#Mayans MC Post Canon
garbinge · 1 year
Wanderlust (1)
Angel Reyes Post Canon Fic (Mentions of OC Isabeth ‘Izzy’ Flores) From these August Prompts: Wanderlust Word Count: 3.1k Warnings: Mayans S5 Full Season/Finale Spoilers!!!!!!!!, mentions of death, blood, loss, angst, bad thoughts, stress, PTSD, just really sad but it does have some hope!
A/N: I… this is a lot and was honestly just flowed out onto the paper and just I have thoughts for more in this post-canon world but for now, this will be a little ode to Angel post series. Mayans Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @narcolini @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie
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It was hard to accept his dreams coming true when it took everything falling apart to get there. It was truthfully even hard to call this a dream when it was just a necessity for a normal and safe life. The peace the beach town of La Paz, Mexico had to offer wasn’t as rewarding as the fight to get here made it seem it would be. For Angel, most of that had to do with the fact that time passed differently now. There was nothing to look forward to anymore now that he was here. There were no visits from grandparents, no visits from uncles, no waking up next to the woman he loved. The goals he once had before were now achieved and alongside of them looking different, he hadn’t had the time or honest want to create new ones. The one thing that kept him going was his son, Maverick. The thought of showing him a world of endless opportunities and making life better solely for him was what let him get out of bed in the morning everyday. On their journey down, he opted to show him where the little boy’s grandparents once lived, where Maverick's mother had grown up, but Angel knew staying in those places would only ultimately leave him in the same cycle. The cycle Angel was on the path to break, because, well, it was his only option now. 
Waking up might have been the hardest part of his day. It was ironic because falling asleep was the best. A moment of uninterrupted time where his thoughts weren’t consumed in his brain. He was shocked he didn’t have nightmares about everything, but his mind saved those for the daytime. When he was awake, he could vividly remember everything, every moment, every sound, every look, every feeling. It was why waking up was the hardest, because everything hit him like a pile of bricks the moment his eyes opened. He saw Felipe everyday. He heard EZ everyday. He searched for Luisa everyday. 
Not literally, ofcourse. The image of his father being rolled out on a coroner’s gurney was embedded into his brain. The sound of EZ’s last breaths, his last wishes of telling Maverick about him and their mother. And finally, his hand reached for Luisa in his bed every morning as some search for comfort but he was left with emptiness. Once Maverick was up that’s when he was able to push everything aside and do simple everyday things for him. He was currently living off the money Luisa had left in the crib before settling into a job. Settling into employment meant finding someone or somewhere to leave Maverick and he just wasn’t ready for that step. Luckily in Mexico, he could make that money stretch. Their place was cheap, Maverick was still sleeping in a crib so the one bedroom house they stayed in was more than doable. Food was no more than $25 a week between the two of them and that was pending if Angel even had the drive to eat a full meal. Maverick was always taken care of, though. He had tons of his favorite food stored in the fridge and freezer and lots of toys. Angel had taken his Pops truck down, loading it up with the broken down crib, stroller, and height chair, a few bags of their clothes, and that was just about it. 
It was early morning, Angel had been awake for a few minutes staring at the ceiling thinking about his brother. The ultimate choice he had to make in stabbing him. Logically he knew there was no out of that situation, but that didn’t stop the ‘what ifs’ from running through his head everyday. The biggest what if that weighed on Angel’s mind was what if he never joined the club. That was what brought them there. Sure, Felipe’s past life had brought violence to them, specifically their mother, but Angel continued it. Maybe if he never joined the club EZ would have gotten out of prison and done something with his life. Again, this was Angel told himself, but he struggled with that just like everything else. If he never joined the club, he never would have met Luisa or had Maverick, EZ probably would have stayed in jail for the full stint with no chance of getting out early. It made Angel think about who EZ was prior to losing their mother, what would have happened if everything was different. If he was a different person, his father was a different person, it ultimately brought him to one thought. Why him? Why was he the only one who got out. That’s usually when the cries of Maverick snapped him out of it as if the universe was giving him the answer. 
As Maverick’s voice cooed right on schedule, Angel was quick to get out of bed and grab him from the crib. Angel chatted with the boy, asking him how he slept, what he was hungry for, what he was in the mood to wear. All of those things took up a good couple hours of the morning between bath time and feeding, for the both of them. 
Now was the time to take on the beach town of La Paz, he and Maverick had been exploring the last few weeks, taking some time on the few different beaches, enjoying the street art and boardwalks, taking in the marinas, finding some local food spots to indulge in, and today was time to hit downtown. 
La Paz was beautiful, the streets were filled with statues, artworks, and markets as you walked along the coast to get downtown where there was just more of everything. Angel had Maverick in his arms as they walked past a bookstore which made him stop and stare into the window. 
“You know your Tío EZ loved to read.” Angel looked over at the boy in his arms. “Your grandpa, my dad, had bookshelves in his shop and would constantly be giving new ones to your Tío, I always told ‘em they smelt like meat and maybe there was somewhere better to keep 'em but they enjoyed it.” Angel nodded his head at the memory. 
“Maybe we can find you some different books, huh?” Angel looked into the bookstore and noticed it was more of a newsstand with biographies, novels, and stories versus children’s books so he began his search for a library. 
Biblioteca Pública para los Niños de La Paz, the words on the secluded building could be seen from a hundred feet away. The building was painted and bright and seemed to be exactly what he was looking for. Maverick was enamored by it, his eyes were glued to the building and his arms extended out to point to it. 
Angel let out a laugh, “Alright, little man. Let's go check it out.” 
As they entered the building it was a lot fancier than he imagined a library to be, there were different sections despite it being majorly a children's library. They had movies, DVDs, novels but when Angel looked to the left he was met with a huge children’s section. There was a big circular room that he assumed was for events, walls and walls of books, almost never ending and somewhere in the middle of that were couches and play sets. In the midst of all of this there was a big circulation desk that was covered in posters and kids toys and flyers where there was an empty desk chair. Angel assumed someone must’ve been on their break or roaming around the library so he walked past it and let Maverick roam around the play sets. 
“Mav, come, look at these.” He called the little boy over to the half shelf of books. Angel sat squatted on the ground at Maverick’s eye level as he pulled books out, there were two that he held onto which Angel assumed they’d be checking out while the others were left on the floor in his path along the shelf. Angel was quick to grab the discarded books and put them back in their proper place as he moved behind his son, making sure that nothing was left out of place. 
“Maybe we can find a book that daddy used to read all the time.” Angel started to look at the next shelf over for the book he remembered Marisol reading to him while Maverick plopped down right next to him as if he was waiting for the book. 
“Buenas tardes, como los puedo ayudar? ” A woman’s voice caused Angel to startle and turn around immediately. He was such a tall individual that looking up to someone wasn’t usual for him. 
“Lo siento,” he let out a chuckle and shook his head as he tried to think straight, “uh, estoy buscando un libro.” He explained in spanish what he was doing. 
“Perdoname,” the woman laughed back, “no quise asustarte.” Her eyes were soft as she apologized. “Sabes el nombre del libro?” 
Angel thought for a minute. “Uh, si, se–se llama,” Angel closed his eyes as he tried to remember the name, “olvidé el nombre, pero se trata del sol y…” He lost it, it’s like any bit of spanish left his brain when he tried to think of the word he was looking for. “Ah, que es,” he thought to himself now feeling fully embarrassed by his lack of fluency. “Come se dice, un reptilio?” He replaced the word he wanted with a similar synonym. 
“A lizard?” The woman spoke her English as clear as day even with her accent. 
Angel let out a sigh of relief. “Yea, the book is about a sun and lizard.” 
“La Lagartija y el Sol.” She nodded, knowing exactly what book he was referring to. 
“Yes!” His eyes lit up. “Sor– Perdoname, si, La Lagartija y el Sol.” He confirmed still stumbling over his words. 
“It’s okay, I speak English.” The girl met Angel at eye level as she squatted down and reached across his face to search for the book. 
“I’m trying to fit in, act like a local.” He let out a nervous chuckle that made her smile. 
“We stick out like sore thumbs.” Her thick accent was littered with humor as she related to him. 
“You’re not local?” Angel asked her out of curiosity. 
“No, I’m from Mexico but not La Paz. I learned English in the States a few years ago.” She wasn’t willing to give up more specifics but Angel wasn’t one to pry either.
“Any advice on how not to stick out and seem like a local?” He laughed as he adjusted himself to stand up. 
“No one cares here, everyone minds their business, it’s why I enjoy living here.” She stopped dragging her finger along the books as she found the one she was looking for and pulled it out by its spine. “La Lagartija y el Sol.” 
“Thank you, I think he’s gonna like this one.” Angel pointed to his son who was sitting on the couch mindlessly going through the few books that he had grabbed himself. 
“It is about perseverance and bravery, two traits you’ll need if you want to try and fit in as a local.” She teased. “The book is bilingual, also. Might help both of you.” 
“Good to know, ironically, my mom used to read me the bilingual version and well, you’ve seen how well that worked out.” He was now standing with the book in his hand. 
“Takes perseverance.” She smirked. “Let me know if you need any more help.” And with that, she was moving back behind the children’s circulation desk. 
Angel stayed with Maverick in between the two shorter shelves where the playsets were, letting the boy enjoy the toys and time out of the house. They picked out a couple DVDs too in addition to the 3 books in his hands, just trying to think of ways to pass the time back at home. About an hour and a half had passed and Angel decided it was time to leave to grab some lunch and maybe head to the marina so he began to approach the childrens desk with Maverick in one arm and the things he planned to check out in the other. 
The same woman came out from the back office and smiled as she situated back in her seat at the computer that was likely from the early 2000s. 
“Do you have a card with us already?” She looked up at him before taking the movies and books off the part of the desk that was raised to be more of an appropriate height for those standing on the opposite side of it. 
“No, I’d have to sign up for one if that’s not a big deal?” His tone had a little apprehension in it. 
“Nope, just need to get some info from you.” She began clicking things on the computer and then asking him questions. “Need a name, address, and some form of ID.” 
