#Maxis Premade Kids
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maxispremades · 4 months ago
The Smith family: everyday outfits
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До сей поры Смиты были третьестепенными персонажами в моей истории, но в ближайшем будущем я планирую уделить им побольше внимания и экранного времени. В честь этого — полный комплект повседневных нарядов для каждого из членов семьи!
Можно заметить, что отец семейств�� КРАЙНЕ неровно дышит к гавайским рубашкам, а старший сын — стесняется своей худобы и маскирует фигуру мешковатыми балахонами. Дженни и Джилл — очаровательные деревенские барышни, которые радуют всех вокруг своим дружелюбием и опрятностью.
Up until now, the Smiths have been background characters in my story, but I plan to give them more attention and screen time in the nearest future. In honor of that, a full set of everyday outfits for each of the family members!
It can be seen that the paterfamilias is EXTREMELY partial to Hawaiian shirts, and the eldest son is embarrassed by his thinness and disguises his figure with baggy hoodies. Jenny and Jill are charming country ladies who delight everyone around them with their friendliness and tidiness.
Лукбуки каждого из Смитов (The lookbooks of each of the Smith family):
Букет Левкоев 9 (Pollination Tech #9)
Дженни (Jenny)
Джонни (Johnny)
Джилл (Jill)
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florwal · 2 years ago
i’ve never played w a legacy family cuz i get too attached to my sims and don’t play with aging on. i also have never played with premade townies.
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elden-hicks · 9 months ago
A note for the fellow strugglers in TS1
Hey, it's Seth! I know how frustrating TS1 can be (considering it's age and being the first game in the franchise), so I am here to introduce a list of personal must have mods and programs, which I always use whenever I re-install the game to make it more user-friendly. The list itself is quite short, actually, since it only consists of my personal gameplay choice mods. So there's no building objects, deco, skins and heads there.
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This calendar will report the day of the month to your sims and -- and this is amazing -- even introduce a concept of days off. Sims should have about every 6th and 7th day off. - THE ABSOLUTE MUST HAVE. It's in the painting section and costs 15 simoleons. Works a bit wonky with children, but otherwise a very useful mod to have.
Call work/give interview job phone plugins to give your sim a day off. - I use those mostly when sims have to take care of the baby.
A family mod by Gothi_family_4ever. - another must have in my collection, introduces the familial relationships in game! No more inappropriate relationships between relatives. It's a 0 simoleon painting, which you can delete once you've done.
A hacked frigde mod by the same author. - allows your sims to put their food into the refrigirator, call the household members for the meal, and requires the usage of products (like meat and in-game vegetables) in order to cook a dish instead of insta-paying. You kinda have to build a grocery shop for your sims, so they could buy the required products, I prefer to install the stalls into the pre-existing farm shop in Old Town area. P.S DON'T FORGET TO READ THE INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE INSTALLING BEFORE DRAGGING ANY FILE. As much as I love this mod, I don't, for example, use their cereal add-on.
The Elixir ExpressiBuy Computer. - a computer that allows you to buy any in-game buyable product (like vacation gifts, grocery, tonics, etc etc) in stock. They won't magically appear overnight but would be brought by a special courier npc. It also allows your sim to research logic, creativity, culinary and mechanical skills. I'd also recommend diving further into their site, since they have a lot of cool and unique gameplay content as well!
MagiCo's Bookshelf of Dimensional Storage - the official Maxis item, that was in the 'Get Cool Stuff' section. Allows your sims to keep their magic coins and ingrediends in special bookshelf storage, I mostly use it so the kids could get the ingredients for their spells from the adults. It is in the Magic section, btw
The Magic Mirror - the only outright cheat object that I have in my possesion. This mirror refreshes your sims needs, builds skills, friends, stardom, etc. Saves headaches when you are not in the mood to fullfill your sims' mood, ha-ha.
SimEnchancer 3D - basically a program that allows you to change the basic sim's attributes, including their heads and bodytypes. If you are familiar with TS2's SimPE, you'd have the idea how it works. NOTE: if you have to run your TS1 game as an administrator, you'd have to open it up in the same vein as well. And don't forget to backup your UserData files when you are working with it, just in case!
The Sims Creator - the official Maxis program for players to create some basic skins content. The program is only suitable to work with head and skins textures and not the meshes! Likewise, if you have to open the game as an administrator, you'd have to do the same with that program.
This section for the fellow premade enjoyers out there, who mostly played TS2 before and decided to give the local premades a chance as well
Here you can download the original UserData 1 and 2 if you want to reset your neigborhoods as they were if you had already played the neighborhood before and want to start anew. The Sims Wiki also gives you an instruction for how to do so.
And here you can download the additional Maxis families like The Hatfield, The Maximus, The Mashuga, The Snooty, The Jones and that weird agent White House familes. For some reasons, some of them refused to function in my game, so I had to install the empty houses and recreate them by hand, using the SimEnchancer and Wikia to give them appropriate skills and careers.
Sims 1 Alternative UI - refreshes your game by a margin. I really recomend this one!
Well, that's basically it! I hope, my list would help you as well!
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theplumbobguide · 7 months ago
The Rules of Rotations
"rules are good! rules ~control~ the fun!" - monica geller
You've been on the sims forums, or watching sims videos for a long time. Maybe you've heard of this already, maybe you're already implementing rotational gameplay in your own sims game (sims 2 or otherwise). Just in case you haven't, though, or in case you're interested on how I play - or are just overall looking for ideas - here is a brief description and then a set of rules I follow: Rotational Gameplay Description: Easily and more concisely described, rotational gameplay is when you play various families in some type of order with a specific amount of days. Fun fact: all of the sims 2 'hoods are actually meant to be played in a rotation. This is notably present because of the scripted events that all the families have when you load in. Interestingly, though, while I've heard a lot of people say that you need to specifically play in the Prima Guide order - you don't. I've seen simmers play the scripted events “out of order" and they work just fine. However, depending on which order you play it in you may lose some of the scripted events. For example, if you start with the Goth Family in Pleasantview you will get the scripted events and all can go well... or not... depending on what you do/how you want to play it, but you completely lose Don Lotharios scripted events. If you play with the Caliente sisters first, you won't have Mortimer (and maybe Alexander) in the Goth mansion when you load in to do Cassandra's wedding and need to invite them to attend. There's a lot of little things like that with the scripted events, so while you don't need to play in the Prima Guide order, it is pretty useful if you want to enjoy some of the originally intended drama. Rotational Gameplay Rules: I have a lot of rules and need to break down said rules into sections, so buckle your seatbelts kids, we're in for a long ride. (why am I like this?)
