure he really connected with Johnny, but it took him a bit. Steve, Soda, and Johnny were a trio that had grown up together and same with Darry and Two-Bit. So Dally was kinda the weird middle ground between them both friend and age wise. Darry and Two were always welcome to have him around but Dally still tried to keep up that cool guy persona. So on the days Darry didn’t have practice, him and Two-Bit would be walking around, chatting and laughing together. Then Dallas would be trailing a couple feet behind them, hands stuffed in his leather jacket just kinda walking along with them.
When Dally died that was the first time in a while since Darry has felt pure rage. Everything in him wanted to throw everything he had at the cops, but he knew that wouldn’t do any good. Instead he had to see Dallas lying cold on the ground. And not in a peaceful way or anything. It tore Darry apart inside to see this kid like this. This kid he has looked out for since he came to Tulsa. This kid his brother had brought into the gang. This kid who followed him and his best friend around for the first couple months. This kid who dealt with so much pain and hurt yet hid it away from his surface, keeping up with his persona. His persona that so desperately wanted to be older than he actually was, the version who could take all that has hit him. And now Darry watches as they drag a white sheet over the body and haul him away. 
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terpsichorestyx · 1 year
hiiii!! i was wondering if u could do a aouad Su-hyeok fic where him and the reader we’re together in the broadcasting room with everyone else but she ended up getting lost when they were going to save Cheong-San? Maybe she re-finds them after the group got to the roof ?
(established relationship if that’s okay 🤗)
i really hope that makes sense (_T_)
sorry it took so long 😭 su-hyeok x f!reader
murder, zombies, blood (everything in aouad basically)
(on-Jo likes cheongsan, Nam-ra doesn’t like anyone. Also the whole rooftop thing with eun-Ji doesn’t happen at the same time. she’s already a halfbie and her friend is at the safety camp already.)
Not proofread and it’s not very good 💀👍
You both were together when it happened. Su-Hyeok had bought you flowers out of the blue, and you were laughing together outside. He had put a baby pink flower in your hair, stuffing the rest in the dark blue bag that hung on your shoulders. He was just leaning in for a kiss when you both heard a bloodcurdling scream, and saw a horde of students running in one direction infront of you. Looking to see what they were running away from, you saw a group of bloody students stumbling behind the rest. An unfortunate girl had tripped and fell, and you both watched as the group fell on top of her while ripping flesh from her skin with their teeth. You looked at Su-Hyeok in fear, and he got up holding your hand and ran through the halls, following the other students.
You both ran until you found a safe classroom and locked yourselves inside.
Gyeong-Su, Cheongsan, On-Jo, Na-Yeon, Dae-Su, Nam-Ra and Hyeon-Ju were already inside.
Since then, you all stuck together. Bad things happened, like Hyeon-Ju getting infected, zombies breaking in, and more, but you all stuck together and fought no matter how much you were hurting. Eventually, you had found a way to the broadcasting room. The water-pipe hung from the window and everybody took their turns going down. You volunteered to go last, after Su-Hyeok.
In the broadcasting room, Na-Yeon and Gyeong-Su had began arguing. Su-hyeok and Cheongsan went to make them stop, so they didn’t notice. If they did, you would’ve been with them right now. You weren’t blaming them, if anything, you blamed yourself. You had slipped. You slipped off the pipe, and luckily grabbed onto a ledge a few floors down just in time. Too scared to call for help in case you attracted the zombies, you went inside the class hoping to find the others soon later.
Su-Hyeok realised soon enough, and he was frantic. He tried climbing up the pipe to get you, but in your place were a bunch of zombies. He wanted to leave, to find you, to save you and bring you back to safety, but nobody let him. He still had hope you were alive. You were strong, he knew that. Despite the growing feeling of despair each hour he wasn’t with you, he held onto that string of hope.
You, on the other hand, were fighting. Running from class to class, hitting zombies with anything and everything you could find. You took a break in the music room, trying to stock up on food and water. Opening your bag and looking at the flowers for a second, before gently placing the food inside to not ruin the flowers. “He’ll be okay. He’s with everyone else, and he’s going to be safe.” You thought.
Your break was interrupted by a lone zombie running to the music room. Dropping your bag, you pushed a piano onto it before grabbing a bottle of water and running. You ran to the roof. Luckily, the door was unlocked and you could find refuge there.
You saw helicopters near the school before, you knew more would come soon after, so you waited.
Meanwhile, Su-Hyeok was with everyone else. They had used a drone to locate Cheongsan, but couldn’t find a trace of you. They had made their way to the music room and sat there for a while before exploring the music room for useful things. They couldn’t open the supply room door, but they saw a zombie stuck under a piano.
“Hey, What’s this?” Dae-Su said as he picked up a dark blue bag. Su-hyeok didn’t pay attention. He was caught up in his thoughts. “Is she okay? It’s almost been two days.” He thought. Dae-Su opened the bag and said “Hey! There’s food here!” Which caught Su-Hyeok’s attention. They group had been starving for hours. They all scrambled to Dae-Su to take some food. Su-Hyeok went last, but just as he was about to pick up a Soda can he saw a familiar bouquet of flowers. Wilting baby pink flowers were placed beside the food, just barely out of sight. He grabbed the bag and looked around it, finding a name tag with your name on it.
He froze. He couldn’t think of anything, nothing registered in his mind. Your bag was in the music room, bloody. You were in the music room. You left your bag here, with food and water. By choice? No. Something must have happened. The small string of hope he was holding onto was gone.
Everybody came around to gather, and they all saw your bag. Though they tried to comfort Su-Hyeok, they were all thinking the same thing. You were bitten.
After that, nothing mattered. su-hyeok felt dissociated. He was fighting, but for what?
They made a plan to go to the roof, so that the helicopters notice and save them. So they did. They fought and fought until they made it to the roof, and started banging on the doors to get in.
You were skeptical at first, but you heard Cheongsans voice. You ran to the door and pulled it open.
Everyone fled inside and closed the door behind them, and then you saw him.
He spotted you and his eyes widened in relief. He ran to you and pulled you into the tightest hug, never wanting to let you go. “I thought you were dead” said su-hyeok, holding back tears.
You didn’t say anything, you just held him closer. Sure, you would have to keep fighting, and it won’t be easy, but you were together. All of it was okay if you were together, and he wasn’t going to let you go ever again.
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