Angel froze for a minute, he wasn’t exactly sure what he felt comfortable giving up information wise. He was well aware that this was some random woman at the library and not the cartel or even a police officer but it just felt nerve wracking. 
“Um, do I need to give all that information?” He stood awkwardly as he re-situated Maverick on his side. 
The woman looked up at him and immediately understood. “I can make it work with just a name.” She agreed. “I just need you to promise you’re going to return those items in 3 weeks because if not it’s my paycheck the replacements come out of.” Her face was soft when she spoke. 
“Promise. You can put the card under Angel Reyes.” He leaned over to see what she put into the system. 
After a few minutes she took out a card and scanned it before placing it on the table in front of him. “If you have any trouble just ask for me and I’ll take care of it. I put the address in as my own.” 
Angel was speechless for a minute before he spoke up. “Thanks, I didn’t mean to have to have you–” she cut him off before he finished speaking. 
“It’s okay, I get it.” Her eyes moved to Maverick, who was beginning to fall asleep in Angel’s arms, and then back to Angel’s eyes before grabbing his things to check him out. After scanning all the items and placing them in a bag she moved to go grab something on the other side of the desk. “Also,” she twirled in the chair. “I pulled this for you. I think you and your son would enjoy it.” 
La Frontera: El Viaje con Papá - A Journey with Papa. 
Angel stared at the book for a minute with a smile on his face. 
“You know, I always wanted to travel. I had dreams about it. Going all these different places. I went to some but like I wanted to see things my family saw, see things they didn’t, just have the world at my disposal, right?” He was staring down at the book, holding it in his hand, wiping his tumb across the cover. “But now I just don’t feel that way anymore.” He put the book down on the table and snapped himself out of his thoughts. “Sorry,” his head shook. “I didn’t mean to unload, I don’t get to talk to many people that aren’t above the age of 2.” 
The woman smiled, “You know, sometimes that feeling of wanderlust is your gut telling you that you are not in the right place.” Her shoulders shrugged like what she said didn’t hold a heavy weight to Angel’s ears. There was a moment where he just took in those words before she spoke up again. “Maybe you’re just finally in the right place.” 
She had gone back to doing something, not paying Angel any attention as he slowly put the book in the bag. Maybe it was true, he was in the right place, he had finally escaped all the violence, the stress, the uneasiness, and he could feel free. That still didn’t come without punishment. The thought of feeling free reminded him that his brother, father, and mother died being stuck. The images of his mother on the floor of the shop followed by his father on the gurney and his brother on the floor of the Mayan clubhouse rotted his brain. Repetitive words of the things they said throughout their lifetime haunting Angel. How could he be free when he felt so chained to their memory. 
“Are you okay?” The woman’s voice snapped Angel out of his thoughts. 
“Si, Yes, Gracias, seriously for all your help.” Angel started stepping away now. 
“You are welcome, Angel.” She smiled and went back to her work before looking up when Angel stuttered after wishing her a good day but realizing he had no idea what her name was. 
Angel stood there frozen again and repeated her name. “Isa?” The woman’s head nodded and she looked at him confused.
“Is there something wrong with that?” She let out a nervous laugh. 
 “I’m sorry, that was sort of my mom’s name.” He closed his eyes with a smile. 
“Sort of?” She twisted her head and met him with the same smile. 
“Yea, sort of–it’s complicated.” He chuckled back. 
“Well to make it more complicated, you can call me Izzy. That’s what my friends in the states used to call me, I kind of miss it.” 
“How’d you know I was from the states?” He asked curiously, a look that didn’t last long as she gave him a knowing look and tried to hold in her laugh. “Fair enough, Izzy it is.” He nodded and with that he left the library with a feeling of content.
It was nice to finally have a conversation with someone that held some sort of mature value, despite the fact that it brought Angel some of his darkest thoughts, but he would have had those regardless, at least this time he was offered some solace. Maybe he was finally in the right place, maybe this is where Maverick needed to be, where he needed to be. Perhaps it was everyone he lost that guided him to this spot simply because it was the right place. Maybe wanderlust didn’t need to be about huge travel but just roaming around your own space, your mind even, finding one place of peace and calmness where all the bad things weren’t allowed to go. That was what Angel’s next adventure would hold, wanderlust of his mind, a place where all his demons and nightmares weren’t allowed, and just peace and tranquility could be found.
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Lost & Found - A Guero (Mayans MC)/OC Story.
Okay, okay! I cave to the demand and the excitement I have warmly received from you all. Here you go, darlings. First chapter is here. I can’t promise I will be posting the second next week just in case I want to do ANOTHER deep dive into the editing, but since I am just over halfway through writing it now, I thought I would at least post the first. 
Story is somewhat canon, with a few changes here and there to suit my artistic vision... i.e. I kicked canon in the ass and told her to go home, hahaha! Oh, I also gave Guero a surname, too! I tried to keep him as true to who we see on screen, but obviously since we didn’t get him for long, some of his characterisations are of my creation. Don’t like it? Don’t read. Simple as that. 
Nervously and excitedly awaiting your feedback, eeek! :)
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Words - 3,834
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, Minors DNI. Recounts of kidnap, child trafficking, physical/verbal/sexual abuse in the coming chapters. 
Unknown numbers. Ezekiel Reyes often received more than he wished to endure upon the burner phone he used for club business. Regularly they were legitimate, but occasionally telemarketers, such annoyances he simply hung up on instantly. While walking from his trailer to the clubhouse, he expected the call coming in to be that of nuisance, 11am seemingly the call centre worker bee’s peak time to bother him about his long-distance courier needs, or savings on his energy bills.  
It was no telemarketer, but he almost disconnected the call all the same in sheer disbelief.  
“Ezekiel Reyes?”
“Who wants to know?” His journey across the yard was undisturbed, watching as Bottles and Nestor took in an alcohol delivery, a nearby Guero and Downer giving them the usual offering of shit talk.
“Rocco Lombardi.”  
He stopped dead in his tracks. The Rocco Lombardi was reaching out to him? Nah.
“This your idea of a joke?”  
He heard a deep chuckle filter down the line. “I’m more of a knock knock, who’s there kinda fella.” Remaining paused, he thought whoever it was had at least nailed the thick, New Jersey accent. He had to give them props for that, he guessed. “Listen, you got FaceTime, I take it?”  
“I do, but...” The line cut dead. Five seconds later and sure enough, a FaceTime call came in. EZ nearly fell over when there on the screen, appeared the face of the big boss, the notorious and famed king of the mafia. There he was; the head of the biggest, most powerful crime family on earth. Rocco Lombardi.  
“That better?”  
He raised his eyebrows, the corner of his mouth twitching into a smirk. “Yeah, the confirmation is appreciated.”
“Good. Now not for nothin’, but I can’t fuckin’ stand video calls, encrypted or not. I’ll call you back.” Once again, the call disconnected, the cell ringing after a few moments. All the while EZ could feel his ego swelling, realising truly how far he’d come in his leadership that he was being sought out by someone of such standing within the criminal underworld. He was nothing short of surprised when he eventually found out why, though.
He’d always believed that the code of La Cosa Nostra forbade their operations to extend into the realms of drug trafficking. To be specific, he’d assumed it stemmed from reasons of mortality, perhaps a skewed sense of Catholic guilt, when in fact, the commoner explanation was far simpler.  
The prospect of a lengthier prison sentence, of course, increased the propensity of their members turning upon the organisation, becoming government informants in order to secure a more lenient custodial term. When the federal carrot is dangled before a desperate man, one looking at forty years when his assistance could mean all he ends up serving is ten to fifteen, tongues tend to be loosened.  
Rats out themselves, major players are taken off the streets and ultimately, the government wins.  It would be very reasonable to assume that the code is in place for this very reason, to prevent such catastrophic damage within their organisation and family infrastructure. The risk is not worth the payout. Or rather, it is bendable to the point of unrecognition when those doing said bending can earn a substantial profit.  
Enter Rocco Lombardi and his proposition.
“I think we could mutually benefit from the blending of your organisation with mine, Mr Reyes.” Lombardi was intelligent enough to be concise, even when speaking upon the relative safety of a burner phone. He hadn’t gotten to the top because he was sloppy. Lombardi had sat at the very head of the hierarchy for years, after all. He was hailed as the boss of all bosses for a reason.  
They’d once given John Gotti the monicker of Teflon Don, because nothing ever stuck to him in the way of evidence to bring about charges. That was until his own underboss has turned on him, the evidence given at trial by Salvatore “Sammy the Bull” Gravano leading to his incarceration. Truly, if there was one overlord within the organised crime world who lacked cohesion, it was the man who ruled the Romano crime family with an iron fist.
EZ Reyes had launched into thoroughly researching Lombardi after his reaching out to him, learning the ins and out of his character, how much of a slippery customer he was, how – and it went without saying – he would use people as pawns to further his own reach and agenda. It went without saying because it was the way of his own world, too. Within his MC, he went about the very same, albeit on a much smaller scale.  
Rocco Lombardi’s reach was, to put it simply, enormous. EZ and his VP would be lying if they’d have claimed that bearing such in mind, it hadn’t piqued their curiosity over what on earth he could want with a Californian based MC. For all intents and purposes, the man had his operations not merely sewn up tightly, but steel reinforced.  
“All I know is we gotta play it carefully, mano,” Bishop had sagely advised prior to their leaving Santo Padre to for a face to face with the mafioso legend, Rocco insisting that a larger MC presence not assemble in the interests of it remaining nothing short of clandestine. “Our worlds might be similar, but the mafia play by an entirely different set of rules. I ain’t saying you’re not smart enough to outsmart the guy, but he’s the kind who will have thought three moves ahead before we’ve even stepped foot into that hotel suite.”  
EZ had sipped his beer, narrowed eyes unmoving as he’d absorbed the words of the former president with all the credence they deserved. Bishop had, after all, been approached by the mafia before. His reasons for turning down an offer from a different crime family had been solid in their validity, and EZ knew he would be a fool to let this warning go unheeded. Especially since the club were on their knees where their drug trade was concerned. He also knew that somehow, Rocco likely knew this, too.  