'Hood Rotation Rules: 'Hoods are the starter area of all sim families. This is where you first load up (provided you haven't downloaded a subhood and are loading into that first, obviously). Whether you've loaded into an original pre-made hood, a custom hood, or are creating your own, all of these rules could apply. Rule #1. "How long are we going to stay here, mom?" Well, that depends. This little portion of the rules varies amongst simmers. My typical style is maxis' season length (5 days, baby). For me, this not only allows the most amount of days to progress my sims and their stories but also allows me to get the most enjoyment out of my game. Not to mention, it's very easy to pass over my sims and I know where I'm at just by the seasons. Yes, you can also make an excel sheet, but for those of us peasants without a dual monitor (me), going back and forth is a pain and it just makes it a chore. Following the seasons is a tad difficult when you play like me in a desert 'hood and have fixed the seasons so that you don't get winters, and instead have 2 back to back summers. I either do check my spreadsheet, or really simply go into my families in order and find which sim family is in an earlier season than the rest. Which leads me to...
Rule #2. Where do we start? Where do we end? Now that you know what rotational gameplay is, and you also know how long you want to play for, here comes the main and probably most important question. Who do you play with first? As I mentioned above, when playing with the premade original Sims 2 'hoods, we do have a Prima Guide to guide (hehe) us on whom we might play first. In the three original 'hoods the standard is: - Pleasantview: Don Lothario - Strangetown: Curious Brothers - Veronavillie: The Capps But what if you have your own 'hood? For me, that leads into a whole other upcoming blog post, but without stealing from my future self: Your first family (yep, that big of a no-brainer). Choose or make your own family, either from the bin or create a sim, and make them your first sim family in your rotational gameplay. I play without using too many of my precious brain cells and essentially play in the order of who moved into the hood, first to last. However, there is, of course, a loophole in this rule (of course there is): Sims who moved out of a household get played after their original household. Let me give you an example to really make it clear: Nina Caliente wants to move out as soon as Dina and Mortimer get married (fair, I wouldn't want to third wheel my sister's marriage either). In my rotational rules Nina's household would now be played after Dina. Changing the rotation from: Lothario, Goth, Caliente, Broke... it would be Lothario, Goth, Caliente-Goth, Caliente, Broke... This specific rule works the whole way around for me. If your sims teen moves off to University, when they come back they are played after their original family (unless they move back in with the parents).
Rule #3. Pay day, tax day, and the great beyond. Now there are A LOT of ways to do this, and there are a lot of simmers who have made various tax systems and mods to implement this. So before I get into anything, here is a list of some of my favourite tax systems: - Pleasantsims Tax System classic - PhDSimmer Tax System - Delijume-Sims Tax System - Sims 2 Idea's Tax Calculator - Monquie's Automatic Payment Mod This isn't even an extensive list. There are SO many tax systems that you can follow or pull from that at this point it almost feels redundant to make one of my own. So I'm not. I use the Pleasantsims Tax System, but I've also been known to sometimes try other things out (hence the above list). Find what you like, do a google search if none of these tickle you, or create your own. Because I do follow a modless version, I also need to have a system on *when* I do my taxes, and what happens to my poor dear old sims who "forgot" to do their taxes on time (it happens). - Every 2nd day of all seasons is tax day. Yes, even if it's the weekend. It makes more sense to me this way because I cannot load in on day one and just go straight to taxes. - On day 3, if you haven't paid your taxes yet (silly goose), you now owe 5% of the unpaid tax + 1% of the unpaid tax every day that you're late. Yes, that means that if you owed $100 in tax and forgot you now owe $160 on day 3, $170 on day 4 and so on. - If you’ve missed 2 rounds of taxes you are now charged with ~tax evasion~ 200% of your overall taxes are now owed and you get to go to jail for a full sim season (how fun!). Going back to the example of owing $100 in taxes: by day 5 you owe $180, by day 1 of the new season you owe $190, the new tax season asks, let’s say another $100 (for simplicity purposes) and the red flags are up. If by the next tax day you haven’t paid you now owe $380+$760=$1,140 and a whole sim season in jail (yikes). I enjoy adding a jail so that I can enjoy some realism and a little bit of fun, while teaching my sims that there are consequences to their actions. Not to mention, there is a lot of drama that can happen because your sim is in jail. I won’t go in too deeply here, because that is for another blog post. All in all, this is an easy way to make sure that sims don’t get too rich and add the possibility of some great storytelling. Imagine sending your Business Tycoon sim to jail because they were evading taxes? I wonder what would happen with their gold digger wife… (cue evil laughter)
 Rule #4. To go on vacation, or not to go on vacation, that is the question. I love going on vacations with my sim families. You know what I don’t like, though? I don’t like the fact that time freezes while on vacation (what is even the point of vacation days if that happens anyway?). So with the use of this incredibly useful mod I no longer have to deal with that insanity. - Simwardrobe's Season and Weather Controller : download here This handy-dandy little mod is INTEGRAL for the way I play because all my sims need to be on the same seasons for the rotations to work properly. Not only does this allow me to change the season for moved-in sims to be on the right timeline, but in this case of use, it allows me to choose how many days have passed in-game. Let’s say that you left on day 2 of spring and are “gone” on vacation for 3 days, this means that you’re back home on your last day of rotation (day 5). The in-game mechanics just make it later in the day, but realistically you were gone for a lot longer than just a couple hours. With the use of Simwardrobe’s mod, I can just set the day in the season to day 5. (While writing this I cannot remember if for the life of me if this will automatically age your sims the 3 days they’re missing, but if not, you can use this mod: SimBlender) *This is also an incredibly useful mod for storytelling amongst other things. There is not a family in my game that does not own this thing. I use it to change aspirations, hobbies, age, etc. I don’t think I could create a lot of the stories I do without it. Now, this of course does not subtract your vacation days or anything like that, but it’s all good. Use those vacation days when they’re elders or if they’re actually sick. Regardless, you no longer have to play your sim for an extra 3+ days because you sent them on vacation. Now, vacationing is part of your rotation! Also, worry not! If you decide to go on a longer vacation than 3 days and it bleeds into the next season, both of those mods have your back and you can calculate where they are supposed to be when you arrive home. Then you can just move on with the rotations and come back to them where they are.
Rule #5. “Well, we're here... now what?” “Party.” Okay, you've got your families, you're staying for the season, taxes are being calculated, you start to play and... what? This is where my rules get a little more niched than some of the other rules you may or may not find all over the sims corner of the internet. To be infinitely clear, while I am writing this I don't believe I was the first to implement ALL these rules and I don't think I am the first to even make them up. Because I play a full rotation with seasons, I like to add a little je-ne-sais-quoi. I actually do know what (yes, I speak French), I play with Holidays. Holidays are truly what make the seasons go-round, and offer you the option to have more parties and get-togethers and not get stuck in the mundane day-to-day simulation that is your sims life (...or yours?). What are the Holidays I play with? - Spring Day 2: Love Day - Summer Day 2: Will Wright Day - Autumn Day 4: Halloween - Winter Day 3: Winterfest - Winter Day 4: New Years Now, I will be real with you, I don't *always* do *every* holiday with all my families. Not only would that get repetitive but also intensely boring. Also, not all sims celebrate all the things. Instead, I like to have certain families do certain parties. For example, I have a family where one of the sims is the mayor of the town and in my mind he hosts THE Winterfest bash. That's the one you desperately want to be invited to. They go BIG. I have another family who's friends with most people in the town, and they love to throw a great BBQ party on Will Wright Day. On the other hand, I love to make my sims go out for Love Day because unless my sims roll the want for a date... I sometimes forget to send them on one (wups). This is a great way to ensure some fun and a little bit of stability in your rotational gameplay. You might forget to do it one season, you might be like me and decide which sims host or celebrate what. You may even want to add more events! Either way, implementing your own holiday system is always a good time if you ask me. Plus, as per the last blog post, what a fun way to maybe cause chaos. Oh no... you took your side piece out for valentines and not your spouse... big yikes.. Alright, it’s time for our next set of rules etc guys. Welcome to…
University Rotation Rules: Rule #1. “What else am I supposed to do? Stay here and learn?” - E.L ‘Road Trip’ Yes. You’ve arrived at university. It’s time to learn… hopefully. Now, what if you have multiple sims going to university, and you don’t want to play with too many sims in one place? Easy, you place them in different housing and you play with them, say it with me, ~rotationally~! 
Exciting, right? You may be wondering how to play rotationally in university in a fun, yet unified way, that makes it more fun. I like to play with each family per-term. That means I complete term 1 of Freshman year, move onto the next family and so on until I am back to the first family and officially on term 2 for the whole gang. The reason I do this is two fold: 1. You have an ample amount of time per-term to achieve your sim wants, maybe do well in school, and create some drama.  2. This creates an official rotation for when they move into town.
I write it this way because some of you are like me, and when creating a new ‘hood you start off with your first ever created sim in University. Maybe you even create multiple families, or decide to play with some of the friends your sim made. Or you’re on the second generation and you have multiple sims going to university at the same time.
If you have multiple sims from a generation moving in, but they are not the same age in your mind, maybe you play with the ageing system of 1 day = 1 year (which makes sense) you may want your sims to stay in that ageing order. (This is where things get complicated, but I’m going to fully break it down for you, so continue reading on.)
If a sim is meant to move to University a year after another sim, you move them in once said original sim has completed Freshman year. (easy, right?). When they move into the ‘hood once completed university, you play them with -1 day in the season. This means you use that handy mod I linked above, and when you move the latter sim in you set the season to day 2 right away (tax day! lucky them).
Hopefully that makes sense to you, because here comes the part that may or may not throw you off a bit: The Sims 2 University is split into 4 “years” which can look like 4 days - unless you play per-term like I do which could instead look like 8 days… but that is an awkward and long amount of time for your sims to be away. So I meet myself in the middle. In my sims world sims are gone for university for 1 full rotation (5 sim days). Yes, *technically* the way I play, all sims are gone to university for 4 days, which would mean that they should come back 4 days after they left, but that is a lot of things to remember and I cannot. So instead of breaking my head whenever I send a sim off to university, I finish up whatever days are left in the household and finish their rotation before moving on. From there, my sims are gone for 1 full rotation. That means if my sim leaves home in Spring, they’re gone for the Summer and back for Autumn. It seems like a while, and I can imagine for really strict age-based players that can seem very wrong, but for my brain it’s the easiest way. Not to mention, I often use the elixir of life and/or age sims down or up via the Simblender (what can I say, I love making the game work for me).
Of course, make the game work for you, and if you like doing the maths and work on an age-based gameplay style: just do the 4 day university rotation rules. I suggest if you do this, though, you have a really detailed spreadsheet. If you’re like me, though, 1 rotation is plenty and you need not to worry about all that. 
Rule #2. Loans & Lies told to you. I know a lot of simmers who like to use loans and make university actually cost you money. I, however, believe in a world where higher education (like a bachelors degree) should be free. I’m not going to lie to you, this little section is stale because I don’t have a system in place for paying for books/classes etc. I like to imagine that your “bills” are what you owe to the school for living on campus (which, it is so…). I also do not tax my University sims. Here’s why: I play with the No-20k-Handout mod, and the money my Sims make in university is the money they have to start their life with. It can be hard sometimes… especially considering the fact that Sims that graduate with a 4.0 make a maximum of $9,600. This doesn’t include your bills, clothes or furniture you buy or anything else for that matter. Most of my university sims end up in very unfurnished apartments. Luckily for my sims that have quite established families, I also have: Monique’s Hacked Computer and I will send them a bit of money once they’ve finished university to get them started. One of my sims parents sent her $35k as soon as she finished university.
Rule #3. ‘tis the season to drink a lot of juice I don’t play with the same rules regarding holidays when in University. The chances of your final exam and Winterfest happening at the same time is just too much for me to handle. It’s okay, though, because it birthed some new fun rules for me to share with you. While my sims don’t celebrate anything while in university, it tends to be because I enjoy feeling like everything is unified. How? Whatever seasonal rotation they’re on is the season they’re stuck in throughout their time in university. Yep, that is 8 full days of Summer or any other season for that matter. I will say, when the rotation falls in Autumn it’s pretty awesome because they experience faster skill gain during that season. But man, my romance or secondary romance sims THRIVE when it’s Spring because of the extra smooth romance interactions during that season. Now, some of you may love it, some of you may hate it. So here are some other ways you can have fun with it: - Everlasting Autumn: for those of you who like a smoother ride with skill gain during your university gameplay. I do, however, want to mention that sims with gold and above aspirations really do thrive with the wonderful Thinking Cap that you can purchase with your aspiration points. Knowledge sims with the Eureka! Aspiration trait, the Thinking Cap, and Autumn season gain skills like it’s nobody's business and it’s awesome, but also can be a little boring because of just how easy it can be. - Using either our wonderful weather mod via Simwardrobe (linked above) you can adjust how long a season is and make it last for each individual “year” is a valid option. Or you can use the in-game mechanics of choosing the seasons in the neighbourhood setting (which can be different from sub-hood to sub-hood). Doing it the latter way, I would make every season 1 season until Freshman year is over, then change it when sims go into their Sophomore year. Because I play like they’re gone for a season, I like to play with an everlasting season based on when I’ve sent them. To me, this makes it feel more complete. Like I really did play them during their summer season and not like they skipped one altogether. Of course, though, to completely discount my first paragraph - you could always play with one of the Holidays (or all of them, I won’t judge you) during your university gameplay. For example, keeping in the tone of you sent your sim to university for the summer: Sophomore year would be when I would consider doing a Will Wright Day party. The Greek house is going to love that idea. 
Rule #4. Bring him to the Greek-house I have a pretty heavy handed rule for greek-houses specifically made for the ‘hoods that I have created myself. No one can join a greek house until they are a third generation university sim from parents and grandparents who were in the secret society (ouf).