The mafia tended to have ears in the very last places one might expect them to extend. He also knew that they preferred to keep their operations within the Italian American brotherhood if they could at all help it, so the need for an alliance was somewhat even in its beneficial mutuality.  
“I guess we just have to wait and see what this sit down entails.” Truly, it was all they could do.  
The time passed quickly between then and the two of them riding through the strip, both separately feeling the mist of apprehension gather, until they were parking up at the hotel and casino they were scheduled to meet Lombardi at, their demeanours switching to cool composure before they’d even entered the building.
The two men dressed in denim, flannel and leather looked out of place as they strode across the foyer of the MGM Grand, the buzz and tacky decadence of Las Vegas swirling all around them. Gamblers bet it all, slot machines flashed in frenzy while spitting out endless streams of coins, and alcohol flowed without restriction, certainly enough to keep it so the house always won.  
Would it be their own win he was sealing, EZ thought while waiting for the elevator, or was this the biggest and most uncertain gamble the club were about to make to date? He guessed the next few hours would tell, whether or not he was about to be presented with a winning hand.  
The ding of the elevator roused him, both stepping inside, Bishop pressing the button for the tenth floor. EZ stared straight ahead at his reflection in the shiny metal of the elevator doors, noting the haunted veil that hung over his features. Shadowy eyes and skin bearing many more lines than a man in his mid-thirties should do were now his staple in appearance, a few further flecks of grey in his hair also.
Ezekiel Reyes was a man barely holding it together, but his demeanour did not give away the tumult that gnawed at his guts and yanked at his nerves, even if it had seemed to age him five years in just over seven months. His control was as unquestionable as it was unshakable, even in the dark times his club was currently under the duress of. He would never, ever let the toll it was taking upon him show.  
He was in Vegas, after all. Home of the poker face.  
The man at his side, though? He saw through the veil. He knew. In the interests of helping him glue back together the smashed fragments of the MC, he chose to keep his observances to himself. When he’d reigned supreme, if someone had pointed out his weak points, he would have shown no magnanimity in return. He knew better than to antagonise. Bishop Losa was nothing if not tactile these days, with how much delicacy teetered upon a knife’s edge, how much was at stake.  
The elevator shunted to a stop, the doors gliding open, the men exchanging a look and a nod before they exited, walking in step down the long hallway. Coming to a stop in front of room eight one five, EZ reached to knock, his arm suddenly grasped, preventing the rap of knuckles upon the sleek, white enamel.
“Whatever goes down in there, I got you.” Bishop’s words were delivered with a solemn nod, EZ returning it before knocking the door. They stood tall as they waited, unflinching, rock-like in their demeanour, the door opening to reveal a slight yet menacing looking man in an expensive suit. He eyed up the two men standing before him, his lips pursing slightly as he stood back to allow their entrance.  
“Guns on the table.”  
EZ’s brow knitted. “The fuck?”
“You heard me, stronzo. Guns. On. The. Table.”  
Neither man took well to his condescending delivery, both irked at the display of what they considered to be one hell of a chip upon his shoulder. EZ was just about to offer his retort when a voice came from further within the suite.
“Stop playing rottweiler and let my guests in, Mario. If we’re armed, so can they be, too.” Immediately, he stood aside at the instruction of his boss, a large, dark-haired man rising from his seat at the dining table, two armed men stationed in opposing corners of the suite. “My apologies. This one here, he can be a hot head, y’know?”
Although seemingly personable right off the bat, there was an aura surrounding Rocco Lombardi that virtually crackled with menace. His ‘thou shalt not fuck with me’ demeanour was beyond palpable. “Take a seat, fellas. Can I offer either of youse a drink?”
EZ’s eyes flitted around the room, taking in every detail. He stored it all on the internal hard drive that was his brain, his guard up as naturally it should have been. “No, thank you.”
Rocco took the rebuff in his stride, gesturing to the chairs opposite as he sat again. “A man who likes to get straight down to business. I can appreciate that.” Down to business was exactly how it went, no pleasantries, no idle chatter. Rocco cut right to the chase.
“My proposition is simple, Ezekiel. My current methods in transportation of product are, shall we say, attracting more attention than myself and my associates are comfortable with, y’know? I need to implement a one stop solution. I also need a far more financially viable method of my product crossing the border from Mexico than I’m currently paying through the fucking nose for.”  
Bribes. Of course, Lombardi meant bribing the border control, an exercise EZ knew likely cost fortunes, cutting into a profit margin the mafia were probably tired of having bites taken out of. “This is where the MC comes in, youse and your tunnel.” EZ’s eyebrow twitched, just a fraction, Rocco smirking at the tell.  
“Yeah, I know all about it. Ain’t many places my ears don’t have reach. I want that tunnel as a new channel to move my product across the border, which then will be transferred to the Port of San Diego, to a designated shipping container the day it ports. You unload into the container, minus your personal cut that will ensure you keep the monopoly on supply within the Californian correctional facilities, and you also get a nice little monetary injection for you and your boys on a monthly basis. How’s that sound?”
EZ took a moment to ponder, his fingers knitting before him on the table, arm muscles flexing as he shared a sideways glance with Bishop. “Sounds like there’s a catch.”  
Rocco smirked, taking a long puff on his cigar, his eyes twinkling through the thick plumes of smoke as he leaned back in his chair. “You move two tons at a time. That is non-negotiable.”  
Two fucking tons every month. Holy mother of god. Before they’d even entered that room, they of course knew the reach of the Romano crime family, that it was extensive. Worldwide, even. Two tons of heroin every four weeks truly hammered home just how far Lombardi’s tentacles reached within the criminal underworld. The risks associated with that were unfathomable, EZ lifting his chin, his poker face firmly set once more. “I’m gonna need to see a number, the nice little monetary injection you speak of.”  
Rocco reached into the pocket of his suit, removing a pen, taking a napkin from the table before him and scribing a number upon it, sliding it across the polished wood. Upon viewing it, EZ’s well trained blank façade slid south quickly, showing it to Bishop.  
“Jesus fucking Christ.”  
His quiet exclamation was no understatement over the amount of zero’s scrawled upon the napkin.  
“I assume you know of our current difficulties with the LNG?”
The tall man nodded. “Quite a fucking pasticcio youse have gotten yourself into, eh?” His smile widened suddenly, slowly drawing his thumb and forefinger from the corners of his mouth down to the centre of his lip. “If you do the first shipment for free, I can take care of that, as well as your issues with the knuckleheaded, heavy arms wielding fuck heads you got yourselves caught up in, too.” He hissed a breath over his teeth, shaking his head. “Fentanyl, gentleman. What a risky business that is.”
What in the fuck didn’t this man know about their operations? EZ was all but surprised that Rocco wasn’t clued in on the colour of his underwear by that point, the man seemingly well informed, his intel even extending to knowing about their deal with Cole.  
He rose to his feet, jerking his head towards the balcony. “If you could give myself and my VP a moment?”  
Rocco made a passive motion with his hand, nodding. “Sure, take your time.”  
They strode across the suite, wallet chains rattling and leather creaking the only sounds to permeate the silence of the room, EZ sliding the glass door open. The warm Vegas air hit him, his eyes narrowing as he looked out over the luminosity of the strip, thousands upon thousands of lights twinkling. They glittered a promise of wealth and prosperity hinged upon a gamble, which was exactly what Rocco Lombardi was offering up to them.
“You have to back me on this when we take it to the table. The risk is massive, and I appreciate that, but this? This is our way out of it all. Our way out and our ladder to climb back to the top.”
Bishop considered the words of his president as he pulled out his cigarettes, lighting one up. A massive risk; fuck, that was putting it lightly. It was a fool’s errand, in short, transporting such a colossal consignment of heroin. The pay off, though? If they could execute each run flawlessly, it would be beyond worth it. Santo Padre would be back on top, and the Mayans kings of California.  
He wanted with everything he had to back EZ, but something persistent tugged at him deep in his guts. The old adage ‘too good to be true’ echoed through his mind. There had to be another catch. For all appearances, said catch appeared to be the two tons of narcotics, the kind of consignment that would mean the MC would never see the outside of a prison for the remainder of their lives, should they be caught moving it. However, he felt there was another shoe yet to drop from Lombardi’s perspective.  
Conflict rose in him like an unpleasant tempest, knowing that they were stuck between a rock and a hard place. Take the deal and shoulder an enormous risk or walk away from it and try to seek a way out of their mess alone. Being in the pocket of the mafia was a dangerous location, he knew that; they both knew that. In this instance, no matter how much trepidation he felt, he had to concede that Lombari’s offer was very much the lesser of two evils.  
Still, it didn’t prevent him voicing the concern. “I feel like there’s something extra he’s gonna have us on the hook for further down the road.” Taking a deep drag on his cigarette, he turned to his president, brows furrowed, his head shaking softly. “I wanna back you, but I don’t trust him.”
Neither did EZ, if he was honest. “We don’t need to trust him. We need to make ourselves indispensable to him. The weight of his organisation has the power to break us completely, and I’d be an idiot if I didn’t see that, Bish. We gotta remember that he’s coming to us because he needs this symbiosis too. If he had any other plan to move his product, he’d have exacted it by now. What he’s offering us in payment solidifies that. He needs to lock the MC down.”  
He took a breath, his eyes once again focusing on the lights below. “And our backs are against the kind of wall we can’t break alone. Rocco Lombardi can not only break that wall, he can obliterate it completely. We can’t refuse.”
Upon their return to Santo Padre, an immediate templo was called, the proposition repeated, a vote cast. It was, just as EZ had anticipated, a unanimous yes. Hell, it wasn’t like any of the men assembled around the table hadn’t known that extreme danger was exactly what he was signing up for, and this was about a risky as it got.
Moving heroin two tons at a time for the mafia was the height of hazardous endeavours, but the payoff would elicit the kind of money and power they had been striving for. Sure, they were still ultimately under someone else’s thumb, but in the world of the MC, Santo Padre rose like the phoenix from the proverbial ashes. If they were careful and exercised caution, they would remain risen, too.  