Yep, I think that far ahead. While greek houses in the sims can be created by anyone, I like to add this rule because they can be a bit of a pain and I like to create a greek house that is picky about who gets to join. I also get a little cheat-y at this point, but I’m ahead of myself.  Here’s the breakdown: - Gen 1 sim(s) need to be inducted in the secret society. That means they *need* to meet and befriend 3 secret society members. - Gen 2, all the same. Make friends with the sims wearing the black blazer. - Gen 3. You are a third generation sim and therefore an immediate secret society member. How do you do it?: in the neighbourhood view type in “boolprop testingcheatsenabled true”. Go into your 3rd Gen family and shift click your sim. From there, an option menu will come up, find and click on “Add to Secret Society” and tada, you’re in. I suggest, if you’re alone in the university or the only sim who gets this option, befriending some of the members and then creating your greek house. From there, add your secret society friends to the house.
It can be interesting and a little complicated when let’s say that you have 2nd Gen siblings that go to university and one gets in and the other does not, because that means the children from the sim that was a member gets to have a greek house (if they want it), and the children from the sim that was not a member has to work on being friends with secret society members if they want to get into the greek house. My fun little loophole works like this: if you’re cousins with a greek house member, you just have to be friends with them and the other members of the greek house to be invited in. At that point you have a family member vouching for you, and the rest of the greek house has agreed that you have enough status to get in, despite the fact that your parent wasn’t a member. This, of course, only matters if said sims even want to be a part of a greek house.
Regardless, the rule is: both a grandparent and parent need to be secret society members to get you to be an immediate member, and only an immediate member can start a greek house. To join, you must become a secret society member by befriending everyone from the greek house (which you pretty much need to do anyway to apply, so really I’m helping you get in right away). Finally, let’s say this next sim is Gen 4: Gen 1 was a SS member, Gen 2 was a SS member, Gen 3 wanted to join a greek house and therefore created one by being an immediate member, and Gen 4 is an immediate SS member and placed in the greek house asap. *to keep the greek house going, keep a placeholder sim in the greek house. At this point, it should be easy because there are probably sims going to university at different times. (Remember to send off sims in different years to keep the space, for example, your sibling may be 4 days younger, and therefore start university during the older siblings Senior year!) If we are going with the cousin scenario, their children can join the greek house right away and become immediate SS members (again, only if they want to) because their parent was in the greek house and therefore would give them the opportunity to join based on family status.
I also want to make a point and say that while my sims who aren’t SS members do sometimes end up successful sims, I like to think that being a SS member gives you a leg-up after university (networking with nepo babies who?). Which makes me almost ensure in my gameplay that the sims who are SS members and/or greek house participants lead quite successful and lavish lifestyles. This means kids are sent to private school (which costs money, thank you Monique's hacked computer) and live the life I imagine all those kids from ‘Gilmore Girls’ Life and Death Brigade got to.
** last little note: when I play with the premade hoods a lot of this section pretty much flies out the door. As there are pe-made universities that go with those hoods there are also pre-made greek houses who are not SS members. You can go ahead and change that and keep these rules if that gives you joy, or you can be like me and throw it all away. In the Pleasantview-Sim State University land I like to add sims where they want to as they want to. My Angela Pleasant wanted to be a greek house member and so she joined the sorority with only the in-game mechanic rules around that. The Sims is, as always, your game. Play it how it feels best for you.
Wow, okay. That was a lot of information to leave you here with. So, feel free to comment if you have any questions, I’d be happy to clear things up in the comment section and edit this post if something felt unclear. I hope you all enjoyed this post and at least found a little something in here to help you with your gameplay. Take care, and I will be back with another post sometime soon. meaghanplumbob xox
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sillysoraya · 10 months ago
I've been enjoying playing my maxis uberhood recently. I made quite a few premades into townies or just am choosing not to play some households except to age sims up manually every now and then, as it's overwhelming enough as it is! It's maybe 36 households currently I think, so it's taken ages to play 11 days each!
Anyway, I thought it would be fun to list the babies born so far, and the ones due in the next round:
Born so far: Pascal Curious & Alien = Qi Curious Samantha & Peter Ottomas = Leah Ottomas Brandi & Skip Broke = Betty Broke Jenny & PT Smith = Joseph Smith Ana & Ramir Patel = Uma Patel Dina & Mortimer Goth (was Caliente) = Yuri Goth Wanda & Stephen Tinker = Aria Tinker Sophia & Marcel Jocque = Blue & Blanche Jocque (twins) Circe & Loki Beaker = Cassiphone Beaker Vidcund Curious & Alien = Dag Curious Pascal & Nervous Curious (was Subject) = Enya Curious Lisa & Checo Ramirez = Fabio Ramirez Jennifer & John Burb = Grace Burb Rose & Jason Greenman = Hibiscus Greenman Ana & Ramir Patel = Inaya Patel Kaylynn Langerak & Daniel Pleasant = Jared Pleasant
And currently pregnant: Cassandra & Darren Dreamer (was Goth) Titania & Oberon Summerdream Circe & Loki Beaker Albany Capp & Alien (twins) Lisa & Checo Ramirez Opal & Edward Contrary Armand & Samantha DeBateau (was Cordial) Chastity Gere & Gabriel Green Bianca Monty & Vidcund Curious (twins)
I'm really looking forward to seeing all these kids grow into teens and start running around hanging out, and seeing their genetics play out! I'll post an update once I've got a bunch of born in-game children, so we can see how they look a bit better than the usually-bizarre toddler stage.
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platinumaspiration · 2 years ago
well, @brandinotbroke just gave my ego the hugest boost with this tag game! I really shouldn't play this while in a bad mood tho :p
What’s your favourite sims death? I would have to say...probably flies. Never had it happen in my game (naturally), tho
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match? 4t2 maxis match conversions, because it's gross and ugly :p No, but for real, I like all cc. People put a lot of time and love into what they create/convert/retexture/recolor. I think that should be recognized.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight? No...who does that?
4. Do you use move objects? Yes, kind of have to sometimes!
5. Favorite mod? I had to go into my main save for this one haha. I'd say...all the anti-corruption mods. And to piggy back off of brandinotbroke, ACR! The rest I could probably live without if I could ever sort my folder. Oh, also, one mod I'd really like to give a try is Story Progression by LazyDuchess.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got? First purchased was Christmas 2005. My parents gifted me Sims 2 and then my birthday a month later I got University, I believe. I should show you all the video of me opening it and running off to play haha. First played was, I wanna say Urbz! and Bustin' Out. We would rent those from the video store.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing? Alive. I recently found out my IRL BFF pronounces it as Living. I've known her almost 20 years and feel like I don't know her anymore 😅
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Rhiannon, one of my model sims, but all 4 of my models are my favorite. I really should put Rhiannon as a townie in my uberhood. She deserves a life outside of posing.
9. Have you made a simself? Yes, like 18 years ago lol. Ended up corrupting the hood trying to move me with my 10 same face kids to a new neighborhood. I've really enjoyed the premade sims ever since.
10. What sim traits do you give yourself? of sims 3 traits: absent-minded, light sleeper, brooding, over-emotional, nurturing, workaholic, frugal
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color? TS4's #13 - Honey Blond
12. Favorite EA hair? probably aflongsimple or affuzzylongep
13. Favorite life stage? oh gosh... probably adult in any game lol
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? gameplay, I'll let @plumbtales and @kestrelteens do the building and inspo!
15. Are you a CC creator? I don't think I've created anything myself. I've converted a ton of stuff tho! I'd love to create something, but textures are so difficult for my brain to understand. I commend those who retexture!
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad? Yeah! Baby Gang! lol, not like we do anything other than play online pvp games and share cc wips
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4) 2 is my ultimate, though I'd love to dive back into Sims 3
18. Do you have any sims merch? Maybe someday @microscotch and I can make something palpable
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims? Not gameplay (yet).
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing? Well, I had dial up internet until about 2010 so... figure that one out haha. But yeah, I was a semi-realistic kind of girl up until about... 2020? 2021? when i made the switch to 4t2. Still working on becoming completely 4t2.
21. What’s your Origin ID? n/a lmao
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator? Oh gosh, there's too many. All my mutuals, I love ya and your cc! Even some people who are not mutuals with me are my absolute favorite. I could never choose haha.
23. How long have you had a simblr? I think I just had my 2 year anniversary.
24. How do you edit your pictures? I recently commissioned the Queen of Renders ™ @microscotch to take preview pics for me while i was out of town lol. She also made me a photoshop template as well. (Go get a commission, she's having a sale right now 😉) For gameplay, I let reshade do the work for me and crop/size it to 700x934
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next? Brandinotbroke gave the best answer haha. I honestly don't know what kit EA can come up with next
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far? For Sims 2, probably Nightlife. The first 3 EPs, honestly. Sims 3 has to be Ambitions and Generations. Idk about Sims 4 as most I've played is about 2 hours in Strangerville as the Beakers.
Gonna tag baby gang, feel free to ignore! @microscotch @tvickiesims @lordcrumps @simsisit
thank you again to brandinotbroke for making my day, my week, my month and maybe even my year.
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polinationtech · 5 months ago
HEEY I AM BACK. I wanted to make a TS2 fanfic (mainly based on Pleasantview) but it got very weird and complicated. Also, my headcanons and opinions about the premades differ so much from the fandom ones, and are really crazy. I kid you not:
I take some part of TS4 lore as canon. Especially Johnny Zest and the Villareals existence because they are very cool and the only interesting premades in TS4 (and I want Jacques Villareal to meet Olive Specter, they would be great friends)
I really love the Brokes, and sorry not sorry, I ship Brandi with Gordon King. She gives me "I can fix him" energy.
Kaylynn deserved better. Cassandra deserved better. Mary Sue deserved better. The Calientes deserved better. Fuck Don Lothario and Daniel Pleasant.
Mom from Bustin Out is Brandi Broke's aunt (Bob Newbie's little sister).
I hate Mortimer Goth. In TS1 he was okay, but Maxis did him really dirty in TS2. I mean, he forgot about Bella and wants to marry a woman who is younger than him. Why?
I don't like Bella Goth's mystery anymore. I think some people are so blinded by nostalgia that refuse to aknowledge that there are some interesting lore in other families across all the sims games (By that I mean Veronaville's lore, the Landgraab's lore, TS3 Riverview's families!!)
I don't like Malcolm Landgraab IV, but I hate how the fandom forgets about him??? He was the first playable Landgraab in the main PC games and most people pretend he didn't exist (I headcanon him as a cousin of the Malcolm from Bustin Out)
And that said, the Malcolm Landgraab from Bustin Out, TS3 AND TS4 are the same person. At least that is my headcanon and interpretation.
My other interpretation about the Landgraabs: Dudley and Johnny Zest are NOT the same person. Johnny is Dudley and Mimi's uncle, and Malcolm's older brother.
There are more, but my fingers hurt.
I don't mean to sound rude or anything (it is just how I express myself, sorry). These are my opinions, feel free from disagree with them as long as you are being respectful :)
Y por favor les pido que se lo tomen con calma. Son los sims, amiguis ❤️ yo me divierto al leer interpretaciones y headcanons de los precreados distintos a los míos, o ver personas que le dedican tiempo a una familia en específico. Los fandoms son para divertirse, no para pelearse por boludeces. Chau.
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letomills · 2 years ago
Sims tag
Thank you @kalux-sims and @mrs-mquve for tagging me! Answers below the cut.
1. What’s your favourite sims death?
Old age on platinum aspiration. It’s always sweet to see your sim move on peacefully.
2. Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
More on the Maxis match side (TS2 match that is, not TS4 match). In hindsight and on seeing other people’s answers, “semi-realistic” probably fits best.
3. Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
Haha wtf no.
4. Do you use move objects?
5. Favorite mod?
Hard to choose. I’ll just say Simler90 and @midgethetree are my favorite modders.
6. First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
Nightlife. I never played the TS2 base game only, I started after Nightlife’s release, when my grandmother gifted my cousin and me the Deluxe Edition. I’m so thankful that she did.
7. Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
Like living.
8. Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
There isn’t a single one but I have many favorites among the sims I use for CC modeling.
9. Have you made a simself?
Sort of, recently. That would be one of the TF sims I use for CC modeling, the nearly bald one with skin 1 and dark eyes. Their face features are not a match to mine really, I’m not good at recreating faces, but that would be the closest I’ve made (and also my first time actually using some of the facial asymmetry sliders I have in my folder). The sim I use as an avatar on my socials doesn’t look like me at all.
10. What sim traits do you give yourself?
Loner, brooding, clumsy, shy, vegetarian, eco-friendly, frugal.
11. Which is your favorite EA hair color?
The mohawks have pretty good custom gradients.
12. Favorite EA hair?
Maybe getfabulous? The name is swaying me for sure. I gave that hair to the deceased founder of my custom neighborhood Oaken Valley, so it does have a special place in my heart.
13. Favorite life stage?
I like them all and how different they feel to one another. I like the slightly crouched posture of elders, the young adult walk, or how kids materialize a stool to step on when something is out of their reach. And toddlers and babies are adorable.
14. Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
I do both, depending on what I feel like in the moment.
15. Are you a CC creator?
16. Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
I have positive interactions with people from the community but I don’t have a definite circle.
17. What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
18. Do you have any sims merch?
19. Do you have a YouTube for sims?
Yes: https://www.youtube.com/@letomills. I said I would upload more and I fail at that every day 😅 I have a 2/3 completed script in my Google Docs that I need to get back to.