The operation was undertaken with military precision. The two tons of heroin were moved through the tunnels from one side of the border to the other, then stowed away down there for a day before the Mayans arrived, loading one ton into each van. The vehicles both then hit the road, two members within, two members upon motorcycles escorting at the front and rear, and EZ leading the way.  
They drove far enough apart not to attract the attention that such a closely assembled convoy likely would, with EZ a quarter of a mile in front, so he could warn of any upcoming complications that might lead to said convoy needing to peel off the freeway. Since the run was done at 2am, the risk of such was minimised greatly, yet still they always prepared for the worst-case scenario. This is why two vans were utilized, when all it truly took was one. If one broke down, then there they were, stuck with a life sentence cargo on the side of the freeway, rather than another means to continue their journey.
Arriving at the port, EZ gave the usual nod to the guard, a guard whose pockets had been nicely lined with mafia cash, who would duly send another of his team down to the container as soon as the Mayans left, standing guard until the cargo was loaded onto a vessel bound either for New York or the far east the following morning. Yes, the tentacles of Rocco Lombardi even reached over to the Yakuza, the Japanese criminal organisation taking two tons of product off his hands on a bi-monthly basis.  
The shipment they were about to offload on that particular night was heading straight back to New York, the guys all assembling, the usual banter firing back and forth.  
Downer, of course, was at the epicentre of it. “Hey, I thought there was meant to be whores on the dockside? That’s a thing, ain’t it? We’ve been here four times before now and no damned pussy anywhere.”
Angel lit a cigarette, raising his eyebrows. “Man, where the fuck you get that from?”
“He’s right,” Hank chimed in, “but about a couple hundred years out of date. Hookers used to frequent the docks back in the eighteen, nineteen hundreds. Gave lots of navy men who’d been at sea for months at a time a rampant case of the syph.”  
Guero couldn’t help himself. “Eighteen hundreds. Back in your youth, huh bro?” He was shot a look of pure distain from Downer, his chirp continuing. “I bet you’d like the crotch rot. You’re a sick enough individual to probably be into it.”
“It’s his kink. Itchy balls and a putrid cock, man,” Bottles interjected with, earning a snort laugh from Guero and an incredulous stare from Downer.  
Aggressively delivered middle fingers were raised. “Fuck you and fuck you even fuckin’ harder!”
Bottles grinned at the rise he’d gotten. “You wish.”  
“You’re getting way too smart with that fuckin’ yap of yours, prospect,” he snorted, pointing at Guero. “Been spending too much time with him and his big mouth.”
The man himself beamed, pulling his hood up. “What can I say?” He held his arms in wide expression, his smirk growing. “I’m infectious. Like your cock, just way less scabby.” He received a boot in the ass as he turned, heading straight over to the yellow container and hauling the levers to open it. What he expected to see within were the usual lines of packing cases into which they would load their cargo, with a specially marked one housing their cash.  
The last thing he expected to see was the body of a dishevelled looking blonde girl with a gash upon her head, lying there out cold, and the marked case notably empty of its usual stack of bills.  
“Uh, guys?” he called, appearing back around the container door as his brothers were carrying cargo across from the vans. “We got a situation in here.”  
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20 Questions for fanfic writers!
Thank you for the tag @darklydeliciousdesires
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I copy all my work onto AO3 the second I post it here, so it's accurate, it's 177.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 806,890
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Sons of Anarchy
Mayans M.C.
Call of Duty
The Gentlemen
Rebel Moon
The Punisher
Peaky Blinders
Gangs of London
4. Top five fics by kudos
The Reaper and the Death Angel Jax Teller/Reader - 244
Rest Your Weary Hands Ivar the Boneless/Reader - 230
Little Doe Ragnar Lothbrok/Reader - 143
I Love Your Bleeding Heart Happy Loman/Reader - 140
The Flat Tire Chibs Telford/Reader - 112
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, every single one as soon as I can.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
None, I only do happy endings.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, not really.
9. Do you write smut?
10. Craziest crossover?
The Reaper and The Death Angel was a crossover between Bones, The Punisher, Criminal Minds and Sons of Anarchy.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No idea, I hope not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Lol! I'm nowhere near good enough for that.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. All time favourite ship?
I don't really have one, I haven't written enough OCs (yet) for that but I'm very excited for my upcoming Jax fic with my OC Winifred.
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I will finish all of them one day!
16. What are your writing strengths?
Worldbuilding, crazy in-depth research, giving background and personality to characters that don't have much in canon.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
In all 177 I have never written a damsel in distress, I'm going to try in an upcoming fic. My biggest is my lack of confidence, I basically second guess everything and think I suck most of the time, it seriously hampers my writing quite a bit.
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I never had a reason to do it but I'd give it a go.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
The Punisher.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
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I have no confidence, so I don't have one, I post and then do my best to forget it's there unless I get a comment or a reblog, then I love it.
Tagging @chaos-4baby @laurfilijames @rayslittlekitten @drabbles-mc
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keyh0use · 8 months
Your SOA/OBX fanfic is my Roman Empire! And I love your writing, and I can't wait for you to update it!
But I gotta ask what made you come up with the idea? Like just watching both shows around the same time? Or, like, did you have other SOA fanfic ideas in mind? I gotta know your inspiration for it!
Also, thank you for the follow back! ❤️
Sorry, I spam like your posts, too! 😭
oh wow that's so sweet 🥺
SOA is my favorite show and I'm constantly re-watching it, and rafebarry is my favourite ship so they just naturally overlapped in my mind when I was writing about Rafe, Topper and Kelce's dynamic. In fanfiction it's whatever we make it, but he's pretty alone in canon, besides Barry.
So I started imagining what it would be like if he had people all his own, not ones that wanted to get with his sister or wanted his money or wanted his compliance, etc. that he would constantly have to worry about losing. My original rafebarry SOA AU was about Rafe running away to the south side to hide from Ward and being picked up by the scruff of the neck like the lost little kitten he is by Gemma, who loses her shit at a boy a couple years younger than her own being mistreated and well, Clay goes to have a chat with Ward. I never finished it but the idea was Rafe would grow straight into SAMCRO alongside Jax, who was like a big brother. I think under Gemma and Clay he would've been a completely different person, I mean imagine how far Rafe could go with a father (figure) telling him how proud he is of him. In this scenario I wasn't sure which direction to take Barry, though.. I considered making him a Mayan but they aren't as lax with their rules as the Sons, so I don't think that would work. Like I think the Sons would allow Rafe to live quietly with his roommate Barry but other MCs wouldn't. Just my piece.
I gave up on that story and started working on Delicate after listening to White Buffalo - House of the Rising Son from season 4, which screamed SOA Rafe to me. I won't bore you by picking apart all the lyrics but "my sweetheart, he's a rambler. Lord, he rides an old machine." stuck with me, especially because it's sung by another man.
I wasn't sure about the story at first but it was exciting thinking about Barry and Rafe seeing eachother after all those years, so much tension between them that they have no choice but to keep distance or they'll lose it, end up fighting or whatever. They haven't even bumped shoulders or brushed hands or knocked knees. But then Barry's on break getting lunch at some hole in the wall sandwich shop and there's Rafe and some big, scary-ass biker talking and then biker guy leans in and kisses Rafe's temple?! Cradles Rafe's face?! And then all the scenarios I could throw them into; lockdown at the clubhouse is my fav!! just the idea of Barry being holed up with all the Sons families, having no clue what's going on but not being allowed to leave is so 😋😋 like he gets bossed around by rafe a lot in delicate and I actually love it where usually I prefer it the other way around, badass biker Rafe is just different. but also a fundraiser at Barry's garage because his coworkers mom needs treatment and Rafe has the Sons show out for it, which is all fine and cool but there's a girl all over Barry, so Rafe stands off to the side with a scowl while Happy & Tiggy talk about how they'd love to help solve the problem. There were so many outlandish positions I felt comfortable writing them into in this AU which was so fun and refreshing.
It was also a way to work out my own feelings towards Barry's betrayal and the alternative route the show could've taken, where Rafe does time for his crime (despite getting out early, obviously, but that's solely based off being in the MC) and has to deal with how he feels afterwards, about what happened between them and about Barry in general, dodging his father and his past at the same time. While also working out my feelings for SOA, putting my observations into Rafe so I can flesh them out properly, like how significant some of the losses were or how unfair their lives are or the downfall of certain characters.
Thanks for this ask!! I loved getting to talk about this <3 and don't apologize about the spam, I don't mind (:
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thedevilsmoonshine · 2 years
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How Bishop really beats up the 🐱.
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
All That’s Left
Happy Lowman x F!Reader
Request by @kat8989: I was also wondering if you could do a Happy Lowman one with the phrase “You’re the only good thing left in this world.” (Prompt is from This List)
Warnings: angst, canon compliant/post-s7 finale of SOA, mentions of injuries
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: It’s angsty hours here at drabbles-mc lately. Sad, soft fic for the Tacoma Killer.
SOA/Mayans Taglist: @garbinge @masterlistforimagines @thesandbeneathmytoes @paintballkid711 @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @queenbeered @kelpies-shed @sesamepancakes @yourwonkywriter @chibsytelford @gemini0410 @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @plentyoffandoms @georgiaaintnopeach @twistnet @themoonandthewicked @bucky-iss-bae @encounterthepast @rosieposie0624 @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo​ @mijop​ @xladymacbethx​ @blessedboo​ @holl2712​ @lakamaa12​ @toni9​ @shadow-of-wonder​ @crowfootwrites​ @redpoodlern​ @punkgoddess-98​ @black-repunzel99​ @lexondeck​ @mrsstevenbuchananstark​ @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindos​ @amorestevens​ @angelreyesisdaddy04​ @mijagif​ @frattsparty​ @winchestershiresauce​ @bellisperennis0​ @beardburnsupersoldiers​ @mveggieburger​ @thanossexual​ @xeniarocks​ @choochoo284​ @littlekittymeow​ @beardsanddetectives​ @bruxasolta​ @slut-bitch-brat​ @i-love-scott-mccall​ @adela-topaz-caelon​ @i-just-read-stuff​ @unicornucopia-fuckers​ @jitterbugs927​ @be-my-dear​ (If you want to be added to the taglist just let me know!)