20. How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I started playing TS2 when I was like 9, and for the longest time I didn’t know that CC was a thing. I was partial to faces 1 and 2 and all of my sims kind of looked the same. I even gave cosmetic surgery to some of the premades with the career reward station once I learned the “unlockcareerrewards” cheat. I remember giving Goneril Capp face 1 (one of the most contempt-worthy decisions I’ve ever made, to be sure). I am now appalled by this and my game has become more diverse, although there is still much work to be done. These days I’m in the process of making plenty of CC for custom body shapes so I can overhaul my CC folder once again and make a custom neighborhood with the best sims ever, it’s gonna be great.
21. What’s your Origin ID?
22. Who’s your favorite CC creator?
So many great creators out there. My favorites are the ones whose work I tend to use for my own CC endeavors.
23. How long have you had a simblr?
Since April 2022.
24. How do you edit your pictures?
I don’t except for cropping.
25. What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
N/A (I assume this question is for TS4 players. Can’t believe they’re doing a whole expansion pack on horses btw.)
26. What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
Hard to choose between FT and OFB.
I tag @profesionalpartyguest, @spell-bloom, @mourky, @potentialfate-sims, @mrs-mquve (looks like we cross-tagged each other) and anyone else who wants to participate. (Feel free to ignore of course.)
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annegirl13 · 2 years ago
Sims Tag
Tagged by @charmandersims, so I figured I'd answer. I don't share my sims stuff any more but I do still play. (Now that I finally have a computer that can run it again.) I never tag anybody, but if you're a sims person and you want to do the tag, do it!
What’s your favourite sims death?
I like death by satellite. I don't make a habit of killing my sims on purpose, but sometimes, just to let some frustration out, I'll make a sim of an annoying person and drop a satellite on them on purpose.
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
Maxis Match. I think alpha CC looks out of place in any sims game.
Do you cheat when your sims gain weight?
Not usually. Sometimes, if I have a story reason for a sim to be skinny, I will, but usually I just let them stay fat until they roll the want to be skinny again.
Do you use move objects?
ALL. THE. TIME. I have to. I try really hard not to get my sims stuck places but sometimes they get stuck. And sometimes you just want somebody or something RIGHT THERE. Move objects is the easiest way.
Favorite mod?
I'm gonna go with Macrotastics. I like being able to tell my sims to do something using the macro menu instead of giving them 47 commands.
First expansion/game/stuff pack you got?
I first played Sims 2 Deluxe, which had the regular game and Nightlife. My sister got it for our ancient PC (which we called the Rocket, because it always sounded like it was going to blast off). Boy was I surprised when I got the base game for my Mac and there wasn't a downtown or dates or anything!
Do you pronounce “live mode” like aLIVE or LIVing?
I think I say "live" like "alive" but I don't know. I don't usually say it aloud, and then when I think about it for this kind of question, I can't figure out what I actually say...
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made?
So, I don't know that I ever shared this neighborhood (and if I did it was ages ago and all evidence has been deleted) but I made a BACC founder named Lexi who I really liked. She was kind of quirky and she had elf ears...(I don't tend to make a ton of my own sims...)
Have you made a simself?
Ages and ages ago, and I don't have one around anymore.
What sim traits do you give yourself?
Bookworm, Shy, Creative, Loves Kids...I'm a family sim? (I don't think about this much...Can you tell?)
Which is your favorite EA hair color?
I'm a sucker for red hair. I always wanted red hair.
Favorite EA hair?
Um...I don't know? I haven't used just EA hair for a while now.
Favorite life stage?
I'm going to say toddlers, because they're cute, but I like all ages.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
More gameplay and storytelling than building. I'd rather download something if I need a specific lot, but sometimes I just have to build it myself.
Are you a CC creator?
Do you have any simblr friends/a sim squad?
Not really anymore? I mean, I have people who I know play sims on here who I'd call friends, but we don't talk about sims. I just like their posts of their sims. (Is that friendship?)
What’s your favorite game? (1, 2, 3, or 4)
Sims 2. I never played Sims 1 or Sims 3, and while I got into 4 for a while, I find the gameplay too shallow for me to enjoy it longterm. Whereas with Sims 2, I can remake the same town and makeover the same sims 47,000 times and not get tired of it.
Do you have any sims merch?
Nope! I can't think of any that I'd really want either. It's cool to have, I guess, but I don't wear jewelry or t-shirts much and I have too many mugs already...
Do you have a YouTube for sims?
How has your “sim style” changed throughout your years of playing?
Um...I've just kind of learned a lot more about how the game works, I guess? I've probably gotten more Maxis Match...Um...When I first started I was making original characters in original neighborhoods and now I play premades?
What’s your Origin ID?
I have no clue. I don't use Origin anymore, since I don't play Sims 4. (Sims 2 still runs on my Mac without needing Origin, for which I am rather grateful.)
Who’s your favorite CC creator?
I can't pick just one!
How long have you had a simblr?
Since...2013, maybe? I don't remember exactly. I started on Tumblr around the time people were moving over here from Livejournal, because I wanted to follow certain people whose blogs I liked.
How do you edit your pictures?
I use Preview. I just kind of crop them and that's it.
What expansion/game/stuff pack do you want next?
If somebody would make the last two expansions for Mac, I'd be so grateful! Specifically Apartment Life. I want witches!
What expansion/game/stuff pack is your favorite so far?
I'd say Nightlife is my favorite. I also like Open for Business, because Bluewater Village is my favorite neighborhood, but as I mentioned, Nightlife has features I can't live without. (Also Bon Voyage just for the "walk to lot" feature.)
Again, I'm not tagging anybody but if you want to do the tag, do it!
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maxi-manko · 2 months ago
the worlds loneliest jelly-fish
Monday , November 4
( sorry my darlings I got majorly sick I apologize please forgive me for my tardiness xoxo maxi. m)
do you ever get the sense your body isn't yours. wearing a skin suit never Able to breathe beyond the premade box others people have place onto you. What could you be beyond your flesh ? I constantly wonder about it all the time. granted I have been know to overthink at times but thats where the world of the inter-web is awesome. Being "anonymous" but fully honest is something that needs to be studied - for my own sake haha! ( seriously someone stat ! )
like recently ive been having my own demise or just a serious amount of bad luck ( period on halloween talk about blood shed ) and the amount of sadness thats been building inside of my body - you'd get the same vibes from a 13 teen year old going through puberty. The key thing to note is at least a decent chunk isn't all brought onto by self. Another fun fact about myself is my stomach has had issues for a few years now. Doctors can't figure out what's going on or where any of the pain comes from so whenever my stomach starts to feel "icky" in my own words ive gotta stop life. Pain starts and depending on how bad or sudden im done for that day. I make the best out of the situation and take from the fact I found the lolita style this way to hide or cover my swollen stomach. Not too cute but it's ironic with my stomach being swollen my food relationship is an absolute mess & I rarely eat. ( but I would kill to eat a Big Mac at times) (ᵒ̴̶̷᷄﹏ᵒ̴̶̷᷅) *sigh
good news .. thats where you all come in ~ yay! the readers are where I even go inspired to start this still ole blog ( and for a way to look back on my life how far ive come or not HA!). Do I have any type of expectations for this blog short answer - no. Thats where it becomes more fun due to the fact im not taking this serious you guys are my ehh.. online audience to my journal ? keeps it on bff status ya know. All the fun things that bffs even tell each other - wouldn't know I rarely kept friends while being younger. buillied yes friends no. perfect for me I had more pressing matters to deal with anywho ( like going to YouTube to watch ldshadowlady or some ihascupquake) . I feel old now though cupcake has a whole kid lol.