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It had been a long few days since the last time you saw Happy. You knew that things were spiraling quickly with the club, and you knew that that was why he hadn’t been home. You knew better than to try and pry for details that he would never give you. Happy was tough, brave, sometimes too much for his own good, but you knew that from the get-go, and it was one of the things that you loved about him.
That same love was what made the long days of silence and distance worth it. You knew that when it was time for him to come home, that’s exactly what he would do without a second to waste. Still, it didn’t make the house any less eerie as you sat in the living room alone. You kept the television on constantly just so that you didn’t feel quite so alone with your thoughts. Even in the days leading up to his latest stint away from home, Happy had been different. He was never the most talkative person in the world, but he always listened, was always attentive, but he’d seemed farther away than usual. Whenever you asked him about it, he shrugged it off, and you didn’t have it in you to put up the battle of trying to pry.
It was late, and you were nose-deep in a new book when you heard the lock clicking on the front door. Your heart sped up in your chest as you looked over the back of the couch, like you had to confirm that it was really him. He was slow getting through the door, his movements calculated as he shut and locked the door behind him. You saw the way his shoulders rose and fell as he took his first deep breath in his own home again after a long, undoubtedly stressful, time away. You wanted to run over and hug him, but the fact that he hadn’t even looked at you yet had you thinking that maybe he needed some space.
Setting your book to the side, you leaned against the back of the couch and waited. When he turned around and faced you, you saw the bandages on his arm, the way he was hesitant to move it or flex his hand too much. The caretaker in you wanted to jump up and offer to help him, but you fought the urge when you saw the vacancy in his expression.
He walked over towards you, and for the first time ever since you had met happy, you shrunk back a little. It wasn’t that you were afraid of him—you knew that he was a man who wouldn’t ever hurt you. But for the first time in a long time it was impossible to read the emotions on his face, in his eyes, and that left you not knowing what to do.
Reaching with his good arm, he rested his hand on the back of your head and pulled you closer, the movement gentle as he rested his forehead against yours. His eyes fell shut as he took another long inhale, like the scent of you wafting over him would free him from everything the last few days had put him through. Words got stuck in your throat as you soaked up the gesture, and you wanted to reach out and touch him, but you didn’t.
Placing a soft, lingering kiss on the edge of your forehead, he made his way to the bathroom without a word. You wondered if you should follow, but when he didn’t look back at you, you decided against it, allowing him alone time to decompress.
You stayed on the couch, too distracted to pick your book back up as you waited for whatever was coming next. You were half paying attention to the show on the television, but mostly you were listening to the sound of the shower running on the other end of the house.
The water stopped, and you fought the urge to stare down the hall. Twisting your hands in your lap, you waited. It was really only a couple minutes, but those seconds stretched into hours as you waited for him to come back out of your shared bedroom. When he did, he was in a pair of old sweatpants, didn’t even bother with a shirt. The bandages were gone from his arm, and you knew from first glance that it was a gunshot wound. Fighting the urge to pry, you looked up at him as he made his way to the couch, towering over you as he stood while you were curled up on the sofa cushion.
He held out the hand of his good arm, lips tugging down into a slight frown, his voice quiet and heavy, “Come to bed.”
You let him pull you up off the couch, shutting off the television and all the lights as you both made your way to your room. His hand didn’t release yours the entire time, which wasn’t like him at all—it wasn’t his usual brand of affection. This felt needy, and Happy was not a man you would ever describe as needy.
When you both got to the room, Happy went over and sat on the edge of the bed and faced you, but he couldn’t meet your eyes. You were about to finally ask him what happened when he pulled you closer, resting his head against your stomach as he wrapped his arms around your middle. The gesture threw you off, but after a moment you caught up to what was happening and draped your arms around his neck, one hand coming to rest softly on the back of his head. He pulled you tight, pressing himself to you, and that was when you felt his shoulders start to shake. His hands balled up the fabric of the old -shirt you were wearing, his shirt to be precise, as his body continued to tremble.
You took a deep breath, hugging him back as best you could. You’d seen Happy cry maybe twice in the entire time you’d known him. Maybe twice. It left you with a million questions but no ability to ask them. You didn’t know if he would be able to answer them, anyway.
The two of you stayed like that for a long while, and you had never felt so close to him, yet so far away at the same time. It wasn’t the kind of intimacy he usually allowed himself to experience—he was usually the one holding you together. But the air of mystery around your life together lately left a distance that you couldn’t collapse on your own.
“I love you,” you whispered it, the first thing you’d said to him all night.
You heard him sniffle, and it made your heart shatter as he replied, his voice choked with emotion, “I love you too.”
You pulled away, just enough to be able to tilt his chin up so that he was looking at you. Thumbing the tears off his cheeks, you nodded towards the pillows stacked at the base of the headboard, “Come lay with me.”
He let you go just long enough for you to each crawl into bed and underneath the covers. You shut the bedside lamp off, enveloping the two of you in darkness as you met in the middle of the mattress. Happy looped one arm around your waist while his other hand came up to cup the side of your face. His fingers lightly pressed, caressing your cheek as he inched closer to you. Your foreheads rested against each other once more, and you couldn’t help but to rest your hands flat against his chest, feeling the heat from his skin and the steady thumping of his heartbeat.
Even in the darkness, you could still see his expression, his eyes. There was a sadness and a heaviness in them that said soon, but not tonight. You accepted that, knowing that whatever transpired earlier in the day took an immense toll on the man laying in front of you, the man who was clinging to you for dear life.
You let your eyes drift shut, not that you were planning on falling asleep any time soon. Time ticked by, and you felt the way that Happy’s breathing evened out, knowing that he was slowly calming down and hopefully falling asleep to wash away the pain of the day. Silence threw a blanket over the room as the two of you laid together, arms and legs entwined like if he tangled you up enough, the universe couldn’t take you from him like it’d taken so much else.
He’d been still and silent for so long, that you were caught off-guard when he spoke up, “You’re the only good thing left in this world.”
Your voice was soft with drowsiness, “Happy…”
He pressed a soft, needy, lingering kiss to your lips, “I mean it,” he leaned in so that his lips were hardly apart from yours, “You’re everything I’ve got.”
You rested one hand over his that was still on your face, “We’re gonna be alright,” you traced your fingers over his knuckles, “Whatever it is, we’ll figure it out.”
He gave the slightest hint of a nod but didn’t say anything more. You felt him relax into you, though. Letting out a breath you hadn’t felt yourself holding, you wrapped him up a little tighter, knowing that he needed it. You knew that the morning wasn’t going to be easier, but at least you’d have each other.
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adarafaelbarba · 3 years
So as mentioned in my previous post about this bingo, my birthday is next month. And for that occasion I wanted to host another bingo! Like my last bingo in October 2021, this one will have moodboards to the squares. You don’t have to use them, but they’re there for inspiration, and can also be used in your fics as a “cover” if you’d like 🥰 I’m gonna have the moodboards up before the bingo starts on Monday 17th of January 😅
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here are some rules:
1. It’ll start on January 17th and ends on February 17th at Midnight (Norwegian time)
2. Write one, ten or all of the fics. But don’t feel like you have to write them, this is a fun little writing exercise
3. You can write a head canon, ficlet, multi-chapter (one moodboard/square per fic) or a one shot. But please, if it’s longer than 500 words, put it under read more.
4. The fics can be fluff, smut, angst, etc if you feel like they would fit with the aesthetic of the moodboard you write for. Please remember to tag the fics with the right warnings before posting it.
5. Tag me when you post it, so I can keep tracks of the fics that are posted for this challenge and use the hashtag: #adarafaelbarbabirthdaybingo
6. Characters allowed (reader insert, oc, ships)
Rafael Barba
Sonny Carisi
Mike Dodds
Nick Amaro
Peter Stone
Odafin “Fin” Tutuola
Alex Cabot
Casey Novak
Olivia Benson
Amanda Rollins
Rita Calhoun
Kat Tamin
Elizabeth Donnelly
Other Raúl Esparza Characters:
Jackson Neill
Nevada Ramirez
Jonas Nightingale
Bryan Kneef
Frederick Chilton
Paul Mendelsohn
911 / 911 Lone Star:
Evan Buckley
Eddie Diaz
Maddie Buckley
Hen Wilson
Bobby Nash
Athena Grant
Owen Strand
T.K. Strand
Grace Ryder
Judd Ryder
Marjan Marwani
Paul Strickland
Carlos Reyes
Tommy Vega
Mayans MC:
Miguel Galindo
Angel Reyes
Ez Reyes
Bishop Losa
Emily Thomas
Coco Cruz
One Chicago:
Matt Casey
Kelly Severide
Brian «Otis» Zvonecek
Joe Cruz
Stella Kidd
Gabby Dawson
Violet Mikami
Sylvie Brett
Emily Foster
Jessica Chilton
Gianna Mackey
Evan Hawkins
Jay Halstead
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Kevin Atwater
Erin Lindsay
Hailey Upton
Vanessa Rojas
Sean Roman
Kim Burgess
Connor Rhodes
Ethan Choi
Will Halstead
April Sexton
Crockett Marcel
Jeff Clarke
A Discovery of Witches:
Baldwin Montclair (Trystan and Peter’s version, but specify it 😅)
Matthew de Clermont
Marcus Whitmore
Diana Bishop
Miriam Shepard
Sophie Norman
Nathaniel Wilson
Satu Järvinen
Juliette Durand
Phoebe Taylor
Hamish Osborn
Chris Roberts
Ransome Fayrweather
Ian Murray
Frank Randall
Jamie Fraser
Clair Fraser
Briana Fraser Randall
Roger Mackenzie
Fergus Fraser
Marsali Fraser
Jenny Fraser
Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts:
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
James Potter
Newt Scamander
Young Dumbledore
Eggsy Unwin
Roxy Morton
Harry Hart
Charlie Hesketh
Lancelot / James Spencer
Characters from the King’s Men
Thor Odinson
Steve Rogers / Captain America
Tony Stark / Iron Man
Dr. Bruce Banner / Hulk
Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow
Sam Wilson / Falcon / Captain America
Bucky Barnes / Winter Soldier
Dr. Stephen Strange / Dr. Strange
T’Challa / Black panther (rip Chadwick 🥺)
Shaun / Shang-Chi
Peter Parker / Spiderman (Tom, Toby or Andrew. But specify it 😅)
Clint Barton / Hawkeye
Wade Wilson / Deadpool
Scott Lang (Ant-Man)
Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel
Baron Helmut Zemo
Yelena Belova
Monica Rambeau
Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch
Pietro Maximoff / Quicksilver
Charles Xavier / Professor X
Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto
Note: If there’s a character/fadom not listed, feel free to DM me.
7. No RPF/real person fic. No underage character (includes reader/ocs)
8. Please signal boost this post, regardless if you participate or not
9. Most important! Have fun! 🥰 Feel free to dm me with any questions or concerns
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Self rec? I have to pick amongst my children fics? this is like terrible. so terrible @radio-chatter
But if I have to pick…. In no particular order a cross section, if you will, of my various writing tendencies:
1) An Andromeda Tale: The Making of a Pathfinder and a King. Mass Effect Andromeda, the slowest of slow burns MReyder endgame fic.  This is my magnum opus MReyder fic that I swear to Anubis I will finish it eventually.  It’s at >600k and still going.  This was I think the first thing I published on AO3 (or close to it).
Summary: Scott Ryder never saw his life going this way, not that anyone ever asked him his opinion. Now he's pathfinder with too many people depending on his young shoulders and trying to figure out what he actually wants for himself. Reyes Vidal, man of mystery, former pilot and now sometimes smuggler. Who knows where he came from or his motivations but he's come to Andromeda to change his destiny. What neither Scott nor Reyes could have predicted is what their lives would be once they came to Andromeda.
2.  The Dream of the Symbiote’s Host.  Venom.  Symbrock. Complete at 4,511 words. What can I say?  I never thought I’d write tentacle porn but I suppose this is why you should never say never.  It’s a one shot and well…. Yeah it was fun to write.  Might someday dip my toes back in the Symbrock pairing.  I’m also totally blaming this one on you @radio-chatter.
Summary: Eddie’s been holding out on Venom. An accidental side trip into an interior decorations shop reveals something he hadn’t intended for Venom to ever learn about him and it’s all that art print’s fault.
3. Family, Familia, ’Ohana. 911, H50 and SWAT crossover. Eventual Buddie, McDanno and implied Hondo/Deacon platonic (or not). Navyseal!EvanBuckley. Wip at 81,451 words. This is my other, more popular, long work. I just love the pairings involved and my imagination was fed too much Jack Johnson music and this happened. Also my most popular fic on AO3 by a good margin.
Summary: When one family seems lost another comes back from the past. But does Buck want to return to the past or live in the present? And does his present lead to a future he wants? Only he can answer these questions but Steve at least will be there to support him.
4. The Outlaw and the Cartel Boss. Mayans MC. Miguel Galindo/Ezekiel ”EZ” Reyes, Coco Cruz/Angel Reyes. WIP at 98,569 words. Sentinel/Guide AU that ignores almost everything canon. Everyone has that extreme rarepair, can’t exist in canon idea that is possibly overindulgent. This is my version of that. I haven’t even seen much of the show but I really love the work of several of the actors in this show so I smashed my minimal knowledge in with my favorite fanfiction trope and this is what you get. It’s still a wip. I know I haven’t posted in a while but I am still—very slowly—working on it. I think this is the most developed sentinel/guide story I’ve written so far but it’s a trope that I’ve revisited several times now (see my versions of Buddie and Mreyder for this trope too).
Summary: EZ Reyes came online with his mother’s violent death and suffered the consequences of his actions in the aftermath. When Jimenez offers him a deal to turn evidence in on the Galindo cartel, he agreed as he’d brought shame on his tribe by his actions and it was a chance at redemption that he didn’t feel he deserved. He just didn’t anticipate who his guide would be and the amount of trouble they’d generate for him. Miguel had goals—to legitimize the family business, enjoy life and his family. He didn’t anticipate any of the events that forced him online as a guide but now that he has a sentinel he’s not letting him go.
5. A Soul’s Weight. Mass Effect Andromeda. Implied eventual MReyder. Complete. 1,376 words. Does not require any knowledge of Mass Effect. I debated a long time which other fic to recommend to people but this is a short one-off I wrote in literally about an hour that I still find myself coming back to again and again and debating writing more in this particular alternative universe. It’s quite different from most of my other writing but I think that’s also what makes it so interesting. Ancient egyptian diety? Implied multiverse? Taking fanon to the limits? Guilty. Short but sweet but would be the intro to MReyder of mine that I would recommend. Or I suppose you could read Seguir (another AU).
Summary: The futures he had seen taunted him, drew him, seduced him. The possibilities that Scott Ryder presented were... intriguing.  The cry of the ibis called across the sands, chased by the howls of the golden wolves of Anubis that hunted this night.
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mrsamaroevans · 4 years
Soooo! I want to go back to my routine of writing but I can't finish a single one shot :c I think headcanons are easier to write and could help me to get on writing more stuff. You're free to send me your requests and I'll post them as soon as I can 'cause online vet school is HARD lol.
Please, no smut. I don't write that! All of my stuff is with neutral or female readers.
The characters are:
Nick Amaro (Law & Order SUV)
Angel Reyes (Mayans MC)
Miguel Galindo (Mayans MC)
Steve Rogers (Marvel)
Connor Rhodes (Chicago MED)
Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz (Chicago MED)
Adam Ruzek (Chicago PD)
Jay Halstead (Chicago PD)
Thank you!
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ambrcsialtm · 3 years
all of that being said, i really wanna find some new partners maybe ? i’m prob not gonna take on a lot of plots rn but i have my intro to me post here & below i’m just gonna list some plots i’m interested in writing nowadays so woohoo ! it should be noted that i really only write oc’s even if the plot is set in an established show / movie / series. i am not like como se dice .... good ? at writing canons :)
anything inspired by like soa / mayans mc, i just love a biker romance
college romances esp with like athletes !!!!
spy vs spy, falling in love on a mission type shit, mr and mrs smith is also a good ref here
ok hear me out smth inspired by laurel x frank in the first two seasons of htgawm ? like 1L student falls in love w their mentor’s rough around the edges, badass private investigator ???
something inspired by logan x veronica in veronica mars just basically the epic speech
oc’s in set fandoms like marvel, dceu, harry potter, game of thrones, grishaverse OR canon x oc.
heist romances like in ocean’s eleven, the thomas crowne affair, fool’s gold, etc.
lawyer + lawyer fall in love, doctor + doctor, workplace romances in general p much
dan + amy in veep vibes, political interns that have witty back & forths but also are like in love ?
period romances oh god pls
frank + karen in the punisher vibes oh yes
listen just give me trevante, daniel k, manny montana, joel kinnaman, or damson idris in smth steamy and ill love u forever :)
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dorkofclanlavellan · 4 years
@elthinadeservedit on AO3 is my account if any other accounts post my work, please let me know and report it!
Rules & Notes
Minors, Do Not Interact. I will delete any requests or asks from minors.
Check my fandoms list and request forms before requesting please
Unless the request specifies, I try to make the reader Gender Neutral. I sometimes use Y/N but I don't really like it so try to avoid it. Usually by giving Nicknames or Names to reader (example: Bruce Wayne's Sweetie)
Please don't rush me. Don't message me everyday asking me when I'm going to post the request and harassing me for not posting soon enough. I have a life outside tumblr (shocking I know) and sometimes I lose inspiration so it may take a hot minute.
Check which characters I write for on the links below before requesting.
The Types of Writings I Do
Preferences (Open)
Headcanons (Open)
Drabbles (Open) - 100 words or less.
Ficlets (Open) - >100 and <1000 words
One Shots (Temporarily Open) -1k+ words.
Fics (Closed)
Ships/Matchups (Open - and on a new system)
Fandoms I Write For
Feel free to ask about which characters I write for and suggest fandoms. ☺ If you see a masterlist or post for a fandom that's not on this list that means that I used to write for that fandom but no longer do.
* means I'm currently inspired/most inspired for that fandom
~ means I'm not very inspired for this fandom but will still take requests for them it just might be a bit longer before the request is written.
9.1.1. / 9.1.1 Lonestar
A Song of Ice & Fire (book series/counterparts) ~
Baldur's Gate 3
Castlevania (anime series)
DC (please specify which universe when requesting)
Snyderverse (films only. I haven't seen the shows and Snyder films are seperate canon anyways.)
Under the Red Hood/Death in the Family
Dragon Age franchise
Fallout (games and show) *
Fast & Furious franchise
Game of Thrones & House of the Dragon ~
Hannibal (NBC)
Hellboy (Original movies & remake)
The Hunger Games (books & movies including TBOSAS)
Legend of Vox Machina
Mayans MC / Sons of Anarchy
One Chicago (Fire, Med & PD)
Red vs Blue
Skyrim (plus LotD, Kaidan, Caryalind & Taliesin)
The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
The Walking Dead (show)
The Walking Dead (games)
The Walking Dead (comics)
Needed For Requests 
Headcanons, Preferences, Drabbles & Ficlets
Fandom + Specific Universe/Version for certain fandoms
Plot/Scenario (like an actual plot or idea not just 'something for this fandom')
Character(s) you want
For Preferences list which 2-5 characters you want to be included.
Upcoming Works
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garbinge · 4 months
Library Daycare (2)
Angel Reyes x OC Isabeth ‘Izzy’ Flores 30 Day Fic Challenge (14/30)
Word Count: 3k A/N: I feel like I say this for a majority of my fics but this post-canon world I've thought up for Angel and Maverick is my favorite, I think about it everyday, I just, want him to be happy even tho most of my ideas for this are angsty HAHA.