Time has a sneaky way of speeding up one day your 12 - WHAM! the next your loosing the kid features yuck hah . I have always hated getting old or the idea. Its the not being able to do things anymore now thats more so where im like " just put me down in the barn" kinda vibes. Who knows though could be the best year of any girls life since she'll be freed from the cruel reality of being I women in todays world. lol one can only hope right ? well I must get going chat soon. feeling like the worlds loniest jelly in the world right about now- but at least I have the inter webs xoxo maxi.m signing off.
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lisag45 · 11 months ago
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So the last couple days I've been playing in the game, doing Maxis premade character makeovers for my new "This is where I want to start every game" Save File, but I can only fix so many Maxis characters before I feel that need to make one of my own. Enter Lucas Adler- my head cannon for him is that he was injured while in the military and he now aspires to live a calm, peaceful life in Sulani, painting and writing books. I gave him the Island Living aspiration + he's loyal, active, and… I can't remember the third one. He's a cutie that I throw up on the Gallery and unlike most of my 'Playing in CAS' Sims I feel inspired enough by his little back story that I actually plop him down in a starter home near the beach and play for a little bit… a few hours… ummmm… make that a lot of hours. Luc was no where that fit when he came out of CAS- the man likes to work out a lot.
But anyway… I haven't played in Sulani much and I have never done this beach life aspiration before. He got his suntan- he was sunbathing in the buff on his little over the water porch things and then started walking around his lot digging for seashells naked. I was legit cackling- my kids were "What are you laughing so hard about????". He finally found the "Beachy Things You Might Want to Buy" vending machine and bought a coconut to eat. The only left in the first set of goals is the is the "Get a Gold at a Kava Party" and can I just say "Urrrrrggggggggg!!!!" What do we need to do to get a freaking Gold level party??? He's thrown 5 of them- the first was bronze, all the rest were silver. We'd be this close to gold and the timer would run out. I was so aggravated after the last one that I saved and closed the game and went to Google to see if the party is somehow bugged. Apparently not- it's just stupid hard. I kid you not, I dreamed of Kava Parties and woke up mad. LOL
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maxispremades · 4 months ago
The Grunt family: everyday outfits
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Продолжаем. Следом за Смитами — генерал Грант и его сыновья.
Базз одевается аскетично, предпочитая любым модным нарядам испытанные временем армейские штаны и хлопковые рубашки. Танк во многом подражает отцу, попутно отдавая дань субкультуре, основная идея которой заключается в том, что сиксимцы должны жить исключительно на Сиксиме. Рип по мере сил сопротивляется казарменному укладу, но был бы рад выглядеть более смело и современно, чтобы нравиться девушкам. Бак же... Ох, Бак. Несчастный, заброшенный ребенок!
Moving on. Following the Smiths are General Grunt and his sons.
Buzz dresses ascetically, preferring time-tested army pants and cotton shirts to any fashionable outfits. Tank imitates his father in many ways, while paying tribute to the subculture, the main idea of which is that Sixamians should live exclusively on Sixam. Ripp resists the barracks lifestyle to the best of his ability, but would prefer to look more daring and modern to please the girls. Buck... Oh, Buck. Poor, neglected child!
Лукбуки каждого из Грантов (The lookbooks of each of the Grunt family):
Базз (Buzz)
Танк (Tank)
Рип (Ripp)
Бак (Buck)
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wolfsbanemanor · 1 year ago
All in all, they have a nice little house. No, I don't know why there's a kids' room. They didn't grow up there. Maybe EA/Maxis was originally envisioning them as a young couple, or envisioning someone else to live here, before deciding to go in a different direction with them, idk? Anyway, overall, it's a nice house. Not a fan of the color scheme, but it's one of the nicer premade homes. They have a very nice kitchen/dining area, too. Lilith can't eat normal food, but Caleb can. And I feel like he, being the materialistic foodie he is, had the kitchen commissioned shortly after they moved in.
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gaypleasantview · 4 months ago
okay, thanks to the lovely people in the comments, i have gathered a few ideas:
just straight up generating new sims with maxis face templates and going from there, apparently it can be really easy to do which i'm very happy about;
checking if there's anyone i could move from maxis premade hoods/spinoff games without worrying too much i'm gonna ruin the canon;
i also remembered there are some really cool sims hidden in the cas bin so i'm certainly gonna be using them!
sunset valley sims!! such an obvious solution! they'll probably have to have random kids, though, so that requires creativity..
of course, just adding some random cutie sims i will find around tumblr, but probably not a lot of those since i want to keep the maxis style!
yay ideas!!! i'm actually quite excited now
hi. in case anyone reads this pls give me advice on how to populate my story neighborhood (mostly with teens for dirk's school tbh), i've found some cute sims but it's also literally pleasantview and i want everyone and everything to have as much of a maxis feel as possible so idk how to pick sims that will feel like they belong there and didn't just pop out of nowhere. i've never done this before so i'm looking for tips lol. already pretty certain i'll add a couple of townie pools i've found but aside from that i'm just. like i want there to be order but How
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emmelfish · 6 years ago
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Free to Good Home – CURIOUS SPAWN
(A 300 Follower Special)
Truth-seekers and secret-hunters, gather around! Strangetown’s mysteries may have long been solved – after all, TS2 has been in existence for over 15 years at this point – but I wanted to take the opportunity to pay tribute to the ’hood that got me into Sim Storytelling in the first place and give you some basegame-based gifts for gifting me with 300 followers.
Sure, sure, I could have included my Tycho, but friends – y’all games begin with a Tycho. Everybody got a Tycho. So instead, I’m gifting you these Curious babies I’m especially proud of. Three sets of parents, five kids, and I’m pretty sure you can guess their parentage just by looking at them.
Additional bonus is that you haven’t met a single one of them yet because my posts haven’t caught up with my gameplay. So... surprise?
Downloads and infos beneath le cut! Use Clean Installer pls!
Holy neat points on these kiddos, Batman.
Upon playing Strangetown for the first time, not only are you greeted with Pascal as a cosmic-parent-in-waiting but you’re strongly encouraged to send eternal Middle Child Vidcund to the telescope where he’ll be blessed with his own green bundle of joy. In my game, I’d already installed a multi-PT mod... so Vid’s spawn I believe are the product of PT#7.