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Light angst.
Mayans Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @narcolini @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie @kmc1989 Previous fic for reference.
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Angel stepped into the library, Maverick in his arms and was staring at the bulletin board. His eyes were scanning over each flyer and business card that was pinned to it. The list of jobs that Angel felt capable of was slim. There were a lot of options, prep cook, lab assistant, front desk organizer, medical assistants, nurses, but none of those were things that Angel had any experience with. That’s when his eyes landed on the business card that was pinned to the flyer that said Farm Hand needed, the business card on top reading Rancho de Valle - Este. His free hand reached up to grab the information from the pin so he could get a closer look. 
Farm hand, operating and maintaining machinery, harvesting and planting crops, repairs, occasional livestock caring. Full time, housing on premise provided if desired, hourly pay, overtime opportunities, and medical insurance. 
“El Ranchitos.” A voice sounded behind him. 
He turned around immediately, a little startled by the voice while Maverick on the other hand cooed in excitement as he saw who was behind them. 
“Sorry I did not mean to scare you.” Izzy smiled at Angel and turned her gaze onto Maverick. Her hand quickly reached out to grab his foot. “Hi, you. I missed you.” Her voice was soft now, she didn’t want to scary anyone again. 
“You caught me deep in thought, that’s all.” Angel laughed as he adjusted Maverick in his arms. 
“Yes, El Ranchitos.” She repeated again pointing to the papers again. 
Angel looked down not seeing El Ranchitos anywhere on the forms and looked back at the woman he had brief conversations with over the last few months. “You’re familiar with them?” 
“De Valle’s are very well known in this town. They own all of El Ranchitos, de Valle Este is the one closest to the city that is a harvesting ranch, they have others in the city but they’re more like resorts, they had to adapt with the change of the world.” Izzy explained. “They’re good people, kind, understanding. I think de Valle Este is like 10 minutes from here by car.” 
“Thanks, yea I think I’m going to apply. Everything else is a bit out of my range.” Angel laughed awkwardly. “Just gotta figure out what I’m gonna do with him while I’m working, maybe I could hire someone to watch him if I take them up on this on premise housing.” He was thinking outloud now, but it was just a symptom of having no one above the age of 2 to talk with here. 
Izzy was leaning over in front of him now, reaching for something on the bulletin board. Her hand began searching around until she found what she was looking for and pulled it from the pin. “It isn’t a nanny, but we watch the kids all day, feed them, read to them, use the playground outside on good weather days, it’s a small group too.” 
“We?” Angel questioned his eyes moving from the library daycare flier to Izzy’s face.
“Okay, I, it’s my initiative. We did a trial run this summer with a handful of kids and it went pretty well. We have about 8 kids right now signed up for the school year, all local, have room for 10, I think Maverick would be a great addition.” Izzy grinned again, now looking at Maverick who giggled and brought his hands out to her in hope to be held by her. 
“How was I around like all summer and didn’t notice this?” Angel laughed and happily gave the child over to Izzy. 
These last few months he had gotten extremely comfortable with the woman and honestly safe with her, Angel as well. These last few months have consisted of Angel coming to most of the library events because not only did Maverick enjoy them but because they offered him peace around people which he didn’t have much of since leaving Santo Padre. There was a constant fear, a persistence to always look over his shoulder, double guess everyone he met, everyone who walked too close to him on the street, but at the library it was like that fear was nonexistent. He had made a friend in Izzy, which was exactly what he needed right now. 
“I have two other people that help out, it allows one of us to take off, or be more flexible around the library.” She answered as she bounced Maverick up and down in her arms. “They’re actually running daycare now, if you want to check it out.” Her eyes moved back to Angel as Maverick’s little hands picked up her I.D. that was draped around her neck with a lanyard. “No pressure.” She let out an awkward laugh. 
“No, yea.” Angel spoke up which earned him a confused look from the woman holding his child across from him. He smiled realizing how confusing his statement was. “I just meant we’d love to check it out.” 
Izzy nodded and brought them both to the children’s area of the library and opened up the decent size circular room that currently had a group of kids of a variety of ages drawing on tables. 
“Sticker drawing. Helps them with open ended exploration, we let the older kids come up with a story based on their drawings and the younger ones like it too.” She was placing Maverick down on the ground and he was quick to find himself at the small table grabbing a sheet of his own. 
“How big is the age range?” Angel wasn’t sure why he was asking questions, he knew this was the best place for Maverick if he was to get this job. 
“Right now 1 through 5. This group is a bit older because it’s the summer.” She put her hands over her chest as she watched over the kids. 
 Before Angel could answer there was a little girl who was about 4 walking up to Izzy holding out her sheet of paper towards her. 
“Wow, that’s beautiful.” The little girl was being brought up into her arms and instantly throwing her own around Izzy’s neck. 
“Well the kids sure love you.” Angel smiled. 
“I hope this one does.” Izzy rocked from side to side similarly to how she was with Maverick just minutes earlier, but this time she looked at the girl in her arms and kissed the side of her head. “This one’s mine.” 
Angel found himself at a loss of words at that statement. He didn’t expect it. It automatically made him think about his friendship with Izzy, this was something huge that she so easily went without mentioning. Then again, it wasn’t like she knew everything about his life, but she knew a lot about his current life, and this felt very much like her current life. Between not knowing about the daycare and now her child, he felt like he needed to take a major step back. 
“Are you okay?” She interrupted Angel’s thoughts. 
“Yea, sorry. Just didn’t realize you had a kid.” Angel wanted to rewind the last 10 seconds so he never said those words. 
Izzy’s face dropped a little and she looked back down at her daughter and placed her back on the ground and stayed at her level for a moment. “Go back with your friends, Abrielle.” 
As she stood up she turned to Angel, and nodded towards the door. For a moment he hesitated and looked at Maverick. “You can take him, but Olivia doesn’t mind watching him.” She pointed to the woman with the lanyard similar to her own that was at the smaller kids table. With a nod, Angel was walking out of the room and standing awkwardly in front of Izzy. 
“I know you understand the need for privacy, Angel. The need to keep things to yourself. If I recall the first time I met you, I put my own address in for your library card because you were two nervous to give out information.” It felt scolding almost the way she was speaking. 
“I–” Angel went to speak but she cut him off by holding up her finger and speaking over him. 
“I don’t need a reason to make a choice regarding my child, Angel.” Her accent came out strong when she said his name. “You out of all people should get that.” 
“I do, I’m sorry. I just thought we were friends.” Again, Angel was wishing he would just keep his mouth shut. 
Izzy sighed, her guard immediately falling down and with a shake of her head she spoke. “We are friends, Angel. I just need to be cautious with her.” 
“I get that.” He nodded. “I didn’t mean to do whatever this is.” He waved his hand around and laughed awkwardly. “If anything, I’m glad you felt comfortable to tell me, it’s cool, having a parent friend. Haven’t had many of those really.” 
“Well if you do the daycare thing, you’ll make more during pickup and dropoff.” She matched his humorous tone. 
“Don’t know if I want that.” He chuckled nervously.
“Why do you think I don’t tell many people I have a child.” Her eyebrows raised and her mouth curled into a smile. 
Angel laughed. “Well then I’m honored to be accepted amongst the few.” He looked through the window of the daycare door and saw Maverick laughing at something and he turned back to Izzy. “I’d like to sign him up, even if I don’t get this job, this is the right place for him.” 
Izzy smiled at that comment, she went to say something but bit her tongue immediately. Her desire to say that this is the best place for Maverick and him was high but she held back and simply nodded. 
“Let’s get you two signed up then.” 
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Natalie Marston stars in Atonement, a canon adjacent fic that closely follows through s1 and s2 and moments surrounding the show. Natalie is paired with Angel Reyes.
Natalie Marston was never meant to return to Santo Padre for anything other than a passing funeral. Nothing too permanent. There was nothing left there for her, or at least that’s what she told herself each time she’d left. But he was there. He was always going to be there, just waiting for her to return, as sporadic as that might be.
That’s why after almost six years of not seeing him, Natalie was scared beyond all reasonable belief to return to the only place that has truly ever felt like home. She was terrified that he’d hate her.
And the reason for Natalie’s fear, was sleeping soundly in the backseat of her car. Clutching an old toy of her mother’s in her hands.  
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Doctor Indigo Jacobs - Losa stars in Promises, a series of canon one shots that deal with moments from s1 and s2 and before the show. Indi is paired with Bishop Losa. (TW: For miscarriages, still birth. But they will not appear in one shots as of writing this post.)
When Indi and Bishop got married they made each other a number of promises, with the most important one being that no matter what they’d love each other for the rest of their lives. And they did.
No matter what the club threw at them, they stayed strong, together, united. But after years of disastrous attempts at having, the desperately wanted baby, one attempt left them broken in two.
Many of the promises that had made over the course of their marriage had been broken, but not this one. Which is why, even though they still loved each other more than they could explain, they were in the process of divorcing.
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Camila Mendoza stars in Happiest Year, a series of canon one shots that deal with moments s2 and post s2 will become stand alone material.  Cami is paired with Ez Reyes. (Just for Ez’s arms tbh.) (TW: Bipolar Disorder, brief mentions of a past drug addiction.)
Cami Mendoza was the preverbal black sheep of the Mendoza family. She  was nothing other than a pain in her parent's life. The problem child. For Cami, rules were meant to be broken for her those rules were broken through the use of any means. With her favourite ways being drinks, drugs, meaningless sex and multiple arrests.
Once Cami got expelled from college in her senior year. Her parents finally cut her off, citing that the path Cami was on would end up leaving her bankrupt, or worse, dead. Cami followed the road that led to the border, right into the path of the local MC.
After her sister's month long wedding celebrations, Camila returned back to Santo Padre. And her eye fell on the new prospect, Ez Reyes. Slightly reverting back to her old habits, she set about trying to break the unofficial rule of patches getting with Cami.
Hi, I’m Jess and thanks for reading this intro post.  I finally thought it’d be a good idea to introduce these gals to the world, these are my mayan ocs that i’ll mainly be working but I’ve got a couple others that might get one shots every so often, just depends on how i’m feeling. Natalie is my main main focus, if i’m being 100% honest, I just love her and the little world I’ve created around her. A more detailed intro post for them will be coming soon ish. Maybe?. in that intro post will have a more detailed trigger warning and more about the characters.
Also I do have some AU versions of Natalie and they’re great and one of them is really fucking sad and I love it. Also there’s an AU were these girls are all in the same world as these versions of themselves, and it’s just fucking chaotic and I love it.
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kiingdcmscome · 5 years
Bliss - Johnny “Coco” Cruz
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REQUESTS ARE OPEN. requested by: anon, i hope you enjoy!! ( sorry it turned out a bit short ). 
prompt: I was wondering if you could write a coco/reader where maybe they both had a shitty days and come home to each other for some comfort and tlc? 
disclaimer: i do not own or claim to own any canon characters in this fanfiction. i do not own any gifs or images used unless stated otherwise. ( gif belongs to @.angels-reyes link: https://angels-reyes.tumblr.com/post/187759494058/richard-cabral-as-johnny-coco-cruz-in-mayans-mc )
content: so i didn’t intend for this to turn steamy. very light smut (be gentle with me, i’ve never written smut, i never planned on writing smut, so please be nice if it’s bad), brief mention of blood. implied sex? you’ll understand when you read it. that’s all folks.
      A few moments later you heard heavy, boot-clad footsteps coming down the hallway towards the bathroom. You didn't move from under the stream of water, just listened intently as you waited to see where the footsteps would go.       Cold air hit your body as the shower door opened and Coco stepped in behind you. His tattooed body quickly pressed against yours as he wrapped his arms around you from behind. "Hello to you too." You chuckled softly and turned to face him. The water that cascaded down over you was running red as it hit the floor and disappeared into the drain. Concern grasped at you as you looked at his face. A small cut above his eyebrow, a bruise former on the left side of his jaw. His expression remained serious as you looked him over.       "Wh-" You were about to ask what happened but were pulled quickly to his chest. His arms wrapped around you, The tensing draining from his body as he held you. You didn't try asking again. He would have answered you the first time if he wanted you to know, even if you hadn't finished asking. Instead, you stood there, body enveloped in his as his breathing slowed.       Gently, he turned you around so you were facing the showerhead. His body was pressed against your back as he trailed soft, attentive kisses down the side of your jaw towards your neck. The music continued to play softly as he placed his hands on your hips. Slowly, he began swaying, your bodies moving gently to the music as his lips left soft kisses on your neck.       "I needed you..." He finally whispered against your skin. "And there was nothing better than knowing that I'd be able to come home to you." His hands worked over your skin. Soft, hesitant touches up the sides of your body that sent goosebumps into bloom over your skin despite the steam that filled the room.       You leaned back, resting your head against his chest. "Coco..." His name fell from your lips as his left hand came up to cup your breast gently. While Coco was always gentle, this was something else. Slow, sensual. The way his hands moved across your skin, knowing every inch and exactly where to touch you in order to get you to react. This was bliss.       "Your text said you were having a bad day. I wanted to come home and take care of you." He whispered. You could feel him hardening against you and bit back a low moan. "How does that sound?" He spoke between soft kisses against your neck and shoulder. His left arm wrapped around you, pulling you closer to him as his right hand came down to push its way between your thighs. You drew in a sharp breath, pressing yourself against him.       "Sounds good..." You managed to breathe as his fingers expertly worked you towards the edge. "As long as I get to take care of you too..." You managed through soft moans.       "Okay. Deal." He whispered as bliss washed over you, your soft moans filling the bathroom like the steam from the shower.
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I’m having a lot of feelings tonight about Anna, specifically feelings having to do with her in her sons of anarchy & mayans verses thanks to @fcundwings​ sucking me back into the fandom and really letting her develope more in those verses. So lately I’ve been having a crap ton of feelings and just need to spam them here. So get ready for a long ass rant. Sorry not sorry? Yeah, let’s just do this already and see what happens.
So in all of my verses, one of the big things about Anna is her relationship to August. They’re this father/daughter duo that is unbreakable and everyone around them knows that. Even in her canon/main verse before Anna even learned that he was her biological father, she was riding that daddy’s girl train so hard and knew they had this unexplainable, strong relationship that nobody could break. In my soa/mayans verse, that relationship is strong as ever. I mean, her mom, Julia Hart, was quick to take herself and Anna out of Charming when she was just a kid because she was smart enough to see what that lifestyle would do to them if they stayed. She could see clearly what kind of man August was and predicted nothing but doom for him and the rest of the club. So she was like, peace out, I’m taking Anna and you can see her during the summer and holidays but we’re out of your life.
Obviously, this did not happen because Anna is a straight up daddy’s girl and it was easy for anyone to see that. It was hard on her to be away from her dad and she took every chance she could to come back to Charming to be with him and the rest of the club, who were all like family to her. So when she hit eighteen and graduated high school, she threw that “peace out” right back at her mom (who she loves, let’s not get that twisted) and moved back to Charming with her dad. He helped put her through school so she could learn more mechanical skills and she began working for the MC. By the way, she totally gets off on being the only female mechanic there.
So Anna’s up here in the club business as much as she can/is alllowed because obviously she’s not part of the big boy’s club. She’s not sitting in church with them taking votes and she knows there are things she’ll never even know. That being said, she’s not dumb or naive and she can tell when things are up. Sometimes she confronts her dad and sometimes he’s willing to shed light on what he can’t without breaking club rules/secrecy. So yeah, she knows what kind of life this is and how it’s fucking dangerous. She just didn’t know the extent of the danger until she was used as a personal pawn in the Ukrainian’s war with Samcro. But that’s another post for another day, right?
So we take this STRONG FATHER/DAUGHTER DUO that everyone knows is unbreakable. Cause that’s his kid, his only daughter, the light of his fucking life...and because of him and the club, because he failed to see she could be used against him at any point in time, she was kidnapped, chained up like a dog, beat up, and nearly killed. If you don’t think he wasn’t scared as fuck the entire time, what world are yoiu from? Seeing her in that hospital bed hooked up to machines and bandaged from wounds he had barely seen as he rushed her to the hospital, you could say he was wishing it had been him a million times instead of her ever suffering. He blames himself every single day, even when she can’t see it or possibly understand what he’s feeling.
And as guilty as August feels, Anna doesn’t see it that way. Because you can bet your ass that she’s waiting for something to happen next after what the European monsters did to her and how it was tearing her apart. She’s waiting for an ambush in the middle of the streets. She’s waiting for a home invasion where they’re all slaughtered. She’s waiting for a meeting under false pretenses to suddenly go wrong and all of them are dead and she can feel like justice was done. Because nothing screams justice like an eye-for-an-eye murder, right? That’s just club business, baby. But there’s nothing. There’s none of that. The club decided that it wasn’t right the call and all Anna can say is a big ol’ “FUCK YOU” to them because since when the hell did they stop having each other’s backs? Every time someone did something to them they turned around and retaliated. So why was she any different?
So Anna is so fucking mad (and as I’m typing this she’s getting furious whoa). Anna was nearly killed because of her own club fucking up and she doesn’t even know all of the hows and whys as to how they fucked up to begin with because it’s secret club business. She was almost killed, her back slashed up and scarred, and she’s not even allowed to know all of the details. How fucked up is that?? Her own father can’t even look her in the eye and tell her the truth she deserves, too ashamed and guilty to even give her that much. Some of the guys can hardly look at her afterward and she feels miles apart from everyone. She grew up around this family of bikers who would die to protect one another, and she feels like they’ve done nothing for her or her pain...and she feels worlds away from them and so that anger and hurt and pain just keeps worsening and worsening...
So tonight she’s very angry I guess.
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
Requests are OPEN
Hey y’all!
I’ve taken a long break from accepting/writing requests, and I have to admit that it was much needed. I’m still learning how not to put so much pressure on myself to crank out requests at an unrealistic pace, but I truly miss writing them. So, I am opening my ask box back up for requests for fics and headcanons!
As per usual, fanfiction is free and something I do with my very limited free time, so I might not get to your request quickly. Someday when I don’t need to work 3 jobs perhaps I will get back on a speedy completion schedule lol.
I’ve been very fortunate that almost everyone who has made requests has been polite, and this is me asking you to please keep that up haha. Being rude or demanding is a good way to get your request deleted. I love being able to do this, and a little bit of manners goes a long way.
If you want to check out my previous work, take a look at my Masterlist
Now that all of that is out of the way.... I’ve got new shows and characters on my roster!
In the interest of not clogging up everyone’s dash with a long post, I’m putting the list of characters and shows that I write for under the cut! xo
Here are the shows and characters that I currently write for (both reader-insert and OC requests are accepted for all of them):
Sons of Anarchy-
Jax Teller
Opie Winston
Juice Ortiz
Happy Lowman
Herman Kozik
Chibs Telford
Tig Trager
David Hale
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Mayans MC-
EZ Reyes
Angel Reyes
Bishop Losa
Nestor Oceteva
Coco Cruz
Taza Romero
Hank Loza
Gilly Lopez
Riz Ariza
Creeper Vargas
Miguel Galindo (but I can’t promise to write him all sweet and stuff lol)
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Outer Banks-
Let the record show that I will not write smut because the characters are children. If you make a smut request I will either not fulfill it, or age up the characters and make a point to address that in the story. I feel this needs no explanations
John B Routledge
JJ Maybank
Kiara Carrera
Sarah Cameron
Pope Heyward
Topper Thornton
Rafe Cameron (but I’m gonna write him like he is in canon- an asshole)
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Horacio Carrillo
Javier Pena
Steve Murphy
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Eggsy Unwin
Harry Hart
Roxy Morton
Agent Tequila
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That’s the updated list! Obviously if there’s someone else from any of these franchises that you’d like me to write for, don’t hesitate to reach out and ask! I’ll try anything once lmao.
Looking forward to seeing your guys’ requests! xo
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