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Holmes Curious
Sloppy/Neat: 10
Shy/Outgoing: 6
Lazy/Active: 2
Serious/Playful: 7
Grouchy/Nice: 7
Hobby: Cuisine
Aspiration: Romance
When Vidcund developed his stupid crush on Cassandra Goth in my game, he probably walked all the way to Pleasantview and drank its cursed water, because he had TWINS. I promise I didn’t do this to punish him. Holmes is lucky enough to have inherited the pointy PT#7 ears and was named for a comet. He actually grew into that pink-streaked hair as a toddler, and I couldn’t let it go. He pretty much has Vid’s exact face and much like his father, looks for love in all the wrong places (but UNLIKE his father, those plentiful nice points mean Holmes is vaguely successful on the dating scene). He plans to combine his family’s love of science and his own love of food into a Molecular Gastronomy career.
Download Holmes Curious
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Halley Curious
Sloppy/Neat: 10
Shy/Outgoing: 3
Lazy/Active: 0
Serious/Playful: 10
Grouchy/Nice: 9
Hobby: Cuisine
Aspiration: Pleasure
While her twin focuses on sauce spherification and deconstructed goopy carbonara, Halley just wants to give the world a big hug with a massive plate of homemade cookies. Like her bro she too was named after a comet, and is at her happiest curled up on the sofa watching The Great Simlish Bake Off or in front of her own oven, baking up a storm (and cleaning up after herself at every stage even though it exhausts her). She’s not the most confident, but perhaps doing work experience at J’Adore Bakery will help her come out of her shell. She dreams of being whisked away on a romantic voyage to Champs Les Sims to eat pastries and bread and drink wine before noon... but needs to pluck up the courage to ask somebody on a date first. Once she does, the lucky sim will realize just what a catch Halley is when they get to know her – fiercely loyal and belly-achingly funny.
Download Halley Curious
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Quest Beaker-Curious
Sloppy/Neat: 6
Shy/Outgoing: 4
Lazy/Active: 2
Serious/Playful: 9
Grouchy/Nice: 5
Hobby: Games
Aspiration: Knowledge
Skintone: Between S2 and S3
You KNOW that face is unmistakable, right? Of course that’s Lazlo’s son, he even grew up into purple clothes without me doing anything for crying out loud. But pray tell, where do those twinkling green eyes come from? Yep, Quest’s the result of one of my favorite new pairings! And with Erin and Lazlo for parents, of course we’re evolving from Vidcund’s slightly-silly-but-still-somewhat-socially-acceptable kid-naming scheme to all out ludicrousness. I legit lifted ‘Quest’ from a website called something like Hippy Baby Names. Cute as a button and a barrel of laughs to boot, much more comfortable interacting online than in person, I’m genuinely impressed that he’s relatively capable of keeping a... fairly tidy living space when his genetics held him at a massive disadvantage. Most likely destined for the Gaming or Game Development career – in the meantime he co-runs a rather popular Twitch channel with his cousin Jack. Will beat you at both Solitaire and Hearthstone.
Download Quest Beaker-Curious
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Anaïs Beaker-Curious
Sloppy/Neat: 0
Shy/Outgoing: 9
Lazy/Active: 2
Serious/Playful: 6
Grouchy/Nice: 9
Hobby: Arts & Crafts
Aspiration: Popularity
Skintone: Between S2 and S3
Narrowly escaped being named Moonunit at my SO’s suggestion (who, fun fact, also came up with the name Anaïs). Just... if you let this sim into your game, you’re gonna need a maid. In sharp contrast to her cousins, ya girl is a complete slob. Maybe one day I’ll have her share an apartment with her cousin Halley, and between Halley’s 0 active points and Anaïs’ 0 neat points, we’ll see if literally anything gets done (apart from cookie-baking and clay-sculpting... girls, please don’t accidentally mix those two doughs up). Much more extroverted than her bro Quest, she’s also far more of a people person than he is. (Jeez, the majority of these Curious kids are hella nice, right?) Her natural hair color is her mother’s blonde, but I thought I’d have a bit of fun and dye it lilac for her. Fun fact: Sims 3 Erin’s favorite color is violet, Lazlo wears a violet T-shirt, you do the maths. (Let’s just ignore Vid’s love of African violets shall we.) If she had the remotest liking of physical activity she might be a surfer girl, but instead she just loves wearing shells and Salt Rock clothing. Enjoys making busts that look like that creepy Lionel Richie one in the ‘Hello’ video. 
Download Anaïs Beaker-Curious
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Jack Smith
Sloppy/Neat: 7
Shy/Outgoing: 6
Lazy/Active: 2
Serious/Playful: 10
Grouchy/Nice: 10
Hobby: Games
Aspiration: Family
(That’s my half-hearted attempt at making it look like Jack took a selfie.) It’s always a gamble when you give PT#9 and Jenny Smith (née Curious) a genetically correct kid. Will they even have a nose? Will their cheekbones poke peoples’ eyes out? Well I truly struck gold with Jack, who has the best of both wonderful worlds. Frequently to be found in the butt-groove of a beanbag embroiled in Fortnite battles with Quest (Quest ‘5 nice points’ talks fairly gentle smack on his headset while Jack cringes and apologizes for him), he’s inherited both parents’ Family aspiration and adores being at home with the entire massive extended clan (also Jen and PT have like 5 dogs at this point). Probably the kind of kid who comes home from college to do a bit of laundry and ends up staying the whole weekend. He’s easily the most fun of the Smith kids, and his maxed out nice points mean he is truly too pure for this world. Please look after him, Johnny and Jill can only protecc him so much.
Download Jack Smith
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sillysoraya · 2 years ago
Ok so I looked at the poll results and, also taking in my own preferences and stopping it from being a sausage-fest, I have my Maxis Premade BACC founders picked! Other Maxis kids+teens will be added as adult townies at a later date. Until I've aged them all to adults, made them over and added them to the starter lot, here's their Maxis headshots and a little detail about their future roles.
Tara DeBateau: The Mayor: must be on the Politics career track, responsible for managing town funds.
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Jules O'Mackey: The Journalist: must be on the Journalism career track.
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Melody Tinker: The Architect: must be on the Architecture career track and run the Construction Company.
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Dustin Broke: The Mechanic: sim responsible for unlocking electricity & plumbing, then the world is their oyster.
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Lucy Burb: The Farmer: sim responsible for food supply and open the first grocery store.
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Dirk Dreamer: The Medic: must be on the Medicine career track and run the Clinic.
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Tank Grunt: The Security: must be on the law enforcement career track and run the Police Station.
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Johnny Smith: The Entertainer: sim responsible for opening first “entertainment” lot.
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What do you think? 😊 I've smashed together lots of different players rules (katatty, didily, keoni) and edited them a bit myself, and I'm sure I will continue tweaking them as I play (hahaha am I gonna play? really??)
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